La Corista Capitulo 8 free porn video

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La corista capitulo 8 Danny se despert? despu?s de la operaci?n con un fuerte dolor en pecho, el doctor dijo que en dos semanas bajar?a toda la inflamaci?n pero que en tres d?as lo dar?an de alta.Maldito contrato de modelaje porque rayos no lo le? bien! Ahora por ese error tuve que hacerme esta cirug?a para tener senos, mas cadera y una lipoescultura para tener una figura totalmente femenina. HACE UN MES: Y en las noticias del espect?culo el escandolo de Carlos Castillo dio un giro de 180? en el Show de don Fernando cuando la verdadera corista que beso resulto ser su novia, convirtiendose en el trendin topic de la semana. Los representantes de Carlos ya est?n buscando a la persona que grabo el v?deo difamandolo para emprender acciones legales en su contra. Alex el representante de Carlos estaba orgulloso de que la imagen del cantante se hubiera limpiado de la noche a la ma?ana con la entrevista - Soy un genio! esto salio mejor de lo que esperaba, ahora Carlos y Vanessa son la pareja del momento, Les consegu? que salieran en la portada de la revista "Face of Fame-Latino"- -Y le van a pagar a Danny algo extra por eso?-Pregunto Julia viendo por los intereses de su hermano -Claro que si, por eso y por las entrevistas que le consegu? esta semana mas lo que salga- Y as? paso una semana Danny de entrevista en entrevista todos creyeron que lo del la novedad del noviazgo solo durar?a unos cuantos d?as pero a la gente le agrado mucho sencillez y simpat?a de Danny que en cada entrevista se desenvolv?a cada vez mejor. Poco a poco le fue perdiendo el miedo al publico gracias a que Arturo le hizo darse cuenta que era como estar en el escenario de las fiestas en las que cantaba, tenia que leer el animo del publico e improvisar para mantenerlos entretenidos.Pero mas que estar en el escenario Danny amaba cantar y ya queria que todo esto terminara para volver a hacerlo en las fiestas. La popularidad de Danny crecio tanto que fue a cantar con Carlos a varias fiestas privadas donde tenia que hacer su papel de novia enamorada, tomandolo de la mano y bes?ndose romanticamente, cosa que ya no le molestaba pues no sent?a nada cuando se besaban ademas que tambi?n le pagaban por ir a esas fiestas y a otras presentaciones. Si alguien quer?a que Danny hiciera una presentaci?n la din?mica era muy sencilla la compa??a de representaciones recibia la solicitud, se fijaba un precio se elaboraba un contrato, se revisaba y Alex se lo daba a Danny para que lo firmara, pero obvio que nunca los le?a, pues eran muchas paginas y Alex le dec?a que siempre se revisaban antes de que el se los diera, luego la secretaria hacia la agenda de compromisos y se la pasaban semanalmente a Danny. Cada semana era la agenda era casi la misma: entrevistas, apariciones con Carlos, en las nochez ir a varias fiestas y convivir con los anfitriones (que pagaron para que fuera), hasta que una semana Danny vio algo fuera de lo com?n y de inmediato le hablo a Alex por telefono -Que es esto de cita con el cirujanos para lipoescultura?- -Es para que te veas bien para la sesi?n de fotos en traje de ba?o- -Que ! no puedo hacer eso - -Lo siento el contrato ya esta firmado y la sesi?n agendada, nos van a pagar 50 mil dolares y a ti te tocan 30 mil menos lo del cirujano pl?stico- -Pues me niego a hacerme la cirug?a y la sesi?n de fotos! - -Vas a tener que hacerlo porque hay una penalizacion de 100 mil dolares por cancelaci?n de contrato- -No puedo pagar tanto dinero!- -Entonces cumple con el compromiso y ya- -Alex necesito hablar contigo en privado puedes venir al departamento?- -Ok deja termino unos pendientes y te veo en en Dos horas- Al llegar al departamente Alex estaba muy molesto con Danny pues tenia mucho trabajo para tolerar desplantes de estrellitas -Hola Dany, vamos directo al grano porque tengo mucho trabajo- -Es que no puedo hacer la sesi?n por qu? en realidad soy hombre.... - -Jajajajaja que buen chiste, estamos en c?mara escondida? ya dime la verdad; de seguro tu religi?n te lo proh?be, o tienes varises y eres de esas mujeres acomplejadas e inseguras de su cuerpo...- Al ver que Alex no le cre?a Danny se bajo la falda le mostr? sus genitales. -No pude ser!, porque? si todo iba tan bien !. Si esto se sabe puede perjudicar la Carrera de Carlos- -Pero ya son otros tiempos Alex-exclamo Julia -En el fondo la sociedad latina sigue siendo muy conservadora, si de por si los enemigos de Carlos dicen que es gay cada que ven que las mujeres suspiran por el, ahora con esto con a razon debes hacer la sesi?n de fotos - -Pero mira mi cuerpo, con ropa puedo verme como una mujer pero no con un traje de ba?o- -Esto va a requerir de un poco mas de trabajo en el quirofano, pero se puede hacer , vallan ma?ana tu y Julia a este hospital en ayunas el Doctor Riquelme se har? cargo de todo- -Pero yo no quiero ninguna operaci?n!- -Tienes $100 mil dolares?..eso cre?, entonces hagan lo que les digo todo saldr? bien, yo hablare con el doctor para que lo que te hagan no sea nada permanente - Al d?a siguiente el hospital el Doctor las atendi?-No se preocupen por nada el Sr. Alex ya me puso al tanto de su situaci?n- Despues de revisar a Danny el doctor tambi?n reviso a Julia (cosa que se les hizo extra?o porque solo Danny era el paciente) despu?s de que estuvieron listos los an?lisis les explico lo que iban a hacer .-Vamos a realizar una lipoescultura con transfereencia de grasa pero debido a que estas muy delgada Danny vamos a obtener la grasa que nos hace falta de tu hermana- -Me esta diciendo Gorda!- -Calmate Julia!, disculpela doctor, y que van a hacer con la grasa de mi esbelta hermana- -Vamos a rellenar tus gluteos y pecho para que tengas senos- -Crei que me pondrian implantes- -Este procedimiento es menos doloroso y tiene menor tiempo recuperaci?n en tres d?as las daremos de alta y en 15 d?as bajara completamente la inflamaci?n y estar?s lista para usar bikini- -Y como voy a esconder mis genitales en algo tan diminuto como un bikini?- -Con una vagina prostetica que pondremos encima de tus genitales con pegamento, cundo terminemos contigo nadie se dar? cuenta de tu verdadero sexo - Tres d?as despu?s antes de darles de alta, les retiraron los vendajes y les mostraron como hab?an quedado sus cuerpos. Danny quedo sorprendido al ver su nuevo trasero y sus senos aun no se reponia de la impresi?n cuando el doctor llego a ponerle su nueva vagina. -Primero vamos a meter tus testiculos al canal inguinal, conectamos tu pene a esta sonda, ponemos el pegamento, acomodamos la protesis , presionamos as? y listo ya tienes una hermosa vagina- Danny miro entre sus piernas y se acaricio suavemente, se ve?a tan real -Es completamente funcional-Dijo el doctor- Puede orinar e incluso tener relaciones casi como una mujer de verdad- Danny se sonrojo y les dijo-Gracias por la informaci?n, pero yo no pienso...darle ese uso- El doctor sonri? - En este v?deo vienen todas las indicaciones e instrucciones para su uso y cuidados- y se retiraron dejandolo solo en su cuarto. Dannny volvi? a mirarse en el espejo admirando su nueva figura de la noche a la ma?ana se hab?a convertido en una hermosa mujer, camino desnuda por el cuarto poniendo en practica todo lo que hab?a aprendido sobre movimientos y poses femeninas, luego acaricio sus muslos, su nueva vagina y sus senos donde al tocar sus pezones sinti? una extra?a pero agradable sensaci?n que le hizo seguir acarici?ndolos dej?ndose llevar por el placer hasta que quedo rendida...

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Gang Bang in the Hamptons part 1

Several years ago, just fresh out of college, I was working in a major department store in Manhattan. I met this really cute guy named Eddie, that was a few years older than me. But he made lots of money and he took me to some of the finest restaurants and clubs in town. On occasion, he invited his best friend Jeff along. He was really funny and we all got along great. Eddie told me he rented a house for the summer right on the beach in the Hamptons, and invited me out for the weekend, and said...

4 years ago
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First Gay Experience

This is the story about how I realized my bisexuality and my first gay experience.I started to question my sexuality late in high school. I never did anything about it until my freshman year of college. I went to a very small school in New England, and I’m talking small: less than 1,000 students living on campus. So needless to say news traveled fast, as well did rumors. All of that plus the fact I spent my first semester living with two obvious homophobes made even the thought of trying...

2 years ago
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My traveling wife

The times, they are a-changing.....yes they are.Not many years ago, women stayed home, and men worked. And some lucky men traveled on business, stayed at hotels, drinks in the bar and happy life.Back then, women where not ask me why. I have traveled the world like this, and in my opinion, it is boring and a lot of wasted time.So, when my wife got a new job, high salary and a lot of travel, I tried to warn her.But she wanted to try, and who was I to say no?And, quite honest, I was...

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English Teacherai Correct Seithu Oothen

Hai friends, en peyar Kesavan. Vayathu 18 Naan palliyil 12th vagupu padithu varugiren. Naan nandraaga padipen paadathai alla kaama kathaigalai, enathu veetil thanthai sonthamaaga kadai vaithu irukiraar athanaal ennaku padithu niraiya mathi pengal eduka vendrum endra ennam illai eppozhuthum eppadi santhoshamaaga irukalam endre yosipen. Enathu nanbargaludan veliyil sendru mathu arunthi niraiya arataigal adithu santhoshamaaga irupom, enathu veetil naan oru paiyan mattum thaan athanaal ennai miga...

3 years ago
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My old friend Hannah

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket, I pulled it out and flipped it open. "Yeah?" I didn't check who it was I can't be bothered to look at the caller ID before I answer."Jack, I'm in the hotel lobby. You gonna get me?" The sweet voice jolted my memory, Hannah was in town and was going to stay with me. I almost leaped out of my chair when I knew she was here."Yeah, coming." I walked out of my room and got into the elevator, still on the phone with her."So I'm gonna be staying for a few weeks."...

4 years ago
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AnathemaChapter 4

Donna Wilks stands over the body of Kristy York. She has just finishes cleaning the woman up and writing up her report and now looks over the young woman once more before putting her away in the cold storage unit. “It’s a shame,” she mutters to the cold corpse. “You were so young, too.” “Yes, it’s a shame they can’t live as long as you have,” a female voice says behind the woman. Donna jumps and turns around to face the surprise visitor. “Miss Quinn,” she says breathlessly. “What exactly...

2 years ago
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Karen and Michelles Sad Story Part 1 Chapter 8

By Redlegtiger Please remember that this is fantasy and anyone thinking that they should do these things in real life, deserve to be locked up and have the key thrown away and play sissy slut to their cell mate for eternity. If you are not at least 18 years of age please leave. Chapter 8, Karen’s Home Town Humiliation Begins While Darrell was watching television, Karen was Laying in the bed. It took a while but she finally started coming out of her daze. She had time to think about...

2 years ago
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WildOnCam Scarlett Sage Petite Cutie Scarlett Sage Has A Big Urge To Cum LIVE

Sweetheart Scarlett Sage hopes you like how she looks in her cute little lingerie set. Look at how sheer her panties are when she shows you her cute little trimmed pussy through the fabric. How much would you like to peel those panties down and off her legs to indulge in the wettest little pussy? Scarlett is so horny and getting so wet from you telling her how to fuck herself. She loves getting in doggy and fucking her pussy so deep with her dildo licking it clean afterwards. That pussy tastes...

4 years ago
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My Misunderstood Husband

TRANSLATION for our dear friends across the pond for this and other stories. (Those who think this is teaching Granny to suck eggs, please forgive me.) UK : USA Pants: Men's underpants or women's panties Trousers: Pants Knickers: Panties. Tights : Sheer or opaque pantyhose. Solicitor/Barrister : The two can often interchange but usually as follows: Solicitor: Not exclusively a lawyer who does most of his legal work (e.g. Property conveyance) outside the courts,...

3 years ago
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Lucky StiffChapter 20 Senior Weekend II

There's a party goin' on right here! A celebration to last throughout the years. So bring your good times, and your laughter too, We're gonna celebrate your party with you! --Celebration (Kool and the Gang) Neither Lynette nor Camille bothered putting their bathing suits back on after the midnight party. Kristen noticed them and went nude as well. I saw many of the girls shrug. I think they figured that they were already nude in front of all of us during the party, and another peep...

2 years ago
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Ladys Next DanceChapter 17

"Uncle Paul. You can't do that. Booboo just killed three men. If we don't trust the police, we can't take him to the hospital. We need to get him someplace safe." Bob was halfway around the building when he shouted, "Let's take him to the hospital where Jamie is. Ron's there. We'll worry about the rest later. We need for him to tell us what happened before we can do any more here." Paul shook his head. "No! Sally's right. They have to report gun shot wounds. We go to the casino,...

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The CandidateChapter 3

The morning of the final debate, Donna woke up with a hangover. It was something she was becoming accustomed to. Her new campaign manager, DeeDee, had very limited ideas about campaigning. Actually she had only one idea--drunken orgies in Donna's ritzy home, all comers welcome. So that's how she had spent the past three days and nights. Not that she was complaining--she'd performed every sex act imaginable in that time, her favorites several times over. She was being the best slut she...

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Haleys BunchChapter 7

Bill Simon’s turn: Tuesday morning, more drudgery, but the weekend was GOOD. Russ Brown and his wife showed up, bringing four racks of REALLY good pork ribs, and we enjoyed the food and fellowship with them. Funny how that works: Even if it ain’t the same industry, contractors who WORK are fun to talk with. You get to comparing various jobs, and quickly realize you have comparable problems and solutions, often made up on the spot. Anyway, about 9:30, and my phone buzzed. Caller ID said...

1 year ago
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Alex and I have sex

Note : This story is completely fictional! The phone woke me up in the middle of the night and i heard a very sad voice on the other end. "Ryan?" "Yes?" "Can I come stay with you for a month or two?" It was at that moment that i knew who it was, it was my cousin Ally. She was having some problems and a few days ago I told her that she could stay with me. "Sure where should I meet you?" "The air port in 3 hours." "alright see you soon." I got up and threw on some clean pants and a nice looking...

3 years ago
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wife knocked up for 3rd time by ex boyfriend

Vegas seems to be my wifes weakness. My wfe and her best friend were there in November celebrating their 40th birthdays. At the time they left, I was not aware that it had been arranged by my wifes friend for her ex from highschool, who now lives in Dallas to meet them there to help her celebrate in style. She was not told he would be there this time, so it was a total surprise, when they were lounging by the pool and who should swim up and climb out of the pool, but Darcy, her well hung ex...

4 years ago
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Gender role experiment 7 FINAL CHAPTER

I was playing with one of my nipples turning the ring left and right and stretching it slightly. Thanks to all the medical procedures I was getting, my piercings were already fully healed. It was possible to remove the rings, but I was not sure I want it to be removed. It was kind of fun. The doctor gave me a lecture about how lucky I am the new technology was developed. Just a year ago the operation would be much more difficult, and the recovery would take months and not days. The next...

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Eine Reise durch Zeit und Raum

Es war ein schöner Frühlingstag und Patrick wollte noch schnell etwas einkaufen, bevor seine Lieblingssendung, eine Science Fiction Serie, im Fernsehen lief. Auf dem Weg zum Supermarkt stieß er mit einem Mann zusammen. Dabei fiel ein kleiner metallischer Gegenstand zu Boden, jedoch lief der fremde Mann schnell weiter und hatten den Verlust nicht bemerkt. Patrick hob den Gegenstand auf und betrachtete ihn näher. Es sah wie eine sehr futuristische Brosche aus. Eine runde, bläulich schimmernde...

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Ozark LifeChapter 6

The two of us woke at six and were ready to get going for the day. I told Juliet that I didn’t do one bit of studying yesterday and would need to catch up to stay with my plan. She said that she had classes she needed to attend and was ready to get back to it. We both dressed in what we had and agreed to talk about her grandmother’s invitation to live there. It might be necessary if her father no longer had the income he was used to. He would instantly be in trouble with alimony for Juliet’s...

3 years ago
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Friend Ko Girlfriend Banake Travles Mein Choda

Hello to all my friends. Main arya aapka dost,main iss ka regular user hun aur humesha story padh ke ek baar to muth marke hi sota hun!Main ek avarage looking banda hun ! 5.5 meri height hai ! Mera lund 6inch lamba aur 2.5 inch chouda hai. Abhi apna business karta hun aur maharashtara se hun, jyada bore na karte huwe apni story ko shurwat karta hun. Yeh meri pehli story hai to please agar kuch galti ho jaye to mujhye maaf kar dena aur aapke suzaw mujhye mail karna ! Main 26 sal ka hu aur yeh...

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Wonderland 6

Stevie Meets the Red Queen"Unhuh," moaned Steve, "Your cunt feels teriffic mom!"Steve was plowing his mother's field right here in the backseat of his parent's car in the driveway of his grandparents' house. He was doing her doggie after the two of them geting so hot they practically glowed. They had been listening to the story of how his mother started fucking her brother Bob. And then they heard the story of how Steve's father got involved with his mother and her obviously constantly horny...

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