Family Gangbang free porn video

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This story was written as an adult fantasy.

Alois sipped his wine and watched with some amusement
as his father sucked a boy’s cock. The boy sat
on the table with his legs open, and Francois cupped
his balls with his left hand, one finger of which was
inserted in the boy’s anus. Alois remembered how
Francois explained that by wiggling the finger in a
boy’s bottom, you could speed up his ejaculation.

Apparently Alois’ father was very thirsty because
this was the third prick he’d feasted on since they
got to the Club, and papa’s finger was still quite

A boy a bit older than Alois came to their table. He
was naked save for a pink ribbon tied over his nuts
that did little to conceal his half-erection. The
balls were spilling out on either side of the satin
band. “May I offer you my asshole, sir?” the boy
asked Alois. Alois smiled and said, “To fuck or to
eat?” His accent was obvious.

“Oh, whichever sir,” the young man said, his pretty
blue eyes sparkled. Alois noticed the boy wore
lipstick and mascara and had his nipples rouged and
pasted with something that made them erect.

Alois decided it was now or never. Up to this point
Alois had virtually no homosexual experience, just a
couple of blow jobs given and taken with his Parisian
cousins, and one memorable penetration. Recalling how
tight the other boy’s asshole had been on that
occasion, Alois swallowed his misgivings and said to
the entertainer, “I do believe so. Why not bend over
this table?”

“Yes sir.”

Alois stood and undid his belt, letting his pants
drop. He had no shame about being nude in public,
being a naturist at home. The club boy giggled
happily when he saw Alois’ erection. Little could he
have expected something so grand!


Francois Gagnon headed the French legal delegation to
the UN’s Committee on International Economic

Posted to New York, rather than the expected Geneva,
Francois decided it would be ideal to bring his
children Alois and Marie Suzette along. They could
practice their English and see the wonderful city.
Yvette, his wife, had no interest in going,
preferring instead an extended vacation in Paris with
her sister’s family.

Alois and Marie Suzette were incestuous lovers and
quite open about it within the family. Both parents
had no problem with this bohemian lifestyle, and the
children happily engaged in sex with their parents as
well when the occasion warranted it. Francois had
heard Americans were open-minded about many things
but quite retrograde in their attitudes toward sex,
so he had the children pose as his son and son’s
girlfriend. They were of approximately the right age
to pass for that, and people would be far less
scandalized at the idea of a teenage girl having sex
with a boyfriend than if they knew the two were
sister and brother.

Alois was a boy of fine physique and very handsome.
He had dark hair and brown eyes and a smooth swimmers
body with a powerful chest and strong upper arms like
his father. He easily passed for 18 or 19, despite
his lack of facial hair (he hardly needed to shave
once a week). Francois took his son to a Chinese
tailor and bought fine silk suits and an assortment
of gentlemen’s chapeaux.

With Marie, Francois struggled to find a middle
ground. On the one hand she was unmistakably young,
just turned 13. Her face was that of a precious
child, and for this he had the housekeeper help teach
her all about makeup. Her body, on the other hand,
was budding perfectly into that of a young woman. She
had breasts noticeably larger than most girls that
age, and they were truly exquisite–fair, almost
translucent, soft and round. Her nipples were
practically always erect, and usually remained so
even on those rare occasions when she was not
sexually aroused. Marie Suzette’s hips had not kept
pace with her bosom, but her thighs were plump ,
lending credence to her absolutely exceptional
behind. The little girl was the lucky inheritor of
her mother’s genetic line. Francois wanted to have
Marie show her youth while basking in her sexual

So Francois took his daughter to one of the finest
shops of Fifth Avenue, one that was very discreet,
and bought his girl a wardrobe of expensive and
stylish clothes that accentuated what she had and
concealed what she lacked. Now, just as Alois passed
for someone older, so Marie Suzette now might be
thought sixteen or so.

Of course, at home, when they were casual, especially
when they lounged around naked playing sex games,
their youth and vitality were unadorned. So too when
they went out “clubbing” where the exhibitionism of
youth was encouraged. Francois always checked for the
security of the clubs his children so loved, making
sure there were no police. The last thing he needed
was a scandal.

Francois had clubs of his own he attended. His law
firm had maintained a membership in a club back home
that catered to men with “special needs”, and there
were affiliates in New York City that welcomed him
without charge as reciprocity. While in France he
only went to his club weekly but in New York, without
his wife, he indulged his passion three or four
nights a week. He found the more he went, the more he

“Cheeky little bastard,” a man at the next table
muttered. Francois turned his head to see what was
up. He recognized the fellow from the newspapers, an
industrialist of some sort. Overweight, florid from
drink, a huge cigar smoldering in the ashtray next to
his cocktail. Clasped to the big swell of his belly
was a naked young boy, who could not possibly be more
than eight or nine, and the little fellow was rubbing
his face on the man’s breast, through his shirt. “I’m
sorry sir?” the boy apologized not knowing for what.

“Your little ass,” the man explained almost angrily.


“Well, it’s giving me another erection, boy! Do you
realize how long it’s been since I’ve had a proper

“No, sir. You are married I fear, yes?”

“Yes, damn women. Here, child, let us retire to a
room.” So saying the man stood, his pants tented, and
took the boy by the wrist and led him to a private
room. Alois and Francois looked at the cute little
butt, so pink and round.

“I hope he’s not endowed like you,” Francois told his

“Yes, papa. I think it would kill the boy.”

Alois was beginning to relax on his first visit to an
“All Gentlemen’s Club.”

He could still feel the heat of the entertainer’s
delectably tight young ass. Alois had surprised
himself by the almost immediate passion he had
developed for the boy. The concupiscent complexity of
feelings had overwhelmed him, making him spill hugely
and deeply.

“How did you like it?” Marie Suzette asked her
brother as they got ready for bed.

It was past midnight and Marie’s eyes were dark.
She’d been out “clubbing” herself with a man called
O’Toole. He was a wild and imaginative lover who
basked in Marie’s youth, insisting she go unadorned
to show off her illegal sexuality. She’d enjoyed
several partners in the preceding hours. Of course,
that made her hornier than ever.

Alois sat on the bed removing his shoes and looked up
to his sister who stood topless at the dressing table
holding her breasts up for his perusal. He smiled.
They were lovely.

“I fucked a boy up the ass,” Alois said. He stood and
undid his pants, letting them fall, then picking them
up and folding them and putting them on a chair.

“Oh Alois!” Marie gushed, “That’s wonderful,
wonderful! Did you like it? Did you cum hard?”

“Yes, it was very good. I was surprised at how good.
The boy was a bit older than me, three years older
maybe. He was almost like a girl, his bottom plump,
you know?”

“Yes, yes, tell me all about it!” Marie was
enthusiastic, for she had long wanted her brother to
start experimenting with other boys. So saying Marie
stepped out of her stained and terribly wet panties.
There must have been a cup worth of semen in their
crotch. Alois’ eyes alighted on her hairless pussy,
so maddeningly beautiful.

“It was so strange, Marie,” Alois said with deep
reflection. “You know how reserved papa can be? Well,
at the Club he was so different. He seemed younger,
more daring. He laughed easily, even told ribald
jokes. He was so charming with the other guests.”

“Papa is a very charming man,” Marie Suzette pointed

“Yes, yes, but…well, he was just so different.”

Marie wanted to know more about Alois’ experience.
“What was the boy like, the one you fucked? Did you
just fuck one?”

“Oh no, two. That boy and an older man. They call
them entertainers. And I tried to suck one but I
couldn’t get him to cum somehow, I guess I’m no good
at that.” Alois smiled despite the embarrassment of
that last statement. He stood up, now regally nude,
his penis thick and heavy against his thigh.

“Come here, Marie, kiss me, I want you,” he said.
Marie was resplendent with her high soft breasts and
her narrow waist. Her knees had lost their knobbiness
as she’d gotten taller. Brother and sister melted
into each other’s arms kissing deeply. The fragrance
of Marie’s hair excited Alois and his penis stirred.

They got in bed and pulled the covers and turned out
the light. Then Marie said, “Wait! I forgot to put
out my cigarette!” She got out of bed and her eyes
found the glowing ember in the dark and she went over
and stubbed it out.
Back in bed they cuddled and kissed and she said
“Alois I’m not going to fuck you until you tell me
all about it, everything. This is so wonderful! I’m
so proud of you!”

“Okay, okay, Marie,” Alois relented, preparing to
tell the whole story.


“It’s called Dante’s,” Alois began, kissing his
sister lovingly, stroking her hair. He turned to lie
facing her, his thickening member warm against her
slender thigh. “Papa showed the doorman a card and we
went in. It was dark in the foyer and a young woman
took our coats and hats. That was the only woman I
saw there.”

Marie put a small hand to Alois’ muscled chest,
clasping a nipple between her second and third
fingers. “Yes? Go on.”

“We were shown to a table and papa ordered us drinks,
which were served by a naked boy younger than me.
Almost all the staff and entertainers are young,
Marie. I asked Papa about that and he said most of
the guests want youth, but there were a few men in
their late teens or in their twenties. There was
recorded music and the air was redolent with the
smell of flowers. It was a very nice place. Quite
Georgian, I believe the term is. Ornate, fleur de
lis, that sort of thing, but definitely British in

“I want to know about the fucking,” Marie insisted,
her little cunt churning with excitement.

“All in due time, sister. You asked me to tell you
all about it, so let me tell it.

“Anyway, papa flagged over a waiter and said ‘Fetch
us two boys with erections, about twelve.’ I couldn’t
help but smile when papa said that. It was obvious he
has very definite tastes.” Alois chuckled in the
dark, one strong hand gripping Marie’s buttocks.

“So the boys came and we sucked them. Papa was very
ingenious and made his boy cum almost immediately,
wiggling a finger in the boy’s bottom. I tried as
hard as I could but for some reason my boy couldn’t
cum. His penis was small and wrinkly and more like my
little finger crooked than a real penis, I think. But
his testicles were so perfect, Marie, you should have
seen them. Like little candies. I will never forget
how they smelled when I sniffed them. I even licked
his hole!”

Marie shivered when Alois told her that. She rubbed
her head against his arm, snuggling under his pit,
nibbling the side of his chest.

Alois said, “My cock is completely hard now, Marie,
do you want to fuck?”

“No, not yet. Tell me more.”

“All right. Papa ordered I think five boys, almost
one after the other. He just sucked and sucked. The
younger they were the better, it seemed. He made them
all cum.

“Then an entertainer came over and offered me his
anus, to suck or perforate as I chose. I decided to
get it over with. I must admit, Marie, I felt of two
minds. On the one hand I was eager to dispense my
sperm, but on the other I felt it more appropriate to
seek out a girl for this use, you understand?”

“I know,” Marie consoled her brother.

“Anyhow, I mounted him, with him over the table. His
bottom was round like a girl’s, and he wore lipstick
and mascara. I think he was gay probably. I could see
spots of sperm on his anus and for the first time I
really looked at a man’s rectum. It was like a girl’s
I suppose, but a bit hairy, and this one had a small
protuberance on the left lower quarter of his bud,
very small. The tip of that was shiny and whitish,
and I wonder now if it might have been what they call
an anal wart?”

Marie thought about it, trying to remember health
class. She finally said, “I don’t know, Alois. I
don’t think I ever saw one of those. But you fucked
him, right?”

“Oh, yes! Most definitely. When he saw my cock he
smiled so happily. He acted like I was some kind of
god or something. I have to admit I haven’t felt such
power coursing through my veins since that night with
the witch Nonette.

Anyway, I greased him up with the compound that they
have on each table, and forced my penis into him, and
to my pleasure I was able to go in all the way on the
very first thrust. Papa watched me and gave me
encouragement. He said ‘Do not be gentle, Alois,
these entertainers are men, hard stuff, not like
those girls you use. Fuck him.’ I did just that. The
entertainer asked me how large I was and I could not
remember how to convert metric to British measures,
and papa told him ‘Eleven inches, and nearly eight in

I was grateful for papa doing that because at that
point mathematics was beyond me. The heat, the fit of
that entertainer’s bottom was truly more than I ever
expected. I came so hard in him I almost collapsed.

Marie was so excited she was chewing on Alois’
underarm hair, and her body shook with orgasm. She
actually pulled out one of his hairs with her teeth,
causing Alois to convulse in mild pain and squeeze
her head with his hard bicep.

“Marie!” he barked, “Oh God!” and he pulled her face
to his and kissed her, licking her nose, her eyelids.
“I want to put it in you, please!” he begged.

“Soon, Alois, soon, but tell me the story,” Marie
Suzette insisted.

“Papa said ‘When you finish with one you send him
away. No cozening and girlish twaddle, you have your
cum and get the boy out of your sight and then take
another. That’s the mark of a true man.’ So I bade
the fellow leave.

Actually, I was rather smitten by him, if you can
understand. It’s hard to explain. But yes, I sent him
away. Papa of course kept ordering one boy after
another. I was amazed at how much sperm he drank, and
the more he had the more he wanted. He was like a
hungry bear. Finally I asked ‘Papa, aren’t you going
to fuck someone?’ and he said ‘I’ve been waiting for
you to ask, Alois. Yes, now let’s go to a room
together and have some real fun!’

“And so papa and I collected our clothes and drinks
and went to a room called a ‘semi’. That means
semiprivate. Many of the guests like a cross between
the open groping of the salon and the quiet of a
private room. There were three other guests there and
six boys, ranging in age from about eight or nine to
sixteen. The guests were like us, well dressed,
refined. Papa pointed out to me the Swazi Ambassador
to the UN, whose cock is bigger than mine. He was
fucking one of the older boys.

I took a very pretty Negro boy who was a little
younger than me, and I sucked his cock. It was uncut
and rather smelly, but he had the most delightful
buttocks, so dark they were purple, and smooth as a
juniper jelly. His anus was almost white. When he
spurted in my mouth I was taken by surprise. I
swallowed it, and it was sweet. Not sweet in some
euphemistic sense, Marie, I mean actually sweet. I
understood what men mean when they talk about ‘the
nectar of the gods’. I sucked the boy again. Funny,
he never said a word the whole time.

“Papa meanwhile was kissing a little boy and stroking
his long hair, making love to him in a very
passionate way. He looked North African, Berber. Blue
eyes, dark skin. ‘Come watch,’ papa said and I got on
the floor to see better, while the boy sat on his
penis. I had never before seen a cock go into a male
anus at that angle, and I believe the child must have
done this a lot before because his aperture opened
easily while papa slid his manhood into him.

The little fellow was stretched open so widely I
could not believe it did not hurt and yet it must not
have, because he was whimpering and licking our
father’s chest and terribly excited. When papa came
it was very intense and the sperm bubbled out the
hole, unable to be contained. He was sunk all the way
to his balls in the boy. Papa swung him around so he
was facing me and his penis was maybe only an inch
long and hard as a little bean. I flicked my finger
over it and the boy whispered something and then
there was a little slickness on the tip of it. I
think he came.”

“Oh my God Alois!” Marie groaned, and she had three
fingers inside herself now.

“This is so hot!”

“There’s more,” Alois cautioned. “You wanted to hear
it all, yes?”


“I put my cock in the boy’s mouth!” Alois told her,
as the same time he inserted his middle finger in
Marie’s womb.

“You didn’t! You did! Oh, Alois, I am so happy for
you!” Marie had hardly dared hope for this. Though
more than two years younger than her brother, Marie
Suzette Gagnon was really the sexual dynamo of the
family, far more open minded than her brother, and
she desperately wanted to guide him to a carefree
life of unbridled bi-sexual promiscuity. Slowly her
dream was being realized, thanks tonight to her
father’s taking him to a men’s Club. It made Marie’s
little pussy quiver to hear her brother confess to
initiating a sex act on the one inch penis of a seven
or eight year old foreign boy.

They snuggled and kissed. Alois’ member was insistent
against her cunt and she let him push it in. Her
eyeballs trembled in the dark as he entered her
wetness. “You fucked another man though?” Marie
wanted to hear.

“Yes, I ‘ordered’, and how funny that sounds, it’s
like calling for a pizza or something, I ordered a
man. I said to the server, ‘Nineteen, white, eight
inches.’ Papa smiled at me like I was a professional.
In a trice there was a man there, just what I’d
ordered. His cock was hard. I told him to prepare for
an anal penetration and he just pulled open his ass.
It was almost funny, Marie. I fucked him and came.”

“Did you do it standing?” Marie pestered.

“Yes, why did you ask?”

“I always think of men doing it standing, I don’t
know why.”

“Well, that’s what happened. I spent pretty hard

Now Alois concentrated on his little sister. Her cunt
was like slimy warm rubber bands around his throbbing

Alois fucked her slowly and with intense devotion.
His open palm lay on her pubis, feeling his hardness
through her tummy. He continued the story: “So at
last papa was tired, and we decided to leave. On the
way out the girl gave us back our coats and hats and
we gave her a large tip. One hundred dollars. Papa
explained that all tips were divided among the
entertainers after the clients left, the girl at the
coat stand only got a dollar. So I gave her a ten-
dollar bill myself. She was very pleased by that.

“Then we stood at the door for the cab. Apparently
there is one cab company for that place. You wait a
bit but there is no judgment, you know?”

“I want to ride you, big brother,” Marie told Alois.

“Yes, do,” Alois sighed.

He lay flat on his back and Marie straddled his
broadening hips, his massive erection two thirds of
the way inside her stretched young pussy as she rose
up to peck his nose and lick his eyelashes. “Like a
pony,” he moaned.

“You’re the pony,” she corrected.

Alois lay dreamy and content. “That boy with the
mascara,” she went on, “Was he gay really?”

“I think he must have been,” Alois said.

Marie was not so sure. She was very skeptical about
male homosexuality. In her opinion, men were by
nature bi-sexual, and homosexuality was primarily a
feminine thing. But then again, maybe it existed.
What did she know, she admitted to herself, for she
was only a girl.

Nasty Alois, she thought, he is doing that thing to
me! Indeed, her brother was doing the one thing her
little body could not take without going into
continuous convulsions: he was licking and chewing on
her throat as she stretched out over him trying to
form wings like an angel and envelope his adolescent
manhood. Funny how of all the sex parts of her
oversexed body, this non-sexual neck of hers was the
most sensitive of all.

Each loving nibble rocked her, knocked the wind out
of her. Then he lifted her up with his powerful arms
and made her swelling bosoms depend over his mouth.
Rocking her about as surely as a mariner steers a
sailboat, Alois made both nipples conjoin between his
teeth, and pulled them taut. With all eleven inches
of his prick in her, she felt his upward thrusts. Her
whole body was stretch like a bow.

Now it happened to her, what had happened to Alois
once. Yes, a year ago in the village, when Alois and
Beatrice and Francine had gone out clubbing. That
night the three of them had met the ancient witch
Nonette, who took Alois into her womb and was
galvanized back into youth. Hundreds upon hundreds of
years old she had been, ancient, haggard, and

And when Alois and Nonette coupled the world had
stopped in its orbit and a cascade of light had
descended upon them. Now in this New York condo,
brother and sister fucking and in love, the light
shone down on them again. Alois opened his sleepy
loving eyes and beheld his sister’s radiance,
emanating an electrical effulgence.

“Please put your semen in me,” Marie Suzette begged


He reached up and took her shoulders and pulled her
down again, and bit her throat. He bled his sperm
into her.

“Oh my God Alois, you’re like a vampire!” Marie cried
out melting.


“Yes, fuck me.”

“The blood is the life!” Alois laughed, as Marie’s
left hand squeezed his balls, feeling them contract.

His ejaculation was of a strength hitherto unknown to
either of them.

In the morning Marie would awake and actually find
pooled blood on the sheet. She was not having her
period, as she always took her pills and skipped them
anyway. There was nothing wrong with her vagina. She
lifted Alois’ penis while he slept and with the
utmost gentleness opened his urethra. A tiny blister.
He had actually burst a cell from the intensity of
his ejaculation. Poor boy. Oh, dear sweet brother!

Marie curled up under the blanket with her hair
wrapped around her brother’s penis. Soon enough he
would wake.

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Is MAE ready for a gangbang

Not quit sure just where it started. But here we go. I'm a 55 year old man. and my wife MAE is a naughty chubby 50 year old women. and I must say. she loves to play a naughty girl. mae loves to get dressed up in her naughty and slutty cloths. and then go out with all her girlfriends. and I find it very hot and sexy of her out slutin around. and it makes for a great night for sex with her. MAE'S favorite position. is to lay on her back. with her head at the end of the bed. or layed out on our...

Group Sex
2 years ago
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Cindy and Alexandras Biker Gangbang

That Friday night when I got home from work, I wasn't expecting anything. Alexandra and I had no plans but I wished we did. Almost immediately after our first performance together at the gangbang bukkake club, Alex and I started living together at her beach house in Malibu. We had formed a deep bond as both friends and lovers. We were regularly invited back to the club, together or one at a time. We were favorites, with lots of fans. I had discovered that gangbanging is an addictive way of...

Group Sex
3 years ago
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Sethy Part Seven The Gangbang

AUTHOR’S NOTE – This story is partly fantasy, partly true. For best effect, read parts 1-6 before this part. The main character, Sethy, is based upon a real woman who is an active member of the XHamster community, and much of Sethy reflects the true woman. The photos included in this story of Sethy are of the real Sethy and are here with her permission. The photos of Linda were used with permission as well.This story is the property of the author and cannot be copied or used in part or in...

4 years ago
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A Completely Consensual Reluctant Gangbang

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = WARNING! All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Actions, situations, and responses are fictional ONLY and should not be attempted in real life. If you are under the age or 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you...

3 years ago
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Pregnant after her first gangbang

Introduction: Don and Fran have an unwanted pregnancy after their first gangbang. Don and Fran sat on the couch holding hands. Fran looked at the tester in her hand. It says positive. I think Im pregnant. The doctor had told them that the pill was not 100% foolproof. What should we do? Don answered, One problem is that we dont know who the father is. Based on the timing, this may have happened at the party we had a few weeks ago. Fran thought for a minute, Ya, that fits. That was a really fun...

2 years ago
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A Completely Consensual Reluctant Gangbang

The #metoo movement is helping to right many wrongs in our society, but it is also making it much more difficult for men and women to interact, especially in flirting or casual pickup situations. But modern technology is always ready to offer a solution to any problem.This is a story of a reluctant-style gang bang. All characters are over eighteen and all actions are completely consensual.  * * * * Janet Bryce felt the pendant on her necklace vibrate slightly and she knew that they were...

Group Sex
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My girlfriends first gangbang

Girlfriends first gangbang! Ok for those who haven't read my previous stories some quick background info:I live with 2 roommates a guy "Sam" and a girl "Nicky"I have a girlfriend "Sue" who doesn't live with me but is always around. Recently me and my girlfriend started trying out new things in bed which led me to become a bottom for Sam and Nicky became my mistress, also Sam fucks my girlfriend frequently with me sometimes watching or joining.The first part of the story is mostly talking so u...

1 year ago
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PornTrex GangBang

What’s up, you naughty little freak!? How’s that cock of yours been treating you? You know, some might consider me the greatest meat masher to have ever lived. Even so, I’m a proud advocate of cock health! There’s no use finding all the best porn content out there if you can’t use your cock to get off to it! So, consider this a friendly reminder from your old friend PornDude: Remember to take fucking breaks! Haha! You don’t want to be jacking off to the hottest sluts you’ve ever seen with scabs...

Gangbang Porn Sites
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Fatima tries a black gangbang

Fatima tries a black gangbang One week after fucking my friend Fatima, mi black lover Jerome called, telling me he wanted to fuck her again, but this time it would be a gangbang with another two of his mates.I called Fatima; she was excited as she told me she would love to be gangbanged by three black men. She told me her husband had discovered her affair with Jerome the night after the fucking session, because he noticed her cunt was very swollen and she was still sore when he tried to have...

1 year ago
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Sallys Motel Gangbang

For many years we had heard about the *** ******, a swingers motel in Denver. Then, on a ski trip to Colorado several years ago, we decided to see for ourselves. After checking in on a Friday night, we proceeded to our room. It was a standard room, with a king-sized bed and mirrors over the bed but no extra amenities. We had been told that nothing really happens in the room unless you first visit the large clothing optional pool and large hot tub in the main building. So we unpacked and got...

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Muslim womans first gangbang

Hafsah was a Pakistani housewife, who has become a whore to black men Partially to pay off her husband's debt and to make money and partially because she loved having her three holes stuffed with big black cocks. Hafsah had come home from her first threesome with Blake and Daniel in a mixture of pain and pleasure, their monster cocks had stretched out her pussy and hasd reached places her husband - Osman simply couldn't. Hafsah had been hoping to this time go from having a threesome with two ...

3 years ago
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Sissy CD TV Prison style GangBang

BBC Sissy Gangbang Part Oneby Fiona FuckedI want to hear from you about this email me: Bitch at Fiona Fucked dot com or check me on XhamsterNow on to the story. Let me set the scene.My name is Mike, as a "Gurl" I go by Fiona. I am a gay man, mid thrities,white, 5' 9'165, reasonably handsome, both in and out of women's clothes. One of theways I express my sexuality is to dress as a woman and get fucked byother men. Preferably in a humiliating situation, with several guys fuckingme.Just one of...

1 year ago
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My Wifes Creampie Gangbang

We were in the mood for a gangbang. Something to really take things to the next level, we had been in some groups and had guys over for DP sessions and love it. This was going to be big.I placed an ad on cl: Wanted, clean guys, healthy a must, cock size not as important as being skilled at fucking hard and being dominant. Must include stats, face and full body pic, voice verify before, will have a hotel room ready for the event, etc. The responses poured in, which wasn’t surprising given the...

1 year ago
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Birthday suprise Gangbang

Me and the wife have been married for about 18 years. we always have kept it spicy in the bedroom. role play, telling each other fantasies, etc. One thing that got us both aroused was talking about and watching gangbang movies. One day it just came to my mind why not try to see if I could arrange one for her. It was her birthday soon so I figured I would surprise her. after all is not like we had not talked about it so I figured she would enjoy it. I replied to a post of a gangbang group In my...

Group Sex
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Pimped out for my first gangbang

This story recounts the real life experience that lead me to my first gangbang and first time having anal sex. This story recounts the real life experience that lead me to my first gangbang and first time having anal sex. To re-cap I am an Aussie girl in my mid 30’s living in Sydney Australia. I am about 5ft7, size 10 and perky C cup breast. While I am happily married to an amazing man, I do have a naught little secrete, that is I meet up with other couples for sex, and I get paid to do...

Cheating Wife
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Grindr Gangbang

This is a fictional story of a fantasy coming true. I hope you enjoy! Comment what you think of it!I sat in my room on a Saturday afternoon, stroking my 5 inch cock to gangbang porn. As I edged to the tiny slut getting her holes filled I thought to myself “fuck I wish I was her!” The thought alone made my legs tense and my toes curl. My slim athletic build closely resembled the build of the girl in the video. I was like a scaled up version of her, with a penis of course. A naughty idea crept...

2 years ago
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wifes first gangbang

These events occurred six years ago just after I had just finished building a new video web site for a local pro-am porn actress and her husband. To celebrate the opening of their web site, they threw a big party and invited my wife, myself and our house mate to the affair being held at their home. We figured there would be some pretty wild going-ons. Our hostess had told me that besides the couples that were invited, several single guys would be there, including some of the black male actors...

4 years ago
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Posted by Anitaslut44Five big black cocks for me againI had met this huge black man named Marcus in a plane, several months ago.He had led me to a black gangbang with some of his friends; Victor agreed and I had enjoyed a nice night with all them, using and abusing my mouth, cunt and ass. They really had given me a screwing like I could never forget it.One of them was named Jones, who had a monster black cock so huge that I could not stand him in my asshole during that gangbang. Jones got in...

3 years ago
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A Jeri Gangbang

This is my recollection of a particularly memorable spontaneous gangbang I had some years ago. I hope you like it!As for the gangbang, I've decided to tell you about four guys and I. This happened a few years ago when my son was just two and just before hubby and I were married for the first time. I was walking on Main Street here in town with my son. He was just learning to walk and loved to wander up and down the street, showing off for people. He's always been a very personable little...

4 years ago
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wifes first gangbang

These events occurred six years ago just after I had just finished building a new video web site for a local pro-am porn actress and her husband. To celebrate the opening of their web site, they threw a big party and invited my wife, myself and our house mate to the affair being held at their home. We figured there would be some pretty wild going-ons. Our hostess had told me that besides the couples that were invited, several single guys would be there, including some of the black male actors...

Wife Lovers
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The Bridal GangBang

About a year after Roy had been dating me, he asked me to marry him. We were engaged for another year. After a lot of debating on the planning of the wedding, we finally decided to have a traditional wedding but with a little twist.It turns out the reason Roy was never jealous was because he was actually turned on by the thought of other men fucking me. I never knew about it until a night that we were discussing the wedding reception. He was really drunk, and out of nowhere, he suggested he...

Group Sex
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Czech Gangbang

I feel kind of redundant right now. I’m reviewing CzechGangbang and of course I’m going to try to do a very good job, but man… reviewing this place is like reviewing PornHub. What the fuck am I supposed to tell you that you don’t already know? Oh sure, I can pretend that you’ve never heard of CzechGangbang and maybe you don’t know the name, per se. But, this website and the CzechAV network are responsible for some of the most original and most enjoyable smut from the past 10 years or so. Don’t...

Premium Gangbang Porn Sites
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Pregnant after her first gangbang

Don was thirty-six. Fran was his second wife. He and his first wife were frequently involved in wife swapping and sex parties and they both really enjoyed it. After a ten-year marriage, she found a rich guy that wanted her. He could buy her fancy things and take her on world trips. That is what she wanted out of life. She took the two kids and moved out, leaving Don alone. The divorce was final in a few months. Don met Fran at the sub-division's swimming pool while waiting for the...

2 years ago
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Amys Second Gangbang

It had been two weeks since Amy’s first gangbang, and she was already desperate for another. Her boyfriend Tony simply could not keep up with her sexual desire. She talked of little else and Tony knew he had to make a plan. Amy’s last gangbang had lasted for four hours and had involved nearly 20 of Tony’s friends, but that was not enough for her, she wanted more, a lot more. Amy spent most evenings watching the video Tony had made of the gangbang. She would sit naked in front of the TV and...

3 years ago
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Clubhouse Gangbang

(Gangbang, BDSM, WS, Bisex, Humiliation, WomenDonkey, Slutwife). Well after my holiday with my mum and aunty to the Greek islands in September, my husband had been fucking me day and night. He loved me telling him about the night at the restaurant and how it had turned into a night of me being gangfucked legless. He liked to hear how I had begged for more cock, how the women had used bottles to fuck me, how they had whipped and pissed over my naked body, and lastly how the men had said they...

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Happy Birthday Gangbang

It was coming up to my birthday, the big four zero. Well, not exactly coming up to, it was still several months away. The thought depressed me. When you are young, you think of forty as old; past it, you wonder if someone that old even thinks about sex, let alone does it.In my case, I did, often, like twenty times a day for thinking about it, at least every night for either doing it or for using hands or toys to come. Once, I would try to do that in secret, hiding in the bathroom, or going...

Group Sex
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Lisa ndash A Slutrsquos First Gangbang

Lisa felt a little strange as she sat at the table with her Mom and Jack. There were several reasons things felt weird but the oddest was knowing that Jack was not her biological father. She had always loved him but their new relationship in some ways was even more rewarding. It had only been about a half an hour before when she and her mother had given him a joint blow job that had him blasting off like a rocket. The other thing that felt strange was the fact that she was wearing skin tight...

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Episode 73 Jennys Gangbang

Jenny sat behind the reception desk in the small-town hotel; it was near the end of her shift and nothing much had happened all day. It was too hot as usual - Jenny hated the hotel uniform of buttoned-up black top, heavy black skirt with black tights. She undid enough buttons to display a reasonable amount of cleavage and had chopped the crotch out of all the tights to allow a passage of air between her legs. Jenny had fucked the heating engineer last summer to adjust the air-con in the lobby...

3 years ago
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Wife first gangbang

My wife and I recently went to a swingers club for the weekend for her birthday. Friday night was gangbang night. We have always talked about going to something like that and my wife has never had a gangbang, although she does not like the term gangbang, she has no problem with having multiple men.We got to the club in the afternoon and checked into the room. We took our time relaxing before the night events. Then my wife started to get ready. She put on her black thigh high stockings, blue...

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Indira Bedi Ka Pregnancy Me Gangbang

Ye bat tab ki hain jab Indira Bedi pregnant thi aur vo pregnant hone ke karan uski sex ki pyaas puri nahi ho Rahi thi. Usne apne husband se bhi kaha par vo nahi mana use dar tha ki kuch galat na ho jaye isliye vo use blowjob bhi nahi deta that. Iske karan Indira sex ke liye tadap rahi thi aur tabhi uske husband ko kisi vajah se foreign jana pada 1 mahine ke liye. Indira ki sex ki bhukh din ba din badhati ja rahi thi. Ek din Indira sex ke liye bohot pyaasi thi lag raha that ki vo agar samne ek...

2 years ago
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My Gay Gangbang

This is the story when I was 20 years old. Now I am 24 years old. My name is Siddharth. Cute, white boy with nice buttocks. Please mail me at I was in my early 19. When I first had my gay encounter. I was traveling from Pune to Bangalore in a bus. I was seated beside 36-year-old guy named Manish. It was a night time. He introduced himself and we talked a little bit. I went to sleep early. After some time I found something caressing my thigh. It was Manish. I was loving it. I acted like I am...

Gay Male
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Sallys First Gangbang

It's after 5pm when I call home and tell mom that I'm pulling another shift. Megan called in. I tell mom to tell Scotty and Sally to bring me some dinner. Kelli gave me the keys to lock up, she said she had a hot date and needed to go home to clean up. I smiled and winked at her, then told her to be good and to behave herself.Scotty and Sally walked in a couple hours later. There were a few people in the shop, browsing, looking at the porn. Scotty gave me a kiss and my plate of food. ...

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Teacher Ke Saath BDSM Wala Gangbang

Hi guys,babes,bhabhis and aunties this is Ajit from Mumbai …. Lets get to the story without wasting your masturbating time . School khatam hone ke kuch saalo baad mein apni teacher asha se mila shopping mall mein … Asha ka figure 32-34-32 , gori , lambe baal kamar ke niche tak the aur wajan 50-52 kgs n height 5.2 hogi takriban aur age 36 years hai ….. Asha madam par bahot jano ki nazar this school mein . Maine oonhe dekh kar good evening madam kar ke wish kiya aur phir hum log baatein karne...

1 year ago
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Kellys First Gangbang

by Kelly Bundy "Wow," Bud said, still slightly out of breath. "That was great, Kel. You are such a hot little piece of pussy." We had been doing it doggy-style when he exploded all over my insides. With a grunt he rolled off of me, trailing a long sticky string of cum from the end of his dick into my cunt. Ever since I helped him pop his cherry two years ago, we would have sex when I was in the mood for something right then and there, but didn't want to bother going out or calling some...

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AEBN GangBang

AEBN is a high-quality website, a veteran in the market, and a connoisseur of what the wankers like. It has so much experience in the market that even your father has jerked off with some of its content.I know you like to see women of all types with big asses and big tits. But aren't you sick of seeing the same thing over and over? Tired of having to pay your hard-earned money every month to watch porn that doesn't suck? I think, unless you shit gold, you must be looking for a solution to...

Premium Gangbang Porn Sites
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Hollys 8 blackman gangbang

Bob handed her a tape measure and she placed it along it length and yes he was 9inchs long, Well there you are that’s the bench mark I don’t want any smaller than that so it would be nice if you are all as big as my Bobs monster’ Holly then started on the rest of them HOLLY’S’ 8 BLACKMEN GANGBANG! PART 1 Claire and me got talking about sex again last week at work & got on to ‘Holly’ Now Holly is the girl at work that all the lads would like to shag stupid, She is 21 &...

2 years ago
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First gangbang

Some people would call me easy. Others would call me a slut. I won’t deny being either. Most of what they say about me is true, I’ve sucked my fair share of cocks, been fucked by more than my fair share of men and even let a few of them splatter their hot cum all over my skin.However it had all been on a one on one basis. Some of those might have been one night stands, some of them might have had girlfriends, but the number of people involved always stayed at just two. Yet I’ll admit for just...

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My firs gangbang

Some people would call me easy. Others would call me a slut. I won’t deny being either. Most of what they say about me is true, I’ve sucked my fair share of cocks, been fucked by more than my fair share of men and even let a few of them splatter their hot cum all over my skin.However it had all been on a one on one basis. Some of those might have been one night stands, some of them might have had girlfriends, but the number of people involved always stayed at just two. Yet I’ll admit for just...

4 years ago
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Teen Gangbang

I want to tell you about how I became who I am today. I never intended for things to turn out this way but it's too late to change now. I am who I am! I still feel like the events of that Saturday night happened to someone else. It was like I was an observer, rather than a participant. If it hadn't been for the physical evidence and my very sore fanny the next day, I would have almost thought it was just a dream. My name is Alison. I was seventeen at the time the events in this story happened....

Group Sex
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Her First Gangbang

I’m not what you call a good girl. I quickly discovered that I liked sex after developing the kind of curvy body that made men want to have sex with me. I’m by no means a perfect ten. I’m more cute than hot, but I have an above average bra size, thick lips that I’ve been told look pretty good wrapped around a hard cock and a willingness to spread my legs. Some people would call me easy. Others would call me a slut. I won’t deny being either. Most of what they say about me is true. I’ve sucked...

Group Sex
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Her First Gangbang

I’m not what you call a good girl. Some people would call me easy. Others would call me a slut. I won’t deny being either. Most of what they say about me is true, I’ve sucked my fair share of cocks, been fucked by more than my fair share of men and even let a few of them splatter their hot cum all over my skin. However it had all been on a one on one basis until one hot summer night. I’m not what you call a good girl. I quickly discovered that I liked sex after developing the kind of curvy body...

First Time
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Devils Gangbangs

Are you horny as fuck to get off to all kinds of sexy as hell interracial gangbangs? I know you are mother fucker! It is not hard to guess what kind of shit gets you the fuck off. I see what you are doing over there, jerking off to the massive amount of interracial content that you have found on ThePornDude.Well, I have another site for you to add to the fucking pile – and this one is a premium porn site! If the idea of getting off to this kind of pornography is why you wake up in the morning,...

Premium Gangbang Porn Sites
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Shemale gangbang

It was amazing the difference it made. I got hit on so much. I guess tits were all I needed. I already had some hips. I heard it was because I have taken it in the ass so much. Whatever it was, the tits made me a hot woman. Well, except for my 8 inch cock. I would go all the way in the transformation, but I love to feel the cum exploding out of my cock. Guys hit on me so much and it was great because I love sucking cock. Most of the guys who hit on me got a blowjob to completion. They...

3 years ago
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The Bimbo Treatment Chapter 6 Bimbo Wifes Interracial Gangbang

Introduction: Alice is taken away by a pair of Black man posing as cops, but the busty, bimbo wife doesnt care. Shes eager to help the Black men and their friends. Today, the bimbo wife is gangbanged hard. The Bimbo Formula Chapter 6: Bimbo Wifes Interracial Gangbang by mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Alice I knelt in the back of the gray van, the shag carpeting lining the floor tickling my legs. I ran my fingers through the delightful fibers as the undercover cop, a handsome Black man with a...

1 year ago
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A very wild black gangbang

My Black Master called me that evening. He needed me for meeting some black friends, who wanted to enjoy a gangbang.Jerome said I would be not hurt. The guys wanted to tie me up; but everything would be fine for me. He finally convinced me, although I was reluctant at first, knowing he would not be joining the party…Two hours later he picked me up at home. I had told him previously, that my loving husband had gone on fishing with his friends for the full week end. He drove me to a dark...

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Mrsc a Soccer Moms Gangbang

NOT MY STORIES I FOUND EM ON A HARD DRIVE N THOUGHT I SHOULD UPLOAD EM..I am a 48 year old mom ; I am posting these stories in the order that they happened ; so for those that want to know specifics ; they have been changing all along . As you know my young friends gangbanged me in my first post and then I was introduced to the world of porn in my second post. I decided to quit my job 1 week after I appeared on stage at the adult club . My husband was upset but I told him it was not worth it...

2 years ago
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Emmys First Gangbang

Emmy’s First Gangbang. Emmy’s first gangbang happed a few months after we me Stephan. I had been back from Georgia for about 2 weeks when Stephan came over while Emmy was at work. He told me he had a surprise for Emmy that night. He instructed me to stock the fridge with beer, and take her out and get her drunk. After 2 months of fucking her while I was away Stephan Learned quick that Emmy got super wild when you got just the right amount of alcohol in her. On the way back to our apartment I...

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