Hot Tub Wife Pimpin Part 2 free porn video

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I said yes.

"Did you get the job?"


And then she slept for twelve hours.

I knew she felt guilty about what she did but I tried to tell her I felt bad that maybe I should have put a stop to it but I couldn't. How vile it was to watch her cum on this douchebag's prick. She agreed that she absolutely despised him and then every single time we would end up fucking and not talking about it for the rest of the night. She was fucking me out of guilt and I couldn't help myself getting turned on everytime we talked about it, so I made sure to bring it up constantly.

I had no idea that I would be so turned on by my wife fucking another man, specifically one we both disliked so much. Her shame from enjoying it was also working for Karen despite our better natures. She would often climax while admitting how much she came.

The contracts that Neal got us, made the money I needed for overdue bills, but as I predicted, his forced timeline caused my staff to threaten to quit. Specifically Lester, one of our two mechanics. He was older than me and always thought he knew better about everything. He'd been working since when it was my dad's shop. He's known me since I was eleven or twelve so he's always treated me like a kid. He was a bit of a drunk loser in my opinion but he was good with cars. Our other mechanic was a young hispanic guy, family man, from Mexico named Diego. Without proper citizenship, I wasn't concerned about him quitting just yet but even though he was polite, I could tell he wasn't happy with me. He was always very nice to Karen, who told me on more than one occasion that he was cute and they were friendly at the shop.

Even though we were catching up financially, I still needed more work and I was still going to be behind in staff payroll.

I kept explaining to Karen how things were going so she could see I was doing everything I could, working extra hard and then I would come home late. It became a ritual. I would come home and she would ask how the day was. I would explain how much I tried but we didn't have any walk ins, or any mistake I might have made on an order, which would lead to talk of our bills and finances and then eventually, seemingly reluctantly it would get around to Neal and we would end up fucking.

I think it was about two months of that before I started seriously asking if she would be willing to invite Neal over again to get "an extension". Karen was shockingly indifferent. I thought maybe she would be angry but she wasn't really. It was more like she knew it was coming and just was waiting for me to ask. There was certainly a slight perceptable coldness after that but instead of feining outrage she just made it my choice and said she would go along with whatever I wanted in the name of being a good supportive wife. She was prepared to get trashed again and then humiliated by this asshole we both dislike as our new kink, but it didnt exactly turn out that way.

We picked this blue dress that had a plunging neckline so there was an innappropriate amount of cleavage and it was high up on her thighs enough that she wouldn't dare wear it out in public, but since Neal was coming straight to our house it seemed perfect. It was a cheeky amount of innappropriate without having to say anything. The material was thin and without a bra her nipples were obvious as they poked through the dress blatently. We decided no bra was the way to go.

Karen had two shots to calm her nerves a get a little buzz going. She was nervous and wanted to loosen up. Last time we didn't know what we were doing but this time we were not just expecting a kinky sex romp but actually inviting it. Just reaching between her legs I could feel that she'd soaked right through her panties already. We were both so excited. It was hard not to fuck while we were waiting for him to arrive but once her make up was done, Karen would only allow me to play with her pussy a little or with myself.

When he finally rang the bell and she greeted him at the door, he didn't say a word about her dress. He was on his phone, so instead he handed her his coat and talked past her to me, giving me a brief hello before finishing his call. When we finally got into the living room he hung up and then there was an awkward moment where we didn't know what to say, until Karen offered to get everybody drinks.

"Tits out." He said it so evenly and calmly it didn't register. Those were his first words to her.

Karen blinked, not understanding. He couldn't have said what she thought she heard. He hadn't even said hello to her yet or even looked her in the eye! "What did you say?" She asked incredulously.

"This is a negotiation, remember sweetie? And you are the bargaining chip, so lets skip the theatrics and get on with it. Tits. Out." Now he was looking at her, through her. Scanning her body, appraising her physical attractiveness.

Karen was just shocked by his bluntness, but then obediantly removed her top. This is what the evening was about after all.

Her nipples visibly hardened as we watched and Karen blushed, she wasn't drunk enough to be so shameless this time.

We all waited in silence for Neal to say something. His eyes stayed on her tits. "Nice, now get us those drinks."

Karen turned and pulled at her dress to cover up, but Neal wasn't having any of that. "It's only two words, so it shouldn't be that complicated, honey. Tits. Out."

Karen left her top down and let his words sink in, accepted them somehow and then went to get the drinks. Neal smiled at me and said, "Thanks for the invite, buddy!"

When she returned promptly, still topless, Karen's breasts swaying with each step. Not one to miss a beat, Neal said, "Jiggle, jiggle, jiggle..."

My normally proud wife, tried her best to ignore his taunts. I wondered if despite her natural instincts, being so verbally degraded was part of the kink for her. Certainly she'd never been so thoroughly humiliated before in her life.

He sat, sprawled on our couch like he owned the place. As she bent over to put the tray of shots on the coffee table, we all enjoyed how her tits hung free. She had been a good sport and now wanted to take one of those shots, but Neal stopped her.

"No more for you tonight sweetie. You've had enough." He took her shot and threw it back. "These are not for you."

"What are you talking about? I can have a drink if I want one." He knew how to push her buttons and get her indignant.

"No. I want you sober as part of our deal. I want you to enjoy it." He said, not phased at all.

"Well good fucking luck there! You disgust me!" Karen was getting uppity now and I wasn't sure if this was going to work, but I should have known that Neal knew what he was doing.

"Well then how about I enjoy it?" He asked. With that he held out his phone to show her a picture of her laid out, passed out on the lawn, naked, used and scandalous. "This is what I was fucking last time."

That definitely took her to down a peg, to a lower level, knocking her off her high horse, seeing that photo, shaming her. Embarrassed.

Karen lowered her head without saying a word.

"Hey, you still got nice tits, baby, and I still want to fuck you, but this time you gotta do some work for your money. No free rides."

He threw back another shot, I threw back two. Karen just glared defiantly and simply said, "Fine."

"Good girl. See the thing is, if I don't get what I want, then nobody gets what they want. You just keep being that hospitable host I know you're capable of being." He was mocking her but also laying down the law.

Karen was impressive in her shift to acceptance, saying, "What do you want now?"

He put a hand on her left breast and rolled her nipple thoughtfully between his finger and thumb, but not hard.

"I want my dick sucked." He said.

Karen just absorbed it silently and dropped to her knees in front of him, undid his pants and began sucking his cock. She didn't even look at me.

"Hey I want some enthusiasm." He jeered.

She scowled at him.

"You should be flattered, sweetie. I'm paying thousands here in contract work. That's alot more than some street hooker gets paid."

Really he wasn't, since it was work he would just pass up on, but they were his contracts and he set the value of them.

"That's it baby, put in the work!" Nealed leaned back even more to enjoy himself.

She glared daggers at him as she bobbed up and down how he wanted with no hands and when he wanted a super charge he would grab her by the head and straight skull fuck her.

Karen would get overwhelmed and gag, sputtering, "Fuck! You think this makes me want to fuck you?"

Neal needed to be constantly reminding her of her place. Luckily he loved doing it. "I dont care if you want to fuck me, but you're going to anyways. And thats why this is working."

With those words he reached into her panties and began to easily push three fingers into her very obviously wet pussy and started making loud squish sounds by rooting around in her so roughly. It was so obvious that she was drenched. I think she orgasmed right there on the spot, because after a minute long exploaratory mission, when Neal's fingers came out and straight into her mouth, Karen sucked on them obediantly and there was sweat beading at her temples near her hair line.

He locked his eyes on hers to show control and said, "Now we're going to go to your bedroom and fuck it out in your bed while your husband watches."

She turned to do as she was told, when he stopped her.

"Wait. Take of that dress." He ordered.

Pulling it over her head, Karen dropped the dress on the ground. She stood there for a moment so we could both take in the view. My wife was naked except for her panties, which really was only a string in the back. He slapped her ass and sent her weebling down the hallway as told.

His tongue was hanging from his mouth and he said, "I'm gonna tear that up, my dude."

I stopped him for a moment and tried to explain that while I was grateful that he would help us with these contracts again, even with the extra work, we were behind on staff wages for the last two weeks and after these jobs were done we would still be short on wages. My remaining mechanics were fed up now and even Neal's replacements were understandably unhappy.

He looked annoyed that I was even speaking but said, "Trust me. I have a plan of how you can fix that. But right now the big dog's gotta eat." He was looking down the hallway to our bedroom. "I'm gonna turn your wife out tonight, bro and I'm gonna treat her like a cheap whore and I'm going change her, break something inside her that you can never fix."

I knew he was saying that to freak me out and it was working. Karen might still hate Neal as much, if not more now, but something inside her enjoyed getting fucked by him last time, even because she hated him. Even because he took advantage of her or because of his big cock. I was freaked out.

Unlike last time, this time Karen was fully engaged and clearly going to fuck him actively, how he wanted. Unlike last time, this time Karen was mostly sober and going to feel and remember all of it.

When he came into the room she had already taken a submissive position, waiting for him bent over on the bed. She was standing, but bent at the waist and leaning on her elbows, assuming he was going to want something similar to how he had her last time.

Instead, he slapped her ass hard as he entered the room and while she squealed and rubbed it, jumping up and jiggling all over, Neal stripped down and laid down in the center of our bed.

Even at half mast he was big and only getting bigger as he ordered my wife around, saying, "Come on, cowgirl, let's go for a ride. Climb up here."

As I watched Karen climb up on the bed to mount him, he placed his phone on the headboard and told her he was making a video to enjoy later and that was just part of the deal now.

It really wouldn't matter how long she glared at him, we both knew he already had other humiliating photos and maybe even video of her so it meant very little when she spat out, "You think I'm your little pornstar now?"

But he said, "No, tonight you're my little prostitute." And when she didn't say anything, he pressed her, "Right?"

"Alright." She muttered.

"No, not alright. Say I am right that you are a prostitute and look into my camera when you say it."

"I am a prostitute, okay?" And then onto the camera, "I am fucking you for money, like a hooker. Is that what you want to hear?"

And he said the filthiest thing to her, so insulting as I watched her take his thick cock in her little hand and push it into the sloppy wet folds of her pussy, nudging her swollen clit. He said, "I'm going to get my money's worth out of you tonight! Now sink that twat down cuz I know you're going to cum on my alpha baby maker, making my babies."

As Karen sunk inch after inch deeper onto him, gasping quick short inhalations, maybe halfway down his thick shaft, I came in my pants untouched. Neal didn't even really take notice of me for a few minutes as he sucked on Karen's nipples and let my wife get used to how big he was inside her. It was clearly an adjustment.

Once she was slowly getting into a rhythm and taking his full length, he turned his attention back to me.

He made me take my pants down, insisted I enjoy myself. "Come on, man! How often you get to see your girl cum on a big thick cock?"

I was thankful that nobody knew I already came. Hopefully it would give me a little staying power in the face of watching my wife find her groove on his massive tool. It was a game I could only lose.

"Remember how quick you were getting those sloppy seconds last time? Remember how loose she felt?" He laughed as I immediately got hard in front of them. "Yeah, I knew you love this shit!" Karen tried not to look, she was somewhere else, riding him.

Their game was all about him wanting her to do all the work, to push her to ride him harder and faster, while Karen was trying to hold back so she didn't just cum like the easy lay she clearly was. I couldn't tell if she was having trouble avoiding hitting her spot or maybe he was so big he was always rubbing against her spot no matter how she twisted. His squeezing her nipples and nibbling on them made it even harder.

Within minutes of her riding him to the rhythm and speed he demanded, her breathing changed, she was holding her breath and then gasping deeply. My wife was cumming involuntarily and trying not to show it and not succeeding at all. At her peak I knew I was cumming, but I wasn't prepared for Neal to point it out to Karen.

I could tell she was still riding out her first long orgasm and seeing me cum onto the floor in four humiliating spurts probably alleviated some of her potential guilt for enjoying his cock so thoroughly in front of her husband.

I might have tried to extract some pride in helping my wife, as if I had any control at all, but then he laughed and called out how fast I came and then immediately how quickly I get hard again even from the insults. I could see on Karen's face that she's dissapointed in me. Maybe not dissapointed but obviously unimpressed.

Besides, she had bigger problems now. Neal wanted her to keep up her rhythm, but it was just turning into a second orgasm, bigger than the first.

"I'm cummmminnngggg!!!" Karen's hips began doing that involuntary motion where her pussy was trying to milk the cum out of the cock, gripping it on every up stroke, pulling it as she came to increase the chances of conception.

"You're going to remember tonight for the rest of your life, cunt." Neal was gloating.

"Fuck you and your big cock, you asshole!" Even her anger was a turn on. How meaningless is your anger when you're still bouncing out the last throws of your orgasm on his cock?

"Is that your way of saying, thank you for saving your husband's business?" He sneered.

I could hear the slapping of her ass against his pelvis every time she slammed down on him again saying, "I'm doing all the work, fucker."

"Because I paid for you." He pushed her.

"Ugh!" Was her only response.

But Neal didn't let up. "Come on, admit it. You don't like me but you like my big cock."

"It's okay." She admitted.

"It's better than okay if you just came twice and didn't want to. Now say it." He clamped his hands around her tits and gave them a hard squeeze.

"Your big cock made me cum twice. Really good, ugh, is that what you want to hear? Ugh!"

"Don't slow down, bitch." He prompted her to keep riding him to his liking, but her pussy must have been so sensitive after cumming twice and not stopping by now.

Her thighs were shaking, "ugh ugh ugh."

"Come on, whore. Tell me you love fucking for money!" He taunted her, slapping her ass meat like a horsey.

"Oh, you fuck! I don't, it's dirty. Low rent. Filthy." Sweat was beading on her upper lip and she was out of breath.

"Yeah, you're filthy." He said.

"Ugh! Ahh! I'm filthy! You're making me..."

She was cumming again.

Neal pushed his advantage now. "Look in my camera and tell me you love being a filthy whore."

In the throws of unreason and madness, my wife Karen grabbed the headboard and stared right into his phone camera sitting there and fucked out her third orgasm on his big prick, hopping up and down hard now and said it all.

"Yeah, I'm cumming on this big fucking cock, argh! Oh my god! You fuck! You paid for this pussy. Ugh ugh ugh my god, I'm a whorrrre! I'm a filthy cunt! Argh! Ahh!"

Karen wasn't that into dirty talk, so this was new to me to, but she clearly was having a different experience with Neal than we had ever shared.

She hated him, but clearly enjoyed fucking him and came multiple times in our bed.

"Please, I cant... I need a break..." she begged openly.

He smiled cruely. "Yeah? You want something from me? Okay give me a nice kiss."

Karen kissed him passionately, and followed with an impassioned, "Please!", which hurt just to watch her submit like that.

"We can give your pussy a break, but you gotta keep me nice and hard with your mouth now, got it? Now get down there and make out with my big willy." He smacked her ass to get her moving.

Karen scooted down to cock level on our bed and was clearly about to start sucking him off again, but he stopped her.

"Don't just suck it again. I said make out with it. Give it a kiss, a lick," Karen complied. "Yeah baby, that's it. Make out with it a little. You're a fluffer now. Gotta keep me hard, until your pussy is ready again."

I didn't realize I was witnessing a full deconstruction of my wife as I knew her, but Neal was like an evil genius. Nobody had ever treated my wife like this before and shamed her so much. Karen was usually so prideful, but here and now and mostly sober, she was so subserviant to Neal's thick dick. We both had agreed to sell her before tonight, but this was so much more than either of us had expected.

For fifteen long minutes the image of my wife worshipping Neal's python and keeping it alive with kisses and nibbles was permanently burning into my brain like a bad screensaver.

Neal positioned her on all fours on the bed, her hands gripping the headboard, her face looking right into his damned camera, of course. He got behind her and began to mount her, which hit her deeper in this position and made her moan just as deeply.

"Give me that pussy, tell me you like it." Neal gripped her hip meat to pull her into him.

She couldn't be bothered to lie now. She came three more times and was begging for him to cum now, but Neal wasn't tired. It was the greatest sexual performance my wife ever went through and a part of me was grateful he was recording it and maybe I could get a copy. Rewatching Karen cum over and over again, begging for his cum.

"Maybe you need to offer me something other than your mouth, or your cunt..." He didn't have to be clever, just smug. And he was.

Looking right into his camera, she said plainly, "You can fuck my asshole, if that's what you want so you feel you're getting what you paid for."

And he did.

With nothing other than spit and her own juices, he began to push into Karen's asshole. I was even jealous of Neal's camera getting the front row seat to her every twitch of pain or pleasure flashing across her face.

Within minutes he was satisfied with how well she could take him throwing his cock in and out of her asshole and she was soon wailing through an earth shattering anal orgasm with nothing touching her pussy or clit except his big bull balls as they swung up and smacked her with each thrust. Every time he slammed into her, all her assmeat and thigh meat shook and I could feel the blunt force impact as he slapped his pelvis against her ass.

Karen wanted to collapse now, but Neal held her up with one arm twisted behind her back and the other holding her head up by her hair so that he could perfectly frame her face and tits in the shot as she came from anal. Clearly this was the most humiliating experience she'd ever experienced, let alone had recorded.

Neal finally told her her was going to cum in her pussy, just like last time.

Even totally sober now, Karen's best response was, "Oh really? I don't think... maybe we shouldn't..." but as Neal pulled out of her ass and pushed straight back into her pussy, all her sounds were appreciative.

"Beg me." He said. "Beg for my cum."

She could only mewl at first in response but clearly going to let it happen.

"Tell me to impregnate you in front of your husband." He pushed her.

"You're so sick." Karen taunted.

"Tell me!" His hand came down on her ass cheek with a smack to prompt her.

"I want you to impregnate me, shoot me up raw dog in front of my husband! I love it!" She bounced off his cock like a pro.

Neal was ramping up. "Sorry boys, sloppy seconds for everybody else!"

That was a weird thing to say.

"Yeah! Here we go! Yugh!" And that was it. His next half dozen jerks into her were his planting his seed as deeply as he could.

I'm pretty sure my wife came again as he spewed his hot baby jelly up in her. Covered in sweat and worked over, and panting, she rolled off of him. Clearly fucked beyond her own belief.

"Wait, we gotta finish up my video," he picked up his phone and pushed his filthy cock at her face.

"Clean me."

Having felt and endured every other possible degradation, Karen licked and sucked for him without reservation. Actually almost a victorious sense of enthusiasm.

In her final act of defiance, Karen spit out, "You can't humiliate me any more than you already have, fucker. I'm bulletproof."

But Neal didn't care. "Put my balls in your mouth and wash them with your tongue. That's it, baby. You like that?"

Karen was obedient and swallowed his ballsack and rolled his nuts around on her tongue.

"I love it!" She said sarcastically, taunting him again.

"You like being a whore? You're good at it."

"Yeah, I love fucking for money," she said provocatively "Is that it?"

Neal smiled as he ended the video. "That's it."

I couldn't believe it was all over already. I had already pulled my pants back up and Neal was now having a quick smoke and eyeballing his clothes so he could leave. Karen was thoroughly used, a tangle of sweaty limbs on the bed and I think we both thought that we would be fucking shortly, once we were alone.

That isn't what happened though.

I wasn't even sure that Neal's big cock was going to be the permanent life changing event in Karen's life. I mean, I knew I'd been thoroughly emasculated, but that was pretty much the plan from the start. I didn't know why it turned me on to see my wife fuck another guy, maybe because of that betrayal and humiliation was so deep and real to see. And while I know that Karen probably had the best hard sex of her life, I didn't see that it was going to fundamentally change things between us or change our lives in any big way. Afterall, a couple weeks ago we'd done something similar with Neal and we were able to handle it.

It looked as though Neal was about to leave and I would have Karen's well used body for my own lurid five or ten minutes of fun before she passed out, so I think we got exactly what we wanted and honestly a little more, but one last issue remained.

I asked Neal what his plan was for the payroll was. He had promised that he would tell me before he left. Neal smiled again. Never a good sign.

"I think that's all going to work itself out shortly." He said.

Neal's phone buzzed. He responded with a text.

"Yeah, I wasn't actually making a video with my phone, I was conference calling Diego, Rich, Jake and Lester." He said to anyone who was listening, as casual as could be.

Karen balked. "What? What do you mean? That whole time? They saw..."

" do ass to mouth and then clean my balls and say you like being a whore? You're damn right." Neal was loving her reaction. He was there for it. Planned, executed and now reaping his rewards.

"You mutherf..." I could tell Karen was on the verge of tears and rage and fear.

"This is the deal. You have no leverage here." He cut her off. "I have made a deal with your staff, to take care of unpaid wages, they're willing to accept a trade of goods... or services. I just had to show them your skills."

"You sunovabitch." Was all she could manage.

"It was a great audition tape." He was such a bastard.

I couldn't think of anything to do or say. My mind was focused on everything she had said and on camera too. Every hole used, ass to mouth, multiple orgasms and a shameless confession of loving being a hooker.

"They're already here." Neal said, looking at his phone. "Looks like you're going to a hot tub party after all."


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Hot Tub Service Girl

Emily here. I'm "No-boobs," remember? (From "Summertime Sex Ed.") They aren't any bigger now, even though I'm a year and a half older than I was then. I'm a sophomore at a big Midwestern state college now, with a tennis scholarship (thank you, Title 9!) I had a boyfriend in my freshman year, but it wasn't much of a relationship. For now, let's just call him LB (for Loser Boy). I fucked him and gave him a blow job from time to time, but I felt that I was investing a lot more in the...

1 year ago
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Hot Tub Switcheroo

I have an eight-and-a-half-inch cock. That’s 0.2159 meters if you think metric. And thick. I tell you this right up front because I am an exhibitionist and I get my kicks out of telling people about my cock, and watching their expressions should they happen to see it.So you’ll understand where I’m coming from when I tell you what happened yesterday at my gym. I’d just finished my workout and was taking a long, hot shower. The showers there don’t have curtains, and I often wonder who made that...

3 years ago
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Hot Tub Fuck Machine

My wife and I have talked about adding men to our love making for a couple 0f years; it is her greatest fantasy, a submissive gangbang. But her parameters have always been rather restrictive. It has to be at home, all men, her being taken and made to submit. It can't be close friends, but shouldn't be complete strangers. Anyways, this summer we put up an 8' tall privacy fence and built a gazebo with sitting area and a fire pit, and put in a hot tub. This seems irrelevant, but it actually...

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Hot Tub Confessions Three Certainly Isnt A Crowd

Prelude What had already happened between Scott and myself in the hot tub that night had been unexpected. There are, of course, different kinds of unexpected. This wasn't like finding out that my car needs four new tires, or waking up to a foot of snow in October. Instead, it had been like going to pay my bar tab, and discovering that a friend had already settled up. It had been enough to make my head spin and my heart race when his lips met mine for the first time. It wasn't as if there had...

Wife Lovers
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Hot Tub and Whipped Cream

Emily again. I told you about how I met Paul and Sara in "Hot Tub Service Girl." The story didn't end there. In fact, it just started to get interesting. After that wonderful Saturday evening, I couldn't get that couple out of my head. So I looked up Paul's email address and left him a note thanking him and his wife for their hospitality. I got a message back that same day, saying that I was welcome over at their house any time. I responded with "How about Saturday afternoon?" and the...

3 years ago
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Hot tub Fun1

Just thought I would share the experience I had the other night with my Sister in law. It was a hot Wednesday summer afternoon. Everyone was relaxing, staying as cool as possible with the air conditioning going. I guess at some point, I managed to doze off on the couch and when I woke up, it was past seven in the evening. I couldn't believe I had slept so long. After getting up and seeing where everyone was at, I found my wife April hanging out watching movies with her sister Christy on...

2 years ago
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Hot Tub Flashing

I just came back from the hot tub in the hotel in which I'm staying for the week. It's a nice property, about the nicest in the community where I'm doing business.While in the hot tub, I pulled up one of the legs of my swim trunks so I could exposed my cock and balls to the turbulent hot water. I find this stimulating and emotionally relaxing - and do so whenever I have a hot tub to myself.I was so relaxed after a long, hard day of work, I must have dosed off. I thought I was dreaming, for I...

3 years ago
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My wife and friend fuck at his new hot tub

It was very late by the time we got to even get in the hot tub. Maybe 1am but it was nice and cool and breezy from the passing thunderstorms. Perfect night for a hot tub. Our friend has done stuff before with us (foursome FFMM, MMF at hotel) be we weren't sure if he was going to continue to do things. so at first everyone was nervous staying apart from each other until we had a few drinks in us. The other times they fucked he had performance anxiety so it was still hot but he just didn't cum....

1 year ago
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Hot Tub Fantasies

Heading home from a long day at the office, Denise shifted in her seat on the hot crowded bus. She hated riding the city bus, but her old car had given its all a month or so back, and she didn't have the money right then to get it replaced.This afternoon's trip seemed to be especially crowded and she had the misfortune of sitting next to a guy who had obviously forgotten his morning shower… for the last few days!The trip home probably wouldn't have been so annoying had it not been for the...

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Hotel hot tub

Introduction: I always try to pull real life in to my stories. Most of them involve people I know or have seen. This one came to me while hanging out at a hotel with my family. I also enjoy hearing from people that enjoy my stories. If you like them, feel free to drop me an email. Let me know what story you like best or lets chat sometime. For the past 12 years, one of my favorite activities has always been fucking my wife. Of course, as with all things, work, normal day-to-day things and the...

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Hot Tub Party With Three Coeds

Being a newly divorced guy in a huge house with a pool and a hot tub has its rewards. I did not intend for the casa to become a party haven, but that is exactly what happened a while back.Jack was a work buddy and he too was divorced. He suggested we throw a naked hot tub party and invite some girls from a nearby college. I told him he was nuts if he thought any college coeds would want to come and party naked with a couple of middle-aged guys, but he only laughed and said, "Leave it up to...

Group Sex
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When I shared a true story about the hot tub in the Astoria Holiday Inn Hotel, I barely believed it myself but it actually happened in 2009. Ben & Cheryl were the sexy couple whom I met in the hot tub there at the hotel. I fingered Cheryl to two huge climaxes as her husband sat next to us, not knowing that he was secretly watching the whole time. Then when he joined her three kids in the pool, she jacked my cock with them only a few feet away. She stroked me hungrily until a huge load of...

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Wifes Wet TShirt in Hotel HotTub

My wife Alexa decided that we should take a weekend trip up to Napa from San Francisco to get away from the city for a few days. She was always dragging me on these little Northern California road trips because she said that it’s good for your mind to have new experiences. I am more of a home body myself and would have just as well spent the entire weekend at home browsing the internet. But Alexa is pretty willful, so I usually let her have her way to avoid a big fight. We did a one of those...

4 years ago
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Hot Tub Reunion

Note: Deleted and Resubmitted because Categories were not correct and could not change them after the fact.My name is Jim. This is a story about my Vietnamese wife who I met in Hanoi almost 6 years ago. I saw her crossing the street, almost floating in her traditional ao dai that showed off her slender Asian body. She had a beautiful innocent face with full lips and beautiful dark eyes framed by her long black hair.As she crossed the street, she looked at me and laughed. I realized my mouth had...

3 years ago
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Hot Tub Skinny Dipping

The holiday had been going very well so far and we have enjoyed the week we have already spent here exploring and doing all the things you would expect from tourists and then at night retreating to the two side by side cabins we had rented. Tonight though Amy and myself had decided to stay out a bit later and have a few drinks, all night Amy had teased me, whispering into my ear the things she wanted me to do to her later so by the time we had left the bar I was about ready to tear her clothes...

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Hotel hot tub

We are a pretty normal married couple. I am in my mid-40s, 6’1 with short light brown hair, blue eyes and a fairly athletic build. I have a small spread that has started to appear around my midsection which also comes with aging. I am pretty proud of my slender build and even more satisfied with the hard 8 inches that can rise when the occasion presents itself. My wife is also quite attractive. She is just a year younger than I am. She is 5’7 with long brown hair and eyes. She has...

4 years ago
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Hot Tub Adventures

This is like so embarrassing. I haven’t had sex in like a year. My name is Donna and I’m losing my mind. I’m constantly masturbating and I'm in need of a vibrator. I’m not sure what style to buy. I've been looking on a few of the erotic websites. I’m trying to figure out, which one would give me the best satisfying experience. I’d heard about the Hitachi magic wand. I knew that was the cream of the crop, as far as vibrators were concerned. It sells as a massager, but it's like the Cadillac of...

2 years ago
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Hot time in the Hot Tub

For our tenth anniversary, my wife Christine and I decided to go on a vacation to Switzerland. Neither of us had ever been there before, but we'd both always wanted to go. We stayed at a beautiful, extremely expensive hotel. It had a large indoor pool and hot tub that were open 24 hours a day. We hadn't taken swimsuits with us, but every night after dinner, or whatever we'd been doing, we'd go and soak in the hot tub to relax. The first two nights, nobody else had been there, so we'd been able...

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Hot Tub Time Machine Sexy Racquel Darrian VS Butc

Hot Tub Time Machine: Beauty and the Butch Starring: Racquel Darrian and Lily CadeLily lay in bed trying to sleep. She tossed and turned restlessly, wearing only a pair of white briefs. The traffic outside her window was louder than usual. The freeway construction was making life pretty unbearable. It sounded like two freeways were merging because that’s pretty much what was happening.She gave up, stacked her pillow against the bed’s backboard and had a smoke. Lily had been watching the comedy...

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Hotwife in hot tub

We both were in a mood to party having spent too many weekends working on the home projects – which never seem to end. So when Paul, who Marie had been talking to each other on AOL and the phone for over a year, told her he would be heading up to Connecticut and passing through Washington, it was decided she would meet him for dinner. Although she had never met Paul, Marie felt very comfortable meeting him alone because of their prior conversations. The day of the dinner Paul...

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Hot Tub Fantasy

It’s a cold, clear night. The air is crisp and fresh. We’re at a hotel bar, having a few drinks. You’re dressed in jeans and a colorful blouse, and you've got on those heels I like so much. You look amazing and the alcohol is starting to get too me. I’m having a hard time keeping my hands off of you. I just want to touch you, feel you. We’re flirting and kissing at the bar. And I've got a thousand ideas running through my head; things I want to do to you and things I want you to do to me. You...

Group Sex
2 years ago
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Hot Tub Heaven Redux

When I shared a true story about the hot tub in the Astoria Holiday Inn Hotel, I barely believed it myself but it actually happened in 2009. Ben & Cheryl were the sexy couple whom I met in the hot tub there at the hotel. I fingered Cheryl to two huge climaxes as her husband sat next to us, not knowing that he was secretly watching the whole time. Then when he joined her three kids in the pool, she jacked my cock with them only a few feet away. She stroked me hungrily until a huge load of...

2 years ago
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Hot tub surprise

A couple of weeks ago I had made a sales business trip through eastern Tennessee and decided to take a day off and enjoy myself. After shopping all afternoon and having a nice dinner and a few glasses of wine I headed back to the hotel to take a soak in the hot tub and maybe a swim. I poured myself another glass of wine and slipped into my bathing suit and a robe and rode the elevator down to the basement area where the pool and hot tub were. With it being the off season for the area I...

1 year ago
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Hot Tub Threesome

I had just turned twenty-one and was heading to a friend's party deep in the Valley. My buddies were already there and drunk, and I was determined to catch up. The night commenced with a bottle of Crown Royal Reserve and someone was rolling spliffs the entire time. Needless to say, we were all feeling loose and good. My friend, whose party it was, let's call her Rachel, was my age and had a one-year-old, but you'd never know it looking at her body. She was gorgeous, with perfect tits and an...

3 years ago
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Hot tub heaven

My wife and I and another couple we're close to recently rented a cabin in the mountains for a little vacation. February may not be the best time to go into the mountains, but it's certainly peaceful, it's cheap in the off-season, and it was the only time we could all get together for a week. The cabin was really more of a house, and a nice one at that! Three stories, four bedrooms, jacuzzi tubs, a hot tub on the deck, full kitchen, rec room, the works. A week of solitude, good food (we all...

3 years ago
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Hot Tub Dream

I get off the bed, shuck my clothes, and put on my trunks, clogs, and a t�shirt. After leaving the elevator and entering the pool area, I am glad that I am the only one in the pool room and I immediately go to the hot tub, turn on the jets, and slowly enter the steaming water. feels so good. I find a nice spot where a jet blows warm water on my back, I lay back and shut my eyes. Sooooo soothing. My mind shuts down and I stretch out and enjoy the warm water. My mind is far...

2 years ago
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Hot Tub and Forbidden Fruit

Emily again. I told you about how I met Paul and Sara in "Hot Tub Service Girl" and how I met their son Jeff in "Hot Tub and Whipped Cream." Well, if that wasn't wild enough, things got even more interesting later that summer. I had to laugh ... when I was in high school, all the girls in the shower used to call me "No-boobs" and brag about the great sex they were getting from the guys, while I was getting zilch. Things didn't much change in college. My tits weren't really any bigger,...

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Hot Tub Birthday Blast

This event happened a few weeks before my birthday in February. My wife and I, along with 2 other couples went out to dinner. I'm 5'8" tall, work out regularly and am in pretty good shape. My wife Pam, a personal trainer, is in excellent physical shape. Her flat muscled abdomen is especially attractive. She has a flower tattoo around her belly button and often wears crop top shirts to show it off. The other couples with us were Mike and Cathy, and Dave and Julie. Cathy is tall, blond, and...

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Hot Tub Beer 3 Girls

I first met Lori,Debbie & Brenda my sophomore year of high school. Nothing romantic no crush just friendship. I always enjoyed being around them laughing,smoking some weed,drinking beer when we could get it & talking. Lori was a heavy girl weighing about 175lbs plus,big boobs,big ass,looked like Janis Joplin. Debbie was a knock out with feathered hair, cute ass, nice boobs & seemed to always have a boyfriend. Brenda was like a stick. Tall,skinny,flat chested,no ass & weighed no...

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Hot tub friends

Nobody knew her, or her friend. They were clean- cut, and both very handsome. They walked, and touched each other like they had known each other forever, slight nuances of love that get better with age, and more subtle. We were sitting at our usual table, my husband and I, both transfixed by their elegance as they walked, no, glided across the restaurant, led by a waiter that seemed out of place in their company. They sat at the table next to us; they turned just as we noticed we were staring....

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Hot tub

My friend in the house maintenance business offered me another day’s work, unfortunately it was not at the house I had worked at before. When he told me, it was installing a hot tub, I told him I could not do it just not my line of work. He said not to worry as he would be doing it just needed someone to help. I thought the extra cash would come in handy, even though it would not prove to be as much fun as the last job I did. So, I spent the day working with him and we got it installed and he...

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Hot Tub Adventure

The ringing phone awoke me from a sound sleep Saturday morning. I glanced at the alarm clock as my mind registered the early hour of 5 AM. Groaning, my hand instinctually picked up the ringing phone. "Hello?" My tired, dry voice whispered into the receiver. "Morning Chelsea, its Janet. Hey girlfriend, what's ya doing?" Janet asked cheerfully. "Sleeping, Janet. I was out late last night, " I answered in a frustrated tone, yawning. "Oh! Sorry I woke you up. I am opening the...

3 years ago
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Hot Tub Seduction

“Al, this is only the third time meeting with them. Is it too soon to seduce Clair and Chuck?” “She’s the shy one, yet she giggles at our innuendo even without drinks. He’s been flirting with you from the start, so it’s time to test the waters. If they aren’t ready, we’ll apologize for misunderstanding. If they are, we party! Your crop top, ribbed tank with the huge arm holes should be a great teaser if your sexy legs in those wide legged shorts don’t make him hard.” “What about you in your...

3 years ago
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Hot Tub Surprise

My heart was racing. I couldn't believe that I was hiding in my lover's bushes spying on him. I could barely balance on my heels as I crouched in the bushes. I knew that my sexy lover and neighbor Adrian was just on the other side, but he couldn't know that I was watching him. Tonight I had a huge surprise for him and I could hardly contain myself. Unaware of his audience, my gorgeous lover slowly undressed. I watched as he tossed his clothes aside, admiring his tight butt. When he started...

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Hot Tub

In summary, on Sunday we did it on the bed, on the couch, at the edge of the tub, and on the bed again with my wife waking my sleeping cock in the middle of the night. On Monday, we did the deed with my wife sitting on the counter, again in the bed, and once in the lazy chair. Yesterday, we did it on the couch, on the floor, and in the bed. By Tuesday morning neither of us was in the mood anymore but I am not complaining. I woke up Wednesday with my wife reading the brochure of all the...

1 year ago
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Hot Tub

Introduction: Partially true story with me and my wife. We never made it all the way. By time Wednesday morning of our honeymoon came, we were all fucked out. We arrived Sunday and for almost three days we have been fucking like animals. I had an orgasm 10 times in three days which is extremely many for me. My wife had to have at least 30. In summary, on Sunday we did it on the bed, on the couch, at the edge of the tub, and on the bed again with my wife waking my sleeping cock in the middle...

3 years ago
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Hot Tub Adventures

This is like so embarrassing. I haven’t had sex in like a year. My name is Donna and I’m losing my mind. I’m constantly masturbating and I’m in need of a vibrator. I’m not sure what style to buy. I’ve been looking on a few of the erotic websites. I’m trying to figure out, which one would give me the best satisfying experience. I’d heard about the Hitachi magic wand. I knew that was the cream of the crop, as far as vibrators were concerned. It sells as a massager, but it’s like the Cadillac of...

1 year ago
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Hot Tub Sex

Me and my boyfriend are really close. I love him a lot, and he is the best I could have had. I am 22 years old, and have only had sex once before with him a few months ago, but recently… Me and my boyfriend are really close. I love him a lot, and he is the best I could have had. I am 22 years old, and have only had sex once before with him a few months ago, but recently it happened again. It was so wonderful that I asked him if I could share it online. He agreed because he would do...

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Hot Tub Time

Allison pulled up to her parents' house, the snow crunching under her feet as she walked up to the door. She had offered to watch her seventeen year old sister Mary, while their parents went on a cruise to the Bahamas.Allison had offered to watch her sister, as their parents didn't want Mary left alone for two weeks, since they had given Allison a cruise of her own for her twenty-first birthday. Allison knocked on the door, and after a minute her mother opened the door.Allison looked like her...

1 year ago
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Hot Tub Adventure

It was a lovely summers evening, when I got home from work. My lovely wife had flown back to England to visit family, so I was home alone for the weekend with nothing planned. Grabbing a cold beer from the fridge I headed straight out to the deck and uncovered the hot tub. We were lucky that our house was pretty isolated up in the hills, apart from our neighbours who I knew were away as well. I therefore, didn’t hesitate in stripping off and got in the hot tub as nature intended. Cold beer in...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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Hot tub Fun0

From what she had seen on the web cam, Kelly liked what she seen. Lily had shoulder length, brown hair that settled nicely with her amber colored eyes, which always reminded Kelly of a wolf. Her body was athletic in build, almost skinny, and she had been told that Lily was 5'6”. In many ways, she was a lot like Lily. Her hair, also shoulder length, but brownish black in color. The darkness of her hair contrasted with her blue eyes. Lily always commented on her eyes. She said that the...

2 years ago
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Hot tub Fun

Introduction: Hope you enjoy! Its about two lesbians who meet online and want the real thing ^^ Kelly watched her mom wash dishes at the sink. Pondering over how to tell her mom that her friend, Lily, was coming over, she had gone over different options all afternoon. She had met Lily online, and they had formed a fast friendship that led to an online romance. From what she had seen on the web cam, Kelly liked what she seen. Lily had shoulder length, brown hair that settled nicely with her...

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I walked into the spa area of the Astoria Holiday Inn, hoping to find it vacant as it often is. No such luck tonight. A trio of splashing, shouting kids in the pool met my eyes. And, worse, here were their parents taking up space in the hot tub. All I wanted to do was to sit my tired ass in the steaming water and let it soak my aching bones. At 52, I have noticed increasing problems with aches and pains in them bones. The spa here is roughly a triangle shape...

3 years ago
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Hot Tub Fun

My man and I went to our favorite swingers’ party hoping to have some fun and relieve some stress. But, I'm sad to say we left around ten o'clock as it was poorly attended and the pickings were slim. I do enjoy being picky and having the power to just say, “No thanks! Going home!” Besides, I have to admit we had good sex when we got home, we always do, and I was left longing for more. In the morning I woke up to an empty house and, not thinking of anything, I masturbated in the shower, then...

Group Sex
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Hot tub encounter

I didn't want to soak in my swim trunks so I slid them off and entered the hot tub. The only light was a glowing light that was powered by solar panel mounted on top like you line your walkway to the entrance but I had put one near the hot tub. I knew that no one could see me naked as I slipped into the hot water and settled down and started to stroke my semi erect cock. I soon heard a knock on my screen door to the pool cage. I looked around and saw my neighbor standing at my door...

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