- 3 years ago
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Hi, Thanks for all of the great responses to last week's story. It was as much fun to write as most of you seemed to think it was to read. And like a lot of you I still have that song in my head. This week I wanted to do something a little bit different for me. No gimmicks, just a story driven by the characters, and a question. I hope it's not too boring, but then there's always next week. Thanks again for reading them.
So many questions, so few answers. Can people truly change? Even if given a lifetime and the best reasons in world, can people change? More to the point can Ivy change? That's the real question in my mind as I look at her. I'd spent probably half of my life in love with this woman. She'd broken my heart twice. But on the heels of the greatest tragedy in my life she stands before me asking for a third chance to hurt me.
A big part of my heart tells me that I still love her in some capacity. It also tells me that though I loved my wife more, life goes on. Should my life go on with Ivy though? Can I take the risk? Would you?
I think that from the very first moment I saw her, I was in love with Ivy but also a little afraid of her. Maybe it's because I'm a bit more attuned to the mysterious powers that truly run the universe than the average guy. Maybe it's because I've already been burned twice before.
But now as Ivy stands before me promising to be with me forever, my mind is telling me to get the fuck out of here once and for all.
Another part of my mind is saying, "Yes do that, get out of here, but fuck her first."
I should mention though that no part of my mind is saying take her up on her offer, my heart though is another matter.
Let's go back near the beginning of our sad little tale and maybe you can understand my reticence to be with this goddess made flesh.
I remember the first time I saw Ivy. I was in my first year of teaching math at our local community college. Ivy was in one of my remedial math classes. At 26, she was a bit older than my regular students but not by much. For that matter I wasn't much older than my students either at 24. I was actually a lot younger than some were.
It was more than Ivy's age though that made her stand out from the crowd. It was ... well it was everything about her. Ivy to put it simply, was a goddess among women.
Okay you're already thinking about this the wrong way. Right now you have this tall willowy blonde with big hooters going through your mind don't you? Well put away your preconceived notions and get back to reality.
Ivy is barely 5 feet tall, she's nearly flat chested, and her hair is dark. Her hair alone could take weeks to describe. It is one of the most incredible things about her. It's very long and very thick. It's shiny and full of natural waves that seem to tumble over her shoulders and down her back nearly to her ass. Her hair seems to have a life of its own and often moves or swings in punctuation of her sometimes abrupt head movements.
Ivy's eyes always appear to be laughing, whether she's happy or horny or pissed. I think God made them that way to let us mere mortals know that this woman simply will not put up with not having a good time. Her nose is a mere button that was probably slapped in the center of her face as an afterthought.
Ivy's lips are simply incredible. They are so full and pouty that they could be artificially enhanced, but no collagen has ever been injected into them. When you look at her you can just imagine what it would be like to have those lips sucking on your...
Anyway those lips are also very expressive. I often found myself getting lost in them while I tried to teach about fractions or elementary algebra.
Ivy is, as I mentioned very small up top, she often lamented her lack of breast size but I really think she was the only one. Her nipples are incredibly sensitive and get very hard, with only a nasty thought.
Her waistline is small enough that you can put both hands around it, but from there down it's weird. Rational men can see that God has a hellified sense of humor. He often does things like giving women with the biggest natural tits, the absolute flattest asses he can, and vice versa.
In Ivy's case it almost looks like her top half and bottom half came from two different women. Ivy's ass is massive and almost geometrically perfect in its roundness. The term bubble butt was coined just to describe it.
Her thighs are full and round but taper down to tiny ankles and feet in a very graceful way. How the hell they got legs that long on a woman who stands barely 5 feet tall is one of the mysteries for the ages. I can't explain it all I can do is appreciate it.
Ivy's voice and laugh are like bait. Her laugh is infectious and melodic and she uses it a lot. Her voice is likewise neither high pitched or deep, but so melodious she may as well be singing. Ivy could get rich as a phone sex operator.
But again if you're picturing a very cultured vocal pattern and very sophisticated delivery, you'd be surprised because Ivy curses like a mule skinner, or a sailor.
A little past the four week point in the semester of that first class that I taught with Ivy in it, I was torn. On one hand most of the students in my class were passing it, but on the other hand a very few were not. Ivy was one of one's who was not passing.
She and I spoke often, and as I said, I was in love with her from the beginning, despite the things I'd heard.
I'd often catch Ivy staring at me while she was supposed to be working her problems, so I was sure she'd at least given me some consideration as well.
There was however, no way I'd even think of putting my job or ethics into question, by having any kind of relationship with a student though. I also knew that in a lot of cases, mutual attraction between a student and their instructor, magically vanishes when the class ends.
I guess Ivy thought about me a lot more than I thought she did, though because she came up to me one evening after class was over. I'd packed my books and papers into my book-bag when I noticed that Ivy and I were the only ones left in the room.
"Did you know that there are no rules in place, in this school that would prevent you from going out to eat with me?" she said, breaking the ice.
"Did you know that you're not even close to passing this class?" I asked in response.
"What the he'll does one thing have to do with the other?" she asked again. Then she let out the most musical laugh, I'd ever heard. It was as if mere mortals laughed with their lungs and their vocal cords, but Ivy laughed with her entire soul. She tilted her head back with that leonine mane of hair twitching with every syllable and just laughed.
"Do you think I'm trying to get you to go out with me to boost my grades?" she laughed. "Here, look at this," she said, handing me a sheet of paper. Early registration had started that's morning, and Ivy had signed up to take the class all over again.
"I suck at math," she laughed. "I'm trying my ass off, and I'm doing better in your class than I ever have in any math class ever. But I didn't think I'd pass it. I was expecting to take all of my math classes twice."
"Oh," I said. I had the feeling that I had just blown a golden opportunity. I had spent a considerable amount of time lately, jacking off to thoughts of Ivy, yet when she approached me I'd just ruined the possibility of it ever happening.
"Shit," she said, still smiling. "I really fucked this up didn't I? I guess I'm not psychic after all. I've been sitting here all of this time thinking that you liked me and were just too shy to do anything about it."
She looked at me again, as if she was analyzing me. "I guess it's a case of transference, huh?"
"A case of what?" I asked.
"Transference," she repeated. "In psychology we learned that people sometimes think that because they feel a certain way everyone else does as well or sometimes just specific other people. I guess I thought that since I like you so much, you felt the same."
She stood up she said this and started walking towards me. Her cropped top and incredibly tight jeans outlining her body with every step. The closer she got to me, the more I wanted her. It was amazing to me, the effect she had on me while fully dressed and in public.
"Are you sure you don't want to grab something to eat with me? Maybe just as friends, or to discuss what I can do not to fail your class twice?" she asked in a teasing little voice.
At that moment all of those creatures from Greek mythology and the SyFy network finally made sense. I was the incredible two headed man. One of my heads was telling me to get as far from Ivy as humanly possible. Meanwhile the other head wasn't saying shit, but it was hard enough that I could have driven nails into concrete with it.
"I am kind of hungry," I heard myself say.
Ivy followed me to the parking lot, chattering cheerfully the whole way. She told me about how she thought that she should follow me to the restaurant so she wouldn't have to come back and get her car. She was embarrassed by her car, a twenty year old Chevy S10 truck, but she intended to get a newer more environmentally friendly vehicle as soon as she graduated and started making more money.
She was awed by the fact that the university urged its staff to drive environmentally friendly vehicles like professor Morton's Toyota Prius.
"Why are we stopping here?" she asked. I pulled out my key fob and opened the door of my 09, 45th Anniversary edition Mustang GT. The car with its twin screw supercharger put out over 500 horsepower. It has 19 inch Helo tease black rims, with a custom body paint matching rim around their periphery. The oversized Shelby brake calipers had been painted to match the body panels as well.
All of the car's lights were blacked out and the windows were tinted as dark as legally possible. The car was a monster.
"Uhm how is this environmentally friendly?" she asked, tapping a tiny foot on the concrete.
"Shit, Ivy," I said, smiling. "The whole car is painted green. And it's got a row of leaves painted like they're lying across the hood and the door panels. You simply can not be more earth friendly that this. In fact my car's name is..."
She smiled even bigger and looked at me. The look was so enticing that I forgot what I was saying.
"Those aren't leaves," she said. "They're Ivy. And if you wanted me lie down and spread on your hood or any other place all you had to do was ask."
That conversation set the tone for our entire friendship. Notice that I used the word friendship, not relationship. Ivy and I had a great dinner at Texas Roadhouse, and we ended up sitting in the swing on my porch for a long time. She even called her babysitter and paid her a little more to stay with her kids longer. But we did not have sex.
I was pretty sure that we could have, but believe it or not it was me not Ivy saying no.
We'd spent the evening just talking. I don't think I ever had a more pleasant conversation with anyone in my life. We talked about everything we could think of. We got along perfectly. By the end of the evening we were sitting there in my porch swing wrapped around each other and holding hands. With that amazing ass pressed up against my dick that was harder than a cylindrical diamond, Ivy raised her lips to mine. When I moved away, she smiled, but I could tell she was disappointed.
"Awww," she said, kissing my hand instead. "You can't tell me we're still only friends after all of this. This has been the best date of my whole life."
"Mine too, Ivy," I said. "But this ... you're really special and I don't want to mess it up."
"Awww," she said again. "You are so sweet." she gave me one last hug, and started for her truck. As I watched Ivy's amazing hind quarters gently shifting their way down my driveway towards her truck, I felt my chest to make sure her nipples hadn't drawn blood when she hugged me.
She turned around and caught me staring at her ass, and smiled. "Last chance," she said.
I shook my head and said, "Nope," feeling like a fool.
"Don't worry," she said from the window of her truck. "You'll have plenty of other chances."
After that night, Ivy and I started seeing a lot of each other. She was the sweetest woman I'd ever met. She had a heart of gold and would give anyone the clothes off her back. I was sure that Ivy might just be the woman I wanted to marry.
On the other hand we hadn't had sex yet, due mostly again to me. I had trouble reconciling my sweet and wonderful friend with what I'd been told about her. Once I started dating her, people came out of the woodwork to tell me about her. Some of the things they told me I already knew. Ivy had told them to me herself. There were other things though that just don't often come up in polite conversation.
I knew that Ivy was 26 years old. I also knew that she had three children. Her oldest daughter Jasmine was 10. And she had another daughter Rose, who was 7 and her son Michael was 5. She'd also already told me that none of the kids had the same father. She was constantly going to court with this guy or that to arrange payment for back owed child support.
Ivy worked in a grocery store during the day and went to school three nights a week. Two of those night were spent in my math class and Ivy was still failing. Actually she was doing worse than before we started dating. She told me one night that she'd changed her math class next semester into a different section so she'd have another instructor.
When she saw that I was hurt, she told me that I could tutor her, but there was no way she could go through this twice.
"Go through what twice?" I asked. "Ivy you don't have to go out with me."
"I know that silly man," she said. "I'm not talking about your teaching. You're a great teacher, but unfortunately you're a better boyfriend. When I come to class now, I can barely concentrate. I just want to sit there and stare at you and imagine us fucking. But I know we're not going to until I'm out of your class, because of your ethics."
I just smiled at her. I was shocked that she thought of me as her boyfriend. That statement alone would launch a few loads of jizm into my sheets tonight, true or not.
"But seriously, Tim," she calls me Tim because that's my name. "I'm not sure I should be telling you this yet, but I think you're the man I'm supposed to settle down with."
Other students started coming into the classroom so she came closer to me and whispered her next statement softly. "Just think, as soon as I'm done flunking your class, every part of me will belong to you. You'll be able to do whatever you want to me. Whenever you want to."
Before I could say anything back to her she turned and walked to her seat. I put a few of the problems from the chapter on the board and told the students to solve them before the lecture. I walked around the classroom looking at what my students were doing. I helped a couple of them that were stuck. And corrected a few who had the wrong answer or had used the wrong method to solve the problems.
When I got to Ivy, I dropped a note on her desk and walked right by. I'd written the note when I assigned the problems. It was very short only three little words and a name. "I love you, Ivy."
I looked back at her a few minutes later and saw that she was doing one of those bizarre things that only women and rodeo clowns can manage. She was smiling and had huge tears rolling down her cheeks at the same time.
A few minutes later, she gathered her things and ran out of the classroom. I was puzzled and to be truthful, a little bit upset. I wondered why she'd left, and if she'd come back.
I guess in a very real way, I was torn. The same way I am right now. I guess I've always been confused about Ivy. It took me a long time to realize that with Ivy being what she is, I can't judge her the way you judge normal women.
The Pagans and many other religious sects worship an earth deity. This goddess is on one hand benevolent and makes the plants grow and brings gentle rain to provide water, yada yada yada. But on the other hand that same bitch brings tornados and hurricanes and volcanic eruptions that devastate the planet and kill many of those same plants and small animals. It doesn't make any fucking sense.
Ivy was the same. On one hand she was my sweet, kind, gentle and loving friend. Notice I didn't say girlfriend. That whole girlfriend/boyfriend thing was Ivy's words. I had never asked her to be exclusive. You're viewing things the way she did through girl logic.
Girl logic is the way that women view things. It is not an exact science, it isn't based on any logical or rational set of rules or laws, and it morphs constantly. In Ivy's mind we were boyfriend and girlfriend because she thought we were.
Okay I know what you're thinking. Yesiree Bob! I had just passed her a note saying I loved her. But shit, I love Eva Mendes too, but it doesn't make her my girlfriend. I love my Mustang more than I love most people, but it won't make her human. Love has its limits.
I did and do love Ivy. She is just as beautiful and just a sweet and wonderful as I've described her, but she's more like that Earth goddess than a woman.
On one hand she's the sweet and kind woman I've described. But on the other hand, my Ivy is probably the biggest whore I've ever known. Ivy will probably fuck any guy who looks at her. I'm always amazed at the sheer volume of guys who come up to me and tag me on the back and tell me how lucky I am to be fucking Ivy.
It made me feel like I was part of some worldwide fraternity composed of men in every country and every city on the face of the earth. Our only connection is that fact that somewhere or some-when, we've all been lucky enough to glimpse that special view of heaven, that is visible only between Ivy's thighs. But in my case it's like I'd stolen my membership card because I hadn't been there yet.
Ivy herself has in her honesty, made no secret of the fact that she loves to fuck. Most people do. And I've read enough articles to know that no matter how much pussy a guy has had, he'd have to probably triple it to come close to the number of dicks his wife or girlfriend has had. There are probably a few exceptions to this rule of course, there are some women who stayed relatively pure until they got married. But let's face it the average woman can have sex with nearly any man she wants just by letting him know she's willing.
Ivy on the other hand puts them to shame. Ivy and I have never talked about the number of people we've been with. But if even a quarter of the things I've heard about her are true, she probably has her own category in the Guinness book.
She's done it all gangbangs, sports teams, and every kinky thing you can name or imagine.
To be truthful, unlike what Ivy thinks, it isn't any sense of ethics that's keeping us from having sex. It's a combination of things. First I'm intimidated as to how any normal male could ever please a pagan sex goddess. And even if I did, how long would it be before I was just another notch on her sexual gun-belt.
She obviously has big notches and little ones. The small notches are just names somewhere in her memory. The really big notches are the ones she'll remember for at least 18 years while she chases them down for child support.
I really did love Ivy, but I just couldn't see any kind of future for us. I'm a one woman man, and I needed to know that my woman was the same way. I just didn't think that Ivy could be that girl.
In fact despite all of her talk of love and all the rest of it, I was sure that Ivy was still fucking guys left and right while we were dating.
I remember picking Ivy up from the store she worked at one Saturday morning. We squeezed Ivy, myself and all three of her kids into my Mustang. Luckily all of her kids were small. I'd picked up the kids first while Ivy worked the early morning shift. When I went into the store to get Ivy so we could have a picnic in a nearby state park, she was trying to settle an argument between two of the store's janitors.
They were about to come to blows because one of the guys had used the others' special mop. The way that Ivy calmed them down and the things she said told me a lot about her.
"He knows it's your mop, Steve," she told one of the guys. "But all of the mops were bought to keep the store clean, so if you weren't using it, someone else may as well use it." Then she very affectionately elbowed him in his side, and said, "Right?"
The man had smiled and nodded right back at Ivy and I knew then and there that he had fucked her, and probably intended to again. The look on his face also told me that he expected to relatively soon.
I guess I'd been thinking of Ivy as my mop. But clearly it didn't matter how much I cherished her. In her mind any time we weren't together, anyone else could use her. That kind of put things in perspective for me.
I left the store before Ivy saw me and got back into the car with her kids. Jasmine Ivy's oldest daughter leaned into the front seat as usual to talk to me. "Tim, what did my mommy have to do to be your girlfriend?" she asked.
"Who told you that your mom was my girlfriend?" I asked her.
"Everybody," she said. "My grandma even said she hopes that mommy can stop being a hoe, so she doesn't lose you."
"Jazz do you know what any of that even means?" I asked, hoping that the little girl was shielded from the details of her mother's sex life.
She nodded her head seriously. "If mommy loses you, can I be your girlfriend? I'm not a hoe."
"I think I'm a little old for you Jazz," I said just as Ivy sat down in the car.
"Who's a little old for Jazz," asked Ivy smiling. "Does my girl have a boy in her sights already? And speaking of being in someone's sights. Marsha told me you were in the store honey. You should have come and waited for me." She reached out to kiss me and I pretended not to notice.
The picnic went great that day, except for the fact that I avoided spending any time alone with Ivy. What I'd seen in the store started me thinking about the true nature of our relationship. I guess it made me think about where I saw us going and how.
I truly loved Ivy, more than I'd ever loved any woman in my life at that time, but I suddenly realized that things would never, could never work for us. My plan until then had been to ask Ivy to marry me as soon as the semester was over. I'd even started seriously looking at and inquiring about engagement rings.
I guess in my mind since Ivy often told me that I was the only man she was dating, and also the only man other than their fathers that she allowed around her kids, that it meant something. Now I saw that though she hadn't lied to me, my own foolishness had put ideas in my head.
I thought that since she wasn't dating anyone else, that she wasn't fucking anyone else either, silly me.
When most of us go to the dentist, we know that it's probably going to be painful. We go anyway because we know that in the long run, short time pain is better for us than a more serious health problem. That's why I went to Ivy's store the next day while she wasn't working.
Marsha recognized me and came and told me that Ivy wasn't working. I told her that I was planning something for Ivy and needed some help from the two guys who worked in the back. Marsha told me to go on back and see Dave and Steve, but not to stay too long because they hardly ever did any work anyway.
Dave was sitting in the back on a stack of crates. I knew he was Dave by the nametag on his shirt. "Hey Dave," I said. He nodded at me. He knew I seemed familiar but he couldn't remember where he knew me from.
"I need to ask you a question, but I need you to keep it between you and me," I said. He nodded again. "How long have you been fucking Ivy?" At first he got nervous, but when he saw that I wasn't upset he just smiled.
"About 3 years," he said. "It started the first day I came to work here."
"Has it slowed down any in the past 2 months?" I asked. He thought about it for a while, as Steve joined us. "Actually, I think I'm getting more now," he said.
"More what?" asked Steve.
"I've been getting more pussy from Ivy these past few weeks," snapped Dave. "If it's any of your business. How about you? Do you think the truck drivers are getting more too?"
I just walked away as they started arguing. "You dumb ass," I heard Steve say. That was the guy she wants to marry, why would you tell him you were fucking her. Now we all might get cut off."
"Don't worry about it guys," I told them from the doorway. "I have no intention of getting anyone cut off."
I left the store with an empty hole in my chest where my heart used to be. I went and saw the Dean of my college and asked him if it was too late to change my mind about accepting the job teaching algebra at the state university. Originally I'd turned the job down even though it meant more money and more prestige because I didn't want to leave the area and Ivy.
He told me that as far as he knew they still didn't have anyone and he was pretty sure the job was mine if I wanted it. I told him that I did and he made a phone call.
After he got off the phone he told me that I could drive up to the state capital and meet with them the following evening. I reminded thin that I had class tomorrow evening as well. He told me he'd have someone cover my class. I thanked him and headed for my evening class.
When I got to class Ivy was standing in front of the door waiting for me. I opened the door and started putting problems on the board. She and the other students filed into the room and took their seats. Class went as usual, with Ivy sitting in the front row staring and smiling at me the whole time. When I walked around the room helping students work their problems, I sat down next to her.
"You really should try to work some of the problems, so you can pass next time," I said. "I hope your next instructor treats you better."
She looked at me with a funny look and stopped smiling. "Tim, in my whole life, no man has ever treated me better than you do. Remember that note you gave me last class?" she opened a heart shaped locket around her neck and pulled out the note. It was folded very small so it would fit inside the locket.
"This is the exact same way I feel about you," she said smiling again. "Do you know that I think about you all fucking day long? And my kids love you too, Tim. Even Jasmine does, and she doesn't like anything or anyone. That girl doesn't even talk to her own father, but she talks to you."
"I love her too," I said. I had to try really hard not to cry while class was going on.
Somehow though I managed to make it through the rest of the night. In the last hour of class I reviewed everything the class would need to know for the final exam the following week. They all cheered when I handed out a take-home practice test that would show them the types of problems they'd need to know how to solve for the final.
"So where are we going?" asked Ivy.
"Ivy I have to get up very early tomorrow. I have to drive up to the state capital for a meeting. I'm sorry it just came up," I said.
Her face exploded in a smile. "That's what you've been so down about?" she asked. "Look silly man, I told you that I love you. One day apart isn't going to hurt us. We're going to be together forever. Walk me to my truck." She started laughing again. "You really had me scared for a while. You had me thinking you were about to give me the speech all of my girlfriends get, when a guy doesn't want to fuck them anymore."
"Haven't you ever gotten that speech yourself," I asked.
She looked at me as if I'd just asked her the silliest question in the world. "I've never had a man not want to keep fucking me, for any reason," she said. "But you'll find out yourself soon enough." she was smiling at me like a shark smiles at a smaller fish.
I walked Ivy to her truck and as she got into it, I turned and walked towards my car.
"Aren't you forgetting something?" she asked.
"Sorry, goodbye Ivy. I'll see you when I get back," I said. Then I got into my Mustang and drove away, leaving her puzzled.
The next day I was given a tour of the much larger state university by the head of the math department, Dr. Colleen Bennett. She was a beautiful woman. She was very tall and slim. She had nice boobs and seemed to want them to be seen. We had a pleasant conversation while we walked. She asked me about my career plans and liked my answers. She told me what the job paid and told me that they had several candidates they were considering.
She said that most of the other candidates either had no teaching experience, or too much teaching experience and not enough pure math education or experience, so if I wanted the job and could let her know within a reasonable amount of time, the job was mine.
"Is now soon enough?" I asked her.
"You're hired," she said. "When can you start?" I noticed that she was touching my arm even as she asked me this.
Greta and I left the Bulls to their own devices. I had a couple of meetings I had promised to attend, and the last town forum was being run that afternoon. It was the candidates’ last chance to convince the locals to vote for them. Things had been going well for the first half hour then a few people started asking strange questions of the clerks’ that were running for election and Anna and Nat. They wanted to know things like what spells I had put on them and how often they had to fuck...
Caroline – Part 1: Ch. 1.6: Good and Bad! (Hi, please read the intro to Ch 01 so you’ll know what to expect. It isn’t strictly necessary to read the earlier chapters but I hope you will. Now this episode. I worried for quite some time about including this. There is some mild violence – this is the ONLY example of SM in my story – and I’m not sure how it will be received. By way of explanation, I don’t plan my writing, my characters just take me along and this is where they went! It did,...
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Hey, thank you for the suggestions and responses for my previous sex story. I have been writing about my sexual experiences for a while now. You may click on my profile and read my previous experiences. I have been writing it as it happened and in the exact order. So, after having sex with the lab attendee, I went back home and for the day after the old man invited me to go out with him, I assumed it was for pleasure as I hoped. Instead, it was to a beach that he took me. I was wearing a Khaki...
Hello dosto, kaise ho aap sab? I hope sab sahi salamat honge. Is Covid-19 ke samaya me, aap sabhi apna khayaal rakhe. Stay at home, and read iss stories. Masturbate kare, aur kisi ko chode, aur safe rahe. Chaliye ab main apni kahani ka agla part shuru karta hu. Pichle part me aapne padha tha, ki main apni wife ke kehne par uski saheli Seema ka haal dekhne gaya. Fir Seema aur meri khoob baate hui, aur aadhi raat ko wo mujhe maalish dene lagi. Uski maalish se main garam ho gaya, aur mera lund...
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I sat naked on marcella’s face – astride her huge back melon breasts, just enough to suck my balls, as they hung over her mouth. She was really good at this, as her soft tongue caressed my scrotum and she slowly took one ball into her mouth at a time. Once in a while, she would lick the shaft of my erect manhood and on another between the crack of my butt cheeks, she would tongue my anus. Then she filled her mouth with spittle and sucked both my globes together – oh what a mind blowing session...
That Friday night, I was feeling a bit down and hence decided to take off of Saturday. I told my wife so. She, however, insisted that I should go to work, since I would be requiring some holiday the next month. I had mentally decided to take off and that night, since my son was out of town, I enjoyed the usual sex with my wife and slept peacefully. Next day morning, when I got up, I found my wife besides me, staring at me. I smiled and started fondling with my member. I asked her to suck me,...
Incest-- THURSDAY, MAY 22, 2008, THREE MONTHS LATER -- “Dead cow, dead chicken, or dead mystery meat?” The beautiful blonde coed with big tits and blue eyes jutted her hip out to the side and put the other hand on it. Giving me an amused look, she asked, “Haven’t we done this before?” I grinned and replied, “Indeed we have.” And without waiting for further response, I grabbed a grilled chicken breast with my pair of tongs and dropped it onto her plate. Tammy Toth grinned, got up on her...
You’ll enjoy this more if you read Chapters 1, 2, and 3 of ‘Kim, Lynn, and Me’ first. If you like this, leave glowing public comments and votes of ‘5’, please, and tell all your friends. For new readers, the story so far: Lynn has come down from Anchorage to join Kim and me for a three-day weekend together. We’d never met Lynn in person, but we’d done things via the webcam and were all very close. Kim and Lynn hit it off fabulously when they met on Friday evening. Saturday, while in the...
OBERON’S LATEST ACQUISITION FORWARD: this story is collaboration, originally written as an online role play between my step daughter Tia and a lovely guy known as OBERON on the game Nabber’s Empire after reading there exchanges where Tia was using one of my Avatar bots was so impressed at her story writing and his role play that I asked if I could adapt and expand it to make it more story like. Some of this story may seem a little strangely written as I wanted to keep as much of their...
Thursday, June 7, 2007 Almost immediately after I crossed into America, when not diverting around the many missile silos there were, I was searching for the things I needed for my various contingency plans. I had several of those: Three different ways of flying away with my ill-gotten gains afterward: by Flying Sled, by taking over an Air Force plane, or by covertly flying immediately under an independent Air Force plane so our radar images merged. With the loot I was hoping to...
Hanes got the call on his phone after we had been sitting in the DQ for almost an hour. "I got good news and bad news." He didn't give me any options, he just started. "The good news is there are no microphones in your house. The bad news is your video feed and cell phone have been hacked." "Well it's about as bad as I expected. The video and phone could be hacked from anywhere in the world. The bugs would have required someone to come to this small town. They would have stood out. So...
JOHN There is smoke everywhere. And flashes of flame. I have to do something! From glimpses of details through the smoke, I'm in some part of the school. People are running around. A lot of them are looking at me, expecting, demanding that I do something. I pull out a rope and do a trick. Nothing happens. They look at me as the smoke gets thicker. I pull a quarter out of someone's ear, but that doesn't help either. A girl in front of me is slumping to the floor, coughing and unable to...
Aren stared mindlessly into the pot of soup he was cooking. He couldn’t believe he had kissed Gin. It had been on his mind the whole weekend so he had been trying everything imaginable to occupy himself. That included gourmet cooking. Normally, he settled for preparing things like spaghetti or a toasted sandwich for meals, but he was a fantastic cook. He only enjoyed it sometimes, though the results nearly always pleased him. Today he had prepared tomato Florentine and homemade breadsticks. ...
There was very little traffic on the roads that Sunday morning, which was okay by me. I, my sister and her friend Melissa were on our way into the city proper.They often invited me to their outings, though perhaps the fact that I had a car was partly responsible for that. I really did enjoy their company though. Melissa was a fun, not to mention attractive, girl and my sister and I had always gotten along well."Aren't we there yet?" Melissa called out from the backseat."What are you, a k**?"...
I rolled over and opened my eyes, expecting to see Daddy's handsome, restful face, but I snapped awake when I saw that resting on his pillow instead was the thick, wooden frat paddle. I blinked awake and ran my hand over its smooth surface. Daddy rarely used it on me and I did a quick memory scan to try to find some infraction that would warrant punishment with it. I felt I had been good lately. I had done my chores and my exercise. A shiver went through me as I realized that soon the smooth...
BDSMHe pushed me outside of the bar, my body was sticky from the humid atmosphere, yet my nipples were still erect, erect for him. As my back hit the stone of the wall my body shook, partly from the force in which he did it and the other half from sheer arousal. My cunt was dripping for him but he teased me, tracing his fingers along my thickened wet lips over the lace of my black panties, I begged for him to enter me, to fuck me with his long thick fingers until I came, yet he didn’t. I reached...
I've been married to my wife Joy for 20 years. She's 42 years old, 5'2", 115 lbs, long brown hair, and NICE 34B tits that love to be sucked. She enjoyed the place she worked at but it was boring to her. After a little over a year in this job I jokingly told her that she should get a job in a "jack-shack". That's what we call the "Adult Entertainment" businesses located around the front gate of our local military base. In these "jack-shacks" guys pay to sit and watch a porno movie while a girl...
EroticA couple of years ago, the poor health of my parents required me to leave my husband and kids for a couple of weeks to travel away from home. My parents live in the same town as my trip was unhappy, it allowed me to spend some time with them as well. My sister Barbara and her husband Nick are much older than me by about 15 and 20 years. I was 35 at the time of this trip. I developed a womanly figure in my very early teens. I am a green-eyed blond with a petite but voluptuous figure, and most...
EroticI was late for the office that day, noting unusual there, I have never had the reputation of being on time. I grabbed my laptop bag, planted a kiss on my wife’s lips and bid her goodbye. We have enjoyed a great relationship from the first day of our marriage. She is neither one of those who will blindly follow whatever I saw nor like those Indian women who dominate their household. Long story short, we shared such great bond that I rarely had a problem in my marital life. Though recently I have...
Sara Wesek paused a moment, brushed the dried, crushed soma-tea leaves from her hands. She stood anxiously in the private chamber of the great lord - her lord, her lover - Iosoan Lei. As was her accustomed chore whenever a foreign dignitary was granted audience at the palace, she prepared the great lord's finest tea for host and guest alike; sixteen cups she had gathered, fire hot and water set to boil. Her eyes searched the room, seeking some thing which might cause her delay. She normally...
It all started from his dorm room, where his roommate, for the third year now, use to go out and come back in and tease Dab about not getting any. It's not that Dab was not interested in the opposite sex but whenever he tries to talk to a girl he likes, he fails to find words or make complete sentences even though he's a straight A English person, thus Dab had not even had a girlfriend. Dab stood at 5 8' and had dark hair to complement his brown complexion right throughout. He was not a...
[first story in possible series. all characters are over the age of sixteen] Mr. Anderson’s senior biology was one of the most boring classes in our small town school. Always late to class, even the late stragglers that get to their lockers after the late bell, always manage to make it to their seats before he makes it into the room. As the bell rang, I just happened to realize I was just one of those kind of people. The room was one of the larger ones, filled with all kinds of table, but the...
By : Suck Hot1 Hi! Mera naam Vinod haa par mee apnee nickname Suckhot1 (mail id: ) se apnee nett dostto see chat kartaa huu. Meree saree stories sacch haa readers manee yaa naa manee ye un par nirbhar kartaa haa. Meree abhee ek nayee net frend baneee haa. Uskaa naam ha Rani Agarwal ab aagee kee story Rani kee sexy aur metthe shabdo mee Mee Rani Kanpur se huu. Pahlee mee apnee friend’ ko ek chhotee se request haa aur mujhee puraa yakeen haa kee hott and horny readers mere is request koo amal...
Hi! This is Vatsal from Gujarat back again. This is the final part of the story. Thank you guys, for having the patience and reading all the parts. But I have felt the need to share everything as it was some wonderful experience for me. Manali and Ravindra had recorded their intimacy while I and my reader’s wife Ravisha went out for a drive. They both were unaware of the fact that we had sex in the car. We saw their video and that really turned us all. Now, the jealousy was over. The only thing...
Tuesday September 27 When I returned from my run, I saw that Paul was already here. Chuck hadn’t figured out that if he came early, my mom would feed him breakfast. Both Paul and Fritz seemed to take full advantage of the arrangement. I found Mom making stuffed French toast, one of my favorites. “Morning,” she said as she handed me a plate. “What’s your plan for the day?” “After football, I’m going to Granny’s West and help Tracy shoot her video blog. I’ll grab dinner there.” “I’ll tell...
Wednesday, January 6, 1988 Mark and I met the girls at their campsite before we hiked over to the mountain biking area. The line wasn’t too long. We finished our 40-minute ride through the bush around 10:30 in the morning. We passed the fork off the Adventure Trail. “You up for some privacy and fun?” I asked, trying sound seductive as I begged for another chance to get laid. “I like the idea of finding somewhere private for fun but the mosquitoes ate me alive yesterday,” Tess...
Steve came over as my mom packed for her trip. She gave him instructions on what she wanted for me while she was gone. Take it easy, he said. This isn't the first time I watched him while you were gone. Smiling she said I'm sorry. I can't help it. Steve and I went to his house. I put my things in the guest room and came back out front. I like staying at his house. He likes playing video games with me. We played a few games before eating dinner. After playing a couple more games I took my shower...
How many colours a fire can burn. This is all the dreamer could remember thinking as his father grabbed him about the waist and ordered the brother to grab his mother. The father and son dragged son and mother from the burning colours. Thatch, wood, cloth. All burning. Later that day the dreamer would add another colour to the list. That of burning flesh. The father set the dreamer down outside what remained of our hut. Time had made it so the dreamer could barely remember the face of the...
After graduating about four years early from my college of being a Doctor, I really didn’t have much to do with my life. I was an insanely smart young- adult, graduating High School at 16 years old and graduating from college at age 20. It wasn’t common to see such smart people around these days but in some instances, you do. I could easily make $100,000 a year with my degree but of course, that’s not exactly what I wanted to do. A year ago, I had been reading about the FBI cracking down...
Evangeline Collins was unhappy. Ed Bradley had insisted on going to a Super Bowl party that afternoon and she had been unable to dissuade him. Vangie paid less than no attention to football or football games but Ed had said something about a special interest in this one. The party was at a friend's duplex apartment on the Upper East Side of Manhattan. Fortunately, Vangie found that most of the other women there shared her total lack of interest in the game so they were talking about the...
All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Actions, situations, and responses are fictional ONLY and should not be attempted in real life. All characters involved in sexual activity in this story are over the age of 18. If you are under the age of 18 or do not understand the difference between...
Unfettered waves of heat rolled through my body in a strengthening tide, and I trembled as he pressed himself harder and harder against me. Why Mr. Werner, I thought, you do know how to get a girl turned on. The clothes, though… they were beginning to get on my nerves… My mind flicked back to the memory of him locking the door, and I knew that his mind must be on the same track as mine. The kiss that locked us together was as intense and lusty as I’d ever experienced, and I knew he was just as...
Love StoriesShe is now naked from the waist up. I notice Jack appears to be a little nervous, and he avoids looking at his daughter's pert, young breasts. Krissy gets a pair of scissors to cut the price tag off, then sits on the kitchen table next to Jack while she prepares the blouse to put it on. She just casually sits there topless while we have conversation. Her breasts must be less than a foot from Jack's face so it is pretty hard for him to not stare at them. Krissy finally gets the tags cut off,...
Alan jumps in the car for the daily trip into town with his girlfriend's mum, Mrs Chalmers.He's been thinking how to bring up last night. He's still thinking resulting in an awkward silence.After a few minutes, Helen breaks the silence. "Alan, about last night. I hope you weren't creeped out. I guess that it looks really weird and you, and Kate, must think I'm scary. " She doesn't really mean it but she wants to give an easy way to let Alan talk about it. It works."No worries. We talked about...
We were late in getting back from the concert. Cindy was tired but I had taken some speed so I was wired. We decided to stay at her place for the night since her parents were away. We were supposed to have the house to ourselves but as we pulled in I saw that her older brother's light was on. He must be home from school. We go in and head straight for her room. Cindy just gets into bed, clothes and all. I take my time and undress down to a tank and panties. I crawl into bed with her. I can't...
Introduction: WARNING… this story contains a lot of rape.. punishment. This story is about one girl that gets to payback those that have abused her Everyone thought they knew me, but they didnt. For as long as I remember I hated who I was. When I was younger it was never an issue. I played with the boys and no one said a thing, but when my body changed, everything changed with it. First the people around me changed. They told me what to do and when to do it, and then the boys around me changed,...
Her pussy still twitching hotly, Melanie stood in silence by her husband. Above them, the stars twinkled brightly in a moonless sky, and the young couple listened to the sounds of the desert without speaking. Both of them were confused by what had been happening in the recreation room of the spa, but the widening gulf in communications between them left no way of telling each other what they felt deep inside. Melanie was frightened by the intensity of the lewd sensations still raging in her...
Note : This story is completely fictional! Chapter 2 From the look on Dad's face, I could tell that he was in no mood to talk. After all, he had just caught me in a lie when I told him earlier that day that he and my brothers and grandfather were the only men that I had fucked since I left home for college. The truth was that I had become another family's sex toy and the proof was standing right in front of him. "I asked you, Girl, who in the hell are these people, and why did this man have his...
IncestAndrea continued to try to protest against me going in alone. Even with my abilities and the anticipation that my family would probably try to hurt me while I was trying to help them, she only saw worst-case scenarios. "I'm not going in expecting any of this to be easy. I'm not really fighting Randal. I'll be working against their deepest, darkest impulses amplified to the point of insanity. I'm not going to try to reason with them, this will be completely by force." "Do you really...
Feedbacks at Couple of weeks passed….We…Myself and kavita used to talk about the exciting encounter with prakash and she used to blush with a naughty smile on her pretty face….Her milky white cheeks used to get red with a rush of blood remembering the event often…Prakash also used to call and talk to myself and also to kavita…Prakash requested for another meeting but kavita was not ready for that…Gradually prakash stopped calling to kavita…Once he called me up and reminded to make a plan for...
Hi dosto, kaise hai aap? Main hu Kaushal. Mujhe kafi din se kafi logo ke mail aa rahe the ki iss story ka next part batane ko. Sorry dosto main late ho gaya. Toh yeh iss story ka last part hai. Toh aap sab ye jaante hi hoge ki kaise maine pata lagaya ki kon bathroom mein fingering karta tha. Aur fir kaise maine Preeti ko choda. Preeti aur mere bich jo bhi hua use aapne last story mein padh toh liya hi hoga. Woh sab main kabhi nahi bhul sakta. Preeti jitni sundar, hot, sexy ladki mujhe aaj tak...
The New Hire By Cal Y. Pygia Norman Bancroft wasn't exactly crazy about the job. For one thing, the pay sucked, and there was zero chance for promotions. In addition fairly long periods of boredom were relieved--if one could call driving several hundred miles per day for several days in a row relief--by trips from one of the railroad's distant job sites to another somewhere in the northwestern quadrant of the United States. At least the job driving workers from site to site paid...
Sincere thanks to reviewers of my first story. You were all very kind. Decisions, Decisions by Joannebarbarella An unfamiliar sensation woke me. I am Lady Diana Spencer, soon to be Princess of Wales and last night my future husband Charles and I attended a Ball. It was not surprising that we were crowned king and queen of the event as I was wearing the dress in which I will be married and Charles his full-dress uniform. We were surely the most handsome couple there. It was rather...
Beth sighed as she addressed the last envelope and licked it. Her tongue hurt from all the thank-you notes she'd sent out. But she felt it was her duty to do them herself. After all, she'd gotten a lot of nice gifts from her friends at the wedding shower. And ... a girl only got married once. She turned to look at all the "loot" as her little brother called it. He'd barged in during the shower, while she was holding up a negligee that was almost completely see-through. Then he'd made a...
So I was 26 and remember the exact month and day this happened. I suspect that everyone does as it seems to be such a watershed moment for everyone. By ‘everyone’ I am referring to trans girls and men who date them. She was Latin/Mexican and dated on and off for many months. I recall it began as friends and he telling me how hard it was for trans women to find suitable straight male partners due to the acceptance thing.First a primer on ‘generalities’ regarding Latina transgender females. I can...
It was Sunnudag evening, and I was sitting with Frode in the darkened herbal shop. Linnea and I had come to the shop again this morning, called a doctor there who had then alerted the city police and, by afternoon, the caretaker had taken the body away for the funeral. Everything had gone exactly as Frode had said it would. The doctor hadn’t seen anything mysterious about her death and the city police didn’t want any extra hassle and therefore they listened to the doctor. After all, nothing...
The sun was just cutting through the Las Vegas smog when Paul and Cy brought the newly widowed man back to his kids. Jamie, Ester and Claudia were setting in Cy's living room with the door to the guestroom open. The two children could be seen, fast asleep, on the king-size bed. Rhonda and Jeff had skipped out for a quick breakfast. Cy led the ashen man to the easy chair in the corner of the room. Claudia immediately handed the man a large glass of brandy. "Can I have a cigarette?" asked...
Synopsis: A chance encounter with a group of French teenagers has drawn Englishman Colin deVilliers into the JOKER organisation- a Paris based sex production company. After some hair raising scenes filmed at a local studio and an evening at an ‘off-the-wall’ night club at which any deviation is permitted, Colin sets about scripting a feature length film loosely based on his earlier life. Now read on. Part II – L’Ecole During the following days I drafted the outline of the scenes, some based on...
EroticI called my little asian princess and told her I was coming over, she told me she was working hard and I said that was fine I won't stay long. When I got to her house she let me in, she gave me a key to her house and told me to come in when I get there. I went downstairs to where she works and said hello, she told me it was a long day for her because she had been working so hard. I told her I understood, I spun the chair around she was sitting in and pulled down her pants and panties, "she...
She was extraordinary! She was special. She was the type of woman that attracted everyone’s attention when she walked into a room. I knew a beautiful woman when I saw one. Working in Atlantic City, I was constantly surrounded by women of beauty and elegance. A big perk that accompanied the job. I had seen all kinds of people from the rich and arrogant to the destitute and hopeful. Here in the casinos, they didn’t care about your appearance or attire, that you showed up and spent your money was...
Although our relationship was ... I'm not sure of the right word – resolved? Settled? That didn't mean Betty moved into my room. We didn't even start making love. I wanted to, but, well, I didn't have a lot of confidence in my ability to please Betty that way, and also I was very uncertain whether she'd want to, you know, before we actually married. We did begin cuddling and kissing in the evenings after Sally was in bed, and kissing in the morning before breakfast and before leaving for...
Kira was still in my arms when I woke early the next morning. I squeezed her tight, uncertain a moment if we'd really made love the night before. The wetness between my legs suggested that we had.I found myself starting to rock against her, small movements of my hips against where Kira's ass nestled into my body. She slept for a while and I imagined what it might be like to have a penis, to slip into her virgin hole and make love to her like a man. Like I imagined Dexter might soon do.I can...
House of Feminization 3 By Catherine 12 I was awake now, early, I gathered from the sun attempting to rise over the eastern mountains that I could glimpse through the open velvet curtains of my now familiar pink room, and I looked around while still clutching the comforter tightly to my chin. I noticed the blonde ringlets protruding out from the corners of the blanket and pulled the cover off quickly as I rose to a sitting position. Oh my god! Immediately I felt the sensation...
This story is a work of fiction despite being inspired by true events. Any similarity to real people living or dead is coincidental. All characters involved are 21 or older. ************ Background: Dominic (our narrator) was good friends with the lead female throughout high school. Despite there being an attraction, it never went anywhere. Dominic, having returned from college on holiday, throws a big coming home party with his hometown friends. My parties are legendary. By no means was I...