Zania Pt 1 free porn video

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Dr Leggit seemed the last hope for the family. They already had power of attorney from the courts as Zania couldn’t make decisions for herself. They had put her in re hab three times but it had done nothing for her. Every time she came out she relapsed in weeks, picking up with a succession of low life boyfriends who loved that she loved BDSM, being whipped, degraded and everything which sent her spiralling down until she was so degraded degrading her wasn’t fun anymore.

She needed someone to love her for herself but she was so low that she had next to zero personality. She also had anorexia, tattoos up her arms and legs and the hair shaved off one side of her head, and incidentally one side of her pubes, and a wide variety of nose, tongue and ear studs, listing only those you could easily see, not counting the nipple rings and labia rings. She wasn’t exactly Hello magazine front page material.

Dr Leggit ran a retreat away up in the hills away from town, an old property with forests and a lake, even his office was part of an old ranch maybe ten miles off the highway down a dirt road through the forest. The Duroes drove carefully over the rutted track avoiding tree roots which rocked their cheap Ford Focus sedan around like a top in a whirlpool. They parked where it said “Visitors”

Dr Leggit welcomed them into his office, putting out his cigar as he did so. He wiped the ash off the papers on his desktop. and invited them to sit down. His white coat had seen a few days since it was last laundered and his shoes weren’t exactly sparking, the whole place looked run down and run on a shoe string.

“So Doc what do you think you can do?” her Dad asked.

“Take em back to basics,” Dr Leggit replied, “To where what they do don’t matter a fuck, if they wanna do it then let them, they soon get bored because there ain’t much they can do, not with plastic plates and no sharp knives or pencils even.”

“You really a psychiatrist?” Her Mom asked.

“Trick cyclist, hell yes, Unicycle, Penny Farthig, Electric trials bike, all in a days work,” he replied, “You were joking right?” He paused, “Here look my credentials, cost five hundred dollars to have these faked, you’re not expecting Harvard standards for a Wal Mart sticker are you?”

“Well, I don’t know.” Her mom said awkwardly.

“Look lady I get results, loads of testimonials,” he insisted rooting through a load of clippings in his drawer, “Shit treatment for Nickle and Dime price, still she survived, That’s my favorite,” he joked, maybe joked. “What do you expect for five hundred dollars a week with an opportunity for her to earn some tips to off set it?” “Hell you wouldn’t get a motel room for that down town.”

Dr leggit stared at the couple. A Secretary with a winning smile, legs up to her armpits and a body right out of vogue stepped into the room. “Excuse me Dr Leggit,”

“Fuck the fuck off I’m busy,” he said brusquely.

She shook her head, smiled sweetly, and left them to it, “She’s coming along nicely that one.” he opined, your kid could maybe do the same, maybe not, anyways round we’d have a job to make her worse.”

Zania grinned, no way would her parents leave her in the hands of this sham of a fraudster, and she was wrong, the checking accound always has a closer bond than wayward daughters.

“Just a fortnight to begin with,” Zania’s mother suggested, and her Dad agreed, though never seeing her again would maybe have been a better deal with three more, sort of normal, daughters to bring up.

“Holy shit you cannot be serious,” Zania spluttered.

“Let me see, John Mackinroe, nineteen ninety seven Wimbledon London?” Dr Leggit replied, “I really like those old quotes.”

“No,don’t be stupid Daddy!” Zania squealed but her Dad had already put his sugnature on the release form.

“AmEx OK?” he asked.

Dr Leggit waved him away, “Pay when you collect her we can offset any tips that way.”

The Duroes went to leave. Zania really freaked, she tried to leave with them so Dr Leggit had to grab her round the waist and wrestle her away from the door to let them pass. Zania struggled but fairly quickly she realised he was stronger than her and escape would have to wait.

Zania calmed down. “You can’t keep me here!” she shouted.

Dr Leggit ignored her, “Actually I can,” he replied after a moment or two, “So let’s discuss your treatment, you self harm?” Dr Leggit suggested?.

“So?” Zania queried.

“A Strait Jacket will cure that,” Dr Leggit laughed, “Yes Strait jacket and 24/7 public service TV.” He aleady had a Strait jacket in her size, “All you have to do is decide on your accomodation, come and see the different choices.”

Zania had little choice but to follow him out to the back, “Here is standard,” he announced, showing her basically a horse stable stall with a table for food and drink bowls, and a TV. He pointed to a closed door, “That’s deluxe, but five hundeed dollars a week won’t buy that,” he said and finally he showed her the basic, like a broom cupboard. “That’s basic."he explained.

“You can’t even turn round in there,” she protested.

“Yeah but it saves having to use a strait jacket” he explained, “Gets boring after a while, though.”

“Don’t be an idiot, what about standard?” she queried.

“Sure, you wear a straitjacket.” he advised.

“Oh big deal,” she snapped.

“Nothing else," He advised, “What do you think.”

“You’re mad,” she said.

“OK basic it is.” he laughed, it was the work of a moment to push her into the basic cubicle and slam the door. He hadn’t cuffed her wrists, but he put the lights out and left.

He hadn’t needed to cuff her hands, the closet was padded like a padded cell.

“Let me out,” Zania screamed. “Let me out you bastard!”

The first eight hours in the tiny space were not too bad, Zania’s voice stared wavering about five hours in and she ran out of new curse words but there was no where to sit or lie down, she tried jamming her knees into the sides of the space to rest but nothing worked.

She screamed for Dr Leggit. He heard her over the intercom and watched on the infra red CCTV camera. Every muscle and joint ached, her body was a seething mass of pain and then the burning need to pee started screaming in Zania’s brain.

The final straw, a full bladder, “I need the bathroom! Let me out!” she protested. She struggled against the urge but the it became unbearable, a small dribble escaped, she panicked.

Eventually somehow Zania eased down her jeans and relieved the pressure all over her feet.

Zania sank to her knees jamming herself in the cubicle. Dr Leggit called up a couple of other guys and huried to help. He flicked on the lights. Zania just about collapsed as he opened the door.

“Upgrade?” He queried.

Her jeans and pants were half way down her thighs. “I wet myself you bastard.” she snapped and she tried to run, she managed about half a dozen steps before she fell.

Mike, one of the assistants caught Zania easily, he was six three and very very fit, he liked sport, any sort of sport, and he caught and held Zania even before she hit the floor. “It’s OK sweetie,” he said, “I got you.”

His voice reassured her, He lifted her. Dr Leggit had the nlack leather strait jacket, Mike helped him slip it on, it had the join at the back. Both arms went in facing forward and then the jacket fastened at the back and the sleeves were pulled around behind her and secured.

It was very tight, even Zania’s modest breasts were squashed uncomfortably when the straps were pulled tight. “What you doing?” she demanded.

Mike lifted her like she was nothing and took her outside the building, “No stop!” she protested uselessly as he carried her helplessly with her jeans and pants down to her knees.

The morning sun had just risen. “That’s bad,” Dr Leggit agreed, “Lets get you cleaned up.”

Mike set her down on her feet. She couldn’t do anything with her pants down and then the other helper John, took hold of a hose pipe and started spraying Zania’s pubes and her jeans and panties with icy cold water.

“That’s better,” Dr Leggit laughed, “You learned anything?” he enquired.

“That you’re a bastard?” she asked.

“No, you don’t decide when you piss anymore,” he explained, “First thing a kid learns is holding its piss in, you can’t even do that.”

“Big deal,” Zania agreed.

“So pants up or pants down?” he asked

“What the fuck?” she asked incredulously.

“You choose, nasty wet pants or nice fresh air, so you can piss when you want.” he asked, “Probably best to keep them down, you’ll only piss them again.”

John never gave Zania any choice, Mike lifted her up and John took her trainers off and dragged her pants and jeans off her ankles. He threw her clothes in a heap on the ground.

“For fuck’s sake,” Zania wailed.

John took a piece of cloth and carefully dried Zania’s legs off. His fingers touched her pubes and a lovely tingle spread through her.

“How’s that?” He asked.

“Fucking wonderful you dork,” Zania replied sarcastically.

“Are you comfortable now?” Dr Leggit asked.

“Of course not you dork,” Zania protested, “I have a bare ass and my tits are squashed flat.”

Zania looked around, all around the yard were horse stalls, three sides, house at the forth, nobody was watching except the three guys.

Dr Leggit felt around Zania’s breasts, felt where the fabric was tight and marked it with a pentel white marker on the black. Then they took her inside, to the regular stall, with bowls of food and water on a shelf. John and Mike held her while Dr Leggit removed the strait jacket and instead cuffed Zania’s hands with soft leather cuffs chained together real tight and put some on her ankles but with a longer chain. Then they left her.

“Come back!” she screamed. They went away. She soon got fed up with screaming. Then the TV came on. Playing Groundhog Day, the Movie over and over again.

She tried to get to the food, it wasn’t easy with her hands tied, and it tasted vile, Museli, like black currants in building sand, and the drink, that was even harder to drink from her bowl. Wal Mart Cola or paint stripper she wasn’t sure which. The bowl had a pipe leading to it. Every time she drank some it refilled. Every now and again she screamed.

The piss demon reappeaed, there was no bathroom, nothing, floor was level, she hoped, because when she finally pissed it might run across the floor so she had nowhere to lay down.

She tried to piss a tiny amount in a corner. Dr Leggit opened the door. “Give her a hand John,” he ordered.

John had a bucket and in it a kidney shaped bowl, he threaded it between her knees and said “Piss,” It was the kindest thing anyone had ever done for her, she decided as she delightedly emptied herself.

“Fresh from the tailors,” Dr Leggit announced as he proudly produced Zania’s strait jacket, “Made to measure.”

John and Mike held Zania as Dr Leggit removed her Tees shirt and then her bra. She stood there, quite helpless, an unwelcome tingling started between her legs but soon turned to horror as she saw two holes in the strait jacket, breast shaped holes neatly stitched.

In moments her hands were released from the cuffs and pushed into the strait jacket sleeves which extended well past her finger tips and fastened behind her. The strait jacket also fastened behind her back with many leather straps but this time her breasts were fed through the holes at the front. As the straps were pulled tight it pulled the material hard against her chest forcing her breasts through the small holes until they stood out proudly.

Dr Leggit took some photographs on his cell phone. He was really proud of his marking up as the black leather perectly encircled her soft pink breasts showing them off to their best advantage. Apart from the jacket Zania really did look awful, her tit rings were different sizes, her labia rings were just plain ridiculous, a guy could get his pubes tangled up in them, and her clit ring looked like it only went through the hood not the clit.

He made notes, then he told Mike to sort her out. Mike cut off the Labia rings with pliers,they were cheap plated brass, more like a key ring for car keys than proper labia rings. Dr Leggit threw them in a corner in disgust.

Her partly shaved pubes could wait but her hair was ridiculous Dr Leggit decided, it could hardly be worse so he just cut away most of the surviving hair on the one side of her head and left her looking pretty much like she had had a prison haircut.

“I’ll take you outside for a piss after dark,” John said reassuringly as they left her alone to “Groundhog Day” for the umteenth time.

Zania found herself focussing on John, waiting for his return. She really really needed a fix, a bottle of Jack Daniels, a dildo, anything to take her mind off the mind numbing emptiness which surrounded her. She sat on the hard floor, stood, leaned against the side of the stall, she lay down, she screamed every now and again and when the sun went down she knew she had been betrayed.

He came around 10pm, “Hi honey, pee time,” he laughed, He left the door open for her and she stumbled outside in her bare feet, her ankles still bound and chained on a short chain. Out of the door and into the cool summer night, with just the faint glow of the yard lights and the dark star speckled sky above

“Piss,” he whispered.

Her body obeyed unconsciously, the golden flow cascaded where John indicated, down a drain.

“You total fucking pervert!” Zania protested, as John gently dried her with a soft cloth but she felt really good and then John carried her back to her stall. To her amazement she found a mattress laid in her stall and the TV showing regular programs quietly.

“When you behave you get treats,” John whispered, “Now I have been nice to you so you have to be nice to me.”

He left her to her thoughts.

Dr Leggit came next morning, just before daybreak, he sat beside her, “How are you feeling?”

Zania thought a moment, “Total shit, rock fucking bottom, what the fuck do you think moron.”

“I think you are full of shit,” Dr Leggit replied, “Take her outside John and sort her out would you?”

John took her by the shoulder and led her outside. Just beside the door was a hose pipe and a drain. The pipe had a long tapered slender brass nozzle. Quite gently he took her by the neck, pressed her head down, dipped the nozzel in a tub of grease on the ground nearby and inserted the well lubed nozzle of a hose pipe into her anus.

“Shit,” he whispered as he turned the water on.

“Fuck!” Zania exclaimed with the shock of cold high pressure water blasting inside her, “For fucks sake.” Her belly swelled and pressed on her bladder making her piss, then equally suddenly John removed the hose.

Water gushed out, brown water, then the nozel was back in and out again. Four times and in minutes Zania was as clean as a whistle inside. John wiped her down.

“Oh fuck,” Zania swore, she felt totally clean inside, empty but clean, it was a wierd feeling, like she had no control anything any more. All she could do was shout and scream. So she did.

Dr Leggit had finally had enough of her rants. At his signal John and Mike held her firmly and he fed a big black rubber ring gag into her mouth. “Ngh Hugf,” she protesed unintelligably and he fastened it behind her head.

“Peace at last,” Dr Leggit chuckled as Zania was reduced to making gurgling noises and stamping her feet. She tried to work out which day it was, for fucks sake how much longer.

The mask came next, over her face and pulled down at the back. Normally her hair would have been pulled through a hole at the back like a pony tail but her hair was far too short. Her ears protruded incongruously through the black leather mask.

“What the fuck is this,” she tried to say, but she couldn’t make herself understood.Then a heavy leather collar was placed around her neck. She suddenly panicked, with her gag and collar she couldn’t even eat.

She struggled, someone slapped her bare backside, “Easy,” Mike cautioned, “It’s OK, I’ll look after you.”

The leash came next, a long leash, Dr Leggit held the end and pulled, Zania had to follow, him as he walked methodically across the yard. The concrete apron gave way to gravel which hurt her feet, she couldn’t stride out or save herself if she fell. Complete panic, she knew she would hurt herself if she fell. She tried to scream then she stumbled. Suddenly she felt Mike’s strong hands on her shoulders.

“I’ll get you some boots,” he said as he lifted her easily and carried her towards the far side of the yard, Dr Leggit opened a doorway and Mike carried her in. He sat her on a bench and loosened her ankle chains.

A whole row of Long black boots stood on shelves, and leashes and collars, all sorts of items.

More worrying there was welding equipment and branding irons, tiny ones. Shiny brass rings, bells, like cow bells but smaller. Dr Leggit ***********ed a pair of boots and tried them on her. Too large.

The second set of boots fitted perfectly. “Nearly ready,” Mike whispered, “Nearly ready to meet the other ponies.”

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A bright flash and the boom of thunder that rattled the windows made me sit straight up in bed. The echo was rolling on and there was a tingle in the air. I ran my hands over my face and up over my scalp. My hair was standing on end. I could feel the static electricity. ‘Man, that had to be close!’ I said out loud. A glance at the clock across the room told me the power was off. No red numbers, no power. I sighed and rolled over to get up. I might as well. I was wide-awake. It was raining...

4 years ago
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My Vivid Imagination

Welcome my friends to the mind of a prevert with some of the nastiest and kinkiest fantasies you will have the pleasure of listening to.I used to think that I was fairly normal in my thinking about sexual issues and deeds and fantasies. As I grew older and more experienced sexually I found myself becoming more and more brazen and asking to have things done to me that some make think a bit kinky and even taboo. Also it seemed that the only way I was able to acheive an orgasm was to be nastier...

2 years ago
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Her Dark Side

It was Thursday night and we headed out for dinner and a few drinks. As always, she was stunning, wearing a turquoise see through blouse with a white tank top underneath with her form fitting jeans. I couldn’t help thinking about her sexy body as we drank our wine and ate our food. As dinner wound down, we decided that we could spend the night at her place. As we walked into her apartment, she changed into her standard outfit of a tank top (black this time) and boxers. When she broke...

2 years ago
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I Took My Neighbors Virginity

My roommate and I have the the object of our neighbor's son Kevin for the past two years. Admited due some provocation on our end. His room is across from mine, sometimes after a shower I'll "Forget" to close the curtains while rubbing on lotion. Or Lynn and I will make out or dance around naked. We often have him come over and do odd jobs around the house(clean the gutters, clean our pool, put together bookshelves, ect). All the while wearing tight shits without bras and yoga pants or pajama...

1 year ago
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How I Became the Family Slut Part 2

So, there I was, only sixteen and having sex with my brother. It wasn't long before I was sneaking into Tommy's room every night. We would cuddle in the dark under the sheets, then he would tongue kiss me, and work his fingers into my pussy until I was hot. After I came, I would go down on him and get my mouthful of salty thick cum. On one particular night, I heard his shower running. I made sure no one saw me, and slipped into his room, locking the door behind me. Yup, he was in the shower,...

1 year ago
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A New Christmas Mommy Part 8 Meeting with Marc

Oh god what do I do, Rose pondered as she stood in place with the phone in her hand. "Uhh... hello, Rose?" Marc's voice uttering from the phone. "Look just put Diana on the phone, please." Rose looked to Jane, who nearly sputtered out, "Uhh, yeah, Mom is...." before Rose raised a finger to her mouth, silencing Jane. She then nodded quietly to her, an assurance that this would work itself out. "Uhh yeah, Diana is.... well.... oh what's that?" Rose spoke up, maybe hearing a noise coming...

4 years ago
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Lemons And Coffee

The gate opened slowly with the weight of my shoulder as I tried to balance the heavy box of lemons, my hot cup of coffee, and the neighbor’s newspapers. My neighbor, Harry was due back from his regular Fly-In Fly-Out shift roster and would arrive home sometime after 1800 hours that night. His partner Jackie had been away visiting family for the past week and had planned to arrive back home around the same time as Harry. I would often bring down a bag of fruit and the newspaper or magazines to...

1 year ago
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Bhaik ka lund

Hi guys and girls this is sonia again with another story. Ye katha meri didi ki hai uski hi zabani suneye. Mai ek 25 sal khubsurat and sexi aurat hoon. Mera husband mujh se panch sal bara hai aur bho industrialist. Bho ek kam pagal admi hai air hum ek dusre ke sath bahut cum mil pate hai. Hamara abhi tak koi bhi baccha nahi hua hai. Suru ke do teen sal me humlogo ki sexlife bahut hi acchha tha. Uske bad who kam ke chkkar me bahut phans gaya aur hum ne kitty party aur ladies part join kar lee....

3 years ago
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Where mistakes may take you Part 2

Now the kiss had confused Katie. She wasn’t a lesbian, she wasn’t even bisexual, but she could notice a women’s beauty and therefore appreciate it. Admittedly, she had formed a slight crush on Lucy during the short time she had known her, but that doesn’t mean she could go from being as straight as ruler to being either lesbian or bisexual… Could it? Katie entered her squalid apartment, barely big enough to accommodate a dog never mind a fully grown adult, but it was home. After spending the...

2 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 731

Being Green Checking out at the store, the young cashier suggested to the much older woman, that she should bring her own grocery bags because plastic bags weren’t good for the environment. The woman apologized and explained, “We didn’t have this ‘green thing’ back in my earlier days.” The young clerk responded, “That’s our problem today. Your generation did not care enough to save our environment for future generations.” She was right -- our generation didn’t have the ‘green thing’ in...

4 years ago
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The Cheerleader Trap

"What are you looking at?" Jen accused. "Nothing," I said not willing to admit I was staring at the beautiful cheerleader. "Hmmph!" She knew she was a big shot on campus and she acted that way. The thing was Jen was a sophomore, a grade below me, yet since she was a cheerleader, it put her in the upper status at school. As Jen walked by to meet her friends during the lunch break, I stood waiting for my friends, Evan and Greg. We had similar interests in all things science fiction. We...

1 year ago
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Cum With Me

I have been thinking about you all day today. We have been talking for ages it seems, but today will be the day that we finally get to meet and I have been sitting on pins and needles, wet with anticipation. I quickly undress and step into the shower, wanting to be as clean as possible for your arrival. I know that you like that. I wash my hair with wild strawberry shampoo and put conditioner in. Then I squeeze the body wash onto the sponge, and slowly wash myself, starting at my arms, going...

1 year ago
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OffWorld Slave Girl Chapter 10 Return to The Dirty Wives Club

Again, a warm and hearty welcome to my Earth readers. I continue my tale of my adventures with my pleasure-slave Melora, and various other slaves too. As previous readers are aware I had retired to the planet Rigel VI, on the outer rim of our galaxy.The rich elite of this planet, of which I had become one of its newest members, bought and sold pleasure-slaves. Pleasure slaves were women (and men) who had submitted themselves to the auction houses in the big cities here.They were escaping the...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
3 years ago
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Breaking Point

ONE WEEK BEFORE THE EQUINOX PARTY Vanessa Allen set down her phone on the dressing table in front of her and stared at her reflection in the mirror. Her skin was too pale, a stark contrast to the dark curls that hung loosely down over her shoulders. She let out a slow breath and leaned back in her chair. Her husband James had just given her another of his infamous ‘working late’ excuses and right now the last thing she wanted to do was host their anniversary party. It had been his idea in the...

3 years ago
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One Good Turn Deserves Another

A writer of erotic short stories gets more than inspiration from his neighbour’s daughter....The banging on my front door took me by surprise.I was enjoying my second cup of coffee with the newspaper. My wife was at work. The girls at college and uni. I would get around to writing another smutty story to post on Hamster later. I was thinking three girls on holiday and their van breaking down. Yeah early retirement is bliss when you’re left alone. Still I had the down stairs bathroom renovations...

1 year ago
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True Incident With sister

What I did was wrong. I know that. You don’t have to judge me, I take responsibility for my actions. I am not going try to make excuses. I simply want to explain how it happened. I want you to understand that it was an accident. It was an honest mistake. I did not realize what my sister was doing to me until it was too late. I’ve had some time to sort through the events of the past year, and there are so many things I would do differently if I could. To be honest though, there are some things I...

3 years ago
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Old Money

I'm lucky enough to come from a family that was rich with old money. My father still works in the city but my mother just works for charitable causes. Just after my seventeenth birthday my favourite great Aunt died. I was very sad, for I can remember spending many a hot sunny day at her beach cottage. "Letter for you," my mum said, handing over the envelope. It was from my Aunt's solicitors, inviting me to the reading of the will. "Looks like she left you something," my dad said when I...

2 years ago
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Stocks BlondesChapter 14 Humiliated

I am bruised, sick, and utterly humiliated. I’ll never be able to rent a car again. And my cover may be blown. How could it get so bad? What am I doing up at this hour, sitting in a dead woman’s home, crying my eyes out, and throwing up every ten minutes? God, I wish I knew. I can’t think straight; I can’t even see straight. And I think someone is in the house. I’ve locked myself in the kitchen office and am throwing up in a wastebasket. Here’s what I remember. I need to write this down. My...

3 years ago
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Porn Movie Got my Wife Blacken PT1

We were watching porn in the hotel after a wedding in late August, both intoxicated and horny, when a scene came on that led to another naughty night of role playing.The movie was called Gangbang Fantasies, and included three lengthy gangbang scenes. The first one was okay as a pretty redhead with massive fake tits got stranded on the side of the road and was picked up by a hippie van going to a Grateful Dead concert. She ended up fucking all five hippies and was triple penetrated often.Pam had...

2 years ago
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Roadside Quicky1

Besides being charming, intelligent, and devastatingly beautiful, she was built like a brick shit house. She had one of those classic hourglass figures. Big birthing hips, big, beautiful titties, a relatively slender waist in between, and a big, juicy ass. She's the only girl that I ever dated who's butt I sometimes had the irresistible urge to pinch. It was just so perfect. So one summer we went to visit my mother in Pensacola, and we had sex one night in an open lifeguard tower on...

2 years ago
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Jack and Jamie

As a little girl, I can imagine Mother would have just opened the package of panties and placed them in the girl's underwear drawer. That didn't happen with me. As a matter of fact, Mother took out the package from the Wal-mart bag with Tammie standing next to her and handed it to me. "From now on, I'll expect you to wear your own things and not borrow intimates from Tammie or I," Mother announced quite loudly. I turned bright red but refused to take the package. "Mother," I exclaimed,...

3 years ago
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Lake House 2

I didn’t think I had ever been so aroused.   I’d never had a woman have such a long or loud orgasm before.   I kissed my way up to her mouth, making a brief stop at each nipple along the way.   My raging cock just barely touched her wet pussy as I reached her mouth and we began to kiss.   She licked my chin and sucked my lips, cleaning her juices off of everything but my mustache.   Then she gave me a little shove to the side and rolled me over on my back.  

1 year ago
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Pirou VR! It would appear that only two forces drive innovation these days, war and sex. As much as we would like to think we are more, humans haven't evolved much since standing upright. We are still the same old loud, violent, and horny monkies we were from day one.War certainly sucks balls, but at least porn is awesome. If it weren't for porn, sex wouldn't translate to technological development. Plain old fucking is good enough. The only way I could see it becoming a driving force for human...

VR Porn Sites
2 years ago
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PG Wali Bhabhi Ki Chudai 8211 Part 2

Hi friends…Aaj mai aapko apni story k aage ki story batata hu…Aap ne meri story pg wali bhabhi ki chudai padhi…Mujhe mails bhi ayi so thanx… Ab hume jab bhi mauka milta tab hum chudai kat lete yhe…Bhabhi to jaise mere lund ki fan ho gyi thi..Aur chudai karne k tariko se itni khush thi k uska bas chalta to wo mujhse dubara shadi kar k mere lund se har waqt chydti par wo pehle se shadishuda thi n uska ek 2 saal ka ladka bhi tha…Maine bhabhi ko kai baat choda kai baar to jaldi jaldi me hi khade...

3 years ago
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How My Son8217s Friends Fucked Me

This is a work of fiction. I am 40 year old women and my name is madhu. I got married when I was just 20 and have a son who is 18 year old.He is in first year college right now.We live in bengaluru in a flat on sixth floor. I work in a software firm while my hubby is in paramilitary, most of my life he is away from me working in tough times areas like jharkhand. Let me tell u something about me. I am good looking, fair in colour and have pretty decent figure. I have 38 size tits and I m proud...

2 years ago
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Bhabhi Riya

Ajay riya ke gore jango ko dhek ker pagal ho jata hai ajay phir ja ker barda me bahit ker riya ko niherne lagta hai.Kuhc der bad riya uht ker nahne bathroom chli jati hai ajay riya ko nhate waqt dhenkne ka liye gher ke pichye bhatroom ke rosen dan se jhankne lagta hai. Riya ander nagi nha rhi thi per ajay ko riya ke nagi gand hi dekhai deti hai. Kuny ki riya ka piht ajay ki or tha jiss karen ajay ko riya ke chut or chuchio ke jhlek nhi mil pati. Ajay ka land kafi kada ho jata hai ajay apne ek...

2 years ago
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A Different Kind of Love Part One

“You have her for fifteen minutes, and then we’re sending him in,” Mr. Barns’ voice comes from outside my dressing room. My prep team is holding lingerie against my skin, deciding what color looks sexiest against my tan skin tone. They apply makeup, spray things in my hair and apply lotion to my body. I’m completely naked in front of them. I scroll through Instagram and listen to music, moving whenever they ask me to. I’m used to this, I’ve done it before. The life of a porn star never changes....

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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MommysBoy Karen Fisher Breakfast In Bed

Karen Fisher is in her room, all nice and cozy under the bed covers. Her husband, Jared Buchan, enters the room with some food so Karen can enjoy breakfast in bed. As Jared talks about their family life, Karen seems a little nervous, but Jared doesn’t notice. Jared then realizes that he forgot to bring part of the breakfast, so he leaves the room to go get it. Once Jared is out of sight, Karen lifts up the bed covers to reveal that her stepson, Juan Loco, was hiding under there and eating...

3 years ago
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Dianas Detention Ploy

Nina knew it was her own fault. Mrs K had taken away her car keys for the last two weeks as a punishment and she had just got them back. However, she got a parking ticket and the normal punishment for that was a bare bottom spanking and twelve strokes of the cane during the day, and then a repeat of that punishment at seven o’clock followed by being sent to bed early with the lights out and her phone taken away, and being grounded for a week.Luckily for Nina, Diane had come over yesterday, so...

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Black Breeders Club by Kysa Braswell

The Black Breeders ClubBlack Breeders Club - a cuckold story if only was true and not fantasy Story about a cuckold wimp husband who has his parents introduce his new wife to a club where their wives are black man fucked and the husbands have to eat the cum from their cunts. It was my dad who first told me about the club. I was 22 at the time, fresh out of college, and had just married my sweetheart of six years, Trish. I fell in love with her the very first time I saw her, and that was of...

2 years ago
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Friday Nights Date A Cuckoldress Gets Her Just Desserts

Bobbi Jo had checked her emails on her favourite dating site for hot wives and swingers when she saw one from a local man named Paul. He professed to be a strict Dominant, knowledgeable in the finer arts of BDSM and fetish play, and he loved to date married ladies.A brief flurry of correspondence ensued, and a date for Friday night was set. She eagerly told her husband, Lance about the coming tryst, and in true cuckold fashion she made him feel humiliated by the prospect of yet another stranger...

4 years ago
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An introduction to the female anatomy

So as many males did, I once fancied a young lady of my age whom I was in school with (we were in the 16-18 range). I was lucky enough that she also fancied me.Back then, the done thing was to gather youngsters in someone's home while their parent's were gone for some reason or another. We'd bring alcohol (nothing special, this isn't the US), get drunk on vodka-orange and whisky-coke and slow dance with girls until we or they (i.e. the girls would get inebriated enough to kiss their partner)....

2 years ago
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The Gift that Keeps on Giving

He’d left it in plain sight knowing she’d find it when she walked in from work. A simple envelope folded from the finest red paper. It rested on the branches of the Christmas tree, which was adorned with soft white glowing lights and silver ornaments. It was Christmas Eve, but the moment her eyes came to rest upon it she knew it was to be opened straight away.Her heart raced and she was filled with the giddy, enchantment that only the holidays bring. She walked across the room towards her gift....

Straight Sex

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