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Colonel Boris Johnson was not looking forward to this interview -- he never did when he didn’t believe the interviewee was going to be happy -- and the news he was imparting was definitely not the sort of thing that this recipient wanted to hear, still it was all part of the job he mused.

“Svetlana,” he greeted the young looking woman who entered his office after acknowledging her salute, “take a seat,” he ordered waving at the conveniently positioned armchair.

Captain Svetlana Sergeyevna Lebedev, Confed Space Marines had originally been a Major in the Russian Naval Infantry and been attached to the US Marines in Hawaii when the CAP testing craze had hit America. She’d gone through the testing process -- along with several of the American officers she was serving with -- and had been amused more than anything when she’d come out with a CAP score of eight point four and been well ahead of majority of them. When the true purpose of CAP testing had been revealed she’d been ordered by Moscow to volunteer for the Confederacy Marines and await developments.

Developments had been almost immediate. She’d been picked up, along with the other Marines she’d tested with, three months after the event -- that this broke all ties with Russia had been a surprise, as it had been for the Americans when they too realised that America no longer had any say in their destiny.

After conversion and advanced training in the Confed Space Marines Svetlana had spent eighteen months leading hit and run raids against the incoming Swarm, first as a platoon commander, then with a company and finally with a two company raiding force before being transferred to Persephone. There she found herself in a holding pattern awaiting developments in the war. She’d led half a dozen extraction missions -- just to stop from going insane -- and was hoping that this interview was her chance to get back to a combat unit to continue culling lizards.

Once the woman before him had settled into the armchair Boris began, “Lana, there is no easy way to say this so I’ll just read out your orders and we’ll take it from there.” He tapped the paper on his desk, a foible that he hadn’t been able to break, even to the point where he had to print things out rather than read them from a screen. “Umm, here it is -- Is transferred to the planet Demeter, township of Celeus, to undertake the training of the volunteers as Space Marines and such other details as ordered by the commander of the township.” He looked up to see the woman going pale, “To assist in this task Captain Lebedev is promoted to Major effective this order. Deployment is to be implemented on the first available transport to the new duty station.”

Boris placed the copy of the orders back on his desk and waited for the explosion -- which he expected to both vicious and probably incomprehensible given their different native languages. What he actually got was a simple question that knocked him off his stride completely.

The Russian looked across the room and simply asked him, “Why?”

Surprised he held up his ace card -- a record chip -- something he hadn’t planned on doing until she’d calmed down enough to appreciate it. “This is a background brief on the Sa’arm war and an indication of future Marine Corps plans to counter the threat. It’s something that every line commander has been saying we should have done a long time ago.” He paused to gather his thoughts and then went into lecture mode.

“When the Darjee made contact it took awhile for us to realise that the AIs were actually running the war. Most of us, myself included, just saw it as a chance to get back to commanding combat troops.” Boris Johnson had been a Brigadier General in the Australian Army who’d been attached to his country’s UN mission in New York. “It has taken us this long to get our act together and start thinking rather than reacting.” He looked Svetlana in the eyes, “We dropped the ball when we didn’t have a long term plan, we have been throwing company and battalion battlegroups at isolated incursions with no real overall plan or objective, all under the direction of the AIs.” He tapped the record chip, “This changes all of that.”

“The field elements we already have will continue to harass the Swarm, reinforced as required by current extractions. Hopefully -- now that there is human intervention with the AIs - this will start to have a strategic goal in mind. In addition it has been decided to form larger formations in three of the colony systems and recruit and train these from scratch. Poseidon is one of the systems that has been picked for this enlargement.”

Again he tapped the record chip, “This details the Demeter part of the operation but basically they are creating a Marine Expeditionary Force in the system with a full Marine Division being based on the planet along with the Logistics group. The Air Wing will be based on Persephone but will be an integral part of the MEF and along with the First and Second MEF it will be the first step to destroying the Sa’arm instead of just slowing them down.”

“According to this chip, each of the Regiments will be closely tied to one of the townships, as will the Logistics group and the Headquarters elements which means -- doing the maths -- that each township is going to have a population of somewhere between six and eight thousand volunteers. That’ll give a total population per township of between thirty and forty thousand and even with the thousand pods ships they’re using at the moment it’s going to take at least a year to get each township fully manned, let alone trained and equipped.”

“That isn’t as bad as it seems as we don’t have the ships to move these people around and it’ll take at least that long to get them built.” He noticed Svetlana raise an eyebrow, “They’ve designed a new class of ship, the Tarawa,” he said with some relish. “It carries a full battalion of Marines with all their supports and it’s going to have enough lift capacity to put them all on the deck in one hit. They are going to be used alongside another new class of ships, the Midway carriers, which will embark the Marine Air Wings and together they’re going to provide the starting point for future assault operations.

Svetlana was still digesting the information on the Tarawa, “That’s better than the Lancelots,” she commented.

The Sir Lancelot class of landing ships was the current major type of troop transports that the Marines were using to get to battle. They were really modified passenger ferries with a limited capacity and very little in the way of support capabilities. The ship could transport a full company of Marines and, using the two Leopard class assault shuttles they carried, get them to the planet’s surface in one wave. The ship had two beam weapons for ship defence but no direct fire capability to support the ground troops. Neither could they carry close support craft, which meant that a Navy carrier had to be available to support any ground operations.

“A lot better, and they’re getting a new class of assault shuttles too. All this means that we’re going to need more shuttle pilots and assault troops and to get those we need training personnel. Which is how we get back round to you.”

Svetlana couldn’t help it, her shoulders braced at the comment.

“You will be training the first take of future assault shuttle pilots as well as organising and eventually running the full training cadre for the planet. If nothing else Major it should ensure that you get your next promotion,” he said with a smile. Promotion in the Space Marines, to date, had been of little importance, with everyone running around as independent battalions obtaining a higher rank had been irrelevant but that would not be so in the future.

“In addition you will be working with the local commander and that may create a few interesting situations.” He paused to gaze at the wall, as though distracted. “Lana, because we’ve been grabbing people from all over and, as often as not, throwing them into combat it’s left us in a bit of a mess. One of the things that has been happening, underhandedly if you like, is that people have been feeding back information to Earth. This information has been being used to train various people, usually in military academies, for future responsibilities out here. The,” Boris smiled, mostly to himself, “I keep calling him boy but I should think of him as a man, you’ll be working with is one of the recipients of this training. Although only sixteen he’s been put through the equivalent of junior staff college with a few extras tacked on. Although he’s only a lieutenant at the moment, he will become a Commander on completion of his basic training and -- in all probability -- a Major by the time the first of the Marine Regiments is ready for operations. He has some interesting ideas on what to do with the concubines and has pushed them through for his own township and, according to Dave Roberts, will probably force the whole planet to follow suit, simply because it’s so effective.”

Svetlana sat there trying to absorb what was being thrown at her, questions already bubbling about under her calm exterior. Without warning the chip flew through the air from the Colonel’s hand, “For now take this and study it,” he said, “Then come back and see me in a couple of days with any questions you have and I’ll do my best to answer them.”

He stood and Svetlana, recognising that the interview was at an end, did the same.

As he escorted the new Major to the door he said, “Your niece is currently going through the Malinovsky Academy.” The door opened and Svetlana stepped through it as Boris continued, “She’s receiving the same sort of training as Alex Flowers did. It wouldn’t surprise me if she appears out here in a year or so.”

Svetlana thought of little Nadia, who wasn’t so little anymore and by the time she got her thoughts back to the here and now she’d been deposited outside the door with the minimum of fuss. Very smooth she thought as she turned away, the data chip covering her new assignment clutched firmly in her hand.

Alex stood on the highest point of his pod and gazed across his township. Although all of the pods were grounded now you couldn’t see that many of them. The rolling hills and small copses of trees that were scattered about screened much of the human activity. Alex had managed to get the initial pods spread out over as much area as was possible. He’d explained that he didn’t want cliques forming around first arrivals, second arrivals and so on and had, effectively, forced his thoughts onto the AI’s original plans.

Basic power, communications and sanitation links had been made and the colonists had all been safely transferred to the planetary surface. The town, such as it was, was dirt side and ready to begin ironing out the kinks that four weeks travelling had created.

The major down side to his insistence that the pods be scattered was the increase in time it was going to take to get the interconnecting tunnels dug. In most cases the pods were only going to have one link and getting from one pod to another would require a very winding path if they weren’t actually adjacent to one another.

The fact that Alex had managed to get this less than ideal pattern, along with his original idea that drones should receive military training, past the AIs had led him to the belief that the AIs were not actually in control but there just as advisors. A belief that in the short time he’d had to test it had not been changed. It made him nervous. If he insisted on something and the AIs couldn’t convince him he was wrong, then they’d let him fuck up in a big way. Not a pleasant thought!

They still had nearly two months before the force domes could be dropped and he figured that the next batch of colonists wouldn’t arrive until then at the earliest. It just wouldn’t be worth the effort to try to connect the pods up before that.

Now they just had to wait, wait for the arrival of the training team, wait for the equipment and most importantly, wait for the atmosphere to become breathable.

“Alex,” a soft voice behind him called.

Alex half turned, to confirm his recognition of the voice, “Yes Sister Melanie?” he asked, suppressing a groan.

“I know you’re busy and I really shouldn’t be bothering you but I feel...” she paused, what was it she really wanted to know? She wasn’t too sure, even now, “I mean, uhmm...”

Alex waited patiently. Sister Melanie really should have been talking to Rebecca but in the confusion of getting aboard the Aurora Sister Melanie had ended up being allocated to one of the slots he had for concubines. Which made things a little difficult, as the major purpose of having concubines was to get and, as far as possible, keep them pregnant. Something that wasn’t really acceptable for a nun who’d been effectively press-ganged into joining the colonists.

Looking up Sister Melanie tried again, “Have you made any plans for my use?” she asked.

Alex raised an eyebrow and was rewarded by the Sister blushing. When Alex had been laying down the law concerning the physical stature and abilities that the volunteers were to apply to their drones -- during the augmentation process -- he’d failed to allow for any exceptions. As a consequence Sister Melanie had gone from being a delicate, petite twenty eight year old woman with a pale complexion to someone who looked like a twenty two year old, two metre tall, hard bodied, pert breasted, fighting machine, a true amazon princess.

When Alex had thought about the issue, he’d believed that the hormone levels induced during the augmentation process to facilitate pregnancy would be creating all sorts of dilemmas for the chaste woman. Therefore -- in the true spirit of man -- he’d been doing his best to avoid her, without making it blatantly obvious. Now he’d been tracked down and would have to deal with the fallout.

Alex looked the woman in the eyes and answered honestly, “Sister Melanie, I’ve got no plans, or hidden agendas, for you. Rebecca asked you to join us and as far as I’m concerned that is how things stand. Why?” he asked as he watched her eyes cloud over.

“Because I’m losing my faith.” she stated. When Alex started to open his mouth Sister Melanie continued, “Not my faith in God, which I believe is firm, but my belief in the vows I took and the life I’ve led so far.”

Alex waved the Sister to a convenient low wall and sat down alongside her and waited to see what would happen.

“How much do you know about my religious order, Alex?”

“Nothing, really,” said Alex, wondering where this was going.

“Well, let’s start with one of the basics,” she said. “Regardless of what I looked like -- with the habit and everything -- I wasn’t a nun.”

That surprised Alex on two counts, he’d always believed that the teachers at St. Genevieve’s were nuns, and he hadn’t realised that there were different sorts of nuns...

“It may not mean much to an outsider but I was a religious sister not a nun. A nun takes a series of solemn vows, where the religious sisters only take simple vows. The major difference for those outside the religious community is that they get to see the religious sisters but a nun is cloistered and not allowed contact with the outside world.”

“I belonged to an Order called ‘the Ursulines’, we are a teaching Order with a long and distinguished history,” she said proudly. “I’d taken the simple vows of poverty, chastity and obedience as befitted one of my standing.” Sister Melanie raised her eyes, “When I joined the order I did so as a Postulant and was in that position for nine months. The Order then accepted me and I became a Novice, where for two more years I lived the life of a Sister without any real commitment. That was after I’d left college with my degrees and no real idea of what or where I was going with my life.”

“The Order helped me find a reason for being in teaching young girls who’d gone off the rails, so to speak. For the last couple of years I’ve been a full religious sister, having taken the three vows temporarily,” she paused as Alex looked puzzled, the continued. “After being a Novice you take your vows temporarily, for three years, then they are made perpetual.”

Alex nodded his understanding.

“You see, Alex, I’d never made that final commitment and now, with all that is going on around us, I’m not sure if I can.” Sister Melanie, sniffed, then a small sob escaped and before Alex could react she was in his arms blubbering away.

Alex didn’t know what to do; he just held the crying woman and waited for her, hopefully, to calm down.

Svetlana had become separated from her concubines when she’d ended up in the Poseidon system and -- following a chat with the Civil Service rep on her old planet -- had handed them over to the pool. She hadn’t been too bothered by this turn of events as the two concubines she’d picked at the time of her extraction had proved to be typical American teenagers and she’d grown bored with them very quickly. She’d been so busy since that she’d never bothered to replace them, or collect the other four slaves she was allowed -- when she got sexually frustrated there was always a willing Marine around who she could take advantage of, in the nicest possible way.

Which is why she was able to settle back in the pod she’d been assigned and contemplate the screen before her, the big screen that was currently displaying the contents of the chip that Boris Johnson had so casually dropped on her in their interview.

He hadn’t been joking when he’d said this was the future of the Marine Corps. It was a synopsis of the events so far along with an appreciation of the current status of the Corps and its assets and finally -- the meat of the document -- a detailed plan of how the future development of the Corps was expected to run. A lot of detail had been left out from this copy, Svetlana had noticed as she’d worked her way through it. Colonel Johnson had mentioned that larger formations were being established in three systems, the chip only detailed what was happening in the Poseidon system and on the planet Demeter -- which was a lot when you got down to the nitty-gritty.

Demeter was getting a full Marine Division and a Logistics Group, and Persephone would be getting the Air Wing and the ships that went with the Marine Expeditionary Force. Colonel Johnson had mentioned the Tarawa and Midway classes but he’d failed to mention the new Landing Ship Logistics -- which was positively huge -- especially when you allowed for the fact that they were atmosphere capable craft.

The Air Wing was split into two groups, one of which was capable of supporting ground operations from space. The second group was deployed in the new LSLs -- after a bridgehead had been established -- and provided the transport and ground support elements for the Marine Division.

‘And what a Division,’ thought Svetlana as she perused the contents of the chip. Three infantry regiments, an artillery regiment, two recon battalions, a combat engineer battalion and the assault landing battalion, all of this adding up to thirty thousand men plus their equipment -- truly awesome. Throw in three independent Brigade headquarters groups and you had a large but flexible all-arms force that really was going to give the lizards a hard time.

Svetlana paused to get a drink before returning to her contemplation of the information. The assault-landing battalion was to be her starting point in this new assignment, and getting to know all about it and its function was the first step she would be taking. It also looked like she was going to have to find someone to help develop a tactical appreciation for the unit because there wasn’t one included on the data chip and as far as she was aware the Confederacy Space Marines had never tried to organise such a large landing force.

Svetlana had already spent hours studying the chip and making a list of questions and possible answers as she’d done so. She’d also spent a similar amount of time having the AIs dig around in historical records, both from Earth and amongst the member states of the Confederacy for any indications of how best to go about invading a planet, all of this information was stored away ready for her use.

She figured it would take a week or so after her initial interview before she was ready for her second interview with the good Colonel and by then he wouldn’t be getting off so easily...

“Well we’re here,” said the newly promoted Tribune David ap Rhys standing in the hanger bay of the Colony ship Diaspora -- a ship he’d almost hijacked a month before and had been stuck on ever since. Around him several of the five hundred or so displaced concubines who’d been put into his care were watching the same moon displayed on the same screen that he was and wondering what the future held for them -- for David that future was sure to be a strain.

He was the first Civil Service officer having to deal with a major loss of life to a combat unit. C Company, 2nd Battalion of the Neptune Regiment had been wiped out when their transport ship had crossed paths with a Sa’arm hive ship. Under the system as it stood the concubines of the company -- being property -- had dropped into his tender clutches and, following various trials and tribulations now found themselves orbiting a strange moon numerous light years from their old homes.

David looked around at his immediate family, still dressed in their illegal Civil Service grey uniforms, and ushered them back to their own pod for a chat. “I’ve got to report to the S1 for this system, a Colonel Johnson, for a briefing and hopefully a clarification of the orders we received in Frik. While I’m doing that I want you to keep an eye on everyone, the last couple of months have been stressful for everyone and I’m worried about a few of our people. Remember, you know what the current plan for them is -- they don’t -- let slip the fact that it looks like most of them are going to be dropped on a planet without sponsors and they’ll flip. Only the belief that they are going to a new home has kept most of them from going over the top as it is.”

He looked around, “I know I keep saying this but remember it, I don’t want to have to replace you so take care,” and with that he picked up his hat and headed for the transporter station and his date with destiny.

On Persephone, Svetlana was waiting patiently in the Personnel sections outer office for her interview with Colonel Johnson -- either he was late or he was deliberately keeping her waiting -- she hoped it was the former because the later did not promise good things for her future.

Svetlana had just started to consider doing something about the delay when a man in the uniform of the Civil Service entered the outer office, he looked around, nodded casually to Svetlana and then crossed to the only occupied desk in the office.

“Sergeant, I’ve an appointment with Colonel Johnson, can you let him know I’m here.”

Svetlana scowled, she had an appointment as well and she didn’t expect to be replaced by some jumped up housemaid. Fortunately before she could react the door to the Colonel’s office opened and Colonel Johnson made an appearance.

“Major Lebedev, sorry for the delay,” the Colonel said, “I’ve been waiting for Tribune ap Rhys to arrive so I can brief the two of you together.”

The Colonel turned so that he was addressing both of the officers, “Please come inside and I’ll let you know what’s happening.” He went back into his office and Svetlana and David followed.

“Take a seat, please,” he smiled, “this is probably going to take awhile so we may as well be comfortable.”

The three of them settled in around a small coffee table and the two junior officers waited to see what was coming.

“Svetlana, this is Tribune David ap Rhys of the Civil Service. He was based in the Neptune system and a short while ago ended up with five hundred concubines on his books. Since then he’s had to leave the system because the Sa’arm turned up and now he -- and they -- are here.” The Colonel turned to David, “This young lady is Major Svetlana Sergeyevna Lebedev of the Confed Space Marines and she is currently earmarked for a training slot on the planet Demeter, the very same planet to which you have been sent, Tribune.”

Colonel Johnson sat back once he’d made the initial introductions and paused, allowing his guests time to absorb the information he’d just given them.

When they both looked back at him he continued, “Demeter is becoming one of the key colonies in what we hope is the future of the human race in this part of space. It is far enough away from the direct route of the Sa’arm invasion to allow us time to get settled and sort out how future colonies will develop as well as being a convenient place to site one of the largest military forces we’ve yet to raise.”

“Major Lebedev has the plans for the military force that will eventually be calling this system home, she is tasked with training the initial force and then setting up the training establishment for the entire force. That force, Tribune will contain over thirty thousand volunteers, which means that we can expect to have at least another hundred thousand concubines on top of that number.”

David went to say something but the Colonel held up his hand, “I know Tribune, you’ve heard all this before but this time it will happen, not overnight and,” he turned to Svetlana, “not in the next couple of years, but it will happen.”

There was a knock on the door and a Sergeant walked in carrying a tray, “Coffee Sir,” he announced before crossing the room and placing the tray on the coffee table. While that was happening Svetlana and David glanced at one another and both grimaced slightly, this clearly wasn’t what either of them where expecting and it didn’t seem particularly relevant.

“So what does this mean for you two?” asked Boris Johnson as if reading their minds. “It’s simple really, but probably one of the most difficult tasks either of you have ever faced. You are to ensure that the colony on Demeter is stable and capable of supporting the sort of operations that we expect it to carry out. Working with Alex Flowers, who is head of the colony you will make this happen and keep it happening until such time as the Sa’arm are defeated.”

“Svetlana I know you have questions coming out of your ears but we haven’t got time to deal with them now, so record them and I will get the staff to provide full answers and forward them to you on Demeter.” The Colonel looked at the Tribune, “David I also know that you were expecting better things for the concubines you’ve dragged half way across the galaxy but that is something you will have to deal with when you get to Demeter. Your original orders still stand in that regards.”

Boris stood and the two juniors did likewise, “David you will take Svetlana with you and cross over to Demeter and report to Alex Flowers and take it from there.” He held out his hand, first to David and then to Svetlana, “and I wish you both the best of luck, I think we’re all going to need it.”

“OK, will someone give me a clue,” asked Alex rhetorically as he read the message on the screen once more. ‘Why would anyone change his title to planetary Governor -- and having done so -- what did it mean for him?’ His mind was in turmoil as he tried to digest the information he’d just been given.

“AI,” he called out, “define the duties of planetary Governor as per these new orders?”

“The planetary Governor is responsible for all actions of a civil nature that occur on the planet,” the AI responded. “The Governor sets the rules which everyone on the planet abides by in all civil matters.”

“The Governor is responsible directly to the Confederacy Council for his actions and those of his planetary population,” the AI concluded.

“So,” said Alex quietly, “while before these orders I was in charge of the Celeus township, I’m now responsible for the whole planet?”

“Yes Sir,” the AI responded.

“How will this change when the rest of the Marines arrive?” he asked sharply.

“It will have no effect, the Governorship is a civil post not a military one,” the AI stated.

“But I’m in the military,” said Alex almost whining.

“It is as though you are two people, Lieutenant Flowers is a Marine and responsible for his actions to those placed over him and Governor Flowers is the head of this planet and responsible to the Confederacy Council for his actions. If there is a conflict of interest it will be up to Alex Flowers to sort it out and set the standards for future actions,” the AI responded.

“Fuck,” exclaimed Alex as he tried to get a grip on reality. “So what rules have other Governors established?”

“There are no other governors at this time,” said the AI, sounding smug.

“Okay,” said Alex, “and what other joys have the powers that be got in store for me?” he wondered out loud.

“A ship of refugees is on the way to the planet and should be here at zero nine hundred hours tomorrow,” came the surprising answer.

“And what am I supposed to do with them?” Alex asked.

“Anything you like, they belong to this planet as soon as they arrive. They are accompanied by Tribune David ap Rhys of the Civil Service and Major Svetlana Sergeyevna Lebedev of the Confed Space Marines who will give further details regarding the future of the planet Demeter.”

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This is a work of erotic fiction. Any resemblance to real people and situations is entirely coincidental. All of the characters in this story are over the age of 18. The storyline and characters in this chapter will make much more sense if you read chapter 1 first. I appreciate getting feedback, both positive and negative, as long as it is constructive. I will not hesitate, however, to delete any nasty or abusive anonymous comments. I enjoy corresponding with my readers, and if you send me...

2 years ago
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RED ROSE 1 Randy Ready 33 Pix

Red Rose raises my eye-brows, as I discover an almost empty profile: no uploads or favourites.Red Rose raises my hair & gives me goose-flesh - From first contact in our personal messages.Red Rose admits she lacks any erotic experience at all with men, never even got some kisses.Red Rose admits she only longs for love with men, so she does not try to practice with a friend.Red Rose looks forward to become a woman soon, at a sensual sexy sweet proper personality.Red Rose has little time &...

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Snow Shoveling Man

Chapter ONE The snow had been falling steadily for several hours, covering the ground with more than five inches of crystalline flakes. You looked out of the living room window of your new home at the fresh blanket of winter white and frowned at how little of your driveway could be visibly followed from the garage to the street. Night was rapidly approaching, and the mercury vapor street light down the block reflected against the snow, creating a faint reddish-violet glow in the twilight. I...

3 years ago
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Birthday Sex With My Girlfriend

Hello, all, I’m a novice reader of the sex story and felt I’d share my sexual experience with my girlfriend to you all. I would love to hook up with girls and aunties. You can hit me up at I have a lot of sexual fantasies to fulfill and I promise I will give you a good sexual experience. I wanna have really passionate sex so ping me and I’ll reply you back and we shall decide the stuff. This sex story happened when I was in college second year. I loved a girl since I joined college and...

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Emilys Story

Introduction: Pregnant white woman and her black yoga instructor. Emilys Story Chapter 1 Emily rolled her eyes discreetly as several women behind her giggled when Ulysses entered the room. She was one of 20 women, in varying degrees of pregnancy, enrolled in a yoga class. It was a special yoga class designed for pregnant women. Emilys older sister, Christine, suggested she try it out. The exercises and poses were easy on the joints and easy to do. After several weeks, Emily noticed a...

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photographing the sister in law

Hi, this is a short story about what happened when my sister in law asked me to take some pictures of her for a calender for her husband. I am a photography enthusiast and love taking portrait pictures. A couple of years ago, my sister in law was asking for ideas about what to get her husband for Christmas that was a bit different. She didnt have much money and they had had a tough year so she wanted something special. SO I suggested a calender of her. I said I could either take the pictures or...

1 year ago
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My Wife Turns An Expert In Wellness Therapy 8211 Details

Since Anita [name changed] shed her inhibitions and started working whole heartedly – loving her new profession [part1] for what she did & had great pride. Akash who experienced Anita for the first time for 2 days – became Anita’s regular client. Though Akash was married his visits to Anita was also known to his wife and she encouraged Akash to the fact that his health improved. Such is the expert reason for having regular SEX. During one of the breaks when she came to meet me – I cajoled her...

3 years ago
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Status Meeting

“Status Meeting. 9:30 AM. Wellness Room #2.” That was the email in my inbox this morning. I did not recognize the email address and I was completely ignorant to the status that the topic referred to. Even stranger, the Wellness Rooms were a group of rooms near the entrance to our building for expectant mothers to breastfeed newborns. It was very odd to have a meeting there. While these thoughts ran through my head I realized that it was already 9:20. I didn’t even have time to respond to the...

1 year ago
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The Photos and the PrenupChapter 2 Punishment

Stephanie sat for a moment before picking up her knife and fork. She cut a piece of salmon and popped it into her mouth. It must have been cold, after all the delay, but she didn’t seem to notice. She chewed the salmon and washed it down with a sip of Sauvignon Blanc. I could tell that she was thinking hard, weighing her options. Stef was a smart woman, not given to wishful thinking. She took a deep breath and blew it out, puffing her cheeks. “So, I’m well and truly fucked,” she said with a...

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Selena and JoeChapter 54

Joe sat in front of his computer surfing from website to website trying to pass the time. He was uneasy that things were going on around him where he could not participate. Selena, along with Lucy and Jeromy were moving things into their respective dorms and new living quarters. While his future mother-in-law Betty was dusting, cleaning up and putting away the clean dishes, Scott was moving things up from their car to "move in" the guest room for a few weeks to help in nursing Joe back to...

2 years ago
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SASCOB Chapter 1

I sat down and ate my breakfast thinking of what I should do on my first day of summer vacation. I have always been really good with computers and electronic devices so this kind of made me a loner when it came to making friends. Not that I was ugly looking, I always figured average, just strange. I wondered if the talent with computers was from my father since I never got to know him he left my mother on the day I was born. I got up and put my dishes into the sick deciding I will do the dishes...

1 year ago
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First boating adventure of the season

Sue and I have never been intimate in any sort of way and have been lifelong friends since before grammar school, call it paranoia but I suspect that she might have an idea about my bisexuality but has never actually come out and asked me, which is neither here nor there because I still have plenty of platonic female friends and not everything has to be of a sexual nature Well we all pile in my hubby’s truck and head to the marina, I helped Sue get on board and Bobby got the...

2 years ago
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I Love You Mommy

Hi all of indian sex stories dot net! You guys can call me ace.My cock size is 6 inches, I like to have your emails to encourage me to write more stories so please mail me at I especially wanted to have some emails from female readers so that I come to know the desires of the women, if interested we can skype or chat. I am 2nd pu now studying in a reputed college.Excuse me if there are any mistakes as it’s my first story.I just love girls and like to talk to them.I college I made more female...

3 years ago
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New PleasuresChapter 5

"What's wrong?" I asked and took a step towards her. "I'm fine," she replied through her tears and looked at me shaking her head. "Why me?" "Because I really like you. And well you are, you're everything I want in a girlfriend." Abi scoffed at me, "I'm really not who you think I am. I am not everything you want, trust me. I have a lot of baggage and I will end up hurting you, and I don't want that." My heart was beating furiously and I searched around her lounge for...

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And the Stalking Was Hung by the Chimney With CareChapter 4

At first I thought I was dead, but everything hurt just too much for that notion to be believable. I cracked open an eyelid expecting to see my death blow incoming, but instead everything seemed peaceful and quiet. I had run my silver runed sword so hard through the Stalker's upper chest that he was now solidly affixed to the side of the chimney and couldn't break himself free. The silver stiletto had also impaled the creature firmly into the brick as well. Major silver poisoning was now...

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Strapon Tales

There are tales of the Strap on Sex Variety. I want to see girls giving to guys up the ass with a big strap on cock. Choose from one of the options below: The first scenario is you get sent to and all women’s prison but you’re a guy. You get caught for reckless diving but the male prison is over crowed. So you get sent to a rough prison with corrupt female guards and wild inmates that haven’t seen a man in a long time. The second scenario is you have a hot girlfriend that is dominate. She is a...

1 year ago
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A Fun Camping Trip

Friday had finally arrived, and Peter had the motor home pulled out. He and Jean were loading their gear to go to the lake for the weekend. Their friends Gregg and Susan were supposed to call, letting them know they were on their way to their house. Jean was helping to hook the boat up when her cell phone rang. She answered, and heard Gregg's voice. "Hey, sweet stuff, we are on our way so don't let your old man leave us behind." Jean giggled, telling Peter, "It's Gregg; they're on their way...

Straight Sex
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Me And My Cousin In The Theater

Hi readers this is a true life incident I am Sakthi. I am 21 years old and I am doing my MD course in Georgia; let me tell u a little about me first I was born on India but I am studying in Georgia. This incident happened some four months back. My sister (cousin) and I went to the theater to watch the movie Conjuring. We both live in the same house here she is my father’s brother’s daughter. She is 1 year younger and perfect in shape her boobs are 32d and she has a very good structure. Normally...

2 years ago
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ShoeLove Chapter 4 Jana I chuckloveinsta

Some time passed after the ski camp, what felt like an eternity. Tamara and Marie winked at me more often during class, but nothing more happened. Neither could I - as usual - go into the girls' cabin during physical education classes, as we had swimming lessons for this grade. Unfortunately, it was in the municipal bathing complex, where it was almost impossible to get into the women's changing room without being seen. To make matters worse, there were also lockers with locks, no, my chances...

1 year ago
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My crossdressing fantasies Free Sex Stories and Adult Erotica Stories

I had an affinity towards women’s clothes and have a lot of crossdressing fantasies. The soft silks, shimmery fabrics and bold colours – I loved them all. But I was a boy and all my friends would laugh if ever a boy wore a pink shirt. And I loved hose colours. I wanted to raid my mom’s closet, wear her dresses, put on makeup and strut like the diva that I was. But I held this in me for many years, until one night I saw my parents. They had dressed up in costumes I believe. My mom was a...

Cross Dresser
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I was going to get something that I had been wanting for a long time

I was awakened by my computer playing a wave sound file I had made from an old 78 recording. “Wake up, Wake up you sleepy head. Get up, get up, get out of bed.” I rubbed my eyes to clear the blurriness and focused on the numbers on the monitor screen. It was December 24, 1997. It was the day before Christmas. It was also my eighteenth birthday. I had always felt cheated on my birthday since it was so close to Christmas that no one really made much fuss over it. But I had decided...

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PenthouseGold Vanessa Vega Receives a XXX Training

Banging brunette Vanessa Vega opens up to personal trainer Codey Steele about her marital problems, and he’s more than happy to put some of his XXX training to work and satisfy her horny needs starting off with a good pussy eating session. She tries to return the favor with a blowjob, but he’s back to hungrily licking her clit, driving her crazy. He knew this naughty Penthouse babe needed a good pounding, so he pumps harder and deeper with each thrust until she’s cumming all...

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Cleavage Lover

Hi this is Bobby from Delhi, India. Just to give a quick intro I am 37 married. I have been reading the storied from Iss.. I just thought to share my experiences in past. I was virgin till my engineering and after that certain incidents happened in my life which changed the entire scenario of my personality. It all started when I came back to Delhi after my B Tech. And was looking for a job. We have one bhabhi in our neighborhood by the name Sunita. A real charming, sexy, tall and proper flesh...

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What Now The Conclusion

No-sex! Okay readers, every story must end even though life goes on. So this is it for this one. This one is for the loyal readers who wanted more. Maybe I should have wrote a novel rather then a short story. To new readers, you will need to read the other chapters to get into the story. I will try for a short synopsis to explain what has happened. * George and Dorothy had been married for nearly thirty-three years. One day Dorothy gave a ‘Dear John’ letter to George before going to her...

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sister n law fuck

I heard thru my mife that Jenn and Dana along with Jenns friend Liz were all going out to dinner and to talk about her behavior. I myself am a pervert who has tried to see my sister in law naked and has made dirty phone calls to her and her friend Liz from pay phones. I just cant help myself. I told my wife I was playing cards and I would be home late. I took my sisterin laws keys to her place and thirty minutes later I found myself in her apartment. Waiting...... 1 Hour later I was naked in...

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Morning Awakening

Warm.Snug.Curled up beneath my duvet,at rest between dream sleep and conciousness,my whole body smiled with contentment.Aware that the morning was approaching but not willing to acknowledge the fact, I sank back towards oblivion.The world was a friendly place,safe at home in our bed.The road was quiet as always,the only sound a bird trilling in the tree outside the bedroom window.Assured after a good nights sleep that there was no need to get up,I slumbered on.I had heard no sound.I had no...

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My Bus Journey Part 16

To completely enjoy this story, please read all 6 parts!. Although Part 1 is non-sexual, it sets the scene for the rest of the story. Enjoy and please leave me your feedback/comments!!*****************************************This is a true story that happened to me many years ago. I have tried to reconstruct and write it in detail, exactly the way I remember it. This happened when I was about 15 years old. At the time I used to live in a country in Southeast Asia. Since the age of 12, I had...

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Mere Padosi Ne Mujhe Choda

Hello friend mera naam pinky h aur main delhi ki rahne wali hu aaj main ap sabko apni chudai ki sacchi kahani batane ja rahi hu kaise mere padosi ne mujhe choda mera pati hamesha apne job ke silsile me bahar rahta h aur main aghar me akeli rahti hu aur kabhi kabhi apne boyfriend ko apne ghar bulakar chudwati hu lekin aaj main apko batauni kaise mere padosi ne mujhe choda aur main apne padosi se chudi aur ab to wo mujhe daily mere ghar aakar chodta h aur main abhi apne padosi se chudwati...

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Getting a Room Mate

We have a two bedroom apartment, we needed a roommate to help pay with the bills so we asked our good friend James. James is a good looking guy, 6’ 1” 200 lbs, brown hair, works out. We’ve been living together now to 2 months, James likes to walk around the apartment topless. He would have a new lady with him every week. We could hear them fuck, the girls are loud, nothing wrong with that, turns me on.Linda my wife is a BBW, 36 D breast, she would sometimes get horny when she hears James fucks...

4 years ago
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Poor Little Rich GirlsChapter 5 Not To Be Out Done

Unfortunately, after no more than a few moments, Sam regained contact with the real world and practically tore himself out of Alice and bolted upright with little regard for the gentle, giving creature beneath him. He, no doubt would have regained his feet and run out of the room, but for two things... his enormous cock was still rigidly at attention, he never could have managed his pants over that thing, and Sue was aroused. The former did not enter his mind as he was struggling up, but the...

2 years ago
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I became Stephens sissy on that hot summer night a long time ago you see Stephen was my best friend since grammar school we hung out and played together since I could remember he was my best friend and I his we were inseparable until we got to be teenagers and met girls then we only hung out once in a while we were too busy trying to get some pussy you know those hormones were raging and we responded to the call anyway we both wound up marrying and then losing two girls his was a slut from day...

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How My Cute Little Daughter Became My Sex Slave 8211 Part 5

On our first night we fucked 5 times. We didn’t know when we slept. When we woke up next day morning, my rod was in her mouth and my mouth was on her cunt. We went to bath room together. She sat on the commode to pass urine. She told me to pass urine on her. I took my penis in my hand and pointed towards her chest and started urinating. She took hold of my rod and directed my urine on her mouth. She drank and the rest overflowed on her breast and abdomen. Already I had erection. I opened the...

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Brandis Bedroom aion

*Dear xhamster admins, this story does not involve ****. It is merely written as one woman's fantasy/dream. There is nothing herein that violates xhamster's terms of service for posting. The character is, also, of legal, consensual age.As Brandi walked out of the grocery store, nearing her car, a man jumped out of an old blue van next to it and grabbed Brandi, placing his hand over her mouth and his other arm around her stomach, dragging her into the van. Brandi tried time and again to bite...

3 years ago
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Bikini Beach Choices

Bikini Beach: Choices By JDG Brad Damien was not a happy man, but then, he hadn't been really happy for some time. It wasn't really anything he could readily identify. He was content in his work, being a construction supervisor was rewarding. You got to see the physical manifestation of your effort come together bit by bit. It wasn't his kids. His daughter, Jan, was the prettiest 16 year old at Arcadia High School, and the best behaved too. His younger daughter, Patricia, was a...

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BrownBunnies Sarai Minx Drain That Pipe

Sarai Minx is having some plumbing issues so she calls a plumber to come take a loog. During the inspection, the plumber, Danny Steele, gets his plunger stuck to his outfit. While trying to pull it off, he pulls a bit too hard which rips off his entire uniform, leaving him naked in her kitchen. When she walks in, at first she’s shocked but then realizes how sexy his body is and his huge dick. She decides that she wants to have a bit of fun instead She gets on her knees to give him an...

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I fucked both my teachers

Hi I am Ravi & I like to read the sex stories of Kerala Erotica. I too did sex with my teachers. Their names are jannu & Rupa. They teach us two subjects. I never had a bad thought for them. I use to go to tuition at jannu teacher. She was very beautiful & maintained a very sexy figure. Her age was 27 & mine was 18 running. I have 15 good friends. All of us use to go to the tuition at her house. She was with her mother who was a heart patient. But their family is very rich. Once I got fainted...

4 years ago
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Great Life in School

That summer in 1975 I had discovered my Dads Porno stash. Three super 8 reels of hardcore sex. I had viewed them over and over and I knew every frame of intense pleasurable raw sex. They were made by Swedish Erotica, no sound but I knew what they was saying. Before that I had only seen some Playboys and Penthouse photos, but nothing like this. I knew I had to share it....My freshman year of High School had just started and I was coming in contact with friends I hadn’t seen since last time at...

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It Started With a Cup of CoffeeChapter 21

The next morning was Friday, and Tracy was waiting for David a half an hour early just as she said she would. Of course, he knew she'd be there and thought, 'Bonnie thinks she's going to punish me by not giving me any sex. Well little does she know that I'll just go and get it somewhere else!' Just because he'd never played Tracy's game before didn't mean he was naive to what was going on. He knew that the teenager would eventually get bored with him, and unless she needed him to do...

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From Willing To Wanton To Wondering

The old-fashioned but always reliable travel alarm clock woke  Sarah Morris on schedule. She immediately double-checked the time with her wristwatch, then stretched and looked over at her fiance, Frankie Deangelo still sleeping soundly beside her.They had been dating since the summer before her senior year in high school. While their ‘make-out’ sessions back then had quickly reached the steamy ‘heading for third base' stage, She had managed to put off letting Frankie finally reach home plate...

1 year ago
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The night before Christmas

Twas the night before Christmas and nothing was stirringThe cat by the fireside were dreamily purringThe c***dren in bed in their dreamy heads rompingWith Goblins and Fairies on whom they were stompingThe snow lay so thick that the rooftops were coveredAnd in bed many ladies with kisses were smothered.Each Daddy was giving each Mummy a treatBy filling her up with eight inches of meat.While mummy sighed softly and whispered her loveAnd urged her man on for that hard final shove.“Oh fuck me, you...

2 years ago
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A True Friend

It was a Saturday afternoon and the wife and I were debating were to go for our usual Saturday night out, after a short debate we decided on the local pub.A short description of my wife is nice looking small 34b breasts slim waist and hips not tall around 5 feet 5inches and our sex life was ok nothing special kind of got to the run of the mill stage.A couple of hours later just as we were about ready to go the baby sitter rang to say she could not make it that night so thats it we thought stay...

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Law Order and Incest

Every girl at Hepburn Fields High fawned over the muscular student-athlete, but once that bell rang, their rolled-up skirts and unbuttoned shirts had no effect on him. Damien was going straight home in the rare case a certain busty, silver-hair goddess took a break from her relentless pursuit of justice and needed a spotter. When you're Anna Smith, chief of police of the worst district of Bay City, triple shifts are just called shifts. The fact that she still found the energy for workouts had...

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Cousin Josh6

********** I lay on a towel in the scorching sunshine. It was hot enough to be almost uncomfortable. The tip of my left bare boob itched, and I rubbed it absently. I hated tan lines. Luckily the thick cypress fence around our single-family home allowed sunbathing in the nude. When it came to my own appearance I might've been a perfectionist, but show me a girl who wasn't. It was a nuisance plucking and shaving all the hairs, using dozens of products for the skin and working out at the...

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Stable Door

It wasn't the boy so much as the place. Not the body, but where he worked. Not the cock specifically, but the dirt, and dust, and the lack of finery. It's not as though I didn't have other options. Mother had taken me aside early in the piece and explained extraordinarily bluntly what was, and wasn't acceptable. In short, it was this: Don't get caught. In two ways. Don't let anyone see you, unless they are directly involved, and don't get pregnant, unless you are going to get married...

4 years ago
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Last Wish

LAST WISH BY PAUL G. JUTRAS It was Jan 1st 2000 and the sea cruise was on its New Year voyage. On board Tom and Hank toasted to the year of their success at the gambling tables. "To wealth!" Tom announced. "To wealth!" Once pass the three mile limit, the casino was open. Tom took the table while Hank took the slot machines. "C'mon make me rich!" They cried. "Thirty-two! Let it ride on Thirty-two!" Tom cried. "I'm...

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Episodes From My Nudist Life 02 Alone On The Beac

Episodes From My Nudist Experience 02Alone at the beachThough this story can be read as a stand alone, it is better to read chapter 01 first, so you can get the whole background.This episode happened in the early 80's, before we knew about AIDS. PLEASE, always have protected sex, and do not forget to enjoy yourselves.I called Ann to see whether she was able and willing to join me for a day at the beach, and got a happy, positive answer. I quickly packed some water and some food for the day, an...

2 years ago
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A Knock At The DoorChapter 11

Out on the patio the grill was hot and ready for steaks. Joel took the platter of Porterhouse and carefully laid each one on the grill. He knew from experience to use tongs rather than a fork to move the meat about the grill. Cat and Janie had taken seats away from the grill and began to chat. Tim stood by Joel, supervising, he said. "Janie" Cat said, "Joel tells me that you're beginning to look for work. What kind of work are you looking for? I'd like to help you if I could." Janie...

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Sumotir Kumoti

Baharampur banke asar por sumotir chhute ese sriman tumi e branche ele,ami ki j khushi hoyechhi.Ami ektu obak holam eto lafalafir ki achhe.Eta thik amar sathe chakrir prothom branche o cashier hoye join korechhilo.Aek sathe cha khetam.O porjontoi.Jhokjhoke nadusnudus bibahito mohila.Ujjwal ronger jama kapod pore.Khabar ane sobbai k khaoay.Ami manager majhe majhe chambere daki.Vnajer peti dekhay amio dekhtam.Oi porjontoi. . Ebar baharampur branche ami esechhi.Ekar quartere thaki. Pray dekhi...

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