Player Retired
- 3 years ago
- 23
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Dave Stebbins came home from school Thursday afternoon like he always did. He was tired and bored, anxious to get home and do something fun for a change. Like the great majority of young men from households in the U.S., he tolerated school. He had the potential of being a good student but school, learning, and the way the teachers presented the subject matter did not excite him. As a result he did the bare minimum to get by. His parents were of hardworking stock, but both his father and mother had stopped their education when they graduated high school. His mother worked in a local diner as she had since her high school days. His father had gone into the Army right out of high school and been trained as a diesel engine mechanic. After he got out he got a good job working at a car dealership and he had been there ever since.
Dave's grandparents had been farmers all their lives. Their house and farm was on the edge of a small town about eight miles from the larger town he and his parents lived in. Dave had spent many happy visits with them in his younger years. In fact, he still spent a lot of his days during the summer on what remained of the old family farm. His grandfather was 68 now so only did a small amount of work on the land—more as a hobby to keep away boredom than for a living.
When Dave drove his old, beat up, F150 down the street his house was on he saw several cars and vans parked in front of his home. He was forced to park his truck almost at the end of the block because of all the vehicles. He angrily walked the half block home and into his house. When he got there he saw many of his relatives standing around talking quietly and drinking everything from coffee or ice tea through beer and up to the hard stuff. His grandmother was sitting in the chair she usually used when she came to visit. She was bent slightly forward and her shoulders were shaking as she cried quietly. Her skin was pale and her eyes were red.
Dave's mother looked up when she heard the door open. She set her glass of wine down and moved to Dave. He had just opened his mouth to ask what was going on when she said, "Dave, Honey, grandfather Ben passed away this morning. He was sitting in the coffee shop with his friends like he normally does in the morning and just keeled over from a massive heart attack. Why don't you put your books in your room and come back down to be with the rest of the family."
Dave felt like the world had just slammed him in the face. His stomach clenched up tightly. He just stood there for a moment, unable to comprehend the enormity of his mother's statement. Gramps was gone? How could that be? He talked to him just yesterday and he was fine. They were best friends. They hunted and fished together. They were going fishing this weekend and now he was gone. They would never fish together again, never look at a beautiful woman and make ribald comments to each other again.
The next week went by slowly as family members arrived in town. Finally the funeral was held and life slowly went on. Grandma moved into Dave's home with him and his parents because his father didn't want her living alone in her grief. He felt it would be much too easy for her to slip into deadly depression. Two weeks later Gramps will was read. He willed his old house and twenty acres to Dave. The rest of the land went to Dave's father. Dave's grandmother, Millie, got what was called Dowry Rights to the house and land. That meant she was allowed to live in the house and receive all the income from the land until she also passed away. If she left the house before she died she could receive any rental income it generated.
Dave graduated high school that May and found a job for the car dealer where his father worked. He was what was called a lot boy. He ran errands, washed and detailed cars, and performed other duties as required. The owner of the dealership always tried to help out the children of his employees and Dave was no exception.
Dave didn't have any great desire to learn any type of trade. He was like many young people and had no idea what type of work he wanted to do now that he was out of school. Dave's only real passion in life was to hang around with his friends, chase pussy and party. His job at the dealership generated enough money for that. Since many of his friends were furthering their education, he also decided to try and go to college, at least until he found out what he wanted to do with his life. Neither he nor his parents could afford tuition, room, and board at a four year University so he did what many of his peers did. He went to the local community college, a two year institution where he could obtain a two year Associates Degree. It would be easier for him to try several different career possibilities at the community college compared to a full university. Any credits he earned could be transferred to a full university when or if he decided to take that path and obtain a bachelor's degree.
Just before Christmas Millie died. It wasn't unexpected as she wasn't in the best of health and, despite living with Dave and his parents she missed Ben and was terribly lonely. In February of the next year his father and mother decided to sell their share of the farm and their house in town and move to sunny Florida. Dave was not invited to accompany them. It was just assumed he was now an adult and on his own. He moved into his grandparent's old home, now his home. He worked part time while he attended college.
Finances were tight for Dave. He scrimped and saved but he was rapidly running out of money. He and some of his friends were complaining about finances one day when one of them looked at Dave and asked a question that started Dave on the road to financial security. "Dave I know several guys who are renting rooms or small apartments from people while they go to college. You have that huge house in Titusville and only use part of the downstairs. Why don't you rent rooms to people or even turn the rest of the building into apartments and rent them? Hell, I pay $435 a month for a little efficiency apartment now. You could make at least four apartments out of your old house and still keep the entire downstairs for yourself. That would be a cool $1740 a month income for you. Man, you'd be on easy street."
Dave sat and stared at his friend. "I never thought of something like that. Don't guess it matters though. I don't have the money to do it."
One of his other friends spoke up. He said, "Hell, man, just rent some bedrooms to people until you get some money ahead then convert one apartment. Rent it and use that money to do another one and so forth. It might take you a while but you could do it. Heck, my dad is a contractor and I used to help him. I learned a lot about the building trade. Let me stay with you for free and I'll help with the work. Man, you can't lose."
Dave and his friend, Pete Thurgood, began work the next week. Pete and Dave had gone to school together since 7th grade and were best buddies. Pete moved into one of the rooms on the first floor of the old house with Dave. Dave decided to keep the whole downstairs first floor for himself. They rented the bedrooms in the third floor to other people they knew in college and to a couple of Hispanics working in the packing plants in the nearby large city. Before the summer was over they had two nice two bedroom apartments on the second floor. To Dave's surprise he rented them to married college students for $450 per month each. He was in the money!
The next room they completed was a small efficiency apartment in what used to be the attic. It only rented for $300 per month but that was almost like found money for Dave. He had not even planned to use that space until Pete talked him into it.
By the time the next summer rolled around Dave had converted all the rooms to apartments. He now had 4 one bedroom apartments and the small one in the attic plus the whole downstairs in which he lived. He was taking in $2100 per month on his house. Life was good.
Dave finished his two year degree at the local community college and was at a loss as to what he wanted to do with his life now. He didn't have enough education for a good white collar job. His advisor at the junior college tried to get him to declare a major and take his few optional classes in a specific field but Dave just had no serious interests in any particular area. Finally he obtained his AA degree in General Studies. As many of you know a degree in General Studies is worthless as tits on a boar hog but he did obtain his two year degree. Dave had no training for skilled work such as being a mechanic, computer repair, or so forth, so ended up once again in the job market with very minimal marketable skills. He had no training at all That would get him a decent job, as he found out. He really didn't want to move to the city and continue with his college education, either. Like many young men and women he hung out with his peers in local arcades, pool halls, and other teen hang outs when he wasn't working at the car lot. He came into contact with an Army Recruiter and fell for his sales pitch. Before he knew it, Dave was in the Army and headed for Basic Training at Ft. Leonard Wood, MO.
Just before he left home Dave signed a contract hiring Pete to be his representative and manage his home rental for him while he was gone. His pay was to be 10% of the income for the place plus personal use of Dave's downstairs apartment. The contract specifically stated that upon Dave's return it would be automatically cancelled unless both parties agreed otherwise. Pete was to be due payment for the full month of Dave's return and nothing thereafter. The contract could be terminated at other times with thirty days written notice by either party.
Like clockwork Dave received his rental money from Pete. He rapidly quit thinking about his home in Titusville and turned all his attention to his Army Duties. After Basic Training he was selected to be trained as a Mechanic. He found he had a natural aptitude for the work and excelled in his studies. After he finished his Advanced Individual Training Dave was sent to his first unit and shortly thereafter to his first overseas deployment in Iraq. The next three years flew by. Dave gained skill as a mechanic and learned many things about himself and life in general. He learned he did not want to be a soldier all his life and that he did not get the same enjoyment from working on engines that his father had even though the work came easy for him.
After his four year enlistment was over Dave mustered out of the Army as a Sergeant E5 and returned home to Titusville. He still had his old truck and decided to take his time driving home in it. After he had a good start on his trip and had a good idea of when he should get home, he e-mailed his friend Pete to let him know he was coming. In his e-mail he told him his estimated arrival date and that he would be moving back into his home and would once again take over the management of the rentals. He told Pete he would want to move back into his apartment immediately. He also told Pete he could stay there until he found something for himself. He got no reply.
Dave tried to call Pete several times and still could not manage to connect with him. He left messages on his phone. Still no reply. Late on a Friday evening Dave pulled into Titusville. He slowly drove down the main drag looking over his old home town. Things had changed slightly yet they seemed the same. There was still a group of kids hanging around the pool hall and drive in laughing and talking too loud, sneaking to their cars for an illicit drink of liquor or beer. Dave smiled to himself and wondered if they thought they were fooling people like he and his friends had when he was their age.
When Dave came to the end of the block he made a U turn and returned to the drive in. He pulled up in front of it and walked inside. The smell made his mouth water. He wondered if their burgers were as good as they had been four years ago. He moved to a table and when the waitress came bouncing up he ordered a burger, onion rings and large coke.
While his supper was cooking Dave leaned back and looked around. He didn't recognize any of the people there, but he wasn't surprised. Most of them were in junior high or high school when he left home. Dave heard someone walk up to his table and saw them set his meal in front of him. He was starting to look up and thank them when he heard, "Dave? I didn't know you were back. It's good to see you. How have you been?"
Dave knew that voice. He smiled and jumped to his feet. He stood up, and grabbed the gray haired lady in a tight hug. He stepped back and said, "Mrs. Thurgood! How are you? It's great to see you. I just drove into town a few minutes ago. This is my first stop."
"Why are you working here, though? How are Max and Pete? I told Pete I was coming home. I can't believe he didn't tell you."
The woman looked upset and lowered her gaze. She said, "Max and I got a divorce a couple years ago, Dave. I don't see Pete much since you let him turn your house into ... NO! I won't go there. It's your property and your decision, but I just can't believe you would do something like that. Your grandparent's must be rolling over in their graves."
"What do you mean, Mrs. Thurgood? What's wrong with renting apartments to people? It makes me some good money and provides them with a reasonably priced place to live. I'm going to move back into my apartment in the house now that I'm back. I e-mailed Pete and told him he could stay there until he found a place though. Do you know where he is? I'm really tired and when I finish supper I need to get home and catch some Z's."
Mrs. Thurgood looked at Dave sharply and frowned. "Dave, you, Dave, how do you think you can live in that little office?"
Dave sat down and looked up at the older woman. "I don't intend to live in my office. I'll move back into the apartment and bedroom I had before I went into the army. Why are you looking so strange?"
"Dave, I think there's something going on you don't know about. You didn't know Pete turned your house into a Cantina and Mexican Restaurant did you? Most of us in town think some of the young ladies running around your old place aren't--=" Mrs. Thurgood blushed slightly, then continued, "I mean, some of the men go there for things other than a beer or meals."
Dave sat there in shock. He didn't want to believe what he just heard but it must be true. Not only did Mrs. Thurgood have no reason to lie, but she knew all he had to do was go to his home and see for himself. If she was lying he could see it immediately. Without thinking about what he was doing Dave began eating his meal. It smelled wonderful but he really didn't taste it. His mind was occupied with what he had just been told. He never even saw Mrs. Thurgood walk off. If she was right Dave didn't have anywhere to sleep. Also, if she was right what was he going to do about it? This was probably why Pete never returned his e-mail or phone calls.
After Dave finished his supper he paid his bill and returned to his truck. He drove the remaining distance to his house slowly. He stopped in what was once his front yard, but was now a parking lot. There were lights on the porch and beer signs in the front windows. He heard loud Hispanic music coming from the building. There were loud raucous conversations going on inside and several groups of men and a few women standing around outside drinking and laughing. Some of the women were allowing the men to be very friendly with them.
Dave sat in his truck for a moment then got out and walked slowly toward his house. As he approached the porch those talking on it stopped and watched him. He moved in a bubble of silence as he progressed toward the building. Dave was a stranger and his presence made them wonder. Almost everyone was Hispanic, but there were a few whites in the crowd also.
Dave walked onto the porch, opened the front door, and stepped into what was once his living room. The bubble of silence followed him. There were tables everywhere in what had been the living room and dining room and was now one large room. There was a small bar to one side. Dave's mouth watered from the smells of cooking wafting in from the kitchen in spite of just finishing a burger ten minutes earlier.
Dave looked around. His small office was still being used as an office. There were signs there offering to cash checks and to wire money anywhere in the world. He walked into the office. A large Hispanic man looked up and watched him for a moment. Dave stopped and looked around, saying nothing. Finally the man said, "May I help you, Senor?"
Dave looked at him again and said, "Maybe. I'm looking for Pete Thurgood."
The man's face took on a blank expression. He said, "Senor Thurgood is not here. He lives in Valdosta, Senor, and only spends a few nights a month here. How may I help you? I own this place."
Dave smiled and said, "No, Sir, you do not. I own this place and I want to know what the hell is going on here! I'm Dave Stebbins and Pete was supposed to be managing the rentals of my apartments. I gave him permission to live here in my downstairs apartment while I was in the Army as partial pay for him taking care of my place. I came back home planning to move back into my apartment in my house and find it is turned into a bar and café. I want to know what the HELL is going on and I want to know NOW.""
The man's eyes got large and he fell backwards in his chair. His face paled somewhat. His glance flicked past Dave. Just as Dave noticed the change in focus he heard movement behind him. He quickly stepped to the side and placed his back to the wall. He saw two men moving through the door. They looked large for Hispanics and tough, competent. The man who came in the door first spoke. He said, "Is there a problem here, Senor Morales?"
The man and Dave were quiet for a moment. Finally Senor Morales said, "I do not know, Pedro. This gentleman is Senor Dave Stebbins. He says he has come back from the Army and intends to live here in this house once more. Please stay while we work out some accommodation if you will."
Dave and Senor Morales sat and talked for over an hour. Dave discovered that about nine months after he left town Pete had taken up with a Hispanic woman who lived in one of the apartments. He still stayed with her and her sister when he was in town.
The woman, Maria, had convinced Pete to allow her to prepare meals and serve them to some of the other boarders. This had grown into the bar and restaurant. More and more Hispanics began to congregate at the old house after work. She even had a pretty good breakfast and lunch trade. Senor Morales rented the office to transact his business in. He became sort of a banker for the Hispanic community and provided other services from time to time. Dave got the impression his other services were of a personal nature dealing with some of the young women wandering around.
Senor Morales informed Dave that Pete soon became tired of trying to sleep in the bedroom because of the noise from the Cantina and Restaurant. He finished converting the downstairs into the configuration it was now in and moved out. He was charging the base rent for the downstairs as if it was two apartments PLUS he demanded 10% of the profits from the business transacted on the property.
Now Dave became even angrier at his friend. He was only sending him the agreed upon rent for the top floors and the attic less the agreed upon 10% management fee. Senor Morales estimated Pete's take for the ground floor was $1900 to $2200 per month.
During their conversation Dave came to respect Senor Morales somewhat. Assuming what he told him was true he and the woman running the Cantina and Restaurant had done nothing wrong. They merely rented space from the man they thought was authorized to do so and had then opened their businesses. Senor Morales showed Dave the rental agreement he and Pete signed to back up his statement. Dave was not even sure courts would side with him about the way Pete had turned the downstairs over to the renters. After all, he did have an agreement to manage the building and to use the downstairs apartment for his own use. That, of course, was the sticking point. He was not personally using the downstairs. Dave decided to call it a night and get some rest. He would decide what to do tomorrow.
Dave walked back out of the building that had once been his home and got into his truck. He started to return to town and find a motel for the night then decided screw it. He owned this land and all the buildings on it. He had slept on the ground before and he could do it again. Dave drove his truck past the house toward the out buildings. There was a small stream running through his place about 500 feet from the house. If it was not too grown up he knew of a nice clearing beside a deep hole in which he used to swim. He would pitch his tent there and spend the night.
Apparently, there had been much discussion going on during the night while Dave slept. About 7 a.m. the next morning a very beautiful Hispanic, or at least part Hispanic, woman walked slowly, tentatively, into his campsite carrying two large Styrofoam boxes and a carafe of coffee. She jumped and almost dropped the items she was carrying when Dave jumped from his sleeping bag. He had heard her moving around and his immediate thought was one of danger or robbery. He came from his tent carrying his Ruger Blackhawk in .357 Caliber.
When he saw the woman he relaxed somewhat and said, "You startled me, Senorita. I thought perhaps I was facing robbers. I am sorry for scaring you."
The young woman gave him a nervous smile and spoke to him with downcast eyes. "I have brought you breakfast, Senor. Also, I need to talk with you about the cantina and restaurant. My Mother, sister, and I operate it and depend on it to earn our living. Emma, Senor Morale's daughter, also helps and works as a waitress for us. We heard you and Senor Morales talking last night. Please, Senor, this is all we have and we barely make enough to live on after Senor Thurgood takes his share. If you make us leave we will have nothing and will have no place to stay. I would like to make an arrangement with you for permission to continue operating our business in your building. My sister and I will give ourselves to you as we agreed to do for Senor Thurgood and we will pay you the amounts we agreed to give him if you let us remain.
The woman carefully placed the items she was carrying on the hood of Dave's truck. She looked at him and blushed, then began to slowly unbutton her blouse. Dave stood in shock while he watched her undo her buttons and pull the blouse from her skirt. She looked him in the face and shrugged it off her shoulders.
Still looking Dave in the eyes she placed her thumbs in the waistband of her skirt. She began to slowly push it down while looking Dave in the face. Dave stood for a moment trying to wrap his mind around what the woman had said. It sounded as if she was telling him Pete demanded sexual favors from her and her sister in addition to raping them financially for the privilege of operating their business in his house. He felt a surge of anger when that thought settled in his brain. Finally, Dave found his voice and was able to move once more. He lurched toward the woman and reached for her. He stopped when she flinched away from him. "Stop! What are you doing? You don't have to do that", Dave said.
The woman looked at him and slowly stood straighter once more. As she straightened up she pulled her skirt up until it was in its original position. She stood with her hands clasped in front of her, her beautiful firm breasts standing proudly from her chest. Her nipples were rock hard points surrounded by her light tan areolas.
Dave walked to where the woman had dropped her blouse, bent and picked it up. He stepped to her and held the blouse out for her to take. "Please, put this back on. I haven't decided what I will do about this mess. I thought Pete was my friend. I trusted him to rent and manage the apartments we built into my grandparents home while I was away. I thought he was a better man than it appears he is.
"Now, why don't we eat that wonderful smelling breakfast you have brought me while I think about this situation?"
"Oh, no, Senor. This is all for you. If you don't want to, uh, make love with me I need to get back to my business. We have much business for the men going to work of a morning and I need to clean up from that and begin to prepare the lunch meal." She began to walk away then turned back to face Dave once more. She said, "When you are ready for Marisa and me to fulfill our duty let us know. We will make ourselves available as you require."
Dave stood a moment then yelled at the retreating woman, "What is your name? You never said."
She stopped and turned to face him once more before speaking. "Maria, Senor." The woman turned and trudged back toward the house. Dave could not help but watch as one of the most beautiful derrieres he had ever seen twitched and wiggled away from him. He stared with a blank look while he remembered those beautiful tits, also. Finally, Dave moved to the hood of his truck. He opened the boxes of food and poured himself a cup of coffee and began eating what turned out to be one of the best breakfasts he could remember ever eating. While he ate he thought about the situation and what he wanted to do now.
About the only decision he made that morning was to cut off the gravy train for his ex-friend Pete. He was back now and could manage his own property. He would decide what to charge for rent and who he would allow to remain in the building. He had been looking forward to living in the old house again, but somehow, now that he had seen what it had become, he couldn't see doing that. When Pete allowed it to be used as it is now he had ruined it for Dave. It didn't feel like home any longer. Oh, he still loved his little farm, but the house just didn't feel right to him anymore.
Dave also decided there was no reason to rush into a decision about work, either. Even if he reduced the rent on the house he would have more than enough income to live on while he decided what to do with the remainder of his life.
After he finished his breakfast Dave got into his truck and drove back to the house. He stopped behind the building and walked into the kitchen carrying the boxes and coffee carafe. He stopped just inside the door and watched as two beautiful women scurried about working on the next meal they planned on serving. When Maria saw Dave standing there she stopped working and turned to him. She quickly walked to him and took the items from him. She placed them on the counter behind her and turned back to Dave.
Maria looked at Dave a moment and then said, "Marisa, come and meet Senor Stebbins."
Maria turned back to Dave and continued speaking, "Do you need one of us now, Senor? We are very busy, but it is your right if you need one of us for a while. Please, though, could you let one of us remain and continue working?"
Dave said, "NO. That's not why I'm here, Maria. I only came to return your carafe. I still need to make some decisions and then everyone who rents from me and I need to have a meeting. I will let you all know what I have decided."
Dave turned and walked from the room. He got into his truck and went into Valdosta. When he got there he found a phone book and called some attorney's to make an appointment to discuss his situation. The attorney he decided to use couldn't see him until the next day so Dave made a few purchases and drove the eight miles back to his home. He spent the rest of the day inspecting his property.
His little farm had almost thirteen acres planted in large pecan trees. They had been let go while he was away and some of the nuts they dropped had come up. There was quite a lot of brush growing around them too. The two large buildings that had been used to store machinery and to sort, crack, and bag the nuts were getting a little dilapidated but still seemed to be structurally sound. The equipment was still in the machine shed. He would have to see what needed to be done to it if he decided he wanted to use it. Even if he didn't want to use it he needed to get it in good shape so he could sell it for a higher price.
Dave found an old chair his grandfather kept in the barn. He moved the chair out into the sales room and sat with his feet up on one of the display tables. He looked over the nearly two pages of notes he had taken during his inspection and began prioritizing his work. The shadows were getting long and the noise from the cantina was becoming louder while Dave worked. He first heard a noise then saw a long shadow moving across the ground toward him. He turned his head slightly and looked up.
Maria was once again standing beside him carrying food for his evening meal. She had another carafe of coffee with her. This time Marisa was with her. She had three bottles of beer in a small cooler. The women set everything on the built-in table originally used to display bagged pecans for sale. "We have brought your supper, Senor Stebbins. Marisa and I will return after we have closed the restaurant if that is ok? We have help evenings in the cantina so we can spend more time with you after we close the restaurant."
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Late last year as everyone knows something out of the ordinary happened at Kubla Con, the big annual SF and media convention taking place in Xanadu, a large conference centre in Orlando, Florida. A costuming event run in conjunction with Kubla Con had attracted thousands of people to take part in the show with a rich eccentric sponsor offering big money prizes for the best costumes and presentations. During the event strange changes, weird powers and arcane capabilities were bestowed on...
Late last year as everyone knows something out of the ordinary happened at Kubla Con, the big annual SF and media convention taking place in Xanadu, a large conference centre in Orlando, Florida. A costuming event run in conjunction with Kubla Con had attracted thousands of people to take part in the show with a rich eccentric sponsor offering big money prizes for the best costumes and presentations. During the event strange changes, weird powers and arcane capabilities were bestowed on...
Late last year as everyone knows something out of the ordinary happened at Kubla Con, the big annual SF and media convention taking place in Xanadu, a large conference centre in Orlando, Florida. A costuming event run in conjunction with Kubla Con had attracted thousands of people to take part in the show with a rich eccentric sponsor offering big money prizes for the best costumes and presentations. During the event strange changes, weird powers and arcane capabilities were bestowed on...
Late last year as everyone knows something out of the ordinary happened at Kubla Con, the big annual SF and media convention taking place in Xanadu, a large conference centre in Orlando, Florida. A costuming event run in conjunction with Kubla Con had attracted thousands of people to take part in the show with a rich eccentric sponsor offering big money prizes for the best costumes and presentations. During the event strange changes, weird powers and arcane capabilities were bestowed on...
Late last year as everyone knows something out of the ordinary happened at Kubla Con, the big annual SF and media convention taking place in Xanadu, a large conference centre in Orlando, Florida. A costuming event run in conjunction with Kubla Con had attracted thousands of people to take part in the show with a rich eccentric sponsor offering big money prizes for the best costumes and presentations. During the event strange changes, weird powers and arcane capabilities were bestowed on...
Late last year as everyone knows something out of the ordinary happened at Kubla Con, the big annual SF and media convention taking place in Xanadu, a large conference centre in Orlando, Florida. A costuming event run in conjunction with Kubla Con had attracted thousands of people to take part in the show with a rich eccentric sponsor offering big money prizes for the best costumes and presentations. During the event strange changes, weird powers and arcane capabilities were bestowed on...
The chat room was entitled, "Lesbian, Bi-sexual First Encounters". Searching for a chat partner, julie4u2000 looked through the profiles. There were some men in the room of course trying to find a woman who was not there for the roleplay as advertised in the description. The description simply stated, "curious women wanting to discover another side of themselves with another woman". Of course this could mislead a man. A few private message pop-up windows appeared almost immediately from...
Christopher Louis Phelps was being extraordinarily cautious. He had followed her to church that morning -- on foot -- after observing from a discreet distance her departure from the house. Her church was less than two blocks from her home, where, he now was certain, she lived alone. Well away from the church, he waited until, a little over an hour later, she emerged, spoke briefly to a few people, and walked home. At 2:30, he followed her when she left by car, drove to the center of the...
Phelps established to his own satisfaction that the girl worked regular hours and a five-day week. He learned her name, learned, as he had guessed, that she was a paralegal staff member at the law firm, and discovered, somewhat to his disappointment, that she was not a frequent habitue of the town's department stores or supermarkets in her daring costume of the previous week. He decided that his constant vigil was both unproductive and far too conspicuous. He settled on walk-bys past her...
Emma, dressed in cutoffs and a light blue jersey, left the house and drove away in her car. Phelps hastened on foot the half-block distance to the Chevy, and followed. The day was hot and humid, following on after the three long days of heavy rain, and the brief dash to his car had raised perspiration that dripped down Phelps' face as he started the engine. The ancient Chevy was stifling after its long wait in the sun. Phelps had no difficulty keeping Emma's car in sight as she drove the...
The telephone rang in Samuel Wicks' apartment. Sam, in bed but awake, grabbed the receiver. "Yeah." "Sam? Thiz' Lester." "Yeah, Sheriff?" "Sam, we got a dead girl. Out at Ain't There Lake. Not far from the highway, off of County Line Road. I need you to go out there, right away." Lester Mickelson was the Crandall County Sheriff. Sam Wicks, his chief deputy, was accustomed to getting the hard cases. The Sunday morning call was not that unusual. But was this a murder? Not too...
Only one car was parked in Heritage Realty's spacious lot --a slate-grey Land Rover. It was the first Land Rover Sam ever remembered seeing in Twin Rivers. The company was located in a handsome two-story detached brick building in the far-western section of Twin Rivers, near the new high school. Evidently, the entire spacious structure was Heritage Realty. The door was open. Inside, Sam saw no one in the front reception area, but he heard a man's voice down the hallway, and followed the...
Sam had spoken at length with Douglas Ferguson after the realtor had identified Emma's body. Ferguson told him where Emma had lived, gave him the names of several of her friends and associates, and suggested that Sam talk to Susan Hatfield especially -- identifying her as Emma's co-worker and closest friend. Ferguson asked for and received permission to call Susan himself, to break the news of Emma's death. Sam was happy that Deputy Fulcher had quickly and thoroughly checked out...
Lester had nobody, outside of Deputy Fulcher, to lend to Sam's effort to find Emma Majeski's murderer. Sam knew that even two officers working full-time on a single case strained the Sheriff's meager resources. After saying good-bye to Doug Ferguson, Sam had consulted a map, split up the thinly populated area around Ain't There Lake with Hugh Fulcher, and they both headed for the area in separate cars. Sam started with the service station on the main highway that bordered the turnoff...
George Wallace's trailer had its own entrance from the access road, but it was located quite close to the Hemphill doublewide from which Sam had just departed. Wallace, elderly, gray and extremely thin, was standing at the door waiting for him when Sam got out of his car. "'Evenin', Sheriff," the black man said. 'Saw you over to Artis' place. 'Figured you'd be by here next." "You know why I'm here?" "Yup. 'Nothin in the paper yet, I understand, but I heard about them...
On the way back to town, Sam used the cellular phone to call Butler Brown at his home, seeking an update on the coroner's findings. "I'm calling from the car, Butler. What can you tell me? Keep in mind that I don't want this to show up on WENC radio just yet." Sam's distrust of cellular phones was well-known within law enforcement circles. "Well, several things, Sam. First of all, the camera didn't do it. I've talked to Raleigh, and me 'n them concur that the bump on her head was...
"Good morning. I'm Samuel Wicks. I have an appointment with Charles Breckinridge and Susan Hatfield." "Yes, Mr. Wicks! Just follow me, please." Sam followed the dignified, splendidly dressed silver-haired woman through the spacious foyer and into the interior of the grand old mansion that now quartered Twin Rivers' finest law firm, Stevens, Breckinridge and Shelton. Sam wondered whether Messrs. Stevens and Shelton were just old dead guys with their names on the letterhead, or were they...
The lunch crowd was gathering at O'Grady's, a friendly restaurant and bar popular with young people in Twin Rivers. Sam though O'Grady's was pretty sophisticated, by East Carolina standards. It was a narrow storefront place with an impressive front-to-back carved oak bar. There were cloth-covered tables all about the stone-floored interior. There were Irish flags and other paraphernalia hanging from the rough brick interior walls that bordered a long row of wooden booths, built with tall...
Sam returned to the sheriff's office after three hours finding out that nobody at Stevens-Breckinridge, outside of Susan Hatfield, knew anything helpful about Emma Majeski's murder. The afternoon Journal-Herald carried a brief, but front-page, story captioned "Death of Twin Rivers Woman Unexplained". The story indeed explained little, beyond Emma Majeski's name, age and occupation, but Sam knew from the phone messages on his desk that the Journal-Herald and all its local electronic...
Christopher Louis Phelps had spent the past 48 hours in his hotel room. He had driven directly there from the wooded area where he had left Emma Majeski's body. Phelps had retained enough presence of mind, on Saturday, to park the old Chevy well-away from the hotel, on a side street just off the main business section downtown. There were no parking meters. He was confident no one would notice the car. But he had then walked straight to the hotel and into his room, and had not left the...
Phelps paid the cabbie and entered the busy Charlotte-Mecklinberg Airport. Leaving Twin Rivers at 3:30 a.m., he had exercised the utmost care in approaching the old Chevy on the deserted street, entering it, and driving immediately out of Twin Rivers by the most direct route. During the long drive to Charlotte, he planned, as carefully as he could, the means of deserting the car. He finally left it in a small suburban shopping mall on the far side of the city, keys in the ignition, doors...
Sam had given Hugh Fulcher the task of checking out service people who recently may have visited Emma Majeski's home. Using her checkbook record, Fulcher had located and interviewed three men -- a plumber, an electrician, and a chimney sweep -- each of whom acknowledged visiting Emma's home for service calls during the past four months. "Far as I can determine," Fulcher reported, "the plumber and the electrician got nothing to tell us. They're both solid citizens, and they don't come...
Sam knew that the special detail to which Madeleine had been assigned offered her no personal rewards beyond the County's penurious per diem and a couple of days proximity to the coastal waters. He decided his bachelor's bank account would easily support a special dinner at Lindsay's, Twin Rivers' finest restaurant. He worried that, not having warned Madeleine of his intention to spend freely, she might fail to dress for the occasion. But when he saw her emerge from the hotel elevator at...
Thursday morning, Sam discussed with Lester and Hugh Fulcher his belief that running the witness sketches in the newspaper or on television might be counterproductive. In addition to his fear that the drawings just weren't sufficiently definitive, Sam suggested that they might have the effect of scaring off the criminal. It was possible, Sam told them, that the suspect was unaware that he'd been seen by anyone who'd spoken to the police. Even a poor sketch, Sam thought, could spook the...
Sam and Hugh Fulcher organized an assault on hotels and motels in the area surrounding Twin Rivers. Although the city was small, the nearby ocean resort area and the intervening small towns with motel operations made the task a large one. Operating on the belief that their suspect might have considerable financial resources, Sam divided the long list of establishments with Hugh and directed the Deputy to begin with the largest and the most expensive of the hotels on his list. Key employees...
Sam was bone-tired, frustrated, and unhappy with the lack of progress. He still had no line on the mystery Chevy; only a fair-to-poor description of the suspect; little confidence that the suspect remained in the area, and few ideas about how to keep the investigation going. The film taken from Emma Majeski's cameras had been developed, and the photographs told him nothing. All three rolls of film were filled with nature shots, mostly birds. Emma's car had revealed no useful fingerprints...
Sam had no difficulty making it to Greensboro well in advance of lunch, having been able to force himself to postpone his departure from Twin Rivers only until 6:32 a.m., and stopping only for a hasty breakfast at a fast food restaurant just off the freeway. It was a bright, sunny day in Greensboro, perfect for the local Independence Day parade. Sam got caught by the lengthy parade, and it delayed his arrival at Madeleine's house despite his careful consultation of the Greensboro city map...
"I've decided to cook lunch at home," Madeleine said, as they finished their second round of coffee. "It'll take a little while, but with eight hours' drive, coming and going, I don't think you need to drive around Greensboro taking me to lunch." "You're so persuasive," Sam replied, "you ought to consider law school." "I hear you considered law school yourself," Madeleine answered. They had been happily engaged in getting better acquainted since Sam's arrival and...
Monday morning, before Sam could bring up the sting idea to Lester, the Sheriff called him into his office and told him the car had been found. "'Found it right outside Charlotte," Lester said. "Wiped clean and sitting in a suburban shopping center, keys in the ignition." "'Nothing at all to help identify our man?" "Not a goddamned Kleenex," Lester responded. "That fucker drove that rustbucket clear to Charlotte and left it sittin' out, hoping some kid would come along and...
Madeleine and the pizza delivery boy arrived at the same time, and Sam greeted both with enthusiasm. He had skipped dinner in order to share the pizza with her. Hugh Fulcher, who had not skipped dinner, was enjoying his second beer in Sam's living room. The long drive hadn't dimmed Madeleine's interest in the upcoming project, but she looked at Sam with surprise when he presented her with a Carta Blanca, a large slice of pizza, and two sheets of typed paper. "That's our schedule for...
Madeleine walked into the Best-Buy Supermarket, glanced up at the raised platform where the manager's office was situated, and caught a reassuring momentary glimpse of Hugh Fulcher. Grabbing a hand-held plastic basket, she moved slowly through the produce section, selecting an orange, an apple, and two bananas. Although she picked up only a few items, she systematically traversed each long aisle of the store, stopping frequently to study labels, or to glance at her fellow customers. The...
The next three days became a somewhat tedious rerun of the first day's fishing expedition. Following Sam's schedule, Madeleine varied the sequence of her visits to the small city's meager commercial establishments, continuing to make modest purchases of necessary and unnecessary items. Some of these, by prearrangement, were picked up periodically from her room by an auxiliary police officer, who returned them to the stores for refunds. As on the first day, Madeleine's beauty and her...
The drive to Jacksonville and the search for a honky-tonk hadn't taken much time, and when Sam and Madeleine made their selection and ordered their cheeseburgers in the dark, noisy juke joint not far from Camp Lejeune's main gate, they were a little disappointed to observe that the joint wasn't really jumpin'. Two beers later, however, things were definitely looking up. The juke box, formerly merely loud, seemed to have become deafening. The contingent of Marines on the premises had...
Christopher Louis Phelps had returned to Twin Rivers -- more or less. He had decided, as a precaution, to stay in a motel east of Twin Rivers, near the ocean in a small neighboring town that bordered the Marine base. He was close enough to Twin Rivers to visit it with convenience, and to visit the construction site of his future home to review progress. He felt somewhat safer, however, away from his original hotel. He missed the Hilton Riverside, however. His suite there had been somewhat...
Marshall Craig, the manager, hadn't noticed anyone following Madeleine, nor had the desk clerk. "This man came up from the marina," Sam insisted. "Did you notice anyone down there, earlier?" "No-o-o," Craig said, "but Mr. Phelps may have still been down there." "Mr. Phelps?" "Yes. He paid his bill a while ago and was preparing to move his boat from the marina." "Was he a guest of the hotel?" "He hasn't been, but he was a guest last month." "Last month? How old a guy...
Sam, crouched in the back of the van with camera at the ready, quickly became alarmed when Madeleine did not emerge from the lobby on schedule. It wasn't like her to play fast and loose with instructions. All week long, she had behaved in precisely the manner that he had asked, on every occasion. Picking up his hated cellular phone, he called her room. When there was no response, he called the manager. "Marsh, is Madeleine Deneau in the lobby?" After a quick look, Marshall Craig replied...
Please read previous chapters 1 & 2 Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Victoria picked up her phone disappointed to see no text, emails or calls from Jeremy. She was not heartbroken per say, but she did feel it in her gut. She wasn’t in love and she knew it, but she could not bring herself to not focus on this man. She needed to hear from him, she wanted to know that she...
Jeremy strolled in to his office building, casually greeting his staff one by one. His appearance more or less a formality as this company was his solely. He was the creator and founder of Playa Industries. His start as a womanizer led him to incorporate his flair for writing in with his keen sense of business. He started writing self-help books for guys looking to "get the girl". His play boy life style often flaunted in the pages making those who read even more of believers in...
Jeremy strolled in to his office building, casually greeting his staff one by one. His appearance more or less a formality as this company was his solely. He was the creator and founder of Playa Industries. His start as a womanizer led him to incorporate his flair for writing in with his keen sense of business. He started writing self-help books for guys looking to "get the girl". His play boy life style often flaunted in the pages making those who read even more of believers in...
Jeremy strolled in to his office building, casually greeting his staff one by one. His appearance more or less a formality as this company was his solely. He was the creator and founder of Playa Industries. His start as a womanizer led him to incorporate his flair for writing in with his keen sense of business. He started writing self-help books for guys looking to "get the girl". His play boy life style often flaunted in the pages making those who read even more of believers in...
Jeremy strolled in to his office building, casually greeting his staff one by one. His appearance more or less a formality as this company was his solely. He was the creator and founder of Playa Industries. His start as a womanizer led him to incorporate his flair for writing in with his keen sense of business. He started writing self-help books for guys looking to "get the girl". His play boy life style often flaunted in the pages making those who read even more of believers in...
Jeremy strolled in to his office building, casually greeting his staff one by one. His appearance more or less a formality as this company was his solely. He was the creator and founder of Playa Industries. His start as a womanizer led him to incorporate his flair for writing in with his keen sense of business. He started writing self-help books for guys looking to "get the girl". His play boy life style often flaunted in the pages making those who read even more of believers in...
Jeremy strolled in to his office building, casually greeting his staff one by one. His appearance more or less a formality as this company was his solely. He was the creator and founder of Playa Industries. His start as a womanizer led him to incorporate his flair for writing in with his keen sense of business. He started writing self-help books for guys looking to "get the girl". His play boy life style often flaunted in the pages making those who read even more of believers in...
Jeremy strolled in to his office building, casually greeting his staff one by one. His appearance more or less a formality as this company was his solely. He was the creator and founder of Playa Industries. His start as a womanizer led him to incorporate his flair for writing in with his keen sense of business. He started writing self-help books for guys looking to "get the girl". His play boy life style often flaunted in the pages making those who read even more of believers in...
Jeremy strolled in to his office building, casually greeting his staff one by one. His appearance more or less a formality as this company was his solely. He was the creator and founder of Playa Industries. His start as a womanizer led him to incorporate his flair for writing in with his keen sense of business. He started writing self-help books for guys looking to "get the girl". His play boy life style often flaunted in the pages making those who read even more of believers in...
Jeremy strolled in to his office building, casually greeting his staff one by one. His appearance more or less a formality as this company was his solely. He was the creator and founder of Playa Industries. His start as a womanizer led him to incorporate his flair for writing in with his keen sense of business. He started writing self-help books for guys looking to "get the girl". His play boy life style often flaunted in the pages making those who read even more of believers in...