Eye Opening Trip 4 Jim and Ann Redux
- 2 years ago
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The morning after Jim and Vicky's wedding Ann woke lying across her bed. She was still dressed in the same clothes she had worn to their surprise reception. It had killed her to sit outside in her cold car all alone and listen to the party within the VFW hall. That she had brought all this loneliness and ostracism on herself was almost too heavy a burden for her to bear.
Many times over the past months she had considered just packing up and moving away in disgrace like Brice had done. She just couldn't do that though. Her roots were too deep here in Steelville. Except for the time she and Jim had been away while he was in the service this had been the only home she had known. All her family and friends (those she still had left) lived around the town.
She stood and walked into her bathroom. After she had finished washing her hands Ann surveyed herself in the mirror. She was a mess. Her makeup was smudged and there were dark circles under her eyes. Her hair was graying and she had some wrinkles she wished weren't so evident.
Ann looked at herself and whispered, "How could you? How could you do something like that to the only man you ever really loved? Oh, why didn't I trust him enough to go to him for help when that Bastard threatened me?"
With a heavy sigh, Ann began removing her clothes. When she was nude she dropped her clothes from the evening before into the hamper. She grabbed her robe from the back of the door and wandered down the hallway into her lonely kitchen to make her morning coffee. When the pot was half filled with water she snarled, "Fuck it" and turned the water off, sat the pot down and stomped back into her bathroom.
Ann took a quick shower and dressed for the day. She put on jeans and a western shirt. On the way out of her house she put on her boots. She looked at herself in the mirror on the hallway door as she passed. "Not bad for an old Broad," she though.
A few minutes later Ann walked into the café in Steelville. The friendly morning roar died as everyone watched her saunter to a table by the window. She could feel the coolness pervading the café as its patrons drank in her presence. Finally Darlene walked over to her table and asked, "Whatcha want honey?"
Ann took a deep breath and whispered, "A new life maybe?"
Darlene said, "What?" and Ann shook herself. "I'm sorry Darlene. I know you're busy and don't need me crying all over myself here. Just coffee and a half order of Biscuits and Gravy please."
Darlene brought the coffee and a glass of water on her return trip. She looked at Ann a minute the pressed her lips together. After a moment she said in a kinder voice, "Some of us heard what you said to Vicky last night. Jack had to tell us what you told her at Edward's wedding. You blew it with Jim real bad honey. They don't come no better than him but you hang in there. Things'll get better if ya let 'em."
Ann looked up at Darlene in surprise then whispered, "Thanks. You can't know how badly I hurt knowing I let Jim down and lost him. I miss him more and more every day and I know I'll never feel his arms around me again. I feel like my whole insides are torn out but he does deserve better than me. When I see the way he looks at Victoria I cry inside again. I remember when he used to look at me that way. Sometimes I just want to die."
The noise level in the café slowly picked up as the patrons returned to the conversations they had interrupted when Ann came through the door. Ann was working on her third cup of coffee and enjoying her breakfast when the noise level dropped off once again. She looked up and wanted to sink through the floor. Jim and Vicky were coming through the door. They were the last persons she wanted to see this morning!
Vicky got through the door and Jim placed his hand in the small of her back to guide her to a table. Neither of them had seen her yet. Jim stood and surveyed the room to pick their table when his eyes lit on her. Vicky must have seen or felt him start because Ann heard her ask, "What Honey?" as she glanced back at him.
When she saw the direction he was looking Vicky followed his gaze to her. Ann blushed then wished she could sink into the floor when Vicky walked toward her table. When she arrived Vicky asked, "Ann could we sit with you today?"
Ann saw the look of surprise flash across Jim's face and tried to decide what to do. Finally she just nodded her head and said, "Uhhh I guess if you're sure you want to."
Vicky pulled out the chair across from Ann and sat. Jim stood a moment then, with a resigned sigh, he sat beside his new wife. Jim immediately buried his nose in the menu. That was obviously a ploy to ignore the situation because the menu hadn't changed in 5 years. Jim and everyone else knew exactly what the choices were.
Vicky looked at Ann a moment then with a sigh she said, "Ann if we make you uncomfortable we can leave but you look like you could use some company. I'm sure we neither one want you to have any more pain. You did Jim wrong and you paid the price. Now it's time to let it go and live the rest of your life."
Ann looked at Vicky and said, "I know Vicky. I woke up this morning lying across my bed in the same clothes I wore last night. When I was cleaning up this morning I told myself much the same thing. But it's so hard. I just can't make myself leave town. All my family and what few friends I have left are here. My whole life has centered on this town. Even when we were away in the service I felt drawn to this area. It's my home and yet I am an outsider now. I know other women and men have done things like I have and continued on but this is me now and I just don't know what to do. It hurts so much when I walk down the street and see people turn away from me. People I used to have call me a friend. I just don't know what to do now!"
Vicky put her hand over Ann's and said, "You just live Ann. You go through it a day at a time and try to show you're the same person and you have the same values you had before. You rebuild your life on the foundation you have left like I did when David died. My children and friends picked me up and kicked my ass until I started living again."
The noise in the café picked up again when they saw there would be no excitement at the window table. It was obvious a few of the customers were discussing Jim, his wife and his ex wife now instead of their original topic. No one interfered with the three though.
Ann stayed until Jim and Vicky finished their breakfast. They even visited some. All three were careful in their conversation but they did talk. At first they talked about Jim and Ann's two boys, their careers and their wives. They all thought Edward's wedding was tastefully done and they loved Mandy. This built a base for the two women to come together on.
Over the next few weeks, Vicky and Ann would meet in town as Ann began getting out more. Sometimes the two women would have coffee in the window of the café while Jim sat at another table and talked with the men. They never became close friends but they did have enough in common that they could visit. As the rest of the regulars saw Vicky visiting with Ann they became less wary of her and welcomed her into their conversations more easily.
Sometimes Jim would come to the café without Vicky. If Ann were there he would say good morning to her. If either of them had a new letter or e-mail from one of their children they would bring it and share. They would sometimes laugh about the news the children sent in the letters. Sometimes they would be worried or upset and would allay each other's fears.
As the other patrons saw the acceptance Jim and Ann had of each other they began to invite Ann to sit in on their conversations even if Jim and Vicky weren't present. Slowly Ann became a welcome member of the community again. One day Sam followed Ann from the café and when she was about to get into her car he said, "Ann we been talking off and on for weeks now. I kinda enjoy your company and I was wonderin' if you would like to go to the dance with me Friday night?"
Ann stood in shock for a moment and felt her eyes water. "Sam, I ... Uhhh, I don't know. I don't get out much and I'm afraid I might not be to good of company."
"Well, if you don't want to dance maybe we could just go to the dinner before it? If you don't want to stay for the dance I could take ya home after."
Ann wasn't real fond of Sam but she did like him. Finally she said, "Ok Sam. We can go."
The night of the dance Ann dressed western and waited on Sam on pins and needles. When he finally showed up he was thirty minutes late and offered no explanation. Sam smelled strongly of alcohol and Ann almost told him to go back home she was so upset. Ann had nothing against taking a drink or two but she was worried about Sam for some reason. She finally decided she did need to get out so said nothing. Besides, she thought; some of the other people she had been building friendships with might be at the dance.
From the moment she got into Sam's truck Ann was worried her decision to go with him had been a mistake. After the doors closed she was sure he had more than one drink before picking her up. His driving was erratic and he kept calling her honey and other terms of endearment that she felt were inappropriate for their relationship. They finally arrived at the dance and Sam hit the curb so hard his truck popped up on the sidewalk. He didn't even back up, just turned it off and said, "Well darling, here we are. Let's go cut a rug."
Ann followed Sam into the room and was disappointed he didn't even open the door for her. Sam was five feet ahead of Ann when they walked into the room. When he was inside he yelled out, "OK everyone, here we are. Let's get this party started."
Sam turned back and took her arm then led Ann to the buffet line. He never asked her what she wanted. He told the servers what to put on each plate then after he paid he handed Ann the tray and said, "Here ya go honey. Let's go find a good table." And walked off into the crowd. Twice while they were dining Sam left the table and went outside. When he came back he smelled strongly of alcohol.
Finally the meal was finished. Sam took a last sip of coffee and grabbed Ann's hand. He pulled her toward the dance floor. Ann said, "No Sam. I don't think I want to dance. You said we could just have supper and go home if I wanted to. I really think that's what we should do."
Sam said, "Oh no honey. We need to dance a little while anyway. We can go home after a couple of dances if you still want to." He pulled Ann to himself and began dragging her around the floor. It was obvious he didn't know any dance moves. He was like most of the men present and just tried to move a little with the music. Ann put up with this for one song. When the second song started and Sam held her tightly to himself she got her arms between them and forced herself out of his grasp.
Sam reached out for her again and Ann forcefully said, "No. Stop it Sam. I don't want to dance with you any more. I just want to go home."
Sam's face turned red and he said, "You fucking tease. You can play around with those city slickers like that Brice feller but all you do is lead us good ole boys on. When it comes to dancin' with us you think you're too good for us don't you? I don't need your crap. You can walk home if you want to go home so bad. I came here to dance and have fun and that's what I'm a gonna do."
Sam turned and walked away from Ann. He asked three other women to dance and they all turned him down. With a glare at Ann he turned and walked out the door.
Ann just stood there with tears running down her cheeks. She hadn't been this embarrassed or hurt when she had been publicly served divorce papers after Jim found out about her and Brice. Darlene came up and gently led Ann to the ladies room and helped her clean up.
When they were alone Darlene said, "Annie I'm so sorry. I didn't know Sam had asked you to go out with him. If I had I would have warned you. Mostly he's a good guy but he thinks he should start drinking early Friday night and go through Sunday. When he drinks he turns into an asshole. None of us women will bother going out with him. You probably noticed we don't have much to do with him through the week either. His drinking cost him his marriage and family. Now it's costing him his friends. We just didn't think to warn you about him."
Darlene led Ann back into the room and had her sit at a table with her and three other women. They all began telling stories about Sam and some of the other people present. Before long Ann was laughing. They even told her about Jim's little affair with Doris. Ann thought it was funny and at the same time she felt sorry for him.
Near the end of the evening after Ann had relaxed somewhat she began accepting dances with some of the other men. She even began to enjoy herself. Finally the evening ended and Ann realized she had no way home. She was standing outside the Senior Center trying to decide what to do when Harriet stopped her car and rolled down the window. "Honey you came here with Sam didn't ya? I saw your tussle with him and I bet you got no way home do ya?"
Ann looked at her then shook her head no. Harriet said, "Well, c'mon get in. I live out your way and I guess I can take a neighbor home in an emergency." Ann hesitated and then walked around and got into the car.
When the car started moving Ann turned to Harriet and said, "Thank you. I was trying to decide whether I had to guts to call Jim and Vicky for help or what I was going to do. I just can't believe that Bastard did that to me."
Harriet just laughed and said, "Oh, don't let it bother ya too much. Most all of us've had a run it with Sam at some time or another. Heck, even a lot of the fellers've learned to stand shy of Sam."
By the time they got to her house Ann decided she liked Harriet and invited her in for some coffee. She was pleasantly surprised when Harriet agreed. They visited until nearly 130 a.m. before Harriet left for her home.
Ann was so embarrassed she almost didn't go into the café for coffee Saturday morning. In the end she decided what the hell she hadn't done anything wrong and went. She was pleasantly surprised when some of the regulars stopped by her table and told her they were sorry for her trouble with Sam. One man in particular seemed more upset with Sam than she was. She remembered dancing with him a time or two the night before. She saw him a lot in the café too. What was his name? Oh, yes. George.
George stopped again at her table on his way out. He hesitated then sat down and leaned with his arms on the table. He looked at Ann and said, "Ann, I'm darn sorry about your trouble last night. I was going to offer you a ride home but I saw you getting into Harriet's car. I wanted to talk to you some more but I was just too darn slow."
Ann blushed and replied, "Thank you George. I remember we danced and I enjoyed it. I really didn't want to go with Sam but everyone has been telling me I need to get on with my life. He seemed OK when we talked in here so I told him I would. I almost didn't go after he got to my house because he was late and had been drinking. He wasn't acting very nice but I let him talk me into it. I want to thank you and I intend to thank everyone else for their kindness last night."
"Heck, don't worry about it. I enjoyed the dances and conversation. Well I guess I better get to work. I'll see ya later Ann." George said as he rose and walked off.
Two weeks later Ann took herself to the dance and during one of the bands breaks asked if she could use the microphone. She got up onto the stage and said, "Could I have everyone's attention?"
When the noise died down and most of the people turned toward her Ann began speaking. She said, "Many of you know me and what I've done. I grew up in this town and love it like most of you do. I know I've done things you don't approve of. I did things I am deeply ashamed of. Some of you have accepted me back into your lives. Some of you still don't want anything to do with me. I understand why and that's your right. I do want to say Thank You to all of you tonight though. Thank you for letting me try to rebuild my life. Most of all though, I want to say thank you to those who were so nice to me two weeks ago here at the dance. You all deserve a special thank you. I was totally shocked by what happened and I don't know what I would have done without your kindness and understanding."
Ann put the mike down and walked back to the table she was sharing with Harriet, Darlene and some of their friends. She seemed embarrassed when most of the dancers applauded.
When the next song began Ann felt a presence behind her and a finger grazed her shoulder. A hand landed on the back of her chair. George bent down and said, "Ann would you please dance with me?"
Ann started to say no, then just nodded her head yes. George held his hand out and Ann took it. He led her to the floor and to her surprise he turned out to be a better dancer than she remembered. They danced the whole set away and she found herself relaxing and enjoying herself.
When he took her back to her table George pulled up a chair and began talking. He did talk to the other women there but it was obvious he was focused on Ann. Before she knew it the dance was ending at midnight. Ann drove home in a fog remembering the night. She had danced with three other men but the only dances she could remember were with George.
Saturday morning George came into the café after Ann. When he saw her sitting alone he grinned and made a beeline for her table. As was the custom he just pulled out a chair and sat. Darlene brought his coffee without asking. She looked at them and asked, "Ya havin' breakfast or just coffee?"
Ann said, "Just the coffee Darlene."
George said, "Well girl I worked up an appetite last night and I got a big day ahead of me today. Bring me a Denver omelet, hash browns, and toast please."
While they were waiting for George's breakfast he said, "Ann I had fun last night. I had more fun that I ever had at one of them dances. I'd really like it if you would go with me to the next one. If you wanted we could even have dinner someplace else first? Could we do that?"
Ann sat in shock. Could George be asking her for a date? If he was did she want to go with him? George looked at Ann and a worried look came over his face. He said, "Annie I didn't want to upset you. I just had so much fun the other night I wanted to do it again with you. I don't want to bother you any. Let's just forget it OK?"
Ann looked at George's face and saw the disappointment written on it. All at once she realized she did want to go with George. She said, "No George we won't forget it unless you changed your mind and don't want to go with me any more. I was just surprised you would want to go with me considering my reputation and what happened with Sam. I think I would like to go with you. As far as the meal goes, whatever you want. We can eat at the dance, here or anywhere else you want to go. Surprise me."
George grinned and his whole face lit up when Ann agreed to go with him. He just looked into her eyes and said, "Thank you Ann. I'll look forward to it." For the rest of his meal they made small talk and for the life of her Ann couldn't remember what they had said after she got home.
Finally the day of the dance came around and Ann decided to wear a dress this time. She took extra pains with her make up and wore a knee length blue gingham dress with a full skirt. She felt her efforts were worth it when she opened the door for George. He stood stock-still and stared at her. He made a visible effort to talk but only said, "Damn Woman. Ya look good enuf to eat."
Ann dimpled and said, "Thank you kind sir. And speaking of eating, am I dressed appropriately for where we are going to dine?"
George looked her up and down once again and said, "Yeah. I thought maybe we'd just go to the café if that's all right with you?"
They had a nice meal at the café then walked the two blocks to the Senior Center for the dance. They were almost there when Ann realized they were holding hands and strolling like a couple with no particular place to go. She realized not only did she like the feeling of walking with George but that she had missed walking like this a great deal.
As dances went this one wasn't out of the ordinary but to George and Ann it was special. Ann only danced with two other men the entire evening. When the last song ended Ann and George were just more or less standing in one place and holding each other. George looked down into Ann's eyes and before she realized he had bent his head and given her a gentle kiss. She was surprised to feel herself moistening and her nipples were so hard.
George pulled into Ann's drive, helped her from his truck and escorted her to her door. She turned to thank him for the wonderful evening. They stared into each other's eyes and as one they leaned in for another kiss. Ann felt George's hands on her back pulling her against him. With a moan she stuck her tongue out and touched his lips. George's tongue met hers.
Ann felt her heart rate speed up and she moistened more. George's hands slid down until they were resting on her hips. He whispered, Damn Woman you can make a man's toes curl. I know it's late but I sure don't want this evening to end."
Ann smiled and asked, "Would you like to come in for some coffee, a nightcap or something?" She still had her hands on Georges hips just like he did hers.
George looked at his watch and said, "Sure. It's not even one a.m. yet. I'm not much for drinking but this late I better stay away from the coffee."
Ann led George into her house and said, "If you don't mind I would like a glass of port. Jim and I used to end our special evenings out with port. Somehow it just feels like that is what we need to end this one." Her hands flew to her mouth and a look of horror came over her face as she said, "OH, I'm sorry George. I didn't mean to compare ... I mean I was just ... OH" she broke down crying.
George looked at Ann helplessly a minute then gently took her in his arms. "Shhh," he said. "It's OK Annie. I know you didn't mean nothin' by it. I never had port but if you say it tops off a good evenin' then that's fine with me because I surely do feel like this was a good evening."
When Ann had gotten her tears under control she hugged George and whispered, "Thank you. I'm sorry. I'll get us some port then. Why don't you just have a seat? I'll be right back."
George sat on the couch and watched as Ann walked toward her kitchen. He thought she sure had one fine behind. He felt himself stiffening more and had to adjust his cock in his jeans.
Ann came back with their drinks and sat on the other end of the couch. She curled her legs under her and covered them with her skirt. They made small talk and before they were aware the first glass of port was gone. Ann asked, "Would you like another one?" George said, "I could drink another one if you will."
Ann smiled and took both glasses to refill them. When she got back George was standing in front of the fireplace looking at the pictures on her mantle. "Those sure are some fine looking young folks. You must be real proud of them. You and Jim sure looked handsome in that family picture too."
Ann said, "Yes I am. Both boys have been in the military over 10 years now. They are like their father and intend to make it their career." She sat on the couch and George turned and sat right beside her.
Ann was surprised how natural it felt. She didn't have any qualms about George being that close to her. She was pleased because she had been nervous on the other side of the truck from Sam. Ann sighed and leaned her head against George's shoulder while they sipped their drinks. Conversation had dropped to nothing. Just being together was enough for them.
George turned his head and lifted Ann's chin with his finger. He bent and put a gentle kiss on her lips. They pulled back slightly then their lips met once more. This was not a gentle kiss. They nearly devoured each other. Ann moaned deeply and felt a flutter in her abdomen. She tried to press her breasts against George as he pulled her toward himself.
They broke the kiss and pulled back from each other slightly. George looked into Ann's eyes and sighed. "Annie," he said. "I better get going before we get into this too deep. I sure did enjoy the night and I can see why you like to end a good evening with this port. I think I'll get me some for special evenings too."
After George left Ann went into her lonely bedroom, undressed and climbed into bed. As she lay there she let her hands wander over her breasts and downward to her slippery pussy. For the first time in a long time when she thought of having a man in her bed it wasn't Jim. George filled her thoughts until she finally drifted off to sleep.
Sunday morning Jim was sitting in the café with his morning coffee when George came in. He took a chair at Jims table and they visited about normal things for several minutes. Finally George looked at Jim and said, "Jim I need to ask you some personal questions. You probably know I've been seeing Ann some and we have gone to some of the dances. I think I have some feelings for her and before I get myself into trouble I need to know some things. I understand if you don't want to talk about it but I really need to know."
Jim sat and looked at George. He could see how nervous George was. George was fidgeting in his chair and wouldn't look him in the eyes. He felt his stomach lurch as he remembered how Ann had done him. With a heavy sigh he said, "You can ask George but there are some things you need to get from Ann and there are some things I probably won't tell you."
George said, "Fair enough. I know she had an affair with Brice but I need to know ... well, I think she seems like a good woman and I just don't understand how she could do that. Did you have trouble with her before or was this a one time thing you just couldn't get past?"
"George as far as I know Ann is a good woman. She let Brice have her instead of coming to me for help when he tried to blackmail her. She got drunk years earlier and he got her in his room. They did some things a wife shouldn't do with anyone but her husband. Brice found an old picture and threatened to show it to me if she didn't go with him. Ann gave in to Brice instead of coming to me for help. I couldn't get over her letting him do that to her instead of her asking me for help. I couldn't get over her lack of trust in me. What she did years before might have caused the divorce but the lack of trust and the things she let Brice do the last time sealed the deal. With the exception of one night at our ten year high school reunion she was a good wife up until three months before the divorce."
"Ann was a good housekeeper, she worked hard and took great care of me and the children. I still miss some of the conversations we used to have. I just couldn't accept what she did."
"Like I said, Ann is a good woman. At Edwards wedding she apologized to me and explained her feelings about her affair. She could see how I was feeling about Vicky. I had not told anyone that I was falling for Vicky but Ann saw it. She came up to Vicky and said, 'Vicky I think he is yours now. Please take care of him for us and whatever you do don't do him wrong. If you do I swear I'll take you apart. He doesn't need another cheating bitch in his life.'"
"Then the day Vicky and I married Ann waited outside the reception until we started out. She faced Vicky down again. All she said was, "You remember what I said at Edward's wedding and we won't have any trouble. Congratulations you two." She walked off before any of us could think of something to say to her. Like I said, she is a good woman and was worrying about my happiness after she had hurt me so badly. Now can we talk about something else?"
George left shortly after Jim told him about Ann. He went to the nearby stream and pretended to fish while he thought about Ann and what Jim had told him. He finally gave up and loaded his gear into his truck. He drove to Ann's house.
When Ann heard the truck drive up she came to the door. "George what are you doing here in the middle of the day?" she asked.
George looked a little uncomfortable and said, "Ann I've been thinking about you ever since last night's date and I need to talk to you. Do you have time to visit a while or should I just leave?"
Ann said, "Sure George. Come on in. I was just puttering around trying to decide what to do. I can use the company. Do you want to sit inside or on the patio?"
"I don't care much Ann. Wherever you want to sit is fine with me."
"The patio then. I just made some ice tea. Want some?"
"Yeah, thanks. That'd be good," George said.
When they got seated George was looking around having trouble deciding what to say and how to say it. He knew what he wanted to say to Ann but the words just wouldn't come. Ann sat and looked at George. She could tell something was bothering him and finally asked, "George what's the matter. Did I do something?"
George sighed and said, "No Ann I think I did. I haven't felt this way since my wife left me. I still don't know why she would rather live alone than be with me and I wonder sometimes if I was just a bad husband. When she first left I thought there was another man but she always said there wasn't. As far as I know she hasn't dated since the divorce. She told me after her menopause she didn't want sex and was tired of me asking for it. She said the best thing for both of us was for her to leave so I could get on with my life. Now I'm thinking of a woman again. A woman I would like in my life permanently and I am afraid."
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John Dawes stood on the Park's front porch in the waning light of day, trying to summon the courage to knock. For weeks he had avoided them. After Mary-Ann and Rhonda had told him to go and find a girlfriend, so he could be in a relationship instead of fucking around with his neighbors, melancholy, and then outright depession had come over him like a fog. He knew he had caught feelings after having sex with them and attempting to help them conceive, so he had tried to ignore his neighbors...
"I can't believe that almost three months have already passed," Ann, said quietly as she perched on the arm of the large comfortable chair David was sitting in. "Our time here will be over before we hardly know it," she complained sadly, a trace of bitterness in her soft voice. "I know, darling," David said, sympathizing with her. "I'll probably never be lucky enough to ever meet anyone as wonderful as you, Ann. " "Well, you know, Ann reflected, "Like they say Time really is the...
It all started one beautiful day during the summer holidays. The early morning already promised great temperatures, and when we left for the beach, the sun was shining pleasantly warm on our skin. When my girlfriend Alex, a friend of hers, her younger sister Ann and me arrived at the beach, it was already pretty crowded.After finding ourselves a nice spot, we began settling, spreading out our towels and changing into our swimwear which we had already put on at home. Until then I had never taken...
Brent worked as a Financial Manager for United Investments for several years. He was married to De Ann, a knock out. Brent was 34; De Ann was 33 and only 5 foot tall with long brown hair and hazel eyes. Brent loved De Ann's breasts, a perfect 36C, but he thought her best quality was her firm ass.Although Brent thought De Ann had a great, near-perfect body, her lack of confidence in her appearance resulted in a very conservative dress. This lack of confidence in her appearance also frustrated...
Jimmy sat up in bed and felt the dry cum on his belly from last night's masturbation. A quick look at the clock told him his parent's had already left for work and their weekend trip so he knew he had nothing to worry about. The plans he had for the day could begin right now. Stepping out of bed, he padded to the bathroom and began the process. A long shower began the day. He made sure his shapely legs were shaved silky smooth before moving to his underarms and then to his pubic area. He liked...
CrossdressingAnn Alder put her viola in its case with a sigh.. “Oh am I bushed,” she thought. “Won’t it feel great when I get to my massueuse in 20 minutes’ drive? This rehearsal has been super and we’re certainly ready for the big concert tomorrown night, but the concentration has tightened me up phenomen-ally; only Dr. Davies’ trained fingers will be able to bring me back to my normal relaxed happy state!” Norman Dalley, Arnold Steinam and Michael Arbor,...
My wife Ann had just turned fifty-one, and we recently celebrated our twenty-fifth wedding anniversary. We are your typical middle class family with kids off to college, and dreams of retirement someday. Over the last few years I had become fascinated with the idea of sharing Ann with another man. I went to great lengths to talk her into it, and after several years of trying she finally relented to the idea of offering herself to another man after an innocent incident in the park one afternoon....
MILFIt had been earlier this year when my wife Ann went back to college after nearly thirty years. She had just changed jobs inside the company that she had been with for more than twenty two years, and needed a special certification for her new job promotion. It was a huge a huge opportunity for her, and she had been trying for this promotion for the past few years. She had to attend a night class once a week at a local university not too far from where we live. Ann was a bit uncertain about going...
MILFIt was now spring 1970 and Clare had just moved to a new home in the small rural town of Dunghill where she was the assistant manager in an agricultural machinery firm selling tractors and other items to farmers and servicing them. One day she went out to a farm nearby to drop of a brochure for combine harvesters. At the farm she pulled up in her blue Mini and watched a farmhand carry a freshly slaughtered Southdown ewe to an outbuilding to be butchered. Clare was met by Ann who was standing by...
One spring day in 1922 Ann closed up the shop where she worked. She was keen to run her own shop but it would be a several years before a legacy from an aged aunt would allow her to do this. For the time being, aged just 20, she continued to learn the ropes from Mr and Mrs Hunter.The next day she was closing up again but this time Mr and Mr Hunter were present. They called Ann to the storeroom at the back of the shop.Ann entered and closed the door.“Now, Ann, last night you forgot to lock the...
She had taken the vibrator and egg along with some of the sexy panties and bras. On Wednesday she had a afternoon break which she always spent in the library and this is where she was going to try the egg. She had put it in after lunch and had walked around with it deep inside her pussy with the wire running up across her clit and the control tucked into the waist band of the skirt. She wore a very suggestive smile on her face as she walked down the hall to the library. As soon as she was...
Recovering from my accident took a long time. It was frustrating because I’ve always made a point of keeping fit and here I was barely able to move. I spent many hours with the physiotherapist. She seemed to take an almost sadistic pleasure in making me find the re-use of my body. But eventually my sessions with her were over. She only had some parting advice to give me, namely that I should enroll in a dance or stretching class to continue to improve my flexibility. She gave me the...
Ann was a beautiful brunette with large hazel eyes, perfect smile and a body to die for. She had large firm breasts with a cleavage so inciting you wanted to kiss her and bring her great sexual pleasure just by looking into her eyes.Ann had a look that would follow you into your dreams. The only problem was that Ann knew it! Ann would tease and bring you right up to the point of thinking, just maybe she will let me into her world with great kisses and the promise of better things to come.One...
Her father had missed her birthday again being out of the country on something to do with his work and she knew he wouldn't be home for another month, if then. He did call to wish her a happy birthday but as soon as he had told her that asked for Debbie so Ann barely knew he had called. She hated his job because he was always gone for months at a time. She knew as a diplomat it was what he did but not having him around meant Debbie was in charge and she treated her like she was her little...
It has been nearly thirty years to the day that I first met my wife Ann. We met through a good friend of mine who had been dating her sister at the time. Ann had just gotten out of college and had little in the way of dating experience. I was eighteen months older than her and hadn’t done much in the way of dating myself over the past few years. Ann had been the first girl I had ever fallen for, and we seemed to hit off almost immediately. We dated for nearly three years before finally getting...
Wife Lovershe Meeting"Ummmm, Mark.....?""Yes, Becca?""Before you meet my mother there is something that you need to know...""....and that is?...""She is not your average person.""Well, neither am I!"We both laughed at my big cock joke."No...I mean it. My mother is...is a...well, she...""Cat got your tongue, almost wife?""Not cat but you are close. Pussy is more like it.""There is only one pussy that I am concerned about this evening, Becca." and I gave her upper thigh a squeeze then watched my fiancee...
"Oh god darling, at little deeper pleasssse."Doug has been holding back, teasing my pussy! Then he thrusts deeper into me, the feeling of his stiff shaft penetrating my very wet vagina is overwhelming and I cum and so does he. I feel his hot ejaculations into my pussy.Doug pushes my legs back towards my ears to fully expose my cunt to his attentions. I want max penetration this time. he thrusts deep, deep into me! I feel the tip of his cock brushing against my cervix, and it again is too much....
As Ann continued to relax at the ranch, her thoughts kept coming back to the past days events. Her sexual appetite had soared from the gang type rape endured by the dog pack. Her pussy and asshole seemed alive with a new realization of her body’s needs. She loved fucking! But not just by anyone, but the raw savage animal instinct she had out in the woods. It was pure fucking at its best. No wining and dining. No drama or the nasty rumors she had heard of so much in school of the girls who...
This is fiction but, it was inspired by real events. Jack was between jobs and spent the summer of 1992 with his Dad in his house on a lake in upstate New York. His n**ce Ann was living with her Gr****d for a year to get away from her batshit crazy mother. Ann was fif***n with beautiful eyes, brown hair, sweet lips, and strong shapely legs. Jack hadn’t lived there in fifteen years and all his friends had left town so he and Ann spent the most days hanging out on the shore in hammocks,...
The Orientation of Kelly Ann Black At the end of his day, it was a tired Jason that made his way home. As he walked up his walk, he noticed a cute, young, petite, dark haired girl sitting on his porch. “I'll bet you are the lovely Ms. Kelly Ann Black.” “Yes Sir. Please call me Ann. Dean Malcomb sent me here for orientation. I don't understand why. I've already been through the university's orientation class.” “That's fine Ann, but my orientation is a bit different. You...
It's early AM Friday. Dutch moved stealthy under the covers until he reached Rosa's cunt. As he began to lick her she angrily shoved his head away. "Maybe later, Dutch, not now. My clit is so sore, so tender and sensitive that I'll go right through the roof if you try to eat me right now. I promise you can suck your come out of me later. Now go back to sleep. Dream about Ann for a while." "Well I can't help it, baby, I'm too fucking horny to sleep and I've got this hardon that...
. Negro Reparations MOVEMENT according to Ms ANNOct 14 15 16 in Washington DC was the site of the MILLION MORE Rally, where 1 million Black men rallied in DC to petition the Government for Reparations due to 400 years of Slavery. Characters MR John Hanover, 62 His Grand Dad own a SOUTHERN insurance company that insured Black slave MRS ANN DOW Hanover Blonde Hair 49 yr, 5ft 8 170 lbs 42FF 38 40. Her Family made a future from selling slaves in the Deep South. Leroy. 20 yr, Young Black college...
Introduction: The sibling teens go out on a date William and Ann Chapter 6 Saturday morning arrived and the kids were eager to get started on their official first date. Larry gave Ann $200 in cash and William $30. He told them to spend it wisely and enjoy their outing. Hed be waiting at home anxious to see what she got. Ann gave him a hug and kiss on his mouth. Larry, not wanting to waste the moment, returned the hug and gave her a little more than a fatherly kiss in return as his lips opened...
Chapter 6 Saturday morning arrived and the kids were eager to get started on their official first date. Larry gave Ann $200 in cash and William $30. He told them to spend it wisely and enjoy their outing. He’d be waiting at home anxious to see what she got. Ann gave him a hug and kiss on his mouth. Larry, not wanting to waste the moment, returned the hug and gave her a little more than a “fatherly” kiss in return as his lips opened up and attempted to taste his daughter’s bottom lip in...
Introduction: I finally remember where I know Jack from, HELL. The Story of Ann Chapter 5 They Call me Jack I followed Jack outside not knowing why he wanted to talk to me. I hoped it was not to ask me out as if he did I was going to refuse. I had learned my lesson after going through three husbands since I was seventeen. There was something about him and it troubled me in a way. I felt I knew him from somewhere I just could not remember. Jack took me over to his truck where Frank was...
Ann and the looking glass. ©Hitchhiker 2002.Ann had found the mirror at the second hand shop. She had moved house, and needed a long mirror to put in her new bedroom.The mirror had been hidden at the back of the second hand store behind three old wardrobes; it was covered in dust and cobwebs. Why she had looked that far back in the store, she couldn’t understand, but there it stood nearly 6 feet tall and 2 feet wide supported in a frame of near black Mahogany. The...
Chapter 1. Discovery I spend a lot of time on the Internet watching porn and viewing naked photos of wives posted by their husbands. Some, however, are posted by the women themselves, which I always find a bit more arousing, to know there are women out there who enjoy showing the world their naked bodies and who post their own photos for all of us dirty old men to see. So I spend a lot of time looking at porn on the Net and jerking off to it. I also post my wife’s photos in a few...
Incest“Mum! MUM!”Ann looked round. Jess was waving at her from the far side of the barrier. There weren’t many people at the airport and Ann smiled as she saw her and headed towards the girl, her suitcase wheels sending out a gentle hum on the smooth airport floor. “Jess!” she said and they embraced.“Jeff’s just gone to get the car and he’ll meet us outside,” the girl said as the two women headed towards the doors of the terminal. “How was the flight?”“Uncomfortable,” Ann said with a smile. “I...
Siv breathed heavily after her orgasm, while Ann fingered her pussy.- I want your cock, but you must eat my pussy first, said Ann and spread her deliciously wet pussy.Ann came to me and I watched her sexy hairless pussy, which was dripping wet. She spread her labia. I saw clear slippery cunt juices drip from her pussy. I eagerly pushed my head against her lovely pussy. Oh want an awesome smell and taste. I licked her and grabbed her ass.- Oh you’ll get my cock so fucking hard in your holes...
I followed Jack outside not knowing why he wanted to talk to me. I hoped it was not to ask me out as if he did I was going to refuse. I had learned my lesson after going through three husbands since I was seventeen. There was something about him and it troubled me in a way. I felt I knew him from somewhere I just could not remember. Jack took me over to his truck where Frank was standing and Jack said, “Ann, I want you to have this truck.” “I couldn’t Jack,” I replied. “I only want...
Introduction: Three men enter my live. How will each of them hurt me? The Story of Ann Chapter 4: How to Hate Men without Really Trying Rick came over for dinner that Sunday night and he made a good impression on both grandma and on Frank. He was polite and kind even helping grandma with the dishes. Rick also found out that I had a child. He seemed not to be concerned about it. He even picked Michelle up and held her. Michelle just stared at him then looked to me as she held out her arms and...
By the time that Ruth-Ann got to the last period of the day, she was so excited it was hard to sit still. Going to all of her classes, knowing that the panties she left the house with this morning were now in her Principal’s possession had just kept her wet all day. It was a very strange and cool sensation to go to biology class today and have to sit on the little metal stools. Because she was bare underneath, her moist pussy had been resting directly on the cold metal, which was very...
Rick came over for dinner that Sunday night and he made a good impression on both grandma and on Frank. He was polite and kind even helping grandma with the dishes. Rick also found out that I had a child. He seemed not to be concerned about it. He even picked Michelle up and held her. Michelle just stared at him then looked to me as she held out her arms and said, “MAMA.” After dinner was over and the dishes done grandma, suggested Rick and I go for a walk around the ranch. She told me she...
I met Ann on a married adult dating site several months ago. Ann is 44 years old and her pride and joy are her 40D tits. Her nipples are incredibly sensitive and it takes very little effort to get her pussy dripping and crying to be eaten and fucked. In the short time that we’ve been seeing each other, there’s not much we haven’t done. Although she prefers having her pussy fucked and sucking the cum out of my cock, she also enjoys a little ass fucking once in a while. She’s a sex addict's...
Group SexI had stopped off and picked up Gail for some shopping when we were walking down the street and suddenly saw Ann coming out of an adult bookstore with her arms around another man and kissing him as they walked out. We watched for a second as they continued towards a car and watched as they got it and Ann immediately bent out of sight and we knew she was down giving the guy a blowjob right there in the car. I looked at Gail, "Now that's very interesting" I said and then "I'm gonna head over to...
As I watched Aunty Ann get undressed and turn the shower on I could feel my cock go real hard taking it out of my trousers I rubbed it slowly as I watched her soap her real sexy body through the spy hole I had made about a year earlier when spying on my sister Heather, and my mum Helen I could tell Ann knew she was being watched as she soaped her body she smiled and gave a sly look towards the pin hole camera, that was nearly un detectable to the naked eye, her hands soaped her large tits and...
Ann and Will were an older couple that enjoyed sex and exploring their fantasies. Since meeting on Lush several years ago, they had gone from cyber-lovers to physical lovers. As they became physically connected, they had found many ways to enjoy each other. They never failed to try something new in their relationship if one or the other wanted to try it. This had broadened their sexual appetites in many ways and found them always stretching the boundaries of what each other would do. Today was...
Spanking"Oh god darling, at little deeper pleasssse.""How's this!" as I thurst all the way into Wendy tight pussy. I was holding out to tease her."OOOOOOh, yessssss, nnnnnninnnng" As Wendy's hips jerk off the sheets with the force of her orgasm. Her pussy is pulsing all over my cock and I can hold back no longer as my cum streams into Wendy's cunt.I roll her legs back so I can get maxiumu penetration into Wendy's hot vagina. My erection is starting to build again as Wendy toys with my ass hole. I'm...
Ann’s husband had wanted to see Ann with another man for the last few years. He yearned for the day he could see his beautiful wife of more than 30 years being fucked by another man. Ann’s husband knew Ann wasn’t getting any younger and the time left for his ultimate fantasy to come true was slowly coming to an end. He was desperate at this point and would do whatever it took to see Ann with another man. There was just one big problem Ann’s husband had, and that was that Ann wanted nothing to...
Over the next few weeks Ann and I continued to play our little sexual games in the office and I must say she was as creative when it came to sexual fun as any woman I had ever met. For example; one day I came back from lunch early sat down behind my desk and to my surprise there was Ann, kneeling topless, her slacks open, legs spread wide and hairy pussy exposed just waiting to suck me off and masturbate at the same time. And then there was the time I followed her into the unisex executive...
Ann’s husband had wanted to see Ann with another man for the last few years. He yearned for the day he could see his beautiful wife of more than 30 years being fucked by another man. Ann’s husband knew Ann wasn’t getting any younger and the time left for his ultimate fantasy to come true was slowly coming to an end. He was desperate at this point and would do whatever it took to see Ann with another man. There was just one big problem Ann’s husband had, and that was that Ann wanted nothing to...
MILFIntroduction: The end is near for this incestuous story William and Ann Chapter 15 It had been five weeks since William had entered Anns room and inseminated her with the sole intent to create a love child with his sister. Ann only had Larry fuck her nine times since that day, and seven of those times he spilled his seed into Natalie while Ann observed the injections into her friend from inches away. Her dad had turned his focus on Natalie for the most part, but he still left two loads of his...
-Oh fuck. I shouldn't never had agreed to this. I thougt, when I tried to pass all those old ladys on my way to cruise ship. I still can’t believe why I promised to accompany those two 19 yr old students Ann and Siv. They just want to have fun and I’m old enough to be their father. I did fuck Ann just few weeks ago and almost got caught for it. I then decided to be really careful for not to that again. But when Anns mother asked me to accompany her daughter and her daughters best friend on a...
Chapter 15 It had been five weeks since William had entered Ann’s room and inseminated her with the sole intent to create a love child with his sister. Ann only had Larry fuck her nine times since that day, and seven of those times he spilled his seed into Natalie while Ann observed the injections into her friend from inches away. Her dad had turned his focus on Natalie for the most part, but he still left two loads of his greasy sperm in his daughter in those five weeks when Natalie was...
Introduction: My life begins at the young age of seveteen. The Story of Ann Chapter 3: How I Ruined my Life Before it even Started In my last chapter, I told you about receiving a 1963 Chevy pick-up truck when I got my drivers license. I also told you about meeting a ranch hand named Sonny who helped Frank put the truck together for me. Sonny had asked me to the races next weekend and my grandma told me I could go with him. Sonny asked me to pick him up, as he wanted to show off my truck...
In my last chapter, I told you about receiving a 1963 Chevy pick-up truck when I got my drivers license. I also told you about meeting a ranch hand named Sonny who helped Frank put the truck together for me. Sonny had asked me to the races next weekend and my grandma told me I could go with him. Sonny asked me to pick him up, as he wanted to show off my truck while we were at the races. I picked him up at his house, which was an apartment building almost in town. We went to a dirt track...
Ann arrived about ten thirty, she had taken her car to work. (Parking was not bad on Saturday mornings ) When I heard her blow her horn I opened the door to an empty slot in the garage downstairs. She drove in and I closed the door behind her as soon as I was sure she was inside. She came on up the stairs and walked in to my garage apartment. Ann has to dress nice at her work place. She was drop dead gorgeous in a woman's suit. She wore stockings and medium heels. Her skirt hem was just...
Ann went to the kitchen for some paper towels. I was still catching my breath, enjoying the aftermath of my own orgasm, and leaking cum out of my limp cock. I watched as she walked, her tits swaying, and all that cum on her arms and chest. She was attractive, sexy and erotic. When she returned she cleaned herself, then me, then the floor and couch. “Can you cum again?” she asked. The answer, of course, is yes. But then I had to admit that we might have to wait a few minutes before I would...
HardcoreIt is the final part of the events happened. For a better read, the readers are advised to go through the previous stories. And for a short prelude, here is the brief history of all events happened. Please send your feedback to I have written a few stories in Indian sex stories and a mallu couple based at Chennai messaged me for their service. The couple -Ann and Steve – wanted my service. Steve was a businessman, 27 or 28 years old and Ann was 26. Steve has a small dick and that is why the...
I was so happy to get all the nice mail about Melly's and my adventurewith her new strap-on. I was asked to send in some more of my stories soI thought I would start at the beginning. I am GennyI was always a very sensual kid. My mom tells me that when I was veryyoung I would rub myself on her leg when I sat on her lap to get a storyread, and when I was a little older there was a hand rail for thestairway that was just crotch high I remember spending long minutes onthe old wall phone talking...