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Kerry Daniels was a very mature lady at twenty four years old. She should be though, she had graduated from high school at age thirteen then college at sixteen and grad school at seventeen.

Kerry had acquired fluency in seven languages then gone on to computer sciences.

She had applied for and gotten the job as interpreter of the foreign mail coming to and from the large division of an international corporation in Birmingham Alabama.

Kerry had been a department head since she had hired on five years earlier at age nineteen. Now after having been there as long as she had other employees took it for granted that she was thirty something instead of just twenty four. Only one person knew that Kerry was that young, he was the Division Manager and had hired her.

Clyde Burgess was the Division Manager and he also was the only person that knew several other things about Kerry. He knew that the slight limp of her left leg was because her leg had been sheared off just above her ankle. She wore a very clever appliance and could wear a pair of shoes without one being modified.

Kerry was hardly looked at twice by the male employees of the firm, she had an out of the way office, and all the other employees in her department were women.

Kerry wore drab clothes and kept her hair up in a bun, she wore no makeup, and affected a severe pair of window glasses with ugly black rims. She usually wore flat heel shoes like an old lady might wear. Kerry wore a bust and butt flattening corset that made her quite lush body look like a broom stick. She walked with only a slight limp and always dressed in pants so that with high socks on no one even guessed that her left leg ended where her ankle would have been.

Ray Alexander was also a department head. He had graduated early from high school and after three years of college had a masters degree in business and also in computer science. Ray had applied for a job with a number of large firms and received his best offer where he was. He had been there six years. Ray was twenty six years old.

Ray was really a nice guy and well liked by his Co-workers. He had been given a raise each year since joining the firm and was well on his way to a great future.

Ray would, if not enticed away by another firm, someday be in line for the division manager's job.

Ray would now and then ask one of the girls employed by the firm for a date. Never one of those in his department, only some one from another. He would first have lunch with her and if she seemed as if she might be interesting he would ask her for a date.

Ray was noted for showing a girl a really good time on a date. If the date was nice he might follow up with a offer for a week end trip Once he had taken a young lady to Vegas for a long week end and she came back glowing after winning three thousand. She confessed to her friends that they had not had sex on the trip, and that he had reserved two rooms for their accommodations.

He had shown her a really good time though and had been a perfect gentleman the whole trip.

Some talk of Ray being gay started but was squelched when several of his previous dates leaked the information that Ray was not in any way gay but was in fact the most sensuous man they had ever known.

One claimed that she and Ray spent a week end at Panama City Beach and they never left the hotel room.

She had a wonderful time.

She had only got to see the beach from a fifth floor room window. She said that Ray had to half carry her to the car when they left and she had missed two days from work before she got her strength back.

The talk of Ray simmered down to idle gossip and it appeared that Ray often took girls on fabulous dates but if she was not inclined to have sex with him they both could still have a good time.

A month or so after the trip to Vegas Ray asked a lady to fly to the Bahamas with him, leaving Friday evening after work and getting back Sunday night. She told him she would love to but she could not afford to right now.

Ray informed her that he would not have asked her if he had not expected to pay all expenses.

When she was back, her fellow workers asked if she had a good time and she replied that it was a wonderful trip. Her eyes were gleaming and a smile was on her pretty face for days so her friends figured she may have had more than just a wonderful trip.

Once a year all department heads were required to meet and report to management concerning their divisions. Executives from the Atlanta office would be present and often those meetings would extend over three afternoons, the mornings were for the usual business for each department head.

Ray had attended so many of those functions that he could let his attention wander and still take notes from time to time. He was a " people watcher " and had gotten very good at judging when a person was sincere or just faking.

Several of his Co-workers were not well equipped for the questions one of the Atlanta Division people would ask concerning his or her report. Ray realized that the guy from Atlanta was also measuring people as to how well they could perform their jobs.

On the third day Kerry Daniels was asked to make her report. She had a typed report but never had to refer to it as she spoke. Her report was complete and to the point and was finished in a few minutes. She was poised and at ease as she spoke.

That bastard from Atlanta had several probing questions to ask. Kerry made intelligent replies. When her inquisitor asked if she had any suggestions for improvement, Kerry gave a smile and asked if they thought that letters in a foreign language coming to other divisions could be faxed to her department, and interpreted then the translation faxed back. Would that not save other divisions from having to maintain a staff of foreign linguist ?

The bird dog from the main office smiled for the first time in three days. He thanked Kerry for her input and complimented her on what seemed like a brilliant idea.

Ray was impressed with Kerry's poise and intelligence. Ray was determined to find out what he could about that mousy woman in those two offices at the back end of the third floor.

He had seen her many times around the building and paid no attention to her at all.

Ray made his report later and he like Kerry gave a good presentation. He rattled off figures not having to use his written report and was finished in a short time.

The guy from the Atlanta office asked some probing and intelligent questions. Ray responded with complete answers and was another person who received a smile and a "Thank You " as he sat back down.

Three days later Ray had attained a copy of the company files on Kerry Daniels and was even more intrigued by her. She had an address just a few blocks from him in an area of expensive old homes. He had seen her in a nearly new Lincoln Town Car.

He realized the next step was to actually meet her for a lunch and try to get better aquatinted.

Ray called her in her office at mid morning and asked permission to drop by if she was not too busy to see him. Kerry assured him she had time and he walked down the back stairs to her floor.

There were four ladies in the first office, one announced him and then walked him to the door to Kerry's office.

Kerry came from behind a large but tidy desk and asked him to be seated in a casual chair as she sat in the other one. Ray complimented her on her excellent presentation at the previous weeks meeting and she returned the compliment noting that his presentation was also very good.

Never one to be at a loss for words, Ray told Kerry that he perceived a great deal of intelligence in her and wanted to get to know her better. He asked her if they might have lunch together.

Kerry smiled and was thinking that he was either a nut or a very forthright person.

When she said that lunch sounded fine she was excusing herself in her mind because she wanted to find out which.

Ray then asked her if she was free that day.

Kerry said she was and asked him where he thought would be a good place.

Ray suggested a fine restaurant with outside tables.

She agreed and said she could take a long lunch break that day if need be.

Ray had left to go back to his office and Kerry was back behind her desk when one of the ladies from the front knocked and brought her a file she had asked for just before Ray had come in.

Olean the lady with the file laid it down and then commented that if she were not married she would follow that hunk Ray Alexander around like a puppy until he noticed her.

Kerry asked her what she knew about him and for the next twenty minutes got a run down on the office gossip and a history of his various dates.

It was obvious that Olean had a crush on Ray and knew about all that anyone in the office knew of him.

Ray was first a real gentleman. He was considerate and thoughtful of others.

He was considered to be very intelligent.

He was wealthy and owned a house in an expensive area in an older part of town. When Olean mentioned the area Kerry realized Olean did not know where she lived and that She and Ray must live within blocks of each other.

Olean went on to tell what she knew of some of Ray's romances. Olean said he was reputed to be a pleasant companion and that although he did not sleep with all of his dates those he did were thrilled with him. He was said to be a great lover.

It appeared to Olean that Ray was searching for the perfect person to marry and settle down with and that would be a lucky woman indeed.

Lunch was wonderful for Kerry. Ray was exciting to talk to, he made her laugh and she opened up to him and gave out a lot of her thoughts and feelings.

Ray in turn let her inside his head some.

Later when Olean asked what she had for lunch Kerry could not remember.

Both had returned to work intending to learn more about the other.

Ray waited several days and then called Kerry to ask her to lunch. Kerry asked for a rain check as she was tied up with some people from the Atlanta office concerning her suggestion at the annual meeting.

Kerry had gotten access to Ray's personnel file and had found his home. The home was on a large estate size lot and probably worth more than a million dollars. The grounds were well groomed and the house was beautiful. There was not more than six blocks between her home and his.

She had run a credit check on him and found that his D&B showed that he was wealthy but since he would not give them any information they listed net worth as over a million in stocks and bonds and other assets.

She found that like her he had finished high school early and graduated from college in three years.

She was surprised to find out that this very competent guy was not thirty something but only two years older than she, only twenty six years old !

Ray called again about lunch the next day and she agreed. The weather was nice and they went to the same place as before.

Again both were enchanted with the other. It was much like the previous lunch, he made her laugh a lot yet the conversation was again learning about each other.

The found that they both liked the same kinds of foods, music, books, politics, movies and shared most of the same dislikes.

Kerry was beginning to feel comfortable with Ray and he was beginning to feel the same with her.

Ray had decided after the second lunch to ask Kerry for a date. He had a season pass to all the Baron baseball games and Kerry had told him she enjoyed sports. Wednesday night Ray called her at home for the first time and asked her to go with him to a Saturday evening game. Kerry agreed to go and then asked him how he had gotten her unlisted phone number.

Ray had to tell her that he had found it in her personnel file at the office. There was a long silence.

In a very calm voice she asked him what he was doing reading her confidential file.

Ray could only answer that he was doing the same thing she had done when she had read his. Trying to find out as much about her as he could.

Why ? was her next question and his answer was because he was becoming more interested in her each time they had been together.

Kerry remarked that they would discuss that more thoroughly Saturday and then after good-byes hung up.

Kerry thought about him often Thursday, Friday and Saturday morning. Was his becoming interested in her good or bad ? Did she want him to be interested in her ?

She could not make up her mind !

Was she ready for a man to pay attention to her ?

Kerry was a mixed up lady.

Saturday morning Ray called again. Kerry could not keep the pleasure from showing in her voice. Ray wanted to know what time he might pick her up for the game, it did not start until eight but if she would like they could dine first.

Kerry said she had no plans for the afternoon.

Ray asked if she would like to ride out to see a farm his Aunt had left him several years before.

Kerry said sure and asked when he wanted to pick her up. One thirty was set as the time. Kerry started to give Ray her address and Ray told her he knew where she lived.

There was another long silence on the phone then Kerry said " I don't even need to ask ".

Ray was prompt and Kerry was out of her front door and walking toward his car as he was getting out.

Small talk and they were on the way in Ray's silver Lincoln Town Car.

Kerry remarked that her car was almost identical.

Ray told her that he traded every two years with a distant relative in a small town close by and always got a good deal He had been happy with the last four cars he had bought that way.

Kerry did a quick sum in her head, four trades every two years was eight years. Ray was twenty six, he had bought his first Lincoln when he was eighteen years old. He had still been in college or grad school.

The drive was short to the rural property Ray owned, It was all timber with a big lake in the center.

Kerry asked how big the lake was and Ray told her it just a bit more than fifteen acres. She asked him how big the place was and he told her there was 640 acres.

Ray drove through forest to the upper end of the lake and parked in front of a large log house.

Ray explained that it had been used for years as a hunting lodge and summer retreat. He liked to spend many of his week ends there.

Ray showed Kerry around, large front porch with rockers and a swing, living room with huge fire place, modern kitchen and six bedrooms with baths. The master bedroom was big and had it's own fire place. Off that was a dressing room and huge walk in closet. A bath with a shower and a whirl pool tub was connected to the dressing room.

After seeing the house Ray took her down to the boat house and pier. He told her that if they had the time he would have taken her fishing.

Time to go back and have an early dinner came too soon.

Kerry's smile stayed on her face, not just when Ray said something to cause a smile. Dinner was nice and the game after was exciting right up until the last Out.

Ray drove Kerry home, hoping that she would ask him in when they arrived. She did.

When inside Kerry pointed him toward the refrigerator and told him she only had cokes and gator aid but to help himself. She excused herself, wanting to change out of her dressy clothes and get into something more comfortable.

Naughty visions entered Ray's mind about what she would change into. Kerry came back in sweats both top and bottom three sizes to large.

Ray was on the couch with a coke.

Kerry looked different, there was a bounce to her walk and she had let her hair down out of it's usual bun. Her hair was long and a beautiful copper brown with bright and dark streaks. Those bangs that made her look like a coon looking out from under a log were pulled back in clips. Her whole face was changed.

Ray got up off the sofa and just walked around her twice. Finally getting control of his tongue he introduced himself and asked her for her name. Kerry had not giggled since before her accident but she could not help her self, she giggled then laughed so long and hard that Ray realized her laughing was out of control.

He took her in his arms and hugged her to him and that was when he realized that there was a large set of tits under that tee shirt. He took off her glasses and discovered them to be plain glass and that she had a stunningly beautiful face and eyes.

Ray kissed her and she tried to get away, she did get to say "Let me go" but was laughing as she said it.

Ray promised to quit kissing her if she stopped laughing. Several kisses later Kerry got control of herself.

Ray led her to the couch and as she sat down she giggled again, Ray started to wrap his arms around her again.

Kerry almost shouted that she was all right now.

After a few minutes of uncomfortable silence Kerry asked if he could bring her a coke.

Ray brought the coke and sat back beside her taking her hand and holding it.

Kerry said that she really did not know what had happened to her. That had never happened before.

Ray told her that she was nervous. What was she that nervous about ?

Kerry started to say something several times, each time she stopped and thought about how to say what was on her mind.

Finally she started. " What you read in my company file was correct but not complete. I am going to give you the full story of my miserable life. Please let me finish before you ask any questions, it will be hard enough with no interruptions.

The following is Kerry's Story in her words

I was born in California on July 18th 1974 and am now 24 years old. My mother was the head of the English literature department at U.C.L.A., my father, Dean of the school of law. I was born in an atmosphere of intelligence and dignity. A quiet world, safe from the rest of the world around us. My childhood was normal more or less except that my parents never treated me as if I were a child. I was treated as an adult. When I was in the second grade my teacher and the principal of the school met with my parents and suggested that they consider finding a school for accelerated learning for me. I did not fit with the other eight year olds. There were several in the area. I was tested and accepted by one of the best. I was comfortable in the new school and had no trouble with making good grades. When I was Ten years old I was doing the class work of a normal junior in high school.

That summer every thing changed. My father stopped at a railroad crossing, the signal arm was down and the engine was within half the length of a football field.

A drunk hit us from behind, knocking us through the signal and directly on to the track.

The car was cut in half and the front end was rolled in front of the engine a long way. I was in the back seat and don't remember anything after we were hit by the drunk.

I woke up two days later, numb from the waist down. There was some baby talking nurse who thought I did not need to know what happened and would only tell me not to worry that I was in a good place and to go back to sleep.

I realized that nurse was not going to be any help so I turned my head and pretended to go back to sleep.

When she left I decided to get out of bed and go home. I sat on the edge of the bed in the dim light and started to stand up, my left leg was not on the floor but I tried anyway, I fell. In a bit I rolled over and looked at my legs, MY LEFT LEG DID NOT HAVE A FOOT !!!

I still wanted to go home so I crawled to the open door to the hall. A short distance down was a wheel chair.

I crawled to it and got my right knee on to the foot rest and then my fanny on the seat. I rolled to the brightest part of the hall and found the nurses station empty. I got to the elevators and pushed the down button. When it finally came I pressed the G button and at that time of night rode clear to the lobby by myself. I was at the auto exit door when two interns came in, one recognized me from having been in the emergency room the day I was admitted.

"Hold it young lady, where are you going.

I told him I was going home.

Not dressed as you are and as cold as it is out there, besides why do you want to leave ? he asked.

When I told him I wanted to leave because the only person I had talked to besides him was an idiot that talked baby talk and I wanted to know real answers to my questions.

I had no choice and was returned to my room but I was treated as a person not a child from then on.

I was informed of my parents death and that my mother's sister had flown out from Birmingham soon after she was notified. She would be back the next morning.

My Aunt Jane spent a month in California while my leg was operated on twice to prepare the stump for an artificial leg. We got to know each other well and we decided that I would come here to this house to live.

Aunt Jane arranged to sell my late parent's house and cleaned up all of my parents affairs.

She made the arrangements to fly me back here by private plane. She left me there for two more weeks while she came here to prepare for me to move.

She brought me here to this house and I began a harsh year of physiotherapy. I was never allowed the luxury of being able to feel sorry for my self. I would go to sleep each evening tired and sleep well. I began to walk on crutches. I was told I could go any where I wanted but only with out help.

I was enrolled in another advanced private school and got around in Taxis. School in the morning Physical therapy in the afternoon. As soon as my "stump" was ready I was fitted with my first "Peg Leg".

I found stairs and doors much easier to handle and was soon walking as if I was able to go anywhere.

You have the rest of my story from the company files.

That is, you know the whole story about my leg.

Now I believe I should let you the rest of the way in to my head.

I have been a lonely person all my life. I have never been able to make close friends even before loosing my parents.

After they were gone I grew very close to my Aunt Jane but she is the only one I have ever felt at ease with.

I was told many times that I was attractive and asked out for a date. Most of the guys that asked were much older than I. Many were not capable of carrying on an intelligent conversation. Some were trying to find out if the crippled girl was willing to go to bed with them just because she received some attention. Aunt Jane passed away two years ago leaving this house and a large amount of money to me. Of course I already had a large sum in the bank and in investments because of the death of my parents.


You are my first date !!! I have never been kissed by a guy before just a while ago. You are the first man I have ever kissed.

I have never had sex with anyone and still have my hymen.

You have made me feel normal this last few weeks, as if I were a person not missing important parts and not a mind freak.

I am afraid of you and nervous because I feel that you could have a large influence on my emotions and my mind.

I have been where I could watch you for five years and I have seen you first ask a lady out for lunch several times, then a date, then a weekend date out of town somewhere.

I know that you are not disappointed if sex is not a part of all your dates but that most of the time it is.

I do not want to be a part of the game you play, the game of having your pleasure with a woman and giving her pleasure in return. Then you go on to another.

"To put it bluntly Ray Alexander you scare the hell ought of me" she said.

Ray got up and went in the kitchen for cokes.

When Ray was back he sat on the couch with her.

He said that he wanted Kerry and he to take first things first, to begin with he wanted her to understand that he did not consider her incomplete because her left ankle and foot were gone, her mind was not impaired and that was where her personality came from.

Second he was not playing games with the ladies he had dated and sure as hell was not keeping score. He was seriously looking for someone he could ask to marry him. He wanted a house with a wife to come home to. Even children !!

Third he was not looking for a pretty face and if she took the time to check she would find that of each woman he had dated in the six years he had been there, all had exceptional qualities worth exploring to see if one might be a candidate. In every lady he had ever dated he had found reasons to decide that she was not a candidate. Not the one he wanted to spend the remainder of his life with.

Last but not least, sure Kerry interested him but she had nothing to fear of him, he would never cause her to do something she did not want to do or would regret later.

He told her that he thought she was a very attractive lady but he had found a mind behind her pretty face that excited him and that he liked to spend time with her in just conversation.

Ray asked Kerry to not be nervous of him. He promised to not kiss her unless she began to laugh hysterically again or if she ever wanted him to.

Kerry was quiet for a while, then asked if he was telling her the truth.

He promised her he was.

They were siting on the couch, he holding her hand and his arm on the back of the couch with his hand on her shoulder.

Kerry half turned toward him and told him she was very nervous and felt that she might start laughing again, could he help.

Ray slowly gathered her into his arms and began to kiss her face then her lips. Not getting in a hurry he teased her mouth then her throat then slipped his tongue between her lips.

Kerry relaxed and began to respond.

Later Ray sat up and told her he had better go that things were getting intense and that it would be best if they said good night.

Kerry agreed and they made a date for the next day for lunch and maybe the zoo.

Kerry would have to be blind not to have noticed the bulge of his erection as he got up to leave.

At the door one last kiss during which she felt his hardness and Ray left her to sweet dreams.

Sweet dreams about Ray, dreams of having sex with him, dreams of marriage and lots of children.

Five A.M. Sunday morning came and thoughts of Ray persisted while Kerry cleaned house and did laundry.

After five hours of house work she was able to sit and sip a Gator Aid and try to get her thoughts in order.

She realized that Ray was affecting her as no one else ever had and that she might be making a big mistake by allowing him to get too deeply under her skin.

Kerry was so excited by Ray though, she decided to chance a possible heart break and let the relationship develop.

Ray called at ten and asked her when he should pick her up for lunch. Kerry told him she was starving and to come on, she was through house cleaning.

Ray was there in a few minutes.

Kerry went to the door.

Ray entered and looked her over, then shook his head.

Kerry asked him what was wrong and Ray replied that she was not dressed for an outing, she looked as if she were going to the office to work or to church. Kerry asked him what was wrong with the way she looked.

Ray asked her if she had any jeans and summer tops.

Kerry told him her aunt Jane had bought her some clothes like that but she never wore them out of the house, they were just to do house and back yard chores in.

Ray walked up to her, put his hands on her hips and told her he would be very pleased with her if she would dress as pretty as she could for him.

Then Ray said " I think you are about to start giggling again " then he kissed her softly on the mouth.

Kerry put her arms around his neck and told him she believed he was right, they kissed as if they had not seen each other for months.

Ray was running his hand over her back and down on to her buns.

After breaking off the kiss Ray removed her ugly eye glasses and planted baby kisses on her eye lids and cheeks.

Kerry was feeling weak in her knees.

Ray asked Kerry to show him her wardrobe and let him help her pick out casual and pretty things to wear.

Kerry was reluctant but after a while took him up stairs to her bed room.

Ray sat on the side of the bed while Kerry tried to find something to please him.

Nothing she brought out of her walk in closet-dressing room-bath got his approval. Each item she held up before her got a shake of his head. She would ask what was wrong with her selections and he would tell her one was too long or another was too bulky and would hang on her like it was several sizes to big.

Kerry was about to cry when Ray patted the bed beside him and asked her to sit with him.

Kerry did then in a sad voice told him she guessed she did not have any clothes that would suit him and probably they should call off their date.

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Note : This story is completely fictional!We were changing planes in Chicago on our way to grandma's for the holidays when a sudden snow storm left us stranded for the night. Luckily the airline was going to put us up in a nearby hotel. We were told it wouldn't be anything fancy, but it would be better than sleeping in the airport. As luck would have it we managed to find a crazy cab driver willing to take us to the hotel in the snow storm. After a quick check in we were off to our room. The...

4 years ago
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Meri First Night Mere Boy Friend Naveen K Sath

Hi mera nam hai Gauri mai 23 saal ki hu figure 32 26 30 is wakt ek MNC me job kar rhi hu mera bf Naveen jise main pyar se Navu bulati hu ek business man hai wo 26 saal ka hai. Hum dono ke relation ko teen saal ho chuke hain par hum aaj tak ek sath raat ko soye nhi. Ha kiss or foreplay hua hai uske ghar me or pvr me but jo maza raat ko hai wo din me kaha. Ek din mujhe ek kaam ke silsile me Delhi jana pada us wakt mera or Naveen ka jhagda chal rha tha main akeli Delhi chali gai par jab ye baat...

4 years ago
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Give it a shot part 1 revised

This is a true story about my first gay experience and my lover. Hi, My name is Chris. Let me tell you a story about a teenage boy named Daniel and how he changed my life. I suppose i should take you back to where and when me and Danny first met. At the time i was 15 years old. It was summer break at the pool. I was hanging out with my sister and her friend as usual, but this time her friend brought her younger brother, Danny. He was also 15 years old. He was a little older but only...

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Deeptis Submission

This is one of my favorite stories. It is not written by me but by an extremely talented Indian writer. I wish he had continued writing this or some other stories. Alas... I am posting this here (with certain modifications) so that readers get to know how wonderful a writer he is. The essence of humiliation is well captured and makes this a...

3 years ago
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Meine Freundin

Der Regen prasselt leise gegen das Fenster, dunkle Wolken bedecken den Himmel. Alles in allem passt das Wetter zu diesem trostlosen Sonntag. „Noch eine Tasse Kaffee, Marc?“ reißt mich die hohe Stimme von Marion, Nicoles Mutter, aus meinen Gedanken. „Hm? Ach ja, ein Tasse nehme ich noch“ erwidere ich und reiche ihr meine Tasse, damit sie nach schütten kann. „Du gefällst mir heute gar nicht. Stimmt etwas nicht?“ fragt sie, während sie meine Tasse nachfüllt. „Ach, alles bestens. Es war in...

2 years ago
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Bad Moms Cub Part 1

Being a stay at home mom can be tiresome sometimes. I starts every day with an early morning 5am wake up just so I can get a quick work out in, shower and hopefully have just enough time for a quiet cup of coffee and breakfast before the kids wake up. Once that happens I make sure they are dressed, teeth brushed, hair done, chores done, lunches made, breakfast ate and everything in their back pack for the day. We leave early and walk a half a mile to drop kids off to school. Once the...

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Second ChanceChapter 19

We enjoyed our lunch and spent a lot longer than usual just visiting. Mr. Bell was thrilled about Rebecca's pending baby, and we talked about what ifs. What if she's a girl? What if it's a boy? What if they're twins? What if this ... what if that? Fatherhood didn't worry me. Being a lousy father was a huge concern. Mr. Bell had some sage advice. "David, you have a gentle, kind spirit. If you let your kindness and tendency to react logically rule your behavior, you'll do fine as a...

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AbracadabraChapter 13 Conclusion

Gregg & Maxine had disappeared. They were no longer in the museum. But, thought Gregg to himself, where were they? Where do things go to when they disappear? If something has gone, where has it gone to? Gregg was beginning to wish that he had paid more attention during Philosophy 101. He wanted to get back but if you don't know where you are how can you know where back is? Certainly he didn't want to be back in the museum. "Where are we?" Maxine whispered. "I don't know. We...

2 years ago
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Hard to ChewChapter 9

Eventually, Patrick regained something of his senses. Rising to his feet, he took stock of his situation. He angrily wiped tears from his cheeks, leaving a smear of dirt and dust across his cheeks. He would find the shack and Mary and all would return to normal. Raking his hair out of his face with his fingers, he threw back his shoulders and proceeded on his way home. Unfortunately for Patrick, when he arrived at the top of his climb to relative safety and plunged across the terrain beyond...

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The Bride Wore Black

Today was Julie's wedding day, the happiest day of her life. It was the day she had dreamed of for as far back as she could remember. And after thirty-two years of waiting and hoping, it was finally coming true!All she had ever wanted was to be a devoted wife and mother. She'd had countless tea parties and baby dolls growing up. She helped her mother vacuum even when the vacuum cleaner was bigger than she was.When she got a little older, she started helping her mother with the cooking – at...

2 years ago
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Hot Threesome With Horny Chicks

Dear ISS readers, Thanks for the wonderful response to my debut story which I wrote almost a year back. The whopping 5000 likes and a series of emails was a good enough reason to write again. However, it took longer than expected. No complaints though, I had good fun all along thanks to the adventurous and horny readers looking for action. For those reading my story for the first time, I am a 33 year, six feet and a moderately built married man from Bangalore. Being married for over four years...

2 years ago
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Graduation Gift

Our kids and their kids hit it off pretty well and became good friends, or cousins, as they referred to themselves. Our oldest daughter graduated from high school last year, and our other daughter just turned sixteen. Christa, my wife’s step-sister, graduated from high school in May. For graduation, my wife and I decided to take our girls and Christa to the beach for a week. We also agreed to allow Christa’s best friend, Brittney, to come alone. Christa and Brittney had been friends since...

1 year ago
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Sir Roberts Adventures in the Holy LandChapter 7

The somewhat jaded Crusader back from the Holy land had decided that he would take the youngest of the three daughters of his closest neighbor, Squire Holliday to wife because she was most likely a virgin and he desperately wanted a fresh start. The girl was terribly shy and self-conscious but in a way it was endearing to see her confusion about matters of a physical nature. He had fondled her exceeding hard in the kitchen that first day the family visited under the watchful eye of her...

2 years ago
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StoryLine Pt2

Weekend came and I was meant to be there for 18:30I arrived early a little excited at the thought of what could happen, I pressed the bell and heard the little ones, I remembered a conversation about them going away the weekend and thought they haven’t gone yet, il get to say goodbye to them. The door opened and it was the eldest one letting me in. I walk in to the kitchen where everyone was and said “Hi” They was too busy chatting and almost completely ignored me when his wife grabbed my hand...

4 years ago
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Sheriff PorterChapter 28

I decided to wait until I was less emotional before deciding what to do about Osborn. So the next morning I was at the sports field at 6 AM. I ran my hour and did about seven miles. I had stopped counting the laps and just ran an hour. I hated to fucking run. I always had hated it. It was seven thirty when I pulled into the gym and hit the bag for an hour. Since it was Sunday, I didn't have a real plan for the day. Reggie didn't say a word, he seemed to have something on his mind. He sat...

4 years ago
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Stay the Course part 7 Day One in Toronto

Please read the previous chapters to get the idea of the story line. Master John opened the door and we walked into the lounge of our suite. The double doors to the right led to the bedroom with a King size bed. I needed to get out of the clothes I was wearing and shower! I slipped my coat off and dropped it on the floor, then unzipped my skirt and let that drop too. I stepped out my clothes and took my shoes off. Master John was watching me as I stripped, I turned and looked at him and...

4 years ago
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KINKChapter 6 Two Pearsquos in a Pod

“Surely not, what are the fucking chances?” Dillon contemplated as he watched the percentage of the synced file increase. Did he dare open it up when it was finished? Should he even let it continue? Fingers wrapped loosely around the cable as he willed himself to pull the plug. He knew he should, it was the respectful thing to do. Playing the encounter over in his head, he envisioned handing her the phone, stating he knew it was hers because he’d seen the case when she got that text the...

4 years ago
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Daytona Beach Desire Book IIIChapter 3

Hanna's final year in high school was completely different than her third year had been. She had become a leader, outgoing, outspoken and certainly unafraid of relationships, school or boys. The young man that she had dated as a junior turned out to be easily intimidated by females and wanted nothing more to do with a strong personality such as Hanna's. That's not to say that there were not plenty of other guys extremely anxious to take his place. There was, unfortunately, a contingent of...

4 years ago
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Life of a cum addicted cukold

--------------------------------------------------------This work is copyrighted to the author © 2007. Pleasedon't remove the author information or make any changesto this story. All rights reserved. Thank you for your consideration.--------------------------------------------------------Cuckold Savours The Smelly Loadby Balls Juice ([email protected])***This is a story about a man that who feels the need to be cuckolded and convinces his wife to fulfill this need. She agrees happily with...

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Christmas Night

Marilyn Lehman stood at the patio door watching her two sons in the back yard. Jake, 12 years old, was astride his brand new trail bike. Andrew,17, was showing his younger brother the controls. Both boys were dressed warmly. Although it was early afternoon and the sun was coming out, it was still cold. Several inches of snow covered the yard. It was a picture postcard Christmas Day, full of blue skies, cotton clouds, and white snow.Andrew stepped away from the bright green bike. He got the...

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having a good behavior as cuckold

That Friday night I was fucking my sexy wife, when she told me her brand new lover wanted to meet me. I came inside of Ana’s hot cunt when she said so.She had warned me her last lover was a black guy, muscled and endowed.Ana arranged everything for Saturday night.We met Buck at a pub. He was already there and we sat at the table; Ana was beside him and me across both of them. As soon as we asked drinks, I saw Buck’s hand disappearing under the tablecloth. Soon Ana shivered and I knew the...

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Taiji Se Shararat 8211 Part III

Hello doston, mein gumnam aap sab ke liye Taiji se Shararat ka teesra bhaag laya hun, mujhe aap sabhi ke comments apni pichli stories pe mile, aura age bhi umeed karta hun ke aap mere kaam ko issi tarah pasand karenge. To aage ki kahani kahani ke hero Mitr ki jubaai, Jab hum ghar pohche to bhola aur parvati ne sara kaam kar rakha tha, aur parvati ne khana bhi bana diya tha, humne haath muh dhoya aur khana khane baith gaye, Humara khana khatam hua tha ke papa mummy aagaye, mein unhe dekh ke bada...

1 year ago
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TeensLoveAnal Serena Avery Business In Her Behind

Serena Averys stepdad is a pretty traditional guy. So, when he sees her dressed in a skimpy tank top that shows off her cleavage, he is none too happy about it. He tells her to change before his business partner comes over for a meeting. But when the partner shows up, he is super turned on by Serenas sexy bod. He approaches her in the kitchen, offering to take care of her. She bends over and lets the pervy business dude run his fingers along her asshole. Then he slides his cock inside, pounding...

2 years ago
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The Ocean Waves The Air Waves BackChapter 8

The paramedics arrived before the police. They called for the meat wagon and worked on the unknown woman. Glancing at my shoulder wound, the paramedic, a thin, petite, cute Japanese woman with a lot of energy and about my age squirted on some antiseptic which hurt like hell, cleaned the wound which hurt even more, than slapped on some gauze and tape and told me to press on it. Tempted to flirt, I proved again the old joke that a man can have a hard-on in any situation, but figured Penny...

4 years ago
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Huge Tits A different pair for each night of the

Newly single at 32, I went on a big tits rampage. I’d spent years with a set of D cups but throughout the relationship I’d harboured an increasing desire to get hold of some really big ones. By the time I moved away from my ex, this had become a need. Once I was living alone again, the idea was simple: to search out the biggest, heaviest juggs I could find. Age, race, or body size never mattered to me. I didn’t care how fat the woman in question was, only the amount of titmeat she had hanging...

3 years ago
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sister who is my dirty girl chapter 2

Yes Uncle Andrew. I took them down to the kitchen and sat them at the table. I gave them each a sippy cup with orange juice. They were drinking while I made them each a piece of toast with eggs. After there food was done I put it on the table and they started eating. When they were done I marched there cute little bottoms into the downstairs bathroom where I had three bags full of hot water ready for them. I told them each bend over and spread your butt cheeks while I took the nozzle up...

2 years ago
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Back Alley

Her eyes still sore and burning from the tears she’d been crying from before. The heated argument she has had with her boyfriend sets her in a rage as he leaves the house to go out right after the fight. Veronica (a 5’6 mixed female with 34D breasts, slim waist and small perky ass) decides to get dressed putting on the shortest, tightest dress in her closet. It’s a very thin; almost see through, black and white stripped dress adding high black stilettos to her out fit. With her hair done in a...

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MelissaChapter 5 Moms Horny Sister

After visiting Aunt Hilda in Phoenix, Dennis & his mom decided to drop in unexpectedly on her sister Cathy and her fifteen-year-old son Bobby on the way back home. Parking the car in the street, Dennis got their luggage out of the car and they went to Cathy's front door. Dennis pressed the doorbell button, but nothing happened. "Looks like its not working, Mom", said Dennis. Helen tried to peer in through the frosted glass, but could see nothing. She knocked a couple of times and...

3 years ago
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Encounter in the pub

We arrived at the pub after a slow drive through the quiet countryside, the afternoon air cooled into the early evening and gave some respite from the heat of the day. Linda sat looking so hot , her satin blouse billowing with the breeze, the cool air circulating over her sheer lace bra, teasing her nipples making them seem even more obvious. Her skirt was short, mid thigh, she had slipped on stockings and heels as she felt a little naughty as she said, the promise of a little subtle flashing...

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Crystal the Campaign Volunteer

I was working ate in the campaign office along with about three volunteers. I was in charge of a Get Out The Vote effort for a local candidate and we had been brain storming things for weeks with staff. One of the three volunteers was a college-aged girl named Crystal. Crystal had an engaging smile and the only thing bigger than her smile was her heart and her boobs. I had secretly stalked her Facebook photos after she added me as a friend. I had hopes of determining a little more about her...

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A Good Fucking Night Part 2

Tyler couldn't help but grin as his eyes took in the sight of the downstairs living room. There was Allison, bent over the coffee table, her exposing shirt had long been removed, Tyler saw it lying on the other side of the couch. There were two guys having their way with her. A stranger that Tyler didn't recognize was facefucking her, slapping her face and calling her a whore for breaking Jeremy's heart. Jeremy was behind her, fucking the poor girl with force, calling out "Come...

3 years ago
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Full Circle Chapter Two

Full Circle – Chapter Two Well there I was, a 63 year old widower, driving through Baltimore City, Maryland reliving the sins of my past. I didn’t have too many regrets in life for I had, up to this point, had a very good life all in all. I had stayed in the Corps for 32 years, retiring 13 years ago at the rank of Colonel. I was up for a “star” had I stayed in, but that was when we had the first hint that things weren’t right with Carol so I got out to spend more time with her. It was...

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Identity Theft

Identity Theft By Ellie Dauber Copyright 2000 Author?s Note: Identity Theft, crooks using somebody else?s ID and credit cards to steal over the Internet is a very real problem. The victims, the individuals whose Ids are used, can lose their life savings and spend months, maybe years, trying to restore their credit and their good name. When I read an article about it recently, it occurred to me that such thieves better be very careful whose identity they steal. * * * *...

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Staying With My Aunt and Uncle

My Mum and Dad had taken a well earned holiday so my sister and i had gone to stay with our Aunty Mary and Uncle John.I was twelve and my sister was seven,my aunt and uncle were not married they were brother and sister on my Dads'side and had decided to live together. Thinking of it now, my Aunty Mary paid me more attention than she should have done.She made me have a bath before bed every night,a bit over the top,but i did as i was told.After ten minutes she would come in to the bathroom and...

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Gifted Book 1 SilenceChapter 3 Death

Willow hadn’t seen her father die. When she had heard the shots, she had headed back to the camp at a run. She had wandered further from the camp than she had first thought. It was late when they had stopped, but she had needed the exercise and had gone for a walk. By the time she got back close to the glade, she had heard her mother’s screams. The man called Harry had been trying to rip off her mother’s clothes. Her mother grabbed the hand with the knife with both of hers and stabbed it...

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mature crossdresser 18 year old PART 1

Myself being a fulltime crossdresser and wear mini skirt and dresses all the time an high heels. A few weeks ago some new people move in across the street from me to be extact it was a woman and her 18 yr son.I talked to her few times and she was very nice and in our talks asked her if it bother her that i was a cd/tv she said nope. Well after couple weeks we became good friends and found out her son was shy and kind of a nerd. One day she came over to me and was little upset over something she...

2 years ago
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Happy Times part 2

The next day I drove to where Jo was working, it was only about one hour away and an easy drive. I found the shop without too much trouble, it was very similar to the previous one. Lovely underwear and outfits , also sex items, some of which I had never seen before. As usual it was staffed by some very attractive assistants, I couldn't see any sign of Jo, It could be her day off or even her coffee break. It was a much bigger store that was obvious, I wandered around, eventually I asked an...

1 year ago
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My First Date

I had met Pete over an on-line dating site, and we had chatted for several weeks and developed a rapport when we decided to have our first real date. We agreed to meet at a local shopping mall parking lot and would do some shopping together. I spent the morning shaving my body smooth and getting ready. I went with a natural look for my make-up, and peachy pink lipstick. I slipped into a black shape-wear body suit to help with the curves and then slid on some sheer black nylons. I then slid on...

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I am his keep

My name is Shilpa and I am an engineering student in maharashtra orignially from karnataka. When I was in second year of engg I started to work as a call girl parttime because my father was unable to pay for my tution.By the time I finsihsed engg and joined Wipro I had slept with more than 100 men. There were 2 of us in one flat myself and another poor punjabi girl called Resham. An aunty who found us in college suggested this and we both eventually agreed because we needed money to pay the...

3 years ago
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SeniorChapter 25 Spring Break

My quarterly examination schedule was crazy. I'd drawn two exams on Friday while almost everyone I knew left early for their spring break. That left only Victor and me to have pizza and beer. We talked mainly about the architectural class we were in. I knew he was looking forward to staying in my apartment with Gladys for eight nights, and saw no need to ruin his spring break by telling him that another company had purchased the Omaha building. In some respects, I envied him. He would work...

2 years ago
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Training My Husband to Suck Cock

I am married to a wonderful man and we have a great sex life. . I learned early in our marriage that my husband is both kinky and submissive. I loved being dominant in bed and making him do all kinds of kinky adventures. I never realized just how submissive and kinky Michael really was until this month. Over the years of marriage, we loved experimenting with sex. We are both very open- minded and have tried many different kinks. We have evolved sexually to the point where Michael wears women's...

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Gordy on WalkaboutChapter 2

The paddleboat ride along the Darling was interesting, but noisy. I wondered whether folks brought unruly children in the hope that they’d fall in, but this was too far upstream to think they’d be eaten by a giant cod, like Ken in “Love Serenade.” But that took place far downstream, along the Murray. And it was just an idle fantasy. (The Murray Cod, which can grow to about two metres, is not really a cod in a Northern Hemisphere sense, but a giant freshwater perch.) But it was interesting to...

1 year ago
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Chache Ny Banaya Apna Diwana Or Sikhaya Lund Ghusana Part5

Me ik dafa phr hazar ho agla part k sht jesa k ap sub ko pata ha k me ny nasem(chache) ko kesye kesye choda agr ni to ap merye phlye walye part padhye ap ko pata chal jaxe ga agr koi anty ya larki chodwana chahti ha to c0ntct me   Ab zaida time ni wast karta story par ata ho jesa k me ny nasem ki gand mari or chot b phr me ghr to a gaya rat ko par mejye nend ni a rahe the chacho ny subho 8 bjye ana tha me subho subho 5 bjyd nasem k ghr phr chala gaya mera man m0rning sex ko tha to jb me nasem...

2 years ago
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Lovely But Bit Dirty Sex 8211 Part I

Hi all. My name is Rish. I want to share my story with you. Ye kahani kafi purani hae barso beet gaye ho shayad. I was 20 year old at that time. Mere ghar mae mere papa mom Kamini aur bahan the. Comment me on Main kar raha tha meri mom ka naam Kamini hai. She is a modern women. Wo bhaut sunder hae aur figure bhara hua tha woh 40 saal ki the. woh apne figur aur beauty ka bahut khayaal rakhati. woh daily gym jaati hai. woh ek bahut hi sexy aurat hai.wo bahut hi fashonable aurat hai. woh...

3 years ago
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The Edge Of Darkness pt 2

Three hours had passed since Vanak had fucked the whore in front of Selene. The rage and anger he felt towards the twisted Vampire hadn't eased much but it was late and Rachel, his girlfriend, would be worried if he didn't make it home soon. The right thing to do would be to explain to his beloved Rachel the truth thus releasing Selene's hold over him but how do you explain to your soul mate that you killed her sister ten years ago without her freaking out and leaving? Vanak was uncertain he...

2 years ago
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Our Path to Husband Swapping part 1

This is the story of how my husband and I got into swinging. I have divided the story into several parts, as it was a long journey. My name is Taylor; I’m 5’ 4” with long brown hair. I’m fairly fit with what I call small but firm 32 B breasts. Sam is my hubby, he is 6’ 2” and in good shape. We have been married for seven years. We started down the path of swinging a few years ago when after a night of drinking; Hubby and I were talking about our sex lives prior to marriage. I told Sam that in...

Wife Lovers
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Jason I Our First Time

I wanted to hook-up with him so I asked if we could go "talk." He aggreed and we made our way upstairs to the boys locker-room. No one would be there for a while so I knew we would be safe from being caught. "So, what do you wanna do?" he asked. "Well, we could make out." I said shyly, I was beginning to chicken out. He made his way closer to me and pinned me against the lockers and started rubbing my thighs and kissing my neck gently, eventually finding my lips. I...

1 year ago
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BetrayalChapter 61

The SRT-8 flew down the snow-covered trail, re-tracing the path it had carved in the powder. "We've got company," Finn warned as he tried to focus on the pursuing snowmobile, which was rapidly closing the gap behind them. "He's pretty fabulous looking," Liv commented, noticing the bright red scarf wrapped around his neck. "I can't get a good bead on him. We're too bouncy, and he's weaving too much," Finn said as he desperately tried to track the white snowmobile. In the camera,...

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