Sarah's Submission: Ch 06 - Losing Her Anal Cherry free porn video

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Sarah woke up energized. She still didn’t have permission to cum, but she didn’t have to make a masturbation video. Despite that, she couldn’t help but rub her pussy while she showered. She didn’t push herself to the edge, but it still felt good to rub her clit. She thought of that giant dick sliding into her rectum and feeling his balls slapping against her pussy. She hoped she would like it. She had to use an enema on herself before heading over and that would be strange all by itself. She had never done that either.

Conner found her before third period. He leaned in and whispered to her that, “Yesterday was mind-blowing.” He and Jimmie couldn’t stop talking about it. He told her that she by far gave the best blow job he had ever received. He asked where she had learned such skills. Sarah joked that a girl had to have her secrets. He asked again about going out on a date with her. She stayed non-committal but promised it would be soon. She leaned into him and said if he was a good boy, they might even get to fuck next time. He left with a smile.

She also saw Jimmie in the hall. She waved to him, and he looked completely uncomfortable as to what to do. She stopped him and said hello and gave him a hug. She didn’t want him to be awkward around her.

Jenny saw her and stopped her right after. “What was that with Jimmie?”

“He’s a friend,” she responded and didn’t explain further.

“A friend? What the fuck is going on? Are you dating him?”

“Don’t be silly. We are friends. Nothing else. Aren’t I allowed to have friends?”

“There is definitely something you are not telling me. But I’ll leave it alone,” she shrugged.

The rest of the day went by in a flash. Sarah kept picturing that dick in her ass, trying to decide how badly it would hurt. She got her homework done early despite being totally distracted. She ate a light dinner and went to the bathroom with one of the enemas from her secret box. She read the instructions. Not too complicated. Basically stick it in and squeeze. She decided on the ‘lay on her side’ option.

She bent her knee like the instructions depicted and put a little lube in her ass before sticking the nozzle into herself. With it seated all the way in, she squeezed the bottle. She could feel the liquid squirt into her bowels. It said you didn’t need to use all the liquid, but she wanted to make sure she to be fully prepared, so she emptied the bottle.

It felt strange and she felt full in a different way and could feel it sloshing inside of her. After a minute or two, she started to feel a lot of pressure, like she really had to let go. She clenched as tight as she could and got on the toilet just in time. She emptied and it felt like everything came out of her all at once. She understood now why he wanted her to do it.

She cleaned up and jumped in the shower to make sure to be fresh and good smelling for Mr. Michaels. She used plenty of soap on her butt and asshole. She dressed simply and put on a little perfume. A rare treat for her. She checked herself out in the mirror and felt sexy and daring. With a deep breath, she steeled herself to take on this new challenge.

She said goodbyes and jumped in her car and walked into the door a little after 6:30. Mr. Michaels greeted her and gave her a big hug and kiss as soon as the door shut. Her pussy gushed at just his touch. She feared she might cum right then and there.

He slapped her ass playfully but hard and told her to get to his bedroom. She almost ran up the stairs. As soon as he walked in the door, she started taking off his clothes. He had to warn her to slow down. She started to fold them and he stopped her and told her to hang them up. She jumped at this new instruction and went to the closet to try to find hangers. After she got the shirt and pants hung up, she put the shoes away in the closet and his underwear and socks in the hamper.

Being so anxious, these extra steps had her flustered. When she came back, he had taken a seat in the big comfy chair in the corner and had music playing. The contemporary upbeat song filled the room with a lot of bass. He had his phone out and started taking a video when she entered. “I want you to dance for me. Dance and slowly take your clothes off.” He emphasized the slowly.

He threw her out of her comfort zone again. How did he always do that? She stood there for a second and collected herself. She didn’t consider herself a great dancer. Sure, she bounced around in her room, even sometimes with her friends at sleepovers and such. And she had been to school dances. But he wanted a real striptease. She recognized the music as something you might hear at a strip club. She had never been to one, but she had seen them in movies and tv shows.

She started to sway her hips trying to stay in time with the music. She turned in a small circle feeling awkward and uncomfortable. She ran her hands from her thighs up to her tits and squeezed. Then she started grinding her hips and turned with her ass to him before she dropped down to a squat and slowly brought her ass back up while staying bent over. She and Jenny had practiced that after seeing it in a Jennifer Lopez YouTube. She turned and swung her head around in a low arch. She started to get into it.

While still gyrating her hips she started to pull her shirt up slowly, catching it on the bottom of her breasts. She hadn’t worn a bra of course so she slowly brought the shirt up until her tits fell out in a boob drop. The expression on Mr. Michaels face encouraged her more than his words. She played with her tits and made a show of pinching her nipples with just the thumb and index finger of each hand and extending her arms straight out at the sides. As she twisted and rolled them she threw her head back with a big expression of ecstasy. She had to admit that she felt sexy as hell.

Then she stood with her back to him and her legs together and bent over very slowly with her fingers hooked into the waistband of her soft shorts and underwear. She splayed her fingers out and moved them down an inch at a time. He got a perfect look at her ass and glistening pussy. She left the clothing at her ankles and reached back to spread her ass cheeks so he could see her wide-open pink pussy and puckered asshole. She stepped out of her shorts and spread followed quickly by sticking a hand through her legs and with a single finger draw it down from the top of her ass crack, over her asshole, through her pussy lips and stopped on her clit which she rubbed in some slow circles.

She and Jenny had also practiced twerking when it had been really popular, and she did some twerking shaking her ass as much as she could. Finally, she dropped down to her hands and knees and crawled over to Mr. Michaels. She kissed his feet and up his legs and did a mock air lick over his now hard dick and slowly drew up until her hands were on either side of his head. She guided first one and then the other nipple around his lips. He didn’t make a move, so she fully traced his lips with each nipple. The feel of it sent shocks through her body and she felt totally live and sexually charged.

Mr. Michaels grabbed her around the waist, picked her up off the ground, and dropped her down in front of a big full-length mirror on the wall by the dresser. He stood behind her and made sure her arms were to her sides. Looking at herself with him standing behind her felt so erotic to Sarah. Almost like watching it happen to someone else.

He reached up and pulled her hair to the left side so that it tilted her head and exposed her ear and neck. He reached over and took her earlobe into his mouth and licked and nibbled it before biting on it harder. She wanted to flinch but kept her body stock still. He then moved down her neck with small kisses, drawing his tongue over her flesh that ignited from his touch.

At the same time his fingertips traveled up her sides. Normally this would have tickled, but the only tickle this time came from the electric current running directly to her clit. She moaned involuntarily. His hands traveled up to her breasts and he circled them in the same fashion in tightening circles until they were tracing just on the outer edge of her engorged areolas. Her nipples were diamond hard and ached to be touched.

Next held his hands flat and just touched her nipple points in the center of his palm. He started making small circles with his palms so that her nipples were rotated in small arcs. Simultaneously, he bit down on her shoulder using a wide bite and most of his teeth. He slowly ground his teeth with about three inches of flesh between them, all the while keeping the gentle twisting pressure on her nipples.

Nobody had ever done this to her before and the effect truly took her breath away. Something about that bite on her shoulder hit the nerves deep in her pussy. Different from the effect her nipples had on her clit, it made her whole vagina quiver. That coupled with his hands treating her nipples so torturously made her pussy physically drip down her legs. Her knees were weak, and she thought she might cum right there. Her body started to shake with anticipation.

Right then, he stopped biting and moving. She opened her eyes and could see him looking right at her reflection. They were looking at each other without looking directly at each other. “You have a new rule my pet,” he said. “From now on, when you and I are together, you are not allowed to cum without permission. You must beg. And when you beg, you had better be ready to cum as soon as I tell you that you can. Do you understand?”

“Oh fuck!!!!” she thought. More rules and she knew instantly that he would torture her with them. The whole week had been about this. Making her practice withholding. He wanted to control her every action and now he would control her orgasms too. It seemed so unfair. She wanted to scream “HELL NO,” but knew he would only accept one answer. “Yes sir. I understand.” She basically whimpered this while wanting him to continue with what he had been doing.

“And remember, you beg your Master, you answer your Sir,” he instructed and then resumed biting her shoulder and rubbing her nipples.

“Huh?! What the fuck did that mean,” she thought for a brief second before the pleasure overtook her scrambled brain. She couldn’t process correctly and she could only contemplate wanting sweet release! She needed it. Her hips ground against his cock wedged between her ass cheeks.

His hands started to squeeze and massage her tits and pinch from light to painful, but he never stopped biting and grinding the tender shoulder flesh between his teeth. Finally, his right hand started to travel down to her pussy. She trembled with expectation. She spread her legs before the hand arrived and his finger split her soaking wet lips and pushed in an inch before drawing up to her clit, circling and pressing it. It took mere seconds before she made her first request, “May I cum sir?” She felt so lost in the euphoria of the moment.

His left hand pulled away from her breast and he shifted enough to the side to slap her left ass cheek hard. The sharp impact shocked her into opening her eyes and looking at his reflection again. His other hand came up and grabbed her throat. He held it firmly, but didn’t choke. Three more hard spanks. Her ass grew hot quickly and she could only wait for an explanation, confused. “You beg your Master. You answer your sir,” he repeated somewhat slowly drawing out the words. He resumed the treatment from before. This sudden shift took her a moment to recover, but within a minute or two she fell back into the same euphoric zone.

“Please may I cum Master?” she begged, almost pleading.

“No,” came his simple answer while he continued to tease and play with her body, chewing on her neck again.

Her body wouldn’t stop shaking and grinding. She could feel the orgasm swelling in her belly. She panicked with fear that her body would betray her. When it felt truly imminent, she desperately warned, “I can’t stop it sir. I’m going to cum. I…have to cum. Please Master! Please let me!! Please Master!” she begged with her whole heart. Her insides were in turmoil as she tried to resist every impulse in her body.

Then he grabbed her by the hair in that way that he did. She didn’t really know how he did it so easily. His fingers wound themselves right at the base of her hair at the scalp. He had total control of her without really hurting her. It pulled all of her hair equally at the same time. He pulled her to the bed like a rag doll, sat down, and pulled her across his lap.

He sat at a little bit of an angle at the edge of the bed so she could bend at the waist over his lap with her head turned and flat on the bed and her feet dangling to the ground. His right hand now free, it came down again and again on both ass cheeks. The intense pain made her want to scream despite her best efforts to stay calm. “You only cum when I tell you, you understand!?” She knew he had asked rhetorically and didn’t answer and suffered through another half dozen spanks.

Then he stood her up. He reached into the bed side table. He pulled out the cuffs and put them on her while she lifted her legs and arms obediently. Next, he pulled out a larger thinner cuff and put it around her neck and fastened it. It held close to the skin without being tight enough to make it hard to breath. It had d-rings like the other cuffs. To Sarah it felt like a dog collar. For all she knew, it could be. She felt more and more like a true pet to her Master.

Next came nipple clamps. He secured them tightly to each nipple. She sucked in a deep breath with them fully attached. They were already hurting her very oversensitive nipples. There as a long thick string attached to the middle of the chain. She didn’t know it’s purpose, but didn’t have much time to consider. He pushed her forward over the bed. The clamps twisted her nipples more as her tits were pressed into the bed and sent new levels of pain through her body.

She felt lube slide down the crack of her ass and then his finger started pushing in large amounts of it into her butthole. He used one finger and then two. They slide in fairly easy and without too much pain helped by her remembering to bear down after the practice with the butt plugs. She knew he planned to ass fuck her next. Then she saw him grab a butt plug like her number 4 plug. The curved one with the looped handle. She felt it go in and winced only a little as the head pushed past her sphincter. If he had done that the previous week, she would have screamed in pain. But her week of anal training made it much easier and she actually felt appreciative he had demanded it.

“On the bed. Hands and knees. Facing me.” His instructions were simple and to the point. She jumped to comply. He brought over the camera with the light and set it up at the edge of the bed pointed right at her face. On top of everything else, he had turned her into quite the porn star with a large quantity of very explicit material. But she had more important things to worry about.

He got up behind her. He reached down and grabbed the string and pulled it over the top of her shoulder and strung it through a d-ring in her collar. Then he looped it through the handle of the butt plug and pulled until he had equal tension trying to pull the butt plug out of her ass and on both nipples pulling them up toward her neck. She had to clench to make sure the plug stayed in and even the little pull from that tugged at her nipples. Everything hurt and her head spun with so many conflicting concerns and sensations.

He got up on the bed behind her. A couple of small slaps on her ass while he told her, “If that plug comes out, I’ll stop and paddle you. And remember, no cumming without permission. Ever.” She acknowledged the instructions and put her head down trying to concentrate. Her inexperienced body struggled with the different stimulations. On top of her body already being exhausted from the torment of the week. Hopefully this would be over soon, and she would be allowed to cum. Her body cried out for an orgasm and she had trouble thinking about anything else.

He spread her knees apart and reached down with his hand to again play with her sopping wet pussy. As his fingers started to slowly enter her, he pulled up on the string. She had to clench quickly to stop the plug coming out. Her nipples were stretched even farther and exploded in pain.

She focused her attention on her cunt. He turned his fingers and raked her g-spot with every insertion. She found that if she focused on that, her body, her brain really, forgot about the pain in her ass and tits. She relished that pleasure. She moaned and started to grind again. As her mouth opened to beg for permission again, he stopped and pulled up hard on the string. Not even worrying about the additional stress on her tits, and despite one of the clamps slipping slightly causing a new wave of pain to assault her, she only focused on the plug that threatened to pop out. It pulled her asshole open to the limit, right before her sphincter would lose the struggle, when he lightened up and to popped back into place.

Finally, he put that big, beautiful cock at the entrance to her pussy and she groaned deeply as he pushed it all the way in. She pushed back hard with his thrust and in no time, she felt the head against her cervix. She ground against it loving the intense feeling. He started thrusting and within a minute she started begging again. Begging her Master emphatically to please fuck her and let her cum. She heard her own pleading and thought she sounded like a crazed nymphomaniac.

He repeated the process, fucking her and pulling on the string when she begged until the tremors stopped. After the third time, to her dismay, he pulled out telling her not to cum and left her pussy vibrating. He leaned down over her and released her nipples and rubbed them. New pain overtook her as the blood rushed back in. She bit her lip trying not to scream. Her back arched at the effort. Then she felt the butt plug pop out of her. She had no time to even try to resist. He just pulled it out. She held her breath waiting for an admonishment, but it didn’t come. Then she knew. Her first anal sex.

He put fresh lube on her and on his cock. Then she felt the big head pressing up against her still winking brown eye. It inched in just a little so that it sat firmly seated in her and just before her sphincter started to scream. “Keep your head up and eyes open toward the camera. I want to capture the first moment you surrender your ass to me.”

She looked straight ahead with a mixture of fear and absolute lust. He started applying pressure and she felt the invader open her ass to its widest point so far and keep going. Her eyes teared and she felt the head of his dick force its way into her tiny opening. Thanking God for the prep work all week, she knew he would have torn her asshole otherwise.

Finally, it popped past the stretched ring. Bigger than the butt plugs, she felt herself stretch to new limits. He very slowly inched forward and paused allowing her to adjust to this new invasion. As it went deeper, her ass felt so full. He went deeper into her rectum than anything else had ever been. He paused once he got fully in her and she moaned again. Her pussy started responding to this as well, surprising her. He started to thrust. It actually felt kind of good to at least have something fucking her.

He started pumping a little faster. Each stroke against her open sphincter muscle sent tremors through her pussy and she could actually feel an orgasm starting to build. It shocked her. She tried to move back and forth against his rhythm to help push him as deep as possible. From somewhere, he had the vibrator that now reached down to her clit.

The vibrations shook her clit. In seconds she would explode. Everything came together. The long denial. The long ramp up tonight. The ass fucking. And now a vibrator at high speed violating her clit. “Please may I cum Master?!” she wailed. No matter what, no matter the punishment, she wouldn’t be able to stop this one if he said no. Her orgasm had already past the point of no return and it felt huge.

She heard the one word she wanted more than anything else. “Yes.” With that she let go of every restraint. She moaned and screamed. Her whole body shook from the intensity. She couldn’t focus on moving her body though his dick never stopped ramming her ass. She convulsed and felt her stomach churn as her muscles rippled. It went on forever. She had no idea how long. Wave after wave. Even as it threatened to stop, he would move an inch and it would start again.

She pushed back against him and then he pulled her torso up into a mostly vertical stance on her knees. She reached back an wrapped an arm around his head and tried to kiss him but couldn’t quite reach. He used his left arm around her belly to support her and started massaging and playing with her breast. That set off another wave of orgasm and her pussy and ass spasmed and quivered.

When she thought it would finally stop, he came down with his right hand and started lightly slapping her clit repeatedly. “Oh fuck!” she screamed out loud. More shaking from her body to the point that she would have fallen off the bed but for his firm grasp around her belly. At that moment, Mr. Michaels let go in her ass and she felt hot cum spray into her colon. She clung to his neck with her arm for dear life. The strongest orgasm of her life hit at that moment from the slaps on her clit and she squirted a week’s worth of denied orgasms out of her pussy. She had sticky liquid all over her legs.

Eventually the shaking slowed but didn’t stop. He laid her down with his dick still in her ass and they rolled to the side in a connected spoon. Both panted from the exertion. She felt his dick recede and then slowly drop out of her ass. Her asshole felt a foot wide at that point and she felt his seed seep out of it. They laid there for quite a while. He continued to trace over her skin in a light touch along her arms and belly.

“That was unbelievable,” she finally let out. She turned backward to look at him as much as she could and said, “I think I like anal sex!” They both laughed.

After a decent rest, he sent her to the bathroom to get cleaned up and to bring a warm soapy washcloth and towel back to clean him up. She ran off to the bathroom with her hand over her butthole as his cum continued to squish out of her with each step. She couldn’t believe the complete sense of relieve her body felt from getting to let go. It had been mind-altering, and she kept reminding herself that it had only been a few weeks since all of this had started. She couldn’t believe how far she had come.

She cleaned up and once satisfied that she had finished leaking, she got the washcloth and towel. She warmed the water to make sure she followed the instructions perfectly. When she came back, she started on him and carefully washed his cock and balls first and then any other sticky spots from her gush. Embarrassment by how much had come out of her made her blush. She also tried to clean up the sheet as best she could, but it would definitely have to go in the laundry later. With everything returned to the bathroom, she stood at the bed with her hands behind her and waited for him to tell her what to do.

He seemed to be considering for a few minutes. Then he got up and told her to get back on the bed on hands and knees again. He brought out several lengths of rope. Using the d-rings on the cuffs, he linked each wrist to its corresponding ankle. That forced her into a downward dog position with her ass up in the air and her head positioned right on the wet spot she had left on the sheet. Then he tied each ankle with rope to either end of the foot board, making it impossible for her to pull her knees together or really to move her legs or arms at all. He had her good and trapped.

He stuck the next size up plug into her ass. She noted that it slid in with relative ease. Despite being a bigger size, it popped into her ass as it cleared her sphincter, but it didn’t hurt. His dick had stretched her ass out without a doubt. This time he twisted her hair into a pony used the rope to tie it. He folded her hair back over the tie and then looped the rope around it again. Testing it, he pulled on her hair with the rope. It didn’t really hurt, but it controlled her head completely. As she expected the other end of the rope went through the handle of the butt plug and pulled tight enough that her head got pulled backward. Tolerable, but uncomfortable. It also meant she couldn’t see anything he did.

She heard him get something out of his bag of tricks and heard him plugging it into the wall socket. She got nervous while he got in position behind her and she felt something press against her pussy. It felt like a large ball, like maybe a baseball, but cold and plastic. “This is a hitachi. It is a more powerful vibrator. Same rules apply. Don’t let that plug come out of your ass and don’t forget to beg for permission to cum.” As if to emphasize his point, he paddled her ass twice. Surprised, her natural reaction forced her to pull her head forward and she felt the plug pull right out of her ass.

“Already off to a bad start I see. Do I need a bigger plug slut?! Or are you just too lazy to follow orders?” His questions seethed with surprising anger.

She gulped as new fear gripped her. Nice happy Master had left, and vengeful angry Master had returned. “I’m sorry sir. I was just surprised. I don’t need a bigger plug.” Who knew how big a plug he had in that bag and her ass had already been stretched to new limits. “Please I promise I’ll do better this time, sir. Master!” She realized she had begged and remembered how he expected to be addressed in such circumstance. The plug went back in but not as gently this time and she winced. Her head had already grown tired, and her legs being pulled wide open caused the insides of her thighs to burn.

The vibrator flipped on and oh….holy….hell….it shook with ferocity. Much stronger than the normal vibrator. After two or three minutes of rubbing it around, pressing it against her vagina and her clit, even against the plug so that it vibrated the hell out her ass, and she started begging to cum. To her surprise, he allowed it and even pulled her head back at a slightly sharper angle. The orgasm shook her, but the extreme head angle made it difficult to scream.

Before the orgasm had even finished, he dropped the vibrator and started hitting her with the paddle again. After a half dozen quick whacks to the backs of her thighs, the hitachi went immediately back on her clit at full force. She almost instantly needed to cum again and he forgivingly allowed it a second time. However, he didn’t hold her head back this time and it became incredibly hard for her to not pull her head forward. She felt the plug threatening to pull out and had to resist the urge to lower her head. So much so that it distracted from the climax and it got interrupted midway through.

More thigh abuse and he went right back at it. Her abused clit felt numb and when she hadn’t needed to cum after several minutes, he inserted his middle two fingers pointed down and banged her g-spot repeatedly. She started begging for release again in no time. He told her to count to 10 before she could cum. She started counting when he stopped her and told her to start over more slowly.

She counted it out, one number at a time, ready to jump out of her skin by 10 and let go with another strong spasmic orgasm causing fluid to leak down her legs. She heard what sounded like a stick being waived in the air and felt it come down on the flat of her upturned foot. Right in the center. It burned intensely and she lost the plug again. Her foot continued to sting while he put the plug back and he told her she would get double now for letting it come out. He hit each foot a total of 4 times. He had to threaten to double it again if she didn’t unclench her foot. She reluctantly held it flat to receive the last two switches from the cane.

When the hitachi went back to her poor swollen clit, he clicked it on high. “Mother of God!!! That was the low setting?!” she thought and wanted to cry. The vibrations took over and they were so strong. It felt like her whole lower half jiggling. So many orgasms in such a short time made it painful, but still she felt one starting to build. He told her, “One more big orgasm and we’ll be done, and I’ll let you go. But I really want you to let go and tell me. I want to hear it, you little slut! I want to hear you yell ‘I’m a slut. I’m a slut. I’m your slut Master!’”

She couldn’t wait to get relief with her head and legs starting to cramp. But it did feel good. She concentrated on that feeling. Willing her body into one more orgasm. It built and built. All of the other pain and discomfort melted away in a few minutes. Her hands and feet were cold and numb. All she really cared about centered in her pussy. Her hips ground pressing her clit even harder into the relentless vibrator. Finally, she begged her Master again. He said yes and her body shook again as several waives of pleasure tinged in pain rocked through her.

She screamed, “I’m cumming! I’m a slut! I’m a slut!! I’m….your…..slut…. MASTER!!” It continued on and on and she groaned and moaned. She continued to whisper ‘slut’ over and over while her body trembled. He started hitting her ass the paddle. She barely reacted as the pain felt removed and the only thing she really felt were the throbs from her tortured vagina. When the vibrator dropped, she knew he would finally let her go and she felt a wash of relief.

He continued to paddle her ass until it became hot as hell. The pleasure fell back into pain and she whimpered with each strike. Suddenly the hitachi went back to her pussy. “Sir that isn’t fair. You said that was the last one. I can’t cum again, please. Please Master, no more I can’t take is too much! FUCK YOU this isn’t FAIR!!” she protested not even aware that she had just cursed at him.

“Listen you little cunt!” he barked sternly right into her ear, instantly shutting her up. “This is MY pussy now. If I want to force another orgasm out of it, then I will. Your only job is to take it and make me happy! You want to make me happy, don’t you?!”

He had stunned her into silence. She couldn’t believe he had talked to her like that. She stayed silent not knowing what to say. But the hitachi started having an effect. It had gone from painful to pleasurable again. “Say you want to make me happy,” he commanded in a more level tone.

“I want to make you happy sir,” she replied meekly. Her pussy ground again as the pleasure continued to build. Despite her wanting this to stop, she now needed another orgasm.

“Again. Beg me to make me happy,” he ordered.

“Please Master, please let me make you happy,” she begged and then moaned and closed her eyes. Another deep wave of electricity passed through her making her stomach flutter. “Please Master I want to cum for you and make you happy,” she begged again feeling a little lightheaded.

“Make me happy and cum slut. My little cum slut is all you are. You don’t have to wait. Cum now.”

She ground harder. Just as she felt the climax start, he fucked her ass with the plug. The crazy stimulation of her ass combined with the vibrations on her clit let her succumb and she came hard. As her body shook, he let go of the rope and let her put her head down. That caused a whole different kind of pleasure as she continued to rock with orgasmic waves.

He finally took the vibrator away and just held his hand against her clit feeling her body shudder heavily ever couple of seconds. Even her long constant moan hitched when she would shudder. He pulled the plug fully out of her ass and she felt her asshole wink as it contracted to the throbs of her pussy. She had another full body shiver and gasped.

With his other hand, he released her bonds and he pulled her head up into his lap. She curled into a fetal position and continued to shiver and shake for a few minutes.

“Tell me again you want to make me happy Sarah.”

“I do Mr. Michaels. Master. I want to make you happy. All the time sir.”

He pulled her up to his mouth and kissed her deeply and she returned it. Her will gone. She was his. He had a control over her that she couldn’t explain. But she knew right then and there that she would probably never feel something this intense again.


For the next half an hour or so, they laid back in bed, chatting and resting. Sarah’s body would still shudder every once in a while. The whole night had been a total whirlwind. She had been fucked in the ass and forced to cum until she couldn’t stand it anymore. How did this happen?

When the finally roused and sat up in bed, he really surprised her. He paid her as usual for her ‘babysitting’ for the night. He always paid her before she left and usually with a very generous tip. But then he handed her a stack of $100 bills.

“You had a good week. A tough week. That’s an extra $500.” Her eyes got huge. “I want you to tell Jenny you want to go shopping at some of the nicer stores this weekend to buy some new clothes. And tell her you want to find something sexy and slutty as well. She will ask so just tell her you have been doing extra babysitting for me and got a bonus. Got it? That is how you describe it. If she asks for more details, be vague and don’t tell her anything more. Can you do that?” he asked with a smile.

“Thank you! Thank you sir!” Sarah jumped up and kissed him, elated. She had never had this much money to shop with. And she didn’t usually get to go shopping with Jenny because she didn’t have that kind of money. Jenny’s parents were well off and they had tons of money. They even bought her a BMW when she turned 16. Sarah’s family were paupers by comparison. She loved Jenny, but she never felt like they were on equal footing. She had a giant smile on her face while she looked at the money.

“Now tell me about the two boys this week. Did you enjoy that?”

“Oh yeah. I used everything you taught me and they loved it. It felt so crazy to be with both of them. And I really liked having them both suck on my tits at the same time. It felt amazing.”

“Pretty smart of you to get that picture of them as well. Just to make sure they didn’t go blabbing.”

Sarah blushed at the compliment. “I think you are rubbing off on me. But I did like controlling them that way. It made me feel in charge.”

“You definitely were.” He smiled. “Here’s what I want you to do this week. I want you to find Conner and tell him you want to get together with him on Tuesday night. Tell him you are housesitting, and you have this house to yourself for the night. But that after being with both him and Jimmie, you want to try something bigger. Tell him you want him to bring over Jimmie and one other boy and you want to fuck and blow all three of them. And you can tell your parents that you just picked up an extra babysitting night.”

She stared blankly for a minute, broken from her elation over the money. “What?”

“You heard me. You want to take on three guys at one time. That you want to fuck and blow each of them, even two at one time.”

She would be lying if she said she didn’t think it would be fun to try. The thought of one guy fucking her pussy while the other fucked her mouth. Maybe even jerking off the third at the same time. Again, of course she had seen videos like that on the internet, but she never in a million years thought she would do it. He wanted her to have an orgy. A FOURSOME. Not a THREESOME, but a FOURSOME. And one with her being the only girl.

The whole idea rattled around in her head while she tried to take it in. He kept talking. He had a suggestion for how to again keep control of the boys to make sure that they would do this and never breath a word. And he assured her that he would be there watching on cameras he had set up to make sure they didn’t get out of hand. He wanted this to be fun and if it looked like it might turn into anything she didn’t want, he would step in and stop it. But he felt confident that Sarah could control the situation.

She found herself agreeing to try to set it up. She had a pit in her stomach, but she had come this far. Why not have a small gang bang at this point?

He told her to give him a blowjob before she left. He laid on his back with his head propped up on the pillows, so she got down on her knees between his legs. She had gotten so used to giving blowies by that point that she didn’t even think about the smell and taste of a guy’s spunk. She used all of her tricks and soon had him ready to burst. But he surprised her yet again when he told her not to swallow and just use her hand to finish him.

So taken aback, she almost screwed it up. She pulled his cock out of her mouth and he came in giant squirts. Seeing it all come out of his cock right in front of her face seemed different for sure. As he started to finish with a small shudder of his own, she could see just how much cum she normally swallowed. It went from his belly button, all over his chest, almost to his neck. There were drops and gobs and ropes of cum everywhere. She looked up at him and saw his expectant look and then she got it.

She started by licking the last drop off the head of his penis. Then the first gobs down by his belly button. It took her several minutes to get all of it off of him, given his somewhat hairy chest and abs. It really got stuck in the hair. She particularly enjoyed getting it off his nipple. She sucked and nibbled and bit first one and then the other of HIS nipples for a change. He laughed, pleasantly amused. She smiled at him when she finished and then gave him a quick kiss, grabbed up her stuff, including the money, and headed out the door.


Same as Sarah's Submission: Ch 06 - Losing her Anal Cherry Videos

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Turning into Cherry

The started as any other, she woke up went to work, was her usual efficient self, came home, fed her cat, cooked dinner and went to bed. No sense of foreboding came to her, none of the famous ?female intuition? nothing out of the ordinary in fact. It was just another day to strike off the gray calendar of her life. But that night was not gray, it was black, black as the rose she found in the morning. She lived alone with just a black cat for company, the cat was the only sign that she actually...

4 years ago
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Bride Submission A Big Surprise

Introduction: Feminist lawyer learns of familys secret sex society life. BRIDE SUBMISSION: A Big Surprise Summary: Feminist lawyer learns of familys secret sex society life. Note 1: Thanks to MAB7991, Robert, and goamz86 for editing this story. Note 2: This is the first part of a year-long plus multi-part story of the brides extensive submission from powerful lawyer to obedient incestuous submissive slut during her wedding week. BRIDE SUBMISSION: A Big Surprise I just need to warn you my...

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Sarahs First TimeChapter 2

I hesitated for a few moments, thinking, should I or shouldn't I? I was now standing before him, he took my dressing gown off me because I was a bit reluctant. He Didn't like that. "Right you naughty cock teasing little girl! You're going to do what you're told now!" He swung me round and put me over the sofa. "Sir, what are you doing? Please don't hurt me. I'll be a good girl!" SLAP, SLAP SLAP. Mr Clark was spanking my arse. "Now take them bikini knickers down Sarah, I'm going to...

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Son Takes Mothers Anal Virginity

I wake up in the morning before Dylan and see the sun is still down outside the window. We must have gotten warm during the night because the covers have been kicked off. I roll off of Dylan's naked body and onto my left side to look at the clock. 4:48 AM. I lie there reflecting on the night before and feel peaceful/relaxed like I did after the first time Trevor and I had sex. Only this time, it was with my son and I'm happier than the first time with Trevor. Just like a week ago when Dylan...

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Graceful Submission

Graceful Submission by Kittynor Chapter 1 My name is Grace. It used to be Graham but I will come back to that a little later. My parents, Luke & Jennifer, are in what one would call an FLR. It's short for Female led relationship. Before you jump to any conclusions, this is what both of my parents desired. They have had time to sort of perfect their roles over the past twenty plus years. You can see that in the...

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Herman to Hermione

Herman to Hermione -------------------- My name is Herman and this is my story. I am a 28 year old living in Dubai with my wife. Its been 4 years since we have been married and Julia and we both have a very good sex life. I met her one night while I was bar-hopping with a couple of mates and the same night we were all over each other like a couple of jack-rabbits. As I said sex has never been dull for the both of us and Julia likes to think up of new ways to keep the magic alive....

1 year ago
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It's been awhile since my last nasty i****t tale, so I thought I would stop by and tell you about my sweet cousin Cherry. Cherry is my Uncle Pat's daughter and the baby of the family. When Cherry was just a few months old when Uncle Pat and his wife split up it was Aunt Clair who got custody of their daughter. A few weeks after the divorce Aunt Clair packs up and move her and Cherry to the East coast. It would be f******n years before my Uncle Pat would see or hear from his daughter.June 2,...

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Sarah and Sister Theresa

" ... And thank you so very much for coming." Sarah said as she shook hands with Mrs. Anderson. As she closed the classroom door behind the woman, Sarah let out a sign of relief. She thought Mrs. Anderson would never finish. Saint Francis's Open House had ended almost a half hour ago, but Mrs. Anderson had to stay behind and go on and on about her precious little "kitten" and how Sarah should be spending more time showcasing her talents. It could've been worse, she thought, Jim Anderson...

4 years ago
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You let yourself in with your key. The room is dark except for a line of votive candles in red glass holders, in a direct line from the living room to the bedroom. The air smells of a sweet scent - sandalwood?. It's too faint to be sure. You smile, put your purse down on the couch and kick off your shoes. Whatever comes next, it's going to be nice to get off your feet.You undress, folding your clothes neatly and leaving them on the couch. Only when you're completely naked do you venture to...

First Time

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