La Corista Capitulo 3 free porn video

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LA CORISTA CAPITULO 3 Daniel y Julia Fueron a la estaci?n de bomberos para averiguar porque hab?a estallado su casa? - Mire la explosi?n le provoc? una fuga de gas- -Una fuga de gas destruyo mi casa!- Bueno es muy probable que haya tenido todas las ventanas cerradas y el gas estuvo como acumulando durante muchas, muchas horas; luego quiz?s alg?n corto en un aparato el?ctrico o un falso contacto o dos cables pelados que por alguna raz?n se tocaron ocasionaron La chispa qu? hizo estallar todo- -Ves Julia ! te dije que que deb?a regresarme a verificar que estuviera bien cerrada la estufa!- - Y yo te dije que no deber?as conectar tantos aparatos en un mismo contacto!- - Oigan se?oritas deber?a de ir al banco para ver si no tiene alg?n seguro contra incendios- En el banco le dijeron que cualquier fuga dentro de la casa es responsabilidad del due?o por lo tanto el seguro no era v?lido. Y ahora Daniel ten?a que pagar los da?os que ocasiona la explosi?n a los vecinos, ademas ten?a que seguir con la deuda de una casa que ya no exist?a. Y as? de la noche a la ma?ana lo perdi? todo, sus cosas, su carro (qu? lo hab?a dejado en la cochera y que tambi?n lo deb?a). -Al menos puedes comprar algo de ropa con de las tarjetas de cr?dito.- -Las tarjetas tambi?n las tengo al l?mite por mi viaje a Nueva York ah? me gast? todo en ropa nueva, lociones y una laptop.... Todo a meses sin intereses.- - Tengo una idea! Vamos a pedirle un adelanto Pedrito!- Le contaron a Pedro todo lo lo que le pas? a la casa para ver si les pod?a ayudar con dinero. - yo tambi?n estoy casi en la ruina por culpa de mi ex, se llevo todo el dinero que ten?a para pagar la nomina y proveedores mas los adelantos que ya me hab?an pagado. Todos mis ahorros los invert? en equipo nuevo el cami?n lo saque a cr?dito ahorita s?lo estoy sobreviviendo de los eventos extras que nos est?n saliendo como desayunos y comidas. Esta semana s?lo puedo darles algo de dinero para comida y gasolina. Les prometo que el pr?ximo mes ya nos vamos a alivianar. - Tienes algo de ropa que me puedas prestar?- -Daniel como podr?s ver soy m?s alto y m?s gordo que t?, digo para dormir est? bien pero para seguir la calle no creo. Pero puedes usar la ropa de mi ex qu? te queda muy bien- - Pero sus pies eran m?s grandes que los m?os- -No te preocupes ella siempre compraba zapatos m?s chicos aunque le apretaran as? que creo que te van a quedar bien.- -Bueno hermanito, toma algo de ropa, unos tenis, zapatos, maquillaje ropa interior y vay?monos a mi departamento- -Al menos puedo llegar a comprar unos boxers?- -No, necesitas ese dinero para comprar las pastillas que te recet? el doctor, recuerda que me dijiste que si no te las tomas se te puede da?ar la voz y por suerte tra?as un frasquitos en tu bolsa para saber de cu?les pedir- Despu?s de comprar la medicina, con el poco dinero que ten?a ya no pod?a comprar ropa, pues ten?a que usarlo para comprar comida. El resto el resto del d?a Daniels se la pas? deprimido, pues lo deb?a todo y como no ten?a nada de dinero para pagar este mes le iban a llegar mucho recargos de la mensualidad de la casa y de las tarjetas de cr?dito. Julia ya Hab?a tratado de consolarlo todo lo que pod?a pero su esfuerzo fue en vano, ya no sab?a qu? hacer para reanimar a su hermano. Se puso a leer art?culos sobre c?mo curar la depresi?n y uno de los consejos que daban era hacer ejercicio, se acord? que ya hab?a ganado un premio en el gimnasio al que iba y con eso podr?a sacarlo la depresi?n. - Lev?ntate flojo ya nos tenemos que ir- - A d?nde? es muy temprano d?jame dormir- - Vamos a ir al gimnasio- - Pero yo no tengo membres?a ni dinero para pagarla- - Eso no es problema me saqu? un premio para dos personas de 3 meses gratis e incluye un entrenador personal- - Ve t?, hoy no tengo ganas- - Bueno tienes dos opciones o vienes conmigo o le llam? a Arturo para que venga cuidarte y te apapache con muchos besitos mua, mua, mua!- - Eres cruel y manipuladora; p?same mi ropa!- Julia le pas? paso una blusa deportiva y unos shorts largos de licra y unos tenis rosas. - No hay algo m?s holgado y menos femenino?- - Ya deja de quejarte o le hablo a Arturo!- - No hay algo m?s holgado y menos femenino?-- Ya deja de quejarte o le hablo a Arturo!- Al llegar al gimnasio julia escribi? a su hermano c?mo Daniela. Mostrado el cup?n del sorteo y les asignaron a Ginna como su entrenadora personal. - Muy bien chicas yo estar? cargo ustedes en los siguientes tres meses me encargar? de que cumplan con sus metas; as? que d?ganme qu? es lo que quieren y yo les considere todos sus deseos, lo ?nico que les pido es disciplina y compromiso- - Bueno -dijo Julia- yo Quiero bajar las llantitas, tener una cintura bien definida, unas caderas m?s grandes, piernas bien torneadas y quitarme la flacidez de los brazos- - Y t? Dani que deseas?- Daniel no puso atenci?n porque todav?a estaba deprimido, ensimismado en sus problemas y lament?ndose por su mala suerte. - Me da igual, lo que ustedes deciden estar? bien- - Bueno entonces est? decidido ser? lo mismo para las dos. Ahora s?gueme muchachas tenemos mucho que hacer - Y as? pasaron varios d?as Julia levantaba a rega?adientes a su hermano, Ginna les pon?a rutinas de ejercicios de dos horas y les recordaba que siguieran la dieta. Tambi?n les dio unos suplementos alimenticios especiales para mujeres ya que ?stos les ayudar?an resultados m?s r?pidos. Julia le comento que por el momento no ten?a dinero para comprarlos pero Ginna amablemente le regal? muestras gratis para que empezar?n a tomarlos esta semana. Daniel se dio cuenta que con el ejercicio se olvidaba un poco de sus problemas as? que en las noches volv? a repetir todos los ejercicios para acabar tan cansado y sin energ?a para pensar en los problemas qu? le quitaban el sue?o. Aunque segu?a estando deprimido su hermana lo sigui? presionando para que practicar? c?mo maquillarse. - Julia esto es un fastidio!- - Mejor miralo como terapia ocupacional. Entre m?s actividades hagas que no tengan que ver con tus problemas... Menos pensar?s en ellos- - Suena l?gico, digo me est? funcionando lo del ejercicio - Lleg? el fin de semana, ten?an la agenda llena eventos de comidas bodas fiestas de empresas etc?tera. A Daniel le dio mucho gusto saber que iban a tener tanto trabajo porque eso le ayudar?a no pens? en sus problemas y el dinero extra que les iban a pagar le iba ayudar con sus deudas. Pero cuando lleg? el d?a de paga Pedro le volvi? a decir que segu?a con problemas econ?micos y que no les iba a poder dar mucho dinero de fin de semana por los eventos adicionales. - Bueno tan siquiera ahora ya tengo suficiente para comprarme algo ropa de hombre- - No lo que creo hermanito, voy a necesitar que me des la mano para poder pagar la renta de este mes porque con lo que me est? dando Pedrito no la voy a hacer sin ayuda- Y con todas resignaci?n del mundo Daniel le dio todo su dinero su hermana.- lo que m?s me da coraje Julia es que no nos queda dinero Ni para divertirnos!- - Que, a?n no llenas de tanta fiesta?- pregunt? Julia con Sarcasmo - No quise decir eso. Me refer?a ir al cine, al teatro o ir a comer a un restaurante- - Si esto de ser pobre Es muy inc?modo. Lo bueno es que tengo una cita qu? me va a llevar al teatro y luego a cenar- Y con qu? dinero vas a pagar todo eso hermanita?- -Ya te lo dije, "es una cita". Y cuando es una cita las mujeres no pagamos nada. O acaso pagaste algo cuando saliste con Arturo?- - Ni me lo recuerdes no pienso volver a salir con ?l ni por todos los filetes del mundo- - A poco has estado Feliz toda la semana comiendo s?lo ensaladas- - Que no estamos a dieta?- - S? pero en parte es por necesidad!- - Pues prefiero pasar hambre a qu? otro hombre me vuelva a besar- - Y luego por qu? dejas que todos los hombres del grupo que te saludan de beso?- - T? me dijiste que ten?a que aguantar eso, por qu? iban a pensar que era una pesada y eso crea un ambiente t?xico de trabajo- - Bueno ya vamos a dormir que ma?ana tenemos que madrugar para ir al gimnasio- Arturo le hab?a estado mandando mensajes a Danny durante varios d?as, pero los ignoraba. El mi?rcoles , Julia fue a su cita y no regres? hasta el siguiente d?a. -Gracias por avisar donde andabas-Le dijo Daniel con sarcasmo-estaba procupado por ti- - Ay ya mam? no te enojes!..mira te tengo algo para que te contentes- - A ver qu? es?- - Un pedazo de carne de la cena de anoche! Perd? el corte m?s grande para poderte traer un pedazo para a ti- - Eres la mejor hermana del mundo!.Un poco aprovechada, pero lo bueno es que sabes con qui?n.- Despu?s de terminar el el delicioso pedazo de carne se qued? con ganas de m?s Despu?s de terminar el el delicioso pedazo de carne se qued? con ganas de m?s. En las fiestas que ?ltimamente estaban tocando no serv?an carne tan deliciosa como ?sta a pesar de que eran de gente rica, como ahora la moda era ser vegetariano sol?an servir platillos extra?os y ex?ticos que no llevan carne. Pero al comer lo que trajo Julia en lugar de calmar de calmar el antojo le dieron m?s ganas de comer carne...pero no ten?a dinero- bueno luego se me pasar?!- Pero el resto del d?a segu?a pensando en carne, com?a lechuga y pensaba encarne, despu?s de tomar el licuado energ?tico con prote?nas y sentir que no llenaba su est?mago sigui? pensando en carne- maldito Antojo ya salte de mi mente!- Entonces le lleg? otro mensaje Arturo que dec?a: A:Quieres ir a cenar? D: No tengo dinero:( A: Yo invito D: S?lo quiero comer carne A: Conozco un buen lugar . Te veo en la noche?- Se qued? pensando- est? mal, no lo hagas, Arturo va a pensar otra cosa... Pero ya quedamos que s?lo somos amigos, as? que no hay problema- D: Est? bien. d?nde te veo? A: Paso por ti a las 7:00 D: Te esperar? con mucha hambre :) -Julia por favor ay?dame a arreglarme- -A d?nde vas? a una entrevista de trabajo?- -Voy a un restaurante!- - Supongo que de mesera porque no tenemos dinero- -Como crees, Arturo me invit? a cenar...aunque no ser?a mala idea conseguir trabajo los d?as que descansamos- -Llevas como una semana sin contestar sus mensajes y de repente vas a salir con el?... Bravo ya est?s aprendiendo. hacerte la dif?cil- -No es lo que crees!, solo acepte para poder comer un gran bistec- -Entonces es peor de lo que cre?, ahora vendes tus amor por comida jajaja- -Solo es una cena de amigos!- -Si el va a pagar es una citaaaaa..por cierto a d?nde te va a llevar?- - Vamos a ir por ah? a comer carne!- - Ay tr?eme un pedacito please! y recuerda si quieres que te siga invitando a comer vas a tener que ser un poco m?s atenta con el y si te pide un favor o que despu?s le ayudes con algo tienes que decir que s? y contestale mas seguido los mensajes porque eso hacen los "amigos"- -Garcias por iluminarme Oh gran maestra y gur? de los "amigos" gorrones ! jajaja. Ya lleg?, me tengo que ir - -Arturo se quedo admirando a Dany un momento- Te ves muy bien que te hiciste?- - Nada s?lo empec? a ir al gimnasio- - Ah qu? bueno! as? te podr?s dar gusto el restaurante sin remordimiento- En el camino fueron platicando sobre c?mo era el gimnasio al que cada uno iba, qu? ejercicios hac?an, y luego hicieron bromas sobre todos los estereotipos de personas que van al gimnasio: Los chavorrucos que se quieren ligar a las veintea?eras, las que andna busvandolos pubertos que se quieren ligar a las MILFS, las cuarentonas locochonas, las chicas que buscan sugar Daddy,los instructores acosadores, las chavas guapas que ilusionan a medio mundo pero no quieren con nadie etc... Llegaron al restaurante y ordenaron, vieron la Eurocopa, siguieron platicando todo iba muy bien... hasta que de repente toda la alegr?a Arturo se esfum?, se puso p?lido de miedo y su mirada se llen? de tristeza - est?s bien?- - No- dijo secamente y como si estuviera hipnotizado, no pod?a quitar la mirada de la pareja que entraba al restaurante. - Qui?n es?- - Es mi ex, rompimos hace 3 semanas y ya anda saliendo con alguien- Daniel entend?a c?mo se sent?a Arturo pues hace a?os que le pas? algo parecido. Se Hab?a topado su ex y su nuevo novio. Como hubiese dado lo que fuera para haber evitado ese momento tan humillante, fue una experiencia triste y deprimente tanto que al recordar eso se llen? de ir? y frustraci?n, tanto qu? sin pensarlo al ver que la pareja ven?a a su mesa tom? la mano de Arturo y le dijo en voz baja - te voy a salvar- - Qu?!?- - Conf?a en m?, s?lo s?gueme la corriente y todo saldr? bien - - Hola Arturito C?mo est?s?- - Hola..Catalina... Qu?... gusto..verte!?- - Te presento a mi novio Antuan,... Que apenas ayer se me declar?.. S?!, as? fue- Daniel no le crey? nada, obvio que ten?an mas tiempo de novios y mucho m?s vi?ndose a espaldas de Arturo, pero dos pueden jugar el mismo juego. - Mucho gusto Antua, ella es Daniela mi....- -Soy su novia- Catalina y Arturo pusieron la misma cara de sorpresa. -Mucho gusto.....y cu?nto tiempo llevan de novios?- -Tres meses...que diga 3 d?as- Respondi? Daniel con malicia y una sonrisa hip?crita mientras tomaba la mano del sorprendido Arturo.-Es que en tan poco tiempo hemos conectado taaan bien, que parece que llevamos m?s tiempo juntos- y sonri? cinicamente - Si eso, tres d?as!, no vallas a pensar otra cosa- respondi? nerviosamente Arturo y empez? a sudar fr?o. Antua se empez? a sentir inc?modo al ver la escena de celos entre Catalina y Arturo -Fue un placer pero ya nos tenemos que ir, creo que ser? lo mejor para todos- - Espera!, que yo no me creo este numerito de los novios. Nadie puede Iniciar una relaci?n tan r?pido- - Pues lo hicimos tan r?pido como t? "querida"- respondi? Daniel sarc?sticamente -Ja! esto no puede ser ustedes me est?n enga?ando, solo son amigos!- -Pues Arturo me dijo que t? demandabas tanta atenci?n que hiciste que perdiera contacto con sus amigos, y eres tan insegura que mucho menos le dejabas tener AMIGAS!- -Pues m?nimo se debi? de haber buscado una novia m?s bonita que yo y no a la primer desesperada que le dijo que si- -Tan siquiera yo no soy una Toxica c?mo t?!, qu? nada m?s se acerco para ver si lo pod?as seguir humillando para alimentar la poca autoestima que tienes! anciana operada, mentirosa,infiel y GORDA! - Nadie puede Iniciar una relaci?n tan r?pido-- Pues lo hicimos tan r?pido como t? "querida"- respondi? Daniel sarc?sticamente-Ja! esto no puede ser ustedes me est?n enga?ando, solo son amigos!--Pues Arturo me dijo que t? demandabas tanta atenci?... Despu?s de escuchar esos insultos Catalina se le fue encima a Daniel y se agarraron de las gre?as y los muchachos tuvieron que separarlas...con la ayuda de tres meseros. Antuan mejor se fue del restaurante con Catalina mientras Daniel le gritaba - Y ten cuidado porque que te va a hacer lo mismo, huye de ella Antuan!- -OK creo que con esta pelea ya crey? que somos novios-dijo Arturo muy sorprendido por todo lo que hab?a pasado -Porque nos est?n mirando as? los meseros?- -por nada- - y porque dejas tanto de propina?- -Es que fueron muy serviciales. Te gust? la comida de aqu??- -Siiiiii, cuando volvemos a venir?- - creo que dentro de muuuucho tiempo- Ep?logo Al d?a siguiente en el departamento de Julia -Dany ap?rale que llegamos tarde al gimnasio!- - YA VOY!- -Por cierto ya viste el v?deo de dos viejas locas pele?ndose en un restaurante?....oye porque te pusiste esa gorra y esos lentes obscuros si no hace sol? -en el camino te cuento...-

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Poor Cedric! He´d never been a captive girl. What I was about to do was no more than I expected. I did not want to do it. But I had no thought of fighting against the inevitable. I was simply about to pay the tribute that a few million other girls had paid before me. Cedric ejaculated a startled and shocked: “No! Oh no!” He was on his feet in a flash and had seized a gun from the holster of one of our captors when one of the other ruffians shot him. It was done with the indifference of any act...

4 years ago
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Clean Me

"Clean me," she said. "No." "WHAT? How dare you? I told you to clean me Sissy. Now do it." "No." "Clean me or get your worthless ass out." "You sure?" "You heard me. You clean my pussy right now or get out." "Done." I said, and without another word I gathered my pillow and my book and started for the guest room. "And just where do you think you're going?" she demanded. "I'm going to stay in our guest room until I can find an apartment. I'll start looking on Monday...

2 years ago
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Thibadeau the PirateChapter 8

Mark Fisher came in to see Mom while I was talking to Sarah. It finally dawned on me that he was waiting to speak to me as well. I said I love you to Sarah and hung up. I turned to Mark. "What's up?" "Something you ought to know, Jason. There is a private investigator in town checking up on you. Have you noticed an elderly gentleman watching you? He is tall and maybe sixty. He wears a suit and has a gray mustache. You remember Jack who helped me with the remains over on Canal Street? He...

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Doe sat by lamplight in her front room, a chick flick, and drinking a favourite wine of hers, red naturally. She'd already polished off a bottle and opened another, sipping the end of her first glass from it. She liked a good drink now and then, and since she was feeling a bit down she figured why not now. The problem was men, or rather the lack of them. Well…that wasn't strictly true. It was the lack of a specific man, someone who wanted her for who she was, not who they thought she was. She...

4 years ago
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Nights of Alsitor At The Foot of Podritias Pass

The wind howled outside, barely swaying the lanterns hanging within the closed bivouac. Soft light played off the glyphs woven into the tent walls, and the somber faces of the two meeting parties. Captain Tsharles, a rocky-jawed bear of a man with olive skin and wavy amber hair, sat on a footstool two steps away from the intricately-knitted wicker bench supporting Sheriff Amelia, the steward of Podritia's Pass. a strategically vital route through otherwise inaccessible mountains. The men in...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Modest Meghans Sexual Awakening Part 2

“Okay, here we go. This is it, today’s the day,” Meghan told herself, circling today’s date in her calendar. She held her to-do list in her hand and hoped she could cross off her next agenda item: ‘Fuck your professor’, it read in big red letters.She looked in the mirror before leaving her dorm room for class. She was wearing her new favorite outfit and looked hot as fuck. Meghan twirled around to check herself out from all angles. She dazzled in her tight white translucent blouse, short navy...

First Time
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Making Gramps Dream Cum True

about his granddaughter and himself.The story Grandpa John and Granddaughter Marie. They are very close and have a very special relationship.John is seventy. He is five-feet-ten, slightly overweight, with gray hair and a thick, 7.5 inch love tool.Marie is a nineteen year old college student. She has shoulder length blond hair. Marie is five-foot seven-inches tall; her boobs are 36D and as she says, "shaves in all her nice bits." John's View: Well how do I start this true story? I have lived...

4 years ago
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Swim Team Bus Rides

I was on the swim team my senior year in high school. I know what your thinking ‘speedo’s eeewww’ but that also means 3-4 hour long swim meets, with maybe 15 min tops in the water. That is a lot of time to view the scenery around you…. Any way in my Catholic high school we had a lot of away meets in places that were a one to two hour bus rides away. After being surrounded by bathing suit clad females for hours and then cramping all us into buses together, you have a lot of potential for sin. It...

2 years ago
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Margos Own Story 3 My Strip Club Career

I told her I had no idea what a stripper actually does. "I suppose you just take off your clothes in front of a bunch of guys." "No, No, No. --- I guess I'd better have you come to my apartment tonight." When I got there, Shirley was dressed in a bikini with lots of sequins and incredibly high heels. She put on a CD with some highly suggestive lyrics. "Sit," she said. I plopped down in the chair at the kitchen table and took a handful of dollar bills she gave me. "OK. You're the...

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Hidden Slime Part 1

Deborah idly swept the basement of the thrift shop where she worked. Cleaning the basement wasn’t a usual job. Her manager had never told her or any of her coworkers to do it in the seven months she’d been there. She volunteered as soon as the task was offered; any chance for some time away from the asshole customers and her idiot coworkers worked for her. But upon seeing the state of the basement, she tried to convince her manager that she was just kidding. The space was much extensive than...

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Helping a new friend find her inner freak

As a purveyor of fine porn, xHamster has kept me well lubricated. I routinely change the oil 4 or 5 times a day. The beauty of having a smartphone is that you can truly take it with you.I routinely scan the personals for real people that are somewhat local. I never thought I'd be able to find a friend that would meet in real life. Most are cammers, spammers, or just to shy/not interested (which is perfectly fine). I have found a few to chat with who are totally sweetly kinky. I must have subtly...

4 years ago
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Real Life Me Sex

Hi dosto mera naam aman hai. Me ek village se hu. Mai 21 saal ka hu. Mai aaj apko mere aur meri behan ki real life ke bare me bata raha hu. Meri behan 20 saal ki hai.Uski figure abhi 34-28-36 hai. Mera lund 9 inch lamba aur mota hai. Jab meri behan 18 saal ki hui tab se me uske sath sex kar raha hu. bachpan se hum ek dusre ke sath bahot free hai. Me aaj apko mere life ke pehle sex ke bare me batane ja raha hu. Maine jab mere doston ke sath sex movie dekhna shuru kiya tab se hamesha mai mere...

2 years ago
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The new BBC in the neighborhood

I recently retired from a great career as a Deputy Sheriff and also came into a lot of money. I wanted to get out the area where I lived because I needed to get away from people I knew, especially people who think I ruined their lives. In a nearby city in a fairly up scale area, I bought a house that I liked. I hired a interior designer to help me furnish and decorate the the place based on what I told her. I have a nice pool, but no hot tub. I want one that holds eight people. I don't...

3 years ago
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RoadToGlory MilfHunt Lisa White CockSucking As

This is a short story about an Asian milf teacher who loves to suck white cocks subdue to sexual humiliation..Name: Jing (Lisa)Age: 37Ethnicity: AsianHeight: ~170cmWeight: ~57kgBreast: A cupHair: BlackEyes: BlackA few years ago, I've first met Lisa during the final year of my college life. She was a lot younger then and single at the time. She was the centre of all the college boys students as she often dressed in her neat white t-shirt that tease your eyes as is sometimes can be seen through....

3 years ago
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New Start Lukes StoryChapter 10

It was a lazy four days. There was a lot of sex. It really was a clothing optional long weekend. She looked sexy walking around in her silken things, but the vulnerability and sweetness of her naked body was even more tempting. It was shocking how smart Jessie was. She was incredibly well read and easy to talk to. She had her own opinions on the world. Her viewpoint was insightful, and had him thinking of some things in a different light. Luke thought and hoped he was able to do the same for...

4 years ago
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This newly posted story has some old attributes "but" is there a whole new beginning about to occur? Read carefully and see:: Nothing had changed much since Little Momma's summoned Satanic Beast fucking. Our life together was pretty much as always though I could tell after that fucking she got in that evil room she sure as hell didn't want much more sex or even fooled with for some time afterwards. Now sure we continued to have our wild parties as had in the past though I guarantee you...

3 years ago
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The Bath House

I have been bi since I was 16.. A couple experiences with friends when I was young, and then not much for a couple years.. then the opportunity to explore again came up. A friend of mine told me about the local bath house, and the times to be had.I have been there 3 times.. but nothing compares to the first night I spent there when I was 23.There were about 15 other men there that night. All ages, mostly older (which I LOVE) lolI was in the hot tub with 2 other men. We were talking,...

1 year ago
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Mmm My Sexy Neice Wants Me

100% fiction! I was in my car on my way to my sister's house , I haven't seen her and my neice and my sis's boyfriend. My job keeps me busy in Honolulu city I don't get to go to the country. So I took 2weeks off to visit them it's been a year since I saw them even though we are close. Alana my sister is 45 and i'm 42 and my neice Star is 25 my sister's son moved to the mainland for colledge. I was married once but I caught my wife cheating on me with guest at her hotel. I had some relationships...

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Outdoor Park Recreation

I have often fantasized about meeting a guy in a park for outdoor sex, having read several accounts and stories of such encounters. I mention this because I pass by several likely venues as I ride my bicycle on weekend solo rides. As an in-shape, 62 year old, married professional with family, these are not the kind of thoughts that anyone who knows me could imagine that I would entertain, much less act upon. Nevertheless, my secret gay fantasies were realized a short time ago. I was cycling...

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Mark taps the security-camera app on his phone and swipes through cameras until he sees Mollie on the couch. She's asleep, as usual, with nothing to do while he is out of the house. Mollie's face-down, so he can only see her back. She has shifted in her sleep and one leg hangs off the bed, revealing her pussy to the camera, still flush from this morning's routine. NOTES: Hopefully the parallels to a pet are clear: Mollie is obedient and eager to please Mark loves and cares for Mollie and...

2 years ago
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Special guest part1

We invited our friend Jordan Bigshots over to our place for dinner and drinks! Little did he know that we had a special guest coming over. So, we're just sitting around and having fun when the doorbell rang. I go to answer the door. Walk back around and said surprise!! The look on Jordan's face said it all!!!! His mouth dropped to the floor when he saw who it was!!! None other than Anastasia Rose!!!! One of his many pornstar crushes! You wouldn't believe it.... But this story gets even better!...

3 years ago
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Love Family

Helen Martin slide her coat off her shoulders as she walked through the front door. Looking across the living room, she saw that her husband, Alex, had already got in before her and was in front of the family computer. "You are home early!" She shouted out as she hung up the coat. Alex didn't reply not that she had expected him to. "I'm just having a shower!" She continued as she made for the stairs. Still no reply. Well sod you then! She told herself. Up in the bedroom, she quickly pulled out...

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sequel to 11 year old Kelly

Introduction: As I asked before please forgive any spelling mistakes, I have read this several times and think Ive got them all. After reading the few comments of my first story, I realise I should have told more about Susans first time so I will back track a little and tell this. As before the action is fact, but I will have to embellish the talk. I had answered the door to Susan, Is Kelly here? Yes, do you want to see her? I was wondering if she was coming to play Kelly came down the stairs...

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Fox Tales 2 When Next Comes the Fox

Fox Tales 2: When Next Comes the Fox By Bill Hart As I entered my small apartment, I let loose with a long sigh. I was beat. It had been a long rough game, but we'd finally won. I was that seldom-used last sub - a role I'd never relished. At six foot four inches in height, there were far too many people that considered me too small to play the game. Some of those raucous fools - you'd think they'd actually paid to see the game - had booed loud and long when I'd finally stepped out...

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Kismat Ka Khel Chudakkad Parivar

Ramesh (28 years) aur Suresh (24 years) do bhai the. Dono job karte the aur dono ki company aas-paas thi, isiliye roz ek hi car se office jaate the. Ramesh roz suresh ko pick and drop kar leta tha. Aaj shaam ko dono ghar wapis aaye to dono hi kaam se thake hue the. Ghar ka darwaza khula tha, dono andar aaye aur hall me lage sofe par gir gaye. Andar se Mayuri (25 years) aayi jo ki Ramesh ki patni thi aur dono ko dekh kar muskurate hue boli: Mayuri: “Aa gaye dono?” Suresh: “Ha bhabhi” Mayuri:...

2 years ago
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Was passiert auf Trinibogo

"Husten!" Obwohl er einer der engsten Freunde von Floyd war, kicherte der Arzt immer, wenn er Floyds Genitalien erwähnte. "Du willst das nicht wirklich tun, oder?" "Nein." Floyd war zu einer körperlichen Untersuchung gekommen und hatte den Auftrag, eine Vasektomie zu besprechen. "Und weißt du was, scheiß auf Jess." Floyd sah auf seinen Penis in der Hand des Arztes. Floyd war ein muskulöser Typ, der aussah wie ein Filmstar, aber das Schicksal hatte ihn mit einem kleinen Penis betrogen. Es sah...

3 years ago
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A Fantastic RingChapter 5

The sound of that shouted "WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?" was like the toll of a bell announcing the end of the world. It was obvious that I had just finished fucking Hazel, and Sally and Ann were still locked in a very passionate 69, so there was no doubt what was going on. Mrs. Mason then startled us all by asking, "Is there room for one more?" Hazel was the first of our group to speak, "Oh, Mama, you scared the Hell out of all of us! What are you doing home so early?" "You know my...

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ExHusband and ExWife

Jennifer was a fighter though. Her feet were violently trying to kick at me as she squirmed her shoulders and arms around in an attempt to free herself. There were a few times that I had almost lost my grip, but I finally shoved her down onto the floor of the garage, forcing her face on to the cold concrete , helping to muffle her still screaming voice. I had fallen on top of her, and the hand that I had wrapped around her waist was now stuck beneath her, still restricting her arms from...

1 year ago
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Rachel and Chris

Part 1 : Rachel and the Ring Yesterday was clear with a light but chilling winter wind present to remind all that the bit of warmth in the sun would only last a couple of hours at best. I struggled between sweating and freezing as I worked to remove the winter street grime from my roadster. Top up and windows closed may have some keep the roadster in the garage all winter but not me. Unless it is icy, I want to drive the corner hugging, light and fast two seat roadster in all seasons. The...

She Males
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Peter Is 18 My First Trip Away From Home BeijingChapter 10

I wake this time as she gets out of bed and slips into the bathroom. 5:30am. I really should go swim. When she comes out, she sits on the edge of the bed. "Morning." She leans in slightly and I kiss her. "Mornin'. You up kinda early." "I was about to say the same of you. This is my regular time. I like to read the paper before I go to work." "I usually swim uh couple miles 'fore school." "A couple miles? How many laps is that?" "One. I ain't in uh pool; it's open...

3 years ago
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Rachel Crossing The Line Part XIX

Authors Note: Thank You for all your comments and emails - I hope I've taken some of the wonder about the outside forces controlling Rachel's journey. I promise to not make it easy to guess the eventual end to this saga, I've got a few twists planned yet for our girl you might not see coming, or maybe you will. XOXO - Rachel December 3rd, 10:22 PM We talked about nothing in particular for maybe five minutes after I'd last had Will' cock in my mouth. He was nursing his newly...

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About three hours later, we’d gone through our new routines, polishing them all up a bit—also going over every routine we’d won a trophy using. Some of those were quite fun, since we hadn’t performed them in such a long while. “LUNCH!” The three of us all came in to see a layout of food that was amazing; we had lasagna or meatloaf to choose from. Also, there were Pan-fried home-made French fries, which is a specialty of the ladies, and the usual Salad Bar, but it had more things to choose...

2 years ago
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My first adult cock part 2

Not realizing it that warm west coast morning as I finally turned arouned and pushed my up turned thumb out. I see it clearly now having experienced that crazed, wild single minded determination so many times since that morning. I had completely lost any awareness of reality, of of any responsibilities, personal plans or other peoples expectations of me that day. Oblivious to anything except the indescribable excitement, humiliation and raw all engulfing pleasure I felt as I sat on that damp...

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Office tour

Hello to all my friends out there. I had a very great experience while on a tour to mumbai just about 2 weeks back. In my office there is this very beautiful, good looking lady, Jaya, she has the perfect figure, the right curves on her body everywhere, her breasts were firm, a sexy tummy and a tight ass, I think everyone in the office wants to bed her, but I was the first among them. We had arranged a company tour to mumbai for the holidays and everyone had gone about 100 of us, the first day...

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Black Bear Down

Copyright© "Oh, five, black," the radio crackled, "position report..." "Reception's shit tonight," Mladshiy Schpagin, commented. "Ah, oh, five, black, level 270, bearing 120 magnetic, Red Control... Red Control? Damn!" "What's the matter, Schpagin?" Starskiy Borodin asked from the front cockpit, known in AV-MF parlance as 'the office.' "I keep losing the signal, sir," he replied. "Atmospherics?" suggested Leytenant Yung in the second seat. "Americans!" replied the...

3 years ago
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Hotwife Mother and Whore for the Family Business

The bad economy over the past five years or so has been devastating for many companies. That is especially true for small businesses that don’t have the resources to ride out the hard times. Larger companies can survive by laying off employees, or otherwise having adequate funding. Our family was especially hard hit since I lost my job as an administrative assistant in a large company, and my husband’s small business suffered the loss of customers and sales volume.My name is Cassie, and I was...

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From Friends To Friends With Benefits

This is my first story in ISS but a real one, My name is Rahul and I’m from Tamil Nadu. The heroine of this story is Sindhu(name changed). Sindhu and I were close friends from college and in this story I will tell about how our 5 years of friendship suddenly turned into friends with benefits kind of relationship. I never had any sexual intention on sindhu throughout my college days. I completed my UG in a college from my hometown. I became friends with her since day 1 that’s because we use to...

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