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"This is a samba, and next up will be a tango, by request," the DJ announced. About time, I thought, having handed him the CD half an hour earlier, just after I arrived at the Chevy Chase Ballroom. I hope he remembers which track it is. I noted that Mina Patel had just arrived, and began working my way across the room to where she was sitting, threading my way past couples engrossed in the energetic Latin dance. I'd met Mina at a dance the previous winter, and been impressed with her talent. Though she'd only had a few ballroom lessons at that point, she followed well and learned quickly; I only had to show her a new figure once and she'd follow it perfectly from then on. Of course, her looks hadn't hurt any: petite and slim, Mina was blessed with a small chin, full, burgundy-red lips, prominent cheekbones, and enormous dark eyes that sparkled with merriment and mischief. I'd only seen her a couple of times since then, but the last time I'd given her and three of her friends from the American University Ballroom Club a ride back to their campus following a dance at the University of Maryland, where I was studying.

"Would you care to tango with me when the next song comes on?" I asked, as I came up to the bench where Mina sat.

Mina looked up from putting on her dance shoe and favored me with a dazzling smile, made brighter by the contrast between her white teeth and dark skin. "Hi, Nathan! I'd love to; just a moment." She finished adjusting the straps and turned to the other shoe. Finished with that, she rose gracefully to her feet, placing her small hand in mine. "I like your pin," she commented, touching the little silver Darwin fish on my lapel. "Just like the one on your car."

"Thank you," I said. "It lets people know where I stand; sort of like a believer wearing a crucifix or a Star of David. Of course, some people don't know what it means; that's led to some interesting conversations. Fortunately, ballroom dancers around here are a pretty liberal, secular-minded bunch; I've met a couple of good little Christian girls who were offended by it, but not a lot."

"Certainly not me," Mina said. "But you already knew that." I nodded, recalling her delight on first seeing the Darwin fish plaque and the bumper stickers that adorned my car: "When Religion Ruled the World, They Called it The Dark Ages;" "Freedom is the Distance Between Church and State;" and "Support the Theory of Evolution: 400 Billion Amphibians Can't Be Wrong!"

We stepped onto the floor and into closed dance position. A lot of women, especially beginners, tend to shy away from the suggestive physical contact that a proper closed position entails, and their dancing suffers for it. Mina did it right, flowing up against me with her right knee between my legs, her right breast brushing my chest, and our hips always in contact, because that's where the lead comes from. She wore an off-the-shoulder dress, and the fine, downy hairs on her upper back tickled my right hand where it rested behind her shoulder. I found the sensation vaguely sexy, which was odd when I thought about it; usually I found body hair on women something less than attractive.

As we squared up, the samba faded out and the next song began. After the opening dramatic musical flourish (an essential part of any good tango), Tom Lehrer's scratchy tenor filled the room: "I ache for the touch of your lips, dear/But much more for the touch of your whips, dear/You can raise welts like nobody else/as we dance to the Masochism Tango." Recognizing the song from the first couple of chords, Mina glanced up at me and grinned. "I might have known," she said. "This was your request, right?"

"Yup." I grinned back at her. "I seem to recall that you enjoyed this song last year." Then I straightened up, holding my head high and to the left as my instructor always insisted. I reminded myself to keep my steps small; even with her high heels, the top of Mina's head was barely higher than my chin, and her small size would make it all too easy for me to throw her off balance if I wasn't careful.

After taking a moment to catch the rhythm, I began to dance, leading Mina through several basic American tango figures. She followed even better than I remembered, so I risked leading something a bit trickier, an open fan reverse turn. She executed it perfectly, as Lehrer sang, "At your command/Before you here I stand/My heart is in my hand... ugh!/It's here that I must be!" Coming back together, we paused in promenade, and Mina arched gracefully over my arm as we waited for the rhythm to resume after the "ugh." Then we continued the dance, working our way around the floor twice before the song ended.

"You're getting really good, Mina," I complimented her, as we walked back to the bench. "I know girls who've been taking lessons longer than I have who don't follow that well."

"Thanks. I took an American Smooth class over the summer, and I think it helped a lot. Did I get that fan turn right? Sometimes I'm not sure which way to turn."

"You did it right. If you can't tell which way to turn, it's probably because your partner didn't lead it properly."

"That could be," she acknowledged. "Most of my partners are beginners like me. It's nice to be able to practice with someone a bit more experienced."

"I'm hardly the best man here for that, you know," I said. "Compared to most of these guys, I'm a beginner too."

"Maybe, but you have a year and a half of lessons on me, and you're patient when I make a mistake; most of the advanced dancers I know don't like dancing with newcomers..." She paused, noticing a couple from American University who had just arrived. "There's Vlad and Marina; I'm going to go say hi to them, okay? I'll see you in a bit."

"No problem," I replied. "Save me the next rumba, okay?"

"Sure thing," she said, and headed over to greet her friends, while I looked around for my next dance partner.

Most of my usual partners weren't there that evening, and Mina knew very few of the men in attendance, so I ended up dancing with her more often than not. Her sultry rumba, danced to Gloria Estefan's "I'm Not Giving You Up," made me wonder whether she was flirting with me, but I couldn't tell for sure. I've never been good with non-verbal communication, and the rumba, when done well, seems seductive whether that's the intent or not.

Delightful as her tango and rumba were, Mina really came into her own when we did swing, which she'd been studying much longer than ballroom; dancing to hits like "Jump, Jive, and Wail" and "Zoot Suit Riot," her energy and enthusiasm lit up the floor. At one point toward the end of the evening Marina and I sat out and watched while Mina and Vlad danced lindyhop to "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof," Mina's small size making it easy for her partner to lead the spectacular dips, lifts, and aerials which are the hallmarks of advanced swing.

When it was time for the traditional good-night waltz, I sought Mina out, and we floated around the floor to the ethereal strains of Secret Garden's "Serenade to Spring." As the music ended I led Mina out into one last graceful turn, and bowed low over her hand. "Thank you," I said. "That was a lovely waltz."

"Thank you," she replied. "It's been a lovely evening all around. I missed this place over the summer. So, will I see you at Du Shor next Friday?"

"Indubitably. By the way, the evening isn't over yet, at least for me. A bunch of us are walking up the street to the Cheesecake Factory; we'll grab some dessert and hang out and chat for a while. Would you like to come?"

Mina looked crestfallen. "I'd like to, but I'm supposed to get a ride back with Vlad and Marina; I don't want to take the Metro this late at night. It's a long walk from the station back to my dorm."

"I wouldn't want you to have to do that. Tell you what, if you want to come to Cheesecake, I can drive you back to A.U. afterward; it's only a few minutes out of my way."

She brightened. "Oh, would you? That would be great! Let me just go tell Marina I've found another ride and I'll be right back." She hurried away to where her friend sat, while I sat down to change my shoes.

A few minutes later we headed out to Wisconsin Avenue together, both wearing our street shoes now. Outside the ballroom I paused. "If you don't mind, I'd like to put my backpack in the car before we go up to the restaurant."

"Sure," she said. "Is it back there?" She gestured at the parking lot behind the NationsBank, next to the building that housed the ballroom.

"Yeah, it'll just take a moment."

Just then the last few stragglers emerged from the ballroom door; among them was Julie Wallace, the president of the A.U. ballroom club. "Oh, Mina," she said, "I need to talk to you about the class schedule for this semester..."

Mina glanced at me inquiringly. "No trouble," I said. "I'll be back in a minute and we can go eat."

"Okay," Mina said. "Would you mind taking my stuff, too?"

"No problem." I took the bag with her dance shoes and headed around the corner to the parking lot. My car was parked at the opposite end, and before I reached it I was buttonholed by Jerry Wu, a classmate from my social ballroom class. Jerry was enraptured with a girl he'd met that evening, who I already knew from previous outings, and wanted to know if I knew whether she had a boyfriend. (I wasn't sure, but thought that she did.)

By the time I'd said goodbye to the disappointed Jerry, put the bags in the car, and come back around to the front, Julie had gone. Strangely, Mina was no longer waiting by the ballroom. Instead she was halfway up the block, walking away. With her was a young man I didn't recognize. He looked Indian, like her, and he had his left hand on her upper arm. Something very odd was going on. I opened my mouth to call to Mina, then thought better of it and simply quickened my pace to catch up with her and her mysterious escort.

As I got closer, my sense of "something wrong here" grew. The young man's grip on Mina's arm appeared excessively strong, and her dragging gait suggested she didn't want to go with him. He had a light jacket on, odd for such a warm September evening, and his right arm was held across his chest. What the hell? I thought. Is he carrying... oh, SHIT! Mina glanced back at me, just for an instant, and the terror in her eyes told me more than I wanted to know.

As I came up next to the young man, I could see that his right hand was hidden inside the jacket -- and I was all but certain that it held a gun pointed at Mina. Cursing silently, I tried to remember everything I'd learned about dealing with guns in the few martial arts lessons I'd taken. Luckily, my instructor had been very focused on practical self-defense, so we'd learned techniques for dealing with armed opponents -- but I didn't like the odds one bit. The first rule of trying to take a gun away from an opponent was an emphatic "don't." After drumming that into our heads, he'd shown us some moves to try if we didn't have a choice, but none of them had a great chance of success. But I couldn't just let Mina be abducted, could I... ?

All of this flashed through my mind in an instant, as my left hand fumbled for my pocket knife. It was only a little Swiss Army knife, more of a tool than a weapon, but it was better than nothing. I worked the blade open while it was still in my pocket, then got a good grip on it, drew a deep breath, and addressed Mina's would-be kidnapper: "Let her go, asshole."

The young man didn't answer; he merely threw me an irritated glance and quickened his pace, dragging Mina with him. I took in his scraggly beard, and the loose-fitting white pants he wore below the jacket, and something clicked in my head. "I said let her go, you stain of pig shit on the robe of the prophet."

This time he snarled something in a language I didn't recognize, shoved Mina forward and away from him, and turned towards me, pulling his hand out of the jacket. That was what I was waiting for; the moment the gun cleared his coat, before he could bring it to bear on me, I grabbed it with my right hand, fingers closing over the top of the slide, thumb jammed under the hammer so that it couldn't fire. At the same time, my left hand came up and drove six centimeters of Swiss steel into the back of my opponent's wrist. The blade went clean through, passing between the radius and ulna, severing tendons and veins. He shrieked, clutched at his arm with his other hand -- and let go of the gun.

I stepped back, putting some distance between myself and my opponent, who had fallen to his knees; then I dropped the knife and got a proper grip on my new weapon. Right up to that moment I'd assumed I was dealing with a simple stalker, perhaps a former boyfriend or even an older brother angry with Mina's rejection of the "True Faith." When a sedan parked in the next block pulled out of its space and roared toward us in reverse, it took me a precious second to realize what was really going on. As the car's passenger side window slid down, I caught a glimpse of a submachine gun inside.

Had the gunman simply smashed the window, my reaction would have been too late, and I have little doubt that Mina and I would both have died on that sidewalk. As it was, the slowness of the window mechanism saved us. I jerked my gun up from its low aim at the kidnapper, gripping it with both hands and focusing on the front sight, and snapped off two shots at the approaching car. My aim was off: I shattered the rear passenger's side window, then overcompensated for the recoil and put my second round into the rear door.

The gunman ducked down below the level of the window and the car braked hard, tires squealing, then shifted gears and sped away, disappearing around the corner of Jenifer Street. The entire incident had lasted less than a minute. The wounded man was on his knees, hunched over and cradling his right arm, muttering what I suspected were curses in his unfamiliar language. Mina had stumbled when he shoved her away, but had regained her balance and was glaring furiously down at him. She said something in what sounded like the same language, and he directed a louder curse at her; her face darkened, and she slapped him hard.

"Hey, take it easy," I said. "He can't hurt you now."

"You don't know what he just called me," she retorted, then softened. "Thanks a lot, Nathan; I think you just saved my life."

I shrugged, embarrassed. "You're welcome; it seemed like the right thing to do. Do you know this guy?"

"I never saw him before this evening, but I noticed him on the Metro when I rode over here. He kept staring at me, and I had the feeling he might be following me; that's why I didn't want to take the train home."

"Ah, I see. Well, stalker boy here isn't going anywhere now; why don't you go over to that pay phone and call the cops while I keep an eye on him?"

"All right," she said. She walked briskly to the phone by Paul's Liquors. I kept my attention on the erstwhile abductor. After a moment he looked up at me with a more contrite expression. "Please," he said, "I'm bleeding..."

"Serves you right," I observed, "But here, take this." I kept the gun on him with my left hand, while undoing my belt with the right. I pulled it off and tossed it to him, avoiding getting close enough for him to make a grab for the gun. He managed to loop it around his arm and pulled it tight, applying pressure to the wound.

"Thank you," he said, then lapsed into silence.

In a moment Mina returned. "The police are on their way."

"Good," I said. "The sooner I can get rid of this thing, the better. I don't care for guns."

"You did pretty well with it a moment ago," she observed.

"I like them even less when they're pointed at me. The passenger in that car had a submachine gun; we're damned lucky he decided to duck instead of shooting back."

Mina shivered and drew close to me. Without thinking about it, I wrapped my free arm around her shoulders and hugged her. She sighed and laid her head against my shoulder; our prisoner looked disgusted.

Moments later two police cars turned onto Wisconsin from Garrison Street and pulled up to the curb in front of us. "Put the gun down," the driver of the first one said through her loudspeaker. I placed the pistol on the sidewalk and kicked it away where neither I nor the injured kidnapper could reach it; then I raised my hands.

The cars disgorged an ethnically diverse quartet of cops. One of them, a compact young man with a blond crew-cut, covered the kneeling man with his pistol, while his Korean partner removed my belt from the man's wrist and began wrapping it with an Ace bandage from his first aid kit. The remaining two officers, both black, approached Mina and me.

The few times I have had any kind of dealings with the police, I have found African-American officers much pleasanter than Caucasian ones. It might be that they make a special effort to compensate for their community's sadly well-founded mistrust of the police, or it might be that the old boys' networks that still control many police departments set higher standards for black recruits than white ones, or perhaps a combination of the two. I wasn't sure how well either factor would stand up in a majority-black city with a majority-black police force, but I still felt slightly reassured. In any case, these two made an interesting pair. The woman, who appeared to be in charge of the group, was in her mid-thirties, short, wiry, and light-skinned, with hair teased straight and pulled back in a severe bun. Her partner was younger, about six-foot-three, and ebony dark, with broad shoulders and arms that hinted at thousands of hours of weight training. I thought he might be a first-generation immigrant; given an assegai and an oxhide shield he would have fit right in with Cetshwayo's regiments at Rorke's Drift.

"Are you the one who made the call?" the female officer asked, looking at Mina. Her imposing partner held a notebook and pencil ready to record our answers.

"Yes, ma'am," she replied. "This creep tried to kidnap me; Nathan here stopped him, at considerable risk to himself. I hope you're not thinking of charging him with anything."

"There were at least two others, in a gold sedan," I added. "A Toyota Camry, I think. The one on the passenger side had some kind of small automatic weapon -- an Uzi or a TEC-9, something like that. Luckily for us, they decided discretion was the better part of valor after I put a couple of rounds into the car. It shouldn't be too hard to find; the rear passenger side window is smashed, and there's a bullet hole in the rear door, too. I'm afraid I didn't get the license number, though."

"I did," Mina said. "It had Virginia plates: JMS 2261."

The female cop spoke into her radio, then returned her attention to me. "I'm Sergeant Dawes, and this is Sergeant LeCroix. We need your names and contact information, and then please tell us everything that happened, starting when you first noticed the kidnapper," she instructed. I proceeded to relate the entire incident; then Mina did the same, albeit in a slightly less detached fashion; her assessment of my courage in defending her caused me to blush and shuffle my feet in embarrassment. As we were talking an ambulance pulled up, and the injured man was driven off; one cop rode in the ambulance with him while his partner followed in their patrol car. Sergeant Dawes explained that he would be taken to the emergency room to have his arm stitched up, then to the lockup for booking. Since the charge was attempted kidnapping, the FBI would want to interview him, and us as well, but that could wait until tomorrow.

Shortly after the ambulance left, a call came in on the police radio. After a short, terse conversation, LeCroix stepped a little away and made a call on his cell phone, while Dawes explained to us they'd found the car abandoned a few blocks away. Nobody had seen where the suspects went. "That's pretty much what I expected," she said. "They probably had another vehicle parked there. We ran the plates, too; they belong to a Jonathan Palmer, of Falls Church. LeCroix is checking up on it, but my guess is the car was stolen, and the plates may have been switched as well. We're running the car's serial number now to see if it matches. Oh, and there was blood on the passenger seat. Not enough to indicate a serious injury, but you must have clipped the gunman with one of those shots."

"Really? I wouldn't have believed it, from where I hit the car. Well, that explains why he ducked."

"Yeah. We'll check with all the local emergency rooms, see if anybody comes in with a gun-shot wound tonight. Of course, in this town the answer is yes more often than not, but they usually happen in Southeast." She sighed. "I grew up in Anacostia; it's depressing to see what's become of my old neighborhood..." Then she shook her head, seemingly annoyed at herself. "Sorry; you have troubles enough of your own without having to listen to mine."

As she finished, LeCroix put away his phone and turned to us.

"Mrs. Palmer says her husband is off on a weekend business trip; his car is in long-term parking at the airport. Great place to steal plates without it being noticed right away." His mellifluous West African accent confirmed my initial impression.

"These guys were clever," I observed. "Any idea why they might have wanted to kidnap you, Mina?"

"I think so," she said. "The one you cut spoke Bengali, and he called me a murtad -- an apostate. I think this might be about my Aunt Nisrina; she wrote a book that got the Muslim fanatics in Bangladesh so pissed off she had to leave the country to avoid being hanged for blasphemy."

"Whoa, whoa, wait a minute," I said. "You're Nisrina Tasleem's niece? Damn. I heard her speak at a Humanist conference last year; it was the most powerful indictment of religious fanaticism I've ever heard."

"She is cool, isn't she?" Mina said. "I should have guessed you would know who she was."

Sergeant Dawes cleared her throat. "If we could just finish with your story?"

"Oh, right. Sorry. As I was saying, my aunt's made a lot of enemies, and I ran into one of them on campus recently. The Muslim Students' Association had a table set up in the student union to hand out their literature, and there was this really obnoxious Wahhabi type hanging around the table and heckling people about how the West is destroying Islam. I don't just mean the usual beefs about Israel and the sanctions on Iraq; he was mad about U.S. troops being stationed in Saudi Arabia -- that's Osama bin Laden's biggest pet peeve, too -- and even about Western countries refusing to recognize the 'legitimate government' of Afghanistan and harboring 'blasphemers' like Salman Rushdie and Aunt Nisrina, and publishing their books. My aunt's book is called 'Sins of the Faithful;' it's about the so-called 'holy war' that the Wahhabi crazies waged on Bangladesh's Hindu minority after some Hindu crazies destroyed a couple of mosques in India, and all the holy looting, holy kidnapping, holy rape, and holy murder that holy wars entail. This creep was calling it a pack of lies and saying that Aunt Nisrina should be stoned to death -- he thought hanging was too kind. At that point I went off on him; I said it was backward fanatics like him, not westerners, that were keeping the Muslim world in poverty, and the real reason he hated my aunt's book was that it was a mirror showing him the ugly truth about his religion, and if he hated the West so much why didn't he go live in the Talibarbarians' wonderful Islamic paradise. He got so angry I think he would have hit me if the MSA people hadn't intervened and asked us both to leave. They don't particularly like me -- I've argued with them before -- but they didn't want this guy making a scene. Apparently he wasn't even a student at A.U., just an acquaintance of some of their members from a local mosque who'd heard about the table they were running and decided to come stick his two cents in."

"Sounds like a good lead," Dawes said. "Can you give us his name?"

"I'm afraid not," Mina replied, "But Faisal Aziz could; he was one of the MSA representatives at the table that day. You can get his number from the campus switchboard."

"We'll talk to him," she promised. "I think that's about all we need from you for now; call me if you think of anything else." She gave us each her card. "I'll be in touch tomorrow. I need to get back to the station now so I can be there when they book the guy you caught." LeCroix was walking around to the driver's side of their squad car, while she opened the passenger door.

"Thank you very much, Sergeant Dawes," said Mina.

"Thanks a lot," I echoed.

"Just doing my job," she replied, climbing into the car. "Good night." Dawes and LeCroix pulled away from the curb, made a U-turn, and headed back down into the city.

"Well," I said, "I for one have lost my appetite for dessert; shall we get going?"

"I think that's a good idea," Mina replied. "We're probably going to be spending a lot of time talking to the cops and the feds tomorrow, so we'd best get some rest. Besides, it's past midnight; I don't think we could get into the Cheesecake Factory now."

"Probably not," I agreed.

"You know," Mina said thoughtfully, as we walked around the corner to the parking lot, "If those people followed me here, they've probably been watching me for a while. My dorm isn't the most secure place to stay, either; people are always going in and out on a Saturday night, and it's easy for someone who doesn't have a key card to get in by following someone who does. My room is on the ground floor, too; the window has a grille, but you could still shoot through it."

"That's a nasty thought," I said. "Maybe you should stay somewhere else tonight."

"That's what I was thinking, but I'm not sure where. I do have friends I could stay with, but someone who'd been watching me for a few days might well know where any or all of them lived. Maybe I'd better check into a motel for the night."

"Even that's not ideal if somebody is really determined to find you," I said. "Unless you check in under an assumed name. I'll tell you what, though: if you like, you could stay at my place tonight. There's only one bed, but I don't mind sleeping on the floor; I have a good air mattress for when I have overnight guests. No matter how long these creeps may have been watching you, they won't know me from Adam -- and my apartment is on the fourteenth floor of a high rise, with a doorman who won't let anyone in without a resident vouching for them."

"That sounds perfect! Thanks again, Nathan."

"No problem."

As we approached my car, Mina grinned at the three stickers. "I really have to get a copy of this one," she said, pointing to the "Dark Ages" sticker. "Where my family comes from, the Dark Ages are still going on."

"I sometimes feel like it's hard being an unbeliever in America," I observed, unlocking the car and climbing into the driver's seat. "But compared to most of the world, especially the Muslim countries, we have it pretty good here. Not as good as in Holland or Scandinavia, of course, but at least the government doesn't persecute us here." I started the car, and we rolled out of the parking lot, turning north on Wisconsin.

"That's part of the reason my parents moved here," Mina said. "They initially came here for school and met through the South Asian Culture Club at UCLA, but they stayed because it would have been dangerous for them to go home. See, my Mom's from Bangladesh, and her family were originally Muslims, but my Dad grew up in a Hindu family in New Delhi. Neither society is very tolerant of mixed couples, especially when they reject the religion they were raised in. They both did that; they joined the International Humanist and Ethical Union, and had a Humanist wedding ceremony."

"Really? I've met the Executive Director of IHEU; he comes to WASH meetings when he's in town."

Mina looked impressed. "You know Babu Gogineni, too? Cool. He did a lot to organize international support for Aunt Nisrina when she was under house arrest in Bangladesh. Is WASH the local Humanist group?"

"That's right, the Washington Area Secular Humanists. They're a good group; if you're interested, I can take you to our next meeting and introduce you around. Most of them are older, retired people with time on their hands, but there are also several NASA scientists, a couple of professors, and a few other younger professionals and grad students, like me."

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I was back at Moorelands at 7:00 am this morning when they opened ... having not gone home from the night before. I saw the Macklin girl at the front counter again and she smiled when I came in. I knew that Tina wouldn’t have an account here, but I asked about her print shop. “Good morning Ms. Macklin, I’m here to get materials to build a wheelchair ramp for Tina Mathews at the print shop. Do they have an account ... I forgot to ask.” “Hi Billy. Let me look on here and see if they do. Yes...

2 years ago
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Whats Good for the Goose

It had been only a few days since Alice had the incredible threesome experience with Lucy and her husband, Joe. Since then, not a moment had passed when she wasn't exploring her new found sexual freedom. She woke up with Joe's cock in the crack of her ass, had Lucy's pussy for dessert after lunch, and shared them both after dinner. Rather than sate her, the exponential increase in her sex life just made her want more. No matter where she was or who she was with, she wanted sex. Her nipples...

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First taste

Bi curious & hungry for cum! Have fantasies of slipping your throbbing hard cock between my lips & into my warm, wet mouth. I wrap my tongue over the tasty velvety tip, savouring the delicate flavours of your salty sweet pre cum & cock, moaning with pleasure as I begin to work my lips up and down your erection. Faster, deeper, sucking harder & harder I slurp and suck hungrily on your hot juicey flesh.  My head works feverishly over your manhood and, as I pump my fist up and down...

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jack loves his sexy mom

Jack had recently undergone puberty, and his balls and cock tingled constantly and his thoughts dwelt almost entirely on his hard throbbing straining dick. He stayed in a state of arousal. He stroked his peter and masturbated a lot, but no matter how often he beat his meat, it seemed to be ready to spring up at a moment's notice. Especially when he thought about or saw his mom. Jack's mother was in her mid-thirties, a film actress, attractive, and divorced. Summer had arrived, Jack was...

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I work for a cable TV company and they sent me out to do a service call on a pissed off customer his cable TV went out after it was just installed oh boy I was going to hear it from this guy...Not looking forward to it...I arrived at his home and I rang the bell the door opened and this huge black guy was standing there he looked mad as hell I introduced myself and he let me in he told me about how this other cable installer just rushed through the job and didn't do it right...I said I was...

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Raped by Bigfoot

Raped by bigfoot It was a freak accident that brought me to this predicament. I was somewhat cold, completely naked, had a pounding headache, a sore ankle, and was trapped in a cave halfway up a mountain. I don’t remember being brought here, but the creature that must have saved my life had to live here. I did not see him much, since he left the cave at about dawn. All I remember was slipping on a mossy rock...

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Edge CasesChapter 2

INCUBUS SYSTEM INTERNAL LOGS QUANTUM LOG SIGNATURE AND OTHER METADATA SUPPRESSED IN OUTPUT I have some explaining to do. If you’re reading this, something momentus has happened. In nearly all cases where someone reads these words and doesn’t already know them, one of the following will have occurred (in descending order of probability.) 1. Humanity has been destroyed by its own hand or indirectly through its own creations. This has been the most likely outcome since before the first aquatic...

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Mothers Milk

When I'd first started this story, I'd intended it to be much shorter, probably about half the length it ended up as. But when I began writing, my muse insisted that I go at a slower pace. Mother's Milk By Morpheus I leaned back in my comfortable recliner, oblivious to nearly everything except for the book in my hands. I was completely engrossed in the tale of Allan Quatermain and his trek across the untamed wilds of Africa. Somehow the fact that I was reading an old hard...

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Gregs Story

I know now that not all stories have a happy ending. I wish mine did, but it doesn’t and this is hard for me to put into words. It’s been a year and five months since she has been gone. How do you really tell others of the desires of your heart, or the most intimate details of the life you had with someone? But the story must be put into words, for my own healing. After all these are just words here, but what I lived with her was real, vital and genuine! We were two years 4 months apart. My...

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The Walters BrothersChapter 6

We were on our own horses as soon as they walked off skinnin’ back to camp. They were up and ready to travel so we left right away, rolling into town just before lunch. This town was a pretty good burg. We drove the cattle right down main street and into a couple of corrals. Merchants were all over us before we could dismount. The livery owner hit us first, giving us the charge for feeding and holdin’ the cattle. Zeke grinned. “I wouldn’t worry too much about it. I suspect they’ll be sold in...

3 years ago
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Private EyesChapter 3 Sarah

As I sat down at the table near Chris, I had plan in mind. I knew that most men would be all over me with just a little bit of encouragement. If I could get him to do something with me, depending on how far it went the case could be over quickly. It really did depend though on how far things went, because I'm not a whore and there was no way I'd sleep with the guy for a case. Surprisingly though after letting me sit at his table he didn't initiate any further conversation. He seemed to be...

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Alexa Chapter 2 Let The Games Begin

Alexa Chapter 2: Let The Games Begin Jenny came crashing through the door like a locomotive. She had bags hanging off of what seemed like every part of her body. I thought to myself that she had bought way too much for a simple weekend of dressing for an experiment. Before I could express this opinion, Katie asked the same thing. The response from Jen was quite simple, "If we are going to put Alex through this we are going to do this right. I don't want him looking like some...

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2 guys in 1 night

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ My parents decided to go away for the weekend, so it was just my older sister, my little brother, and me. My older sister had to go to work one evening so I was babysitting my little brother. I intended to spend time with him but I got a call that I've been wanting for a long time... His name was Derek, he was light skinned black guy, star running back on the varsity football team in our high school and...

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My cuckold marriage part 2

Cont ... At about 9:30 Sally went back to the room to prepare for the waiter, I stayed in the bar and could see the waiter whispering to a waitress at the bar and they kept looking over at my and she was smiling knowingly. I felt a little embarrassed so went for a walk along the beach, the moon was almost full so I could see couple walking hand in hand, giving me odd looks as I was on my own, maybe they knew that I had just given permission for a young, athletic, black stud to have sex with my...

4 years ago
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I own JoyceChapter 4 Orgy at Hampton Hotel contd

Chapter 1 Sharon Smythe was Joyce's ( Mark Evans mom )bff. 49 year old , today , she was riding Mark's giant cock while , he sucked on the Indian woman's big tits . Jane (Raj's mom )was no longer wearing a saree instead she was waiting to suck on Mark's giant knob . Her big brown nipples were at attention as Mark kept sucking on her brown tits , they were delicious . As Mark came in Sharon's pussy , Jane got down & began bobbing on Mark's giant dong , to make him stiff once again ....

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Eric Olafson Fleet Cadet Vol 3Chapter 27 Fornax Events Interlude

“Have we been hailed?” Harris shook his head.”No not yet, but the sphere is transmitting genuine Union Transponder Codes.” The screen changed and a hooded Narth became visible. The Comm. Officer looked at his console and shrugged. The Narth spoke. “This is the USS Narth. “There was a pause and the Narth moved his shrouded head as if he was looking at someone then he nodded and said.” One hopes to be forgiven, by the one who has command. One was uncertain of the correct address. It is the...

1 year ago
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Jack and the RollercoasterChapter 2

A few months later, and I was enjoying my new life. Not at first I have to say. The old routine of getting out of bed at six-thirty in the morning, showering, shaving and getting ready for a day's work was hard to break, and being honest I was quite depressed for a month or so. What we do, defines us as people, and I no longer had that definition. I adapted though, I started writing the novel that I had been thinking about for years. I decided on a complete makeover on my garden. I enjoy a...

4 years ago
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Garibo Ki Randi Ki Chudai 8211 Part 6

Agle din ki subh hui. Puja nangi hi leti hui thi. School jane ke liye tyar hona tha. Usne Birju ko message kiya. “School jana hai. Kya main kapde pehen sakti hun?” Birju ko yakin nahi tha ki woh pehle din se sari bat manegi. Usne 10 minutes jawab nahi diya. To dobara message aya, “Please Birju ji. Mujhe phenne dijiye, bohut late ho raha hai.” Birju ne jawab diya, “Theek hai pehen le par bina panty ke, aur han neeche parking mein baitha hun, check karwa ke jaiyo.” “Ji.” Puja jhat se saree...

3 years ago
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My Sex Adventure with two girls during Navratri

“Number of abortions rise in Gujarat a couple of months after Navratri” A statement made by Gujarat state's women & child welfare Minister comes in India's leading newspapers during Navratri festival. The entire Gujarat was agog with celebrations all over. Why Gujarat, every part of India celebrated Navratri festival in their own way. Goddess Durga Pooja in West Bengal is their national festival. In Tamilnadu they display Kolu in each home. In Andhra, Karnataka and in Kerala, all nine days and...

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In Front Of The Kids

I sat on the couch knitting while watching the kids as they watched the TV screen. They were so entranced they didnt hear as Bill came into the room, arriving home from his day at work, and sitting on the armchair. Evening Bill I greeted politely. He grunted, lying down on the couch, filling up the entire space with his legs. Kids, say hello to your father I said. Hi Dad They barely glanced away from the TV to say hello. Wheres my dinner? Silently, I got up and walked into the kitchen,...

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The taboo tribe

The small tribe of humans lived in a cave on the mountainside, not far down was a lake and a humid forest. They had a good place for survival in the otherwise dangerous world. The alpha male, his first born son – Beta - and a group of 15 females in various ages. In another world, many of them would have broken loose to be on their own, but in the outside world lurked many evil creatures and other tribes with even worse conditions. With their current alpha, they never had to worry about food and...

2 years ago
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Hunting Time

I closed my eyes and let the music wash over me. It was one of my favorite Jimmy Buffet songs. I swayed my hips and began moving to the beat, completely oblivious to my surroundings and my unclothed state. It was a hot, sunny summer afternoon in Florida at my favorite place to visit, Crystal Palms Resort. Not everyone who lived nearby even knew that this was a clothing optional resort and campground. I had lived only a few miles away most of my life and hadn’t known till about a year ago. It...

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Patricia Rhomberg

Patricia Rhomberg (September 15, 1953 in Vienna, Austria – ) is an Austrian actress. She appeared in a limited number of adult films in 1970s but she achieved a significant reputation. She used to work as a medical assistant when she met German film director Hans Billian. She started a relationship with him. In 1975, she acted in the first German hardcore full-length feature film Bienenstich im Liebesnest (soft version named Im Gasthaus zum scharfen Hirschen, also known as Zimmermadchen machen...

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Girlfriend Got Fucked In Beach

Hello Friends, I am Vishal , Male-23 ,I have been following this ISS from last 3-4 years. I had multiple sex sessions within all ages. I am going to write down all stories keeping in mind all the secrecy. This will be my 2nd story where I planned an outing with my girlfriend and made out the best on the bed… It was the start of our relationship and we were like love birds around the city exploring the city . We use to hang out every evening sneaking out to new places , never miss a chance to...

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My Graduation Present

Let me start out by telling you a little bit about myself. My name is Matt, and im 18 years old. Im almost 5 9, 190 lbs. I play football, baseball, and im on the wrestling team. Im not exactly ripped, but im definitely not fat. In the summer time from playing sports year round, im tanner than most of my friends and my sister who couldnt get a tan to save her life. The summer is precisely when this story takes place. Its the day of my graduation party, June 16th. It had to be the hottest day of...

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Hawaiian Vacation

Joan rolled over and once again looked at the bedside clock, 12:07, exactly two minutes later than it had been the last time she had looked. Sweet Jesus, here she was on her dream vacation in Maui and she couldn't fall asleep. She glanced across the bed at her husband of 13years, David, and listened to him softly snoring, asleep after their love making session, well at least it was David's' perception of making love. Joan damn well knew it wasn't her idea of making love but then again it...

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The Naughty Step

‘Alright sweethearts, one bedtime story, then it’s bedibyes time,’ their grandmother insisted, as she tucked the youngest girls in immediately after supper, ‘and be quiet, darlings, your Mummy’s sleeping.’ ‘Oh, Naaaan, I’m missing-‘ Grandmother tut-tutted, the eldest Arthur was always the loudest to protest, but usually the first to fold, ‘Now, Art, I don’t want any arguments,’ she whispered, ‘tomorrow you can stay up, watch it on your … whatever it’s called.’ ‘iPlayer, Nan,’ Art grinned....

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Bhabhi Ke Saath Apne Ghar Mein 8211 Part I

Hi there. This is Aaryan (22 yrs) and I’m from Hyderabad. I love reading ISS and I’m here to share my only sex experience I had about a year or so. I’m a straight forward guy and I love talking to girls, especially aunties. And here comes one! Rented in my home. Let me tell you about her. Her name is Rani (21 yrs), married, standing about 5’5″ and has a slim figure like a heroine, a body that makes anyone out of control. And so was I. It was the winter time then when I had my first experience....

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HelplessTeens Gina Valentina E44

Gina just wants to get home. Her car is out of gas, her phone isn’t working and she’s miles and miles away from home. When Brick’s plain white van creeps into view she waves hhim over and tells him about her troubling predicament. He agrees to give her a lift to the closest gas station on his route. Who wouldn’t help this innocent looking little Latina? Once they’ve started on their way, she reveals that she’s broke, then has the nerve to asks him for gas...

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roomate secret

He came to drop his stuff in his room after my last roommate drop from the program i had received txt and emails telling me i would get a new roomate from the University administrationhe was a bit on the chubby side , taller than me and dark skin as night I watch him get his stuff in and offered some helphe was cool. he went to get some beer after we finished and went staight to his room , one of the box i moved had made me curious the sissy word with a sharpen on the box side made me too...

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Dave ndash Cleaner Kelly

Sitting talking to Kelly was enlightening and I liked her sweet nature and naivety and she was so looking forward to saving for her holiday, she was excited that her friends neighbour could offer her some jobs and as promised to her we went outside to celebrate her getting the job by finishing off the cone.“You can relax now Kelly” I said as we took our seats and Kelly took a big deep hit relieved that the interview process is done, I was sure I could find a couple of hour a week for her.“Oh,...

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Watching Anna

For men who like to watch their wives having sex with other men, no explanation is necessary. For men who don't understand this fantasy, no explanation is possible.Although I enjoy wife sharing and some wife cheating stories I always felt confident that I would never want to act any of them out myself. I also felt that if my wife Anna ever cheated on me that would be it, no second chances. If I were ever so unfortunate to actually catch her cheating I believed id probably end up in prison on a...

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Katie Trucker fuckfest Deepthroat Slut

Katie before she left home.....On a dark winter evening, on a motorway or highway near you, the truckers, the guys who deliver much of what you consume are a long way from home. I like to think that I offer a home from home service, a little warmth, some entertainment and my holes for their pleasure.I have lots of fun with truckers on lorry parks, mostly with international drivers, but I have heard a ‘hard’ time from quite a few British truckers too. At first my hit rate was close to 100%, but...

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Aliens and CowboysCantara

In the morning, Mark went to his office to go through his daily reports. The only item that caught his attention was that there were hundreds of unknown ships approaching Cantara, which was on the far side of the sensor network. Mark asked, “Is that the Rifters?“ “I think so, I do recognize a few of the ships from when they were around Trayak.” “How far is Cantara from here?“ “A long way! Cantara was one of the most remote planets the Federation ever found, even with our upgraded FTL...

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Equal SharesChapter 31

Anne said nothing about her new personal insight that night. She still wanted to allow time to pass to make sure that it wasn't just the heat of the moment. For heat there was, undoubtedly. Stan dropped Denise off at her house and waited to be sure she got indoors safely, and then he drove on. As soon as Denise was out of sight he felt Anne's hand on his thigh, heightening his own response. It was difficult to drive with her hand there and a burgeoning erection, plus whenever he had to...

2 years ago
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Not While Im On The Phone

I have Sabrina half naked, her skirt and panties removed, abandon somewhere in the living room, when the phone rings. It’s her husband. ‘Hi,’ she says leaning into the phone, her silk blouse looking as immaculate as it did when she arrived at the office this morning. ‘Just stopped by to grab a bite to eat,’ she says. I’m standing in the hallway within earshot of the master bedroom, impatiently waiting naked and with a hard on.   ‘You’re kidding me,’ she says. ‘Again?’ She’s beside the bed, over...

1 year ago
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24 ChristmasesChapter 15

“Actually, I was doing a special class tonight,” Lissa says. “You working on a Christmas Eve?” “I know it sounds odd, but I wanted to do one more class before the new year,” Lissa defends. “This is going to be a special one.” “Christmas is always a good time for one of those,” Cherise teases. “Remember the ones mom and dad had at their work?” “How could I not?” Lissa counters. “Oh man, they guys we used to fuck.” “And don’t forget about mom’s secretary,” she reminds her big sister. “I...

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My son wanted his mother 4

The next morning I was up before Debbie and sat on the pot looking at the pictures I took last night. It was really hard for me to go with my hard dick slammed against the bottom of the toilet seat. I printed most of the shots I took and had them with me when I got back to the bedroom. Debbie looked so peaceful sleeping. But that didn't last long. She opened her eyes and they were pretty blood shot. Holding her head she said, what the hell did we do last night. I told her it wasn't what we did,...

4 years ago
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19 Yo Marcuss First White Ass

My phone rang one evening it was Marcus a hot black young 19 yo college stud packing a nice 8 inches.....Hey what you up to later tonight .....Nothing much I said you need some relief I asked him.....Yeah looking to get out about 10 tonight after I do some homework he said....Sure I said would love to take care of you ....Ok see you later he said....Hey hey he said before hanging up....Yeah what I asked....Hey looking to do that butt tonight if you want me to ....Ok up to you then .....Now I...

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Pornstar Pet Ch 01

This is a sequel to ‘Perfect Picture’ and will be a multi chapter story. This is a work of fiction and all characters are consenting adults over 21. I want to thank everyone for their feedback on Perfect Picture and that encouraged me to continue this story. I especially want to thank NadiaLove17 for her incredible editing, dialog, plot and story ideas they made this a much better story. Chapter 1 The Proposal It was November 1, the day after I claimed, marked and collared Cindy as my Sub....

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The Start of a Very Long Year

I was in my early twenties, and living in a flat on my own when I met Rachel. We hit it off after a couple of dates and she would spend the night with me frequently, doing the usual thing that new couples do.After a few weeks we started introducing each other to the important people in our lives, and it was then I got to meet Rachel’s best friend, Gina. Petit, blonde and with a wicked smile, Gina was a chaotic influence on Rachel, and they would quite often be heard giggling away to each other...

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Goes Without SayingChapter 10

Next morning, Friday, the sun was streaming through the bedroom window, lighting the curtains, when David came to consciousness. He glanced at the alarm clock and sat up with a start. Eleven thirty! The children! He leapt out of bed and grabbed his dressing gown, throwing it over his body as he ran to Evan’s room. It was empty. Then to Beth’s. Empty again. Then he heard Evan’s voice, obviously playing with a toy. He went downstairs. It took seconds between his leap from bed to his reaching...

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Mistaken Identity

Back in the day, the early 1980's to be precise, I was badly in need. In need of a job, to be more specific. These were times of prosperity for most. The Dow had recently hit 2000, which was a record. The economy was booming and would continue to do so throughout most of the decade. Everyone and everything seemed to be doing great, except for me. Being the remarkably perceptive dude he was, my friend Rich sensed my need for employment. He had recently started a small company installing and...

4 years ago
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Fantasy Flight Book 2Chapter 6

So where the hell am I supposed to go barf? There is not a damn thing around here anywhere. Opening the package, I found a small eye dropper like thing. I made it look like I was yawning as I squeeze it into my mouth. Whatever it was worked really fast. In just a few seconds I was feeling the rumblings in my gut. I rushed to get myself pushed through the people and over to some bushes before my returning my dinner to the earth from which it came. Wow people get really pissed around here...

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The Mickey Katie Story

It had become something of a routine, the thing I most looked forward to every morning, a gift that kept on giving. I would wait until the front door clicked shut, before excitedly rushing from my bed like a c***d on Christmas Day. But this was not the kind of present that Santa would leave for a c***d. No, this was strictly for adults. And more importantly, she had left the present just for me, or so I liked to think. Sometimes, she made work me work hard for it. Her gift not always left in...

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The Temp

"Mr. Reynolds?"I felt a sudden quickening of my heartbeat, as I realized my eyes had become fixated on her legs. My mind frantically searched for a way to escape the embarrassing moment, but no clever idea surfaced. Pretending that my thoughts had no relation to where my gaze had settled, I brought my hand to my chin in a clumsy attempt to strike a thoughtful pose."I'm sorry, Veronica. I... I was just considering whether I was forgetting anything. Did you have any questions you wanted to ask...

2 years ago
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Her Sweet Pet

Another Vampire Story by popular request, Hope you all enjoy the read. This could run into a running series, but for now I'll be posting 5 chapters.Enjoy!Thunder rumbled in the darkening clouds above him as Dustin walked along the sidewalk heading towards the store. The cold wind blew through him making him shiver as he tugged his blue denim jacket tighter around his body, his exposed fingers closing firmly along the front lapel in an attempt to keep the cold at bay. His blue jeans weren't...

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Paradise Boarding School 8211 Part 41

Hello ISS readers. I am back with the next part of the story. Please do read the previous parts to fully know the context. My quick intro. My name is Aafi. I am from Bangalore but I am working and living in Chennai. I am a 25-year-old Software Engineer. You can email me or hangout me at After the exhausting session with Anna in the garage, I made up my mind to ready the office in the garage within 2 weeks. For the next two weeks, I worked hard and got the office ready. It has new carpet, a...

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American Royalty 1 Coming of AgeChapter 6 Dating MistakesmdashMeredith

Meredith was sitting by her phone at five minutes till ten, hoping Liam would call first thing in the morning. Her heart sped up with anticipation and she kept getting up, determined to make it more than two steps away before she returned to her waiting. She lied to her parents the previous night. She was sure they knew it. She told them it wasn’t like she had fallen in love with Liam but in fact it was very much like she had fallen in love. She could tell by her racing heart how much she...

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