Tom meets Mira
- 1 year ago
- 23
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There comes a time in every marriage when the bloom is off of the rose. Not that the love is gone or that you hate each other, but things are just not new anymore. It can be the best time in the relationship for some couples and the worst for others. This can be a make or break point for marriages because you have to seriously look at things and decide whether or not you want to continue to stay married to that person. The term, "It's cheaper to keep her," had to be coined by a guy who had reached that point.
It comes roughly about the same time when you look at the girl you fell in love with and married, only to realize that she's somehow been replaced with her mother, whom you hate. That svelte, feminine body has been upgraded and accessorized until you no longer recognize or even want it.
At the same time, personalities, both yours and hers, have evolved to the point where the thing you dreamed about when you met has come true. You are both truly totally honest with each other. First off, we need to understand that humans, though we talk about it all the time and respect it, are simply not cut out for real honesty. We simply can't handle it. When you love someone, you almost have to lie to them and do it regularly.
We lie in a thousand different ways, verbally being only one of them. But once we reach that certain age where we've become fully evolved, where we become the ultimate version of ourselves, we simply no longer give a shit.
We become so comfortable with who and what we are that we simply don't feel it's worth the effort to pretend any more. That's when the lying stops and the rubber meets the road.
So you've got a beer belly ... Let it all hang out. You're lazy ... Buy yourself a new couch. Your eyesight sucks ... Ditch the contacts and buy a bigger fucking TV. You have no need to hide any of your imperfections from the little woman anymore because you're married to her and you've been together for so long that you have to put up with each other's shit anyway.
Don't worry guys, they do it too. For women this is the time to throw away the pushup bras and stop wearing high heels. They've realized that all of sexy underwear is just plain uncomfortable and all you're going to do is take it off of them to get what you want anyway. So they buy a hundred pairs of granny panties and dare you to say a fucking word about it.
Oh Boy let the good times fucking roll...
So anyway, I'm 54. Due to some great investments early on and a downturn in the auto industry, I'm retired. Because of my brilliance as an engineer and some patents I developed for my company, they can no longer afford to pay my salary and the way my retirement package was accruing trailing zeros, it became clear to some of the bean counters that the smarter thing for the company to do would be to offer me a buy-out.
It was a win/win situation. The company gives me a one-time payment in the upper single digit millions so I no longer have to work for the rest of my fucking life. Boo ya! On the other hand they get to license my patents and they get to clear the cost of my exorbitant mid six figures salary from their books and also to hire a fresh new crop of engineers to breathe some much needed life into the company. It was a good deal for everyone concerned for the first year or so before the inevitable boredom set in on my end.
My wife loved the idea at first. We now had both the time and the money to do all of those things we never had the time or the money to do before. We started out by downsizing our home and moving into a sparking and modern brand new condo. With our only offspring out on her own, we no longer needed a large house.
That took us through the first six months. Then we started traveling the globe. That ate up another six months until we got the idea that no matter where you go, it's only another place that the people who live there are fucking tired of.
We settled into the new condo and familiarity began to breed what it usually does. I started to notice new things about my wife, Linda, that thirty years of marriage had failed to teach me. I mean I still loved her, I just didn't like her. I think it was because we were simply spending too much time together.
A day is twenty four hours long. The average person spends eight to ten of those hours at work. The average person also spends about eight of those hours asleep. You also have travel time to and from destinations. With different hobbies and activities added in it takes a big ass chunk out of your day.
I suddenly realized that except for when we were on vacations, Linda and I only spent a few hours a day together. Now all of a sudden I was trapped with her twenty four hours a day, seven days a week until one of us died. I was also suddenly faced with the fact that we had nothing in common except our daughter and that Linda was either, to quote the Temptations, a ball of confusion or an utter fucking moron.
First off, let me begin by saying that I did not marry Linda because I thought that she was brilliant. I married her because she was a willing and good fuck, hotter than hell, and had a pleasing personality. Like most engineers, I had multiple reasons for the decision as you can see. I also considered that time might take one or maybe even two of those admirable qualities away from her, but even if any one of those was left she'd still be worth spending time with.
Unh unh, I was wrong. As far as the sex goes, over time she became more willing to use it against me. You know the story. If she wanted something and I didn't, she used sex to get her way. That worked for the first few years until suddenly I developed the ability to say no to her. Then she started saying no to me until she got her way. Sometime after the first ten years, it just became easier to go without than to put up with her shit. So now it was a case where it was once in a while if we both wanted it type of thing.
As far as her being hot; I blew it there too. Linda was surprisingly beautiful when we met. She had big firm boobs, a tiny waist and a nice sized butt. There are lots of fifty year old women out there who work at it and are still incredibly hot. There are also lots of fifty year old women out there who don't work at it and are blessed with good genetics and stay very hot. Lastly, there are lots of fifty year old women out there for whom their sexual appeal has nothing to do with their looks. They have a flirtatious nature or other skills that just make you want them anyway.
Sadly, Linda fits into none of those cases. Over the years she just let herself go, so ... her body and her looks went.
When she was twenty five, my Linda's measurements were 40 26 38 and I'm very proud to say that she has the exact same measurements today. The problem isn't the numbers though it's the order. Her boobs are still pretty big but they're a very saggy 38 now. Her gut has ballooned out to a staggering 40 inches and it was like her ass just deflated down to only 26 inches.
Linda still thinks she looks the same now though and you can't tell her any different. Part of our problem was that we're just different. I am in no way perfect. I over analyze everything, I'm a slave to my schedule and I'm sure that over the years, several of my pursuits and hobbies have taken precedence over my marriage, but hey, I try and I've never cheated on her. I've always been an average looking guy, so I had to work harder. I've exercised for most of my life so now in my later years, I'm still fit and trim from daily workouts and runs.
Linda, on the other hand, got her looks through her genetics. Her body was a gift from God so she didn't ever think she had to do anything to keep it up. That was one of our problems when we traveled. I always needed to visit the gym in every hotel we stayed in because anyone will tell you it's easier to stay up than to get up. Linda always thought that I shouldn't work out at all while we were on vacation. She hated my need to run in the morning or throw a few weights around. She said it made her feel like we were on a schedule instead of truly free to just relax.
On the other hand, I hated the fact that we couldn't do anything because of Linda's inability to walk for more than a block or two over flat ground and her constant need to eat. Every new activity I posed was met with comments like, "We can't do that. It takes too much energy." Or she'd say, "We can't do that. That's for kids."
The last thing for me to discover about the love of my life was that her personality had degraded along with her body. Over the years she'd become an expert on everything and a hypocrite at the same time. On one hand she'd tell me that a woman can do anything a man can. She'd also tell me that since neither of us worked anymore, not that she ever had; we needed to split the household chores between us.
I'm not a chauvinist, I was all for it. I would get up early and do my work-out while Linda slept then I'd start tackling all of my household duties. I'd do exactly half of what was on the list and leave the rest for her. She would conveniently get out of most of her share of the chores by saying that certain things were just not for women to do.
One of those of course was taking out the garbage. I don't know why women who all swear that they can do anything any man can do find it so difficult to pick up a bag of household garbage and carry it to the can and drop it. It can't be the weight of it because the average trash bag weighs less than twenty pounds and is mostly full of paper or wrappers and discarded food. But Linda insisted that no woman should ever have to take out the garbage. She was sure there was a rule prohibiting it somewhere.
Anyway, it was garbage out of everything else that ended my marriage. It seems to be such a stupid thing for two people who loved each other to draw a line in the sand over, but it was taking out the trash that ended us.
Linda came in one Saturday morning and told me to take out the trash that she'd just finished filling up the cans with. I, of course, had just started watching one of my favorite track meets on TV.
Being an avid runner, I liked watching the athletes who were the best in the world at the sport I loved. Linda, who, of course, couldn't run a block if a pit bull was chasing her didn't understand it.
"Stan, I need you to take out the garbage, right now," she said. It wasn't just the fact that she'd told me, not asked me to do it. It was her tone of voice and her complete lack of respect for what I was doing.
"No," I said.
"It'll be a long time before you get any sex out of me if you don't," she sneered.
"It's been a long time since I've gotten any sex out you already," I said. "I'll survive." She got really angry for some reason and just stalked out. Since there were only the two of us in the house, we really didn't create a ton of mess so the bag wasn't even very full. The next thing I knew she was glaring at me as she stalked by me with the bag.
She was back within five minutes still glaring at me, but that was how it started. Things got very cold between us for about a week and then suddenly she made up with me. I don't know why or how. It was seemingly, at least to me, spontaneous. It was as if we'd never been angry. I hadn't been anyway. She'd been the one who was pissed off. Maybe she'd just decided that it was stupid and to just let it go.
I did start to feel guilty about it after we made up but since things were going well between us I didn't want to push it. The funny thing was that when I tried to take out the garbage she wouldn't let me anymore. She'd just fly off the handle and grab the bags out of my hands.
"I see what's going on," I said. "You're still pissed at me."
"No Stanley," she said, kissing me on the forehead. "I'm not angry at you."
"I've got it," I said. "You just don't want me to take out the garbage because you still don't want to have sex with me."
"Stanley, we can have sex whenever you want," she said. "Tonight probably isn't very good unless you let me take a shower first though."
I couldn't figure it out. It wasn't like Linda to just give up on something. Over the next few days my guilt motivated me more than anything else did. With Valentine's Day coming up I decided to splurge and buy Linda the diamond bracelet she'd been leering over and staring at in the jewelry ads. I even went better and upped the carats. I spent almost three thousand dollars on a bracelet that I was sure she'd love. I also planned a night out at our favorite restaurant. I arranged for flowers and the whole nine yards this would be a Valentine's Day to remember.
I didn't wait until the last minute either. We still had over a week before Valentine's Day arrived. I was feeling pretty good about myself then. I was actually proud that for once I hadn't slipped out on Valentine's Day morning and bought her the first cheapest thing I could find. And for once I wouldn't tell her that we'd had so many Valentine's days together that if she didn't know I loved her by now there was something wrong with her.
The thing was, I guess I'd started re-thinking everything. Sure her looks hadn't gotten any better. But her attitude had definitely improved. And like I said before, the love was still there, but Linda being nicer and just letting some of our arguments go gave me a reason to like her again.
One of the things I'd noticed was that over the past few weeks we started to produce a lot more garbage. It used to be that we only really had to take out the trash once or twice a week. Now it was at least three or four times a week. The other thing that was odd was that Linda seemed to be gone a lot longer than it took just to walk out behind the building and drop a bag into the large dumpsters back there.
When it was time to take out the garbage the day before Valentine's Day, I decided to do it for her. She made a huge stink about it. I had to listen to the whole women can do anything a man can do speech so I decided to just let it go. I turned on the television and started looking for something to watch. Linda grabbed the trash bags and headed out the door. I cracked the door open and watched as she turned the corner at the end of the hall.
I quickly ducked down the stairway at the other end of the hall and headed out to the back myself. I hoped that I didn't miss her since it was kind of dark out there. Actually I was quicker than she was and got there before she made the trip. Those daily runs had me in great shape.
I saw our building manger, Dino, out there doing something to that dirty ass BMW of his. The car was over ten years old and in terrible shape but he acted like it was something special. My 2010 Mustang GT looked and ran far better than his car ever did. Linda acted like his car was something special too. I think that it was mostly because she hated my Mustang.
I wondered what the hell Dino was doing back there but I wasn't concentrating on him. I wanted to find out what the hell was so special about the garbage.
Linda walked straight past the dumpster and over to Dino. He was a big fat slob of a guy. He leaned down and immediately just unzipped his pants. Linda got down on her knees in the filth of the alley and started sucking his dick like it was an ice cream cone. After a few minutes he pushed her away. Linda opened her jacket and wasn't wearing anything under it. She sat down on the hood of his car and spread her legs. Her skirt was up around her waist. Dino didn't waste any time. He got between her legs and rubbed his dick against her pussy a couple of times and then sunk in to the hilt. He thrust himself into her roughly a few times and then they settled into a rhythm. I was too shocked to move or to say anything. I can still remember every detail like they were burned into my brain.
I remember seeing him thrusting slowly but firmly in and out of her. Her legs wrapped themselves around his waist and even her hands gripped his flabby ass pulling him into her harder. Her sagging deflated breasts lolled off to both sides of her rib cage and moved with every thrust. Their colossal bellies both shook every time they came together.
Dino grunted every time he thrust into her and he was wheezing like he was about to have a heart attack. Linda was the one moaning and urging him on.
"Oh yeah, baby," she crooned. "This is your pussy. It's all yours. Take it," she yelled.
It seemed like forever but it was actually only about three minutes before Dino stiffened and roared. Then he just pulled up his pants and walked away like nothing had ever happened.
I waited for Linda to go back into the building and then quickly ran back up the stairs. I was too shocked to even think about what I'd just seen.
Linda came into the condo only seconds after I'd settled back in front of the TV. As she passed by me she was normal. She wasn't overly cheerful. She wasn't defensive or anything like that. If I hadn't seen what I'd just seen, I never would have suspected a thing. I guess what they say is true. Women are much better at being sneaky than men are.
In fact, she was so much better at it than I was, that she almost caught me. She brought me a Dos Equis from the fridge and then looked at me.
"What's wrong Stan?" she asked. I didn't take my eyes off of the TV. I didn't even look at her.
"Nothing?" I said, trying to force my voice to sound normal.
"Then why are your cheeks wet. Have you been crying?" she asked.
"Oh that," I said. "The fucking Jamaicans beat us in the relay AGAIN. I was so excited that I accidently flicked one of my fingers in my eye. I'm sure they're doping but no one can prove it yet."
She looked at me very closely. "I think I'm going to take the Mustang out for a drive," I said.
"At night?" she asked.
"Why not at night?" I asked.
"Well, I was planning on taking a long soothing bath first but I was hoping we could..." she said.
"We could what?" I asked.
"You know..." she said smiling. "It's been a long time, Honey."
"Sorry," I said. "I'm not in the mood." And I wasn't. The only reason she wanted to fuck me was because she was feeling guilty about what she'd just done. I didn't think I'd ever touch her again. I grabbed my favorite comfortable old leather jacket and headed for the door. She just stood there with her mouth open. As I opened the door she called me.
"Stan, do you want me to come with you?" she asked.
"Why?" I asked. "You don't even like my car."
I closed the door then both physically and metaphorically. In a physical sense closing the door sealed our condo and prevented others from stealing or doing harm to its occupants and contents. Metaphorically speaking I sealed my broken heart and decided that Linda would do no further harm to it or my well being.
As I walked towards the garage, I noticed Dahlia Martin. She was a really beautiful young woman who lived in one of the units. She was tall and thin with long flowing hair that just begs for attention. I smiled at her and waved. She returned my wave kind of half heartedly. Dahlia was usually very friendly, so it got my attention. I walked over to her to ask her what was wrong.
"My stupid car won't start," she pouted.
Normally Dahlia worked from her condo. She did some kind of internet thing so if she was leaving it must have been really important.
"Well, call your date and have him pick you up," I said. "You're definitely worth it."
"You are the sweetest man ever, Mr. Laurel," she smiled. Dahlia obviously couldn't stay angry for more than two minutes. "But this is for work. I have to go all the way down town for a meeting to discuss changes in the rules and sign off on my yearly tax and insurance forms."
"Well I'll take you then," I said. "I'm just going out for a drive to clear my head so it's no problem. When you get done, if you can't get a ride from a co-worker just call me and I'll pick you up too."
"But that's too much trouble," she said.
"Honey, the thing about being old and retired is that since you never have anything to do, having ANYTHING to do is exciting," I said.
"Thank you so much," she said. "Without you, I'd be in a lot of trouble."
"Don't mention it," I said. She took my arm as we walked over to my car. As I started the big v8 the car shook with the engine's vibration as if it was waking up from a long sleep. Within seconds I'd backed out of my stall and left the building.
Once we got on the freeway, it took me only 10 minutes to drive downtown. I followed her directions once we got there and put a way point in my GPS.
"There," I said.
"Why'd you do that?" she asked.
"In case you need me to pick you up. I'll be able to find this spot from wherever I am. I have no idea where I'm going," I said.
"I'm sure I'll be able to find a ride so I won't have to trouble you, Mr. Laurel," she said.
"Dahlia, I'm an old man, humor me. Give me your phone," I told her. She smiled and handed me her phone. I punched my number into it and called my iPhone. Then I handed her phone back to her.
"If you need me, you'll be able to call me now," I said. "And it's really no trouble." She got out of the car and I drove off heading back for the freeway.
I loved to just drive. I tended to stay on the freeway as opposed to the streets because I didn't have to stop for traffic lights or pedestrians. I also like to drive fast. Usually it's just me, me car and my stereo, with no distractions to come between us. I took advantage of Arizona's perfect February temperatures and let the warm night breezes blow directly into my car. In exchange, I let the loud ass music from my stereo permeate the silence of the evening as we drove. It was all about numbers.
A man in his 50's driving a car designed to look the way they did 40 years ago, grieved for the ending of his plus 30 year marriage while listening to songs that were over 20 years old with the volume cranked up to 10.
Tonight my album of choice was the Cult's Sonic Temple. Listening to American Horse helped me to both focus my rage and to steel my heart against what was to come. It isn't easy to get past the hurt that finding out that someone you've loved, laughed, argued and fought with for over thirty years had betrayed you.
It really isn't easy but it's not impossible either. I guess what made it possible was the fact that, like I've said before, I love her but I really don't like her. Maybe we really had grown apart over the years and this was just her way of dealing with it. She went to him for things that she either didn't want from me anymore or that she thought I wasn't capable of giving her.
I just couldn't figure out what those things were though. I was in far better shape than Dino even though he was younger. I had far more financial resources and more available time. The only thing I could think of was maybe he was just more willing to put up with her mood swings and bullshit. But even that was hard to believe because when he was done fucking her, he just walked off. He got the wham and the bam, but didn't even offer her the "Thank you ma'am."
Maybe she loved him or vice versa. I couldn't even see that though because they didn't kiss. Not once, she just walked up and started sucking his dick. This obviously wasn't the first time they'd done this. Their movements were too practiced. They'd done this before and probably quite often. Then it hit me. This was why she was taking the fucking garbage out so often now.
She really thought she had me fooled, didn't she. I shook my head and laughed. I'd come to that realization just as Ian Astbury started singing the song's chorus. In my mind I substituted "She's" for "He's" in the lyrics and sang along with Ian and Billy.
"She's gone crazy, completely crazy. Trying to tame the American Horse."
The she I sang about was, of course, Linda. My wife of all these years had flipped her lid if she thought I'd put up with all of this. And, of course, if she thought that being nice to me after weeks of treating me like shit over something as stupid as taking out the fucking trash could somehow control me, then she was definitely crazy. I, like the American horse in the song, could not be tamed or controlled. I'd really started listening to the song because I guess I'd always seen the American Horse as a metaphor for my Mustangs. It was strange though the way the song now reflected my feelings about my dying marriage. And dying it was. There was no way I intended to spend the rest of my life with a woman who neither loved nor respected me. Both she and Dino would get what they deserved.
I took the next freeway exit and got back on in the opposite direction. I was heading for home with a new fire in my mind and a new dose of steel in my backbone just as Fire Woman came on in my stereo. My foot took off, plunging downwards on the gas pedal and the more I pushed it down, the bigger my smile got. In my mind, I started figuring out all of the moves I'd make over the next few days. Each new idea heightened my pleasure, and then an electric shock went through my body. I slowed the car down quickly and pulled off onto the side of the road.
Shit, I thought I'd been having a heart attack but it was only my phone. My stereo was so loud I hadn't heard the ringing, I'd only felt the vibrations.
"Hello," I said.
"Mr. Laurel," sniffled Dahlia. "I'm sorry to bother you. But I really do need that ride," she said.
"I'll be right there, Honey," I said. "Just wait for me by the front door where I dropped you off." I got back on the freeway and roared towards her location with all thoughts of my own misery and revenge gone.
Once again I roared into the night but this time I had a destination in mind. All thoughts about my own pain were banished at least for a while. Dahlia had sounded awful over the phone. That wasn't like her. She was one of the most cheerful people I knew. I wonder what could have happened to upset her.
As soon as I got off of the freeway I started the GPS and quickly followed its spoken directions. Within minutes I was back at the building I'd dropped Dahlia off at. She ran over to the car and got in as if she'd just escaped some kind of nightmare.
"Home?" I asked.
"Yes please," she said in a very tiny voice.
We drove in silence, both lost in our thoughts. About five miles away from home her hand shot out and held mine. I didn't say anything. I was glad to give her some kind of comfort. As I drove into the garage, she let out a sigh of relief for the first time since she'd gotten back into the car.
"Thank you so much," she said.
"Dahlia, it was nothing," I said.
I watched her walk away. She seemed very different. The confident, beautiful young woman I'd seen only a few hours ago had somehow become a very frightened young girl.
"Dahlia," I called after her. She turned to look at me.
"If you need someone to talk to, I'm always available," I said. She nodded her head and headed for her condo.
I gave leaving again serious thought, but decided that more than anything else, I needed sleep. Tomorrow wouldn't be the busy day I'd envisioned. It wouldn't be filled with doing things with Linda, but it would be busy none the less.
I went to my condo and opened the door. Linda was watching TV. She smiled at me as I came in. I walked past her and just went to bed. I couldn't figure out why she was smiling at me so much. It came to me a few minutes later. She wasn't smiling at me, she was laughing at me. She was doing that because she didn't think I knew. Now, I understood why she'd been so fucking nice to me lately. It was all one big fucking joke to her. She'd ordered me to take out the garbage and I'd refused so she tried her favorite little game. She pulled out her "No sex for Stanley," card and I'd called her bluff. I guess It was my way of showing her that her sex as a weapon game couldn't control me anymore. She had to find some way to win so she decided to just do it behind my back.
On the surface, she was being nice, but on the inside she was probably thinking that I'd beg her to take out the garbage before she was done. Meanwhile, she was giving what she should have been giving me to someone else as another form of punishment.
Yep it was one big fucking joke, but we'd see who was laughing when the punch line came.
That night when Linda came to bed she kept moving closer and closer to me in bed and finally rubbing her legs against me. I pretended I was so deeply asleep that it didn't wake me.
"Poor Stanley," she said. "You must really be tired. You'll never know what you missed. I love you Stanley."
Yeah, I do, I thought. I missed a chance at pity sex from a woman I no longer care about. And if this is your idea of love, fucking me after you been with some grease ball, I'll stick with people who hate me. They treat me with more respect.
I woke up the next morning and put my running clothes on. It was generally a little chilly in the mornings so I opted for running tights and a sweat shirt. Just as I was tying up my laces, Linda woke up.
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IncestHere you choose who you will follow .
Author's Note: Hello again! I've only got two chapters left to write at this point, so I figured I'd try to increase the pace at which I'm posting these here in an effort to catch up. I have several more chapters of this story posted at and at Warning: This wham-episode chapter includes, but is not limited to, a reality blind protagonist, short skirts, exciting plot twists, boobs, body swaps, strap-ons, clothing swaps, oblivious swap...
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Hi I am Bunty. Mai mumbai se hu. Meri age 21 hai.abhi 1hapte paheli baat hai mai ISS padke ghar jane ke liye bus pakad raha tha.bus 1/2ghante me aanewali thi.dopaharke 3:30baje the. Sex story padneke wajah se mai garam hua tha.tabhi samne se 1 bhabhi ko aata hua maine dekha.uski umar lagbhag 30 hogi.bhabi ke bare me bata dena chahata hun aunty ki height 5.8 inch aur aunty ka figure 36 32 36 hoga.ab wo mere baju me aake khadi ho gayi.mai uske gol gol balls bar bar dekh raha tha.usne muze bus ke...
This is a true story and I will recount it the best I can's been almost 20 years since this happened I had been with Krystal for one year and she was a sexy little bitch of Indian decent and just barely 19 and for all purposes she was a "good" and loyal woman who would not think of anything immoral or sexually perverse . She had a really hot thin body with long legs and was model material with the darkest nipples I had ever seen and when her pussy was spread it was so red it looked like a...
Alessia was a beautiful young woman. Tall, blond, long legs, nice ass, and incredible pair of breasts that were all natural. Nope, no implants for her, she didn't need them with her lovely set of 38C's. Her skin was porcelain, so fair she was. She knew she was beautiful and she used her beauty to her full advantage, when ever she had to, to get what she wanted. She had been with her current beau, now for a couple of years, and at 27 she thought she was ready to settle down. Will was...
Group Sex1. Abnormal Sperm is Entirely NormalAlthough it may seem confusing, it is normal for men to have abnormal sperm. In fact, some reports state that about 90% of the sperm in a man’s ejaculate is deformed. Common deformities include two heads, two tails, pinheads, huge heads, coiled tails, you name it. Scientists explain this is a common behavior of sperm in monogamous relationships.Wait, what?For the species where more than one male’s sperm finds itself in a female at the same time, the sperm is...
Chapter 6 (see photos of Zara try )Henry continued "First I want to fuck your virgin ass. Go get bent over the coffee table and spread those pretty legs wide."As I knelt on the floor and bent face down over the table. Henry caught sight of the juice running down my thigh. He said "Well look at all the pussy lube this whore produces!! She's gonna be a nice slick ride! Now bitch I want you to reach back here and hold your ass cheeks nice...
Dad's gift was a consolation prize, mom's was a surprise consummation! A FleshLight Fable, with Dabbling Dildo, Cock & Cunt Coupling Included by Oediplex 8==3~ It had been a long-standing tradition among the men of our family that they get laid on their 18th birthday, or there abouts. My dad had to wait a day longer because the whorehouse in town was closed on Christmas, a Sunday. But that is another story. My cousin had to wait a month extra, since he broke a leg the day before...
The Prince Bride By Missy Crystal The door opened and Prince Charles entered. He was dressed in the style of the day for boys of the his age, a white linen shirt with long sleeves and a high collar, dark wool knee breeches over white cotton stockings and black leather shoes with a silver buckle. His attire was quite simple compared to the frills and frippery worn by the gentlemen of the court, a result, most likely, of the King's attempt to shelter him from all feminine influence....
Aiden double check his resume before sending it off to another potential job, this one a junior to the one he just had at his old law firm. It had his name Aiden J. Arwain in a nice font at the top, showing his master's degree in technology and his bachelors in business management, then it mentioned his job history. Most of it was from the same location where he started at as a high school after school job, tracking his upward movement from starting in the mail room and going to the last VP of...
TranssexualDee and I had taken a day off work. We fancied a day in bed together. I had suggested a bit of bondage and Dee was very keen on the idea.I could hardly sleep the night before, it was very hot, so with the window wide open and traffic rushing by was also quite noisy, but eventually slept and awoke early. I crept downstairs and opened a bottle of bubbly, poured two glasses and went back upstairs. I woke Dee with her surprise and we toasted the morning ahead. Dee then went off for a shower. I...
I'm smiling so hard my lips hurt."You're two hours early" I say, trying not to giggle as she glides by me through my just opened door. I'm trying to be cool. I've been talking a lot of shit with this girl on FetLife. I want to act hard. I'm tryin' to be cool but right now I just feel all warm and fuzzy inside."I decided not to stop at the hotel before coming over" she tells me. "I freshened up at the airport before picking up my car... don't you like surprises?" She asks with a wicked grin.Well...
I awoke the next day after having the best nights sleep ever. I tried to open my eyes but they were stuck together from the night before. I finally got them open and looked at my wife who also had cum on her face and in her hair. I got out of bed and went to the kitchen to get something to drink when I heard someone say is that you Stacy. I immediately recognized the voice to be Rods’ but my wifes’ name is Samantha so I answered no. Rod got up and came to the kitchen and said yes you are Stacy...
Group SexI live in a suburban area outside a large metropolitan area in the southwest. My wife, Josie and I were high school sweethearts and married a year after graduation. I was 8 months her junior at 18 when we married against both our parents wishes. We both headed to college just up the road and commuted from her parent's house were we lived the first year of marriage. As school ended that first year, my patience did as well as the living arrangements got unbearable. I dropped out of school in...
Free X Cafe? I know what you’re thinking. You’re probably thinking that finding a good site for the best porn pictures of hot babes is impossible. Moreover, you’re probably thinking that the only way you’re ever going to get some high-res pornstar goodness in image form is by paying for premium sites. I’m here to debunk that shit piece by piece. Not only are you able to find porn pictures for free, as you already know, but there is a site out there that offers high-resolution porn images as...
Naked Girls Galleries{br}from where they are to where they have not been. Henry Kissinger Phil and his daughter were exiting the Space Needle, weaving around the line waiting to get inside. “Seriously, Dad, I appreciate your interest in keeping me entertained while I’m here, but I didn’t come here to visit tourist sites. Instead, I want to reconnect with you in a more personal, intimate way over long conversations. Since we both wrestle with the same issues, and deal with the same people, it makes sense for us...
Chapter 4 – Cross Dressing Progression: Following the implementation of the arrangement proposed by my sister entailing her offering me her slips and panties to wear and enjoy, she honored her word and continued to offer her silky nylon and lace slips and silky nylon panties for as long as I wanted them without issue. I really admired her caring concern and generosity and it emboldened my acceptance of her slips and panties, and our sibling relationship became all the more closer since a...
Seduced by two black businessmenI was out with my colleagues one Friday night and we were doing a bar to bar trip. We were getting pretty loud and laughing, when we came to bar number four. We were of course looking at guys and easy flirting with them. There were just a couple of the girls that were single, but our aim for the night was to have fun, not to pick up men. But I noticed a couple of Black guys sitting talking by a table. Feeling invincible, eager and flirty, I went over to them and...
Within minutes of me supposedly raping my own mother, the moans from Mom started to grow, her slickness became more apparent, and it was less and less clear that this was a rape at all. I didn’t know why, but Mom got into it, enjoyed me taking her like a bitch in heat. I thought that perhaps I would get to the bottom of it in time, but, damn, it was hard to think straight with my cock buried in my own mother’s dripping wet gash. Her hips worked overtime, along with her rather plump and...
Michiko geht zu einem Casting. Sie hatte sich auf ein Angebot aus dem Facebook beworben und einen Termin innerhalb einer Woche genannt bekommen. Sie macht sich auf den Weg in einen merkwürdig ärmlichen Teil der Stadt. Sie findet unter der angegebenen Adresse ein etwas heruntergekommenes riesiges Gebäude. Sie klingelt da, wo Studio steht und aus der Sprechanlage kommt die freundliche Aufforderung in den 3. Stock zu kommen. Sie benutzt den Aufzug und klingelt an der Tür. Ein Mann etwa 50 Jahre...
ADJUSTING HIS VOICE By Monica Graz EPISODE 1 CHAPTER 1 Anne Morgan was relaxing, a glass of chardonnay in hand, after another hectic day at work. Being the head of the Human Resources Department, in the Company she was working, was a big responsibility and a great challenge. She loved her job though; she was thriving in the competitive environment of the Company. She just turned forty and all the prospects were open for her. She heard the clattering of pots and pans in the...
He had known what she was before they met. He had gone on to the net looking for her. Well not her, but someone like her. She had found him, if the truth be known. Had taken him, controlled him. They had met after a couple of days, his life fleeting past, his work a blur. She had told him they would meet and he had agreed. She sent him an email, with the day, date and time. The place was a hotel. He knew it, had stayed there on business Now when he checked in it was different. As if...
The Bet by Karen Singer Chapter 39 (Tuesday - week 6) It was a familiar dream... or a similar one. He was off somewhere playing poker with his buddies and again he was dressed in his silly sissy baby outfit, complete with pacifier and baby bottle. He was playing cards while seated in his highchair at the same table with everybody else. He felt himself wetting... and the feeling disturbed him, made him sad. It made him sad enough that he started crying. And then Mel was...
Oh, Peggy, ‘Jennie said tiredly, ‘If it’s alright with the guys, I’d very much like too. I’m too tired and exhausted to be any good at it right now,’ she said looking at the two husbands who seem only a little disappointed. ‘Maybe we could plan it for another time, okay,’ the little English Lit teacher suggested to the obviously disappointed husbands. Looking at Jennie, now slumping from tiredness and exhaustion, the two husbands quickly relented and agreed to call it an evening Slowly a...
Horny cute student Alex Harper sends her boyfriend Brian Omally naughty pictures of her fair skinned boobs with their perky pink nipples and her tight twat with her panties pulled high into her crotch. She just can’t wait for Brian to join her, so she relocates to the bathroom to slip into the bathtub where her tight white shirt gets wet and translucent. Brian walks in on her playing with her dripping tits and rubbing her tender pussy beneath her underwear. Whipping out Brian’s...
xmoviesforyou(John and Thomas conspire to seduce Amy)John Slater and Thomas Johnson sat on the patio of the Northwest Country Club watching the rain fall from the sky in sheets. It rolled off the roof in torrents, splattering noisily onto the exposed section of the cement patio. The sound almost drowned out the grumbling golfers who were crying into their beers.The two friends had barely gotten in five holes when the heavens opened. Now, they waited, hoping that somehow the weather would clear in the next...
Miss-taken - A Taxi Ride Universe (TRU) Story By Caleb Jones (This story, except the TRU concept, Copyrighted 2000 to Caleb Jones, all rights reserved.) I spent the first day after I was stuck in the cab driver's body crying and cursing him for stealing my life. My beautiful body was gone and I was the messy old bearded man who had driven me to my modeling assignment! I was somehow unable to get out of the cab, drag my body back into the cab, and force him to give my beautiful...
They lay there exploring. relishing in the rediscovery of their bodies… till they both explode with an earth shattering orgasm… I slowly wake up… just laying there… next to him… remembering just a few hours ago… how awesome it was… My eyes open… there he is laying next to me. our bodies close… his arm draped across me… He looks so peaceful. as I watch him. studying every line. memorizing his face… like I would forget…...
Wednesday - Day 5 On Wednesday, I woke up a little early. I heard Becky puttering around the bathroom, getting ready for work. I remained in bed, resting. Becky came out all ready to go to work, except for one thing of course. I didn't let her know I was awake as she came up to me. She took the covers off me, but before she could start my morning blowjob, I grabbed her and threw her on the bed. Becky shrieked in surprise as I grabbed her skirt and pulled it up, burying my face in her...
Working Girl 10 By Susan Brown. Half an hour later, my body was painfully free of hair in all of the places that Bridget used the wax stuff. It felt like a bad case of sunburn but Bridget rubbed on some cream and that helped a lot. I had a sneaking admiration for girls now and the pain and suffering they got through to make themselves look pretty. I thought shaving was a drag (although I didn't have to do much of that, thank goodness). But all the waxing, plucking, pulling and...
"i'm not asking, i'm telling." (everything to do with it), ''yer mezhah'' (''you whore'' in dothraki) (receiving), a dom with a knife and that look in his eyes (receiving), a fistful of hair and a long passionate kiss (everything to do with it), age play (everything to do with it), almost kissing (receiving), bare bottom spanking (receiving), bdsm (everything to do with it), begging (everything to do with it), being a snuggle bunny (everything to do with it), being grabbed by the hair and...
ok, so i have been dating my girlfriend for almost three years now, shes blonde beautiful and looks just like her mom. Her mom is 54 brunette, with a average size breasts,and a skinny waist, complete with a nice round ass.When my girlfriend and I first started dating her mom was single. Afeter about a year and a half she started dating this guy. I can remember sitting downstairs with my girlfriend (mom and BF in bed)and since her bed was abouve the tv room i would always hear the bed moving. i...
Bowled Over By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Meyers Part Five "Morning honey." His mother shook him awake. "Come on. The girls are all downstairs, so come have some breakfast." "Ooohhh," sighed Brian, stretching his arms as she pulled off the covers. "Ok." Brian rolled out of bed, sliding his hands over his hips and twisting his neck before wandering downstairs. While Erica was still in her pajamas, Amy and Lori were already dressed casually in jeans and girly t-shirts, having...
After a good night's sleep, in real beds, the girls seem to be feeling much better. There are no more tears and they are happy to run around following Nev, as she insists on dragging them around to meet everyone. Catherine says she will keep an eye on them, as they troop out. Diana says she is going to have a look at the farm animals. With everyone running off in different directions I am free to quiz Nev's father, Howle. Howle, I want to know what odd things have been happening around...
*neuster Edit: Diese Geschichte war meine erste und ich wollte mich erstmal ausprobieren. Viele Entscheidungen und Wege kommen deshalb im Nachhinein betrachtet möglicherweise nicht ganz schlüssig daher* OB DEIN ERLEBNIS ROMANTISCH, SEXUELL, FREUNDSCHAFTLICH ODER KINKY WIRD, HÄNGT ALLEIN VON DEINEN ENTSCHEIDUNGEN AB! SPIELE IM GAME MODE FÜR EIN OPTIMAL REALISTISCHES ERGEBNIS! Die Strahlen der Sonne dringen allmählich durch die Spalten zwischen den Holzlatten deiner Hütte. Es ist kühl, für...
Non-EroticInspired by “We don’t currently have any openings but if you’d like to enter your information.” The elderly lady pointed to the two computers set up on a small table in the corner, both currently in use. “Thank you”, Liz sighed as she turned away. The woman ignored her, “Next!” Moving over to a vacant chair, Liz took her wallet form her purse. There wasn’t much left. She looked to her son waiting outside. A heavy sigh escaped her lips, “My God! Is...
Military Wife Synopsis: When a boy whose injury prevents him from entering into the military, but his best friend does enlist, so he chooses to give in to his desire to become a woman and over time, finds that being a Military Wife is what she wants to be. [-][+][-] Well, here I am, with my beloved Frankie watching as the sun goes down behind the hills, and this would not be possible without a Love that overcame the horrors of war. We grew up together, and because of the accident, I...
(This is my first time writing, just thought i'd try it out) First of all you need to know that I was a really shy 15 year boy old at the time this story takes place. (I’m now 25, info for the possible later stories) My family were invited to my dad’s coworkers wedding. The wedding was arranged at their own house as they had a big yard. The outdoors ceremony was a nice change for once in a while. The newly weds had arranged everything by themselves. There was a middle-aged lady priest...
I returned to school on Monday with a spring in my step. I had plans -- I had lots of plans. Lists of different women formed and reformed in my mind. There were the rest of Janet's friends and the rest of the cheerleaders (lists which substantially overlapped), a few other teachers and school staff, some acquaintances of my parents, women from my neighborhood. The town wasn't all that big; I had probably at one time or another noticed most of the attractive women in it. My immediate plans,...
"...HELP ME, HELP ME, WHY HAVE YOU TIED ME TO THIS BED?!" fiona cried out in fear as she awoke and found herself tied to a bed. Looking around the room she was in, found it had no windows and evidently was a commercial building she was confined in.Her mind became clearer, and then she remembered she had stopped on her way to work for coffee, and then something hit her on the back of her head. Again Fionascreamed out, "HELP - HELP ME, WHO ARE YOU, SOMEBODY HELP ME." Still no help came forth, and...
Every nerve in my body seems to react to his mouth as he tastes me. I glance down and see him between my thighs, staring up at me with a ravenous hunger in his eyes. I claw at my sheets as his mouth devours me, exploring every inch of my defiled sex. His tongue, ferociously probing my insides before making it’s way back to my pleasure button. He slips a finger into me, pumping vigorously as he continues his oral assault on my sensitive nub. A familiar sensation overwhelms me. I'm...
Her alarm went off with a steady buzz. It was 5:30 in the morning. The only redeeming thing about the day was that it was a Friday, the last day of work. Anne got slowly out of bed, her cat falling away from over her legs and made her way to the bathroom. She looked into the mirror and thought, ‘I’m 32 years old and if I weren’t so plain looking I’d be happily married with at least two kids and I wouldn’t be living in this stupid apartment.’ This had become almost a ritual for Anne. She...
I was in my bedroom, all alone. In front of me was my mirror. I took some time to admire my body. The Malayali features were prominent in me. My eyes were big and smoky. My slender pink lips complemented my dusky skin complexion. I had my hair cut up to my breasts. As I had just taken a bath, a portion of my hair curled and sat on my left breast. I pushed it behind to bring my breasts into view. They were big and round. They looked like chocolate cakes topped up by a chocolate chip. My curves...
“John, I get an impression of you as a leader of a local civilisation expanding not through warfare but through trade and influence. Could I be right?” “There is a distinct possibility that might be the situation, Duke. I like the idea, but much depends on what happens over the next few years, and the effects we have, through interaction with other power groups such as your army and the northern civilisation. The local tribes will also be part of the development of our group. I would like to...
Chapter 1 My husband, Jeffery, died four years ago. It was peaceful for him, it seemed, though, with three sons, all teens, it was my life's hardest challenge. One good thing was he left us well covered financially. It's the emotional coverage that has been lacking and there was nothing he could do about that. So, you cope. Our two oldest boys are in college and there's only Neil, the youngest, eighteen and a senior in high school, left at home. While, of course, I miss my two older boys,...
You are at work on Friday night, you are walking around the pool tables watching the guys and girls drinking and playing, admiring the arses of the guys as the bend to play their shots. One guy in particular grabs your attentionas he stands and walks toward you, the bulge in his pants is very noticeable and you being you, make it quick clear to him that you are admiring what he has to offer. He winks and smiles as he reaches the table for his shot, looks deep into your eyes and places his hand...
Hello people, this is Rajesh, a 25-year-old Bisexual boy from Hyderabad living in Melbourne. If you have , you must know that Ray and I are in a relationship. But we live in different houses (neighbors). Finally, we have decided to move in together. My readers, you must have also known Selina (Ray’s mother). She’s a real estate agent. We somehow conveyed our idea to Selina. She was ok with it and agreed to find us a place in a neat and quiet suburb. One day I invited Ray’s parents (Selina and...
Gay MaleNine pm, after eleven and a half hours of class, Madi’s Thursday was winding down. It was time for a shower, a long hot shower. She stood beneath the water, head hanging against her chest with eyes closed. Music filled the bathroom, Colin Hay’s voice swimming between her ears as leaned sideways against the wall, unsure if the water on her face was tears or the shower. She sung along in a soft voice, the words half muttered. ‘I drink good coffee every morning/comes from a place that’s far...
Bethany started developing around the age of 14. She was in that awkward stage of adolescence for what seemed like forever. She had mosquito bites for breast, but a firm round ass. Her hair was shoulder length and blond. She was always in great shape from playing sports and was always tan from about mid-May through September. I was always very open with my children. They both knew that they could come to me for anything, at any time. I would get up and go, when ever they called, to get...
My trip to New York was ace. The city is frantic, the shopping was fantastic and the food was brilliant. I even managed to get in a couple of discrete fucks while I was there. It was most unexpected, but incredibly sexy to say the least. A nice set of genuine intercontinental one night stands. I was fucked by total strangers on another continent. How it all came about was I met this guy from England in the apartment Kitchens. The kitchens were communal and I was making some coffee as mum was...
Normal story