Mind Control Panties Story 13 HuCow s Delicious Milk
- 4 years ago
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Mom and I were both stunned when we finally heard Sophie was pregnant. After just one year at the University of Illinois she was coming home to have her first baby, a husband or boyfriend nowhere in sight.
She had left our modest home on the South Side of Chicago in September 2003, a full 4 year scholarship to their School of Applied Science in hand. She had always been a success, straight A's in high school, valedictorian of her class, All-State softball player, volunteer with the United Way, President of the Student Council etc., etc.
The kind of person you'd love to hate, jealous of her successes. But she was popular. And beautiful! All through high school the boys had chased her and somehow she had dated many of them without becoming very serious with any of them and without angering or hurting anyone. There were probably ten or fifteen guys who graduated from Daley Senior High who regarded their date or dates with Sis being among their happiest memories.
I was only a year and a half younger than her, at sixteen about to enter my junior year of high school, smart but a nerd, uncomfortable socially, and Sis was my hero. She had always been kind to me, and just the reflections of her popularity had allowed me to enjoy myself at school.
Dad had left when I was four, Sis six; just walked out one day and never had been heard from since. He had been in his final year of Dentistry School when he had met the beautiful, eighteen year old Eva Warinski, seducing, marrying and impregnating her, all within three months. Seven years later he left, going to California with his Dental Assistant and all the cash he could amass quickly.
Mom struggled. At the time Sophie and I had no idea how badly off we were, how Mom had to fight to get through the tough times. What saved her was two things; one, she had studied at night school over the six years of her marriage and had got her teaching certificate just three months before Dad left; and two, Grandpa Brown, Dad's father had supported us and helped us financially after Dad fled. With Dad gone and Mom working, Sis and I had become best friends, unquestionably supporting each other always.
While Sophie had waltzed through high school socially, I had struggled, almost totally unaware of sexual desire until I was struck late in my sophomore year, my previously repressed testosterone levels now suddenly surging wildly through my young body. Having no knowledge of women outside of Mom and Sis until then, I was completely unprepared to compete for the affections of teenage girls.
I was both gawky and shy in any approaches I tried. It was only a couple of days before she was to leave for Champaign that Sophie sat me down one day for a man-to-man talk, as she laughingly called it.
"Ritchie, what's up with you and girls anyway," she started.
"What do you mean?" I asked, the blush already spreading across my cheeks.
"Christ, you're sixteen, good looking, smart and have a good body. Even some of my friends got the hots for you. You never go out on dates; you're not gay are you? I mean if you are that's okay..."
"Are you nuts? Of course not," I protested angrily. "I never was interested in it; I mean sex, until the last few months. Christ, now I'm going crazy. I want to jump on every girl at school I see. It's all I've thought about for weeks. I'm useless though, every time I go to talk to a girl I totally lose it, I act like an idiot. I may have to become a priest," I finished.
"Yeah, Ritchie the priest! Get real. But I don't understand, you talk to Mom and I with no problem, and when my friends come over you talk to them, they all really like you. Cripes, the other day Gina and Jill both told me they thought you were really sexy."
"They did? God, they're older than you, they're both eighteen." I asked dumfounded.
"Gina just turned nineteen. And she just broke up with her boyfriend. Why don't you ask her out before she leaves for school?"
"She'll laugh at me. She'd never want to go out with me. Besides, I get nervous, I don't know what to say and I'd end up sounding like a total loser."
"I can't believe it! Sophie Warinski, Miss Personality, has a dork brother. I don't think so! Have you looked in the mirror lately? Everyone's saying it 'Richard Warinski, he's so hot'. I could get you ten dates in five minutes," she finished laughing.
"Have you ever done it?" I asked suddenly.
"Yes," she said grinning, immediately understanding my question, "with three different guys."
"God, I've never even kissed a girl. Did you like it?"
"Yes, don't ever tell anyone, but I loved it! It's the best thing in the world. Geeze, why didn't you tell me your problem before, now I've only got two days to fix you up before I leave for school?"
She all of a sudden sat down in my lap and gave me a quick kiss on the lips. "Ugh, what are you doing?" I screeched.
"I just wanted to give you your first real kiss," she giggled.
"You're my sister, that doesn't count. In fact, I think it's illegal," I ended.
"Shut up and pay attention! Somebody's got to teach you; I don't want you going out totally unprepared, you'll make an ass of yourself and embarrass the whole Warinski family. I can just see the headline in the school paper, 'Sophie didn't teach her loser brother to kiss properly, he bites three girls by mistake'."
"Ha, ha, ha," I started, but she cut me off by planting her mouth forcefully on mine, and then restlessly moved her moist lips over mine. "Christ," I yelled, pulling back from the first touching of our tongues.
"So, you do like it! A little practice and all those sophomore sweeties are going to be wetting their panties for you Bro."
"They're juniors now sis," I mumbled, almost too stunned to speak, my body reacting wildly to her kiss. Our mouths quickly joined again, long passionate kisses followed in turn by light pecks, Sophie all the while making comments, encouraging and leading. Minutes later we pushed apart, both of us excited by our actions, knowing we had slipped perilously close to forbidden territory.
"I think you can handle the kissing now," she finally panted, "What else don't you know about girls, about sex?"
"Theoretically I know it all, but practically I don't know fuck-all," I answered laughing. "Can I see your breasts, your nipples," I asked mischievously, suddenly brave, not expecting anything but to be told to screw off.
"All right," she said smiling. And then, as she sat on my lap facing me, she quickly lifted her tank top over her head, her perfect, ruby-tipped tits unexpectedly exposed, jiggling slowly inches from my chest, from my suddenly nervous hands. "Touch them Ritchie," she insisted excitedly, then taking my hand she guided it slowly over the velvet hills, topped by their excited little buds.
"No, Ritchie, not like that, don't hurt me; yes, yes, that's better, oh yes, just like that, again Ritchie, oh please... ahhhhh... your mouth... please, yes kiss them, more, uh ummmm, oh fuck, I love the feel of your lips sucking me. God, yesssss, I wish I was full of milk and you were drinking from my body, oh baby, it feels so good. Oh suck me Ritchie, suck me hard baby brother," she moaned.
Finally pulling away, I gasped, "I love your breasts Sophie, God, you're so beautiful, so fucking hot. I've always wanted to touch you, always; I dream of you at night, shit, I get hard thinking of you."
Lightly moving one hand across the front of my shorts, she whispered, "Do you masturbate thinking of me?"
"C'mon Sophie, that's private."
"Not to your sister, it isn't. Lets have it, I want all the details," she insisted, softly caressing. "Let me see it anyway, I want to make sure you're not deformed or something."
"No fucking way," I protested, but at the same time was secretly pleased and excited. I knew immediately that I wanted her to see my penis, to touch it, to hold it. Pretending to argue, I finally undid the top button and lowered my zipper slowly, allowing my hardness to jump into view.
"He's not bad for a sixteen year old," Soph said grinning, but I had seen in her eyes when he first popped out both surprise and desire, and I easily sensed her hunger for him. "Can I touch him?" she asked casually, "I'll be the first women to hold him."
I almost fainted when her fingers first touched me, softly moving from my pubic hair to his now scarlet head, her nails trailing lightly over the surface. "Jesus, Sophie," I wailed, the inevitable pressure building fast in my balls. Her grip tightened and she milked my straining shaft, her hands moving in long hard strokes until at last I exploded, my cum leaping outwards from my body, most landing on her arms and shirt. For seconds we both sat stunned, both understanding our relationship was forever changed, knowing this moment would always be in our minds.
"Well," she eventually sputtered, "I think you're going to be OK with girls next year. Everything seems to work just perfect." And then we both broke out laughing, relieved that we were still able to communicate, that we both saw some humor in the situation.
Two days later Mom and Sophie packed the car and were ready to set out for the drive to Champaign. Before hopping into the car, Soph hugged me, gave me a sisterly kiss and then whispered in my ear that she had left me a present and hoped I liked it.
Going back into the house I didn't see anything for me in either my room or Sophie's and wondered if she had been making fun of me. Twenty minutes later the doorbell rang, and when I opened it I found Sophie's best friend Gina smiling on the porch. "Present for Mr. Ritchie Warinski from his sister," she sang, opening her overcoat to reveal her naked, nubile, young body.
For the two and a half days Mom was away, Gina taught me everything she knew and then we both taught each other some new things we didn't know we knew. I was now a man, and even though very sad to see Gina leave for school a week later, I knew she and Sophie had prepared me for my junior year, at last I was ready for my sweet little classmates.
During the fall term everyone noticed; I was no longer the shy, nerdy, thin but relatively attractive guy; I had morphed into a friendly and confident man, suddenly chased by various girls. Mom became aware of my new popularity and being worried, sat me down one day in mid November, wanting to make sure I knew which end was up.
"I probably should have talked to you before," she started, "but you didn't seem too interested in sex and I've put it off. I just want to let you know what's right and wrong, and what's safe etc.," she continued, clearly not relishing have to explain the facts of life to her son.
"I pretty much know all about it Mom," I responded, as embarrassed as her, "Sophie sort of gave me a talk, a little course, before she left."
"Good, I hoped that would work."
"You two set me up?" I asked.
"No, no. We were just both a little worried about you, your not dating, you know."
"It's okay Mom. She actually really helped me."
"Do you understand about AIDs, about diseases, about getting a girl pregnant? One of these days you're going to sleep with a woman, do you want to know anything?" As she asked these questions, she noticed my sudden blushing, so demanded quickly, "Are you still a virgin? Have you slept with a girl already?"
After much cajoling she finally got the story of Sophie's present, about my days in the arms of Gina.
"That little slut," she began, but then laughingly added, "Sophie, I never should have trusted her with my worries. I should have known she'd set up something like that. And so how did you like it?"
"I'm definitely not gay Mom! But now Gina's gone. I'm dating lots, but it's not that easy sleeping with a girl these days," I complained.
"You'll manage," she said grinning, while mussing my hair. "But don't get a girl pregnant or I'll kill you," she warned, while slapping a twelve pack of condoms into my palm.
"Mum! Geeze!" I blurted, more than a little surprised by her actions. "What are these anyway?" I asked slyly, clearly ready to embarrass her a little more.
"I think that's enough for tonight son," she ended firmly, not prepared to take any more sass from me.
Christmas came and luckily Gina came home and was still interested in her high school junior. She benefited from my almost four months of sexual abstinence; we seemed to fuck non-stop for the ten days she was home.
Sophie, of course, was also home and although she seemed somewhat withdrawn, Mom and I missed the signals she was sending us. It was not until the second week of March, when Sophie was home for Spring Break, that the shit hit the proverbial fan.
I woke up about three in the morning of Sophie's second night home, loud yelling voices rousing me from a deep sleep. Worried, I hurried to pull a pair of white boxers over my naked form, and then rushed toward the sound, which seemed to be coming from Mom's room. Just as I arrived at the door I recognized the voices as Mom's and Sophia's, clearly the two were arguing fiercely. My hand on the doorknob, I hesitated, surprised the two were arguing, they had never raised their voices to each other in my memory. And then I heard Mom wail, "You stupid cow, what the hell were you thinking, are thinking now? Do you want to ruin your Goddamn life? You can't have a baby now!"
As I heard the last line, I tumbled through the door, staggered by her words. Standing open mouthed, looking from one to the other, Mom lashed out, saying to me, "God, what the hell do you want?" before sinking back on her bed sobbing.
"Mom, what's wrong? Don't cry Mom," I begged, helpless before her tears, the first I had ever seen her shed.
"Your idiot sister has decided to ruin her life, that's all," Mom gasped, "She's decided to drop out of school and have a fatherless baby."
Sitting next to her on the bed and drawing her head to my chest, I whispered in her ear, "Mom, mom it's okay, don't worry, we'll fix it, everything's going to work out." While I stroked her hair I extended my other arm to Soph, and after gently pulling her down next to me, I asked, "Is it true? You're going to have a baby? When? How? I'm going to be an uncle? Really?"
Nodding, Soph curled up in my arm facing her Mother, and soon the three of us were hugging each other ferociously, the angry words forgotten in our love for each other. Finally I stood and gently escorted Sophie to her room, telling her as we walked that I'd go back and talk to Mom but that I expected the full story the next morning.
"Thanks Ritchie, for everything, you're a great brother." Smiling, she leaned over and gave me a long, tongue filled, unsisterly kiss and added, "And you look pretty sexy in your white boxers; very, very sexy. Gina wrote me a long letter about you two, you know." As her door shut, I stood bemused in the hall, the memories of her body, her lush breasts echoing in my brain.
I found Mom lying on her side on her bed, crying silently, her body shaking convulsively. Lying next her and wrapping my arms around her, I softly talked, trying to convince her that all would turn out well.
"Oh Ritchie, I just want her to do well, better than I did. I love you two so much. She's so smart, she just can't quit school, there are so many things she can do with her life."
"She's not quitting school Mom, I promise you that. And what are you talking about, you've done incredibly well. We'll talk tomorrow." I held her in my arms until her sobs subsided, and after ten more minutes, I felt her breathing drift into the slow cadence of sleep.
But as she slept, her thin, short nightgown the only separation between her back and my bare chest, her rear end fitting against my groin, I felt a sexual stirring, a feeling I had never felt before for my mother was suddenly aroused.
Unable to fall asleep, I moved my hands, softly exploring and caressing her breasts, breasts larger and heavier than her daughter's. Slipping my fingers under the soft cloth, I teased her nipples lightly, nipples which quickly rose to my touch. Slipping my penis through the hole in my shorts, I rubbed the firm shaft up the crack in her ass, a finger exploring her already damp pussy, an unbelievable hunger driving me forward.
Only a loud groan from Mom as she shifted her body in sleep brought me back to an awareness of where I was and who I was with. Moving rapidly away from her I realized suddenly how close I had come to driving my big shaft deep into the channel that had borne me.
Until I finally fell asleep, I lay next to her, one of my arms and legs just lightly touching her, my hand gently stroking my meat. When I woke up the next morning, alone in her bed, I wondered what she had thought waking next to her son, his large cock flapping outside his shorts, evidence of my nocturnal ejaculation sticky on her ass and thighs.
The three of us spent the next two days talking, discussing various possible plans for Sophie's pregnancy and schooling. She was adamant that she was going to have her daughter (tests at school in Champaign had confirmed the baby's sex), and that she was going to raise her. She apparently had gotten pregnant in early October and was now five months gone, her child due about mid-July.
She wouldn't tell us who the father was, just saying he was a good looking, smart junior, a one night stand, a man she had no interest in seeing again. Her line to the two of us that, "He was a great fuck but that's all," stopped any further discussion, both Mom and I recognizing that the father wasn't going to be a part of the solution.
We finally agreed that Sophie would finish her year at the U of Illinois (something she said she'd have no trouble doing — her last exams were early May), and then come home for the birth. After a couple of phone calls we found that her State Scholarship was transferable within state, and so it was decided she'd transfer to the University of Chicago for next year and live at home with Mom and I.
It was great fun the rest of the week Sophie was home, the big decision had been made and now we had a million small things to discuss and plan. I felt an incredible joy putting my hand or cheek against her stomach, knowing a new family member would be soon here. The last night of her stay, as the three of us sat around the den, laughing and talking, enjoying our closeness, our love, Sophie, grinning, blurted out, "Mom, it certainly took an extreme measure to finally get my breasts as big as yours."
And in a way it was true. Sis had had perfect tits, medium size, upraised and pointed, but they had been a good cup size smaller than Mom's rounder, fuller but still firm orbs. Now, with her pregnancy, Soph was overflowing from the top bought for her pre pregnancy size. "I can't wait to feel my baby sucking my milk, growing from the food I provide her," she gushed. "How long did you suckle me Mom?" she asked.
"Seven months," Mom answered, smiling happily as she relieved the memory.
"What about me?" I asked innocently.
Blushing, clearly embarrassed by the question, Mom said, "Only three weeks," and as she continued, explaining the reason why she wasn't able to suckle me long, I tuned out, crushed by her response.
Finally I sputtered, "But Christ Mom, I needed that milk... I might have gotten sick or not grown right, that's probably why I developed sexually late... , maybe I'm not as smart as I could have been..."
As I continued to mutter, the two women started to laugh, thinking I was joking, not comprehending how strangely Mom's confession had affected me. "You look like you did all right honey," Mom started, mussing my hair as she talked. "Sixteen years old, 6' 2", one-eighty, scholarship student, the girls love you, what else could you want?"
After not being able to lighten my mood for some minutes they eventually realized I was somehow inexplicably hurt by the admission. Grinning, Sophie said, "Alright little brother, if you're so upset by not getting your mommies milk, I promise you I'll give you some of mine. When does my milk start flowing anyway Mom?"
"You can and should start feeding in the first hours after birth. Initially you produce colostrums, thinner than milk and yellowish, but full of good antibiotics for your baby. Within a week you'll be producing milk that is rich enough to sustain your baby."
"OK, Ritchie, about July 17th you can have a drink of your sweet sisters milk. Will I produce enough for two, Mom?"
"Don't give your brother any more stupid ideas Sophie! But for your info, your breasts do produce more as the demand grows; it's sorta of like 'the more taken the more available'. You'll have lots for your daughter."
Although Mom had pooh-pawed the idea, as soon as Sis had suggested my drinking her milk, the idea had taken hold, and somehow I knew, and I think Sophie also knew, that soon I would be sucking milk from her beautiful breasts. Knowing this I let the subject drop and the three of us spent the rest of the night happily together.
Around two a.m. in the morning I rose naked from my bed, and moved silently to Sophie's bedside. Lifting aside the thin sheet covering her, I gazed hungrily at her body, and then slipped onto the bed beside her. After softly caressing her large mounds for minutes, I then lowered my lips over one of her now erect nipples.
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Introduction: I finally get a test of my stepmothers milk. My father remarried a few years after divorcing my mom. He literally ran into another woman on his way out of the court house. Depressed and in need of company, he invited the woman out for coffee the next morning. I didnt get to see Pamela for a few months. I knew my father was going out with her, but she never really came around the house. They always went out. After returning home one drunken night my father confided in me that he...
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I didn’t get to see Pamela for a few months. I knew my father was going out with her, but she never really came around the house. They always went out. After returning home one drunken night my father confided in me that he didn’t want to bring another woman around the house if she wasn’t going to last. He said that I didn’t need that, especially after just losing my mother. My father had expected his tryst with Pamela to be nothing more than a fling, but they managed to last months longer...
My father remarried a few years after divorcing my mom. He literally ran into another woman on his way out of the court house. Depressed and in need of company, he invited the woman out for coffee the next morning. I didn’t get to see Pamela for a few months. I knew my father was going out with her, but she never really came around the house. They always went out. After returning home one drunken night my father confided in me that he didn’t want to bring another woman around the house if she...
Hi sarit,I am Kishore. To tell about me I am fair and had a normal youth body. My age is 26. I completed my PG. The incident which I am going to narrate is happed during my PG college days. I completed my PG in Noida. Since it was business school our class is packed with all type of age grouped peoples. Among the students there was a girl called “Rajini” who is around 32. She is married and have 8 month old child. Her husband is a business man and most of the time he use to move to Bombay or...
IncestNOTE: This story stems from an incidental bit in the "Crowd Sources Sissy" story that a couple of readers seemed to be interested in having me explore further. It's just a starting off point. You do not need to read that story first to understand this new work, but of course feel free to read it to get the full effect. Enjoy! Crowd Sourced Sissy--Mothers Milk I knew that my husband had a sissy fetish long before I married him. For many, that would have been a bridge too far,...
It was the summer after my 18th birthday. I had just returned home one afternoon after a quick run to the grocery store. I went to pick up some milk to get the family through the rest of the week. I have twin sisters, and between us kids and my parents. When I walked into the kitchen, I found my mom standing bent over with her face in the fridge. Normally I would just say “Hi” and keep walking, but I noticed that she was clothed in nothing but a small white bath towel. I could tell she had just...
IncestIntroduction I often times find myself looking at pictures in the family albums. Recently I found a box I've kept hidden for years. Inside rediscovered snap shots long forgotten. At the time I was in my mid-teens, actually fifteen, and it was of my mother and baby sister. So what you ask? How many of you can honestly say you have pictures of your mother nursing a baby I ask? What follows may sound odd or even not likely but I'll let you be the judges. At the age of fifteen the hormones...
Chapter 1: 2:00 p.m Friday, December 18th 2009 "You're staring at me again." But there's no real complaint in my sister's voice as she utters the words. In fact, her eyes show a mischievous delight. "So do you want me to go?" I challenge as I take a few shuffling steps back towards the open den door. I'd just finished my last day of high school before the start of the Christmas holidays but I hadn't hung around long at the class party. I hadn't wanted to be late. Emily quickly nods...
I was visiting my friend Jen when her ten year old son came in and lifted her shirt and began to nurse on her big full tit. I was surprised and told Jen that he was a little old to nurse. She told me that she liked the sucking and would let him nurse as long as he wanted, prob till he goes away to college. She nursed him mornings and just before bed and then anytime he wanted. By him continuing to nurse her tits stayed full of milk. She said she would pump them when he was away so he could...
Got Milk? Mission Impossible inspired Steve's antics which found him, on this particular night, in the kitchen of Dr. Brooks home. Steve was sitting records, if anyone was keeping records, and he was sure the police were, at least on the number of homes he'd broken into so far. He was also beginning to love the coverage by the news media. Even better this night, because he found a fresh baked, five layer, dark chocolate cake as he opened the refrigerator for a glass of milk. Steve...
Markus Creneth checked the fridge, his short blonde hair all ruffled and messy from not having tended to it this morning. Not to mention the fact that he was completely nude, but that was one of the advantages of having your own private beachside mansion. He had already packed his cornflakes and his bowl...yet... "Where's the milk?" "Oh, I can help!" Andrea Lencroft, his wife currently inhabiting a skinsuit of a completely big titted version of Samus Aran perked up. Markus turned...
- - Author's note to readers. Nothing about this story is meant to portray any of the characters as under eighteen years of age despite the obvious sexual naivety of the main characters. Also this story also features themes of rape, slavery, bestiality, and incest. It is intended as fantasy and nothing else. If you do not like such stories STOP reading now. Also don't fill up the comments section with posts about how sick the individuals in the story are or about the people who read or...
"Emily? Emily?" Emily blinked her eyes. It was morning and light streamed in through the dusty windows of the clinic. "Emily, honey, how do you feel?" It was Aunt Lily. Her voice sounded far away. Emily turned her head. She was still laying on the exam table, covered in an itchy wool blanket. Her back and legs were stiff from sleeping on the hard surface. She heard Aunt Lily speaking again. "Emily, how do you feel?" she said. Emily's eyes focused and she looked down at her...
Have you ever seen a nipple and aureola distended after breastfeeding? The aureola becomes dark brown with milk nodes standing proud. The nipple, swollen and engorged, stands out and is swollen to over an inch in length. When looking at a nipple that has been sucked on you can almost imagine it fitting perfectly into a mouth and down a person's throat, with its sweet milk gushing out.Have you ever tasted breast milk? It is thin and smooth in texture and very sweet. It is an acquired taste,...
FetishHi ISS readers I am Mani, living in Chennai outskirts I am living with my aunt, a distant relative, she is a very good family friend for us. She got married three years back and she got a girl baby of 8months. Her husband is working in a company in Singapore with his family members. He is a very good person but don’t have interest in sex. My aunt is good lady with dark complexion, average body structure and big breasts. We both use sit n chat very frankly, we never use to hide anything from...
IncestTom and Ann seemed to have gotten it all just right. They were so compatible and enjoyed each other's company so much. They were best friends who were married to each other. And the sex was great.Tom thought long and hard before he really opened up to Ann about how highly sexed, horny really, he was. He was afraid to tell her that he wanted to have a dynamic sex life with his wife and to explore everything there was that a man and woman could do together. He held his breath after he laid it all...
It all began as far back as I can remember was when I was about 8 years old. I bathed with my parents but mostly with my father. I was in the bath with my father and he did the normal things, playing with the bubbles in the bath with me and with my bath toys. Now it was time to wash. My father washed my hair, my arms, my back and everything else that needed washing except for my cock. That came last. As most children do who bath with their parents, they would also wash parts of there...
I’m going to tell you a strange story. I’m a pretty normal guy with a very strange fetish. I’ve tried to keep this fetish under wraps, but lately I’m just crazed and need to do something about it. I’m turned on by pregnant women. I like that their bodies change and really get turned on when their breast milk comes in. I love the taste of mother’s milk. I find it a turn-on to suckle on their milky breasts. It's very arousing and erotic to me.My obsession with pregnant women happened, when I...
FetishI imagine the empty area in my mother-in-law's basement is actually a large baby nursery. Most of her family thinks Mary works a normal secretary job, but she actually babysits infants every day. Every morning, 5 infant boys are dropped off at her house while the parents work. She only babysits infant boys, as she is a special type of babysitter. Mary is a wet nurse. She only babysits parents with lots of money, as parents bid for her services. When the baby turns 1 year old, she no longer...
Hello, everyone. This is Kiran, 21 from Gurgaon, hoping you all liked my story about how I fingered my own mom, 44 in part 1 and part 2 in my previous story. This part is continued from there. If you have not read that go to my profile and please read it before reading this or you can mail me at So I have explained in my previous story about how I went on to finger my mom just by massaging and actually going ahead to cum inside her to having sex with her day and night daily. We have a bath...
IncestSandy had always been a rather large girl. By large in mean her bust was bigger than most girls her age. She had begun to develop very early in life until now, at age Sixteen, her bust turned the heads of any sane man around. This is not to say the rest of her body wasn't something to cause additional excitement with her slender waist and very womanly flared hips. Her face was absolutely gorgeous with full sensual lips. Golden hair cascaded down her back...
I've decided instead of one final chapter I'll do it in multiple parts. - Author's note to readers. Nothing about this story is meant to portray any of the characters as under eighteen years of age despite the obvious sexual naivety of the main characters. Also this story also features themes of rape, slavery, bestiality, and incest. It is intended as fantasy and nothing else. If you do not like such stories STOP reading now. Also don't fill up the comments section with posts about...
Disclaimer: The usual boilerplate... if you're underage, stop reading (and how did you get a hold of this in the first place), if you're offended by transgender or transsexual ideas, stop reading and if you're unlikely to enjoy erotic descriptions of sex, stop reading. Permission to post on any free site. Milk By Patricia Josh had always been a shy, quiet boy. His father had left his mother when he was quite young and he often kept to himself. His mother Rachel had often wondered...
Father's Milk by oh2bpreg There are definite disadvantages to being married to a career-oriented workaholic. Trust me, I'm living proof of that. I've been married to Marie for 5 years now. I love her to death, but it's pretty clear that her top priority is her career as a biochemist. In fact, it's a good thing that we started dating back in college, as I'm sure she would turn down dating now as it would cut into her work-life. Luckily, not only did I start dating her before she...
Hi, this is Pramod. I am here once again to tell about an unexpected encounter with one of my far relatives from Shimoga. She is a relative on my father’s side and she is in her late 30’s roughly around 37 or 38 years. Her husband was a drunkard and died at an early age. She was living in her in-law’s house and she later told me she was fucked by her father-in-law till his death. When this incident happened, I was 18 years old. Let me introduce her first. Her name was Latha. A typical village...
Also due the story line the names of characters have been changed. To help the reader from being confused by these changes here is a listing of the changes. Molly is now Brothel Whore 3567-A Megan is now Brothel Whore 3567-B Unnamed twin # 1 is now Brothel Whore 3569-A Unnamed twin #2 is now Brothel Whore 3569-B The stepmother Shannon is now Mistress 3567 Chapter Three Sisters become lovers As her training began to progress Brothel Whore 3567-B had learned the truth...
Author's note to readers. Nothing about this story is meant to portray any of the characters are under eighteen years of age despite the obvious sexual immaturity of the main characters. Also this story features themes of rape, sexual slavery, bestiality, and incest. It is intended as fantasy and nothing else. If you don't like such stories STOP reading now. Also don't fill up the comments section with comments about how sick individuals in the story are or about people that read or write...
Day One "Ha Ha Hee Hee! Stop!" Tom cried breathless from laughing. "You are done being a brat. Understand?" "Yes! Yes! Just stop! Please!" Tom looked up beseechingly at Kate, his sixteen-year-old sister who was sitting on his arms, pinning them to the floor above his head. Her fingers remained poised over his exposed armpits. "Now apologize to your sisters," she said. "Or we're going to tickle you silly." Tom gulped. They'd already tickled him silly once. He didn't want to...
Ms Jones the Human Biology and Sex Ed teacher had already exhausted all the legal material for her Year 11 class, attended by Molly and Rachel.The GCSEs were nearly over and most ch*ldren would be leaving soon for the long summer holiday and then start at the local Sixth Form college.Ms Jones planned one last day for her class to remember - a trip to the slightly obscure Mothers Milk farm. It had no web-site and no need of any advertising, but was very well known by the local maternity units...
This story gets VERY disgusting and brutal. I use extreme taboo themes and consider my stories "horror". These niche things appear in THIS chapter. If any are not your thing, just back out now. You’ve been warned! Rape/Abuse/Violence toward women Torture/Pain/Crying/Sadism Incest Young girl Bondage Gross bodily fluids tastes/smells Eating cum and squirt Fingering dirty asshole Sweat licking Armpit...
I had known Emily since she was a baby. I watched her grow from a young c***d to an exuberant teen and finally to a very sexy young adult. Yes she was half my age, and to be honest, when she was an 18-year-old gymnast, there were times that I had less than wholesome thoughts about her, but as every father thinking things like that about their k**'s friends, I kept them well to myself. I suspect that as she grew into her early twenties, those full body hugs she gave me, the ones where she...
Matt and I, (Roger), are sitting home Friday night waiting for our sisters to arrive they are staying the weekend to go shopping, and look for an apartment for school next year. The girls arrive around 8 pm Nikki Matt's sister is wearing a short white skirt and a low cut yellow top her big round boobs look fantastic, Gracie is also in a white skirt and a tight pink t-shirt her perky boobs look great her nipples straining the material. The girls smile and say hello each hugging their older...
IncestI read up on breast-feeding and all the experts say breast-feeding is the healthiest method for babies, and recommend that it be kept up till the baby is at least three years old. My son is now 3 ½ years old and I still breast-feed him every day. He and I both love it. It is a very natural, loving and pleasurable experience. And it is allowing me to keep my beautiful breasts. In Europe some mothers nurse until their children are six or seven years old I’m told. At 3 ½, my son is no...
The night air was stale and heavy. Even the eerie way the light from the moon cast shadows on the ground seemed a bit off tonight. "It was going to an interesting night," thought Vickie as she lit up another cigarette. She was waiting for her boyfriend to come and pick her up in a taxi and takes her home; it was far too long since she had seen him.The taxi arrives with Josh inside, and as they ride home talking about all kinds of things including the expectant c***d she was carrying. Josh...
Hi friends , this is another story after hot booby pushpa and Brahmin mother series…pls mail me ur comments on m dying to hear about my stories. This is the top secret inside our family that is between me and my mother. We are living in India. My father is in army so most of the time he is away from us. I am twenty four and my mom is forty eight. She has given birth to a child now (my last sister ). I don’t know why my parents have waited long for this child. My father came home for the child...
IncestSISTERS.TXT by Cindy V - femdom, TV, humiliation A fantasy story inspired by a two page ad for Loreal lipstick with two models with different looks who could be sisters. Sherry and Terri are two sisters getting ready for a double date. Their dates arrive to pick them up before the ladies are quite finished getting themselves ready. As they open the door to let their dates in, the sisters sigh in disappointment. The guys are in T-shirts and jeans; they didn't bother to get dressed...
Cheryl hadn't seen Lacy in some time. Her and Jeff had gotten married nearly two years ago and she began playing the role of wife. It was only a few years agothat Lacy, Cheryl, and the rest of their high school girlfriends were out partying until dawn. Now Lacy was pregnant and expecting in just a month. Cheryl felt bad that none of the others cared to visit and that Lacy was pretty much house bound. So one day she decided to pay her a visit. The two women sat on the couch chatting."So what's...
Jessica, my beautiful wife had opted out of chemo. She didn’t want to hurt the baby but she was waning fast. I sold everything, both over and under the table. We were living in a one bedroom house in a crap neighborhood and it was pretty much rock bottom. It started off by me going on sites and selling her underwear. Obviously used. She didn’t care, she was dying and her baby girl was due soon. We needed the money. I got a few hits with the tag line “Prego used panties” and was amused at...
Cat leaned across the counter and grabbed a knife. She laid out her sandwich on two napkins and cut it from one corner to the other. The waiter took the knife rudely as Cat started to return it. “If you had cut the fucking thing like I asked, I wouldn’t have needed it,” Cat growled. The waiter bowed coldly and left. She was suddenly aware of many sets of eyes focused on her breasts in the bar-type mirror on the back of the wall. She looked down at her full, milk-filled breast and felt a...
Hello everyone, I would like to share an incident between me and a teenage girl. This is not a fictional story but is completely based on real incidents. Let me first introduce myself. My name is Sheela and I am 32 years old, married with two kids. My stats are 36c-34-35 (Yes, I have big boobs because of my recent pregnancy). We live in a gated community in Hyderabad. I am a happily married wife but am always thirsty for sex and I had many lesbian experiences during my college days. My...
LesbianMy mother’s decision to send me away to the Sisters of Eden Convent School to complete my education was made, she claimed, for entirely altruistic reasons; to save my soul and to instil the ‘necessary discipline’ to enable a young woman to survive and flourish in a harsh and increasingly immoral world. However, as she began to enthusiastically strip bare my wardrobe and feed items of my clothing and other essentials into a wide-mouthed and hungry silver-stucco Mossman, it seemed to me that it...
Lesbian"Hey Rookie" I heard my boss said as I looked up. "Got a story for you, we got a tip from the local grocer. They say there is a new milk from a local farm that is flying off the shelves. I want you to go down to the farm and write a story about it." My boss said tapping his note pad. "You want me to write a story about milk?" I said with a sigh. "Listen I wrote stories about potholes when I was a rookie and let me tell you they give terrible interviews. Now get down there and get me a story" He...