44 Anonymous Valentines free porn video

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When the doorbell rang, George Washington Harper was in the kitchen making his morning coffee. It was a ritual that George had no intention of interrupting, with only 30-seconds or so remaining in a process that would result in the perfect cup of coffee.

"Who in heaven's name would be out today, anyway?" he asked himself out loud. He looked out the back window and saw that the temperature on thermometer was still hovering below 20 degrees. Not the coldest it had ever been here in town, but plenty cold.

The whole week had been cold and snowy, and although it was warming up now, that made it worse in a way — what had been fresh, powdery snow at the beginning of the week was now a combination of a layer of icy crust laying atop a layer of slightly compressed snow, that above a nasty sheet of ice at the bottom.

Conditions were perfect for someone to take a couple of steps, hit the slippery ice at the bottom, and fall on their 'keister', as his dad had called it. Just his luck if someone were to break a hip on his sidewalk and sue him for their own stupidity.

The doorbell rang again, only this time it wasn't letting up, as if someone was leaning on it.

A guilty feeling swept over George, as he tried to finish up the coffee. He recalled that he hadn't shoveled the snow off his walk, between the sidewalk and his porch, for days.

"Ridiculous," he said out loud again. He realized that talking to himself was a kind of mental crutch to offset the silent emptiness of the big old house that he occupied alone.

When exactly five minutes had passed, according to his timer, he pressed down the filter of his French press, trapping the grounds at the bottom of the glass enclosure, and poured the deep brown and aromatic liquid into a coffee pot. Thank goodness the bell ringer had finally let up ... at least temporarily.

George wiped his hands on one of the kitchen towels, and turned, heading out towards the front door.

"I'm coming, I'm coming!" he hollered, hoping the intruder would hear him and not start the bell ringing again. Walking down the hall and past the living room, he suddenly heard what sounded an awful lot like handfuls of pebbles being tossed at the front window. Jeez! Whoever his visitor was, he was getting the distinct feeling that there was an angry person awaiting him. Braving the cold, walking through 8-inch deep snow and ice, abusing the doorbell, and now throwing pebbles at his window to get his attention. Definitely an angry or crazy person.

Wait a minute, he thought, where the hell are they getting the pebbles? Digging down through the snow to the driveway to find stones? He revised his estimate of the danger lurking at his front door upward. Maybe I ought to get my shotgun, came the dark thought. In the end, he decided to look first and only get the shotgun if it seemed necessary.

When George gently pulled aside the diaphanous curtains, he was taken aback, and flabbergasted at what, or rather who, he saw.

There, in the snow, in his front yard was a woman. Footsteps in the deep snow revealed that she had walked up to the door and on the porch; and that now she was walking back and forth across the front yard. She seemed to be muttering to herself, and was leaning over, her hands beneath the snow, searching around, George suspected, for more pebbles to toss at the window.

She was tall for a woman, slender, without being skinny, and most people would never guess by looking at her that she was 58 years old — the same age as George. She was not entirely dressed appropriately for the weather. She did have a heavy overcoat on, and she was wearing snow boots, but she was also wearing a skirt that, while not short, left her bare legs exposed. Nice legs, at that, an unbiased observer might add.

George knew that beneath the woolen cap covering her ears against the cold, her hair was a honey-gold color, and that if she looked at him, it would be with pale blue-gray eyes.

In other words, despite the incongruous conditions, George recognized her. He cracked open the door.

"Ah, hmmm..." he cleared his throat, "Linda?" he quietly called out.

Linda, for indeed it was she, straightened up quickly, and looked at George. A handful of pebbles fell from her hand to the ground.

It wasn't exactly a friendly look that she gave him, but rather one that hovered somewhere between angry and determined. She turned and walked back to the door. George had the impression that she was stomping, rather than walking, but since she had to lift her feet up so much to get through the snow, he really couldn't tell.

"George," she said in a firm voice, "we need to talk!"

"The hell we do," George muttered under his breath, at the same time he was nodding his head in the affirmative, not so much agreeing as surrendering to the inevitable.

Linda reached the porch, and stepped up the three steps to the door, where George looked at her expectantly.

"George, are you planning on making me stand here, or are you going to invite me in? I'm freezing."

"Oh, yes, of course. Please come in. I'm sorry, it's just that you shocked me, suddenly appearing at my door." He thought about what he'd said for a moment, and decided that it had sounded rather rude, and didn't really reflect his feelings anyway.

"Although it is a pleasant shock, er, surprise, I assure you," he said closing the door behind her.

Once in the entryway, Linda began divesting herself of her winter garb. George, in his role of 'the good host' took her overcoat and hung it in the closet, set her wet boots onto the boot dryer/heater, and her knit cap on the hat rack.

"Oh, man! It's cold out there!" Linda exclaimed, rubbing her hands together above the heater register in the floor, shivering slightly.

George looked down at her, noting her skirt, a knit sweater over a white blouse, and socks, but no shoes under her boots. He also saw the small scattering of gray hairs on her head, no real surprise at their age. He stifled the urge to reach out and touch her hair.

It struck him, that Linda and he hadn't exchanged more than a word or two in passing for more than thirty four years — since the year they had both married others — and here they were acting as if they had just seen each other yesterday.

He reached into the closet and offered her a pair of slippers which she gratefully accepted.

"You don't really seem dressed for the cold, to be honest," he replied after a moment of silence. Linda looked up at George, who stood about five inches taller than her.

"I was on my way to the office, when I picked up yesterday's mail from my mailbox. I found something in it that I need to talk to you about," as she looked down at herself, "I guess I was in a bit of a hurry. I should have changed into something warmer before I came here."

"Why don't we go to the kitchen and sit down, and I can pour us some coffee. Freshly made. A mild, but flavorful blend?" he smiled a little as he imitated the spiel of the young baristas working at the local coffee shops.

"Sold," she said with a smile, which reduced George's anxiety level a couple of degrees.

As they walked back to the kitchen, Linda, who had never been in George's house before, looked around with curiosity. Everything was clean and neat, not obsessively so, but with that homey feeling. The living room was a formal, even slightly feminine room, with furniture that looked comfortable, although not much used.

The colors on the walls were warm, selected with care by someone with a keen eye for decorating. There were family photos on the walls, showing George and his wife and children in various locations, at various times.

"Oh," Linda gasped when they reached the kitchen, "this is wonderful!"

George smiled, "It was Betsy's pride and joy. I try to keep it as clean as Betsy did; that's not too difficult. But I can't hope to touch her cooking." A look of sadness flashed across George's face.

Linda suddenly looked very serious, and took George's hand. "I want to express my sympathy at your loss, speaking of Betsy. I was very sad when I heard that she had passed last year. We prayed for her and you, both,"

"I appreciate that so much. She was a good woman, a loving mother, and we all miss her terribly," he said with a tone that cut off further discussion.

George steered Linda to one of the bar stool type chairs that were at the end of the island, where the stone counter-top extended beyond the underlying cabinets. It had a single support of its own, creating a sort of 'breakfast bar'. She sat while George got a set of coffee cups — mugs, really — as well as cream and a variety of sweeteners. He poured the coffee, and soon they were sipping the first piping hot mouthfuls.

Linda and George looked at each other for a moment, and George nodded at Linda to start.

Rather than speaking immediately, Linda reached into the pocket of her skirt and brought out an envelope address to her, containing a card, which she placed on the table in front of George. George didn't need to open it to know what the card was.

"George, I want you to tell me the truth. I want you to remember that you are named after George Washington, who couldn't tell a lie, and tell me that you didn't send this card to me."

"Linda, I told you years ago, that the 'George' in my name comes from my maternal grandfather, while the 'Washington' is a family name on my paternal side ... and anyway, that story about the Cherry Tree was written years after he died, by..."

"George, you are trying to avoid the question. Can you tell me you didn't send me this card?"

George started to look at the stove, and the pans that were hanging from the hooks on the back wall.

"No George, don't do that either. I want you to look me in the eye and tell me. Did you or did you not send me this card!"

George drew his eyes back to Linda's — those beautiful blue-gray eyes of hers that he had never forgotten. Those eyes from which tears were falling, gently flowing down her cheeks. He knew one thing: regardless of the consequences, he couldn't lie to her any more.

"Linda, yes, I did send you that card, but..."

"And the other forty-three as well?" she said the incredulity evident in her voice, "An anonymous Valentine's card each year for the past forty-four years?"

Now he was embarrassed; for god's sake, put the way she said it, he sounded like some sort of stalker. No wonder she was throwing pebbles at his windows.

"Yes, Linda, I did. I didn't mean to make you angry, or hurt you..." his words stumbling out now, his fears finally realized as he saw the anguish in her face.

But she continued, "I have a box at home with forty-three, soon to be forty-four anonymous Valentine's cards — which for going on forty-four years, I had hoped and prayed were from you. Why?

"Why did you lie when I asked you all of those years ago?" Linda was tearing, and George was sitting with his elbows on the counter-top, and his hands holding his head, covering his eyes at the same time. He finally looked up again.

"I was afraid. I mean, I was eighteen years old when you cornered me. How could I admit to you, that I had loved and adored you from the moment we met in Miss Pierce's home room, the first day of Ninth Grade?

"You were already so beautiful, and I was just another teenage guy with bad skin. I looked like a geek.

"I remember thinking about it. What kind of pair would we be? The Goddess and the Geek. Beauty and the Blah. Of course I denied it. But I never got over you. Sorry, I never meant..." his words just faded away.

There was a period of silence between them again. Linda, taking the initiative that George could never have taken for fear of offending her, reached over and took his hand in hers.

"George, my sweet George, 'what fools these mortals be', I think the quotation goes." Linda paused gathering her thoughts before she went on. "Can I ask another rather sensitive question that's been bothering me for years?"

George squeezed her hand and nodded his head. "If you loved me, why didn't you say something to me? Why did you run off and marry Betsy?"

George sighed heavily, and followed it with a deep breath.

"When I got back from Vietnam and was discharged from the Army, I was going to find you and tell you just how I felt about you. I guess that a person who has to confront the possibility of dying, as I did in the war, loses fears about other things. I figured that the worse that could happen would be, you'd tell me you weren't interested, and I would just have to accept it and get on with my life.

"That wasn't what happened. I came home, and decided to go to the Valentine's Day dance that they used to throw in the Rec Center downtown. I was hoping I'd find you there, and I'd confess to you it was me sending you that card from your 'secret Valentine', and we would arrange a time to talk in a little more private setting.

"Best laid plans of mice and men, or Murphy's Law strikes again, or something like that, because when I arrived at the dance, you were there alright, but you were with Mark Dawson. I asked around, and a couple of the people I knew told me that you and Mark were 'an item'. So that wrapped it up for me, and I left, and went home."

Linda looked at George and shook her head, a sad look on her face.

"Oh god, George. My parents made me go out with Mark to the dance, and a couple of other times, because his parents were friends of my mom and dad. But we were never out alone, and we certainly weren't a couple. At least not then.

"I never knew that you had been at the Valentine's Day dance, or that you'd seen us there. I didn't even know that you were home until I saw an article in the paper, talking about what a hero you were, how you had a Purple Heart and a Bronze Star.

"I cut the article out, and I looked up your medals — I'd never known how brave you were and the danger you had been in until I read about it in a newspaper!

"When I realized that you had been home for a couple of weeks, I was going to show up at your parents house and see if I could get you to take me out. By then, though, it was too late. That very morning I read an announcement in the paper that you were going to get married to Betsy.

"George," Linda asked, after a brief pause, her voice sounding choked, "if you loved me, how could you marry someone else?"

George stood up for a moment, letting go of Linda's hand. He picked up the pot and topped off his coffee. He looked at Linda, his eyes asking her if she wanted more, to which she shook her head no.

He sat again, and took a moment to gather his thoughts and memories from thirty-six years earlier. He looked down at the table before he started speaking.

"Betsy was a distant cousin of mine — but my folks and her parents had grown up together and had been pretty close. I had met her a couple of times, but she and I weren't close at all."

He looked up again at Linda, her face showing that she was completely focused on what he was telling her. This time, he reached over and gently took her hand.

"I can still see it in my mind: I had been out interviewing for jobs that day," he continued, "and when I got home, my parents, Betsy and her parents, were all sitting around the living room talking. It seemed that Betsy had made a big mistake, and gotten pregnant by some bastard who took off as soon as he found out about her condition, leaving her in the lurch."

He paused again.

"I'm sure you remember how it was back then, at least for us living in small-town America. An unmarried mother was pretty much considered a whore, and it left a stain on her, and her whole family. Her reputation was ruined." George shook his head slowly back and forth twice.

"Not like it is today, is it? Nobody would think twice about it today. And I'm not sure that is a completely good thing either.

"Anyway, I was depressed that you were on your way to getting married to another man; and maybe I was just mentally exhausted after leaving the Army. Suddenly I was on my own, forced to make my own choices. I don't know, maybe there were a whole lot of reasons that I was feeling down.

"When my folks and Betsy's parents asked me to consider marrying her, so that her baby would have a father, I thought about it. Betsy was a beautiful woman, she was kind and gentle, and didn't deserve to be the object of scorn. After I considered it for a time, I said yes I would, and that was that."

He looked back at Linda again. She was shaking her head slowly, a look of anguish on her face.

"George, I really wasn't..." She stopped mid-sentence, and just shook her head again.

He nodded before he continued, "The idea was that Betsy and I would get married ASAP, before she was showing, and we would stay married long enough to give the baby a name, and a father.

"If anyone cared, they would count up the time between when we were married and when the baby came along, and they would wink and think to themselves, 'those two got a little jump on the baby making'. But no one would think that I was covering up for someone else — they would figure that the baby was mine and Betsy's."

Linda nodded at that as well, "I did. When I heard that you were a father, it never occurred to me that she might not be yours."

George sighed again before resuming his tale.

"So we were only supposed to be married for a year or a little longer. After the baby was born, Betsy and I would quietly divorce, for unspecified reasons. All neat and clean. Only things never work out that way.

"I remember that first night together on our honeymoon — in Niagara Falls, if you can imagine anything as corny as that — Betsy came into the room in a sexy, black negligee, and we were really alone together for the first time. She came up to me, and hugged me so hard that I could hardly breathe. Then she looked up at me with tears in her eyes, and said, 'George, you are my knight in shining armor; I know how much of a sacrifice you're making by marrying me to save my reputation.

'I promise you, for as long as we are married, I will do everything in my power to be the best wife to you that a man has ever had. I will do whatever I can to make you happy and content'." George smiled gently at the memory.

"And she kept her promise. She was a marvelous cook and she kept the house neat as a pin. She exercised to keep herself trim and attractive for me. She dressed well. And every night of our married life together she was prepared to make love, if I wanted to, any way that I wanted.

"She was a loyal wife, who I never had cause to doubt, and she was always cheerful, and her greatest happiness was just to be together with me. She was a great mother to our children, and one of the sweetest, kindest people you could ever know.

"Of course, by the time Sandy was born, the whole idea of getting a quiet divorce went out the window. Even if I could have left that little girl without her father — because by then I knew that I was her real father — a thousand other things kept me together with Betsy. There are obligations and responsibilities that develop in a marriage, and to be honest, by the time a year had passed, you were married as well, so what was there for me, outside of the marriage I was in?

"In any case, Betsy and Sandy hadn't done anything to deserve being left on their own. I would have never been able to look at myself in the mirror if I had just dumped them. I would have dishonored them; I would have dishonored myself.

George looked over at Linda, before speaking again.

"Betsy was sitting next to me on our bed one night, maybe six or eight months after Sandy was born, when she asked when I was going start the divorce proceedings. She was looking straight ahead, and I could tell she was trying not to break down in front of me.

"I put my arm around her and pulled her close, and said to her, 'Why would I do that do the woman and family I love.' She turned to me with that smile on her face, and nodded. She never asked me again.

"A couple years passed by and George Jr. was born, a couple more and our little Alice joined us. We were a family, and I think as much as anyone's, a happy family. We raised our children to be good people and responsible adults. A lot to be proud of.

"I had everything that a man could want in his marriage, except one thing: I was not passionately in love with my wife. Now, don't take me wrong — I loved Betsy. I loved her more than you would a brother or sister, or parents. I had respect and admiration for her. She was easy to be around, and I surely miss her companionship. But I never loved her with the intensity that she loved me.

"It's sad, in a way, but for me that spark that make two people into one, that makes them soul mates, was never there.

"And that's why I continued to send you a Valentine's Day card every year — hoping in my own way to let you know that there was at least one man out there, whether you knew who it was or not, who loved you beyond reason. So now you know the whole stupid story of your old friend George, who has remained stupid for all of these years. And all I can hope is that I haven't damaged your marriage with my stupidity as well."

For several minutes, two old friends sat together, finishing their cooling coffee, both silently reflecting, thinking their own thoughts.

"George," Linda started, "You don't have to worry about Mark and I. We've been divorced now for just under a year."

He cast a sharp glance in her direction, the unspoken question hanging in the air.

"No, it didn't have anything to do with your cards, either. Mark never opened any of them, and I put them away without his ever seeing them. No, our marriage didn't die a dramatic death; it just died from boredom and inattention. Plus a deficit of real love.

"We were never able to have children — we never tried to prevent them, but I never conceived, either. To be honest, it must not have been very important to either of us, because when I think about it now, I realize that we never even made the effort to discover why." She seemed a little surprised herself at the realization.

"I tried to be a good wife, but I think that Mark always knew, always felt, that there was a part of me that could never be his. He was a good husband. He was witty, charming, always a lot of fun to be around. He was a great provider. He was never cruel or abusive in any way. Our love life was fine — Mark was a considerate and attentive lover — but it was limited to having sex, not making love. At least on my part.

"In truth, Mark must have loved me an awful lot for our marriage to have lasted over thirty years. Then, last year, he announced that he wasn't going to put up with another cold and snowy winter. He was moving to Florida where he could golf almost any day of the year, and go deep water fishing, and not worry about shoveling snow from the driveway. I could come or stay. My choice. I don't think that he was terribly surprised when I decided to stay.

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Tabitha was at the same time excited and terrified. In the year since moving out to her own apartment for college she'd become very promiscuous, but what she was about to do was on a whole different level. Going back to some guy's room in the middle of a frat party? Didn't even compare. The time she gave head to her roommate's boyfriend in her roommate's bed? Not even close. Nope, today she was going to a glory hole. She certainly didn't need to. She was a beautiful girl, tall and...

3 years ago
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Anonymous Relationship III

On Saturday morning I woke up and looked out my bedroom window just in time to see Melanie's car pull up to the house. I watched as the redheaded woman got out of her car. She was an extremely attractive woman who was about five foot seven inches tall. She had pale blue eyes. I had always thought that her body was wonderfully balanced with striking curves. Her complexion was just what you would expect on a redhead with light freckles on pale skin. Maybe one of reasons she had such a great body...

3 years ago
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Anonymous Stranger Sex

When my male friend and I began to seek sex partners by appearing as a couple the response for me a retired well spoken woman in her sixties was rather overwhelming! After he had sorted out the inevitable time wasters two groups emerged as potential sex partners for me. Young men aged 16-24 and a group of men who felt that sex with an elderly woman was especially attractive of all ages.I tend to be celibate for several weeks between sex partners as I find that way I can have a week before...

4 years ago
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Anonymous Encounter at the buffet

Anonymous encounter at the buffetKris had gotten hungry while he was out, and being a little indecisive about food, he decided the best thing to do would be to hit the buffet and just have a bit of what he liked the look of, and make life easier for himself. He didn’t really like going to the buffet alone. It made him feel alone, especially as whenever he went on his own, he seemed to be the only person there without company of one sort or another. But, as he needed to eat, he always pushed...

4 years ago
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Anonymous Lover 8211 Part 1

She, Shaina, around 32, was extremely beautiful, healthy enviable figure ripe at every part of her body. But was not happy in life. It was exactly 8 years ago she got married to an engineer, selected by her parents. He was good looking, educated and was employed in a public sector company getting near five figure salary. My parents were very happy and she also felt same and why not? Her dreams were shattered just after marriage. On the first night she was very excited and had listened to her...

2 years ago
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ever since young brandon lyon was 14 years old he was coding a gif that will put anyone into a deep hypnotic trance now at the age of 18 he finally perfected it and it is ready to use... "Brandon!!" coming mom... yea? "what are you doing?" in the basement "doing what?" just chilling out watching TV. "well go do the dishes and the trash" ok give me around 5 minutes i got a few minutes left on Brooklyn nine nine. i wonder if my gif works? hmm... who should i test it on :an idea pops into his...

Mind Control
4 years ago
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Anonymous Lay

Lorraine could barely breath as the man's cock thrust deep into her throat. She gagged as he ground his hairy groin against her bruised lips, groaning as he came in huge sticky gushes. It was all she could do to breathe; trying to swallow enough of his sperm to allow her to get some oxygen into her lungs between the thrusts of is big hairy cock. Finally the man was done. Loraine pulled his softening shaft out from between her lips. Vaguely she could hear the nasty 'plopping' sound as his...

2 years ago
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Anonymous Sex

I met my best friend Mike at the club on Saturday morning, just as we'd been doing every Saturday now for the past several months. But unlike every other Saturday since we'd been meeting there, there was something different about the way Mike was acting, which included the almost goofy looking smile on his face. "Ok, spill it!" I told him as we went into the locker room in preparation for taking a shower and heading home again. "What?" "You KNOW what!" I responded somewhat irritated,...

3 years ago
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Anonymous RevengeChapter 2

Smirking spent the next week assessing his targets. He spent all day in front of his targets' apartment building. It was a seedy dump with paint peeling from the sides of the exterior. It has a sign stating, Imperial Apartments, Now Renting. Smirking noted the time Randall Malloy left each evening and the time of his return in the early morning. He worked a swing shift and was gone each evening between 6 P.M. and 6 A. M. He always waited at the bus stop with his brown bag lunch and read the...

2 years ago
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Anonymous RevengeChapter 3

Smirking began the wheels turning on his revenge the next day. He began by having lunch at Shooters. He made sure he got a table handled by Susan Malloy. It was noontime and the place was filled with men getting lunch and ogling the waitresses. Many of the men were local businessmen and construction workers. Smirking was eyeing the menu when Susan approached the table smiling. "Hi! Welcome the Shooters! I'm Susan and I'll be taking care of you." "Well, hi yourself, Susan." Smirking...

5 years ago
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Anonymous RevengeChapter 4

Smirking walked into Shooters about noon. It had been a busy morning. He had gone by the Imperial Apartments and found that there was a vacancy on the very same floor as Mr. and Mrs. Anonymous. Smirking signed a six-month lease on the unit and had scheduled the cheap furniture rental company to deliver a couch, TV, and king size bedroom set to the unit tomorrow. He had gone to a local shopping mall and bought some pillows and linens for the bed and some towels for the bathroom. He had an...

4 years ago
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Anonymous RevengeChapter 4

Smirking heard Randall Malloy climbing nosily up the stairs. It was about two in the morning, so good old Randall must have gone out for some drinks after he was fired. Smirking thought with some glee, good old Mr. Anonymous probably wanted to drown his sorrows after his firing He'd really be pissed to know that I spent a couple of hours in his apartment sharing some wine with his wife and fucking her... Smirking had been sitting on the steps of the apartment building when Susan arrived...

3 years ago
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Anonymous Sex

As our sex life embraced the ‘alternative’ life style we decided we had to lay down the ground rules that we were both okay with, and to identify situations we would like to explore given the chance. One thing that had intrigued me for some time was having sex with complete anonymity. We talked about setting it up with me blindfolded and so on but it seemed too arranged; then this happened! When we visited New Orleans we went to a swingers club a few times. This night it was pretty quiet, so...

2 years ago
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Anonymous First time

She didn’t want me to mention her name but this is her first time story i was away at college and i was really homesick. there was an older room mother living on the floor with us, and she invited me into her room for tea, and to get me some comfort. I missed my folks so much as I had never been away before. I had just talked to them on the phone and was so blue. I started crying and she pulled me closer to her and just held me like a little girl. I felt funny in my stomach when she did that...

4 years ago
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Anonymous Passion In A Van

The parking lot is dark, little light revealing our location. I step out of my car and approach the mysterious van that just parked three spots to my left. The windows are tinted; I am unable to see inside at all. A sticker with the University Of Alabama is on the rear window, just as she said it would be. This is the van I've been waiting for.I approach the right sliding door and grab hold of the handle. Carefully opening the door, I am greeted by a curvy, mid-forties brunette in the back...

2 years ago
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Anonymous Fuck

I had recently started using a gay cruising site, where other horny men were searching for fun. Not having any look, I was beginning to lose hope and thinking this would turn out to be another Friday night spent alone masturbating to some low quality porn video I'd found online. A message appeared on my site mailbox, from someone called “Billy1990” saying the pics of my cock I'd attached to my profile were really hot and making him hard. After a bit of banter and sexy talk, I got down to...

2 years ago
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Anonymous Reader 5

I finished up writing he first story I had written in a long time and then asked Mags to read over it to see what she thought. It was based on our meeting Adam and Gemma during our trip to Australia and in particular the sexual Olympics that we had participated in the first night they spent with us in our Hotel room. Mags sat reading and reminiscing and then laughed “Oi, what’s so funny?” I asked “Not your writing babe, just thinking about a girl that age with tits like that” “Oh my...

5 years ago
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Anonymous Reader 3

“What’s missing, what did they take?” I asked “Nothing, it was them” (Talia and Juan her ex and his girlfriend) She said pointing to the wall that had ‘freak’ and ‘fucking he/she’ sprayed all over it. Her porn library was in ruins and they had pissed all over the house by the smell of it. “I’ll fucking kill them” I snarled as I sat down next to her with an arm around her. “You're not up to this. You’ll have to come back and stay with me until we get this sorted” I...

3 years ago
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Anonymous Invitation to a Party

I get a lot of odd jobs, handyman type stuff from several different people, most often from someone who owns a house that he rents out, usually to college students. One job I had was patching up a wall that had some damage to it from a leaking pipe behind the wall. There was someone living in that apartment, a young tomboy. The first time I started working on the wall I knocked on the door and she let me in, she knew that someone was going to be there to fix the wall. She wasn't one of...

4 years ago
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Anonymous Invitation to a Party

I get a lot of odd jobs, handyman type stuff from several different people, most often from someone who owns a house that he rents out, usually to college students. One job I had was patching up a wall that had some damage to it from a leaking pipe behind the wall. There was someone living in that apartment, a young tomboy. The first time I started working on the wall I knocked on the door and she let me in, she knew that someone was going to be there to fix the wall. She wasn’t one of the more...

4 years ago
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So far, I’ve visualized a gathering of people at a large house. I’m upstairs on an upper landing and I see you right away. You’re wearing a long dress, emerald green (a colour that I think suits your hair colour and complexion), with a low-cut bodice that shows your curves off to my advantage. You are having an argument with a man who storms off and leaves. I get the sense from you that you are relieved and are not going to leave the party and are going to have a good time while you’re...

4 years ago
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Anonymous Encounter

Well it was a boring day. It was fairly hot outside,somewhere around 93 degrees. The sun was shining, there were very few puffy clouds in the sky, and I was home alone. As usually happens when I am bored and home alone, I was horny as hell. I wanted to jerk myself off, but I wanted to do it to something different than the normal porn that I usually watch. I figured since no one would be back at the house until tomorrow, I would take the time and dress up and do my makeup and hair and really go...

3 years ago
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Anonymous Party

"Hi, are you John Doe," asked one of the three big breasted, braless blondes as you were eating lunch at the university cafeteria. "Yeah, that's me," you answer, confused as the two girls behind the first began giggling behind their hands. The first girl smiled and handed you a sealed, red envelope. "It's from Ashus, he wanted to make sure you got the invitation," she told you. Ashus was a transfer student from India who has, since junior year in high school, organized "The greatest 'secret'...

2 years ago
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Anonymous Gay Sex in the Covid Age

I had some errands to run over in Tampa today. Mid-day I happened to go past one of my favorite sex spots (see my story, Theater Sex, and read an experience I still fantasize about). Well the parking lot of the strip bar out front was empty as it was closed, but at the ABS behind (where guys go for blowjobs after they are teased out from the T&A in the bar) the lot was packed. Interesting, I thought, as I noticed the little sign saying We Are Open (with a rainbow flag to emphasize the...

2 years ago
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Anonymous Motel Cock Part 2

I approached the door that he held opened for me and he extended his hand to help me up onto the running boards and into the truck. As I took his hand and began to climb up, I felt like a real lady, that is until my dress started to rise up revealing the semen rolling down my inner thigh."Whoa, hold up sweetie!" He ordered as he grabbed the bottom hem of my dress and lifted it up. "Holy shit, you weren't lying were you? He bred you good!""Yes, sir!" I said with a cute little giggle. He then...

3 years ago
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Anonymous Motel Quicky

Based on an incredibly true story!One evening, when I was the perfect combination of drunk and horny, I browsed through the local Craigslist ads and found one posted by a traveling business man staying at the local La Quinta. In the ad he said he wanted a cute crossdresser to come in, bend over, take his three week load and leave. Of course I had to reply to that! We chatted for a minute and I sent him some pics, and he decided I was just what he was looking for, so he gave me his room number...

4 years ago
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I texted this guy I had found online and asked him if he was available. He said yes and that I could head over anytime. His door was unlocked and he was ready. I was so horny as I grabbed my things and headed over. I haven't fucked a guy in so long I couldn't wait. I was just ready to fuck him til I couldn't anymore. He told me he would be in his room, lights dimmed down, and all I had to do was go in there and he'd be all mine. That I could do whatever I wanted to him. The pictures he had...

2 years ago
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Anonymous blow jobs craigslist

The other night I was alone in my hotel room. I was fucking horny and wanted to suck some cocks and swallow some cum before I went to sleep. I put an ad on craigslist. Free blowjobs, NSA, walk in, cum, leave. I had a guy hit me almost instantly. He said he was 7.5 inches and needed relief. He asked if he could suck me too, as he loves facials. I said yes. He arrived a few minutes later. I opened the door and he began removing his clothes as he walked to the bed. He was built like a...

2 years ago
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"Am I a stalker?" I said outloud to myself as I sat outside in my car down the street from Lani's house. I might be. It's not your typical rhetorical or hypothetical question. I miss her. Really, REALLY miss her. But I can only blame myself for my misfortunes. Sometimes you can only appreciate something after it's gone. It's a very painful price to pay.As you may have figured out, Lani is my ex-girlfriend. We dated for three very good years. Then I got comfortable and caught a case of the...

3 years ago
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So far, I've visualized a gathering of people at a large house. I'm upstairs on an upper landing and I see you right away. You're wearing a long dress, emerald green (a colour that I think suits your hair colour and complexion), with a low-cut bodice that shows your curves off to my advantage. You are having an argument with a man who storms off and leaves. I get the sense from you that you are relieved and are not going to leave the party and are going to have a good time while you're here.You...

Quickie Sex
4 years ago
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anonymous encounter

My night of fun.She arrives at the front desk of a nice hotel and asks for her key, then walks to the lift and presses the button for her floor, she knows that he will not arrive for another 20mins. She is a little nervous because they have never met before and they have planned this night to be a little bit different. She opens her door to find a room that has a nice sized bed and a private bathroom, she has the instructions to get ready and wait for his arrival, she undresses and dims the...

4 years ago
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Anonymous Midwest Cock Part 2 bi m4m

I'm a 48 year old, married guy who just happens to enjoy suckingcock. My wife lets me play, as long as I follow a few simple rules.Over my lunch hour I drove by my local adult book store, and the parkinglot was pretty empty. I was horny enough that I figured if there was noaction I could just get a quick wank in and then get on with my day.I paid my admission, walked into the pitch black arcade, stepped into abooth, and watched a video for a few minutes. When I stepped back out,there was a guy...

2 years ago
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Anonymous Midwest Cock Part 1 bi m4m

I'm a 48 year old, married guy who just happens to enjoy suckingcock. My wife lets me play, as long as I follow a few simple rules.This afternoon I had a few extra minutes before I had to be somewhere, so Iwent to one of my favorite adult bookstores. I had had sex twice with mywifev in the preceding twenty-four hours, but the cocksuckingopportunities don't happen often, so I took full advantage of a spare halfhour.This particular bookstore has a dark arcade with booths that have room fortwo or...

3 years ago
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Anonymous sex at the club

Inside the cub we stand with some other people, watching through the window. We see a woman with huge breasts being kissed and fondled by a man. She is led over to a wall (where there are straps and buckles), which he attatches to her ankles and outstretched arms.He puts a blindfold over her eyes and then takes a length of soft rope and starts to tie it around her body. You watch as her large pink nipples harden as the rope digs into the soft flesh of her big breasts, making them turn pink and...

2 years ago
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Anonymous First time

She didn't want me to mention her name but this is her first time story i was away at college and i was really homesick. there was an older room mother living on the floor with us, and she invited me into her room for tea, and to get me some comfort. I missed my folks so much as I had never been away before.I had just talked to them on the phone and was so blue. I started crying and she pulled me closer to her and just held me like a little girl. I felt funny in my stomach when she did that but...

4 years ago
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Anonymous Invitation to a Party

I get a lot of odd jobs, handyman type stuff from several different people, most often from someone who owns a house that he rents out, usually to college students.One job I had was patching up a wall that had some damage to it from a leaking pipe behind the wall. There was someone living in that apartment, a young tomboy.The first time I started working on the wall I knocked on the door and she let me in, she knew that someone was going to be there to fix the wall. She wasn't one of the more...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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AnonymousChapter 2 The aftermath of cheating

I got up the next morning and cleaned up. I put the coffee on and waited for Jamee to get up. I had heard her crying most of the night and I doubt if she got much sleep either. I heard her going into the bathroom and my stomach began to churn. I was a bundle of nerves. When she came out of the bathroom, she poured herself a cup of coffee and sat down. Looking at her was hard. I knew I should start the conversation so I asked her straight out, "Why did you do it?" "It just happened. I was...

3 years ago
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The Count of Monte CristoChapter 93 Valentine

We may easily conceive where Morrel's appointment was. On leaving Monte Cristo he walked slowly towards Villefort's; we say slowly, for Morrel had more than half an hour to spare to go five hundred steps, but he had hastened to take leave of Monte Cristo because he wished to be alone with his thoughts. He knew his time well--the hour when Valentine was giving Noirtier his breakfast, and was sure not to be disturbed in the performance of this pious duty. Noirtier and Valentine had given him...

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Santas Friend Saint Valentine

Valentine, also known as Eros, was an impish sort of character. Although he was thrilled when the whole world celebrated him once a year, the rest of the time he was kind of bored. So bored in fact that he’d taken to following some of the other magical beings on their special days.When he followed Santa on Christmas Eve to Katie’s house he didn’t really expect to see anything interesting. All the fat guy ever really did was drop presents off, eat a few cookies and then move on to the next...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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The Count of Monte CristoChapter 102 Valentine

The night-light continued to burn on the chimney-piece, exhausting the last drops of oil which floated on the surface of the water. The globe of the lamp appeared of a reddish hue, and the flame, brightening before it expired, threw out the last flickerings which in an inanimate object have been so often compared with the convulsions of a human creature in its final agonies. A dull and dismal light was shed over the bedclothes and curtains surrounding the young girl. All noise in the streets...

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