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There comes a time in every marriage when the bloom is off of the rose. Not that the love is gone or that you hate each other, but things are just not new anymore. It can be the best time in the relationship for some couples and the worst for others. This can be a make or break point for marriages because you have to seriously look at things and decide whether or not you want to continue to stay married to that person. The term, "It's cheaper to keep her," had to be coined by a guy who had reached that point.

It comes roughly about the same time when you look at the girl you fell in love with and married, only to realize that she's somehow been replaced with her mother, whom you hate. That svelte, feminine body has been upgraded and accessorized until you no longer recognize or even want it.

At the same time, personalities, both yours and hers, have evolved to the point where the thing you dreamed about when you met has come true. You are both truly totally honest with each other. First off, we need to understand that humans, though we talk about it all the time and respect it, are simply not cut out for real honesty. We simply can't handle it. When you love someone, you almost have to lie to them and do it regularly.

We lie in a thousand different ways, verbally being only one of them. But once we reach that certain age where we've become fully evolved, where we become the ultimate version of ourselves, we simply no longer give a shit.

We become so comfortable with who and what we are that we simply don't feel it's worth the effort to pretend any more. That's when the lying stops and the rubber meets the road.

So you've got a beer belly ... Let it all hang out. You're lazy ... Buy yourself a new couch. Your eyesight sucks ... Ditch the contacts and buy a bigger fucking TV. You have no need to hide any of your imperfections from the little woman anymore because you're married to her and you've been together for so long that you have to put up with each other's shit anyway.

Don't worry guys, they do it too. For women this is the time to throw away the pushup bras and stop wearing high heels. They've realized that all of sexy underwear is just plain uncomfortable and all you're going to do is take it off of them to get what you want anyway. So they buy a hundred pairs of granny panties and dare you to say a fucking word about it.

Oh Boy let the good times fucking roll...

So anyway, I'm 54. Due to some great investments early on and a downturn in the auto industry, I'm retired. Because of my brilliance as an engineer and some patents I developed for my company, they can no longer afford to pay my salary and the way my retirement package was accruing trailing zeros, it became clear to some of the bean counters that the smarter thing for the company to do would be to offer me a buy-out.

It was a win/win situation. The company gives me a one-time payment in the upper single digit millions so I no longer have to work for the rest of my fucking life. Boo ya! On the other hand they get to license my patents and they get to clear the cost of my exorbitant mid six figures salary from their books and also to hire a fresh new crop of engineers to breathe some much needed life into the company. It was a good deal for everyone concerned for the first year or so before the inevitable boredom set in on my end.

My wife loved the idea at first. We now had both the time and the money to do all of those things we never had the time or the money to do before. We started out by downsizing our home and moving into a sparking and modern brand new condo. With our only offspring out on her own, we no longer needed a large house.

That took us through the first six months. Then we started traveling the globe. That ate up another six months until we got the idea that no matter where you go, it's only another place that the people who live there are fucking tired of.

We settled into the new condo and familiarity began to breed what it usually does. I started to notice new things about my wife, Linda, that thirty years of marriage had failed to teach me. I mean I still loved her, I just didn't like her. I think it was because we were simply spending too much time together.

A day is twenty four hours long. The average person spends eight to ten of those hours at work. The average person also spends about eight of those hours asleep. You also have travel time to and from destinations. With different hobbies and activities added in it takes a big ass chunk out of your day.

I suddenly realized that except for when we were on vacations, Linda and I only spent a few hours a day together. Now all of a sudden I was trapped with her twenty four hours a day, seven days a week until one of us died. I was also suddenly faced with the fact that we had nothing in common except our daughter and that Linda was either, to quote the Temptations, a ball of confusion or an utter fucking moron.

First off, let me begin by saying that I did not marry Linda because I thought that she was brilliant. I married her because she was a willing and good fuck, hotter than hell, and had a pleasing personality. Like most engineers, I had multiple reasons for the decision as you can see. I also considered that time might take one or maybe even two of those admirable qualities away from her, but even if any one of those was left she'd still be worth spending time with.

Unh unh, I was wrong. As far as the sex goes, over time she became more willing to use it against me. You know the story. If she wanted something and I didn't, she used sex to get her way. That worked for the first few years until suddenly I developed the ability to say no to her. Then she started saying no to me until she got her way. Sometime after the first ten years, it just became easier to go without than to put up with her shit. So now it was a case where it was once in a while if we both wanted it type of thing.

As far as her being hot; I blew it there too. Linda was surprisingly beautiful when we met. She had big firm boobs, a tiny waist and a nice sized butt. There are lots of fifty year old women out there who work at it and are still incredibly hot. There are also lots of fifty year old women out there who don't work at it and are blessed with good genetics and stay very hot. Lastly, there are lots of fifty year old women out there for whom their sexual appeal has nothing to do with their looks. They have a flirtatious nature or other skills that just make you want them anyway.

Sadly, Linda fits into none of those cases. Over the years she just let herself go, so ... her body and her looks went.

When she was twenty five, my Linda's measurements were 40 26 38 and I'm very proud to say that she has the exact same measurements today. The problem isn't the numbers though it's the order. Her boobs are still pretty big but they're a very saggy 38 now. Her gut has ballooned out to a staggering 40 inches and it was like her ass just deflated down to only 26 inches.

Linda still thinks she looks the same now though and you can't tell her any different. Part of our problem was that we're just different. I am in no way perfect. I over analyze everything, I'm a slave to my schedule and I'm sure that over the years, several of my pursuits and hobbies have taken precedence over my marriage, but hey, I try and I've never cheated on her. I've always been an average looking guy, so I had to work harder. I've exercised for most of my life so now in my later years, I'm still fit and trim from daily workouts and runs.

Linda, on the other hand, got her looks through her genetics. Her body was a gift from God so she didn't ever think she had to do anything to keep it up. That was one of our problems when we traveled. I always needed to visit the gym in every hotel we stayed in because anyone will tell you it's easier to stay up than to get up. Linda always thought that I shouldn't work out at all while we were on vacation. She hated my need to run in the morning or throw a few weights around. She said it made her feel like we were on a schedule instead of truly free to just relax.

On the other hand, I hated the fact that we couldn't do anything because of Linda's inability to walk for more than a block or two over flat ground and her constant need to eat. Every new activity I posed was met with comments like, "We can't do that. It takes too much energy." Or she'd say, "We can't do that. That's for kids."

The last thing for me to discover about the love of my life was that her personality had degraded along with her body. Over the years she'd become an expert on everything and a hypocrite at the same time. On one hand she'd tell me that a woman can do anything a man can. She'd also tell me that since neither of us worked anymore, not that she ever had; we needed to split the household chores between us.

I'm not a chauvinist, I was all for it. I would get up early and do my work-out while Linda slept then I'd start tackling all of my household duties. I'd do exactly half of what was on the list and leave the rest for her. She would conveniently get out of most of her share of the chores by saying that certain things were just not for women to do.

One of those of course was taking out the garbage. I don't know why women who all swear that they can do anything any man can do find it so difficult to pick up a bag of household garbage and carry it to the can and drop it. It can't be the weight of it because the average trash bag weighs less than twenty pounds and is mostly full of paper or wrappers and discarded food. But Linda insisted that no woman should ever have to take out the garbage. She was sure there was a rule prohibiting it somewhere.

Anyway, it was garbage out of everything else that ended my marriage. It seems to be such a stupid thing for two people who loved each other to draw a line in the sand over, but it was taking out the trash that ended us.

Linda came in one Saturday morning and told me to take out the trash that she'd just finished filling up the cans with. I, of course, had just started watching one of my favorite track meets on TV.

Being an avid runner, I liked watching the athletes who were the best in the world at the sport I loved. Linda, who, of course, couldn't run a block if a pit bull was chasing her didn't understand it.

"Stan, I need you to take out the garbage, right now," she said. It wasn't just the fact that she'd told me, not asked me to do it. It was her tone of voice and her complete lack of respect for what I was doing.

"No," I said.

"It'll be a long time before you get any sex out of me if you don't," she sneered.

"It's been a long time since I've gotten any sex out you already," I said. "I'll survive." She got really angry for some reason and just stalked out. Since there were only the two of us in the house, we really didn't create a ton of mess so the bag wasn't even very full. The next thing I knew she was glaring at me as she stalked by me with the bag.

She was back within five minutes still glaring at me, but that was how it started. Things got very cold between us for about a week and then suddenly she made up with me. I don't know why or how. It was seemingly, at least to me, spontaneous. It was as if we'd never been angry. I hadn't been anyway. She'd been the one who was pissed off. Maybe she'd just decided that it was stupid and to just let it go.

I did start to feel guilty about it after we made up but since things were going well between us I didn't want to push it. The funny thing was that when I tried to take out the garbage she wouldn't let me anymore. She'd just fly off the handle and grab the bags out of my hands.

"I see what's going on," I said. "You're still pissed at me."

"No Stanley," she said, kissing me on the forehead. "I'm not angry at you."

"I've got it," I said. "You just don't want me to take out the garbage because you still don't want to have sex with me."

"Stanley, we can have sex whenever you want," she said. "Tonight probably isn't very good unless you let me take a shower first though."

I couldn't figure it out. It wasn't like Linda to just give up on something. Over the next few days my guilt motivated me more than anything else did. With Valentine's Day coming up I decided to splurge and buy Linda the diamond bracelet she'd been leering over and staring at in the jewelry ads. I even went better and upped the carats. I spent almost three thousand dollars on a bracelet that I was sure she'd love. I also planned a night out at our favorite restaurant. I arranged for flowers and the whole nine yards this would be a Valentine's Day to remember.

I didn't wait until the last minute either. We still had over a week before Valentine's Day arrived. I was feeling pretty good about myself then. I was actually proud that for once I hadn't slipped out on Valentine's Day morning and bought her the first cheapest thing I could find. And for once I wouldn't tell her that we'd had so many Valentine's days together that if she didn't know I loved her by now there was something wrong with her.

The thing was, I guess I'd started re-thinking everything. Sure her looks hadn't gotten any better. But her attitude had definitely improved. And like I said before, the love was still there, but Linda being nicer and just letting some of our arguments go gave me a reason to like her again.

One of the things I'd noticed was that over the past few weeks we started to produce a lot more garbage. It used to be that we only really had to take out the trash once or twice a week. Now it was at least three or four times a week. The other thing that was odd was that Linda seemed to be gone a lot longer than it took just to walk out behind the building and drop a bag into the large dumpsters back there.

When it was time to take out the garbage the day before Valentine's Day, I decided to do it for her. She made a huge stink about it. I had to listen to the whole women can do anything a man can do speech so I decided to just let it go. I turned on the television and started looking for something to watch. Linda grabbed the trash bags and headed out the door. I cracked the door open and watched as she turned the corner at the end of the hall.

I quickly ducked down the stairway at the other end of the hall and headed out to the back myself. I hoped that I didn't miss her since it was kind of dark out there. Actually I was quicker than she was and got there before she made the trip. Those daily runs had me in great shape.

I saw our building manger, Dino, out there doing something to that dirty ass BMW of his. The car was over ten years old and in terrible shape but he acted like it was something special. My 2010 Mustang GT looked and ran far better than his car ever did. Linda acted like his car was something special too. I think that it was mostly because she hated my Mustang.

I wondered what the hell Dino was doing back there but I wasn't concentrating on him. I wanted to find out what the hell was so special about the garbage.

Linda walked straight past the dumpster and over to Dino. He was a big fat slob of a guy. He leaned down and immediately just unzipped his pants. Linda got down on her knees in the filth of the alley and started sucking his dick like it was an ice cream cone. After a few minutes he pushed her away. Linda opened her jacket and wasn't wearing anything under it. She sat down on the hood of his car and spread her legs. Her skirt was up around her waist. Dino didn't waste any time. He got between her legs and rubbed his dick against her pussy a couple of times and then sunk in to the hilt. He thrust himself into her roughly a few times and then they settled into a rhythm. I was too shocked to move or to say anything. I can still remember every detail like they were burned into my brain.

I remember seeing him thrusting slowly but firmly in and out of her. Her legs wrapped themselves around his waist and even her hands gripped his flabby ass pulling him into her harder. Her sagging deflated breasts lolled off to both sides of her rib cage and moved with every thrust. Their colossal bellies both shook every time they came together.

Dino grunted every time he thrust into her and he was wheezing like he was about to have a heart attack. Linda was the one moaning and urging him on.

"Oh yeah, baby," she crooned. "This is your pussy. It's all yours. Take it," she yelled.

It seemed like forever but it was actually only about three minutes before Dino stiffened and roared. Then he just pulled up his pants and walked away like nothing had ever happened.

I waited for Linda to go back into the building and then quickly ran back up the stairs. I was too shocked to even think about what I'd just seen.

Linda came into the condo only seconds after I'd settled back in front of the TV. As she passed by me she was normal. She wasn't overly cheerful. She wasn't defensive or anything like that. If I hadn't seen what I'd just seen, I never would have suspected a thing. I guess what they say is true. Women are much better at being sneaky than men are.

In fact, she was so much better at it than I was, that she almost caught me. She brought me a Dos Equis from the fridge and then looked at me.

"What's wrong Stan?" she asked. I didn't take my eyes off of the TV. I didn't even look at her.

"Nothing?" I said, trying to force my voice to sound normal.

"Then why are your cheeks wet. Have you been crying?" she asked.

"Oh that," I said. "The fucking Jamaicans beat us in the relay AGAIN. I was so excited that I accidently flicked one of my fingers in my eye. I'm sure they're doping but no one can prove it yet."

She looked at me very closely. "I think I'm going to take the Mustang out for a drive," I said.

"At night?" she asked.

"Why not at night?" I asked.

"Well, I was planning on taking a long soothing bath first but I was hoping we could..." she said.

"We could what?" I asked.

"You know..." she said smiling. "It's been a long time, Honey."

"Sorry," I said. "I'm not in the mood." And I wasn't. The only reason she wanted to fuck me was because she was feeling guilty about what she'd just done. I didn't think I'd ever touch her again. I grabbed my favorite comfortable old leather jacket and headed for the door. She just stood there with her mouth open. As I opened the door she called me.

"Stan, do you want me to come with you?" she asked.

"Why?" I asked. "You don't even like my car."

I closed the door then both physically and metaphorically. In a physical sense closing the door sealed our condo and prevented others from stealing or doing harm to its occupants and contents. Metaphorically speaking I sealed my broken heart and decided that Linda would do no further harm to it or my well being.

As I walked towards the garage, I noticed Dahlia Martin. She was a really beautiful young woman who lived in one of the units. She was tall and thin with long flowing hair that just begs for attention. I smiled at her and waved. She returned my wave kind of half heartedly. Dahlia was usually very friendly, so it got my attention. I walked over to her to ask her what was wrong.

"My stupid car won't start," she pouted.

Normally Dahlia worked from her condo. She did some kind of internet thing so if she was leaving it must have been really important.

"Well, call your date and have him pick you up," I said. "You're definitely worth it."

"You are the sweetest man ever, Mr. Laurel," she smiled. Dahlia obviously couldn't stay angry for more than two minutes. "But this is for work. I have to go all the way down town for a meeting to discuss changes in the rules and sign off on my yearly tax and insurance forms."

"Well I'll take you then," I said. "I'm just going out for a drive to clear my head so it's no problem. When you get done, if you can't get a ride from a co-worker just call me and I'll pick you up too."

"But that's too much trouble," she said.

"Honey, the thing about being old and retired is that since you never have anything to do, having ANYTHING to do is exciting," I said.

"Thank you so much," she said. "Without you, I'd be in a lot of trouble."

"Don't mention it," I said. She took my arm as we walked over to my car. As I started the big v8 the car shook with the engine's vibration as if it was waking up from a long sleep. Within seconds I'd backed out of my stall and left the building.

Once we got on the freeway, it took me only 10 minutes to drive downtown. I followed her directions once we got there and put a way point in my GPS.

"There," I said.

"Why'd you do that?" she asked.

"In case you need me to pick you up. I'll be able to find this spot from wherever I am. I have no idea where I'm going," I said.

"I'm sure I'll be able to find a ride so I won't have to trouble you, Mr. Laurel," she said.

"Dahlia, I'm an old man, humor me. Give me your phone," I told her. She smiled and handed me her phone. I punched my number into it and called my iPhone. Then I handed her phone back to her.

"If you need me, you'll be able to call me now," I said. "And it's really no trouble." She got out of the car and I drove off heading back for the freeway.

I loved to just drive. I tended to stay on the freeway as opposed to the streets because I didn't have to stop for traffic lights or pedestrians. I also like to drive fast. Usually it's just me, me car and my stereo, with no distractions to come between us. I took advantage of Arizona's perfect February temperatures and let the warm night breezes blow directly into my car. In exchange, I let the loud ass music from my stereo permeate the silence of the evening as we drove. It was all about numbers.

A man in his 50's driving a car designed to look the way they did 40 years ago, grieved for the ending of his plus 30 year marriage while listening to songs that were over 20 years old with the volume cranked up to 10.

Tonight my album of choice was the Cult's Sonic Temple. Listening to American Horse helped me to both focus my rage and to steel my heart against what was to come. It isn't easy to get past the hurt that finding out that someone you've loved, laughed, argued and fought with for over thirty years had betrayed you.

It really isn't easy but it's not impossible either. I guess what made it possible was the fact that, like I've said before, I love her but I really don't like her. Maybe we really had grown apart over the years and this was just her way of dealing with it. She went to him for things that she either didn't want from me anymore or that she thought I wasn't capable of giving her.

I just couldn't figure out what those things were though. I was in far better shape than Dino even though he was younger. I had far more financial resources and more available time. The only thing I could think of was maybe he was just more willing to put up with her mood swings and bullshit. But even that was hard to believe because when he was done fucking her, he just walked off. He got the wham and the bam, but didn't even offer her the "Thank you ma'am."

Maybe she loved him or vice versa. I couldn't even see that though because they didn't kiss. Not once, she just walked up and started sucking his dick. This obviously wasn't the first time they'd done this. Their movements were too practiced. They'd done this before and probably quite often. Then it hit me. This was why she was taking the fucking garbage out so often now.

She really thought she had me fooled, didn't she. I shook my head and laughed. I'd come to that realization just as Ian Astbury started singing the song's chorus. In my mind I substituted "She's" for "He's" in the lyrics and sang along with Ian and Billy.

"She's gone crazy, completely crazy. Trying to tame the American Horse."

The she I sang about was, of course, Linda. My wife of all these years had flipped her lid if she thought I'd put up with all of this. And, of course, if she thought that being nice to me after weeks of treating me like shit over something as stupid as taking out the fucking trash could somehow control me, then she was definitely crazy. I, like the American horse in the song, could not be tamed or controlled. I'd really started listening to the song because I guess I'd always seen the American Horse as a metaphor for my Mustangs. It was strange though the way the song now reflected my feelings about my dying marriage. And dying it was. There was no way I intended to spend the rest of my life with a woman who neither loved nor respected me. Both she and Dino would get what they deserved.

I took the next freeway exit and got back on in the opposite direction. I was heading for home with a new fire in my mind and a new dose of steel in my backbone just as Fire Woman came on in my stereo. My foot took off, plunging downwards on the gas pedal and the more I pushed it down, the bigger my smile got. In my mind, I started figuring out all of the moves I'd make over the next few days. Each new idea heightened my pleasure, and then an electric shock went through my body. I slowed the car down quickly and pulled off onto the side of the road.

Shit, I thought I'd been having a heart attack but it was only my phone. My stereo was so loud I hadn't heard the ringing, I'd only felt the vibrations.

"Hello," I said.

"Mr. Laurel," sniffled Dahlia. "I'm sorry to bother you. But I really do need that ride," she said.

"I'll be right there, Honey," I said. "Just wait for me by the front door where I dropped you off." I got back on the freeway and roared towards her location with all thoughts of my own misery and revenge gone.

Once again I roared into the night but this time I had a destination in mind. All thoughts about my own pain were banished at least for a while. Dahlia had sounded awful over the phone. That wasn't like her. She was one of the most cheerful people I knew. I wonder what could have happened to upset her.

As soon as I got off of the freeway I started the GPS and quickly followed its spoken directions. Within minutes I was back at the building I'd dropped Dahlia off at. She ran over to the car and got in as if she'd just escaped some kind of nightmare.

"Home?" I asked.

"Yes please," she said in a very tiny voice.

We drove in silence, both lost in our thoughts. About five miles away from home her hand shot out and held mine. I didn't say anything. I was glad to give her some kind of comfort. As I drove into the garage, she let out a sigh of relief for the first time since she'd gotten back into the car.

"Thank you so much," she said.

"Dahlia, it was nothing," I said.

I watched her walk away. She seemed very different. The confident, beautiful young woman I'd seen only a few hours ago had somehow become a very frightened young girl.

"Dahlia," I called after her. She turned to look at me.

"If you need someone to talk to, I'm always available," I said. She nodded her head and headed for her condo.

I gave leaving again serious thought, but decided that more than anything else, I needed sleep. Tomorrow wouldn't be the busy day I'd envisioned. It wouldn't be filled with doing things with Linda, but it would be busy none the less.

I went to my condo and opened the door. Linda was watching TV. She smiled at me as I came in. I walked past her and just went to bed. I couldn't figure out why she was smiling at me so much. It came to me a few minutes later. She wasn't smiling at me, she was laughing at me. She was doing that because she didn't think I knew. Now, I understood why she'd been so fucking nice to me lately. It was all one big fucking joke to her. She'd ordered me to take out the garbage and I'd refused so she tried her favorite little game. She pulled out her "No sex for Stanley," card and I'd called her bluff. I guess It was my way of showing her that her sex as a weapon game couldn't control me anymore. She had to find some way to win so she decided to just do it behind my back.

On the surface, she was being nice, but on the inside she was probably thinking that I'd beg her to take out the garbage before she was done. Meanwhile, she was giving what she should have been giving me to someone else as another form of punishment.

Yep it was one big fucking joke, but we'd see who was laughing when the punch line came.

That night when Linda came to bed she kept moving closer and closer to me in bed and finally rubbing her legs against me. I pretended I was so deeply asleep that it didn't wake me.

"Poor Stanley," she said. "You must really be tired. You'll never know what you missed. I love you Stanley."

Yeah, I do, I thought. I missed a chance at pity sex from a woman I no longer care about. And if this is your idea of love, fucking me after you been with some grease ball, I'll stick with people who hate me. They treat me with more respect.

I woke up the next morning and put my running clothes on. It was generally a little chilly in the mornings so I opted for running tights and a sweat shirt. Just as I was tying up my laces, Linda woke up.

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Trolling for Vengeance Ch 2

The next chapter in the series- again, a re-post from Literotica, and I retain copyright. Have fun!-------------------------------------------------------------------Trolling for Vengeance Ch. 2Four months. I couldn’t believe it, it happened again in only four damned months! My finger traced each line of the letter, my lips moving as I read, quickly, scanning it, my heart racing as I felt the old wound resurface. It was her again, I recognized the handwriting. This bitch was enjoying his...

4 years ago
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A futa life

Today started out as every day did, with a blowjob I know that sounds pretty good to some of you but it’s horrible to be asleep and feel someone shove their 12 inch cock down your throat but that’s what happens every day so I just got used to it, because my sister she won’t take no for an answer. After my sister was done fucking my throat she held my head down against his pelvis as she released her full load into my throat which left a sickly sweet taste in my mouth afterwards. She looked at me...

3 years ago
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A WellLived Life Book 3 PiaChapter 11 End of Summer Part III

August 1979 — Hovås, Sweden It was the final week before I’d start school. Monday morning, after my jogging and golf, I went with Patrick to the store to buy notebooks, pens, pencils, erasers, and other supplies I’d need for school. I’d brought my TI-30 calculator with me, so I didn’t need to buy one. I also bought a small zippered gym bag to carry my homework back and forth to school. I managed to make all my purchases without speaking a word of English, but it had been fairly simple...

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College Girl Fun

I live in Dallas, my wife died when my daughter was only eight. She and I became very close. I have three women I date/fuck on a regular basis but over all I enjoy being single. My daughter, Jess, is attending the University of Oklahoma at Norman and is twenty two years old. She is bringing two friends to visit for spring break, they all want to party in Dallas. They came to my house to stay and arrived on Saturday. They came in and got settled in, unpacked, ate some dinner and then went out....

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Top baseball fan

Doe reaches down and digs deeply into her purse for the keys to her house. A contented smile crosses her face as she finds them and pulls them out to unlock the door, to the sound of the banter of her son, Jane, and his two friends behind her. They have just won the local Baseball tournament, one that many of the areas college coaches were attending. They were flush with excitement from winning. Jane had pitched an almost perfect game. Greg, the catcher, and Steve, the short stop had made the...

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Escalation and Capitulation

"Mr. Hemming wants to see you naked." "What's the punch line?" "No joke. Daniel wants to see what you look like without clothes." "Just like that, out of the clear blue sky, your boss wants to see me naked." "We were talking about our wives. One thing led to another and I mentioned what a cute little body you have." Little? Yes. Cute? She didn't think so. She was petite, and slender, with small boobs and skinny legs. Angel could not image why anyone would want to see her naked....

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There and BackChapter 133 Captivated

The fight began about as expected – with flights of arrows. The soldiers deflected the missiles with their shields, but one or two of the archers got lucky, and the first soldier fell, an arrow protruding from his neck. The emissary began casting – some sort of lightning spell, from the feel of it – and I wrenched its mana away before it could do any damage. Faren engaged with a number of hurlocks, swinging his longswords in arcs, cleaving indiscriminately, and a few of the soldiers went...

1 year ago
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Young buck

Virginia York wheeled her Caddy into the parking garage and after maneuvering through the maze of ramps she nosed the big auto into a space near the elevator. She shivered a little as a cold north wind whipped around her while waiting for a car. Finally down on the street, she made her way the two blocks to a nondescript building on the west side of Chicago's Loop. It had been almost a month since her last visit, and the anticipation in her pussy caused her to drench her panties involuntarily!...

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Eric Olafson Fleet Cadet Vol 3Chapter 17 An Enemy Returns Interlude

The communications officer of the Devastator reported to Stahl. “Sir we have no contact to Fornax Hub. The last message we received was a distress call and now it is silent on all channels.” The old Admiral wished the huge ship could go any faster and glanced over to captain Harris, knowing full well that the ship was already pushing its engines close to the red line. He did not want to push them any further. The mighty Devastator would be of no help if she arrived at a crisis with damaged...

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Yellow Blue Green and Red Orange Purple and Black too

Mum was right, his blaze was sweet; but, for fuck’s sake, calling him, Sugar, was character assassination. Even as a gangly foal, his face screamed white lightening.In utero, he was my mother’s horse, but the devil-may-care fire in those newborn eyes drew me in. Shamelessly, I played the daughter card; pouting, even stamping my foot, until my parents caved in.What twenty-two-year-old notices their father’s smirk when finally saying yes? Even if I had, I wouldn’t have put two and two together...

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…..She didn’t talk much, but her eyes told me she was wanting my attention. She liked to stand real close to me and almost whisper any talking we did. She liked to touch my chest and arms. ….. I started returning the touching. Her breathing increased every time. The touching increased. It was quiet affection, except for her panting breath. Slowly we were hugging and feeling a lot. My cock got hard quick now, and she pushed her pussy into it each time. …..I gave her a piggy back ride to...

1 year ago
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Oceanfront housemates

I live in a rented house in Manly an oceanfront suburb of Sydney; I share the house with two of my friends Gail & Roxanne (Roxy). My name is Erica. I love living here because we have an absolute waterfront view, the sea breezes keep the temperatures down to a pleasant level. There is a verandah leading off the two upstairs bedrooms to the front. Each morning as the sun rises it streams into my bedroom so I am awake before dawn most mornings, there are curtains but I prefer to be woken that way....

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MomWantsToBreed Nina Kay You Might As Well Get Me Pregnant

Bigtit babe Nina Kay wants a baby and her husband won’t give it to her. She’s feeling pretty blue about her lack of bun in the oven, but when she realizes that her stepson, Oliver Flynn, is having unprotected sex with his girlfriend she gets an idea. She waits for a few days and then goes into action. Putting on a super sexy outfit, she corners Oliver and throws him onto her bed. Pulling Oliver’s dick out, she insists that Oliver breed her and get her pregnant since his father...

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Didi Ke Dil Me Pahucha Unka Blouse Khol Ke

Hi friends this is Prem (name changed for privacy) from Ahmadabad Gujarat and I am going to narrate a true incident which happened between me and my elder sister Nehal. If any girl-lady of any age would like to get in touch with me for an extreme pleasure, you can mail me on . So let me start describing the story. I would continue the story in hindi so everyone can enjoy it. Meri elder sister ka name Nehal hai aur wo mujse 3 saal badhi hai. Jab me engineering ke 2nd year me tha tab didi ki...

3 years ago
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His girlfriend wants to be drugged

He studied her face as he squeezed the drug out of the syringe and into her orange juice. ‘That’s quite a lot of sleeping medication. If you’ll drink that you’ll be fast asleep in about five to ten minutes. You sure you want to?’ He said. He swirled the glass around to mix the liquids and then he handed it to her. She nodded, her eyes were flickering with excitement. She put the glass up till her mouth and took a sip. His eyes were glued to her lips every sip she took and a rush of...

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Efindums Complete Short Story Anthology

The Bet I'm down by three points and it's getting tougher and tough to shoot. He's all over me and I'm wearing out. I should never have made this bet with him. He is fast. I can't catch him fairly. I try to get in his way but get bowled over every time. I thought my endurance was high, but he's tapping into reserves that I haven't tapped in years and he's not even looking winded. I can barely stand yet he's barely breaking a sweat. Sometimes I envy him, but tonight I hate his...

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Real Aunty Story

Hello Everybody, I do not know where to start. Well, I often wondered if any of the stories on web were true. I wondered so until it happened to me. I am Raj (not my real name) and am twenty years old. This incident happened a week ago. I am studying in a professional college and came home for holidays. You can contact me at mail. My parents have shifted into town recently and now we stay in an apartment. I am very horny at times, but never had a chance to experience the thrill of being with a...

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High School Sophomore Cheerleaders

** This story is completely fictional. Please Enjoy! Rebecca could see up her skirt as she held Amy high above her head. “Nice ass, Amy.” That got a few chuckles from her fellow cheerleaders and a blushing face from her best friend. Rebecca and the other cheerleader holding Amy up released her feet and caught her as she twirled into their arms. Amy gave a death stare to Rebecca once she got back onto her feet. Rebecca just smiled back and laughed. She always enjoyed teasing Amy since she knew...

Group Sex
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The Preacher ManChapter 19 The Windy City

Time: June 26, 8236 2:15 PM I was sitting in my spacious office at Karbala, mentally preparing for an unpleasant 2:30 meeting. I sat gazing westward out of large bay windows, admiring the beauty of the snow-covered rocky coast directly below while pondering the morality of the decision before me. The afternoon sun broke out and began shining brightly over the cold blue-gray waters of the South Atlantic. "Well, that's nice," I thought. "After six days of hiding, you finally decide to...

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NubileFilms Alex Coal May 2021 Fantasy Of The Month

Alex Coal has been living as roommates with Seth Gamble and Codey Steele for a while now. This nympho hasn’t been fucked in months. Living with two guys is slow torture. She needs some dick, so she’s been hitting on both roommates to see which one of them steps up first. Codey is the first to take the chance that Alex is giving him. They enjoy a kiss, but Alex doesn’t want to rush it. Later, though, Alex tries her luck with Seth. She approaches him as he’s fresh from the...

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Picking Wild Flowers

Last summer I went to a small seaside village at the southwest of Turkey. I was among straight friends and I never thought that I could pick a wild flower on my way. On the first day after doing a sightseeing tour around, we came back to the place where we stayed for lunch. There I saw a blonde young boy with incredibly beautiful face and very sexy smile. He was working as a bellboy in the small boutique hotel. I thought he was a student working for the summer but later on I learned that he was...

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Say CheeseChapter 3

We entered the back door to the strip club. As soon as we stepped inside we came to the door to Jim’s office. Jim’s office door is open and we stepped inside. Tony asked Jim if everything’s ready. Jim grinned and nodded. He turned to me and asked, “Hello, Mya. Are you ready for another new experience?” I shivered and nodded nervously. Jim smiled and said, “Look out there.” I turned and looked through the one-way glass that looks out into his club. The small club looks pretty full to me. I...

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a quiet afternoon

I lay on my side with me knees drawn up as Richard slowly slid his rock hard cock in and out of my warm wet pussy. We were talking in low quiet voices about sex and girls in particular. Richard assured me I was the love of his life. I reminded him though I was his mother and soon he’d find a woman to love and cherish like he does me. He was wondering what made women attracted to men. I told him between sighs and uh huh’s. that he was a very handsome young man with a nice cock to offer any...

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Toms DiaryChapter 8

Friday, March 22, 2002 JR did not come to check on us the next morning; Jenny got up with me at the alarm, vanished into the bathroom by herself. I followed shortly, then a simple breakfast with everyone bright-eyed and smiling around the table. Mom stopped me before I left the table. "You're going to the basketball game tonight?" "Yes." I looked at JR and Jenny. "I promised I'd take JR, Jenny and Penny. The girl I'm going with asked if she can take her sister. She's a freshman....

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A Discovery for CarinChapter 3

Sandra arranged the housewarming party with one thing in mind. She had a burning desire to watch her sub Carin with the seductive Dawn. When she heard all about the teenager seducing Dawn and making love to her all night, Sandra was ecstatic. She had a sneaky suspicious Dawn was a submissive woman, but the right opportunity never presented itself for her to find out. Sandra scheduled the small neighborhood gathering for a few women. She planned everything down to the smallest detail and the...

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Young Sarah part 2

Sara and I continued to have sex over the next several months when I drove her home from babysitting for us. She seemed to understand that telling me about her exploits with other boys from her school would turn me on so much that I could not help acting like a sex crazed dominant master. Funny part is she was the one controlling me, everything she did and said the first time and since had been meant to turn me on to the point I could not resist her. Reading the porn and looking at my pictures...

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Shellys Gangbang

Shelly is such a fucking tease ! She never takes her panties down to be fucked , teasing us poor males with the shape of her little sexy hot ass with her panties on tight , so so tantalising !! Tonight we are at a mutual friends place for a party and she suggests we (myself and 3 of my mates) sit bound on chairs while she does a sexy teasing act . So we agree and sit on the chairs bound up . She undresses nude except for her sexy teasing tight pink panties and a flimsy piece of material...

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Learning to be the HIGH SCHOOL WHORE

My name is Teresa and I'm now in college. I have nice tits, blonde hair, a pretty ass and even cute feet! I've been told that I'm pretty and even in grade school boys liked me and believe me...I LOVED them.I've always had a fetish for cocks and even when I was really young, I would swipe my daddy's dirty magazines to see naked men and I would imagine what it would be like to touch one and even put my mouth on it. I would lay in bed at night and fondle myself, thinking of the day I would get my...

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the cottage

True 29 and my girl 21.My girl wanted to go away in the weekend before christmas. since we were dating for two years now, she wanted to have me for herself for two whole days. a present, of sorts.we managed to book a mountain cottage but at a high price.Since the money isn't much, we asked another couple to tag along and share the fee. since the cottage had 3 bedrooms, we asked two mutual girl friends to come, 4 girls and two boys.our time there was great, the place had its own...

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Uncle Beau

 My grandmother had some definite ideas on the naming of her babies. I guess she thought the name she hung on them would somehow make her wishes come true. She gave them all names that meant handsome or beautiful. She started with Bella, who is my Mom. My oldest uncle is named Cullen, then came Uncle Nordin followed by Aunt Callista. Their baby brother was tagged, Beau.Why Grandma didn’t give them names that meant smart or rich or famous is beyond me, but nevertheless, she must have been on to...

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Rime of the Modern Mother Slut

Wendy Raskin puffed her chest and pinched her fat. The mirror refused to laugh. She sighed after a hard day's work and finished undressing for her bath. Naked and vulnerable, her troubles she hoped to drown. Extra soap and water so hot they dissolved, all but one. One last tick clicked in her skull like a needle lost in a clinic. Her longing cunt was picking away, sapping her puritan ethic. So many years, was her husband gone, buried in another town. Years of single mothering had emboldened...

1 year ago
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African Prince Chapter 3

100% fiction! Mikey sat on the couch watching TV. He heard a car door in the driveway and he looked at the clock. It was 10:00pm. His Mom was back already? He got up and walked to the front door. Just as he was reaching for the handle to open the door, it turned; the door opened; and his Mom came in. The look on her face was not happy. She said hi matter-of-factly and walked past Mikey. He wasn't sure what to think. "What's the matter Mom? He wasn't good-looking after all?" Mikey asked, not...

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Computerservice Teil 33

Computerservice Teil 33Der Rest des Tages verlief ruhig und ich war froh dass mein Schwanz sich wieder beruhigt hatte. Beim Abendessen gab mir Diana wieder einen Eiweißdrink zur Stärkung wie sie betonte. „Warum haben wir eigentlich nicht den gleichen wie im Studio“, fragte ich Diana dabei. „Der hier ist aus Japan eine besondere Lieferung für mich, stärkt besonders die Manneskraft und Ausdauer, das Ergebnis hast Du ja heute selbst erlebt“, antwortete Diana und grinste dabei. „Heute noch zwei vor...

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TalentChapter the Twentysecond Headmaster

I'm never sure why the thugs think it a good idea to use their fists to wake you up. I could hear the soft thuds before I actually felt them. I was spiralling up from my unconsciousness and the sensation from the burly ape who was having fun with my face only began to register as I neared the surface. I was immediately struck by the thought that this was a tremendously bad thing. A voice, obviously in command, ordered the attack to stop and a sudden cold shock of water finally woke me...

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Dirty Dancing

Working away from home can have it’s advantages, situations arise that would never do so at home. I had been working out east for several months, working a two week rotation where I got to travel home every second weekend. For the last week or two, the hotel where I was staying was advertising an up coming fancy dress dance night. It happened to be on the Saturday night that I would be staying over so I decided to go to it and have some fun. The weekend before, I was at home and packed a few...

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B6 Chapter 13 Summer Transformed Summer Is Gifte

Chapter 13: Summer Transformed - Summer Is Gifted Both Vantha and Rayleena had left their respective quarters, and were now roaming the hallways of the Island, eagerly in search of new partners to satisfy their seemingly endless sexual lust and excitement. Because of the relative closeness of Tiffany and Ebony's quarters on the one side of the Island, and the layout of the corridors, it was only a few moments before Vantha and Rayleena met each other in the hallway. Both girls instantly knew...

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I Love to Lick a Womans Big Butthole3c

===Continuation "I Love to Lick a Woman's Big Butthole" 3a and 3b. The story of Lisa, an anal newbie who turns into an anal slut & exhibitionist.We had just finished a super hot picnic with Lisa letting me fuck her asshole with a big silver vibrator and her showing her butthole to the whole world, a foreshadowing of even more depraved anal exhibitionism shocking old men by letting them "accidentally" see her gaping butthole.We had just finished with me assfucking her at her insistence. I...

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Shruti Ki Haveli Mei Pighla Sakht Launda

Hi all, Mera naam rohul hai, 26 saal ka hu aur ahmedabad se hu. Aap meri story ka feedback pe de sakte hai. Waise to mei bohut hi sakht launda hu. But iss kahani ki heroine ne mujhe pighla dia. Mei iss kaafi time se padh raha hu. Aise hi padhte padhte ek kahani maine padhi jiski writer ka naam tha shruti. Waha usne apni email id deke rakhi thi. Maine usse turant message kiya. 2-3 din tak koi reply na aaya to mai bhi bhool gaya. Fir 4th day reply aaya. Hum dono ne casual chat chalu ki. Wo...

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barn passning

du heter martin och sitter vid ditt skriv bordet och ser ut igenom ditt fönster. när du ser att dörren öppnas och stängs du hör röster små prata med varandra. du vet att det är din barnvakt som har kommit eftersom din mamma och pappa ska ut med din pappas it företag på middag och hel helg. du reser på dig och går ut från ditt rum och går ner till botten våningen och går in i storarummet där du ser din mamma i en snygg klänning och din pappa i en kostym. så vem ska barnpassa mig i helgen då...

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Lord Hort Part 2

Heh, thank you, loyal readers, for giving me feedback on my previous piece. To address some of the points people made, since I can't really do it elsewhere (skip to the story if you're not interested): Yes, the first piece was basically plotless. I wrote it because it was a 'fapping piece' and story wasn't really the first thing on my mind. Nevertheless, one has developed, and you get to see a little more of the storyline in this part. I appreciate the ego boost (when I read the...

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Bringing friends over to help my mother finish the basement leads to some fun and her submission

My mother and I just moved into a spacious two story house a few weeks ago. We had spent weeks driving around and looking for houses until we just decided to go for a new one. The prices didn’t seem to be drastically different. With an old house we would be buying the land but with a new house we are only buying the house. An older house has double the lot size but usually it has only two floors. We were looking for a basement to use as the recreational room. We bought a house not too far...

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The Writing Group

"I can do it, you know." Steve said nonchalantly as we began packing up our laptops after the meeting of our weekly erotic writing group. "Do what?" I asked. "What we're writing about." "Wait a minute," interrupted Lynn, who wasn't packing up her computer since we had met at her house, "for the last three weeks we have been collaborating on an erotic mind control story. That can't be the 'it' you are talking about." "But, it is." He smiled. "I suppose you could say I got...

1 year ago
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Marine Corps Tale of all Tails The Pool Party

Early the following morning, Tom was the first to force his eyelids open. The first thing his eyes saw was the heavenly beauty sleeping soundly to his left. Justin was fast asleep on his left side and as Tom slid his body upright, the covers inched themselves from Justin’s perfect tight body to the point that Tom’s eyes fell on Justin’s bare ass. Tom simply couldn’t resist to steal the opportunity for a quick whiff of Justin’s exposed little bung hole, so he inched his body downwards until he...

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Memorable Day In Ukkadam 8211 Part II

Thanks lot for many readers who appreciate my story and share their story / fantasy with me and I heart fully thank each and every one of you. Those who miss first part can read the story from below She called me on Wednesday and asked me whether I was free or not and i told her that I’m free and she asked me to come to her place and I took my bike and bought some condoms and went to her apartment and rang her bell. She opened the door and she was in light green fancy saree and she was...

3 years ago
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Taylor and Tom jb original

Not too long ago had an assignment to write a "romantic" scene around 500 words. Much longer, but heck it was fun to write. The pendulum of the clock ticked out its steady cadence, never wavering. The radio played Wish You Were Here. Taylor looked at Tom’s last text, “You going to be able to handle Wednesday babe?” Butterflies slammed into her sides; she was nervous. His desire screamed at her from the simple innocuous words. Today her handsome, smart, kind incredible lover was going be an...

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Me and My Dog

Ok, I know I wrote last time about when I was raped, and that later I got my Daddy to be my lover. What I didn't tell you was what I did between the time I found out how good sex felt and the time I could get Daddy to have sex with me that first time. There was just no way I could go with out sex that long. Fortunately, I didn't have to wait. About a week after the day I was raped, after most of my soreness was gone. I was taking a shower one afternoon. It was just me at home. My parents had...

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CoercedChapter 8

By seven the next morning I was showered, powdered and hair styled, ready for the day. I had my uniform back on, coffee ready and breakfast on the stove when Sheila and Greg came downstairs. Greg quickly ate and hurried out the door. “I’m going to be busy today,” Sheila told me as she watched me kneel on the floor beside Max and eat the leftovers. “I know I promised I’d take you shopping, though, so I’ll meet you at the mall at 12:30. Don’t be late.” “Yes, Mrs. Winters,” I replied. “It’s...

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Wait til Daddy Leaves

“What is it Donnie? You need to get out of bed.” “Mom, something weird happened? “Okay, I’ll be in…Now what is it?” “Well, it is something to do with my privates so I don’t know what to say.” “Honey, I am your mother. I have seen your ‘privates’ since you were born. Your privates will always be ‘public’ with your mother…Now, it could be something serious so let’s see.” Donnie shrugs and pulls back his cover and then his sheet. His mother stares at him with her arms...

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When I had anal sex for the first time with my boyfriend Free Sex Stories and Adult Erotica Stories

Varun was my boyfriend and we were in a relationship past the three years. Although, lately we were doing a lot of long distance as he had to travel for work. Soon, it was going to be his birthday and I wanted to plan something special for him. Also, I did not want to spend it away from him. That’s when I had anal sex for the first time. Thus, I thought of planning a surprise for him. I casually asked him his schedule and decided to visit him. I planned everything and even packed a lacy...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 4 ElyseChapter 38 Another Addition to the Extended Family

November 11, 1990, Chicago, Illinois My wives and I were lying in bed early on Sunday morning. “Abbie asked me if she could have you on Sunday nights, you know, like Elyse has you on Tuesdays,” Jessica said. “What do you think?” “I think it’s up to you,” I said. “But I’m guessing that wouldn’t start until you get pregnant.” “Nobody gets you but me starting Friday. Well, Kara does, but you know what I mean!” “I do.” “As for Abbie, I think it’s OK, Tiger. Once we agreed she could be part...

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