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Sorry if this is confusing to some readers. But it is really a story within another story. And one has to be told to get back into the other.

I am telling Patti the story of what happened when I lived back on the farm/ranch at home. That’s what chapters 8, 9, and now 10 are about.

At first I struggled with even bringing this to light about anything to do story wise when living at home on the farm. But since it happened in the story about Patti and Toro and I alike, it must be told so the happenings here to fore in that story can then be told. Patti was so damn curious about this she drugged me to get me comfortable enough to tell it to her, so that is why this story is in that story.

I was still in my room bouncing from door to wall to window to see what to hell was going on and try to gain in my mind what was happening out there in that damn old barn of ours.

It suddenly occurred me that as my Momma had been coming back to the house she was holding her hands over her belly, it didn’t register with me when she and the other women had come to the house from the barn, but after hearing through the wall the women attending to mom and one saying it will be better in a few days, something had happened to Momma out there in that old barn of ours.

One things for sure it got awful quiet in our house, and looking out the window none of them women had left the house.

Oh I heard a few creakings of our old wood floors here and there, but that wasn’t anything out of normal, this old house creaked and groaned everywhere anyway.

Then my door opened and three middle aged battle ax looking old women came into my room, they came right over to me and seemed almost to surround me, and I asked if my Momma was o.k., they just laughed and snickered at me Patti.

Your Momma’s gonna’ be fine huney child said one of the women, I wasn’t paying all that much attention to any one of them just figured they were here to tell me my Momma somehow hurt herself and would be alright in few days.

Was I ever wrong in that thinking, as most of the time the way I digest things in my naïve mind I usually am wrong.

Suddenly one of them had grabbed me from behind catching my arms and twisting them back behind my back and holding me to her tightly, as I tried fight and struggle to free myself from her.

One of the ones charging at me from the front now and as I tried to kick that old battle ax looking bitch, she grabbed me by my long legs and now I was up off the floor one holding me from the back, and this one had me by legs and up into the air.

Then that third one came forth and stood there over me, saying you gonna’ love this huney child, as she brought some awful smelling rag right up and over my mouth and nose, I fought to not breath whatever to hell it was in but then Patti, I semi passed smooth out.

I know she pulled that awful smelling rag from my face and I swear it smelled like ether or something like that.

Oh I could hear everything I just could not try and free myself at all, my muscles and things just would not respond.

I was then being carried out of my room by these two women who had me in like a stretcher way and carrying me out of it.

Down the hallway and through the kitchen and out the front door and carrying me in my semi knocked out fashion across the yard and I knew towards that old barn of ours.

That one that was walking right along with the other two that were carrying me reached her hand up and put it onto my belly and was rubbing up and down on it, and said; “This ones sure going to be a challenge.”

She was going on talking I guess to them though I truly believe she knew I wasn’t fully knocked out and could hear her talking.

This ones sure gonna’ be a fine show for us all, and that little belly gonna’ swell out really really big she said.

Then went on telling them all, her Momma said she’d be good outstanding one for this and she sure was right.

Suddenly we were at the old barn and as that one that was rubbing up and down my belly was gone, and then I was taken through our small door that she had disappeared to go open.

They carried me in and put me on some table in our little feed room we kept all our grains and feeds in, and that table had never been in there before.

The two carrying me just tossed me right up on that table and I still could not even move a muscle but I could hear them and my eye sight was coming somewhat back though foggy figures and that light hung over the table, was no more than a glow through it.

Suddenly one of them was pulling my dress up over my head and not being able to feel my arms at all, it came right up over my head and free of it.

Next thing I know I feel some weird strange sensation way up in my belly as I heard that same woman saying to the others how I was good and deep, as that strange sensation seemed to suddenly disappear.

Now I saw some image of like a mask foggily right before me eyes and then darkness came. Don’t worry huney child that woman told me, they ain’t gonna’ know it’s you at all when you get taken in there.

Then I felt something though vaguely it felt in my mouth, my jaws felt like they would about rip from the sides of my cheeks. Good said that woman they ain’t gonna’ hear your voice or screams either huney child she said.

Now you just hold on a bit longer huney child and soon you gonna’ be feelin’ really good!

I don’t know what they did then Patti, but somehow a strange really wild sensation seemed to come from up under between my legs, and it was like I couldn’t feel it but yet it seemed to radiate and glow up through my body from there Patti.

That’s when Patti broke in to speak me and said; “Jackie what your Brother told me is that they gave you an outright Spanish Fly suppository in your ass!”

Going to tell me that giving something like that right into the anal cavity makes your body take it even stronger a dose feeling.

I guess that is really true, and I’ve heard the stories about people taking cocaine and such doing it anally to intensify it’s strength and affect It don’t matter but I guess that’s what they did in fact do to me.

It started to drive me crazy Patti, I went on to say and tell the story.

All my feelings and senses started coming back to me and all I could see at that point was darkness over my eyes and felt like some big ball was stuffed in my mouth and tied or held behind around my neck.

I began bucking my body about as horrid heat intensified all up through me from down there and up into my belly, I was starting to sweat like crazy feeling like my body was on fire Patti.

Then I heard that same woman tell them oh she’s hot and ready now girls, it’s time to take her to the arena.

I was then lifted up onto the table then slid off it onto my feet, and not being able to see a thing but total darkness I had no idea where my feet were except on the dirt floor of the room.

I felt my arms being lifted up and then one on one side, and one on the other held me up under my arms, and began helping me walk to where I had no idea.

Suddenly I could hear a whole lot of clapping, and whistling, and chanting out, as I was walked to where I had absolutely no idea.

Then they stopped and I alike as I felt them release me under my arms, as I stood there burning up with all this fiery hot heat all upside inside me and my pussy Patti was on fire inside.

Next thing I know Patti I was being leaned backwards until again I was held up and fully on my back feeling hands holding me up around both sides of my upper body and someone at each of my legs though I really think it was just two people and their two arms doing it.

Suddenly I felt some strange almost soft leather like thing pushing downwards from my neck to my back like it was a sling or a cradle of sorts.

My body was pushed up into it and then as I felt it had covered my entire back from my shoulders to right under my ass cheeks. My head fell back and I felt my hair fall and like flow out downwards.

A moment after that I felt my legs being raised up as they had fallen downwards and my feet felt the dirt floor where I was, as strange almost thick leather like things began to be slid up both my legs my feet feeling the rough leather around them both, as then did my lower legs, then up over onto my thighs they were being pulled until it collided with both my ass cheeks on each side.

My legs were then being spread wide open and apart and my knees were pushed upwards and outwards, and at the same time I felt my arms being grabbed and pulled outwards and felt these like straps being tied around my wrist and pulling my arms tightly out above me, as I felt both my lower legs from knees down being maneuvered.

My feet felt yet something else being pushed over them then I felt their hands on my knees and were pushing my lower legs down into something and suddenly I felt my legs being pulled even further apart and heard this like clicking sound and then like something on each side being locked down.

My thighs Patti were high above me it felt and spread wide out as they could go and I was like locked in this way and could not move them one bit at all.

Somehow at that point I felt left alone, like the woman had gone and left me like this.

But then like a thing was put under my head and I felt it being raised up and felt like it was high enough if I could have seen to be able look down my body.

I know I felt this thing go over my forehead and then became pulled very tightly and secured. As something like a wedge pillow like thing was pushed up under my shoulders making them and my head go further upwards.

Then again I felt left alone and abandoned by them all.

As right shortly after that I felt hands touching what was covering my eyes and keeping me in the total darkness and doing something there, and then I began to see just a tiny bit of light, and then more, and more light, as my eyes had close from the intensity of going from total darkness to now to high a bright light filling my eyes, and hurting somewhat. You know like looking right up into the sun on a hot summer day sort of thing Patti.

Finally after blinking my eyes many times I began to see clearer and clearer until at last I saw how I was done.

I was pushed up under something and then it dawned on me that I was under that same barrel looking thing I had found and then cleaned that morning.

A mask was over my eyes though I could see through each hole for my eyes, my mouth was wide open and stuffed with this like leather ball that was tied behind my neck and head as was the mask.

My shoulders were pushed upwards as that pillow thing under them had them that way my head pulled up so I could down my entire body and saw my legs spread wide open pulled up and outwards and my lower legs and feet were in these tubes that were secured to each side of that barrel I was slid under into.

My ass and leather chap like things around from just touching my ass cheeks and over my thighs and all the way down to where each of my feet and lower legs were shoved in these tubes and secured to the barrel.

But my ass was just right there at the very edge of the opening of that barrel almost pushed outside it I could see through the end of it like looking through a tunnel outwards, and saw all kinds of people sitting just feet away from where I was placed and tied in like this under this barrel.

I could not make out faces as all of them were wearing mask like Halloween ball mask of sorts, but they all were looking right at me and right at my pussy and my mound Patti. I could clearly see my mound of my bushy dark blonde hair clearly and perfectly and my clit area to Patti.

Then I saw all those people who were once looking down into this barrel and me secured up under it as I was tied and placed like this, look away to the side as I saw their eyes open wide in like awe or disbelief or something like that, and a couple women who were sitting right there in front shivered all over.

I heard all the gasping out of the entire crowd there to watch what to hell ever it was I had been positioned and done this way for.

I won’t deny Patti that I wanted fucked and whatever it was they had used on me had me primed and ready to explode with desire and want for it. My pussy was on fire and I needed fucked to put that fire out, but not like this, oh not in this way, it was to horrific Patti.

As then I heard it! OMG no I screamed out and tried to fight my way out of all this but no one could hear me except a muffled sound through that ball shoved in my mouth, I was tied up to tightly and securely to get away at all.

I was going to be fucked by some ungodly of a beast, a farm girls worst nightmare of a farm beast, I had seen these male beast mate before with like females of their breed, and it’s a horrible thing to watch!

Sure watching how it’s cock does and acts, and it’s wildly designed penis does indeed awe you to see it’s working about. But to be actually fucked by one OMG it’s horrible just horrible!

Then before me he was led as he was loudly grunting out, now standing there his huge head and snout merely a foot or so away from where I was positioned and tied up like this to be bred and fucked by him.

I horridly watched screaming and crying out, no oh please no don’t do this to me, but not a soul could hear it all just the muffled screaming cries and pleading echoing within the confines of that barrel over me.

He began sniffing with that huge snout and nostrils of his smelling my female scent, as ever louder grunts came from him as his owner now led him ever closer and then right at the top of that barrel I was under I heard something hit it, then two masked women stepped into view and right there almost touching my sprawled out and secured legs it came down over that opening.

A huge strap like somewhat of a much huger swing set seat it was as they took it and placed it up under his body right behind his big powerful front legs and then snapped the big chain that was put through the huge leather swing set seat looking strap.

Then back out of view those women moved as I heard what sounded like a chain hoist being spun about as slowly his huge front legs began to rise up with his huge neck and head going up as well fading from my view as the front of his body disappeared from view, and I could see his under belly now come into view.

Suddenly I heard his hoofs hitting the top sides of that barrel then heard them both begin to bang against the upper sides of the barrel sounding almost halfway up where I was positioned under in the barrel.

All I could now see was his huge thick under belly consuming every bit of the opening of that barrel where I was placed under as I heard his hoofs pounding and scratching against that leather thing I had cleaned and tried to polish this morning.

I could hear his loud grunting sounds echoing into this barrel I was inside of as I felt the entire barrel almost move and shake about with his struggling against the sides with his hoofs then heard and felt how he scooted himself forwards up there above me and saw his hind legs now coming into full view.

And OMG his penis, OMG his penis sheath and ball sack that looked like a huge pink flour sack hanging down filled with two huge cantaloupe sized balls, hanging so low and his being raised up like this they were mere inches from dragging onto the dirt floor.

That sheath of his looked like a scalbert for a sword, as closer, and closer, it all came towards my positioned pussy for it.

I was trying to thrash my head about and screaming as loud as I could but only could hear my muffled sounds themselves echoing inside that barrel.

Then I saw one of those women get down right there where his hind legs were planted looking up and paying attention to where his cock sheath was and my pussy then just backed away and rose up and left.

Suddenly he bagan to hunch his hind end at me and even worse my pussy as I saw that tip of his pink colored cock come out a half inch thick spiral screwed itself out though the flat part of it that thick, the spiral itself was more than inch in width and about itself two or so inches long spiraled right into another one that now screwed out and another one as finally 4 or 5 of them came screwing outwards from that sheath.

It now almost screwed right directly up into my awaiting and positioned pussy lips then as his hips bucked backwards that thing screwed itself right back up into his sheath.

Then another shove forwards as I was screaming and pleading and trying to thrash my head about only could not move anything one bit anywhere.

Now it screwed itself right back out with those spirals spinning wildly about making me shiver and tremor all over seeing how they did that and mentally picturing them screwing up into me and how it would feel.

Then it happened!

Spiraling outwards from inside that sheath they came screwing at my pussy and closer and closer and then the tip one started screwing itself into my pussy, OMG I tried to jerk and shiver and scream out as it twisted itself right into my pussy spinning ungodly feeling, spinning inside me Patti!

It felt like a hot spinning around squishy feeling screw was being screwed up into me, oh how it itself spun around inside my pussy as I watched each and every damn one screw up into me, oh my pussy then there orgasmed Patti!

All my screaming and thrashing and crying out for it not to happen those spiraling about things were beyond what I can describe to you in feeling, but it so unbelievably mind blowing as you feel your pussy spinning and being done that way by those things.

Then further, and further, and further it screwed up into me it wasn’t like a hugely thick cock makes a your pussy feel when it stretches you out oh no but that spinning and screwing up into you makes you blow your mind with intensity.

I felt that thing screw halfway up into my belly oh it was to much to handle and take feeling wise as I screamed out, but this time it was the mind blowing feeling that screwing and spinning up into you cock feels, and my scream Patti was from the intensity of it.

Then it seemed to stop screwing up into me I felt it way up into my navel nearly at that point, and then hot I mean almost scalding your insides hot squirting out liquid began to shoot everywhere, and I mean everywhere up inside me and it felt like a loose blowing about fire hose was inside me beating and banging against my pussy walls in all directions and every way imaginable way that scalding hot cum was blasting against my the very back of my pussy like a super high pressured power washer inside you.

Oh hell no that did not indicate the end of it, oh hell no that was just the beginning of it as he thrust those huge back hips forwards again it screwed up into me so far it hit the back of my pussy and with hot hose spraying it was doing against me there I orgasmed, no Patti I didn’t orgasmed, I GUSHED! I SQUIRTED!

Those damn spirals wrecked up against the very end of my pussy crushing into each other exploding outwards into a big wadded up ball there and that hot spraying against everything inside me was to much Patti, I passed out!

When I finally came back around I was screaming as loud as I could in the pleasure of what he was doing inside me with that spiraling and spraying hog cock, then I felt something give, OMG did something give, and a spiral that very tip spiral began screwing something open and again I screamed at the intensity of it doing it as it went through it and each one in succession screwed through it as even deeper up in me I felt it.

Oh I felt it spraying that hot scalding cum up now and directly into my little womb as it began filling me, and filling me, and filling me more with that cum as a tight full feeling began to be felt up around my belly.

It was so scalding hot and filling me more and more and my little belly Patti began to grow outwards as it pressured me up unbelievably so inside my womb blowing it out like a big balloon blowing out up inside your deepest depths way but hot OMG HOT.

As further and further and further my belly swelled out the pressure getting so bad it began to hurt me, then something really weird happened I mean really mind blowing fucking weird happened.

This hot and I mean melting hot like almost damn candle wax melted hot, and it felt just like that to whatever to hell it was, it felt like I was getting pumped full of hot candle wax!

Then as it screwed up into me like that Patti it screwed back out of me just like that but my belly didn’t go down? Why didn’t my belly go down?

Oh the screwing out was just as intense as all that screwing in was and I screamed out and had yet another mind boggling gushing, squirting, orgasm and again so intense it was Patti I again passed out.

When I came around again he was out of me and he was gone. Loud clapping echoed and filled that barrel my eyes seeing how my belly was swelled out so much and all that hot molten lava feeling cum was still churning about inside my ballooned out womb I was screaming and all but crying from how it was all but scalding my womb.

Now the same women came back and began to free my wrecked tortured fucked beyond belief body from the things I was put into, and once everything was freed and they began pulling me from inside the barrel as people were leaving now as they had me stood up and my belly swelled out like I was pregnant with piglets inside me!

They helped me limp my way back to the house and took me to the bedroom and lay me upon my bed and told me; “Huney Child you’ll be swelled out like this for a couple days, then that seal will break and your little swelled out belly will go back like it was before he fucked you!”

OMG I screamed out to Patti, a boar hog fucked me Patti! A boar hog fucked me Patti!!

Now the story was over and is over now for this part of it.

We lay there together like this and my story had Patti so worked up she had to finger herself to satisfaction, me I was still to damn out there to care one bit about my pussy now. Why should I? I FUCKED A BOAR HOG!



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Then out of nowhere when she was as tipsy as I was, Toro wakes up. Patti sat there in her chair legs spread wide apart, the loose cottony shorts opened, for a clear view of her now cleaned up blonde haired mound. Oh her pussy was absolutely viewable by me sitting right across from her, on the couch, with her legs thrown over each arm of her chair, One could not help but see it all as I looked at her. Being so lost in her thoughts, she just wasn’t aware of just how...

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Toro was knotted in her big and hard, Patti was screaming in anguished pain and pleasure all mixed together, grunting loudly each time I saw his huge ball sack jerk as he shot her belly fully of his hot cum. Patti was writhing about in the pain/pleasure of it all, to far encased into the sexual pleasure of it all to say anything as yet. I sat there and watched this horrid thing happening between him and her, thinking in deep thought how I was going to end this going on as it had...

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The sexual tension in the kitchen was at a bomb exploding height, for Patti and I alike, and no doubt by how Toro stood there where he was sniffing from one direction to the other, our female scent had to be outright filling it. Both she and I alike had to have our mixed drinks, to dull our minds from hiding our desires, and open the gates for things to happen. Patti again got up and took our now empty glasses and refilled them with the courage water we both needed and had to have in us for...

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Now she and I alike were both fully naked, she standing up me laying back on the bed as she came and sat down first then lay back along with me and propped herself up on her right arm on her chin and cheek, leaned over me looking again right into my own face and eyes. Just laying there like that looking me directly in the eyes she said; “Jackie how do you feel?” I replied to her I felt so utterly fantastic. Good that’s super good Jackie she replied to me. Then she said; “Jackie are you...

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THE STORY BEING TOLD TO PATTI That morning I began to tell Patti, I woke up and it was early as always around our farm/ranch house anyway. It was a Saturday morning and we all had chores to do and especially today, because Daddy and Mom had last night told that we would have guest later on tomorrow as they told us last night. Now for Dad and my brother that meant feeding the cattle and horses and other...

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After finally coming around from the affects of the drug Patti had given me and to sleeping that night both of us naked as could be cuddled and snuggled up to each other. I of course wake up early go into the kitchen having put my nightie back on and getting coffee and breakfast going for she and I. Sleepy head comes into the kitchen rubbing her eyes and goes and gets her a cup of coffee as we both sit at the table,...

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THE STORY BEING TOLD TO PATTI That morning I began to tell Patti, I woke up and it was early as always around our farm/ranch house anyway. It was a Saturday morning and we all had chores to do and especially today, because Daddy and Mom had last night told that we would have guest later on tomorrow as they told us last night. Now for Dad and my brother that meant feeding the cattle and horses and other...

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After finally coming around from the affects of the drug Patti had given me and to sleeping that night both of us naked as could be cuddled and snuggled up to each other. I of course wake up early go into the kitchen having put my nightie back on and getting coffee and breakfast going for she and I. Sleepy head comes into the kitchen rubbing her eyes and goes and gets her a cup of coffee as we both sit at the table,...

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The sexual tension in the kitchen was at a bomb exploding height, for Patti and I alike, and no doubt by how Toro stood there where he was sniffing from one direction to the other, our female scent had to be outright filling it. Both she and I alike had to have our mixed drinks, to dull our minds from hiding our desires, and open the gates for things to happen. Patti again got up and took our now empty glasses and refilled them with the courage water we both needed and had to have in us for...

5 years ago
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Now she and I alike were both fully naked, she standing up me laying back on the bed as she came and sat down first then lay back along with me and propped herself up on her right arm on her chin and cheek, leaned over me looking again right into my own face and eyes. Just laying there like that looking me directly in the eyes she said; “Jackie how do you feel?” I replied to her I felt so utterly fantastic. Good that’s super good Jackie she replied to me. Then she said; “Jackie are you...

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Sister in law I want to fuck Part 5

Characters Jane Sister in law, Rod Jane's man, Joe me Jane's bro in law, Dave photographer, Angela Dave's wife, ( not in this partBank Manager, Dan solicitor, Jim business owner, Mary wife of Mark, Mark business owner.)If you haven't read earlier versions of Sister in law I want to fuck you might enjoy it more if you go the start and read each part in order. But you might be like me and pick things up quickly lol.About two weeks after Mr Japan was in town, Jane got a call from Angela. “I'm...

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Sister In Law Fucked With A Cucumber

Hi all this is Vinay from Gwalior here presenting you a story about an actual incident that happened with me a year ago with some added flavour. So here the story goes. I am studying currently in MITS College Gwalior. A year ago when I had my summer holidays and I went to Mumbai to meet my sister. She is married having a cute girl baby. She lived with her husband who worked in army, so he rarely show up her father in law and her husband’s sister Mona. I went to Mumbai for the first time so...

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Sisterinlaw Helps Out

Even though he's been married for almost a year, Tim is horny most of the time and jacks off in front of his computer quite frequently. He loves his wife. They grew up together, have always been best friends and are compatible in every way, except sex. Tim has the libido of a healthy 26-year-old male, but unfortunately his wife, Sharon, was raised to believe that sex is dirty and disgusting, something only done as a monthly obligation. It was drilled into her, from the time she was old enough...

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SisterinLaw enjoys panty attention from her BiL

I was spending the weekend with my sister and brother-in-law and their two c***dren in New York City. I had come down for a good friend's wedding, but had decided to make a weekend of it and spend some time with my little nephew and niece who I seldom got to see. The day following the wedding, my sister and I set out early with the k**s to go shopping. I had intended to accompany them to swimming lessons at around noon, but I was so tired and hungover from the wedding that I decided I'd better...

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SisterInLaw Is My Best Friend With Benefits

Never feel helpless because humans feel pity for other humans who are in pain and help them out. Here, things go a bit further than necessary. This event takes place when the boy named Rithvik returned home from the hospital after getting treated for the injuries caused by an accident. He had a fractured arm, bruised palms, scraped knee. Injuries to his both hands were extensive. So, he needed assistance for most of his daily work. His father helped him in his necessary tasks such as brushing...

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SisterInLaw And Niece Fuck My Brains Out 8211 Pt 3

On our way back to Anu’s home, I stop at a medical store. Anu: Why are we stopping here honey! Me: Because, I don’t want you sluts pregnant. I go to the pharmacy and get two i-pills and then we drive back home. I keep the i-pills in the refrigerator for later use and we sit on the sofa. Vaishali is again in heat and sits cross-legged on my lap, kissing me hard on my lips while grinding her crotch on my dick. I get turned on by her aggressiveness and kiss her back, equally passionately and my...

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Sister in law visit

My sister in law recently came to visit my wife and me to visit my father in law who is in a nursing home close to where we live. I am white American and my wife and her sister are from the Philippines. They have lived in the US for many years but still have accents. My wife has gotten a little chubby while my sister in law has an amazing body that she keeps in shape by working out and her job is a nurse which keeps her on feet a lot. She is a natural flirt and likes to wear clothes that are...

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Watching my brotherinlaw fucking my Mother Par

"Ashley, whatttt? my mum gasped. "Aunty, please undress. I want to see you naked" Ashley groaned. Mum just lay on the floor for a moment. Then, still panting, she got up and started stripping. Within minutes, she was standing in front of her son-in-law, totally naked. Both our eyes bulged as we took in her body (though he had the better view). From the side view, I could see her curvy long legs going up to a round full arse, up to a slightly hairy back (she's Indian remember). Her left boob...

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Sister In Law Dreams Come True1

I'm a 30 year old male, married to my 25 year old wife, who has an older 35 year old sister. My wife and her sister are very similar with their looks and physique. My wife is around 5'6" of slim athletic build, her sister is slightly shorter, say 5'4" and quite petite. We have holidayed with my wife's sister on several occasions over the years so I've gotten to know her body quite well, seeing her regularly in a bikini and summerwear. Given that she looks so similar to my wife, I...

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sister n law fuck

I heard thru my mife that Jenn and Dana along with Jenns friend Liz were all going out to dinner and to talk about her behavior. I myself am a pervert who has tried to see my sister in law naked and has made dirty phone calls to her and her friend Liz from pay phones. I just cant help myself. I told my wife I was playing cards and I would be home late. I took my sisterin laws keys to her place and thirty minutes later I found myself in her apartment. Waiting...... 1 Hour later I was naked in...

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MotherInLaw Sex Pt 2 Grandmother Love

After our first encounter, that very pleasant sex together in the bathroom, I guess both of us were unsure how to behave in the days after, especially when my wife and sister-in-law were there to again make us into a Family of 4. I decided to try and be as natural as possible, though perhaps my wife wondered why I didn’t attempt love-making as often as previously, her rebuffs so constant these days and nights that I truly did promise myself I would become celibate! Well, celibate with my...

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sister In Law

Oh my sweet sister in LawI read a number of stories about how guys have a fling with their younger and old sister in laws. How they enjoy fucking other member of their family and how hot they are compared to their wives. But my story is truly true and to this day I still can’t believe what happened between us. It started when I was dating my wife and we went to visit my now sister in law in another town , My wife and I had not been sleeping together so I got to sleep on the couch in the family...

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Sister in Law Massage

About 5 years ago, I was home watching TV when my sister in law called and said she was coming by to catch up on a few shows we had on DVR. This was not out of the ordinary for her as she was always stopping by from time to time. I let her know that her sister (my wife) and my daughter were out for the day visiting the library, doing some school shopping and had a play date with a friend from across town and wouldn’t be home until later that evening. When Sarah called, I was a bit bummed...

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A daughterinlaw stumbles on a videotape of her fatherinlaw which results in a family fuckfest

My husband’s father, Ed, had been a widower for three years. He realized his house was too much for one person so he asked us to move in and he would live in a “mother (father)-in-laws” apartment he had built as part of the house. Dad, as I called him, was retired. Leading a very active life, he ate several meals a week with us but for the most part was independent. I enjoyed being with him as he was intelligent, had a great sense of humor, knew how to treat a lady and frankly...

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Watching my brotherinlaw fucking my Mother

It began when my b*o-in-law Ashley came to stay with me and my mother for a week. Although older than me at 30, Ashley was an attractive man who looked 10 years younger . He was a successful businessman, married to my sister, although they didn't spend a lot of time together unless it was at the office (she also worked part-time at his firm). Although at the beginning of the marriage she was not happy with the hours her husband worked, once his company became profitable, she got to enjoy the...

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SisterInLaw Lost Her Virginity To Her BrotherInLaw

Hello Friends, I am Razib (name changed), 37 now living in abroad (Malaysia) for two years. I am going through this blog since I am in Malaysia. Since now I have read many stories here. Many of them feel fake & revolting. Now I am sharing my own which is real. Name of the character is changed for security. As this is my first time writing it may not be in proper narration but I shall try my best to make you understand. May be this story will little bit descriptive. But please have patience. Now...

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sister in law catches me

My sister in law is 46 years old she is a size 14 to 16 with dyed mousy blonde hair cut in a bob to her shoulders and size 36b tits that droop slightly.I have always fancied her and imagined what she would look like naked does she shave her pubes? Does she let it all grow? Is she dirty in bed? What turns her on? And thankfully I now know. It all started a few months ago Jane was stopping at our house my wife went upto bed but Jane and me carried on...

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Mother In Law Asked To Fuck My Father In Law

Hello readers, I am Sultanasinha, aged 36 male from Patna back with 50th story. The story has been sent by Latha to be published on ISS. If you like, the story, please send your comments via mail or The story, which I am going to narrate, took place after four years of my marriage. My first child was 2 years old at that time. Our small family consisting of yours truly, husband and a baby was staying at Bangalore. Husband’s parents visited us and decided to stay one month with us. I was still...

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Sisterinlaw 1

One morning while we were at the table eating breakfast my wife, Kat, told me, "My sister and her two girls are flying in this weekend and staying the week. John (Her husband) was going deep sea fishing with his buddies and she did not want to stay home alone for the week. " I looked at her and groaned miserably. My sister-in-law and I get along great the farther away she is from me and I do not have to talk to her. She is always complaining about something stupid, and because of her OCD,...

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Sister In law

I have written some of this before and the internet crashed and I lost all the Info.I will make it short. I have had a sister in law who has flirted with me over the last few years, She enjoys flashing her panty covered pussy to me in exchange for some repairs to her house or car. I enjoy this and tend to make the job last longer "nothing like a camel toe in your face to slow the job down"I have jerked off to the images in my mind of my sister in law squatting in front of me while I change a...

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sister in law

I have been married for 5 years and the whole time i have had the hots for my wifes 16 year old sister. She is adorable. Around 5'-5", shoulder length dirty blonde hair, 34c breasts (i know this cause i peeked at her bra tag in the hamper), cute little bubble butt and very nice legs. She has been a bit of a tease for the past couple of years. Never being over the top sexually teasing, but she started dressing a lot more provocative. Her parents are divorced so she lives with her mom in the...

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Preachers Daughter Chapter 13 and Preacher Sucks

My wife, Charlotte, thought it was very nice and thoughtful for Jaimie, the 23 year old preachers daughter now moving with us, and unknown to my Mrs, Jaimie was carrying my baby, "Jaimie, thank you for all you did around the house today, but you know, you are not our slave, are our guest!" If my wife only knew, that Jaimie was "my slave" and number #1 cum slut.Charlotte was always wild in bed when alone or away in a hotel or when our k_ds were not home, date night always got me plenty of hot...

5 years ago
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Sister In Law And Niece Fuck My Brains out Part 8211 1

Hi, I am Sri, 32 years of age. Sharing a story about how I fucked my sister in law, Anupama, and my cousin sister, Vaishali a few years back. My cousin brother got married a few years back to a beautiful and hot girl. She is about 5 feet 1 inch but a beautiful face with big eyes and a nice smile. She is about 34-28-34 and age 23, so you can imagine how sensuous she is. No extra fat with a navel that’s soft and inviting. After her marriage with my cousin, Anupama was friendly with me and was...

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Sister in Law I want to fuck Part 8

This will possibly make more sense if you start at Sister in Law I want to fuck Characters Jane Sister in law Rod Jane's man Joe me, Dave photographer, Angela Dave's wife, Bank Manager, Dan solicitor, Jim business owner, Mary wife of Mark, Mark business owner Prudence (Pru) Jane's nosey neighbour. Jane's neighbours: Lucy, Diana, Joan, Penelopy, Louise, Victoria. This is fantaseyJust then the door of the bedroom was filled by Mary, Jane, Mark, Rod & Me (Joe). “Pru you are doing well. Jamie,...

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Bother in law fucking my Mother part2

Watching my brother-in-law fucking my Mother - Par "Ashley, whatttt? my mum gasped. "Aunty, please undress. I want to see you naked" Ashley groaned. Mum just lay on the floor for a moment. Then, still panting, she got up and started stripping. Within minutes, she was standing in front of her son-in-law, totally naked. Both our eyes bulged as we took in her body (though he had the better view). From the side view, I could see her curvy long legs going up to a round full arse, up to a slightly...

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My Father in law mistakenly fucked me in the dark

Aunt mistakenly fucked by FIL How my Aunt’s FIL mistook her for his wife and fucked her in a brutal wayHi, FRIENDS this is Nalini again, Thanks for the wonderful response I got from you people for my story “Aunty seduced by her Nephew”, urged me to start my new story of my Jaya Aunt which happened in her earlier days of marriage. I a simple house wife residing in Bangalore and newly married having a satisfied sex life with my husband.The story I am going to narrate now is...

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Bother in law fucking my Mother

Watching my brother-in-law fucking my Mother It began when my b*o-in-law Ashley came to stay with me and my mother for a week. Although older than me at 30, Ashley was an attractive man who looked 10 years younger . He was a successful businessman, married to my sister, although they didn't spend a lot of time together unless it was at the office (she also worked part-time at his firm). Although at the beginning of the marriage she was not happy with the hours her husband worked, once his...

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My mother inlaw introduces me to leather 1

This is a true story about how my love of leather and crossdressing all started.. Its also my 1st time writing a story so I hope you enjoy it.My name is Matt I'm 31 years old and in a relationship with a beautiful girl called jess who is also 31. We have been together for 7 years now and been living together for 5 of those years. Now let me start by telling you that my partner jess is an only c***d and her father passed away when she was very young. So needless to say that jess and her mum...

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Sister in law panties

This story is one that has been building for a long time. It was very early in my marriage that I realized that there was an attraction between my sister-in-law and myself. The first experience that I had was when we were invited over to her house for a Christmas get together. I had taken up a seat on the floor with my wife while the gifts were being distributed. As I was enjoying watching the gifts being opened by my in-laws family. I looked around the room... and I realized that I was about...

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My mother inlaw introduces me to leather 2

Continued from part 1.....As I looked at my mother inlaw (Sarah) her leather clad body still straddling my cock... my mind was in overdrive.. I couldn't believe what has just happened.. Have I really just had the most erotic filthy sex with my gf's mother and blew my load inside her 48 year old pussy. As I composed myself and realised that I wasn't dreaming.. it really has just happened. At this point although I was still in heaven and was as horny as ever the guilt started to set in and I was...

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sister-IN-LAW My sister-in-law had just finished her stint in the Army. She had been stationed in France for the last four years. Now that her time was up, she couldn't wait to come back to the States and see her family once more! Of course that meant coming to see her sister and I who lived in California. My name is George and my wife's name is Ann. We have been married for ten years now and have become home nudists. California happens to be hot during the summer and air conditioning is...

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Sister Catherines Nighmare CAW 13

This was such an exciting time for Sister Catherine. She was a newly initiated member of the Sisters of The Divine Blood. She had always felt herself drawn to a life of worship and service. Her devoutly religious Roman Catholic parents had instilled in her a love of the Church at a very young age. A beautiful and intelligent young woman, she had been sheltered from many of the temptations of youth and this gave her a innocent quality others found endearing. She had been posted to the...

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Sister in law Hot Tub

I’ve been married to my wife for several years, but every time she came over, I’d make it a point to see her. Didn’t really matter what the weather was, she would always be wearing yoga pants or tight leggings. On rare occasions, short jean shorts. One afternoon we got a call from her asking if we wanted to come to the pool at her apartment complex later that night and use the hot tub. My wife originally said no, but I was able to convince her otherwise and we headed on over. When we...

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sister Fucks Her 4 brothers Patr 3

sister Fucks her 4 brothers, Part 3.This is my first lesbian story, believe it or not, but the “sister Fucks her 4 brothers series will continue on from this one. I hope you enjoy it and look out for part 4Cheers.Two nights after Judy got the fucking she needed from all four of her brothers she was invited to dinner by Mal’s wife Cathy.She loved Cathy and they had a lot in common. For one thing they are the same age and she saw Cathy as a very attractive woman. Every time the family get...

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Sister In Law Massage Part 2

My sister in law, Sarah, was completely blowing my mind. I watched her nubile 27 year old body hop into the shower. Just minutes earlier she had swallowed my cock completely and begged for me to cum on her face and down her throat. Nothing could’ve prepared me for that, let alone her inviting me to shower with her. I decided I’d better get in there quickly. I didn’t want to miss a thing. I stepped into the bathroom and through the shower door I stopped and admired Sarah’s body once...

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