La Corista Capitulo 6 free porn video

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La corista capitulo 6 En otras noticias Esc?ndalo del v?deo que se hizo viral la semana pasada d?nde en una boda Carlos Castillo besa a una de las coristas a la fuerza ha escalado a algo m?s grave cuando en estos d?as una mujer que dice ser la corista subi? un v?deo ocultado su rostro y declarando que Carlos la forz? a tener relaciones antes del Show. -Despu?s de ver este v?deo espero que entiendan en la situaci?n tan grave que se encuentra la Carrera de Carlos- -A ver lo UNICO que quiero entender es: 1.- Como rayos me encontraron? 2.- Como rayos entraron a nuestro departamento sin tener la llave?- El representante de Carlos fue quien contesto.-Todo ha Sido idea m?a, hable al sal?n que medio el contacto del Sr. Pedro que nos dios sus datos- -Mentira mi Pedrito es incapaz de soltar esa informaci?n as? de f?cil!- dijo Julia- Solo tuve que explicarle nuestra situaci?n y prometerle que mensionariamos el nombre de su grupo en el comunicado con la prensa para que as? tuviera publicidad gratis y la portera del edificio es s?per fan de Carlos y solo le.dijimos que ustedes eran unas viejas amigas a las que quer?amos sorprender... tambi?n nos ofreci? abrirnos todos los departamentos si quer?amos- -Hay Pedrito! siempre ayudando al progimo sin dejar de hacer negocios y a Do?a Lupe le voy a decir que no vuelva a dejar entrar a gente famosa a mi depa- - Si me permiten continuar, tememos que si no actuamos r?pido, pueden salir m?s mujeres haciendo este tipo de declaraciones "an?nimas" en las redes sociales y eso ser?a el final de la carrera de Carlos--Por favor ay?dame Dany!,Amo cantar es mi vida. Ya est?n amenazando con cancelar fechas de conciertos, y van a exigir que les pague una compensaci?n...- -Lo que Carlos quiere decir es que lo perder?a TODO! , su reputaci?n, su carrera, dinero y el cari?o de sus fans- - Est? bien Voy a alludarlos en lo que pueda- -Gracias Dany eres una Santa!- y por fin le regreso la tranquilidad a la cara de Carlos -Voy a decir la verdad- -Aleluyaaaa- dijo el manager -Que yo soy la verdadera corista, que la del v?deo no soy yo, que nunca he tenido relaciones con Carlos...pero que si me bes? sin mi consentimiento- -Noooooo!-Gritaron Carlos y su Manager-No sabes cu?nto odios le g?nero solo esa noticia a Carlos? Estamos desesperados por favor ay?danos a limpiar completamente su imagen- -No me voy a casar con el solo para que limpie su imagen- - Carlos tiende a ser dram?tico, disculpalo por favor. Tenemos un plan s?per secreto...que solo van a conocer ustedes, el Sr. Pedro y yo. Dany va a decir que ella y Carlos ya eran novios cuando pas? lo del beso pero que ese d?a tuvieron una discusi?n de pareja, Carlos al verla de mejor humor despu?s de bailar la beso creyendo que ya lo hab?a perdonado- - Esta bien, entonces digo de eso y que hace un mes rompimos y listo- - Lamentablemente eso no no va a convencer a la gente y los medios. Van creer que te pagamos para que dijeras todo eso o incluso que te amenazamos- - Entonces como los convencemos?- - Haces la declaraci?n, luego van a salir juntos como novios en par de meses, se dejan tomar fotos de p?blico luego fotos saliendo a escondidas. Despu?s cuando sea la gira por Sudam?rica y Europa s?lo se hablar?n por tel?fono y luego decimos que terminaron su relaci?n por estar tanto tiempo lejos el uno del otro- - Y c?mo cu?nto tiempo ser?a eso?- - Muy poco tiempo.... de unos 6 a 8 meses- - Est?n locos!- dijo Dani y sali? corriendo para encerrarse en su cuarto. Danny s?lo contaba los d?as para volver a ser hombre y si dos meses se le hicieron eternos 8 meses ni hablar. - Estamos dispuestos a compensarte por todo esa molestia que pagar?amos $10000 d?lares al mes!-- No lo har?a ni por todo el oro del mundo!- - Est? bien Te pagaremos $20000 . c?mo ves?- Al escuchar esa cantidad Julia actu? de inmediato- D?jenme hablar con ella, podr?an salir momento la casa necesitamos estar a solas-Una vez que todos se fueron planisferio su cuarto Julia habl? con ?l - No s? c?mo te sientes, s? que lo ?nico que has pensado en estos dos meses es en volver a ser hombre, pero cuando vuelvas a serlo tienes que enfrentar una deuda que no puedes pagar. Esos $20000 son la soluci?n que tanto has esperado que te caiga el cielo- - Pero ya no quiero ser mujer, quiero recuperar mi vida! quiero volver a orinar parado, quiero volver a juntarme con mis amigos, quiero dejar de estar sentado con las piernas cerradas o las piernas cruzadas, quiero tardar s?lo cinco minutos en arreglarme para salir a la calle, quiero ser Daniel otra vez- y se puso a llorar. - Tienes raz?n, hay cosas m?s importantes que el dinero as? que no te preocupes hermanito no importa lo que decidas yo te apoyar?- - Gracias Era lo ?nico que necesitaba, que me dejaron elegir libremente. Diles que lo pensar? - Al d?a siguiente al d?a Carlos y su representante estaban muy felices por la por la respuesta. En agradecimiento a Julia por haberles ayudado a convencer a Daniel le iban a pagar $2000 dolares al mes para que fuera su asistente. El Contrat? qued? de la siguiente manera le iban a pagar $20,000 al mes por los siguientes 3 meses en el cuarto mes en adelante 5000 por mes s?lo por seguir diciendo que era novia de Carlos y dar entrevistas telef?nicas autorizadas por su manager.Todo esto quedo por escrito en un contrato con cl?usula de que nadie podr?a hablar sobre el acuerdo, con una penalidad de pagar una gran multa.- Listo ahora oficialmente son novios- declar? Alex el manager de Carlos - Y qu? tengo que hacer?-Pregunto Danny- Por hoy descanzar, a partir de ma?ana tenemos que fabricar en dos d?as recuerdos de su vida de novios de meses as? que vamos a venir temprano para que se tomen fotos de parejas en exteriores luego aqu? en la casa y en la noche vamos a volar a la capital para que se tomen fotos en casa de Carlos. Yo voy a hablar con los medios para preparar el terreno, s?lo tenemos que hacer algunos arreglos, como por ejemplo tenemos que cambiarte el nombre!- - Pero por qu??- - Para evitar que se meten en tu vida personal, digo ya nos est?s haciendo un gran favor y no queremos complicarte m?s la vida- -Puedo elegir mi nombre art?stico?-- El que t? quieras!. Por ejemplo el verdadero nombre de Carlos es Federico P?rez--Oye eso es confidencial! - grito Carlos- Yo no firme ning?n acuerdo contigo- - Qu? tal Vanessa?... Vanessa Vel?squez!- -Hermoso nombre, deja lo apunt? y se lo pas? a mi contacto en gobierno para que me d? tu nueva licencia, tarjeta identificaci?n, pasaporte y en unos d?as Vas a ir a la cita para que te den tu visa- - Eso es legal?- - Todos los documentos s?, la forma en que los tramitamos pues... digamos que tenemos contactos en gobierno que nos ayudan para agilizar todo- - Qu? bueno porque llevo m?s de un mes tratando de que me repongo en mis documentos oficiales que se quemaron en el incendio y es fecha que a?n nada- - No hay problema s?lo p?same tus datos y les pido que tambi?n me los den- - Mejor no- dijo Julia- c?mo son documentos de su vida real no mejores que los tr?mites de la forma tradicional- - C?mo gusten, como quiera con sus nuevos documentos se pueden hacer tr?mites oficiales. Por cierto p?same tu n?mero de cuenta y a nombre de qui?n est? para hacerte el primer dep?sito- -La cuenta est? a nombre de Daniel...a, sabes qu? Mejor depositaselos a Julia porque me van a pedir una identificaci?n que no tengo, sirve que si alguien investiga no pueda encontrar esos dep?sitos sospechosos d?as antes de mi declaraci?n en los medios en mi cuenta.- - Me gusta c?mo piensa esta chica!. Para que cualquier cosa aqu? est? mi tarjeta- -Uff por fin se fueron!- -Y ahora que quier?s hacer "Vanesa"- - Qu? tal vez y salir huyendo en cuanto me depositen los $20000 a d?lares y no volver jam?s?:- -Si fueron dos millones te dir?a que s?- - Entonces qu? tal si te invito a comer y nos dormimos temprano:- S? presiento que nos van a levantar temprano- Esa noche tuvo un sue?o muy feliz d?nde en agradecimiento por todo lo que hab?a hecho Carlos pagaba $1,000,000 de d?lares pagaba todas sus deudas volv? a ser hombre ahora m?s varonil musculoso y todos los mujeres quer?an salir con ?l.En la ma?ana se levant? feliz y tranquilo- ten?a raz?n Julia este es la soluci?n ca?da del cielo-Despu?s de ba?arse se miro en el espejo y contemplo sus supuestos peque?o senos- est? loco el doctor, hay hombres que los tienen m?s grandes que yo, esto es s?lo gordura normal por no trabajar el pecho en el gimnasio-Pero no pod?a negar que su figura ya no se ve?a tan masculina como antes. En la ma?ana se levant? feliz y tranquilo- ten?a raz?n Julia este es la soluci?n ca?da del cielo-Despu?s de ba?arse se miro en el espejo y contemplo sus supuestos peque?o senos- est? loco el doctor, hay hombres que los tienen m?s grandes que yo, e... Alex el manager de Carlos llego muy temprano - hola hoy tenemos un d?a muy especial, primero vamos a que te maquillen, hacemos la sesi?n de fotos y por ?ltimo el v?deo de tu declaraci?n. A tomar los primeros fotos Alex noto que Dani se ve?a inc?moda as? que para que se relajara los puso a cantar un rato para que fueron creando algo de conexi?n. Esto Funciona muy bien ya que en las siguientes fotos Dani sal?a m?s relajada pero no lo suficiente Alex quer?a que se viera enamorada s? que le pas? un papelito a Carlos con instrucciones.- oye Dani te gustar?a ir a tocar en el estudio de la disquera?--Nunca he estado en un estudio de una disquera importante!- - Te va a encantar-Dijo Alex-Hay de todo y si hay alg?n estudio libre hasta podr?an grabar algunas canciones - Te va a encantar-Dijo Alex-Hay de todo y si hay alg?n estudio libre hasta podr?an grabar algunas canciones Carlos se encargo darle todo el tour a Dani por el estudio.- Que crees?. Nos acaban de conseguir un estudio. Te gustar?a grabar un par de canciones?-Dani estaba fascinada con las instalaciones jam?s hab?a estado en un estudio tan profesional como ese, as? que acept? de inmediato.Grabaron un par de canciones juntos y otras dons solo cantaba Danny. Carlos le ragalo un Cd y una memoria con las grabaciones y le comento-Si me lo permites deja les pido que le dediquen unos d?as de producci?n para que tengas una grabaci?n mas decente- Carlos le ragalo un Cd y una memoria con las grabaciones y le comento- Si me lo permites deja les pido que le dediquen unos d?as de producci?n para que tengas una grabaci?n mas decente- Danny sonri? muy emocionado al tener en sus manos una grabaci?n de estudio con su voz -Asi esta bien, no quiero dar molestias- Alex aprovecho todos esos momentos donde Danny se ve?a feliz para tomar las fotos de pareja que necesitaban.- Muy bien ahora necesito tomarle fotos donde se besan en la mejilla- Dani no tuvo ning?n problema con eso pues ya estoy acostumbrado a qu? los hombres lo saluden de beso.- Muy bien por ?ltimo necesito tomarles una foto donde se besan en los labios-Y fue ah? cuando se hizo un silencio inc?modo. Dani a?n no se repon?a de la ?ltima vez beso a un hombre, a?n sent?a culpa por haberlo disfrutado, pero como Carlos hab?a tenido tantas atenciones con el es lo m?nimo que podr?a hacer para agradecerle por la grabaci?n -Claro no hay problema- y sonri? mas relajado y se dieron un tierno beso Dani a?n no se repon?a de la ?ltima vez beso a un hombre, a?n sent?a culpa por haberlo disfrutado, pero como Carlos hab?a tenido tantas atenciones con el es lo m?nimo que podr?a hacer para agradecerle por la grabaci?n -Claro no hay problema- y s... De regreso a su departamento Danny estuvo en silencio todo el camino, lo que que preocupo Julia asi que al llegar le pregunto .- te incomodo el beso, verdad?- -La verdad no- -No me digas que te gusto?- -No es eso, es que no sent? nada! , fue como si lo besara en la mejilla- - Genial! eso har? mas f?cil tu papel de novia - - Siiiii, y tambien significa que lo que paso con Arturo fue solo lo que dijiste: una mala mezcla de alcohol y hormonas alteradas- Danny se retiro mas tranquilo a su recamara para escuchas las canciones que grabo con Carlos, y se quedo pensando otra vez "no sent? nada al besarlo porque no me gustan los hombres? o quiz?s porque lo veo solo como un amigo?" -Julia alguna vez has besado a un hombre y no has sentido nada?- - Claro, cuando besaba a pap? y a ti tambi?n- -Me refiero en los labios - En ese momento Julia entendi? el porque de la pregunta as? que para tranquilizar a su hermano contesto -tu me conoces muy bien fuera de la familia cualquier hombre hace que una mujer sienta algo cuando se besan - y con esa respuesta vio como las dudas Danny desaparec?an. - Y alguna vez has sentido algo al besar a una mujer?-a lo que Julia respondi? tirandole una almohada en la cara - Ya vete a dormir y deja de molestar con preguntas tontas, no soy tu maestra de educaci?n sexual- Julia se quedo mirando el retrato de sus padres "Solo quiero que Danny este tranquilo despu?s de todo lo que le ha pasado, me siento culpable por haberle dicho que EXPERIMENTARA, despu?s de lo de Arturo se ve?a tan confundido que no sabia que hacer... espero haber hecho lo correcto"

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I went to Stefani's room to see if she needed any help with her homework. She dropped her pencil and got up. She advanced to me, and we started a kiss. No scene practice, just the kiss. She stopped and licked her lips. "You taste funny," she said. "I don't know why?" I lied realizing that what she tasted was mom's fragrance. "If you're done with homework let's go downstairs and cuddle in front of a movie," I asked. She put on some slippers and offered her arm to me. "You might...

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Secretary to the CEO

Secretary to the CEO by theduck1930 I’m a retired CEO of a small-cap company. Our market was agriculture chemicals. Rather a smelly business. If you had ever sprayed weed control products on your lawn you could appreciate what I just said. I had worked my way up the ladder starting as a janitor around the formulating mixers. The odor could knock your socks off if it had not been for everyone wearing a respirator. Every day when I came to work I could smell the plant as soon as I opened my car...

2 years ago
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DNA IIChapter 17

Anne was so preoccupied as she left the plane that she walked straight past the policeman. "Doctor Chamberlain?" he said. She turned and noticed him and his patrol car for the first time. "I'm sorry. Can you tell me what's going on?" "Lieutenant Harrison will brief you on the way to the hospital." Hospital? Anne climbed into the back of the car. A man in a crumpled grey suit was sitting in the passenger seat. He turned around as the car pulled out of the airport. "I'm sorry for...

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HandsOnHardcore Kiara Lord Lottie Magne Blonde MILF Kiara Lord Eats Out Her Schoolgirl Maid Until 2 Guys Join in for Dessert

Petite Hungarian MILF Kiara Lord has just hired sexy schoolgirl Lottie Magne as a part-time maid, but the girl can’t do anything right! But fortunately she finds something Lottie is good at when she has the skinny, innocent girl massage her pussy instead. Soon the sweet girl is having her first lesbian experience as she goes down on her boss’ pink twat, and finds she’s getting turned on herself! After a while Kiara returns the favor by finger-fucking the little girl’s...

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Would you like to fuck me asked Hina.Huh, what did you say I asked shocked by the blunt and unexpected question?Well, we have been working on this damn project for 3 days straight, 12 to 14 hours a day. We have breakfast, lunch and dinner together and have spent more time together this week than we have with our spouses, she said.She was right. Monday morning at 6 we had started on the preparations for the Sales Conference. 2 late sittings on Monday and Tuesday, clocking 14 hours a piece at the...

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Giving the BBC to the rich mans wife

The following story is true. Some of the details have been changed to protect the guilty.It was a typical Wednesday evening at my condo. I got home before my roommate and I started cooking dinner. Once he got home he said he wanted to run something by me. He sat down and told me that he had met a girl online and they had been chatting for a while. She lived in the city and worked most nights. She had the night free and wanted to meet him. "I don't want to meet her alone, in case she is ugly....

1 year ago
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My Grandmother recently celebrated her 75th birthday and we had a family gathering to celebrate her. I came home from School and stayed in my old room. family came from all over,and a few stayed with us, as our home was spacious. My favorite aunt Angie, my mom's younger sister, stayed with us. She came with her 3 k**s, Lisa, and the twins Aiden and Aaron. They were my favorite cousins as well, my little brother Tim and the twins stayed in the room playing video games and Lisa followed me...

2 years ago
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Very Willing

Very Willing A couple of weeks into my senior year of high school this freshman girls puts the make on me. I was not only flattered but also knocked off my feet at the same time. She was absolutely beautiful with a gorgeous face, a very nice body, and she had long thick straight brown hair down to her waist. I just love long hair. Her face had no blemishes what so ever unlike most teenage girls. She was wearing a white blouse and I could see her red bra right through it. She had on a...

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Peters Predicament

PETER'S PREDICAMENT - by 'Harve' I had never thought of myself as being a particularly naughty child, just perhaps a little prone to becoming bored - especially during school holidays. So back in July 1959 at the age of 13, it didn't seem all that terrible a crime to climb over the backyard fence, late one Wednesday morning and sneak up on the tent that those two awfully soppy girls Cynthia and Brenda who lived next door, were playing inside. It also didn't seem such so...

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Monday Night Football at Home

‘What did you need from the kitchen, babe?’ I check the date on the carton of milk while I wait for the reply. ‘Damn, this stuff is expired! I guess I need to stop by the store after work tomorrow.’ ‘Get me a cold one, Angel.’ ‘OK, be there in a sec.’ Handing you the beer, I sit across from you. I’m trying to be good. Really. I know how much you have riding on this game. Hell, you and I are even playing each other head-to-head this week in fantasy football. And we do this every week....

3 years ago
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Divine Succession Chapter 08

Introduction: Heres hoping this chapters better. One moment, Arla and Maya were watching their planet burn, and the next, they were sat in a large bath together, with two other girls with wings around them. One of the girls had pure white robes on, whilst the other had light blue trims on it. Whats going on? Arla asked. We have been ordered to bathe you, in order to prepare you for the Lord, Said one of the girls, who looked slightly older than the other. I dont understand, where are we? Maya...

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DreamweaverChapter 7 Footprints

Rebecca It had been a pretty good weekend. In fact I think I'd have to say it was the best weekend I'd had since Michael had died. A year, hell, six months ago, I would have felt guilty for even thinking that. My first week with my new partner had been enlightening to say the least, and I had to admit that Henslith had some pretty good ideas on where to start looking for our man. Contacting Kenneth Riley's former employers had gotten us nowhere. He had not been seen or heard from...

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The Brotherhood of Swain

For those of you who just want to get to the &(|&@#|)($ing story and ignore my unnecessarily long foreword, I suggest that you do by searching for ***, which will bring you to the start of the story proper. My comments aren't particularly interesting. Before you do, however, standard boilerplate: this story shouldn't be read by any decent, moral, upstanding members of society who are offended by sexual themes including gender transformation and rape. It contains relatively vulgar...

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Paradise Valley 2 Homecoming

Tall Elk rode warily, with one eye on the sunset, the other on the canyon ahead. They were minutes from home now. The nearby canyon protected Paradise Valley from outsiders arriving from the south and it was a bad time to be approaching the canyon. With most raiding parties riding south, that is the direction of the greatest threat. Any pursuers would be ambushed there at the narrow valley. He looked around the herd to make sure everyone was present. Now was the time to count,...

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Summers End A Loss Of Innocence Part 2

A few minutes later, Steven got up and kicked his shorts off. He walked down the beach and into the water. He was standing at the water’s edge looking out at me. His body was the same body I had seen years ago just filled out and more muscular. It was my moment to pretend I was Halle Berry. I was going to slowly walk out of the water with a sexy bikini, dive knife and gorgeous figure. Except I was nude, wet and still washing cum off my stomach, but it was going to be perfect. It would be a...

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Massage Woman Of The House Part 8211 9

You read that finally, my father in law fucked me in presence of two maids just before I left for Mumbai with Sumit. He took me to his wife. His family members accepted me nicely. On the first day itself, I became very intimate with Sumit’s mother.   Like the previous night, on second night also I slept with Sumit. We had nice & satisfying fuck. Before me, Sumit has brought the only Rashmi to his house and fucked her, wife of another man with the full knowledge of his family members. I wanted...

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Arranged Marriage 8211 Part 2

Hello friends this is a continuation of my previous story arranged marriage-part 1. As you all know that I was being married without my interest. That’s why I started ignoring my so called wife priya. Now enjoy the next part. We both were just lost in each others arm and the time was like just stopped as it is. Then suddenly my phone started ringing. Due to phone we both came into our senses and separated. I just answered the phone it was my assistant he was having some troubles related to work...

4 years ago
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A Lesson to be Learned

When I look back, I see how little events that seem totally unrelated shaped the destiny of my life. I believe we are but a mosaic of pieces placed there by others or by random events. The course of a life can pivot on a conversation, a chance meeting, or even an accident.Ann and I met by chance at a grocery store just after I had been discharged from the army. She just graduated from high school and was the loveliest girl I had ever laid eyes on. Now we've been together for over twenty years...

Wife Lovers
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I was a junior at Hampshire the night Jane came to me. It wasn’t a good time. In my mind I was the World’s Oldest Virgin, terminally unlovable. I’d even struck out with Easy Emily, who had fucked half my friends but not me even though I was the only person who actually cared about her. Years later I understood my feelings were precisely the problem she had with me, but at the time they were simply proof that something in the stars had aligned to render me completely and utterly unlovable. A...

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Eporner GangBang

Do you love watching women get gangbanged into oblivion? No, I don’t mean watching them get fucked in every hole until they are sent into the darkest pits of Hell. It was a metaphor. Chill the fuck out.So let me rephrase that. Do you love watching women get bangbanged into Hell? Fuck I messed it up again. You know what bitch? Just visit if you want to watch a wide variety of gangbang videos that will have you dripping in cum before you know it!Find searches related to...

Gangbang Porn Sites
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Big Sister Tried Out As A Centerfold Part Two

You could hear a pin drop in the garage at that moment.The only sound was Annie’s breathing. I don’t think I had taken a breath in at least three to five minutes by now. I wanted to let her lead. I didn’t want to stop, but I also didn’t want to spook her and have things turn bad. They didn’t.After what seemed like forever (but in reality, it was only a second or two), I mustered up the courage to ask her again.“Are you okay? Do you want me to stop?”“Don’t stop,” she said without looking up.That...

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The Victory Party

I had forgotten all about him having a game today. I do hope we did not take much out of him last night. I hung some decoration around the apartment like great game, nice win and a big victory banner in the front room. I went back into the bedroom to find that Kim was still asleep. She had the covers off her as she laid there on her back. Her big tits were just lying there hanging to her sides just a little. I climbed up beside her and I used a finger to trace around her big tits. Kim's...

2 years ago
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The Rogues Harem Book 3 Rogues Passionate HaremChapter 41 Desperation

Note: Thanks to WRC 264 for beta reading this! Kora Falk My will slammed into Prince Meinard. I could feel it affecting a part of him, a small sliver that was from the Biomancer. It twitched and throbbed, but it didn’t control him. I didn’t freeze the bastard like it did the ooze. He kept tearing at my brother’s guts. Sven’s growls of pain rising above the crackling flames. The insectoid bastard was killing Sven. And I couldn’t affect the bastard. There was too much ... human in him. A...

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Suse wird erwachsen

Suse wird erwachsen Inhalt I. Der Vertrag............................................................................................................... 1 II. Der erste Abend....................................................................................................... 2 III. Der Abend geht weiter............................................................................................ 6 IV. Der erste Tag...

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An interesting afternoon with the girls

So later in the week, while still in Cancun... We had just had lunch and it was early afternoon, we had been out late the night before as I remembered security telling us it was cinco half when we were walking back to our room this morning. Amanda was tired so she was going to go back to the room for a nap and I returned to the party at the pool. Jill and Tori kept me company while Amanda was back in the room. The three of us did shots and had a few jello shots that were left from the night...

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The Strawberry Patch Book 1 The BabiesChapter 24 I Get A Kick Out Of You

August – Year 1 Lynn and I went home leaving Erin in the hospital for the night. We were both emotionally wrung out and as soon as we walked in the door Lynn called Dara and gave her a report on Erin before we went up to our bedroom. We showered without any playing around. We were both very serious and coming down from the shock of Erin’s injury. I had a towel wrapped around my wife and was holding her close and gently kissing the tattooed flowers around the crown of her head. I felt her...

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Marriages Are Made In Heaven2

Hi this is second part of my story, friends I want to share with you some things friends suppose you are living alone with your lover or to whom you want to make your life partner, lover, wife and sex partner to whom you want to fuck so what you will do. Exactly that thing happened with me and I took full advantage of that opportunity I know friends your getting bore but friends I promise you. Now my story start from here, you all know we shifted to new place where nobody know about us I use...

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Blood Moon Chronicles Book 4 Many Faces of the MoonChapter 21

I awoke sometime later with Lillian and Janet still in my arms. I looked down to see that their hands were still intertwined. I wished we were done with all this, allowing me to bask in the love and tenderness of the women in my life. I was growing tired of all the darkness and death that seemed to permeate my life, despite my attempts to prevent it. Still, they are the light that has come out of that darkness and I do not think I would do anything that would have kept that from...

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Lunchtime Munchtime

As was his habit at lunchtime, Hal left the building and walked through the office park for exercise. It was a partly cloudy day, and for the moment it seemed overcast. On his way to a small path through the woods, he saw her. Sandy was an attractive redhead with a sensual voice who almost always wore a tailored blouse, a roomy ankle-length skirt, and one-inch pumps. Her wardrobe varied in color, patterns, and material, depending upon the season, but always the same ensemble. Hal watched as...

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The Atonement Continues

     That night Barbara got out of the shower and did her nightly douche, enema, and makeup as instructed.  Fully cleaned, she placed the leather cuffs on her ankles and wrists and attached the ribbed dog collar to her neck.  Presentable at last, she slowly made her way down the stairs and into the living room.  Both John and Cheryl sat side by side, waiting for the submissive Barbara to take her position in the center of the room.      ?Well Barbara.? Cheryl broke the silence as she walked...

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Adult Theater

During the ’80’s, when I was in my twenties, I went to a few adult theaters in Times Sq. area of New York City. One of the theaters was on 8th Ave. around 47th, or 48th St. It was a very small theater, with a center aisle, twelve to fifteen seats on either side of the aisle, and had about twenty rows. After I paid and entered, I stepped into the back of theater and waited about a minute for my eyes to adjust to the darkness. There were a few lights on the ceiling that were very dim and a couple...

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