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Edited by Ntropy586

I've always heard that most of us only use forty to fifty percent of our brain power. I'm not sure that's true. I think that for the most part we just wander through our lives on autopilot until something shocks us into awareness and then we process with almost awesome efficiency.

Let's look at my situation in particular: I had the day off and decided to do something nice for my wife, Natalie. I decided to surprise her at work with flowers and take her out to lunch. Nat and I work in the same law firm. I'm a paralegal and she's a secretary. I walked into the outer office and didn't see her, but I heard voices form the inner office. I quietly opened the door in case they were involved in a meeting with a client. I'd just stick my head in the door, the way I'd done a thousand other times to see what they were up to and whether or not Nat was even there. If they were busy, I'd just excuse myself and either wait for her or come back later.

I guess I was too quiet because they didn't even hear me. Our boss, Gunner Sterling, had his pants down around his ankles and he was thrusting his dick in and out of my wife as hard and as fast as he could. He was sweating and grunting with each thrust. Natalie had her legs spread and her hands on Gunner's hips. She was flat on her back on his massive desk lifting her pussy up to match his every stroke and hissing, "Fuck me, fuck me harder."

That was the part where I started using all of my brain power and it still wasn't enough. I stood there like a deer caught in the headlights watching them for a while. Finally, my shock wore off and anger took over. I threw the door the rest of the way open and moved into the room.

"Get off of her, asshole!" I screamed.

"Take your clothes off," he said. "You can go next. I've got enough left over for you too. I've been wondering what it would be like to have both of you." Surprisingly, neither of them stopped what they were doing. Gunner looked at me as he pumped Natalie, but Nat was too far gone to stop.

"I'm almost there," she said. I threw the flowers in her face and turned to walk out.

"Wait, don't go," Nat said. "We need to talk about this."

"There's nothing to talk about, Natalie," I replied.

"Baby, this doesn't mean anything; it's just sex," she said. "I was curious, that's all."

"Yeah," said Gunner. "It's no big deal."

"Gunner, I quit," I said. As I slammed the door behind me and ran out of the office, it was all I could do not to cry. I made it all the way out to the parking lot and got into my car before my emotions got the better of me and I let the tears roll down my cheeks as my body was wracked with sobs. As I cried, I wondered how Nat could do this to me. We'd been together for so long and had made so many sacrifices just to be together. Our wedding alone was a perilous and heartbreaking affair as each of our families had pretty much disowned us afterward.

My family and I had always been close and I guess I was probably my dad's favorite. I'd grown up in a middle class neighborhood as part of a fairly good family. I met Natalie in high school and we instantly became friends. Originally, there were three of us, but the third member of the trio, Melanie Wright, started dating and didn't have much time for us. That had been a blow because we used to always hang out at Mel's house back then. Her parents were everything I wanted mine to be like. Her dad and I were especially close. He often gave me advice on how to handle certain situations I found myself in with teachers or peers.

When high school ended, Melanie was already in love with Bobby Bradley. They were going to the same college and getting married soon afterward. I hadn't even had one relationship throughout the four years that separated childhood from adulthood and wondered why. I was very popular and had been asked out a lot of times but had never accepted. I'd even turned down some of the cheerleaders. They just seemed to be overly prissy to me. Besides, there wasn't anyone at that school that I'd rather spend time with than Nat anyway.

So when it came time for the prom and we showed up together, no one batted an eyelash. There were some "I told you so," expressions and a few weird smiles but no one really cared.

Our experiences in college were even less dramatic. Everyone was so busy experimenting, finding their own path towards adulthood and becoming a contributing member of society that no one really cared about us. After a few guys had asked Natalie out and been turned down people just accepted that we were together even though we hadn't formally announced anything. After college, we both got jobs to pay the rent while we tried to settle into our careers. Natalie had soon secured a job as a secretary, while I still had two more years of school in order to become a paralegal.

As soon as I got done with school, I started interviewing with different lawyers and firms. Of all the places I interviewed, I thought that I had the best possible future with Gunner. He was an associate with one of the biggest law firms in the city, was on the fast track to becoming a partner and was more ambitious than the law allowed. I saw Gunner moving from law into politics and beyond. If I could hitch my wagon to his star, I'd do well.

Six months after I started working for Gunner, his secretary just quit. Gunner wanted me to interview the potential candidates for her replacement. In our office, secretaries only did clerical work. They typed papers, made phone calls and made coffee. My job was to handle all of the things that required knowledge of the law, that Gunner didn't have time for. I did research, I looked up case files that might have a bearing on cases we working on and I drew up papers.

Hiring a secretary was technically outside of my job description, but it only went to show how much faith Gunner had in me. I wanted to do the best job possible. Did it hurt that the best possible candidate happened to be my own wife? Not to me. And Gunner seemed to like Natalie as soon as she walked in the door. He looked at me and said, "You made a great choice."

Natalie is tall, but very petite. She has short golden blonde hair and is always smiling. Her brown eyes seem to light up every room she steps into. She has a very outgoing personality and can usually be counted on to be the life of any party. Gunner and she became the closest of friends almost immediately. Maybe I'm just stupid. Maybe I should have seen what would happen between them from the beginning. Maybe all of this is my fault; if I'd never given Nat the job, she would still be mine.

I started the Jeep and drove back home. Almost as soon as I got the car moving my phone rang. I looked at the screen on my iPhone and saw that it was Nat calling. I didn't bother to answer it. As soon as I got to our apartment I started throwing my clothes and personal items into duffel bags, gym bags, plastic bags, garbage bags and anything else I could find. Every time I got a couple of bags ready I ran back downstairs and loaded them into my Jeep. I got all of my clothes, my toiletries and personal items into the Jeep. I still had room for electronics and my computer. I put my laptop on the front seat where it would be safe and went back into the apartment for another load.

I unplugged my flat screen from the cable box and realized that I'd either need help or a cart to move it. If I put the back seats down and put it on top of my clothes to give a soft surface to rest on I could easily get it in the back. I called downstairs and the building manager was only too happy to loan me a dolly to move it with. Unfortunately, he couldn't help me move it because of his bad back. I got the TV onto the dolly and rolled it down the hall and into the elevator in less time than it takes to talk about it. I gingerly tilted the TV onto the lip of the Jeep's rear section and grabbed the bottom to kick the dolly out from under it. I took a deep breath and tried to summon some of the anger I'd felt when I saw my boss fucking my wife. It worked. My rage gave me more than enough strength to lift the TV and slide it into the back of the Jeep. I decided to take one last look around the apartment to make sure I hadn't left anything I could do without. I grabbed a few more knickknacks and was doing a final sweep when she walked in. She took one look at me and burst into tears.

"So this is the way you handle our problems?" she screamed. "You just grab your shit and slink off somewhere?" I didn't say a word. I was too close to tears myself.

"What ever happened to loving me all the days your life, so long as you shall live?" she asked tearfully. That did it. The bitch was trying to use our marriage vows against ME, after what she'd just done?

"Whatever happened to keeping yourself only unto ME?" I shot right back.

"I was doing it FOR us," she said, trying to get closer to me.

"How is fucking Gunner doing something for us?" I spat.

"If you'd just calm down and let me explain this, you'd understand," she said.

"No need to calm down," I told her. "I'm calm now. I've had a chance to think about everything. You'd be surprised at how things click into place when you're going through someone's stuff while you're packing so you can get the fuck away from them."

"What are you talking about?" she asked.

"Gunner wasn't the first man you've cheated on me with, was he?" I asked. She couldn't meet my eyes. "There's no need to deny it, Nat; I found your fucking birth control pills. We both know that you don't need them with me."

"But it was just curiosity," she parried.

"Bullshit, Natalie!" came my riposte. "You used that line on me when we were in college. You tried out a few guys back then because you were curious, remember? I was the one who came into our relationship a virgin. You had your chance to experiment. You said it was for both of us."

"It was and so is this," she said. "We've been talking about having a baby, right?"

I started laughing then. "Let me guess, you were only doing it for the baby, right? How the fuck is Gunner supposed to get you pregnant while you're on the pill? Tell me Nat, woman I've loved for most of my life. Do you know how it feels to hear the woman you love begging some guy to fuck her?"

"But..." she began.

"Save it," I said. "I'm leaving. I don't want to talk anymore. I'm too hurt and too angry. I might say something you'll regret."

"Gunner wants you to come back to work," she said. "He wants us to all sit down and talk about this like rational adults."

"Fuck Gunner," I countered. "Wait, you already did, that's why we're here. He's not the only lawyer in town. I'll call you tomorrow to let you know who I get."

"If you're getting a job with another law firm, let me know when they get an opening for me," she said. "I've liked us working together. I wouldn't like not seeing you for most of the day again."

"Natalie, you're not going to be seeing me at all," I said. "I'm getting another lawyer to handle my side of the divorce."

"We are not getting a fucking divorce," she snapped suddenly. "We are going to be together forever, just like we've always fucking said. This is bad, I know. I was wrong and I'm sorry, but this is not the end of us. I won't let it be. If I have to bankrupt both of us, I'll fight it."

I slammed the door and just walked out. She opened it behind me and ran screaming down the hall. "Jill, I love you! Please don't leave me!"

Mason Wright

"Mason, your eleven o'clock appointment is here."

My secretary's voice over the intercom pulled me away from my thoughts. I shook my head and silently laughed at myself. It had been five years last week and I still found myself daydreaming about my wife. I'd taken two years off after she'd died. I originally wanted a year off, but found that even after a year, I just wasn't ready to resume life again. Three years later, I still found myself just going through the motions. Almost every time I ended up with time on my hands, I found myself wondering what she'd think about this or that. I also wondered why.

They always say that flying is the safest way to travel. I'd heard all of the bullshit statistics. The man from the airlines told me that last year alone there were over 34,000 deaths from auto accidents, but from 1982 to the present there have been only 364 deaths to people flying in airplanes. That's three hundred and sixty four people over thirty years for airplanes versus thirty four thousand every year for cars. It really doesn't matter, though, when one of those people is the person you intended to spend the rest of your life with. When your mind and all of your senses are used to a person, the numbers cease to hold any relevance. When your muscle memory is accustomed to wrapping your arms around a soft, warm form in the middle of the night, the numbers become lies. When...

"Should I send her in?" Anne's voice burst from the intercom yet again, preventing me from returning to my thoughts.

"Yes, Anne," I replied, "Send her in."

I tried to smile. I wanted to give my potential new client the sense that I could help her. It's a funny thing, no matter how much experience you have, clients tend to believe that you're a better lawyer or whatever if you're smiling when you first meet. Perhaps projecting sadness or unhappiness with your own life indicates an inability to help them with theirs.

The door opened slowly, almost cautiously, and my mouth dropped open immediately. "Good morning..." I began before the words found themselves stuck in my throat and I started to smile. I got up and rushed across the room to shake hands but somehow the friendly professional handshake became a hug and she started crying and hugging me even closer. Normally this wouldn't be a problem, but when the person you're hugging is Jill Black ... It's a problem. Well actually there were two problems and they were pretty fucking big ones.

"Jill, what's wrong?" I asked her. "I'm so sorry, honey; I didn't know that it was you. I thought it was just another client."

"I didn't know it was you, either, Mr. Wright," she sobbed, "but I am a client."

"What's wrong, Jilly?" I asked. "What do you need me to do?"

"I need a divorce," she said. She could barely keep the tears from falling. I could tell that she was really upset.

"Jill have you had lunch yet today?" I asked. She shook her head, sending a torrent of inky black waves falling over her shoulders. Her bottom lip stuck out like a petulant child's and again I thought about all of the frustration that she must have given hundreds of teenaged boys early on, not to mention full-grown men in later years. I stood up and grabbed her hand.

"We're going to lunch and you can tell me about it," I said. "Everything seems to feel better when you share it with someone. Plus it's harder to be miserable on a full stomach. Didn't I teach you that when you were sixteen and trying to learn how to drive?"

"You mean when I destroyed my neighbor's fence and scratched my dad's car and you helped me rebuild the fence because he wouldn't?" she asked, smiling. I just nodded. An hour later, after putting away an order of fillet medallions each at Texas Roadhouse, Jill was ready to talk.

"Okay, Jill, why do you need a divorce?" I asked. "Start from the beginning and tell me everything."

She told me a story that I hadn't heard. Jill and Natalie had been my daughter, Melanie's best friends before she got married and moved on with her life. My daughter and I were still close, so I'd have to tell her that I'd run into Jill. Of course I couldn't talk about the specifics or anything about Jill's case if there did turn out to be one. But I could mention that I'd seen her.

Of the three girls, Jill was the most unforgettable. My own daughter Melanie was the pretty girl-next-door type. Natalie was the tall, thin model type. And Jill was like something out of playboy, but she just didn't seem to understand what she had. Natalie's body was almost boyish with her slim hips and tiny breasts. It was her personality more than anything else that brought people flocking to her. Melanie was pretty much in the middle; she had a nice body and was proud of it. Jill, though, had to have worn a double-D bra in high school. She was slim but curvy and even my wife had commented on her body. She used to joke that Jill's boobs came into the room two minutes before she did and her ass was still there two minutes after she left.

Jill could probably have driven the boys crazy but she seemed to hold onto that tom boyish thing for a lot longer than you'd have expected. It wasn't that she went out and played football or anything – she was extremely feminine – it was just that long after she should have started chasing boys (or at least letting them catch her) she still preferred to hang out with Mel and Nat. There were a lot of frustrated boys back then.

I tried not to react when Jill explained to me that she and Natalie had actually grown up, stayed together and gotten married. Our state was one of the first to allow same-sex marriages and they'd taken advantage of it. Things had gone great except for a few run-ins with narrow-minded people. Sure, they'd had their ups and downs like most young couples, but until yesterday when Jill had walked in and found Natalie fucking a man, her life had been great.

"Jill, divorce is a really big step," I said. "Are you sure there's no other way to handle this?"

She shook her head. "I thought about this all night Mr. Wright. Natalie has been lying to me for a long time. There's no way I want to go back to that."

"What about counseling?" I asked.

"Won't work," she said. "Counseling is only good when both parties believe there's a chance to save the relationship and are willing to work at it. I'm not."

"I'm just asking the questions the way any lawyer would," I replied.

"And I appreciate it," she smiled, flipping all of that dark hair out of her eyes. "Most people act like we're some kind of oddities."

"Okay, we're going to have to go over your financials and decide what you'd like to have happen," I said.

"So you'll take my case?" she asked excitedly.

"Was there ever any doubt?" I returned.

"Mr. Wright..." she began.

"We're both adults now, Jill. You can call me Mason," I said.

"Mason, you were always special to me, but you'll never believe how many people turned their back on us when Nat and I decided that we wanted to be together. Her family, my family and a lot of our old friends won't have anything to do with us." She looked at me and lowered her eyes a bit.

"That was how I lost you," she said.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Well towards the end of high school, some of the kids had noticed that Nat and I were very close. They started to make comments and jokes about it. Melanie kind of distanced herself from us then. I can't say that I blamed her. High school was all about fitting in. But when she stopped hanging out with us, I didn't get to see you or ask you for advice anymore."

She put her head down as if she was trying to hide her face when she said, "I think I missed you more than I missed her."


The past three days have been hell. I woke up this morning feeling like spiders were crawling over my body. There were no spiders, it was only Gunner. He'd slept over with me last night since he didn't have to worry about Jill coming home. He was slowly trying to squeeze his fingers into my pussy. The problem was that I wasn't in the mood and what he was doing hurt. He didn't care.

"It might get wet if you were to lick it a little bit," I said.

"No chance, babe," he smirked. "I'll eat you out as soon as you start sucking my dick. So get out some lube."

Gunner knew that there was a bigger chance of monkeys flying out of my ass than me sucking his dick. For all that a penis came in handy when I was in a certain mood, there was no way I was putting one in my mouth.

"I'm not in the mood, Gunner," I said icily.

"I am," he said with the exact same amount of frost in his voice. "If I wanted to lie in bed with a woman who wasn't putting out, I'd go home and sleep with my wife. Now let's get to it. Usually these things resolve themselves in about a week. Jill will probably call you by tomorrow so the two of you can talk. By the weekend, the two of you will be back together and she'll have you on a tight leash. So we may as well get all of the sex we can in while her panties are still in a bunch."

I thought about it for a second and just looked at him.

"It's because we're guys," he smirked. "Although you're the prettiest guy I've ever seen. Usually, the woman in a relationship is the one who's always talking about romance and emotions and feeling and all of that bullshit. The guys are the ones who understand that you can have sex with people and not want to spend the rest of your life with them. Guys understand that sometimes sex is just sex. That's why you're the guy in your relationship."

"Doesn't fucking another guy make you a fag?" I asked. His face darkened for a brief second and then he smiled.

"Well between the two of us, I was hoping that we could get Jill involved in this," he smirked. "Her body is incredible. She has those huge tits and that juicy round ass. I get excited just thinking about putting a baby in that tight little tummy of hers."

"You're wasting your fucking time," I spat. "Jill has never had sex with a man in her entire life. You won't be her first and you're probably going to be my last."

"So what about our threesome?" he whined.

"I don't think it's going to happen," I said. "You should have seen how hurt and how angry she was. If you hadn't told me how to handle things with her, I'd probably have tracked her down and started begging her for forgiveness. I miss her a lot."

"Get real," he smirked. "You don't miss her. You just miss her tongue in your pussy. You don't really care who you fuck as long as you get off. And right now you're getting used to fucking me so you want something different, that's all. We're the same, that's why we get along so well."

I snorted my disagreement. He rolled over on top of me, pinning me to the bed with his weight. He moved up until his rapidly swelling dick was against my mound. "We're not doing it," I said.

"Why not?" he asked with a smirk on his mouth as if I'd said something funny.

"Because you just sat there and told me how much you wanted to fuck Jill, that's why," I spat. "You make it seem like I'm just someone to fuck until you can get her."

He leaned down and started licking my nipples. He smiled even more when they failed to rise.

"I told you, I'm not in the mood," I said.

"That's too bad," he said, smiling even more. He forced my legs apart and aimed the head of his dick right at my opening. Then he roughly pushed forward. It hurt badly, but he didn't seem to care.

"Oww, God damn it!" I shrieked. He pushed forward again and it felt like my pussy was burning. The friction of him pushing himself inside of me with no lubrication was torture.

"There's a tube of lube in the desk drawer," I screamed.

"We don't need no stinking lube," he smirked.

"I'll get it," I said. "It'll be better." He backed off and let me get the tube. I smeared it over both his dick and my vagina.

He pushed himself back inside me and then began fucking me. From the smile on his face he was enjoying himself. I looked at him and wondered what was wrong with him. My legs splayed open on either side of him and he just pumped away at me oblivious to the fact that I wasn't actively participating.

"Are you enjoying yourself?" I asked, thinking I'd shame him into stopping.

"Yep," he said. "I love fucking your tight little pussy. I could do this all day and I might."

"But don't you..." I began.

"Don't I care that you're not into it?" he asked. "Why should I? I don't love you. This is just sex. Isn't that what you told Jill? So I don't care whether you get off or not, as long as I do."

He grabbed my hands and roughly pulled them up over my head and started just pounding on me like I was only a piece of meat. I recognized the look that he got on his face when he was about to cum and figured that at least it was over with but he had a surprise in store for me. He hunched forwards until his knees pinned my arms to the bed.

"Come on Baby," I crooned. "Don't hold it back. You can cum in me."

"I know," he said. "But this is more fun." With my arms pinned, he grabbed my face with his hands and scooted up further. He pulled my mouth open and forced the head of his dick between my lips. "If you bite me, I'll punch you in the face harder than you've ever felt in your life," he hissed. He kept roughly forcing his dick in and out of my mouth. I wanted to gag but couldn't. Then he shot his first blast of sperm into my mouth. He laughed and pulled his dick out and shot his second blast all over my face. It went everywhere. There was sperm in my eyes and all over my face. I wanted to throw up. I felt sick. I tried to wipe my face but he still had my arms pinned.

He reached over onto the bedside table and retrieved his cell phone. He took several pictures of my face covered in his sperm and then got up.

"Nice pictures, huh?" he said. "Next time you try to tell me no, remember what just happened. I could send these pictures to anyone, anywhere. You probably wouldn't care but I'm sure there's someone, somewhere that you'd be embarrassed to have see them."

I sputtered and tried to wipe his spunk off of my face.

"Wipe your face before you come in to work," he smirked. "You look like a whore. I wonder what all of those people who think you're not into men would think." His chuckles followed him into my bathroom where I heard him showering.

A few minutes later he was done and dressed for the office. "Remember if my stupid wife calls today, I'm still out of town," he said. "And get your ass in gear; you're going to be late."

I slowly got out of bed. My legs ached from him forcing them apart. My arms ached from him pressing his bony knees into them to keep me from fighting him off. My pussy was bruised and red. Suddenly, this wasn't fun any longer. I thought back to what he'd told me about how Jill would stay angry at me for a week or so and then we could talk. I'd say I was sorry a lot and suck up to her for a while and things would be fine. I believed him. Not because he'd said it, but because it was amazingly like what my dad had done to my mom over and over again when I was growing up. I loved my mom and my dad, but dad never had a secretary that he didn't fuck. Maybe that was why I was so messed up myself.

I guess I saw myself as being in the role my dad played and Jill as being like my mom. I'd go out and get all of the sex I craved and Jill's job would be to love me and forgive me. Our marriage was no different than anyone else's. At least I could say though that I'd never fucked any woman other than Jill. Every time I cheated on her, it was always with men. Maybe I was bisexual. I loved women and fucked men.

But Gunner was right about one thing. I was really missing Jill at that moment. Jill's gentle touch and soft caresses were really what I needed right then. I was getting wet just thinking about her giving me a bath and then putting me to bed and putting her head where it belonged, right between my legs while I did the same to her. She could wipe that asshole Gunner completely out of my memory. Just as I got into thinking about Jill and reached for my special place the doorbell rang. I grabbed a robe and opened the door. I started to pull the robe tighter but as I opened the door, I stopped. I let the sash drop from my fingers and the robe started to gape open. I smiled at the young woman standing there. She was beautiful, tall and on the thin side, just like me. She did have larger breasts, but who didn't? She had a clipboard with all kinds of file folders on it. She was chewing gum and she just looked bored.

"You, um, Natalie Perry?" she asked. I nodded.

"Got any ID?" she continued.

"Of course," I said. "Please come in." I was hoping to get her inside the apartment. "What's this about?"

"It's all, routine," she said. I let the robe fall totally open, as I turned and showed her my driver's license.

"Oh, God!" she cried. "I think I threw up on my fucking gum. Put some clothes on lady, shit, here," she said handing me a folder.

"What's this?" I asked.

"You've been served," she said. "And my eyeballs have been scorched. I'm gonna' have to go fuck some random guy just to get my equilibrium back. Gross."

I stood there in the doorway, stunned. I opened the folder and there they were; freshly minted divorce papers. Jill was trying to divorce me. She wasn't sitting somewhere crying over me, she wasn't working her way through her hurt and coming back to me, she was done. In a way that my mother had never been strong enough to do, Jill was moving on in her life without me. I'd never been one for emotional outbursts or anything like that, but this time was different. I slumped to the floor with the robe still gaping open and the door open and wondered where I'd gone wrong. Did Jill have someone else? Was she somewhere with another woman, even as I sat there trying not to cry? As I slumped there on the floor, a young couple from down the hallway walked past on their way to the elevator. The guy couldn't help staring at my nearly naked body, but his girlfriend quickly reined him in.

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Shemale, tranny or as some like calling them t-girls, I like them. Im not talking cross dressers, I'm talking about the ones with titties, curves and sound like a woman. Being a bi male, to me its the best of both worlds. I like watching porn of them and honestly I prefer the ones of them doing a strip tease, ending with them stroking their cock and cumming all over themselves. I met one, unknowingly, once while playing around on a chat site. I was cruising thru the members "online" when I came...

3 years ago
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For the Cowgirls

                                                                                                     For the Cowgirls Iris was on her way home from work. It had been a long stressful day at the doctor’s office where she worked. One of the other girls had called in sick, and she was left to deal with all of the patients and paperwork by herself. She had to stay late just to catch up. On top of that, she was almost 2 hours from home, and missing her kids, who had been at daycare since early that...

3 years ago
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For the Cowgirls

                                                                                                     For the Cowgirls Iris was on her way home from work. It had been a long stressful day at the doctor’s office where she worked. One of the other girls had called in sick, and she was left to deal with all of the patients and paperwork by herself. She had to stay late just to catch up. On top of that, she was almost 2 hours from home, and missing her kids, who had been at daycare since early that...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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The Schoolgirls

The Schoolgirls by Jayme Erin Hendricksen How far will a young talented female musician go with her boyfriend to advance her musical career? My name is Gretchen VanAustin. I'm 23, a child of money, spoiled, artistic, intensely creative, devious, bisexual, a talented guitarist, and I yearn to be a rock star. And I'm becoming one, with the help of my group, the "Schoolgirls". And I'm about to tell you who is probably the most responsible for my path to success, and why. His...

2 years ago
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As a part of the Gamma Films family, Girl Sway (or is it Girl’s Way? I am not entirely sure…I’m going to just go with Girls Way because I like it better) is one of the production company’s most popular sites, and one of the most popular all lesbian porn paysite providers on the web. Gamma Films is also known for its other premium paysites, such as 21st Sextury, Fantasy Massage, and Pure Taboo., however, has attained, arguably, the best reputation when it comes to all lesbian...

Premium Lesbian Porn Sites
4 years ago
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Femdom with egirls

// I'd like to use the first chapter as an author's note. Feel free to skip ahead if you don't wanna read this, but I encourage you to at least take a look. First of all, I obviously don't own any of the pictures used, the girl in the cover of this story is @jennalynnmeowri and at the start of the story, all of the girls will be referred to as their Instagram @s Second of all, please do not leave disrespectful comments on any of their photos, and don't take this story too seriously, as it ISN'T...

5 years ago
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The twin dickgirls

Meg and Sarah are twin sisters, both are 18 years old and are seniors in high school. Unlike most women, they have both male and female genitals, a fact that is known to everyone at their school. It's early in the morning and Meg woke up with her cock totally hard. She got up and watched the little of her reflection that you could see in the mirror due to the darkness in the room, seeing the girl with long black hair and big breasts. People close to her said she had her mother's body, but her...

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The Batfamily were the united heroes of Gotham City. Bruce Wayne when he first became the Batman decided he needed help to save Gotham. He brought in Dick Grayson, the first Robin. Eventually Bruce expanded so far, he had four Robins and three Batgirls. ——————- You play as Dick Grayson, the oldest of all the Batfamily and you are assigned to a mission with the three Batgirls

2 years ago
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Pokegirls were created long ago by an evil and perverted scientist called Dr. Sukebe as super-soldiers, sexual partners, and servants. However, when he created these Pokegirls, rebellion broke out, and a war began. During this time, people learned that they could make Pokegirls loyal to one person, and soon, this knowledge spread - the ones who made these Pokegirls loyal to him or her was called a Tamer. Now, these Pokegirls are either used as sex slaves, partners, or both. There are female...

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"Pokegirls are products of nature's power. They are linked inextricably to the world around them. Tamers, pure blooded people at one point in time - now those who by the age of 16 have not undergone 'Threshold' - have the ability to stop these Pokegirls from reverting to a more animalistic or feral state through the use of heavy endorphin release during orgasm. A culture has grown over the years between these Tamers - to see who has the most beautiful, the most skilled and the most powerful...

4 years ago
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Deceiving the Naive Papergirls

Saturday,11:00 am. I was having a shower trying to get rid of a rather nasty hangover when the damn doorbell rang. Loud. Damn near made my head bust. I tried to ignore it but some idiot kept pushing the bell. Shelly, my wife, works Saturdays so I had to answer the damn thing myself. I turned the shower off, grabbed a towel, held it round my waist and stumbled down the stairs, dripping. ?OK, OK. I'm coming.? Every ring set off explosions in my poor head. I opened the door. ?What is it?? A young...

4 years ago
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This story is intended only for readers who are lawfully certified mature, sophisticated, cosmopolitan, and literate. All others fuck off. BiGirls by Vickie Tern i. I sell insurance, industrial, liability, all kinds. I know. But it's a living, if you work at it, and it's a product people need, so they buy it. If they luck out and it turns out they didn't need it they feel cheated. So...

3 years ago
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Manja at Pussygirls

Had gone to Denmark to visit a good friend who moved away from Sweden.For some reason, my horniness steered me to the city of Horsens, south of Aarhus.Come out to the yellow house on Nygade 10th Rang and Manja opened.I had not been with her ??before. But she seemed nice.Manja. She is an adult blonde bimbo, at 35y.o..She is as tall as my 178 cm, but weighs just 63kg distributed on a golden porn star's body.Always with a twinkle in his eyes, full lips that you just wanted to kiss.She has them...

4 years ago
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RepliKate and the BunnyGirls

by Fidget RepliKate impatiently waited for the patrol to walk by, activating her powers as she stepped into the hallway behind them. The classy, dark evening gown that molded itself to her smooth curves vanished suddenly, leaving her ample assets fully nude for an almost-imperceptible instant as she strode down the hall before rough Kevlar materialized around her body, wrapping her in dark blue body armor as a standard-issue visored helmet obscured her elegant features. She adopted the...

2 years ago
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RepliKate and the BunnyGirls

RepliKate impatiently waited for the patrol to walk by, activating her powers as she stepped into the hallway behind them. The classy, dark evening gown that molded itself to her smooth curves vanished suddenly, leaving her ample assets fully nude for an almost-imperceptible instant as she strode down the hall before rough Kevlar materialized around her body, wrapping her in dark blue body armor as a standard-issue visored helmet obscured her elegant features. She adopted the no-nonsense gait...

Mind Control
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Dew and Girlsex

Rosalind held the crotch of her panties lightly, stroking her swollen clitoris with her middle finger. Her cunt itched, slippery juices seeping and dampening her fiery thick cunt hair and her silky panties. She tightened her butt muscles, pushing her cunt against her hand as a shiver climbed her spine, and the tingling wave of lust stirred from her slightly chubby thighs to her ample, shapely breasts. The 38-year old redhead stared lustily through the door of the canvas tent, which fell just a...

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The Devils PactChapter 4 Salesgirls

Thursday, June 6th, 2013 – Mark Glassner – South Hill, WA Mary and I exited the Heavenly Creature's Salon, arm's wrapped around each other's waist. "Where's your car?" Mary asked, peering curiously around the parking lot. "I got rid of that P.O.S.," I told her, leading her to my new, silver Mustang. The original owner decided to be an asshole to me, so I swapped cars with him and sent his wife into an orgy to punish him. "Here's my new ride, Mare." Mary raised her eyebrows at...

3 years ago
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Portrait of the Valkyrie as a Young WomanChapter 6 Of Women Girls and Supergirls

October was nearing its end, and I was starting to slip. My performance at the mill was getting worse. All I could think about was the Finklestein house, that lesbian coven of weightlifting and murder. Every so often I would see Rachel driving past, and she would laugh. But I hadn’t seen Becky since last Saturday when she almost killed me for endorsing the wrong Fraggle. Sherry and Andy were away again and I was back in the garage. I thought about lifting weights, but when I examined the bar...

2 years ago
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Looking for sexy Russian girls? Are you ever tired of the savagery that you see in porn and just want to lay back with some passionate galleries and stroke your wand to those instead. I know that after a long day, there’s nothing better than to unwind with some beautiful babes that are professionally shot on photography sets. Porn is great and all for when you want to let it all out, but for when you’re completely drained there are sites like which will make you feel nice...

Popular Porn Blogs
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Reddit Real Girls, aka r/RealGirls! When we jerk off to porn, we’re jerking off to a substitute for the real thing – as humans, we mostly want sex and food in this life, everything else is second to those two basic animalistic necessities, so it’s imperative that we eat and fuck as much as we can in this life before we die. Now seeing as how we’ve evolved into a never before-comprehended society with incredible technology and socioeconomic factors which people living 1000s of years ago could...

Reddit NSFW List
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At Girl Scanner you will get to see some of the most recent releases and older videos from other known porn sites, and all of them can be downloaded. In fact, all you can do is download their content and not much else, which is why I am honestly a bit confused as to why they decided to name the site aka… what does that even stand for?While that might sound all peachy and shit, it is not all that great. Do not worry, as that is exactly why the fuck I am here, so...

Free Porn Download Sites
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Meh, I'm not looking for "kind girls", but "nude girls"! People tend to get repulsed by all the obscene pornography on the internet. We all know that female nudity may be celebrated in a way that's much more respectful. Matter of fact, seeing all these girls getting stepped on, spit on and fucked roughly has destroyed the way we see girls. Not all women want to get bent over and pounded hard until they can't breathe properly.Rather, most girls really aren't into that, and modern pornography...

Naked Girls Galleries
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I’ll be honest: DSC Girls, aka Delhi Sex Chat, kind of took me by surprise when the link slid into my DMs this morning. It wasn’t the basic premise that got me, as regular visitors will know I myself am a regular on some of the webcam sites around the internet. Hell, I’ve got dozens of similar platforms listed and reviewed in my directory of Live Sex Cam Sites here at ThePornDude. On the other hand, my list of Live Indian Sex Cams is slim compared to some of the other options out there....

Live Indian Sex Cams
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Yeah, baby! Viper Girls! A lot of people have this image of the pornography superfan as a lonely, isolated recluse, holed up in his basement and jerking off to hardcore anal porn 24-7, never interacting with another human soul. That just isn’t true. There are some thriving communities of perverts out there. ViperGirls, for example, gets over 15 million visits a month. See? I interact with a lot of people, even throughout a six-day masturbation binge, during which I never leave the...

Porn Forums
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You sick fucks want to know more about Poo Pee Girls? The internet made it possible for porn to be accessed very easily and ‘enjoyed’ by people from all over the world with relative ease. Many early P2P sharing platforms like Kazaa and Limewire had an astonishing amount of porn on them during the late 90s and early 2000s – so much that it was impossible to tell whether you’re downloading a Linkin Park anime music video, or a low-quality homemade fuck-flick. As the internet expanded more and...

Scat Porn Sites
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Net Video Girls has the kind of name that’s vague enough to almost sound innocent, but we wouldn’t be talking about it if it was. You probably already have some good ideas about what those girls are doing on video, on the net. Make a list of your favorite sex acts and follow along at home as we see how many of your wet dreams are about to be acted out on camera.While they may have a lower profile than premium mega-sites like Brazzers, seems to have carved out their own corner...

Premium Amateur Porn Sites
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Are you into videos of Girls Rimming? You don’t actually have to answer that, because the fact that you’re reading this tells me all I need to know about your lust for pretty girls who know how to toss a good salad. In a world of increasingly depraved porno, it’s still pretty uncommon to see a girl licking a dude’s asshole in a high-budget movie. If you’re the kind of pervert who seeks out the bum-tonguing scenes on the big paysites, I’ve got a fucking treat for you is...

Premium Fetish Porn Sites
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Holo Girls VR, mother fucker! Take out your goggles, cause I'm about to give you an award-winning site. It's not like you are used to seeing, it's more than that. I mean it! It's awesome, it's amazing, it has hot VR productions, hot pornstars, hot sex, hot everything. Once you have confirmed the fact that you are at an age which allows you to see porn, you can start the journey to the moon and back. I've used this expression because HoloGirlsVR is an alien site. Who the fuck had the idea for...

VR Porn Sites
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Need JAV pics? It’s time to get down with some sexier as fuck JAV girls. You’ve probably seen my extensive list of quality JAV sites. There are a shit-ton of them. They are all great and each one has something different and special that it brings to the table. Some house hordes of uncensored videos while others have heaps of kinky fetish content. Who am I kidding, they all have fetish content. It’s fucking JAV. It’s weird, sexy, and any other dumb adjective you could think of. The site I have...

Porn Pictures Sites
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Girls With Muscle!? I’m getting mixed feeling here guys. On one hand, I love fit women, I like it when women take care of themselves and their bodies. But on the other hand, when some of them have bigger muscles than me, I don’t really know what to think of that. Welcome to, where you’ll find tons of real images of real women who are packing heat. And by heat, I mean guns. And by guns, I mean their biceps. Holy cow, look at those biceps! I can feel a bit of insecurity coming...

Fetish Porn Sites
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“Wow, girls!” I still say it all the time, even as a depraved porn addict who never stops shaking his dick at the screen. I’m just in awe of hot bitches, I guess, hardwired to appreciate the natural and sometimes enhanced beauty of girls next door and porn sluts alike. That’s probably why I’m entranced within seconds of hitting the landing page at WowGirls. They look like the girls next door, but goddamn, they’re getting into some serious porno sex! calls themselves The Future of...

Premium Teen Porn Sites
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Reddit Straight Girls Playing, aka r/StraightGirlsPlaying! Watching straight girls do something that is not-so-straight gets my motor running, and seeing as how you decided to check out a subreddit called r/StraightGirlsPlaying/, I am sure you feel the same way, right? There are many reasons why this subreddit made my dick hard, and they are all pretty obvious. But if you are interested, I shall go over all the basics and whatever the fuck I think is important.Starting with the overall...

Reddit NSFW List
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Reddit XSmallGirls, aka r/XSmallGirls! I feel like such a pervert just checking out this sub. Yo, fuck that, these petite girls had it coming, and I’m about to be cumming to their nude pics for as long as I want! That’s right, today we’re talking about the /r/xsmallgirls community where small babes reign supreme as opposed to other subs where you usually see busty sluts with huge jugs. Here, as the community eloquently states in the description of /r/xsmallgirls, it’s a place where you can see...

Reddit NSFW List
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Reddit AmateurGirlsBigCocks, aka r/AmateurGirlsBigCocks! I’m not a fucking photographer or even a cinematographer (but if I get to see hot ass and pussy all day, I may learn how to do both!), but even I know this to be true. There isn’t a better kind of XXX picture or GIF you can snap that’s fucking sexier and will get dudes rock hard faster than a giant cock going inside a tight, wet hole. Take that notion, make the bitch an amateur, and you’ve got an insane, sexual sandwich that would make...

Reddit NSFW List
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Famous Internet Girls Galleries! When you’re browsing the 18+ web for some hardcore pics of nude women in sexual situations, you usually have a choice to make beforehand. You gotta choose whether you’re in the mood for pornstars, camgirls, random Reddit nudes, or celebrity content. This kind of sucks because hotness transcends careers – all hot women are worth fapping to, no matter how famous they are or where their nudes cropped up. That’s why I’m glad that FamousInternetGirlsGalleries exists....

Free OnlyFans Leak Sites
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Reddit GroupOfNudeGirls, aka r/GroupOfNudeGirls! What’s better than seeing a gorgeous girl get naked? Seeing a bunch of hotties get naked together! Well, if you are ready for such dirtiness, you are welcome to browse through a subreddit called r/GroupOfNudeGirls/… I think the name pretty much explains exactly what you could expect from this subreddit, so take your time and browse as much as you fucking want.Hot girls get nude together.So, that is all r/GroupOfNudeGirls/ has to offer, but...

Reddit NSFW List
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Reddit FitNakedGirls, aka r/FitNakedGirls! What’s your perfect woman? We all have a type, but at the same time, there is a type that everyone can agree is super addictive, such as fit babes. I mean, what is there not to appreciate with girls who are fit and hot? Well, unless you are into something highly specific such as fatties or whatever, I think that you will surely enjoy this subreddit; called r/FitNakedGirls/.Don’t you just love when the name of the subreddit basically explains all that...

Reddit NSFW List
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Reddit StripGirls, aka r/StripGirls! Welcome to a subreddit dedicated to the hottest babes of, who love to take their clothes off and show you all the goodies. I mean, that is the gist of it, and I am pretty sure that you could have figured that out just by reading the name of the subreddit, aka r/stripgirls/. So, if that sounds like something you’d be interested in, you are in for a treat.I always say that you are in ‘for a treat’ because is a free website. On top of...

Reddit NSFW List
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Sexy EGirls

SexyEGirls! Feeling lonely? Has social distancing from the ‘rona interfered with your usual routine of banging local fatties on Tinder? It may be a second choice to the feel of real, flabby flesh on flesh, but have you ever considered getting off to some Sexy Egirls? They generally don’t have the pot bellies and fucked-up teeth of the babes you’re used to, so their sexy bodies and pretty faces might well ruin your appreciation for your hometown sprung up in April 2023,...

Free OnlyFans Leak Sites
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Fit Naked Girls! When I first saw the link for this next site, I thought somebody had made a new amateur gallery starring the local Tinder girls. Then I shook the clouds out of my head and realized it wasn’t called Fat Naked Girls. This is Fit Naked Girls! I guess I can put away the pizza and Budweiser I was going to use as bait.You’ve probably already figured out what is all about. I appreciate a simple, straightforward site name almost as much as the 5,000 daily viewers...

Fetish Porn Sites
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I must say that in my life, I never thought that I would be reviewing a pornographic subreddit that is dedicated to babes born in the 2000s. I am sure that I am not the only one who hears the 2000s and thinks about little kids instead of 20-year-olds. That is right, we are getting too old, because the children we all knew are not 20yo… and they are legal to do whatever the fuck they want… in most countries.Well, this subreddit is called r/2000sGirls/, and as I always like to start my subreddit...

Reddit NSFW List
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Are you into geeky chicks? Do you think that girls who play games or do whatever else the fuck you’d consider nerdy are hot? Welcome to r/geekygirls/, a subreddit that is all about those types of girls. Now, what exactly can you expect from this subreddit, and how pornographic it can get is a whole different story. I shall tell you all that you need to know about r/geekygirls/, though you can check out the site on your own.I mean, Reddit is a free website, so if you are interested, browse...

Reddit NSFW List
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Reddit GameOverGirls, aka r/GameOverGirls! Oh man, when it comes to brutal hentai, there is so much out there to choose from. I always feel like I can’t make the correct choice when it comes to this kind of hardcore hentai because there is just so much to choose from. So, how about I just stick to one subreddit and get all my content from it? I feel like that’s a great deal as far as I’m concerned! Anyway, if you want to find the best source of hentai content that is a little bit too hard to...

Reddit NSFW List
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Have you ever been to the UK? I have, and the first thing I just had to find out is whether or not they have as many Chav chicks as they claim. Chav girls are just your run-of-the-mill sluts who enjoy wearing revealing clothes and a lot of makeup when they go out. Now, I know that it sounds like I just want to fuck bimbos and I’m making up the term “chav” to disguise my intentions, but I swear that the people in the UK are really proud of their chavs. Well, the dads of the chavs are not happy...

Reddit NSFW List
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Addicted 2 Girls! A lot of people have accused me of being Addicted 2 Girls, but I’ve always considered myself more of a porn junkie. Some would argue they’re one in the same, and I guess that may well be true; the dirty movies I jack off to all day would be nothing without a steady stream of beautiful girls showing up to get their pussies licked clean on camera. Still, others might accuse me of being self-obsessed, committed to nothing more than my own pleasure as I stroke myself to...

Premium Lesbian Porn Sites
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Bitches Girls are a whole new generation of self-made modern pornstars. Just a few years ago, the biggest sex starlets on the web were the big-name, big-budget babes getting their brains fucked out in mansions on the major premium sites. These days, it’s amateur cosplay girls, TikTok attention whores, webcam hotties and the social media models of sites like Instagram, OnlyFans and shines a spotlight on the hottest of this new wave of DIY pornstars. They showcase videos,...

Free OnlyFans Leak Sites
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Have you seen the girls released on Girls Released lately? The site gets nearly a million visitors a month, so chances are you have. If not, well, you’re in luck because it ain’t like the nudes I scoped were a one-time thing. This is more of an ongoing collection and presentation of naked ladies. In fact, the site’s been around for a decade now, so I wonder just how many thousands of hours of productive time have been squandered, spanked away into a mountain of old tissues when you really...

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