La Corista Capitulo 3 free porn video

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LA CORISTA CAPITULO 3 Daniel y Julia Fueron a la estaci?n de bomberos para averiguar porque hab?a estallado su casa? - Mire la explosi?n le provoc? una fuga de gas- -Una fuga de gas destruyo mi casa!- Bueno es muy probable que haya tenido todas las ventanas cerradas y el gas estuvo como acumulando durante muchas, muchas horas; luego quiz?s alg?n corto en un aparato el?ctrico o un falso contacto o dos cables pelados que por alguna raz?n se tocaron ocasionaron La chispa qu? hizo estallar todo- -Ves Julia ! te dije que que deb?a regresarme a verificar que estuviera bien cerrada la estufa!- - Y yo te dije que no deber?as conectar tantos aparatos en un mismo contacto!- - Oigan se?oritas deber?a de ir al banco para ver si no tiene alg?n seguro contra incendios- En el banco le dijeron que cualquier fuga dentro de la casa es responsabilidad del due?o por lo tanto el seguro no era v?lido. Y ahora Daniel ten?a que pagar los da?os que ocasiona la explosi?n a los vecinos, ademas ten?a que seguir con la deuda de una casa que ya no exist?a. Y as? de la noche a la ma?ana lo perdi? todo, sus cosas, su carro (qu? lo hab?a dejado en la cochera y que tambi?n lo deb?a). -Al menos puedes comprar algo de ropa con de las tarjetas de cr?dito.- -Las tarjetas tambi?n las tengo al l?mite por mi viaje a Nueva York ah? me gast? todo en ropa nueva, lociones y una laptop.... Todo a meses sin intereses.- - Tengo una idea! Vamos a pedirle un adelanto Pedrito!- Le contaron a Pedro todo lo lo que le pas? a la casa para ver si les pod?a ayudar con dinero. - yo tambi?n estoy casi en la ruina por culpa de mi ex, se llevo todo el dinero que ten?a para pagar la nomina y proveedores mas los adelantos que ya me hab?an pagado. Todos mis ahorros los invert? en equipo nuevo el cami?n lo saque a cr?dito ahorita s?lo estoy sobreviviendo de los eventos extras que nos est?n saliendo como desayunos y comidas. Esta semana s?lo puedo darles algo de dinero para comida y gasolina. Les prometo que el pr?ximo mes ya nos vamos a alivianar. - Tienes algo de ropa que me puedas prestar?- -Daniel como podr?s ver soy m?s alto y m?s gordo que t?, digo para dormir est? bien pero para seguir la calle no creo. Pero puedes usar la ropa de mi ex qu? te queda muy bien- - Pero sus pies eran m?s grandes que los m?os- -No te preocupes ella siempre compraba zapatos m?s chicos aunque le apretaran as? que creo que te van a quedar bien.- -Bueno hermanito, toma algo de ropa, unos tenis, zapatos, maquillaje ropa interior y vay?monos a mi departamento- -Al menos puedo llegar a comprar unos boxers?- -No, necesitas ese dinero para comprar las pastillas que te recet? el doctor, recuerda que me dijiste que si no te las tomas se te puede da?ar la voz y por suerte tra?as un frasquitos en tu bolsa para saber de cu?les pedir- Despu?s de comprar la medicina, con el poco dinero que ten?a ya no pod?a comprar ropa, pues ten?a que usarlo para comprar comida. El resto el resto del d?a Daniels se la pas? deprimido, pues lo deb?a todo y como no ten?a nada de dinero para pagar este mes le iban a llegar mucho recargos de la mensualidad de la casa y de las tarjetas de cr?dito. Julia ya Hab?a tratado de consolarlo todo lo que pod?a pero su esfuerzo fue en vano, ya no sab?a qu? hacer para reanimar a su hermano. Se puso a leer art?culos sobre c?mo curar la depresi?n y uno de los consejos que daban era hacer ejercicio, se acord? que ya hab?a ganado un premio en el gimnasio al que iba y con eso podr?a sacarlo la depresi?n. - Lev?ntate flojo ya nos tenemos que ir- - A d?nde? es muy temprano d?jame dormir- - Vamos a ir al gimnasio- - Pero yo no tengo membres?a ni dinero para pagarla- - Eso no es problema me saqu? un premio para dos personas de 3 meses gratis e incluye un entrenador personal- - Ve t?, hoy no tengo ganas- - Bueno tienes dos opciones o vienes conmigo o le llam? a Arturo para que venga cuidarte y te apapache con muchos besitos mua, mua, mua!- - Eres cruel y manipuladora; p?same mi ropa!- Julia le pas? paso una blusa deportiva y unos shorts largos de licra y unos tenis rosas. - No hay algo m?s holgado y menos femenino?- - Ya deja de quejarte o le hablo a Arturo!- - No hay algo m?s holgado y menos femenino?-- Ya deja de quejarte o le hablo a Arturo!- Al llegar al gimnasio julia escribi? a su hermano c?mo Daniela. Mostrado el cup?n del sorteo y les asignaron a Ginna como su entrenadora personal. - Muy bien chicas yo estar? cargo ustedes en los siguientes tres meses me encargar? de que cumplan con sus metas; as? que d?ganme qu? es lo que quieren y yo les considere todos sus deseos, lo ?nico que les pido es disciplina y compromiso- - Bueno -dijo Julia- yo Quiero bajar las llantitas, tener una cintura bien definida, unas caderas m?s grandes, piernas bien torneadas y quitarme la flacidez de los brazos- - Y t? Dani que deseas?- Daniel no puso atenci?n porque todav?a estaba deprimido, ensimismado en sus problemas y lament?ndose por su mala suerte. - Me da igual, lo que ustedes deciden estar? bien- - Bueno entonces est? decidido ser? lo mismo para las dos. Ahora s?gueme muchachas tenemos mucho que hacer - Y as? pasaron varios d?as Julia levantaba a rega?adientes a su hermano, Ginna les pon?a rutinas de ejercicios de dos horas y les recordaba que siguieran la dieta. Tambi?n les dio unos suplementos alimenticios especiales para mujeres ya que ?stos les ayudar?an resultados m?s r?pidos. Julia le comento que por el momento no ten?a dinero para comprarlos pero Ginna amablemente le regal? muestras gratis para que empezar?n a tomarlos esta semana. Daniel se dio cuenta que con el ejercicio se olvidaba un poco de sus problemas as? que en las noches volv? a repetir todos los ejercicios para acabar tan cansado y sin energ?a para pensar en los problemas qu? le quitaban el sue?o. Aunque segu?a estando deprimido su hermana lo sigui? presionando para que practicar? c?mo maquillarse. - Julia esto es un fastidio!- - Mejor miralo como terapia ocupacional. Entre m?s actividades hagas que no tengan que ver con tus problemas... Menos pensar?s en ellos- - Suena l?gico, digo me est? funcionando lo del ejercicio - Lleg? el fin de semana, ten?an la agenda llena eventos de comidas bodas fiestas de empresas etc?tera. A Daniel le dio mucho gusto saber que iban a tener tanto trabajo porque eso le ayudar?a no pens? en sus problemas y el dinero extra que les iban a pagar le iba ayudar con sus deudas. Pero cuando lleg? el d?a de paga Pedro le volvi? a decir que segu?a con problemas econ?micos y que no les iba a poder dar mucho dinero de fin de semana por los eventos adicionales. - Bueno tan siquiera ahora ya tengo suficiente para comprarme algo ropa de hombre- - No lo que creo hermanito, voy a necesitar que me des la mano para poder pagar la renta de este mes porque con lo que me est? dando Pedrito no la voy a hacer sin ayuda- Y con todas resignaci?n del mundo Daniel le dio todo su dinero su hermana.- lo que m?s me da coraje Julia es que no nos queda dinero Ni para divertirnos!- - Que, a?n no llenas de tanta fiesta?- pregunt? Julia con Sarcasmo - No quise decir eso. Me refer?a ir al cine, al teatro o ir a comer a un restaurante- - Si esto de ser pobre Es muy inc?modo. Lo bueno es que tengo una cita qu? me va a llevar al teatro y luego a cenar- Y con qu? dinero vas a pagar todo eso hermanita?- -Ya te lo dije, "es una cita". Y cuando es una cita las mujeres no pagamos nada. O acaso pagaste algo cuando saliste con Arturo?- - Ni me lo recuerdes no pienso volver a salir con ?l ni por todos los filetes del mundo- - A poco has estado Feliz toda la semana comiendo s?lo ensaladas- - Que no estamos a dieta?- - S? pero en parte es por necesidad!- - Pues prefiero pasar hambre a qu? otro hombre me vuelva a besar- - Y luego por qu? dejas que todos los hombres del grupo que te saludan de beso?- - T? me dijiste que ten?a que aguantar eso, por qu? iban a pensar que era una pesada y eso crea un ambiente t?xico de trabajo- - Bueno ya vamos a dormir que ma?ana tenemos que madrugar para ir al gimnasio- Arturo le hab?a estado mandando mensajes a Danny durante varios d?as, pero los ignoraba. El mi?rcoles , Julia fue a su cita y no regres? hasta el siguiente d?a. -Gracias por avisar donde andabas-Le dijo Daniel con sarcasmo-estaba procupado por ti- - Ay ya mam? no te enojes!..mira te tengo algo para que te contentes- - A ver qu? es?- - Un pedazo de carne de la cena de anoche! Perd? el corte m?s grande para poderte traer un pedazo para a ti- - Eres la mejor hermana del mundo!.Un poco aprovechada, pero lo bueno es que sabes con qui?n.- Despu?s de terminar el el delicioso pedazo de carne se qued? con ganas de m?s Despu?s de terminar el el delicioso pedazo de carne se qued? con ganas de m?s. En las fiestas que ?ltimamente estaban tocando no serv?an carne tan deliciosa como ?sta a pesar de que eran de gente rica, como ahora la moda era ser vegetariano sol?an servir platillos extra?os y ex?ticos que no llevan carne. Pero al comer lo que trajo Julia en lugar de calmar de calmar el antojo le dieron m?s ganas de comer carne...pero no ten?a dinero- bueno luego se me pasar?!- Pero el resto del d?a segu?a pensando en carne, com?a lechuga y pensaba encarne, despu?s de tomar el licuado energ?tico con prote?nas y sentir que no llenaba su est?mago sigui? pensando en carne- maldito Antojo ya salte de mi mente!- Entonces le lleg? otro mensaje Arturo que dec?a: A:Quieres ir a cenar? D: No tengo dinero:( A: Yo invito D: S?lo quiero comer carne A: Conozco un buen lugar . Te veo en la noche?- Se qued? pensando- est? mal, no lo hagas, Arturo va a pensar otra cosa... Pero ya quedamos que s?lo somos amigos, as? que no hay problema- D: Est? bien. d?nde te veo? A: Paso por ti a las 7:00 D: Te esperar? con mucha hambre :) -Julia por favor ay?dame a arreglarme- -A d?nde vas? a una entrevista de trabajo?- -Voy a un restaurante!- - Supongo que de mesera porque no tenemos dinero- -Como crees, Arturo me invit? a cenar...aunque no ser?a mala idea conseguir trabajo los d?as que descansamos- -Llevas como una semana sin contestar sus mensajes y de repente vas a salir con el?... Bravo ya est?s aprendiendo. hacerte la dif?cil- -No es lo que crees!, solo acepte para poder comer un gran bistec- -Entonces es peor de lo que cre?, ahora vendes tus amor por comida jajaja- -Solo es una cena de amigos!- -Si el va a pagar es una citaaaaa..por cierto a d?nde te va a llevar?- - Vamos a ir por ah? a comer carne!- - Ay tr?eme un pedacito please! y recuerda si quieres que te siga invitando a comer vas a tener que ser un poco m?s atenta con el y si te pide un favor o que despu?s le ayudes con algo tienes que decir que s? y contestale mas seguido los mensajes porque eso hacen los "amigos"- -Garcias por iluminarme Oh gran maestra y gur? de los "amigos" gorrones ! jajaja. Ya lleg?, me tengo que ir - -Arturo se quedo admirando a Dany un momento- Te ves muy bien que te hiciste?- - Nada s?lo empec? a ir al gimnasio- - Ah qu? bueno! as? te podr?s dar gusto el restaurante sin remordimiento- En el camino fueron platicando sobre c?mo era el gimnasio al que cada uno iba, qu? ejercicios hac?an, y luego hicieron bromas sobre todos los estereotipos de personas que van al gimnasio: Los chavorrucos que se quieren ligar a las veintea?eras, las que andna busvandolos pubertos que se quieren ligar a las MILFS, las cuarentonas locochonas, las chicas que buscan sugar Daddy,los instructores acosadores, las chavas guapas que ilusionan a medio mundo pero no quieren con nadie etc... Llegaron al restaurante y ordenaron, vieron la Eurocopa, siguieron platicando todo iba muy bien... hasta que de repente toda la alegr?a Arturo se esfum?, se puso p?lido de miedo y su mirada se llen? de tristeza - est?s bien?- - No- dijo secamente y como si estuviera hipnotizado, no pod?a quitar la mirada de la pareja que entraba al restaurante. - Qui?n es?- - Es mi ex, rompimos hace 3 semanas y ya anda saliendo con alguien- Daniel entend?a c?mo se sent?a Arturo pues hace a?os que le pas? algo parecido. Se Hab?a topado su ex y su nuevo novio. Como hubiese dado lo que fuera para haber evitado ese momento tan humillante, fue una experiencia triste y deprimente tanto que al recordar eso se llen? de ir? y frustraci?n, tanto qu? sin pensarlo al ver que la pareja ven?a a su mesa tom? la mano de Arturo y le dijo en voz baja - te voy a salvar- - Qu?!?- - Conf?a en m?, s?lo s?gueme la corriente y todo saldr? bien - - Hola Arturito C?mo est?s?- - Hola..Catalina... Qu?... gusto..verte!?- - Te presento a mi novio Antuan,... Que apenas ayer se me declar?.. S?!, as? fue- Daniel no le crey? nada, obvio que ten?an mas tiempo de novios y mucho m?s vi?ndose a espaldas de Arturo, pero dos pueden jugar el mismo juego. - Mucho gusto Antua, ella es Daniela mi....- -Soy su novia- Catalina y Arturo pusieron la misma cara de sorpresa. -Mucho gusto.....y cu?nto tiempo llevan de novios?- -Tres meses...que diga 3 d?as- Respondi? Daniel con malicia y una sonrisa hip?crita mientras tomaba la mano del sorprendido Arturo.-Es que en tan poco tiempo hemos conectado taaan bien, que parece que llevamos m?s tiempo juntos- y sonri? cinicamente - Si eso, tres d?as!, no vallas a pensar otra cosa- respondi? nerviosamente Arturo y empez? a sudar fr?o. Antua se empez? a sentir inc?modo al ver la escena de celos entre Catalina y Arturo -Fue un placer pero ya nos tenemos que ir, creo que ser? lo mejor para todos- - Espera!, que yo no me creo este numerito de los novios. Nadie puede Iniciar una relaci?n tan r?pido- - Pues lo hicimos tan r?pido como t? "querida"- respondi? Daniel sarc?sticamente -Ja! esto no puede ser ustedes me est?n enga?ando, solo son amigos!- -Pues Arturo me dijo que t? demandabas tanta atenci?n que hiciste que perdiera contacto con sus amigos, y eres tan insegura que mucho menos le dejabas tener AMIGAS!- -Pues m?nimo se debi? de haber buscado una novia m?s bonita que yo y no a la primer desesperada que le dijo que si- -Tan siquiera yo no soy una Toxica c?mo t?!, qu? nada m?s se acerco para ver si lo pod?as seguir humillando para alimentar la poca autoestima que tienes! anciana operada, mentirosa,infiel y GORDA! - Nadie puede Iniciar una relaci?n tan r?pido-- Pues lo hicimos tan r?pido como t? "querida"- respondi? Daniel sarc?sticamente-Ja! esto no puede ser ustedes me est?n enga?ando, solo son amigos!--Pues Arturo me dijo que t? demandabas tanta atenci?... Despu?s de escuchar esos insultos Catalina se le fue encima a Daniel y se agarraron de las gre?as y los muchachos tuvieron que separarlas...con la ayuda de tres meseros. Antuan mejor se fue del restaurante con Catalina mientras Daniel le gritaba - Y ten cuidado porque que te va a hacer lo mismo, huye de ella Antuan!- -OK creo que con esta pelea ya crey? que somos novios-dijo Arturo muy sorprendido por todo lo que hab?a pasado -Porque nos est?n mirando as? los meseros?- -por nada- - y porque dejas tanto de propina?- -Es que fueron muy serviciales. Te gust? la comida de aqu??- -Siiiiii, cuando volvemos a venir?- - creo que dentro de muuuucho tiempo- Ep?logo Al d?a siguiente en el departamento de Julia -Dany ap?rale que llegamos tarde al gimnasio!- - YA VOY!- -Por cierto ya viste el v?deo de dos viejas locas pele?ndose en un restaurante?....oye porque te pusiste esa gorra y esos lentes obscuros si no hace sol? -en el camino te cuento...-

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I woke up feeling great Thursday morning after my threesome with Amanda and Caroline. And why the hell shouldn't I? I just lived every guy's dream and I had just turned sixteen. I was King Shit. Well, I was until I got to the bathroom to drain Kong anyway. Kong was a little sore when I shook him off but he was taking it like a man. I sidled from the john to the sink to brush my fangs. When I looked in the mirror I recoiled in horror. Recoiled because I had a zit on the end of my nose as big...

3 years ago
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California Slut

Introduction: This has been revised after the first posting, I appreciate corrections that will help me become a better writer. Some comments are just mean. California Slut I was on one of those X-rated social dating sites. It is unusual for a guy to initiate contact with me. I told this guy, Pat, I was straight, but he continued the conversation telling me about his wife. Lisa is a slut, he said. He told me of her law office escapades. At least once a week the two partners of the law firm...

2 years ago
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My Best Buds In College

I’m a bit of a “tom-boy”, I have to admit it. I like to hang out with my girlfriends, but I’d rather hang out with my guy friends. I like to be in the woods, hunting, or playing football, or simply sitting, doing nothing but drinking a beer with the guys.The girls were always talking about sex, or their boyfriends and the guys, well, they chatted about banging “so and so” but not in a lurid and perverted way. And for the most part, the guys didn’t really talk about their sexual prowess whenever...

College Sex
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Road Trip GirlFriends Dad Fucks Me

I can't believe this is happening.So I'm going to write this story as it happens because it's happening to me RIGHT NOW and I'm freaking the fuck out and it's helping me to pretend I'm busy on my phone because holy mother fucking holy shit balls.I'm on a cross-County road trip with my 22-year-old college girlfriend Kelly, and her family. We're traveling in their three row Honda Pilot as we transport some of the family's artwork to a fairly well known gallery in Chicago where my girlfriend's dad...

2 years ago
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The OutsiderChapter 19

Brock played the dutiful host for a little while, showing the girls where to find everything, before retiring for the night. The girls were relatively quiet but Brock was so tired it wouldn’t have mattered. He could never figure out when the conspiracy started. The when didn’t so much bother him as the who. Whoever and whenever it was, Brock wasn’t alone when he woke in the middle of the night. He was nowhere near alone. Despite the fact he had shown the girls the spare bedrooms all four...

4 years ago
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At The Office

Photos & movie clip from Shirley’s phone found here The OfficeI acquired a job to set up a new office with its computers and was told someone would be waiting for me. I was overwhelmed at first sight when this middle-aged woman introduce herself as Shirley. There was something about her that I could not explain, but was attracted to her straight away. If it was her happy smile or her...

1 year ago
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A Simple Love Story

Jamie saw the young man looking lost as she walked home from another date with her boyfriend Keith, he had stood her up again and this time it was the final straw. She had phoned him and broken up with him. Surely she was worth more than Keith seeing her once or twice a month. Jamie suspected he was cheating on her but enjoyed the attention he gave her when he bothered to visit. She asked him his name. With a big smile and a sparkle in his eye he replied, ‘David Ma’am, please to meet you.’...

3 years ago
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Bruises Ch 01

RYN ‘Ryn! Ryn! Hey!’ Kathryn McClain stuck her head in her locker wishing the high-pitched voice belonging to Kristin Stuart would miraculously cease. Yeah right, thought Kathryn (or known as, ‘Ryn’ by her beloved friends, nix Kristin of course). ‘The day Kristin shuts up is the day I get impregnated by the lunch lady’, Ryn told her best friend Lily who was currently trying to shield Ryn with her A.P. Literature notebook. ‘What could she possibly want?’ Ryn questioned while watching...

4 years ago
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Descent Into Oral Servitude

Chapter 1 As they lifted me on to the stretcher I knew that I was in serious trouble in more ways than one. The doctors had warned me, months previously, what would happen if I played rugby again and I had promised my wife faithfully. As far as she was concerned I was out on the golf course but I had not been able to resist when the call came from my old team. They had reached the semi-finals but had lost their kicker. I thought that, as a full back, I could stay out of trouble and I knew that...

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Veras Experience

Vera sat back in the comfort of her new sofa, a beige velour number with billowing cushions at head height and on the arms. It was something you could sprawl on, stretch out and laze, without banging your elbows on a wooden bit put there purely for decoration.She clearly felt like the lady of the manor, an ice-filled glass of Kahlua on the coffee table in front of her as she sat with one knee hooked over the other, slightly provocative but not tarty. She was more confident in her body now, at...

2 years ago
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I opened the door to the garage as the truck backed into the driveway. I helped the three men load all of the boxes into the back of the truck and then one of the men wrote me out a receipt, the men climbed into the truck and it drove away. Two days later another truck backed up to the garage and when they left I took the receipt that they gave me and put it with the first one. I spent the rest of the day scouring the house to make sure that every last trace of Jilly was gone. The few things...

3 years ago
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Akkadian StatuetteChapter 7 Hot Spell

Monday was hot. Even in the morning I could feel the heat. It would be in the high nineties today, maybe even hit three digits. The clouds were gone, and I could feel the sunlight almost like physical pressure. It reminded me of the summers in Kazallu. Back there, when the air heated up, so did the tempers. There were more fights, and more injuries and deaths. People talked of the evil spirits of summer. We sorcerers knew that the spirits didn't care about the heat; it was men's nature that...

3 years ago
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Awakened PassionsCh1

Introduction: Im new at this.. so be gentle…If I get enough posidive feed back Ill put up more chapers CH1 Larain and Robby lived in the middle of Butt Fuck no were. When they had first gotten together he was sweet and sensual, always wanting to fuck her and explore her body. Now though it seemed as though all he wanted was to hunt and drink. He had ,after all, bought the 120 acres with the huge ranch house in the middle of the property just for her. He wanted to be able to fuck her hard so she...

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A Familys Unwanted Sexual Awakening part 2 see the rewrite for the begining

Michelles mother was now staring at her daughter's D-cup breasts. "We'll make you feel all better," Lillian-her mother- sighed, rubbing her babygirl's chest. "Arousual is fun, and when Craig and Adam shoot their loads its fun to watch, they taste good too," Amy said, running back to Craig after saying that. Amy started fucking Craig again, and Michelle's pussy twitched, her mother saw that. "Lets have some fun baby," Michelle's mother procedded to rip off her daughter's clothes,...

4 years ago
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“Well, Pamela, do you remember any of your dreams?” “Remember them? I can’t forget them.” [5 min. 36 sec] “Can you tell me one?” “They’re all the same. I’m lying in bed with my nightie pulled up. Strange men are looking at me.” “We’re almost out of time. We’ll talk about this next week.” “On our last visit, you were telling me about your dreams.” “Not really. I mean that I told you about the men looking at me. What I didn’t tell you is that I’m playing with myself.” “You’re...

3 years ago
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My Wife and a Black Trucker

My wife and I both had a hard week at work and were looking forward to the weekend where we were going away to enjoy a nice dinner and meet some friends.   We decided to leave early Friday afternoon and I watched her getting dressed and ready for our time away.   I was pleasantly surprised to see Lisa put on a short skirt and a white, almost sheer blouse with no bra.   She knew I couldn’t keep my hands off her when she was dressed in these short skirts and I knew this would be a great night...

3 years ago
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A sissy called Jezebel Part XXXIX

A sissy called Jezebel Part XXXIX - We learn that sidesaddle is mucho fun, and then someone drops the 'love bomb'. "Sidesaddle?" says Ismeralda in a confused tone. I look at her in surprise (well sort of, I am facing away from her, so I look at her over my shoulder.) No way I stumped my older and clearly more experienced sex partner? "You know, Sidesaddle? I use your knee as a riding horn?" I get a blank look. I try to think, does this position have another name? "The...

2 years ago
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TalentChapter the Fifth Setting the Mood

I strode out of the school gates and made my way to my front door, picking up some groceries on the way. I spent the afternoon, logged into the web, trying to find out any more information about Mr. Shaw. The controls around the licencing centre were pretty tight, but I managed to get in via one of the mainframe print queues which had a trace file still held, and full of userid/password pairs. After that, it was just a question of tracking through the security system to find the profiles...

3 years ago
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Fund Raising Redone by RoxanneChapter 6 Second Meeting With the Kaps

Brandy and I made arrangements to meet with the two Kaps negotiators the following Saturday afternoon at the fraternity house. The guys were excited about our raffle ideas. They accepted them all. We agreed to work on more ideas, and agreed that no changes or additions would be made without unanimous agreement. At that meeting, they accepted our ideas on most ticket prices, and on raffle prices; food and drink sizes; sales prices; hats and shirts; and sponsorships and advertising. We felt...

1 year ago
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The Perfect Boobs

My search for The Perfect Boobs has taken me to many strange places in my years as a professional masturbator. It’s brought me from the dirtiest strip clubs to the dankest porn shops in the sketchiest parts of town, to every fucking weird-ass corner of the internet. I mean, shit, if you’re a regular here at ThePornDude, I’m sure you already knew that. Then again, maybe you landed here today because you use Google and have the same interests as me. Hey, nice to meet you—want to see some...

Porn Forums
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The Paper RouteChapter 5

“Eddie, I need you to fuck me now, but you better put a rubber on. Mom will kill us if I get pregnant,” Becky said. “I’m ready. Look at my cock ... Damn, it’s swelled up like never before after fucking Penny, and all this talk about getting more pussy.” Penny slid off my legs and Becky crawled up to face me as she sat down straddling my waist. “Get me a rubber, Justine,” Becky said as she looked down at my hard cock pressed against her titties. “Damn Eddie ... I love your cock. I’m so...

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That Bitch That Bitch That Little Fucking Bitch

"That bitch, that bitch, that little fucking bitch!" I kept repeating that phrase over and over again in my mind. I was trying hard not to lose my composure, not to hit my wife in her pretty, confused, disloyal little face. I am not usually a violent man. Oh the potential for it is always there, just beneath the surface, but I know how destructive, how dangerous an SOB I can be; and I don't like myself when I let the asshole out of the bottle. Maybe I was being unfair, maybe I had not heard...

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Online fun part 5

Part 4 : Feedback is certainly appreciated! Either as a review here, or feel free to message me on kik (albatrossiv), I'm trying to keep each section shortish and easy, drawing on personal experiences, from here out there will be a bit more fantasy...but still trying to keep it within reason... Riley's face flushed as he looked over at this gorgeous women, her hand still dancing across his chastity cage over his pants. "I said, would you care for another round?" she asked,...

1 year ago
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Drunk college Student got more than he bargained for

Ryan was with his buddies drinking at a near by Billiards bar, when he received a text from his girlfriend. can't wait too see you next week included with a nude picture. Now Ryan had been without sex for almost a month as they were attending different schools in different cities. Ryan had a long walk home, and was so horny he remembered one of his bi friends had told him about a discreet web-site he could find quick easy blow jobs from other men online, now Ryan wasn't gay but he really needed...

2 years ago
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Which bisexual gay acts do you think about M

Which (bisexual / gay) acts do you think about, anFantasy or Real Life?Which (bisexual / gay) acts do you think about, and which have you done?There are a lot of straight (or formerly straight) guys out there who have watched forced-bi clips, humiliation videos, gay porn, or have fantasized about a bisexual or gay experience. This could be a recent thing, or it could be something that you have been thinking about for a long time. I know that I am not the only one out there who has had these...

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Rons Change

Ron's Change By Margaret Jeanette Sue and Ron Horn had a good marriage. Ron was an all-state baseball player in high school and had dated Sue since his junior year. They just celebrated their fifth wedding anniversary. Ron has a good job in customer relations with a construction company. They are attending the company picnic. Sue is talking to Karen who is Ron's secretary. "Well, Karen, how do you like working with Ron?" Sue asked. "I like the job. It is very...

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Operation Rescue the New CoEd Chapter 4

Operation Rescue: The New Co-Ed Chapter 4 - Going all the Way A young man gets in trouble and loses his scholarship. It looks like his dream of college to escape a poor future is doomed - until he sees an ad recruiting 'surrogates'. [email protected] ********************************************************************** A heavy sigh echoed through the small office, as Tom's shoulders sank under the weight of Rachel's words. Dr. Tina nodded slowly when Tom glanced her way,...

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My Brother My LoverChapter 7

Callie rested on top of her brother feeling his cock soften inside her. She brought herself up laying down next to him as they stared into each other's eyes. She kept thinking of all the times they used to fight when they were younger. He used to pull her bra and she'd chase him around the house. He used to tease her when she wore her braces and he used to make fun of her when she had a crush on a guy. Callie smiled to herself as she recalled those moments. Never in her life had she...

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He Owns Her

I saw you for the first time a little over three years ago; and I couldn't help but notice how gorgeous you were. Then, I met you, and I got to see you were just as nice. Now, every time I'm at a race, I always make up some excuse to see you; swinging by the trailer, getting things I don't want or need. It's all done with a feeble hope that somehow, someday; I'll work up enough nerve to make conversation, something beyond a shy hello and a smile.Most nights, when I'm lying in bed, alone, I...

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The WalletChapter 6

Lower Greenville Avenue. Zubar was my destination. I found it with little trouble and the bouncer let me park up close. I slipped him half a hundred to keep a close eye on it and told him the other half was his when I left. The place wasn't crowded yet, so I stopped at the bar and got a frozen margarita with lots of salt. I wandered over to a comfortable looking chair and made myself at home. It was in a corner along with some low tables and a couch. A tall, copper-mane young woman glided...

2 years ago
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Story Six Cum Slut Is Black Owned

It seemed to take forever but Saturday finally arrived. I was so excited about going to the theater with my uncle tonight that I had a hard time focusing at school the past couple days. During breakfast my mom asked me if I was still planning on going to the movies with my uncle, I nodded yes. "So what movie are you going to see?" she asked. I had already anticipated this question and had looked in the movie listings in the paper. I responded with the name of a scary movie that I knew she...

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Past LivesChapter 2

While still in the grip of an orgasm while Terry knelt in front of me in my studio gulping my ejaculating semen with relish, I had my first glimpse of the life I lived before Jane Wilson. Once again, it was a terrifying event. I died, and it wasn't a normal death. I felt the pain of a bullet rip through my chest and heart, exploding out my back in a cone of pink mist. Terry thought I'd collapsed with pleasure. I didn't correct her mistaken assumption. During that life I'd been a male,...

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Second ChanceChapter 20

Much later, following a nap, curled up together like two puppies, Beth Ann stirred, smiled and asked, "Have you made plans for our next four years since you seem to have no intention of working or attending school and apparently don't intend for me to work, either?" Thankfully, Beth Ann finally realized what I wanted for us. "Now you get it. I do not intend for you to work ever again. Mr. Bell and Colleen have finished putting together our trust and you know you are completely protected...

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Friday Night Poker

My wife Molly and I play five card stud every Friday night with my buddies. This coming Friday is different though. A few weeks back, Molly mentioned how she gets sexually aroused watching us workout. The five of us are all in great shape. I tell her that we get aroused watching her and the guys cannot stop talking about how hot she is.After telling her, those beautiful hazel eyes light up. Smiling, Molly tells me she has a surprise for us at our next game.Friday finally arrives, we have...

Group Sex
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Erotic story of BINITA 4

Chapter 04: Binita Around the HouseThe woman massaged the oil into his limbs. Thakur Hari Singh luxuriated in the ceremony of the long oil bath he treated himself to once every week. His weekly routines had been interrupted for a while now because of the preparations needed for his son's marriage to that saucy, town-educated girl Binita."Binita," he thought and sighed. The girl had come to talk to him about the stalled marriage when both he and she had descended into lust and for a good hour,...

2 years ago
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Too Good To Be True in Vegas

Camryn was so looking forward to this long weekend in Vegas, and traveling with two of her favorite gal pals would make the experience even more enjoyable. Camryn saw this trip as an opportunity to relax and have a little fun without having to worry about work or about the strange twists and turns her sex life had taken recently. As she and her friends arrived at the ‘Mirage’, they didn’t notice that they were being observed by a distinguished looking man in the hotel lobby. The man took out...

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iWank Granny

Boy, I’ve really scraped the bottom of the spank bank for this review, dudes, and dudettes. Iwank is clearly a porn tube aggregate site that brings in content from around the web all in one place, and you know what I think about these kinds of sites – in theory, they bring in more variety and content than any particular tube site can, simply because they are not limiting their supply. That being said, every aggregate site is limited in quality to the tastes and sensibilities of the person...

Granny Porn Sites
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Teen DaysChapter 9

I promised to tell the second part of the night I spent in London with Sanjit, Dillip and Ian. I have explained how we met and of the fun we had back in my hotel room. After our first session, we all got cleaned up, showered and dressed in bath robes. We ordered some wine and champagne from room service and settled down to chat and generally have a nice time. The guys admitted that when they saw me in the hotel bar in the afternoon that they thought I may be " A fun girl". I asked what...

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