Curtain Call
- 4 years ago
- 30
- 0
She turned off the car's headlights and drove by moonlight. The birch trees stood tall along the nearly abandoned road and the full moon shone brightly through bare branches. The air was serene. Now she turned off the radio and listened to the road, hearing her studded tires break through the thin crust of snow and scrape against the ice below.
The one-lane road was once a favorite training route for the local dog teams. Encroaching development had cut the trail in pieces, and even the strong Iditarod lobby had been unable to protect it from the builders. It worked well for her, though. Her cabin was far enough away from the main road to make it unattractive to developers. Too close to the protected State-owned land. Too expensive to wire for electricity. Impractical to hook into the plumbing and the virtually non-existent sewage system of the nearest town. So, she was able to stay out here on her own as long as she was willing to draw her water from the well and rent a snowplow to clear the road a few times each season. A few hardy neighbors lived in the area, but her four-acre lot generally provided her with enough isolation to satisfy her reclusive instincts.
Morgan relaxed her foot on the accelerator, let the car slow to a crawl, and steadied the steering wheel with her knee. Her hand shook as she fingered the manila envelope on the seat beside her and lifted it to rest on the steering wheel. She examined the typed address label on its front. She had read it a dozen times. Her name-Mrs. Richard Mayfield-and her address, done on a computer printer. No return address, no postmark. Hand delivered.
She found it this morning, shoved through the mail slot in the front door. She had argued with Richard when he bought the door the last time they remodeled. "It's silly, Richard. No one uses a mail-slot anymore-the postman drives a jeep and insists on curbside boxes. He grumbles about even having to come to the door with packages. Besides, isn't it a security risk, having an opening in the door like that?" But Richard had brushed aside her objections with a wave of his hand and pronounced the door bought and installed. "It fits the 'look,' Morgan. And it's no more a risk than the dog door you insisted on for the kitchen." And so it was done.
There were eleven pictures inside the envelope-large, grainy, black-and- white photos apparently taken with a telephoto lens and blown up to show grotesque detail of the subjects. There was no doubt it was Richard. The camera was obviously a good one, and the photo clarity left no questions.
In several pictures she could see the small scar on his cheek, a reminder of their honeymoon. During an especially active round of newlywed lovemaking, her ring had caught him near his eye-she was unaccustomed to the stone-and he had bled all over the pillow. He often joked that it was his "battle scar." In her more irritated moments, she often thought it was the one feature that added character to his face. Richard hadn't grown well into middle age. Instead of aging gracefully with his face taking on distinguished lines and personality, his features had become pudgy and soft. Where she struggled to maintain her appearance and figure, he scoffed at her outdoor lifestyle and rigorous pastimes in favor of rich, fancy dinners and long nights of drinking with business clients at the local "gentleman's" club.
Although the scar was not visible in every picture, there were other ways to tell it was he. The photographer had snapped the picture at just the right angle to show his mouth, his lips, his fast-talking and faster- moving tongue hard at work. Yes, he was always good with his tongue. She could recognize the line of his back, the soft angle of his jaw, and the weak shelf of his chin. The kneeling curve of his hips and the soft pocket of flesh above his buttocks were unmistakable. Even from behind she knew it was Richard. Bile rose in her throat as she looked at the pictures. She swallowed angry tears and refocused on the road unwinding under her car tires.
The edges of the pictures bent as she shoved them roughly into the envelope and tossed it into the back seat. It was too distracting, too tempting to open it again, too tempting to examine the faces, to see Richard's face locked in what looked like a painful grimace. She knew it was the look she had seen countless times over the years, the almost near snarl when he came. She could hear in her head the grunting exhalation that always accompanied that look. She could feel his weight as he thrust deeper into her, pounding her against the mattress.
It was always the same when he came. Despite how they started, despite how many times they rolled and shifted and changed positions, he always ended up on top, between her legs, when he wanted to come. She had tried for years to change that. She had tried riding him until her legs trembled, clenching him tightly between her thighs, matching his thrusts with her hips. She had wanted to match his intensity, grinding hard against his groin, rushing her own orgasm, trying just once to change the routine. She'd tried bringing him to orgasm between her lips, drawing her tongue across his cock, flicking the ridge under the tip of his penis like she had seen in the films Richard kept hidden in his night stand.
She'd tempted him in the kitchen, the living room, crawling on the floor between his legs as he sat in his office, anything to change the pace, anything to add spice to a sex life that had become stale and routine. But he didn't respond. Sex was for the bedroom, and when she clung to his hips, pushing him into the bed, he tensed, pushed back. He always pulled out, flipped her on her back, and pounded into her until he came between her legs. Always the same. So, yes, she knew that look.
Caught up in her own thoughts, Morgan almost missed the turn-off to her cabin when the narrow road opened to a bell-shaped turnaround marked with a "Private Property" sign. She shifted the car into park and sat with the engine idling softly. An unmarked and almost overgrown path led from behind the sign through the trees. The path never did get used much. Richard hated the cabin, hated the rustic "work-for-it" life she sought out during their infrequent vacations, so she only managed three or four trips a year to the cabin she had inherited from her father when he finally died.
Daddy had held on for so long. He and Morgan would come out here every summer, spending weeks fishing on the lake behind the cabin, tromping through the woods along familiar paths, enjoying each other's company, arguing about books and politics and movies.
They had stopped coming about two years before he died, when he could no longer make the short, quarter-mile hike from the parking lot to the cabin. Morgan had offered to have the path paved, to bring out a contractor to widen it and make the trail accessible to him. But Max Carter was stubborn. "Its perfection is in its natural state, Morgan. Let it be." So she did, and at his wishes, she continued coming here every summer. Richard refused to come with her. "If I want to draw water from a well and chop wood, I'll move to the Third World," was his standard argument. "We've evolved past that, Morgan." So she came alone.
She turned off the ignition and opened the door. Her boots crunched on the old snow. The weather had been in a strange freeze-thaw cycle, and there was a layer of ice over what would normally be soft powder. Hers were the only boot tracks in the lot, although she could see evidence of a moose and several snowshoe rabbits crossing from the trees on one side of the lot to the trees on the other. She saw a track that didn't belong, and in the moonlight she knelt down at the edge of the clearing to examine it more closely. She fingered the edges, but there was no doubt as to what it was. "Strange," she muttered. "The bears should be asleep by now."
There were several caves close to the cabin, and she knew that occasionally a bear hibernated not far from the stream. This late in the season it was unusual to see evidence of one still up and around. Unusual, but not unheard of. Some of the dog mushers on neighboring lots would occasionally tell stories of early-spring or late-summer bears surprising them during training runs. She made a mental note to keep her trash in the locked shelter outside the cabin instead of hauling it down to the car each day. Car tires were notoriously hard to resist for a chewing bear.
She opened the back door of the car and turned her focus to the envelope now sitting on top of her warm winter coat. Morgan again fingered the flap, opening it enough to see the now-crinkled edges of the plain photograph paper. They were apparently home-developed, for there was no watermark or other identifier on the back or edges of the prints, only the single line note taped to the back of the first one:
"Thought you should know. From, A Friend."
Nothing else to help her track down the person who took the pictures and dropped them into her life, unasked. Nothing to help her figure out who had troubled to expose Richard's ugly little secret. It wasn't surprising that her "friend" would want to remain anonymous, given the nature of the pictures. She could only assume that her "friend" was the other person's lover or spouse. Nor was it surprising that the pictures were amateur, developed in a workshop dark room, probably in someone's garage. Most professional places frowned on developing pictures of people engaging in oral sex. She closed the envelope and put it carefully in the front pocket of her backpack. She shouldered her pack, took her walking stick from the trunk, and started the hike to her cabin.
It was a short trail, just long enough to discourage the occasional curious wanderer, and she reached the familiar comfort of the cabin in easy time. She dropped her pack on the front step and did a quick check around the outside for evidence of tampering or intrusion. Last summer a wolverine surprised her. It had apparently decided that her cabin would make a nice den. Lesson learned the hard way. It had taken her weeks to get the pungent musk smell from the furnishings.
Everything appeared undisturbed, so she unlocked the door and started the now-familiar routine of making the cabin her home. Within an hour she had the wood stove crackling, which banished the worst of the winter chill. She put a large pan of water on the stove to heat, and the steam rose from her boots as they thawed next to the stove. She unpacked her weekend's worth of clothing and hung her spare shirt and jeans in the small cupboard Max had built for her one summer.
"You need your own space, Morgan," he had insisted when she was entering her teens. "You're growing up, and you won't be Daddy's little girl much longer." That was the same summer he knocked out a portion of the wall and added a small alcove near the stove. It closed with a thick curtain and was a place for Morgan to feel alone, private. It had remained her "room" throughout the remainder of her father's life. After he was gone she had trouble moving from the alcove to the big bed where her father and mother had slept, where her father had slept alone after Mother grew tired of "roughing it." Morgan used to think that Richard and Mother would have gotten along well, and she often wished that Mother had been alive long enough to keep Richard company while she and her father enjoyed their annual cabin vacations.
She made one more trip to the car for the small cooler filled with weekend provisions, then started the coffee percolating on the stove. She changed from her wet jeans and flannel shirt into the comfortable fleece nightgown and again turned her attention to the pictures. In the yellow glow of the battery-powered lamp, she could think them through with a more dispassionate, more rational mind.
Sitting in front of the wood stove, she examined them again for any clue, any hint as to who Richard's fair-haired, handsome partner might be. She turned them over one at a time, forcing herself to look closely at the man's face, his hands. She saw how his fingers buried themselves in Richard's thinning hair and seemed to press her husband's mouth harder over the cock between his lips. She could see the indentations in the cushion under Richard's knees, and she could see the shine of Richard's manicured fingernails as his fingertips dug into his partner's meaty thigh for balance.
The man wore a wedding ring. Was it his wife who had caught them together? Had she suspected something? Morgan had resigned herself to the fact that Richard was probably having an affair, but she had written it off to a mid-life crisis and assumed he was screwing one of the young office workers who were too often bursting from their sweaters and thrusting their tits in his face as they brought coffee and deliveries to his desk. She had never dreamed that Richard's infidelities would be with another man.
One by one, Morgan fed the pictures into the fire and watched them curl and turn to ash. With each one, she could feel the last of her marital obligations burn with the paper. Eight, nine, ten. It didn't take long. She held the last picture in her hand an extra moment before feeding it into the flickering light of the flames. Eleven photographs lay in ashes in the stove. She had left the twelfth photograph-Richard on his knees behind his partner, fingers pressed hard into the narrow hips of the man beneath him, his face knotted into his "I'm coming" look-sitting on the kitchen table, under Richard's "Working late, don't wait up" note.
She had scrawled a note of her own. "Richard-left for the weekend. Please be gone when I come home." He wouldn't miss her. For years their marriage had been no more than a convenience. She was good for his career, he was good for hers. Employers expected certain things from their ad executives, and marriage represented stability. But she was established now, and she could do without him. She had her own name. He would, of course, have to find someone else to play hostess for his parties, but that was no longer her concern.
She brushed the ash from her hands and stood, unfastening the buttons of her winter nightgown as she moved to the small, hand crafted table that took up the center space in the cabin. She dropped the gown to the floor and stepped out of it, feeling the fire-warmed air of the cabin wrap around her skin. She spread a towel over the polished surface of the table, and moved the washbasin of hot water from the stovetop to the table.
With quick, smooth movements, Morgan began washing the city from her skin. She lathered her hair and bent over the basin, letting the hot water flow over her neck and shoulders as she rinsed the hairspray from her professionally styled hair. The scent of her shampoo surrounded her, and she clenched her eyes tightly as small rivulets of suds slipped from her temples to her eyelids and off the edge of her nose.
She massaged her temples and the back of her neck, working her fingertips through the ends of her hair, twisting it into a thick rope and sighing as the warm water flowed over her wrists and palms. She wrapped her hair in a clean towel and dabbed the last of the suds from her cheeks and eyelids with the terry-cloth corner. She dipped a washcloth in the warm suds and wiped the dirt and grime of the city from her face and throat, dipping into the hollow of her collar and the cleft between her breasts.
She stroked from her shoulders to her breasts, letting her fingers lingers over her nipples. She remembered the breasts she had when she married Richard. High and firm, taut and responsive to Richard's slightest touch. Over the years she had struggled with diet and exercise to maintain her figure. Her breasts were still firm although perhaps a bit lower than they had been. Age and gravity had taken their inevitable toll, but she had resisted the urge to have them lifted by a surgeon. Richard had never complained. "Of course not," she said aloud, wryly. "He was never a breast man."
She let the lather drip down over her breasts to her belly and hips. She sat beside the table and raised one leg to rest her foot on the other wooden chair. With the rough cotton washcloth she stroked the soap up the inside of her thigh, remembering the first time Richard had touched her. She mimicked the memory of his fingers between her legs, stroking her opening folds, coaxing a moan from her lips. She leaned back against the chair, spreading her legs further, opening herself to the warmth of the fire, letting its heat warm her sex. It was easy to give herself over to the fire, and her own moisture mingled with the water on the cloth. Her fingers slipped over her clit and dipped inside, dragging the rough cloth over her sensitive button. Thrust and scrape, matching the pace of her fingers to the rapidly increasing, shuddering breaths drawn through her clenched teeth. With quick, sure strokes, she brought herself to a single, hard orgasm, shuddering through the solo act.
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Straight SexWork at the mine finished early that afternoon. The weather changed and heavy rain began to fall. Before long water began to stream out of the tunnel making it at first uncomfortable and then too dangerous to continue. "I see you've been giving my bitch some training," laughed Skull regarding the red stripes Carmen's belt had painted on April's backside. "What did she do to deserve a whipping?" "You know damn well. And so do you, Max. Couldn't you resist sticking your dick in the...
Chapter Six: Blown by the Fertile MILF A Belt Buckle Mind-Control Story By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Notes: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! Things changed at school rather quickly. With my older sister's help, I started dividing the girls up into different categories. Some became whores. Literal prostitutes. These were the hottest girls that I would sell to the boys who attended my college. The twins, Rosalita, Janet the lesbian, and others were sold to the boys for $50 for a...
Tuesday morning June finished her usual chores and decided to clean hers and Autumn’s bedroom and bath. When she finished, she looked at the clock which read 12:30. June couldn’t believe it was that late. She took her shower, dressed, brushed her hair, and put on her make-up and went downstairs into the kitchen. As June sat at the table wondering what to do next, she decided to grab some 25 cent burgers at MacDonald’s. She grabbed her keys and left. June got her order of two burgers, French...
"Darlin' You Can't Love One" "Do you Jack Resor take Miranda Watkins to be your lawfully wedded wife?" The five foot seven preacher craned his neck in order to look the six foot six groom in the face. Damn, he is a big bastard. The preacher kept his thoughts to himself. I bet even his eyelids have muscles. "I do," Jack's rumbling voice filled the chapel. "Do you, Miranda Watkins, take Jack to be your lawfully wedded husband?" Reverend Will Hoskins still had to look up to see into...
I did want it and I wanted it in my mouth straight away. My hand came out of my knickers and I stood up before climbing onto the bed beside Jane. Chris’ dick smelt of pussy and I went towards it. Jane guided towards my mouth as I wet my lips.My mouth filled with the tip of Chris’ dick and I begun to give it treatment. My tongue swirled around the head of it and my teeth clenched it. Jane had her mouth on the base of it and then went down towards his balls – licking them too. Chris was grunting...
Hello my name is Lucy and I am a total slut... I love to go without clothing where I can get away with doing that because I love to show off my body! I am petite and Asian with black hair but very good curves and a shapely body and two big tits that hang down sagging a little so you can know they are natural and not full of silicone. I have a round butt that is very sexy with shapely hips and womanly curvature to my body to show off to everyone. I also have hair on my pussy beause I do not...
I am rajveer, working for an MNC as a regional head, 5’9″ height, fair complexion with average built body, I like meeting and having safe sex or relationship with mature, committed, married, divorced, widows or single women (any female who wants to have a good time in any way, even in bed or outside), This incident is about how, I accidentally seduced two of my newly moved neighbouring house wives “Zainab and Aamina”, it was purely accidental and unintentional. You can mail me or send me your...
It was a crisp autumn day and Morgan sat outside on her front porch. She sat in her old rocking chair wrapped in her favorite dark green cardigan feeling the wind blow through the porch and hitting her face softly. It was days like these that she would sit and remember an impossible dream that she once thought of all too often. She was much older now, not nearly as pretty with wrinkles on her face and long gray hair. Her children were grown and moved away, she had finally retired and her...
Love StoriesToday, it starts in the kitchen. Audrey’s off and had decided to do some shopping and made it just in time before Nat gets home. She rinses the groceries and places them in the fridge. She never quite understood why but she always feels an excitement whenever she knows Nat is coming home or just arrived. She doesn’t hear the door open or Nat coming into the kitchen. Bent over into the refrigerator Nat gives her ass a nice smack. ‘Oooo!! Yes! That’s a nice one.’ Nat quickly steps back and...
Our neighborhood has always had it’s share of excitement, with our circle of sexually active couples that like to push the envelope when it comes to fooling around. Whether it be the naked pool parties, wife swapping, lesbian trysts, or sex toy parties, you can always count on our block to keep things interesting.Brenda is a divorced 45-year-old that has to be the leader when it comes to sexual partners. Although I don’t think she’s been with other women, it’s no secret that the attractive blue...
Michael was nervous. Really nervous. His eyes kept darting toward the wall clock above his television—9:57. Zaria was scheduled to arrive in three minutes. She’d probably arrive some time after, though. It’d make her appear less desperate, perhaps. It only made Michael more nervous. His almost didn’t notice his knee bouncing. A pang of regret shot through him. He’d met Zaria through an adult personal website, and after two weeks of talking a good game—and occasional phone sex—he’d...
“No I don’t, but I gave everyone shore leave including Cateria.” While I said I had a strange feeling about that and tapped my PDD.”SHIP, do you know where Ensign Jolaj might have gone?” “Yes, Captain. She was summoned, along with Dusty to the Personnel office of this base.” I got up, tugged at my sleeves and said to Har-Hi.”I don’t like this. Why would they be summoned while neither Cateria nor I were informed.?” Har-Hi got up as well.”Let us go to that Personnel office then and find...
Sex kitten Ariana Marie can’t help but show off for Tyler Nixon when he joins her in the bathroom while she’s in the shower. Pressing her boobs against the glass door and swaying her hips, she entices him to give her everything she craves. Once she has toweled off, Ariana rubs her sweet bare pussy as further encouragement for Tyler to hold nothing back. Getting down on her hands and knees, Ariana wraps her puffy lips around Tyler’s stiffie to suck him off. Her mouth works overtime to bring her...
xmoviesforyouDoll's House By Trainmaster The box came when my college roommate, David, was at class. It was huge, nearly the size of a washing machine. I signed for it, wondering what might be inside, and the delivery guy pushed it out of the tiny entry into the kitchen for me. It barely fit and he huffed and puffed as though it wasn't light. When Dave came home from his classes, he scratched his head. "I dunno what it is. Who's it say it's from?" In addition to the form I'd signed, which...
Though Greg felt discouraged, Emily was determined and full of hope. Every morning she would wake her husband up by slipping her hand under the covers and stroking his cock to life just to get on top of him and be filled with his seed. She would make him breakfast while he showered and got ready for work and then try again have sex with him one more time before he left. When he got home from work she would be waiting inside wearing close to nothing and ready to go at it again. For Greg this...
Saturday morning, a rainy day, i was getting ready to go out for work when suddenly i slipped and fell straight,banging my head to the ground and my weak backbone cracking to a “thud”noise.I thought i am dead as I cried for help.My sister in law came running screaming “jijaji….. what happened” and coming close to me tried to lift me. Drops of blood made her panic, as my wife was in the market and she alone in the house studying for her Medical enterance exams for US universities. Suman,22,...
Dosto aur sahalio Arshad aik bar phir tumhare jazbat ko bharkane ke leye medan mae aa gea hae zara dil ko sambhal ke rakhna.Mae tuhare zeada time nahi leyta aur kahani ki taraf aata hoon. han tu junab Khala 2 ke bad ab khala 3 suneye. Mae khala ko kis kerne ke sath us ke boobs ko daba raha tha aur us ka hath meri shalwar ke andar tha is ke bad keya hua ke mae nae us ki qameez ke button khole aur us ki bra jis ka rang kala tha aur us per bahut suit ker rahi thee ko thura neeche sirkaya tu ohhhhh...
IncestPart 3 Chapter 2 “Okay, Praetor,” Amber called out with restrained exuberance. “All ahead full power!” The great mass of the derelict ship floating beside them vanished from the viewscreen as Amber, along with everyone else on the Phoenix III held on tightly, expecting to be thrown against whatever bulkhead was to the rear of the ship. “What’s happening?” Tabatha asked from nearby. “I didn’t feel anything. Did we launch?” Amber looked at the inanimate dials and stared, her mouth...
Always strive to stay happy, be jovial, shun negativity and adopt positivity. Stay in others’ hearts because that is the best place to live. Live happily and make others happy. This is what I have learned with my experience of writing. All comments, feedback and chat on hangouts at . We were both naked, pressed together with bodies firmly feeling the skin and heat of each other. Devika moved her mouth on one of my nipples, my hands moved on Devika’s inner thighs. I was struck by how intense it...
I woke up. Looking over to my right I see Maria fully naked, each breath bringing her lovely tits up and down. I looked down at my massive hard on and all the memories came flooding back like a tidal wave. Everything I just did, everything WE just did. It all seemed like a dream. I reached down and grabbed one of her boobs and squeezed softly. A light moan escaped her lips. She rolled over slightly and opened her legs a bit so I had a partial view of her pussy. It had a little dried up cum...
AnalRelaxing with no panties feeling the ache to feel, wanting to be felt teased and licked!A shower is what you crave to release the thoughts now swirling in your mind.Thinking about that hot water running across your body, the streams hitting your nipples, as a cock runs across your lips. Your mind is catching up to the thoughts within. Wanting to feel that touch, wondering what it would feel like, thinking how a hardened cock will fill your hand as you slowly stroke it. Milking it producing the...
i am abhi...and this is my story.i am a lecturer. "actually my story is different from urs.... u know why? coz i had my first sex encounter after i got job.... even i was also attracted towards guys from my childhood...but not that much....i never did anything in my childhood so my first gay sex encounter actually start on that day... i went to our collage was saperate loo for staff... when i enter in the toilet for pee...i saw our senior proffesor mr.karlekar was there.... actually he...
GayHello frnds mai sidharth ek baar fir se aap sabke paas apni naye real story ke sath hazir hu..Hope aap sab ne mere previous story my first femdom with unknown girl padhe hoge…Aur kai sare reply aur mail ke liye dil se shukriya…Jaisa ki maine bataya tha mere age 26 years h aur height 5-9 hai. Lund ka size 9 inch lamba 3 inch mota h…Ab bina time waste kiye sidhe story pe aata hu… Ye ghatna last 3 month pahle ki h..Mai delhi me rahta hu mere kuch relative bangalore me rahte h ..Achanak kisi...