La Corista Capitulo 6 free porn video

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La corista capitulo 6 En otras noticias Esc?ndalo del v?deo que se hizo viral la semana pasada d?nde en una boda Carlos Castillo besa a una de las coristas a la fuerza ha escalado a algo m?s grave cuando en estos d?as una mujer que dice ser la corista subi? un v?deo ocultado su rostro y declarando que Carlos la forz? a tener relaciones antes del Show. -Despu?s de ver este v?deo espero que entiendan en la situaci?n tan grave que se encuentra la Carrera de Carlos- -A ver lo UNICO que quiero entender es: 1.- Como rayos me encontraron? 2.- Como rayos entraron a nuestro departamento sin tener la llave?- El representante de Carlos fue quien contesto.-Todo ha Sido idea m?a, hable al sal?n que medio el contacto del Sr. Pedro que nos dios sus datos- -Mentira mi Pedrito es incapaz de soltar esa informaci?n as? de f?cil!- dijo Julia- Solo tuve que explicarle nuestra situaci?n y prometerle que mensionariamos el nombre de su grupo en el comunicado con la prensa para que as? tuviera publicidad gratis y la portera del edificio es s?per fan de Carlos y solo le.dijimos que ustedes eran unas viejas amigas a las que quer?amos sorprender... tambi?n nos ofreci? abrirnos todos los departamentos si quer?amos- -Hay Pedrito! siempre ayudando al progimo sin dejar de hacer negocios y a Do?a Lupe le voy a decir que no vuelva a dejar entrar a gente famosa a mi depa- - Si me permiten continuar, tememos que si no actuamos r?pido, pueden salir m?s mujeres haciendo este tipo de declaraciones "an?nimas" en las redes sociales y eso ser?a el final de la carrera de Carlos--Por favor ay?dame Dany!,Amo cantar es mi vida. Ya est?n amenazando con cancelar fechas de conciertos, y van a exigir que les pague una compensaci?n...- -Lo que Carlos quiere decir es que lo perder?a TODO! , su reputaci?n, su carrera, dinero y el cari?o de sus fans- - Est? bien Voy a alludarlos en lo que pueda- -Gracias Dany eres una Santa!- y por fin le regreso la tranquilidad a la cara de Carlos -Voy a decir la verdad- -Aleluyaaaa- dijo el manager -Que yo soy la verdadera corista, que la del v?deo no soy yo, que nunca he tenido relaciones con Carlos...pero que si me bes? sin mi consentimiento- -Noooooo!-Gritaron Carlos y su Manager-No sabes cu?nto odios le g?nero solo esa noticia a Carlos? Estamos desesperados por favor ay?danos a limpiar completamente su imagen- -No me voy a casar con el solo para que limpie su imagen- - Carlos tiende a ser dram?tico, disculpalo por favor. Tenemos un plan s?per secreto...que solo van a conocer ustedes, el Sr. Pedro y yo. Dany va a decir que ella y Carlos ya eran novios cuando pas? lo del beso pero que ese d?a tuvieron una discusi?n de pareja, Carlos al verla de mejor humor despu?s de bailar la beso creyendo que ya lo hab?a perdonado- - Esta bien, entonces digo de eso y que hace un mes rompimos y listo- - Lamentablemente eso no no va a convencer a la gente y los medios. Van creer que te pagamos para que dijeras todo eso o incluso que te amenazamos- - Entonces como los convencemos?- - Haces la declaraci?n, luego van a salir juntos como novios en par de meses, se dejan tomar fotos de p?blico luego fotos saliendo a escondidas. Despu?s cuando sea la gira por Sudam?rica y Europa s?lo se hablar?n por tel?fono y luego decimos que terminaron su relaci?n por estar tanto tiempo lejos el uno del otro- - Y c?mo cu?nto tiempo ser?a eso?- - Muy poco tiempo.... de unos 6 a 8 meses- - Est?n locos!- dijo Dani y sali? corriendo para encerrarse en su cuarto. Danny s?lo contaba los d?as para volver a ser hombre y si dos meses se le hicieron eternos 8 meses ni hablar. - Estamos dispuestos a compensarte por todo esa molestia que pagar?amos $10000 d?lares al mes!-- No lo har?a ni por todo el oro del mundo!- - Est? bien Te pagaremos $20000 . c?mo ves?- Al escuchar esa cantidad Julia actu? de inmediato- D?jenme hablar con ella, podr?an salir momento la casa necesitamos estar a solas-Una vez que todos se fueron planisferio su cuarto Julia habl? con ?l - No s? c?mo te sientes, s? que lo ?nico que has pensado en estos dos meses es en volver a ser hombre, pero cuando vuelvas a serlo tienes que enfrentar una deuda que no puedes pagar. Esos $20000 son la soluci?n que tanto has esperado que te caiga el cielo- - Pero ya no quiero ser mujer, quiero recuperar mi vida! quiero volver a orinar parado, quiero volver a juntarme con mis amigos, quiero dejar de estar sentado con las piernas cerradas o las piernas cruzadas, quiero tardar s?lo cinco minutos en arreglarme para salir a la calle, quiero ser Daniel otra vez- y se puso a llorar. - Tienes raz?n, hay cosas m?s importantes que el dinero as? que no te preocupes hermanito no importa lo que decidas yo te apoyar?- - Gracias Era lo ?nico que necesitaba, que me dejaron elegir libremente. Diles que lo pensar? - Al d?a siguiente al d?a Carlos y su representante estaban muy felices por la por la respuesta. En agradecimiento a Julia por haberles ayudado a convencer a Daniel le iban a pagar $2000 dolares al mes para que fuera su asistente. El Contrat? qued? de la siguiente manera le iban a pagar $20,000 al mes por los siguientes 3 meses en el cuarto mes en adelante 5000 por mes s?lo por seguir diciendo que era novia de Carlos y dar entrevistas telef?nicas autorizadas por su manager.Todo esto quedo por escrito en un contrato con cl?usula de que nadie podr?a hablar sobre el acuerdo, con una penalidad de pagar una gran multa.- Listo ahora oficialmente son novios- declar? Alex el manager de Carlos - Y qu? tengo que hacer?-Pregunto Danny- Por hoy descanzar, a partir de ma?ana tenemos que fabricar en dos d?as recuerdos de su vida de novios de meses as? que vamos a venir temprano para que se tomen fotos de parejas en exteriores luego aqu? en la casa y en la noche vamos a volar a la capital para que se tomen fotos en casa de Carlos. Yo voy a hablar con los medios para preparar el terreno, s?lo tenemos que hacer algunos arreglos, como por ejemplo tenemos que cambiarte el nombre!- - Pero por qu??- - Para evitar que se meten en tu vida personal, digo ya nos est?s haciendo un gran favor y no queremos complicarte m?s la vida- -Puedo elegir mi nombre art?stico?-- El que t? quieras!. Por ejemplo el verdadero nombre de Carlos es Federico P?rez--Oye eso es confidencial! - grito Carlos- Yo no firme ning?n acuerdo contigo- - Qu? tal Vanessa?... Vanessa Vel?squez!- -Hermoso nombre, deja lo apunt? y se lo pas? a mi contacto en gobierno para que me d? tu nueva licencia, tarjeta identificaci?n, pasaporte y en unos d?as Vas a ir a la cita para que te den tu visa- - Eso es legal?- - Todos los documentos s?, la forma en que los tramitamos pues... digamos que tenemos contactos en gobierno que nos ayudan para agilizar todo- - Qu? bueno porque llevo m?s de un mes tratando de que me repongo en mis documentos oficiales que se quemaron en el incendio y es fecha que a?n nada- - No hay problema s?lo p?same tus datos y les pido que tambi?n me los den- - Mejor no- dijo Julia- c?mo son documentos de su vida real no mejores que los tr?mites de la forma tradicional- - C?mo gusten, como quiera con sus nuevos documentos se pueden hacer tr?mites oficiales. Por cierto p?same tu n?mero de cuenta y a nombre de qui?n est? para hacerte el primer dep?sito- -La cuenta est? a nombre de Daniel...a, sabes qu? Mejor depositaselos a Julia porque me van a pedir una identificaci?n que no tengo, sirve que si alguien investiga no pueda encontrar esos dep?sitos sospechosos d?as antes de mi declaraci?n en los medios en mi cuenta.- - Me gusta c?mo piensa esta chica!. Para que cualquier cosa aqu? est? mi tarjeta- -Uff por fin se fueron!- -Y ahora que quier?s hacer "Vanesa"- - Qu? tal vez y salir huyendo en cuanto me depositen los $20000 a d?lares y no volver jam?s?:- -Si fueron dos millones te dir?a que s?- - Entonces qu? tal si te invito a comer y nos dormimos temprano:- S? presiento que nos van a levantar temprano- Esa noche tuvo un sue?o muy feliz d?nde en agradecimiento por todo lo que hab?a hecho Carlos pagaba $1,000,000 de d?lares pagaba todas sus deudas volv? a ser hombre ahora m?s varonil musculoso y todos los mujeres quer?an salir con ?l.En la ma?ana se levant? feliz y tranquilo- ten?a raz?n Julia este es la soluci?n ca?da del cielo-Despu?s de ba?arse se miro en el espejo y contemplo sus supuestos peque?o senos- est? loco el doctor, hay hombres que los tienen m?s grandes que yo, esto es s?lo gordura normal por no trabajar el pecho en el gimnasio-Pero no pod?a negar que su figura ya no se ve?a tan masculina como antes. En la ma?ana se levant? feliz y tranquilo- ten?a raz?n Julia este es la soluci?n ca?da del cielo-Despu?s de ba?arse se miro en el espejo y contemplo sus supuestos peque?o senos- est? loco el doctor, hay hombres que los tienen m?s grandes que yo, e... Alex el manager de Carlos llego muy temprano - hola hoy tenemos un d?a muy especial, primero vamos a que te maquillen, hacemos la sesi?n de fotos y por ?ltimo el v?deo de tu declaraci?n. A tomar los primeros fotos Alex noto que Dani se ve?a inc?moda as? que para que se relajara los puso a cantar un rato para que fueron creando algo de conexi?n. Esto Funciona muy bien ya que en las siguientes fotos Dani sal?a m?s relajada pero no lo suficiente Alex quer?a que se viera enamorada s? que le pas? un papelito a Carlos con instrucciones.- oye Dani te gustar?a ir a tocar en el estudio de la disquera?--Nunca he estado en un estudio de una disquera importante!- - Te va a encantar-Dijo Alex-Hay de todo y si hay alg?n estudio libre hasta podr?an grabar algunas canciones - Te va a encantar-Dijo Alex-Hay de todo y si hay alg?n estudio libre hasta podr?an grabar algunas canciones Carlos se encargo darle todo el tour a Dani por el estudio.- Que crees?. Nos acaban de conseguir un estudio. Te gustar?a grabar un par de canciones?-Dani estaba fascinada con las instalaciones jam?s hab?a estado en un estudio tan profesional como ese, as? que acept? de inmediato.Grabaron un par de canciones juntos y otras dons solo cantaba Danny. Carlos le ragalo un Cd y una memoria con las grabaciones y le comento-Si me lo permites deja les pido que le dediquen unos d?as de producci?n para que tengas una grabaci?n mas decente- Carlos le ragalo un Cd y una memoria con las grabaciones y le comento- Si me lo permites deja les pido que le dediquen unos d?as de producci?n para que tengas una grabaci?n mas decente- Danny sonri? muy emocionado al tener en sus manos una grabaci?n de estudio con su voz -Asi esta bien, no quiero dar molestias- Alex aprovecho todos esos momentos donde Danny se ve?a feliz para tomar las fotos de pareja que necesitaban.- Muy bien ahora necesito tomarle fotos donde se besan en la mejilla- Dani no tuvo ning?n problema con eso pues ya estoy acostumbrado a qu? los hombres lo saluden de beso.- Muy bien por ?ltimo necesito tomarles una foto donde se besan en los labios-Y fue ah? cuando se hizo un silencio inc?modo. Dani a?n no se repon?a de la ?ltima vez beso a un hombre, a?n sent?a culpa por haberlo disfrutado, pero como Carlos hab?a tenido tantas atenciones con el es lo m?nimo que podr?a hacer para agradecerle por la grabaci?n -Claro no hay problema- y sonri? mas relajado y se dieron un tierno beso Dani a?n no se repon?a de la ?ltima vez beso a un hombre, a?n sent?a culpa por haberlo disfrutado, pero como Carlos hab?a tenido tantas atenciones con el es lo m?nimo que podr?a hacer para agradecerle por la grabaci?n -Claro no hay problema- y s... De regreso a su departamento Danny estuvo en silencio todo el camino, lo que que preocupo Julia asi que al llegar le pregunto .- te incomodo el beso, verdad?- -La verdad no- -No me digas que te gusto?- -No es eso, es que no sent? nada! , fue como si lo besara en la mejilla- - Genial! eso har? mas f?cil tu papel de novia - - Siiiii, y tambien significa que lo que paso con Arturo fue solo lo que dijiste: una mala mezcla de alcohol y hormonas alteradas- Danny se retiro mas tranquilo a su recamara para escuchas las canciones que grabo con Carlos, y se quedo pensando otra vez "no sent? nada al besarlo porque no me gustan los hombres? o quiz?s porque lo veo solo como un amigo?" -Julia alguna vez has besado a un hombre y no has sentido nada?- - Claro, cuando besaba a pap? y a ti tambi?n- -Me refiero en los labios - En ese momento Julia entendi? el porque de la pregunta as? que para tranquilizar a su hermano contesto -tu me conoces muy bien fuera de la familia cualquier hombre hace que una mujer sienta algo cuando se besan - y con esa respuesta vio como las dudas Danny desaparec?an. - Y alguna vez has sentido algo al besar a una mujer?-a lo que Julia respondi? tirandole una almohada en la cara - Ya vete a dormir y deja de molestar con preguntas tontas, no soy tu maestra de educaci?n sexual- Julia se quedo mirando el retrato de sus padres "Solo quiero que Danny este tranquilo despu?s de todo lo que le ha pasado, me siento culpable por haberle dicho que EXPERIMENTARA, despu?s de lo de Arturo se ve?a tan confundido que no sabia que hacer... espero haber hecho lo correcto"

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I was horny for my Dads Friend

I heard his laugh as I walked out of my bedroom, not thinking about my dress sense as I continued into the kitchen. ‘Who is that with Dad’, I asked my younger brother, as he sat munching his breakfast cereal, ‘Don’t know s*s’, was all he said, and I heard him laugh again.I walked to the fridge and opened the large door, the blast of cold air awakening me out of my dreamy state, as it hit me full frontal.I stooped and looked inside, reaching to the back and moving things around to find...

4 years ago
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Remembering Becky Ch 02

In Chapter One, we got to know each other and then proceeded to have a very unusual and intimate encounter. The story continues….. After I spent the weekend worrying about Becky’s abrupt departure Friday evening, I arrived at work Monday morning to find a package about the size of a shoe box on my desk, wrapped in foil. I opened it up to find a smaller box inside, also wrapped. Unwrapping that box I found a bag inside. Inside the bag, another wrapped box. I looked around to see if anyone was...

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My Girlfriends and IChapter 2

For my next project I was setup in a straight sex movie called, "Creampies and Asian girls." It was a fun movie to do especially since the director let us adlib and have fun with it. No pressure or awkward scripts to memorize like you see in some adult movies. In one scene I was with a famous Japanese Porn star named Hitomi Hanaki. To say she was beautiful would have been an understatement. She was a small woman with a gorgeous body, and lovely face with nicely braided black hair. I loved...

3 years ago
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Virgin In The Hill

“Oh, don’t go there!” my friend, Bhupen told me. “It is a terrible place.”“How do you know?” I asked.“My father served there for five years,” he told me. “And he came back after resigning his job. No civilized person can survive there.” I had applied for the post of Medical Officer when I found an advertisement by the Government of Arunachal Pradesh in North-east India. I applied just for the heck of it, as I had no plan after freshly passing out from Jorhat Medical College in Assam. I appeared...

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Kelsey DAD Dont make me go inside that creepy Video store

Prior: Kelsey – “No Dad Stop.” Prior: Kelsey - “Dad that cannot happen Again” Prior: Kelsey - “Paying The Rent” Prior: Kelsey – “Dad, how could you let that man do THAT to me.” Prior: Kelsey – “Dad – this is like really SICK.” Prior: Kelsey – “This Crazy. We can’t do it here.” Prior: Kelsey – “Dad. Please, NOT the Belt.” Prior: Kelsey - DAD, WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH MY GIRLFRIEND? (Bob’s treatment of his daughter Kelsey has reached the depths of depravity even as he has found...

2 years ago
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On That Day

Introduction: My first story so tell me what you guys think! On that day… I did something I both equally regret and welcome with both arms. It was a bright and sunny Saturday. The weather was comfortably warm and there was a cool breeze that just seemed to whisper the words Summer Break in my ears. I was lying down on a grassy green hill with a large tree at the very top just looking at the clouds floating by. I counted them and just observed their carefree nature, without a care in the world,...

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Roi de France

En 2022 la France en avait marre. Après une longue campagne présidentielle, tous les candidats s’étaient discrédités, s’évertuant à travers leurs outrages, leur bêtise et leur incompétence à se montrer indigne de la fonction suprême. Quant au président actuel, personne n’aurait l’idée saugrenue de le réélire. Le soir du premier tour à 20h, les résultats tombèrent : 90% des bulletins étaient blanc et le taux de participation de 10%. Impossible d’organiser un second tour dans ces conditions,...

2 years ago
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My horny friend

nothing very serious. I dont find myself very attractive that much, but I have had a few Girlfriends. It was a little after Christmas and I had Gotten a few gifts. Id been working out quite a bit lately and I had developed some impressive muscles. Anyway I had gotten caught up in talking on the phone with all my friends repeating all the "WHAT DID YA GET?" conversations. Yeah I felt like a happy little 8-year-old. All my Friends had gotten Dirtbikes and were all riding them outside...

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Me And Sam Chapters 4 5 and 6

Chapter 4 Alice Peters I slept somewhat fitfully that night. A few bizarre dreams had overtaken me. In one of them Sam and I were getting married though she was the groom and I was the bride. That dream in particular woke me up and I stared into the darkness for a few minutes before realizing that all was well and drifted back into dreamland. Sunday morning I awoke quite refreshed. I looked at the clock on my night stand and it read 10:00 AM. That couldn't be right, could it? I'd...

4 years ago
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Volunteering has Benefits

It was early evening about two years ago and I was coming back with three friends Dave and Rick and Chas, from a volunteer group conference we had been to. We were friends for quite awhile and always joked around with each other and sometimes they were raunchy jokes and pokes at each other. We had been driving for about one and a half hours when Chas said he was parched and could do with a drink. We all agreed. At the next pub we came to we pulled into the car park. It looked quite a rundown...

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Adventures of DonnaPart 6 Baby throat

Adventures of Donna–Part 6 (Baby throat) Amanda released the large pole, which was hard and erect a good 15 or 16 inches. Donna smiled with pride as she smoothed Amanda’s beautiful hair out of her face. She leaned over and kissed the little girl hard on the mouth, their tongues tickling each other. Amanda got a little pre-occupied with her aunt and slid her mouth down to Donna’s little tittie mounds. She sucked hard on a nipple, loving the way it got big and hard. ‘Umm, that feels nice. Suck...

2 years ago
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20 July 2008Chapter 7

Dan said a polite hello to Ben then went outside. Normally they would always find some topic to discuss but this time, Ben kept silent and distant from him. Dan was cleaning the pool for the day’s activities when he noticed Ben enter the shade of their tropical themed cabana. He vacuumed the bottom of the pool a few minutes longer, knowing he’d have to talk with Ben. He put the cleaning equipment away then sat with Ben. “I guess we should have a talk,” Dan began. “I don’t feel like talking...

4 years ago
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The good girl

My ass had such a strong penetration that I couldn’t avoid resulting pain and aching off my already enlarged small hole. This had been my first year of career at college, and I was late on my first day.  As I got there, I stepped secretly into the classroom, a little ashamed, but ignored, and stayed put while trying to catch up with the class.  This professor would be talking about subject contents, perhaps, but seconds later, I was followed by another student -who was late on his way to class...

4 years ago
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Ripped Lace Panties

Steve’s door was always open, literally. As a friend of my ex-boyfriend, Steve and I had an odd friendship. More like brother and sister. We joke around. He smokes weed. I play his video games. He is a couple of years older than me. I’m in the business field, and he … well I’m not sure what he does at the moment. Although our lives are completely opposite, our differences work as a great sounding-board for each other as we offer an alternative perspective for our worlds. This is why our quirky...

4 years ago
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Twins Part Two

Twins Part Two Chapter Seven Ted and I had just turned eleven when our FBI handlers came calling. They had some bad news and we had some life-altering decisions to make. Agent Groves and agent Martinez called and explained they would be coming by to talk to us Wednesday evening. After dinner there was a knock on our front door. "That must be the FBI," Dad said. That was obvious, as all Ted's and my friends always...

3 years ago
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a weekend with Jen Part 3

Jen and I soon arrived back by my house after chatting the whole way home about the weekend we just spent together.I greeted my husband and daughter with kisses and hugs. Jen said hello to them as well and we invited her in for a drink. It was really hot and we all soon decided while sipping on our drinks to have a swim. My hubby was already in swimming shorts and didn't take him long till he was in the pool. Jen got her bag out the car and her and I went upstairs to change into our bikinis....

3 years ago
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To Murder and CreateChapter 3

Eventually, I did get to talk to the secretaries. But before going over to their offices with Jim, I spent about half an hour with Alice Singleton. Our conversation, if that was the mot juste, had been quite straightforward, but left me puzzled. "Al," too, had hated Gillespie. But she was direct and articulate as to the reasons for her antipathy and its long-standing nature. She had, as she put it, been revolted by "that man" for upwards of two decades. It turned out that it had been Al...

2 years ago
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Going Down

"What floor, Miss?" Jimmy asked, although it was obvious. Any conservatively dressed woman looking that angry could only be headed one place. "32nd," she said tersely, "Bimbotech." "Right away, Miss," said Jimmy pushing the appropriate button and discretely checking out his passenger: A bit on the skinny side with short brown hair. She was dressed in a business suit and carrying a briefcase. "You don't work for them, do you?" she asked. "No, Ma'am. I work for the building,"...

1 year ago
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"Unngh," I groan. The overhead lights were too bright; the whirling fans were too noisy; the furnace in the corner was spitting out hot air like it was trying to cook us; in short, life sucked, as usual. "You finally coming back to the land of the living?" the bartender asks. "Shut up, Larry," I growl whilst trying to pretend that I was sleeping. "Alexandra, for the twelfth time, my name is Matt, or Matthew, if you think that you can manage to remember a big seven-letter word like that." "Fuck...

3 years ago
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There and BackChapter 78 Operation Rescue

I followed Alistair and Zev through the warren of tunnels in the hideout. Unsurprisingly, everyone was equally annoyed at the height of the ceilings through most of the hallways, and we all shuffled along in a half-crouch, much to Faren's amusement. We fought through a couple of groups of guards as we searched for Jarvia, but fortunately most of the rooms had higher ceilings, so we weren't hampered when fighting. During the first fight, Alistair tried to keep me out of it; I gave him a...

3 years ago
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Amazing Sex With BPO Girl

My name is Rajesh, aged 30 years, living in Bangalore. I am energetic, handsome, sweet, caring and horny male with 8″ tool. This sex story has happened 3 years back. I was working in Bangalore in an IT company. I am married and I have a kid, however, I thought that there is some spice missing in the life. So, I logged into some of the dating websites and was trying to find my luck to see if any sweet angel would be available. Luckily, I met the sweet angel on one of the websites, her name is...

1 year ago
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Wife becomes cute neighbor for black man

My wife Deb and I led fairly routine and busy lives. We had been married for 18 years and both worked full time demanding jobs in the city. We had intentionally chose our career paths over having a family. During a typical week it was average for us to work 70-80 hours with little time to ourselves. Deb was an international corporate attorney with a large law firm where she had made partner several years ago. She maintained her sharp professional conservative courtroom appearance and looked...

4 years ago
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Taking Me Ch 01

You watch me cook dinner in the kitchen from the doorway. I’m in a tight, tank top and loose, flowing skirt, no underwear or bra, and my hair let down for once. I feel your eyes on me and I look over to the doorway out of the corner of my eye, seeing you grinning with a lustful look in your eyes. I look back at what I’m doing trying to ignore what I know you’re planning silently to yourself. You slowly step towards me, wrap your arms around my waist, and start to gently kiss my neck. I let out...

4 years ago
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Just A Little Orgy

Ah to be young again! To be able to get a hard on without even thinking about it or waking up with a real stocker just doesn,t happen at 74! On the rare occasion wife Sarah feels in the mood to give me a hand job or reminds we of what a waste of cocksucking talent she once had even then I need a tablet to boost my “old soldier” but he can still do his duty and shoots just as heavy a load as he always has! My memory works much better than my cock and I often reminisce of my security life way...

3 years ago
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Letting my daughter suck his cock 2

She got off work, put her purse on the counter and poured a glass of wine. Betty was thinking about last week, how her 20 year old daughter saw vids of her sucking hubby’s cock. Now nudity in the home was not a big deal, and even though Beth’s hubby Mike was Sophie’s step dad, things escalated and ended up with Sophie sucking her step dad’s cock and swallowing every drop of his cum.Read the story at was getting wet, her...

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Lord of the DC Universe

I am Lord. I am the savior of this universe but they do not understand yet. These worthless heroes fight everyday against both men and women who truly understand the world. Of course, some may pursue more chaotic desires. But some, like me, truly wish to make a difference even if it means tearing apart everything they “love”. Who is they? Those “heroes” everyone worships and idolizes as gods. I will show these gods can bleed... I will make these gods kneel. The door to the office bursts open...

2 years ago
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In the Witching Hour

She stood in front of the window and looked out over the gardens. It had turned midnight in the city, the witching hour, yet it was still eerily light. The snow lay, its covering a thick blanket over everything. It had become perfect the world, a smooth white cover pulled over the reality of a bleak uneventful landscape. The trees, spooky and beautiful, highlighted with their white accents as they reached for the sky. Plants turned into sculptures, ethereal nymphs and dryads in the half light....

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Broken Bliss

I couldn't believe it. What was she thinking? And with Jones, of all people! I needed to get away. Jumping on my motorcycle, just a modest Honda 500, I took off out of my neighborhood, away from my cheating girlfriend. Images of walking in on her fucking that douche, Jones, refused to leave my mind. I never saw the car, before it hit me.* * *An annoying beeping sounds wakes me up. My eyes are slow to open, and even slower to focus. What happened, and where am I?"Ahh, Mister Dickens, glad to see...

3 years ago
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Next to you

I wakened as light drifted thru the window. Holding your naked body, you looked so beautiful as your chest rose and fell with each breath. The sunshine kissed and reflected from your hair and face. Such wonder, such beauty, I tried to lay still and not disturb you. This morning though, I had such an urge for you and my ''morning wood'' was so erect and ready. You grinned and snuggled closer, knowing what I was thinking and how I was feeling. Our hands moved on one another, our kisses smothered...

2 years ago
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My Granddaughter DaniChapter 6

I woke up about five hours later, my dick still inside Dani, but sadly deflated. I saw my daughter naked and asleep next to me. I looked up into Dani's face and I flexed my dick and I heard a moan from her, which in turn woke up Elle. I saw her eyes flutter open and a smile appeared on her face that was ... brilliant. Whispering she said, "I suppose you want to know how I knew that Dani was pregnant? When I went into her room, I saw a used pregnancy test meter and it was still showing the...

1 year ago
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Matchmaking Trap Part 3 Donna

Donny rang the doorbell at Deanna's, thinking, well the hell is she? "It's Sunday, for Christ's sake, she is normally home, and she said that Chad fishes on Sunday mornings." Donny could not help himself. He did feel badly for poor Chad, but the lucky guy was getting to marry Deanna! Donny had little experience in sex, due to his small penis, so he did not understand the alpha male's urge for multiple partners. Donny was leaning more in the sub direction; he was perhaps a little too sensitive,...

3 years ago
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The Freshmen

The Freshmen The cold metal of the truck pressed against her naked hips. Matt leaned over and kissed her passionately. "Tell me what a bad girl you've been" he hissed in her ear. She laughed with delight "I've been very wicked" she whispered hotly. Matt smiled eagerly as he rubbed her naked bottom, her panties at half mast and her skirt flipped up over her lower back. Matt had never made her bend over the front of his truck before, and she loved the game he was playing. It was dark...

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