Cat and Mouse 2 Pink Persuasions Chapters XI and XII
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After showering, Julie slipped on a stylish pair of shorts, a sleeveless top and a pair of sandals with a two-inch heel, she didn’t think it was proper to greet her guests in a bathing suit. Then she went to the kitchen and began preparing some sandwiches and fresh brewed iced tea for lunch. When Tyler entered the kitchen and saw his mom, he couldn’t help but notice how beautiful she was, even with clothes on.
As he watched her cutting the sandwiches, he recalled seeing her and Mrs. Bradley sitting naked by the pool the day before. In his mind, he began comparing Mrs. Bradley’s voluptuous body to his mom’s more athletic form, and as he did, he could feel his penis swelling again. It had been less than an hour since his mom had given him his first blow job, and he was already getting another erection.
He was still in his sleep pants so it would be obvious he was hard again, and he didn’t want his mom to think he was some sort of pervert who constantly had an erection, so he moved to where his lower half was hidden by the counter and said, “Mom, do I really need to hang out with this kid?”
“Tyler, Jamie is not a kid, he’s the same age as you,” Julie responded firmly, and then she said, “And yes, you do need to at least try to get to know him, and you will be courteous.”
Tyler groaned and then he said, “I know you’re friends with Mrs. Bradley, but why does that mean I have to hang out with her son? I don’t try to make you spend time with all my friends’ moms.”
As Julie put some plastic wrap over the sandwiches she said, “I just think it would be nice to have them over. Jamie Bradley has been a patient of mine for years, and his mom and I have become good friends,” and then she added, “With my schedule, it is really hard to make friends, so having someone like Mrs. Bradley gives me someone to have lunch with, go shopping with, and just do girl things.”
“Like sitting naked by the pool,” Tyler said sarcastically.
“If we want to, yes,” Julie replied curtly, and then she added, “And don’t forget that it’s my business, and what happened between you and me earlier doesn’t change the chain of command in this house.”
“I’m sorry mom, I didn’t mean to be disrespectful,” Tyler replied, remembering what his mom had said earlier things saying the same. Then he said, “I really am glad you and Mrs. Bradley have become good friends.”
“Oh, you just like her boobs, you little perv,” Julie said laughing.
“They are nice, but you have a better butt, mom,” Tyler replied.
“Alright, I think we’re getting a little carried away,” Julie said, quelling the conversation she started, and then she said, “Now go get ready for our guests.”
Tyler felt a little dejected by his mom’s rejection of his compliment, but as he walked away she said, “Honey, do you really think I have a better ass than Mrs. Bradley?”
“Are you kidding? You’ve got a great ass, mom,” he replied.
Julie smiled back at him and said, “Thank you, honey, that really means a lot,” and then she winked at him and went back to getting lunch ready.
At noon, the doorbell rang and Julie opened the door and welcomed the Bradleys with an enthusiastic, “Hi guys, c’mon in!”
Charlotte entered first, also wearing shorts, and a tank top that showed plenty of cleavage. After giving Julie a hug, Jamie followed, already wearing his trunks and a tee shirt. At first, Julie thought of hugging him too, but instead, she extended her hand and said, “Welcome to our home, Jamie.”
“Thanks for having us Dr. Alexander,” Jamie replied as he shook her hand, pleasantly surprising his mother with his social graces.
Just then Tyler stepped into the foyer, and Julie said, “Tyler, you remember Mrs. Bradley from yesterday.”
“Yes, it’s nice to see you again, Mrs. Bradley,” Tyler said as he shook her hand, but what he was really thinking was, ‘Yes, I remember her, but the last I saw her she was naked.’
“Nice to see you again too, Tyler,” Charlotte replied as she took his hand, and he could have sworn she winked at him as she smiled, and then she said, “And this is my son Jamie, Jamie, this is Tyler.”
“Hey,” Tyler said as he shook Jamie’s hand.
“What’s up?” Jamie retorted as he returned the brief handshake.
Both women smiled at how awkward the exchange between the boys was, considering that it had only taken the two of them a matter of a few hours before they had their tongues buried in each other’s pussies. Then Julie said, “Tyler, why don’t you take Jamie out and show him the pool?”
“Okay, mom,” he replied in a less than enthusiastic tone, and then the two teens went outside.
As soon as they were out of earshot, the two women broke into laughter and Julie said, “Oh my God, you’d have thought we were asking them to go clean their rooms.”
“I know, all morning long Jamie kept asking me if he had to come,” Charlotte replied.
“The same with Tyler,” Julie told her friend, “he kept asking me why he had to hang out with a kid he didn’t know.”
As both women laughed at their sons, Charlotte said, “Oh I almost forgot, this is for you.” And handed Julie a gift bag with two bottles of the wine they had shared at lunch tucked inside.
“Char, you didn’t have to do that, that is so sweet,” Julie said as she gave her friend another hug.
“Well that wine led to an amazing day yesterday, so I thought it would be fitting,” Charlotte said with a wink.
“It was an amazing day,” Julie replied, referencing how her friend had introduced her to the joys of woman on woman sex. Then she said, “I’ll put this on ice til later, since I’m about to fire up the blender and make some margaritas!”
“That sounds fabulous, and if we hang out in here for a bit, it might let the boys find something they have in common,” Charlotte replied.
“Well I’m not counting on a miracle, Tyler is a little shy when it comes to meeting new people,” Julie said as she began pouring the margarita ingredients into a state-of-the-art blender.
As the spinning blade mixed the ice, liquor and juices into the perfect pool concoction, Julie said, “So how is Jamie doing with his treatments?”
“Oh shit, I almost forgot,” Charlotte exclaimed, “After he took his morning pee today, his erection went away and never came back.”
“Charlotte that’s fantastic, you and he must be so relieved he won’t need surgery,” Julie said as she poured their frozen cocktails into salted glasses.
“I am thrilled, although I have to admit there is a little part of me that kind of misses the whole thing,” Charlotte said, and then she added, “I know some unorthodox things happened between Jamie and I while we were dealing with his erections, but we really bonded, and have a better relationship than we ever did.”
“I get that Char, sometimes it’s the most unique circumstances that strengthen relationships, and the intimate nature of Jamie’s injury certainly had the two of you sharing more than most mothers and sons,” Julie said as she handed Charlotte a perfect margarita, and then she added, “And I know some might disagree, but I admire the fact that you put no limits on what you would do to help Jamie.”
“That means a lot to me, Jules, thanks,” Charlotte said sincerely.
Then Julie got a quizzical look on her face and said, “Did you just call me ‘Jules’?”
“I’m sorry, you don’t like that,” Charlotte said, suddenly concerned she had insulted her friend.
“Oh my God Char, I love it,” the excited blonde answered, and then she said, “I’ve always wanted a friend to give me a cool nickname, and it finally happened.” And with that, the two women hugged like they had known each other their entire lives.
When they broke their hug, Julie raised her glass and said, “To our sons.”
“To our sons,” Charlotte repeated, and then they clinked glasses and drank.
“God, I love margaritas,” Julie said as she took another sip, and then she asked, “So did you talk to Jamie about your involvement in any future ‘treatments’ now that he seems to be healed?”
“Well, I kind of indicated that it was back to him masturbating behind closed doors once he was healed, but when he got just a normal erection this morning, he asked if I would help him with it. In other words, if I would give him another blow job,” Charlotte explained to her friend.
“So what did you do?” Julie asked as some me familiar pangs started in her groin as she listened to Charlotte talk about giving her son a blow job.
“Well, I told him if he needed relief he should go and masturbate, but in all honesty Jules, I wanted to drop to my knees and take him in my mouth right then and there,” Charlotte replied honestly.
“So if he was doing better, what gave him the erection?” Julie asked before taking another sip of her drink.
“Well, he was giving me a hug, and all I was wearing was a silk robe, and somehow his hands wound up on my ass, and before you know it, there’s a steel rod poking my hip,” Charlotte replied with a mischievous smile.
“So did he go masturbate?” the beautiful physician asked, wanting to hear more details as her pussy began to moisten yet again.
“No, I think he was too disappointed when I said no to a blow job,” Charlotte answered, then she added, “I was just glad he didn’t come in a little earlier or he’d have caught me masturbating, and I don’t know what would have happened then.”
“So you were masturbating this morning?” Julie asked, thinking about her own morning, and feeling the crotch of her shorts getting warmer and warmer.
“Yeah,” Charlotte replied with a sheepish grin, and then she added, “What a slut, right?”
“So you’re a slut because you were masturbating?” Julie asked.
“Well, no, but I’ve become so obsessed with sex I wasn’t even thinking about Jamie catching me, so I was doing it right in the kitchen,” Charlotte said, and then she asked, “I mean, what would you do if Tyler caught you masturbating?”
Immediately the mouthful of margarita Julie had just drank exploded from her mouth and through her nose, and as she coughed and gasped, Charlotte said, “Julie, are you alright?”
Julie finally regained her breath, and then she started laughing hysterically, and when Charlotte looked at her with a combination of confusion and concern, she said, “I’m sorry Char, I just can’t believe that today of all days, you asked me what I would do if Tyler caught me masturbating.”
Charlotte still wasn’t sure what she was talking about, and said, “Okay, why would asking a question like that today be different than any other day?”
Julie took a quick look to make sure the boys were still outside, and then she looked into Charlotte’s eyes and said, “Because this morning, Tyler walked in on me masturbating.”
“SHUT… UP…” Charlotte exclaimed at her friend’s revelation, feeling a familiar quaking starting in her own groin. And then she said, “So what did you do?”
Once again Julie looked at the door and said, “I’ll give you all the details, but let’s wait till we go put our suits on.”
“Okay,” a disappointed Charlotte said, and then she added, “Well, at least you didn’t have to decide on whether or not to give him a blow job,”
When Charlotte looked back at her friend, she could see her staring back at her with one raised eyebrow in an ‘are you sure about that’ look, and she screamed, “Oh my God Julie, he asked you for a blow job?”
“He didn’t have to ask,” Julie replied with a mischievous grin.
“Holy shit,” her voluptuous friend exclaimed, then she said, “You have to tell me how it happened.”
Once again Julie said, “Wait til we go put our suits on and I’ll tell you the whole story,” and then she picked up the tray of sandwiches and the pitcher of margaritas and headed towards the deck. Charlotte could feel her pussy melting as she grabbed the pitcher of iced tea and a tray of glasses and followed.
As the two women reached the deck, they both stopped in their tracks. The boys they were afraid would find nothing in common were tossing a football back and forth and talking about their favorite pro skateboarders. When the teenagers finally noticed their mothers, Tyler hollered, “Hey mom, why didn’t you tell me Jamie was into boarding?”
“I’m sorry, I never even thought of it,” Julie called back to her son as she and Charlotte put down the trays of sandwiches and drinks.
When the boys saw the sandwiches, Jamie said, “Lets race to the food.”
“Cool,” Tyler said, and then they both went to the far end of the pool.
When they reached the wall, they both took their position, and Jamie hollered, “Mom, count us down.”
Charlotte put her hand in the air and called out, “On your marks, get set… GO!!!”
As the two boys raced across the length of the pool, Julie said, “Well, how about that? They hit it off as quickly as we did.”
“I’d say quicker,” Charlotte answered, and then she said, “Remember, I’ve been bringing Jamie to you for years.”
Julie laughed and said, “Yeah, but as far as I’m concerned, we only truly met two days ago.”
As the women watched, Tyler finished the race first. When Jamie finally touched, he said, “Dude, you are really fast.”
“Thanks,” Tyler replied, and then he said, “But it helps that I have my own pool.” And with that, the two boys high-fived each other and then climbed out of the water.
As they dried off, Charlotte said, “We really do have two handsome young men for sons.”
“We certainly do,” Julie agreed.
Both Tyler and Jamie took a lot of their characteristics from their moms. They were each about five feet seven inches tall, give or take an inch, with room to grow. Tyler had his mom’s straight blonde hair and blue eyes, and a trim build, while Jamie’s hair was brown and wavy, and like his mom, his build was a little on the thicker side.
Once they were dried off, they sat at the table and dug into the sandwiches like teenage boys do. As they ate, Jamie said, “Hey mom, would it be alright if Tyler came over next Tuesday and went to the skate park with me?”
But before she could answer, Tyler said, “And mom, I thought maybe Jamie could come over to swim again next Thursday.”
Both women looked at each other and smiled, and then told their sons that would be fine. The boys high-fived each other again and then went back to wolfing down sandwiches. As they ate, Julie said, “Well Char, why don’t we go put our suits on and get some sun.”
“Sounds great to me,” Charlotte answered, and then the two of them headed inside to change.
When the women were in Julie’s room with the door was closed behind them, Charlotte dropped her bag and said, “Okay, I can’t wait any longer, what happened with you and Tyler this morning?”
As both women began undressing, Julie told Charlotte that she had been in bed masturbating when Tyler, who thought she was sleeping, walked in on her just as she started to cum. She described how she screamed at him to get out, but he froze in his tracks with a ‘deer in the headlights’ look on his face, and a tent pole in his pants. He stayed and watched her fingering herself until she finally told him that she couldn’t stop, and asked him to please leave, and he finally walked out. She also admitted to Charlotte that while she didn’t invite him in, she had silently hoped he would, and was glad he had caught her.
Charlotte could feel her pussy getting wetter as Julie told her what happened. Julie could feel her own arousal building as she took a good look at her beautiful dark haired friend who was now down to a tiny pair of purple panties and a matching bra that was struggling to hold in her magnificent breasts. Then she licked her lips as Charlotte unhooked the bra and tossed it aside, exposing the full round orbs, capped by very erect, dark pink nipples.
Julie’s ogling was interrupted when Charlotte asked, “So then what happened?”
Snapped out of her trance, Julie told Charlotte that once she was done cumming, she slipped on a robe and went to his room. She described how she found him in his bed, with his covers pulled up to his neck and an obvious lump in the middle caused by his hard cock. Then Julie walked to her closet and showed Charlotte the sheer robe she had slipped on with nothing underneath, and how Tyler couldn’t take his eyes off of her tits as she next to him and discussed what had happened.
Charlotte was naked now, and was having a hard time keeping her fingers away from her own pussy as Julie described how her son had caught her masturbating, and the desire to finger her own aching cunt got even more intense when the beautiful doctor stripped off her tiny thong, leaving naked too.
“Jules, you may have the most perfect ass I have ever seen,” Charlotte said as she admired her friend’s incredible derriere and gave serious thought to reaching out and grabbing it. But she maintained her self-control and said, “Okay, so how did you wind up giving Tyler a blow job?”
Both women were now openly drooling over each other as Julie told Charlotte how Tyler apologized for barging in on her, but wanted to know why she didn’t just stop masturbating when he walked in. She said that she tried to explain how she had been in the middle of an orgasm, and it was just so intense that she couldn’t stop until it was done. Tyler still seemed confused, so she used the ‘blue balls’ analogy, but she said even that didn’t seem to totally convince him.
Charlotte laughed and said, “Did you really try to tell him that if you stopped masturbating when he walked in you would have gotten 'blue balls’?
Julie got a bit defensive and said, “Of course he knows I don’t have balls, Char. I was just using the term to describe what would have happened to me if I tried to stop masturbating in mid-orgasm.”
“C’mon Jules, you could have stopped, but you really didn’t want to, did you,” Charlotte asked, remembering how Jamie had interrupted her masturbation that morning, not realizing that Julie was much closer to orgasm when Tyler interrupted her.
“I’ll admit that knowing Tyler was watching me was a huge turn on,” Julie answered, and then she added, “But at the point, I had reached, I was going to cum whether I stopped or not.”
“I guess so, I’ve just never stopped in the middle of an orgasm, so I’ve never had ‘blue balls,’” Charlotte said, making her friend chuckle, and then she asked, “So what about the blow job?”
Now the nude women could hear their sons splashing in the pool as Julie told Charlotte how after explaining to Tyler why she couldn’t stop masturbating, she told him that since he had watched her masturbate, that it would be only fair that she get to watch him. Charlotte said she thought that was a stroke of genius, but Julie told her the real stroke of genius was how, when Tyler was too embarrassed to keep an erection, she dropped her robe and began touching herself until her son was jerking a rock hard prick.
Both women sat on the edge of the bed, pressing their thighs together to calm their aching pussies as Julie described how Tyler watched her slip her finger in and out of her pussy as he masturbated to the point of orgasm, and just as he announced he was going to cum, she pulled his hand away from his throbbing young cock, stopping him before he could shoot his full load, and how he cried out in agony.
“Oh my God, Jules, you stopped the poor kid,” Charlotte said, and then she added, “Why…?”
“Because,” Julie replied, “I wanted to show him what I would have felt like if I’d have stopped masturbating when he walked in, so I gave him ‘blue balls’.”
“Wow, I hope you never have to prove a point to me, but I’m still not sure I’m convinced ‘blue balls’ are as bad for a woman as they are for a man,” Charlotte said with a laugh, and then she added, “so the blow job… get to the blow job.”
Julie shook her head and laughed at her obviously horny friend, and then she described how Tyler begged her to let him finish masturbating, and how she felt so bad for teasing him so mercilessly that she slowly kissed her way down his developing body, rubbing her tits on him as she did, until she reached his cock, and then without saying a word, took his throbbing fuck tool in her mouth and sucked it until he exploded, pumping so much cum into her mouth that she had a hard time swallowing it all.
Now both women were in an incredibly heightened state of arousal, and as Julie finished telling her friend what had happened, Charlotte said, “What did his cum taste like Jules, was it as good as Jamie’s?”
“It did,” Julie replied, “It was sweet, thick and creamy, and it slid right down my throat.”
“Oh forgive me, Jules, but I want to taste him, I want to taste your son’s cum,” Charlotte said as she actually folded her arms over her stomach and bent over, trying to use the pressure to quell the desire building deep in her groin. Julie could see how aroused her story had made her friend, and as Charlotte pictured Julie sucking her own son’s hard young penis, the beautiful physician kissed her deeply.
Charlotte was almost swooning as Julie’s tongue slipped past her lips and danced with her own. At the same time, Julie’s hand lifted one of her friend’s heavy breasts and began kneading it, and then she dragged her thumb over the hard nipple, causing Charlotte to groan into Julie's mouth as they continued their passionate kiss.
Julie was in complete control now, and she pushed Charlotte back until she was lying on the king-sized bed. Then she began kissing down her friend’s body, starting with her neck, then her collar bone, then her chest, until she finally reached Charlotte's magnificent tits. Julie was truly amazed how perfect they were, soft but firm, large but not too large, tits that she wished she had. Then she leaned forward and took one of Charlotte’s erect nipples between her lips.
“Oh, my,” Charlotte groaned as she felt her beautiful friend sucking on the sensitive flesh. She could feel Julie's tongue making circles around the areola, causing it to pucker, before flicking at the hard nipple with the tip of her tongue. And then she moved to the other. Charlotte was groaning out loud now as her pussy was flooded with her juices. Then suddenly remembering where they were, she said, “Jules, what about the boys?”
Reluctantly Julie lifted her mouth from her friend’s hard nipple and said, “Don’t worry Char, after this morning, there is no way Tyler would come in here, or let anyone else in, without knocking.”
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If you have ever played a turn-based RPG and thought to yourself, “this, but with chicks with dicks,” first of all, splash some cold fucking water on your face. After that, consider yourself a porn prophet of debauchery, because that’s exactly the kind of game you are going to find in Tales of Androgyny. You won’t find any teenage male heroes here like in your favorite animes. This is all about exploring a world full of androgynies people that are as horny as they are hung.Before you jump into...
Free Sex Games“Sárkány? ... Sárkány? ... Hey Sárkány wake up!” Sárkány was asleep as Daiyu was smacking his back. She felt the scales on his back as her palm was hitting against it. The dragon’s eyes stirred open. “Smoky girl!” he yelled as he shot awake. Everyone was looking at the dragon as he saw everyone looking at him. They were giving him a questioning look. “Right,” he said. “Are we on another quest?!” “Yes ... Sárkány, we need your help to stop a gunman in Europe. A rogue mythic.” “Of...
After the two-week experiment of having both Robert and Jack spend all of their time at home with their pants unzipped and their cock and balls on display, Robert suggested that I meet with the five woman staff he employed to get their feedback. I thought that was a good idea. After assembling the group in one of the many large rooms in Robert’s mansion, I got the conversation started. “Everybody here has previously met me and you all know that I was hired as a sex therapist to try to bring...
“That's three,” she announced as she climbed off me, “and I'll bet you need into the bath.” She was right. As I came out, she was dressing. I dug out clothes and dressed. She had disappeared down the hall. I followed, finding her in the kitchen digging for breakfast stuff while the coffee pot gurgled and hissed. Over second cups of coffee, Jill told me a lot about how women feel and and what they want. I realized just how shallow my understanding had been. We took our coffee out to...
Professor Wayne Gets a Lesson in Manners It took Jason about twenty minutes to get to the Business Technology building and find Professor Wayne's office. She spent very little time in a classroom, he quickly found her in her office. She expected the other department professors to do the menial labor of actually teaching the students. She considered the other professors to be little more than her private staff. She treated her students as though they were there to be her...
I was tempted to use her cunt again and very nearly telephoned her to tell her that, but it was Thursday and in two nights time I would be fucking Isha and I wanted to save myself for her.Cherie did hint the following day about us spending the weekend together but I managed to convince her that until her divorce was settled, it was better to keep things quieter between us. I also told her that I had some prior engagements this weekend too. I knew that she was disappointed but what else could I...
CuckoldSue decided to contact Paulo inside the boutique. She was unsure of what colour he preferred so she took pictures of some and sent them to him with a text message. Moments later he rang her back. ‘That red and black one looked nice’ he told her.“It’s Rick’s treat by the way. It’s a thank you for all the hard work you are doing.”I could hear his voice and his laughter at the other end. Sue said, “Paulo says it’s not hard work at all. It’s very pleasurable but he thanks you all the same.”I smiled...
CuckoldRemember Mike? It isn’t easy finding time to write these now we are back in school. Both of us are carrying 14credit hours and its more work than we thought. Before I begin I thought I would answer some of the question people have asked us via mail (We both like reading your comments to our stories and hearing from you all). Yes, we wear the same clothes and like the same styles. We share everything (yep,even our underwear). For whatever reason we don’t share our shoes. Yes,...
Tim, the Teenage Part Twelve By: Rass Senip +++ Chapter IV: 9th Grade, Spring 1986 - Brad and Sandi Part 2 - Brothers and Sisters (mfmm-TP-Mast, f-solo w/toys, mf incest) "What's taking her so long.." Joey moaned as adjusted his hardon in his shorts. We were in my room, waiting for Suzi for our first official four way. The four of us had planned on doing it Wednesday, our regularly scheduled three way time. I was a little nervous, mostly because I didn't know if I could do a four...
It was Sunday morning; four am when Becky got out of bed and cruised the front room like a morning watch police officer looking for bodies and various types of damage. Everyone was asleep except her mother’s housekeeper Marta, who was in the kitchen sipping her sixth cup of coffee. Marta’s husband Juan had gone home earlier as their two young daughters and their sixteen-year-old son were home alone. Marta was wondering if the sun would ever come up, as she was very sleepy and still had to...
Facing his father, Michael nearly fainted. He felt his vision start to go black and fought it. He lost for a moment, but he remembered to breath as his father patted the chair next to him. Mike walked forward slowly and took the chair, pale and shaking in the face of punishment. What&hellip, What are you going to do&hellip,? How did you find&hellip, Wha&hellip,? Michael didnt know which question he wanted to ask. He wanted so much to just run away, go after Candy and stay with her. But his...
Alistair woke late next morning. He had slept soundly. It had been perhaps his best night’s sleep in over a week. He patted the other side of the bed. It was empty. Julie must have been downstairs. She had taken care of him well the previous night. She masturbated him again after dinner and then once more at bedtime. He had been desperate to hear about her and Jeff’s fucking but she would say very little except that she wanted to relive it herself and she would put it all down in an email....
Facing his father, Michael nearly fainted. He felt his vision start to go black and fought it. He lost for a moment, but he remembered to breath as his father patted the chair next to him. Mike walked forward slowly and took the chair, pale and shaking in the face of punishment. What&hellip, What are you going to do&hellip,? How did you find&hellip, Wha&hellip,? Michael didnt know which question he wanted to ask. He wanted so much to just run away, go after Candy and stay with her. But his...
Dawn Dawn felt much better later that afternoon when she woke up. Alan lay naked beside her still fast asleep. His penis was hard and sticky with emissions. She turned and faced him and held his erection gently in her hand. She loved him and was pleased that he seemed contented. She didn’t understand him; she couldn’t understand the mind of a cuckold; just like she couldn’t understand the mind of someone like Bradley, who enjoyed cuckolding other men. But there again, she couldn’t understand...
CuckoldAlistair woke late next morning. He had slept soundly. It had been perhaps his best night’s sleep in over a week. He patted the other side of the bed. It was empty. Julie must have been downstairs. She had taken care of him well the previous night. She masturbated him again after dinner and then once more at bedtime. He had been desperate to hear about her and Jeff’s fucking but she would say very little except that she wanted to relive it herself and she would put it all down in an email. She...
CuckoldUsually soaking in a hot bath relieves any soreness in my little pussy but this time I still felt the effects between my thighs. This was due partially to the sheer size of Mr. Ross’ cock and the intensity with which he fucked me but also because I couldn’t help but think about the tale I made up for him about how I lost my virginity. As I imagined it in my mind I almost seemed to believe it as fact. So much so that my fantasy became more like reality. Memories of my first sexual experiences....
One afternoon I got home from school and she was super excited. The photographer was coming over with his "book of clients" pictures for her to see. Of course, she was anxious to see just what he had in his "stable of studs!"When he arrived, there was the usual small talk, then he pulled out the book. I could hear her oohing and aahing as he thumbed through the album. I heard her say: "What are those numbers in the corner?" He replied: "That's their 'equipment stats'" She said: "They...
November 29th, 4:32 AM The bed shook and I rolled over lazily away from the movement on the other side of the bed. Cool air crept under the sheets before more shaking and the sound of someone exhaling slowly. If this wasn't Brad coming to bed then I didn't give a... A hand rubbed my shoulder slowly and I reciprocated with a not so enthusiastic, "Mmmm..." I was so tir... November 29th, 8:13 AM Warm puffs of air blowing across my face woke me long before my body was telling me I...
During these weeks I saw less and less of Ryan. He'd show up from time to time to run another ad or to spend the night with me, but it wasn't like it used to be. I was tied up a lot of the time in our bed; usually dressed in lingerie and sometimes simply naked. He'd bind my arms over my head on the bed and do cocaine from different parts of my body. Then he'd lift my legs, exposing my cunt and fuck me. Often after he was done using me he'd leave. I stopped asking where he was going...
This is real story of a two friends where we exchanged our wife with each other for bit lengthier live in relationship. Usually in swinging/exchanging wife with others, generally people will exchange partner for just a fucking session in just a week end visit or night visit to one of the couple’s home. In our case, to make our life spicy and have more thrill and adventure, we have decided to do this for bit longer period of time, where my wife will be with my friend for 2 months and where as...
After Ravinder left Smita BIL told how about a new cock and new fantasy I was excited but again afraid of those 8 days I had thought wonderful yet terrifying. He told me there is nothing to worry, out here I will be there with you. I said ok We had factory at MIDC which was run by Ravinder but after he took over software profession it was turned into a Godown and the same was looked after by a ex army Col Mr.Baldevraj Chawla who was 55 years old. My BIL’s plan was that to make me work there...
Please read the previous chapters to pursue: How he pushed his three fingers inside my ass hole. He then removed his fingers and looked at me enquiringly. He poured some more honey on his 10 inch long cock and spread it with his right palm. He put some more honey inside my ass hole and placed his cock on my rectum. He started pushing it slightly but his cock was so thick; it did not enter into my ass hole. He poured some more honey on his cock and with one fast frantic push he pierced into my...
As John sinks and wishes ever deeper into a world of nylon, satin and taffeta, Joyce finds new ways to further stimulate and arouse her young captive and bring about his utter subjugation to womankind and the contents of their wardrobes "Now I know you are watching me you gorgeous little baby boy but I want to hear your nylons swishing up against each other. Can you do that for me darling? That's it, rub your little legs together and get that nylon rustling up against that oh so so...
by mypenname3000 Copyright 2013 The Devil's Pact, Tales from the Best Buy Incident The Number One Rule of Retail Chapter One: Keep the Customer Satisfied Note: This takes place on the Monday following the Best Buy Incident from Chapter 3, following Jessie Smith and all she learned that day. “Jessie Smith,” I whispered to myself as I entered the South Hill Best Buy, “today is going to be a great day!” It was my first day back to work since what the Media dubbed the Best Buy...
True tales of submission and cross-dressing : Chapter One - Meisterin It is my intention to write a series of true life stories, detaling various encounters and adventures I have had. I know the site's called "Fictionmania", so I hope my contributions are not unwelcome. The stories are not as racy as most of the fiction posted on here, but remember than these stories are real, and described to the best of my memory (of course all speech is paraphrased). Hopefully the fact that these...
Patrick woke Jake before the sun had risen. A runner had come with orders from the admiral. Patrick told him his breakfast was waiting in the sitting room with the orders. Jake through on his uniform from the day before and walked barefoot to the table to retrieve the orders. He broke the seal and read them thru. Jake was to turn over the Bulldog to LCMDR Perry at his earliest convenience and report to the admiral’s office. No later than nine o’clock this morning. He mused at that. He had...
Introduction.Here we are. You and I. Together in this special place out of the rain.The dusty air is thick with the aroma of storytelling as we make our way between row upon row of well-thumbed books that pack each straining shelf to the heavens.Book upon book stuffed with tales both fact and fiction. At the end of each row is a sign revealing the nature of these tales for the inquisitive to peruse. The theme for this particular row says "Victoriana - Fiction from a golden age."Wandering...
MILFIt doesn’t matter what you were doing before, but when you blinked, you were suddenly in the back of a bookstore. You know this bookstore, it’s the one closest to your house, and you’ve been to it plenty of times, though not often in this section, the children’s section. “What am I doing here?” You ask aloud, looking outside the window to discover it was the middle of the night. That’s when you remember the last thing you were doing was going to bed, and just as you were closing your eyes, you...
Tales of the Restored American Commonwealth4072: The YardsByEmily DanielsTales of the RAC: 4072: The Yards Chapter 1: The Verdict Chapter 2: The Yards The Yards is the second chapter in the 4072 saga of the Tales of the Restored American Commonwealth. The story begins with 4072: The Verdict. If you would like to know more about the setting of the Restored American Commonwealth you can learn about it, purchase previous chapters and interact with characters by going to...
Like a river, time was friendly for Daiyu as she was no longer a little girl but an adult woman. Her beautiful raven silk hair waved in the wind from the outside of the cabin in Shen Yi’s home. She no longer had the frame of a little girl but a woman. It had been ten years since she had been with the God of the Arrow. She used her time wisely and well. Shen Yi sat by on his chair by the cabin midday as he looked at the high mountains. Daiyu sat on a stump that she often studied from. The...
Mare's Tales - Chapter 21 ? by: Beverly Taff Morning broke clear and frosty as the weak winter sun splashed its late rays onto our bed. It revealed four small lumps surrounded by two larger ones under the soft contours of the duvet. Dot's internal clock woke her as the suns rays gradually washed her face with light. Despite her careful efforts to extricate herself from my embrace, I woke as she tried to slide surreptitiously out of the bed. "What time is it?" I...
Mare's Tales - Chapter 33 ? by: Beverly Taff Once I was free of the lesbian cult, the first thing that Margaret did was to relieve me of my crotch bolt and check me over for any other possible modifications, especially microsurgical alterations. She found nothing untoward and after a few months rest and recuperation we agreed to administer the new 'femi-boy permanent vaccine' into my body. The special vaccine began to take effect and we spent several months double checking my...
TALES FROM “THE BAR”Chapter TwoGrace Spreads the Word to Her Friends (And We Meet Felicia) Grace slept late after Fred left for work the next day. Lana was the first of the "Horney Housewives" to call. After sucking Fred off, Lana had gone home and aroused her husband for a hot fuck. Although she didn't totally know what was going on with Grace, she knew it had to do with fucking, and whenever Grace had anything to do with anything that had to do with fucking, it was nasty. Grace gave Lana an...
Synopsis: Salidia's Little Lion, Lydia, sparks a fight with neighbors, and she picks up a bow to become Hell on Horseback to protect those she loves. Out of the fires of this conflict, they forge the place that became known as the Valley of the Amazons. Action story with Femdom leads. `165 pgs. Tales of Ancient Rome 3: Lions in the Valley By TG Chapter 1 ...
This is the an experimental set of tales written in the style of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales. It relates the story of several youths on a Pilgrimage to some far-off land. If this experiment is a success I shall continue this endeavour. Samantha: The Tales by Samantha THE FIRST TALE as told by AMY I tell you a tale, as time of old When I was not brave or gallant or bold But rather a lonely boy of school For not one friend could recognise the jewel Of promise my unfortunate male...
Cross-Dressed Fairy Tales Part 3 By Dawn DeWinter In parts 1 and 2, Sherry and Sadie, two married men, went to a lesbian bar on their "girl's night out." There they came into the clutches of Mike and Big Sue, and are in danger of being raped - or worse - if Sherry cannot keep Big Sue entertained with "original" stories. This task has just become a mite more difficult with the arrival of two more people. Can they too be kept satisfied? Part 3 is based on Pinocchio, the story of the...
Some familiar fables transformed for readers of transgendered tales. In part 1, Sherry and Sadie, two married men on a "girl's night out" visit a lesbian bar and go home with Big Sue and Mike, two women who are dangerously upset to discover that they've been seduced by two cross-dressed males cheating on their wives. Like Sheherazade in the Arabian Nights, Sherry decides that the only way to protect their -- um, posteriors, is to entertain Big Sue with fabulous stories. ...