La Corista Capitulo 3 free porn video

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LA CORISTA CAPITULO 3 Daniel y Julia Fueron a la estaci?n de bomberos para averiguar porque hab?a estallado su casa? - Mire la explosi?n le provoc? una fuga de gas- -Una fuga de gas destruyo mi casa!- Bueno es muy probable que haya tenido todas las ventanas cerradas y el gas estuvo como acumulando durante muchas, muchas horas; luego quiz?s alg?n corto en un aparato el?ctrico o un falso contacto o dos cables pelados que por alguna raz?n se tocaron ocasionaron La chispa qu? hizo estallar todo- -Ves Julia ! te dije que que deb?a regresarme a verificar que estuviera bien cerrada la estufa!- - Y yo te dije que no deber?as conectar tantos aparatos en un mismo contacto!- - Oigan se?oritas deber?a de ir al banco para ver si no tiene alg?n seguro contra incendios- En el banco le dijeron que cualquier fuga dentro de la casa es responsabilidad del due?o por lo tanto el seguro no era v?lido. Y ahora Daniel ten?a que pagar los da?os que ocasiona la explosi?n a los vecinos, ademas ten?a que seguir con la deuda de una casa que ya no exist?a. Y as? de la noche a la ma?ana lo perdi? todo, sus cosas, su carro (qu? lo hab?a dejado en la cochera y que tambi?n lo deb?a). -Al menos puedes comprar algo de ropa con de las tarjetas de cr?dito.- -Las tarjetas tambi?n las tengo al l?mite por mi viaje a Nueva York ah? me gast? todo en ropa nueva, lociones y una laptop.... Todo a meses sin intereses.- - Tengo una idea! Vamos a pedirle un adelanto Pedrito!- Le contaron a Pedro todo lo lo que le pas? a la casa para ver si les pod?a ayudar con dinero. - yo tambi?n estoy casi en la ruina por culpa de mi ex, se llevo todo el dinero que ten?a para pagar la nomina y proveedores mas los adelantos que ya me hab?an pagado. Todos mis ahorros los invert? en equipo nuevo el cami?n lo saque a cr?dito ahorita s?lo estoy sobreviviendo de los eventos extras que nos est?n saliendo como desayunos y comidas. Esta semana s?lo puedo darles algo de dinero para comida y gasolina. Les prometo que el pr?ximo mes ya nos vamos a alivianar. - Tienes algo de ropa que me puedas prestar?- -Daniel como podr?s ver soy m?s alto y m?s gordo que t?, digo para dormir est? bien pero para seguir la calle no creo. Pero puedes usar la ropa de mi ex qu? te queda muy bien- - Pero sus pies eran m?s grandes que los m?os- -No te preocupes ella siempre compraba zapatos m?s chicos aunque le apretaran as? que creo que te van a quedar bien.- -Bueno hermanito, toma algo de ropa, unos tenis, zapatos, maquillaje ropa interior y vay?monos a mi departamento- -Al menos puedo llegar a comprar unos boxers?- -No, necesitas ese dinero para comprar las pastillas que te recet? el doctor, recuerda que me dijiste que si no te las tomas se te puede da?ar la voz y por suerte tra?as un frasquitos en tu bolsa para saber de cu?les pedir- Despu?s de comprar la medicina, con el poco dinero que ten?a ya no pod?a comprar ropa, pues ten?a que usarlo para comprar comida. El resto el resto del d?a Daniels se la pas? deprimido, pues lo deb?a todo y como no ten?a nada de dinero para pagar este mes le iban a llegar mucho recargos de la mensualidad de la casa y de las tarjetas de cr?dito. Julia ya Hab?a tratado de consolarlo todo lo que pod?a pero su esfuerzo fue en vano, ya no sab?a qu? hacer para reanimar a su hermano. Se puso a leer art?culos sobre c?mo curar la depresi?n y uno de los consejos que daban era hacer ejercicio, se acord? que ya hab?a ganado un premio en el gimnasio al que iba y con eso podr?a sacarlo la depresi?n. - Lev?ntate flojo ya nos tenemos que ir- - A d?nde? es muy temprano d?jame dormir- - Vamos a ir al gimnasio- - Pero yo no tengo membres?a ni dinero para pagarla- - Eso no es problema me saqu? un premio para dos personas de 3 meses gratis e incluye un entrenador personal- - Ve t?, hoy no tengo ganas- - Bueno tienes dos opciones o vienes conmigo o le llam? a Arturo para que venga cuidarte y te apapache con muchos besitos mua, mua, mua!- - Eres cruel y manipuladora; p?same mi ropa!- Julia le pas? paso una blusa deportiva y unos shorts largos de licra y unos tenis rosas. - No hay algo m?s holgado y menos femenino?- - Ya deja de quejarte o le hablo a Arturo!- - No hay algo m?s holgado y menos femenino?-- Ya deja de quejarte o le hablo a Arturo!- Al llegar al gimnasio julia escribi? a su hermano c?mo Daniela. Mostrado el cup?n del sorteo y les asignaron a Ginna como su entrenadora personal. - Muy bien chicas yo estar? cargo ustedes en los siguientes tres meses me encargar? de que cumplan con sus metas; as? que d?ganme qu? es lo que quieren y yo les considere todos sus deseos, lo ?nico que les pido es disciplina y compromiso- - Bueno -dijo Julia- yo Quiero bajar las llantitas, tener una cintura bien definida, unas caderas m?s grandes, piernas bien torneadas y quitarme la flacidez de los brazos- - Y t? Dani que deseas?- Daniel no puso atenci?n porque todav?a estaba deprimido, ensimismado en sus problemas y lament?ndose por su mala suerte. - Me da igual, lo que ustedes deciden estar? bien- - Bueno entonces est? decidido ser? lo mismo para las dos. Ahora s?gueme muchachas tenemos mucho que hacer - Y as? pasaron varios d?as Julia levantaba a rega?adientes a su hermano, Ginna les pon?a rutinas de ejercicios de dos horas y les recordaba que siguieran la dieta. Tambi?n les dio unos suplementos alimenticios especiales para mujeres ya que ?stos les ayudar?an resultados m?s r?pidos. Julia le comento que por el momento no ten?a dinero para comprarlos pero Ginna amablemente le regal? muestras gratis para que empezar?n a tomarlos esta semana. Daniel se dio cuenta que con el ejercicio se olvidaba un poco de sus problemas as? que en las noches volv? a repetir todos los ejercicios para acabar tan cansado y sin energ?a para pensar en los problemas qu? le quitaban el sue?o. Aunque segu?a estando deprimido su hermana lo sigui? presionando para que practicar? c?mo maquillarse. - Julia esto es un fastidio!- - Mejor miralo como terapia ocupacional. Entre m?s actividades hagas que no tengan que ver con tus problemas... Menos pensar?s en ellos- - Suena l?gico, digo me est? funcionando lo del ejercicio - Lleg? el fin de semana, ten?an la agenda llena eventos de comidas bodas fiestas de empresas etc?tera. A Daniel le dio mucho gusto saber que iban a tener tanto trabajo porque eso le ayudar?a no pens? en sus problemas y el dinero extra que les iban a pagar le iba ayudar con sus deudas. Pero cuando lleg? el d?a de paga Pedro le volvi? a decir que segu?a con problemas econ?micos y que no les iba a poder dar mucho dinero de fin de semana por los eventos adicionales. - Bueno tan siquiera ahora ya tengo suficiente para comprarme algo ropa de hombre- - No lo que creo hermanito, voy a necesitar que me des la mano para poder pagar la renta de este mes porque con lo que me est? dando Pedrito no la voy a hacer sin ayuda- Y con todas resignaci?n del mundo Daniel le dio todo su dinero su hermana.- lo que m?s me da coraje Julia es que no nos queda dinero Ni para divertirnos!- - Que, a?n no llenas de tanta fiesta?- pregunt? Julia con Sarcasmo - No quise decir eso. Me refer?a ir al cine, al teatro o ir a comer a un restaurante- - Si esto de ser pobre Es muy inc?modo. Lo bueno es que tengo una cita qu? me va a llevar al teatro y luego a cenar- Y con qu? dinero vas a pagar todo eso hermanita?- -Ya te lo dije, "es una cita". Y cuando es una cita las mujeres no pagamos nada. O acaso pagaste algo cuando saliste con Arturo?- - Ni me lo recuerdes no pienso volver a salir con ?l ni por todos los filetes del mundo- - A poco has estado Feliz toda la semana comiendo s?lo ensaladas- - Que no estamos a dieta?- - S? pero en parte es por necesidad!- - Pues prefiero pasar hambre a qu? otro hombre me vuelva a besar- - Y luego por qu? dejas que todos los hombres del grupo que te saludan de beso?- - T? me dijiste que ten?a que aguantar eso, por qu? iban a pensar que era una pesada y eso crea un ambiente t?xico de trabajo- - Bueno ya vamos a dormir que ma?ana tenemos que madrugar para ir al gimnasio- Arturo le hab?a estado mandando mensajes a Danny durante varios d?as, pero los ignoraba. El mi?rcoles , Julia fue a su cita y no regres? hasta el siguiente d?a. -Gracias por avisar donde andabas-Le dijo Daniel con sarcasmo-estaba procupado por ti- - Ay ya mam? no te enojes!..mira te tengo algo para que te contentes- - A ver qu? es?- - Un pedazo de carne de la cena de anoche! Perd? el corte m?s grande para poderte traer un pedazo para a ti- - Eres la mejor hermana del mundo!.Un poco aprovechada, pero lo bueno es que sabes con qui?n.- Despu?s de terminar el el delicioso pedazo de carne se qued? con ganas de m?s Despu?s de terminar el el delicioso pedazo de carne se qued? con ganas de m?s. En las fiestas que ?ltimamente estaban tocando no serv?an carne tan deliciosa como ?sta a pesar de que eran de gente rica, como ahora la moda era ser vegetariano sol?an servir platillos extra?os y ex?ticos que no llevan carne. Pero al comer lo que trajo Julia en lugar de calmar de calmar el antojo le dieron m?s ganas de comer carne...pero no ten?a dinero- bueno luego se me pasar?!- Pero el resto del d?a segu?a pensando en carne, com?a lechuga y pensaba encarne, despu?s de tomar el licuado energ?tico con prote?nas y sentir que no llenaba su est?mago sigui? pensando en carne- maldito Antojo ya salte de mi mente!- Entonces le lleg? otro mensaje Arturo que dec?a: A:Quieres ir a cenar? D: No tengo dinero:( A: Yo invito D: S?lo quiero comer carne A: Conozco un buen lugar . Te veo en la noche?- Se qued? pensando- est? mal, no lo hagas, Arturo va a pensar otra cosa... Pero ya quedamos que s?lo somos amigos, as? que no hay problema- D: Est? bien. d?nde te veo? A: Paso por ti a las 7:00 D: Te esperar? con mucha hambre :) -Julia por favor ay?dame a arreglarme- -A d?nde vas? a una entrevista de trabajo?- -Voy a un restaurante!- - Supongo que de mesera porque no tenemos dinero- -Como crees, Arturo me invit? a cenar...aunque no ser?a mala idea conseguir trabajo los d?as que descansamos- -Llevas como una semana sin contestar sus mensajes y de repente vas a salir con el?... Bravo ya est?s aprendiendo. hacerte la dif?cil- -No es lo que crees!, solo acepte para poder comer un gran bistec- -Entonces es peor de lo que cre?, ahora vendes tus amor por comida jajaja- -Solo es una cena de amigos!- -Si el va a pagar es una citaaaaa..por cierto a d?nde te va a llevar?- - Vamos a ir por ah? a comer carne!- - Ay tr?eme un pedacito please! y recuerda si quieres que te siga invitando a comer vas a tener que ser un poco m?s atenta con el y si te pide un favor o que despu?s le ayudes con algo tienes que decir que s? y contestale mas seguido los mensajes porque eso hacen los "amigos"- -Garcias por iluminarme Oh gran maestra y gur? de los "amigos" gorrones ! jajaja. Ya lleg?, me tengo que ir - -Arturo se quedo admirando a Dany un momento- Te ves muy bien que te hiciste?- - Nada s?lo empec? a ir al gimnasio- - Ah qu? bueno! as? te podr?s dar gusto el restaurante sin remordimiento- En el camino fueron platicando sobre c?mo era el gimnasio al que cada uno iba, qu? ejercicios hac?an, y luego hicieron bromas sobre todos los estereotipos de personas que van al gimnasio: Los chavorrucos que se quieren ligar a las veintea?eras, las que andna busvandolos pubertos que se quieren ligar a las MILFS, las cuarentonas locochonas, las chicas que buscan sugar Daddy,los instructores acosadores, las chavas guapas que ilusionan a medio mundo pero no quieren con nadie etc... Llegaron al restaurante y ordenaron, vieron la Eurocopa, siguieron platicando todo iba muy bien... hasta que de repente toda la alegr?a Arturo se esfum?, se puso p?lido de miedo y su mirada se llen? de tristeza - est?s bien?- - No- dijo secamente y como si estuviera hipnotizado, no pod?a quitar la mirada de la pareja que entraba al restaurante. - Qui?n es?- - Es mi ex, rompimos hace 3 semanas y ya anda saliendo con alguien- Daniel entend?a c?mo se sent?a Arturo pues hace a?os que le pas? algo parecido. Se Hab?a topado su ex y su nuevo novio. Como hubiese dado lo que fuera para haber evitado ese momento tan humillante, fue una experiencia triste y deprimente tanto que al recordar eso se llen? de ir? y frustraci?n, tanto qu? sin pensarlo al ver que la pareja ven?a a su mesa tom? la mano de Arturo y le dijo en voz baja - te voy a salvar- - Qu?!?- - Conf?a en m?, s?lo s?gueme la corriente y todo saldr? bien - - Hola Arturito C?mo est?s?- - Hola..Catalina... Qu?... gusto..verte!?- - Te presento a mi novio Antuan,... Que apenas ayer se me declar?.. S?!, as? fue- Daniel no le crey? nada, obvio que ten?an mas tiempo de novios y mucho m?s vi?ndose a espaldas de Arturo, pero dos pueden jugar el mismo juego. - Mucho gusto Antua, ella es Daniela mi....- -Soy su novia- Catalina y Arturo pusieron la misma cara de sorpresa. -Mucho gusto.....y cu?nto tiempo llevan de novios?- -Tres meses...que diga 3 d?as- Respondi? Daniel con malicia y una sonrisa hip?crita mientras tomaba la mano del sorprendido Arturo.-Es que en tan poco tiempo hemos conectado taaan bien, que parece que llevamos m?s tiempo juntos- y sonri? cinicamente - Si eso, tres d?as!, no vallas a pensar otra cosa- respondi? nerviosamente Arturo y empez? a sudar fr?o. Antua se empez? a sentir inc?modo al ver la escena de celos entre Catalina y Arturo -Fue un placer pero ya nos tenemos que ir, creo que ser? lo mejor para todos- - Espera!, que yo no me creo este numerito de los novios. Nadie puede Iniciar una relaci?n tan r?pido- - Pues lo hicimos tan r?pido como t? "querida"- respondi? Daniel sarc?sticamente -Ja! esto no puede ser ustedes me est?n enga?ando, solo son amigos!- -Pues Arturo me dijo que t? demandabas tanta atenci?n que hiciste que perdiera contacto con sus amigos, y eres tan insegura que mucho menos le dejabas tener AMIGAS!- -Pues m?nimo se debi? de haber buscado una novia m?s bonita que yo y no a la primer desesperada que le dijo que si- -Tan siquiera yo no soy una Toxica c?mo t?!, qu? nada m?s se acerco para ver si lo pod?as seguir humillando para alimentar la poca autoestima que tienes! anciana operada, mentirosa,infiel y GORDA! - Nadie puede Iniciar una relaci?n tan r?pido-- Pues lo hicimos tan r?pido como t? "querida"- respondi? Daniel sarc?sticamente-Ja! esto no puede ser ustedes me est?n enga?ando, solo son amigos!--Pues Arturo me dijo que t? demandabas tanta atenci?... Despu?s de escuchar esos insultos Catalina se le fue encima a Daniel y se agarraron de las gre?as y los muchachos tuvieron que separarlas...con la ayuda de tres meseros. Antuan mejor se fue del restaurante con Catalina mientras Daniel le gritaba - Y ten cuidado porque que te va a hacer lo mismo, huye de ella Antuan!- -OK creo que con esta pelea ya crey? que somos novios-dijo Arturo muy sorprendido por todo lo que hab?a pasado -Porque nos est?n mirando as? los meseros?- -por nada- - y porque dejas tanto de propina?- -Es que fueron muy serviciales. Te gust? la comida de aqu??- -Siiiiii, cuando volvemos a venir?- - creo que dentro de muuuucho tiempo- Ep?logo Al d?a siguiente en el departamento de Julia -Dany ap?rale que llegamos tarde al gimnasio!- - YA VOY!- -Por cierto ya viste el v?deo de dos viejas locas pele?ndose en un restaurante?....oye porque te pusiste esa gorra y esos lentes obscuros si no hace sol? -en el camino te cuento...-

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My beautiful wife Addison is super devious and is totally into my softball buddy, Peter. We devise is a little plan together and my wife and Peter end up fooling around while I’m secretly filming. Peter doesn’t seem to mind the cheating and just doesn’t want to get caught. He sucks on her tits and gets a blowjob til I barge in and scare the hell out of him. Once I reveal it was a setup he seems less nervous and my horny wife lures him back in. We both fuck her, switching sides...

3 years ago
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Soaking Wet

Bree tied the green windbreaker around her waist and started out on a nice easy pace, after all she had ten miles to cover and starting out too fast would just waste energy. Thirty-five minutes later she was breathing hard but staying relaxed as she slowed her pace down a bit and turned and headed down the narrow back trail of Mount Helix and back towards town. It was her first time on this particular trail although she had mapped it out using a Forest Service map she bought from the Park...

4 years ago
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Kids In Love

In the summer of my nineteenth birthday, many things began to change in my life. I dumped my fiancé of two years and met a seventeen year old boy online who quickly stole my heart. His name was Alex and he was gorgeous in my eyes. By October, we were practically inseparable online. Some nights, we watched a series of YouTube videos, and on more adventurous nights, we would chat by webcam and show off our naked bodies to one another. This resulted in quite a few masturbating sessions, as well...

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Embers Beginning

Ember stood in the center of the dark room wearing a matching black lacy bra and panty set. Her clothes were in a neat pile on a small table in the corner of them room, exactly as instructed. Her breaths were coming in short, fast, nervous whispers and she dared not make a sound other than that. The faint sound of a door opening and closing reached her ears and Ember fought the urge to turn around or cover herself. She remained as still as she could, looking straight ahead into the soft...

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Strange Magic Babysitter

Strange Magic: Babysitter By Tanto Jo Beth Broughman was a young woman who had been extraordinarily blessed by nature. She was of medium height, with long blond hair the color of wheat. She had deep, captivating blue eyes, and she seemed to be perfectly shaped, with luscious young curves in all the right places. Her breasts were huge, perfectly formed mounds that rode high on her chest with little sag, even when she wasn't wearing one of her 48EEE bras. All in all, she was absolute...

2 years ago
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Walts Basement Surprise

I had been sitting reading when the phone rang and answering it, Walt was calling and telling me to put on a short blouse and skirt with my stocking and heels and to come down to his basement. I knew he had set up a small office with a sofa and a couple of tables and chairs so I figured he would want sex on the sofa and so I got dressed as ordered and off I went. As I entered the basement Walt was sitting behind his desk and drinking from a large wine glass. He motioned me over to the table to...

4 years ago
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Running to Sunset Hot Springs

Maggie parks her car at the trailhead. She loves trail running and today has decided to run the 5 miles into Sunset Hot Springs. She's been there once a while ago when she was a freshman in college. Went with some girlfriends. They hiked in and spent the night. All of them got naked and had a soak. There would be some good lesbian fantasy material from that trip if she really wanted to get into it, but she'd rather think about Will. The hot springs are situated on the edge of a beautiful valley...

2 years ago
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The Worst NIght Of My Life

Panic sets in, my arms flail for some kind of weapon or protection. Before I think to scream an object is roughly shoved into my mouth. I try to push it out but it too is secured around my head, it tastes of hard rubber. My cries are now muffled, as I live alone, any hope of someone hearing and helping is gone. Reaching back I try to push my assailant off of me. Strong hands grab my arms, pulling my wrists painfully up to my shoulder blades. I scream into the gag as my joints are stretched to...

1 year ago
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Incest Day 1 Kissing Cousins

“It’s my birthday!” I yelped. My heart leapt in my chest as my body did the same from the bed. I didn’t even feel the cool morning air as it brushed against my bare frame. Nor did I feel the goosebumps that spread across my skin like an army of undead rising from the earth. All I could think about was my nightstand and the note I knew I would find there. My eyes landed on the note. Moments later my lips curled into a broad smile. I had never been this excited. Or happy. But I was also...

2 years ago
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My mom my teacher

It happened. Not sure in remembering it back in college, how it happened. But, it still brings a smile to my face whenever I think about it. It was summer, I was home from school and had just come back from my blue collar job in a warehouse. Was working to pay off the car I had bought the summer before. Every morning, I would get up, go to work, and then drive home, sweaty, dirty, and in need of a shower. My mother and father had separated. I was the only boy, actually a young man at the time,...

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MyFriendsHotMom Alexa Vega 24925

Alexa Vega is all dressed up for her one year anniversary with her husband. Johnny stops by her house to visit her son but he’s away at college. Good thing Johnny speaks fluent Spanish since all she speaks in Spanish. Come to find out, her husband is stuck at work and will be late for their 8pm plans. Alexa really starts freaking out so Johnny is doing all her can to calm her down. She wants vengeance and she demands he helps her. Mrs. Vega goes for his dick, she stops him but not for...

2 years ago
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Blood Moon Chronicles Book 3 A New Moon RisesChapter 30

Lillian “You have been asking around about something you shouldn’t be, little lady. I am afraid you are going to have to come with us, or you might get hurt.” I looked around, hoping to find something that I would be able to use, but there was nothing. I closed my eyes, focusing on the training I did with Janet and the others on the way here and everything that I learned. I opened my eyes to see the ringleader stepping towards me, reaching his arm out to grab me. One of the things they...

3 years ago
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Better Late Than Never

Better Late Than Never by Ginny Wolf I sat very still at my vanity table for at least ten minutes with the tube of lipstick in my hand. I felt terribly nervous about my first real date with another woman, knowing or hoping that before the night was over we would be making love in my bed. I just sat there, debating whether I had the nerve to follow through with my plan. Oh, I'm getting ahead of myself. Let me explain how I came to this internal debate. I guess my family history is...

1 year ago
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Fantasy Reality

- 1 - Steve was used to the drive down through Wales. He lived in Lancashire, his parents in Carmarthenshire; it was not only the obvious route down in terms of speed and cost, but was much more interesting than sticking to motorways. And it avoided the toll on the Severn Bridge. This was a quick, practical trip down over the weekend; his wife was still at home, getting up to who-knows-what, but probably just watching telly. Lovely as she was, she was also trustable. Safe. It was times like...

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A Young Girls Sexual Training Part 2

can do that". He stood there for a couple minutes, and we both kind of watched the PC monitor, but we really "out of it", but he broke the silence a bit by saying "get dressed". I got dressed, as he stood there, and after I was dressed, he led me out to the living room. He sat me on the couch and said "now we are going to take this to the next level". He then told me that I was to call Jason (still hung up on Jason was he), and ask him to come over to our place. I knew what he...

2 years ago
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Bridget Rising 001

This is my first venture into publishing on Literotica – please be kind! The story is my own, though the characters are not. Well, one of them isn’t. If you haven’t already, you must read Patricia51’s novellas Bridget’s Nights and Bridget’s Days. This story is based around the character Bridget O’Brien, and while it is effectively a stand-alone, it would help to get the background. Patricia has graciously allowed me to take her beguiling heroine into the most tumultuous period of recent Irish...

2 years ago
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A Weekend Family Voyeur Encounter

When we were a new couple, pretty young, 20 and 19, we had an insatiable appetite for sex. Even having kids very young did not slow down the wife and me. In some ways, it made us more adventurous, trying to find time to sneak away and get a little was an ongoing game. We lived near our parents and so on occasion, we would go camping together. This is the account of what happened one week we went camping with my mother in-law. We were staying in her small camper with our two kids and my...

4 years ago
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Making a SlaveBoyChapter 4 Confused Confusion

David woke in the early hours of the morning from a restless sleep. He was in turmoil, his mind working in an endless circle like the dog chasing his tale. Whilst he hated what had happened to him yesterday evening when Dale had used him like a woman and Jason had made him suck on his cock afterwards, he couldn't escape the fact that he had been turned on by the fact others had forced him to submit to their will. It was an inescapable paradox and yet the more he thought about it, the more he...

3 years ago
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My Scout and I have been friends forever. Long before he got married and I moved away. We were closer then of course but I found myself in our old stomping grounds and decided to call him to meet me for a beer.When he showed up it was awkward at first but soon we werte laughing and telling stories from the good ol days. One beer turned into another and soon the old challenge came up who was the better pool player.He laughed as I broke "give up now Katt,I know all your weaknesses!"Must be the...

4 years ago
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mom and her 2 boys the 3rd

The boys just kept rubbing her ass and she then told them to spank her a little. Jon said "why do you want us to spank you mommy?" She said "well boys I like my ass spanked a little, it turns me on." So both boys started slapping her ass a little making her nice ass cheeks red and she loved it. Her pussy was getting really wet at this point and she looked down at her boys and asked "what would you boys like to do to mommy today?" Jon said " I want to put my cock in your asshole...

1 year ago
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CuckoldSessions Kay Lovely 07032022

Kay is in a dilemma, her very small husband is in jail for fraud and the bigger men are picking on him. She gets a panicked phone call from him in Jail that some guys found the picture of her she had sent him. They demanded he introduce them to her on their next conjugal visit or they will keep beating him up daily. She loves her husband so much she is willing to do whatever is necessary to keep him safe. On the day of her visit she is so nervous as her husband escorts her to the conjugal...

1 year ago
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PovLife Lily Jordan Skinflix And Chill

The minute Ike saw Lily, he knew he wanted to pound it. He invited her over right away so they could chill and maybe watch a movie. Lily comes over looking incredibly hot and delicious, muchthe popcorn he made for them to snack on. The opening credits pass and Lily can sense Ikes bulging wanga predictable plot line. She climbs on top of him, ferociously kisses him, then works her little mouth down to his cock. She sucks him until she gags, then removes the rest of her clothes in preparation of...

4 years ago
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Out for a run parts 1012

Part 10What a week has been, last time I wrote Kim and me played with my group of guys in the park, and even added 2 more to the group to make 6 guys. When I got home, I found out that my husband had been hiding in the bushes watching and taking pictures the whole time. We looked at the pictures when I got home from the park and fucked like crazy, but it was now that my husband voiced some concerns that were very real. Someone could very easy hear us from the trail – I am very verbal during...

3 years ago
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A Chance Reunion

I don't gamble but my sister was holding a surprise birthday party for her husband so, well, you know, it's family so there I was at the Bellagio in Vegas. The day I arrived, the temperature outside could have been hotter, but only if I had been Joan of Arc.I understood why the location of Las Vegas had been a developer's dream. The searing heat keep people inside and that means in the casinos. That's where I was hiding out when my name was being called. It wasn't on the intercom. It was a...

Straight Sex
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The DolphinChapter 24

Kitik is right. And yet he does not go far enough in his thought. He says he believes that humans talk shadow and live in shadow, but it is more. The humans make their shadow themselves and then allow the shadow they make to become the now for them. I think this is what Altauk means when he tells me before that it is not good to live too much in shadow. Shadow is with everyone, but most know that shadow is different from the now. And I do not see how it is possible to live when not only is...

3 years ago
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Making the Most of It

What’s worse than going to your husband’s parents’ house for dinner? Nothing, echoed my mind. Sighing, I slid into my black heels and stared at myself in the mirror as I fixed my hair a little. His hands touched my sides and slowly roamed my curves, up and down. I smiled slyly when I heard him purr in approval of my choice of apparel. ‘Very nice, baby…’ He started trailing kisses down my long neck, and I wanted so badly for him to keep going, anything to delay this stupid dinner… But, we had...

1 year ago
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Spizoo Lydia Black Emo Slut Sucks Two Cocks

Look this tall emo slut, Lydia Black showing her body, her natural tiny tits, her tight wet pussy, and her big ass, wearing a gothic outfit while she dancing an incited sex music. She is eager to suck cocks and she is very horny, she knows how to devour dicks and she invites two partners and takes their cocks to suck and lick one after other, she inserts deeper on her throat one dick while caressing with her hand the other cock, then she handles these two cocks at the same time sucking ane...

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Sophies gangbang

So after work a tired, worn out, but contented Sophie makes her way home.It’s not far to the station and she decides although knackered the walk and fresh air will do her good.Passing a building site she hers the usual wolf whistles and looks up the scaffolding to see an old builder with his cock out who asks“Come suck this love” while laughing…Never to shy our Sophie shouts“Put it away Peewee”And continues to make her way to the station…Turning down the next alley she is startled to hear the...

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Tracy in TroubleChapter 14

Tracy woke up before the other two, and as she opened her eyes, all she could see was pussy. She had fallen asleep between their legs and now was waking up between them. “MMMMM,” she thought, “maybe if I wake them up the same way I put them to sleep, they’ll be easier on me.” She started with Linda and got up close to her cunt and gently began to lick her. Tracy didn’t want to go too fast, for fear that she would wake up to quickly and be mad. So she just licked lightly until she felt Linda...

1 year ago
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BrattySis Chloe Temple Stepsisters Panties

Tony Lovelock has a habit of sneaking into the laundry room to sniff his stepsister’s dirty panties. Chloe Temple is unaware of her stepbrother’s penchant for going into her dirty clothes until one day when Tony comes out of her bedroom wearing her panties instead of his mask. Chloe calls him out on liking the smell of her pussy, then hustles him out the door. Later, Chloe comes to apologize that she was so hard on Tony and assures him that his crush on her will pass. Tony claims it...

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High School Fantasy

Entering grade 10 my fantasies became more than that, I was desperate for a man, I began to become depressed, i just never thought it would happen, Until i saw Chris. He was a typical guy, unlike me. He was athletic, had lots of friends, and a girlfriend, so obviously, there was no hope. I had like 5 other physical crushes on guys, all of them from my gym class. In the locker room i always hoped to seen somthing exposed, an ass, some chest, Anything!! I even once saw a guy naked from...

3 years ago
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School Girl at the Bus Stop

As I arrived at the bus shelter I saw there was a girl already there waiting. I was shy in those days, well I was only nineteen, and avoided her eye. She wasn't having that though."You're Josie's brother aren't you?" she piped up cheerfully."Oh, yes I am." I responded warily."She often talks about you," the girl said, "I'm Kerry, her friend. We are in the same class at school."I did a double-take. This little minx looked older and more sexy than my little sixteen year old sister. Perhaps that...

3 years ago
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My First Lapdance

This story took place many years ago when I was quite young, inexperienced, and very unaware of the ways of women. As best I can recall, I may have been around nineteen years old and a student in university. I was a slow starter and pretty naive. At the time, I had not yet had the opportunity of enjoying intercourse. I had several dates with heavy petting, even feeling a girl up and playing with her pussy while she played with my dick with her hand.As guys of that age want to, I had visited a...

First Time
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Bound To Order

Bound to Order   BOUND TO ORDER!ByAnne Gray It was a dark and stormy night! No, really, it was.? Well, in fact, it was late evening but it was dark and the rain was pelting down as I waited for my prey. The one I was after seemed to go for fashion rather than practicality and obviously, as I had counted on, didn?t bother listening to weather forecasts. I had watched her entering the office building earlier, before the forecasted rain started; dressed in a very smart, fawn coloured hip...

2 years ago
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Dominating my slutty boss0

He always had sick depraved sexual thoughts. He always wanted to dominate some high class stuck up bitch and treat her like the whore she was. It all started with his boss.She was very beautiful. She was tall about 5'7 and had the perfect body. She was about 140lbs and had milky white skin.Her hair was a beautiful shade of red hair and blue eyes,it was the perfect combination,but she always thought she was better than him just because she was rich. He wanted to teach her a...

1 year ago
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A Servant of WisdomChapter 10

Alice was surprised at how much food a garden actually gave you. In a sense, it shouldn't be surprising. As a city girl, she had no information on which to base guesses. Thus, any answer whatsoever would not be what she expected, and she should have expected that. She sat up on her knees, wiping her sweaty brow. That had made no sense. The sun was getting to her. Alice was wearing a hat, at least. A nice big floppy hat, light and comfortable. Tom had woven it for her, from various plants....

2 years ago
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Kentucky Derby Week

Ashleigh is the younger of the three and is a virgin, . I had a delimma in deciding which three hot sexy women would join me in Louisville Ky. for derby week. I had a three bedroom suite at the Gait Hotel. Ashleigh was the first to arrive, she tweeted me that she was checked in and on the way up to the suite. I arrived at the suite upon entering Ashleigh looked at me with apprehensive eyes. I smiled at her with barely concealedcontempt that made her both revolt aganist me...and desire me,...

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David Matthew

Matthew and David most likely became best friends as a matter of convenience. Others may believe that fate and destiny rule when it comes to love. The boys would tell you otherwise. When they met for the , Matt had recently been separated from his best friend after the boys’ parents filed for divorce and sold the family home. It was the greatest loss of Matthew’s young life. They moved away on the last day of school and Matt was left to spend the summer without the only friend that he had known...

2 years ago
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Lost ToysChapter 3 Belonging

Matthew Reid - Thursday, June 18th, 2015 "Holy fucking shit! Where did you come from?" I don't think she was invisible but I hadn't seen nor heard her in the room. Son of a bitch! She wasn't here! She was not here! Not here and yet she was unzipping her sweater right in front of me. She looked somehow smaller than I remembered her from the street that day. "It's you! It's really you!" Sara rushed me and grabbed me tightly about the waist. I put a hand on her hair; I wasn't sure if...

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A Horseshoes LuckChapter 6

Aston woke up and looked around only moving his eyes at first. He had been careless about his fire and it had gone out sometime during the night, leaving his camp in total darkness. Without a fire, night hunters would be emboldened to attack him and his horses. Something had stirred and the horses had reacted by snorting, shuffling around, acting disturbed by something they felt was a threat to them. It was still pitch black so whatever it was had to be a night hunter. If it was large enough...

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