Tell You Twice free porn video

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I must thank Randi for the edit. She’s the best!

Tim Larson smiled and spoke to everyone he met as he strolled through the crowd with his daughter, Heather. He was far and away the best maintenance man in the company. As such, he spent a lot of his work time on the factory floor repairing and maintaining the complex and complicated machinery required in the manufacture of buffers and accessories. The Ferguson Family business employed well over four hundred people. Tim knew nearly all of them and he was liked by most.

The Ferguson Summer Picnic was a much anticipated annual event. Ferguson Manufacturing sponsored it in appreciation for the dedicated service of its employees. It was always held on the third Saturday in July, and attendance was usually robust. Free food, drinks and family oriented games were always in abundance.

The affair was held at a small amusement park that was leased by the company for the day. The kids enjoyed rides, ice cream, soda, games, a large swimming pool and even pony rides. The adults played volleyball, horseshoes and badminton, along with partaking in the food, beverages and the large pool.

“I’m apologizing to you in advance, Heather,” stated Tim as he glanced toward the small pavilion where Edgar Remington was holding court. “You can go wait in the car if you prefer. A fifteen year old shouldn’t hear or see the things that are about to be said and done.”

“I want to see it for myself,” replied Tim’s daughter. “Mom will put her own spin on it and make you the bad guy. I just need to be sure you’re seeing things as they really are.

“I admit Mom has been hard to live with lately, but it’s not easy to believe she’d treat you like so poorly, especially so openly. I’ve heard all the words you’ll be using. Do what you have to do.”

Tim nodded grimly as he started for the pavilion. Heather peeled off from his side and began working her way around to come up behind her mother. Edgar Remington was situated in the middle of the pavilion. He was well into a pompous diatribe about increasing production and reducing costs. Tim made his way through the gathering to approach to his wife. She was seated near Edgar and appeared to be hanging on his every word.

Tim noticed Mrs. Agnes Ferguson sitting off to the side, sipping a soft drink while she watched the proceedings. Her husband’s father had founded the company fifty years prior. Her husband, William, had assumed ownership twenty years ago and had nearly doubled the production, as well as profitability, of the company during his time at the helm.

Sadly, William Ferguson had suffered a massive heart attack and died the previous winter at the age of 56. Acting on the suggestion of her lawyers and business advisors, Agnes Ferguson had appointed Edgar Remington COO of the company. He had been a vice president in a Fortune 500 business and came highly recommended.

Tim had begun his own tenure at Ferguson Buffers about the time William Ferguson had taken over the reins of the business from his father. Tim was just two weeks out of high school when he began his career. He had established an excellent rapport with William (Bill) Ferguson over the years and greatly missed Bill’s steady hand at the helm.

Tim nodded to Mrs. Ferguson before he approached his wife, Mandy, and spoke softly. “Would you join me at the picnic for a little while? We could get a drink and play some volleyball.”

“Larson! We’re discussing business here. Why don’t you go drink some beer and throw horseshoes with your friends from the floor?” snapped Remington curtly.

“The floor” was the term used to describe the area of the company where the actual production work was done. People either worked in the office, or on the floor. Those working in the office often treated the folks who worked on the floor as lesser employees.

“We aren’t at work. This is a picnic and I’ll speak to my wife without interference from you,” replied Tim calmly as he fought down a much harsher response.

“I said we’re conducting business here,” repeated Remington.

“Tim, why don’t you go play some of the games with your friends,” suggested Mandy, concerned her husband was about to clash with their boss. “Edgar is going over some business proposals I’d like to hear.”

“Business proposals that don’t include the maintenance staff,” added Remington with a harsh laugh. “You wouldn’t understand the theory behind my ideas.”

“You’re not coming with me, Mandy? I won’t ask again,” warned Tim with a sinking feeling.

“I’m staying here, Tim. Why don’t you just go have fun with the other guys from the floor?” was Mandy’s cool response.

“Yeah, run along! We’re having a good business discussion and don’t need people from the floor listening in,” insisted Remington with an obvious sneer.

“You really are a complete asshole,” stated Tim clearly as he stood, turned from his wife and faced Remington. “The next good idea you have will be your first one. You’re the rudest bastard I’ve ever had the misfortune to meet. You’ve really fucked up this company in record time.”

“What did you call me?” demanded a livid Remington.

“Try to pay closer attention,” answered Tim with a tight smile. “Asshole, rude, and bastard were my main points. I can come up with some more if you have trouble understanding those terms.”

Gasps escaped from several of those listening to the exchange. Tim Larsen had just called the company’s COO out in a very public manner!

“You must be drunk,” countered Remington, sensing that Tim Larson was not in any mood to accept his blustering authority. “I’ll forgive it this time out of respect for Mandy, but you’d better leave before I change my mind.”

“I haven’t had a single drink yet today,” retorted Tim softly. “With that excuse gone, why don’t you change that wishy-washy little mind of yours and go for option number two?”

“You want to get fired and thrown out of here?” responded Remington. “I can do that.”

“Actually, you can’t,” challenged Tim. “Not unless you’re willing and able to do the throwing. There’s no security working this affair, so you’re on your own, you chicken-shit prick. I’m sure everyone here would love to see you try to throw me out.”

“Tim! I’ll go with you,” broke in Mandy in a panic. “Please excuse Tim, Edgar. He’s been out of sorts lately. I think its stress.”

“The stress of finding out he’ll be expected to make half the payments on your new house?” goaded Remington. “He’ll have to work overtime and give up playing games with his buddies to pay his share. I can see where a situation like that would stress Timmy out.”

“The only stress I’m feeling at the moment is keeping my temper in check,” replied Tim as he measured Remington with his eyes. “I have this almost uncontrollable urge to bitch-slap the shit out of you, Remington.”

As he spoke, Tim balled his hands into fists and took a step toward the company COO. “How about you, Edgar? Are you feeling froggy?”

“You’re fired, Larson!” declared the backpedalling COO before hitting a chair with the back of his knees and tumbling over on his ass.

“What’s wrong with you?” demanded Tim’s wife as she hurried to help Remington back to his feet. “Don’t bother coming home until you’re ready to apologize to both Edgar and me!”

“Fair enough” replied Tim as his eyes searched the crowd of onlookers before nodding to a young man wearing Bermuda shorts and a New England Patriots shirt.

Tim Larson turned his back on his wife and Remington. As he began walking toward the parking lot, he heard the young man ask Mandy if she were Amanda Larson. Tim didn’t hear Mandy’s response, but the young man’s declaration of “You’ve been served” once again brought gasps from many of the spectators watching the demise of his marriage.

When Tim reached his truck, he began digging for his keys. As he pulled them from his pocket, Heather called to him.

“Dad, I have to stay with Mom. It looks like you were prepared for everything. Did you have one of your friends bring your truck so you wouldn’t have to ride home with Mom?”

“As a matter of fact, I did,” admitted Tim. “Your mother caught my attention with her plan to buy a new house and make me pay half. I suspected Remington was behind that idea. He pretty well confirmed it just now.

“She’s not the woman I married years ago and she’s certainly not a woman I would marry today. Nothing I do is good enough for her. She’s been after me to either work a lot more overtime or find a better job. I make enough money, especially when we add in your Mom’s income. I’m not going to spend the best years of my life kowtowing to an asshole like Remington, or a shrew like your mother!”

“It sounds like your mind is pretty well made up,” observed Heather before adding with her typical frankness. “For what it’s worth, I get it. Remington totally disrespected you, as did Mother. You don’t need that bullshit!”

“Thanks for the support, Heather. I have a place to live and I’ll be starting a new job next week. I’ll tell you all about it when the dust settles,” promised Tim. “Your mom is probably going to need your emotional support for the next few days.”

“You have that right,” agreed Heather. “Connie Dawson and Margie Olson were trying to calm her down. I’d better get back and give her a shoulder to cry on. Today was hard to watch, but I’m glad I was there to see how Mom and that dickhead treated you. She won’t be able to put a spin on it, at least not to me. Were you going to beat up Remington? He was really scared.”

“I’ll plead the fifth on that question,” answered Tim with a grin as he climbed into his pickup. “Luckily, it never reached that point. Take care of your mom, Sweetheart.”

Mandy spent the half hour after being served divorce papers crying in the ladies room. Heather remained close but was not as sympathetic as her mother felt the situation warranted.

Heather did walk with her to the parking lot. Mandy fought desperately to smile at everyone she met, although she was certain many of them were enjoying her misery.

“That was quite a stunt your father pulled today,” spat Mandy as soon as she and Heather were safely pulling onto the highway. “He’ll be fired. You know that, right? He’s going to be looking for a home and a job, all because of his foolish pride. The funny thing is, he’d be making a better living if he actually had any real pride. Instead, he goes golfing and fishing.”

“He goes to all of my softball and basketball games. He attends every school event I’m involved in. My friends all think he’s the best father ever,” was Heather’s immediate reply. “Why did you leave us to go listen to that airbag brag about how smart he is, anyway?”

“He’s my boss and he wanted to go over some ideas with people from the office. I’m in charge of marketing, so I was pretty much expected to attend his impromptu meeting. It was quite interesting until your father ruined it.”

“It was a company picnic! Even I know you don’t conduct business at a company picnic. Mr. Remington was taking advantage of employees who were there to relax and have a good time.”

“It sounds like you’ve been listening to your father,” complained Mandy. “You’re too young to understand finances. People have to work hard to get ahead. Your father really isn’t a very hard worker. He likes to drift along, taking the easiest path, having a good time and not worrying about tomorrow.”

“That’s pretty much what that Remington said to Dad. You seem to share his opinion. Quite a coincidence, isn’t it?” asked Heather sarcastically.

“It really isn’t. Everyone in the office knows that your father constantly refuses overtime. He could bring home a lot more money. His family could be living in a bigger, nicer house ... with a pool.”

“How did Mr. Remington know your idea about having Dad come up with half the mortgage payment on a new house?” questioned Heather.

Mandy glanced at her daughter before responding. “We may have discussed that at some point. I really don’t remember, but it’s been on my mind a lot, so I might have asked for his input. Mr. Remington is a financial expert.”

“Why isn’t he smart enough to resist throwing out personal information in a public setting? He totally disrespected Dad today,” insisted Heather.

“Maybe your father hasn’t done anything to gain his respect,” replied Mandy immediately. “Mr. Remington is a take charge sort of man and doesn’t respect people who slack off.”

“He seemed to respect Dad when he started for him with his fists clenched. He backed up so fast he fell over the chair. That was funny!”

“It wasn’t funny. Your father was out of control and Mr. Remington was trying to prevent an ugly scene, like a man in his position should,” defended Mandy.

“If he didn’t want an ugly scene, he shouldn’t have antagonized Dad like he did,” pointed out Heather. “He was trying to demean your husband and you went along with it. I’m proud of Dad for standing up to him. Your boss came close to getting his ass kicked today.”

“Maybe. Edgar’s in pretty good shape. He spends a lot of time in the gym. It was a good thing Edgar refused to fight,” stated Mandy.

“Why was I served divorce papers in a way as to maximize my humiliation? Your father had the entire thing planned. It takes time to get papers drawn up and find someone to serve them,” reasoned Mandy.

“That’s true,” agreed her daughter. “Dad had to think about it long enough to go out and find a place to live and a new job. That must have taken some time.”

“Your father found a new job? And a new place to live already?” marveled Heather’s mother. “He might be serious about the divorce.”

“Do you think?” responded Heather. “I doubt he’s coming back. He hates Remington and doesn’t seem to like you very much, anymore.”

“He’s all pissed off because I wanted a bigger house for our family and I expected him to pay his fair share! That’s pretty damned childish, not to mention irresponsible.”

“I’m not trying to defend Dad, but did he even want a bigger house?” asked Heather. “He always acted pretty happy where we are. I like how close we live to the high school and shopping. You decided we had to move into a bigger home and Dad had to spend most of his earnings to pay his share. Why would you think he’d ever go along with that?”

“You really are naïve about finances and relationships,” responded her exasperated mother. “We’re looked up to in the community, or at least I am. It’s important that we appear successful. Just because I earn twice as much as your father, it doesn’t mean I should be paying for everything while he goes golfing and fishing.”

“Why’s that, Mom?”

“Why?” repeated Heather’s mom in disbelief. “You’re kidding, right?”

“Dad never complains about stuff you buy. I’ve gone shopping with you so I know how much you can spend in an afternoon. I’m just wondering why you feel Dad shouldn’t feel free to do things he enjoys.”

“Maybe because I’m the one paying for everything!” exclaimed Mandy.

“I have a lot of friends with moms who don’t work at all. They shop, get massages, and even go golfing without earning a dime. Is that fair?”

“Of course! They gave up their careers to raise a family for their husbands,” reasoned Mandy. “Husbands owe it to their wives to support them in a comfortable manner.”

Heather had long ago learned her mother could not be pushed into something she strongly resisted, but she could be carefully led. Ideas had to be given time and nurtured slowly. Heather had planted the seeds and would have to wait to see if they would fall upon the rocks or flourish.

“Is Remington your boyfriend?” suddenly blurted Heather. “You two seem awfully comfortable with each other.”

“What? Of course not! Edgar is an eligible bachelor. He dates all kinds of beautiful women. He’s not interested in me.”

“That kind of sounds like you’re interested in him,” stated Heather. “I just hope you don’t start dating him too soon. It’ll look like you were having an affair with him while you were married to Dad.”

“I have no romantic interest in Edgar, nor any other man,” replied Mandy. “I don’t see myself dating anyone for a long time. That’s assuming your father and I will actually get a divorce. It’s possible he’ll come to his senses and apologize. He might even beg me to forgive him.”

Heather looked at her mother like she had two heads. “On what planet are you living? You and Remington are obviously interested in each other, and Dad will never apologize. He didn’t do anything wrong!”

“Humiliating me in public is pretty damn wrong in my book!” snapped Mandy. “I don’t understand how you can defend him. All that drama must have been embarrassing for you, too.”

“Yeah, it sure was. Especially the part where you turned down Dad’s offer to go enjoy the festivities so you could stay and listen to Remington’s bullshit! That was very embarrassing.”

Mandy turned into her driveway and noticed Tim’s garage door was open. He never had room for his truck in the garage. It was always packed full of tools, and his numerous toys. He kept his golf bag, two kayaks, camping and fishing equipment and the riding lawn mower stored on his side of the garage, much to the consternation of Mandy.

The lawn mower and a few garden tools were all that remained on Tim’s side. It was even swept clean. Mother and daughter both stopped to take in the scene. Tim’s departure was now manifesting itself in obvious ways.

“I wonder how much furniture he took?” was all Mandy said as she opened the door to the kitchen. A quick perusal of the house revealed other than his clothes, Tim had taken very little from the home.

“At least he left the expensive living room furniture and my bedroom set,” observed Mandy. “We’ll see if he tries to come back and take some of the good furniture.”

“I think Dad already took everything he wanted,” suggested Heather. “He never really liked any of the furniture we have since you gave his favorite chair to your cousin.”

“That chair didn’t go with anything. It had to go,” explained Mandy. “He never complained when I gave it away.”

“He told you it was his favorite chair and he’d like to keep it,” recalled Heather. “You told him to get over it. You also warned him to never sweat or wear his work clothes when he sat on the furniture. Hadn’t you noticed how he always brought in a kitchen chair when he wanted to watch TV?”

“Of course I noticed, but that was just Tim being stubborn. He was trying to make me feel bad by being passive aggressive,” insisted Mandy. “I know all his tricks.”

Yeah, I guess you do,” agreed Heather. “How’s that working out for you?”

“We’ll be fine, even if your father doesn’t come crawling back,” replied Mandy, even as she winced at her daughter’s remark. “I make enough to support us. We really don’t need his income.”

“That’s curious, since you constantly harped at him about how he needed to make more money. I’m pretty confused about all of this now.”

“I was just trying to spur him into being more responsible,” answered Mandy, as much to herself as to Heather. “I wanted to be able to be proud of him.”

“It’s probably for the best that you guys are getting divorced,” observed Heather. “Dad doesn’t seem to like you very much, anymore. You’re ashamed of him and you have Remington acting pretty interested. This just might work out for the best for all of us.”

“You’re not worried about living with just one parent? Tim ran out on you as well as me. Remember that,” cautioned Mandy.

“Mom, I’ve been pretty much living with just one parent for the past year. Dad won’t stop seeing me, going to my games, or taking me on his camping and fishing trips,” replied Heather confidently as she disappeared into her room.

Mandy stood staring at her daughter’s bedroom door as she mulled over her last statement. It was bad enough that Tim didn’t appreciate how hard she worked for her family, but it seemed his attitude had rubbed off on Heather. He had always played the good dad to Mandy’s bad mother. Heather and Tim both knew she had too much work to be able to attend many of Heather’s ball games or her school functions. She was the marketing director for Ferguson Buffers and a lot of people depended on her!

After leaving the company picnic, Tim had driven 34 miles to a sprawling camp ground in a very rural and wooded part of the state. He had reached an agreement with the owners to be their version of a Swiss Army Knife. His job was to keep the buildings and equipment maintained and running. He was also expected to occasionally serve as a guide for floats down a nearby river or overnight hikes into the local mountains. His pay was a little better than he earned at Ferguson, plus he was given a winterized two bedroom cabin in which to live.

Tim spent his first week repairing or tuning up the motorbikes, four-wheelers, and tractors used at the campground. The second week was spent repairing plumbing and electrical problems in the cabins. He guided two float trips down the river the following week while maintaining the sprawling property.

Tim had lots of time to think as he worked on the equipment. He regretted not seeing Heather as often as he’d like. He grudgingly admitted to himself that he was lonely. He was surprised how much he missed his wife. Mandy was still a beautiful woman with a great figure. It was no surprise Remington was interested in her.

Divorcing Mandy would leave the door open for Remington, but Tim had no control over that. He knew for a certainty he could no longer live with a wife who didn’t respect him and had pretty much fallen out of love with him. She viewed him as a detriment to the marriage, rather than an asset.

It was unfortunate that Heather would have a broken family, but Tim felt strongly about being a good role model for his daughter. If he kept taking the shit Mandy was heaping on him, Heather might follow her mother’s example and become a ball-busting bitch in later life. It was important she realize men would not accept that kind of treatment. When she found a husband, she needed to treat him with respect. That was the lesson Tim hoped Heather would gain from his failed marriage.

Working outside in the summer was a perk Tim enjoyed. As the weeks went on, he became a leaner, more tanned version of his former self. Whenever he saw Heather, she commented on how great he looked. He let his hair grow longer since he no longer felt compelled to keep it in the short style Mandy wanted. He enjoyed his job and met a lot of interesting people from all walks of life.

He was helping two beautiful young women prepare supplies for a float trip when he saw Mandy’s BMW pull into the campground and stop near the pickup he was loading. She was dropping Heather off to spend the weekend with Tim.

Heather jumped out of the car and ran over and gave him a big hug. “Dad! You look all tanned and buff like that. Have you stopped wearing shirts completely?”

“I wear them for meals,” laughed Tim as he hugged his daughter. “Heather, meet Kim and Lisa. They’re guests here. We’re getting ready to go on a float trip on the river. You’ll be coming with us.”

Heather turned her attention to the beautiful blonde women next to her father. They were dressed in shorts and halter tops, and their tops were full ... to overflowing!

“I wouldn’t want to interfere with your plans,” replied Heather as she considered how her father must be attracted to the beautiful women he was going to accompany.

“It wouldn’t be any problem,” insisted the girl introduced to her as Kim. “There are two kayaks and they’re both made for two people. We have a couple tubes, as well. We’d love to have you. We’ll loan you one of our swimsuits if you didn’t bring one.”

“Thanks! I appreciate the offer but I have my own suit with me. I don’t think I could wear a top like yours and keep it up. You both have amazing figures!”

“Don’t worry about that. We won’t have our tops on for long,” responded the woman named Lisa.

“I don’t think Dad would let me take mine off. He’s kind of old fashioned,” replied Heather as she teased her father.

“I don’t know about that. He didn’t seem to mind when we took our tops off on the trip yesterday. Did we upset you, Tim?” asked Lisa with a knowing grin.

“Not in the least, but Heather will be keeping the important parts covered when she goes with us. She’s fifteen, which is far too young for that sort of thing,” answered Tim with a grin and a wink to Lisa.

“So it’ll be okay with you when I’m eighteen?” taunted Heather.

“You’ll be making most of your own decisions by then, so I’d say as long as you’re safe and don’t wind up all over the internet, it would be up to you,” responded Tim seriously.

“Her mother will have something to say about that!” declared Mandy as she moved to stand in front of Tim. “I really don’t think she should be going with these two if they’re going to be naked. As a matter of fact, you shouldn’t either.”

“You must be the wife who decided to trade up,” interrupted Kim. “Tim’s a perfect gentleman, not to mention great eye candy, but we’ll keep our tops on if it’ll make you feel better.”

Mandy had been listening to Kim, but she was looking at Tim. He really did look great. His longer hair gave him a boyish charm while his toned and tanned shoulders and chest were ample evidence he was all man. Had he changed that much, or was he always so attractive?

The two women nodded to each other and then moved to each side of Tim and pressed their ample chests against his arms. That action forced even more tit flesh to bulge over the flimsy tops.

“We’ll take good care of your husband and daughter,” promised Kim as she pretended to not notice the look Mandy was giving her. “You must be in a hurry. I bet you have some important work to go over with your suave boss.”

Mandy’s temper flared when she realized Tim had told the women about Edgar. It was a safe bet he made their relationship out to be less than professional. She had an angry retort on the tip of her tongue, but kept it to herself as she returned to her car.

As she drove to the Ferguson Buffers offices, Mandy considered her situation. Her own daughter had asked her if Edgar was her boyfriend the very same day she had been served with divorce papers. Sue Jenson from accounting had suggested that Mandy was free to date Edgar openly since Tim had filed. Even Edgar had been behaving differently since the company picnic. He was now constantly touching her back and complimenting her appearance, along with berating Tim at every opportunity.

Everyone assumed that she and Edgar were either an item, or soon would be. Mandy admired Edgar’s success as well as his command of every situation. She admitted to herself that Edgar was a very distinguished looking man, but she had never felt any urge to forsake her marital vows to be with him.

She told herself while Tim was truly an underachiever; he also had a lot of good qualities. He was an excellent father. He was handsome and it appeared he was becoming even more so. He was always respectful to Mandy’s parents and other relatives. He was never drunk, didn’t do drugs and Mandy was certain he had always remained faithful.

Mandy recalled how her father had been as upset as she had ever seen him when Heather explained to her parents that Tim had filed for divorce. After a few probing questions, Heather explained how Mandy wanted a new house and insisted Tim pay half the mortgage from his paycheck.

“What in hell are you thinking?” demanded her father angrily. “That man paid for the last two years of your college and your advanced business degree. He’s the best father I’ve ever seen. That includes me! He’s honest, faithful, clean, neat and he always treated you like a goddamn queen!

“Is that the problem? Was he too easy going? You lost respect for him because he always let you have your way? Is there another man in the picture? Is that it?” demanded Mandy’s father with suspicion.

Mandy shook her head in the negative, so her dad immediately turned his attention to Heather. “What have you seen or heard, Heather?”

“Dad felt Mom was way too impressed with the guy running Ferguson Buffers now. She was always talking about him and how smart and good looking he is. He calls Mom a lot. They talk for a long time.”

“Now that Heather mentions it, I noticed you seemed pretty enamored with that guy. You mentioned him a few times at our July 4th gathering,” recalled Mandy’s mother in a concerned tone.

“Dear, have you been unfaithful?” managed her mother before letting out a big sob.

“Mom! Of course not! I’ve never cheated on Tim and I never would. I just wanted him to be more responsible and work harder to support his family,” explained Mandy. “I never stopped loving him. He’s the one who filed for divorce!”

“After you drove him to it,” spat her father. “You manage to get a good husband and you decide he’s not good enough! How much money do you need? I know you draw a damned healthy wage.”

“That’s not the point, Dad,” insisted Mandy. “He should want Heather and me to be proud of him. He’s content being a maintenance man! How do you think it makes Heather and me feel when people ask us what Tim does?”

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Tara's BayouLevel 2 – Evil DongI can’t believe in all of Britain, I can’t find one bloke to fuck me. All I do is work, come home and sit in front of the tele thinking about getting shagged. I do fancy a good porn film whilst I pet my pussy into some calm state. I love giving me self a good orgasm but damn I need a good shag!I think tonight I will try and play Tara’s Bayou again. That is one intense video game. It makes you feel like you are right there in the game and everything that is...

3 years ago
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Give Me Some Sugar Part 1 Rochelles Tryout

Introduction: A man goes from an obscure loser to a wealthy writer, and reaps more benefits than just money. ​ Life sure is funny is how it plays out. I have never been a religious man, still am not, but I did listen to the Joel Olsteen guy when the times were bad. He was so positive, that helped, but he also talked about how God could make up for decades of crap, in just a few years through super natural increase. Like I said, I am no Christian and am agnostic about the existence of a deity,...

3 years ago
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?Stella, the car is here already.? Leila calls from the hallway.Stella grunts. She is being laced into her black silk Medeq corset by her slave daughter melanie and she is standing, hands on hips, checking her makeup as well as the constriction of her already tiny waist in the floor length mirror in her bedroom.?The worm can wait Leila, tell him to get the cases into the car..!? She shouts in return. She stands patiently as the girl passes the laces around her waist and ties them in a neat bow...

2 years ago
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Cat and Mouse The Tryout

Cat and Mouse: The Tryout by Bluto "Good afternoon, this is Della Delargio reporting live for WNBC from the financial district. The Protectors, NYC's newest superhero team, has just foiled a bold daylight robbery attempt by The Destroyers, a gang of supervillains who have been increasingly active in recent months. "The Destroyers staged a lightning raid on the Federal Reserve Bank and were about to make a rooftop getaway when The Protectors came charging to the rescue. Here...

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She allowed her head briefly to rest on the shower wall, feeling the cascade of water over her body drown out the pounding of her head. She turned around and let the water beat around her shoulders as she imagined the previous nights beer and rum and whatever else spilled on her to be flowing off. As she massaged shampoo into her long auburn hair she tried to remember last night. And realized she had hit a complete blank, but there was enough evidence to assume the worst. She had woken...

3 years ago
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Introduction: Young woman is kidnapped and tortured Please go gentle, this is my very first sex story. The beginning of this is all about the torture and dominance so there isnt very much actual sex but there will be a lot more coming. She allowed her head briefly to rest on the shower wall, feeling the cascade of water over her body drown out the pounding of her head. She turned around and let the water beat around her shoulders as she imagined the previous nights beer and rum and whatever...

2 years ago
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Stella Goes to the Races

Stella Goes to the Races?Take off all your clothes, except for the thong,? ordered Robert.?No,? replied Stella, ?not in front of all these people.??Do you love me???Yes, of course, Robert.??Then do as I tell you.?  She hesitated.  ?I'll give you a minute to think about it.  Then, if you are not naked, you can go home with someone else, or walk.?Stella thought about how she got in this situation.  She was 29 and had been a waitress at Chez Jacques.  Single men her age are hard to come by.  It...

4 years ago
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Stellas sudden surrender 2

Stella blindfolds Saskia before the start of the second part. Saskia also gets a collar. Stella walks her on all fours.Sign for me to set up my camera for a private video for three. Saskia longs to learn the story of Stella's submission.Stella decides to first tease Saskia some more, by promising to tell the kinkiest thing which had happened before. Saskia shall replay the role of Stella in the sexy scenario of slow sweet seduction into the best sex she had sofar.Stella loves to explore more of...

2 years ago
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Stella Maris Marlene Claessens Correction 1


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Stella and Stacy

How it beganMy name is Stefan. While I was at school I first met Stella. She was so different to all the other girls at school, a real force of nature, an amazing smile and beautiful brown eyes. Tall, slim and her uniform couldn't hide her sexy curves. I fell immediately in love with her and had to be with her. We got together after meeting by chance in the local record shop. I was checking out a Bowie album when a voice behind me said 'oh, you must get that, it's amazing.' I turned and there...

3 years ago
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Chantelle Chapter 3

Chantelle - Chapter 3 I had a disturbed sleep thinking about the turn my life had suddenly taken - from an innocent perversion of enjoying my daughter's panties to losing control to my 19-year stepdaughter after she found me enjoying them too much. Now she wants me clean shaven of all body hair. I must pretend to my wife that I have a sudden interest in the gym and body building as a reason for removing my body hair. Okay, I thought time to start the day, and as I got out of bed l...

4 years ago
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Stella s Daddy

Your really have to believe me. I never wanted to become involved in such an illicit relationship. I know that you are going to say: "You were the adult. You should have prevented this from happening!" OK, I accept your judgment; I am truly a worthless piece of trash... but at least one person loves me... You know who she is. My daughter's name is Stella, and this story began when she was f******n. Stella was young and innocent then, not only socially, but physically. She still had the slim...

2 years ago
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Stella By Cal Y. Pygia Donald Pleasant had never had any doubts about Stella. To him, she was the most beautiful, sexiest woman alive. They'd been dating for three years when they'd gone to Glitz Gurlz Bar and Grille, a lesbian lounge that Stella, more out of curiosity than for any other motive, had long wanted to visit. Donald and Stella had been intimate so many times in those three years that each knew every inch of the other's body--all the hot spots, all the erogenous...

3 years ago
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Stellas sudden surrender 6

Stella tells Saskia and our dear readers every erotic dirty detail of that mighty memorable she submits to me.She shows Saskia and you three tasty private pictures of her during the course of that day in several positions.Saskia envies her as she listens with red ears, hotly hopes she can indeed come along with us soon to Spain.Stella learn a lot in a single long lasting day, every erotic teasing trick in the big book of love she needs to know.Stella's prays and begs me to stop in her first...

2 years ago
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Stella Maris SM trials 1 SM Sas dance on

Stella Maris searches long to find a proper Master to initiate her and her two best friends into the S.M.-scene.Stella Maris finally finds .Stella-Maris fills in all obligatory 'dirty details' of her hottest sexual secrets & foxy fantasies on his firms forms.Stella Maris adds her hottest private picture, full nude is required, as well as photo's of her two finest friends.Stella Maris adds as much as she knows about Marina and Saskia. Their erotic experiences & 'dirty dreams'.Stella...

3 years ago
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“I told her you would enjoy watching this and I asked her if she would like to suck your cock while I was licking her cunt lips. “She told me, ‘yes please, would love to.’ “What about you baby? “When she orgasmed for me I felt a huge sense of relief in achieving such a personal milestone. I can now claim to be bisexual! “And when she told me later I had given her six orgasms I felt very pleased with myself. “Can’t wait to have you home tomorrow so I can show you my all over sun tan, and...

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“I told her you would enjoy watching this and I asked her if she would like to suck your cock while I was licking her cunt lips. “She told me, ‘yes please, would love to.’ “What about you baby? “When she orgasmed for me I felt a huge sense of relief in achieving such a personal milestone. I can now claim to be bisexual! “And when she told me later I had given her six orgasms I felt very pleased with myself. “Can’t wait to have you home tomorrow so I can show you my all over sun tan, and...

3 years ago
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Cheerleader Tryouts

From: [email protected] To: [email protected] Subject: Cheerleading (what else?) Hey Em, it's your very-best-friend-in-the-world, but I guess you knew that when you saw the "from" line, right? Duh, my blond is showing again. Anyway, how are you holding up in godawful Cleveland... I still CANNOT believe that your parents could just up and move from beautiful SoCal to the midwest for gods sake... and break up the dynamic duo of Smithfield High cheereleading... but anyway, I still...

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Stella Maris SM in Spain 8

Stella Maris learns lesbian loveStella Maris is very excited from seeing Anna and Belle in 69 on our casting couchas she sits at my lap with my thumb up her slit and fingers playing her love lips."Caress your clit a bit, love. I want you to come when they do. Be a good girl",I whisper in her ear. We enjoy the sexy show as their moaning gets lots louder now.Stella Maris does not notice my sign of excitement reaching up her hot thighs even.She is completely engaged in rising to new heighths...

4 years ago
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Stella Margaret plus Tanya

The insistent ringing of the door bell brought me out of a deep slumber. The room was in darkness apart from the red glow of my fire, cats stretched out in front it lapping up it's heat. Riiiiiiiiinnnnnggggggg. Ring - Ring. Who the hell could it be at this time of night?! I then realised - it wasn't night, it was 4h30pm but already dark, - I must have lost track of time, away in a dream world. "OK, OK," I grumbled going to the intercom in the hall. "Yeah?" pressing the...

2 years ago
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Stella and Marina SM is Spain 3

Third day of our role play I'm finally Master first time, over servant Marina and slave Stella MarisThe bells afar toll for midnight as Marina bends out of the window spreads her cheeks offers a choice The promotion from slave to servant is expressed by pleasing her pussy with my hot rod for her orgasm Time has come, after we both come, to take her down for a night cap and inform Marina about my planMy servant gets me a double wodka from the freezer and a cold beer, while she has a 'Black...

2 years ago
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Stella Barey 3000 347000

Porn offers us something no woman ever could, perfection. Let me rephrase that. Porn offers you something you could never have otherwise. Perfection. Physically ideal bitches exist, but you won’t be fucking any of them anytime soon. Let me rephrase that. You will never be fucking any woman, perfect or otherwise.The Ideal BitchThere are many features a perfect woman has. Great tits, a firm ass, a beautiful face, and a tight pussy. Not many women fit those descriptions, but the ones that do are...

Twitter Porn Accounts
4 years ago
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The wind howled around me and tore at the hoodie I had tied tight around my head. It was freezing and late in March with rain hanging in the air. I crossed the street aiming for the light of the restaurant I was heading to. The bright light inside offered warmth, a cold beer, good food and time with my co-workers. It was a farewell get together we had organized for a guy who was moving on in life. We had agreed that we could bring a friend if we wanted. My wife had said no since she had an...

4 years ago
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Stella and Marina SM in Spain 1

Stella invites her best friend Marina to share our hot holiday in Spain.We just had tried our first sub-dom role playing, which turned very kinky.Stella discovered her sub-side, as well as a fresh fondness of lesbian love.We hope Marina will like to play along with us, fulfilling our foxy fantasies.Both are twenty, tasty and very pretty, but not very experienced yet in bed.IntroductionWe get off and up as usually in our morning ritual of pleasuring each other.We shower, where we have another...

4 years ago
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Stella Disarmed

ALL CHARACTERS ARE ADULTS. A brisk south wind swept Washington Street as I walked to the livery stable to get my horse. I planned for a long ride into the country to see a snake-bite patient. Drought conditions existed at the time, and the cool winter temperatures were long past due. The wind felt good against my skin. But as I neared the stable it looked to me like fog was spilling onto the street. Smoke! Something was ablaze. The boarding house next to the stable, I wondered? People dipped...

3 years ago
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Stella and Marina SM in Spain 2

Stella is Mistress and Marina her slave in our second day of role play, while I'm her Servant.Stella eagerly grabs her opportunity to rule for the next twenty-four hours for her satisfaction.She starts right after midnight, terribly turned on by how former Mistress Marina ended as slut.She takes the initiative to explore some sexy and foxy fantasies from deep within her dirty mind.Nice naughty night for a sexy start of Stella's first day of rule as our MistressStella exchanges glances and...

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Stellas sudden surrender 3

Stella starts to tell Saskia the sexy story of her sudden surrerender into submission. Long lines full of love and lust.Saskia longs to listen to the long story of unexpected surrender after reaching realms of unthought pervert pleasure.Stella is clearly in command. Saskia feels fine she is the second in line at their mutual Master of secret ceremonies.Some sweet spanking started as an innocent play, which was a ploy so successfull she suddenly became my slave.Stella shares Saskia some sexy...

2 years ago
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Stellas sudden surrender 5

Stella shivers from her hot memory of what had happened to her next, that terrific tasty day of sexual servitude.She stares at me for a moment, studies the ceiling as she searches her memory, looks into the eyes of SaskiaSaskia tries to read her mind, eagerly waiting for more confessions by my blonde ballet beauty about our past.She hotly hopes we will take her with us to Spain, where it all had started, in a serious sexy role-play for us two.Stella shivers from her hot memory of what had...

4 years ago
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Stellas sudden surrender 4

Stella loves how hot wet and wanton Saskia gets from her continuing confessions of how she became my sexy sub.Saskia was as surprised how her shy try to seduce me suddenly turned sour. And how her first ever spanking went.Stella sighs, as she realises how her confession of submission to me is hard to explain to any newbee in this realm.Saskia tries to help her to tell her many more dirty details of sudden surrender to become a shere submissive slut. Stella secretly thinks back at the moment I...

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Her nylons were a mess, runs and ladders all over, but she still had her high heels on. Her bra and panties were nowhere to be seen and it was obvious from the dried (and wet) cum stains all over her face and pubic area that more than one guy had taken advantage of her. I knew from experience that when she woke up she wouldn't be able to tell who or how many. I also knew that she would be contrite, beg forgiveness and promise that it would never happen again and that she would mean it at the...

2 years ago
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Bayou Academy

I sat in the leather wing back chair in the headmaster’s private office, waiting. He was in the room next door talking to the school secretary. They were probably trying to get ahold of my parents, good luck with that. I wouldn’t have been left here at Bayou Academy the swankiest boarding school in Houston’s River Oaks neighborhood if my parents had wanted to be bothered with raising me. “She’s been found, unharmed. Very good. Send me a bill for any expenses you incurred.” His conversation...

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Bayou Beauty

She was an absolute beauty. That circumstance affected her life from childhood on. She was sought after by many for business or personal reasons, usually egocentric. The dollars came rolling in for modelling and such, and as arm-candy she was wined, dined, and well-traveled. The latter usually expected access to her beautiful body in exchange, she discovered. She liked sex alright, but these joinings were mostly physical lust, not providing much emotional satisfaction beyond feeling desirable....

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The world is full of history and great stories. From a very young age I sat and listened to them and let my mind show me. As I grew older and my magic made itself known I wrote the stories down. It did not matter what else I had to learn or do, the stories still took me away. I was eighteen when I had enough of other people telling me what to do and when. I thought long and then created a wagon like the travelers. I made a second wagon that carried a tent and lots of cushions and a huge rug....

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Stella arrived just after lunchtime. She loves our unit with the view looking out over the water, especially the very large balcony. She asked if we sunbake naked on it? Lots of chat and discovered we are both the same age and star sign, Libra. As you know Librans have a strong sex drive. Spent the afternoon sunbathing by the pool. No one else at the pool, so we took our tops off. Stella has a very good body, 36D tits she told me, most impressive and huge nipples and you would like her big...

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Stella Maris SM tests 4 Intimate Inspction 1

Stella Maris comes back to brilliant sexy shape, as soon as she wakes up by the hot Spanish sunshine.Stella Maris comes back to organize all in her hot house, while we shower & shop for lots of white wine.Stella Maris serves us a lovely lunch in the shadowy part of the terrace. We enjoy her fishes with wines.Stella Maris serves me with a silence & all attention during the closure with strong coffee & some liquor.See all eyes & ears wide open in attention. I present proudly my...

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Stella arrived just after lunchtime. She loves our unit with the view looking out over the water, especially the very large balcony. She asked if we sunbake naked on it? Lots of chat and discovered we are both the same age and star sign, Libra. As you know Librans have a strong sex drive. Spent the afternoon sunbathing by the pool. No one else at the pool, so we took our tops off. Stella has a very good body, 36D tits she told me, most impressive and huge nipples and you would like her big...

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Stella Maris Hot Holidays 1 Train Trainings

Stella Maris outsmarts her folks, who still provide the rent for her student room, while she has actually already moved in with her first serious steady boyfriend. Who takes his time to teach her all he knows from earlier erotic experiences. Stella Maris actually cancels her up-town apartment near the old (from 1928) Olympic Stadium in Amsterdam-South, several months earlier. As she spends most nights anyway in their big bed. Right under the ceiling of her lover's small place in a student...

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Stella Maris SM in Spain 6

Stella Maris is exposed and introduced from behind"Stay in this position please, Stella Maris. I will welcome our girl guests.""Hi, I'm Anna and this Belle" says the slimmest and smartest of the tasty teens."Let me get you a drink dears. You must be thirsty from driving and excitement.""So sexy watching you two in that window upstairs", again Anna. Belle blushes.While I make four cold spritzers, Anna flares "What you were talking to us?I mean about being the master" ... "Haha, only for today....

3 years ago
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Stella Maris SM in Spain 4

Sexy shower quicky, masturbations shows, lezzie love comes into our agendaI feel the heat of her red bums in my hands as I lick her slit during the golden part of our shower.It turns me on once more. I tell Stella Maris to turn around, spread her legs and tip-toe for me.I bend her over and ask her to rub her self. Stella Maris submits eagerly as soon as I enter her."I want you to come on my orders, my love. I want your orgasm to milk my member as I start to come".So sexy to feel Stella Maris...

2 years ago
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Interstellar Defense LeagueChapter 2

Ben awoke about two weeks after the day that came to be known as The Arrival... an innocent enough name for an event that caused mass panic. Suicide rates quadrupled within a week of the landing, and the death toll in the crash site alone was devastating- forty-thousand people dead. Not since the Third World War, twenty years prior in 2018, had so many lives been lost in a single event, for it wasn't the crash alone that took lives. After a day of sitting there, not making a motion, the...

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Stella Maris SM 9 Cunning Confesion 3

Stella Maris tells us after a break all about her hottest perfect positions for an orgasm during loving.Stella Maris tells us her two finest favourites. One works always in our bed in the busy student-flat.Stella Maris has a second sexy position. Lack of space for it, in the bed under the ceiling in his room. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Stella Maris got us all horny and rubbing, while we are...

4 years ago
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Stella Maris SM 7 Cunning Confession 1

Stella Maris scores triple A at the intimate inspection of her bodily beauties. Next her experiences.She starts at teen times. Her father first hero. Next one her blonde ballroom beau. Too shy or gay?She has her first friend, who demands some sex. So she learns to jack him off. Is messy enough!Stella blossoms from first days at Amsterdam University. Same year as Marina. Not yet her friend.Stella Maris falls for the charms of the guy, who leads her dozen during first week's 'Introduction'.She is...

2 years ago
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Stella Maris SM in Spain 3

Stella Maris is in for a new surprise in her sex-lifeStella Maris still shakes from coming as I plunge deep in her pulsating pussy.She keeps moaning and coming, while her cramping twat milks my mighty member.I explode harder than ever before. We both need time to regain our breath.Wow what an awesome orgasm! No wonder the French call that 'small death'!Stella Maris feels like she's still lost in a new reality of pure pleasure.Bodily lust, in a half concious state of mind, has taken over it...

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Stella Margaret get soaked

STARTER. There is a saying that it never rains but it pours. Well, the other day, it was pouring - the heavens had opened and god's bathwater was flooding the land. A strong wind was driving the rain almost horizontally; umbrellas were useless as they kept being blown inside out and one had to lean heavily into the torrent. It was only just after 11am but street lights had already been switched on, and I had had to put on a table lamp and turn the gas fire up to full. I stood gazing...

3 years ago
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Stella Maris SM in Spain 5

Stella Maris screwed unaware of her public appeaanceStill all afternoon and evening left for me to play with my sweet slave Stella Maris.She sexy poses for me naked at our terraces around most of the small house in Spain. Stella Maris still shows a wet twat and red bums, as I keep my bride to be so horny.She stretches in her beautiful ballet sexy wide spreads. Slowly the sun starts to set.I blindfold her and take her upstairs to the single small round room there, our tower.Step by step she...

4 years ago
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Stella Maris SM 11 Confession 5 BDSM 2 Video

Stella Maris still hides her biggest sexy secret from her girlfriends. But she gets closer. With every confession.Stella Maris still hides how deeply involved she gets into BDSM. As a shere sex slave. To be abused by Peter.Stella Maris still needs to tell several more important experiences to build up the logic of her long confession.Stella Maris still needs few more erotic episodes like this one, before she will disclose her genuine gem here.Stella Maris gives away in several side-lines how...

4 years ago
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Stella and Marina SM in Spain 6

Stella Maris is our mighty Mistress on the penultimate day of our role play for threeStella Maris is a slender stylish beautiful blonde ballet amateur of quite high level!Marina is as tall and tasty but a brunette, both wear their hair short, it is so sexyMarina is this day servant of Stella Maris with the right to speak, I am silent slaveMarina has a very sexy idea, which she whispers to Stella Maris, keeping the surpriseMarina starts slowly to seduce and please Stella Maris - right from the...

4 years ago
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Stella and Marina SM in Spain 5a

We are three: me age 26, with my girlfriend Stella Maris and her best friend Marina, both only 20.As I write our story, I'm the 'opposite': 62. The story happens in times, when kinky was still rare.We agreed to take turns in three roles each: Master, Servant, Slave; every set-up for full 24 hours.As Marina was our guest in Spain, we offered her to be Mistress first day, Stella servant, me slave.Marina was still a 'virgin' in the rich realm of sexy spanking, which we also just had...

3 years ago
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Stella teased daddy then left me to finish

I and a few of my friends were fooling around in the kitchen when one girl unpeeled a banana, threw her head back and let it slide all the way down her throat.When she withdrew it, we measured and she managed to swallow 9 inches. We coaxed to do it again, and this time she 10.7 inches, and held it for almost 2 minutes.We cheered loudly, and then we saw her face fall, as she started at the kitchen door, my father had just witnessed my friend 'Deep Throat a Banana'.There was a pregnant pause as...

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Stella and Marina SM in Spain 7

Stella Maris, Marina and I are in a role-play - in the final day I am Master over my Slave MarinaStella Maris is Servant - shall I have revenge at Marina who as Servant intrigued the day before?Stella Maris liked her idea to have my virgin anal Rose ripped by strap-on by her sweet Servant!I wake up and my ass is in pain - Rose the tiny tight Sphinxter turned into a burning CullifowerI wake up and wake Them up - I order Them to shower each Other and wash properly my Ass as well! I want You to...

4 years ago
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Stella Maris SM in Spain 7

Stella Maris learns lots of lessons in love and lustStella Maris is fascinated by the abilities of Anna, milking me by mouth and both hands."You see love, with one hand she holds and fondles my balls, a naughty finger up my ass.You are sexcellent Anna, taking my tool full length, love. But I don't want to come now."Anna withdraws her mouth and looks up to me. "I think I know which holes you want now!""Belle baby get up from licking my slit, sweetheart and bend out of the window for him.Come on...

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