La Corista Capitulo 2 free porn video

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LA CORISTA CAPITULO 2 Julia y Daniel se fueron a descansar al departamento, llegaron agotados del show y solo quer?an descansar Daniel se quit? los rellenos y por fin pudo dejar salir sus partes masculinas para descansar, se desmaquillo, se quita la peluca y por fin se ech? a descansar. Al d?a siguiente - Qu? vamos a hacer hoy?- -Pues que sigas practicando con los tacones para que no pase lo de ayer- - Pues ya no pienso volver a vestirme de mujer!- -,Entonces vas a dejar colgado a Pedro que siempre nos ha apoyado? y luego que ? Vas a trabajar en una Hot Line usando esa voz sensual? - -La verdad no se que hacer, lo ?nico que se es que no quiero que pase algo como lo de ayer- -Pues sigue en el grupo, t? siempre me has dicho que es un trabajo que disfrutas, y que en esta banda si te sientes feliz, que el pago es justo, qu? Pedro es muy comprensivo. Asi que pr?ctica con los tacones! - Daniel le hizo caso a su hermana y estuvo practicando, como caminar, pasos de baile y como moverse m?s r?pido -Vas muy bien hermanito, ma?ana vamos a practicar como correr en tacones. Para el show de esta noche creo que te veras muy bien de pelirroja- - S? claro no hay problema, has que llame m?s la atenci?n... sobre todo de los hombres- Se llevaron todas sus cosas llegaron a la casa de Pedro, Julia maquillo otra vez a Daniel y le puso la peluca roja - listo ya termin? contigo, te ves muy sexy! - Fue una fiesta m?s, cantando en otra boda m?s, pero esta vez Daniel no se cay? ni tropeso. Pero su cabellera roja atrajo muchas miradas de los hombres lo cual le hac?a sentir inc?modo pero como nadie lo molesto lo dej? pasar. Cuando iban de regreso a casa Julia le pregunt?- a cu?ntos te ligaste hoy?- - C?mo de qu? hablas?- - Bueno es un juego que tenemos entre las coristas todas las noches contamos cu?ntos hombres creemos que se enamoran de nosotras- - Oye a m? no me interesa eso!- - Es s?lo un juego, no te lo tomes tan enserio, a menos que sea un chico rico y guapo jajaja- -No tienen otro juego que no implique hombres?- - Bueno, tenemos otro juego. quien m?s errores cometa en el Show recibe un castigo- -Y qu? clase de castigo dan?- - Tienes que hacer algo rid?culo algo que te d? verg?enza o una locura, por ejemplo hoy me tube que robar este arreglo floral- - Bueno pero si Tere no canta como saben que se equivoca?- - En su caso ella podr?a dar un mal paso o caerse... Y en tu caso ser?a todo lo antes mencionado jajaja- - No lo s? No estoy muy convencido no creo que sea para m?- - Vamos Int?ntalo no seas aguafiestas adem?s sirve para integrarnos mejor como grupo- - Est? bien lo har?, ma?ana diles que me apunto,por cierto quien desde quien se equivoc? m?s?- -Pues Pedrito, ya sabes c?mo es de perfeccionista, a ti y a Tere no Lee dijo nada porque son un caso especial, pero ahora que entren la juego ni creas que se va a tentar el coraz?n- C?mo ese fin de semana ten?an dos eventos al d?a Daniel se qued? con su hermana para ahorrar tiempo , poder descansar un poco y seguir practicando con los tacones ( pues no quer?a perder). Despu?s de terminar un Show para una comida llegaron a casa de Julia para descansar un poco antes del evento de esa noche -Sabes que Daniel vengo muerta creo que te vas a tener que quedar? unos d?as m?s en mi casa para que aprendas a maquillarte porque para m? es mucho trabajo prepararte a ti y a mi- -Si quieres puedo empezar a practicar con lo b?sico- - Bueno comienza practicando con el l?piz labial, m?rame y pon atenci?n, lo abres as?, luego lo pasas por tus labios los juntas as? y tiras un beso mua!- Daniel se qued? mirando su reflejo en el espejo se qued? pensando que cuando su hermana lo maquillaba el cerraba los ojos y cuando los volv?a a abrir por arte de magia se transformaba en mujer y ahora estaba ah? con un l?piz labial en sus manos. Practico alrededor de una hora se pintaba y se despintaba hasta que m?s o menos hab?a quedado bien.- creo que tengo unos labios hermosos mua!- Otra vez se lleg? la noche y se pusieron sus vestidos Daniel volvi? usar la peluca rubia. Con lo que hab?a estado practicando ya no se cay? tanto y tambi?n sent?a que estaba dominando m?s su voz femenina sent?a que ya le pod?a dar esos toques de sensualidad qu? algunas canciones requer?an. La fiesta se termin? y lleg? el momento de preguntarle a Pedro qui?n se hab?a equivocado m?s - A ver veamos; quiero decirles que todas hicieron un gran trabajo hoy pero se puede mejorar recuerden que ustedes propusieron este juego, recuerden no son cr?ticas, son ?reas de oportunidad. As? que la ganadora de esta noche es Daniela! Divi?rtase con ella muchachas- - Bueno y cu?l es mi castigo?- - Vas a tener que meterle a escondidas a cualquier muchacho mi ropa interior!- - Oye pero y si lo metemos en problemas qu? tal si es casado tiene novia?- - Bueno entonces tambi?n m?tele esa tarjeta con tu n?mero de celular, le escribimos que es solo una broma y que si tiene problemas te marque- Daniel salio a buscar a ver a qui?n le podr?a meter los calzones de Julia en el saco. Ten?a que hacerlo r?pido porque muchos de ellos ya se estaban marchando as? que se le ocurri? la idea de hacerlo en la salida d?nde estaba la gente amontonada y ah? hizo como que se tropez? (Y miren que ten?a mucha experiencia.) - Cuidado est? bien?- - S? gracias es que ando cansada y ya no aguanto los tobillos- - Si gusta yo la puedo acompa?ar a su auto?- - No se preocupe no hace falta s?lo andaba buscando a mis amigas a ver si estaban afuera pero ya las vi est?n por all?- - Igual dej? le acompa?o- - Por favor no se moleste...- - Al contrario ser? un placer ap?yese en mi brazo- Y as? Daniel ante la insistencia del joven lleg? con sus amigas agarrado de su brazo - Hola Daniela Qui?n es ese chico tan guapo que viene contigo?- - Ellas son Mari,Tere y Julia- - Ah! ustedes son las coristas! Cantan hermoso sobre todo esta hermosa chica que se llamaaaa?- -Daniel..a, pero me dicen Dany- - Si no est?s muy cansada me gustar?a invitarlas a la tornaboda, mi primo es el novio- - S?- dijo Julia con emoci?n- ma?ana ya no tenemos evento as? que podemos ir un rato- - Bueno si gustan yo las llev?, los cinco cabemos en mi auto- - Dani y yo nos quedemos aqu? con...- - Arturo, para servirles - - Mary y Tere av?senle a Pedrito que nos vamos a la tornaboda - Se fueron todas en el carro de Arturo y por si puesto todas se metieron en la aparte de atr?s para que Daniel fuera adelante. El ambiente estaba muy animado en la tornaboda, todos estaban bailando alegremente en c?rculo, cuando se sentaron a descansar Arturo se sent? al lado de Daniel -! Uf qu? calor! D?nde dej? mi pa?uelo?- Exclamo Arturo y busco en sus bolsillos con que secarse el sudor- cuando de repente encontr? algo muy extra?o- pero qu? es esto?- sacando el calz?n de julia; luego mir? a Daniel muy apenado-Te juro que no s? c?mo lleg? esto aqu?!- Las chicas al saber de qu? se trataba, se retiraron a una distancia segura donde adem?s pod?an escuchar la conversaci?n. Daniel estaba paralizado ya se le hab?a olvidado que le hab?a puesto eso en el saco, pero inmediato se tranquiliz? porque no hab?a forma de que Arturo supiera qui?n hab?a hecho esa travesura. - Creo que hay algo m?s en mi bolsillo, a ver veamos, es una tarjeta y trae un n?mero telef?nico-(que era el numero de Daniel)- dice si te metes en problemas marca este numero- - Ay no le des importancia! Quiz?s Fue una broma de uno de tus amigos, no hay nada de qu? preocuparse a menos claro que tengas novia o que seas casado- Arturo sonr?o le mostr? su mano sin anillos, sac? su cartera para que viera que no hab?a ninguna foto de una mujer-Hace tiempo que no tengo amigos-y sonri? t?midamente-Y como podr?s ver no tengo novia ni estoy casado. Pero qu? tal si Hubieran hecho est? travesura a una persona que si lo estuviera por menos de esto yo he visto personas que se han metido en problemas muy graves con su pareja, as? que l le voy a marcar a esa persona para decirle lo irresponsable e inmadura que es y que no es justo meter en problemas a personas inocentes- Daniel tenia que hacer algo para que no le marcara y descubrieraa que ?l era "la irresponsable" qu? le jug? esa broma, ten?a que hacer algo para que Arturo Se olvidar? del asunto y se relajara - Ya tranquil?zate Mira vente vamos a bailar- Daniel busco a la chicas para que sefueran todos a la pista, pero aquellas p?caras escuchar todo se fueron r?pidamente al otro extremo del sal?n para que Daniel se quedara solo con Arturo bailando. Por suerte para Daniel la m?sica que estaban tocando era para bailar suelto, de repente pusieron m?sica de cumbia y Arturo de inmediato tom? la mano de Daniel y puso su mano en la cintura ya estuvieron bailando solos otro rato.Cuando pusieron la m?sica rom?ntica Daniel prefiri? irse a sentar ,si de por s? ya era muy inc?modo estar bailando s?lo con un hombre.. Adem?s bailar m?sica rom?ntica pegados! eso ya era demasiado... Arturo le llev? una copa a Daniel quien desperadamente buscaba a las chicas, hasta que vio que cada una estaba bailando por su lado y se ve?an felices con las parejas que encontraron...lo que significaba que ?l estaba por su cuenta. - En lo que descansemos d?jame hacer una llamada-dijo Arturo un poco cansado. - A qui?n le est?s marcando?- - Pues a qui?n m?s, a qui?n me dej? esto en el saco- - No no lo hagas ya olv?dalo- Pero era demasiado tarde ya hab?a empezado sonar el tel?fono de Dani que estaba dentro de la bolsa as? que no tuvo tiempo de colgar antes de que sonara mas fuerte y Arturo lo escucho Daniel avent? lejos la bolsa y Arturo sonr?o - As? que fuiste t?!- - No esteeee..solo es casualidad- Arturo volvi? a marcar su tel?fono y la bolsa de Dani volvi? sonar. - Exijo una compensaci?n- - Esta bien a gritame que soy una una irresponsable e inmadura- declaro con resignacion - Eso ya lo sabes, ahora necesitas un castigo para aprender la lecci?n- - Est? bien me lo merezco. cu?l es el castigo?- - Sal conmigo- - Yo no quiero salir contigo- - Mucho mejor! Porque un castigo es algo que no queremos hacer y que nos inc?moda para aprender bien la leccion- - Est? bien acept?.....- Daniel de inmediato planeo todo, Arturo no sabia donde vivia y cuando le marcara no iba a contestar el tel?fono as? no tendr?a que salir con el. Despu?s de un rato de seguirse disculpando con Arturo llegaron las muchachas para ver si ya se se iban. El plan era quedarse todas en la casa de Julia en Taxi, y dormir---pero Arturo se ofreci? a llevarlas porque durante la noche Daniel le coment? que viv?a con Julia y as? sabr?a d?nde pasar a recogerla para la citae. El camino todos siguieron platicando de lo mucho que se hab?an divertido, de los muchachos que hab?an conocido en la fiesta. Arturo les platico sobre el incidente del calz?n y les pidi? ayuda para hacer que Dani cumpliera con su castigo, ellas por supuesto que se ofrecieron a ayudar. Llegaron todos cansadas a la casa de Julia con una sonrisa p?cara Mary pregunt?- as? que te agarraron con las manos en la masa Dani, ?Ya quisiera yo un castigo como ese! Al parecer soy la ?nica que no consigui? cita para esta semana- - S?, pero no pienso ir- -Ah no! tienes que ir, nosotras ya dimos nuestra palabra de Sailor Scout- -Dany apoco ere gay?- -No porque?- olvidando que estaba vestido de mujer y que se refer?an a que si no le gustaban los hombres. - Entonces no se diga m?s, ir?s a esa cita, ahora vamos a dormir un poco, acuestense donde puedan, en mi cama cabemos tres apretadas y Dani se va a quedar en el sofa- Las chicas se levantaron despu?s de medio d?a y le encargaron a Julia que se asegurar? de que Dany fuera a su cita con Arturo. -Yo me encargo de todo y luego les cuento- M?s tarde Julia levanto a Daniel, -ya lev?ntate flojo, que tienes que estar listo para cuando llegue tu cita- -Estas loca, no pienso ir, quiere que vallamos al cine y luego a cenar y despu?s quien sabe que otras negras intenciones tenga!- -Y no quieres ir porque tu eres una chica decente!- - Y porque no me gustan los hombres!- -Hay todos los hombres son iguales!.A ver mete esto en tu cabecita , que una mujer le sonr?a a un hombre no significa que quiera ser su novia o tener sexo, tampoco si le llama por tel?fono o si sale con el. Que nunca has salido con una mujer en plan de amigos?- - Si lo he hecho- - Y paso algo m?s? se besaron o tuvieron sexo?- -No porque ambos dejamos claro que solo quer?amos una amistad, bueno regularmente son ellas las que solo quieren tener una amistad conmigo- -Pues aqu? tu le vas hacer lo mismo a Arturo. Ademas con todo lo que ha pasado necesitas relajarte y salir a platicar con alguien para divertirte un rato y as? con esa voz no puedes salir con tus amigos de siempre...a menos que quieras que en cada reuni?n digan :" Se acuerdan cuando Daniel hablaba como vieja? Pero si nunca ha hablado como hombre jajajajaja" - -Rayos que gran poder de convencimiento tienes, no has pensado en dedicarte a las ventas...o a las estafas?- -Miralo como una oportunidad para entender mejor a las mujeres poni?ndote literalmente en su lugar.Cuando todo esto acabe tendr?s todas las herramientas para conquistarlas facilmente y salir de la FriendZone - -Tu cre?s?- -Claro que si, no hay nada que ame m?s una mujer que un hombre que la comprende de verdad- -Bueno ya que! Ay?dame a arreglarme- Daniel eligi? un pantal?n una blusa olgada y unos zapatos de abuelita - listo! ahora algo de maquillage y...- - No puedes salir as?, y menos en una primera cita!- - Pero voy en plan de "solo amigos"- - Si quieres entender en realidad a las mujeres tienes que hacer todo lo que hacemos al salir por primera vez con alguien, tienes que arreglarte, verte hermosa y darte a desear-- - Pero yo no quiero que me desee- - Quieres entender a las mujeres si o no?- - Pues s?- - Entonces haz todo lo que te digo. Primero vamos a ver cu?les son tus principales atractivos?. Veamos tienes piernas flacas no tienes busto que mostrar as? que te pondr?s estas medias negras para que se vean mas atractivas tus piernas, zapatos de tac?n alto para que resalten las pompis, tienes que verte natural as? que te pondr? estas extensiones, no olvides la faja y este vestido o no tiene escote as? que te esconder? muy bien los rellenos en tu brasier . Ahora c?mbiate para que te maquille- Cuando Julieta termino con Daniel este parec?a una chica de Entre 25 y 28 a?os Cuando Julieta termino con Daniel este parec?a una chica de Entre 25 y 28 a?os - Te ves muy bien pero no s?, siento como que te falta algo... ya se! unos lindos aretes- - Pero no tengo las orejas perforadas no tendr?s unos de Clip- - Tenia varios paro anoche terminaste de perder el ultimo par que me quedaba - - Y si voy sin aretes?- - Ay No seas chill?n, ponte este hielo mientras esterilizo la aguja. Listo ya te perfore las 2 ahora por si acaso tomate este antibi?tico- - Pero que no estaba la aguja esterilizada!- - S? pero es por si acaso. Y por ?ltimo ponte esta cadena de oro. Mira ya lleg? arturo - -Mejor mejor dile que no estoy, dile que soy enfermo no me siento bien- Julieta abri? la puerta para recibir a Arturo . - Hola Dani te ves hermosa !. Nos vamos?- y le ofreci? su brazo. Daniel no tuvo m?s que apoyarse ya que los tacones eran m?s altos de los que est? usando, cuando un bajando las escaleras en el departamento casi se cae pero por suerte iba agarrado del brazo de Arturo as? as? que para terminar de bajar las escaleras sin caerse tuvo que seguir apoyandose en el brazo de Arturo. Daniel para sus adentros pens?- cielos lo que menos quer?a era tener contacto f?sico, malditas escaleras!- Primero fueron al cine - Quieres ver una pel?cula rom?ntica Dany?- A Daniel se me encendieron todos los focos rojos en su cabeza donde primero le iban a tomar la mano luego lo iban a abrazar y por ?ltimo se se acabar?an besando como todas las dem?s parejas. - No no no mejor veamos esa- - Esa es de terror. Est?s segura?- - A mi me divierten, adem?s todo es falso s?lo es maquillaje y prosteticos- Pero la pel?cula era de terror "psicol?gico" creando en la sala de cine un ambiente tenso y t?trico que no era nada divertido. Ademas como El vestido de Daniel no ten?a mangas y llevaba una falda muy corta con el fr?o del aire acondicionado y el el miedo que le daba la pel?cula se le puso la pies de gallina.En un aparte de la pel?cula hablaban de que se aparec?a una mujer vestida de blanco unos minutos despu?s unas filas abajo de ellos vieron vieron como se levantaba una mujer p?lida vestida de blanco y Dani creyendo que era el fantasma del que hablaban lanz? tremendo grito de terror, fue tan fuerte que asust? a toda la sala e hizo que casi todos gritaran de miedo. Todo esto alter? un poco a Dany, tanto que Arturo tuvo que abrazarla para tranquilizarla. Dany penso-Hay que calientito est?, ya me estaba muriendo de fr?o pero esto se siente reconfortante-De inmediato reaccion? al recordar que un hombre lo estaba abrazando. No quer?a que Arturo lo abrazara, no fuera a creer que era una se?al para que lo besara!Pero Dany sent?a mucho fr?o y al no tener nada con que cubrirse solo le quedaba calentarse con Arturo tambi?n pens? en salirse de la sala pero la pel?cula estaba muy interesante y no quer?a irse sin saber c?mo terminaba, as? que mejor decidi? aclarar las cosas con su acompa?ante. -No vayas a pensar otra cosa, lo que pasa es que tengo fr?o, y no traje nada para cubrirme- - Por m? no hay problema Yo tambi?n tengo fr?o, as? que espero que t? tampoco vayas a pensar otra cosa de m?- los dos sonrieron y entendieron que s?lo se iban abrazar como amigos. Al estar abrazados sinti? el aroma de la loci?n de Arturo que era agradable, reconfortante y c?lido-mmm hueles tan rico- de inmediato se dio cuenta que hablo sin pensar ; que hab?a dicho! Y porque lo dijo en voz alta!- Esteeee me refiero a tu loci... Al estar abrazados sinti? el aroma de la loci?n de Arturo que era agradable, reconfortante y c?lido-mmm hueles tan rico- de inmediato se dio cuenta que hablo sin pensar ; que hab?a dicho! Y porque lo dijo en voz alta! - Esteeee me refiero a tu loci?n- - Est?s segura que s?lo estamos abrazados como amigos?- - Disc?lpame es que desde hace d?as no s? porqu? tengo muy sensible el olfato y eso me altera un poco y a veces no s? lo que digo cada vez que detect? un olor agradable o desagradable- - Bueno creo que despu?s de lo que dijiste voy a comprarme dos botes de la misma loci?n jajaja- Despu?s de que termina la pel?cula Dany sent?a culpa por haber abrazado a otro hombre y mas verg?enza por haberle dicho que ol?a rico . Qu? le estaba pasando porque de repente se hab?a vuelto friolento! ?l que se sentaba en los lugares m?s fr?os donde le diera el aire acondicionado para no sentir calor. Ser?a este un efecto secundario de la medicina que le dio el doctor... Fueron a cenar a un restaurante que estaba dentro del centro comercial donde estaba el cine, era una de sus franquicias de restaurant bar de comida italiana. Arturo noto que Dani estaba un poco apenada por todo lo que hab?a pasado en el cine empez? a hablar de cosas que a ella le pudieran gustar para que se relajara. As? que le pregunt? que si le gustaba la m?sica cl?sica? quien era su compositor favorito, que s? sab?a tocar un instrumento etc?tera... Dany se sinti? relajado al no tener que centrar la pl?tica en su vida ya que iba a tener que decir muchas mentiras sobre una vida de mujer que no ten?a pero la m?sica era su vida y su pasi?n y hablar de este tema hizo que la velada fuera mas agradable. Llegaron a casa de Julia -Me la pas? muy bien Dany, sabes hace a?os que no sal?a con una amiga- -y eso?,cre? que eras muy sociable- -Es que ten?a una novia que demandaba tanta atenci?n.... que ya no quer?a que me juntara con mis amigos, as? que perd? contacto con ellos , y era tan celosa que me ten?a prohibido tener amigas- -Ella te regalo ese anillo de oro blanco con el Dragon Vikingo?- -As? que tambi?n eres conocedora de la cultura vikinga? Genial ya tenemos algo mas de que platicar cuando volvamos a salir- -No evadas la pregunta o voy a pensar otra cosa- -No, ella no me lo dio, no es de oro es de acero y lo compre en un viaje con unos amigos a Diamarca, a ella no le gustaba , as? que lo deje de usar,ella quer?a que fuera mas sofisticado para "estar a su altura", decia que usara ropa mas elegante y de marca porque as? me ve?a como un mediocre; deje de ser yo mismo por complacerla y aun as? me dejo....-Y Arturo se puso triste y melanc?lico -Yo tambi?n estuve en una relaci?n as?.....con un hombre.. celoso...e inseguro, tambi?n dure mucho tiempo con depresi?n por su culpa, pero bueno as? son las personas toxicas- - Si, ella era toxica..creo- Y suspiro. -Aun no la superas verdad?- -No....pero por hoy dejemos de hablar de cosas tristes, hoy me quiero ir a dormir con el recuerdo de que nos la pasos muy bien y que la siguente vez hablaremos de vikingos y espadas. Adios- Arturo se quiso despedir de beso, pero Dany se quiso hacer a un lado para evitarlo , para su mala suerte movi? la cabeza hacia el lado que ven?a el beso y en lugar de la mejilla Arturo lo beso en los labios qued?ndose los dos sorprendidos. - Perd?n, es que como soy zurdo siempre doy el beso en por mi izquierda- Dany no sab?a que hacer as? que se meti? corriendo al departamento cerrando la puerta. Arturo le hablo desde afuera- Est?s bien?- -Si , solo...estoy apenada, me la pas? muy bien. Esteeee..estoy cansada hablamos luego byee- Julia se levant? al o?r tanto alboroto y vio a Dany haciendo una rabieta. - Que te paso, est?s bien?- -Claro que no estoy bien porque nos besamos!- - Y te gust?? Qu? tal besa? Ya son novios? - - Claro que no! Estoy muy enojado porque no tengo ni una semana como mujer y ya me ha besado con dos hombres, qu? pasa que tengo tan mala suerte?- - Ya tranquil?zate Dani ma?ana vas a tu casa te viste de hombre y te olvidas de todo porque estudias de todo hasta el fin de semana- - Qu? es cuando voy a tener que volver a ser mujer. No, yo creo que mejor le voy a pedir a Pedro un descanso por este mes ya no puedo seguir as?. Cuando Dany fue a recoger vestido que dejo tirado en el ba?o para echarlo en el bote de la ropa sucia y noto que tenia un olor raro era la loci?n que le gusto tanto, as? que lo olio por ultima ves -uhmmmm Arturo!- y sonri? ....-Pero porque que rayos dije eso!-y avent? enojado el vestido al bote. Dany estaba so?ando que iba caminando por la calle en la noche vestido de mujer, de repente sent?a fri? pero alguien llego a abrazarlo, era Arturo pero se sinti? incomodo y se alejo de el: Arturo se volvi? a acercar a el y esta vez ol?a delicioso, la abrazo, luego le beso el cuello y le dijo-Besame Danny!-mientras la acariciaba -No puedo hacelo, soy un hombre!- -No me importa, para mi tu eres una diosa!-y le volvi? a besar el cuello mientras le acariciaba la espalda y los brazos- -No puedo, al?jate... alguien nos puede ver- -Mira bien, no hay nadie, estamos solos!- Arturo tenia raz?n, la calle estaba sola y fue entonces cuando lo beso apasionadamente para luego entregase al deseo sobre el pasto-hazme tuya....- - Al d?a siguiente Daniel se desperto muy confundido. Que clase de pesadilla fue esa? y que hacia abrazado el vestido que se supon?a hab?a echado al bote de la ropa sucia anoche? -Solo fue un sue?o, solo fue un sue?o, no significa nada.... lo mejor sera ponerme algo de ropa de hombre para olvidar todo. Julia no has visto mi pantal?n y mi camisa?- -El s?bado qu? fuimos a tu casa dejaste ah? y todas tus cosas y s?lo te trajiste tus tarjetas de cr?dito y algo de dinero.- -Entonces qu? me pongo?- -Usa la ropa que te pusiste ayer-y Daniel miro el vestido que aun tenia aun en su mano con el aroma de Arturo y lo avento lejos -Ya no quiero usar ropa de mujer- -Pues yo no tengo nada limpio que prestarte, ya no chilles llegando a la casa te cambias y te pones lo que quieras - Asi que no le quedo de otra m?s que volver a usar ropa de mujer. Camino a su casa Daniel solo penzaba en ponerse una pantalon de mezclilla, unos zapatos y arreglarse lo mas varonil posible. Pero al llegar a su casa Daniel solo encontr? un mont?n de escombros. - Pero que rayo paso aqu??- Un vecino que iba pasando le contesto - es la casa que explot?-- Exploto mi casa Un vecino que iba pasando le contesto - es la casa que explot?- - Exploto mi casa ..pero cuando- -Como? no sabe ?. paso hace dos d?as. Hasta sali? en la tele, dicen que el due?o se suicid? haciendo explotar su casa con el adentro ..que loco?-

Same as La corista capitulo 2 Videos

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The Warm Day0

'Just finishing,I'll be down now'. I replied. 'Good!! Hurry, I need you to return that suitcase we borrowed from Mr Guy'. 'Awwh no', I complained. 'I was going to aunties to play with John', I lied. 'Maybe later, I promised to return that case two days ago and I think he needs it for his holidays'. I smiled as I glanced at my hard cock , saying, 'maybe later also', and reaching into my drawer still feeling excited I selected my favourite undies and pulled them on. Looking at...

3 years ago
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Sex And Strikes And Rock N RollWeek Sixteen

FRIDAY JUNE-17 We were heading out of school at the end of the day, the whole gang of us. Sophia and I were dressed in G-string and boxer briefs respectively, however now that we were out of school we were wearing our coveralls as some sort of sign that winter and the cold biting winds that came with it had finally arrived. Nigel Long and Anne Marshall being braver and hardier, or maybe more foolish who knows, made no such concession and remained naked because it had been their week to do...

3 years ago
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What A Summer Part 1

Finals were finally done, and I was home for the summer. The neighborhood was having a block party one Saturday afternoon during which I had noticed one of the neighbors staring at me on several occassions. To protect the guilty, I'll refer to her as Chelsea. She was married to a plastic surgeon and lived down the street. She was in her early forties, around 5'6" tall and probably around 120 pounds give or take. If was obvious that she had had some work done, after all, she was married to a...

2 years ago
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Shoe shopping with Mom

Shoe Shopping with MomSue, 43 years, housewife and motherMary, 69 years, pensioner, mother, grandmotherIt was a hot summer day in july and Sue gets visited by her mom. It was at the end of the month, and Sue was a little bit pissed off,because it was summer and hot outside, but she didn’t have some money to buy open shoes that she wanted all the time.She told her mom that she would like to have some flat and open shoes but that she don’t have the money.Her mom deiced, to go with her to the city...

4 years ago
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Une autre vie 13

Ce matin on ma apportée une tenue mini ,caraco ,tanga bas ,escarpin ,flushia ,a midi Assan vient me chercher il est nu une queue impressionnante plus de quarante centimètres de long mes deux mains n arrivent pas à en faire le tour il m invite à boire un coup c est a dire lui faire une pipe pour cela il me fait empaler sur un énorme pal mes pieds ne touchent pas le sol je prend tant bien que mal sa bite en bouche il décharge presque aussitôt un colosse met une coupelle pour récupérer le trop...

3 years ago
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RansomeChapter 19 The Reception

“How come Martha is invited to the wedding and the reception?” the bride inquired of her husband, “and what is the real quarrel between you. How did it start?” “It started because I wouldn’t tell her my baptismal name, and expected her to call me Mr. Ransome, as most of the community do. My chief argument with her is that she then tried to make me look mean and foolish in public. She failed, of course, most spectacularly in the most blatant case, the famous episode of the five pence piece....

3 years ago
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Amazing Gracie

Before last night it had been three or four weeks. Last night he was really horny. He fucked me for almost three full hours and his cock felt like a steel rod. No wonder he left me so sore And I lost count of how many times he and I came. All I know is he had a lot of cum built up in his balls I was in my mid 40’s when this took place. At that time, I was living in an apartment on the 11th floor of a building in a downtown area. My job had me traveling frequently, and sometimes for...

2 years ago
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A Weekend Away With Christina Chapter Four

Christina slipped on the white dress with nothing underneath. I had her stand on the balcony and took a picture with the light shining through. If you looked closely enough, you could tell that she was panty-less. As far as her nipples were concerned, they were hard to see. Hers are fairly small and pale pink in color. Plus, the dress had flowers strategically placed, probably since most of the dress was white.Christina practiced bending over and asked me to take pictures at various heights....

2 years ago
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A warriors bondlove has no limits

"Ungh" Yarek groans a little, closing his eyes so he won't get sick and dizzy, gripping tight still. He uses his toes to grip as well as Kai rolls along the ground, leaping some more. Kai pants heavily as he takes a brief rest, figuring out his next move. Yarek keeps holding on tight, too wary to relax his grip for even one second. After a moment Kai tenses up and takes a huge leap, landing in a barrel roll along the ground then rising into a tight running circle, rolling on the...

3 years ago
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Loves True ObsessionChapter 35

After they greeted the last of the guests, the two grooms helped their brides into the waiting carriages, assisting them with getting the trains of their gowns into the carriage before climbing in themselves. They sat on the seats beside the ladies and held their hands. They waved to all the guests, who were tossing birdseed at the two couples as they left the church, leading the procession across town to the Country Club, where the reception was being held. Ariel looked lovingly at Jack and...

4 years ago
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Ritas true story

after our encounter with sue Rita wanted her turn so it was left to me to arrange and boy was she excited at the prospect of what i was see Rita wanted to be fucked by 5 men and begged me relentlessly to arrange it so i did,i called Rita and said it would be tonight great she said i will get ready so i rounded my mates from the football team and had told them about this incredibly horny lady i had meet and what she wanted needless to say they couldn't wait.when we got to her house...

3 years ago
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En Athaiyai Kutha Aasai

Enaku ippozhuthu vayathu 18 aagugigrathu naan 12th mudithu ippozhuthu vidu muraiyil irukiren. Eppozhuthum naangal vidumurai vidum naakalil sontha kaarargal veetirku selvathu pazhakam. Enaku oru sexyaana athai irunthaal avalin peyar Susila avalin vaythu 34 ippozhuthu avaluku kanavan illali oru pen magal matume irukiraal. Athai veru thirumanam seithu kola villai aanal ennaku theriyum aval niraiya aangaludan ullasamaaga oothu sugathai anubavaikiraal endru. Naan en siru vayathil irukum pozhuthu...

3 years ago
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After Dinner Treat

She stood between his widened legs,  his face now expectant, curious, lustful. She loved the power she held over him in this moment, the control she had over his pleasure to come.  Her lips curled into a half smile and she leaned forward slowly to kiss him, gently at first and then harder, deeper. She sucked on his tongue as she pulled him off the couch and pressed against him.  She could feel his erection on her stomach and his body's willingness to do anything she directed.She led him to the...

Oral Sex
4 years ago
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Soul MatesChapter 2

After an hour drive, I’m taken out of the van and led into a large building and into a large reception area. I’m told to sit down and wait, while one of the guys that dragged me away from my life sits beside me. After a while, an older lady, that I have seen before walks out of the office and tells me to come inside. I walk in the office and sit down. I see an Asian lady standing on the other side of the office. She is short around 5’5”, 120 pounds, B cups, and long black hair. She is...

3 years ago
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His Infernal Majestys ServiceChapter 19

Friday afternoon found me washing the Pantera. Mom had gotten it into her mind that tonight was a big deal and had gone all out. Yesterday, she made me come straight home after school. She had taken me first to get a haircut and then clothes shopping. I hadn't realized that when women go shopping for a new outfit they buy from the skin out. She insisted I buy socks and underwear (Fortunately, she didn't make me model them.). Then we went to an actual men's store and purchased a suit. She...

3 years ago
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Helping Look After Mum

Remembering back, It's hard to believe it really happened, and, of course, I still get a hard-on recalling those great days. When I was foureen, my mum slipped and sprained her right wrist rather badly, and, being right-handed, this made her life somewhat difficult, especially since my dad had left us. The doctor put my mum in a cast on her lower right arm. It allowed her to move her elbow and use her fingers, but the wrist was immobilized. The doctor told her not to get the cast wet, or it...

2 years ago
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The Exchange Students

"What do we do now?", he asked."Wait here I guess until they tell us otherwise",she answered,not fully understanding why they were here and what was going to happen. Like everyone they had heard the rumors about the Monastery and what happened to errant people there,but was what they heard really going to happen to them,were they really about to have their bottoms spanked?They sat on the long pew watching boys and girls and the occasional Nun and Monk walk past on the corridor.Everytime a...

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The Wifes Store

Introduction: Wife becomes Whore at her Store My wife LeAnn is a 26 year old head turning brunette, at 5 7 she has straight shoulder length hair and dark brown eyes. Her perfectly tanned legs and firm round ass are attention getters, as are her tits, which are 34 double Ds. Im a 33 year old stockbroker. Im 511 and about 190, I consider myself above average in looks, and I work out to keep my body fit. After four years of married life, my wife decided she wanted to start a small used clothing...

2 years ago
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Begin AgainChapter 7

Begin Again: 7. Connie had a 'moment'. There's a fancy name for it ... begins with E and ends with y and there's a p and an h in there somewhere ... Epiphany ... yeah ... that's it. She ran up to Nyoman and said, "I'm happy." "That's nice," she said. "You don't understand," Connie said. "Explain it to me, then," Nyo said. "I'm not researching or watching gulls," Connie explained. "The only time I was happy was when I was alone with the gulls." "Oh?" "I dreaded...

3 years ago
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Horny Sister Brother And Mother

Hye ISS readers…. This is archana from Kerala. I am going to post my experience with my younger brother. We are four in our family. Mom, dad, brother & me. Mom is housewife. Dad is in gulf. Mom dad sleeping in their bedroom. Me & my brother sleeping in same room but on different bed. I am very horny, sexy, dirty, cock loving girl. Now come to main story. One day, my brother is watching blue films on his mobile. He is so busy in watching such that he not know i am behind him & caught him red...

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The Lab Rat

I woke up; my eyes were blinded by the bright lights of the sterile, white room. I closed them for a few moments to let them adjust, and I had one thought in my mind. I needed a cock. A big one. A huge one. Pounding away in my burning pussy. My hands immediately reached down and stroked my burning pussy. It was on fire. I needed a cock and I needed one right now. "Welcome back to the real world." I heard a voice say. Must get laid, must get pounded. Fast and hard. Above all RIGHT...

4 years ago
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Baileys BrotherChapter 6 Bailey Gets a Taste

I woke up fresh and revived, with last night feeling a million miles away. Everything was fine, my brother just thought he caught me having an erotic dream that he created. If anything, that probably made him more likely to think I was pretty, so, yeay. It was a good enough rationalization. Mr. Gadsten really liked my new outfit. He made sure to be out in the yard when I went for a run and again when I came back. I suppose a young girl wearing tight fitting sexy clothes going for a run was...

2 years ago
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VacationChapter 6

"You know, Susie, the camera was turned off." With my arms around my naked mother and my face in her hair, I opened my eyes and raised my head to look over her shoulder at Kristin, standing in the bathroom doorway. "What do you mean?" Mom asked. "I mean that you seemed to enjoy yourself quite a lot. And you can't tell me you were faking it for the camera. I suppose you could try to tell us that you were doing it for my benefit. Is that what it was? We're you pretending to be a...

1 year ago
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Sensual Encounter After Marriage

So this story is about how me and my cousin Rita had a sensual Love encounter after our first steamy session. For those who reading the story for the first time please ready the earlier story which would make this one even more interesting (). For all those who are reading my story for the first time I’m Jack aged 22 I have a decent 6” tool enough to satisfy one who needs. My cousin Rita she is a 22 yr old busty girl with her stats measuring 38d-30-38. As we didn’t get enough time to enjoy each...

1 year ago
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BangBus Anna Chambers Wild Girl Twerks For a Ride

The bus is constantly out here, roaming the streets of Miami searching for girls that would do anything for some dough. This specific week, we came across this wild girl who was down from the get go. After flashing her some cold hard cash, she got completely naked outside the bus before hopping inside to make some more money. Inside the bus, she was shaking booty and begging to get fuck. All she cared about was how much bread she’d go home with. Eventually, she got what she was looking for....

2 years ago
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First time trying bbcs

Hi I’m mad my hubby is Paul I’ve told this story before so I hope I am not boring everyone. We tried swinging but it was so – so. My husband wanted to share me with another guy and I was a little suspicious and said no….several times. Then we were at a nudist resort in Caribbean I had a it to drink and we smoked a lot of herb and I was around naked black men for the first time in person. Simply said I was turned on by them and they seemed to be attracted to me. A couple of guys in particular...

4 years ago
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Im an ExhibitionistDeal with it part two

I’m an Exhibitionist...Deal with it! (Part Two)Hubby had left work early that morning. I spent what seemed like an eternity in the bathroom, showering, pampering my skin, doing my hair and sorting my make-up. I was going to Jen’s shop to discuss my new Stripper career with her and some strip club owner. Maybe I would have to audition for this guy, so I decided that whatever I wear would need to extremely sexy and enhance my curvy figure as much as possible. I knew Jen would...

3 years ago
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Bonded and BredChapter 5

The double patio doors stood open to the night air, and their father held on to his human form as he watched his daughters transform into their wolf like shapes. It was not a painful shift for them – something that he was deeply thankful for. Often with humans or half humans, the breaking of bones and stretching of tendons was an agonising experience, but his daughters when they made the change they did not fight it, and so it lessened the pain. He saw the emotions twirling in their eyes,...

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Funtime With Friend8217s Girlfriend 8211 Part 2

Sorry friends to make you wait for long.. Due to rush in my day 2 days work, I didn’t get time to sit on the next part..Thanks for your support and comments..For new readers of this story, please read “Funtime with friend’s girlfriend” first. Like how we both masturbated over chatting. Around at 2 pm same day, P : thank you dear.. I : how about 2nd round? P: just shut up everything and sleep. Gn bye bye.. I : ok Got up around 9am and rushed to office. Due to meetings and work, I completely...

4 years ago
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My BrotherinLaw 2

My Brother-in-Law Part 2 By Erica Wright October 15-20, 1998 This is a stand-alone story but will make a little more sense if you read "My Brother-in-Law 1". Before I had even received requests for more of this story I had started turning the next chapter around in my head. I hope you enjoy it. My wife was about to kiss me goodnight and head out to work when the phone rang. I quickly picked it up. "Hello". "Hey cunt, how's your asshole?" I felt my face turning red. It was...

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Outdoor Fun

I love a bit of daring sexual fun outdoors, so I thought I’d tell you about one of the best experiences (actually, probably was THE best!) I ever had… I’d been seeing this girl for a while. She had youngish k**s so time alone was at a premium. Her parents took her and the k**s on holiday for a week, and I took a day off in the week to go and meet her. Her parents took pity on us and said we could have the day together without the k**s. She wore a lovely flowing knee-length skirt and a white...

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My Personal Chef

Here it was, 5 o'clock on a lazy Friday afternoon and all the crew who worked at the ranch were leaving for the weekend. All but one that is, you, my live in chef. You and I shared a special bond. Your grandfather had worked for my grandfather, then your dad for my father before your dad retired to his native country a few years ago. Our families roots were so intertwined it was impossible to separate them. You loved being part of the 'family' and decided to stay here, in Texas, where you had...

First Time
4 years ago
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The Little Mermaid Part 2

Introduction: Part 2 of the little mermaid hope you enjoy Ariel awoke to find herself lying on a sandy beach. With Sebastian and flounder looking worriedly at her. Then as she looked down at herself all the pain she had just endured from the sea witch and her two minions suddenly disappeared as she realised. Ive got legs, Ariel cried happily. Or she would have if she still had her voice. Well, look at what the catfish dragged in! Ariel looked up to see scuttle a seagull that she often went...

2 years ago
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Cum To My Office

V. and I had shaved her pussy the night before, and it had been a wildly erotic night. We had a little wine, made out a little, and when we got particularly horny, she smiled her dirtiest smile and said she was going to take a shower. I joined her there. She fell to her knees immediately and sucked my cock, taking me right to the brink of orgasm before suddenly stopping. She stood up and moved my hand down to her pussy while the other gripped the shaft of my cock. While my cock throbbed I...

Quickie Sex
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Taking the Maid 2

“Please stay. Thank you, Mr. Chambers,” she said barely audibly. “Jack, please. If I'm gonna see you naked, I think we should be on a first name basis.” She offered him a weak smile. He gently undressed her. The uniform had to be cleaned. She was absolutely stunning, he thought. Her little b-cup breasts were perfectly shaped, with thimble sized nipples. She was beyond embarrassment with him now. To Jack's credit, he didn't stand and ogle her beautiful shape. He sat her in...

4 years ago
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Dangerous Obsession Ch 02

He was fucking Doris in the morning when I entered with his breakfast tray. Setting it down I looked for a bed table we had bought when Doris was sick. Then knowing my duties as his servant I brought a towel and stood holding it over my arm like a waiter in an upscale restaurant. When they were finished and after I had cleaned their genitals I propped up some pillows for him and then set the table and tray over his lap. Doris began to feed him like a baby but when I turned to leave he stopped...

2 years ago
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My First Fuck

I was 17 when I lost my cherry. My dick would get hard if the wind blew. At 16, I had a steady girl who also was a virgin, same age, and we experimented with touching and then it went to oral. She couldn't suck cock worth a shit, just kinda rolled her tongue around my cockhead, but I was new at eating pussy, even though I loved the taste, so I guess it was about even. I so very badly wanted to grab the back of her head and pull her down on my cock, but those were different times. If she got...

4 years ago
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Now Is Your Chance Boy

Now Is Your Chance Boy Our family is quite close and we always have company on weekends. Dad is a vice-president in a manufacturing company here in town, Mom is an executive secretary at another manufacturing company in town, and I’m fourteen years old and I’ll be going into high school in the fall. The ninth grade is kind of scary for me. Being a computer nerd, a virgin, and having a big house in the best part of town will certainly set me up as a target for the jocks. I’m not looking...

3 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 117

THE RETREAT: LATE THURSDAY NIGHT Arlene and Selina sat on Selina's bed, their backs propped against pillows as they played with Billy. Arlene slid her hand back and forth under the sheet as Billy pretended to stalk a terribly dangerous prey. He held his body and his head very close to the bed, occasionally lifting his head slightly to peek at his target, the tip of his tail twitching continuously. Then, he would jump as high as he could, coming down on Arlene's hand, tussling with it...

4 years ago
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The GiftChapter 38

I sat and thought about how much to reveal to these people. John already knew I had some abilities, but did not know all that I could do. This Jeffery Milhouse, while apparently a paragon of virtue, was the likely cause of the attack on the house. "Ok, I will say this just once. Yes, I am responsible for the seeming disappearance of the attackers. The seven men are not hurt or dead. They are sort of, in a place of storage. I can bring them back, just as easily. We need to figure out who we...

3 years ago
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The GiftChapter 16

I had more or less expected her to continue, but she got off me, kissed my belly lightly, and went to mix another two Gins. Then she shed her negligee and sat down on her chair. She was a lovely sight. She had never before been very comfortable, being naked around the house. Now she openly displayed all her beauties, which were enhanced by her relaxed and satisfied movements. Her happy smile gradually turned off and was replaced by an annoyed expression. "What's on your mind? You don't...

4 years ago
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Cockatoo apart 20

Cockatoo Part 20Nikkie SilkAs I looked at the wrecked room, one name leapt straight into my mind. Whether Jandaeng had told Yut about me, or he had worked it out by himself, I didn't know, but I was sure this was his work. It was a message, not just a random break in. Nin started to edge into the room, but I pulled her back from the door. I didn't want to find out the hard way there was somebody in there waiting for us. ‘Nin, let’s get away from here. We need to work out what to do.’We went to...

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Workout With Mom

This story is fictional. Hi friends this line love back with another fiction hope you like my story…… Please mail me your comments at It was July during the summer before his senior year of high school. Seventeen year old David was a well built young man who had dreams of playing professional football. Standing 6 feet 2 inches, he weighed a muscular 215 pounds and was always into lifting weights in an effort to become stronger to fulfill his dreams. With his jet black hair, dark tanned skin,...

2 years ago
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Sexy Wife and the Resort

John had a very sexy wife. He could hardly keep her satisfied. She wanted sex all the time. He was thirty but had started taking viagara just to keep his cock hard to please her. Last night he ate her pussy and tongue fucked her for an hour and a half then he fucked her for two hours and she still woke him as he slept and sucked his cock then pushed it in her cunt to be fucked. He could not resist her triple D tits and the thick pussy lips and that sexy round ass. Last Saturday she stayed naked...

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Bake ShopChapter 10

The party gets into full swing pretty quickly. The banquet hall is big enough to hold all the employees though looking at it before everyone has piled in, it didn’t seem like it would. The tables have been set up with snacks and of course baked goodies. Christmas music is playing to mix in with talk and laughter. Chance is dressed as Santa Claus and sits in the far corner of the room atop his chair with Rory, dressed as a very sexy elf sits in the chair for Mrs. Claus. While Chance plays...

4 years ago
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My First Lover Is My Friend8217s Sister

Hello readers my name is Dona I would like to share my first sexual experience with you people and I sorely loved my first experience also she taught me the basics of sex. This happened when I was 19yrs old. I had a friend named Stella, we were thick friends and neighbours we also stayed in the same building so our families too knew each other very well and were very close, I too was very close with Stella’s family. Since I was the only child of my parents whenever my parents have to attend...

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Without You I Have Nothing Ch 21

Sadly, Bob and Ted felt a little neglected through all these preparations, although at times Jennifer and Peter joined them to all go out together with Ruth and Karen who seemed to be the permanent partners for Ted and Bob. Things were changing in Peter’s apartment, too. The place was subtly altered and Jennifer’s clothes seemed to take up all the available space. Eventually April arrived and Peter’s bachelor days were almost at an end when he drove Jennifer to Mascot airport. ‘Goodbye,...

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The Boys in BlueChapter 28

The Officer’s Mess was packed when they entered. Robert spotted Alan chatting with Air vice Marshal Burton, the two women by their sides obviously their wives. He walked over and introduced Terry to them. After a while Alan and the Air vice Marshall separated while the women carried on chatting. “Well Robert,” he said, “Alan tells me you have done a fantastic job getting the squadron ready.” “Thank you sir,” Robert replied, “but it was a team effort, all the men have pulled together to...

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des vacances folkloriques

(WIP renommage des personnages avec le "nouveau" systeme de variables) La famille (DUVAL) DUVAL partait enfin en vacances. Ils n'étaient jamais sorti du pays. (Robert) Robert, le père, avait souvent une charge de travail importante à l'entreprise. Les projets s'enchainaient, et il avait souvent du annuler des projet de vacances à la dernière minute afin de boucler des dossiers à temps. Sa femme (Julie)Julie (39ans) et ses filles (Sophie)Sophie (19 ans, bientôt 20) et (Kim) Kim (18ans)...

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Teacher Teach Her

Copyright© 2004 Her scent washes over me as she bends, once more, to peer over my shoulder at the sketch I'm working on. The thunder of my pulse drowns out other sounds as her soft, warm hand rests on my shoulder. I cannot breathe as her silky hair brushes my cheek. She smells... clean. Clean and fresh, with just a hint of lavender and something else... "Very good, Justine!" I can barely hear her whispered compliment over the pounding of my pulse! I sigh with relief and longing as...

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RevolutionChapter 9

When we moved into Georgia beyond Savannah, we started running into real opposition from the military. At first, it was hard to tell who the other side was fighting for. It didn't seem likely that the grunts felt any loyalty to the bosses or the unions, so it had to be loyalty to the now nonexistent USA or loyalty to their commander. We talked it over and decided that it had to be loyalty to their commander. It could be the local commander or the overall commander, but General Williams...

4 years ago
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My Bi fantasy to Come True

My friend Mary from back in college dropped by unexpectedly and this was the beginning of some very wild happenings. She and her husband Mark where traveling through our area and decided to stop by. I asked them to stay over so they could meet my husband. After a little tugging, they agreed to postpone their travel plans. Once my husband David got home from work, we settled down with some drinks and conversation. David suggested we go out and enjoy the hot tub.Once everyone changed, we all met...

3 years ago
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Nov 2016

I wasn't exactly sure what kind of building Ariana was bringing me into. It wasn't dirty or dangerous or anything like that, but it wasn't an apartment building either. It seemed like a collection of business suites. She had asked me to be quiet so I didn't want to ask her until we were behind closed doors. When she lead me into the room, it made more sense. The space was small and softly lit, very warm and cozy, with music playing and a padded table in the middle. Very small. She had clearly...

4 years ago
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Fridays Pleasures

Jean gets home after I do. I thought I'd give her a hint of what I wanted.I went to bed naked hoping Jean would get the hint I was looking for a little action when she came home. I lay on my side so my back was toward the door. I left the covers off just to ensure Jean would see my bare body.Jean came home at her usual time and did her usual routine. I lay very quietly pretending to be asleep. She entered the room without turning on the light or making a sound. I could barely hear her as she...

4 years ago
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The Great Shift High Flight

The Great Shift: High Flight By Ran Dandel "Trans-Western 623, Tower, position and hold, runway two-two-right." "Position and hold, runway two-two-right, Trans Western 623." Inside the cockpit, Captain Scott James and First Officer Mark Stahl finished stowing the pre-takeoff checklist. Captain James then moved the big jet onto the runway, and positioned it exactly on the center stripe. He smoothly applied the brakes to hold their position. "Mark, we're heavy today...

3 years ago
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After a long time

She knocked on his door, her hands already beginning to tremble. She knew he was home, that was what worried her. The fact that she’d have to see him again. Would he hate her the way she had hated him? They hadn’t spoken in over five years and they parted ways on bad terms. She tried to relax but the door opened and all calm was lost. Her cheeks flushed at the sight of him. He stood in his doorway in jeans and an unbuttoned green flannel. His dark wavy hair had grown out over his thick...

3 years ago
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My First Big Cock

My first black cock, as it happened by accidentnot so very long ago.Trina, a beautiful lite skinned woman who had been my best friend for several years and I were hanging out.She stood about 5'7" sporting a ceremonious pair of 38 dd breasts with the biggest areolas I have ever seen. She was hot looking, no matter what she wore, her well defined assets managed to get everybody's attention including mine.Her waist long jet black coarse hair swayed in the summer breeze as we lounged topless around...

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