La Corista Capitulo 2 free porn video

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LA CORISTA CAPITULO 2 Julia y Daniel se fueron a descansar al departamento, llegaron agotados del show y solo quer?an descansar Daniel se quit? los rellenos y por fin pudo dejar salir sus partes masculinas para descansar, se desmaquillo, se quita la peluca y por fin se ech? a descansar. Al d?a siguiente - Qu? vamos a hacer hoy?- -Pues que sigas practicando con los tacones para que no pase lo de ayer- - Pues ya no pienso volver a vestirme de mujer!- -,Entonces vas a dejar colgado a Pedro que siempre nos ha apoyado? y luego que ? Vas a trabajar en una Hot Line usando esa voz sensual? - -La verdad no se que hacer, lo ?nico que se es que no quiero que pase algo como lo de ayer- -Pues sigue en el grupo, t? siempre me has dicho que es un trabajo que disfrutas, y que en esta banda si te sientes feliz, que el pago es justo, qu? Pedro es muy comprensivo. Asi que pr?ctica con los tacones! - Daniel le hizo caso a su hermana y estuvo practicando, como caminar, pasos de baile y como moverse m?s r?pido -Vas muy bien hermanito, ma?ana vamos a practicar como correr en tacones. Para el show de esta noche creo que te veras muy bien de pelirroja- - S? claro no hay problema, has que llame m?s la atenci?n... sobre todo de los hombres- Se llevaron todas sus cosas llegaron a la casa de Pedro, Julia maquillo otra vez a Daniel y le puso la peluca roja - listo ya termin? contigo, te ves muy sexy! - Fue una fiesta m?s, cantando en otra boda m?s, pero esta vez Daniel no se cay? ni tropeso. Pero su cabellera roja atrajo muchas miradas de los hombres lo cual le hac?a sentir inc?modo pero como nadie lo molesto lo dej? pasar. Cuando iban de regreso a casa Julia le pregunt?- a cu?ntos te ligaste hoy?- - C?mo de qu? hablas?- - Bueno es un juego que tenemos entre las coristas todas las noches contamos cu?ntos hombres creemos que se enamoran de nosotras- - Oye a m? no me interesa eso!- - Es s?lo un juego, no te lo tomes tan enserio, a menos que sea un chico rico y guapo jajaja- -No tienen otro juego que no implique hombres?- - Bueno, tenemos otro juego. quien m?s errores cometa en el Show recibe un castigo- -Y qu? clase de castigo dan?- - Tienes que hacer algo rid?culo algo que te d? verg?enza o una locura, por ejemplo hoy me tube que robar este arreglo floral- - Bueno pero si Tere no canta como saben que se equivoca?- - En su caso ella podr?a dar un mal paso o caerse... Y en tu caso ser?a todo lo antes mencionado jajaja- - No lo s? No estoy muy convencido no creo que sea para m?- - Vamos Int?ntalo no seas aguafiestas adem?s sirve para integrarnos mejor como grupo- - Est? bien lo har?, ma?ana diles que me apunto,por cierto quien desde quien se equivoc? m?s?- -Pues Pedrito, ya sabes c?mo es de perfeccionista, a ti y a Tere no Lee dijo nada porque son un caso especial, pero ahora que entren la juego ni creas que se va a tentar el coraz?n- C?mo ese fin de semana ten?an dos eventos al d?a Daniel se qued? con su hermana para ahorrar tiempo , poder descansar un poco y seguir practicando con los tacones ( pues no quer?a perder). Despu?s de terminar un Show para una comida llegaron a casa de Julia para descansar un poco antes del evento de esa noche -Sabes que Daniel vengo muerta creo que te vas a tener que quedar? unos d?as m?s en mi casa para que aprendas a maquillarte porque para m? es mucho trabajo prepararte a ti y a mi- -Si quieres puedo empezar a practicar con lo b?sico- - Bueno comienza practicando con el l?piz labial, m?rame y pon atenci?n, lo abres as?, luego lo pasas por tus labios los juntas as? y tiras un beso mua!- Daniel se qued? mirando su reflejo en el espejo se qued? pensando que cuando su hermana lo maquillaba el cerraba los ojos y cuando los volv?a a abrir por arte de magia se transformaba en mujer y ahora estaba ah? con un l?piz labial en sus manos. Practico alrededor de una hora se pintaba y se despintaba hasta que m?s o menos hab?a quedado bien.- creo que tengo unos labios hermosos mua!- Otra vez se lleg? la noche y se pusieron sus vestidos Daniel volvi? usar la peluca rubia. Con lo que hab?a estado practicando ya no se cay? tanto y tambi?n sent?a que estaba dominando m?s su voz femenina sent?a que ya le pod?a dar esos toques de sensualidad qu? algunas canciones requer?an. La fiesta se termin? y lleg? el momento de preguntarle a Pedro qui?n se hab?a equivocado m?s - A ver veamos; quiero decirles que todas hicieron un gran trabajo hoy pero se puede mejorar recuerden que ustedes propusieron este juego, recuerden no son cr?ticas, son ?reas de oportunidad. As? que la ganadora de esta noche es Daniela! Divi?rtase con ella muchachas- - Bueno y cu?l es mi castigo?- - Vas a tener que meterle a escondidas a cualquier muchacho mi ropa interior!- - Oye pero y si lo metemos en problemas qu? tal si es casado tiene novia?- - Bueno entonces tambi?n m?tele esa tarjeta con tu n?mero de celular, le escribimos que es solo una broma y que si tiene problemas te marque- Daniel salio a buscar a ver a qui?n le podr?a meter los calzones de Julia en el saco. Ten?a que hacerlo r?pido porque muchos de ellos ya se estaban marchando as? que se le ocurri? la idea de hacerlo en la salida d?nde estaba la gente amontonada y ah? hizo como que se tropez? (Y miren que ten?a mucha experiencia.) - Cuidado est? bien?- - S? gracias es que ando cansada y ya no aguanto los tobillos- - Si gusta yo la puedo acompa?ar a su auto?- - No se preocupe no hace falta s?lo andaba buscando a mis amigas a ver si estaban afuera pero ya las vi est?n por all?- - Igual dej? le acompa?o- - Por favor no se moleste...- - Al contrario ser? un placer ap?yese en mi brazo- Y as? Daniel ante la insistencia del joven lleg? con sus amigas agarrado de su brazo - Hola Daniela Qui?n es ese chico tan guapo que viene contigo?- - Ellas son Mari,Tere y Julia- - Ah! ustedes son las coristas! Cantan hermoso sobre todo esta hermosa chica que se llamaaaa?- -Daniel..a, pero me dicen Dany- - Si no est?s muy cansada me gustar?a invitarlas a la tornaboda, mi primo es el novio- - S?- dijo Julia con emoci?n- ma?ana ya no tenemos evento as? que podemos ir un rato- - Bueno si gustan yo las llev?, los cinco cabemos en mi auto- - Dani y yo nos quedemos aqu? con...- - Arturo, para servirles - - Mary y Tere av?senle a Pedrito que nos vamos a la tornaboda - Se fueron todas en el carro de Arturo y por si puesto todas se metieron en la aparte de atr?s para que Daniel fuera adelante. El ambiente estaba muy animado en la tornaboda, todos estaban bailando alegremente en c?rculo, cuando se sentaron a descansar Arturo se sent? al lado de Daniel -! Uf qu? calor! D?nde dej? mi pa?uelo?- Exclamo Arturo y busco en sus bolsillos con que secarse el sudor- cuando de repente encontr? algo muy extra?o- pero qu? es esto?- sacando el calz?n de julia; luego mir? a Daniel muy apenado-Te juro que no s? c?mo lleg? esto aqu?!- Las chicas al saber de qu? se trataba, se retiraron a una distancia segura donde adem?s pod?an escuchar la conversaci?n. Daniel estaba paralizado ya se le hab?a olvidado que le hab?a puesto eso en el saco, pero inmediato se tranquiliz? porque no hab?a forma de que Arturo supiera qui?n hab?a hecho esa travesura. - Creo que hay algo m?s en mi bolsillo, a ver veamos, es una tarjeta y trae un n?mero telef?nico-(que era el numero de Daniel)- dice si te metes en problemas marca este numero- - Ay no le des importancia! Quiz?s Fue una broma de uno de tus amigos, no hay nada de qu? preocuparse a menos claro que tengas novia o que seas casado- Arturo sonr?o le mostr? su mano sin anillos, sac? su cartera para que viera que no hab?a ninguna foto de una mujer-Hace tiempo que no tengo amigos-y sonri? t?midamente-Y como podr?s ver no tengo novia ni estoy casado. Pero qu? tal si Hubieran hecho est? travesura a una persona que si lo estuviera por menos de esto yo he visto personas que se han metido en problemas muy graves con su pareja, as? que l le voy a marcar a esa persona para decirle lo irresponsable e inmadura que es y que no es justo meter en problemas a personas inocentes- Daniel tenia que hacer algo para que no le marcara y descubrieraa que ?l era "la irresponsable" qu? le jug? esa broma, ten?a que hacer algo para que Arturo Se olvidar? del asunto y se relajara - Ya tranquil?zate Mira vente vamos a bailar- Daniel busco a la chicas para que sefueran todos a la pista, pero aquellas p?caras escuchar todo se fueron r?pidamente al otro extremo del sal?n para que Daniel se quedara solo con Arturo bailando. Por suerte para Daniel la m?sica que estaban tocando era para bailar suelto, de repente pusieron m?sica de cumbia y Arturo de inmediato tom? la mano de Daniel y puso su mano en la cintura ya estuvieron bailando solos otro rato.Cuando pusieron la m?sica rom?ntica Daniel prefiri? irse a sentar ,si de por s? ya era muy inc?modo estar bailando s?lo con un hombre.. Adem?s bailar m?sica rom?ntica pegados! eso ya era demasiado... Arturo le llev? una copa a Daniel quien desperadamente buscaba a las chicas, hasta que vio que cada una estaba bailando por su lado y se ve?an felices con las parejas que encontraron...lo que significaba que ?l estaba por su cuenta. - En lo que descansemos d?jame hacer una llamada-dijo Arturo un poco cansado. - A qui?n le est?s marcando?- - Pues a qui?n m?s, a qui?n me dej? esto en el saco- - No no lo hagas ya olv?dalo- Pero era demasiado tarde ya hab?a empezado sonar el tel?fono de Dani que estaba dentro de la bolsa as? que no tuvo tiempo de colgar antes de que sonara mas fuerte y Arturo lo escucho Daniel avent? lejos la bolsa y Arturo sonr?o - As? que fuiste t?!- - No esteeee..solo es casualidad- Arturo volvi? a marcar su tel?fono y la bolsa de Dani volvi? sonar. - Exijo una compensaci?n- - Esta bien a gritame que soy una una irresponsable e inmadura- declaro con resignacion - Eso ya lo sabes, ahora necesitas un castigo para aprender la lecci?n- - Est? bien me lo merezco. cu?l es el castigo?- - Sal conmigo- - Yo no quiero salir contigo- - Mucho mejor! Porque un castigo es algo que no queremos hacer y que nos inc?moda para aprender bien la leccion- - Est? bien acept?.....- Daniel de inmediato planeo todo, Arturo no sabia donde vivia y cuando le marcara no iba a contestar el tel?fono as? no tendr?a que salir con el. Despu?s de un rato de seguirse disculpando con Arturo llegaron las muchachas para ver si ya se se iban. El plan era quedarse todas en la casa de Julia en Taxi, y dormir---pero Arturo se ofreci? a llevarlas porque durante la noche Daniel le coment? que viv?a con Julia y as? sabr?a d?nde pasar a recogerla para la citae. El camino todos siguieron platicando de lo mucho que se hab?an divertido, de los muchachos que hab?an conocido en la fiesta. Arturo les platico sobre el incidente del calz?n y les pidi? ayuda para hacer que Dani cumpliera con su castigo, ellas por supuesto que se ofrecieron a ayudar. Llegaron todos cansadas a la casa de Julia con una sonrisa p?cara Mary pregunt?- as? que te agarraron con las manos en la masa Dani, ?Ya quisiera yo un castigo como ese! Al parecer soy la ?nica que no consigui? cita para esta semana- - S?, pero no pienso ir- -Ah no! tienes que ir, nosotras ya dimos nuestra palabra de Sailor Scout- -Dany apoco ere gay?- -No porque?- olvidando que estaba vestido de mujer y que se refer?an a que si no le gustaban los hombres. - Entonces no se diga m?s, ir?s a esa cita, ahora vamos a dormir un poco, acuestense donde puedan, en mi cama cabemos tres apretadas y Dani se va a quedar en el sofa- Las chicas se levantaron despu?s de medio d?a y le encargaron a Julia que se asegurar? de que Dany fuera a su cita con Arturo. -Yo me encargo de todo y luego les cuento- M?s tarde Julia levanto a Daniel, -ya lev?ntate flojo, que tienes que estar listo para cuando llegue tu cita- -Estas loca, no pienso ir, quiere que vallamos al cine y luego a cenar y despu?s quien sabe que otras negras intenciones tenga!- -Y no quieres ir porque tu eres una chica decente!- - Y porque no me gustan los hombres!- -Hay todos los hombres son iguales!.A ver mete esto en tu cabecita , que una mujer le sonr?a a un hombre no significa que quiera ser su novia o tener sexo, tampoco si le llama por tel?fono o si sale con el. Que nunca has salido con una mujer en plan de amigos?- - Si lo he hecho- - Y paso algo m?s? se besaron o tuvieron sexo?- -No porque ambos dejamos claro que solo quer?amos una amistad, bueno regularmente son ellas las que solo quieren tener una amistad conmigo- -Pues aqu? tu le vas hacer lo mismo a Arturo. Ademas con todo lo que ha pasado necesitas relajarte y salir a platicar con alguien para divertirte un rato y as? con esa voz no puedes salir con tus amigos de siempre...a menos que quieras que en cada reuni?n digan :" Se acuerdan cuando Daniel hablaba como vieja? Pero si nunca ha hablado como hombre jajajajaja" - -Rayos que gran poder de convencimiento tienes, no has pensado en dedicarte a las ventas...o a las estafas?- -Miralo como una oportunidad para entender mejor a las mujeres poni?ndote literalmente en su lugar.Cuando todo esto acabe tendr?s todas las herramientas para conquistarlas facilmente y salir de la FriendZone - -Tu cre?s?- -Claro que si, no hay nada que ame m?s una mujer que un hombre que la comprende de verdad- -Bueno ya que! Ay?dame a arreglarme- Daniel eligi? un pantal?n una blusa olgada y unos zapatos de abuelita - listo! ahora algo de maquillage y...- - No puedes salir as?, y menos en una primera cita!- - Pero voy en plan de "solo amigos"- - Si quieres entender en realidad a las mujeres tienes que hacer todo lo que hacemos al salir por primera vez con alguien, tienes que arreglarte, verte hermosa y darte a desear-- - Pero yo no quiero que me desee- - Quieres entender a las mujeres si o no?- - Pues s?- - Entonces haz todo lo que te digo. Primero vamos a ver cu?les son tus principales atractivos?. Veamos tienes piernas flacas no tienes busto que mostrar as? que te pondr?s estas medias negras para que se vean mas atractivas tus piernas, zapatos de tac?n alto para que resalten las pompis, tienes que verte natural as? que te pondr? estas extensiones, no olvides la faja y este vestido o no tiene escote as? que te esconder? muy bien los rellenos en tu brasier . Ahora c?mbiate para que te maquille- Cuando Julieta termino con Daniel este parec?a una chica de Entre 25 y 28 a?os Cuando Julieta termino con Daniel este parec?a una chica de Entre 25 y 28 a?os - Te ves muy bien pero no s?, siento como que te falta algo... ya se! unos lindos aretes- - Pero no tengo las orejas perforadas no tendr?s unos de Clip- - Tenia varios paro anoche terminaste de perder el ultimo par que me quedaba - - Y si voy sin aretes?- - Ay No seas chill?n, ponte este hielo mientras esterilizo la aguja. Listo ya te perfore las 2 ahora por si acaso tomate este antibi?tico- - Pero que no estaba la aguja esterilizada!- - S? pero es por si acaso. Y por ?ltimo ponte esta cadena de oro. Mira ya lleg? arturo - -Mejor mejor dile que no estoy, dile que soy enfermo no me siento bien- Julieta abri? la puerta para recibir a Arturo . - Hola Dani te ves hermosa !. Nos vamos?- y le ofreci? su brazo. Daniel no tuvo m?s que apoyarse ya que los tacones eran m?s altos de los que est? usando, cuando un bajando las escaleras en el departamento casi se cae pero por suerte iba agarrado del brazo de Arturo as? as? que para terminar de bajar las escaleras sin caerse tuvo que seguir apoyandose en el brazo de Arturo. Daniel para sus adentros pens?- cielos lo que menos quer?a era tener contacto f?sico, malditas escaleras!- Primero fueron al cine - Quieres ver una pel?cula rom?ntica Dany?- A Daniel se me encendieron todos los focos rojos en su cabeza donde primero le iban a tomar la mano luego lo iban a abrazar y por ?ltimo se se acabar?an besando como todas las dem?s parejas. - No no no mejor veamos esa- - Esa es de terror. Est?s segura?- - A mi me divierten, adem?s todo es falso s?lo es maquillaje y prosteticos- Pero la pel?cula era de terror "psicol?gico" creando en la sala de cine un ambiente tenso y t?trico que no era nada divertido. Ademas como El vestido de Daniel no ten?a mangas y llevaba una falda muy corta con el fr?o del aire acondicionado y el el miedo que le daba la pel?cula se le puso la pies de gallina.En un aparte de la pel?cula hablaban de que se aparec?a una mujer vestida de blanco unos minutos despu?s unas filas abajo de ellos vieron vieron como se levantaba una mujer p?lida vestida de blanco y Dani creyendo que era el fantasma del que hablaban lanz? tremendo grito de terror, fue tan fuerte que asust? a toda la sala e hizo que casi todos gritaran de miedo. Todo esto alter? un poco a Dany, tanto que Arturo tuvo que abrazarla para tranquilizarla. Dany penso-Hay que calientito est?, ya me estaba muriendo de fr?o pero esto se siente reconfortante-De inmediato reaccion? al recordar que un hombre lo estaba abrazando. No quer?a que Arturo lo abrazara, no fuera a creer que era una se?al para que lo besara!Pero Dany sent?a mucho fr?o y al no tener nada con que cubrirse solo le quedaba calentarse con Arturo tambi?n pens? en salirse de la sala pero la pel?cula estaba muy interesante y no quer?a irse sin saber c?mo terminaba, as? que mejor decidi? aclarar las cosas con su acompa?ante. -No vayas a pensar otra cosa, lo que pasa es que tengo fr?o, y no traje nada para cubrirme- - Por m? no hay problema Yo tambi?n tengo fr?o, as? que espero que t? tampoco vayas a pensar otra cosa de m?- los dos sonrieron y entendieron que s?lo se iban abrazar como amigos. Al estar abrazados sinti? el aroma de la loci?n de Arturo que era agradable, reconfortante y c?lido-mmm hueles tan rico- de inmediato se dio cuenta que hablo sin pensar ; que hab?a dicho! Y porque lo dijo en voz alta!- Esteeee me refiero a tu loci... Al estar abrazados sinti? el aroma de la loci?n de Arturo que era agradable, reconfortante y c?lido-mmm hueles tan rico- de inmediato se dio cuenta que hablo sin pensar ; que hab?a dicho! Y porque lo dijo en voz alta! - Esteeee me refiero a tu loci?n- - Est?s segura que s?lo estamos abrazados como amigos?- - Disc?lpame es que desde hace d?as no s? porqu? tengo muy sensible el olfato y eso me altera un poco y a veces no s? lo que digo cada vez que detect? un olor agradable o desagradable- - Bueno creo que despu?s de lo que dijiste voy a comprarme dos botes de la misma loci?n jajaja- Despu?s de que termina la pel?cula Dany sent?a culpa por haber abrazado a otro hombre y mas verg?enza por haberle dicho que ol?a rico . Qu? le estaba pasando porque de repente se hab?a vuelto friolento! ?l que se sentaba en los lugares m?s fr?os donde le diera el aire acondicionado para no sentir calor. Ser?a este un efecto secundario de la medicina que le dio el doctor... Fueron a cenar a un restaurante que estaba dentro del centro comercial donde estaba el cine, era una de sus franquicias de restaurant bar de comida italiana. Arturo noto que Dani estaba un poco apenada por todo lo que hab?a pasado en el cine empez? a hablar de cosas que a ella le pudieran gustar para que se relajara. As? que le pregunt? que si le gustaba la m?sica cl?sica? quien era su compositor favorito, que s? sab?a tocar un instrumento etc?tera... Dany se sinti? relajado al no tener que centrar la pl?tica en su vida ya que iba a tener que decir muchas mentiras sobre una vida de mujer que no ten?a pero la m?sica era su vida y su pasi?n y hablar de este tema hizo que la velada fuera mas agradable. Llegaron a casa de Julia -Me la pas? muy bien Dany, sabes hace a?os que no sal?a con una amiga- -y eso?,cre? que eras muy sociable- -Es que ten?a una novia que demandaba tanta atenci?n.... que ya no quer?a que me juntara con mis amigos, as? que perd? contacto con ellos , y era tan celosa que me ten?a prohibido tener amigas- -Ella te regalo ese anillo de oro blanco con el Dragon Vikingo?- -As? que tambi?n eres conocedora de la cultura vikinga? Genial ya tenemos algo mas de que platicar cuando volvamos a salir- -No evadas la pregunta o voy a pensar otra cosa- -No, ella no me lo dio, no es de oro es de acero y lo compre en un viaje con unos amigos a Diamarca, a ella no le gustaba , as? que lo deje de usar,ella quer?a que fuera mas sofisticado para "estar a su altura", decia que usara ropa mas elegante y de marca porque as? me ve?a como un mediocre; deje de ser yo mismo por complacerla y aun as? me dejo....-Y Arturo se puso triste y melanc?lico -Yo tambi?n estuve en una relaci?n as?.....con un hombre.. celoso...e inseguro, tambi?n dure mucho tiempo con depresi?n por su culpa, pero bueno as? son las personas toxicas- - Si, ella era toxica..creo- Y suspiro. -Aun no la superas verdad?- -No....pero por hoy dejemos de hablar de cosas tristes, hoy me quiero ir a dormir con el recuerdo de que nos la pasos muy bien y que la siguente vez hablaremos de vikingos y espadas. Adios- Arturo se quiso despedir de beso, pero Dany se quiso hacer a un lado para evitarlo , para su mala suerte movi? la cabeza hacia el lado que ven?a el beso y en lugar de la mejilla Arturo lo beso en los labios qued?ndose los dos sorprendidos. - Perd?n, es que como soy zurdo siempre doy el beso en por mi izquierda- Dany no sab?a que hacer as? que se meti? corriendo al departamento cerrando la puerta. Arturo le hablo desde afuera- Est?s bien?- -Si , solo...estoy apenada, me la pas? muy bien. Esteeee..estoy cansada hablamos luego byee- Julia se levant? al o?r tanto alboroto y vio a Dany haciendo una rabieta. - Que te paso, est?s bien?- -Claro que no estoy bien porque nos besamos!- - Y te gust?? Qu? tal besa? Ya son novios? - - Claro que no! Estoy muy enojado porque no tengo ni una semana como mujer y ya me ha besado con dos hombres, qu? pasa que tengo tan mala suerte?- - Ya tranquil?zate Dani ma?ana vas a tu casa te viste de hombre y te olvidas de todo porque estudias de todo hasta el fin de semana- - Qu? es cuando voy a tener que volver a ser mujer. No, yo creo que mejor le voy a pedir a Pedro un descanso por este mes ya no puedo seguir as?. Cuando Dany fue a recoger vestido que dejo tirado en el ba?o para echarlo en el bote de la ropa sucia y noto que tenia un olor raro era la loci?n que le gusto tanto, as? que lo olio por ultima ves -uhmmmm Arturo!- y sonri? ....-Pero porque que rayos dije eso!-y avent? enojado el vestido al bote. Dany estaba so?ando que iba caminando por la calle en la noche vestido de mujer, de repente sent?a fri? pero alguien llego a abrazarlo, era Arturo pero se sinti? incomodo y se alejo de el: Arturo se volvi? a acercar a el y esta vez ol?a delicioso, la abrazo, luego le beso el cuello y le dijo-Besame Danny!-mientras la acariciaba -No puedo hacelo, soy un hombre!- -No me importa, para mi tu eres una diosa!-y le volvi? a besar el cuello mientras le acariciaba la espalda y los brazos- -No puedo, al?jate... alguien nos puede ver- -Mira bien, no hay nadie, estamos solos!- Arturo tenia raz?n, la calle estaba sola y fue entonces cuando lo beso apasionadamente para luego entregase al deseo sobre el pasto-hazme tuya....- - Al d?a siguiente Daniel se desperto muy confundido. Que clase de pesadilla fue esa? y que hacia abrazado el vestido que se supon?a hab?a echado al bote de la ropa sucia anoche? -Solo fue un sue?o, solo fue un sue?o, no significa nada.... lo mejor sera ponerme algo de ropa de hombre para olvidar todo. Julia no has visto mi pantal?n y mi camisa?- -El s?bado qu? fuimos a tu casa dejaste ah? y todas tus cosas y s?lo te trajiste tus tarjetas de cr?dito y algo de dinero.- -Entonces qu? me pongo?- -Usa la ropa que te pusiste ayer-y Daniel miro el vestido que aun tenia aun en su mano con el aroma de Arturo y lo avento lejos -Ya no quiero usar ropa de mujer- -Pues yo no tengo nada limpio que prestarte, ya no chilles llegando a la casa te cambias y te pones lo que quieras - Asi que no le quedo de otra m?s que volver a usar ropa de mujer. Camino a su casa Daniel solo penzaba en ponerse una pantalon de mezclilla, unos zapatos y arreglarse lo mas varonil posible. Pero al llegar a su casa Daniel solo encontr? un mont?n de escombros. - Pero que rayo paso aqu??- Un vecino que iba pasando le contesto - es la casa que explot?-- Exploto mi casa Un vecino que iba pasando le contesto - es la casa que explot?- - Exploto mi casa ..pero cuando- -Como? no sabe ?. paso hace dos d?as. Hasta sali? en la tele, dicen que el due?o se suicid? haciendo explotar su casa con el adentro ..que loco?-

Same as La corista capitulo 2 Videos

3 years ago
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The Rescue of HMS BeverlyChapter 5 On the Bridge after the Order of the Strap

I went to the bridge and ordered Mother to dock with the next passenger compartment. Sally had followed me to the bridge and noticed a couple of things needing attention. It was all she could do to keep her hands off the controls. Finally after noticing my amused look and realizing I knew what was going on, she asked if she could handle the problems. I said, "Sure, but if there are any serious problems tell me immediately". They were normal maintenance items that could have waited, but I...

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The Wonderland

Hi, all thank you for your great support by liking my previous story. I decided to do something different this time and make you all horny. For my introduction I am Rocky 23 years old, stand about 5.6 ft tall and with an athletic body. Have a nice shaped and big cock that would satisfy any women and I totally love oral sex before the main course. Well the story I am going to narrate now is not a real one, but one instruction to all the readers, put yourself in the position of the characters in...

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Dude we totally did it

So one day, I saw this hot cunt walking down the hall in the math building at college. I was like, "HEY! Ya cunt! Get over here!" "Excuse me?!" she said. Oh damn I smacked that bitch so fucking hard and said, "BITCH! If you EVER talk back to me again I'm gonna fucking kill you!" "Yes sir," the cunt said. So, I whipped out my 11 inch fucking beast of a cock, and shoved it down her throat. The bitch started gagging and choking, but damnit I don't give a fuck. She was...

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Tea and Strumpet Chapter 8

It had been almost a month since Chelsea had been collared and living with her Professor and Master was more than she could have ever hoped it would be. She was taking her new role as a submissive seriously and he couldn’t be prouder of her improvement. She was learning new things almost daily and putting them into practice right away. Yes Chelsea was becoming quite a well-trained and obedient submissive. It would seem as though Professor Diederich had chosen his assistant and his submissive...

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Working Late

Phil Cooper was a single man aged twenty-eight and he had quite a bit of work he needed to get done urgently in his office. More and more of his colleagues left for the day until he was the only one left in the building. He lived alone and he had no plans so he decided to get as much work done that evening as possible.It was now about eight o'clock in the evening and fifty-four-year-old Ruby Butcher had just arrived to clean the offices. It was unusual but not unheard of for someone to be still...

Office Sex
4 years ago
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Camping guest2

..Danielle then gave me an amazing blowjob, and afterwards told me that Debbie was lucky, since Danielle's husband would never eat her after fucking. I told her that Debbie and I had talked about a threesonecwith her, but wanted to wait till after the house sold before approaching that subject with her. She laughed, and said that she had made a pass at Debbie, but Debbie didn't seem interested. I told her that if I hadn't been turned on by watching her, then I probably wouldn't have joined...

4 years ago
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Weekend Slave Girl

Some years I had the following ad in a Danish Adult magazine called Weekend Sex! I want to write about the result from the ad! 09-05 AREA: Married girl, 32/170/80, seeks with my husband's permission a well-hung man, who likes to have a visit from a willing sexslave in the weekend. I like most kinds of sex, but not urine and HARD S/M. Drop a note telling me a little about how you are going to treat me. Answers with photo and return stamps will be answered first, but all letters with...

1 year ago
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Submissive Parking

The day has been long with anticipation. We've been talking for a few weeks and your imagination has been running wild with intrigue. It is finally time to meet, and you have dressed to impress. As you look in the mirror, satisfaction and confidence coarse through your veins. Hair...perfect, a tight top to accentuate the curves of your breasts, a skirt that is hemmed mid-thigh, and underneath; a sultry seductive set of lingerie. Yes, you are ready! We have decided to meet at a local park and...

3 years ago
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Train Ride part 2

Shit. That’s what this day has become, a giant tub of shit and dreams. The single light in the cart flickers at the very end. My panties are nearly soaked through and only getting worse. She was silent sitting across from me, I refuse to meet her eyes, nervous as hell, and almost panting from anxiety and the thought of doing something petty. What if I got up and pretended to fall or trip and land on her lap. Put on the sexy innocent face jutting out my lower lip into a sexy pout. She...

4 years ago
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Leading The Blind

Trust me. Close your eyes, and give me your mouth. My lips touch yours, just the lightest, lightest brush, and I carefully deepen the kiss. Your lips are so soft, so wet… I take your lower lip between mine, just a gentle pressure, and suck lightly… no tongue yet, just the feel of your lips against mine. Then the tip of my tongue teases its way over your lip and you feel it… a teasing spark that moves up your spine, diffusing itself through your most intimate parts. Everything becomes...

3 years ago
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Wild Animal Adventure Part 1

So when I turned 15, I started having very strong sexual urges. Id touch myself quite alot. Id stay in my room and pinch my nipples and rub my clit and tease my pussy, but Id never actually finger myself as I was still a virgin and a little nervous to do so. When I turned 17, I knew I was ready for my first time. It was with my boyfriend Clark. My parents work really late so I took him home after school ( we were seniors ) and after some messing around on the couch I took him into my room and...

3 years ago
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Sex with the Ex

Let me start by telling you a bit about myself. I am 46 and I have been divorced 7 years. My mother died 6 months ago and I just learned that my current husband of 6 years is a 20 year alcoholic. So I am in the right mood to just explode in a million pieces. My first husband David is hot and hunky with very well developed arms and a cute behind. He is well endowed in the manly area and knows how to use it. He could screw me for what seemed like hours, and sometimes was, but one day close to...

3 years ago
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Allan Amy Tonya

Allan, Amy & Tonya When I entered Allan’s Living room, I saw Allan had a visitor. Her back was facing me so I could not guess who she was. Allan introduced me to Tonya, one of his friends which I suppose he had screwed many times before. She was the petite type but very gorgeous. She wore a short tight blue dress with straps showing her black bra straps. Her shoulder looked decoratively beautiful with the mixture of blue and black straps mingling into each other displaying a sensuous figure....

2 years ago
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Winters Kiss

So it was when she entered the room. I had gone back to college after a hiatus to start a family, and was having a very difficult time juggling job and home and school. The job and the home life were both miserable but I had high hopes for education and it got me out of the house two nights a week. I sat, that first evening, in the middle of the last row, watching the other students enter, check their schedules to make sure this was the right room, and find an optimum place to sit....

2 years ago
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El SobadorChapter 4

Whoever says males aren't intuitive should do a study of high school girls' ex-boyfriends. The new bane of my existence, Reggie, made my life hell the next day. He arranged with his buddies to partner me the entire day. The coordinators were, of course, oblivious to how often Reggie had to redo trust exercises when I was the one doing the trusting. At least for the personal stuff, I lied my ass off, though it only aggravated Reggie since he was too keen on torturing me to separate the lies...

3 years ago
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Dark as Ivory 3

It took the entire ride to a parking garage but by the time he parked I was a little more coherent again. And it was mostly thanks to that hotter than hell sports car he had that I started coming back to reality. Otherwise I might have just stared at Flatline some more, like a fucking idiot. But when I saw his car, my eyes went wide. “Woah. Bitching ride. What made you decide on it?” He grinned and then I was talking to him easily because I wasn’t looking at him, instead distracted by the...

2 years ago
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I wake to my head pounding horribly, making me moan. Eyes still closed, I suddenly realize my shoulders feel achey from the way my arms are pinned above my head- Pinned? I try to jerk my arms down to no avial as metal bites into my wrists, bruising. My eyes snap open but all is still dark and panic starts to rise in my throat making me choke. Where am I? When did I even go to sleep? I panic. It's then I feel my nipples harden as a small chilly breeze brushes them and I realize that I am naked....

3 years ago
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Riding the train

Robert continues to force me to become even more of a slut. The latest involved my best friend Miriam, the other married white wife named Rachelle, and three of Robert's friends, including Six-pack, whom I had been with previously. This time my husband was not out of town. Robert told me I had to make myself available, so the only option was to blatantly lie, and tell Walter that I needed to stay over at Miriam's for the night. When he asked, I gave him a lame story about her and Roland...

2 years ago
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Delhi Delinquants

I sat on my couch, taking a break from my house cleaning. I had on a pair of short, cut off jeans that my white ass cheeks hung out the bottom of, and a half tee shirt with no bra underneath. My big white 44DD tits almost hung out the bottom of it, but it didn't help keep me any cooler. The extreme summer heat still battered me. By lunch time, with all the condensation running down my body, I looked like I was standing under Niagara Falls. I cleaned my house all morning, working up a real...

1 year ago
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Lonely people all around the world who can’t seem to find themselves a real-life girl or fuck buddy are the mass that makes the porno industry thrive. There wouldn’t be so many popular XXX websites on the internet were it not for hormonal teenage boys & lonely dudes who need to jerk their dick in front of a computer screen in order to keep their mental health in check. With this in mind, you could say that jerking off to porn is a way to keep yourself healthy, and once you start seeing the...

Pornstar Databases
4 years ago
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chance encounter

Our cars pulls from the interstate, a thirty minute drive with hardly a word spoken. My wife and I seem to be going through one of those ruts couples go through after twenty years of marriage. I just want to get this doctors visit over and get back to the golf course. As we exit our vehicle, her white Chevy 2500 truck pulls into space next to us. As she gets out of her truck, our eyes meet for the first time. I nod as if to say, 'hello' and she smiles to return the pleasantries. She opens the...

Wife Lovers
3 years ago
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Christmas Day Fucking

Daddy came into my room with a big red bow tied around his dick and said "Merry Christmas". I laughed and said to him that I like this present. I walked over to him and bent over to suck on him. First, I pulled the bow string with my teeth and pulled the bow right off of him. I squatted and got on my knees. I went to grab him and daddy said that he's going to tie my hands behind my back. So, he did just so with his red ribbon, then came back in front of me and told me to suck his dick.I...

2 years ago
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Asian Female Supremacy

Hi my name is Leiko Tanaka. I am a Japanese girl and I like Gaijns. Well that is a too simplistic introduction of my person. One may add that I have an erotic interest in European and American guys, well build athletic, well hung guys to be precise. Yet this is wrong too as I am not the usual little Asian slut lusting for big Gaijns to fuck her. No, I am interested in something else: I like to tease and deny them, make them succumb to my will, follow my foul orders, becoming my total obedient...

4 years ago
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The Beauty of Japan 2 Best man

Waking up after such a dominate evening i call Ana and make sure everything is all right. I have so much to do still and it's going to take alot of time. I told her it would be a few days but the truth is, I have to stay till May. She will be so disappointed when I tell her. I have never lied to her until now. I leave at about six in the morning to get to work. i have alot to do. On my way out of the hotel i see the bell boy. He smiles at me devilishly. I have a feeling he'll be...

4 years ago
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The Bad Girls Club Chapter 4

"Oh, my Go-uack!" was all Kim got out before I shoved my nine-inch cock down her pretty throat.I pushed in as deep as I could go before her gag reflex kicked in and she bucked and turned her head, trying to dislodge my cock. I pulled back out and she choked and coughed. "You mean to tell me that for all your smart ass talk and all your bragging, you can't deepthroat a cock? You aren't much of a slut, are you? Hell, you barely got half of me in your mouth! What would the guys say if they found...

2 years ago
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Father Fucks Wife and Son

Father Fucks Wife and Son----------Another Thursday night, and I was again taking out the trash to the alleyway. Ever since I had been old enough to ask for an allowance, Dad told me that if the trash were carried outside to the container, I would be paid an allowance. I do not even remember how much it was and did not really care anyways. It was the perfect getaway, a reason to get outside in the evenings and just enjoy myself.It was always dark when I deposited the trash in the container. The...

3 years ago
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Without You

5:27 - Jessica is walking down her own street when she suddenly sees Wayne. He is wearing camo and running shoes. “You’re violating the order of protection.” “Life isn’t worth living without you.” 5:28 - She is running away. 5:28:37 - Much too late, she is screaming. 5:28:43 - Wayne is grabbing her shoulder and covering her mouth. 5:28:49 -- She is feeling a pinprick on her shoulder. Then, for a period she can’t measure, she is feeling nothing. 6:17 - Jessica is slowly waking up lying on...

3 years ago
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The Other Side Of MeChapter 9A

Tiredly, Frank leaned over the side of the boat, staring at the dark, glistening surface of the water as it passed over his hand, his fingers leaving a small wake next to the boat. The sound of the engine was no more than a hum in his ears now, and the setting sun cast an orange hue in the air that left him feeling a little too warm, and even more so disoriented as they circled one cove after another. Frank was feeling awkward with his company. Asking who Oliver was had been a mistake. At...

3 years ago
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Friend to crush to friendzoned cuck part 10

Some time had passed since I last hung out with Sarah. She seemed to want to go back to our old ways of friendship, so I think she was starting to avoid me. We would text here and there, but nothing too much. If she wanted to go back to a normal friendship, then I would accept that, although I would be a little sad about it.In the meantime, I was frequently joining in with Rachel and Eric. It was always so hot watching them. Sometimes it was so passionate, other times it was rough fucking. They...

3 years ago
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Katherine Heigelss Close Encounter of the Wolf KindChapter 13

Katherin Heigle, already trembling at the crest, jerked and rose to an even higher peak, her prolonged orgasm growing to unknown heights, reaching peaks she had never attained before. Her cunt clenched fiercely and her cock-hungry mouth overflowed. The two wolves pounded away, pouring the lava of their lupine lust into her in torrents. Katherine's cunt sucked, pulling more cum from the wolf's cockhead as he slithered into her drenched fuck tunnel, and her lips pulled greedily on the second...

2 years ago
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The Spirit is WillingChapter 8

Dreaming of Jeremy kissing me, and actually having him kiss me, were two entirely different things. In this time period, young men did not kiss young women whom they had just met, and never without permission, unless they were engaged. Jeremy's kiss meant that either he was not the gentleman that he pretended to be, or, that he felt that I was not a proper young lady, but rather one that he could take liberties with. Either way, I was extremely dismayed. Regardless of the sexual values of...

3 years ago
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Our StoryPart 6 The Competition

Life was busy with new work for the both Sue and me. Her big sexual experience with the Englishman had begun to fade and we didn't have any new experiences for sometime. Sue was dressing as sharp as ever, complementing her petite 5'4" body. Her skirts were well above the knee, and most always, those firm 34B tits without a bra. Our friend Sandy had now taken a new view of Sue, as he had detected the distinct scent of sex on her when she had returned home from her liaison with Geoffrey....

3 years ago
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HootersChapter 6

Inside the room in the stern of the craft, Noaha and the Mini didn't see anything but an empty room, until Noaha decided to stand on the deck. When Noaha's feet touched the deck a ripple began to shimmer outward and a portion of the deck began to bulge upward at the other end of the room. As they watched, the bulge became a rounded form filling the end of the room, which then stopped. After a moment, noises began to issue from the general direction of the form. The sounds stopped, then...

2 years ago
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My cousin and I were born in 68/69 respectively. We started experimenting during the summer of 77. This experimenting led to many firsts for both of us and the ability to please others and know what we wanted sexually for ourselves. It all started out slowly while taking baths and showers together that summer. We started by watching each other masturbate and then eventually joining in with each other for mutual masturbation. I remember the first time my cousins hand rapped around my hard...

3 years ago
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Smellyboysmellyboy Jonothons a smellyboy

Introduction: Nobody in seventh grade likes Jonothon. Nobody likes a boy that stinks. I am Jonothon. I am twelve years old, and I am that kid in class who never washes and never changes his clothes. I wear the same skintight cottonshirt every day, and like a pair of thin tights like medieval people wear. The shirt and the tights are damp and stained off my sweaty body. Im also kinda soiled at the back, if you know what I mean. My body stinks of B.O. and fish and faeces. My arm pits are...

2 years ago
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The Omega PathChapter 30 In the Dark and In the Air

"There's no need to cry," Ada said to Joey. Joey shook and teared as he rode in the back of the limousine. He felt bruised, almost shattered, and he clutched his struggling dog tightly, trying to draw some level of comfort from the animal. Scrappy just growled and kicked in his jacket, obviously not liking where he was. But Joey's mind was elsewhere. Within the last hour he had realized that his powers were not under his control, that he had been programming both himself and all the...

3 years ago
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Something For Him

I know this is short but it was a request written under a very short deadline... may add more laterRising from the sofa without a word I move to the door and click the lock in place as you watch me from your seat. Turning off the main light I walk to were you sit and stop. Positioning my self in front of you I look down at you on the couch wondering if you have figured out my secret but your face gives nothing away. Leaning over I make sure you have a clear view down my shirt as I flip on the...

Oral Sex
3 years ago
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I’d been thinking it over. What would it be like with another guy. Just to try it. Just to see. I’m married and pretty happy but thoughts of mutual wanking and cock-sucking had been going through my head. I got horny watching gay porn and imagining my mouth wrapped around a hard cock growing in my mouth. I hadn’t done anything about it, except for one experience in an Amsterdam porn theatre. (see my other stories) The thought of that got me pounding hard and I couldn’t stop pulling off and...

2 years ago
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Charlie and the Factory Ch 2

About a week later, I started thinking about her again. Why was I thinking about her? Daisy… I mean, Charlie was actually a stripper at a strip club I went to. And I actually had an inkling she was one.“You know where I am, Daddy. Ask for Charlie…”The way she said that turned me on so much. I wanted more of her. Knowing the consequences, I still wanted it. So, when I told my boys…“Wait. Daisy’s a stripper? And you fucked her?” My best friend Bruce said. I nodded in affirmation.“Daisy? Dirty...

2 years ago
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Masishen EvolutionChapter 40 Evidence and Confirmation

Evidence and Confirmation Acting President Aaron Bronstein became President on a cold, blustery day in Washington DC, before a small assemblage of invited guests, one television camera and one microphone that would serve a press pool for the national and world media. An extraordinarily uncomfortable and nervous Acting Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, who herself had been appointed to her position only three days prior, presided. "Do you solemnly swear... " the oath...

2 years ago
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A Naked Ride Home

Steve had been listening to the song earlier in the evening. There was no doubt that was where he got the idea from, but the fact that he actually asked her to do it... well, that probably shocked him more than it did Lynn. It was definitely out of character for him to ask someone he’d just met to strip off their clothes. They were at a friend’s party and she had been flirting with him all evening. This was no hardship for Steve as Lynn was fun, and very pretty. She was petite and...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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Virgin AirChapter 3

Lana and I sat quietly. At first it was a pleasant silence, but then Lana could feel I was tensing up. Before she could ask what I was thinking about the thump and rattle was heard again. This time there were two carts in each aisle. Dinner. Reading lights flicked on throughout the cabin as the main lights rose as well. A deceptively good smell flowed around, teasing the senses of passengers when there was nothing to appease them. When the cart arrived at our row, I recognized the stewardess...

3 years ago
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Innocent Indian Mother

This is a true story that happened 3 years ago. My mother is a typical Indian woman, I never thought of her as beautiful, just normal, she always wore sari's that were quite baggy, she was 36 years old and I was 19, she had brought me up by herself as my father died before I was born, due to a accident at work, She was a dutiful mother and at no time did I see her show any interest in another man. We had our own business dealing in groceries, the shop was very profitable, and we had no money...

3 years ago
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After Bathtime with Daddy

My mom and Daddy are now upstairs, kinda fighting cuz mom caught you and I together. Daddy Is telling mom that I was moaning and groaning when he got home from work and he went down the steps to see if I was alright. To his surprise, I was playing with myself and she had caught me(daddy) with my hand on my cock. Daddy as explaining everything to her and the next thing I heard....there were moaning and groaning noises. I just laid on my bed, listening to them have sex. Daddy made sure that...

3 years ago
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Daughters DelightsChapter 10 Nicola

In order to help the new undergraduates in the Department of Mathematics to become acquainted, it was the custom that some form of party in the main lecture theatre would be held. The authorities protested as usual, and as usual finally agreed to the format and the party was held on the middle Friday night of term. Naturally, Princess Sharifa was the biggest person of interest for the male students. It was while she was with a bright but boring student that she first noticed the young woman...

4 years ago
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SandcastlesChapter 46

To say I had their undivided attention when I announced that a 'Family Day' would be held the following day would be a bit of an understatement. Two of the four pairs of gorgeous eyes riveted on me were full of curiosity. Apparently, I had hit upon the one topic Sally and Janey had failed to discuss ad nausea with Nicole and Simone. The other two pairs of eyes, more familiar with these special days, had glints of excitement and glee twinkling in them. It had been about a week — eight days,...

4 years ago
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My First Ride of Spring

I woke early. I only had a few days left to my vacation, and up until now it had rained most everyday this week. I poured myself a coffee and went out on the deck. It was still a bit chilly, but the sun was coming up and there didn’t appear to be any clouds in the sky. Being the 3 rd week in April it was about time we had a nice day, so far it was a wet chilly spring. It’s going to be a good day for a ride. I finished my coffee and went inside to take a shower and shave. I grabbed a clean...

2 years ago
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Arent you afraid P12

Snoke continues. "You will capture the girl and make her your apprentice." Kylo tried to hide his frustration. Grateful for his mask. "I fear she won't obey me." "That is beside the point. Your very presence will drive her to the dark side. You will teach her to obey as one teaches a pet." "A Jedi is a dangerous pet." "That she is. That is why you have to break her. Train her first to obey your every command. Train her to serve you." Kylo nodded. He felt… uncertain. But he knew...

2 years ago
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holiday suprise

Got back from a sunny week in Fuerteventura yesterday. After a disapointing Christmas I was sorely looking forward to a week of peace in the sun.Armed with books and an ipod I settled into a very nice hotel 95% full of Germans so chatting at the bar was stilted to say the least but friendly all the same.I explored the nearby beaches and was stunned by the amount of naturists. All shapes, sizes and ages but mostly (very mostly) plump and mature. To be honest though my thoughts were that if they...

3 years ago
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Lushful Encounter

Note: This is a true story. However, the name of other member has been changed due to privacy reasons.Going all day, not hearing from my boyfriend made for a very lonely day; not to mention an even lonelier night. So, I sign on to Lush Stories to see what excitement can be found. Little did I know, tonight was going to be a very erotic night as I was going to have some special online interaction with another lush member. Seeing that I have a few messages, I click on the envelope that brought me...

3 years ago
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Fucking Around With Her

p Rated StoriesMy Favorite Posts & StoriesMobile StoriesPost Story!CategoriesAnalBDSMCelebritiesFetishFirst TimeGay MaleGroup SexHardcoreInterracial SexLesbian SexMasturbationMatureSex HumorShemalesTabooVoyeurStories RankingsTop RatedMost ViewedMost CommentedTop AuthorsScrewing my Step-sisterThe thought of watching his step-sister screw, excited Justin. She was a cute girl, blonde with big blue eyes and a cute smile. She had had sex before, and he always wondered what it would be like...

4 years ago
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Fishing for Cock

As dinner cooked, we drank freely and talked about our lives back in civilization. Turned out we were both sports nuts, had a passion for fine wine, and had attended the same college. Jake owned a sporting goods store in Colorado Springs that specialized in rock climbing and mountaineering equipment.As the booze took effect and we filled our bellies with the bounty of the land, the talk turned again to sex.“So your wife doesn’t fulfill you sexual needs?” Jake asked. “What’s that all about? You...

2 years ago
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Treating Maddie

I’m a nurse, 48, married with two c***dren, and I help chaperone a cheerleading team that was in the state finals. The team captain, Maddie, had a hip injury, so we decided I would room with Maddie to make sure she got the necessary treatments. For her last treatment before bedtime, Maddie changed into a snug football jersey that reached mid-thigh.“Ready?” I asked.“Yes Mrs. P, I’m all yours,” Maddie said.“Please, Maddie, you can call me Laura,” I said. Maddie smiled. “OK, nurse Laura, I’m...

2 years ago
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My Life With Boyfriend And Friends 8211 Part 1

Hi my name is Priya and I am here to share my experience. Me and my bf were studying B.Tech and staying in live in relationship for 3 years in Mumbai. But for higher education i had to move to Delhi. We meet almost every month, Sometimes I go to Mumbai or he comes to Delhi. In Delhi I am doing MBA from IIPM, and Its my 2nd yr.Here I made many friends but i am really close to Amit. We often go for movies, dinner and we do our assignments together. He knows about my bf and they often meet when my...

2 years ago
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A different week end in the woods

A different week end in the woods On summer Anita and I borrowed from some friends a nice cottage in the woods. We both had a free week end and got there to get away from the noisy city… On the second day we went to spend the afternoon at a near lake. Ana told me she wanted to swim, but I preferred to stay at the banks. She said nobody could mind if she went naked into the lake and so she did, smiling as she dived into the water. After a while she came over me smiling, but then her smile...

3 years ago
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Mere Dhokebaj Gf Ki Mom Meri Nayi Gf Ban Gayi

By : Nilammamu Hum log phone sex kartethe mager kabhi actuly nahi kiya ek din moka mila jab usake parents apne kamse gaon gaye 3 din ke liye tab use milane mai usake ghar gaya aur maine meri girlfiend ko usike ghar me choda lagatar 3 din o virgin thi us din se lekar lagbahg do sal tak jab bhi usake parents gaon ya kahi bahar jate the tab o mujhe apne ghar bulake chudwati thi use mere land kafi pasand tha aur shayd aj bhi hoga o use chuadyi ko yad karti hogi mujhe usaki gand marneme Bada maja...

4 years ago
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Our Daddys BakeryChapter 3

Mary and I both had to work on the twenty-sixth and she had to work the rest of the week, while I was off until Saturday. Lucky me, I had a chance to swap shifts and go in at three in the afternoon on Sunday. Wednesday evening, Mary was really distracted about something and Thursday she was even worse. Friday morning Mary was out of the house before I got up. Edith said, "Mommy was crying when she left. Did you hurt her?" "No, sweetheart, I didn't. Did she say anything about what her...

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