Reddit Pee
- 2 years ago
- 37
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I honestly thought it would be apple juice. This is not apple juice. But I already told everyone I made the cheerleading team. My friends even threw a party. What is it going to look like if I back out now?
“Come on, you piss-sluts. If you don’t keep your toilet hole open, you can forget about taking a shower after this,” the head cheerleader announces, aiming her Super Soaker full of her cold pee at the row of naked girls on their knees in the locker showers. The colorful guns let the seniors stay far away from the splash zone, for a single droplet would tarnish their impeccable red and gold uniforms.
It’s just three of us rookies left. Two walked out when they were told what a first-year cheerleader’s job entailed. I stayed because I thought it was a joke. Two more had an epiphany in the last hour that maybe swallowing the football players’ piss so they didn’t have to leave the field during a game was not the glamorous cheerleading life they dreamt of. I stayed because I take a series of buses home, and doing it with my hair soaked and stinking of piss was less enticing than continuing to swallow. The promise of a shower was an effective carrot on a stick.
I don’t know how many liters I’ve drunk, enough to get a sloshing piss belly. The streams from the water guns hurt the back of my throat when they hit at full pressure. I gag whenever my tongue gets submerged in the bitter, acidic brew, gag when a jet punches my uvula like a speedbag, gag whenever I force myself to swallow a mouthful. But I haven’t thrown up yet. The truth is, I don’t trust the bucket our cheering overlords provided for this purpose. Why would they give us a receptacle when the shower drain between our legs would swirl it all away?
My neighbors are more trusting or more stupid. They threw up so much that their buckets look as full as my stomach feels.
“Little Tits and Medium Tits, your buckets are getting full. Drink up!” the head cheerleader says. I guess that makes me ‘Big Tits’?
Horrific realization etched in their faces, my fellow rookies struggle to lift their sloshing buckets of discarded kidney juice. Medium Tits brings the rim to her lips, the repulsive content kissing her closed lips repeatedly like the tide, but she cannot convince her mouth to open. The bucket lowers, and she gets up, head low, leaving wet footprints behind her walk of shame.
Little Tits has more motivation; she’s guzzling her bucket of piss like a party girl downs a beer. But from my side angle, I see her pretty face distorted by wrinkles of revulsion. I would root for her if I knew her name. You can do it, Little Tits doesn’t sound encouraging. She finishes the whole thing, but instead of smiling triumphantly, the gaze of her pale face stays locked on the bottom of the empty bucket. I look away at the first sign of throat movement; watching her refill the entire bucket would have made me fill mine. Just the guttural sounds of LT’s reset trigger a series of gags I can hardly keep under control.
The ewwws of the uniformed cheerleaders echo in the showers. “Pathetic,” one of them says, and I dare to look again. LT is dry-heaving over her refilled bucket, teardrops and pee drip from her mouth rippling on the foamy surface.
“Do I have to repeat myself, Little Tits? Your bucket is full. Drink up!”
Little Tits is broken. All she can do is stare into the yellow abyss.
“Alright, you’re done. Get out. Big Tits, it’s your time to shine. Drink what’s left, and your trial is over.”
“And I get a shower?” I ask, every word almost a liquid cry.
“You think we’re going to let you meet the players looking like an old urinal cake. You’ll get a shower, a uniform, we’ll even braid your fucking hair. Now drink up; they’re going to be here soon.”
A shower… Meeting the players… suddenly, the world doesn’t smell so bad. I’ve walked past the quarterback in the hallway this morning, and he’s positively dreamy. I lift Medium Tits’ abandoned bucket and slurp my first mouthful or regurgitated urine. A shiver rides up my spine, but a few deep breaths later, I’m gulping down throatfuls stopping only for small, dignified burps.
“Sorry…” is all I can think to say to the small-tittied girl still in a vicious dry heaving cycle as I steal her bucket to slurp the top layer on all four like a bitch. I have to close my eyes; this twice-thrown-up mix of piss and bile is too nasty to look at. Gulp, gulp, gulp… The only thing stopping the backwash is a constant flow into my expanding stomach.
I’m like a beached whale when my bucket makes a hollow plastic thud on the tile floor, the last mouthful refusing to go down until my stomach makes space. But, hey, it is technically inside my body, right? Apparently, the cheer team agrees, and one of them turns the shower knob, carefully avoiding my aura of stink. The initial burst of icy water doesn’t startle me; I welcome with open arms any clear, untainted water that doesn’t burn your eyes.
The cheerleading outfit doesn’t make me feel as sexy as I thought it would. It hugs my curves, but that includes the piss belly bulging between my top and skirt. But that will go away eventually, at least. It’s not like I’m going to spend every evening drinking piss, right? I can handle one game night every week when the season starts considering what I managed this evening.
They take me from one locker room to the other. The setting is already a disappointment. In my piss-induced fantasy, I greet the big strong players at a party, not in a boys’ toilet. I never knew how filthy it could get in here.
“On your knees,” I’m ordered.
You’d think pressing my knees against a dirty floor wouldn’t faze a girl who spent the last two hours drenched in piss, but I still hesitate before settling my knees between a discarded Band-Aid.
The dreamy quarterback comes in, his team following close behind. He wraps his arm around one of the cheerleaders and squeezes her butt under her skirt while they kiss. I’m a bit jealous, honestly. But better her than me; I can’t imagine the first impression kissing me would leave after what my mouth has been through this evening.
“So this is our field urinal this year?” He asks, looking down at me from a great height.
“Yeah, she’s not much to look at, but I bet you’ll like what she has under her shirt.”
“Oh, yeah? Let’s see them.
”Not much to look at? I’ve never been self-conscious about my looks before. If this is a psychological game to make me seek validation from my breasts… it worked. I’m proud instead of embarrassed when the quarterback lifts my shirt and nods his approval along with his forty-or-so teammates.
“She’ll do,” he says, feeling the weight and density of my breasts with his warm fingers. “So, is she ready to start training? We’re about ready to burst here.
”I’m ready to burst, myself. The fullness subliminally intensifies the moment I understand why I’m on my knees in the boy’s bathroom surrounded by full bladders.
“Have at her,” his girlfriend says before turning to me. “You’re wearing this uniform every day, and you’re not allowed to wash it, so make sure you don’t spill a drop. You’re on the team, but you’re still nothing more than a urinal. Remember that.”
Sheesh. What’s with the endless animosity. I’m trying my best here.
So it is with my boobs out, my mouth open, and my eyebrows raised that I begin my training. My real training, I guess. Warm piss is a completely different beast. Urine is one of the few things in life where freshness makes it more disgusting. The smell and taste are on a whole different scale of intensity. But, I’ve come so far, swallowed so much… As long as my stomach’s ready to stretch a little more, I consume.
Boys can sure pee for a long time. The first stream doesn’t end when a second one joins in. The corners of my mouth hurt from keeping it open so wide, but I have to give them a big target if I don’t want piss splashing against my chin, running down my neck, and soaking the collar of my rolled-up shirt. A third stream hit me in the eye before adjusting to my mouth. With subtle head movements, I guide the pee from eye to mouth like a tilting marble game. My throat can barely keep up with the rate at which urine pools on my tongue.
“I need a break,” I want to say after not even ten minutes, jaw sore, stomach straining, my own bladder ready to explode. But I don’t have a chance to gurgle out a single word. The moment piss stops filling my mouth, a cock takes its place on my tongue.
“Suck it clean, piss toilet. I want that cock shiny and drip-free when it comes out.” The quarterback’s girlfriend is the only girl left in the room if you don’t count the toilets, but she finds time to bark orders when she’s not tonguing my dream guy.
I never had a penis in my mouth before. The taste of old sweat is not a refreshing change from the urine permeating my tongue. If someone had told me this morning that I would see and taste the penis of every boy on the football team, I would have never believed it. It’s an interesting story to tell at parties, I guess. By the time each player has given their best impersonation of a racehorse down my throat, I feel like my body is 90% pee. I thought I had my eyes closed, but they’re not.
“I can’t see…”
“Yeah, piss toilets often complain about blindness after drinking too much piss. It’ll fix itself in a few hours. Now, listen to me. This bathroom is where you’re going to spend most of your time this year. From 6 AM to 9 PM, you’re either in class or in here with your boobs out. If we ever catch you anywhere else or drinking anything other than piss, you’re off the team. Understand?”
I nod. Because I understand, not because I’m thrilled about it.
“It won’t just be the football team visiting you. Every boy in school will be instructed to use the locker room bathroom and to hold their pee for you as much as possible. This is so that on game day, we know you’ll be used to it enough not to screw it up and cost us the game.”
I nod again. My head is swimming. I just want to lay down on the nasty floor and process my pee in peace.
Gameday. While my teammates shake their pompoms and flash their panties with high kicks, my knees are in the cold mud next to the players’ bench. There is plenty of room on the bench, so I’m not sure why I can’t just sit. Maybe because all of my training was on my knees and they don’t want to throw me off.
A player walks up to me. I’m nervous. This is my first time in a real-life urinal situation. My parents came to see my first game, and now they are watching their daughter tilt her head up and welcome a steaming stream of piss down her throat. Probably not what they imagined I would be doing, but the least I can do is do it well. My nipples are rock hard from the cold. The warmth of the piss down my esophagus is a blessing for once. I cradle the penis with my mouth while the player finishes and suck the urethra dry before giving it a good sponge bath with my tongue. Then I wait for the next player… I feel so useless when I’m not drinking.
The whistle blows, the players bump helmets… Is that it? They barely used me at all. Sure, the training is grueling, but being a field urinal is a breeze! I wouldn’t mind doing it in the NFL.
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I’ve Got To Pee I was at the far end of my property trimming a few trees when a woman came jogging toward me. She said, “I’ve got to pee real bad. Can I use your trees here?” I said, “Sure. I’ll turn my back.” She asked, “Can I use your underwear to dry myself afterwards?” I replied, “I’m sorry, I’m not wearing any. Can’t you use your own?” It was no secret that she was wearing green panties under her white shorts. Her white T-shirt however, proved that she was not...
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Introduction: This is a true story after I told my wife about my interest in watching her pee Several months ago, I posted the story of how I first became exposed to women who hold their urine on purpose for sexual gratification and who like to pee in naughty places as a way of a sexual release. Prior to this year, I had no idea some women liked this and, more importantly, I had no idea this turned me on so much. It is a paralegal in my law office, Stacey, who enjoys doing that. My friend and...
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I spent the morning assembling PEEPERs. When my parts came that afternoon it only took a few minutes to finish each one. Each PEEPER Mark VI had a microphone, a color camera for regular light and a special low light camera that was sadly only black and white. Mom and the girls had gone to the nearest big town with a mall and would not be home until close to dark. I took my time and positioned each PEEPER in the bathrooms and bedrooms and on impulse I placed one inside the pool house and...
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CAREGIVER Part II by Natalie Finn In this second installment of Caregiver, a short story by a new author, Shawn's older sister continues to dominate him. Shawn has a second strange dream, this one more frightening than the first. He has his first romantic feelings and his first date, but his world continues to be quite strange in other respects. The Resistance I dreamt I was a strong fisherman in a row boat, struggling against a huge silver fish. The stormy sky was...
CAREGIVER Part III by Natalie Finn In this third exciting installment of Caregiver, Shawn has still more strange dreams, and stranger adventures. Shawn's older sister continues to dominate and feminize him. While he continues to be humiliated by, but resistant to, his sister's efforts, he is thrilled to be the romantic target of his beautiful cooking teacher. My date with Jacqueline Jacqueline switched the hand she was using to hold her handbag, and grabbed my hand and...
Caregiver in Love Part 3 In which Shawn endures a long visit to the mall and further unwelcome feminization. The Fitting Marilyn led me back to the department store. We stepped on the escalator to the second floor and went to the intimate apparel section. Marilyn got the attention of the attractive lady clerk who glided over to where we were standing. "Could you check to see if my niece is correctly fitted for the bra she's wearing? And we want to find a good bra insert to...
Caregiver in Love Part 4 In which Shawn finally fights back against his feminization. Toes, fingers and Mr. Pinky weigh in In the car ride home, Marilyn put down the top of her convertible and we listened to music as the warm breeze and sun played on our bare legs. Marilyn pushed a button to raise a special screen to minimize the wind blowing on my new haircut. Even though we were driving down a tree- lined boulevard at thirty miles per hour, I could feel only a very slight...
My cock was still wet from my girlfriend when I pulled up to my sister’s boyfriend’s house. I beeped the horn twice and waited, my mind flashing to about 10 minutes earlier when I was laying on my girlfriend’s bed as she rode on top of me, cumming on my cock as I filled her with my load. When I saw the front door open and my sister step out, all thoughts of my girlfriend were pushed from my mind and my cock started to fill up again. Her hips swayed confidently as she walked to the car,...
When we finally arrived at the resort, it was getting late already. The hotel I had booked stood a little apart from the rest and didn't have its own beach connected to it, but it looked really nice and was affordable. Plus, not being in an area with lots of drunken tourists was a definite advantage in my book. The lady at the reception looked a little tired when we walked in, pulling our suitcases behind us, sweating from the heat and the walk. My friend and sub Martina was looking around...
Hi, this is Abhilash from Kolkata and this story is based on real true events that happened to me last week. This story contains female domination, humiliation, spit, toilet slavery. If this isn’t your cup of tea, then please leave immediately. I completed my college and after receiving the fashion design degree I wanted to visit my bua ji, who stayed with her husband and her son in Mumbai. My train was scheduled at 08:15 pm from Howrah station to Mumbai terminal. I reached Mumbai the next day...
We had been travelling for hours and I was bursting for a pee. We knew there was a roadside loo coming up, so my husband Addy pulled in to the lay-by and I jumped from the car, not waiting for him. I ran to the ladies. The door was locked and there was a notice telling me it was out of order. Oh fuck! I was absolutely busting, my thighs now squeezed so tightly together that I could hardly walk. I was on the verge of wetting myself. "What's wrong?" asked my husband, looking puzzled. "The ladies...
Stacey said that she had to pee when she got here, but I wasn't about to let her go. Partly because I wanted to see how badly she wanted me - if it was half as much as I wanted her. Partly because I wanted her hot piss.When she walks in the door I'm struck by her radiance - I always was, each time I see her it's as if I'm seeing her for the first time. She greets me with a warm smile but lurking behind her hazel eyes I can see that same sex-starved demoness I'd hoped to see. I don't wast...
Then I had to pee... And that opened a whole new world for me. There were 6-8 guys in the restroom in various stages of undress, sucking, rimming, and fucking each other. I had to play. So I got naked and joined in. I was fucking one guy while sucking another HUGE dick when I felt a blast of warm, salty wetness hit my face. At first I thought it was cum, but it kept on soaking me. When I realized I was getting pissed on I popped immediately. The guy I was fucking whipped around and started...
Mark watched eagerly as the water polo team emerged from their locker room, wearing nothing but Speedos. They were laughing and talking as they moved towards the pool, it was a big game. The game was a close one, each player played as hard as he could. In the end however, they lost. The home team showered and then left soon to go party. The rival team went to the locker room and showered. The crowd began to disperse but Mark stayed behind, pretending to read his book. One of them was still in...
GayChapter One: Officer Cindy's Naughty Speeder By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 There were days when I just wish I could shut up the mouthy bitches when they complained about getting a speeding ticked. Just grab their hair, pull their faces into my crotch, and let them put those lips to far better use lapping at my clit and eating my hair pie. I knew when the silver Porsche 911 sped by my speed trap at 90 MPH that it was going to be one of those days. I had spotted her coming a mile away,...
However, there were those who did not respect him, or the law. As a Deathgiver, Ken Shamrock had made powerful people his enemies, in particular, by his murder of two higher-up drug dealers in Atlanta, as they were preparing to distribute a new type of drug onto the streets. A month before the MMA bout, he had been alerted of suspicious activity near the juvenile home he had once attended by an acquaintance. The MMA fighter chose to expose himself, since thrill, risk and violence offered an...
Fierce conflicts on the socio-political issue of abortion were a mainstay of American politics. It took the increasing influence of Japan and its differing cultural views on the matter of death to start a process, which would lead to the appearance of Deathgivers. Liberal circles began accepting the idea that living one’s life was not an obligation, under the influence of primarily Japanese culture. Debates brought on the issue of equalizing the stance on the death penalty, euthanasia and...
So lets talk about how this all started. I enjoy being used, simple and easy. I have given head to about a dozen guys. It would have been more, but I have a tendency of chickening out right before I go through with it. Why?? Well I don’t think I really like sucking cock, I more like the feeling of degration, dirtiness, wrongness and getting used for only the person’s satisfaction. Sucking cock just seems the easiest way to accomplish this. If a guy I am talking to starts telling me how they...
"I loved you." he softly whispered into my ear, his wet lips grazing my ear every syllable. I let my bangs cover my eyes just in case I teared up. "Caleb, I'm sorry, I love you. It was one time I swear." My throat catching on his name. "I believe you, but every time I touch you, I picture Paul touching you first." I took a deep breath, hearing the hurt in his voice. Despite my guilt, the sound of Paul's name made me really wet. I loved Caleb, I really did. But Paul just made my...
It was late one night, but it’s late every night, pretty close to Christmas I was home alone. I was watching TV when my cell phone went off. It was a girl from school I knew. Her name was Alexis, she was a little shorter than me, weighs 110, her hair is straight, long and black with a streak of blond, was a B size bra and a huge, round, firm ass. I was surprised she was texting me since we hated each other. She used me to get her ex mad, and then called it off with me. So I got her back...
Garrick, my sister’s new boyfriend, was the embodiment of male perfection. He stood six foot three inches tall and had a well-developed masculine frame. Garrick had amber coloured eyes, short curly brown hair, a cleft in his chin, and a sensual mouth with perfect teeth. His hands and feet were broad and beautiful, and the hair on his body looked like shiny silk. Magnificent as he was, however, there was one additional trait that blew me away completely. He had a fantastic bubble butt. Actually,...
Gay MalePunished Peepers! TJ RyderComplete story with cover pic!Download Femdom cuckold shemale ladyboy illustrated ebooks Ballbusters, cheaters, teasers, illustrated!Femdom cbt, chastity cuckolding interracial stories.comix! Marvin R., 18 yr old senior at Jefferson, gazed in love and lust at his English teacher, Miss Brown. Her lovely poised body, the way she stretched when she...
The Punished Peepers Chapter 1 TJ RyderIllustrated Fetish Adult Stories at**************************************************************** Marvin R., 18 yr old senior at Jefferson, gazed in love and lust at his Englishteacher, Miss Brown. Her lovely poised body, the way she stretched when she wrote at the top of the blackboard, the way her big firm breasts stretched her sheet sweater. ...