Refueling free porn video

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The evening news droned on in the background as I threw the flimsy paper tray of synthesized nutrition into the microwave. Punching the timer, I poured another tumbler of cheap red wine and stumbled back towards the TV when a blinding flash illuminated the house like it was midday. A deafening report rattled the windows sending the cat scurrying under the bed and my glass of wine into free flight.
At first I thought the world leaders had finally pushed the big red button, but as several minutes passed and my heart rate slowly returned to normal, I threw out that theory, and turned to get more wine. Another blast of blinding light with an even louder report shook the apartment and the phone rang.
“WTF was that?” It was Barry my schizoid and slightly demented neighbor whom I’d known since I moved into the complex several years back.
“I don’t know; probably old lady Daisy breaking wind.” I offered as my pulse continued to pound audibly in my ears. Daisy was a retired blob of cellulite that lived below us and was a frequent yet unknowing subject of our discussion about the trouble with women.
“Damn high fiber diets!” Barry retorted; “Think the explosion came from the power plant – want to check it . . .?” Another flash and the phone went dead. Quickly reviewing my options, I secured the gas valve and joined my trembling cat just before the power went out. After several more earth shaking explosions, an unearthly silence enveloped the apartment complex like a heavy fall fog.
The sounds of the muted TV brought me back from to reality several hours later and I crawled out from under the box spring to survey the damage. There wasn’t any apparent. The rattled announcer on the TV spoke of an unusual meteor shower that had peppered the northern hemisphere sending air transportation and digital communications into disarray. Most of the asteroids had exploded close to the earth’s surface sending a bazillion tons of asteroid debris into the atmosphere while the few that had smashed into the ground left huge craters and a few casualties. No mention was made of the number of civilians that shit their underwear.
The wine was still cold, and tomorrow would come too early as always, so I downed the last remnants from the bottle with a few gulps and retired to the comforts of my soft bed. I fondled the soft quivering orbs between my legs as they throbbed thankfully in my hand. They were warm to the touch and seemed to quiver with their fullness. As most men, I had a particular fondness for my underused package, but was hesitant to pound my meat into senselessness as long as the remote possibility of encountering a sex starved nymphomaniac existed. The cat slid beside me and purred loudly effectively numbing my senses into dreamland.
The phone jangled persistently despite the pillow I’d thrown over my uncovered ear at its first silence shattering intrusion. Daylight had just begun dribbling through the shades and my hangover announced its unwanted presence with resounding effectiveness. Reasoning the telephone wouldn’t answer itself, I grabbed the receiver that was coated with some kind of sticky residue undoubtedly left over from a late night munchies attack.
“This better be important. . .”
“You still in bed dude – haven’t you heard what happened?” It was Barry going schizoid and I damn near hung up.
“Enlighten me, oh great god of bull shit.”
“Look out your window man, folks doing the nasty all over the place! Daisy got some young kid pinned and she’s screwing his brains out!”
“Like that’s something I want to see first thing in the morning, dude,” A grotesque image of flesh colored gelatin undulating on a defenseless victim almost induced a puke attack.
“Really; something came out of them asteroids that turn women into senseless fornicating machines! I gotta get me some of that!”
“Come on man – that might not be prudent until we find out what’s going on,” I mumbled as I threw back the sticky sheets sending the cat scurrying. My gonads were on fire and semen dribbled from my semi-hard member. “Geez Barry, my dick is leaking!” A loud report erupted from the earpiece followed by an unearthly scream and the phone went dead.
Almost immediately, there was a loud knock at the door. Grabbing the semen saturated sheet from the bed and wrapping it around my torso, I stumbled to the door and threw it open. Standing before me was an image of innocence; a sweet little girl in a tidy uniform with a prefab cookie box tucked under her arm.
“Wanna buy some cookies, Mister,” she mumbled as her gaze drifted to the tented sheet pointing directly at her. A high pitched squeak came from somewhere above her shoulders. With the swiftness and agility of a feline, she tore the sheet from my waist and threw a NFL worthy tackle to my knees. As I crashed to the carpet, she leapt astride my torso, guiding my dribbling dick into her moist, fuzz covered slit. I bucked my hips in an effort to throw my rider off, but she used the opportunity to reposition my inflating organ with her delicate hands. As my hips crashed down, she impaled herself fully on my cock as I heard a gasp from the doorway.
Dressed in a pink fluffy bathrobe, a young MILF shook off a look of disbelief and leapt towards my head. Nimbly dropping to her knees on either side of my skull, she opened her robe and pushed her hairy bush onto my lips. Grabbing my hair, she rubbed her tasty snatch over my face, as her boobs burst into the open air and began to swirl in concentric circles. The little cock rider squeaked with every downward thrust of her passion driven hips while I struggled to find the tasty source of feminine essence with my tongue in the forest of coarse black curls. Growls of desperation raised an octave when my probing tongue finally found her quivering bud longing for a licking. With a few quick swirls of my tongue, her grip tightened forcefully on my hair and her eyes squinted shut. I was drowning and smothering in ecstasy as she serenaded me with a plethora of orgasmic animal sounds and squirted her essence across my face.
The squeaks over my pelvis increased in intensity as the tiny nymph riding my hips crossed her threshold triggering my own mind blowing release. Never have I encountered such a sweet tasting pussy or such a tight, cock tugging twat. It felt as if two years of accumulated semen erupted within two seconds, damn near blowing the little cookie pusher through the roof. My two assailants’ slowly regained stasis, rose to their feet and hugged each other briefly before wordlessly gathering their clothing. Obviously self conscious, the mother and daughter team quickly disappeared into the mayhem outside, closing the door quietly. I was tempted to chase them to return the unsold cookies, but chocolate mint patties are my favorites and would suffice as a tip. Cradling my abused package, I wandered towards the shower after securing the front door.
A steamy shower and memories of my recent sex encounter gradually brought me back to the realization that something was just plain wrong. Flipping on the tube, I found snow on every channel except PBS where some white coat Einstein emulator was rambling scientific jargon about the potential social disruption from an alien induced pandemic. Despite his apparent lack of comprehensible vocabulary, his assertions substantiated his conclusion of the asteroids were a precursor to alien invasion. After all, what better way to disrupt the dominant species than to wrap their heads around self gratification vice self preservation?
The phone rang jerking me back to the present. It was Cindy, my on again off again lover of three years. Cindy was a great lover and confidant, but as myself, she had no desire to confine herself to a lifetime commitment solely with one person.
“Hi sweetie, how are you holding up?”
“I’m outside your door, care to let me in?”
“Depends on your intentions,” I asserted.
“Safe haven,” was her curt reply. There was a sense of urgency that collapsed my resistance and I stumbled to the door in my bathrobe.
She pushed her way past me as soon as I eased open the door with an elderly gentlemen tucked under her arm.
“Who’s your escort,” I quipped.
“Some super sized sex maniac was grinding him into the ground on the patio,” she murmured as she stroked his thinning hair. I helped her hoist the frail figure, still quivering with post orgasmic spasms, onto the couch and covered him with my sticky sperm soaked sheet. I felt his pulse and respiration which seemed OK. Cindy hugged me in apparent relief and I kissed her lightly in response.
She turned away and walked to the window to watch the sexual free for all unfolding throughout the complex. Soon her hand slid down to the front of her house dress in search of the moist folds hidden within. I walked over behind her, and gently massaged her beautiful breasts, brushing lightly over the dime sized engorged nipples. She leaned into me and sighed longingly.
“I need you, lover,” she whispered.
Turning her to face me, I laid a soulful lip lock on her, before slipping to my knees and pulling the hem of her housedress over my head. Her trimmed glistening pussy drew me to her, and I dove into the warm delicious wetness hungrily. Her hands pulled my head towards her gently as I licked her engorged lips noisily. Far more quickly than I’m accustomed, Cindy groaned and sprayed my face with her warm orgasmic nectar. She had always been a prolific squirter but today, she must have ruptured the main. Her knees locked and her hands forced me deeper into her swollen lips as she rode her orgasmic crest. I drew a deep breath, savoring the pungent sweetness of her explosive release. With several more subhuman groans and boob shaking spasms, Cindy wavered unsteadily and sank to her knees. We embraced as two long lost lovers for a small eternity momentarily transported to our own peaceful universe.
Finally, we broke our embrace and rose to our feet still holding hands. She released her gentle grip and reached for my willy with her eyes still locked on mine
“Not now sweetie, I got a headache,” I murmured as I pulled away from her.
She bit her lip as she pondered my first ever rejection.
“It’s not you, Cindy – I was just screwed by a girl scout and her mom.
“Are you alright?”
“A little sore and intimidated I guess.”
“Let me see,” she said as she pulled open my robe and gently grabbed my throbbing organ. “Gawd, it looks like you met the business end of a meat grinder!”
“It burns a little but I got some cookies out of it;” I gestured to the prefab cookie box.
She kissed the tip gently and parted her lips to take the reluctantly inflating organ completely into the delicious warmth of her mouth. Using her swirling tongue exquisitely, she coaxed renewed life and desire into my shaken libido. Easing her on to the floor, I raised her dress and slid into the familiar warmth of her essence. She cooed encouragingly as I slipped into my normal rhythm, bringing my hands up to the firm clothed mounds I adored. Almost immediately she closed her eyes and threw her arms around my shoulders, bucking her hips forcefully in synch with my own. Unexpectedly, her pussy muscles clamped unmercifully tight on the base of my meat as she released the familiar long guttural moan indicative of her impending orgasm. Squeezing the air from me, she sprayed my pubis like a firehouse and raised her hips into an almost inhuman arch.
Her entire body quivered like she was plugged into a light socket before she collapsed under me. As her clenched muscles slowly released my choked organ, she scooted down slightly forcing our pubic bones together. Rhythmically moving her hips in tight circles, she brought herself to another orgasm almost immediately. After a few moments, she repeated the same evolution until, after several more cycles; she collapsed under me and played dead. I slowly withdrew my overworked organ from her silky depths and rolled onto my back in blissful euphoria. And yet, despite the best sex of my life, the feeling of foreboding returned.
I heard the doorknob rattling, then the strained voice of Barry begging me to open the door. Reluctantly, I rose and twisted the lock open. Barry burst in with a young nymph clutching his leg and a wild look on his face. His clothes were tattered and his purple abused cock was flopping mindlessly out from a hole torn in the front of his trousers. Cindy stirred slowly, pushing the hem of her dress down over her knees and propping herself up on her arms.
“Dude, it’s unbelievable out there! I’ve poked more pussy. . .”
“Please Barry, that’s more than I really need to know right now. What did you drag in?”
Barry looked down at the trembling form at his feet. “It was her first time . . . hey you got some cookies!”
I nodded knowingly and waved towards the box. “Help yourself.”
“You know you got a corpse on your couch?”
“He’s the remnants of a young kid Daisy did in, I think,” I offered still recovering from Cindy’s induced euphoria and Barry’s unwelcomed intrusion.
“Hi Barry – who is your escort,” Cindy queried; “Toss me a pack of cookies, would you?”
“Sure,” Barry muttered tossing the cookies to Cindy,”She sort of followed me home.”
“Might be appropriate to take her back where you found her,” I offered.
“Yeah,” Barry groaned and slowly made his way to the door with the tattered nymph following right behind. As he opened the door, a group of geriatric graduates forced their way in. Cindy and Barry shrieked simultaneously as I dashed to the bedroom and slammed the door. Before I could turn the lock, somebody’s granny forced her way in and jumped on to my chest sending us both crashing to the plush carpet. She fumbled with the front of her robe while grinding her pubis against mine.
Despite the surreal scenario, I didn’t contest her intrusion into my bathrobe as, with nimble ministrations, she massaged my launch platform passionately into full readiness. Apparently pleased with her experienced handiwork, she slowly crawled up my thighs and straddled me with a groan; positioning my purplish head into her sparsely covered gray lair. Penetration into the dry orifice was akin to screwing steel wool, yet her enthusiasm was more than sufficient to compensate for my discomfort. I closed my eyes and visualized a porno nympho while she rode my overused member like a schoolgirl in heat. All too soon the burning sensation deep within my groin became unstoppable, and I pumped my creamy essence forcefully into her welcoming pussy. She shrieked like the wicked witch of the north as her muscles clamped surprisingly tight on my spurting invader. Gasping and sputtering through her orgasm, her body jerked spasmodically for several minutes until she fell forward on my chest. I held her gently to insure she was still breathing, before I eased her off me. A puddle of our combined orgasmic juices drooled from her gaping pussy onto my thigh as she breathed a gentle sigh. The cat came out from under the bed and started rubbing my face and purring. I made a quick mental note to feed it.
Stumbling to my feet, I rearranged my robe and moved back towards the front room in a daze. Barry was on the floor with a plumper bouncing unmercifully on his hips while the little nymph he’d brought in was rubbing her peach fuzz forcefully on his moustache. The old man that Cindy had rescued was being orally serviced on the couch by mousy looking spinster who had thoughtfully placed her dentures on the end table. Cindy was bent over the railing on the patio being railed from behind by a huge black guy with a humongous sausage. Each gut wrenching thrust brought a low pitched groan from Cindy and a lower pitched guttural growl from her meat server. I watched in fascination as the black pole slid in and out of her, tugging those delicious pussy lips almost grotesquely with each outward thrust. Finally, with the bellow of a castrated bull, he erupted into her womb violently, shaking like a giant oak in an earthquake. Cindy’s eyes flew wide open and she shrieked like a possessed banshee. As she climaxed, gallons of jizz were pumped into her already overstuffed pussy squirting a milky shower across his torso with each eruption. He slowly withdrew after his spasms subsided and staggered backwards. Cindy dumped a huge load of their combined essence onto the deck and sank to her knees.
I ran over to her and she offered a weak smile as I wrapped my arms around her trembling body.
“That was great,” she offered breathlessly. “You OK?”
“Yeah,” I offered, “Satiated and sore as you I suspect.”
We hugged and slowly rose to our feet, then turned to enter a now empty apartment. The TV continued its monotone babbling in the background and the cat stood by its plate meowing hungrily. The place was a mess, but could wait until after we savored some wine. I threw the soiled sheet behind the couch and plopped down allowing my robe to open haphazardly. Cindy dropped a can of tuna in front of the cat before she poured two glasses of red, red wine. On unsteady knees, she stumbled over to the couch and set them on the coffee table before she sat down and snuggled next to me.
“I wonder how long this hyper sex drive will last.”
“I could get used to it,” I offered, “In fact; I think we should exploit it further after we finish our bubbly.
She downed the contents with two gulps and asked “Ready?”
I downed my wine noisily and nodded. Suddenly there was a booming voice that overshadowed the hushed orgasmic expletives that were coming from everywhere outside:
We both sat momentarily stunned.
“WTF was that,” I queried as the message sank in and I hit the mute on the remote.
“I’m not sure,” Cindy murmured as she reached over and caressed my battered willy with her fingertips, “But I think we best keep you pumped up to meet the demand of our interstellar gas station!”


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When I saw the first time the cartoons of Robert, Damian, Quoom, Archimboldo (which I still adore), in my fantasy the scenes b Montagsfolter (deutsch) Gl?cklich ist, wer Hobby und Beruf verbinden kann. Sie kommen am Montagmorgen etwas sp?ter in die Zentrale, weil sie Wochenenddienst gemacht und sogar ?berstunden bis sp?t in die Nacht geleistet haben. Aber es war auch zu sch?n gewesen! Allerdings nicht f?r ihr Opfer, eine dunkel gelockte, sehr ansehnliche junge Frau. Nun ja, jetzt nicht mehr seh...

2 years ago
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Why I Choose My Boss

I get so many requesting asking why I choose my Boss, to be my mystery love partner. I am in late 20s and my Boss is in his late 50s. I worked for him for 5 years, during that time he never made any moves trying to get me to have sex with him. I see him only 2 days a week t work, I do his books.My Boss came into money through his wife family. She is in her early 60s. They have several business that they own. My Boss is well to do thanks yo her.One day about 2 years ago, my Boss approached me...

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All the Power Pt 2 On the Sacred Estate

The Sacred Estate was located on The Sacred Isle, formerly known as Pentash. It was an island renowned for its physical beauty and pleasant, temperate climate, across a small sea from the heartland of the Trasian Empire, towards the southern edge of the same continent that contained Nordland. The Estate itself was massive, practically the size of a small Nordish province. Surrounding a long, narrow, lake, about two miles wide at its widest point in the middle and about ten miles long, it...

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The AdvocateChapter 7

Once we were on the road and Dave had given Tony our next destination Dave turned to Pam and said. “I’m sorry. That whole problem in there in there is on me. I was feeling cocky because you are so beautiful and I knew that the club would love you and if I hadn’t allowed François to strip you none of this would have happened, but I wanted to show you off so I took that extra step. Please forgive me.” Pam looked at him and said. “I’m not sure what I’m forgiving you for, but I forgive you. Now...

3 years ago
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Mother in law blows Part 4

The last month of the summer passed uneventfully. We saw Louise a couple of times, but we obviously had to be careful. It was already too cold at the Germains’ end-of-summer bash, in early September, to get into the pool but that did not stop Babs. Man was she hot. Despite the weather -- mid 60s -- she wore her usual two-piece suit and spent at least an hour in the pool.Just before we left I went inside to go to the bathroom, but the first floor john was occupied so I went upstairs. Just as I...

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Jijaji Ke Saath Maje Wali Raat

Hi ISS readers! I am Raj and I am from Haryana. I am 20 years old and I am fair, 5’8” and I am curved and I am also gay. I found this out when my sister’s husband made me have sex with him. My sister got married off to a village in Haryana outskirts and it was one of the few villages that had college. Since our village did not have college, I went and stayed in my sister’s house for 3 years. One day, my sister had to go to a marriage of one of our cousins so she would have been gone for 3...

Gay Male
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Beach Patrol

I first met Nancy when I was working the overnight shift as a part-time police officer for a small ocean-side town on the Atlantic. She was sixteen, and her parents had just bought a small complex of duplexes in town. She was working at the only fast-food joint in town, and the only place in town open to get something to eat or drink after 10PM on a Saturday night, my usual shift. However, my contact with her was less at the restaurant than it was catching her, like clockwork, making out on the...

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A Come BackChapter 11 Under Pinnings

I went down to breakfast to find Molly and Cleo chatting contently. "Breakfast?" Molly gestured to the frying pan. "No thanks. I think I overdosed on chocolate last night." I said tapping my tummy. "Water?" "Water?" Cleo chuckled. "Headache?" "A bit. And a tummy ache, oddly." I smiled at Molly and accepted the offered glass of simple water. "Thanks Molly." "What are your plans for today?" Cleo asked. "Today?" I repeated after taking a long drink of the water, nearly...

3 years ago
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My Step Mom Story 2 of 3

Ok you hopefully read part one of my story but if not I'll fill you in I had a thing for my step mom since I was 13. She caught be a few times over the years of 13-15. Well I turned 16 and was really filling out. My penis was about 7 inches long and 7 inches in girth by now. Well the last time my mom and see my wood had been over a year that was all about to change. Well that summer I was gonna be trying out for our varisty baseball team. Well I had to go to our local store and get a new bat...

2 years ago
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Minaz servant

Hi, Mera naam Mina hai. Main apni pahli chudayee ki dastan likh rahi hoon. Us samay meri umar 18 saal ki thi. Mere ghar par Pappu naam ka ek naukar rahta tha. Uski umar lagbhag 42 saal thi. Wo dehat ka rahne wala tha aur bahut hi takatwar tha. Uska badan kisi pahalwan jaisa tha. Mere mummy papa us par bahut vishwas karte the. Jab kabhi mere mummy papa bahar jate to mujhe uske saath ghar par akela chhod jate the. Ek din mere mummy papa 4-5 dino ke liye bahar chale gaye. Ghar par main aur mera...

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How To Masturbate A Womanrsquos Guide

Masturbation techniques for qualitative solo sessions...Woman masturbation can be something of a taboo. And yet it’s something that most of us perform but rarely discuss. However, masturbation is in fact good the ongoing health insurance and mindsets need to modification because without openness, how do we realize how precisely to masturbate actually?The most typical way to masturbate is to trace a circle or figure of eight around the clitoris using varying examples of pressure, speed, and...

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Sneha Was My Real Prize

Hi..My name is Rocko Bangalore. Please send me your feedback to This is a true story that happened in 2009 in Bangalore. The start of this story goes back to 2004. I got this Sneha’s number accidentally and started my pranks with her. I soon learnt that she was married and had a 2 year old son in 2004. We slowly started exchanging SMSes. One day I found her in hi5 social networking site and realized that she was much beautiful than what I thought. I told her the same and she only sent a smiley...

2 years ago
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Military Bus Driver

So, this is a tricky story to tell. It took place several years ago while I was working as a civilian bus driver for a military base in North Carolina. It was a large one and men and couples were constantly coming and going. I was one of the drivers that would transport them to and from the barracks and the airport, etc. Being parked at one of the barracks a commercial 18 wheeler pulled in beside me and asked if I'd picked up sergeant Brassel yet. It was Sarah, a young female civilian driver...

1 year ago
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Spring time cuckolding

I love the spring time in Georgia. After a cold wet winter I'm always so ready to get outside. This goes for my wife also , she is ready to start working on her tan as soon as it's warm enough to lay out by our pool nude. It's only the first week in March but we have had several days already in the high 70's. Saturday I was working in the back yard raking up the last of the fallen leaves from last fall. I was on the back side of the pool when my wife called to me. I looked up and saw her...

3 years ago
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Chocolate and GoldChapter 3

My plan worked perfectly. We left Monaco just before eleven the next morning with Vannie almost fifty thousand dollars richer, thanks to a generous casino roulette wheel. Naturally, she repaid my investment in her good fortune. I had made a few side bets, but nothing had come up the way Vannie's good fortune did. I was probably down a couple of hundred. We stayed at the very nice Principe De Savoia in Milan. In fact, all the hotels her company's travel agent had booked for her were...

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My 2nd time with a transexual Escort

It had been a year since Isabella had ripped my anal virginity from me (see my rough treatment story) and life had gone on as usual. I was still in a relationship with the same girl and had continued my usual routine of of work and weekend benders with my noisy mates. I may have outwardly appeared butch and masculine to my peers but my session with isabella had changed me and i found myself masturbating regularly over the memory of my domination at the hands of my transexual tormentor. I wasn't...

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Incubus Soul Drain

Incubus: Soul Drain By Bud Warning: There are depictions of bloody and painful yet sexual acts in this. As well as snuff. (Technically not, idk. That's a spoiler. Fuck off. That's what you're here for anyways.) -***- "You're going to sit there and watch. Even though you want to get off I won't let you. The pain of not being able to cum will be the worst punishment I could think of." Gomorrah snapped his fingers and the cock ring around Cum Slut's penis tightened. He chuckled as...

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my first tranny pt 2

it felt so good to cum in her mouth. that wasn't planned. her mouth just felt so good. nice & wet. told her what really got me off so fast was having her cock in my mouth. "in that case, come here & suck it some more."she laid down with her legs open & her dick in the air. without hesitation, I got between those nice long legs & put her dick in my mouth. she was moanig as I sucked her cock. she was about a good 6 inches. I just sucked & sucked. she put her hands on my head...

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Lost in a Lonely World Epilogue

Roger sat down to read the last letter that his father wrote to him before he died. It had been a week since he was buried. Roger and Sue, You are reading this and it means that I am no longer in this world. You must be wondering why I wrote this letter even after dismissing all of you that Saturday. You must have some idea why I did what I did that Saturday. I was dying and I did not want to go from this world longing for another minute, another hour with my children and grand children. I...

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Kindness Ch 03

As noted in the first two chapters, people surprise us many times with unexpected kindness. Although there is plenty of evidence on nightly news that all is not well in the world and that people will rob, cheat and murder you at the drop of a hat, there are also the unseen, unreported thousands of examples where the opposite happens daily. Today, we have three stories from three different readers that I want to share. ReiDeBastos sent this one: One evening when my first wife and I were in our...

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Summer Nowhere Part Four I love you I Hate You

written by Nellieneska, edited by atrain_alex89 Hannah waited patiently outside of the bathroom as Brian finished up his shower. She had been thinking all morning about how she was going to say this to him and she was still unsure how it was going to come out. She knew it needed to be done though, whether she had the right words or not. A few minutes later Brian swung open the door and stepped into the hallway. When his eyes landed on Hannah, he jumped slightly, startled by her presence but...

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Best Friends Cheating Aunty

Accidents do happen every so often. Sometimes there are cosmic forces at work that thanks to some unknown galactic formula result in some unintentional incident taking place that you have no control over. Sometimes these incidents are good and sometimes they are bad but there is a third level in play here. It’s the grey area between good and bad. The incident itself might be good at the time but the fall-out is often very bad if handled improperly. More often than not the best solution in...

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The Best Job in the World Ch 01

Dirk Gannon had the best job in the world as far as he was concerned. He was in his second year teaching Physical Education at a Private High School Academy. Dirk was 28 years old and he was the picture of fitness. He was in great shape and at 6’3′ he weighed a fit 195 pounds. Dirk worked out five days a week in the morning before classes and on Saturday morning as well. He had graduated from college when he was 22 and worked at a public high school for four years. Dirk had gotten the job at...

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Sex Diaries Roommates

Josh Burrows stared up as Amy started slowly riding him. Her C-cup breasts bouncing with each gyration. He reached up and grabbed her soft melons and squeezed. He loved the they felt. Soft and ample. He traced his fingers over her erect nipples. Amy let out a low moan, and bit her lower lip. She stared back at him and leaned forward. Her lips came close to his, but instead of kissing she moved her lips closer to his and exhaled. Josh felt her cinnamon breath. Josh leaned in to kiss her but she...

1 year ago
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My Very Own Tentacle MonsterChapter 2

I was so mad! I just wanted to scream at the top of my lungs! But my dorm room walls were pretty thin and I could hear my next door neighbors when they were loud. I knew if I screamed they would hear me and I didn’t want to have to explain myself to a nosy neighbor. I know someone would ask. Having kept this crazy secret bottled inside only seemed to make it worse. I needed an outlet, but couldn’t find one. It had been a week since I had my encounter with the Tentacle Monster. Part of me...

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Office Souvenirs Part 1

Company meetings were so boring, so It was a good thing whenthe boss let them out for a short interval, and Alana made a line for the bathroom on the floor below. The floor that Liza worked on. Her co-worker always stayed late, she was a team leader for the marketing section, bossing around a bunch of nasty dudes that wanted nothing more than to stare lewdly at her tight ass and fantasize about fucking it. At the thought of Liza’s ass… and, oh god, Liza’s pussy, Alana’s knees gave a weak...

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Girls Night In Ch 02

I turned to head back out to my living room when Jennifer said ‘Hold on there speed racer. You look ready but I have a few more items we need to outfit you with before you go out there.’ She then grabbed me by my dick and pulled me back into the bedroom. As I stood in front of her she slipped a mask over the one I was wearing, it completely covered my eyes and left me blinded. ‘You’ve got to be kidding me Jennifer.’ I complained, ‘All those beautiful ladies out there and you want me to be...

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Harvest of Expectations Ch 05

Chapter 5 — Merry Christmas December 1973 Jim knew that life and all its events was a proposition of give and take. He strove to hold up his end by giving, lest he err in the taking. It was his last chance. It was nine in the evening and the stores would be open for anther thirty minutes. It would be no good to wait until the next day. The next day would be December 24 and he planned to use that as a travel day. Besides, as he looked around the big box store he could see that the shelves...

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satisfied my lusty sister

Hello i m akshat 19 years old from lucknow and this is a true incident that i m going to narrate.The incident which I am recalling was when I was doing my 12th(a year back).Month was of May very hot. We were having holiday for two months. I used to go and play cricket almost all the days. It was in such golden era of my life that I got an accident while playing cricket on the fields. My left leg got a fracture. I was hospitalized and brought back to home. I was nearly 20 days bed rest. Felt...

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He Spent His Last 30

This is a short story I wrote for a competition, using the prompt, ‘He spent his last £30 on a plate of oysters and a glass of champagne.’ It’s the first story I’ve written featuring disability, something I know a little about myself. Unfortunately, it didn’t place, but I still enjoyed writing it. Tx *** He spent his last thirty quid on a plate of oysters and a glass of champagne. To be delivered to the birthday girl’s table. Finally ready to tread the miles home, he picked up his coat,...

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CherryPimps Jillian Janson Eager To Get Cock In Her Ass

Jillian Janson has a confession after Isiah finds a buttplug in his car trunk. She knows how much he loves that ass so why not let him fuck it with that big dick of his… the only problem is that big black cock may be too much for her little ass to take without a little prep! She has been wearing buttplugs almost nonstop to stretch out that ass hole for him! Unfortunately it is no surprise now; but her ass is ready for that big cock to penetrate her ass! Jill gets that cock hard and soon...


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