La Corista Capitulo 6 free porn video

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La corista capitulo 6 En otras noticias Esc?ndalo del v?deo que se hizo viral la semana pasada d?nde en una boda Carlos Castillo besa a una de las coristas a la fuerza ha escalado a algo m?s grave cuando en estos d?as una mujer que dice ser la corista subi? un v?deo ocultado su rostro y declarando que Carlos la forz? a tener relaciones antes del Show. -Despu?s de ver este v?deo espero que entiendan en la situaci?n tan grave que se encuentra la Carrera de Carlos- -A ver lo UNICO que quiero entender es: 1.- Como rayos me encontraron? 2.- Como rayos entraron a nuestro departamento sin tener la llave?- El representante de Carlos fue quien contesto.-Todo ha Sido idea m?a, hable al sal?n que medio el contacto del Sr. Pedro que nos dios sus datos- -Mentira mi Pedrito es incapaz de soltar esa informaci?n as? de f?cil!- dijo Julia- Solo tuve que explicarle nuestra situaci?n y prometerle que mensionariamos el nombre de su grupo en el comunicado con la prensa para que as? tuviera publicidad gratis y la portera del edificio es s?per fan de Carlos y solo le.dijimos que ustedes eran unas viejas amigas a las que quer?amos sorprender... tambi?n nos ofreci? abrirnos todos los departamentos si quer?amos- -Hay Pedrito! siempre ayudando al progimo sin dejar de hacer negocios y a Do?a Lupe le voy a decir que no vuelva a dejar entrar a gente famosa a mi depa- - Si me permiten continuar, tememos que si no actuamos r?pido, pueden salir m?s mujeres haciendo este tipo de declaraciones "an?nimas" en las redes sociales y eso ser?a el final de la carrera de Carlos--Por favor ay?dame Dany!,Amo cantar es mi vida. Ya est?n amenazando con cancelar fechas de conciertos, y van a exigir que les pague una compensaci?n...- -Lo que Carlos quiere decir es que lo perder?a TODO! , su reputaci?n, su carrera, dinero y el cari?o de sus fans- - Est? bien Voy a alludarlos en lo que pueda- -Gracias Dany eres una Santa!- y por fin le regreso la tranquilidad a la cara de Carlos -Voy a decir la verdad- -Aleluyaaaa- dijo el manager -Que yo soy la verdadera corista, que la del v?deo no soy yo, que nunca he tenido relaciones con Carlos...pero que si me bes? sin mi consentimiento- -Noooooo!-Gritaron Carlos y su Manager-No sabes cu?nto odios le g?nero solo esa noticia a Carlos? Estamos desesperados por favor ay?danos a limpiar completamente su imagen- -No me voy a casar con el solo para que limpie su imagen- - Carlos tiende a ser dram?tico, disculpalo por favor. Tenemos un plan s?per secreto...que solo van a conocer ustedes, el Sr. Pedro y yo. Dany va a decir que ella y Carlos ya eran novios cuando pas? lo del beso pero que ese d?a tuvieron una discusi?n de pareja, Carlos al verla de mejor humor despu?s de bailar la beso creyendo que ya lo hab?a perdonado- - Esta bien, entonces digo de eso y que hace un mes rompimos y listo- - Lamentablemente eso no no va a convencer a la gente y los medios. Van creer que te pagamos para que dijeras todo eso o incluso que te amenazamos- - Entonces como los convencemos?- - Haces la declaraci?n, luego van a salir juntos como novios en par de meses, se dejan tomar fotos de p?blico luego fotos saliendo a escondidas. Despu?s cuando sea la gira por Sudam?rica y Europa s?lo se hablar?n por tel?fono y luego decimos que terminaron su relaci?n por estar tanto tiempo lejos el uno del otro- - Y c?mo cu?nto tiempo ser?a eso?- - Muy poco tiempo.... de unos 6 a 8 meses- - Est?n locos!- dijo Dani y sali? corriendo para encerrarse en su cuarto. Danny s?lo contaba los d?as para volver a ser hombre y si dos meses se le hicieron eternos 8 meses ni hablar. - Estamos dispuestos a compensarte por todo esa molestia que pagar?amos $10000 d?lares al mes!-- No lo har?a ni por todo el oro del mundo!- - Est? bien Te pagaremos $20000 . c?mo ves?- Al escuchar esa cantidad Julia actu? de inmediato- D?jenme hablar con ella, podr?an salir momento la casa necesitamos estar a solas-Una vez que todos se fueron planisferio su cuarto Julia habl? con ?l - No s? c?mo te sientes, s? que lo ?nico que has pensado en estos dos meses es en volver a ser hombre, pero cuando vuelvas a serlo tienes que enfrentar una deuda que no puedes pagar. Esos $20000 son la soluci?n que tanto has esperado que te caiga el cielo- - Pero ya no quiero ser mujer, quiero recuperar mi vida! quiero volver a orinar parado, quiero volver a juntarme con mis amigos, quiero dejar de estar sentado con las piernas cerradas o las piernas cruzadas, quiero tardar s?lo cinco minutos en arreglarme para salir a la calle, quiero ser Daniel otra vez- y se puso a llorar. - Tienes raz?n, hay cosas m?s importantes que el dinero as? que no te preocupes hermanito no importa lo que decidas yo te apoyar?- - Gracias Era lo ?nico que necesitaba, que me dejaron elegir libremente. Diles que lo pensar? - Al d?a siguiente al d?a Carlos y su representante estaban muy felices por la por la respuesta. En agradecimiento a Julia por haberles ayudado a convencer a Daniel le iban a pagar $2000 dolares al mes para que fuera su asistente. El Contrat? qued? de la siguiente manera le iban a pagar $20,000 al mes por los siguientes 3 meses en el cuarto mes en adelante 5000 por mes s?lo por seguir diciendo que era novia de Carlos y dar entrevistas telef?nicas autorizadas por su manager.Todo esto quedo por escrito en un contrato con cl?usula de que nadie podr?a hablar sobre el acuerdo, con una penalidad de pagar una gran multa.- Listo ahora oficialmente son novios- declar? Alex el manager de Carlos - Y qu? tengo que hacer?-Pregunto Danny- Por hoy descanzar, a partir de ma?ana tenemos que fabricar en dos d?as recuerdos de su vida de novios de meses as? que vamos a venir temprano para que se tomen fotos de parejas en exteriores luego aqu? en la casa y en la noche vamos a volar a la capital para que se tomen fotos en casa de Carlos. Yo voy a hablar con los medios para preparar el terreno, s?lo tenemos que hacer algunos arreglos, como por ejemplo tenemos que cambiarte el nombre!- - Pero por qu??- - Para evitar que se meten en tu vida personal, digo ya nos est?s haciendo un gran favor y no queremos complicarte m?s la vida- -Puedo elegir mi nombre art?stico?-- El que t? quieras!. Por ejemplo el verdadero nombre de Carlos es Federico P?rez--Oye eso es confidencial! - grito Carlos- Yo no firme ning?n acuerdo contigo- - Qu? tal Vanessa?... Vanessa Vel?squez!- -Hermoso nombre, deja lo apunt? y se lo pas? a mi contacto en gobierno para que me d? tu nueva licencia, tarjeta identificaci?n, pasaporte y en unos d?as Vas a ir a la cita para que te den tu visa- - Eso es legal?- - Todos los documentos s?, la forma en que los tramitamos pues... digamos que tenemos contactos en gobierno que nos ayudan para agilizar todo- - Qu? bueno porque llevo m?s de un mes tratando de que me repongo en mis documentos oficiales que se quemaron en el incendio y es fecha que a?n nada- - No hay problema s?lo p?same tus datos y les pido que tambi?n me los den- - Mejor no- dijo Julia- c?mo son documentos de su vida real no mejores que los tr?mites de la forma tradicional- - C?mo gusten, como quiera con sus nuevos documentos se pueden hacer tr?mites oficiales. Por cierto p?same tu n?mero de cuenta y a nombre de qui?n est? para hacerte el primer dep?sito- -La cuenta est? a nombre de Daniel...a, sabes qu? Mejor depositaselos a Julia porque me van a pedir una identificaci?n que no tengo, sirve que si alguien investiga no pueda encontrar esos dep?sitos sospechosos d?as antes de mi declaraci?n en los medios en mi cuenta.- - Me gusta c?mo piensa esta chica!. Para que cualquier cosa aqu? est? mi tarjeta- -Uff por fin se fueron!- -Y ahora que quier?s hacer "Vanesa"- - Qu? tal vez y salir huyendo en cuanto me depositen los $20000 a d?lares y no volver jam?s?:- -Si fueron dos millones te dir?a que s?- - Entonces qu? tal si te invito a comer y nos dormimos temprano:- S? presiento que nos van a levantar temprano- Esa noche tuvo un sue?o muy feliz d?nde en agradecimiento por todo lo que hab?a hecho Carlos pagaba $1,000,000 de d?lares pagaba todas sus deudas volv? a ser hombre ahora m?s varonil musculoso y todos los mujeres quer?an salir con ?l.En la ma?ana se levant? feliz y tranquilo- ten?a raz?n Julia este es la soluci?n ca?da del cielo-Despu?s de ba?arse se miro en el espejo y contemplo sus supuestos peque?o senos- est? loco el doctor, hay hombres que los tienen m?s grandes que yo, esto es s?lo gordura normal por no trabajar el pecho en el gimnasio-Pero no pod?a negar que su figura ya no se ve?a tan masculina como antes. En la ma?ana se levant? feliz y tranquilo- ten?a raz?n Julia este es la soluci?n ca?da del cielo-Despu?s de ba?arse se miro en el espejo y contemplo sus supuestos peque?o senos- est? loco el doctor, hay hombres que los tienen m?s grandes que yo, e... Alex el manager de Carlos llego muy temprano - hola hoy tenemos un d?a muy especial, primero vamos a que te maquillen, hacemos la sesi?n de fotos y por ?ltimo el v?deo de tu declaraci?n. A tomar los primeros fotos Alex noto que Dani se ve?a inc?moda as? que para que se relajara los puso a cantar un rato para que fueron creando algo de conexi?n. Esto Funciona muy bien ya que en las siguientes fotos Dani sal?a m?s relajada pero no lo suficiente Alex quer?a que se viera enamorada s? que le pas? un papelito a Carlos con instrucciones.- oye Dani te gustar?a ir a tocar en el estudio de la disquera?--Nunca he estado en un estudio de una disquera importante!- - Te va a encantar-Dijo Alex-Hay de todo y si hay alg?n estudio libre hasta podr?an grabar algunas canciones - Te va a encantar-Dijo Alex-Hay de todo y si hay alg?n estudio libre hasta podr?an grabar algunas canciones Carlos se encargo darle todo el tour a Dani por el estudio.- Que crees?. Nos acaban de conseguir un estudio. Te gustar?a grabar un par de canciones?-Dani estaba fascinada con las instalaciones jam?s hab?a estado en un estudio tan profesional como ese, as? que acept? de inmediato.Grabaron un par de canciones juntos y otras dons solo cantaba Danny. Carlos le ragalo un Cd y una memoria con las grabaciones y le comento-Si me lo permites deja les pido que le dediquen unos d?as de producci?n para que tengas una grabaci?n mas decente- Carlos le ragalo un Cd y una memoria con las grabaciones y le comento- Si me lo permites deja les pido que le dediquen unos d?as de producci?n para que tengas una grabaci?n mas decente- Danny sonri? muy emocionado al tener en sus manos una grabaci?n de estudio con su voz -Asi esta bien, no quiero dar molestias- Alex aprovecho todos esos momentos donde Danny se ve?a feliz para tomar las fotos de pareja que necesitaban.- Muy bien ahora necesito tomarle fotos donde se besan en la mejilla- Dani no tuvo ning?n problema con eso pues ya estoy acostumbrado a qu? los hombres lo saluden de beso.- Muy bien por ?ltimo necesito tomarles una foto donde se besan en los labios-Y fue ah? cuando se hizo un silencio inc?modo. Dani a?n no se repon?a de la ?ltima vez beso a un hombre, a?n sent?a culpa por haberlo disfrutado, pero como Carlos hab?a tenido tantas atenciones con el es lo m?nimo que podr?a hacer para agradecerle por la grabaci?n -Claro no hay problema- y sonri? mas relajado y se dieron un tierno beso Dani a?n no se repon?a de la ?ltima vez beso a un hombre, a?n sent?a culpa por haberlo disfrutado, pero como Carlos hab?a tenido tantas atenciones con el es lo m?nimo que podr?a hacer para agradecerle por la grabaci?n -Claro no hay problema- y s... De regreso a su departamento Danny estuvo en silencio todo el camino, lo que que preocupo Julia asi que al llegar le pregunto .- te incomodo el beso, verdad?- -La verdad no- -No me digas que te gusto?- -No es eso, es que no sent? nada! , fue como si lo besara en la mejilla- - Genial! eso har? mas f?cil tu papel de novia - - Siiiii, y tambien significa que lo que paso con Arturo fue solo lo que dijiste: una mala mezcla de alcohol y hormonas alteradas- Danny se retiro mas tranquilo a su recamara para escuchas las canciones que grabo con Carlos, y se quedo pensando otra vez "no sent? nada al besarlo porque no me gustan los hombres? o quiz?s porque lo veo solo como un amigo?" -Julia alguna vez has besado a un hombre y no has sentido nada?- - Claro, cuando besaba a pap? y a ti tambi?n- -Me refiero en los labios - En ese momento Julia entendi? el porque de la pregunta as? que para tranquilizar a su hermano contesto -tu me conoces muy bien fuera de la familia cualquier hombre hace que una mujer sienta algo cuando se besan - y con esa respuesta vio como las dudas Danny desaparec?an. - Y alguna vez has sentido algo al besar a una mujer?-a lo que Julia respondi? tirandole una almohada en la cara - Ya vete a dormir y deja de molestar con preguntas tontas, no soy tu maestra de educaci?n sexual- Julia se quedo mirando el retrato de sus padres "Solo quiero que Danny este tranquilo despu?s de todo lo que le ha pasado, me siento culpable por haberle dicho que EXPERIMENTARA, despu?s de lo de Arturo se ve?a tan confundido que no sabia que hacer... espero haber hecho lo correcto"

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House of Dark Pleasure

AB-1609 House of Dark Pleasure by Gloria DayLittle did Doris know when she took the secretarial job offer from Romily Manor, the nature of the duties she was to perform. She hadn't counted on being a paid playmate for Mildred Wynton's twenty-five-year-old retarded son. Her horror deepened even further at the realization that she had to share her voluptuous body with the degenerate doctor and Mrs. Wynton's lascivious chauffeur. Mrs. Wynton was the mistress of the manor in name, but it was...

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Enjoyed My Hot Bangalore Neighbor

Hey guys. Happy new year. Hope everyone is doing well. My name is Rocky (ofcourse I Rock) from bangalore. I am 24 years old. I am 6ft 80kgs and muscular. This is a story about my neighbor and me finally hitting the sack. This happened 2 months back. Let me start with the story. I was absolutely nuts and crazy about my neighbor Shweta. She was a lady of about forty years old, married but her husband was an absolute jerk. He worked for an international airlines as a pilot and never spent time...

5 years ago
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A First for Grace

Grace sits in her car, looking at the diamond encrusted “Gracie” pendant around the white gold necklace that Ryder had given her. She plays with the pendant between two of her leather gloved fingers, absent mindedly, like she always does when lost in deep thought. Tonight was going to be different, a change, something new and hopefully exciting for both her and Ryder. She steps from her car and softly closes the door. Grace feels like a new woman, different, being clothed in all black, a...

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College Recommendation Coercion

Chapter 1 It's funny how things can come together for you when a sexual fantasy suddenly moves very much into the realm of sexual reality. I'd been fantasizing about a friend's high school age daughter, Catharine, for nearly three years. Like many young teenage girls, even as a high school sophomore, Catharine had been very sexy and increasingly mature physically during her last three years of high school. As a high school senior, she'd been nothing short of a total fox. I had enjoyed...

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Need for Revenge Chapter 4

Things sure change in a hurry. One day everything is going along fine and the net day "Boom!" everything changes. It was on a Saturday and Kathy was working at Bob Evans. I went and sat in her section. It wasn't as crowded as usual so we had a chance to talk a little. My feelings for her were strong but not much I could do about it. As I was ordering my breakfast I saw her look up at another customer. My back was to them and I had no idea who it was. Then I heard a voice; "Fuck, Kathy,...

4 years ago
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Across Eternity The Infinite Book 3 Chapter 9

Vindictive Noah and Valia made some early plans for their departure and then left Covington’s. She had been unsupervised for too long, and suspicions would arise. They split up with raised spirits, having a sense of what they wanted from the future and knowing they each had someone they could depend on. For Noah, he felt a weight lifted from his shoulders. Normally, explaining the complexities of his existence only happened on his deathbed, and anyone who did believe him tended to be a bit...

2 years ago
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Nurse Mom Chapter 4 Mom has ideas

After a week or so of going through our routine, Mom and I had breakfast once again since she was on one of her off days. We were just making normal conversation for a while, and then things got quiet, and Mom started to blush a bit. I sensed that things could be getting weird between us. Finally, she said what she had to say. She told me that she had this coworker who worked in the administration wing, and that the two of them hung out a lot. She said that people at work liked to joke...

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Sharing My Sister With My Friend

Hi I am Vijay M 27 .Am here to share my true experience how I made my sister to sleep with my friend. It’s a true story ,now we three are engaged in sex frequently. But here am going to share how the first instance happened between my sister and my friend vinoth. To explain about myself am Vijay from Chennai working in a software firm based in Chennai. My sister name is ashritha ,22yrs doing her engineering in Chennai. To describe about her she is a slim, fair, simple good looking girl.height...

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God is a Slut Chapter 1 The Purest Girl in the World1

God was sitting across from me at the table of the Limbo Bar. She had blonde hair that flowed freely save for two braids that roped along the crown of her head. Her skin was light, but well colored, and her eyes were big and pale blue. She wore a white silk dress with a neckline that descended past her navel, revealing her torso and the inner portions of her ample breasts. The dress flowed gracefully down her thick backside and stopped just above a pair of sandals. Being the devil, my outfit...

2 years ago
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Beautiful Agony Chapter Four

The sky, of which there is rather a lot in Cambridge, was the colour of lead. From horizon to horizon an unrelenting solid coffin-lid of cloud covered my little world. No more the vivid world of Amsterdam, fizzing with light and colour. Yes, I was back at work and work is what I did, all day and often into the evening. I wanted it that way. My avoidance behaviour was good for business! My boss (bless her) welcomed me back, no questions asked, she could see I had recovered from my little trauma...

3 years ago
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Jiju Took My Virginity

Hi, friends. This is Khushboo Tiwari, age 19, from Kharagpur, West Bengal having 28 size boobs and a really hot pussy always looking for hard rods. This is my first story to ISS. I study in S.E.Rly Mixed High School, Kharagpur which is the most boring school as no boy has the guts to approach me. It was hot summer of 2009 when I had appeared in Class 10 exams and waiting for my results. In the evening, my jiju, Uday Mishra, 5”9, average looking, slim guy called me that he is coming on the next...

2 years ago
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A Day at the Costume Shop An Anonymous Amulet Story

A Day at the Costume Shop: An Anonymous Amulet Story By Steve Zink Jake had been making plans to go to the costume contest on the Saturday evening of the comic convention, because he was a huge fan of female comic characters and the tight costumes they wore. A lot of girls and women displayed their costumes on the floor of the convention throughout the weekend, but it was the contest that drew out the best. The year before, when Jake had made it to the show for the first time,...

5 years ago
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Invisible No More

This story takes place in my Burkes Virus universe. Invisible No More By Morpheus The high school hallway was full of noise as well as the hustle and bustle of nearly the entire student body rushing about lunch. I grimaced as I made my way through the crowd, completely ignored by just about everyone as I made my way to the lunchroom. "Watch it dweeb," a large guy exclaimed as he stepped into my path and I nearly ran into him. "Just great," I grumbled, quickly dodging away from...

3 years ago
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Church Ladies PT 3

She woke up the following morning and knowing she was going to have a date with Catherine’s cousin Alex she began wondering if she was attractive enough for him or not. She put up her hair, kind of. She headed for the bathroom wearing her tee. Standing in the bathroom she looked at herself and as she did she looked at her big round tits which lay naked beneath that tee of hers. She wondered. Will he like these she asked herself. She didn’t know. She wished she did. Doesn’t every girl wonder...

4 years ago
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Return EncountersChapter 7

The rest of January was a whirlwind of activity. Once Carlotta made her decision, neither of us wanted to wait to tie the knot. We picked a Protestant Church, one that didn't mind the fact that Carlotta was divorced. The earliest we could schedule everything was for the end of March. Planning for the wedding, closing on the house, all the demands of work, life was so hectic then, now that I look back, I forgot about A'moth, incredible as that may seem. That is, until she popped into my...

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My step-daughter Ashley had just turned sixteen. We'd planned a huge party for her birthday. The invites had been sent out, the family had planned to come to the house, a list of friends that totaled about a dozen were planning on coming over, the food was ordered, and everything was set. We knew that it'd be a blast.The pool in the backyard was clean, the lights were all working and we knew we could keep it going until late in the night thanks to living outside of the city. The township had...

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Schwanzgeile junge Sau laumlsst sich im Asylantenheim

Ich konnte es mir nicht verkneifen nachdem ich das hier gelesen habe es selbst zu probieren. Ich bin Gestern später am Abend zu den Flüchtlingen gegangen. Ich sehe mit meinen 21 Jahren etwas jünger aus und habe mir schwarze Strapse angezogen ohne Slip, einen sehr kurzen Minirock und ein Bauchfreies Top und nur noch einen langen Mantel angezogen. Draußen vor der Tür standen auch schon ein paar Männer verschiedenen Alters und guckten schon leicht verdutzt zu mir. Ich ging direkt weiter zu Ihnen...

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Wedding Day

Wedding Day Susanna says: - It is every T-girls fantasy to get married in a lovely white wedding dress, to wear those wonderfully sensual white and pearl bodices, the white stockings and the blue garter. The icing on the cake in this story of course is the photographer, what a way to celebrate your first few hours as a married woman, by being fucked by a man! As for me, always the bridesmaid but never the bride, especially when I wore a lovely pink taffeta bridesmaids dress that hugged...

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Peeping Tom

My name is Andrea and I'm seventeen. I have a brother whose three years younger than me. His name is Tom and until a year ago we had the typical relationship. I was a tyrant and he was a pest. Everyone told us that we'd love each other when we were older but we didn't really believe it. I loved him in that "You're-my-brother-so-I-have-too" sort of way. For example three years ago I broke a kid's nose for beating up Tom, but then I'd teased Tom about needing me to fight for him. He'd...

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Ignoring the curses and instructions to watch she tries to look away.  The scene is a little beyond strange and there is no way of knowing what will come next.  Samantha is perched in a stainless steel and white vinyl medical chair on casters, her ankles and calves tied to the circular base with a waxed hemp rope, her thighs bound together with similar soft cord, her arms bound behind her and draped over the back of the chair.  She is naked, in the corner of a large room, possibly 20’ x 20’, it...

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Equal SharesChapter 5

The following morning Stan woke up, did the painkillers-and-water routine, and he slowly put himself together. He'd been very tired when he returned home the previous night and had fallen asleep the instant he hit the bed. This morning his thoughts kept replaying Denise's parting comment. His best friend was telling him, "You've got to get over it sometime... why not now?" 'Doesn't she know the pain I've been going through? Doesn't she understand that I can't do that to Caron?'...

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Vacation with Teens 6 The Afterparty

“Well, I guess I’ll be getting into my own bed.” Leah whispered. By the uproar in the hallway, they heard Lily had returned from the party. The loudness of the noises made her assume that Lily was slightly drunk. “Yeah… you should.” As much as he wanted to keep his little teen close to him, Robert knew his wife must never find out about this. “Remember. You’re not telling anyone right?” He added to make sure she understood. Leah nodded as she got up from the bed. Robert had replaced the...

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Back to the bath house

Playing, prowling XHamster last Wednesday. Was checking out the big dick gurls and ran across some shots of uncut cocks that had me reaching for my cock. I got into many pictures and I started salivating getting the hankering to suck some fat uncut cock. Did a little masturbation but still wasn't satisfied so I had to wait until Friday when, in season, which it is, I knew the bath house would be packed with sexy guys.Friday afternoon, I got my day pass for a whopping 25 bucks, got my towel and...

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A Christmas Ball to Remember Ch 03

Sarah got up early to make sure that she looked her best for the morning’s meeting. She hated winter mornings waking up alone and cold. She got out of bed and opened the curtains where a flood of light, the sun was out but it certainly didn’t radiate any heat, shame, as she loved the summer months. She walked in to the bathroom and adjusted the temperature of the shower and climbed in. She felt the powerful jets soothe her aching joints, she spent most of last night asleep on her sofa. When...

2 years ago
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MommysGirl Natasha Nice Vanessa Sky Hazel Moore Mrs Miss Communication

Natasha Nice and her stepdaughter, Hazel Moore, are with Vanessa Sky, a therapist they have recently been going to. As they settle in, it’s clear right from the start that Natasha and Hazel have NOT been getting along, which is why they need Vanessa’s help. In fact, the more they talk, the more obvious it is that they are poor communicators. Because of this, they just get even more frustrated with each other. Natasha and Hazel reflect on how they’ve been talking less, which...

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Mistress in the Making

Ever since our parents died in a car crash a year ago, my sister and I were sent to my aunt's as she was our next of kin, our legitimate guardian. She was kind to us, gave us all the attention and love two young girls needed to be healthy, physically and mentally. She was even better than our mother, that I have to admit. Laura and I were 19 and 18 respectively. We both have good curves in our body, that's what our aunt, Mary, always says. Sometimes, I could see aunt Mary eyed us like we...

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A Close Shave0

“Don’t be ridiculous, Will,” Hannibal chastises, guiding him back against the barber’s chair with a firm hand on his shoulder. “It’s my pleasure.” He allows his hand to linger a bit longer on the younger man’s arm, “Just sit back and ….relax.” Relax. Relax. Relax. Will rests his head back against the plush, leather seat, closes his eyes, and repeats the word in his mind, a steady mantra to calm his anxious nerves at being alone in Hannibal Lecter’s house; in Hannibal Lecter’s...

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First time at the club Part one

During a particularly invigorating round of aftercare in the tub, Sarah whispered the words Dan was longing to hear. “I’m ready,” Dan pulled back from licking her smooth shoulder. “Ready for what babe?” His gaze was hopeful, making her lips curl up into a smile. “I’m ready to go to the club.” He turned her around causing the water to slosh over the sides of the bath, and she giggled straddling his lap. “Are you sure?” he said, rubbing his thumb over her rosy cheek. “Yes. I trust you and...

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Life Changes Through HypnosisChapter 8

As Jackie walked into Kevin’s office, she was shocked to see Dr. Packard standing there. “Hello Dr. Packard, what are you doing here?” “I own the place Jackie and now just sit down and relax and listen to my voice. She sat in a chair and a glassy look took over her face and Packard began to induce her into a deep hypnotic trance. “Jackie, how do you feel?” “I feel wonderful, Dr. Packard. Do you want me to strip and suck your cock?” “Yes, Jackie. You are always to be nude when you are with...

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Sharing the MILF List Ch 03

Airtight Training is over, Airtight MILF #1Driving away from the Honeywell residence, I reflected on the successful sharing I had just experienced. Sammy was at that very moment lying naked with his mother in her bed doing god knows what. I felt curiously content but still tense, wound as though waiting for something to happen, which of course I was. I glanced at my mother. "Are you ready for tomorrow?" I asked. Mom folded the seat divider up and moved over to lay her head on my shoulder....

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My Gokarna Trip

I am again her to describe one more experience of mine. It’s a gain of my college life. It’s my 3rd year in college. I got all good assets that needed for a college girl. We 5 girls and 4 guys made a group in our college. We go everywhere together (library, canteen, trips etc and we 5 gals stayed in the same hostel. Let’s come to the day and we finished the end-term and boozing in my room. Then one raised a topic that we should go for a trip everyone agreed. Let’s decide the place, I said....

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Too Hot To Handle

Hi guys this is Raj here well I am back and thanks for all the feedbacks and yes in case if any girls or women in Chennai are interested in having some fun Pls do get in touch to and other readers pls give your feedbacks as they are quite valuable. Now let me not waste time and get started. Well after a night that made Riya and Raj get a bit tipsy and leads to fore play, Well the next day I (Raj) wakes up rubbing my eyes and removes the blanket and then it strikes me that I am all nude and all...


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