Counselling free porn video

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“Your honour, my client has no desire to be divorced and requests that the court mandate counselling. She feels that the marriage is strong enough to get over this mishap with a little help.”

That was her lawyer speaking. Her, being my soon to be - if I had anything to do with it - ex-wife Julie.

My lawyer stood. “Your honour, a twelve-month affair with multiple men, resulting in the birth of a child is hardly a mishap, especially when the DNA proves that said child does not belong to my client. We feel that there Is no benefit in prolonging this fiasco of a marriage any longer. Counselling is not going to change anything.”

“It is precisely because of the child that I am inclined to order counselling,” said the judge” A child needs a stable home to grow…”

“If you think I’m bringing up that cheating bitch’s bastard...” I said loudly. My lawyer winced.

The judge banged his gavel hard.

“One more word and I will hold you in contempt of court,” he yelled at me.

“I am ordering one month of counselling. Two sessions per week. You WILL attend, Mr. Steadman, or else.” He glowered at me for a moment, then banged his gavel again. “That is all.”

Julie, my soon to be ex-wife, looked smug as I entered the counsellor’s office.

“I’m Dr. Sullivan, but you may call me Gerald. May I call you Brian?” he smiled at me.

“No, you may not. You may address me as Mr. Steadman”

“Brian there’s no need...” started Julie

“And you, bitch, may not address me at all,” I snapped at her.

“I think we need to settle down,” said Dr. Sullivan. “Please Mr Steadman Take a seat.” He indicated one of the chairs set side by side in front of his desk. I moved the chair a good six feet away from the chair Julie was sitting in and flopped down into it. Gerald Sighed.

“Ok then,” he began. I didn’t hear anything more as I pulled out a set of air pods and put them in and started to listen to music from my phone. Gerald just stared at me and then started speaking to Julie. I couldn’t hear what he was saying to her as I just continued to play with my phone while listening to the music. After about 15 minutes I saw Julie stand up. She glared at me and stomped out of his office.

I took out my air pods.

“Ok Doctor, good session. See you Thursday?”

“I’m cancelling the sessions and sending my report to the judge.”

“Even better.”

I left the office.

The judge was not pleased.

“Give me one reason why I should not hold your client in contempt,” he growled at my lawyer.

“Your honour, you ordered my client to attend the sessions. He attended the first session in accordance with the order. It was the counsellor who called off the rest of the sessions.”

“The counsellors report clearly states that he made no attempt to engage in the session. He put in headphones and ignored them for the entire time,” The judge responded.

“The order was that he attend,” my lawyer returned. “He attended. Given that the counsellor felt that there was no benefit in continuing I would like to request that you grant the divorce according to the petition.”

“Not on your life,” The judge said. “I am ordering 4 weeks of counselling. Mr Steadman WILL attend, and he WILL participate.”

The office was set up in exactly the same format as before when I arrived. Two chairs about a foot apart faced the doctors desk. He sat behind it. The desk was bare barring a yellow legal pad and a picture of a pretty woman I would guesstimate in her mid-thirties and a child that looked about 6 years old.

“Mr. Steadman,” the doctor said. “Please, take a seat.”

Once again, I started to move the chair. Julie put her hand out to stop me and I jumped back.

“I’m giving you both notice that any and all physical contact will be construed as an attack on my person and will be responded to with appropriate force,” I said.

Julie gasped pulling back. I went back to moving the chair and then sat in it. Once again, I got out my phone.

“Mr Steadman. The judge ordered that you participate in the session.”

“I know,” I said. “I am using my phone to record the session to prove my participation. My lawyer says that some counsellors have been known to have their own agendas. Since my soon to be ex-wife has already been seeing you for some time, I feel that you may have already developed a relationship with her that might work against me.”

“And if I do not wish you to record the sessions?” the Doctor asked.

“Then I will go back to court and request a different counsellor,” I said. “I have that option. The only reason I didn’t do that already was it would cause even more delays.”

“Julie, how do you feel about the sessions being recorded?” he looked at her.

“Whatever,” she said waving her hand. “Can we just start?”

“Ok then,” Gerald said. “What I would like to do to start.”

“Before we start,” I interrupted him. “Can I ask a question?”

“Of course,” he said. “You can ask questions at any time. I may ask you to hold off asking at certain points in the process but right now ask away.” He smiled at me encouragingly.

“Have you fucked her yet?” Julie gasped, but it didn’t seem to faze Gerald.

“No. Julie and I have not had, nor will we have, any kind of sexual contact,” he said mildly. “It would not be appropriate even if I were not already very happily married. Does that answer your question?”

I nodded. I believed him. Although he must have been one of the few men that Julie had met in the last year, not to have fucked her.

“OK Then. Then as I was saying what I would like to do to start is to set our expectations. Since I have already spoken to Julie on a few occasions I would like for her to outline what she would like to achieve in these sessions and what her desired outcome would be. I would ask that while she is talking, you refrain from comments and questions until the end. Once Julie has told us what she hopes to achieve, I will ask you to do the same.

I refrained from comment.

I didn’t look at Julie as she began to speak.

“First of all, Brian…,” she began

“DO NOT Speak to me,” I growled.

“Talk to me, Julie,” said Gerald. “Tell me what you would like Mr Steadman to hear.”

“I wanted him to hear how sorry I am that I hurt him. I know what I did was wrong it was just that he spent so much time at work and on his business trips I was lonely. I realise how much I hurt him and If I could possibly go back and change the past, I would give anything to do it. I love him more than anything else in the world. I know we can get past this if he would just give me a chance, I would show him that I can be the best wife a man could ever want. We could bring our child up together and give him a wonderful life, maybe even a brother or sister. I want us to be together. I know we can do it. We can get past this I know we can.”

Gerald smiled at Julie.

“Ok, thank you Julie. Now you Bria.. I mean Mr Steadman, what would you like to say.”

I glared at him.

“I would like to see the cheating festering CUNT getting gang raped, catching a rare and incurable STD and dying a slow and painful death,” I said.

Julie burst into tears and ran from the room.

“That was not helpful,” Gerald remarked.

“I do not want to be helpful. That bitch whored around for a year with half the men in the city, got herself pregnant and tried to pass the baby off as mine. If I hadn’t already been suspicious and asked for a DNA test, I would even now be stuck with paying child support for some other fuckers kid. Tell me Doc, how exactly should I be acting?”

“It’s natural to be angry, but you need to look past the anger at what you had,” he replied.

“Do you actually know what the fuck you are talking about?” I snapped. “Have you ever had the love of your life, the person you have entrusted with your heart and soul, and who you would literally die to protect, shit on you so completely that you question your own sanity? When I found what was going on I wanted to die. I seriously considered taking my own life. How could someone who professes to love someone hurt them so badly that they are driven to suicide?

“Also did you notice that she has never once said that she was sorry for what she did. Not for fucking all those men, not for all the lies time after time, not for getting herself knocked up and not even being able to guess who the fucking father is? The only thing certain is that it wasn’t the person who SHOULD have been giving her a child. ME!!!

“So, since you have NO FUCKING IDEA how it feels to be in my position, don’t sit there with your sanctimonious fucking smile and your book learning and tell me I must look past my anger. Right now, my anger is all I have. Just let me get the cheating cunt out of my life and try and rebuild something from the pieces she left me with.

“Does that count as participation?” I snarled at him as I left his office.

When I got home, I decided to do a little preparation for the next session maybe I might be able to prove my point.

“I asked Julie to allow us to have this session without her,” Gerald said as I entered his office the following week. “I feel that we may be able to achieve more on a one to one basis to start with”

“As long as this still counts against the court ordered counselling, I am more than happy not to have to be in the same room as that bitch.” I sat down, placing the A4 envelope I was carrying on my lap.

“Can we try and refrain from name calling please, it is not constructive and just gets in the way.”

“I don’t want to be constructive. I just want to get through these sessions and get that cheating cunt out of my life for good. I never wanted these sessions. She is just determined to cause me as much suffering as she can. She doesn’t want the divorce because the Pre-Nup leaves her with nothing so she is trying to force me into taking her back. It ain’t happening.”

“And what about the child. He is an innocent. Surely, he should not be punished for…”

“He is not my problem or my concern. By your rationale I should be taking on board every waif and stray that couldn’t keep her legs closed and got knocked up. Those kids have nothing to do with me and neither does this one.”

“Why are you so determined that there is only one outcome from this. You obviously loved her a great deal. All that feeling does not go away overnight. Your anger is masking it just now but once that settles, and trust me it will, you will find that there are still feelings that you can build on, feelings that you can use to restore your relationship. Even make it stronger.” That smile was back again. I wanted to punch him. It was time to give him a taste of his own medicine.

I indicated the picture on his desk.

“You have a nice family,” I said. “Been married long?”

“We’re not here to discuss my…”

“Eleven years, if my sources are correct. Childhood sweetheart, married just out of college. Waited to have kids and then little Ethan came along. What is he nine now, that picture must have been taken a couple of years ago.”

“How did you…” he started

“But did you know, that your darling Cheryl has her own secrets?” I continued “Did you know perchance that when she says she is at Pilates class on a Wednesday afternoon, while you are working, she is actually at the Motel 8 on Patterson, fucking her personal trainer?”

“That is completely ridiculous,” he stuttered, but I could see he was unsure. He had gone very pale.

“Really?” I said pulling a number of photographs out of the envelope.

I slapped them on his desk one by one. They showed a pretty slender woman entering a hotel room with a young musclebound man. He had his arm around her waist and they were gazing lovingly at each other.

I pulled out a DVD and slapped that on his desk also. “There is footage from inside the room also if you want actual proof of what they were getting up to. It’s pretty graphic so I wouldn’t watch it if I were you. I made that mistake when I got my PI report. Those images will haunt me for the rest of my life.”

He looked like he might throw up.

“Oh, and one more thing,” I said “Ethan”

“No,” He said quietly. “Please god NO!”

I pulled a DNA report from the envelope.

“It appears that the fitness instructor is not the first. I guess he would be too young to have fathered Ethan, but whoever the father is, It Isn’t you.” I said quietly.

He stood and ran into what I assumed was a bathroom off his office. I heard him vomiting noisily into the toilet.

“Now do you understand?” I asked him when he dropped into his chair once again. Tears were streaming down his face.

He looked at me with dead eyes.

“Now do you see the pain that she caused me, and why I have to get her out of my life?”

He nodded listlessly.

“Good,” I said. “Now there is just one more thing you need to know.”

He looked at me with dread in his face.

“There’s more?” he asked piteously.

“It’s all fake!” I replied. “None of what I just showed you is true. As far as I know your wife is as loving and faithful as you thought she was and Ethan is your son.”

“But the photo’s?” he said

“Photoshop. Amazing what you can do with some facebook posts and a little time and effort” I replied grimly “if you had them examined by anyone who was remotely competent they would tell you that they are all fakes.” I got some more photos out of the envelope. “But to prove It, here are the originals I created them from.”

His face was starting to colour now and I wondered if he were about to attack me.

“The DVD?” he asked


“The DNA Report?”

“It’s actually the DNA report about the cheating cunt’s baby. I just changed the names and dates.

He sat there stunned for a few minutes, fresh tears were starting to trickle down his face.

“Why would you do that. What did you think you could possibly achieve by wrecking my marriage and my life?” He asked.

“That was not my intention. That is why I told you almost immediately it was all fake. I never wanted you or your family to suffer permanent harm. I just wanted you, for once, to actually understand the pain I went through, the feelings of loss and anger and hurt. You had it for a few minutes. I am still experiencing it. Your short term misery is my life now, and going forward. Forcing me to sit here with that bitch, listening to her spout her shit about how she loves me and wants me back just means I have to keep living the pain over and over and over again. There are laws about cruel and unusual punishment. Why do they not apply in this case? I just want to move on, try to pick up the little I have left and get on with my life. Why can you, and the courts, not let me do that?”

I gathered together all the documents from the table and put them back into the envelope.

“I will leave this with you to dispose of,” I said. “I am actually sorry to have had to do this, but I needed you to understand.”

I left his office.


“Your honour I have the report from the court mandated counselling that my client was instructed to attend.” My lawyer once again addressed the Judge.

“I have a copy,” growled the Judge. “It appears that the counsellor feels even after only three sessions of the mandated eight, that this marriage is beyond saving, and that for the wellbeing of all concerned, including the child, the best course would be to allow it’s dissolution.”

“Yes your honour, I would request that you order the divorce be completed as per the petition.”

The judge looked at me for a long second. I stared straight ahead, not wishing to make eye contact.

“So ordered,” he said finally, banging his gavel.


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Lets be honest, a large majority of men have imagined fucking their own mother. Very few of these guys allow this secret desire to be known by anybody else. And even less number of sons can concoct a scheme that replaces his right hand with moms mouth.Speaking honestly, ladies if you have a son and he has hair on his balls, his dick will gets hard if he thinks of fucking you. If he sees you naked enough times, masturbation will not fulfill his lust for you and he will spend a life time dreaming...

1 year ago
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Would It Help to Say Im Sorry

(What if Carly didn't realize how angry Shelby was at her during the fight? No "time-out" and she didn't duck the next punch and kick. Now Carly is badly hurt; in the hospital and fighting for her life. People will change. Some will really surprise you.)"Ouch! That HURT! Watch it Shelby!"Carly stuffed her mouthpiece back in and went back to wind milling her hands in front of her in the best approximation of a fighter that she could adopt. Not catching the look of determination and anger in...

3 years ago
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Yesterdays Panties Part 2

Yesterday's Panties - Part 2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- - From Yesterday's Panties- Part 1: Tabitha took her hand and put it on my left breast and began to massage it. She pinched my nipple and looked longingly in my eyes. "Maybe you could start sharing bras with me too, then," she asked as she pinched harder and sent a shock of excitement through me. "Baby, I don't think I have the parts that it takes to fill out your bra. ...

4 years ago
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A Tale of Two Best FriendsChapter 4

The next afternoon, there was little pretext; we simply paired off and Taylor and Andy went to his room and Zach and I went to mine. The tongue kissing began as soon as the door was closed and we were soon both prone and moaning. Zach's hand was on my breast again and I decided to let it stay. He's pushing his groin against me and kneading my breast as I have my hands under his shirt rubbing his back and chest. As we're kissing, I feel my shirt being tugged up and decide to let it...

4 years ago
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After I Caught Her Ch 02

At the same time her hands were pulling my face into her sloppy cunt, I was pulling myself into her sweet pussy and gripping her hips as she lay on the bed with her legs spread. Her hips moved to grind her hot cunt into my face as I frantically struggled to eat her pussy, which was still leaking cum from her previous orgasm. As my tongue went to work on her now softening clit and wet she released her grip on my head assured that my tongue would keep up its pleasure giving work on her still...

1 year ago
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MyFirstSexTeacher Alyssa Cole Briana Banks 22481

An easy way for broke college students to make money: steal the answers to all assignments, quizzes and tests from Professor Briana Banks’s classroom, then sell them to all the students taking her classes! That’s the idea Chad White and Alyssa Cole have, and it seems to be working out perfectly…until Professor Banks walks in and catches them red-handed! Where she once trusted Alyssa with the keys to her classroom, she’s now about to go to the dean. Unless! There’s always a catch. Professor...

1 year ago
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Made my friend cheat on her boyfriend

Now I am back with a new one where I kind of spoiled my friend's relationship. Yes, the heroine of this story is my friend from college. Her name is Nidhi. Lookswise, she is super cute. Her assets are small but.. [email protected] and girls, please do add me on Hangouts and complete secrecy will be maintained.

3 years ago
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Parents Just Dont UnderstandChapter 3

We didn’t speak on the drive home. Part of it was that I was embarrassed - I have no idea why I’d thought Dr. Williamson was out to get my mother. I completely trusted him, and it was obvious that he was just there to help her. Just like he’d helped me. That was the main cause of my quietness - I don’t know what he’d said to me - when I woke up, the hour had passed, and my Mom was beaming at me, tears in her eyes. Ugh. Lame. Why didn’t Mom get that I wasn’t a kid any more? Didn’t she get...

4 years ago
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After party

Hi! Sapna is back with late night party. It was Saturday and I and urvi had gone to one of our friend’s birthday party. We had lot of fun: played games, sang songs, danced wildly and had lots of eating. We had mix of gender both boys and girls. The party got over at 11:00. We leaved our friends home and were returning home. The roads are very safe and have lights all the way. But, on that day, due to some work going on road, lights were off at certain portions and both sides of the road were...

2 years ago
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Tracy in TroubleChapter 18

Tracy went into her house and straight to her bedroom. The girls had told her as soon as she was in the house, she had to strip naked, take the clamps off her pussy and attach them to her nipples. Then she was to fish the remainder of the hot dog out of her juicy cunt and put it in her mouth. She had to hold it in her mouth for a full five minutes, savoring her own juices before she could chew it up and swallow it. She did as she was told, and when she got the hot dog out of her pussy, it...

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Our Cuckold Wedding Part Four

We arrived home the following Monday and Jen asked me if I had a good time to which I told her that I had a wonderful time. We spent the rest of the day doing household chores and Jen cooked a delicious pork roast dinner and at six thirty, it was ready to eat.We sat at the table and I opened a bottle of wine to have with our meal when Jen suddenly shouted that she had forgotten something.She ran to the refrigerator and returned a few moments later with a soda bottle.“I almost forgot your...

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That a girl

Please find illustration for this chapter at’s already after the dinner time and I haven’t had my lunch yet, my belly is now making hungry noises and my stomach feels very empty. However those aren’t the feelings which bother me the most, what’s a lot more uncomfortable is that I’m standing in the shower cubic in the bath room, hands and feet tied up; I’m almost completely naked, well at this point I wish I was naked, because I’m wearing some women’s...

4 years ago
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Hallowicked The night before A place where anything can happen A fist full of fuck ups And a show full of freaks This is a raging party you can't beat Change into your costume Paint up your face with that plastic goo On hallowicked anything becomes true Halls... Halls... Crowded... Empty... I'm running behind. My feet carry me through the empty hallways of Van Buten College. I'm wearing a button up shirt over an under shirt, slacks, and my favorite par of black boots; though...

3 years ago
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becomiing a bitch

It was supposed to be simple. A blind date, set up online. A hot chick. Me getting laid for the first timein a while. You know. Simple. And that's what actually happened. Sort of.I get to the bar, I see Meghan across the way, sitting pretty in a short black dress, legs crossed,sipping on a martini like she's sucking my cock already. Far as I'm concerned, I'm as good as fucked,the way she's making herself out to be: smooth thighs, big, round tits, lips that could blow the cap offa bottle of Bud,...

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Slut The Seeding Breeding of Dawn 5

Chapter 5About an hour after Brian left my house, after giving me the slut fucking I so desperately needed, my guilt trip kicked in, but thankfully it didn’t last too long.The guilt trip was somewhat distracted by the party I needed to organise for my teenage daughter and her exuberant friends. Neil had willingly offered to help out at the party, which I was most thankful for. Neil was very attractive and made a sort of pass at me at a dinner dance recently, which I was very tempted to respond...

2 years ago
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I Was Sitting At My Wedding on a Friday NightChapter 9

“I’ve got sunshine, on a cloudy day...” Many of the parents danced, a couple of the known couples among the swimmers even tried to slow dance like their folks. Kids need to listen to those kinds of songs more often. Unbridled love is so much better than hooking up music. Kendi was smiling and swaying to the music and everyone was in a general mellow mood. When I finished the applause was heartwarming, followed by everyone, literally everyone, coming to us and saying good-night and welcoming...

4 years ago
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Friends Are For Fun

‘My wife was telling me about couples she would do the group thing with,’ Ron told me after telling a long story about his friend and his wife having an orgy at their house. ‘You and your girlfriend Ashley were one of them.’ I grinned to myself as Ron said this. I knew him and his wife for about twelve years, and always found his wife Kelsey sexy. Ron was an average built guy, a little chubby but nothing you wouldn’t expect from someone that sits down a lot. Kelsey was Irish pale with long...

2 years ago
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Ship of Fools

TRICK OR TREAT Steven Trenton hopped forward struggling to get out of his costume. After all Scarlet O'Hara was crawling on her hands and knees across his bed. She stopped, hitched her voluminous skirts up over her hips and leered at him. As her skirts cleared her ass the scent of her arousal filled his nostrils. He hopped again - his erection tangled in his underwear - and nearly fell over. GODDAMNFUCKINGCOSTUME! "C'mom baby hurry." Steve heard the pleading in his wife's voice. He...

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The Doctor Part 8 Jessica

Jessica could not get the night with Tessa off her mind all the way to the airport. The conversation with Tessa’s dad was stilted as a result. But she made it.She went through check-in and was on the plane in less than half an hour. Sitting in her seat on the plane, she kept thinking about how she could sense Tessa masturbating, and how intensely aroused it made her when Tessa orgasmed. She knew she was soaking wet, and getting wetter by the minute, but could not stop remembering.Jessica...

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Cab Ride

Copyright© She went to the airport to surprise him, and share his ride home. He had been gone for a week on business, their longest separation. It was plenty of time for her fertile, sexual imagination to work on her. During the nights she'd become reacquainted with all her toys, the ones she used a lot, and the ones she'd forgotten. He had taken a cab to the airport after checking his car into the garage. But, that wasn't what she told her girlfriend. When she asked her girlfriend to drop...

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Inspired by an Xham friend

we had been exchanging some fantasies online to one another. She is an incredibly sexy BBW in my area that has a sex drive to match. We had decided that it would be fun to meet and play together in person. I booked a small hotel room and waited for her to meet me. When she showed up, she was wearing a sort skirt and low cut top to show off her amazing cleavage. I invited her in and we exchanged some coy smiles. Then I asked her to sit on the edge of the bed and I walked up to her and pushed her...

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RebelChapter 33 Harvested

The three people entered the tavern from the stage with a look of disgust and disdain. Two bewigged men, one a good bit older than the other, and a blonde woman in a very fancy dress. All three, in fact, were very well dressed and surely out of place. They sat at a table after the younger man brushed off the furniture with his large kerchief. The woman looked unhappy, the men disgusted. She was a pretty girl with very pale skin and golden curls. She wore a blue silk sacque dress with an...

4 years ago
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My First Consensual Pussy Fucking Experience

If sex is sex and no gender binding was necessary for a very satisfying and enjoying sexy session, I was on cloud 9 from a very young age. After Rajeev and I had boy boy sex for the first time, we had sex on every occasion we were together for class work or a project and we were sure of our security. Yes, I was very happy but I was getting more and aware of my sexuality, discovering that I was NOT gay but bisexual. The girls looked beautiful, sexy and often gave me a hard on but somehow the...

2 years ago
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SRU There She Is

SRU: There She Is By Heather St. Claire January 14, 2012, Planet Hollywood Resort and Casino, Las Vegas, the 91st Miss America Pageant Cheryl Whalen thought if her heart was to beat any harder, it would explode right out of her chest. The 20-year-old Miss Washington wished that her body-hugging, floor length silver evening gown was just a shade looser so it wouldn't be quite so hard to breathe; but then she realized that it was nerves, pure and simple, that were the cause of...

1 year ago
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Lady Hideaway Ch 02

It wasn’t like Conner to get overly excited about a job, but all day he had been thinking about seeing Tessa. He had been looking forward to it. There was something about her that made him want to know more. He had done a lot of thinking over the matter, and over why she hid away in that house. He knew he felt sorry for her, whatever fears may have kept her locked away saddened him. He wanted to know more, but it was none of his business. He was simply glad she had asked him to keep working,...

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Birthday at work

The events in the story are fiction and a fantasy. The girls names were picked randomly and are based on fantasy more than real people.Today would be a normal day. Get out of bed, shower, eat breakfast then head to work. My mood though, was a little blue. I had to work on my birthday and it was the first time in over 5 years. I don't make a big deal of it but having the day off is something of a tradition for me. I'd normally get up when I like then spend the day masterbating as much as I could...

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You know, life is about change. Just about every aspect of our lives will alter or morph give enough time or circumstance. And what's shocking is that, sometimes life changes so fast that you don't even realise when it happens. Take me for example. I used to be Ben Taylor, high school loser with no direction in life. But then somewhere along the way, I got myself a girlfriend, I got myself a gig writing for a magazine, and then almost without realising it, I got married and had a couple of...

1 year ago
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The Wrong Reverend

The Wrong Reverend By Suzanne Knight My name is Bob, well I don't use that much anymore, I was a high flying Florida real estate developer until that market crashed with a thud. Now I am bankrupt, I have a nice home but no other real assets. I managed to stash a few thousand in a bank in the Cayman Islands to hide it from my creditors. More significantly, I have no source of income to pay my living expenses and alimony to my ex wife. My only skill or talent is selling and at the...

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StepSibling Summer

Just because you love your family, doesn’t mean you have to like them. That's what Aurora thought. She isn’t even sure if she loves her step-brother, that’s how much she doesn’t like him. She doesn’t like his personality, the fact that he never took anything seriously, always joking around. Immature she considered him.Being a few years older than her, Aurora was relieved when Isaac went off to college. Though he was still in the same city, he moved out of the house and into a dorm. He was sent...

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Please give me more Pt One

I live with my wife of 26 years and it's a good, loving relationship. But I do have another side that she does not know about and I hope she never does. I'm bisexual and I have always tried to deny my desires of being fucked and sucked by a man or men.One day in the summer I was home alone and had no worries of my wife coming back that day. In fact she was going to be gone for the next 3 days, so I had made plans on fucking myself with a 7inch dildo that was going to be delivered by UPS later...

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