La Corista Capitulo 3 free porn video

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LA CORISTA CAPITULO 3 Daniel y Julia Fueron a la estaci?n de bomberos para averiguar porque hab?a estallado su casa? - Mire la explosi?n le provoc? una fuga de gas- -Una fuga de gas destruyo mi casa!- Bueno es muy probable que haya tenido todas las ventanas cerradas y el gas estuvo como acumulando durante muchas, muchas horas; luego quiz?s alg?n corto en un aparato el?ctrico o un falso contacto o dos cables pelados que por alguna raz?n se tocaron ocasionaron La chispa qu? hizo estallar todo- -Ves Julia ! te dije que que deb?a regresarme a verificar que estuviera bien cerrada la estufa!- - Y yo te dije que no deber?as conectar tantos aparatos en un mismo contacto!- - Oigan se?oritas deber?a de ir al banco para ver si no tiene alg?n seguro contra incendios- En el banco le dijeron que cualquier fuga dentro de la casa es responsabilidad del due?o por lo tanto el seguro no era v?lido. Y ahora Daniel ten?a que pagar los da?os que ocasiona la explosi?n a los vecinos, ademas ten?a que seguir con la deuda de una casa que ya no exist?a. Y as? de la noche a la ma?ana lo perdi? todo, sus cosas, su carro (qu? lo hab?a dejado en la cochera y que tambi?n lo deb?a). -Al menos puedes comprar algo de ropa con de las tarjetas de cr?dito.- -Las tarjetas tambi?n las tengo al l?mite por mi viaje a Nueva York ah? me gast? todo en ropa nueva, lociones y una laptop.... Todo a meses sin intereses.- - Tengo una idea! Vamos a pedirle un adelanto Pedrito!- Le contaron a Pedro todo lo lo que le pas? a la casa para ver si les pod?a ayudar con dinero. - yo tambi?n estoy casi en la ruina por culpa de mi ex, se llevo todo el dinero que ten?a para pagar la nomina y proveedores mas los adelantos que ya me hab?an pagado. Todos mis ahorros los invert? en equipo nuevo el cami?n lo saque a cr?dito ahorita s?lo estoy sobreviviendo de los eventos extras que nos est?n saliendo como desayunos y comidas. Esta semana s?lo puedo darles algo de dinero para comida y gasolina. Les prometo que el pr?ximo mes ya nos vamos a alivianar. - Tienes algo de ropa que me puedas prestar?- -Daniel como podr?s ver soy m?s alto y m?s gordo que t?, digo para dormir est? bien pero para seguir la calle no creo. Pero puedes usar la ropa de mi ex qu? te queda muy bien- - Pero sus pies eran m?s grandes que los m?os- -No te preocupes ella siempre compraba zapatos m?s chicos aunque le apretaran as? que creo que te van a quedar bien.- -Bueno hermanito, toma algo de ropa, unos tenis, zapatos, maquillaje ropa interior y vay?monos a mi departamento- -Al menos puedo llegar a comprar unos boxers?- -No, necesitas ese dinero para comprar las pastillas que te recet? el doctor, recuerda que me dijiste que si no te las tomas se te puede da?ar la voz y por suerte tra?as un frasquitos en tu bolsa para saber de cu?les pedir- Despu?s de comprar la medicina, con el poco dinero que ten?a ya no pod?a comprar ropa, pues ten?a que usarlo para comprar comida. El resto el resto del d?a Daniels se la pas? deprimido, pues lo deb?a todo y como no ten?a nada de dinero para pagar este mes le iban a llegar mucho recargos de la mensualidad de la casa y de las tarjetas de cr?dito. Julia ya Hab?a tratado de consolarlo todo lo que pod?a pero su esfuerzo fue en vano, ya no sab?a qu? hacer para reanimar a su hermano. Se puso a leer art?culos sobre c?mo curar la depresi?n y uno de los consejos que daban era hacer ejercicio, se acord? que ya hab?a ganado un premio en el gimnasio al que iba y con eso podr?a sacarlo la depresi?n. - Lev?ntate flojo ya nos tenemos que ir- - A d?nde? es muy temprano d?jame dormir- - Vamos a ir al gimnasio- - Pero yo no tengo membres?a ni dinero para pagarla- - Eso no es problema me saqu? un premio para dos personas de 3 meses gratis e incluye un entrenador personal- - Ve t?, hoy no tengo ganas- - Bueno tienes dos opciones o vienes conmigo o le llam? a Arturo para que venga cuidarte y te apapache con muchos besitos mua, mua, mua!- - Eres cruel y manipuladora; p?same mi ropa!- Julia le pas? paso una blusa deportiva y unos shorts largos de licra y unos tenis rosas. - No hay algo m?s holgado y menos femenino?- - Ya deja de quejarte o le hablo a Arturo!- - No hay algo m?s holgado y menos femenino?-- Ya deja de quejarte o le hablo a Arturo!- Al llegar al gimnasio julia escribi? a su hermano c?mo Daniela. Mostrado el cup?n del sorteo y les asignaron a Ginna como su entrenadora personal. - Muy bien chicas yo estar? cargo ustedes en los siguientes tres meses me encargar? de que cumplan con sus metas; as? que d?ganme qu? es lo que quieren y yo les considere todos sus deseos, lo ?nico que les pido es disciplina y compromiso- - Bueno -dijo Julia- yo Quiero bajar las llantitas, tener una cintura bien definida, unas caderas m?s grandes, piernas bien torneadas y quitarme la flacidez de los brazos- - Y t? Dani que deseas?- Daniel no puso atenci?n porque todav?a estaba deprimido, ensimismado en sus problemas y lament?ndose por su mala suerte. - Me da igual, lo que ustedes deciden estar? bien- - Bueno entonces est? decidido ser? lo mismo para las dos. Ahora s?gueme muchachas tenemos mucho que hacer - Y as? pasaron varios d?as Julia levantaba a rega?adientes a su hermano, Ginna les pon?a rutinas de ejercicios de dos horas y les recordaba que siguieran la dieta. Tambi?n les dio unos suplementos alimenticios especiales para mujeres ya que ?stos les ayudar?an resultados m?s r?pidos. Julia le comento que por el momento no ten?a dinero para comprarlos pero Ginna amablemente le regal? muestras gratis para que empezar?n a tomarlos esta semana. Daniel se dio cuenta que con el ejercicio se olvidaba un poco de sus problemas as? que en las noches volv? a repetir todos los ejercicios para acabar tan cansado y sin energ?a para pensar en los problemas qu? le quitaban el sue?o. Aunque segu?a estando deprimido su hermana lo sigui? presionando para que practicar? c?mo maquillarse. - Julia esto es un fastidio!- - Mejor miralo como terapia ocupacional. Entre m?s actividades hagas que no tengan que ver con tus problemas... Menos pensar?s en ellos- - Suena l?gico, digo me est? funcionando lo del ejercicio - Lleg? el fin de semana, ten?an la agenda llena eventos de comidas bodas fiestas de empresas etc?tera. A Daniel le dio mucho gusto saber que iban a tener tanto trabajo porque eso le ayudar?a no pens? en sus problemas y el dinero extra que les iban a pagar le iba ayudar con sus deudas. Pero cuando lleg? el d?a de paga Pedro le volvi? a decir que segu?a con problemas econ?micos y que no les iba a poder dar mucho dinero de fin de semana por los eventos adicionales. - Bueno tan siquiera ahora ya tengo suficiente para comprarme algo ropa de hombre- - No lo que creo hermanito, voy a necesitar que me des la mano para poder pagar la renta de este mes porque con lo que me est? dando Pedrito no la voy a hacer sin ayuda- Y con todas resignaci?n del mundo Daniel le dio todo su dinero su hermana.- lo que m?s me da coraje Julia es que no nos queda dinero Ni para divertirnos!- - Que, a?n no llenas de tanta fiesta?- pregunt? Julia con Sarcasmo - No quise decir eso. Me refer?a ir al cine, al teatro o ir a comer a un restaurante- - Si esto de ser pobre Es muy inc?modo. Lo bueno es que tengo una cita qu? me va a llevar al teatro y luego a cenar- Y con qu? dinero vas a pagar todo eso hermanita?- -Ya te lo dije, "es una cita". Y cuando es una cita las mujeres no pagamos nada. O acaso pagaste algo cuando saliste con Arturo?- - Ni me lo recuerdes no pienso volver a salir con ?l ni por todos los filetes del mundo- - A poco has estado Feliz toda la semana comiendo s?lo ensaladas- - Que no estamos a dieta?- - S? pero en parte es por necesidad!- - Pues prefiero pasar hambre a qu? otro hombre me vuelva a besar- - Y luego por qu? dejas que todos los hombres del grupo que te saludan de beso?- - T? me dijiste que ten?a que aguantar eso, por qu? iban a pensar que era una pesada y eso crea un ambiente t?xico de trabajo- - Bueno ya vamos a dormir que ma?ana tenemos que madrugar para ir al gimnasio- Arturo le hab?a estado mandando mensajes a Danny durante varios d?as, pero los ignoraba. El mi?rcoles , Julia fue a su cita y no regres? hasta el siguiente d?a. -Gracias por avisar donde andabas-Le dijo Daniel con sarcasmo-estaba procupado por ti- - Ay ya mam? no te enojes!..mira te tengo algo para que te contentes- - A ver qu? es?- - Un pedazo de carne de la cena de anoche! Perd? el corte m?s grande para poderte traer un pedazo para a ti- - Eres la mejor hermana del mundo!.Un poco aprovechada, pero lo bueno es que sabes con qui?n.- Despu?s de terminar el el delicioso pedazo de carne se qued? con ganas de m?s Despu?s de terminar el el delicioso pedazo de carne se qued? con ganas de m?s. En las fiestas que ?ltimamente estaban tocando no serv?an carne tan deliciosa como ?sta a pesar de que eran de gente rica, como ahora la moda era ser vegetariano sol?an servir platillos extra?os y ex?ticos que no llevan carne. Pero al comer lo que trajo Julia en lugar de calmar de calmar el antojo le dieron m?s ganas de comer carne...pero no ten?a dinero- bueno luego se me pasar?!- Pero el resto del d?a segu?a pensando en carne, com?a lechuga y pensaba encarne, despu?s de tomar el licuado energ?tico con prote?nas y sentir que no llenaba su est?mago sigui? pensando en carne- maldito Antojo ya salte de mi mente!- Entonces le lleg? otro mensaje Arturo que dec?a: A:Quieres ir a cenar? D: No tengo dinero:( A: Yo invito D: S?lo quiero comer carne A: Conozco un buen lugar . Te veo en la noche?- Se qued? pensando- est? mal, no lo hagas, Arturo va a pensar otra cosa... Pero ya quedamos que s?lo somos amigos, as? que no hay problema- D: Est? bien. d?nde te veo? A: Paso por ti a las 7:00 D: Te esperar? con mucha hambre :) -Julia por favor ay?dame a arreglarme- -A d?nde vas? a una entrevista de trabajo?- -Voy a un restaurante!- - Supongo que de mesera porque no tenemos dinero- -Como crees, Arturo me invit? a cenar...aunque no ser?a mala idea conseguir trabajo los d?as que descansamos- -Llevas como una semana sin contestar sus mensajes y de repente vas a salir con el?... Bravo ya est?s aprendiendo. hacerte la dif?cil- -No es lo que crees!, solo acepte para poder comer un gran bistec- -Entonces es peor de lo que cre?, ahora vendes tus amor por comida jajaja- -Solo es una cena de amigos!- -Si el va a pagar es una citaaaaa..por cierto a d?nde te va a llevar?- - Vamos a ir por ah? a comer carne!- - Ay tr?eme un pedacito please! y recuerda si quieres que te siga invitando a comer vas a tener que ser un poco m?s atenta con el y si te pide un favor o que despu?s le ayudes con algo tienes que decir que s? y contestale mas seguido los mensajes porque eso hacen los "amigos"- -Garcias por iluminarme Oh gran maestra y gur? de los "amigos" gorrones ! jajaja. Ya lleg?, me tengo que ir - -Arturo se quedo admirando a Dany un momento- Te ves muy bien que te hiciste?- - Nada s?lo empec? a ir al gimnasio- - Ah qu? bueno! as? te podr?s dar gusto el restaurante sin remordimiento- En el camino fueron platicando sobre c?mo era el gimnasio al que cada uno iba, qu? ejercicios hac?an, y luego hicieron bromas sobre todos los estereotipos de personas que van al gimnasio: Los chavorrucos que se quieren ligar a las veintea?eras, las que andna busvandolos pubertos que se quieren ligar a las MILFS, las cuarentonas locochonas, las chicas que buscan sugar Daddy,los instructores acosadores, las chavas guapas que ilusionan a medio mundo pero no quieren con nadie etc... Llegaron al restaurante y ordenaron, vieron la Eurocopa, siguieron platicando todo iba muy bien... hasta que de repente toda la alegr?a Arturo se esfum?, se puso p?lido de miedo y su mirada se llen? de tristeza - est?s bien?- - No- dijo secamente y como si estuviera hipnotizado, no pod?a quitar la mirada de la pareja que entraba al restaurante. - Qui?n es?- - Es mi ex, rompimos hace 3 semanas y ya anda saliendo con alguien- Daniel entend?a c?mo se sent?a Arturo pues hace a?os que le pas? algo parecido. Se Hab?a topado su ex y su nuevo novio. Como hubiese dado lo que fuera para haber evitado ese momento tan humillante, fue una experiencia triste y deprimente tanto que al recordar eso se llen? de ir? y frustraci?n, tanto qu? sin pensarlo al ver que la pareja ven?a a su mesa tom? la mano de Arturo y le dijo en voz baja - te voy a salvar- - Qu?!?- - Conf?a en m?, s?lo s?gueme la corriente y todo saldr? bien - - Hola Arturito C?mo est?s?- - Hola..Catalina... Qu?... gusto..verte!?- - Te presento a mi novio Antuan,... Que apenas ayer se me declar?.. S?!, as? fue- Daniel no le crey? nada, obvio que ten?an mas tiempo de novios y mucho m?s vi?ndose a espaldas de Arturo, pero dos pueden jugar el mismo juego. - Mucho gusto Antua, ella es Daniela mi....- -Soy su novia- Catalina y Arturo pusieron la misma cara de sorpresa. -Mucho gusto.....y cu?nto tiempo llevan de novios?- -Tres meses...que diga 3 d?as- Respondi? Daniel con malicia y una sonrisa hip?crita mientras tomaba la mano del sorprendido Arturo.-Es que en tan poco tiempo hemos conectado taaan bien, que parece que llevamos m?s tiempo juntos- y sonri? cinicamente - Si eso, tres d?as!, no vallas a pensar otra cosa- respondi? nerviosamente Arturo y empez? a sudar fr?o. Antua se empez? a sentir inc?modo al ver la escena de celos entre Catalina y Arturo -Fue un placer pero ya nos tenemos que ir, creo que ser? lo mejor para todos- - Espera!, que yo no me creo este numerito de los novios. Nadie puede Iniciar una relaci?n tan r?pido- - Pues lo hicimos tan r?pido como t? "querida"- respondi? Daniel sarc?sticamente -Ja! esto no puede ser ustedes me est?n enga?ando, solo son amigos!- -Pues Arturo me dijo que t? demandabas tanta atenci?n que hiciste que perdiera contacto con sus amigos, y eres tan insegura que mucho menos le dejabas tener AMIGAS!- -Pues m?nimo se debi? de haber buscado una novia m?s bonita que yo y no a la primer desesperada que le dijo que si- -Tan siquiera yo no soy una Toxica c?mo t?!, qu? nada m?s se acerco para ver si lo pod?as seguir humillando para alimentar la poca autoestima que tienes! anciana operada, mentirosa,infiel y GORDA! - Nadie puede Iniciar una relaci?n tan r?pido-- Pues lo hicimos tan r?pido como t? "querida"- respondi? Daniel sarc?sticamente-Ja! esto no puede ser ustedes me est?n enga?ando, solo son amigos!--Pues Arturo me dijo que t? demandabas tanta atenci?... Despu?s de escuchar esos insultos Catalina se le fue encima a Daniel y se agarraron de las gre?as y los muchachos tuvieron que separarlas...con la ayuda de tres meseros. Antuan mejor se fue del restaurante con Catalina mientras Daniel le gritaba - Y ten cuidado porque que te va a hacer lo mismo, huye de ella Antuan!- -OK creo que con esta pelea ya crey? que somos novios-dijo Arturo muy sorprendido por todo lo que hab?a pasado -Porque nos est?n mirando as? los meseros?- -por nada- - y porque dejas tanto de propina?- -Es que fueron muy serviciales. Te gust? la comida de aqu??- -Siiiiii, cuando volvemos a venir?- - creo que dentro de muuuucho tiempo- Ep?logo Al d?a siguiente en el departamento de Julia -Dany ap?rale que llegamos tarde al gimnasio!- - YA VOY!- -Por cierto ya viste el v?deo de dos viejas locas pele?ndose en un restaurante?....oye porque te pusiste esa gorra y esos lentes obscuros si no hace sol? -en el camino te cuento...-

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"Holy Fuck, she wants to meet!" I blurt out loud. My cock starts to twitch as my filthy mind flicks into overdrive. I was amazed that she had gone so far on webcam, and was not expecting her to suggest that we meet up. I tap away at my phones keyboard and simply type "YES!! Where and When? xx" I'm eager to receive a message back from her, but need to get ready for work, so I throw my phone onto the bed and make my way towards the shower where I find I have an impressive hard on that is NOT...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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A happy wife with a little help

My wife as far as I know has only had two cocks in her life, mine and one previous. Due to a host of reasons, my dick actually getting hard is a rapidly fading memory. I had gotten her some big vibrators and dildos, but she would usually get things over with before we ever got to them, or express her distaste. Besides, if 4 or 5 is the best I can manage, I did not want to use a huge cock on her and then be the Volkswagen in the airplane hangar. One day she was being bitchy, a sure sign that she...

4 years ago
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All Aboard the FWB Experience

Then I saw her. She was about ten feet away, and was standing on the springboard in the deep end looking at me, all five foot of her. She was absolutely gorgeous and cute into the bargain. I guessed she was maybe fourteen or older. I was pretty good at telling how old girls are, but I sometimes got it wrong. It's difficult to determine their age since it depends on how far into puberty they are. She had golden blonde hair that was fixed in a knot on the top of her head. She had on a...

3 years ago
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The lights were dim in the corporate suite at the top of the Chicago Hilton. Soft music and the tinkling of ice in the glass were almost the only sound now that the guests had departed for the evening and only the executive committee remained. Joe, the CEO, Wayne the VP for Marketing, Mike the VP for Sales, and Herb the HR guy, were in the process of shedding their clothes. Claudia, the auburn haired Assistant VP for Corporate relations, had already shed her clothes, and now wearing only a...

2 years ago
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Husband describes his fantasies to his wife

Loving Wife, I am not communicating with anyone on the internet. I see now how you would think it could be so, and I apologize for causing you concern. I Love you and want to spend the rest of my life with you and no one else. When I masturbate, I almost always fantasize about being with you in some way,(almost) grin. When it is not you, it is not with anyone I know or lust after. Actually they are usually nameless / faceless characters. The fantasies are for the most part, just that. Nothing I...

3 years ago
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Finding Out Mf Fsolo voy cons

Finding Out By SpectreOfHell It was just past midnight when Elizabeth slipped out of bed. Her husband, Phillip, snored deeply, and she knew from experience that he wouldn’t miss her. She stood for a moment gazing down at him, wondering how he could look so innocent in his sl**p after what he had done with their daughter. It had taken all her willpower not to give herself away, to act as though everything was still normal. She left him laying there and went to Claire’s room. Claire had kicked...

2 years ago
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Sex Crazy Family 8211 Part I

Hi to all the readers of ISS. This is your friend devilzbadboy. You all can even call me DBB. I am a regular writer of sex stories. Till now i have written all my stories in hindi. Now is my attempt to make you all happy with my English format stories. So now ill proceed with the storyThis story consist of a father whose name is sultan sinha, mother name shahana, elder daughter whose age was 20, her name is gayatri priya, and a younger daughter whose age was 18, her name shina. They even had a...

4 years ago
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Kara Grows Up Europe

"Daddy had always helped mother with my bathing," Kara said, "But mother got killed in a car wreck when I was thirteen." "Losing your mother at thirteen ... that must have been devastating," Julie interjected. Kara and Julie were roommates, three weeks into their freshman year at college. "I suppose so ... don't really remember that part of it, though," Kara responded. "What I do remember though is that I was already developing a few curves and Daddy decided that without mother, it...

4 years ago
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My Slavery 8211 Part I

Hey I am Rony come there in a short time with my new story please send me feedback my id is ok my She had just started college. As is normal, she had been assigned a second year student to help her get to know where things were and what happened. Carole was a really friendly, helpful person and she had become a good friend to Jean already although they had only known each other for a week. The one thing that was obvious from the beginning was that Carole was not as short of cash as other...

3 years ago
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Rindr Online Chapter Three

Chapter Three “Right, so over here is where you can pick up the quests for the region close to town and in the town itself,” Eryis explained, pointing to a large wooden board up against the entrance wall of the building they had just entered. The board was covered in slips of parchment with quest details written on them, each one with a level requirement at the bottom of it in large and bold letters. Only a minute or so had passed since Rebecca, Eryis, Markum, and Bellis...

3 years ago
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Straying WifeChapter 3

Carmel has one of the loveliest beaches in the world. Its sand manages to stay a virgin white and the beach front runs for two curving miles from the Pebble Beach golf course to what residents call "The Frank Lloyd Wright house" which is an imposing home built on the rocks, right above the ocean, by that famous architect. The beach, in all its vastness, seems to absorb people as a sponge does water. It would take a large assembly to seem crowded. It looks crowded really only twice a year:...

4 years ago
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Our New Neighbors Ch03 Matt Takes a Dip

Introduction: Claras big brother Matt gets sucked into the tryst. Okay, since the response to the first to chapters has been so terrific, Ill definitely keep posting. This chapter is really hot, though my favorites are ALL yet to come. Enjoy! And Im reading the comments, for sure! After skateboarding at the park all morning, I skated another mile home and was ready to collapse from the heat and my own exhaustion, as usual. Just as I was about to turn into the driveway, my younger sister Clara...

2 years ago
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Rebirth IIChapter 29

We went to Toronto with presents for Corinne. John had some for me too. MGM had bought Jaws and the novel 'Star Wars' was going to be published late in the fall. The deal for the razors went through and we even got an offer from Bell or rather AT&T. It was a lowball figure and I was not letting them get away with it. We had sent the same design out to various countries in Europe. They had not got back to us even though they had the parts and drawings for just as long. A similar circuit...

3 years ago
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Anne and the Affair

My name is Max Irving. I'm single and 22. I work as a security guard, so I have to keep pretty fit, and, well, I must admit: I'm not a bad looker: but I just can't seem to have any luck with chicks. Not that I don't try, I regularly have girlfriends, but never very serious relationships. That all changed on one fateful day. My friend of many years, Kevin, had to go on a business trip to some way-out-there little tropical island. He was an expert on natural disasters, earthquakes in particular,...

1 year ago
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Unexpected encounter Part 1 Kindred spirits

Firstly I'd like to thank 'IamRay23' who has been a massive help to me and my writing. Although the style may still not suit everyone's taste, he has helped me make great improvements to my writing style. I'd be so appreciative of comments on all my stories to help guide my writing in future. Thank you. I truly felt like a fish out of water when it came to traveling. Maybe it wasn't so much to being in a different place, it was just the moving around, not being able to do anything which I would...

1 year ago
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Milfty Tara Ashley Breakfast And A MILF Bang

Tara Ashleys stepson is a little bit immature for his age. He may be in college, but he still acts like a baby whenever he is around her! He asks her to make him cereal, and she indulges him. She sits at the table and tries to find out about how his studies are going, but he cannot stop staring at her tits. Finally, he whips out his cock and reveals the huge boner he got from looking at Taras sexy body. She agrees to help him get rid of it, and soon this immature dude is sticking his huge dong...

2 years ago
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heres something for you and your buzzing bun

would u like to sit down on the bed and spread ur legs open... close ur eyes and lay back... i kneel infront of you and place my hands on ur boobsmhmmi squeez your boobs softly and slowly move my hand n pull ur nipples gentlyi then lift my self up to ur boobsand i start with soft kisses on ur left breat and then i move back to the right breati slowly and softly kiss around your nipples while every few kisses i flick my tongue on ur nippleand i start to suck the right nipples softly and gently...

3 years ago
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Bogota Bang

"Colombia? As in drug cartels?!?" My voice rose an octave and a half as my boss revealed himself to be an alien from the planet Moron. "Who goes to Colombia? Do you realize that country's on the State Department's 'don't go there' list?" I continued in the same vein for a few minutes before allowing him to get a word in edgewise. He reminded me that all the major oil companies had major investments south of the border, that the advisory was for targets such as diplomats, and that...

3 years ago
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Chudai Ke Liye Ek Lund Kaafi Nahi 8211 Part 8

Hi Friends. Mera naam minu hai. Meri age 45 hai. Meri shadi ke 24 yrs ho gaye hain. Kahte hain Naughty @ 40, bus wohi haal hai meri. Part 7 mein maine bataya ki kaise Maine aur nisha ne kaise apne bete aur beti ko guide karne ka plan banaya aur uski suruaat aarav se kari. Aagey ki kahani kuch aise hi. Please apna comment mein bheje. Nisha: Minu, Aarav ne kaafi acche se chut ki chusayi kari. Minu: Haan dekha maine bhi. Aarav: Mom, phir kya karna hai. Aunty ki chut chus ke mera lund behaal ho...

3 years ago
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Youthful Lust and Curiosity Part II

The next morning at ten a.m. the phone rang.“Hello Mrs Smith, it's Cathy here.”“Oh, hello Cathy. Thank you for entertaining Brian last night. He says he had a great time. How can I help you?”“Our pleasure Mrs Smith. It was great fun. We were wondering whether he would be available to answer a few more questions about college as I want to enroll for next year?’“I’m sure he can Cathy. Should I ask him to come over as soon as possible?”“Yes please and apologies for interrupting his short visit...

College Sex
1 year ago
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MyFamilyPies Kyler Quinn A Special Gift For Daddy

Kyler Quinn has decided that she is going to give her stepdaddy Damon Dice herself for Father’s Day. Damon just doesn’t realize it yet. Kyler begins her seduction by waiting until her mom is out of town. She brings Damon breakfast in bed. When her daddy comes home from work later that day, Kyler draws a bath for him. She tries to help Damon undress, but he’s not yet ready to succumb to her come ons. Kyler makes another attempt by joining Damon in the bathroom after he’s...

3 years ago
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Unknown Aunty Make Me Fuck Her

Pranaam, hi hot ladkiyon, sexy bhabhiyon or mere doston. Mera naam ekluvya hai main Mumbai kaa rehaneywaalaa hun mujhe bye chance God ne bohot Luck ke saath bhejja hai kyunki schul or college k friends group k har ladkee ko mainey chodaa hai lekin main aaj ek aisee story share kar raha hun jiss k liya mujhe bahut struggle kar naa padaa that is an angle of my village a perfect Pamela Anderson looking and woman. First, I will describe myself I’m 5.8 inches long with normal body and with huge...

2 years ago
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Teen and the business man part 2 by request

It was hard to sleep that night after I had been with Jon for the first time. It was, by the way, my first "Gay" experience. I lied awake thinking of the orgasm Jon had given me and thoughts of his cock raced through my thoughts. I was nervous to see him again that next morning. I had taken a summer job painting houses and I was supposed to be at his house first thing. In the morning. I purposely was late, I was too nervous and embarrassed to face him. I was so beave and brash when I was...

2 years ago
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A Very Wet Lesson

Lucy looked at the bed, the outfit laid out on it. Could she do this? Was it crossing a line? It was her turn but she still wasn’t sure. Finally she shook herself out of her reverie and picked up the skirt, getting dressed at last. Dan waited downstairs, nervously awaiting her decision. He’d done what she asked, sleeping with her in the office, the whole time he’d spent on edge wondering if they’d get caught. It was exciting and it meant when she asked what he wanted in return he had a chance...

2 years ago
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The Perfect Fit

I’m only 25. I don’t get out that often. There wasn’t much to do where I came from so I figured this was my time to see what was out there. I decided to treat myself to a bar hop in Hollywood. That’s where dreams come they say. I knew that the city would have plenty to offer. With thousands of people from all over the world coming to LA, there has to be something to do and someone to meet. Perhaps, a night out at a club was the way to go. I checked out some nearby clubs around the...

3 years ago
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Wife And Tution Student

Hi this is Rakesh again. Thanks for the responses given for my previous story about my Saali and wife. Let me remind you my wife Debjani 25 is highly sexually active lady. We have a good sexual life , but due to my work pressure I could not give her much time and I understand she is also not very much satisfied physically. Recently she has taken job in a high school as a mathematics teacher. She also gives tuition to some students at home. Today’s incident that I am going to narrate is about a...

4 years ago
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Second Chances Chapter 7 Take Two

Wednesday, September 24, 1997 The alarm buzzer went off. The same confusion from yesterday washed over me. But this time I reminded myself I was not home in 2018, but in high school in 1997. I groaned, immediately regretting my decision on setting my clock for so early. I kicked my legs out of bed and turned off the alarm clock. I stood up and stretched my arms out, arching my back and extending my boobs forward. Yup. I'm still Christina. I flicked on the bedroom light and...

3 years ago
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Meri Mom Shilpa Ki Chudai Train Mein

Hi guys mera naam Raj hai aur main Bangalore ka rehne waala hu. Meri age 20 saal hai. Main apni mom, Shilpa, jinki age 43 years hai, unke saath rehta tha. Mere dad ki posting Delhi mein thi aur woh kabhi kabhi yahan aate the milne. Meri mom dikhne mein sundar thi aur unki figure bahut sahi thi. Unki figure 36-30-38 thi. Woh dikhne mein gori thi aur unki cleavage dekh kisi ka bhi khada ho jaye. Main humesha notice karta tha. Jab bhi mom mere saath bus mein ya kahin bhi jaati toh ladke log unko...

1 year ago
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I finally fucked my mother Part III

100% fiction! As I mentioned in part I of this story, I had just graduated high school so I was unemployed for now and my mother was a real estate agent and she started work pretty late so we slept in later than most people, I thought….. The Mandingos fucked my mother for about 6 hours and my 4 friends and I took over and fucked mother until 2:00 AM the following day. My friends left and I told them if you want more good easy pussy, shut the fuck up and you will get all the pussy you want! It...

4 years ago
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Teachers ConferenceChapter 4

The pictures were, as Casey had promised, a sight to behold. There were about fifteen in all, starting with one of the trainer standing poised between Lacey's thighs, his massive black erection in clear relief against her pale skin. Susan could practically feel Lacey's trembling anticipation. They stared hungrily into each others' eyes, expressions glazed with smoldering, impatient desire. There were several, which must have been shot in rapid succession, of the trainer's slow entrance...

3 years ago
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I Knocked Up My Sister Too

I Knocked Up My Sister Too As I lay there after midnight in bed with my mother after we had sex I hugged her closely and said, “Mom I need to tell you something. Please don’t get mad. I knocked up Lisa too.” Mom went right into shock. She didn’t say a thing for almost a full minute and I couldn’t hear her breathe either. Finally in a low voice mom asked, “When and how?” We were in the spoon position that we both liked so well after sex. I held onto her lower breast and...

4 years ago
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Noon, Friday July 23rd 2004. Christina leaning back in a chair, her legs crossed at the ankles on top of her desk. She sat in her office going over files from the Lamure case. She was to testify on Monday about how Charliman Lamure was cheating on her husband Ronald. The evidence her firm had gathered seemed that it wouldn’t be a problem. She brushed a few strands of crimson hair out off her brow as she looked down at the files. Her boyfriend Bill was leaving for the weekend. She thought that...

2 years ago
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Art Studio Love

I see him everywhere, I don’t know his name or who he is but I seem to catch a gaze of that same man almost everywhere I go. It can be on my bus I get to university, in the park when I go running, at the local shops and sometimes even at the library. I don’t find it odd, as though he’s following me, because I know these places are just a part of his daily routine, as they are mine. I know this because he doesn’t seem to notice me, he just gets on with his day oblivious to my presence. Maybe...

1 year ago
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SisLovesMe Eliza Ibarra The Rumors Are True

Eliza Ibarras stepbrother is a snitch. He catches her ditching to go to the beach and tells her he is going to rat her out to their parents. That puts Eliza on her knees, begging him not to say anything. Her stepbro tells her that if she wants him to stay quiet, she is going to have to verify whether some of the rumors he has been hearing are true. Specifically, the ones about her giving really great blowjobs. She obliges, and takes out his fat dick for some stepsister suckage. Later on, Eliza...

4 years ago
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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 236

The week seemed to drag on. All the trial participants were sequestered at the Air National Guard base near Baltimore. The gang leaders were held at a maximum security jail in Baltimore. They were transported to the base each day in a convoy. We talked with Jenny every night. On Friday morning a car bomb exploded next to the lead vehicle killing the four state police officers in it. The four officers in the second car were in critical condition. Two cars and six gunmen tried to break the...

4 years ago
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A night in Lacy

The thunderous sound of my Mustang rumbling down the highway, I couldn’t go fast enough, weaving in and out of cars, downshifting into 4th passing Porsches and Lambos on cruises around town to show off their trophy wives or girlfriends, or both. I had the chance for a night with my long time crush. A once in a life time chance. The speed signs were to slow, the tires squealed as I down shifted and slid through the turns and stop signs. I looked down at my phone from the picture she sent me...

4 years ago
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Rhondas Way

I had a girlfriend just after high school that would give me a hand job while rubbing my anus, but she never penetrated me. She did let me experiment with licking her anus but she didn’t enjoy it nearly as much as I did. In college, I had a girlfriend that would put a finger in me when she was giving tipsy blow jobs. She too, let me lick her anus but was very shy about anal play so it never went far. Over the years I found bigger, better toys and found girls that were more and more open to...

3 years ago
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Fucking Hot Neighbour Aunty

Hello, everybody of indian sex stories dot net, this is ajnas from Kochi in Kerala. I am 5.7 feet good in physique with a 6.5-inch tool. This is my first story, so kindly send your feedback on Here I am going to narrate a story how I fucked my neighbor aunty. This incident happened 5 years before as I was on my last year in college. My home was just 10 km away from my engineering college. So first three years I was coming to college from my home only. Due to the project and other works in the...

2 years ago
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A dirty bike ride

Blue skies, warm sunshine, the perfect day for a bike ride and the perfect time to try some alfresco sex..... My husband and I have been camping several times and this time we were on a trip to Devon. Sex when camping is always interesting, normally a quickie in a tight space therefore unadventurous and a quiet affair. This can be a problem for me as I tend to be quite loud during sex, showing my appreciation for the pleasure I am receiving. The sex so far on this holiday had required some...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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The Swinger Confessions Corrupting Shirley Temple A Prelude

“Angie, are you wet? I mean are you really wet, like dripping??” “MM yes, Coco. Girl, you do know that you drive me wild, right?” “Are you going to cum for me sweetie?” “No Coco, you cannot make me cum right now. I have to go to work.” “Hah, are you telling me that I cannot make you cum or are you saying that you don’t want to cum because you need to leave for work?” “Both!” “Say what? Girl, my voice alone can bring you to your knees, make your pussy sweat, drip, even ache with...

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