A Burgundy Blouse? free porn video

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"Hello. I've come to say goodbye." Hamish was standing on the doorstep.

Emma stared at him and stepped back with a sigh of irritation.

"You'd better come in."

He stood nervously on the tiled floor of the big hall. Sunshine picked out the patterns in the tiles and emphasised the colours of the flowers on the table. He looked at the girl.

"I'm going away tomorrow."


"I thought I'd better say goodbye." It was the first time he'd seen her since the evening, half a year ago, when he'd asked her to marry him.

"Arthur's not here."

"It was you I wanted to say goodbye to, not - your husband." He still had difficulty accepting that she was a married woman, settled in this big house.

She was watching him. He was embarrassed and had to drop his gaze. That was more embarrassing because her body was as fascinating as ever. Her perfect breasts were lightly supported so their shape was evident beneath the heavy silk blouse. The gold stripes framed the imprint of her nipples. He was thankful that the long skirt concealed her legs.

He swallowed and said, "You've got your hair pinned up." The fatuousness of this remark made him blush.

She smiled and touched the plaited crown of silver-gold hair. "Arthur likes me to be tidy."

The last time Hamish had seen it, her hair had been free, tangled by the wind. It had framed her face as she raged at him. Now she was tamed, her lips and eyelids touched with make-up.

The light in the hallway changed as a cloud passed over the sun. Shadow washed the colour from her face and from the blouse, and then she blazed in splendour as the sun came out again. He saw her blink and screw her eyes against the light. She turned as though to lead him from the hall into some room more suited to a social visit. Then she turned back, as fierce as she had been six months before.

"Why couldn't you keep away? There's nothing more to say. It's finished. Can't you understand?"

"I felt I ought to say goodbye."

She was so close to him that he could smell her perfume, light and fragrant. Her face was ugly with anger. "You're always so bloody correct! Doing what you ought to do! Your whole family's the same. Duty! I didn't want to fall in love with some kind of machine that simply did its duty."

He felt the blood drain from his face and the pain of her condemnation gouge at his stomach. He should never have come, like a moth to a candle, to have his wings scorched once again. He stepped back, turning, seeking the door and escape.

"I did love you. I still do," he said.

She cut him off before he could move more than a couple of steps.

"You didn't love me enough to stay," she said, bitterly. "Your bloody duty - your career came first. That's not enough for me. I want a man who'll live with me and love me - not some untouchable hero, off exploring the Empire. I can't make do with loving a photograph on a piano."

The injustice triggered his anger. "It's nothing to do with heroism or Empire. You knew I was going on this expedition. Geology's not something you do in an office - not the sort of geology I want to do. I thought you knew how I felt and were prepared to share it with me?"

"How can I share? You're going off for three years in the Antarctic - men only. No! Boys only, playing boy's games. And you expected me to wait for you. Doing what? Living in a nunnery? I'm twenty-one and I need love - the love a man can give me."

Now, the justice of her attack made him feel guilty and he tried to hit back. "I thought you felt the same about wild places - loved the open air." He gestured round the grand house. "Emma - this isn't you."

She was contemptuous of his pathetic retort. "You forfeited any right to criticise me. I'm married now. We've both made our choices."

Then he saw her anger crumple and she looked down at the patterns of sunlight on the tiles. "It's all too late. You should never have come here."

He saw a tear slide down the flat curve of her cheek.

"Why didn't you just fuck me?" Her voice was bleak. "I wasn't a virgin. It would have solved everything if you had. I'd have had to wait then - or you'd have had to stay. But your bloody sense of honour got in the way." She turned away and he saw more tears follow the first.

Her sudden coarseness and the tears shocked him. He realised that her pain matched his own and he wanted to comfort her. Instinct made him reach out as she turned away in despair. Her breasts suddenly filled his hands. They stood, frozen, shocked at the intimate contact. He felt her nipples stiffen against his palms. Horrified, he felt his penis stiffen against her thigh.

"Hamish!" It was a groan of despair mingled with desire as she turned against him, grinding her belly against his arousal. Her cheeks were blushing and, glancing at the open neck of her blouse, he saw the spread of colour darkening her chest. Fascinated, he reached to touch her throat and see if the heat of her skin matched the rising flush. Her fingers brushed his as she released the top button. The white edge of her bra was thrilling in contrast to flushed skin and the sumptuous colour of the blouse. Her fingers undid a second button and his control broke. He forced fingers beneath white lace, desperate to feel the solid curve of naked flesh and the thrusting nipple. The blouse yielded and a button rattled across the tiles, emphasising their silence. Her fingers finished undoing the buttons and she wriggled blouse and straps from her shoulders. As she bared herself, he bent her back so his lips could join his excited fingers to learn the shape and texture of those exquisite breasts.

Her ragged breathing revealed her abandonment to his will. It was as if the last six months had never been. As his fingers sought for more, she whispered, "Upstairs!"

She nestled against him as he carried her. Only the hollow clack of one of her shoes and then the other falling onto the tiles marked their progress.

He laid her on her married bed, still unmade and marked with the imprint of two bodies. Intimate possessions were everywhere, intimidating him. She raised her hips and pushed skirt and underclothes into an untidy heap on the floor. Glancing round the room as she wriggled out of blouse and bra, she said, "Get undressed. Don't worry about anything else. There are only the two of us here now."

The unguarded declaration and her dazzling nakedness sparked him to action. She laughed as he struggled out of his clothes.

"I won't run away," she giggled and his heart lifted at her gaiety. Her beauty made him forget guilt and honour and duty. His irresistible desire drove him into her body without preliminaries.

"Wait! You're so big." She moved beneath him and he felt her moisten and then liquefy.

"Now!" She placed his hands on her breasts. "Fuck me!"

Her body was an enchantment for his hands and eyes and penis. He'd had no woman since he met her and wanted her a year ago. Enchantment became concern and then alarm, as he doubted his ability to keep control. Emma seemed unmoved, her eyes closed, not responding to his urgent thrusts. At last, she seemed to sense his crisis and her hands tensed on his back. She opened her eyes, smiled and then breathed, "Don't stop. Oh, please don't stop. Oh, Hamish!"

She arched to meet him, holding herself rigid while her hands urged him into her. He almost forgot himself as she cried out and writhed against him, using legs and arms and fingers to urge and control, to hurt and to soothe. His own climax was the most intense he'd ever known. As he spent and spent again, groaning with effort, she met him with her own small cries, encouraging him to one more effort and then more. At last, they finished and lay, shaking and exhausted among the tangled sheets.

It was half an hour before he felt her move, rousing them from a blissful drowse. Propped on her elbow, she looked down at him, her breasts hanging in perfect tantalizing curves. Strands of hair had come loose and he reached up to unpin the rest. Together, they spread it over her shoulders and breasts. As he looked at her, he realised at last, all that he was giving up.

"I love you," he told her.

"Enough?" She was very solemn, looking down into his eyes.

"Enough?" he echoed, puzzled.

"Enough to take me away from here. Will you do that? We can go away and be together all the time."

He didn't believe her at first. He thought of his family and hers. Her husband and his family. And friends and...

"No! Emma! How could we?"

"Easily. I've got a car. We could simply go. Why not?"

He looked at her in horror. She had pitched him from the comfortable aftermath of his most profound sexual experience into some bizarre gypsy escapade. It would have been terrifying if it hadn't been so ludicrous - a musical comedy pursuit by her outraged husband.

He got up and searched vaguely for his clothes. "I'd better go."

She slipped the blouse on and pulled it round her. Her hand cupped her chin and she shook her head slowly. "Hamish, if you weren't such a simple idiot, I wouldn't love you so much." She stood close to him, her eyes bright with tears. "Would you really run away with me?"

He hesitated a little and then said, "If you really wanted. Yes!" He dropped his shirt and pulled her against him. The hard points of her breasts stabbed him and her round thighs pressed against his. "Oh yes!" he breathed and kissed her for the first time that day.

"And how long would you love me - your runaway? A month? A year? Your sense of duty would tear you apart - me with it." She pushed him away and stared through the window. "Why is it so impossible? If only things were different. I wish I'd never met you!"

"Emma, I'm sorry."

She came back to him, smiling a little. "Are you? I'm not really sorry. And I don't really wish I'd never met you, but I think you'd better go."

She stood by the door watching him dress. He came to her, carrying his jacket, his face pale. He was very close to tears. She reached out to tidy his hair and his resolution fled. He took her in his arms and they struggled to disentangle the blouse. At last she was naked again, his hands moving urgently on her waist while she fumbled with his belt.

"Again!" she demanded, finding him hard and ready.

"Yes!" He lifted her on tiptoes so he could enter her. They stood locked together, grinning.

"How?" she wanted to know.

He pushed her shoulders back against the door, placed his hands beneath the firm mounds of her bottom and lifted. Her legs stretched round him and she locked her ankles.

"Like that?" He looked down at her swollen lips, parted to enfold his penis.

She followed his stare and giggled. "That's good. I feel wanton and very sexy. Can you push?"

He pushed.

"Gently," she begged. "This door's hard."

He padded her shoulders with his arm and began to thrust. She pushed her hands beneath his shirt to hold herself against him. Her arousal mounted quickly and she encouraged his efforts with moans and kisses and sharp fingers until she writhed against him, begging, "Let me down. Please, I can't stand any more."

She slid through his arms until her tiptoes reached the floor. Reaching down, she slid his penis from her. He felt bereft until she turned and put her hands against the door. Her bottom wriggled as she spread her legs and the pink opening among pale hairs invited him to enter.

The heat and slippery tightness of her vagina and the feel of her firm buttocks beneath his hands excited him to a groaning climax.

"Come back to bed," he urged, as they stood, panting.

"No!" Her eyes were wide with panic. "The vicar was supposed to be coming ... what time is it?"

The distant crunch of tires on gravel confirmed her alarm.

He watched in astonishment as she whirled round the room. Her fingers fastened the blouse, hesitating at the place where he had torn a button loose. She shrugged and went on to the next button. Her underclothes flew in all directions as she shook her skirt free and stepped into it. Her glorious hair resisted the hasty strokes of the brush and she straightened it with her fingers. Breathless, she stood before him for approval.

"Will I do?"

"Just about." He pulled her blouse closed.

They stared at each other for a moment, hesitating on the shore of separation.

"Remember me," he told her.

"Remember me to Santa Claus! Go down the back way."

He stood at the top of the stairs and watched her run down. She paused twice in the hall to step into her shoes and then she clacked across the tiles and vanished from his sight. Voices echoed up to him, but she was gone.

Christmas Eve

"Bye you two. I'll see you again in six weeks." The pilot slammed the door of the bright orange ski plane.

They had to turn away and shield their faces from the snow blown up by the propellers as the aircraft gathered speed down the glacier and soared into the pale blue sky.

"Alpha-Papa is airborne," Ian reported to base. "He should be with you in two hours."

Hamish waited until Ian packed the radio set away. "Let's sort out these supplies before we settle down to read our mail."

Ian looked regretfully at the packet of letters, weighted down with a large rock. "I suppose I can wait another couple of hours, since I've been waiting for nine months already. You haven't got a fiancee waiting."

Hamish was already moving the first box from the untidy heap in the snow onto the edge of the rocky nunatak that stuck out from the glacier. Ian reluctantly picked up the next box and followed, his boots sinking deep into the soft snow.

The worked in silence for an hour until at last, Ian piled the last couple of rocks onto the heap of boxes. He wiped sweat off his face and said, "There you are. Six weeks rations for men and dogs in the depot."

"We'll finish loading the sledges, then you can read your mail," Hamish said. "We can have tomorrow off, though it doesn't feel like Christmas Day."

"It'll seem strange to be idle when the weather's good. The dogs'll be pleased though. They haven't had much rest these last six weeks." Eighteen Husky dogs lay tethered in two long lines, content to be idle.

An hour later, it was still light enough to read, but the cold had driven them into the faded yellow pyramid of the tent.

"Fancy a concert?" Hamish passed an advertising flyer across the tent to Ian.

The mail was spread around the cluttered space, competing with sleeping bags and food, clothes and geological specimens, notebooks and a plane table, cameras and the radio.

"Mozart's not my cup of tea - and this was six months ago. Haven't you got anything more exciting?"

"My mother's keen to keep me informed of all the family doings." Hamish sighed. "Seven letters, averaging about twenty pages each. They'll keep me going for a bit. Father sent me a couple of notes to tell me that mother's writing. My sister's been to Venice - if her postcard is to be believed. How about you?"

"About the same, though Mum and Dad have been taking it in turns. Marion's written a couple of letters..."

"Oh. Is she coping?"

"I suppose so. I wonder if we should have got engaged. It seemed rather important at the time. But now..."

"I know how you feel. I asked someone to marry me. But she wouldn't wait. She's not even written."

"You never told me." Ian was startled. They'd told each other most of their life histories in six months of sledging together. In this harsh Antarctic world, their lives depended on mutual trust.

Hamish shrugged and opened one last letter without much interest. It was in a large brown envelope with a typed address and contained two sheets of plain card and between them, a photograph.

"What's up?" Ian was concerned at the startled cry from across the tent. Hamish was sitting up, straining towards the light to see a photograph more clearly.

Hamish passed the black-and-white studio photograph across. "Don't get dirty marks on it."

Ian whistled in awe. The girl had been photographed seated, her hair loose down her back and shoulders, a striped blouse subtly revealing a delightful figure. "Bee-you-ti-ful. That hair! Those ... Ahem. Is she - a friend? Oh! The one who wouldn't wait?"

Hamish took the picture back and turned it over. "Emma," he said. "She's called Emma. Yes."

Ian was concerned at Hamish's distraction. "The baby's pretty too." He wasn't good at sexing babies, but the one in the girl's lap looked no more ugly than any other. He guessed that made it female. Personally he preferred Husky puppies.

"It's a boy, called Michael." Hamish was looking at the back of the photograph where the name was written with a date. He was counting. It was hard for anyone as sunburned as Hamish to go pale, but he did.

"You OK?"

"I think so."

"I'll make some cocoa." Ian was out of his depth. A hot sweet drink was the best that he could think of in the circumstances.


Early July was the worst part of the year. There was no sun even at midday. Cold and wind made any outside job a hazardous chore. Hamish and Doc were feeding dogs. With nearly eighty to look after, it took a long time, even if they only paused to throw a block of dried meat to each howling animal. And Hamish often stopped to fuss his favourites. At last they were done and paused for a moment before retreating to the comfort of the little hut and their ten human companions. Doc flung back the hood of his parka. His huge black beard was matted with frost where his breath had frozen. He looked across the frozen expanse of Marguerite Bay to the jagged mountains of Graham Land. A faint waving curtain of green light dimmed the stars.

"Aurora," Doc pointed.

"Aye." It was a commonplace here, but still difficult to comprehend.

The dogs had settled to gnaw the blocks of meat, which were as cold as if they'd come from a freezer. On a clear day like this, temperatures rarely got above zero Fahrenheit, even near the sea.

The hut door opened and a beam of yellow light from one of the paraffin lamps lit the snow. A third man joined them.

"Hello, Chey. Any news?" The regular radio schedule with the Falkland Islands was due.

"That you, Doc?" Chey peered in the gloom. The big black beard was unmistakable.

"What's up?" It must be something serious to bring the radio operator out of his warm shack to find them.

"I wanted to catch you two alone. There's a message you ought to see."

"What, an official message?" As base leader, Hamish was as close to authority as anyone for a thousand miles.

"No - its personal. A 'Dear John' letter."

"Oh shit! Who for?"



"Bloody women!"

"Come on!" Hamish led the way back to the hut. "Let's have a look before I break the bad news." He turned to the radio operator. "Chey, go and dig up a couple of bottles of whisky - we're all going to need cheering up and Ian might want to get drunk."

The three of them packed into the little room that served as base office and radio shack. Even without their outdoor clothes they were bulky in heavy sweaters and thick trousers stuffed into boots. The bottles of whisky stood on the table, white with frost.

Hamish read the pencilled telegram that Chey had written down from Morse code, crackling over a thousand miles from the Falkland Islands - the final leg in the relay from England.

"Dear Ian," he read. "You will be surprised to hear that I am to be married. I have known Dave for several months and we have fallen in love. I am sure that you will release me from our engagement when you know how happy Dave and I are. I hope you are well and enjoying your time down South. Kind regards, Marion."

They sat in silence for a while. Doc got up and beckoned to Chey. They picked up the frozen whisky bottles with care. There was no point in getting frostbitten fingers. "Come on. We'll send the victim in to read his fate. At least she didn't maunder on."

"The cost of telegrams puts them off," Chey was cynical. "You'd think women would use a bit of imagination. These telegrams are always the same. I don't suppose they realise how many people read them on the way."

"They probably imagine they're the only ones it happens to," Hamish mused. "Don't be too hard on Marion. I met her once. She was only nineteen. I don't expect she'd any idea what it meant to wait for three years."

Hamish sat waiting for his friend, thinking about Emma. She'd been wise enough to know her limitations.

Ian took it well. Three tots of whisky stiffened him and ribald comments from the other two men who had suffered the same fate consoled him. He even volunteered for the final, purging ritual.

All twelve men were out on the shore, muffled in windproof clothes, breath steaming in the torchlight. Marion had been led out and propped against a boulder. Hamish warily slid three cartridges into the old revolver and gave it to the jilted lover. Alcohol, darkness and live ammunition were a lethal mixture, but the ritual was hallowed. The first bullet vanished without trace. The second ricocheted alarmingly off the rock a foot from Marion's head. Ian took a few paces forward and winged the girl with his final shot.

Hamish took the revolver. "Honour's satisfied," he said. "We can't spare any more ammunition." The gun provided a merciful end for suffering dogs.

Ian retrieved the shattered photograph and examined his handiwork. Marion still smiled despite the hole in the frame.

"Sod it!" Ian observed, but Hamish didn't know whether he meant his marksmanship or Marion's faithlessness.

"He took it well." Hamish poured them each another tot of brandy from the medical stores. The office and radio shack was also the surgery - the one private place where he could talk to the Doc.

"They usually do. Not much choice is there?" Doc was pensive.

"Do you worry about Annie?"

"What?" Doc grinned. "Her dumping me for someone else? No. We've been married six years and the two girls keep her settled. But its times like this I miss her - and them! At least I'm only here for a year, not like you daft buggers, down for three."

They sat quietly for a while; content that Ian's crisis had been resolved, like a hundred others. When there was trouble they had no resources but their own.



"How long's gestation?"

"Nine weeks," Doc's answer was pat.

Hamish smiled. Most of the patients here were dogs.

"No. Human."

"You don't need to know. There isn't a woman for a thousand miles and you've been away from any for so long that it can't matter now."


"Forty weeks. But two weeks either way is normal term." Doc was suddenly alert. "Why do you want to know?"

Hamish unlocked the filing cabinet and took out the photograph. Doc looked at it with appreciation for a while, then turned it over.

"Ah! I see." He turned it back and studied the girl and baby again. "Forty plus or minus two doesn't help much, does it? I see from the ring that she's a married woman. But if you're counting weeks then there must be a possibility?"

Hamish blushed.

"I've misjudged you, Hamish," Doc grinned. "You're a better bloke than I thought."

"What? Because I once took advantage of Emma?"

"No, because you never boasted about it. I used to think you were a cold fish, entirely dedicated to your career. But maybe there's hope for you after all."

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Love Is a Silk BlindfoldChapter 3 Burning Blouses

I comforted Betty. At least I think I did. I assured her that I had no plans whatsoever to leave her. That I loved her more than ever. But that I just felt I wasn't good enough for her anymore. That twist had come to me out of the blue. It had been close to my true feelings. So close in fact that I at first didn't even see how it might goad her on. It was a very subtle way to tell her about my fears. I held my breath watching her response. She protested. Then she started kissing my...

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Redfaced in a Mint Green Blouse

I had taken a part time job at the mall’s jewelry store to help pay school expenses. I grew to like it and they found me a natural saleswoman.  My manager was quite open to my ideas and also quite forgiving with some of my actions. The dress code for example required professionalism. Which meant stylish, yet conservative. I was given more latitude than the other girls since my sales were always high. He knew my teasing outfits did bring in the guys but he also wanted to protect the store’s...

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Kates Rich Bitch Fantasy

I dreamed this up one day, imagining what I might be like as a spoiled rich bitch! I have my driver, James, pull the car around to the back of the warehouse and park there. He steps out and walks around to my door, looking sharp, as always, in his crisp, grey uniform. Standing straight and tall, he opens my door and waits as I step out. “Wait here, James,” I tell him. “I will only be a short while.” “Yes, ma’am,” he replies, closes the door and dutifully stands to wait for my return. I stroll...

2 years ago
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Great Sex and Nothing More

If you do not enjoy reading about successful, financially secure, accomplished and attractive people falling in love, fucking freely and living happily ever after, please do not read this story. In spite of the caveat, if you read it and feel compelled to leave a nonsensical, left wing, socialist rant about my lack of humanity or my lack of concern for the poor and the downtrodden or how I need to ‘grow’ past my obsession with material things, please fight the urge to comment. Oh, yes, I almost...

3 years ago
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Sex Ed 1021Chapter 5 Lesson Three Girl on Girl and a afternoon snatch ah snack

The weekend went by really fast. It's Tuesday. Got up, did my usual, mowed the lawn and prepared for the girls lesson for today. Had my lunch and went on my way. Once again, they were ready, willing and waiting in the back yard. Went through the gate and locked it remembering last Friday. There they sat so prim and proper. Fully dressed and today they had on a blouse and a short skirt. I ask them "Where's the party?" Right here Teacher as they both stood up and lifted the hem of their...

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Anna And John

John was sitting on the chair in the bedroom sipping a glass of wine while he was waiting for Ann to get off the phone.Jeff who watched the scene narrates:Will what the hell I always said that I liked to try new things but just both of us jerking off will it should be different. But look at the bright side always wanted to watch a woman use a dildo on herself at least I guess that is what is going to happen at least I want haft to rent a video and she said she wanted to watch me also so what...

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Action at a Distance

It's only been one hour since the nice lady dropped off the package. She told you that you had helped her when no one else would, but at the cost of the memories of who, and what, you used to be. She said that the gift was a small token of her gratitude, that she knew it wouldn't be nearly enough to repay you for what you did, but it took her this long to find you again and she just had to see that you were alright. With a smile, she told you that she knew you would love the gift she'd brought,...

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What Feats He Did That DayChapter 2

The motion-activated lights in the newsroom blinked to life as I pushed through the metal door and began to thread my way through the maze that led to my cubicle. As was often the case, I was the first employee to arrive. It had nothing to do with my devotion to journalism or my work ethic. Rather, it was my desire not to be navigating the sidewalks of downtown Charleston during rush hour. I logged onto my computer and reviewed the wire service reports of who had died over the weekend. There...

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Helping You Cum

I wrote this story to help you cum. I know there are some men out there in need of a quick orgasm and I wrote this quick story to give them directions on exactly what to think about and do. First, I want you to strip down to your boxers. You are not to touch yourself until I tell you to. Follow these directions carefully. I am sitting over here with soaked panties. I’m so horny and really could use a man’s touch. I keep thinking of rough fingers parting my pussy lips and rubbing the inside of...

2 years ago
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Winter Formal

This is a work of fiction. The times and places are real. The characters are based on real people. The activities described herein are totally the product of my vivid, warped imagination.DECEMBER 16, 1965.I walked up to the door, and just as I was about to ring the doorbell, it opened. She was a vision of loveliness, standing there in a cobalt blue dress. Satin skirt, velvet bodice. I was speechless! Her name was Debbie. Tall, nicely put together, Red hair, green eyes, an infectious smile, she...

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Who’s up for a Fiq Fuq? It’s a lot like a TikTok; only you’ll probably find it easier to whack off to. That’s honestly one of the most important features of any good website, at least when it comes to the type of material I review here at ThePornDude. While your niece might be able to kill a whole day watching viral dance videos, injurious challenges, and viewer reactions, we, the perverts, tend to be a little choosier about our content. If it isn’t going to make me hard as a rock and help me...

TikTok Porn Sites
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Analog Time Part Three

Analog Time, Part Three "Junk" by Sandy Man An hour passed, and Dawson returned. He and a fat man pulled a large metal crate out of the cargo bay. To me it looked like a freezer unit. "Bardo, how's our range?" asked Dawson. The fat man plugged some sort of meter into the unit and took a reading. "We're good," said Bardo. "At this range, the interference is negligible." They opened up the box, and Dawson looked...

2 years ago
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Jon stood his six girls up as the men looked them over. The girls wore only a sheer short robe and nothing else. They were young and lived in his home for his sex parties. The five men were naked as no clothes were allowed past the entry way. Most of them were hard and cocks were pointing straight out. Jon told the girls to drop the robes and as they did the men stared knowing that they would each get one of the sexy whores. Jon pointed to Larry to pick a whore and he chose Lee, a petite Asian...

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My cousin is a freak pt2

At this point Im literally staying at her amd her bfs apartment. That night when her bf fell asleep I was sleeping on the couch. I got woke up to her kissing me amd grabbing on my dick. She jerked her shorts down laid down infront of the couch and pulled me down on top of her. We fucked on her floor for a good hour. Then she told me what her fantasy was. She wanted to fuck another woman. I was curious if she knew the girl she wanted to sleep with. She told me she did. It was the girl that...

4 years ago
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Jacobs Retirement

Introduction: Jacobs Career is winding down, and Jake is bringing home the girl he will one day marry. Jacobs Retirement By Allison Bodiford Three years ago Jacob had made Chief Master Sergeant. He was First Sergeant of the 509th Missile Squadron now. He was at the heart of the command structure on base. That had meant that I was on my Ps and Qs for the past three years, mostly. We were part of the political structure on base. Betty has remained a good friend, though with the lesson of...

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Always wanting more one orgasm is never enough

Early this morning my hubby went the bathroom and came to bed with a hard on, how yummy. Of course, I got all hot and bothered at the site of it. He told me he didn’t want to play and wanted to save his sperm for our weekend getaway. I thought to myself, are you kidding me? I asked him if we could spoon together and lay his cock between my pussy lips. I did not have to do much convincing and he agreed. It was hard for me just to lay there so I started moving very slowing, enjoying the feel of...

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Sylvias Mother Ch 34

Despite Brenda’s encouragement to do so, Jason continued to put off calling Karen, even though he wanted to talk with her now more than ever. He knew he had to do it sooner or later, but fear of how he would feel if it turned out she really didn’t want anything to do with him kept him from doing the one thing he knew, more than anything, would make him happy. On more than one occasion, he held the phone in his hand and had his trembling finger poised over the key containing the first digit in...

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A WellLived Life 3 Book 1 SuzanneChapter 40 To Sleep Perchance to Dream

August 18, 2000, Colorado Springs, Colorado I woke on Friday morning amused by the dream I’d had... “Is there anything else I can do for you, Mr. Adams?” she asked with a very enticing smile. “I suppose that depends,” I replied. “On?” “Whether or not you have a second set of sheets.” She laughed, “I would have thought given the state of the bed, you wouldn’t have much energy left.” “I’ll take a nap,” I grinned. “My shift ends at 1:00am; I could bring the sheets then.” She left, then...

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Amissum Codex The Book of LossChapter 10 Vene Arriving

September 12th 1993 What can you say about the gulf that exists between the world of the telepath and the merely human? If I sat next to you in a bar and somehow told you all about one fine day during Indian summer in the Sierras, if I used every nuance of expression at my disposal, you'd still never have access to my experience. If you'd never seen snow, you'd only be able to relate it to something you already knew. Nothing more. The gulf is greater than that. Imagine, if you can,...

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sassur ne choda apni bhau ko

shrma hello app sabi ko mera pyar bhra namsker.mera name shrma hai umar 22 sall kad 5ft 10inch me iss site ko kafi pasand karta hno iss site ke jriye hum apne sex stroie ko sab ke samne rahk sakte hai.tho dosto ey meri phele kahni hai jo ki sachi hai ey khani mare rangin mosa or uske bhau ki hai.mare mosa W.B ke sher KATUA me unka kud ka bissnes hai UNKA KAPRE KA EK BADA DUKAN hai hemra gaon katua se 30km ki duri per hai.mare mosa ka ghar bhi hamre ghar ke bagl me hai. mare papa MP me coal...

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GingerPatch Aria Carson Ginger Chick Craves Man Milk

Bright red hair, pert tits, brilliant blue eyes, and sexy braces – ginger chick Aria Carson has it all. But Aria also has a sweet tooth, and when she runs out of milk for her cereal, she’s shit out of luck! Fortunately, our stud offers her a helping of his man milk, and Aria graciously accepts. She pokes her ass up on the couch and yells, “more!” as he fucks her dripping pussy from behind. She shows off her braces while she sucks his thick cock and jerks voraciously. This girl is desperate for...

2 years ago
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The Ball Boy Experiment Chapter 3 The Dream

Ryan thought about telling her the truth: I've been watching the new ball boy suck the dicks of all of my players, and then had a private visit of my own after everyone left. And then I had to shower, of course. The thought made him smile to himself. Obviously, that would not go over well. "Practice ran a little late. Sorry, hun." She smiled, walked over to him. "That's okay. I've been waiting to tell you: I have some exciting news!" Lacey proceeded to tell him that she'd been given...

4 years ago
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Isis Adventure Ch 2

It was morning…Isis awoke slowly, stretched and smiled softly as she remembered where she was…as she recalled the events of the previous night. She moved her arm over feeling for Finn…the bed was empty. Isis glanced around through half open eyes and spied Finn, standing nude in front of the window, watching the heavy falling snow in the dim light. He was turned slightly toward her, his tall angular profile outlined in the dim light coming through the window. She smiled when she saw his prick,...

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Puzzle Box Genie 20Chapter 10

Amara pulled Laura inside and took her into her arms, comforting her. “I quit my job and went home expecting my ex to be long gone,” she sniffed and shook, clearly holding back tears. “He wasn’t. We argued, both shouting and getting mad. I told him to get out, he punched me and...” she broke down at this point. I pushed the anger down long enough to glean the rest of the story from Laura’s mind. It only took a moment. The bastard beat her, then raped her. I lost the battle to hold back...

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Haunted by the Futa Ghost 14 Futa Ghosts Naughty Memories

Chapter Fourteen: Futa Ghost's Naughty Memories By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 My blood-soaked shide hissed down at the yokai-possessed Daimyo. Blood streamed from his face, wounded by my first exorcism attempt. Mitsuko-hime, my lovely Ōjo-sama, screamed in terror, not understanding what I was doing, and threw herself over her father. I had a moment of frozen time, Mitsuko-hime staring up at me, tears streaking the white makeup coating her face. She looked like a crying doll. I had to...

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Office Story 8211 Mingled With Rishi

It started to happen when we were made part of the new project in the office. We, Rishi and I, were chosen to be the single point of contact at offshore, India side and were assigned a team of 13 people to manage. Definitely, it all had to start with long duration conferences and client calls in office that surely Eat up the regular meal times. In that case, everybody else being subordinate, I had to accompany Rishi outside the office for lunch etc. This brought sharing views for the different...

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John at last Part 1

Introduction: This is a true story between my ex and I. Just thought Id put it up you. Dont forget to check out Part2. I might write a Part3, which will be fictional because our story ended where Part2 ended. Have fun. It was a Saturday morning and the only reason I was at school was because the teachers had practically dragged me out to help them with the upcoming school anniversarys preparations. My friends were there, of course, and we were just getting started on sticking some photographs...

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William Redman CarterChapter 39

William stared at Lucy in shock. Unable to believe what he thought he had heard her say, he asked, "Excuse me?" Pointing to the woman at the front of the conference room of the Carter House, Lucy said, "I asked her to remove her clothes." "I thought I misunderstood you," William said. He glanced over at Mary Gold. The woman had her head down and was hiding her mouth behind her hands. The twinkle in her eye suggested that she was trying not to laugh. The twenty-four year old woman...

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My stalker became my Mistress

I let a woman control me! I was in college. I lived in a big city, it was summer and I was working in a mall. I was talking to a couple while at work, educating them about a certain washer and dryer when I noticed a woman from across the aisle that kept looking at me and every time I looked over at her she would quickly look away with a smile. I spent about 15 minutes with the couple and when they were done asking questions, I looked around kind of expecting this woman to be looking for help...

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Out On The Town

Out on the town for a night of fun, two babes join the mass of humanity partying wildly at one of the Strip's hottest nightclubs. The music is rocking and they fall into step - letting the beat envelop them and the alcohol melt away their inhibitions. They are both tall with long golden hair, short skirts, large breasts bubbling out of their skin-tight tops and the legs...oh, the legs, long and perfectly curved, accentuated by silk stockings and wonderfully high heels. As they twist and grind...

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My night as my wifes sissy boy

The last few weeks had been extremely busy and my wife and I had very little time to spend with one another.  We needed some alone time so we made arrangements for the kids to spend the night at their grandparents house.  My wife asked if I would mind dropping them off by myself as she had a few things she like to get ready while I was gone. As I pulled into the driveway I noticed that most all of the lights were of in the house, it appeared that there was the flickering of candle...

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Honeymoon Helper

Greg and Phyllis Turner were both struggling to see the road. The snow that started early that morning had just about made the road impassable. They were near the cutoff to the cabin but the snow made it almost impossible to see where to turn. A trip that should have taken about 4 hours had turned into an 8-hour drive.The two had been married that morning and were to spend their honeymoon at his uncle's cabin. For the next 2 weeks they would not see a soul but each other. A heavy snowstorm was...

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My First Gangbang How Hell Turned Into Heaven

This is Maaya. I’m 22 years old, Chennai girl who is married since last year. This is a real life story that happened when i was in my 2nd year of college. It’s about how i was forced by my boyfriend into rough gangbang and ended up loving it. So, i was in a relationship for 1 year with a guy called Avinash and had been having sex with him for 6 months. Once my entire family went out of town for a week. I decided I can stay with my boyfriend at his guest house. So I packed and came to pick me...

3 years ago
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Accept A Bull

Peter Morton had the perfect life. He was an annuities manager at an investment firm on Wall Street making more money than most people could ever dream of making. He’d made a few sound investments and done some trading that wasn’t really above board but he didn’t get caught and he made a bundle in the process so debt wasn’t a huge issue. He and his wife were empty nesters; their two boys were in college and staying relatively out of trouble, at least not the sort of trouble that would get...

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BackroomCastingCouch Veronica 09112018

Looking a bit like a 1990’s Halle Berry with bigger tits, 20 year old cashier Veronica and her 32DDs may well be one of the hottest cashiers in the State, although those faded tape lines around her nipples tell me she might be moonlighting doing something other than ring up people’s discount pork and 3-for-$1 avocados. Doesn’t matter, we’re happy she’s sitting her fine ass on my couch and judging by how incredibly wet her pussy is right after the interview,...

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Lighting her fire

As the music becomes louder, she gradually takes off her bra,exposing her large breast and pointed nipples, as she dances around the pole at the centre of the stage. Soon she pulls the front of her under wear to one side dipping one of her fingers into her shaved pussy . Her pubic hair is all shaven. Michelle turns round to expose her bum sits down, pulls off her underwear,sits down onstage ,legs wide open as the audience cries with excitement.# She...

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Blackmailed MomChapter 1

As She looked in her vanity mirror while putting on her makeup She thought back to the event that brought her to this point in her life. One stupid lapse of judgement, one dumb misstep in twenty-two years of marriage and now She was a whore. She'd always had a problem with Patty. Patty was her father's pride and joy — his little princess — and he spoiled her rotten. He denied Patty nothing and let her do whatever she wanted so it was left up to her as the mom to try and bring some...

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Navratri Me Aunty Ke Sath Sambhog

Jesa ke mene upar likha hai ye khani mere or mere aunty ki hai jisko mene apne ghar me hi choda hai… Mere aunty ki umar 33 years hai or wo ek bache ki ma hai.. Jesa ki me gujarat ka hu or gujarat ke aunty ke bhut sexy gand hoti.. Hai unka figure 36-32-36 or me unki gand ka dewana hu…… Ab jayda samay na barbad karte hue sidha me story pe aata hu.. Mere aunty ki mulaqat 1 saal phele hue thi wo hamare paros wale building me rehthi thi…..Me unko apni balcony se kafi bar kapde sukhate dektha tha or...

1 year ago
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The Half LilinChapter 2

I was walking alone in the darkness. Darkness? I wasn't very sure. Maybe it was actually brightness, it was hard to tell really. Around me, thick mist swirled and flowed. I couldn't even see my toes. Just kept walking forward, not knowing why I continued to do so. A moment later, the mist in front of me parted and a womanly figure walked straight towards me. As she got closer, I could see parts of her body; her face, breasts and waist hidden by the swirling mist. "Mother?" I enquired,...

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Double Shot

My First Erotic Story – Everything that could go wrong for Erica that day, had gone wrong. Getting in to her car that morning to go make a presentation to a new client she spilled tea across the passenger seat of her car. Running late, all she had time to do was throw her work out towel over the seat. The presentation had gone badly, the director of the non-profit seemed to know exactly where the weaknesses in her pitch were, and honed in on each and every one of them. To top it off, she...

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The Last Family Vacation Pt 4

Tammy had decided she would just pretend that none of the last 12 hours of life had ever happened. Her mother had held her and said she had nothing to be ashamed of but she still felt… perverted. She had let her brother eat her out and then she had blown his cock… and been caught by both her mother and father. No, it would be best if everyone just joined her in pretending none of it had happened.She finished drying off determined to carry out her plan when she opened the door and rounded the...

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