La Corista Capitulo 2 free porn video

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LA CORISTA CAPITULO 2 Julia y Daniel se fueron a descansar al departamento, llegaron agotados del show y solo quer?an descansar Daniel se quit? los rellenos y por fin pudo dejar salir sus partes masculinas para descansar, se desmaquillo, se quita la peluca y por fin se ech? a descansar. Al d?a siguiente - Qu? vamos a hacer hoy?- -Pues que sigas practicando con los tacones para que no pase lo de ayer- - Pues ya no pienso volver a vestirme de mujer!- -,Entonces vas a dejar colgado a Pedro que siempre nos ha apoyado? y luego que ? Vas a trabajar en una Hot Line usando esa voz sensual? - -La verdad no se que hacer, lo ?nico que se es que no quiero que pase algo como lo de ayer- -Pues sigue en el grupo, t? siempre me has dicho que es un trabajo que disfrutas, y que en esta banda si te sientes feliz, que el pago es justo, qu? Pedro es muy comprensivo. Asi que pr?ctica con los tacones! - Daniel le hizo caso a su hermana y estuvo practicando, como caminar, pasos de baile y como moverse m?s r?pido -Vas muy bien hermanito, ma?ana vamos a practicar como correr en tacones. Para el show de esta noche creo que te veras muy bien de pelirroja- - S? claro no hay problema, has que llame m?s la atenci?n... sobre todo de los hombres- Se llevaron todas sus cosas llegaron a la casa de Pedro, Julia maquillo otra vez a Daniel y le puso la peluca roja - listo ya termin? contigo, te ves muy sexy! - Fue una fiesta m?s, cantando en otra boda m?s, pero esta vez Daniel no se cay? ni tropeso. Pero su cabellera roja atrajo muchas miradas de los hombres lo cual le hac?a sentir inc?modo pero como nadie lo molesto lo dej? pasar. Cuando iban de regreso a casa Julia le pregunt?- a cu?ntos te ligaste hoy?- - C?mo de qu? hablas?- - Bueno es un juego que tenemos entre las coristas todas las noches contamos cu?ntos hombres creemos que se enamoran de nosotras- - Oye a m? no me interesa eso!- - Es s?lo un juego, no te lo tomes tan enserio, a menos que sea un chico rico y guapo jajaja- -No tienen otro juego que no implique hombres?- - Bueno, tenemos otro juego. quien m?s errores cometa en el Show recibe un castigo- -Y qu? clase de castigo dan?- - Tienes que hacer algo rid?culo algo que te d? verg?enza o una locura, por ejemplo hoy me tube que robar este arreglo floral- - Bueno pero si Tere no canta como saben que se equivoca?- - En su caso ella podr?a dar un mal paso o caerse... Y en tu caso ser?a todo lo antes mencionado jajaja- - No lo s? No estoy muy convencido no creo que sea para m?- - Vamos Int?ntalo no seas aguafiestas adem?s sirve para integrarnos mejor como grupo- - Est? bien lo har?, ma?ana diles que me apunto,por cierto quien desde quien se equivoc? m?s?- -Pues Pedrito, ya sabes c?mo es de perfeccionista, a ti y a Tere no Lee dijo nada porque son un caso especial, pero ahora que entren la juego ni creas que se va a tentar el coraz?n- C?mo ese fin de semana ten?an dos eventos al d?a Daniel se qued? con su hermana para ahorrar tiempo , poder descansar un poco y seguir practicando con los tacones ( pues no quer?a perder). Despu?s de terminar un Show para una comida llegaron a casa de Julia para descansar un poco antes del evento de esa noche -Sabes que Daniel vengo muerta creo que te vas a tener que quedar? unos d?as m?s en mi casa para que aprendas a maquillarte porque para m? es mucho trabajo prepararte a ti y a mi- -Si quieres puedo empezar a practicar con lo b?sico- - Bueno comienza practicando con el l?piz labial, m?rame y pon atenci?n, lo abres as?, luego lo pasas por tus labios los juntas as? y tiras un beso mua!- Daniel se qued? mirando su reflejo en el espejo se qued? pensando que cuando su hermana lo maquillaba el cerraba los ojos y cuando los volv?a a abrir por arte de magia se transformaba en mujer y ahora estaba ah? con un l?piz labial en sus manos. Practico alrededor de una hora se pintaba y se despintaba hasta que m?s o menos hab?a quedado bien.- creo que tengo unos labios hermosos mua!- Otra vez se lleg? la noche y se pusieron sus vestidos Daniel volvi? usar la peluca rubia. Con lo que hab?a estado practicando ya no se cay? tanto y tambi?n sent?a que estaba dominando m?s su voz femenina sent?a que ya le pod?a dar esos toques de sensualidad qu? algunas canciones requer?an. La fiesta se termin? y lleg? el momento de preguntarle a Pedro qui?n se hab?a equivocado m?s - A ver veamos; quiero decirles que todas hicieron un gran trabajo hoy pero se puede mejorar recuerden que ustedes propusieron este juego, recuerden no son cr?ticas, son ?reas de oportunidad. As? que la ganadora de esta noche es Daniela! Divi?rtase con ella muchachas- - Bueno y cu?l es mi castigo?- - Vas a tener que meterle a escondidas a cualquier muchacho mi ropa interior!- - Oye pero y si lo metemos en problemas qu? tal si es casado tiene novia?- - Bueno entonces tambi?n m?tele esa tarjeta con tu n?mero de celular, le escribimos que es solo una broma y que si tiene problemas te marque- Daniel salio a buscar a ver a qui?n le podr?a meter los calzones de Julia en el saco. Ten?a que hacerlo r?pido porque muchos de ellos ya se estaban marchando as? que se le ocurri? la idea de hacerlo en la salida d?nde estaba la gente amontonada y ah? hizo como que se tropez? (Y miren que ten?a mucha experiencia.) - Cuidado est? bien?- - S? gracias es que ando cansada y ya no aguanto los tobillos- - Si gusta yo la puedo acompa?ar a su auto?- - No se preocupe no hace falta s?lo andaba buscando a mis amigas a ver si estaban afuera pero ya las vi est?n por all?- - Igual dej? le acompa?o- - Por favor no se moleste...- - Al contrario ser? un placer ap?yese en mi brazo- Y as? Daniel ante la insistencia del joven lleg? con sus amigas agarrado de su brazo - Hola Daniela Qui?n es ese chico tan guapo que viene contigo?- - Ellas son Mari,Tere y Julia- - Ah! ustedes son las coristas! Cantan hermoso sobre todo esta hermosa chica que se llamaaaa?- -Daniel..a, pero me dicen Dany- - Si no est?s muy cansada me gustar?a invitarlas a la tornaboda, mi primo es el novio- - S?- dijo Julia con emoci?n- ma?ana ya no tenemos evento as? que podemos ir un rato- - Bueno si gustan yo las llev?, los cinco cabemos en mi auto- - Dani y yo nos quedemos aqu? con...- - Arturo, para servirles - - Mary y Tere av?senle a Pedrito que nos vamos a la tornaboda - Se fueron todas en el carro de Arturo y por si puesto todas se metieron en la aparte de atr?s para que Daniel fuera adelante. El ambiente estaba muy animado en la tornaboda, todos estaban bailando alegremente en c?rculo, cuando se sentaron a descansar Arturo se sent? al lado de Daniel -! Uf qu? calor! D?nde dej? mi pa?uelo?- Exclamo Arturo y busco en sus bolsillos con que secarse el sudor- cuando de repente encontr? algo muy extra?o- pero qu? es esto?- sacando el calz?n de julia; luego mir? a Daniel muy apenado-Te juro que no s? c?mo lleg? esto aqu?!- Las chicas al saber de qu? se trataba, se retiraron a una distancia segura donde adem?s pod?an escuchar la conversaci?n. Daniel estaba paralizado ya se le hab?a olvidado que le hab?a puesto eso en el saco, pero inmediato se tranquiliz? porque no hab?a forma de que Arturo supiera qui?n hab?a hecho esa travesura. - Creo que hay algo m?s en mi bolsillo, a ver veamos, es una tarjeta y trae un n?mero telef?nico-(que era el numero de Daniel)- dice si te metes en problemas marca este numero- - Ay no le des importancia! Quiz?s Fue una broma de uno de tus amigos, no hay nada de qu? preocuparse a menos claro que tengas novia o que seas casado- Arturo sonr?o le mostr? su mano sin anillos, sac? su cartera para que viera que no hab?a ninguna foto de una mujer-Hace tiempo que no tengo amigos-y sonri? t?midamente-Y como podr?s ver no tengo novia ni estoy casado. Pero qu? tal si Hubieran hecho est? travesura a una persona que si lo estuviera por menos de esto yo he visto personas que se han metido en problemas muy graves con su pareja, as? que l le voy a marcar a esa persona para decirle lo irresponsable e inmadura que es y que no es justo meter en problemas a personas inocentes- Daniel tenia que hacer algo para que no le marcara y descubrieraa que ?l era "la irresponsable" qu? le jug? esa broma, ten?a que hacer algo para que Arturo Se olvidar? del asunto y se relajara - Ya tranquil?zate Mira vente vamos a bailar- Daniel busco a la chicas para que sefueran todos a la pista, pero aquellas p?caras escuchar todo se fueron r?pidamente al otro extremo del sal?n para que Daniel se quedara solo con Arturo bailando. Por suerte para Daniel la m?sica que estaban tocando era para bailar suelto, de repente pusieron m?sica de cumbia y Arturo de inmediato tom? la mano de Daniel y puso su mano en la cintura ya estuvieron bailando solos otro rato.Cuando pusieron la m?sica rom?ntica Daniel prefiri? irse a sentar ,si de por s? ya era muy inc?modo estar bailando s?lo con un hombre.. Adem?s bailar m?sica rom?ntica pegados! eso ya era demasiado... Arturo le llev? una copa a Daniel quien desperadamente buscaba a las chicas, hasta que vio que cada una estaba bailando por su lado y se ve?an felices con las parejas que encontraron...lo que significaba que ?l estaba por su cuenta. - En lo que descansemos d?jame hacer una llamada-dijo Arturo un poco cansado. - A qui?n le est?s marcando?- - Pues a qui?n m?s, a qui?n me dej? esto en el saco- - No no lo hagas ya olv?dalo- Pero era demasiado tarde ya hab?a empezado sonar el tel?fono de Dani que estaba dentro de la bolsa as? que no tuvo tiempo de colgar antes de que sonara mas fuerte y Arturo lo escucho Daniel avent? lejos la bolsa y Arturo sonr?o - As? que fuiste t?!- - No esteeee..solo es casualidad- Arturo volvi? a marcar su tel?fono y la bolsa de Dani volvi? sonar. - Exijo una compensaci?n- - Esta bien a gritame que soy una una irresponsable e inmadura- declaro con resignacion - Eso ya lo sabes, ahora necesitas un castigo para aprender la lecci?n- - Est? bien me lo merezco. cu?l es el castigo?- - Sal conmigo- - Yo no quiero salir contigo- - Mucho mejor! Porque un castigo es algo que no queremos hacer y que nos inc?moda para aprender bien la leccion- - Est? bien acept?.....- Daniel de inmediato planeo todo, Arturo no sabia donde vivia y cuando le marcara no iba a contestar el tel?fono as? no tendr?a que salir con el. Despu?s de un rato de seguirse disculpando con Arturo llegaron las muchachas para ver si ya se se iban. El plan era quedarse todas en la casa de Julia en Taxi, y dormir---pero Arturo se ofreci? a llevarlas porque durante la noche Daniel le coment? que viv?a con Julia y as? sabr?a d?nde pasar a recogerla para la citae. El camino todos siguieron platicando de lo mucho que se hab?an divertido, de los muchachos que hab?an conocido en la fiesta. Arturo les platico sobre el incidente del calz?n y les pidi? ayuda para hacer que Dani cumpliera con su castigo, ellas por supuesto que se ofrecieron a ayudar. Llegaron todos cansadas a la casa de Julia con una sonrisa p?cara Mary pregunt?- as? que te agarraron con las manos en la masa Dani, ?Ya quisiera yo un castigo como ese! Al parecer soy la ?nica que no consigui? cita para esta semana- - S?, pero no pienso ir- -Ah no! tienes que ir, nosotras ya dimos nuestra palabra de Sailor Scout- -Dany apoco ere gay?- -No porque?- olvidando que estaba vestido de mujer y que se refer?an a que si no le gustaban los hombres. - Entonces no se diga m?s, ir?s a esa cita, ahora vamos a dormir un poco, acuestense donde puedan, en mi cama cabemos tres apretadas y Dani se va a quedar en el sofa- Las chicas se levantaron despu?s de medio d?a y le encargaron a Julia que se asegurar? de que Dany fuera a su cita con Arturo. -Yo me encargo de todo y luego les cuento- M?s tarde Julia levanto a Daniel, -ya lev?ntate flojo, que tienes que estar listo para cuando llegue tu cita- -Estas loca, no pienso ir, quiere que vallamos al cine y luego a cenar y despu?s quien sabe que otras negras intenciones tenga!- -Y no quieres ir porque tu eres una chica decente!- - Y porque no me gustan los hombres!- -Hay todos los hombres son iguales!.A ver mete esto en tu cabecita , que una mujer le sonr?a a un hombre no significa que quiera ser su novia o tener sexo, tampoco si le llama por tel?fono o si sale con el. Que nunca has salido con una mujer en plan de amigos?- - Si lo he hecho- - Y paso algo m?s? se besaron o tuvieron sexo?- -No porque ambos dejamos claro que solo quer?amos una amistad, bueno regularmente son ellas las que solo quieren tener una amistad conmigo- -Pues aqu? tu le vas hacer lo mismo a Arturo. Ademas con todo lo que ha pasado necesitas relajarte y salir a platicar con alguien para divertirte un rato y as? con esa voz no puedes salir con tus amigos de siempre...a menos que quieras que en cada reuni?n digan :" Se acuerdan cuando Daniel hablaba como vieja? Pero si nunca ha hablado como hombre jajajajaja" - -Rayos que gran poder de convencimiento tienes, no has pensado en dedicarte a las ventas...o a las estafas?- -Miralo como una oportunidad para entender mejor a las mujeres poni?ndote literalmente en su lugar.Cuando todo esto acabe tendr?s todas las herramientas para conquistarlas facilmente y salir de la FriendZone - -Tu cre?s?- -Claro que si, no hay nada que ame m?s una mujer que un hombre que la comprende de verdad- -Bueno ya que! Ay?dame a arreglarme- Daniel eligi? un pantal?n una blusa olgada y unos zapatos de abuelita - listo! ahora algo de maquillage y...- - No puedes salir as?, y menos en una primera cita!- - Pero voy en plan de "solo amigos"- - Si quieres entender en realidad a las mujeres tienes que hacer todo lo que hacemos al salir por primera vez con alguien, tienes que arreglarte, verte hermosa y darte a desear-- - Pero yo no quiero que me desee- - Quieres entender a las mujeres si o no?- - Pues s?- - Entonces haz todo lo que te digo. Primero vamos a ver cu?les son tus principales atractivos?. Veamos tienes piernas flacas no tienes busto que mostrar as? que te pondr?s estas medias negras para que se vean mas atractivas tus piernas, zapatos de tac?n alto para que resalten las pompis, tienes que verte natural as? que te pondr? estas extensiones, no olvides la faja y este vestido o no tiene escote as? que te esconder? muy bien los rellenos en tu brasier . Ahora c?mbiate para que te maquille- Cuando Julieta termino con Daniel este parec?a una chica de Entre 25 y 28 a?os Cuando Julieta termino con Daniel este parec?a una chica de Entre 25 y 28 a?os - Te ves muy bien pero no s?, siento como que te falta algo... ya se! unos lindos aretes- - Pero no tengo las orejas perforadas no tendr?s unos de Clip- - Tenia varios paro anoche terminaste de perder el ultimo par que me quedaba - - Y si voy sin aretes?- - Ay No seas chill?n, ponte este hielo mientras esterilizo la aguja. Listo ya te perfore las 2 ahora por si acaso tomate este antibi?tico- - Pero que no estaba la aguja esterilizada!- - S? pero es por si acaso. Y por ?ltimo ponte esta cadena de oro. Mira ya lleg? arturo - -Mejor mejor dile que no estoy, dile que soy enfermo no me siento bien- Julieta abri? la puerta para recibir a Arturo . - Hola Dani te ves hermosa !. Nos vamos?- y le ofreci? su brazo. Daniel no tuvo m?s que apoyarse ya que los tacones eran m?s altos de los que est? usando, cuando un bajando las escaleras en el departamento casi se cae pero por suerte iba agarrado del brazo de Arturo as? as? que para terminar de bajar las escaleras sin caerse tuvo que seguir apoyandose en el brazo de Arturo. Daniel para sus adentros pens?- cielos lo que menos quer?a era tener contacto f?sico, malditas escaleras!- Primero fueron al cine - Quieres ver una pel?cula rom?ntica Dany?- A Daniel se me encendieron todos los focos rojos en su cabeza donde primero le iban a tomar la mano luego lo iban a abrazar y por ?ltimo se se acabar?an besando como todas las dem?s parejas. - No no no mejor veamos esa- - Esa es de terror. Est?s segura?- - A mi me divierten, adem?s todo es falso s?lo es maquillaje y prosteticos- Pero la pel?cula era de terror "psicol?gico" creando en la sala de cine un ambiente tenso y t?trico que no era nada divertido. Ademas como El vestido de Daniel no ten?a mangas y llevaba una falda muy corta con el fr?o del aire acondicionado y el el miedo que le daba la pel?cula se le puso la pies de gallina.En un aparte de la pel?cula hablaban de que se aparec?a una mujer vestida de blanco unos minutos despu?s unas filas abajo de ellos vieron vieron como se levantaba una mujer p?lida vestida de blanco y Dani creyendo que era el fantasma del que hablaban lanz? tremendo grito de terror, fue tan fuerte que asust? a toda la sala e hizo que casi todos gritaran de miedo. Todo esto alter? un poco a Dany, tanto que Arturo tuvo que abrazarla para tranquilizarla. Dany penso-Hay que calientito est?, ya me estaba muriendo de fr?o pero esto se siente reconfortante-De inmediato reaccion? al recordar que un hombre lo estaba abrazando. No quer?a que Arturo lo abrazara, no fuera a creer que era una se?al para que lo besara!Pero Dany sent?a mucho fr?o y al no tener nada con que cubrirse solo le quedaba calentarse con Arturo tambi?n pens? en salirse de la sala pero la pel?cula estaba muy interesante y no quer?a irse sin saber c?mo terminaba, as? que mejor decidi? aclarar las cosas con su acompa?ante. -No vayas a pensar otra cosa, lo que pasa es que tengo fr?o, y no traje nada para cubrirme- - Por m? no hay problema Yo tambi?n tengo fr?o, as? que espero que t? tampoco vayas a pensar otra cosa de m?- los dos sonrieron y entendieron que s?lo se iban abrazar como amigos. Al estar abrazados sinti? el aroma de la loci?n de Arturo que era agradable, reconfortante y c?lido-mmm hueles tan rico- de inmediato se dio cuenta que hablo sin pensar ; que hab?a dicho! Y porque lo dijo en voz alta!- Esteeee me refiero a tu loci... Al estar abrazados sinti? el aroma de la loci?n de Arturo que era agradable, reconfortante y c?lido-mmm hueles tan rico- de inmediato se dio cuenta que hablo sin pensar ; que hab?a dicho! Y porque lo dijo en voz alta! - Esteeee me refiero a tu loci?n- - Est?s segura que s?lo estamos abrazados como amigos?- - Disc?lpame es que desde hace d?as no s? porqu? tengo muy sensible el olfato y eso me altera un poco y a veces no s? lo que digo cada vez que detect? un olor agradable o desagradable- - Bueno creo que despu?s de lo que dijiste voy a comprarme dos botes de la misma loci?n jajaja- Despu?s de que termina la pel?cula Dany sent?a culpa por haber abrazado a otro hombre y mas verg?enza por haberle dicho que ol?a rico . Qu? le estaba pasando porque de repente se hab?a vuelto friolento! ?l que se sentaba en los lugares m?s fr?os donde le diera el aire acondicionado para no sentir calor. Ser?a este un efecto secundario de la medicina que le dio el doctor... Fueron a cenar a un restaurante que estaba dentro del centro comercial donde estaba el cine, era una de sus franquicias de restaurant bar de comida italiana. Arturo noto que Dani estaba un poco apenada por todo lo que hab?a pasado en el cine empez? a hablar de cosas que a ella le pudieran gustar para que se relajara. As? que le pregunt? que si le gustaba la m?sica cl?sica? quien era su compositor favorito, que s? sab?a tocar un instrumento etc?tera... Dany se sinti? relajado al no tener que centrar la pl?tica en su vida ya que iba a tener que decir muchas mentiras sobre una vida de mujer que no ten?a pero la m?sica era su vida y su pasi?n y hablar de este tema hizo que la velada fuera mas agradable. Llegaron a casa de Julia -Me la pas? muy bien Dany, sabes hace a?os que no sal?a con una amiga- -y eso?,cre? que eras muy sociable- -Es que ten?a una novia que demandaba tanta atenci?n.... que ya no quer?a que me juntara con mis amigos, as? que perd? contacto con ellos , y era tan celosa que me ten?a prohibido tener amigas- -Ella te regalo ese anillo de oro blanco con el Dragon Vikingo?- -As? que tambi?n eres conocedora de la cultura vikinga? Genial ya tenemos algo mas de que platicar cuando volvamos a salir- -No evadas la pregunta o voy a pensar otra cosa- -No, ella no me lo dio, no es de oro es de acero y lo compre en un viaje con unos amigos a Diamarca, a ella no le gustaba , as? que lo deje de usar,ella quer?a que fuera mas sofisticado para "estar a su altura", decia que usara ropa mas elegante y de marca porque as? me ve?a como un mediocre; deje de ser yo mismo por complacerla y aun as? me dejo....-Y Arturo se puso triste y melanc?lico -Yo tambi?n estuve en una relaci?n as?.....con un hombre.. celoso...e inseguro, tambi?n dure mucho tiempo con depresi?n por su culpa, pero bueno as? son las personas toxicas- - Si, ella era toxica..creo- Y suspiro. -Aun no la superas verdad?- -No....pero por hoy dejemos de hablar de cosas tristes, hoy me quiero ir a dormir con el recuerdo de que nos la pasos muy bien y que la siguente vez hablaremos de vikingos y espadas. Adios- Arturo se quiso despedir de beso, pero Dany se quiso hacer a un lado para evitarlo , para su mala suerte movi? la cabeza hacia el lado que ven?a el beso y en lugar de la mejilla Arturo lo beso en los labios qued?ndose los dos sorprendidos. - Perd?n, es que como soy zurdo siempre doy el beso en por mi izquierda- Dany no sab?a que hacer as? que se meti? corriendo al departamento cerrando la puerta. Arturo le hablo desde afuera- Est?s bien?- -Si , solo...estoy apenada, me la pas? muy bien. Esteeee..estoy cansada hablamos luego byee- Julia se levant? al o?r tanto alboroto y vio a Dany haciendo una rabieta. - Que te paso, est?s bien?- -Claro que no estoy bien porque nos besamos!- - Y te gust?? Qu? tal besa? Ya son novios? - - Claro que no! Estoy muy enojado porque no tengo ni una semana como mujer y ya me ha besado con dos hombres, qu? pasa que tengo tan mala suerte?- - Ya tranquil?zate Dani ma?ana vas a tu casa te viste de hombre y te olvidas de todo porque estudias de todo hasta el fin de semana- - Qu? es cuando voy a tener que volver a ser mujer. No, yo creo que mejor le voy a pedir a Pedro un descanso por este mes ya no puedo seguir as?. Cuando Dany fue a recoger vestido que dejo tirado en el ba?o para echarlo en el bote de la ropa sucia y noto que tenia un olor raro era la loci?n que le gusto tanto, as? que lo olio por ultima ves -uhmmmm Arturo!- y sonri? ....-Pero porque que rayos dije eso!-y avent? enojado el vestido al bote. Dany estaba so?ando que iba caminando por la calle en la noche vestido de mujer, de repente sent?a fri? pero alguien llego a abrazarlo, era Arturo pero se sinti? incomodo y se alejo de el: Arturo se volvi? a acercar a el y esta vez ol?a delicioso, la abrazo, luego le beso el cuello y le dijo-Besame Danny!-mientras la acariciaba -No puedo hacelo, soy un hombre!- -No me importa, para mi tu eres una diosa!-y le volvi? a besar el cuello mientras le acariciaba la espalda y los brazos- -No puedo, al?jate... alguien nos puede ver- -Mira bien, no hay nadie, estamos solos!- Arturo tenia raz?n, la calle estaba sola y fue entonces cuando lo beso apasionadamente para luego entregase al deseo sobre el pasto-hazme tuya....- - Al d?a siguiente Daniel se desperto muy confundido. Que clase de pesadilla fue esa? y que hacia abrazado el vestido que se supon?a hab?a echado al bote de la ropa sucia anoche? -Solo fue un sue?o, solo fue un sue?o, no significa nada.... lo mejor sera ponerme algo de ropa de hombre para olvidar todo. Julia no has visto mi pantal?n y mi camisa?- -El s?bado qu? fuimos a tu casa dejaste ah? y todas tus cosas y s?lo te trajiste tus tarjetas de cr?dito y algo de dinero.- -Entonces qu? me pongo?- -Usa la ropa que te pusiste ayer-y Daniel miro el vestido que aun tenia aun en su mano con el aroma de Arturo y lo avento lejos -Ya no quiero usar ropa de mujer- -Pues yo no tengo nada limpio que prestarte, ya no chilles llegando a la casa te cambias y te pones lo que quieras - Asi que no le quedo de otra m?s que volver a usar ropa de mujer. Camino a su casa Daniel solo penzaba en ponerse una pantalon de mezclilla, unos zapatos y arreglarse lo mas varonil posible. Pero al llegar a su casa Daniel solo encontr? un mont?n de escombros. - Pero que rayo paso aqu??- Un vecino que iba pasando le contesto - es la casa que explot?-- Exploto mi casa Un vecino que iba pasando le contesto - es la casa que explot?- - Exploto mi casa ..pero cuando- -Como? no sabe ?. paso hace dos d?as. Hasta sali? en la tele, dicen que el due?o se suicid? haciendo explotar su casa con el adentro ..que loco?-

Same as La corista capitulo 2 Videos

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Chat between my friends mom

Convinced my friends mom to give me her phone is what happened next:Me: Hello ma'amher: hello EugeneMe: Is Jhon(her son) home?her: No, he went out with some friends, hell be gone for a whileMe: Do you know when he might be back?her: No, he didnt tell me when he'l be backMe: Ok, can i come over?her: hes not home!Me; yes i know, can i still come over?her: ummm, sure. i dont mind...------I go to her house and we hag out and talk on the couch------...Me: Why is he never at home?her:...

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First Sex Experience With Collegemate

Let me introduce myself first. I am Ajay Kumar a resident of Guntur, Andhra Pradesh a city famous for its literacy rate and beautiful city life. I am 5’10 tall and medium built as I use to hit gym till last few years and a fair in complexion. This experience of mine happened during the time of my under graduation with my college mate Anusha. She is of 5’4 height with nice slim body as she was a sports player in my college. My college life was all about classroom fun, bunking classes, freaking...

1 year ago
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My mother-in-law still have a solid body shape, with large breasts that are simple but sexy, and her ass have little upright shape and as for your information, my mother-In-law is a pure Punjabi thats explained the reason why she has that sexy shape. Her name is Mizdah, 38 years old, while I'm 25 years old. Her husband died in a car accident 7 years ago, its mean only my wife and my mother-in-law (maam as I always called her) left in their family. Maam's age and my age is just about 13 years...

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Jason and Kate

Twenty-two year old Jason had just graduated from a state university with a marketing degree. After a long difficult decision, he moved back to his hometown and into the house that he and his older sister grew up in. He had taken a job with a marketing firm that promised to challenge him and reward him generously if he performed to their high standards. Twenty-four year old Kate had graduated from the same university two years ago and was now working in a small Certified Public Accounting...

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The PhotographerChapter 3

The next morning it was raining hard so Dan began to work on his plan. It was in his contract that he didn't have to be on the site when the weather was bad. He printed out all of the pictures that turned out pretty good and sorted them. At first he had figured that he was going to send all of the pictures and then call but he decided to mail one or two pictures each time to heighten the suspense He pulled on a pair of latex gloves to hide his finger prints. Dan picked up the picture of...

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Unexpected Compensation From my Neighbor

One cloudy afternoon after school I arrived home after my team's soccer practice. As I approached my driveway I saw Ms. Ferguson, my neighbor from across the street. As I turned into the drive I gave her a wave and she reciprocated. I thought quickly to myself it'd been a couple months since I had seen her. Just before summer, her marriage hit the skids, and her then husband packed up and moved out. No one really knew the full story, but it did come out that he had started an affair with a...

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Twist of Fate

Although it’s a cliché, it was love at first sight. Emma was 16 and Ray almost seven years her senior. They married a year later and began their lives together. As the years passed they lived ordinary lives, purchased a house then a larger one after the two sons arrived and settled into a busy but comfortable life. The boys grew up, married and left home and they were just a couple once again. They were both virgins when they married and their sex life was ordinary but frequent. Emma...

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My shemale boss part 3

I was woken by the vibrating noise of my mobile and looked over at the time, the bedside clock said 1am. The caller I'D on the phone simply showed Bitch, naimly my boss Miss Jones, would she never leave me alone.I answered the phone and still being half asleep simply said 'yes'.'Don't answer me with that tone Rob' she said. 'Sorry, but its one in the morning' I replied.'Be a darling Rob and pick me up from the club, text me when your outside'. Before I could say anything she hung up.I pulled my...

1 year ago
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Head Above WaterChapter 18

I shouldn’t be hungover but I was. I was sprawled out on the bathroom floor, swallowing down the urge to hurl. I hadn’t even drunk the whole bottle. Hell, I don’t think I’d drunk half. Why was I constantly getting sick? Was I fucking cursed? “Babe.” I felt a hand come and check my forehead. I opened my eyes, my vision a little blurry, and found Wes looking down at me. It was weird seeing him in a t-shirt and jeans all the time now that he’d graduated from residency and wasn’t working in a...

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Alice in Chains

Alice in Chains A couple weeks before Halloween, my friend Vincent and I were sitting around my dorm room talking about costume ideas. Neither of us could come up with anything very original, and this year we really wanted to go all out and do something memorable. Agreeing to that is what started me down this rabbit hole. Vincent kept on suggesting that I do a girl's costume to be extra outrageous, but I kept turning down all his suggestions because for one, he wasn't willing to...

1 year ago
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I ordered the sausage

So this story starts out like this. I was driving around and doing my work when I came up to this diner, it was open but the sign said that it had closed about 15 minutes earlier. So I tried my luck and I was right, they where still open. As I went in I got a wif of pancakes and bacon and that made me even more hungry than I already was. As I sat down at a corner boot a cute waitress came over and took my drink order and handed me the menu. When she came back I ordered my food and waited. After...

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UniversityChapter 31

I made the phone calls and scheduled a visit to sign an agreement and deliver a cheque for $2000. Then I sat thinking about my paper for the Koori Centre course. I decided to write a nasty essay on the PM. After all, it's two years since she said that there would be a referendum, that Australia had to acknowledge that 'first people of our nation have a unique and special place' [8 Nov 2010]. And now, nearly two years later, she'd 'delayed' the referendum! Crikey! She's just afraid of...

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Milfty Lexi Luna We Are Basically Family

When Lexi Luna tries to plan a party for her stepson, one of his best friends shows up looking to have a good time. But when he arrives, no one is at the house except for the sexy MILF. Luckily, Lexi is the perfect hostess. She invites the stud to stay the night, setting him up in a bedroom as she slips into something more comfortable. As soon as she leaves him alone, he starts jerking off! But when she walks in on him playing with his pecker, she could not be more pleasantly surprised. She...

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Six Times A DayPart 111 Games People Play

Kim walked up the path leading to the front door of the Plummer house. It was quite dark outside since it was nearly eight o'clock in the evening, but the path was well lit. As she came to the door, she saw two burly men dressed in work clothes carrying a lot of equipment headed the other way. They politely nodded their heads in her direction as they passed, but while still in Kim's earshot one said to another, "Did you see that? There goes ANOTHER one! What is this place?" The other...

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Winters BladeChapter 9 Fire

R.Jairam squatted down in front of the magazine racks, putting back Us Weekly and pulling out Maxim. He'd been through this month's Maxim twice already, but then he'd been through everything on the rack at least once, and besides, Lacey Chabert was the covergirl. He flipped to her photos as he worked his way back behind the counter. The wind outside made the windows bulge; Jairam hoped the power wasn't going to go out again. Customers didn't always understand that gas pumps needed...

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Wife Helps Husband Bi

"Brad, can I ask you a question?" Stacy, my wife of 10 years asked me. "Sure, what is it?""Are you gay?" she asked."What?" I asked, trying to quell the fear that I was certain was obvious in my voice. "Why would you ask that?""Brad, I'm not as naive as you think. I've seen the sites you visit on the Internet. I've watched some of the porn you've watched. They all show men having gay sex. I've even seen your responses to Craigslist postings."So there it was. I underestimated my wife's tech...

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PLAYTHING by Geneva A powerful businessman muses on his plans for revenge on an old enemy. It has taken me some time and much detailed planning to come to this part of my revenge for the years of your demeaning comments and slights. Actually, I feel slightly apprehensive but now I can set the procedure in motion. This is the crux, but certainly not the finish of my plans for you. I will be careful and methodical. I intend to enjoy the continual oversight, dominance and attention...

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Mind controlled Janice Pt 18

I had spent my whole life gardening so my next step was to rent an allotment plot, the plot was overgrown with weeds, but a few weeks of hard graft cleared them so that I could start planning and planting my plot. Most of my fellow gardeners were very friendly, they were mainly men but there were a few women as well. It was the women I was interested in, I was always a randy bugger, and had not had sex for a year. I tried my chats on Linda who was supposedly the allotment boss but I...

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Gina the Quickie

I was horny tonight and decided to cruise the local bars looking for a quick piece of ass to whittle down my shaft. I walked into this small dive on Lexington Ave. The place was jumping and there were a lot of girls here that were unattached. I sat at the end of the bar scoping out the fluff. Gina was the bartender tonight. She was kind of cute. She was wearing an apron over her white blouse. Her breasts were pushing that apron out. I noticed as I sat there that Gina had undone a few more...

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The Preachers WifeChapter 4

The preacher's wife was still enraged that Jack made her perform sex with him in the church room while her husband conducted services within earshot. And the audacity of him to actually shake hands with her husband afterwards while the taste of his semen lingered in her mouth and his sperm dripped down her thighs. So you can imagine her surprise when Jack stood there smiling on her porch when she opened the front door. Marge immediately slammed the door shut, but Jack was a door-to-door...

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Albion Elizabeths StoryChapter 12

Mandy had escorted Janice upstairs to an unused bedroom. She had had the AI reconfigure a bed more like a divan, so they could lay on it with their heads propped up. It was obvious that Janice felt left out, felt on the wrong side of an unfair dividing line. "Janice," Mandy said when they had climbed onto the bed, "I really did mean this a boon for you. It wasn't me shuffling the snotty little sister out of the way." "But I wanted to SEE!" whined Janice. Mandy laughed. "Janice, you...

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The L WordChapter 6 Saying it

Presenting herself to Bret in an invitation to doggie-style sex hadn’t changed them into an enactment of the Kama Sutra. For one thing, the apartment wasn’t that well heated, and she was cold without either clothes or a blanket. For another, their old pattern was satisfying. For yet another, they were busy; she and he spent more time studying in different rooms than they did screwing. It did, however, free her up to express her desires. She had invited him sexually, and the world hadn’t come...

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A Womens Viewpoint on Erotic Hypnosis

Mike has asked me to write about my feelings about him hypnotizing me. He first tried it when we had our first date. It was in my apartment and we had just returned from a romantic dinner with musicians that went around to the tables and wine with our meals. Neither of us was much of a drinker. The wine had made me a little wobbly and slow. I definitely felt mellow. I was young and my only sexual experience had not been particularly pleasant and certainly not fulfilling. Mike was a large,...

4 years ago
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An introduction

Diana strutted through the swinging glass doors like she was entering the mall or her favorite coffee shop. In some ways, her mindset was the same. I'm just coming to see what this is all about, that's all, she thought to herself. After all, what could happen? Three steps into the space, her strut become something more like a stutter and then, a complete stop.Before her, instead of some type of lounge with a long, mirrored bar, cozy booths and tables one could stand by to kibbitz with...

1 year ago
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Seducing Mami Episode

Hello people of Indian sex stories dot net This is my first story which I am narrating today on this platform people believe me iss helps a lot to achieve ;) I am secretlust from Udaipur city I m 6 ft tall with an average tool of 6 inch not very fair nor a black guy just an average Indian guy and one more thing I would like to narrate this story in Hinglish(combo) because in English there is no masala types scene so please bear me Now coming to the story I live in a small town pursuing my...

3 years ago
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Fucking Sweaty Wife After Run

One day a few months back, my wife came home from work and said she had a bad day and just wanted to go for a run. I got excited because I love to smell her sweaty panties after her runs and that day was pretty hot so I was definitely going to get some really sweaty ones. She changed into some shorts and a sports bra and Tank top and told me she would be back soon. She had some lint on her sports bra and I brushed it off and playfully copped a feel on her titty. She said "Not now, I need some...

1 year ago
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My Two Aunts Part 3

Part 3 My wife dropped me off at the Airport. Just as I got there Aunt Dee called my cell and said to wait for her and that she was only a few minutes away. I gave my wife a kiss goodbye and thanked her for everything. A few minutes later, Aunt Dee pulled up with her husband. We all hugged and after her goodbye with her husband Aunt Dee and I walked through security and to our gate. We were two hours early and decided to have a few morning drinks. After three bloody Mary's, we...

3 years ago
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A Chairished Adventure

The carpet is rough against my knees. I struggle to keep my body open and presented for his pleasure with my back arched and my breasts out, my knees apart and open, and my hands behind my back. My arousal is given away by my hard nipples and what I am sure is a visible wet spot on my panties. I'm sure he loves the sight of his slut holding her position of obedience for his pleasure, knowing she's enjoying every second of it. The moisture between my legs deepens as my thoughts wander to what he...

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Ame Is 27 Alex Unleashed

An Ame (pronounced 'Amy', short for Amelia) one-shot My new husband and father-in-law are waiting downstairs for me to change clothes. Shortly, my new husband and I will head out on a weeklong honeymoon to begin our lives together. My new husband. I never thought I would say those words. My new husband. Part of me feels like a sell-out; as if I've given up on a fundamental battle of my individual rights and freedoms. The larger part of me keeps saying it - My New Husband. How did I find...

1 year ago
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Aunty change my mind

Note : This story is completely fictional! Hi I m Kumar .This is my story, that I want to share with you all. I completed my PU and want to join degree coerces . But there were no good colleges at my place so I had to come to nearby city i.e. Bangalore. In Bangalore I had my uncle and aunty. So I decided to stay there and do my studies. I got admitted to college with help of my uncle and started staying there. Uncle and Aunty were so good they used to co operate me well so that I can...

2 years ago
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I first met Kimmy through a mutual friend and she instantly made an impression on me. Literally – we first met at a local concert and as she surfed overhead I got beamed with an army boot. But when we finally got talking, I didn’t mind the potential concussion. She was a cool girl to know, smart, pretty, funny. It turned out we had plenty in common and plenty to talk about, but as far as I could see our relationship was one of friendship and nothing more. It’s not that I didn’t find her...

1 year ago
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The Butler Did It

How do I start, my memories are fragmentary at best, this tale will have be told using my few real memories, and some memories retrieved during a hypnosis session with Bill, the rest of the details are from Bill himself. When he had awaken me after our session together, he relayed to me details, that even now, I still couldn't remember. Any quotes will be at best, what can be remembered and will reflect the spirit of the story. The ambulance has gone now, taking the body with it, as are the...

2 years ago
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©1997, All Rights Reserved When Joe came over that evening, I told him I had a surprise for him. "Umm," he said, "I usually don't like surprises, Holly." "Oh, I think you'll like this one," I said, smiling at him. "In that case," Joe said, "I look forward to it." He was cool, though. He didn't ask me what it was, not then or later as we chatted over wine and fixed dinner together. He smiled at me when I lighted candles and placed them on the table for dinner. Later, over...

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At thirty thousand feet Chapter 5

Mya had seen enough. We had watched Amanda and Evelin have sex with the pilot and co-pilot, now it was our turn. Mya led me back to my seat in first class and sat me in my seat. She kissed me softly, snaking her tongue into my mouth.“Now it’s our turn baby. I really wanted to be the first to fuck you, but I guess I don’t mind being the second. I want that juicy cock deep inside me.”She kissed me once more as her hand slipped back over my cock. Her hand was soft and she gently stroked me to full...

1 year ago
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Twin AngelsChapter 10

It seemed like I had just gone to sleep, when daddy woke me up and carried me up to the pilothouse. “We are just about to cross the equator, and I didn’t want you to miss out on the ceremony.” Daddy inducted us into the super-secret, Kingdom of Neptune. It wouldn’t be super-secret anymore if I told you how we went from Slimy Polliwogs to Shellbacks. You’ll just have to cross the line yourself to find out. After the ceremony, daddy did something he didn’t usually do because he knew both of...

2 years ago
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Bobs ProblemChapter 3

Time Frame: Week 15 — Thursday I woke to the crash of the trashcan. Rolling off the couch with the gun, I scurried over to the door staying as close to the floor as I could and still make it there quickly. About halfway there I heard "It's me! It me!" repeated at least half a dozen times. Sure enough I could make out Cindy in the hall with her hands in the air yelling, "It's me!" while jumping up and down in place. Then the hall light came on and I heard put the gun down. Turning I...

3 years ago
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Daughters Girlfriend

Introduction: this is my first story, so help me out with constructive critisism My daughter, Jen had arrived home from college for the summer, it wasnt long till her old friends were gathering around our pool in their bikinis showing off their sweet young hot bodies. I would often peek from the upstairs bedroom window at them sunning themselves. They sure had grown into group of hot young ladies. On friday, my wife and i were watching TV around midnight when the phone rang. It was our...

2 years ago
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Whatever It CostsChapter 52

It took almost a year, and a lot of practice, to give Melissa the graduation present she wanted. We had managed to move to a bigger house in the same area long before that. It turned out that money would not be an issue. The movie that had used our digital effects turned out to be a hit. That, along with the fact that the expenses were only a fraction of what they would have been otherwise, made the production company very happy. I didn't give that much more thought since I knew that the...

3 years ago
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My Sons Ex

My son has always been a player with the opposite sex. His mother first caught him with two girls back when he was only sixteen. Now, at 23, nothing has changed. Girls only last two to three weeks before he moves on, and somehow he’s able to remain friends with all of them. One of these girls, Mona, would lay out at our pool and sunbath. The first day that I noticed her out by the pool, I had just came home from work. I heard a noise out by the pool, so I looked out from my second story...

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DarkeyesChapter 4

Jonathan I'm trying not to get frustrated, but it's hard when you're used to people being on time. I can't remember the last time someone was late to meet me. Generally, people who are late to meet me get fired—unless they have a really good excuse, even then, I check up on their excuse. I guess it's part of my controlling nature. I'm trying to change though. So when I see my beat up Ford driving up, I force a few deep breaths, exhaling slowly through my nose. It works, calming me...

2 years ago
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The Challenge

"So, none of you think I can do it?" The five girls shook their heads vigorously. "Of course not," said Angela. "How could you possibly do it? There's five of us, and we're girls." "But I'm..." " ... not like normal men, yes we know. But still, that's a lot, even for you. You'll never keep up." "Well, we'll see. Are you all ready?" They were. Five beautiful girls lay naked stretched out in front of me. A couple of them were clearly already aroused, in anticipation: lips...

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Chapter 1While I'm not the star of this story, it does start with me so I'd better tell you about myself. My name is Dean and I'll be starting my third year of college. No, I'm not a dean at the college, it's my name. I get at least three jokes a day about that.I have a year-round apartment here as I've doubled-up taking some summer courses to both get a double degree and try to finish early. We'll see.It was summer when all this began and my sister had planned on visiting me before she went...

1 year ago
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Spizoo Moona Snake Slender Brunette Moona Snake Cheats on Her Boyfriend

Gorgeous brunette Moona Snake is getting bored of her present boyfriend, so she decides to find a fit stud who can give her the sexual satisfaction that she badly needs. Luckily, Moona doesn’t need to look far because Max Dior is there to give her what she wants. Max showers Moona’s small tits and slim body with warm kisses before eating out her shaved tasty pussy. Moona returns the pleasure by giving Max a sloppy blowjob. After making sure that the stiff cock is all wet with spit,...

1 year ago
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THE LOVERS Despite the blanket of snow outside, the heat inside me makes me want to open the car window. The arm around me holds us close and our mouths are locked in a kiss that is far more advanced than we have ever exchanged prior to this moment. Yes, we had started as most do, as friends brushing cheeks in greeting; each partner doing the same. As our friendship grew the greeting developed to include a hug then our lips brushed in a brief peck. It wasn't long before I noticed the soft,...

First Time
2 years ago
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Toilet Training

Here are a couple of gallery images to illustrate what I'm thinking about... need to give a quick wipe to their labia after going pee... Urine is basically clean and sanitary, so it is usually not unhealthy to lick it or even drink it! Toilet service by licking a woman dry after she pees conserves resources by avoiding the use of "bath tissue". It is also an...

1 year ago
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The Watch Wizard

I woke, stretched and yawned. I sighed. Another day of spell casting for the city was in store for me. No, come to think of it, today was Seventh day, so I worked the mid-shift. I hated the mid-shift. Still a wizard had to do what a wizard had to do. I spent a little time cleaning up, and glanced at the clock. It was five minutes to eleven. This meant I had a few hours before I had to report to watch command and get started on the days spell casting. Probably glyphs of warding again. The...

2 years ago
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Possessed Part I

The old woman glanced up from her book to see the kindly gent from two doors down take his evening constitutional. For over a year now, without fail, she had watched him leave his house and struggle up the incline bearing greater weight on his stick with each day. In a passing conversation she wondered why he felt the need to go out as dusk fell and his strength waned, but his reply was merely a stubborn need to leave the house. She sighed and returned her gaze to her book giving no further...

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GND 30Chapter 20

It was only a small cove on the shoreline, with big rocks at both ends. Which is probably what had saved it so far from over-development or amalgamation into one of the other beaches. There were maybe a dozen other people around, from the other two beach houses, no casual visitors. We strolled slowly hand-in-hand along the shore, pausing often so the dogs could investigate something, just enjoying being together. Mel looked really good in a bikini; this one was a very modest style. I’d seen...

3 years ago
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Die Dorfwache

Diebstähle, Verkehrsunfälle, illegale Müllentsorgung und manchmal sogar Mord oder Vergewaltigung. Die Beamten des Dorfreviers erleben hier auf dem flachen Land so ziemlich alles, was das Strafgesetzbuch hergibt. Dazu kommt die Schreibtischarbeit mit Formularen und Berichten. Die planmäßig vier Stellen sind mit zwei Männern und zwei Frauen besetzt, die zuständig sind für die Sicherheit von über 10.000 Menschen, nicht zu vergessen die kürzlich neu eingerichtete Flüchtlingsunterkunft im...

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Pleasant Street Ch 07 Pt 04

‘IS MEL AROUND?’ IV. They ate and chatted about family things, enjoying their time together as if there were nothing extraordinary about the situation. Both of them were surprised how comfortable they’d become with their arrangement in the short time they’d been together. After they cleared the table and put the dishes in the dishwasher, Bert reached out, pulled Carla into his arms, and covered her lips with his. Her arms went around him, and once again his hands moved onto her bottom,...

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Lost My Virginity At 19

This story is about my first encounter in the world of sex. I was having a six months long affair with one of my seniors in college. I was 19 years old at that time and had a perfect shaped body with 5’5″ height and 34 28 36 figure. I was quite attractive in class and was good at studies and attracted many stares in class. This guy I was dating was 3 years senior to me in college and was dark 6′ tall medium built. He was very intelligent and I got attracted to him due to his funny and...

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Hot Red Panties

A beautiful lady sat across the room from me. Her hair was dark, with light blonde streaks. Her aqua-green eyes glistened in the glow from the fireplace. Something about her was mysterious, and attracted my attention. Who was this woman? What was her name? I had to know.I took a seat beside her on the couch, where she was engrossed in a serious texting conversation. The click-click of her fingers on the phone seemed to have a unique rhythm. Like she was playing music with the words. ...

3 years ago
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Ellen eine Milf fuumlr alles und jeden

Das ist Ellen, eine reife unersättliche Milf.Diese notgeile Sau braucht ständig einen Schwanz, der sie nimmt, benutzt, anpisst.Wenn man Kumpels mit Druck hat, kein Problem sie spreizt auch für mehrere Kerle die Schenkel.Egal ob Outdoor, im Bett, in einer Disco, am Strand... wenn du einen Fick brauchst, kann man sie überall durchnehmen, am liebsten vor vielen Zuschauern.

3 years ago
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tracis story

I am in the middle of the living room waiting for my Master. I am nude and you can see the bumps ripple over my peach skin as the ceiling fan twirls around and around. My nipples are standing at attention while my knees are spread far apart. As I lay my palms face up and open on the top of my thighs, I can feel my arousal slowly creeping past my swollen lips. I am staring down at the sea of blue carpet and I want to cry. Master said I was a bad girl and needed to learn that I can only...

1 year ago
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Milfty Crystal Rush A MILF Made For Bribery

When Crystal Rush is getting ready in the morning, she knows she looks hot. Her legs are toned and muscular, her hair is long and luscious, and of course, her tits are slamming! But today, she is not going to get away with using those hot looks to get everything she wants. Or is she? Our stud confronts her about sleeping with her sons high school sports coach to get him more playing time. To keep the nosy guy quiet, Crystal uses her body once again. She unzips her hoody revealing her bodacious...

2 years ago
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A Little ProblemChapter 4

It was some two weeks since Alan had been used as a human toilet and if anything things had gone really quiet. He had not been humiliated or spanked by his mother in law for over a week and even his wife, Sandra had gone easy on him allowing him to dress normal. He arrived home from work, and as was the norm now he went to the bathroom and shaved, not just his face but also he shaved his balls and cock and even self-administered the after shave on to his privates which stung like mad but he...

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