Like A Good Neighbor Chapter 7 & 8 free porn video

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Within a week, Shelby and Jennifer moved in with me for good. We went out and bought a pink canopy set with pink sheets for Jennifer’s princess room. We let her choose a few decorations and the three of us finished her room.

I had brought Ryleigh and Molly into my office and explained to them that Shelby would now join us as our newest employee. Ryleigh jumped at the idea of having some help and volunteered to start working nights since her husband worked night s as well. That way, they could spend their days together. It was the perfect solution for everyone. Shelby would come in after dropping off Jennifer at day care. She would work until three or so when Ryleigh came to work. Then she would go get Jennifer and return home. I would meet them there several hours later and we would eat then get Jennifer ready for bed. Once Shelby got her routine down to her liking, Molly would cover for her in the morning while she started working out. By the time Shelby came in I had finished working out and had taken my shower. That way, I could personally train Shelby myself. Shelby had opened up about things she did not like about her body. She felt her legs where too thin and she did not have a nice ass which I found silly but I wanted her to feel comfortable with herself.

That’s an easy fix concentrating on lower leg work and squats. The squat rack did wonders for your thighs and ass. However, as I explained to Shelby, she couldn’t neglect her upper body if she wanted to look symmetrical. Shelby weighed one hundred twenty-seven pounds in workout clothes. By the time Christmas was approaching Shelby was a beast in the weight room. She was mentally driven to sculpt her body into what she wanted. She attacked the squat rack and leg press like it was her mortal enemy.

It was apparent Shelby was feeling more comfortable with herself as she went out and bought more revealing workout wear. She was one of the best-looking women in the gym and was turning a lot of heads. We didn’t act like we were romantically involved so she got hit on quite frequently which I know had to help her self-esteem.

Christmas was approaching and I talked Shelby into having Christmas Eve at my house with her entire family. I had a local deli that was going to cater the entire event. It would be Shelby’s parents, Samantha and her husband, her grandparents on her dad’s side and one of her mother’s sisters. I ordered three trays of small sandwiches, two trays of meatballs, three large pans of chicken wings, two trays of muffulettas, two trays of deviled eggs, vegetable trays and two large pots of soup. One was corn and crab and the other a seafood gumbo mix.

Shelby had mostly taken care of Jennifer and we had hidden her gifts that were not wrapped in our bedroom closet under sheets. Shelby had made a rule that Jennifer could not enter our room without permission and if the door was shut, she had to knock. The other rule that I had implemented was that Jennifer had to speak to adults respectfully. From now on all women were ma’am and men were sir. It took a while, but it was finally almost routine for her. She did not have to call me sir, she called me Jace but I insisted that she call Shelby ma’am.

I was personally struggling on what to buy Shelby for Christmas. I was infatuated with her and loved her with all my heart. Shelby was the kindest, most softhearted souls I knew. She wanted the best for everyone and held no grudges. She even bought a large, beautiful Christmas card for her ex-husband and both she and Jennifer signed it. She sent it to his office she did not have the address for his new house.

Tim’s parents had made no effort to contact Shelby or see their grandchild since the divorce. It was sad because Shelby had given her husband everything he had asked for and then some. We were not even sure if he knew that Shelby and Jennifer were living with me.

So, I was wracking my brain trying to figure out what to get her as a gift. I thought about giving her an engagement ring, but she had just gotten out of a bad marriage. It was entirely too soon to propose although I wanted to do so very badly.

Clothing was out of the question because her body was evolving on a monthly basis. She had everything she wanted and very rarely asked for anything for herself. So at the last minute, I reached out to Shelby’s mom, Beth for help with a gift.

Beth explained to me that her ex-husband always forgot her birthday, anniversary and never bought Christmas presents for her. Beth did find out that he had bought some diamond jewelry for his secretary which really upset Shelby. It was not the fact he was fucking around. It was that in all the years she had been without him the only jewelry he had bought were the wedding rings. So, Beth thought that a diamond gift might be appropriate.

With that information in mind, I went to Miller’s Jewelry in town which had an impeccable reputation. I explained to the young lady that I had no idea what I was doing and I think she was amused at me. But after about forty-five minutes, I walked out with three items. The first was a one carat, six-and-a-half-inch diamond tennis bracelet. The second were a pair of white gold one and a quarter carat diamond earrings. Since I bought both together, I saved a little money and walked out with about six thousand dollars’ worth of jewelry. The third was a birthstone ring symbolizing Jennifer’s birthday in January. It was a pretty ring with a large garnet stone in it.

Christmas Eve was on a Friday, and we scheduled the party for six that evening. All the food was delivered at four thirty and the caterer set everything in warming dishes and laid out everything else of the dining room table. I had bought a few cases of beer and the previous owner left the bar fully stocked so we were as ready as we would ever be.

Jennifer was bouncing off the walls waiting for everyone to show up. She had adopted my house as home and we had grown very close to each other. I had to go in her room and kiss her goodnight after Shelby tucked her in. She always told me I love you when she kissed me back. She was an amazing child and somehow, she seemed to be handling her new life well.

Shelby’s siter Samantha was the first to show up with her husband Brian. Then Shelby’s parents were right behind them. Then Shelby’s grandparents arrived several minutes later followed by her aunt. After Shelby gave everyone a tour of the house everyone wound up back in the living area where we had two huge sectional sofas and several chairs arranged. There was ample seating for everyone.

Shelby and Jennifer played host making sure everyone got drinks and knew where the food was laid out. Jennifer was really doing a great job bringing the drinks to everyone. When she brought two cokes to her great grandparents Bob and Margaret Bartlett, Bob thanked her. She responded like she had learned.

“You’re welcome, sir.”, she replied, with caught everyone off guard.

After several more polite comments by Jennifer, Shelby’s father could not help but speak up. He looked over at Shelby and I with a smile on his face.

“There’s no doubt who is influencing who here.”, he stated.

“She has become quite the young lady sir. Shelby is an amazing mom.”, I replied.

“Yes, we knew that……. But there is a lot of you in there now too.”, he answered.

I talked to Shelby’s grandparents and her aunt for quite a while trying to explain the series of circumstances that had brought us together. They really were grateful for the transformation in not only Shelby but Jennifer as well.

Everyone ate and drank for several hours then around eight o’clock Shelby wanted to give out presents to everyone. Shelby had handled all the gifts for everyone this year and she had done a fabulous job. Everyone was overwhelmed with their gifts and of course, I had a couple of surprise presents for Jennifer and Shelby.

So, Shelby went to the side of the tree and pulled out three large boxes and called out Jennifer’s name. Jen ran across the room and took one of the packages from Shelby and sat down on the floor. Jen made short work of the wrapping paper and pulled a Wilson A1000 Fast pitch Softball Glove out.

“Wow, this is big……. Who gave me this?”, she asked.

“All of these are from Jace.”, Shelby replied.

“Thank you so much, Jace. Now we can start practicing.”, she said, reaching for the next gift.

She unwrapped a new Easton Ghost twenty-four-inch softball bat with a pair of batting gloves. The Last gift was a Boombah rolling bat bag for her to keep all her equipment in. Shelby made sure to explain to Jennifer that this was all very expensive equipment and had to be taken care of. Jennifer got up and came over and gave me a huge hug and a kiss on the cheek for the presents.

Shelby had left the room, so I slipped a small box to Jennifer and told her to give this to Shelby. I also instructed her to say that this present from her. Jennifer waited patiently for Shelby to return then ran across the room to her holding out the box.

“Here momma, this is for you. Jace said to tell you it’s from me.”, Jennifer stated, causing everyone to laugh.

“What did I do?”, Jennifer turned staring at everyone.

“Nothing my angel, thank you so much.”, Shelby replied bending over and kissing her.

Shelby carefully unwrapped the box and placed the paper on the coffee table. She opened the box and saw the ring for the first time and almost cried.

“What is it mom?’, Jennifer asked.

“It a birthstone ring with your stone in it. It’s a Garnet which means January.”, Shelby said, choking up somewhat.

“Do you like it, Mom?”, Jennifer asked.

“I love it baby. Thank you so much.”, Shelby replied, kissing her daughter.

The rest of the evening went well and everyone left a little before ten o’clock that night. Jennifer went straight to bed and was sleeping in less than thirty minutes. I helped Shelby lay out all the gifts that were from Santa around the tree for Jennifer in the morning. We both took a shower and turn all the lights off in the main part of the house. I was already in bed when Shelby walked in wearing a sheer white lace slip with matching lace panties underneath. She leaned against the door frame and smiled at me.

“This is for you.”, she exclaimed, holding out her arms.

“Ooh, I like.”, I replied.

“Do you now?”, she answered, licking her lips.

“You look good enough to eat.”, I responded.

“Oh, you will do that for sure.”, she replied walking toward me.

She walked over and slipped into bed pulling me into her arms. She kissed me as only Shelby could setting every nerve in my body on fire. I reached up under the pillow and pulled a gold gift wrapped small box out handing it to her.

“Merry Christmas gorgeous.”, I said, kissing her softly.

“Oh, my goodness, another present?”, she inquired.

She slowly unwrapped the gift and open the top of the black velvet box to expose the diamond earrings. She looked at me then back down at the earring and tears started to come from her eyes.

“Jace, you shouldn’t have. This is way too expensive.”, she stated.

“Nothing is too good for you, Shelby. Please remember you are my everything. Without you I am nothing. I can never tell you that enough.”, I whispered.

Shelby leaned in and kissed me with as much love and passion as ever. We fell back in the bed with our hands all over each other. Before I could even get my hand out of her lace panties Shelby had her first orgasm. She moved down and took my cock into her mouth so softly and used her tongue the way she could. I could never hold out long when Shelby took me into her mouth, but I was determined to give her several orgasms before I did. I reached down and pulled her off me and laid her on her stomach.

I got behind her and pulled her lace panties down pass her butt cheeks and pushed my firm erection slowly into her. She was extremely wet and tight as I pushed deep inside of her. I grabbed her hips with both hands and began to move back and forth inside her soaked pussy. After close to thirty seconds of pumping her tight pussy, she exploded into her second orgasm.

I didn’t stop but only increased the pace and less than a minute later she had her third orgasm only it was not as powerful. I pulled out and turned her over pulling her panties completely off her. I lowered my mouth to her pussy and began licking what was left of her three orgasms. I took it very slow and before long her body was moving against my face, I moved up and started licking her clit gently.

“My god baby, you’re going to kill me.”, she moaned.

I pushed my tongue deep inside of her and use my finger to rub her clit exactly like I know she liked it. Within several minutes Shelby had another orgasm and begged me to give her a break. I moved up the bed and took her in my arms and held her tightly listening to her breathe. After about fifteen minutes she rolled over and kissed me firmly on the lips. She pulled away and looked at me with those gorgeous eyes.

She then turned and laid back in the bed motioning me to straddle her which I did. She wanted me to move closer the bed towards her head.

“Baby, I want you to jerk off for me and cum in my mouth.”, she instructed.

“Really?”, I asked.

“Yes, I want to watch you get yourself off.”, she whispered.

I did exactly as I was told. I grabbed my hard dick with my right hand and began to stroke it in the direction of her beautiful face. She lifted her arms so that her soft hands were softly rubbing my thighs.

“That’s it baby…... jerk that dick for me. I want to feel that warm cum on my face.”, she panted.

“Oh god, this feels so good.”, I answered.

“I love to watch you play with yourself. Next time I want the both of us to get ourselves off facing each other. I want to rub myself as I watch you pull on that big dick.”, she moaned.

“Fuck Shelby……. You’re gonna make me cum talking like that.”, I promised.

“You like it when I talk like a slut?”, Shelby giggled.

“Fuck yea baby….”, I answered stroking my dick hard and fast.

“Come on baby, fill my mouth with cum.’, she biggened.

I leaned forward slightly and she opened her mouth and extended her tongue. The head of my dick was rubbing against the top of her tongue. I took one look at the blue eyes that I loved and I starting cumming on her soft tongue. I filled her mouth with white hot fluid as she swallowed what she could. After I stopped cumming I put my dick into her mouth and she began to suck it trying to drain what was left of my orgasm. I finally rolled off her and fell to the mattress besides her. About an hour later she climbed on me and rode me to two more orgasms until I finally pumped another load of cum inside her pussy. We both fell asleep exhausted.

The following morning Jennifer was up at seven o’clock running around the living room looking at all her presents. I cooked a little breakfast and we ate then dressed to go to Shelby’s parent’s house for Christmas dinner. Shelby pulled her hair back in a ponytail and put her new diamond earrings in. They did look amazing on her.

We arrived at about twelve o’clock and were the last to show up. Shelby’s parents gave out their gifts to everyone before the meal. I could tell Samantha was very envious of the diamond earrings I had given Shelby. After we ate, we went back into the living room to just talk about the year and what the plans were for the following year. Once the ladies were finished cleaning up and had rejoined us, I could tell that both Shelby and Samantha were both staring at me and smiling. I had no idea what that was about. I went into the kitchen to get another glass of iced tea when I put the pitcher back in the fridge Samantha walked in.

“Ok, I think my sister is bullshitting me.”, Sam asked.

“About what?”, I asked, taking a sip of tea.

“You really made her cum six times last night?’’, she asked, staring into my eyes.

“Is that what she told you?’, I answered.

“Yes, in fact she says she always cum two or three times.’’, Sam stated.

“Does Shelby ever lie to you about sex?”, I inquired.

“No……. never.”, she quickly advised me.

“Then it must be true.’, I replied, walking past her.

That night in bed, I asked how Samantha found out about what we did in the bed on Christmas Eve. Shelby admitted that the three women in the house shared everything when it came to sex. Samantha had admitted that Brian had made her cum the night before which apparently was not always guaranteed. So, Shelby chimed in that she had got off six times that night. Even her mother questioned her, but Shelby stuck to her story. That was great, now everyone in the family knew we were sexual deviants in the bedroom.


Two years later, we were once again approaching Christmas only this year I was going to propose to Shelby. It was time to make her commit to me. The gym was doing extremely well and Jennifer had started school was about to turn seven. She was a scholar student never getting anything other than an A in any course or conduct. We had been practicing softball for close to two years and this summer she would play Babe Ruth Softball for the first time. She was really getting the hang on being an infielder and her arm strength was getting better. Right after the first of the year I was getting her a personal trainer to get her faster and stronger.

I also had a young woman who had pitched in the SEC for Georgia lined up to teach her how to pitch. In exchange for the pitching lessons and the trainer I gave both free use of the gym anytime. It was December the twenty third when our doorbell rang at nine thirty at night. I got up and walked to the door looking at the cameras. It was Samantha standing at the door. I quickly opened the door to find her crying.

“Sam, what’s wrong?’’, I asked.

“Get Shelby for me.”, she sobbed coming inside so I could close the door.

I was about to go get Shelby when she walked in from the theatre room on her own. She immediately saw Samantha crying and expected the worst.

“Oh God Sam, is it mom or dad?”, Shelby gasped.

“No, their okay Shelby, that fucker Brian is cheating on me.”, she cried.

“Oh my God, Sam.”, Shelby crossed the floor and hugged her sister.

“I think I had better make some coffee.”, I added, walking into the kitchen.

I brewed a fresh pot of coffee while Samantha cleaned herself off in the bathroom. But the time she came out I had three cups of coffee poured. I mentioned to the girls that perhaps this was a conversation they should have alone, but Samantha wanted a man’s opinion. So, we all sat down on the sofa as Samantha spilled her story.

Apparently, Brian’s interest in Sam had waned a bit and she was having to beg for sex on a regular basis. Then one night, Sam had woken up and noticed Brain wasn’t in the bed. So, she got up and walked through the house and then saw him masturbating with some girl on Facetime. She hid behind the wall but heard most of it including his orgasm. After that she began checking his phone and noticed that he was getting explicit pictures and texts from a girl named Bridgette. Samantha took screen shots and forwarded it all to her phone for the moment she decided to confront him.

Then he started coming home late at night or making excuses about working late but never had overtime on his check. That is when Samantha talked to her mother and decided to confront him. At first, he denied it but after seeing everything that Sam had on her phone, he confessed. Apparently, this had been going on for several years with Samantha just finding out the last few months.

She asked him why he would look to another woman when she was begging him to fuck her. He used a lame old excuse that he did not feel wanted and their marriage had become stale. He promised he would stop but tonight she caught him again jerking off on his phone with the same girl added he told her he was too tired to fuck her.

She packed a bag and got in her car and left. She was headed over to her parents but did not want to burden them with another failed marriage. So, she turned around and came over here to her best friend Shelby. She admitted she did not even know what she had thrown in the bag when she left.

Shelby looked over at me and she did not even have to say it, I simply nodded. She told Sam she could stay with us if she wanted. Before Shelby had started working out the two of them were about the same size so Shelby had an entire bedroom of clothes that would fit her.

Shelby had gained twenty-two pounds of solid muscle. Her thighs were spectacular, and she now had that rock hard ass she had wanted for so long. Her upper body had developed as well with mass on her shoulders, back and arms. Shelby always had a great body but now she was simply unbelievable.

Shelby walked Sam into the bedroom she could use, and they sat in there most of the night talking. I went to bed so I could get up with Jennifer. Around seven that morning Jennifer knocked on my door and I got up. I went to the kitchen and made her breakfast and started a pot of coffee. I explained to Jennifer that Samantha slept over and she was sad because some things happened between her and Uncle Brian.

“Uncle Brian did what my daddy did to mom?”, she asked.

“Yes, kind of Jen. Although he did not hit Samantha like your dad hit your mom.”, I explained.

“Oh, so he just has another girlfriend like my dad did huh?”, she stated, eating her cereal.

“Yes, something like that. So, promise me to be good around Aunt Sam while she feels sad, ok?”, I asked.

“Yes sir, not a problem.”, she replied.

“I know sweet pea, you’re a very good person.”, I stated, kissing her cheek.

That Christmas was particularly sad with Samantha’s marriage virtually on the rocks. Brian had made no attempt to reconcile with her and Sam would not budge either. She felt like the betrayed person in this relationship and from what she had told us she was right.

I decided to hold off my marriage proposal for a while longer. There was no way I could ask Shelby to marry me now with Sam in the state she was in. So, we struggled through Christmas and came out on the other side how we went into it.

There was going to be a big gala at the Metrodome for the banking industry to which Shelby’s grandfather was a huge part of. He would have a table at the event that would sit ten people. Shelby and I, Shelby’s parents, Samantha and Brian and the two grandparents. Of course, Brian would not be attending so we were down to seven. Samantha really wanted to pass on the event, but Shelby wanted her to get out.

Samantha had been going to the gym with Shelby in the morning and helping out. She would wash and dry all the white towels which numbered hundreds a day freeing up Molly for other things. So the Saturday morning on the week before the gala I told the girls we were going shopping. That Friday night Jennifer went to Shelby’s parents house to spend the weekend.

I got up Saturday morning and rousted the girls awake and took them to breakfast. We then drove downtown to Sak’s Fifth Avenue for clothes. Samantha protested the entire time, but I just ignored her. Since the event was formal the both of them would need a new dress. We went in and a saleswoman greeted us and took us to the evening wear department. Samantha had on jeans and a t-shirt, but Shelby was dressed in gym wear which accented her strong body. It took about three minutes for me to realize the saleswoman was attracted to Shelby, but then again who wouldn’t be.

I sat in the chair by the dressing room as Samantha and Shelby explained what they were looking for. The woman returned with a few dresses that they tried on but honestly, I didn’t car for any of them. They had to may ruffles or not the right color. Then the women brought out a long black gown for Sam to try on with a slit up the right side. Samantha went in and put it on coming out to show Shelby. She looked amazing in the dress and it fit her really well.

“I think you have a winner, Sam.”, I stated.

The gown was a Chiara Boni Cocoon Collared Trumpet Gown in Black which sold for one thousand one hundred and fifty dollars. Samantha looked at the price tag and immediately protested.

“I can’t afford this.”, she said.

“I can……. We’ll take it.”, I told the lady.

“No way Jace, you can’t do that……”, she once again said.

“Yes, I can and I am…… now hush.”, I laughed.

Then the saleswoman told Shelby that a new dress came in, but it had not been put out on the rack yet. We went to the back and returned with a dress in a black garment bag. Shelby went into the dressing room and returned about five minutes later. I was completely blown away.

The dress was a Rosario Embellished Corset Tulle Gown in white. It looked as if Shelby had on a very short corset which came to mid-thigh with a sheer white opaque covering over it. It made it appear you wear seeing a lot more of Shelby than you were supposed to. Secondly, it looked like she was melted and poured into it. It hugged every curve she had and really set off her lower body. Shelby’s sides were exposed as well covering by the opaque material and the bust was low cut. All in all, she was beautiful in it. The fact that it was two thousand six hundred and fifty dollars did not matter at all. Even the saleswoman chimed in.

“You look incredible in that dress.”, she said, smiling at Shelby.

“Okay, we have two now……. Now show them shoes.”, I asked.

About thirty minutes later, Samantha had a pair of Bottega leather stretch sandals in black and Shelby picked a pair of Jimmy Choo Meira Crystal Embellished Sandals. We went to the register to check out and I pulled out my Visa card which very rarely had a balance. It also had a fifty-thousand-dollar limit on it so we would have no problem. The total charge was a little over six thousand dollars which startled Samantha.

“Jace, this is silly for one night.”, she protested.

“Sam, listen to me. I lost my entire family in one night. You are now my family. Your mom and dad, Shelby, Jennifer and you. I get close to forty thousand dollars a month put in my account because of the settlement. I can’t spend that kind of money. I have over eight hundred thousand in my checking account. I want to do this for you.”, I explain.

She backed away and pointed to the saleslady then hugged Shelby for a few seconds. I knew Sam was emotional right now and I was hoping this might make her feel better. We left and went back home to put up the dresses. We went back out and the girls shop for some athletic stuff to wear around the gym. Once again, a woman in the Under Armor store started hitting on Shelby. Fuck, Shelby could get more pussy than I could now.

The event for was for Friday night so I arranged a complete a complete makeover session across the street from the gym. Two of the stylists worked out at the gym so I conned both Shelby and Sam into a complete transformation. They were scheduled for ten o’clock Friday morning.

I was working in the gym around three that Friday afternoon when Shelby and Sam came back from the stylists. It was as if I was looking at two completely different people. Sam had cut about a foot off the length of her hair making it shoulder length.

Samantha had dark black hair, but she had put blonde highlights in it that looked amazing. Then whoever did their makeup was very good. You knew they were wearing it, but it was not overpowering. Sam looked like a completely different woman.

Shelby had cut most of her hair off in I think was called a pixie cut. She had taken the highlights out of her hair and was straight light blonde. Shelby’s makeup was impeccable and I wanted to grabbed her so bad right then I had to resist the urge.

“Well, I know who is going to have the two most beautiful dates tonight.”, I stated.

That night I dressed in the tuxedo I had bought about a year ago which thankfully still fit but the sleeves were snug on the shirt. I was dressed and waiting when the doorbell rang so I got up and went to the door. The young woman from down the street who was home from college had agreed to babysit Jennifer for us. Jennifer knew her and they were great together. She came in and went into the theatre room with Jen.

About thirty minutes later, both Sam and Shelby came out of the bedroom fully dressed. The sight was something I am not sure I would ever see. Both were dropped dead gorgeous. Samantha never really dressed up so all I had seen her in was jeans and t-shirts. But holy shit, here she was, and she was stunning.

Shelby on the other hand always amazed me. Never had I seen Shelby so beautiful. Half of Shelby’s body was showing under the opaque skin of the dress. You could see her muscular thighs and strong calves through the material. Her ass was spectacular and her strong shoulders arms and back showed.

We left the house about seven thirty and drove straight there. We arrived about eight fifteen and the parking lot was packed. Since we had Shelby’s Mercedes, I decided to valet parked. I pulled to the front and the valet let both girls out and couldn’t help but start at them. I got out and walked around and he simply smiled at me.

We walked into the lobby and across to the huge double doors which were open. We stopped at the hostess and gave her our tickets for table five which was in front. Just about that time Samantha gasped and took my arm.

“Oh my god, the two assholes are sitting together.”, she whispered to Shelby.

Sure enough, there was Tim Phillips and some woman sitting at one of the tables in front on the opposite side. I didn’t expect Brian to show but since he did work with Tim maybe it was mandatory who knows. I’m sure he figured that Samantha would not be here. He did have a young woman sitting with him as well which really shocked me. I mean him and Sam were not even separated legally yet. Then I recognized Tim’s father sitting at the table as well.

I spotted Shelby’s and Sam’s grandparents and parents on the other side of the room. No one had seen us yet with the large crowd between us. I leaned over and told the both of them don’t even look in the direction of their ex-husband. To let them stare at you and see what they lost.

We entered the room with the ladies in front and me behind them. We were about halfway through the room when I quickly glanced at the table to see Tim and Brian’s mouth halfway open. They had probably never seen their significant other dressed like this. In fact, damn near every male in the room had their eyes on the two sisters. We walked to the left and up to the table that was reserved for the grandparents.

“Oh my god, look at my beautiful daughters.”, Beth exclaimed, getting up and hugging the two of them.

“Holy crap….”, Shelby’s father exclaimed looking at the two of them.

“Where did those dresses come from?”, Beth asked.

“Sak’s.”, Samantha replied, pointing at me.

“Well, the next time I need a dress I know who to take.”, Beth exclaimed kissing me on the cheek.

We all sat down and the girls began to tell the story of how I took them shopping and arranged the make overs. I was talking to Shelby’s grandfather and thanking him for inviting us.

“Son, I have to say you are a very positive influence on both of my granddaughters. I have never seen Shelby so happy in a very long time. Tim Phillips is a world class asshole and if I would have been a younger man, I would have personally whipped his ass. Once again, thank you for what you did that night. You might have saved Shelby’s life.”, he said, patting my arm.

“Shelby is an amazing woman sir, I am a very lucky guy.”, I replied.

The party went on and people were starting to make plates at the buffet table. Sam got up first and headed in that direction a few moments before Shelby and I got up. Out the corner of my eye, I saw Brian head in that direction. I must give Brian a little credit, he did not hesitate in walking right up to Samantha and touch her arm. I was only a few yards away and heading in her direction. The look Sam gave him told me everything I needed to know. I closed the gap quickly as he was trying to talk to her.

“Look Sam, we need to talk……. I mean..”, he had started, as I walked up.

“Sam, everything ok?”, I asked.

“Yes Jace, I am getting something to eat.”, she replied.

“Look man, this doesn’t concern you.”, he said, looking into my eyes.

“Maybe, maybe not……. That depended on what this gorgeous young woman says. If Sam says it concerns me, then it does.”, I replied, softly.

“Look, she is my wife.”, he shot back.

“I’m your wife and you’re here with another woman. Please Brian, no offense but get the fuck away from me.’, she asked, very reserved.

“You heard her Brian…... step off.” I asked.

Just about that time Shelby arrived and Brian did a double take on his siter-in-law. She merely nodded to him and Sam turned her back on him. After several awkward seconds, he turned and walked away. I made sure the ladies got back to our table before I got in the buffet line. I was about halfway through when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned to see Tim Phillips standing there looking very nervous.

“Hello Tim.”, I said.

“Jace, I hear that you are involved with my ex-wife.”, he said, somewhat nervous.

“No, I’m not involved. I love her and I’m going to ask her to marry me”, I answered.

“Well, good luck with that. What I wanted to ask you first before we have any problem is that I would like to speak to her sometime tonight without there being a huge altercation.”, he stated.

“As long as you’re respectful it’s fine with me. But honestly, I’m not sure if she will speak to you.”, I replied.

“Thanks, I appreciate it.”, he answered.

I walked back to the table and sat back down next to Shelby. She had been watching us the whole time so I was waiting for her to speak up.

“What did he want with you?”, Shelby asked.

“Actually, he asked me if it was ok with me if he talks to you for a few minutes.”, I answered.

“What did you tell him?”, she asked, her blue eyes locked on mine.

“I told him that was entirely up to you.”, I answered.

“What does he want to talk about?”, she asked.

“I have no idea. You will have to talk to him to find out.”, I responded.

The music started and everyone began moving to the floor to dance to one song or another. I dance twice with Shelby and once with Samantha. I also danced once with Beth, Shelby’s mom. I was leaving the floor with Shelby after our second dance when Tim and his father walked over to us.

“Shelby, we would like to talk to you.”, William Phillips stated.

“What about Bill?’’, she asked.

“In private, please.”, he asked, looking at me.

“Sorry Bill, nothing in my life is private from Jace. If I talk to both of you then you talk to both of us.”, she stated, grabbing my hand.

“This concerns my grandchild.”, he said, in an urgent tone.

“Even the more reason Jace needs to be here. He is the only father figure in that little girl’s life now. He puts her to bed at night, he wakes her up, he cooks for her and they play softball almost every day. In fact, your granddaughter is becoming a very good softball player.”, Shelby replied.

“I just feel that we need to be part of her life.”, Bill stated.

“Your son walked away from us close to three years ago leaving me in the hospital. He signed off giving me full custody of Jennifer. No one from your family has made any attempt to contact me and my child. And now just like that, you want to be part of her life?”, Shelby said, a bit angry.

“Shelby, it’s ok…. Calm down.”, I said, reassuring her.

“You’re right Jace, I’m sorry…… I’m better than that.”, she sighed.

“Look maybe we can get together and talk about this another time.”, Bill suggested.

“Tim, be honest with me………. Is this what you want. Do you want to be part of your daughter’s life.”, Shelby asked.

“I guess…… “, Tim said, barely looking up.

“Tim, listen to me very closely. At one time in my life, I was so in love with you. When I had Jennifer, I thought our life was perfect. But that did not work out and here we are now. Tim, I don’t hate you…...I hate the things that you did to me. I hate the things you did to Jen. But if you are sincere, the both of you, I will not try to keep Jennifer away from you if she has the final say. Agreed?”, Shelby asked.

“We can live with that, Shelby.”, Bill responded.

“That’s fine then. Tim, give me a call when you can and we can talk about it.”, Shelby said.

“Ok Shelby, by the way for what it’s worth…… I’m sorry.”, Tim stated.

“That’s a start, Tim.”, Shelby said, turning and walking away.

Tim Phillips turned and walked away as well leaving his father and myself basically standing there looking at each other.

“Jace, I have to say you have done amazing things with Shelby. She looks amazing and so fit. Is my granddaughter doing as well?”, he asked.

“Yes sir, she is doing well. Talk to Shelby and perhaps you can get things worked out. I hope you do.”, I said, extending my hand.

“Thank you, son I appreciate it.”, he replied, shaking my hand.


Same as Like a Good Neighbor Chapter 7 & 8 Videos

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Fucked the Thieving Neighbor for Trying to Steal Goods

The night was warm so I had decided to sit out on the porch for a while. As I was almost closing my eyes for a quick nap, I saw a silhouette creep up, pick up my watering can and sneak off. I run behind that slowly and catch the body. I see it is Emma my neighbor, Miss Good Two Shoes. “Why are taking my can without asking?” I ask her. “I…I needed it once for a project,” she mutters. “Because you didn’t ask, I have got to punish you. Come over tomorrow for your punishment,” I tell her this and...

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It had been several months since Henry had been asked to introduce some of his neighbors’ teenaged daughters to the world of sex. The girls and their mothers had wanted, no they had almost insisted, Henry at over fifty years of age take the girl’s virginity and show them how wonderful sex could be. The mothers were afraid their sixteen-year-old daughters would end up getting screwed and knocked-up in the back seat of some boy’s car unless they knew what they were doing sexually. It had been a...

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Totally Submissive The Neighbor

I spent the next couple of days with Dor being embarrassed beyond belief and having the absolute best time of my life. I had to check on my apartment, pick up the mail and get a few things and I told Dor she was going to have to come with me. She said, “I’ll come baby but why do I have to” and I said, “In case I run into my neighbor”. Dor said, “That’s really a true story, I thought you told it to me to justify cheating on your ex”. I told her it was really true. We got to my apartment building...

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Spying on my Neighbor 04

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Black NeighborWife and MePlease Rate and Comment

My Black Neighbor and my WifeMy Daughter (and I Sucked my Black Neighbor) Now he wants my Wife-True Storypart 1I live in a Condo Complex with my wife and daughter- I have a black neighbor in the complex who i always chat with . He is about 40 yrs old but solid. The kind of Black stud i always fantasized my wife fucking!He always points out white women in our complex that he'd love to fuck and even showed me pics of one sucking his dick! I got so turned on that he told me he had more and took me...

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My Black Neighbor and my Wife

My Daughter (and I Sucked my Black Neighbor) Now he wants my Wife-True Story part 1I live in a Condo Complex with my wife and daughter- I have a black neighbor in the complex who i always chat with . He is about 40 yrs old but solid. The kind of Black stud i always fantasized my wife fucking!He always points out white women in our complex that he'd love to fuck and even showed me pics of one sucking his dick! I got so turned on that he told me he had more and took me inside his apt to show me...

2 years ago
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The NeighborhoodChapter 7 A neighbor watches the fun

JENNIFER’S STORY I think I’ve mentioned I’ve got a consulting business where I help other businesses develop their business and marketing plans. I was the CEO of successful startup software company, and that carries a lot of cachet, not to mention cash. My consulting business is a nice little concern. I make enough money to pay most of the mortgage, kids’ tuition, and other bills (income from investments made with all the money from selling the company pays the rest and leaves some to...

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To Much Neighbor For Me

Jerri was headed home from work. It was late and all she could think about was the hot shower she was going to take. Her feet ached as she walked up the sidewalk to enter her residence. She plopped down on the couch and reflected on the long day. Finally she decided to head upstairs to take her well deserved shower. Jerri turned on the shower, stripped her clothes off and stepped into steaming shower. She lathered up her body and shampooed her hair. Her mind began wondering about the man that...

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Spying on my Neighbor 05

The next week was a blur. It didn’t take long for me to convince my parents I was helping my neighbor with chores around her yard and house for some extra money. In their eyes, this explained why I had been spending so much time over at my neighbor’s house. They didn’t mind either. They figured it would teach me responsibility. So here I am my last summer before I go off to college and I am already getting the best education I could imagine. My sexy neighbor is teaching me about all kinds of...

2 years ago
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The Good Neighbor

THE GOOD NEIGHBOR by Lewis Chappelle (Please check out the ?Authors Notes? at the end of this piece.) ?Good morning, Mike. Haven?t seen much of you recently; how?re doin,? Jim called out.Mike walked toward Jim?s house. ?I doing ok these days actually. Just got a clean bill of health from the VA yesterday. Feel?en pretty fit. They don?t want me to start any major work for awhile yet though.??I can understand that, with all you?ve been through. By the way, I don?t think you?ve met my...

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Meeting The Neighbor While Shoveling Snow Part Two

I had just had sex with my neighbor and my husband had caught me. When I say caught me, I mean he was home and I wasn’t. I had to lie to him and tell him I had cocoa at my neighbor’s house. I didn’t tell him it was my hunky neighbor across the street. My husband and I have been married for about twelve years. Lately, it seems our marriage has just stalled when it comes to sex. I don’t think he’s cheating, but seems to have just lost interest in me. We had just had a snow storm and my husband...

Wife Lovers
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the neighbor with friends

the neighbor with friendsAs I suspected, my neighbor has come with his best friend and his wife. Both certainly more than ten, maybe fifteen years younger than me. The day before he had phoned with the question if they could come together and whether it could be a bit naughty. I answered YES.At 14 o'clock they were at the door. His best friend, quite a distinguished man in costume. His wife, a blonde, a beautiful dress with a V collar that placed a strong accent on her beautiful volume of...

2 years ago
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My Next Door Neighbor Part One

My Next Door Neighbor – Part OnePictures accompanying this story may be viewed on my profile page.My family moved around a lot when I was a kid. I didn’t mind because I enjoyed meeting new friends and getting to know different places. When we moved just before the beginning of my last year in high school, though, it was a little different. At my previous high school I had been on the football, basketball and track teams and was a member of the student council. It was a fairly small school and I...

2 years ago
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My Next Door Neighbor Part One

My Next Door Neighbor - Part OnePictures accompanying this story may be viewed on my profile page.My family moved around a lot when I was a kid. I didn’t mind because I enjoyed meeting new friends and getting to know different places. When we moved just before the beginning of my last year in high school, though, it was a little different. At my previous high school I had been on the football, basketball and track teams and was a member of the student council. It was a fairly small school and I...

First Time
1 year ago
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Like a Good Neighbor

                                            LIKE A GOOD NEIGHBORBy; Barticlees  I had seen Anita many times in the neighborhood.  She was very sexy, with long black hair, a great figure, and a pretty face.  She must have had Hispanic blood but she sure looked better than your average Mexican.  With her looks I wouldn't have been surprised if she just walked across the border from Mexico without any papers at all and they probably let her in the country just because she smiled at them. I would...

1 year ago
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New Neighbor New Chapter

I spent the ensuing week in mass confusion about my sexuality. My new neighbor had 'forced' me to take his cock into my mouth and shot a healthy amount of semen onto my face. I couldn't feel more emasculated. But rather than cleaning myself off in disgust, I elected to wear it and jack to porn instead. Feeling Carl's semen dry on me served more as a turn-on than anything else. I was uncomfortable with the situation enough to avoid further contact with him. My morning coffee moved indoors...

1 year ago
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My Wife and I Luv Black Neighbors Cock

My Daughter (and I Sucked my Black Neighbor) Now he wants my Wife-True Story part 1 I live in a Condo Complex with my wife and daughter- I have a black neighbor in the complex who i always chat with . He is about 40 yrs old but solid. The kind of Black stud i always fantasized my wife fucking! He always points out white women in our complex that he'd love to fuck and even showed me pics of one sucking his dick! I got so turned on that he told me he had more and took me inside his apt to...

2 years ago
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Good Morning Neighbor

How we got here i don't know. One minute I'm sleeping the next I'm at our picture window in the living room and you're fucking the life out of my cunt, hard and good!  As you fuck me from behind you grab my tits, plowing into my tight cunt, tweaking my nipples and slamming in deep over and over. The friction is mind blowing.  I hold onto the window we are in front of as the sunlight streams in all over my naked body.          It's a week day and it's about 10:30 am and everyone is either at...

3 years ago
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Porn Author Becomes a Cock Sucker for His Brazilian Neighbor

I have been posting stories on the Lush Stories website since February 2010. I was trying to help relieve the stress of a sexless marriage, and I have found it to be very arousing to write about my sexual fantasies, and to explore the psychological and physiological motivations that we have as humans. Some of my stories are based at least in part on real events, but most are figments of my imagination.My name is Ed, and my interest in porn was awakened in my early-fifties, a few years after my...

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Fucked And Made Neighbor Akka Sarita Pregnant

Hello friends, this is Vijay from Hyderabad. My age is 21 years. I am average built, 5.9 ft in height and the size of my tool is 6.5 inches. I love reading about the sex experience of people and today I am going to share mine. The heroine of my story is my neighbor Sarita (name changed). She is 28 years old, 5.4 ft, fair and sexy. Her smile is a killer which gives hard-on to most men. Her stats are 34-28-36 with the right amount of fat at all the right places and her ass is so hot that anybody...

1 year ago
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Spying on my Neighbor 01

Quite by accident I found myself in an interesting situation. A friend and I were working on a short film for our film class. It was supposed to be a spoof on the whole Dr. Frankenstein thing. My house had this tower with windows on all sides. I guess it was kind of a star gazing room or what ever. We decided it would make a perfect place for our “Lab”. We gathered items to make our lab and waited for a stormy night. We did not have to wait long. A huge lightning storm came through our town the...

1 year ago
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The Perv Neighbor

My name's Alyssa.My friend Aubrey called me up and asked me to cat-sit one weekend for her, while she went to see her mother in Miami. Aubrey lived in Atlanta and I had sit for her a few times before. I was happy to help her out because that's what friends do. Plus I love hanging out in Atlanta, I have several friends in the area. She has been trying to get me to officially move there for years. When I arrived at her apartment she had left a note telling me where everything was and to make...

2 years ago
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Good Neighbor Policy

I remember the day they moved in, it was our 25th Wedding Anniversary the day the van pulled up. The rest of the neighborhood had planned a block party for us and I recall the moving van being parked in front of our house (and theirs, it was so long) when I woke up. The cab was a sleeper and 3 men alighted around 8 o'clock and undid the back doors and the move-in started. After coffee I went over to introduce myself to the couple who were pointing out to the movers where to place...

3 years ago
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The Neighbor

The NeighborMy wife Dawn is about 5’6”, and has 44DD breasts, with big brown nipples, and her ass is not tiny, but it also is not big. She has long brown hair, and the most beautiful brown bedroom eyes you have ever seen. Her pussy is shaved except for a tuft of hair above her pussy. Dawn does not use the pill, because she is allergic to it, so she uses a diaphragm. The problem with the diaphragm is that if she doesn’t put it in, then it doesn’t work. If she forgets the diaphragm, then I will...

2 years ago
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My wife and the neighbor

My wife and the neighborBy Chris Christopher All rights reservedHalloween always reminds me of the one and only time my wife let one of our neighbors into bed with her.It happened when we were living in Texas, on the northeast side of Austin. In our neighborhood the adults would get together and have a barbeque just about every holiday. For Halloween my wife had decided we would dress up as old west characters. I would be dressed as the bartender and she would be a saloon girl. For herself she...

1 year ago
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My wife and the neighbor

My wife and the neighborBy Chris Christopher All rights reservedHalloween always reminds me of the one and only time my wife let one of our neighbors into bed with her.It happened when we were living in Texas, on the northeast side of Austin. In our neighborhood the adults would get together and have a barbeque just about every holiday. For Halloween my wife had decided we would dress up as old west characters. I would be dressed as the bartender and she would be a saloon girl. For herself she...

4 years ago
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Black Neighbor Wife and Me True Cuckold StoryPl

My Daughter (and I Sucked my Black Neighbor) Now he wants my Wife-True Story part 1I live in a Condo Complex with my wife and daughter- I have a black neighbor in the complex who i always chat with . He is about 40 yrs old but solid. The kind of Black stud i always fantasized my wife fucking!He always points out white women in our complex that he'd love to fuck and even showed me pics of one sucking his dick! I got so turned on that he told me he had more and took me inside his apt to show me...

1 year ago
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The Librarians Neighbor

Marsha was always a . cute, brunette, and a tight little body, but her shyness had caused her to never have a real boyfriend. There were a couple of boys when she was in high school that talked to her here and there, and she had even been on a date or two, but she had never had a steady screw. Here she was, twenty years old, working in a library and living with a cat, and she had never had a good fuck. Every day she would come home from work around five o’clock, and she would settle down for...

4 years ago
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A voyeur8217s obsession about the next door neighbor and the show she puts on for him

It began harmlessly one morning. I had just woken up and was having my morning pee and noticed the next door neighbor’s light on in their bathroom. As we have a small house with only about a metre border between ours and our neighbors house our toilet looks directly into their carport and their bathroom.. Their bathroom was an add on extension after renovations by the previous owners and has a vertical rippled glass window. As I was taking my pee the next door neighbor Anna, a lovely...

3 years ago
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My neighbor has my manhood in her hands

It's funny, since the break up of my marriage, I found myself becoming more and more of a reclusive, finding that I spent more time in my house and noticing my neighbors. I would not say, I am a Voyeur, but because of the summer heat, I had to open my windows to let the air circulate.What a lovely surprise! My elderly neighbor was sunbathing in her garden. To tell you the truth, I would not have looked on her if I was occupied, but it had been a long time since I had laid eyes on a woman, so I...

2 years ago
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A good neighbor is sometimes better than a faraway husband

Jessica had been working all morning and she was ready for a break. Her eyes were feeling strained from staring at her computer screen for hours and frankly, processing these records was boring her to death. She got interrupted by a text from Jake, her husband. His timing was excellent, she could use a little distraction and perhaps some naughty play to take her mind off work for a few moments. He’d been on an overseas assignment for almost two months now and was nine hours ahead of her. He was...

3 years ago
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How My Neighbor Became my Submissive Sex Slave1

Note 2: If you don’t like humiliation, pain and the Dom/sub master/slave role then exit now and don’t read this story Note 3: My first story I wrote was how my daughter became my slave. Note 4: I welcome questions just message me the question and I will answer all the message by posting them or pm you How my neighbor became my submissive sex slave I walk in my house just got home from work. I...

4 years ago
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I help my next door neighbor after his accident

lida wrote this storyTony is my next door neighbor, he is a young black man about 19 yearsold. He lives alone and often when my husband is away on business he comes over and keeps me company. Tony had a job working at a restaurant, one day I get a call from him at the hospital. He had burned his hands at work while cooking and he wanted me to go and pick him up and drive him home. I got to the hospital and the poor baby's hands were both wrapped up tohis forearms. On the drive home he explained...

4 years ago
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I help my next door neighbor after his accident

Forewarned there is a tiny bit bit of gay oral sex, the rest is straight sexTony is my next door neighbor, he is a young black man about 19 yearsold. He lives alone and often when my husband is away on business he comes over and keeps me company. Tony had a job working at a restaurant, one day I get a call from him at the hospital. He had burned his hands at work while cooking and he wanted me to go and pick him up and drive him home. I got to the hospital and the poor baby's hands were both...

3 years ago
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Discovering My Neighbor Online

I am a mid-level executive in the insurance industry, and my wife Margaret and I have lived in the Omaha area for most of our lives. We live in a nice middle-class suburb and have some really great neighbors. We are best friends with one of our next door neighbors, Bill and Helen Tindal, and we are all middle-aged with Bill and me being 52 years old, and Margaret and Helen being 50. Our two children are grown and out on their own, but we have stayed in our home since it is already paid off and...

2 years ago
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Discovering My Neighbor Online

I am Ed, a mid-level executive in the insurance industry, and my wife Margaret and I have lived in the Omaha area for most of our lives. We live in a nice middle-class suburb and have some great neighbors. We are best friends with our next door neighbors, Bill and Helen, and we are all middle-aged with Bill and me being fifty-two years old, and Margaret and Helen being fifty. Our two children are grown and out on their own, but we have stayed in our home since it is already paid off and the...

3 years ago
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Seduced by New Neighbor

It all started a few weeks ago. I was walking home from school when I noticed a moving truck in the driveway of my neighbors house. I didn't really pay much attention to it since I didn't really know the previous neighbors all that well. I was more so curious to see if a cute girl might be moving in. To my disappointment it appeared to be a middle aged couple. A little about myself. I'm an 18 year old senior in high school. I was held back in the first grade so I was older than most high...

1 year ago
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My wet Neighbor

Hello! All ISS fans. As it seems that I have endless stories for u! Are u enjoying them or not??? There is another fucking and sucking story for u. As you all are aware of me that I am Abhishek, 18 male living in east Delhi. The story is not real. It does not match to any living being present on earth. It is made by me only for your enjoyment .if anybody having any questions, comments or anything to say about the story can freely mail me on or enjoy it dudes and babes. The story starts from...

3 years ago
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Our Very Good Neighbor

I met Suzi in college; she was a sophomore and I was in my senior year. She was perky and delightful, I fell for her like a ton of bricks. And I was lucky that she fell for me as well. We've been together ever since, now I'm twenty-six and she's twenty-four. We've lived together since about six months after we'd met and now were living in a home we had bought together, pretty much equidistant from where each of us worked. Like so many couples, sex was always an important part of our life...

4 years ago
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Teenage Girl Seduces Adult Neighbor Online

It was very difficult for my father and me when my mother left us when I was only twelve years old. She was very beautiful and sexy looking, and probably still is. It turned out that she's a real slut and cared more about finding a lot of different cocks to fuck than she cared about us. Dad does his best and makes many sacrifices to be the best parent he can.My name is Ashlee, and I’m now sixteen years old and Dad is forty. We live in a comfortable condominium in the Little Rock area. Dad works...

2 years ago
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The New Neighbor

The New Neighbor By Christianne Larry met his new neighbor a week after the moving vans left. The new neighbor knocked on Larry's door just before noon on Saturday. Larry was still groggy from sleeping all morning. He had been working like a plantation slave during the preceding week and a half and was trying to catch up on much-needed rest, so he wasn't as cheerful about someone knocking on his door as he might have been. He hadn't shaved yet and was dressed only in a pair of sweat...

3 years ago
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My New Neighbors Pool and New Pool

I couldn’t stop staring at the woman unloading the boxes from the small moving trailer next door. Ever since my girlfriend moved away from our quiet little cul-de-sac, it was just me and my husband living at the secluded end of town. We had moved to the neighborhood together, and had been quite happy as best friends for the past five years, and now it was just me and Bill stuck her all alone. Don’t get me wrong, we had a beautiful house with a beautiful yard, and all the privacy one could hope...

2 years ago
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Friendly Neighbor

It was February 1976. Cindy and I were charging down I-75 escaping an Indianapolis winter for a week of warmth and distraction in Orlando. Two years earlier the government had chopped the speed limit from 70 MPH down to 55, the dreaded double nickel. We were working our Fuzzbuster and CB radio to avoid Smokey and shave as much time as we could off the trip. I was one of the otherwise law abiding citizens who were rebelling against the stupidity of that ridiculous speed limit. There were so many...

Wife Lovers
1 year ago
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My neighbor ans his son fucking my wife

I had already noticed that my neighbor visited my wife in my absence, often came home and found the exit, always with a different excuse.Once I decided to come earlier, but I did not go home, outside looked out the bedroom window crack and saw the two in bed, he was sticking his dick in her pussy pleasure. I was excited seeing it and hit a hand job there, as watched my neighbor put cock inside her. She curled her legs on it and moved her ass frantically to the stick entered deeper into her cunt...

2 years ago
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It was a usual school day and as often happened I woke up with a hard on. I remember I was dreaming about my hot neighbor from thirteenth floor giving me a blowjob. Images from the dreams were so live and arousing, that I needed to release my semen really badly, but unfortunately I hadn’t have time to do it. When I was dressing up I had the dilemma whether I should put my underpants on, or should I give my dick a little more space to hang freely and relaxed in jeans alone. I went for jeans...

3 years ago
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Cheating Mom Fucked By Neighbor Uncle

Mom is the first lady in our life. What happens when you get to see the wild and sexual side of your mom? Hold on your breath and read this story that will go down your spine. Ours is an upper-middle-class family in Delhi. My dad is a government servant and visits home bi-weekly on weekends. I am a single child. My mom is a housewife. She is very beautiful and relatively young. This story is completely real and genuine. If you are sending me an email about this story, please do mind your...

3 years ago
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Rediscovering The Neighbor

Rediscovering The NeighborBy: Londebaaz ChohanAfter graduating from college; I was very lucky that it took only 3 years and my business was booming. My parents were thinking to sell the house and move to a small but nicer, more practical and needing less care home. I suggested and they were happy to sell this house to me. They were glad that the house that had lots of family memories within its structure remained in the family and I was eager not only because I got a good price but also of my...

2 years ago
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Being a Good Neighbor

Chapter 1 When this all began, the phone didn't ring much any more. It did a lot right after Mary died, I was invited over to friends all the time but, after three years, the calls had dwindled to pretty much a stop. We had a lot of friends who were very supportive while my wife of twenty-six years fought cancer, but, after all, they had their own lives to lead so I understood how it happens. That's what made it so nice when my next door neighbor, Brenda, called me one Saturday several years...

Group Sex
2 years ago
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My hot neighbor

My name is Joe and I live alone. I moved out of my parent's house about 4 years ago. I would have asked my sister to move in, but she recently moved in with her boyfriend, and they are getting serious. So I just live in a one bedroom apartment alone, but on the plus side, I have this neighbor named Angel. She is the nicest and sexiest woman on the planet. We're both 28, but I'm six foot with brown hair and eyes and she is 5'4 with blonde hair and blue eyes. We both come over to each other's...

3 years ago
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The Neighbor

Danny glided through the water, casually swimming from one end of the pool to the other. It was a beautiful pool and he was welcome to use it any time he wanted. He was glad he had such nice neighbors, as he missed having a pool of his own. The day was a very warm one and the cool water felt good.“Here's you some lemonade,” he heard his neighbor Lisa call out. As he turned to look towards the direction of her voice, his mouth fell open. There she stood extremely close to the edge of the pool,...

Wife Lovers
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Rickey Part 1 A New Neighbor

Ricky eased up his driveway and pulled back on the parking brake of his Subaru. He stared curiously down the hill to the house next door with the moving van in the driveway. Finally, someone is moving into Mrs. Martin’s house. His elderly neighbor had died six or seven months ago and her son cleaned it up, painted and put it on the market within a month. Home sales sucked in this small town Ohio, and evidently after five months he now had a buyer. He swung open the door, and eased his pudgy...

2 years ago
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The neighbor girl is home from her first year in c

It all started on a beautiful Saturday morning in early June. I just started fixing a few sections of the fence between my house and my neighbor's. It was already very hot and the sun was moving up over the trees in my back yard making the work extremely hot and sweaty. I removed my shirt for a little relief from the heat and was just wearing a pair of old jeans and some work boots.I just finished removing an old section of the fence when I saw something that made my heart skip a beat. I wasn't...

2 years ago
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Like a Good Neighbor 3 Lindas Story

Then came the day I foolishly tried starting the lawn mower without checking to see if there was gas in the tank. Jeff was away and I was stuck. Then I saw our neighbor Ted coming up his driveway on his bike. Ted had been living next door by himself since before we moved in a couple years ago. We'd wave and say hello, but he mostly kept to himself. I called over and asked if he could see if he could get my lawn mover started. He hesitated then walked over. What I saw changed my life. Ted...

1 year ago
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The New Neighbor

My son and I finally found a new place to live after almost a month of searching. The new place was the first floor of a two story house. I met the new landlord at the new place on Saturday to sign the lease and pay the rent. As we were finishing up and he was telling me how lucky he had gotten yesterday. He wasn’t going to work on the upstairs yesterday, but circumstances ended up with him needing to go over there anyway. As he was working there, he got a call about renting the place that I...

1 year ago
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Meeting The Neighbor And Shoveling Snow Part Three

The next day, I got up with the kids and got them ready for school. The bus picked them and I went back into the house. My husband was in our room picking out lingerie that he wanted me to wear to my neighbor’s house. He had a weird look on his face, while he was picking stuff out. “I want you to wear this today. Get yourself all made up and looking good. You’re going to tell him to fuck that sweet ass of yours today.” “What?” “You heard me. You’re going to tell him that you want it up your...

Wife Lovers
3 years ago
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My Neighbor Saw Me Suck Cock Pt1

My downward spiral into a submissive bottom slut started late in life. I'm still very much in the closet and outwardly I appear as the perfect suburban husband, father, employee and neighbor. I love my wife and family but I recently found a new hobby that I crave with a passion; I can't get enough of my neighbor's big hard cock.It all started innocently enough. I'm an economics professor at UC San Diego and my office is in one of the older buildings on campus. The basement of my building has...

4 years ago
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Slutty Telugu Wife Enjoyed By Neighbor8217s Son And His Friends

Hello guys, how are you? This is Mahi again with the continuation of the last part. For those who don’t know me, I am Mahi, form Hyderabad, mother to a son and wife. I am 47 years old and working as a maths teacher in a government school in Hyderabad. You can read my previous stories by . Read these to understand what’s in this story. Coming to the story, you guys must be remembering the night where my neighbour’s son was on a video call and was enjoying the view of me getting fucked in all...

3 years ago
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The New Neighbor

My son and I finally found a new place to live after almost a month of searching. The new place was the first floor of a two story house. I met the new landlord at the new place on Saturday to sign the lease and pay the rent. As we were finishing up and he was telling me how lucky he had gotten yesterday. He wasn’t going to work on the upstairs yesterday, but circumstances ended up with him needing to go over there anyway. As he was working there, he got a call about renting the place that I...

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