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Tim Geitner came into his house smiling. "Susan! Where are you honey?" He almost ran through the house yelling out her name. He heard the sliding patio door open then close and turned to watch Susan walk rapidly into the room. He was smiling as he rushed up to her and wrapped her in his arms.

After a quick kiss Tim said, "It worked Honey! We finally got that asshole Williams in enough trouble the managing partners fired him. Saul was given his job and they offered me Saul's old job. Saul and I may even be offered the chance to purchase Williams share of the business." He laughed a small diabolical laugh then continued, "I just wish it had been your asshole ex-husband that was fired instead of one of his friends but what the hell. At least we got some of our revenge. Maybe this will teach that Williams asshole a lesson. He didn't have to give me a scut job then lord it over me just so he could tell John he was helping us. I wonder if it made him and John feel better to do that to us after John drove us out of business and ruined us. I sure wish I could be there when good old John finds out what happened to his buddy."

Susan gave Tim a sunny smile and wrapped her arms around him. She gave him another deep sensuous kiss then stepped back and held his hand. She smiled once more and pulled him toward their bedroom. She kept turning to look at her husband as he followed her. After they reached the room they moved into a deep embrace pressing their bodies against one another with strong desire. 'Damn, ' Susan thought. 'I've never been able to get enough of this man. There's something about him that always has turned me on big time.'

Right after Susan's and her first husband John's divorce when John and his friends unleashed his revenge on her and Tim she wondered if she did the right thing getting rid of him. At the time she thought she could have probably talked him out of divorcing her if he had found out about her cheating. She had let Tim convince her he would have the more high profile, exciting life so she had gone ahead and filed for divorce. After her and John's divorce she worried she had made a bad decision. John had opened a new feed store and drove Tim out of business in their home town. They went bankrupt and left town with almost nothing. John had even managed to get custody of their two children eventually so the child support stopped too. Now, however, they were on the upswing once more and she was sure things would work out. Tim was once again talking about running for the State House of Representatives and had regained much of his old support base.

Susan was still angry that John, her ex husband, had managed to scuttle Tim's run for the House of Representatives the first time but perhaps even that dream was not completely dead. It sounded like Tim was in a position now to begin building his power base even stronger than it had been before. She was sure his new position would allow him to begin building their wealth once more. Tim was still a charismatic bastard and could talk a Leprechaun out of his pot of gold if he tried. Maybe soon they could afford more than this little two bedroom rental house ... It was a good possibility he could be elected then she would be the wife of a powerful, important man as she had always dreamed she would be.

Susan rapidly unfastened Tim's trousers and fished his rigid cock out. She squatted down and looked up at his eyes as she moved to him. Tim moaned and hunched his hips forward when he felt the hot wet mouth slide over the end of his slightly less than average size cock. His knees almost gave way when he felt Susan's tongue fluttering, tickling and working at his most sensitive spot just under the deep purple head. Susan smiled up at him and slowly moved her mouth down his 5 ½ inch cock, swallowing and working until her nose was buried in his pubic hair. In truth she never did have much trouble taking all of him into her mouth and throat. He was not nearly as large as her first husband John had been. She moved back, then forward over and over until Tim groaned and grabbed the back of her head. She missed John's cock more than anything else about her first marriage. She damn sure didn't miss the farm life and hard work it entailed.

Even when she and Tim had been down and out they managed to party and live the big life to satisfy that part of her needs. It was the sex that was slightly lacking in this marriage. She smiled to herself and almost giggled when she thought of the three times she had managed to get some really great sex outside her marriage. She did not allow herself to do that often though because she was afraid Tim would find out and divorce her. He could not afford to have a cheating wife and make a successful run for the House. She was willing to put up with slightly subpar sex for the chance of being married to an important man. Truthfully, social position was more important to Susan than money but she really lusted after both.

Shortly after Susan began blowing him, Tim pulled her onto his cock and thrust rapidly several times. He then pulled her head tightly against his groin as he let out a guttural groan. He felt his cock clench and release repeatedly as his jism rushed down his urethra and splashed into Susan's mouth. He grinned as he watched her swallow repeatedly trying to keep up with his spend. Finally he finished and Susan carefully licked and sucked him, making sure she had swallowed his entire offering.

Susan's eyes were sparkling when Tim roughly pulled her to her feet. They once more kissed deeply then undressed each other. Tim pushed Susan back onto the bed and crawled between her splayed legs. His cock was still hard and it headed for Susan's glistening cunt as if it was radar guided. He felt her moist opening and wiggled his hips to make sure his cock head was lodged in her opening properly. He set his hips and slammed forward driving his entire length into his wife in one lunge.

Even as wet as she was his thrust hurt and Susan screamed. Tim smiled and thought to himself, 'Take it Bitch. You and all the others just can't take a real man without screaming.' Tim was still smiling when he felt Susan's legs wrap around him and her arms clasp his arms. She began working her hips, meeting him thrust for thrust, grunting every time he slammed into her.

After their mutual orgasms Tim rolled to the side and lay on his back. Susan rolled onto her side and threw one leg and arm over Tim. She gave him a gentle kiss and leaned her head on her bent arm looking down at him.

"Oh, Honey, I'm so proud of you," Susan said. "You're finally on the way back up. Now that you are Sales Manager, you can be considered for Manager for the entire dealership. Is there any chance we can find a way to get rid of him in the next year or two so you can get that job? I almost wish we had stayed in contact with John so he could see even his friends and he couldn't keep a good man down. I'm so glad you took the first job John and his friends offered you in that restaurant kitchen. I know they did it to embarrass you but it helped you get this job and get back on the road to being somebody once again."

Tim and Susan were gently kissing one another again getting worked up for another round when the phone rang. It was the Principal of their son George's school. He wanted someone to come down and pick George up. He said George was once again in trouble and had been suspended for the rest of the week.

George was truly a chip off the old block. He was an arrogant user just like Tim but he also had some of his mother's cold hearted sneaky calculation within too. Most would call him a sneaky bully. He would go out of his way to insult, denigrate or abuse his classmates and was constantly on the lookout for a way to better his position. If that meant stabbing a friend in the back, so be it. Almost all the women he dated he did so because their parents were better off than were his or because they were beautiful and he wanted to fuck them. He never took NO for an answer either when it came to sex. Every girl he decided to fuck got fucked one way or the other.

Like Tim, his father, George felt it made him look like a big man to sneer at those he felt were inferior to him. If a classmate was smarter than he was he made fun of them for being a Nerd. If they were into computers and smarter than him they were a Geek. Of course he was a Jock so naturally was better than the common herd. All of the beautiful people told him so and he believed them and his parents completely about that aspect of his life. Athletic, handsome (or beautiful) people deserved deference from the masses, especially when they were from the economically or socially elite.

When Susan got to the school she walked into the Principal's office with a certain amount of trepidation. It took all she had to project the regal disdain she felt was called for when she interacted with those whose station was or should be below hers. Susan really did hate to go to the office to pick George up when he got into trouble. She especially hated having to be apologetic to her inferiors because George had once more disobeyed school rules. It wasn't that she was embarrassed to have to take him home for once again misbehaving, it was more that she felt like she had been called on the carpet. It brought back bad memories of her time in high school and reminded her of the times she or Tim had been called to the office for misbehaving and she resented the way it made her feel. She also resented the lecture she got from the Principal about her Son every time she was there.

Dammit, George WAS better than most of the other students and they SHOULD defer to him. If they didn't it was their fault if he had to chastise them or correct their behavior. She didn't know why so many people refused to admit and accept their status and defer to those better than they were. She sighed and thought it had always been that way and probably always would but it made life so much more difficult when inferiors had to be constantly reminded of their place.

After the lecture and their departure from school Susan turned to George and asked, "What was it about this time Honey?"

George gave her a sneering smile and replied, "That damn suck up Allen Williams was complaining about his old man getting the ax yesterday and Dad being given his job. He and some of his friends wouldn't shut up when I told them to let it ride so I had to spell out the problem and why his old man was let go. He threatened me and I had to take him down."

Susan smiled and said, "I suppose you did have to stand up for your father sweetheart but I do wish you would tone it down somewhat. If you keep it up I am afraid they may take you off the team and you would lose your chance at a football scholarship. I know it is tedious having to defer to many of the people we are forced to associate with right now but things are looking up." FIVE YEARS LATER

George walked into the front room of his parents' home and threw his bags on the floor. "Mom, I'm home," he yelled.

Susan Geitner rushed into the room with a smile on her face. She wrapped her youngest son in her arms and gave him a big hug. Perhaps it was well that she didn't see the look of disgust on his face. Of course that look would have been no more than she deserved. After all she and her husband raised him to be the way he was. George had learned his attitude from the best of them. First while he was growing up she and her husband had taught him to use people and only be nice to or respect those who could help him or who had something he wanted or needed. He was home more as a necessary stop since he graduated college than because he wanted to be there or he wanted to see his parents. They were the providers of largesse, of his cash and a place to crash. He gave them the minimum amount of time, consideration and politeness necessary to 'harvest' that largesse.

George let his mother hug him a moment then stepped back from her. He then asked, "Where's Dad? I guess I need to know when I start working. I'd like to have a little time off before I start. There are some people I need to see and I want to unwind some. Can you fix something to eat before I go out tonight?"

"Sure Honey. Dad's not back from work yet. It's his night to close. Why don't you have your supper then just go down to the dealership and see him. You know he leaves for the capitol Tuesday so you do need to get everything settled this week. I sure didn't think being a Representative's wife would be like this. It seems like I can only get up there a few times a year. I would sure like to spend more time in Jefferson City with your Father. If he wasn't so busy with his meetings we could take time to live it up a little. I would just love to attend more of the social gatherings."

George looked at his mother and wondered if she was really that stupid or if she was just trying to ignore what his father was really doing when he was away during legislative sessions. Oh, well, it was no skin off his nose as long as his father came across with the cash and pussy from time to time. That time he caught his father and his assistant fucking in the office was the best thing that could have happened to him. Now any time he could get to Jefferson City he got all the pussy he could handle. Hell, he was already one of the gang. His Father had promised him after he learned the car business he would make room for him in his office so they could do some really fun times. They had already double teamed some of his father's women in Jefferson City and it was a real blast. Some of them they had fucked so long and hard they had been almost unable to move. One of the women actually had to call in sick the Monday after they spent the weekend fucking her. George smiled at the memories of that weekend. That one had cost his father some serious cash to keep her quiet. She had ended up in the doctor's office because her ass couldn't take the cock shoved up it. Thank God for campaign donations. At least the cash hadn't come from his father's pockets.

George settled into his new position at his Father's auto dealership quickly. He had been working there in some capacity or another since he was in his mid teens so that was no surprise. What was a surprise was it took nearly a month before the first complaint about him came to his Father's attention. Tim was secretly pleased that George was not only a Ladies Man but he would take no guff from Males. Tim had always thought he was better than others and he was convinced his son was too. In his opinion it was only natural for George to set people straight when they didn't follow his lead or act subservient enough.

As for George's women, his treatment of them was only natural. George was a man now and men took what they wanted from a woman. If the woman wanted to play hard to get a real man should convince her to stop playing and spread for him. If it took a little force or drugs, so be it. After all, he had to push Susan into leaving that wimp John didn't he? Of course she was just like all the other bitches in the world. She acted like his conscience. The term "old ball and chain" sure fit her. He'd dump her in a New York minute if it wouldn't hurt his political career. He was so tired of her loose old pussy he could cry.

Tim sighed to himself and called George into his office to talk about overhearing Misty complain. After George was seated Tim said, "George if you don't watch out we may have a problem with Misty. I overheard her talking about you in the accounting office yesterday. She was complaining about your attitude and some of the comments you have made to her. She is upset you keep hitting on her after she has told you to leave her alone and she is especially upset with you touching her. So far I haven't been approached by her officially but you need to watch it. I agree she is a tasty little piece and I would like to tap it myself but you need to be damn careful. If she decides to make a sexual harassment complaint against you we could be in serious trouble if I don't discipline you. She was also upset with the way you cut deals for the women purchasing cars. You need to be a little more discrete when you offer good deals for ladies who show you their appreciation socially shall we say. That could really cause us trouble if a customer complained."

George started to become angry and his father could see he was about to pop off. Tim raised his hand to forestall his comment then continued, "Oh, hell, I know what you've been doing and some of what you've been saying to the little cunt but you have to be careful son. Hell, you know I don't have a problem if you fuck every cunt in the office and half the customers as long as it doesn't come back and haunt us. If Misty or a customer makes a complaint and I don't handle it correctly it could cost us a lot of money. Money I might add that we do not have enough of. Shit, it could even hurt me in the election if the damn press gets wind of any complaints she makes. I can have some of the boys talk to her and maybe get her to cool off if I have to but I would rather not do that. Eventually encouragement like that can come back and haunt a person. Why don't you just find some other little piece of ass and forget her?"

"For one thing Dad I really want to tap that ass. For another, I went to school with her and she took the side of that asshole Williams when you and his father had your trouble several years ago. I intend to stick it to her literally AND figuratively as soon as I can. If she's going to be a little complaining cunt about it I guess I'll have to get a little creative but I intend to repay her for her disloyalty and disrespect with interest."

"Huh. I didn't know about that. Well, be careful son. I can't have you doing anything that could come back to haunt me in the election you know. Why don't you just get her drunk and fuck her then?"

"Count on it Dad. One way or another she's going to get fucked and fucked long and hard. It's just a matter of how it goes down and when I can get between her legs. Was there anything else?"

George and his father discussed several business related matters then he left the office. He was seething in anger because of the little cunt complaining about him. He had about decided to cool it with her for a while but now decided he would show her who was boss as soon as possible. He made it a point of hanging around listening to conversations. He knew many of the employees went out after work occasionally. He had run across them from time to time when he and his friends were trolling the bars for ass.

Now, more than ever, George wanted to know when she would be going out and where they went so he could begin his payback. He decided if he couldn't get her drunk and give her to some of his buddies for a gang bang (after he had fucked her of course) he would drug her and give her to them that way. It wouldn't be the first time he or some of his friends had to drug a stubborn cunt. Of course he intended to get his share of her pussy and ass before his buddies got hold of her but that should have gone without saying. Betters ALWAYS got first chance at tasty tidbits. He hated the thought of having to wear a rubber but he would so she wouldn't have any of his DNA in her in case she screamed rape and they did DNA testing. He smirked to himself thinking he really didn't care if anyone else wore a condom or not. It was their ass if they got caught. They could just take their chances.

George intended to fuck Misty with no witnesses so the most that could come back on him would be the fact he was seen with her before the others used her. He was sure he could beat any rap if that occurred. After all, he was her employer and, besides, his father was a state Representative so they could probably bring some pressure to bear and kill any bad publicity any way. They would spin it like he had tried to help her and she just misunderstood. It was a perfect plan in his opinion. He would take her to a motel room, fuck her, and then take her back to his friends to do with as they saw fit. He would be out of it then and with luck and his drugs she would never know he fucked her.

Finally, two weeks after his talk with his father George overheard the little cunt promise to meet some of her coworkers at 'The Office', a popular bar, after work. He smiled and rushed to his office. He called several of his friends and got three of them to meet him at the bar after work. He promised them a few cold ones while they got caught up with each other. There was never any mention George was planning on providing Misty to his friends that night. He only mentioned the bar was always full of young, willing pussy and he thought they should make a try for some of it that evening.

George and his friends all settled into their seats and began trolling for pussy as soon as they arrived at the bar. This was what they normally did when they went out. They were almost always successful even if they did have to help their case along from time to time with a little additive to a particularly resistant females drink. George's friends were much like George. They were a little arrogant and a lot inconsiderate. All four of the young men had charisma and the gift of gab however so were exceptionally successful when they were on the prowl. They all had money either from family inheritances or from a good position so they were usually successful with the ladies. They just could not sustain a relationship because the ladies rapidly found out they were "users" and not husband or even serious boy friend material. They did know how to fuck and if a woman only wanted her horns dulled they were excellent company for that purpose.

Finally Friday arrived and George cackled with glee. He was so excited thinking about his plans for Misty that he made two costly mistakes during sales negotiations late in the work day. He could not keep his mind on the negotiation and as the day progressed he finally agreed to a deal just to get rid of the customers. George and his friends arrived at the bar almost fifteen minutes before Misty and her friends began arriving. As soon as Misty and her friends were seated at their table George and his friends began approaching the ladies for dances and trying to separate them from the others in their group.

As the evening progressed the friends made several trips to the dance floor with Misty and her female friends. George, in his persona of Assistant Sales Manager even went to the table and visited for a while. He made it a point of purchasing everyone there a drink. Misty refused to dance with him however and that perceived insult just inflamed George's temper even more. He promised himself before this evening was up the little bitch would feel his wrath. He was going to use her rough and use all of her holes.

Since Misty would not drink with him or dance with him George resorted to his fallback position. While Misty was dancing with one of George's friends he went to her table to talk to another of the ladies. While pretending to move Misty's drink out of his way he carefully placed his drug of choice in it. After the powder fell from his hand into her drink, he casually moved it back away from his arm. He did this all while he was chatting up the woman who had been sitting beside Misty. He was so casual it looked like he didn't even realize what he was doing. After he had drugged her drink and her friend refused to dance with him, George went back to his table and kept a close eye on Misty. She had returned from the dance floor but was ignoring her drink and talking animatedly with her friends. When would she ever take her drink?

From time to time George would return to the women's table and ask Misty once more to dance. One time Misty got angry and said loudly, "Damn it I told you I don't want to dance with you. Now will you PLEASE leave me alone?

George had been getting angrier at each refusal but he became furious when Misty lashed out at him. Part of his anger was also because she was not drinking her cocktail. George was becoming very impatient waiting for her to drink enough of the drug for it to work. Finally he began to smile. Misty returned to her table after a very energetic fast dance with one of the two men sitting with her group. Not only had she slammed down her drink when she returned from the dance floor but she had taken it all at once. Shortly she began to act totally 'out of it'.

Before Misty's condition became too noticeable one of his friends had gotten her onto the dance floor and kept her there through two dances. In her condition she did not stop his roaming hands. At the end of the second song another friend took her in his arms. For four more songs she was passed from man to man. George smiled to himself as he watched one of his friends guide her toward her table and friends. It was just a matter of time before she went to the rest room and that was where they always guided the marks out of the clubs. No one would see who left with the mark. The person making the pickup always wore a disguise and they even tried to disable known security cameras to be even more secure.

By the time Misty was drooping and so drowsy she could hardly sit George was gleefully anticipating his newest conquest. He was almost bouncing in his chair with his excitement. On her next trip to the rest room George intended to make his move. He had a motel room rented under a fictitious name and he was more than ready. After he had used her for an hour or so he would call his friends and let them use her. All four men were primed for the night of their life.

One of the men at the table with Misty and her friends had been spending a lot of time dancing with her. George had not seen him with them before and he was angry at the way he seemed to monopolize Misty's time. The unknown man seemed concerned with the way Misty was acting. George and his friends watched in anger when the man and one of the women who worked in the office with Misty stood her up and guided her from the table. They were heading for the outside door. He was seething with anger and moved to intercept them.

George stood in the door and stopped them when they attempted to leave. He asked, "Hey, what's going on here? Where are you taking Misty and why does she look so out of it?"

Audra, his other employee gave George an angry look and replied, "Misty doesn't feel well Mr. Geitner. Allen and I are taking her home. Now would you please get out of the way so we can take care of her?"

Allen looked startled when Audra called George by name but he didn't say anything until after they were outside. They helped Misty into Audra's car and closed the door after buckling her into her seat belt.

Audra and Allen walked back around the car to the driver's door. As she turned to open the door Allen placed his hand on Audra's arm. She stopped and turned back to look at him when Allen asked, "Audra I heard you call that asshole Mr. Geitner. That's a strange name. I've heard the two of you mention a Timmy and a Georgie. Was that George Geitner? Timothy Geitner is his father?"

"Yeah, but why are you asking that now?"

"Audra I'm sure Misty hasn't had enough to drink to be as out of it as she is. None of us had more than three drinks I believe. I only remember her having two. I noticed George and his buddies trying time after time to get her to sit at their table after they danced with her. Even after her rejection George seemed to hang around her seat quite a lot. Has he been bothering her at work by any chance?"

"Weeeellllll, sort of. He keeps hitting on her and she doesn't want anything to do with him but nothing bad other than that. Why?"

"Audra I knew good old George and his father years ago. Misty and I went to junior high school with him. I moved away is why I didn't recognize him in the bar. I've heard rumors about him when he was in college. He was in one of the fraternities at the same college I attended. He's a real piece of work. He and his fraternity brothers weren't above using date rape drugs or a little force on women if the rumors are correct. There were always rumors about his fraternity. One time I heard he was in trouble over a woman. The charges were dropped and I quit hearing about him as much just before we graduated. I think we need to take Misty to the hospital before we take her home. I suspect someone drugged her and I would rather be safe than sorry you know. If she was drugged we will have a pretty good idea who did it. Why don't you go to the hospital and I'll follow you there. I'll follow you home then and help get her into the house before I leave."

When Allen and Audra arrived at the hospital they told the emergency room admitting clerk their suspicions about Misty. After obtaining the minimum amount of information Misty was taken into an examination room and blood drawn. Like in many emergency rooms the wait was long and worrying for the two friends. They were becoming worried very worried about Misty. Finally Allen decided to make a fuss to obtain information on their friend. He was rising to find a nurse when they saw two police officers enter the waiting area. The officers walked to the admission clerk and spoke to her. The officers turned and looked at Allen and Audra when the clerk pointed them out.

The policemen walked toward the two friends and they stood to meet them. One of the officers verified their identities then asked, "What can you tell us about your friend? We received the call after you brought her in and need to get some information about the alleged incident.

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She regarded her reflection intently, wearing only black hold-up stockings and patent leather high-heeled court shoes. Drawing her hands up to her breasts she teased her nipples with her fingertips until they hardened, then rubbed the gel into them that would freeze the flesh into place for a few hours, ensuring that her nipples would remain prominent for the rest of the evening. After wiping her hands with a tissue, she let them stray to the pink folds around her vagina. Spreading her...

4 years ago
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His women

He was rich and handsome. In his home he housed over twelve women. He kept them for sex and his entertainment. He needed sex all the time. each woman was hand picked for his pleasure. They had large tits with plump nipples and firm round ass. They were white, black, asian, hispanic, indian, and any thing he desired. They all were horny and loved him to fuck them. Many times he fucked with an audience of the young women.During the day, they wore just a sheer robe. He loved to be able to see...

3 years ago
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The Recruitment Process

“Well to be honest Mr Simpkins, you are correct. We’re not like other recruitment agencies — and that’s exactly why we have such a high success rate. If you are seriously interested in the role, I’m afraid you will have to make the time to come into our office for the preliminary screening interview, there’s no way around it.” I held the phone away from my ear, and could feel myself getting ruffled by the guy on the end of the phone. “Yes, I’m prepared to see you after work, 5.30pm on Friday of...

3 years ago
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Not My Type Adele Ch 05

My breath rattled through my chest. Every cell in my body tensed, waiting for our moment, waiting for Nate. His touch felt hot as his calloused fingers brushed over my abdomen. Nothing had felt as good as his careful, almost naïve caress. We were going to make love. Finally. ‘I fully intend too,’ he repeated as if he had tuned into my thoughts. ‘But not tonight.’ I slumped against the carpet while disappointment swept over me. I knew why without having to ask. He couldn’t. I whirled...

4 years ago
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Happy teen campers pt1

It had been along drive to our campsite in cornwall(uk). I was tired and as we pulled up to our pitch the rain started to come down. My gf and I struggled to put our tent up as the wind and rain hampered our attempts. Eventually it was finshed, my gf clambered inside as I gathered our bags from the car ! She must of known how frustrated i'd been, a long drive and now soaking wet i threw the bags inside and crawled in myself. My gf said take off your wet clothes before you come inside , so I...

2 years ago
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Why Me LordChapter 5

I draped an arm around her waist and let my hand take hold of one of her ass cheeks then pulled her up to my side. I was thinking about pulling her back into the house part of the store when we heard a foot hit their boardwalk. I let Mary go and parked my ass in the chair I'd been sitting in when I'd had a drink with Silas. The young blue eyed blonde hardon maker that came in the door smiled as soon as she saw Mary, and Mary smiled back. "Hello, Sarah, how are you?" Mary asked. "I'm...

2 years ago
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How I Fucked My Cousin Sister 8211 Part 1

Hi everyone, I am Vinith. A big fan of ISS. Finally made my mind to submit my real sex story. The heroine of the story is my cousin sister Shreya (name changed). Me working in a reputed firm in Bangalore as a HR manager age 25 and when it comes to my dick it’s around 6inches. Any interest girls and aunties can contact me on Without wasting much of your time let me come to the story. Please ignore any mistakes as it is my 1st story and please give me feedback on Shreya and I had a good bonding...

3 years ago
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Gifted Book 1 SilenceChapter 22 I Do

The day of the wedding arrived, and Willow had the jitters. She was surprised she was worried, but Grace helped put her at ease, saying that she had felt the same. Prue was going to be her matron of honour and Ulani had agreed to be the maid. Bethany got to be the flower girl again, of course. Ulani felt honoured to be asked. She even received a message from her father saying he was happy with her new choice of friends. He supported her mother in her choice to stay and attend the Academe....

2 years ago
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Happy Birthday Audrey

This happened about 27 years ago. I’d been visiting Grandma with a mate of mine, Steve, and was walking back towards his house when we bumped into Audrey. She welcomed me and said tomorrow was her 70th birthday and did I fancy a drink at her house which was right next to where we were talking, as she went inside she left the door ajar.Steve looked at me and smiled “Is this the old bird you shagged a few years ago” “Yes and she’s horny as fuck” as we made our way inside. She motioned for us to...

2 years ago
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You Burn Me

Livia’s heart thrums fierce and wild as if to break free from its cage within her, while her breath races unchecked, only to push the muscle harder. She stopped here, just outside the door, to find her courage, but she worries she may not be able to. Fear. She cannot allow herself to show it, not when she walks into that room. She’s not had much experience in this - entertaining guests and such. She’s barely had time to stay in one place long enough to keep a household. And it was all the fault...

2 years ago
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BounderChapter 6

It was not quite yet midday when we arrived, as we had hurried our traveling pace on the good road to complete the four leagues of distance in rather less than the usual four hours. I was huffing a bit, being a little out of my best physical conditioning, but Koch and Flerrie appeared to show little if any fatigue and they made no particular complaints. I left them for the moment at one of the roadside vendor tents, an ale house of sorts, and let them quench their thirsts. The air had been...

1 year ago
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Sissys stroke story for Deebsflo Part one

Cast: Dee (The Master), Jennifer James (The Movie starlet) The Sissies: Mika, 5’11”, light brown long hair. Sammie, 5’9”, peroxide blonde, with a fringe. Bobbi, 5’7”, brown curly shoulder length hair.. Glenda, 5’4” brunette, bob-cut style, Toni, 6’, leggy peroxide blonde, long hair. Terri, 5’8” Brunette with a fringe and Alexi, 5’9” natural blonde with long platted hair.Part one In all his years, Dee could not recall seeing such a look of desperation and desire as he did now with Mika....

1 year ago
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You Will SubmitChapter 6

It was a heady feeling, walking into the school administration office to test my powers. Of course it was a juvenile thing to do, but what boy ever forgets the rush he gets when imagining the wonders to be beheld if he could find a way to get into the girl’s locker room? I think girls must be taught to keep their knees together when they are still in the womb, then they are stapled together at birth. All we guys wanted was a quick peek, but noo-o-o-o--o! No can do. Wouldn’t you just like to...

1 year ago
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Cute Little Butts

Reddit Cute Little Butts, aka r/CuteLittleButts! Look, bros. You won’t see me arguing with the man that screams until he’s blue in the face, has a heart attack, and falls over dead, professing his love for big, round asses. There’s nothing I love more than slapping and grabbing a big ass, holding on tight, and making the bitch moan my name while I remind her how hung ThePornDude actually is. But that’s not the only kind of ass I enjoy fucking with – and it shouldn’t be the same for you.Because...

Reddit NSFW List
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Une putain pour Noeumll

L'année commença sous de très bons auspices. J'étais un peu chagrind'avoir du réveillonner au Noël chez l'oncle parisien. D'astreintej'avais été victime et de mon statut de jeune et de célibataire. Onm'assurait que l'année prochaine on m'épargnerait me laissant pour celarejoindre ma province. En attendant je décidais de prendre en bonne partcette circonstance. De toute façon j'avais une forte complicité avec mononcle. Outre d'être un partenaire remarquable de pétanque il n'aimaitpas moins que...

3 years ago
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An Encounter With Me

Chapter 1We start out with some kissing soft and sweet at first but as our hands begin to wander, it excites our minds and is reflected as our kissing becomes more passionate and vigorress. I have my right hand messaging your large breast and my left hand moves up to your hair holding the right side of your head while we generously sample each other's saliva and pleasure each others lips. Just then I gently but firmly tighten my grip on your hair and pull your head back a bit and I immediately...

2 years ago
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Ein Malfoy auf der Jagd nach Mdchen Harry Potter fanfiction

Alle Charakter dieser Geschichte sind über 18 auch dann wenn es die Buchverlage anders vorschreibt! Draco Malfoy saß in seinem gemeinschaftsraum in den Kerkern auf dem Sofa und war verzweifelt. Seine Noten in allen Fächern waren in einem guten Bereich ohne dass er wirklich viel dafür Lernen musste. Es schien ihm einfach alles von der Hand zu gehen. Allerdings führte das zu einer enormen Langeweile. Und er konnte seinem liebsten Zeitvertreib (Harry zur Weißglut zu bringen) nicht mehr so oft nach...

2 years ago
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Never been with a man sexually

Before she got on the bus, I was back and gave her my number. She texted me immediately letting me know she wasn’t annoyed but was overwhelmed, she told me I had no idea what I was doing to her. That she has never had a older man come onto her like that. Over the next week we texted each other, we soon agreed to meet for coffee, she is nervous, excited, and convinced that she wasn’t going to let it go too far. She had told me that sex was not happening, that she had never been with a man. She...

1 year ago
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The Shop at the End of the Road Part 3

"No." Felicity shook her head, not unkindly. "You weren't looking for a dress. You were looking for something else. That's why you couldn't find it." Robbie considered this for a few moments, peering into the cloistered depths of the Lady Chapel. What he sought should have been in there, hidden amongst the racks and stacks and camphor chests. Several times, he'd reached into the cluttered rows, only to grasp a fading mirage. It was always on the edge of his vision, hanging just beyond...

1 year ago
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TeensLoveBlackCocks Skylar Snow Find My iBone

Skylar Snow likes to party hard. The only problem is when she starts to have too much fun, she sometimes gets a little irresponsible. This time, she left her phone at a party she went to the night before. Luckily, our stud was the host, and he is more than willing to help a hot, thick redhead like Skylar look for it. He even finds the phone for her, and she could not be happier. To thank him, she does a little dance on the stripper pole he has in his living room. He becomes enraptured, and...

4 years ago
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chennai aunts affair with me

This is a story of me in capacity of a gigolo had deflowered a longing aunty’s ass. I have a strict clientele with mainly mail id as contact point and only act on references. I am quite happy with my small clientele, when one of my clients referred this lady and said she would mail me. After a couple of days I received a mail from say lets call her Shiela and she told about the reference and said she wanted to be fucked in the ass.As my policy is no personal questions I did not ask her about...

1 year ago
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The three Ashleys

I have been working with the Ashley’s for a while. There are three of them, all sexy and very hot in their own way, and all about the same age, 25. I will call them by their biggest feature which sets them apart. There is Blond Ashley, very hot with dirty blond hair. Medium sized breasts and a great ass. Tall Ashley is a brunette and over 6 foot tall, and when she wears heals she is often taller that I am. Beautiful dark eyes and a quick smile. She has a nice rack that stand proud and her...

4 years ago
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Amity 4 The HerdsChapter 10 Welcome Home

The next two weeks were uneventful. We had good weather all the way. The ship went even faster with the clean hull. I think all the damn crystals they had embedded in the ship helped as well. The food was awesome. We had fresh produce every day. The cook, Ben, excelled himself. The ship normally had sixteen crew members, but since the Captain had a feeling he was going to have a bored crew on a ship that would rarely break down, we had left six of the crew with the girls. Half of his crew...

1 year ago
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A Sweet Love Sister

Hi This is john replace name This is the real story dat iam going to tell in hindi yaha se story shooroovat hovi pehle mere behn ka perfect figure hai uske boobs zabaardast hai aur uske hips perfect hai Ek din ki baat hai jab ghar me koi bhi nahi the sab log bahaar gaye the. Sirf main aur meri behn thi .meri behn bathroom gayi aur baath karne lagi aur sochne laga ki figure kaisa hai to jakar dekha to mastrubate kar rahi thi. To maine mastrubatr karne laga aur mera dil bol raha tha ki aaj uske...

2 years ago
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Diary of a Personal Assistant 4 The Pump

The day promised to be idyllic.  Summer seemed to come and go this year and the sun was intent upon playing hide and seek with a vengeance.  Today, however, it seemed content to float above the distant mountains.  I could almost hear its gentle laughter as it lured me from my bed.  Donning a light robe I made the trek from my small apartment to the main house, bemused and a little bewildered by the silence that greeted me, as well as the lack of yummy smells.  Strangely, the kitchen was...

2 years ago
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The Gang Bang of Rikka

Rikka was like any other student. She was shy never talk that much to boy. She was a nerd playing video games reading manga and comics. On Friday morning the blonde girl ad a surprise at her window. A note.“If you want to have a lot of fun. Come to our football field tonight. Kiss.” At first Rikka thought this was a joke. Until she arrived to her school this morning. A firm and tight hand on her right shoulder. The hand forced her to go to the bathroom. She was going to be late, she did not...

1 year ago
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ThatSitcomShow Alana Cruise Daisy Stone Threesome Company Lets Play Pretend

Janet and Crissy have invited a third roommate to move in with them, but there’s just one problem: Jack is a guy and their landlord is pretty old fashioned about that kind of thing. While the girls are getting changed in their bedroom, they discuss the situation. Their solution is to tell Jack he must pretend to be gay. Unfortunately, both Janet and Crissy want to be the one to teach Jack how he needs to act. In the end, they call Jack in and explain things to him together. A while later,...

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Fraternization Is Frowned Upon

New faces applied for jobs at my work place daily. I never paid too much attention because as soon as they started they’d be going. Young people looking to make some quick, easy cash, party for a few months and then quickly move on to the next trend or fad. Latisha wasn’t one of those young people. Everyone else that started with her already left, but she’s stuck it out for the last six months and impressed the higher ups and fellow staff.Anyhow, who gives a shit about all of that?About 5’5”,...

Office Sex
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Internet Sex Match

Chapter 1 Bill, a 35 year old man, 2 years after a divorce from a woman he wasn’t sure why he even married. She hated life where they lived, a place she grew up in, and she also wasn’t a big fan of sex. She enjoyed it sometimes, but not as often as Bill would have liked. She didn’t want kids, but that was told to him after they married. Love is blind in so many ways and Bill was caught in a marriage that pretty much lost any love there was, a few years into it. Then one day, his ex...

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Tiffanys Deal Chapter Two

Tiffany's Deal By Michele Nylons Chapter Two - The Flop Tiffany's earliest memories are of her as a young boy growing up in the Midwest. To say that her upbringing was difficult would be an understatement. Although not particularly small for his age Tom Robinson was very lithe and almost effeminate in manner. From the outset Tom knew he was different. He began to feel trapped in a body in which he just didn't belong, so he tried his best to make himself look like what he...

2 years ago
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Mindcontrol Panties 10 Cuties Hot Ass

Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! The figure was running off the high of its last mind-control outing. It still enjoyed the buzz from the last girl who wore one of its panties. She’d been transformed. So had been all those around the girl. The effect had rippled out, touching the lives of everyone who came near her. That wasn’t uncommon with one of its pairs of panties, but this effect was delicious. It had enjoyed watching the transformation. But now it was interested in a new...

1 year ago
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AllGirlMassage Lena Nicole JoJo Kiss Lovers Reunited Part One

As masseuse, JoJo Kiss prepares to leave the Spa for the night, in walks her ex lesbian lover, Lena Nicole. As they stare at each other and attempt to make conversation, they each describe how awkward this situation is for the other. Wanting to keep things professional, in her own spa. JoJo lets Lena know that although she was planning on closing for the night, if she’s really in pain, she’ll help her out. Lena is extremely grateful and stresses that as long as JoJo’s okay...

1 year ago
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Sarahs StoryChapter 3 After College

After we received our degrees, Vera and I got an apartment together in Cleveland. She started working at the hospital as a physical therapist. She also did a little massage therapy on her own. I found a position with a major bank. I applied for Broker/Finance position but I had to start out as a teller. The bank wanted its employees to know how the bank ran from the bottom up. I was promised a quick promotion as soon as I learned the entry level positions. Even though we lived in the same...

1 year ago
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The Crimson King Ch 10

‘Are you sure this is where she is?’ The private detective Chambliss had hired shook his head as they sat in the limousine, staring at the huge mansion with its imposing dark windows. ‘My source says that the cameraman, Leon Antonidas, bought some maternity clothes and had them delivered here.’ ‘That doesn’t necessarily mean that she’s here.’ The detective tossed a manila folder into his lap and Chambliss extracted a sheaf of photos. The subjects were enjoying a picnic on the side of the...

2 years ago
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The Devils Pact Chapter 18 Virgins

by mypenname3000 Copyright 2013 Chapter Eighteen: Virgins Visit my blog at Lucifer's semen burned in my cunt as he ejaculated. and another orgasm rolled through my body. Hatred and shame burned inside me as Lucifer pulled his cock out. “Always a pleasure, Lilith,” Lucifer said, pleasantly. Then, like I was his dog, he reached out and stroked my hair before he descended deeper into the Abyss. After my attempts to seduce Mary and turn her against Mark had...

2 years ago
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Fucked By Father

It was a Friday. I had gone to my friend’s house to exchange an adult DVD. It was around 11:00 AM. My friend, Anirban’s house is away from the road, and access to the house is through a small three feet wide by-lane, which was almost 50 feet long. The house was pretty isolated from the surroundings. Just I had reached almost to his house, I saw Anirban coming out of the house. When he saw the DVD kept covered in my hand, he was very happy. I saw that he is about to go somewhere. When I asked,...

2 years ago
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Waiting for Robbie

When you pull up in the drive way from football, I am there, dressed in only a silk robe waiting for you. You step into the house and I see you swelling in your shorts instantly, I can see it's aching to be free. I kiss you deeply on the lips, and slowing massage your tongue with mine. I pull your shirt over your head and kiss down your chest. You're enjoying the teasing, but I can tell how much you want me. I get on my knees and pull your shorts down, releasing your ever growing cock from its...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Welcome to the Funny FarmChapter 4

How I lost my mind, but found true love and happiness. When we walked in from our time on the boat, Kevin asked us how the day had gone. Before I could say anything, Christy offered the following comments. “Mom, Dad, it was one of the best days EVER! Beth and I have decided John and Beth are going to get married and have at least four children. By the way, you don’t have to worry about my being a lesbian anymore. After Beth has her children, I will be 18 or 19 so I am going to let John...

3 years ago
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Daddys Slut Girl1

DADDY'S SLUT GIRL by Norma Egan FOREWORD The runaway girl -- a label for thousands of girls in a hundred cities who have left home for one reason -- unhappiness. They may be motherless, friendless, or lonely; they may be the daughters of the rich, the poor, the middle class; yet, their common bond is a search for tomorrow's joy and the end to today's misery. The question herein is not the reasons why they left, but where they go. What destiny is in store for the Levi's-clad...

4 years ago
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My hiking trip part 3

After Nancy left I got a few hours sleep. I got my stuff packed up and headed out. Three hours later I made it to a checkpoint, but I didn't stay long. I didn't want to run into anyone I have met and or fucked this trip and because of my all night fuckfest with Nancy, I wanted to get there early and try to get a good night sleep. I stopped for a drink break, so I compared my map and GPS to see how my further I had to go. I noticed that just a head there was a trail that split off a different...

4 years ago
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Handling Sara the right way

I met Sara in 12th grade, my final year of high school. Sara was the happy go lucky type, she never let others bring her down. The more I got to know her I notice she had a naughty side to her, basically she was kinda a flirt. Sometimes in the locker room when I would be there getting ready for P.E., I would hear some of the guys talking about her, and how they would have a blast with her. I became curious and I started to wonder why she never asked me to hang out? I mean we had been friends...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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First time sucking cock

My first time at sucking another mans cock was when I was nineteen and my best friend was eighteen. We had been very close friends for over four years and had never expressed this to each other. We were always with girls and then one night while we were smoking some pot my friend looks at me and asks if I ever thought about sucking another guys cock I was surprised at him asking me this and did not know how to answer him. He told me that he had thoughts of it and since we were so close he...

3 years ago
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Sex With Neighbor Boy

Hi this is Nisha again. Thanks for your response for my previous story. This inspired me to write more. I am going to tell my story with young boy. This story happened 4 months back. I had sex with my neighbor. 9 month back we moved to new apartment we had a good handsome college going boy next to our house in the same floor. He used to study engineering. This story about how I made out with him and his cousin. While shifting house he helped us. So he was bit close to us and he used to come to...

2 years ago
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Scavenger Hunt

It was a little late for the door bell, after eight at night. My first thought was, 'Who would be calling on me at this time?' I went to the front and peeked around the window to see a young girl I didn't recognize. She didn't look dangerous so I opened the door, only to find three girls, not just one. The girl in front, head down, immediately started reading from a piece of paper. I couldn't understand a thing she said. "Hold it," I said. She looked up and I did recognize her. She...

2 years ago
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The Loan Shark in Our LifeChapter 9

After I got everyone off to work and school in the morning I relaxed over a last cup of coffee and started compiling a shopping list. I was just rinsing out my cup when the doorbell rang. I didn't think anything of it. I wasn't expecting anyone. But more importantly I wasn't expecting Tommy so I wasn't concerned. I assumed it was someone selling religion or magazines door to door. I'm not in the market for either. I was wearing my robe and slippers so when I opened the door I only...

2 years ago
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Love has no Boundaries

FIRST NAME: Your name LAST NAME: Your sister's name. You finally reach the door of your house. It has been a long day and you are tired. It was bad enough going through yet another boring day of school, but when you got to track practice the coach decided to make everyone do extra laps. "Slave-driving asshole." You think to yourself. As you enter the house you set down your overloaded backpack and your track bag. You look around and the house seems to be empty, then you here the sound of a...

3 years ago
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Reformation 2128

Reformation: 2128Excerpts from the Extreme Sexual Misconduct and Perversion of Justice (Amendment) Act, 2127:Section 4 (2) (b) - Any male who wilfully and with malice aforethought commits an act of sexual contact upon the sanctity of the female body independent of her consent shall be guilty of an offence. Upon conviction his sentence shall not exceed the forfeiture of his penis by means of guillotine upon a public stage.Section 4 (2) (c) – Prior to sentence for a conviction under s 4 (2) (b)...

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