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I met her in my office. She was assigned to one of the other consultants I share space with, and there was something about the way she moved that caught my eye. She seemed confident, and roamed the office at will. Normally, a new assistant will spend most of her time at her desk, and will only speak to a consultant if spoken to. Not her. She would captivate groups of us at once, telling us flirtatious stories, flashing her playful baby blues at us all.

Bobbie was small. I figured her for four foot eight, and maybe a hundred pounds soaking wet. We had talked a few times, but no more than anyone else. I found her attractive, but aside from some indirect flirting, had not really felt any chemistry. She had mentioned she was in a committed relationship, and the scuttlebutt around the office was that the guy was loaded. She had mentioned that she lived in the top floor of a very expensive condo development, so I guessed it was true, but I never really gave it much thought.

One day I happened to be walking by her cubicle late at night, and I saw her working, savagely punching away at her keyboard. Two things I hadn't seen before; Bobbie working late, and Bobbie angry. I was exhausted from a long day myself, but decided to ask what was bothering her.

"Nothing's wrong," she said in a tone that implied the opposite. She started swearing because she had made a small error and had to reverse an entry on the spreadsheet she was working with. "No. I'm fine," she continued, though I hadn't said anything else.

"Okay. Just thought I'd ask." I said in a weary tone, and started to shuffle to the door.

Abruptly, she turned and stared at me with her pale blue eyes. They were quite amazing, really. "Why are men such assholes?" she asked me.

"It's in the DNA," I said. It was the best I could do on short notice. I wanted to keep her talking, although why, I didn't know. "Problem at home?" I inquired, wondering why I asked, and whether or not she would tell me. We didn't know each other well enough to trade war stories by any means.

She shook her head. "No. Not really. It's just that John..." she trailed off, and I knew she was deciding whether or not to confide in me. People do, for some reason. I guess I have an honest face.

"John wants to buy me a car. An expensive one," she said at last. She seemed genuinely upset.

"That bastard!" I exclaimed in my best tone of mock outrage.

She smiled. I don't know why I hadn't noticed her smile before. It started up at her eyes (which I couldn't seem to stop staring at), and eventually lit up her entire face. It also revealed a small gap between her two front teeth. Not much, and if you didn't really look you wouldn't see it. For some reason, I found it sexy. I was a little deflated when her expression returned to its former serious self. "It actually is a problem. For me, at least."

She went on to explain that her boyfriend was, in fact, rich. He himself was quite successful, but he also had family money. The kind that goes way back. They had been living together for three years, and in that time, he had showered Bobbie with gifts, vacations, and other things most women would crawl over a live hand grenade for.

The problem was Bobbie wasn't most women. She didn't want John to feel like she was sticking around because of his money, so she had gone out of her way to stand on her own. She shared the bills with him, paid her own way on the vacations they took, and any money she spent was her own. She had been driving a car when she met John, but it was ready for the scrap yard, and she needed a new one. She had been looking at an economical compact car, but John said that he wanted to buy her an expensive European sport sedan. It was, he said, because he would need to borrow it from time to time when he went out of town on business.

She knew he was just trying to find an excuse so he could buy it for her. It made her uncomfortable, she explained. Her mother and her friends told her she was entitled to the car, but it didn't feel right. She didn't know how to turn it down without alienating him.

I listened as all this came pouring out of her, thinking to myself that most people would tell her to count herself lucky, and take the damn car. I honestly have no idea why I said what I did next.

"Tell him to stuff the car," I said without thinking.

She paused, and looked like I had slapped her. "Really? He won't get mad?"

"Not if he loves you," I shuffled, thinking fast now that I had stepped in it. "What I'm hearing you say is that you don't want to be a bird in a gilded cage. So don't be. If he loves you, he'll understand."

She thought for a minute. "You're right. I'll talk to him and tell him I'm buying the compact. Thanks, Bruce." She kissed me on the cheek and rose to leave. I rose too, but in a different way.

"You go, girl." Lame, I know, but it was all I could think to say.

The next morning, Bobbie wasn't at her desk. I didn't give it much thought, and got caught up in work for the rest of the day. Another damn late night. On the way out, I noticed a light on at her workstation, and went to see if she was there.

It was obvious she had been crying. Bobbie's blue eyes blazed, her cheeks were spotted and red. I didn't know what to say, so I mumbled something like, "Oh. Sorry, I'll just go."

She grabbed my arm, and motioned for me to sit down while she composed herself. It took a minute, but she finally said. "John, ah, John didn't take it so well."

I nodded. "Sorry to hear that. I guess I give lousy advice." I felt bad. I hadn't intended to cause a problem for her.

She shook her head. "No. What you said was right. We had a huge fight last night, and I realized afterwards, that it was exactly what you said."

I was at a loss. "What did I say?"

She sniffed, and dabbed her eyes with a tissue, looking at that moment as scared and vulnerable as I had ever seen her. "You said I was a bird in a gilded cage. And you were right, I was. As we were fighting, I realized that in the last three years I had changed myself to be what John wanted me to be, not who I really was. I've been trying to be the perfect girlfriend, hoping he would..." She broke down again, and cried for a short while. "Hoping he would marry me. He made it clear last night that it wasn't going to happen."

I was stunned but not entirely upset by this news. I nodded sympathetically, hoping I looked sincere. "You need to be true to yourself." It sounded totally insincere, even to me, but Bobbie just nodded.

"So what now?" I asked, curious.

"So now I need a place to stay," she said in a small voice. "I've been sitting here, trying to figure out what to do."

"You're telling me you have no place to go? What about your family? Friends?" I asked, trying to be supportive.

She shook her head. "My family are all out east. As for my friends, they were all John's friends. I don't really think I could ask any of them."

"What about a hotel? Why don't you put yourself up in a hotel for a couple of days." I suggested.

"I can't. I can't afford it." She explained that she had maxed out her credit cards during her last trip with John and hadn't paid them down. She had spent the morning packing all her things into a trailer hooked to the back of her dilapidated old car, and that had taken all her cash until the next pay day.

Now, I know that by reading this so far, you probably think I'm a clueless idiot. And you'd be right. It wasn't until just now in the conversation that I realized my opportunity.

"C'mon. You can stay with me. I have a spare room," I said as casually as I could muster. I live alone. I have for a long time, now.

She blinked in surprise, then stared at me, and I could sense her radar finally come up. There she was at four foot eight and a hundred pounds, and there I was a six four and two fifty. We were friendly, but her better judgement was kicking in. I could see her about to decline, then I asked what other options she had. She knew she didn't have one, and she sagged a bit, defeated. "But it's only for a few days. Just until payday."

I backed off a bit. "Hey," I said, a little offended, "I'm the one trying to help you, remember? If you don't want to stay, then don't."

"No! I mean, uh, no, Bruce. I do want to stay. I'm just, I don't know, a little confused, that's all. Thanks." She looked at the floor, feeling bad.

"Don't worry about it. Let's just get you settled."

I had her follow me home, and let her park in the garage next to me. We decided to unload the trailer into the storage room in my basement, and I returned it to save Bobbie having to rent the damn thing for the next several days. She seemed grateful for my help, and said so. I nodded acknowledgement, and invited her to sit on the couch in the television room while I headed to the kitchen.

"Did you eat yet?" I called from inside the pantry as I looked for something I could make fast. I didn't hear her answer, so I started to call even louder, when she said "No" right behind me.

I almost jumped out of my skin, and she laughed. I've mentioned her smile before. Her laugh is better. It almost made my near heart attack worth it. She asked me if it was okay if she made dinner. I nodded and sat down in a chair beside the table, while I got my breath back.

She poked around in my pantry for a while, then checked out the refrigerator and freezer, all the while mumbling to herself. She noticed my mini wine rack in the pantry, and asked if I felt like having wine with dinner. I agreed, and suggested a Claret I was fond of. That inspired her, and she set about assembling her ingredients while I poured us each a glass of the dark red.

Soon after, we were sharing a dish of meatballs in a sauce I had never heard of, on a bed of broad pasta noodles. I was in heaven, and it went well with the full bodied wine I had selected. I complimented her on her cooking skills, and Bobbie blushed a little.

"It's been awhile since someone appreciated my cooking. John only liked certain things, and wouldn't experiment," she said with a little lift in her voice. It wasn't much, but it was enough to make me wonder if we were still talking about food. I decided to play dumb since it's what I do best anyway.

"So he wouldn't eat this?" I asked.


"His loss," I said, shoveling another mouthful in.

We ate in silence for awhile. Bobbie seemed lost in her thoughts, and I didn't want to intrude. Besides, I had a plateful of first class vittles in front of me, and I wasn't about to let it go to waste. It occurred to me that it might be good to fill up the silence, so I grabbed the remote for my stereo, and activated the CD I had sitting in there.

Soon, Diana Krall's smoky alto voice played softly in the background. Her music has a soothing effect on me at the best of times, and relaxing with good wine and better food, it was almost magical. I waited until Bobbie was pushing her food around her plate, and then offered to clear the table. She nodded, and I suggested she relax in the living room while I cleaned. Afterwards, I topped up our wine glasses and went to join her.

When I got there, she had stretched her feet out onto the table. I noticed again how small they were, especially compared to my size 12 clodhoppers. Her head was back against the couch with her eyes closed, and I could see her swaying gently in time to the music. "Besame Mucho" had just started with a subdued yet passionate Latin rhythm. I didn't want to intrude on her moment, so I stood there silently watching.

Something amazing happens when you take the time to really look at another person, especially one you have a growing attraction for. I took in every detail of her, swaying to the music. I took in each nuance, things I would normally never see, just because I would usually be too busy to notice. I saw the small mole at the crook of her left elbow, and how her full lips formed a natural pout when she was resting. I realized that she must sculpt her eyebrows, because they were perfect in shape and length. I watched her breathing deeply, in time with the music, and noticed that under her heavy blue sweater, her body was fit and well shaped. The conservative gray flannel pants she wore were perfectly tailored, and showed that she was long in the leg for someone so small.

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Story of a girl

The wonderful sweet naughty willing girl -> CindyHow it all began...Cindy is a 21 year old Chinese girl, here is her story:Cindy was a typical girl-next-door sweet-looking type of girl and she was raised solely by her father. Relationship with father was never very close and she tends to rely on friends more than family. She always believe and trust in whatever her boyfriend say. Her boyfriend, Ken had pretty strange thinking and very sexual and has very strong liking for:bra fetish (a bit...

4 years ago
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- Денис перестань.- Да ладно Вера, тебе не нравится что ли, - томным голосом сказал Денис и продолжил свои попытки пропихнуть свою ладонь поглубже в трусы Вере, пока та стирала нагнувшись над ванной.- Не нравится, - ответила Вера, однако едва заметное придыхание вселило сомнение в Дениса, и он с удвоенной энергией устремился к цели.Однако Вера энергичными движениями бедер и локтей пресекла дальнейшие попытки Дениса. Денис выпустил из своих крепких объятий жену и стал думать, что не так. План по...

1 year ago
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Brotherly Love Part II

Note : This story is completely fictional! Working on her lower back and still merely gracing her ass, I decided to move around her hips, now gently brushing her inner thigh. Another thing that had always enticed me was her beautiful legs, and when I tired of massaging her hips, I formulated a plan to nonchalantly work my way into feeling her thighs up. I leaned over and started rubbing her feet. Over time, I worked my way up and onto her calves, and eventually I passed the knee line. I was...

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The Worlds First Futas Daughters 02 Futas First Naughty Awakening Chapter 3 Alyessas Afternoon of MILF Delights

Chapter Three: Alyessa's Afternoon of MILF Delights By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 August 21st, 2036 – Alyessa Howards Three days after Ms. Evans revealed that Mrs. North, the reverend's wife, was eager to fuck my futa-cock, I was trembling. I had an appointment to work in the Norths' yard, mowing the lawn and trimming the hedges. I did it once a week for them to earn money to help buy college supplies. I was leaving for college next week. This was my last chance. I couldn't believe...

4 years ago
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Whatever It CostsChapter 42

Sometime in early autumn, there rose a question about a sleepover party for the girls as an addition to Evelyn's birthday party. Like I could say no to Katy when she asked about it? I checked several times with Lindsay, to make sure it really was ok with her. She smiled and told me that Kathryn would also stay there and help her, and that they would have a party of their own. The look on her face actually made me blush. Shit. Back at home, alone, I was at a loss. I actually considered...

3 years ago
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43 Years in HidingChapter 2

I know my brother was there. Three years older than me at the time. I recall he had been off riding dirt bikes with one or more of the brothers on the trails that ran on their large parcel of land. I can see him rescuing me from their clutches as they held me down on the poor helpless girl. And yet her puzzling reaction to my not acting like the others before me. I realize now that she had been through something similar before this. Heaving sobs. Shock. Helping me pull my clothes back on,...

1 year ago
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I Fell in Love with the Caramel Feet of My Boss Free Sex Stories and Adult Erotica Stories

I had recently changed my job and I liked my new boss. She was not only stunning but also extremely sweet. I am James, 26 years old and always in search of fulfilling my dirty fantasies. She always wore either leather or suede high heels along with a shirt that amplified her bosom and a tight skirt that showed off her long caramel coloured toned legs. I have always been a sucker for well-toned legs and feet and I was crazily in love with them. I was going to experience Love with the Caramel...

2 years ago
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Encounter With The Ex After A Long Time

So, it’s been a while because I’ve been busy with university. But yeah now I have a lot of time to spare and recently something really hot happened that I had to share with all you people. I hope you guys remember my girlfriend from the first two stories. Well a few days after those stories we broke up, and it had been about three years. Last month it was her birthday and I got a notification on FB about it, so I thought I should just wish her, even though we don’t talk it’ll be a nice gesture,...

4 years ago
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The Orcish Raids

The small village of Brightan is a peaceful village near the edge of the kingdoms borders. There is nothing of interest in the village and it serves no strategic value but the people of Brightan live in peace. As per all villages in the kingdom the village has a small barracks in case of attacks from the tribes of Orcs and Goblins that still roam the kingdom mainly attacking trade caravans. The village also contained a small chapel where the people could pray to the goddess, a tavern, and...

3 years ago
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A Pirate Quest Chapter 3 Voyage to the unknown

Sabina stood on the deck of the ship. The day had finally arrived and they had set sail for the Caribbean. Sabina watched as the coast of England got smaller. She smiled to herself as she walked along the deck towards the stairs to the lower decks.She walked along the corridor meeting a few of the sailors along the way. They all nodded their heads at her. Everyone knew that Sabina was the one in charge of the ship for the next few months they would be working. They knew that they were going on...

2 years ago
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The Peeping Tom Day One

My story is inspired by my lovely neighbours, all of whom I have seen in a state of undress on numerous occasions. If I could, I would love to thank them for going about their daily business without closing their curtains. The story is fictional but each character is based upon the varied, but beautiful bodies and features of the women whose windows I overlook.The story starts on a Monday morning, I have a few days leave to use up, but my wife does not, so I take the week off to garden and...

1 year ago
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All Blacked Out

The wife Sue and I have just got back from holiday in Spain and she has had so much fun with the lucky lucky men, if you don't know what I mean by that they are the black men who walk round the beach selling sunglasses/watches/t-shirts ect ect. our 1st day we walked from our apartment to the beach which is a minute walk as we are just off the front. we paid for our sunbeds and we just got settled and our 1st lucky lucky man walk over to us, sunglasses good price he said, I replied sorry mate...

2 years ago
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A Trip To Kodaikanal

Hai I am Harsha from Kerala. This is my real life story which happened few years back. After my 12th exam our relatives planed a trip to Kodaikanal after visit Velankanni. We are 13 from four families, me and my mom, my mom’s brothers and their family and my mom’s elder sister and their family. So we decide to go by 2 cars, we reached there at 6:30 in the evening. My younger uncle and aliyan [brother in law my cousin sister’s husband] search for rooms but they come to know that all the hotels...

4 years ago
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Ichigo Fang 2 Wolven VCard part 2

Monday- Tommy awoke to hot breath and a tingly feeling on his dick. He opened one eye and looked down to see what was causing it. Apparently Dante had rolled over in his sleep because now his head was resting on Tommy’s abs and ever time he breathed, he tickled Tommy’s dick with his breath. That wasn’t the only thing- Dante was a drooler, Tommy now released, and a big pool of it had formed around Tommy’s abs and groined area- it was a cute scene but it kind of annoyed...

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Fehde am Gymnasium

Die Mädchen: Helen war im Grunde das typische, schüchterne Girl-Next-Door. Brünett, stabil gebaut. Mit Hang zum Dicksein, wenn sie nicht aufpasste. Kein Riesenhintern, aber rund genug, um ab und zu gehänselt zu werden. Und sie war zu schüchtern, sich dagegen zu wehren. Helen begann schon in der sechsten Klasse, eine Oberweite zu entwickeln. Während die anderen Mädchen noch auf den Ausbruch ihrer Pubertät warteten, trug Helen schon die ersten BHs, und zwar nicht, weil sie wollte, sondern weil...

2 years ago
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My secretary 2 going home

After your lunchtime affair with me, you had to go home without your knickers. I let you clean your face with them and kept them! And when you were typing the last letters from me, you also saw great stains of his sperm on your skirt! You couldn't go home like that. You went to the 'Ladies' to clean it, but you had to use so much water the skirt was soaking wet. Lucky for you, you came to work dressed in a long leather coat. You whipped off your skirt to see how exposed you'd be without it. It...

3 years ago
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Mom Replaced My Breastfeeding Sister

Hi, this is 32nd story written under the pen name of Sultana Sinha. My real name is Aloke a 36 yrs old, married Male from Patna Bihar. Many readers mail me thinking I am female. If you like the story, please say so via mail or Hi I am Manish(nickname Munna) again with second part of the story My Breastfeeding Sister. I hope all of you liked my earlier story. The story starts from the time my mom caught me fucking my sister. She was very angry with both of us. She beat me like anything but I...

1 year ago
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Some milk in her cocoa

Wanda is a slender black women with big boobs and a round butt to boot. She's 5ft6 with long toned legs and 32DD tits. She has sexy large lips and pretty eyes that are very naughty Mark: *I am laying in bed naked with a raging morning wood. You walk in the room dressed all up in a black corset and tiny black lace undies that leave very little to the imagination. I smirk at you* "mmm hey...." *I look you over* "mmm drop those panties babe your not gonna need em." Wanda *I...

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A Fathers Revenge

Part One: The Discovery August 15, 2010: Sam Johnson hated going into the bank. A long time computer nerd, he so much preferred doing everything possible online. Paying bills. Ordering gifts. So much simpler than having to go out and interact with people. Today's quest was something he always left to his wife Teresa, digging out the kids' birth certificates, immunization records and such to start the school year. Teresa though had an important client meeting out of town and convinced Sam to do...

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Bathtime With Niece

"Bath time, Uncle Bob," she said brightly. "Um?" said Bob, looking up from his book. His niece was naked. "I said it was bath time. Come on. I have cheerleader tryouts tomorrow and I have to get up early so I can get there, warm up and practice my cheers. Tub or Shower?" she finished. "Well, since you're in such a hurry, I suppose it should be shower tonight," said her uncle, and he got up. He untied his robe and dropped it to the floor, leaving him just as naked as his...

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Phil8217s Friend 8211 Part II

Informing my office that I had to go, in about half an hour due to traffic I was at home, I was really struggling to drive the car with all different thoughts of what I should do now, that even Mustaq her husband was away. Keeping my bag, looked around for her, she was in her bedroom, entering in I saw her sitting covered with the abaya cuddled in the corner on the mattress. Going close to her I asked her who came in and why she opened the door. She stood up trembling, unconsciously for the...

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Claudias Condition the HealingChapter 18

Erin St. Clair sat nervously on the bench in front of her apartment building waiting for Claudia and Dan to arrive. Her normal attire was a tank top and form-hugging cotton shorts. She smiled seeing his red Caddy turn into the curved driveway and stop by her. “Right on time!” She smiled, getting in the back seat and leaned over the seat to kiss them hello. “I can’t believe this is finally happening. Thank you so much for your support, Claudia and Dan. We’ll have to spend plenty of time in...

1 year ago
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BrownBunnies Evi Rei Fucks a Detective

Evi Rei got a visitor at her door, a police detective investigating a case in her neighborhood. She invited him in to ask her some questions. Evi thought that this would be a great opportunity to come on to him. She began flashing him her tits as he questioned her. He was not able to see it the first couple of times but eventually, he caught her in the act. From there, things escalated quickly and sooner rather than later she had his cock far down her throat. Evi Res got fucked by the detective...


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