Visions Of Johanna free porn video

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What am I doing? Kyle wondered as he walked up the front steps to his new apartment. Everything I had, everyone I knew is back in Kansas City. How did I end up here?

His question had been asked by many of his friends and relatives, and Kyle wasn't sure he had ever been able to convince them of his reasoning.

"It's a fresh start," he had mentioned each time he was asked. "Life was getting stale. I hated going to work. Things just weren't looking "up" for me like they used to. I needed a change of pace.

Most people had simply nodded at that, but not his sister Jamie. Kyle grinned, remembering their conversation. His older sibling had never been one to mince words, and tact had also never been a strong suit.

"What a load of horse shit," had been her exact words. "Why are you running away from us?" she had asked.

"What do you mean?" Kyle had asked weakly, certain that Jamie could see right through his flimsy story, positive she had ascertained his true reason for leaving the only city he'd ever called home.

"Work was fine here," she spat out. "Your family and friends are here! What the hell were you thinking?" she asked, and Kyle found himself amazed at the venom her heard in her voice. He had always thought himself closer to his younger brother, who had taken his explanation at face value. Jamie, on the other hand, actually seemed upset to see him go.

"I just... it was a good opportunity," he answered weakly. "They offered me a chance to move up, and I took it." It sounded flimsy to his own ears, and judging by the look of disgust on her face, Jamie seemed to agree. He hadn't lied though, however evasive he was. He really had hated going to work. Things weren't looking "up" like they used to. He did need a change of pace.

But in reality, Kyle knew he was running away, and he was sure that his sister knew the real reason. It had been almost three years, but still the memory haunted him.


There was just too much in Missouri that reminded him of her. Too many places they'd been together, jokes they'd laughed over, too many memories. He felt trapped in the past, a past without a hope of a future.

So he had taken the opportunity to transfer to a different department, in a different city in a different state. It wasn't really a step up the corporate ladder, although he would now have more people working under him than before. He would have more responsibilities and as such a larger paycheck, but there really wasn't that much difference between being the regional vice president of marketing and the assistant to the national vice president of marketing. Technically he was now being groomed for bigger and better things, but Kyle couldn't see that his move mattered, not in any substantial sense at least.

But he had taken the job anyway. Anything to get away from a house haunted by his wife's presence. And so here he was, hauling his suitcase up a flight of stairs towards his new home, still sweaty from the two days he had spent driving from Missouri to Washington.

"Welcome to Seattle," said his new landlord - Matthew was his name, Kyle remembered - an elderly man Kyle thought had probably fought in the Second World War.

"Thanks," he answered somewhat distractedly.

"If you need anything just holler," Matthew said. "Just be sure to holler real loud," he grinned, pointing at the rather large hearing aid protruding from his left ear. Kyle started as the old man's laugh suddenly turning to a hacking cough that seemed almost to shake his frail body to the bone.

"You okay?" he asked in concern, wondering where the nearest hospital was on the chance the man suddenly dropped unconscious... or worse.

"Haven't felt this good in years," the man cackled, turning to leave. "See you around," he said.

Kyle shook his head in wonder as the man shuffled away, his veiny hand gripping the bannister for support as he descended the apartment building's rickety staircase.

Somebody shoot me before I get that old, he thought to himself before opening the door to his new home.

Kyle groaned as his eyes swept over his new living room. The movers had certainly been meticulous in their care, but the large, well-stacked pile of boxes they had left behind would easily be more than a day's work for him to deal with.

Might as well get to it, he thought, pulling open the first box, simply marked "Miscellaneous."

More quickly than he might have imagined, Kyle began working his way through his belongings. Upon opening the third box, Kyle let out a groan and collapsed back into the one chair not occupied with the detritus of the moving process.

"Oh shit," he mumbled quietly, looking at the framed picture he now held in his hand. "I thought I got rid of that months ago, about the time you left me." Johanna, why can't you let me live in peace? he wondered, fighting the urge to smash the picture against the far wall.

Never again, swore Kyle the next morning as he walked into work. That's the last time I drink that much on an empty stomach, especially the night before such an important day. Kyle looked at the large clock suspended from the ceiling in the middle of the entryway, sighing with relief to see he was still a few minutes early.

Just enough time to stop off in the restroom and splash a little cold water on my face, he thought. Anything to make myself more presentable.

After a quick stop, Kyle found himself in front of a plain oak door while a harried woman appeared ready to jump up and block his way.

"What is it, Mrs. Montgomery?" he asked, a bit more harshly than he'd wanted, a product of too little sleep coupled with too much alcohol.

"Mr. Saunders?" the woman asked cautiously from behind her prefabricated desk. "It appears there was some trouble with your paperwork."

"What sort of trouble?" Kyle asked the woman, who now seemed ready to curl up and hide beneath her desk.

"We all knew you were arriving today," she said slowly, "but it appears the notice didn't make it to the entire team, and your new office isn't quite ready."

"That's fine," Kyle shrugged, reaching for the doorknob which to his surprise came off in his hand.

"Sorry," the secretary yelped, a look of panic on her face.

"That wasn't supposed to happen, was it?" Kyle laughed, trying to fit the knob back into place.

Finally the knob seemed secure and Kyle once more attempted to open the door, eventually succeeding in gaining access to his new work home. Kyle took one step into the room before stopping short, his progress slowed both by the overpowering paint fumes and a total lack of any office furniture, much less carpeting.

"I'm sorry," his secretary said again. "There's a temporary office set up for you."

"Where?" Kyle sighed wearily, wondering how much worse the day could go.

"Downstairs," was his secretary's answer. Kyle groaned inwardly, remembering his quick tour of the corporate headquarters.

"Not by..."

"By the phone room," she answered apologetically. "Sorry."

"It's okay," he shrugged. "I don't suppose it's your fault, is it?" he asked, trying to make light of the situation. Unfortunately his attempt at humor failed miserably.

"Absolutely not," his secretary almost huffed. "If it had been up to me, your office would have been finished last week, but no one asks me about these kind of things. And another thing," she continued, starting to build momentum, "were you aware that the contractors only showed up yesterday to start work? And they left early! I mean, if the assistant to the national..."

"I understand," Kyle laughed, surprised to realize he wasn't all that upset about his temporary location. If she talks this much all the time I won't be able to get any work done, he thought. Maybe this isn't that bad a thing after all.

"Are you sure?" she asked, seemingly near tears.

"Positive," he nodded. "Just point me in the right direction and I'll be out of your way. Fair enough?"

"Oh yes," she gushed. "Thank you!"

Soon, Kyle found himself trudging down a long hallway toward his new, temporary office. It was, as he had thought, far away from any of the other executives he was supposed to be working with, but at least it was cool in the basement, and instead of the constant chatter of voices and ringing of telephones, he was happy to hear only a dull roar of voices.

Mercifully, the key he had been given seemed to work in all the right doors and Kyle spent the next hour moving his desk and filing cabinets around the office. Eventually Kyle had the room to his liking and went off in search of something important.

"Excuse me," he asked an attractive woman, a brunette he estimated was only a few years younger than himself. "Where is the bathroom?"

"New guy, huh?" she asked.

"Yeah," he shrugged.

"That's cool. We all have to start somewhere."

"The bathrooms?" he repeated.

"Sorry! They're down that way," she answered, pointing with her left hand down the hallway. Not married, Kyle thought as he saw her fingers were devoid of any rings. Stop it, he shook his head slightly, but the years as a bachelor had produced habits too strong to break, even during the months when he had been a married man.

"Thanks," he answered out loud.

"No problem," the woman smiled, reaching out to shake his hand. "I'm Heather," she said brightly. Her fingers were cool to the touch and Kyle found himself growing slightly short of breath as her eyes locked into his own.

"Kyle," he answered. "Kyle Saunders."

"Nice to meet you, Kyle Saunders," she said. "You'd better hurry though," she grinned, releasing his hand. "You don't want to get on Estelle's bad side."

"Huh?" Kyle responded, mentally kicking himself. Smooth, he thought. Real smooth.

"Estelle," she laughed. "She'll be on my case just for getting a coffee. Don't let her catch you taking a long bathroom break."

"Who's Estelle?" Kyle asked, his curiosity overcoming his body's natural urge. Who is this girl? he wondered. And who does she think I am?

"Estelle Martin," the woman answered, questions crinkling the corners of her eyes. "Don't you work in the phone room?" she asked.

"No," Kyle answered. "I work upstairs, but my office isn't ready, so I'm down here, schlepping with you guys." Kyle paused, laughing lightly, the embarrassed expression on the woman's face evident.

"Oh my god," she stammered, the words running together into a long jumble. "I'm sorry! I just assumed you were new, but I suppose you're a little overdressed to be phone support," she said, glancing at his suit and tie.

"It's okay," he smiled. "I can normally do without the jacket, but I was trying to make a good impression on the first day."

"That you did," Heather answered, her eyes lingering on his chest and maybe, Kyle imagined hopefully, a point a bit further down. There was an awkward pause before Heather managed to pull her gaze back to Kyle's face and Kyle could see a flush forming on her cheeks as Heather realized she had been caught.

"I should go," Kyle said lightly, enjoying the moment as Heather fought her urge to run from the hallway. "Bathroom's calling me," he explained. "It was nice meeting you," he said.

"You too," Heather answered softly and before Kyle could say another word she had spun on her heel and began marching away. Kyle stood there, watching as the beige skirt Heather was wearing swished back and forth across her calves. Her legs were firm and tight, like those a dancer might have, and as he watched the smooth curve of her buttocks swaying from side to side Kyle was surprised to find himself beginning to become aroused, the first he could remember, since Johanna's death.

"Bathroom," he said quietly to himself, the image of Johanna's face a sudden intrusion into an otherwise pleasant moment. He shook his head, trying to remove her face from his memory but was unsuccessful.

After a long-needed journey to the bathroom, Kyle found himself alone in his office. The phone was still not connected to a working jack, and so the rest of his day went by in a blur and Kyle wondered if possibly he really wasn't expected until the next week.

Don't go looking for trouble, his first boss had told him. If someone wants you, let them come to you.

Kyle took those words to heart, taking time to organize and then reorganize his files and desk. Eventually six o'clock rolled around and Kyle took the stairs to the main floor. He was heading out the front doors when he heard a voice calling his name.

"Mr. Saunders!" he heard, and turned to see Heather running to catch up.

"Hey," he answered, smiling for the first time in many hours. "Good to see a familiar face."

"Thanks," she grinned, falling into step beside him. "How was your first day?" she asked.

"Good," he answered. "Things went fairly smoothly," he continued, "after I was accosted by this strange woman in the basement."

"What happened?" Heather asked.

"It was the strangest thing," Kyle replied, fighting to hold back a smile. "There I was, minding my own business, and this woman, out of nowhere comes up to me and tells me I should get back to work or I'd get in trouble!" He paused, watching as Heather processed the story, her look of puzzlement fast turning to one of embarrassed annoyance.

"You goof," she chided, slapping him lightly on the shoulder. "I thought something happened!"

"I'm just teasing," he grinned. "Actually, today was pretty boring. But I have to say, my office is about as clean as it will ever be."

"I'll have to stop by sometime," she said.

"Just watch out for Estelle," Kyle laughed as the two parted ways in the parking lot. "I hear she can be pretty strict about that sort of thing!"

"I will," Heather promised. "See you tomorrow!"

"See you tomorrow," Kyle said, waving as he watched Heather get in her car and drive away.

Kyle's thoughts were a conflicted mess on his drive home. For three years he had remained alone, envisioning himself a celibate tribute to his wife's memory. For three years he had fought the offers of blind dates or one night stands out of respect to Johanna, but suddenly he found himself, for the first time since her death, thinking of another woman.

What's happening? he wondered as he pulled into his parking space in front of his apartment complex.

Sighing lightly in confusion, Kyle climbed the stairs and entered his apartment, his sigh turning to a groan as he realized the job of unpacking was barely started. Rolling up his sleeves, Kyle grabbed another box and roughly tore it open. As he worked, he found himself thinking of Johanna, her face occasionally replaced by that of Heather, a woman he had just met and barely knew.

Unfortunately the rest of the office seemed to realize Kyle was in the building by the next morning, and by the time he reached his temporary office in the basement Kyle had been accosted by numerous people wanting to set up lunch or stop by for a meeting.

What's this going to be like when I'm not down in the basement? he thought. I wonder if I'm going to miss the solitude once I'm back on the ninth floor?

Just then Kyle heard a knocking on his door and he barked out a sharp, "come in!"

"Sorry to bother you," he heard a soft voice say, recognizing it immediately as belonging to Heather.

"Hey," he said, the tension in his face relaxing noticeably as he recognized his guest. "Sorry to sound so harsh. I thought you were someone else wanting some face time with me," he apologized.

"Face time, huh?" she grinned, walking up and leaning against the corner of his desk. "With you? I think I like the sound of that."

Kyle frowned, trying to parse what she had said, finally blushing slightly when he realized her meaning. Could she possibly be serious? he wondered. It had been years since he'd had to use his "signal" sensors. Johanna had been his first girlfriend in junior high, and only the fact that he had been so intent on his career had kept the two of them from marrying right out of college. It was one of the biggest regrets of his life that he had only been able to be her husband for seven months before the drunk driver took her life.

"You would?" he finally managed, looking up at the woman now leaning down toward him. Her movement caused the blouse she was wearing to stretch dangerously tight over her breasts, and Kyle gulped as he realized she wasn't wearing anything under the thin blue cotton.

"I would," she grinned, smiling impishly as she leaned close. "I saw you yesterday and something just clicked, you know?" she asked, her breath hot against his cheek.

Suddenly there was another knock at the door and Kyle crashed back into his chair in his haste to present an innocent looking scene to whoever might be wanting his attentions. Heather just grinned, slipping off his desk to answer the door.

"I'm sorry to bother you, Mr. Saunders," said a large, brusque woman as she barreled into the tiny office. "I was wondering if you'd seen one of my workers. She's about this tall," she said, holding her hand about five and a half feet off the ground. "She has brown hair and she's supposed to be in the phone room," the woman, who Kyle assumed was the famous Estelle, explained.

"Oh?" he asked. "Are you looking for..."

"Me?" Heather asked, turning to face the older woman.

"Heather!" she sputtered, looking in disbelief as Heather grinned at her. "What are you doing here?" she asked.

"Mr. Saunders was just about to give me dictation," she said, dragging out the last word, causing Kyle to cough uncontrollably in his nervousness.

"I was? I mean, yes, I was," he stammered. Heather winked at him before turning back to Estelle.


"But... but you're needed in the phone room!" she said.

"I'm sorry," Heather apologized. "He saw me yesterday, and asked me to come into his office for a little one on one. He said we should set up some face time together. Is that okay?" she asked.

"I... I don't know..."

"It's probably a good idea," offered Kyle, beginning to warm to the situation. "I've been thinking that while I'm down here, it would be a good idea to have someone... a personal assistant. Someone to work underneath me, you know?" he said seriously to a confused Estelle, while Heather fought back laughter behind the rattled woman.

"Well, I... she's supposed to be in the phone room..." she tried again.

"I'm sure it won't be a problem," Kyle said. "Why don't you run down to human resources and see if you can't go about getting her transferred to my office?"

"I... I suppose so," Estelle muttered, turning to leave.

The office was deathly quiet as she exited the office, Kyle and Heather both waiting until the door had closed before bursting into laughter.

"Someone to work under you?" gasped Heather.

"A little one on one?" laughed Kyle.

"She's gone, isn't she?" Heather asked.

"She is. I'm assuming that was Estelle?"

"It was indeed. Now you've met her," laughed Heather.

"And what a lovely person she seems to be," nodded Kyle quickly, before turning serious. "Is this going to get you in trouble?" he asked. "That all happened kind of quickly, and I'm not even sure if I did the right thing."

"Oh, God yes," Heather answered. "I've been waiting to get out of the phone room for months! I applied to be in the secretarial pool, but haven't had the opportunity to move out of the phone room, so this is perfect!"

"Well, good. So, you really can take dictation?" Kyle asked.

"Mmm hmm," she answered coyly before licking her lips suggestively. "I can take it, all right."

"Stop it," Kyle chided her, turning look at the door. "Someone might hear you."

"Sorry," she grinned meekly. "I'll be good."

"Good," Kyle nodded.


"Unless what?"

"Unless you'd like me to be bad," she answered.

"I'll... I'll keep that in mind," Kyle said slowly, wondering what he might be getting himself into. In the space of two days he had gone from a certified loner, morbidly brooding over his loss, to trading innuendoes with a woman he had apparently just hired as his personal assistant.

What's going on? he wondered once again.

As it turned out, nothing much was going on for the next few weeks. Kyle's new office was ready after a week, and he and Heather had the unenviable task of relocating all his work from the basement up to the ninth floor. It took a day of work, but at last Kyle had a place, and with the help of Heather even felt comfortable in his new job.

"I couldn't have done this without you," he said sincerely one night. "I know this maybe wasn't the escape from the phone room you were imagining, but I just wanted to say thanks for all your help. So... thanks."

"You're welcome," Heather answered slowly. "And don't apologize for anything... this was exactly like I'd imagined it would be. Yes, the work is hard. Yes, it can be monotonous, but still... this is what I signed up for when I applied. This beats answering branch office telephone calls any day of the week!"

"Well, good. I'm glad to hear it," Kyle answered.

"Can I ask you a question?" Heather asked hesitantly. "I'm sorry if I'm being nosy, but I just have to know."

"Go on," Kyle said. "What's your question?"

"I was just wondering... do you like me?" she asked.

"Heather! Of course I like you, why would you even wonder?" Kyle replied.

"Well... I was just wondering... how come you've never asked me out?"


"You know, like on a date? Is there something wrong with me?"

"Oh, Heather... there's nothing wrong with you! I just..."

"What?" she asked insistently.

I'm still in love with my dead wife! he wanted to shout. Instead he remained silent, the shaking of his head his only movement, refusing to speak any more.

"Fine," Heather hissed, grabbing her coat and purse and stomping out of the office. "See you tomorrow, sir."

"Oh shit," Kyle moaned, allowing himself to lean down on his desk, his head in his arms as he fought back a scream of frustration. Johanna... why can't I just let you go?!?

"How's life, young sir?" asked his landlord Matthew that evening as Kyle trudged passed the apartment complex's offices.

"Okay, I guess," he shrugged. "It could be worse."

"That doesn't sound too good to me," the old man chuckled. "And I'm listening to you through a piece of plastic!" he said, pointing as usual to his hearing aid. "So what you said must have sounded really bad to a person who could hear!"

"It's fine," said Kyle, grinning at the man in spite of himself. "I just... I had a rough time at work."

"Woman problems, eh?" said the old man sagely, nodding his head in understanding. "Is it about your wife?"

Kyle spun his head around to look at the old man, his eyes open wide in surprise. "My wife?" he stammered. "How... how did you know?"

"It's my ears that are bad. My eyes are still pretty good," the man cackled. "And this is what I see... I see you, a young feller, all on his own in a dingy little apartment in my building. You don't have any kids running around or a woman waiting for you, but you have a ring on your finger like maybe you used to."

Kyle looked down guiltily at his left hand. Indeed, he was still wearing his wedding ring, although it had been mentioned to him by more than one friend that the time had probably come to take it off, but Kyle couldn't stand the thought.

"I couldn't," he said. "I couldn't stand to get rid of it."

"Did she leave you?" the man asked, squinting his eyes to look at Kyle more closely when Kyle shook his head. "Nah... you don't seem like the type of guy a woman leaves."

"She... she passed away," Kyle finally managed to say quietly.

"Well, if I didn't just step all over your emotions," Matthew said. "I do apologize. You want to talk about it?" he asked. "It might do you some good."

"I... I don't know if I can."

"It'll be all right," the old man said. "Why don't you start by telling me about her. What was her name?"

"Johanna," Kyle answered.

"Pretty name. How'd you two meet?"

"We... I don't know... I always just knew her."

"High school sweetheart?" the man laughed. "Those are nice. I married my sweetheart too. Why don't you tell me about her."

So Kyle did, starting slowly at first but eventually, to his surprise beginning to tell stories and explain feelings he's kept bottled up inside for a long time. At last he got to the most painful story, the tale of a rainy November day, a long night of work and a driver who never should have been allowed to get behind the wheel of his pickup truck.

"Ah shit... how long ago did it happen?" the old man asked.

"About... she died about three years ago," Kyle said.

"Hmm... and yet you're still wearing the ring, are you?" Matthew asked.

Kyle looked down in surprise at his hand. He didn't wear the ring all the time, in fact he had never worn it to work, but sometimes he found himself slipping it on his finger when he was around the house.

"Yes," whispered Kyle as he took off the ring and put it in his pocket. "I'm sorry."

"Sorry my ass!" blurted the old man. "Don't you ever be sorry for loving someone so much, you hear me?"

"Sorry," Kyle apologized again, causing the old man to smile. Kyle looked up in surprise, a hurt expression on his face, quickly turning to anger as the old man began to laugh.

"I'm sorry," he said finally, waving his hands in the air by way of apology. "I am not mocking you... I just... never mind. I'm sorry I laughed, but she sounds like a lovely girl, and you should consider yourself lucky to have known her, to have loved her."

"I do," Kyle said, nodding vigorously. "I am lucky."

"And you should consider yourself a fool too," the man continued.


"A damn fool, in fact. What do you think Johanna would want for you?" the old man asked.

"To be happy," Kyle answered.

"And are you? Are you happy?"

"I... I think so."

"Bull shit," the man spat out. "I look at you and you're not happy. You mope around all day when you're not working, and you sit in front of the television at night. You don't go out, you don't meet people, you just... sit around like a lump. Is that what your wife would want? Is that how you'd want her to see you?"

"No," answered Kyle sullenly. "I suppose not."

"Damn right, she wouldn't. One thing I don't understand though... for a spell, a couple weeks ago, you looked downright chipper when you came home from work... don't think I didn't hear you whistling on the stairs as you walked past my rooms. What was that all about?"

"That was Heather," Kyle sighed wistfully.

"Heather, eh?" Matthew asked, eying Kyle carefully. "I thought as much," he claimed.

"You did?" Kyle asked in disbelief.

"Yup. Thought you seemed like a fellow who might be in love. Then today you're a basket case. What happened?"

"We... I acted like... what did you say? Like a damn fool at work."

"Because of Heather?"


"What happened?"

"I think... I know she likes me, but I pushed her away."

"Because of your wife?" asked Matthew gently.

"Yes," Kyle practically sobbed. "What's wrong with me?" he pleaded, looking to the elderly man for guidance. "What can I do?" The grizzled old landlord looked at him intently for a moment before answering.

"Tell her," he said. "Tell her what happened. It'll be good for you, and she'll understand."

Kyle sighed heavily.

"I'll do that," he said. "I will."

"Good," Matthew said. "Now help me up," he laughed, reaching out his hand and Kyle helped pull the old man up from the stairs.

"You know, for an old single guy, you're pretty smart," Kyle admitted grudgingly.

"Don't be so sure of that," Matthew laughed, reaching into his pocket. He held out his open hand revealing a thin band of gold. "It took me a long time to get over Helen," he said softly. "It took a long damn time."

"You're going to tell her," Kyle said quietly to himself the next morning as he rode the elevator up to the ninth floor. "You're going to walk into your office and tell her everything."

To his surprise however, when Kyle opened his office door it wasn't Heather, but another secretary who looked up at him expectantly.

"I'm sorry, sir," she apologized. "I'm not quite up to speed on your projects. I only found out this morning that I would be working for you."

"Where's Heather?" he asked.


"Heather... my old assistant. What happened to her?"

"I... I don't know. I could find out," she offered.

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Vision of the Spirit Ch 15

Chief William Morris turned off the television and sat up on the edge of the bed. His wife, Annie, had been right. Penny was easily seduced. What surprised him most of all was how much it turned him on, watching them together. The old jealousy did not resurface, maybe because the other woman was Penny and not a stranger. Covering his face with his hands, he replayed their naked, entwined bodies. The vision of his two lifelong loves in each other’s arms went far beyond erotic. When it was...

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Vision of the Spirit Ch 05

A gentle tug on Tom’s arm woke him. Only half-aware, he clutched Hannah tight to his chest in a reflex triggered by dreams of abandonment. She brushed his cheek, and whispered, ‘I have to pee, but I’ll be right back. I promise.’ The curtains faintly glowed with sunrise. Rain and wind tapped on the glass. Tom languidly stretched, and enjoyed a lazy Sunday morning contentment. His thoughts floated between dream and reality. The warm bed felt like an ideal place to spend the day. After a few...

2 years ago
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Vision of the Spirit Ch 03

Tom didn’t sleep well despite the orgasm. After a couple of fitful hours, he lay awake and struggled with a brain gone wild. Soon it would be dawn, and they’d have to leave the cave or risk being found by the killers. How far would they get in their condition? Hunger gnawed at his stomach. Willow was acting a little off center. The softness of her body had its own distracting appeal. Tom’s train of thought derailed as she cuddled against him like a security blanket. Her sleep appeared...

1 year ago
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Vision of the Spirit Ch 18

Tom woke up with a booming kettledrum between his ears. With every heartbeat, his temples throbbed. Gradually, the events from the night before replayed like glimpses through a fog, but he clearly recalled the climactic parts — the Hannah parts. The sun was already above the window frame and Hannah wasn’t in bed. Rolling onto his side, Tom checked the clock — 10:00am. He groaned, fell back and tried to lie still, hoping the ache would cease and desist. But the need to pee eventually surpassed...

4 years ago
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Vision of the Spirit Ch 13

Chief Morris waited until the barbecue grill was good and hot and his libido was good and cold before wandering back into the kitchen. He slipped up behind his wife, Annie, and kissed her neck. ‘I love you.’ Annie spun around within his embrace, and hissed, ‘She knows!’ ‘Who? What?’ After a glance at the door, she whispered, ‘Penny knows about us… and Hannah. Hannah told Penny her secrets and how she would turn her life around if people gave her a chance.’ Willie chuckled and pulled her...

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Vision of the Spirit Ch 16

Thomas Dubois stood outside the Midway Motel office and watched the gray clouds rake across the jagged mountaintops. The leaves were gone from the trees, and with them the tourist season. Business was dead, and that left too much time to think. It had been a busy summer and autumn, the cabins were filled almost every night. Tom handled everything alone, which didn’t leave any time for self-pity. During the day, he forgot about Hannah Roundtree, but at night she haunted his dreams. A...

3 years ago
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Vision of the Spirit Ch 07

The cop folded his notebook, left a business card on the desk, and headed for the door. ‘Ms. Roundtree, don’t drag Tom into something he doesn’t deserve. Call me, when you want to talk.’ He stood in the doorway, turned back and pointed at his Coke bottle on the desk. ‘I forgot my soda.’ Before Tom could react, Hannah jumped up, grabbed the bottle, and handed it to the officer. She didn’t know if Tom had a criminal record, but she wouldn’t risk it. The man was right. Tom deserved better. ...

2 years ago
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Vision of the Spirit Ch 09

A police barricade blocked the road ahead. Hannah spotted the red strobes of emergency vehicles parked in front of the Midway Motel and her stomach tied itself into a noose. Afraid that something terrible had happened to Tom, she jumped out of the truck and sprinted past the row of hissing flares. ‘Hey, Lady, stop!’ The sheriff, standing guard, was too fat and too slow to do anything except shoot her in the back or radio to the officers ahead. Fortunately, he chose the latter. Police chief...

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Vision of the Spirit Ch 11

Hopelessness squeezed Hannah’s stomach and tears filled her eyes. The wet laundry turned into a blur of colors, as she pulled each item from the washer and threw it into the dryer. The basement screen door creaked open and slammed shut. Approaching footfalls were heavy. They stopped close behind her. ‘Come back outside when you’re done.’ Chief Willie’s tone was flat and demanding. Hannah asked, ‘Why?’ although she knew the answer. ‘We’re not finished yet.’ She stopped and focused on the...

1 year ago
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Vision of the Spirit Ch 06

The television droned baseball play-by-play as Police Chief Morris stared out the rain streaked window. His fingers absently traced over the swollen belly of his wife, Annie. ‘Willie, if you’re not going to pay attention to the game, then pay attention to me.’ He smiled down at her. Smiles didn’t come naturally, but she could make him with just one word, ‘Willie’. ‘That’s better. You almost look happy to be here.’ ‘I’ve never been happier.’ It was true. Funny how this second marriage...

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Vision of the Spirit Ch 10

Chief Willie Morris delayed going home as long as possible. The sky cleared and the sun had been up for an hour, when he pulled into his driveway. Several more minutes passed, until he gathered enough courage to go inside. The smell of sizzling bacon greeted his empty stomach. Annie was in the kitchen, humming a tune with the contentment he once found so cheerful and now found unnerving. ‘There you are!’ The flimsy robe split open when she walked to him. ‘Your breakfast is going to get cold.’...

2 years ago
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Vision of the Spirit Ch 08

It was a miracle that Tom was able to hold back his orgasm. If Hannah had touched him, or thrust a few more times, he couldn’t have prevented a seminal eruption. Fortunately, things worked according to plan, or didn’t work in this case. Determined to show her that she was more than a sex object, he willfully fought against pleasure. While she fucked him, he mentally inventoried his truck, balanced his bank account and calculated his modest investment dividends to the end of the year. There was...

2 years ago
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Vision Quest

I pulled the old Yamaha behind the tree and turned off the motor, immediately missing the thrum and vibration under my legs. Dropping the kick stand I allowed the cycle to lean over as I slid my leg across the tank and dismounted. Slapping my helmet down on the point of the sissy-bar backrest and stretching I took a deep breath of the early-morning mountain air. I unbuttoned my denim jacket and allowed it to hang open, I wore no shirt and the cool air felt good on my bare skin. Dropping the key...

4 years ago
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My Very Special First Time

There’s this girl called Jenny. She works at the local supermarket just like I do. She’s the most beautiful girl I know. She’s got a petite figure with a great pair of boobs, not too big, not too small. I’m too shy to talk to her though. I’m pretty sure she’s got a boyfriend. I mean, she must have one, right? All the beautiful girls do. “Rick?” I heard a voice ask. I snapped out of my thoughts and looked up to see Jenny. “Are you free tonight?” she asked, looking nervous. “I, uhm, what?” is...

2 years ago
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Jack And Jill The Second BookChapter 50

Laurie's action confused me. Did she think of me as just another DVD on the pile, another person to come into her life for a while and then leave? I wanted to tell her that I would always be around, that she could count on me, but I knew it wasn't true. My life was getting busier and busier every day and I just didn't have the time to spend with her like I was today. Less than a year from now, there was a good chance Jack and I would be gone, off to a college in some city far away. Would...

4 years ago
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Punishment For a Sissy IV

Punishment For a Sissy IV By PJD The silence in the cell was prolonged, each of the watching women waited for the housekeepers reaction. When it came they were cold measured words, not the hysterical screaming torrent of abuse, they had expected from the spinster. "For your behaviour to me and the girls, you will be punished, but not now we have to much to do, tomorrow you will be thrashed in front of the entire staff." She pushed the whimpering sissy back onto the bed, "Now...

1 year ago
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Badi Behen Aur Mom Ki Dost Ke Saath Chudai

Mera naam Mahesh hai meri umar 20 saal ki hai aur meri height 5’9’’ ki hai. Mere family main mere dad mom mere 2 bade bhai aur 2 badi bahan ha main family main sabse chhota hun. Meri mom aur ek badi bahan gaon par mere dada dadi ke dekh bhal ke liya rahate hai aur baki log delhi main rahate hai. Mera gaon delhi se karib 800 km door padata hai. Aur main summer vacation main hi mom aur didi se milane ke liye ja pata tha. Lekin idhar 2 years se main unse nahi mil paya tha. Meri mom aur didi mujhe...

4 years ago
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Georgia on My MindChapter 7

"Mr. Lauderdale we're going to be on approach in just a little bit," Olivia said after she had gently awaken Jamie from his nap, "if you would like to freshen up before the Captain puts on the seat belt light now would be a good time." "Thank you I think I will." He felt the urge to pee so he needed to use the bathroom anyway. In the bathroom he splashed cold water on his face, buttoned his collar and tightened his necktie before he used the toilet. Just as he started to pee the door...

3 years ago
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Master PC The ProtectorChapter 22 Cause and Effect

"Before I got the program, I had a weight problem. Remember, I told you I didn't date at all while I was in high school? Well, that's why. Even in a school with a graduating class of over two-hundred and fifty students, no one would go out with me. And don't think that I didn't try, because I asked guys out too. Most of them were kind enough to let me down gently, but it still hurt because no matter how much dieting, no matter how much exercise I got, I couldn't lose enough." "My...

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GloryHole Riley Star Second Appearance

Riley has spent her entire life sheltered. All of her friends made fun of her for being a prude. She promised herself that when she turned 18…she was gonna cut loose…experiment. She didn’t waste much time. The day after she turned 18, she put on her sluttiest outfit, slapped on some “come fuck me” makeup and strolled into the local adult bookstore looking to get into trouble. She tried her hardest to play the part of an experienced sex junkie…but the clerk...

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I turned around when I heard a little cough behind me. My sister Amy, stood there with a big grin on her face. "Hey, do you work all the time? I went by your house and Ellen said you were still working. I came by to see if you had your secretary bent over the desk or something." "You just missed it. She's a hot little Latino and demands it twice a day at least." Sis and I kidded each other a lot about our love lives. I was happily married. Sis and I had always discussed our dating and...

2 years ago
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My Scuba TV Pet

I was surprised. I’d thought it was something that would have appealed to you and that you’d have tried a long time ago, but obviously not.  

Let’s do it today then, I said, making the decision for both of us. The water’s warm this time of year so catsuits will be fine, no need for a wetsuit. And I know a dive-boat where we’d be made very welcome.  If you had any views on the matter you didn’t share them. But then you were at something of a disadvantage. I watched as your head moved up and...

3 years ago
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Fucked My Hot Neighbor

I am Aman from Delhi. This is my first story on iss. I have been reading iss for a few months now & I’m a big fan. Please leave your feedback at () as this is my first story. Let me tell you about myself I am fair, my height is 6 ft and I have a good build body. Now coming to the heroin of my story is lady who lives next door. Let us call her Shruti (not her real name) she was about 5.6 ft tall, very fair complexion (snow white) and had a very nice curvy figure. She had nice round ass and...

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Andersonville 28 Freedom Fighters

Author's notes: Permission to use the names of my fellow authors (and good friends) was obtained before this story was written. Any negative events that happened in this story were explained before consent was given. Fade in... There was no doubt they were in love. My brother was lying on Sally's lap while she ran her long, delicate fingernails through his hair. Steve's injuries were healing nicely, and the doctor had said that he should be able to walk without his crutches...

3 years ago
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Curiosity Killed the CatChapter 36 Espionage

Saturday, July 6th, 1996, Sanford Maine I finished setting up our two tents next to each other, as far away from where the others had set theirs as I could. I made it so that our entrance flaps faced each other and were only about three feet apart, I figured that would make it easier to slip back and forth at night when it was pitch black outside. Now, if only I’d thought to have brought some gags, the girls had a tendency to get loud when we made love. Oh well, I guess they’d just have to...

2 years ago
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Copyright 2001 by Madeline Bell. No part of this work may be distributed as an original work by another person or group. Permission is given to redistribute this by electronic means, as long as the entirety of the work is distributed, and credit is given to the original author, me. Any resemblance between the writings in this work, and any actual persons or places, living or dead, are purely coincidental, except when used for satirical purposes. All rights...

4 years ago
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Dating Danielle Part II

Introduction: The making of a young slut continues This is the second in a multi-part series about a young girl who discovers sex with an older male father-figure and the slut that dwells inside is born and of course the father-figure nurtures it along. For context you should go back and read Dating Danielle it was posted three times as I tried to get rid of the editor issues, and was finally successful. Look for Dating Danielle – repost fix (I hope). Without further ado, heres part II The...

3 years ago
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Delhi Mein Bhabhi Ko Choda

I am Sparsh from Delhi and studying in college in the second year of commerce. My age is 21 years. I have my parents and a elder brother Amit who is just married 3 months ago. My bhabhi`s name is Shruti and she is a dynamite. Her age is 32 years. She is bold, sexy with a 36’28’34 figure. The day I saw her I wanted to fuck her as soon as I get a chance. My bhabhi (Shruti) is very beautiful, cheerful and nice lady, she was very frank with me and use to spend time with me chatting , or watching...

2 years ago
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Fifteen Forever Girls from Outer SpaceChapter 12 America

Strawberry pancakes and maple syrup! What a thing to have for breakfast! Epic. It was incredibly serious why they were here, but Grace couldn’t help being excited. San Francisco. America. This huge hotel with all glass and so much space, including a huge swimming pool that she’d had a swim in already with Mia. It was true: everything WAS bigger over here. She was looking forward to driving down to Mountain View in their dark red ‘rental’. She played with pronouncing it ‘rennle’ in her head....

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The Wedding Night

The Wedding Night “I will always love you” by Whitney Houston rang out around the room and the dance floor was packed…..mainly with women! The bride and groom were locked in a passionate embrace occupying the centre of the floor and surrounded by small groups of predominantly women with the odd booze laden bloke doing his best to keep pace! I was sitting at our table looking onto the dance floor and my gaze soon became focussed on my missus dancing with her Aunty Mandy near to the front of the...

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Chuck White 5

Chuck White 5 A Party For Some "59...lick, 60...lick. Sir, I invite you to fuck my wife any time that she desires without any concern for my feelings or rights as her husband. I have voluntarily become her cuckold husband and accept all that it implies. lick, 61...lick, 62...lick, 63..." ...................................................................... Ding Dong!!! My heart skipped several beats. The guests had...

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I call my girlfriend Kate and ask if I can borrow her camera. She says, "Sure, Hon, anytime. Why, what's up? You aren't taking naughty pictures again are you?" "Well, actually..." I reply, "I have begun to share some incredibly sexy stories with my lover. He sends me stories while we are apart, I add in my side and send them back. I just want to..." "...Want to send him a couple of photos so he can see what these stories do to you," she finishes for me. "Can I read the stories? Maybe I can stay...

3 years ago
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Six Times A DayPart 52 Lets Work Together

The next morning, Alan woke up somewhat refreshed but still weary to his bones. Man! I was up too late getting my dick sucked by both Mom and Aims. I generally had too much sexual fun all day yesterday. Geez, I can't believe I just said that in my mind, like that's a normal thing. "Oh no! I got my cock sucked far too much. Woe is me!" Ha! What an AWESOME life! Still, it can't be denied that all that intense sexual fun is taxing. My goal today should be just to make it through school so...

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helen slut

Helen lay in bed her husband asleep next to her she smiled to her self about the days events . She played through all she had done with her builder that day her mrs average the cum slut . After dropping the k**s of Helen raced home her heart beat faster as she saw his van there . " morning " Helen beamed and went in to kiss him . He turned his cheek away " don't get me wrong luv your nice and it was a bit of fun but that's all let's face it your married " he then looked her up and down almost...

4 years ago
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Anna Pt 02

A few weeks later Anna bit my ear so hard it bled while we were fucking in the supply closet. She had been trying to keep quiet, panting in my ear as I jammed her up against the wall and pushed my cock into her wet cunt beneath her skirt. ‘Ow,’ I said. ‘I’m so sorry,’ she said, as she sucked on my earlobe, cleaning off the blood. ‘Finish, quick.’ She turned to face the wall, and I lifted up the back of her skirt to reveal the gorgeous pale curves of her ass. I parted her pussy lips with the...

2 years ago
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The Ventrioquist

WHO?S THE DUMMY THE VENTRILOQUIST(Or, ?Which one?s the Dummy??) Okay, like, I don?t know why it happened, but it was fuckin? weird, man. I was sitting in the lounge of? Texas Tommy?s Boi-Toi Ranch, when they got an outcall for a ?Big strong, hustler?. As Mickie at the desk said, they wanted the biggest boy there, ALL OVER.  Next to ?Detroit Half-Smoke? Willard, who?s been visiting his mom back in Florida, I?m the biggest boy?and the longest here at the Boi-Toi Ranch. Mickie also said...

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Welcome to Reverie

I looked at my phone just to be sure I was at the right address. I was here. I approached the door and glanced back at my car debating if this was what I really wanted to do.It's not too late to go home. I thought. No. I want this. Before I talked myself out of this I pushed open the door and walked in. I found myself in a beautiful decorated room just like the lobby of a luxury hotel. Off to my right was a fully stocked bar and off to my left appeared to be a receptionists desk. I approached...

Group Sex
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Sissy Porn Star Part 3

Sissy Porn Star - Part 3 "Wake up sleepy head it's time for your B12 shot!" Sherri said aloud as she entered the room with the syringe already in her right hand. Charles woke up as though he were coming out of a bad dream. He saw Sherri standing there dressed up in a nurse's outfit with the syringe in her latex gloved hand. The outfit was made of white latex and she wore an accompanying nurse's cap on her head with a red cross inscribed in the middle. He could not believe how...

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Sophiarsquos Amateur Modelling Adventure

t was a lovely spring morning and I was feeling really good, after 3 months intensive yoga that had toned my body back into a sexy little hottie (even if a I say so myself) and now only one year after having my lovely baby girl Holly I am now back to looking great. My regular shopping trip took me to the butchers and I loved to chat with the gang in the shop. The four lads were fun and I must admit very fit (if a little bit dirty from the humping of raw meat). This time a gorgeous blond girl...

4 years ago
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Making DoChapter 4

Nancy was staring into space. She was sitting at her desk typing up more notes for Henry. Her boss had become more than a boss. He had become her lover and husband. She reminissed about the first time she saw him as a person who was more than an older man. He had come to her bedside with her father after he had heard that she had some evidence that might show corruption and murder in their town. He had heard some of the story and she had broken down and cried. He had bent over and tenderly...

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ReunionChapter 14

The weekend passed slowly. Bill fixed the faucet and a few other minor problems, like oiling the hinges for squeaky doors and replacing the filters on the air conditioner. As he did these routine maintenance tasks, he realized that next week, he would be doing many of the same chores in his own home. There, he would be alone and missing her. Courtney called Ashley on Monday afternoon. "I thought I'd have more information. Here's what they decided. They want both the guy from Washington...

1 year ago
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Mistress Cruel Love Chapter 1 How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love Femdom

The wind chilled the bare flesh of his scalp in between Darius' corn rows. His long, thin braids trailed neatly down the back of his head, dangling behind him and to both sides of his upper chest. He enjoyed the “tough guy” look the style afforded him. If he was honest, it was also a way to compensate for his barely average height. Regardless, he made sure the braids were well groomed at all times. It was hard enough for a black man to get ahead in the world without creating obstacles for...

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Jerome invites me to the cinema

My Black Master Jerome knew I was alone during the week end.So, he called me on Saturday, asking if I liked movies at the cinema. I answered of course I loved to go to the cinema…A while later I met Jerome at the cinema’s door entrance. He kissed me hard and asked if I had obeyed him about my outfit. I told my Black Master of course I had done what he had ordered me.He had just told me to wear a sexy dress and no panties at all.Jerome smiled and I asked him what was the movie we would watch....

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As I quietly enter the bedroom, I see you lying in the twilight. Your hair has grown longer, your eyes are closed, your skin is darker, your breasts are larger and your body glistens with sweat. You are beautiful lying there naked. I see you laying there on the bed in all your beauty. I continue to look at you, unseen, as you gently squeeze your breasts, and rub your clit. You slide your fingers inside you, bucking and thrusting them in and out. Your nipples harden, you pull them, squeeze them...

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Kumar Apartment Season 2 Part 9 Papa Ne Bigada Maa Bete Ka Khel

Hello friends, aap sabhi ko meri shubh kaamnaye. Mujhe aap apne mail se utsahit rakhe aur main apko apne kahaniyo se manoranjit. Pichle bar apne Rahul ke ghar dekha ki kaise maa bete porn movie ka sath mein maza lete hai. Fir kya hua janiye aaj ke episode mein. Jo bhi ye episode pehli baar pad rahe ho unse kahunga ki aap ise padhne se pehle Season 1 padhle. Isse apko saari kahaniyo ki jad se pata chale. Jo bhi mujhe mail mein messages aur apni sujhaaw dena chahte ho, ye raha mera mail id /...

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Level Ground Bk 01 Ch 06

My heart was racing, not really sure what was going on or what was going to happen. I felt like a little kid that was doing something that he wasn’t supposed to be doing, but ignored the rule anyway. Once we got to the cabin, and were inside, Maranda closed the door behind us. She came toward me, lacing her arms around my neck, bringing her lips to mine. As my lips touched hers, I felt a tingle of electricity travel from the top of my neck all the way down to my knees, sending a shiver up my...

2 years ago
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in laws

We had always been a very open f****y and being naked was nothing special in front of each other. I married Tina when she was 21 years old, I was five years older, a year later she gave birth to our daughter Sara. Ten years later Tina died in a road accident. Obviously we were devastated and my mother in law, Kate, came more into our lives to help Sara cope. I buried myself in my work, I was self-employed and was always very busy working loads of hours. Nevertheless I missed the great sex...

1 year ago
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The Birth of Emily The NymphPart One

I don't often write these types of stories. Nor do I commonly post them online. And it's even rarer that I write incest. So let me know what you think if you're so inclined. ___________________________________________________________________________________ Chapter One Diana dropped her backpack on its usual spot on the floor in her bedroom. She set her half empty glass of water on top of the dresser. The school day had felt longer than usual with testing coming up soon. She...

3 years ago
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Feeding Amy

I had just turned eighteen when mom got pregnant. Dad's an over-the-road truck driver and is normally on the road for two-three weeks at a time, then at home for a week. It was during one of the weeks he was at home that he and mom conceived what would become my little sister nine months later. He was back on the road when she learned that she was pregnant.Life at home changed then. Since dad is gone most of the time it fell to me to help mom out. In fact, I changed my plans to attend college...

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