When First We Practice To Deceive free porn video

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Joe Price sat at his desk and for the third time in a row tried to lift his coffee mug without spilling. The shaking of his right hand was almost unnoticeable until he had to grip the mug’s handle, then it was as if his mug had a vibrator attached. The coffee started to slosh around in the mug and once again threatened to come over the rim. With a clatter and a sigh, he put the mug back onto the now wet surface of his desk and sat back into his chair.

He closed his eyes and tried to relax. All that did was bring the memories back, like an old-style movie; sort of jerky, no color and with the sound out of sync.

“ ... Congratulations!” came the voice over the loudspeaker as the crowd broke into cheers and applause.

Joseph A. Price, LT(jg) stood at attention. He was now a fully qualified Engineering Duty Officer, an EDO, who was on his way to becoming Commander Philadelphia Ship Yard; at least at the end of the next twenty years. In the old days that slot would have carried the title of Shipwright but as with a lot of things in the Navy, traditions were lost along with old technologies. At his young age, Joe was the last EDO to qualify on steam, the next in precedence qualified on Jet Turbine. To Joe’s thinking a major step backward in reliability but who was asking his opinion anyway.

His LT Sea Duty tour was slotted for PHIBRON SIX embarked upon USS Saipan. He was assigned as the PHIBRON N4 (Logistics) but due to his 1440 Designator, he was being seconded to Saipan’s Engineering Department. Flying in the face of the perverse US Navy naming conventions, the ship’s Engineering Department actually operated the ship’s engines; in this case the two 600psi steam boiler / geared turbine sets that produced over 60,000 shaft horse power to propel the hull through the water. But in staying with tradition, the Boiler Tenders, the men and now women that stood watch and operated the demons known as boilers, were called the “Black Gang.” Not as a racist label but in acknowledgement to the old days when coal was king and everything, including the men, were ingrained with coal dust and soot. It was one of Joe’s proudest moments when the Department Chief asked if he wanted to “walk the tank.” This was Joe’s rite of passage and meant he was truly accepted by the “gang.” One of the deep well tanks of Bunker-C fuel oil was allowed to cool from its normal 200+F temperature to ambient. The oil assumed the texture of a tar roof in summer; you could walk on it, but if you stopped, you would sink. Joe entered the tank by climbing down one of the entry-well inspection ladders, walked across the surface of the oil, a distance of about sixty feet, and climbed out of the tank using a Jacob’s Ladder hanging down from the emergency inspection port. The entire evolution took place in a matter of minutes, but between the fumes, the lack of oxygen and the absence of a safety harness / rope it seemed to Joe that it was a journey of forever. Having performed the feat, Joe was now accepted as a peer, an equal within the brotherhood of the “Black Gang”. The fact that as an Officer it was almost unheard of to be invited made his acceptance even sweeter.

“At sea underway replenishment” or unrep in Navy jargon. A few simple words to describe one of the most dangerous and at the same time tedious evolutions ever practiced by the US Navy. Imagine, two or sometimes three vessels, each weighing tens of thousands of tons, running parallel to each other, a few dozen yards apart. Now imagine massive fuel lines stretching between one vessel and the next. Add to this, breeches buoy lines moving cargo and dry goods from the deck of one ship to the next. This organized chaos is underway replenishment.

Joe Price was standing as Deck Safety Officer during an underway replenishment evolution. Saipan was transferring jet fuel to USS Arleigh Burke. Normally, Burke would perform this function with one of the fleets AOE ships. It seemed however that the powers that be wanted to watch the fun of Saipan doing the work. As things were progressing smoothly, there wasn’t much for Joe to do, except be vigilant and to sense the things going on around him. It took about an hour for Joe’s subconscious to bring to his conscious mind something that he had been sensing all morning; Saipan was straining. Her normal vibration was off. As she had come up to speed for the unrep she seemed to stagger and strain. There was no easy way to explain what Joe was feeling through the soles of his shoes. She just was not right!

After the hot wash-up following the evolution, Price went down into Engine 1 before going back to his quarters for a shower. Looking around he saw where the duty section was clustered at the Steam Turbine Control Valve Station, traditionally known as the Steam Chest from days gone by, and walked over to Petty Officer Smith where she stood with her arms halfway inside one of the many outboard panels. “Hey, Smith,” he shouted to get her attention, “You need to look at the counter-balance valve on the Reversing Blades. It stutters when you’re ramping up the Forward set and you are losing power with the backpressure. I think the seat is shot and needs to be replaced.

“OK, Sir, I will give it a look-see just as soon as I get this Tacho sender replaced.”

With a grin and an “Okey dokey,” Price walked away from the sailor and took off for the Hollywood shower waiting for him up in Officers’ Berthing.

Later that night, Machinist Mate, First Class (MM1) Amanda Smith stood there shaking her head. How the fuck Mr. Price guessed the problem with the valve was beyond her. The rumors in the Division were that Mr. Price had some sort of voodoo hoodoo going on when it came to the steam plant. They say he could walk past a gaping hole in the hull and not notice it but if a boiler or turbine had even a little something off, he would fuss about it until the problem was resolved.

He heard the 1MC calling for the Flight Deck to be cleared, an F18C Hornet “plastic bug” was coming in with damage. It had been recommended to the pilot to ditch but he was determined to save his ship. Joe left his office on 3 Deck and quickly went up the outside ladder-way to the Flight Deck. Joe watched the F18 on final approach; it was coming in low, trailing smoke and it looked like the portside engine was on fire. The firefighting team was assembled and crouching down in the ‘pit’, waiting to be called but hoping they would not be needed.

The F18 missed the first two wires but the tail hook bit onto the third and the bug hit the deck hard. Suddenly, the fuselage broke and burning fuel along with pieces of the jet were flung everywhere. Joe heard screams as a piece of the port wing along with a large amount of burning jet fuel, landed on the firefighting team hunkering down in the ‘pit’. At the same time, Joe saw the cockpit with the pilot still inside had skittered across the steel deck and come to a stop almost right in front of him. He ignored the flames as he jumped up and pulled the Emergency Trip on the fuselage under the canopy.

Joe woke up disoriented and hurting. It took him some time to realize he was in Sickbay. His return to consciousness was noticed and a Corpsman was at his side asking the usual bullshit and making notes. The Corpsman adjusted the morphine drip going into Joe’s IV and he drifted off to sleepy time again.

“Mr. Price,” his secretary Joan Wentworth said, “Mr. Price, a delivery is here for you and he requires a signature.”

Joe stood up.; at least the shakes didn’t affect his walking. As he left his office and entered that of his secretary, he paused for a moment to touch the ragged, burnt piece of metal affixed to his “Me” wall. It was a habit, but one that gave him a modicum of peace. His eyes scanned the other, familiar, things on the wall; his “Shellback” certificate, his sidearm sword, the photographs of the PIBRON Staff and the entire “Black Gang” on the Saipan, signed by every single one, from unrated Seaman to Master Chief Boiler Technician (MCBT) Humphries and many more exhibits from his past life. The photo from Saipan was both his most cherished memento as well as the one that brought back the shakes the fastest. It was a “get well” card from the time he was in Sickbay after the fire. The Captain himself brought it in and presented it to him, along with the Navy Commendation and Purple Heart, just before he was sent off to Bethesda for further surgeries and rehabilitation.

Joe shook his head to clear his mind and continued out into his outer office. Joan was standing by the outer door with a youngish man who was holding one of those metal clipboard boxes that seemed to be standard issue to all couriers.

“J. Price?” the man asked as he pushed the clip-box forward to Joe, “Please sign on line four.”

“What am I signing for?” Joe asked as he absentmindedly took the proffered device.

“I’m not sure,” the deliveryman said, “All I know is I have had one hell of a time getting this delivered today. It has put me a couple of hours behind already.”

“How so?” Joe asked as he signed his name on the line indicated, “I’ve been in this office at this plant for years.”

“Well, the original shipping document said it was to go to J. Price at 352 Eagle Street in Albany but when I got there it was a parking lot. I had to call my dispatcher and wasted a lot of time before we found you were over here on Eagle Street in Schenectady. Believe me, driving across both cities, against the lunch crowd traffic, was no picnic!” said the deliveryman as he took back his clip-box and turned out into the hall.

He appeared a moment latter pushing a dolly which carried a medium sized wood crate. The crate looked like something out of one of those “Indiana Jones” movies; old style boards and slats all nailed together.

“Where do you want it?” asked the man, clearly in a hurry now to get back to his scheduled deliveries.

“Put it in my office, if you don’t mind,” Joe said. He followed behind and indicated a spot off to one side of his desk.

“Thanks, and I’m sorry for your trouble,” Joe said.

Opening the crate took more than a few minutes; it was extremely well constructed. Finally getting the lid off, Joe was able to see the contents; three objects wrapped in bubble plastic were nestled inside the wood sides and the voids were filled with plastic peanuts. Pulling the three objects out one at a time, Joe found a manila envelope between the second and third object.

Assuming the envelope contained a shipping manifest, Joe looked at it first. The mystery of the crate was solved as he saw his wife’s name, Jennifer, printed on the outside. Now the address the deliveryman mentioned came back to him! It was his wife’s old studio address. She was a painter and had rented space in the older storefront for a few years after they had been married; using it as her studio and gallery space. She was known for her watercolors on both a local and national level. She was a much sought-after person for portraits, especially of children for the upper class, hoity toity set. In fact, for quite a number of years after he retired from the Navy, she maintained her practice and would travel several times a year for a week or more to locations around the country. When their daughter, Isabel, was younger, Jen would take her along for company. It was an ideal bonding for the two and Joe always enjoyed the “return home” sex he and Jen had at the end of the assignments.

Being more than slightly embarrassed, he realized that he was already in for a penny and would have to take his lumps for opening his wife’s shipment, so he figured he might as well be in for a pound by examining the contents more closely.

Getting the bubble wrap off the first picture was easy after he found the taped end of the wrap. Once it was off, he found he was holding a very elegant wood frame and was looking at the back! Flipping it over he discovered the frame held a large format photograph of a young woman wearing a wedding dress. She was holding a floral bouquet up to her face while looking at the camera. Her beauty was evident and the lighting and framing were perfect. The photograph had been printed in sepia with a soft filter. It was breath taking. Joe’s eyes went up to his desk where in a smaller frame, its twin, only this time in full color, sat in its place of honor on his desk. This picture of his bride, his Jennifer had traveled with him since the day of their wedding. He smiled as he remembered; the photograph had been sent by his shipmates to Bethesda a few days after he got there. It was always within his sight and was his anchor against the physical and emotional pain that ensued over the months he was in rehab. Pulling his mind back to the present, he saw the brass plate attached to the bottom of the frame said “Bride.”

Unwrapping the second photograph revealed a similarly framed sepia picture only this one of his wife sitting holding an infant with an older child standing next to her. She was wearing a light flowing dress, the sunlight was coming in through the windows of the sunroom of his house, lighting her from behind, making the dress gauzy and almost transparent; ethereal as it were. The boy, obviously his son Robert, was looking at the camera with a happy smile on his face. He was relaxed and you could see the laughter and even a little mischief in his eyes as he stood beside his Mom and younger sibling. The infant would have to be his daughter Isabel. This picture would have been taken in the spring after Izzy’s birth. She would have been only five or six months old and Robert would have been just five years old himself. This frame too had a brass plate only this one said “Mother.” Joe, looking at the photograph, wondered why he had never seen it before. It was beautiful! From the age of the children, he knew it would have to have been taken during his last deployment and that it was clearly not a ‘snap shot’ but rather a formal sitting for a professional photographer. He knew he had never seen this before and wondered why if Jen had gone to such trouble she had not shared it with him.

The third photograph was soon unwrapped. This sepia picture was again of his wife, only this time she was naked! She was standing at the foot of their bed, the bedclothes rumpled and disheveled; obviously she had just arisen. One hand was holding the bedpost and the other was extended, pleading to the camera to come back to her. Her face, radiant with a smile; one side of her bottom lip trapped between her teeth. The entire scene screamed here was a woman freshly fucked and trying to lure her lover back to her bed. This frame’s plate said “Lover.” The frame almost slipped from his deadened fingers.

Joe’s PTSD was getting the better of him. His hands were shaking so badly he had to put the final picture down before he dropped it. His head was swimming and the next he knew, he was coming to lying on the floor.

Reaching for the envelope he ripped it open. Inside were several pieces of paper, one which looked like a manifest, one that looked like a title document (it even said title on the top) and the last was simply a letter. Picking up the letter first, Joe was resolved to discover the mystery of the crate. With trembling hands, Joe picked up the letter and began reading...

My Dearest Jennifer,

It was with great sadness that I informed you of Carlos’ passing away last week. As I explained to you over the phone, his passing was quick and I am told painless. The massive aneurism took our beloved from us in a few moments. I am looking forward to seeing you all next week for the funeral. I understand if Robert will not come, but I am truly looking forward to seeing our Izzy again. She is growing up so fast. She has your hair and Carlos’ eyes. I just wish you lived closer and were able to get away more often so that Izzy could spend more time with her “Other Mother” and the rest of our family here in Terrebonne.

I am sending the photographs Carlos’ set aside for you in his will. The series was always proudly displayed in our home. Carlos and I missed the times gone by when we were all together here. Robert was happier then, before he began to grow up and seemed to withdraw from us.

All my love,


Who the fuck was Morgana and what was this about Izzy? Joe thought. He remembered he was deployed on the Saipan to the Med for the Bosnian Conflict when Jen managed a radio relay lash-up to tell him he was to be a father again. Jen had been so happy, so excited when she gave him the good news. She said it had to have been the last night of his pre-deployment leave, just over two months prior, when she had caught the silver bullet. He was ecstatic. Jen wrote every week and sent him “progress photos” as her tummy grew with the life they had created together. He remembered the heart stopping panic that hit him when he got the radio message sent from the Navy’s Family Crisis Center saying that Jennifer’s water had broken and Izzy had been born five weeks early. Using emergency family medical leave, he was able to get nine days to return home to be with her. He was so distracted that he simply accepted the story the Carrier Battle Group CAG gave him about putting him on a Tomcat that needed to go to Naples for maintenance rather than on the usual COD flight. He was happy the change would save him almost four hours. It actually saved him more than that because as soon as his pilot got airborne, he climbed to 30,000 feet and pushed the ‘cat up past 700knots. In Naples, he found that a MATS flight was being held so that he could get on it for a direct flight to Rome Airforce Base just north east of his home in Saratoga, NY.

He was given one of the base’s cars as soon as he disembarked the C5A Galaxy and was driving to Tri City Medical Center, between Troy and Schenectady, within an hour of landing. When he got to the hospital he was surprised to find that both Jen and Izzy had been released earlier that day and were most likely at his home. He had thought a 5-week preemie would need to stay in the hospital longer than a few days. He begged a nurse to let him use a phone to call his wife. She smiled a kindly smile and pointed to a desk set behind the Nurses’ Station. Joe quickly called his house and was overjoyed when Jen answered. “Honey! It’s me. I’m at the hospital but seem to have missed you,” he said, “I’ll be home in about 40 minutes!”

“Joe? Hospital?” Jen croaked, her voice sounded like she had just woken up and was distracted.

“Yes, babe,” Joe responded, “I got family leave and came home to be with you and Izzy.”

“Your home? In Saratoga?” Jen questioned again.

“Yes! No! I’m at Tri City!” Joe exulted, “I’m leaving the hospital now and will be home shortly. Love you!”

“OK. See you soon. Love you too,” Jen replied.

When Joe got home he was greeted by Jen with a warm hug and a tearful reunion. He carried his flight bag into their bedroom to find that Jen had stripped the bed and had been in the process of putting clean sheets on for his return home.

Izzy was perfect; her hair was just a few wisps, her lashes and eyebrows that translucent blond of the very young, her eyes were shut tight and she was making the little suckling motion with her mouth in her sleep. Joe just stared at her in awe. He was reaching down into the crib to pick her up when Jen slipped up next to him and put her arm around his waist. She gave Joe a kiss on the cheek and whispered, “Welcome home, Daddy.” She nestled her head into his shoulder as he carefully held his daughter. Joe walked out into the living room and joined his son on the couch.

Robert was quiet, sitting as far away from his dad as he could and still be sitting on the couch. He sat watching as his father held his baby sister. He seemed hesitant to approach his father; He had earlier clung to Jennifer.

Jen smiled when she saw Joe sitting on the couch next to Robert, holding Izzy in his arms. It was a perfect picture. She was fluttering around the house, not seeming to sit in any one place for long. She finished making the bed and started the used sheets in the washer. She gathered the towels out of the bath, replacing them with fresh, and hustled them into the laundry room. After a few hours, she managed to get Robert back into bed, Izzy fed and changed and down and she pulled Joe into her arms and into their bed.

It was a glorious five days for Joe. He was with his family; his new daughter was perfect and she seemed large for a preemie; he was almost glad she had decided to come early, he could not imagine the struggle Jen would have had birthing Izzy if she was full term. Jen was attentive if tired from the delivery and more than a bit distracted. Robert had grown in the few months since he had deployed; Joe did notice his son seemed so shy and withdrawn. He chalked it down to all the hubbub with the delivery, the new baby in the house and his rushing home.

Finally, his leave was over and it was with tears in his eyes that he bid his loving family goodbye again and returned to combat.

Joe went into his private lavatory and scrubbed his face with cold water to clear the cobwebs. He needed to find out what the fuck was going on in his life.

Jen had been very sad last week and when he asked, she told him that her Mother was not doing well. She asked if it was OK if she took Izzy with her to go for a visit to her Mom’s in Vermont. Joe had asked if she wanted him to go along as well but she poo-pooed the idea saying that they would probably just help her Mom out and sit and visit; that Joe would be bored to tears. Joe had quickly agreed not simply because he felt that his mother-in-law had always looked down her nose at him but also because a new proto-type monotube boiler was going on test the following week and he really wanted to be there for the first light off.

Jen and Izzy had driven off in his wife’s SUV mid-morning on Monday and were planning on staying away until the Thursday of next week.

Could it be that the real reason she was sad was because this Carlos person had died and that she was not really at her Mom’s but instead was at a funeral in Canada?

Joe needed answers and need them fast. He also needed to get a plan together in case things turned out as bad as they were starting to look.

Joe picked up his desk phone and dialed a short number. “Traffic,” said a tinny voice from the receiver.

“Thomas?” Joe said, “This is Joe up in Engineering.”

“Hey man, how’s it going?” Tom replied. Thomas Goodfried liked Joe Price ever since he had met the man. That was one of the first times Tom had worked the night shift on his own since being promoted to Supervisor and everything was going to hell in a handbasket. A turbine - generator (TG) set that was on rush order was still on the test stand, the truck waiting to take it away had been waiting for over an hour already and the phone would not stop ringing. All the big bosses wanted to know if the TG set had shipped and were after him to make it happen. What the fuck! He was supposed to ship the damn thing, not do the work on it! The freaking test guys were not passing the generator on final and now with the shop mostly gone home, nothing good was going to happen at night. Into that mess came Joe Price. Tom had never met the man, didn’t even know the name. What he saw was a man about 45 wearing a suit come out onto the shop floor and walk over to the test stand. The man stood and talked to the test personnel for a while, then he seemed to be pointing to something on the side of the test stand. A few of the techs looked at what he was pointing at but shook their heads. Finally, the suit picked up a big pipe wrench from the tool cart, walked over to the side of the stand he had been pointing to and smacked the shit out of some part or other. Suddenly the sound coming from the TG changed pitch. The warbling harmonic that had been making his teeth ache ended and the chest pounding roar of a steam turbine at full throatily took its place. The suit was suddenly surrounded by a dozen techs and it was obvious they all wanted to see what he had done. It took more than a few minutes for that conversation to wind down. Tom had been distracted by the waiting driver so when he next looked at the test stand, he was shocked to see the suit, minus his coat was arms deep in the guts of the generator helping get it prepped for shipment. Finally, after about three hours, Tom stood back watching the truck with the engine drive away from the plant. It was then he noticed the suit was standing next to him. The guy’s shirt was ruined what with grease, jet fuel and a few tears. The pants were not going to be salvageable either. The strange thing was the guy was totally happy, he had the biggest grin on his face, Tom could remember seeing in quite a while. The suit put out his hand and said, “Price, Joe Price. How ya doin’?” After a brief handshake, Price, Joe Price turned and disappeared into the bowels of the plant. The next evening, when Tom got into work, he was greeted by the Plant’s General Manager who congratulated him on getting the generator set out if not on time, in a good enough time to meet the requirements of the contract. Tom tried to deflect the praise but the GM would hear nothing of the sort. Finally, Tom asked him how he even knew about Tom and the problems the night before. The GM said that he had been fully brief in by the Head of Engineering that morning regarding the problems with the gen set and how the techs and Tom had work hard into the night to get the set prepped, packed and on the truck. Tom was flabbergasted, he had never met a suit that did not take all the credit for themselves much less one that deflected the credit onto other people. That was the day Thomas Goodfried decided he rather liked Price, Joe Price, Head of Engineering.

“Tom,” Joe said, “I need a special favor. I need to have a wood crate repacked. It needs to look unopened. I goofed up and opened a box meant for my wife and...”

“Say no more, man,” Tom interrupted, “Been there myself a few times. Let me take a look at it and we can make it so she will never suspect. Where is it?”

“It’s in my office,” Joe said.

“I’ll have one of my guys right up,” Tom continued, “How big?”

“They will need a dolly,” admitted Joe, “And thanks, Tom. Thanks a lot.”

As soon as he hung up the phone with Tom, Joe pulled out his cell phone and hit #6 on his speed dial. His Mother-in-Law picked up on the second ring and said, “Good morning handsome, how is my favorite son-in-law doing today?

“Aside from the fact that I am your ONLY son-in-law, it is cold and dreary here and was hoping to warm myself up by talking to your lovely daughter,” Joe sort of chuckled.

With a throaty laugh his mother-in-law said, “Well, just because you are my only does not preclude that you are my favorite. As to Jennifer, she and Izzy are out picking up some groceries. Can I have her give you a call when she gets back?”

“Sure,” Joe said, “have her give me a shout when she can. I hope you feel better.”

With a slight hesitation Mary Parker said, “Thank you Joseph, that is kind of you. I will make sure Jen calls you as soon as she gets home.”

“OK, great,” said Joe as he hung up.

On the spur of the moment, Joe called up the “Find Me” app for Izzy’s phone; the one Jen insisted be placed there so they could keep tabs on her when she was a younger teen.

After a few moments, the app clicked through several screens before it settled down and showed a blinking ring indicating Izzy’s phone was in the Northeast section of Montreal Canada ... NOT at her Grandmother’s town of Bennington Vermont!

SON OF A BITCH! Joe thought, his fucking mother-in-law was in on whatever was going on. She had just lied to Joe about her daughter and grand-daughter being with her in Vermont.

Joe’s next call was delayed as he rummaged around in his desk for more than a few minutes until he finally extracted an old worn personal phone book. He quickly flipped the pages until he found the number he wanted. Punching the numbers into his desk set he sat down in his chair and waited for someone to answer at the other end.

“Good morning,” said an older female voice.

“Good morning Ma’am,” Joe said, “This is Joe Price calling, is he in?”

“Don’t you this is Joe Price me young ‘un,” Mary Bedford chortled into the phone, “It has been ages. How are Jen and the kids?”

“They are good, real good, Mrs. Bedford,” Joe said hoping that she would not dig deeper.

“So, now I am Mrs. Bedford. Humph! At least it is better than Ma’am!” she replied, “I’ll get his nibs now.” She obviously laid the handset down on a desk or tabletop and walked away.

Over the receiver he heard the woman’s voice yelling, “Bill, get in here. Young Joseph wants to talk to you!”

He heard noises and a door banging and muffled talking that sounded like, “Joe? Why in the world would he be calling?”

Joe heard noises and then a voice said, “Joe? It’s been ages. What can I do for you?”

Joe explained what had been happening to him since the crate had been delivered. The discovery of the letter and then the confirmation of lies when he had called his mother-in-law. He explained that he was still trying to wrap his head around the concept of Jen having cheated on him but knew that he had to have more information, a lot more before committing to any plan of action and retribution.

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We are fraternal twins. Jacques is, by three minutes, my younger brother. We're both thirteen. His namesake is that famous Frenchman; our parents being marine biologists and having met the man many years ago, naturally named my brother after him. I'm plain old Betty. Go figure. Our folks being scientists spend a lot of time at work so my brother and me are left alone together a lot. The two of us are very close and always share everything. We live in a two story house. Our folk's master suit...

4 years ago
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Practice Makes Perfect

Practice Makes Perfect Coffee isn’t really my thing. I say that a lot, and it’s mostly true, even though I stop to pick up a latte on my way to work, every day, at the same coffee shop. Sometimes I sit in the coffee shop on the weekend too, just to get out of the house while I work on a few things, using their wireless connection. But really, I’m not big on coffee. I guess it’s easy to think otherwise, but I never have more than one a-day. Well, two a day, at most. The best thing about...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Tennis Practice To Semi Sex

Hi, all today I am here to narrate a sexstory which took place recently. I am Ramya 18 years of age and 32 24 33 are my stats and 5feet 6inches in height. If you like my story and feedback As I play tennis a lot and I started playing tournaments now. This is a story which started on the tennis court. One day, after the practice, my coach praised me and asked me if I am ready to train with boys so that it can improve my gameplay. I agreed and he told me there is a new student from another...

4 years ago
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MILF make me Practice

As a eightteen-year-old jock, I had male hormones that were always out of control. I quickly learned the art of self-pleasuring since it seemed every high school girl I tried to date, would not let me get past second base. Then, Pam Burton came along.Pam was twice my age, plus a few, but that didn’t stop either of us from striking up a serious relationship that started out by pure happenstance. Pam’s son was on the same football team as myself and so I kind of knew her from a distance, seeing...

3 years ago
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Summer Football Practice

I'm the bad girl who loves the ballers. I love sports, I love hip-hop, and I love the boys that do both. When I got to college last year, the first thing I did was find out how to get student tickets to the football and basketball games. I had to support my team, and if I could meet the boys, even better. Ours is a big school and I never did meet any that first year, but just as final exams were ending, I saw a flyer in the student union that grabbed my attention and didn't let go: the football...

4 years ago
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Art ProjectChapter 3 Practice Practice Practice

The day I was dreading finally came. Professor Leitner called on me in Lib Arts seminar. “Arthur, what are the principles of good communication?” he asked. I panicked. Be clear. Be concise. Leave room to respond. I had them written down somewhere in my sketchbook and if I could find them, I could read them to him, but my heart was beating in my throat. “Professor Leitner, if I may...” Kendra started. She was sitting right beside me. “No, Kendra. I understand your concern, but this one is...

2 years ago
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The Practice Bed The nurses want me in it Why

THE PRACTICE BED ************************************************* Copyright Oggbashan March 2003The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons. ...

3 years ago
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Whoa Did That Really HappenChapter 5 Whoa Jason Attends Cheerleader Practice

Wednesday afternoon Sharon called. "Jason, would you like to attend one of our cheer practices? The coach said it was okay, I can point out which girls claim to be virgins. You can tell me which girls to bring to your place Friday evening." "That sounds like a lot of fun. I'll be there." An hour later, Jason was sitting in the auditorium near the floor as Coach Russel got ready to put her girls through their routines. Coach Pam Russel was in her late thirties. Though she was nearly...

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"Ooops!" Sandy said as she retreated into the hall, "I thought you were still in bed." Bob was seated at the kitchen table with his back to the hallway door. At the sound of his cousin's voice he turned. "Still in bed," he asked, "At 9:30 ... why would you think that?" Sandy was mostly hidden behind the door frame. "Well uh ... your bedroom door was closed, so I just assumed -" Bob's parents had recently relocated to another city and Bob had moved in with Sandy, (his cousin), and...

1 year ago
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Basketball Practice

Hey my name is Lachy; I am originally from a country town in Australia. My dad got offered a new job in the city so I have just moved. I am 18 and not very tall (bout 5’7). I have brown hair, tanned skin and blue eyes with an average body. I am very insecure. Not emo though just an average 18 year old, that’s been persuaded to exercising more from my friend Josh. Josh is shorter than me and has a little bit more muscle than me too. He is the common sports man, footy in winter and Basket ball in...

2 years ago
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Building a CAP Based FutureChapter 34 Runins at Practice

The sunny skies and warm air were attracting more and more people to the park as the day wore on. After lunch, Ashley, Lenore and I decided to avoid the growing lines on the slides and spend several hours in the wave pools and on the endless river. We woke Angelique and spent the next three hours splashing each other as we explored the park. We stayed at the park until the setting sun and diminishing light signaled that it was time for the park to close. Morgan gathered everyone up and led...

4 years ago
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Patriot Games v20 Chapter 5 The Key to Success is Practice

A NOTE REGARDING THIS STORY. This is a fictional chronicle of a normal hardworking guy named Jack. The federal government made him an offer he couldn't refuse. All they asked was for Jack to go undercover to help the U.S. Government ensnare a terrorist. Any resemblance of the characters depicted in the story to actual individuals is coincidental. All events are the sole responsibility of the author. None of the scenes in this story depict minors engaged in any sexual...

4 years ago
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Your Wish Come True revised Chapter 19 Practice

Your Wish Come True by Pol Roger Chapter 19 Practice She learns about trust and about power. MANDY gave up on the game she had been playing. None of the games on her phone were all that interesting, anyway. She looked bleakly at the magazines on the side table in the surgery's waiting room. The first time she had visited the gynaecologist's she had been ushered straight in....

4 years ago
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The best way to relax after a hard practice

Introduction: Three volleyball players hit the showers after practice… then Peter walks in Practice was rough today, so most of the girls went home to rest afterwards. Amy, Sara, and I, however, couldnt wait for home for a shower. We were all juniors in high school, and all good friends. The three of us decided to go ahead and take a shower at the gym as Coach finished up some work in her office. We finished helping putting up the volleyballs and net after practice and headed toward the locker...

3 years ago
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Practice And Gambit

The sun was very bright in a perfectly blue sky on the first day of fall. It was cold. The sort of cold that a lot of people call ‘crisp’ like it isn’t just another way of saying cold. Humid air, but cold enough that it feels dry.Classes were still a few days away at St. Xi Feng’s, but they were right around the corner. Ivy was nervous. New schools always meant trouble for her. She swore it wasn’t her fault, but regardless of whether she deserved the blame, trouble did follow her. She had oft...

College Sex
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Practice And Gambit

The sun was very bright in a perfectly blue sky on the first day of fall. It was cold. The sort of cold that a lot of people call ‘crisp’ like it isn’t just another way of saying cold. Humid air, but cold enough that it feels dry.Classes were still a few days away at St. Xi Feng’s, but they were right around the corner. Ivy was nervous. New schools always meant trouble for her. She swore it wasn’t her fault, but regardless of whether she deserved the blame, trouble did follow her. She had oft...

College Sex
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After PracticeCHAPTER 1

God I hated Cole... He was a hothead jerk on my swim team. He was so arrogant, rude, a total wanna be loser... But he was so hot! He had black hair, gorgeous brown eyes and cute little freckles, the best part of all... He had a six pack. I would always get so wet in my suit whenever I saw him... but that would always change when he said something rude or out of line. One day our coach told us that we had to swim with kick boards for 30 min. with a partner. I got excited wanting for my best...

First Time
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Romance at Swim Practice Camp

Jason thought swim practice camps were tough. At best they had ten hours of practice per day, sometimes theory to boot. He loved swimming, but the hunger, exhaustion and soreness of his muscles after working out the whole day sometimes made him reconsider his choice of sport. Jason strolled with the other guys towards the showers from the swimming pools located outside. The footsteps of their naked feet echoed in the hallway; no one talked, everyone was too tired. Jason took off his...

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Tales of an Amateur Gynecologist 1 Practice Makes Perfect

Several years ago I wrote the story "Heels" which told the tale of a man and a magical pair of stiletto heel pumps which allowed the gentleman the ability to change into a fully functional female on a purely elective, part-time basis. Well, as fate would have it, another pair of those rather unique high heels has come into the possession of yet another young man. In a serialized, five part Tales of an Amateur Gynecologist (TAG), I have tried to explore how an avowed heterosexual...

1 year ago
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Swim Practice Fun

Hi. My name is Alex. I'm 6'2", 165 pounds. I have blond hair and blue eyes. My body is very lithe and toned from all of my swimming. Let me tell you about the time I got more "practice" feom my coch then I ever expected. My team and I were swimming laps, getting ready for our upcoming meet against our rival team, the Warriors. We'd been swimming for over two hours and it was almost time to go home. After another half hour, everybody got out of the pool and went to hit the showers except me. I...

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Daddy will you help me practice my part

I always thought that I was doing a good job raising two girls on my own. They were well behaved and did not get into trouble and were good in school. Donna had grown to look a lot like her mother. She was 5'5", slim and had a nice figure. Her hair was blond from a bottle. She dressed like most of the other girls that she hung around with even though I felt that it was a little too suggestive. She had dated for several years but never seemed to have a steady guy. We lived in...

1 year ago
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Practice Makes PerfectChapter 1

"So Anna King is giving Kevin Black blowjobs every day after school. He follows her home and she sucks him off. Do you believe it?" "Well, she's kinda slutty, in a way. But Kevin's kinda cute." "I used to think that you would blow on a guy's dick. You know, blow your breath on it. What did I know. I'm still not exactly sure and all." "You could always ask Anna." "You need someone to practice on, that's all." "Sure, let's put an ad on 'Craig's List'. 'Boy wanted by...

3 years ago
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Sucking Brown and Black Cock at Softball Practice

The weather is normally warm and sunny in the Houston area, especially compared to the usually bleak weather in Seattle where I was born and raised. But I decided during high school that I wanted to be a petroleum engineer, and since I wanted to leave Seattle anyway, as I’ll explain shortly, I went to college at Texas A&M.Then got a great job in Houston with a top oil and gas company. I met my wife, Jennifer, at Texas A&M, and we were married right after graduation when we both got jobs in...

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TNWS01 The Girl With The Voice of an AngelChapter 18 A Rather Odd Choir Practice

“Well, kids” began Mr Claxton, “that was a spectacular performance this morning. You guys were just awesome. Reverend Marsden was just so proud of us all and has even given permission to increase our allocated budget to help with our chances in the upcoming competitions. Like me, he reckons we stand the best chance ever of coming away with winning trophies in more than just one category. So once again thank you all and especially to you, Jessie and to you Carrie and Troy - you guys were...

2 years ago
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Just for Practice

Abby stared into them, trying not to be obvious about it, but the lips below curved into a sly smile, and she blushed. Those eyes twinkled, showing more than a hint of suppressed deviltry, and one set of lashes slowly lowered as Corina winked at her. It was too much, and Abby closed her eyes, blanking out the cakes and their friends and the world. She needed to collect her wits; how did Corina do it? They were the best of friends, unlikely as it might seem. Had they met later, perhaps...

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Practice Makes Pervert

Practice Makes Pervert By David Terry Terry had spent the day trying to come up with a solution to the problem that he shared with his best friend Dave. They were seventeen and still virgins. The evening before they had talked for hours about how they had ended up this way and what to do about it. Dave felt that it was mostly a problem of opportunity. The two of them were not members of any of the social clinics at school. They were not nerdy enough to be geeks, to small to...

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After Practice Chapter 2

Practice is over, we go into the warm pool. Cole pulls me closer. He grabs my breast like he always does. But then he takes his hands and starts to put them on my pussy. I'm shocked. I don't know what to say. I've never had anything put in there before. He starts to thrust into me with his finger. I get tears in my eyes cause it hurts a little. I love it though. It feels amazing every thrust he gives me. I hold onto him tighter.He pulls his fingers out. "I want you to meet me in the gym."  He...

First Time
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SalamanderChapter 8 Practice Makes Perfect Mort

We got back from the doctor's a short while later, and I relayed Sarah and Anna's discovery's. D suggested I practice grabbing things with my tongue, since this could prove to be a useful skill in attaining snacks quickly, and with stealth. Joyce rolled her eyes at this and went to make some tea. D set out some objects to practice on, and reluctantly, I tried to grab them with my tongue. It took some time to work out how to use my tongue consciously, and I quickly discovered there were...

4 years ago
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After Practice1

The pads slipped off my sweaty broad shoulders and fell to the floor. I took off my cleats, and lower pads until I was in my boxers. As I took off my boxers I grabbed a towel from my locker. My cock wasn’t anything special. It’s about 6” when hard and about 3” thick. Right now it was pretty flaccid and sat comfortably on my balls. I wrapped the towel around my waist and walked toward the showers. Luckily I knew the rest of the team had left for some party so I wouldn’t be disturbed. ...

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“I'm not sure about this...” she said, her voice hesitant, lacking any of its normal fire. “You said I was your precious comrade of the Hidden Leaf Village. If that is true, why don't you trust me?” came a reply, booming from the darkness beyond the huge bars. “This isn't about trust!!” she shouted back, glaring into the darkness and waving her arms angrily. Realizing she had exposed herself, the sexy blonde immediately snapped her arms back to their former positions and turned her...

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" be back tomorrow mom" she yelled up the stairs. "Like she cares" Jenna said to herself when she hadn't heard a response. She grew up with her mom ,and she used the title lightly. Ever since she could remember it was her for herself. She met her best friend Liz in the third grade and rather spend time with her and her "normal" family anyday. Jenna slammed the door behind her as she made her way over to Liz's house four blocks over. When she finally arrived she was greeted by...

1 year ago
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Practice Makes Perfect 1st Cam Experience

Angelica pulled at my boy short panties with a nonchalance that suggested we did this all the time. But, it was actually only the second one, after our practice for this, um, performance I suppose. I lifted my butt off the bed to help her while keeping a straight expression and my eyes locked on the computer screen, mainly cuz I didn't know what else to do. Her hands slipped and the elastic snapped back at my thigh. I fought the urge to say to our online audience "We are new at this." I make...

2 years ago
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More than Just Practice

I had had my fare share of girlfriends and had dated every girl on the varsity Cheer team except her, and I knew she was waaay out of my league. Even though we had been friends since 6th grade six years before. I had flirted with her and she flirted back but we never really got anywhere. She had been the only one there for me when my dad was killed in Iraq in ‘91. Now sitting in that hell of a class room the only thing I would do is sit there and look over her perfect body. Finally the bell...

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Annual Day Practice Led To An Awesome Foursome

Hello I am Avinash Kundra. Been an avid reader of Indian Sex Stories since I was 16. Now I am 18 and here I am sharing you one of my incident happened at the end of our 12th std. Please send me your feedbacks: . Gals interested for sex chats can also contact me. Find me on fb. Do mention that you are Indian Sex Stories reader when you message. It was one of the day, our class started dance practice for annual day. Were all were practicing really very hard for it. We were divided into groups of...

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Practice Makes Perfect

The door slammed at about 10 pm. A little early for Heather to be home on a non-school night. Other than the shout from Dad about not slamming the door the only sound was Heather's feet stomping up the stairs. She glared at me as she walked by my bedroom. This was odd, too. Heather never glared at me. She was usually nice to me, or ignored me. Something was up. I wondered if I should ask. Maybe I was better off minding my business. When I heard slamming drawers and shoes flying next door I...

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After Lacrosse Practice Ch1

A tall fence covered my neighbor’s view of my side door and no one was home. So I peeled off my tank, exposing my cut abs and broad, smooth chest. I took one last look before slipping off my compression tights. I felt the slick material get caught on my dick, which flopped back and smacked my stomach. I took one step inside and noticed a nearly empty wine bottle on the counter. Mom’s home, FUCK. And she’s celebrating if she’s drinking the good wine. I stood there frozen, not sure what to do....

2 years ago
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Private Practice with Coach Garren

“Let's start with a few simple stretches,” Coach Garren said. “Great let me just change,” she said. She had only been training with Coach Garren for a couple months but already felt a strong bond. He was kind, caring, and doting. However, as Alice peeled off the track pants covering her shorts, she felt an unfamiliar sense of vulnerability. It was strange being alone with a much older man. His silver hair and imposing figure reminded her of her own father. He looked like a wrestler. She was...

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Target Practice

Franck lined up his rifle and took aim. His girl had a fat and round ass, he basically couldn’t miss. He let the first bullet fly, which impacted in the girls butthole. He aimed again, this time at the girl’s pussy and fired. The shot missed just by an inch, the bullet going through the wooden paneling and the girl’s chest. Jack obviously had the best shot and fired two quick shots. Both shots hit target, one bullet going in through the girl’s ass, the other entering via her cunt. ...

4 years ago
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The best way to relax after a hard practice

During practice, I couldn’t get my mind off of sex. I became so horny watching the volleyball girls in their tied off shirts and short, tight, black shorts as they lunged back and forth and jumped up and down. I had never thought about being with a girl sexually before, but still, so many hot, toned, sweaty girls around was getting me a little worked up. I knew what I really needed right now was a nice, long shower to clear my head Amy and Sara began to undress as I turned on a few of...

1 year ago
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The Practice Session Part 1 The Set Up

"I finally met him!!" I was on the phone with Mike, my best friend. Nobody except Mike knows about my life long desire for gay sex with a hot black top. I told him when we were in college and we had an intense conversation about sex and our sexual urges and our past sexual encounters.I'm not gay but I have too much gay in me to ignore my same sex desires for all of my life. I fooled around with my best friend when we were in our early teens, but that was no more than the normal sexual...

4 years ago
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Sex for Beginners Part Two The Practice Her

Mandy and Rick came to stay the following weekend this time on the Saturday. We took them out to a local pub for tea which helped us all to relax. Back home, we sat down together in the lounge. As we had agreed between us, Sylvie kicked off the conversation. “Look,” she said, “I know you two are close and that both of you would like the relationship to be even closer.” Both Rick and Mandy blushed at this stage. “Mandy asked me to explain to her about sex and how you get pregnant and how to...

2 years ago
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After cheerleading practice

You come home from cheerleader practice still in your hot little skirt and half top. I smile, greeting my eighteen-year old daughter warmly, holding you close. Your firm young breasts pressed against my chest as I inhale the smell of your soft silken hair. “Hey honey, how was practice?”You smile up at me, returning my embrace. “It was good, daddy. How was work?”“Boring as usual, but I’m better now that you’re home.” Chuckling as I slap your hot little ass playfully. “Let’s get you something to...

2 years ago
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Where Will It EndChapter 6 Practice Hospitality

This is fiction. No part of this story is true nor do I wish it to be true ... If you are not 18, you should not be reading this. If you believe this is real, you should not be reading this. It all comes from an overactive imagination. She woke up to the sound of her alarm going off. Her bed was a mess, she was a mess. She felt someone in bed beside her and realize it was Jon. He was using her thigh for his pillow; she could feel his breath right next to her pussy. She just about...

2 years ago
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Crisis at IshtarChapter 25 A Chance to Practice

The next morning I woke slowly. Arms were draped over my body, pressing me into the mattress. Raising my head, I found that Kitty was snuggled in tight to my right side while Bethany was on my left side. My motion caused Kitty to shift in her sleep and I was able to crawl out of the intertwined limbs. The door to the bedroom was open and I could hear a baby stirring in our living room. Taking soft steps to avoid waking my family, I eased my way to the door. In the living room, I found all...

1 year ago
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Gala Practice

I had always been a horny child. Ever since my first innocent fumbles I can remember the sensation in my cock when another boy was with me. I would always want to see what they had hidden away in their trousers. This was no truer than when I started at my new school. I had lived in the city for the first 18 years of my life and had always attended the same school and been friends with the same people, and now I was to start at a school in the country with new friends and more importantly…new...

3 years ago
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Sarah Carerra 318 Practice Makes Perfect

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra Book 3 - Concerto in A- By Megan Campbell (Released: June 18, 2012) Chapter 18 - Practice Makes Perfect Our flight home to Los Angeles wasn't scheduled until late in the afternoon. That meant that my family and I spent the morning lounging around watching...

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Rebel 1777Chapter 18 Deceived

I decided to head back for Mrs. Snyder's welcoming bed and managed to get thoroughly lost within a hour after sunset. I spotted a campfire ahead and walked my tired horse in that direction. It proved to be two more Redcoats, obviously guarding a crossroads and very unhappy with their cold duties. They had a pretty good fire going and were grilling slabs of ham on their spike bayonets when I walked into the circle of light. One put down his meat carefully and lifted his musket in my...

1 year ago
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Seth a Civil War StoryChapter 6 Deceived

They met very few travelers on the highway, passing only two mule-drawn farm wagons headed toward the city, one loaded with a jumble of furniture. That surprised Seth since there had been a lot of traffic heading south the previous couple of days. A half-dozen Union cavalrymen clattered past, Illinois boys, heading toward Rockville with hardly a glance at the two dusty riders going the other way. Seth noticed that many of the farms along the old road seemed abandoned. Some of the houses and...

1 year ago
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Straight Practice

Angie and I had been friends since freshman year at Clinton State when we lived on the same floor of our dorm. I was hanging out reading and listening to music with the door open to the hall, as it usually was. My roommate had gone to class. A couple of girls walked past, looking in at me. I waved, just being friendly. They waved back, and continued down the hall. A minute later, one of them popped her head back in the door. "Hey," she shouted over the stereo. "Hi," I said. "What is this?"...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Medical Practice

I was never much of a student, when I finished High School it was a relief to be done with all that study. My friends all went onto University while I went out into the working world. I got a job in a a call centre, I was on the lowest rung on he totem pole, so I worked a lot of nights and weekends. Subsequently I had very little social life (not that I was Mr popularity when I was in High school) but I was earning money and the job was relatively simple. One of my friends from High school,...

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