La Corista Capitulo 2 free porn video

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LA CORISTA CAPITULO 2 Julia y Daniel se fueron a descansar al departamento, llegaron agotados del show y solo quer?an descansar Daniel se quit? los rellenos y por fin pudo dejar salir sus partes masculinas para descansar, se desmaquillo, se quita la peluca y por fin se ech? a descansar. Al d?a siguiente - Qu? vamos a hacer hoy?- -Pues que sigas practicando con los tacones para que no pase lo de ayer- - Pues ya no pienso volver a vestirme de mujer!- -,Entonces vas a dejar colgado a Pedro que siempre nos ha apoyado? y luego que ? Vas a trabajar en una Hot Line usando esa voz sensual? - -La verdad no se que hacer, lo ?nico que se es que no quiero que pase algo como lo de ayer- -Pues sigue en el grupo, t? siempre me has dicho que es un trabajo que disfrutas, y que en esta banda si te sientes feliz, que el pago es justo, qu? Pedro es muy comprensivo. Asi que pr?ctica con los tacones! - Daniel le hizo caso a su hermana y estuvo practicando, como caminar, pasos de baile y como moverse m?s r?pido -Vas muy bien hermanito, ma?ana vamos a practicar como correr en tacones. Para el show de esta noche creo que te veras muy bien de pelirroja- - S? claro no hay problema, has que llame m?s la atenci?n... sobre todo de los hombres- Se llevaron todas sus cosas llegaron a la casa de Pedro, Julia maquillo otra vez a Daniel y le puso la peluca roja - listo ya termin? contigo, te ves muy sexy! - Fue una fiesta m?s, cantando en otra boda m?s, pero esta vez Daniel no se cay? ni tropeso. Pero su cabellera roja atrajo muchas miradas de los hombres lo cual le hac?a sentir inc?modo pero como nadie lo molesto lo dej? pasar. Cuando iban de regreso a casa Julia le pregunt?- a cu?ntos te ligaste hoy?- - C?mo de qu? hablas?- - Bueno es un juego que tenemos entre las coristas todas las noches contamos cu?ntos hombres creemos que se enamoran de nosotras- - Oye a m? no me interesa eso!- - Es s?lo un juego, no te lo tomes tan enserio, a menos que sea un chico rico y guapo jajaja- -No tienen otro juego que no implique hombres?- - Bueno, tenemos otro juego. quien m?s errores cometa en el Show recibe un castigo- -Y qu? clase de castigo dan?- - Tienes que hacer algo rid?culo algo que te d? verg?enza o una locura, por ejemplo hoy me tube que robar este arreglo floral- - Bueno pero si Tere no canta como saben que se equivoca?- - En su caso ella podr?a dar un mal paso o caerse... Y en tu caso ser?a todo lo antes mencionado jajaja- - No lo s? No estoy muy convencido no creo que sea para m?- - Vamos Int?ntalo no seas aguafiestas adem?s sirve para integrarnos mejor como grupo- - Est? bien lo har?, ma?ana diles que me apunto,por cierto quien desde quien se equivoc? m?s?- -Pues Pedrito, ya sabes c?mo es de perfeccionista, a ti y a Tere no Lee dijo nada porque son un caso especial, pero ahora que entren la juego ni creas que se va a tentar el coraz?n- C?mo ese fin de semana ten?an dos eventos al d?a Daniel se qued? con su hermana para ahorrar tiempo , poder descansar un poco y seguir practicando con los tacones ( pues no quer?a perder). Despu?s de terminar un Show para una comida llegaron a casa de Julia para descansar un poco antes del evento de esa noche -Sabes que Daniel vengo muerta creo que te vas a tener que quedar? unos d?as m?s en mi casa para que aprendas a maquillarte porque para m? es mucho trabajo prepararte a ti y a mi- -Si quieres puedo empezar a practicar con lo b?sico- - Bueno comienza practicando con el l?piz labial, m?rame y pon atenci?n, lo abres as?, luego lo pasas por tus labios los juntas as? y tiras un beso mua!- Daniel se qued? mirando su reflejo en el espejo se qued? pensando que cuando su hermana lo maquillaba el cerraba los ojos y cuando los volv?a a abrir por arte de magia se transformaba en mujer y ahora estaba ah? con un l?piz labial en sus manos. Practico alrededor de una hora se pintaba y se despintaba hasta que m?s o menos hab?a quedado bien.- creo que tengo unos labios hermosos mua!- Otra vez se lleg? la noche y se pusieron sus vestidos Daniel volvi? usar la peluca rubia. Con lo que hab?a estado practicando ya no se cay? tanto y tambi?n sent?a que estaba dominando m?s su voz femenina sent?a que ya le pod?a dar esos toques de sensualidad qu? algunas canciones requer?an. La fiesta se termin? y lleg? el momento de preguntarle a Pedro qui?n se hab?a equivocado m?s - A ver veamos; quiero decirles que todas hicieron un gran trabajo hoy pero se puede mejorar recuerden que ustedes propusieron este juego, recuerden no son cr?ticas, son ?reas de oportunidad. As? que la ganadora de esta noche es Daniela! Divi?rtase con ella muchachas- - Bueno y cu?l es mi castigo?- - Vas a tener que meterle a escondidas a cualquier muchacho mi ropa interior!- - Oye pero y si lo metemos en problemas qu? tal si es casado tiene novia?- - Bueno entonces tambi?n m?tele esa tarjeta con tu n?mero de celular, le escribimos que es solo una broma y que si tiene problemas te marque- Daniel salio a buscar a ver a qui?n le podr?a meter los calzones de Julia en el saco. Ten?a que hacerlo r?pido porque muchos de ellos ya se estaban marchando as? que se le ocurri? la idea de hacerlo en la salida d?nde estaba la gente amontonada y ah? hizo como que se tropez? (Y miren que ten?a mucha experiencia.) - Cuidado est? bien?- - S? gracias es que ando cansada y ya no aguanto los tobillos- - Si gusta yo la puedo acompa?ar a su auto?- - No se preocupe no hace falta s?lo andaba buscando a mis amigas a ver si estaban afuera pero ya las vi est?n por all?- - Igual dej? le acompa?o- - Por favor no se moleste...- - Al contrario ser? un placer ap?yese en mi brazo- Y as? Daniel ante la insistencia del joven lleg? con sus amigas agarrado de su brazo - Hola Daniela Qui?n es ese chico tan guapo que viene contigo?- - Ellas son Mari,Tere y Julia- - Ah! ustedes son las coristas! Cantan hermoso sobre todo esta hermosa chica que se llamaaaa?- -Daniel..a, pero me dicen Dany- - Si no est?s muy cansada me gustar?a invitarlas a la tornaboda, mi primo es el novio- - S?- dijo Julia con emoci?n- ma?ana ya no tenemos evento as? que podemos ir un rato- - Bueno si gustan yo las llev?, los cinco cabemos en mi auto- - Dani y yo nos quedemos aqu? con...- - Arturo, para servirles - - Mary y Tere av?senle a Pedrito que nos vamos a la tornaboda - Se fueron todas en el carro de Arturo y por si puesto todas se metieron en la aparte de atr?s para que Daniel fuera adelante. El ambiente estaba muy animado en la tornaboda, todos estaban bailando alegremente en c?rculo, cuando se sentaron a descansar Arturo se sent? al lado de Daniel -! Uf qu? calor! D?nde dej? mi pa?uelo?- Exclamo Arturo y busco en sus bolsillos con que secarse el sudor- cuando de repente encontr? algo muy extra?o- pero qu? es esto?- sacando el calz?n de julia; luego mir? a Daniel muy apenado-Te juro que no s? c?mo lleg? esto aqu?!- Las chicas al saber de qu? se trataba, se retiraron a una distancia segura donde adem?s pod?an escuchar la conversaci?n. Daniel estaba paralizado ya se le hab?a olvidado que le hab?a puesto eso en el saco, pero inmediato se tranquiliz? porque no hab?a forma de que Arturo supiera qui?n hab?a hecho esa travesura. - Creo que hay algo m?s en mi bolsillo, a ver veamos, es una tarjeta y trae un n?mero telef?nico-(que era el numero de Daniel)- dice si te metes en problemas marca este numero- - Ay no le des importancia! Quiz?s Fue una broma de uno de tus amigos, no hay nada de qu? preocuparse a menos claro que tengas novia o que seas casado- Arturo sonr?o le mostr? su mano sin anillos, sac? su cartera para que viera que no hab?a ninguna foto de una mujer-Hace tiempo que no tengo amigos-y sonri? t?midamente-Y como podr?s ver no tengo novia ni estoy casado. Pero qu? tal si Hubieran hecho est? travesura a una persona que si lo estuviera por menos de esto yo he visto personas que se han metido en problemas muy graves con su pareja, as? que l le voy a marcar a esa persona para decirle lo irresponsable e inmadura que es y que no es justo meter en problemas a personas inocentes- Daniel tenia que hacer algo para que no le marcara y descubrieraa que ?l era "la irresponsable" qu? le jug? esa broma, ten?a que hacer algo para que Arturo Se olvidar? del asunto y se relajara - Ya tranquil?zate Mira vente vamos a bailar- Daniel busco a la chicas para que sefueran todos a la pista, pero aquellas p?caras escuchar todo se fueron r?pidamente al otro extremo del sal?n para que Daniel se quedara solo con Arturo bailando. Por suerte para Daniel la m?sica que estaban tocando era para bailar suelto, de repente pusieron m?sica de cumbia y Arturo de inmediato tom? la mano de Daniel y puso su mano en la cintura ya estuvieron bailando solos otro rato.Cuando pusieron la m?sica rom?ntica Daniel prefiri? irse a sentar ,si de por s? ya era muy inc?modo estar bailando s?lo con un hombre.. Adem?s bailar m?sica rom?ntica pegados! eso ya era demasiado... Arturo le llev? una copa a Daniel quien desperadamente buscaba a las chicas, hasta que vio que cada una estaba bailando por su lado y se ve?an felices con las parejas que encontraron...lo que significaba que ?l estaba por su cuenta. - En lo que descansemos d?jame hacer una llamada-dijo Arturo un poco cansado. - A qui?n le est?s marcando?- - Pues a qui?n m?s, a qui?n me dej? esto en el saco- - No no lo hagas ya olv?dalo- Pero era demasiado tarde ya hab?a empezado sonar el tel?fono de Dani que estaba dentro de la bolsa as? que no tuvo tiempo de colgar antes de que sonara mas fuerte y Arturo lo escucho Daniel avent? lejos la bolsa y Arturo sonr?o - As? que fuiste t?!- - No esteeee..solo es casualidad- Arturo volvi? a marcar su tel?fono y la bolsa de Dani volvi? sonar. - Exijo una compensaci?n- - Esta bien a gritame que soy una una irresponsable e inmadura- declaro con resignacion - Eso ya lo sabes, ahora necesitas un castigo para aprender la lecci?n- - Est? bien me lo merezco. cu?l es el castigo?- - Sal conmigo- - Yo no quiero salir contigo- - Mucho mejor! Porque un castigo es algo que no queremos hacer y que nos inc?moda para aprender bien la leccion- - Est? bien acept?.....- Daniel de inmediato planeo todo, Arturo no sabia donde vivia y cuando le marcara no iba a contestar el tel?fono as? no tendr?a que salir con el. Despu?s de un rato de seguirse disculpando con Arturo llegaron las muchachas para ver si ya se se iban. El plan era quedarse todas en la casa de Julia en Taxi, y dormir---pero Arturo se ofreci? a llevarlas porque durante la noche Daniel le coment? que viv?a con Julia y as? sabr?a d?nde pasar a recogerla para la citae. El camino todos siguieron platicando de lo mucho que se hab?an divertido, de los muchachos que hab?an conocido en la fiesta. Arturo les platico sobre el incidente del calz?n y les pidi? ayuda para hacer que Dani cumpliera con su castigo, ellas por supuesto que se ofrecieron a ayudar. Llegaron todos cansadas a la casa de Julia con una sonrisa p?cara Mary pregunt?- as? que te agarraron con las manos en la masa Dani, ?Ya quisiera yo un castigo como ese! Al parecer soy la ?nica que no consigui? cita para esta semana- - S?, pero no pienso ir- -Ah no! tienes que ir, nosotras ya dimos nuestra palabra de Sailor Scout- -Dany apoco ere gay?- -No porque?- olvidando que estaba vestido de mujer y que se refer?an a que si no le gustaban los hombres. - Entonces no se diga m?s, ir?s a esa cita, ahora vamos a dormir un poco, acuestense donde puedan, en mi cama cabemos tres apretadas y Dani se va a quedar en el sofa- Las chicas se levantaron despu?s de medio d?a y le encargaron a Julia que se asegurar? de que Dany fuera a su cita con Arturo. -Yo me encargo de todo y luego les cuento- M?s tarde Julia levanto a Daniel, -ya lev?ntate flojo, que tienes que estar listo para cuando llegue tu cita- -Estas loca, no pienso ir, quiere que vallamos al cine y luego a cenar y despu?s quien sabe que otras negras intenciones tenga!- -Y no quieres ir porque tu eres una chica decente!- - Y porque no me gustan los hombres!- -Hay todos los hombres son iguales!.A ver mete esto en tu cabecita , que una mujer le sonr?a a un hombre no significa que quiera ser su novia o tener sexo, tampoco si le llama por tel?fono o si sale con el. Que nunca has salido con una mujer en plan de amigos?- - Si lo he hecho- - Y paso algo m?s? se besaron o tuvieron sexo?- -No porque ambos dejamos claro que solo quer?amos una amistad, bueno regularmente son ellas las que solo quieren tener una amistad conmigo- -Pues aqu? tu le vas hacer lo mismo a Arturo. Ademas con todo lo que ha pasado necesitas relajarte y salir a platicar con alguien para divertirte un rato y as? con esa voz no puedes salir con tus amigos de siempre...a menos que quieras que en cada reuni?n digan :" Se acuerdan cuando Daniel hablaba como vieja? Pero si nunca ha hablado como hombre jajajajaja" - -Rayos que gran poder de convencimiento tienes, no has pensado en dedicarte a las ventas...o a las estafas?- -Miralo como una oportunidad para entender mejor a las mujeres poni?ndote literalmente en su lugar.Cuando todo esto acabe tendr?s todas las herramientas para conquistarlas facilmente y salir de la FriendZone - -Tu cre?s?- -Claro que si, no hay nada que ame m?s una mujer que un hombre que la comprende de verdad- -Bueno ya que! Ay?dame a arreglarme- Daniel eligi? un pantal?n una blusa olgada y unos zapatos de abuelita - listo! ahora algo de maquillage y...- - No puedes salir as?, y menos en una primera cita!- - Pero voy en plan de "solo amigos"- - Si quieres entender en realidad a las mujeres tienes que hacer todo lo que hacemos al salir por primera vez con alguien, tienes que arreglarte, verte hermosa y darte a desear-- - Pero yo no quiero que me desee- - Quieres entender a las mujeres si o no?- - Pues s?- - Entonces haz todo lo que te digo. Primero vamos a ver cu?les son tus principales atractivos?. Veamos tienes piernas flacas no tienes busto que mostrar as? que te pondr?s estas medias negras para que se vean mas atractivas tus piernas, zapatos de tac?n alto para que resalten las pompis, tienes que verte natural as? que te pondr? estas extensiones, no olvides la faja y este vestido o no tiene escote as? que te esconder? muy bien los rellenos en tu brasier . Ahora c?mbiate para que te maquille- Cuando Julieta termino con Daniel este parec?a una chica de Entre 25 y 28 a?os Cuando Julieta termino con Daniel este parec?a una chica de Entre 25 y 28 a?os - Te ves muy bien pero no s?, siento como que te falta algo... ya se! unos lindos aretes- - Pero no tengo las orejas perforadas no tendr?s unos de Clip- - Tenia varios paro anoche terminaste de perder el ultimo par que me quedaba - - Y si voy sin aretes?- - Ay No seas chill?n, ponte este hielo mientras esterilizo la aguja. Listo ya te perfore las 2 ahora por si acaso tomate este antibi?tico- - Pero que no estaba la aguja esterilizada!- - S? pero es por si acaso. Y por ?ltimo ponte esta cadena de oro. Mira ya lleg? arturo - -Mejor mejor dile que no estoy, dile que soy enfermo no me siento bien- Julieta abri? la puerta para recibir a Arturo . - Hola Dani te ves hermosa !. Nos vamos?- y le ofreci? su brazo. Daniel no tuvo m?s que apoyarse ya que los tacones eran m?s altos de los que est? usando, cuando un bajando las escaleras en el departamento casi se cae pero por suerte iba agarrado del brazo de Arturo as? as? que para terminar de bajar las escaleras sin caerse tuvo que seguir apoyandose en el brazo de Arturo. Daniel para sus adentros pens?- cielos lo que menos quer?a era tener contacto f?sico, malditas escaleras!- Primero fueron al cine - Quieres ver una pel?cula rom?ntica Dany?- A Daniel se me encendieron todos los focos rojos en su cabeza donde primero le iban a tomar la mano luego lo iban a abrazar y por ?ltimo se se acabar?an besando como todas las dem?s parejas. - No no no mejor veamos esa- - Esa es de terror. Est?s segura?- - A mi me divierten, adem?s todo es falso s?lo es maquillaje y prosteticos- Pero la pel?cula era de terror "psicol?gico" creando en la sala de cine un ambiente tenso y t?trico que no era nada divertido. Ademas como El vestido de Daniel no ten?a mangas y llevaba una falda muy corta con el fr?o del aire acondicionado y el el miedo que le daba la pel?cula se le puso la pies de gallina.En un aparte de la pel?cula hablaban de que se aparec?a una mujer vestida de blanco unos minutos despu?s unas filas abajo de ellos vieron vieron como se levantaba una mujer p?lida vestida de blanco y Dani creyendo que era el fantasma del que hablaban lanz? tremendo grito de terror, fue tan fuerte que asust? a toda la sala e hizo que casi todos gritaran de miedo. Todo esto alter? un poco a Dany, tanto que Arturo tuvo que abrazarla para tranquilizarla. Dany penso-Hay que calientito est?, ya me estaba muriendo de fr?o pero esto se siente reconfortante-De inmediato reaccion? al recordar que un hombre lo estaba abrazando. No quer?a que Arturo lo abrazara, no fuera a creer que era una se?al para que lo besara!Pero Dany sent?a mucho fr?o y al no tener nada con que cubrirse solo le quedaba calentarse con Arturo tambi?n pens? en salirse de la sala pero la pel?cula estaba muy interesante y no quer?a irse sin saber c?mo terminaba, as? que mejor decidi? aclarar las cosas con su acompa?ante. -No vayas a pensar otra cosa, lo que pasa es que tengo fr?o, y no traje nada para cubrirme- - Por m? no hay problema Yo tambi?n tengo fr?o, as? que espero que t? tampoco vayas a pensar otra cosa de m?- los dos sonrieron y entendieron que s?lo se iban abrazar como amigos. Al estar abrazados sinti? el aroma de la loci?n de Arturo que era agradable, reconfortante y c?lido-mmm hueles tan rico- de inmediato se dio cuenta que hablo sin pensar ; que hab?a dicho! Y porque lo dijo en voz alta!- Esteeee me refiero a tu loci... Al estar abrazados sinti? el aroma de la loci?n de Arturo que era agradable, reconfortante y c?lido-mmm hueles tan rico- de inmediato se dio cuenta que hablo sin pensar ; que hab?a dicho! Y porque lo dijo en voz alta! - Esteeee me refiero a tu loci?n- - Est?s segura que s?lo estamos abrazados como amigos?- - Disc?lpame es que desde hace d?as no s? porqu? tengo muy sensible el olfato y eso me altera un poco y a veces no s? lo que digo cada vez que detect? un olor agradable o desagradable- - Bueno creo que despu?s de lo que dijiste voy a comprarme dos botes de la misma loci?n jajaja- Despu?s de que termina la pel?cula Dany sent?a culpa por haber abrazado a otro hombre y mas verg?enza por haberle dicho que ol?a rico . Qu? le estaba pasando porque de repente se hab?a vuelto friolento! ?l que se sentaba en los lugares m?s fr?os donde le diera el aire acondicionado para no sentir calor. Ser?a este un efecto secundario de la medicina que le dio el doctor... Fueron a cenar a un restaurante que estaba dentro del centro comercial donde estaba el cine, era una de sus franquicias de restaurant bar de comida italiana. Arturo noto que Dani estaba un poco apenada por todo lo que hab?a pasado en el cine empez? a hablar de cosas que a ella le pudieran gustar para que se relajara. As? que le pregunt? que si le gustaba la m?sica cl?sica? quien era su compositor favorito, que s? sab?a tocar un instrumento etc?tera... Dany se sinti? relajado al no tener que centrar la pl?tica en su vida ya que iba a tener que decir muchas mentiras sobre una vida de mujer que no ten?a pero la m?sica era su vida y su pasi?n y hablar de este tema hizo que la velada fuera mas agradable. Llegaron a casa de Julia -Me la pas? muy bien Dany, sabes hace a?os que no sal?a con una amiga- -y eso?,cre? que eras muy sociable- -Es que ten?a una novia que demandaba tanta atenci?n.... que ya no quer?a que me juntara con mis amigos, as? que perd? contacto con ellos , y era tan celosa que me ten?a prohibido tener amigas- -Ella te regalo ese anillo de oro blanco con el Dragon Vikingo?- -As? que tambi?n eres conocedora de la cultura vikinga? Genial ya tenemos algo mas de que platicar cuando volvamos a salir- -No evadas la pregunta o voy a pensar otra cosa- -No, ella no me lo dio, no es de oro es de acero y lo compre en un viaje con unos amigos a Diamarca, a ella no le gustaba , as? que lo deje de usar,ella quer?a que fuera mas sofisticado para "estar a su altura", decia que usara ropa mas elegante y de marca porque as? me ve?a como un mediocre; deje de ser yo mismo por complacerla y aun as? me dejo....-Y Arturo se puso triste y melanc?lico -Yo tambi?n estuve en una relaci?n as?.....con un hombre.. celoso...e inseguro, tambi?n dure mucho tiempo con depresi?n por su culpa, pero bueno as? son las personas toxicas- - Si, ella era toxica..creo- Y suspiro. -Aun no la superas verdad?- -No....pero por hoy dejemos de hablar de cosas tristes, hoy me quiero ir a dormir con el recuerdo de que nos la pasos muy bien y que la siguente vez hablaremos de vikingos y espadas. Adios- Arturo se quiso despedir de beso, pero Dany se quiso hacer a un lado para evitarlo , para su mala suerte movi? la cabeza hacia el lado que ven?a el beso y en lugar de la mejilla Arturo lo beso en los labios qued?ndose los dos sorprendidos. - Perd?n, es que como soy zurdo siempre doy el beso en por mi izquierda- Dany no sab?a que hacer as? que se meti? corriendo al departamento cerrando la puerta. Arturo le hablo desde afuera- Est?s bien?- -Si , solo...estoy apenada, me la pas? muy bien. Esteeee..estoy cansada hablamos luego byee- Julia se levant? al o?r tanto alboroto y vio a Dany haciendo una rabieta. - Que te paso, est?s bien?- -Claro que no estoy bien porque nos besamos!- - Y te gust?? Qu? tal besa? Ya son novios? - - Claro que no! Estoy muy enojado porque no tengo ni una semana como mujer y ya me ha besado con dos hombres, qu? pasa que tengo tan mala suerte?- - Ya tranquil?zate Dani ma?ana vas a tu casa te viste de hombre y te olvidas de todo porque estudias de todo hasta el fin de semana- - Qu? es cuando voy a tener que volver a ser mujer. No, yo creo que mejor le voy a pedir a Pedro un descanso por este mes ya no puedo seguir as?. Cuando Dany fue a recoger vestido que dejo tirado en el ba?o para echarlo en el bote de la ropa sucia y noto que tenia un olor raro era la loci?n que le gusto tanto, as? que lo olio por ultima ves -uhmmmm Arturo!- y sonri? ....-Pero porque que rayos dije eso!-y avent? enojado el vestido al bote. Dany estaba so?ando que iba caminando por la calle en la noche vestido de mujer, de repente sent?a fri? pero alguien llego a abrazarlo, era Arturo pero se sinti? incomodo y se alejo de el: Arturo se volvi? a acercar a el y esta vez ol?a delicioso, la abrazo, luego le beso el cuello y le dijo-Besame Danny!-mientras la acariciaba -No puedo hacelo, soy un hombre!- -No me importa, para mi tu eres una diosa!-y le volvi? a besar el cuello mientras le acariciaba la espalda y los brazos- -No puedo, al?jate... alguien nos puede ver- -Mira bien, no hay nadie, estamos solos!- Arturo tenia raz?n, la calle estaba sola y fue entonces cuando lo beso apasionadamente para luego entregase al deseo sobre el pasto-hazme tuya....- - Al d?a siguiente Daniel se desperto muy confundido. Que clase de pesadilla fue esa? y que hacia abrazado el vestido que se supon?a hab?a echado al bote de la ropa sucia anoche? -Solo fue un sue?o, solo fue un sue?o, no significa nada.... lo mejor sera ponerme algo de ropa de hombre para olvidar todo. Julia no has visto mi pantal?n y mi camisa?- -El s?bado qu? fuimos a tu casa dejaste ah? y todas tus cosas y s?lo te trajiste tus tarjetas de cr?dito y algo de dinero.- -Entonces qu? me pongo?- -Usa la ropa que te pusiste ayer-y Daniel miro el vestido que aun tenia aun en su mano con el aroma de Arturo y lo avento lejos -Ya no quiero usar ropa de mujer- -Pues yo no tengo nada limpio que prestarte, ya no chilles llegando a la casa te cambias y te pones lo que quieras - Asi que no le quedo de otra m?s que volver a usar ropa de mujer. Camino a su casa Daniel solo penzaba en ponerse una pantalon de mezclilla, unos zapatos y arreglarse lo mas varonil posible. Pero al llegar a su casa Daniel solo encontr? un mont?n de escombros. - Pero que rayo paso aqu??- Un vecino que iba pasando le contesto - es la casa que explot?-- Exploto mi casa Un vecino que iba pasando le contesto - es la casa que explot?- - Exploto mi casa ..pero cuando- -Como? no sabe ?. paso hace dos d?as. Hasta sali? en la tele, dicen que el due?o se suicid? haciendo explotar su casa con el adentro ..que loco?-

Same as La corista capitulo 2 Videos

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Lonely Wife

Then about one month later I was out at a construction site working and the radio operator called me and asked if I could call into the depot as he had a private message for me (he was not allowed to pass private messages over the 2 way radio). Later that night I called into the depot to pick up the message. He said, "Someone by the name of Victoria called and said for you to give her a call," and handed me her phone number. The next day I called her about 10am. I do remember it was a...

2 years ago
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EvilAngel Lana Rhoades Cute Insatiable Fuck Doll

Naturally buxom brunette Lana Rhoades looks delicious in aqua lingerie. Her blue eyes seductively stare through the camera as she flaunts her delectable assets in a steamy striptease. Lana welcomes stud Manuel Ferrara with passionate kisses and a sloppy, cock-chugging blow job with lewd, bunghole rimming benefits! Gripping her gorgeous breasts, Manuel fucks her from behind and strokes her clit while Lana moans in bliss. He rewards his fully fucked sex doll with multiple cum streams on her face...

3 years ago
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M4M Erotic Massage I guess I am bisexual

I entered the new apartment with anticipation and a bit of fear. We discussed erotic massage but I was unsure of exactly what I was walking into... Is he a good guy, will he respect boundaries and go at the speed to make me comfortable, or will it get out of hand? If I were to get beaten up or robbed I can't really call the police... What am I worried about?! I have done this before and he seemed like a good guy on email?.... oy!Then I meet him and at once I am at ease. He shakes hands and...

3 years ago
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Best Experience With My NRI Reader

Hey guys, I am Nikhil from Kolkata and am back with another story. On a serious note, boys please don’t ping me asking details of any ladies I’ve had my luck with. You won’t get any details because I can’t compromise anyone’s privacy. For those who like my stories, I’d recommend reading on this site. Coming to the story, I was traveling via bus when a notification popped out and it was a message. “Hey Nikhil,” said Tanisha. I quickly checked out her display picture. There she was, an...

3 years ago
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Himura Battousia Book 2 Kenshins PastPart 232 A Mans Back 5The Word

(The sake is flowing at the Higashidani house.) Higashidani: Ha! That fool! Once I get on him Fudozawa's going down like a house of cards! Shopkeeper: Right! You're the best in Japan! Higashidani (hitting him): In the world! (They throw their arms around each other and laugh.) Uki (thinking): They're drunk. (Sanosuke is drinking quietly, off to the side.) Higashidani: Uki, pour us another cup! Uki: No! No more! Higashidani: You're so spiteful... Uki: I'm not! It'll be too...

3 years ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 7 SakurakoChapter 52 Inao Mitsuko

June 5, 1994, Chicago, Illinois I parked the car in the reserved spot at the loft building and helped Mitsuko from the car. I took her hand and we walked to the door of the building. I let us in, then led her upstairs to the apartment. I’d stopped in on Thursday at lunch to ensure there were snacks and drinks, as well as to double-check that the cleaning service had left things as I wanted them, which they had. When we entered, I shut the door behind us, and we slipped off our shoes. “This...

2 years ago
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My Wife Made Me a Cock Sucker

My wife Sara had expressed her interests in watching me suck another man for the last couple years. I was never really sure about it, so it was just something she fantasized about when masturbating. Sometimes when eating her, she would tell me to lick her cunt clean from the mess the boys had made in there. Of course there wasn't any cum in there but it got her off thinking about it. To be honest, the thought kind of turned me on. I've never sucked a dick but forced bisexual porn always...

4 years ago
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Call Boy Kese Bana Or Kese Ki Gujrati Bhabhiyo Ki Chut Sant Ki

Hello friends me gujarat se hu or ye meri paheli story hai joki 6 month pahele ki hai mera name dhreet hai or study karta hu or paisho ki problem ki vajah se callboy ki job karta hu ab or bor na karte hua story par ata hu ye bat us time ki hai jab me colg ki exam dene gandhinagar joki ham p.G rahte the tab hamari baju me ak mast bhabhi rahti thi or vo bahot sexy thi uska figar 34 28 36 tha mast mal thi me unko bahot dekhta tha or mene kabhi sex nahi kiya tha to. 1 din me apne balcony me jab...

3 years ago
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Dont Ask Dont TellChapter 2

The next three weeks were perfectly normal. We slipped back into our normal lives as if nothing had ever happened — almost. I cleaned my laptop of all of the stories I had collected. I wiped my links to story sites. I cleared the alt. newsgroups out of my news reader. And I stopped going to my home office and surfing while Suze fixed dinner. The first couple of times we made love were a little awkward and stiff. We were both pretty tentative. But we seemed to get over it and our love life...

4 years ago
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Trick Or Treat With Uncle BobChapter 3

While Betty was hiding in the bathroom Bob went into the kitchen and made coffee while the girls tried not to quiz him about what had happened last night. Alice tried to talk about something else by saying “Where’s our presents?” Bob winced. He’d brought in the bag with the costumes inside it, but had left it in the living room, on the floor beside the couch. He hadn’t had time to show them to Betty yet. “Um ... I need you to be patient for just a little longer” he said. Alice clouded up...

2 years ago
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Sharecroppers DaughterChapter 3

The next day, Henry was using the fork lift to load up bales of cotton. It had been awhile since he last looked at the time, and wasn't sure if he would see Rose today. He frequently looked over towards the back field to see if he spotted her. Each time he looked, he failed to see anyone. By the time he finished loading, he had given up on looking for her. Calling it a day, he just pulled the fork lift back into the barn. When he closed the big barn door to lock it, he heard his name called...

4 years ago
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I take his Mancunt Gay

I must say Submissive sluts are my favourite type of partner. I get loads of requests from guys to use them as such. Occasionally a woman too. The following tale was originally sent to me, via an online swingers site, by a young newbie from nearby who claimed to be straight but was seeking a first time experience with a man.Needless to say he didnt turn up when it came to it but I kept his original message and later embellished it a little so that girls/guys on other sites could understand what...

3 years ago
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owyn Book 1 The CageChapter 12 Pain

[Setting the scene: the events of this chapter take place after the battle of Helm’s Deep. Aragorn, the Rangers of the North, and remnants of the Fellowship have arrived at Dunharrow. Éowyn has openly declared her love for Aragorn and her desire to ride with him to the Paths of the Dead, and has been rejected on both counts. Onodrim is the Sindarin name for the Ents.] 7 March 3019 (Third Age), Dunharrow Face down and crying into her bed, Éowyn knew she cut a pathetic figure of leadership. A...

3 years ago
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My life with Steph and her sister Chapter 2 A woman is born

Chapter 2 A woman is born I didn’t see Steph at all on Sunday nor did I phone her, in fact it was Monday lunchtime at work before I had a chance to see her. I felt a bit apprehensive because of what had happened on Saturday night, although she was fine when I left her I thought that given time to think about what I’d done she’d have second thoughts about us. I felt I should have at least phoned her on Sunday even though we both new we hadn’t planned to see or speak to each other until...

4 years ago
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My First Massage Hot sex

My daughter gave me a special birthday present last year. I guess I'd been complaining to her a lot about how stressed out I'd been with my job, so she gave me a gift certificate for a massage. When I opened the card and saw what it was, I gave Erin a big hug and thanked her."Mom, this girl is fantastic." Erin told me. "You have to go to her house -- she doesn't have a place, in like a strip mall, or anything. But, my friend Jenny -- you know Jenny -- told me about her and I've been to Karen...

4 years ago
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Japanese Schoolgirl Impregnation

Population in japan is declining so the government has made it mandatory for high school girls to be impregnated by their male classmates. Everyone thought it was a hoax at first but the government is very serious about it. 'War is looming and japan needs men to compete with the rest of the world,' the emperor has decreed. The teachers will pair up the boys and girls in a way that'll maximize the chances of the babies having traits desirable by the japanese government so the girls can be...

1 year ago
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MommysGirl Spencer Scott Lexi Lore Serene Siren Chloe Temple Protective Of Our Family

Serene Siren has gotten married to Spencer Scott, so Serene’s stepdaughter Lexi Lore and Spencer’s stepdaughter Chloe Temple are now stepsisters. This will be Lexi’s first day going to the same school as Chloe. Serene and Spencer give the teens their lunches in paper bags, and lovingly wish them a good day. The teens then leave for school. Later that day, Lexi and Chloe arrive home, but their hair and school uniforms look disheveled. Serene and Spencer are shocked and worried,...

3 years ago
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First Time Cruising the Bike Path

It was the start of summer break from college and the weather had finally started to get nice out. Just before the Spring semester ended, I had overhead a couple of gay dudes whispering in the library about a cruising spot not too far from campus. They were describing the bike path that ran along the river just a little past the apartment building complex and before bus transit station. I knew the area pretty well because the bus I usually take to get home from school crosses over the bike...

4 years ago
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HOW I STARTED TO CROSS DRESS AND MASTURBATE WITH MY SISTER MELISSA PART 2As Melissa entered her bedroom, i got beside of the wardrobe," Fuck Melissa gonna me,now still wearing her sexy thong, witch was soaking wet with my cum. And now i had her red silky thong in my hand!!!," Melissa went right to her beside cabinet. She turned around and was smiling she took of her clothes, Melissa got onto her bed and raised her legs high in the air, and then she spread them wide open, fuck i had a amazing...

4 years ago
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Rental ProblemsChapter 3

The act of cumming inside Destiny had taken its toll on Chris's body. As the high from cumming in her ass faded, the feeling of tiredness sweep over him. Chris was laying down next to her as she reached over to hand him a washcloth. Chris took it and just placed it over his limp member. Chris wanted to clean up and do other things, but the sex had robbed him of all energy. As Destiny got up to head to the bathroom, Chris had a hard time keeping his eyes open. The sensation of cumming in her...

4 years ago
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The Widow Ch 03

Passion in James County XII The Widow By D.C. Roi Chapter three Fran’s neighbors, Greg and Abby Atkinson, were enjoying a rare quiet evening at home. For once, despite their hectic schedules, they managed to have a night off together and were determined to enjoy it. Greg was reading and Abby was knitting. The TV was off and soft sounds of classic country music came from the stereo. Greg was wearing a sweatshirt and jeans and Abby had on a pair of ivory cotton flannel boxer pajamas that had...

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The Plot Thickens

Lucy liked to write naughty stories about bad girls needing to be spanked for their own good. She enjoyed writing the stories because she had often felt a need to be addressed in that manner but she was really quite too shy and introverted to even imagine anyone of her acquaintance taking such a step with her person. Her father was a good candidate but he was far too soft-hearted to be effective in such an enterprise and he blushed terribly whenever he happened to see her in her altogether or...

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Not far from my home is my favorite hideaway. It's situated in the most perfect little bookstore run by an eccentric old lady, who’s always telling tales of her wild, crazy days. She always puts a smile on my face and she makes the most delicious earthy black coffee, which almost curls the tongue. I'm sitting in an old high-backed armchair in a little nook in the rear of the store. I’ve kicked off my shoes, curled up my legs beneath me and have a book in my hand, the taste of that amazing...

Straight Sex
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It had begun as a game, as a flirt. As a little whim of a fellow student, a young woman with long, blonde hair and dazzling blue eyes.And she had smiled, as the steel rings closed in on my wrists with a metallic sound. And I had felt my heart hammering, where I lay on her bed, and felt the touch of the hardcuffs and the bar of cast iron in the heardboard that might keep me here forever.She had giggled as she unbuttoned my shirt, and her long, blonde hair fell over my upper body. I had been...

3 years ago
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Betsys JourneyChapter 6 A Love Affair With Thomas Continues with Susan

Betsy rushed back to her spare bedroom wanting to finish the chapter, 'A Thomas Affair.' She recalled it was late October when they returned from Atlantic City. Thomas had told her all about Ted and explained, as best he could, about how much he relied on the business from Ted's company. Apparently Ted was so pleased after the weekend getaway that he set the wheels in motion to upgrade the pharmacy section of his company, which meant big money for Thomas. Strange what men were willing to...

4 years ago
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Andrew 1

I was in my front garden in shorts and T shirt when my neighbour Karen came walking towards me very quickly and agitated. “Oh Andrew, can you help me please I’ve got a leak in the kitchen and I’ve left Brooke holding a rag round it? I just don’t know what to do.”Karen, brunette and hot single mum, wearing a short skirt and T shirt was the object of my wildest fantasies and needed my help. I jumped up, eager to do my bit, “no problem Karen, let’s see what I can do”. I followed her to her house...

3 years ago
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A Journey to Reality The Sequel

Author’s note: Time travel has been the stuff of dreams for generations. It has been the basis of classic fiction (H.G. Wells’ The Time Machine), bad television (Time Tunnel) and popular films (Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home, and, of course, the Back To The Future trilogy). Recently, a relatively new writer on Literotica, nyte_byrd, wrote an interesting time travel story called, ‘A Journey to Reality,’ in the Non-Erotic category. In her story, the narrator, a woman named Crystal, talks her...

2 years ago
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RedemptionChapter 10

Back at the apartment, Jenny was trying to get Chris out of his clothes with hands so shaky they were almost useless. The bed had been turned back earlier, and she was sitting on the edge. She managed to wait until he was completely naked before she took his cock between both hands and just marveled at the feel of it. "Chris, there is so much I want to do and learn. But I cannot relax and enjoy anything until I feel you in me. I am ready for you. I have an IUD. When Amy is weaned, I will go...

3 years ago
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Coaching Wali Teacher Ko Ground Me Choda

Mera naam anil hai age 24 years old and mai ek teacher hu mujhe sex me gajab ki dilchaspi hai isi karan mai koi na koi rasta khojta rahta hu ki koi mil jae maximum mai safal bhi ho jata hu mujhe young kuwari ladkiyo ka koi sauk nai I like married aged aunties Mujhe cigarette pine ka sauk hai isliye mai gharwalo se chup k cigarette pita hu isliye mai hamesa akele me ja k pita hu kisi sunsan jagah me aisa hi hua us saam ko 9 baje mai cigarette le k ek ground me gaya wo ek collage ka ground thaw...

1 year ago
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Paying The Piper

Note : This story is completely fictional! The 13 year of marriage of James and Lisa was in serious trouble, and both of them knew it. Some would expect that infidelity was the cause, but neither of them had a leg to stand on there, since they had both cheated on each other from nearly the beginning. They were in love with each other, however, for a while, before a teenage wife's respect and admiration for her twenty something husband turned gradually into scorn and contempt. James was a hard...

4 years ago
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The New Robin

You let out a heavy breath, leaning against the training dummy. You've been in the Cave all day, training so Bruce will be able to trust you have his back. He took you in when no one else would, and after finding out about his crusade, you want nothing more than to help. Pushing your self back, you grit your teeth before sending more punches towards the dummy. "You been down here all day?" A voice catches your ears. You turn your head, finding the perfect figure of Batgirl, smiling at you as...

3 years ago
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oh fuck me

I’d started the day as a virgin with absolutely no close encounters of any type with any females. I finished the day with a very deflated cock – my balls drained firstly by Ann and then by her daughter Megan. Ann is a strikingly beautiful blonde lady in her early forties, and Megan is her equally beautiful 24 yr old redhead daughter. Ann relieved me of my virginity after she had greeted me at the door – greeting me totally naked. She led me to her bedroom and fucked herself (and me)...

4 years ago
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Dead Girls VengeanceChapter 5 We spy on a target

Filene wanted us to go back to advanced ‘Seeing Ahead’ but a serial abuser had just escalated to murder. That gave all of us at The Grotto the ability to read his thoughts. We could only read his thoughts. We could not change his thoughts except by presenting willing targets ripe for his perversions. Little Joann’s killer would face a nasty demise. Filene sent us and another trainer sent her two to listen to the thoughts of the recent murderer, Peter Jelson. We gathered in his home cloaked...

2 years ago
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I love my best friend

Introduction: sorry its really short please ignor typos Im on my phone!!!! I had liked my friend tiana since we were 14, we always hung out and she was the only person who understood me. Soon, whenever I masturbated I would think of her. She has huge tits and a nice figure I always imagined fucking her. one day when we were 16, I couldnt take it any longer!!! She came to my house and nobody was home. I took my chance. we went up to my room and as soon as we got there I tackled her onto my bed....

1 year ago
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FamilySinners Lulu Chu Step Daddy8217s Girl

Ron’s (Stirling Cooper) bratty stepdaughter Rose (Lulu Chu) engages in a power game, questioning his authority in his house. As Ron tries to regain control, Rose moves to seduce her stepfather to show who’s boss. Ron can’t help noticing his stepdaughter, Rose’s legs when he walks in on her in the living room one friday night. He quickly gets annoyed when she refuses to answer his questions, and she runs away to her room. His pride wounded, Ron can’t let it go and...

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Gift From A God Ch 03

I sat in Kristel’s room until she had fallen asleep. It didn’t take long, her little joy ride had plum tuckered her out. She drifted off, moist hand resting by her cheek that was still bent ever so slightly with a smile. The tv was still on broadcasting the local news, the remote forgotten and lost in a tangle of sheets. I walked to the end of the bed, clicked the tv off and pulled a cover over from the side where it was bunched up and drew it up to her chin. I brushed few strands of her...

3 years ago
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mt new tutor

Well the first hot day of summer vacation came along and thus my first day of getting tutored started. I heard a knock on the door and went to go open it. I thought my mom would have hired some loser math geek to teach me this stuff but boy was I surprised when I opened the door. There stood the hottest fuckin' girl that I have ever seen in my life. She had blonde hair down to her shoulders, big green eyes, sharp beautiful features, a golden brown tan, big round D cup breasts, a skinny...

2 years ago
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The TravellerChapter 7 Chris Beaker

Chris had been working in his library; he was trying to see how to send Sar'ha's spirit back to her own body without affecting his. He noticed that his range of colours had altered; along with the White and Black books he now had Grey and Yellow books. He looked into the grey books and found the story of The Traveller, how she was supposed to find a major mage of the Art, called the stranger, and to bring him back her home planet. He noticed how it failed to say how this would be...

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Three times a lady

Introduction: Sex with wife, sister in law and a girlfriend. Three times a lady He wakes up by the sound of giggling and the cracking of a staircase. He opens his eyes, but he does not see anything. His eyes are covered by something and the edges are well taped. He suspects that it is such an eye mask that you get during night flights. There is an itch in his elbow that starts to irritate him, but because his hands are tied to the bed, he cannot do anything else than waiting for someone to...

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“Someone back up on the street that I‘d rather didn‘t recognise me.” “Oh right. Bloody paparazzi.” Harry stepped back out into the street and did his school shopping quickly. When he walked back past Fortescue’s the wizard was still there, showing the waitress a long scar on his arm. * Harry stood in the country lane and rechecked the letter he held in his hand. He was sure he was at least in the right village and probably on the right road. It was just that the road went a...

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MAU Perspectives of a Slayers Tale Erics Story

Author's note: There are three parts to this story, but it is not a three-part story. It is instead the same story told from four different perspectives. This one is from Eric's, which will shortly be followed by Linda and John's, and finally by Faith's. The other two stories' are done and will be submitted shortly. This is a continuation of MAU: The Slayer series. It can be read on its own without reading earlier issues, but it is ideal if you have read the whole series. Enjoy. MAU:...

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Family Girl Part 13

Family Girl Copyright (c) 2011 by Cody Disclaimer: this story contains subjects that are not suitable for all audiences, such as underage sex, homosexuality, references to incest, and drug use. If such things are illegal in your area, stop reading now. If such things offend you, please look elsewhere for entertainment. Preface to Part 13: This part was very difficult to write, and contains scenes of violent behavior. However, the events that transpire here are completely necessary...

2 years ago
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Business Trip Pt 8

Marcus stood up and led me by the hand to the king sized bed, slowly to make sure i didnt topple over in my high heels that i was still unsure of myself in. he stood in front of me, his big hands running over my soft body as he kissed me and stroked my now long hair and i could feel his cock stiffening against my belly as i moaned softly and hung on to him like a helpless girl with her strong man. my heart was beating hard as our breathing seemed to slow until it was in unison and he laid me on...

3 years ago
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The Italian Job 10

The Italian job 10I must have dropped off to sleep because the next thing I knew she was poking me in the ribs saying “come on sleepy, time to wake up” she said “I have some coffee for you” “what time is it” I said “10.00pm, we slept for 2 hours but I feel fantastic, you certainly managed to fill my void, thank you! not only for the sex but for making me feel like a real live woman again, the way your cock reacts to my nakedness is refreshing” she purred “you should get naked more often then” I...

4 years ago
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Away From The World 1

She had beautiful shoulder length fiery red hair and innocent green eyes. Her long fingers grasped the edge of the door, and watching me intently. The silk flimsy green nightgown revealed her big perfectly round breasts. Her larger nipples were hard and poking deliciously through the fabric. She smiled shyly as our eyes met from our lustful exploration. "He is ready, miss" she whispered sweetly,  her voice like wind through the leaves. "Thank you, you are dismissed, please see that you...

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PippaChapter 4

Pippa's bladder woke her, or she'd have slept late. There was just a hint of light as she felt her way to the heads and, once more, she was aware of the discreet sounds of Cherry's movements of the deck above. Finished with business, she pulled on shorts and made her way, barefoot, through the saloon to the cockpit and thence to the deck. It was cool in the pre-dawn twilight and the deck was wet with dew as she made her way forward, every sense somehow heightened. She sat on the damp...

2 years ago
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I understand

I Understand .... I understand now. At the beginning, there was within my body not one mind, not one soul, but two. Fraternal Siamese twins, joined at the heart, and although one was male, the other female, they functioned as one so well that no one perhaps suspected the existence of this duality. Then, there came the discovery of the body's sex, that I was male in form, and a conflict began to arise between the two souls, and the boy-soul pushed at the girl-soul, like many a...

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The Masters Chamber

Hello All, I'm new here but not to the game. I have currently undertaken a woman who wishes to be taught in the lessons of complete submissiveness and utter servitude; no matter the cost to her ego, her mental acumen, or the physical strain on her body. I've been penning her short stories in order for her to stay mentally focused. I figured other's may enjoy them as she does. They're written in the Subs perspective. Thank you for your time and I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I have...

2 years ago
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Head Above WaterChapter 2

I was on my fourth sea cream black iced coffee of the day, buried ass-deep in work when I realized that it was already 7:15 PM. It was Wednesday, the night of my ‘date’. “Shit,” I hissed under my breath. The ‘Floor’ is the term call centers use for where all the magic happens. Here you’ll find all the cubicles with my agents, all my supervisors, and all the calls ringing one after the other to service the next policyholder. I did my final Floor walk of the day, checked in with the six...

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The Encounter

As we made the plans for the first meet anticipation was building inside. Questions were racing through my mind. "What is he like? Does he look like his picture?" But I didn't let it stop me from sleeping. The day approached quickly. We began texting as we do as soon as the first persons eyes opened. He sent the final text that he would call when he was close. I lay in bed for another 45 minutes before I began to get ready. I got up picked out the perfect outfit and got in the shower. I went to...

3 years ago
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SOSChapter 7

Janus 2.0 My systems came on, I was bombarded with information I had never experienced before, I was getting tactile readings from all over the golems body. If this was how humans felt it was any wonder they accomplished anything. I sat up in the storage chamber looking around, it took a second to adjust my sensors into data I could actually read, I did a status check on my software, everything seemed to be operating at optimal levels. I could feel the difference in my programing right away,...

3 years ago
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There is a new app! By connecting to your government issued medical chip you can join our new game. * Collect points by showing up at cool places and meeting other users! * Buy new clothes and skills to make your avi more attractive! * Include your own sexual exploits via your medchip to score more points! You idly install the app and see a bunch of your friends on it. You notice a few of them have very high scores. setting up your avi you try to make it look like you, what options do you pick?

3 years ago
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Country BoyChapter 11

“Now, since we have your nose out of the databanks, how is the research going? I know we are super excited learning the things you have released for us to study,” asked Rachel. “Good. Almost great. I could stay down here for weeks, months, studying and learning how to operate Lander. Unfortunately, I just can’t make myself build and release a lot of the things I have learned about. We can release better computers, but not a lot better. I really don’t see much reason to do so right now. It...

3 years ago
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The Club

The Club  I had discovered this unique club through a Black Rose meeting. It was an old warehouse that had been purchased by a Dom, modified to an extent, and then opened to memberships. A mere 100 a month gained a key and the use of the facilities at any time. There were meetings for everyone once a month, the announcement not necessary since word of mouth in the community was very sufficient. As a matter of fact, it was becoming such an event that the owner was contemplating an invitation...

2 years ago
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Blind Date

The Blind Date        When Devon’s best friend’s wife approached him about going out on a blind date with a girl from her office, he wasn’t enthused.  Devon enjoyed being single and what his life was like and had no real interest in finding a girlfriend or wife.        Devon had some bad experiences with relationships and almost went to jail because of his last girlfriend.  Devon’s ex-girlfriend had called him a sick bastard, who only saw women as sex objects to be used.  Actually, his ex...

1 year ago
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Stacy Couldnt Sleep

100% fiction! Stacey laid in her bed staring at the blinking numbers on her alarm clock. According to the clock it was 1:42 in the morning, but Stacy knew that it was wrong. The power must have gone out for a bit while she was asleep because it was actually closer to 4 a.m. according to her wrist watch. Stacy sighed as she closed her eyes to try to force herself to sleep. It wasn't working. The ceiling fan was suddenly whirring too loudly, the room was too stuffy, and her mom's cat Whitney...

4 years ago
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In Praise of Cocks

Cocksucker! A word of insult much used in America to describe someone of low and disgusting morals. Yet I am willing to be counted as someone who indulges in this practice and gets enormous joy and satisfaction from it. Indeed I would go so far as to say that it rates as one of the most pleasurable activities that I know.Let me explain. First I must go back to my school days. I was a bright k** and went to a good single sex boys grammar school. There two things happened which made a big...

4 years ago
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Double Switch Ch 12

A Note to the reader: Double Switch is a full length novel with a Prologue, an Epilogue and 18 chapters. So it will take a commensurate time to read. It is erotic in places but not on every page or even in every chapter. So, a little patience is necessary. It is a love story, actually three love stories. I hope you will be rewarded for your time and trouble. To understand the story, you need to read the Prologue first. So, look it up under my name in the Author Index before proceeding with...

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