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'The Better To Offer My Warmth'

The novice heard him moaning outside, shivering in the cold. He was trying to find a warm spot between the wall of the convent and the tree that grew outside her cell's single window. She looked down and saw him curled up on the ground.

She drew open the shutter and whispered to the boy, "What are you doing there?"

The boy looked up at her. "Please, Sister, let me rest here. I'll do no one any harm."

She saw that his clothes were no match for the cold. "Boy, if you stay there, you'll freeze. Have you nowhere to go?"

"No, Sister."

"Very well, then. If you can climb the tree, you can come in here, but just for this one night."

The boy sprang up the tree and through the window. "Oh, thank you, Sister."

"Ssh," she cautioned, "No one must know you are here and you must be gone before vespers."

"I will," he whispered.

"You can lay there on the floor."

He looked at her, his eyes pathetic with disappointment. Still, he curled up on the floor. "Thank you, Sister. Good night, Sister."

The novice went back to her bed. She lay there and stared at the shivering form on the floor before her.

The form spoke through chattering lips. "Could-- could I have a blanket, Sister?"

"I only have one blanket," she whispered.

"May I share it with you, Sister?"

The novice felt the thin blanket that covered her. In truth, it was scarcely sufficient to keep her warm. She realized that the floor was probably little better than the ground the boy had burrowed into outside.

"Very well, then," she said, "come here, Boy." He scrambled up from the floor and came to the bed. She stopped him. "Wait. Those filthy rags will soil the bedclothes. Take them off and put on the gown you'll find in the closet there."

He did as she told. She watched as he peeled off the thin shirt and her breathing quickened as she saw his firm chest rippling in the moonlight. Then he removed his breaches. She stared in fascination as for the first time in her life, she saw the firm flesh of a male penis.

She was shocked at its size. The massive rigidity that jutted stiffly out from the boy's groin seemed far too large to belong to one who seemed so young.

The novice tried to stop her gasping breaths. Her stomach fluttered with a strange warm fire that spread down between her thighs and she grew moist there as if her body was trying to douse the flames licking inside her.

The boy looked up as he tossed his breaches aside. He saw her gaze riveted at his manhood and her firm breasts heaving under her gown, her taut nipples poking through the thin material. He felt his groin muscles tense involuntarily and his scrotum tighten. The novice's eyes widened as the boy's penis throbbed and grew even thicker and more rigid.

The boy moved to the closet and pulled out the gown he found there. Like the one she wore, it opened in the front. He slipped in on and tied it closed at the neck and waist. He turned and moved toward the bed, his penis poking stiffly out from between the folds of the gown.

He lifted the blanket, sat on the edge of the narrow bed, then slid between the bedclothes. He pressed against her quivering form and she shuddered as his warmth enveloped her. She gasped as she felt his manhood prod between her bare thighs. She quickly pulled at her gown, but within the tight confines of the small bed, it had little result.

She hissed between gasps, "Boy, take care!"

He replied innocently, "What is it, Sister?"

She fought for breath. "Know I am betrothed to the Lord."

"I am aware, Sister." His stiffness poked deeper into her flesh.

"I will be chaste when I come to the Lord's alter. Be on your guard that you don't take what is the Lord's."

The boy stared into the novice's eyes. "I would not press an unholy advantage as a result of your compassion, Sister, nor would I be so foolish as to risk the wrath of the Lord by despoiling His servant's perfect offering." He took a deep breath and his chest pressed even more firmly against her breasts, flattening them against him.

"You-- you press too close to my Lord's purchase, Boy, closer than anyone save the Lord Himself ever has."

"Your thighs and bosom are quite large, Sister, and take up much of the bed. I cannot help but press against them." Making his point, he placed one hand upon her hip, the other on her breast and ran his fingers across them as if tracing their size. "You must admit that together within such tight quarters, we make much more heat than we would separately."

"Of that, there is no doubt," the novice sighed. "Please, Boy, do not make me regret my charity."

"I promise, Sister, I will not press further."

She shivered under his touch. "S-- See that you don't," she moaned.

They lay together thus intertwined, on their sides facing each other, her breasts against his chest, his stiff penis pressed between her thighs, and they slept fitfully. The boy kept his word and didn't press further, though his hands roamed freely across the novice's ample breasts. She awoke feverishly several times through the night when his caresses overwhelmed her. She saw nothing untoward in his embraces. He was obviously asleep and unaware of his movements and, as he'd pointed out, her breasts did practically engulf him. The poor thing was doing what came naturally to him. She certainly couldn't help the fact that his fondling hands gave her so much pleasure. Throughout the night, her thighs became more and more moist, both from her own outpourings and from the dripping emissions of the hot flesh rooted between her legs.

As the first gray of morning appeared, she woke the boy and told him he had to leave before he was found. He quickly dressed and, thanking her, climbed out the window and down the tree. The novice watched as he disappeared across the meadow. Soon, the only evidence he had been there at all was the drying discharge upon her thighs. She felt a twinge of sadness and she pressed his discarded gown against her breast.

That evening the wind was whipping even more harshly than the previous night. As the novice cinched her gown at her neck, she heard a tapping at her window. Her heart leapt. She turned and saw the boy beckoning her from the tree.

The boy asked, "May I seek shelter here again tonight?"

She shook her head. "I only offered my bed for one night."

"It is so much colder tonight," said the boy, "I could offer you my warmth."

"You should take care of what you offer, Boy, lest you displease the Lord."

"I mean no impiety, Sister. My offering is as pure as your own. I offer it to the Lord through his chaste vessel."

The novice considered. She could not deny his offering. "Come in and prepare for bed." She crawled onto the spare mattress and watched him as his nakedness appeared before her. As the previous night, his penis stood firmly from the thick thatch of hair that covered his flat abdomen. It would not be hidden when he donned the loose fitting gown and joined her in the tiny bed.

As the rigid flesh again pressed into the hollow of her tightly held thighs, she whispered, "I must warn you again that you press close to that which is the Lord's."

"I know, Sister, and I thrill at the fortune that He was given me to offer comfort to his chaste sheath." He wrapped his arms around her and pressed her to him, crushing her breasts against his chest. "Does my warmth please you, Sister?"

"Y-yes," she gasped. In truth, his warmth enflamed her, causing her thighs to grow damp. "I-- I--."

"I can feel your pleasure, Sister," he replied as her moisture spread from her thighs to his. "Sleep now," he soothed, "Take your rest, as will I, so we may serve the Lord tomorrow." With that, he closed his eyes.

Eventually, she slept, but awoke not long after to find herself moaning as his lips suckled at her breast.

"No," she gasped, "you-- you take pleasure at the font of the Lord, Boy! Please, don't--"

He smiled up at her flushed face. "I only take what the Lord offered. Your gown had come open and the nipple appeared before me, inviting me to sup". She could not fault him at that. The cinch often came undone in the night despite her best intentions.

"Besides, I believe the Lord's servant finds pleasure in my ministrations, does she not?"

"T-too much pleasure, I fear," the novice moaned. He pressed his head down and nipped at the swollen nub. She cried out, suddenly thankful that hers was the only occupied cell in the wing and no one would hear her cries of ecstasy. While his teeth played at one nipple, his hand pressed hard against the other. Involuntarily, her thighs parted. In the next instant, he slid her onto her back and pressed his body upon hers.

Suddenly he was on top of her, his chest flattening her breasts and his hips prying her thighs apart. "No," she cried as he forced her legs open, exposing her moist and parting labia, her maidenhead bared for the taking.

"No," she cried again, her eyes wide with fear, "Don't, please!"

The boy raised his head and looked into her frightened eye. "Sister, I mean no harm. I offer only warmth, nothing more. Does my weight cause discomfort?"

In truth, the boy's mass upon her was not unpleasant and did warm her to her very center. "It-- it is very warming and soothing, yes," she whispered, "but you leave my Lord's vessel bared and defenseless."

"The better to accept my offering, Sister." He slid slightly upward and the length of his stiff rod came to rest along the folds of her labia.

She gasped as the hot, pulsing flesh nestled itself between her labial lips. "Oh," she cried, "it-- it-- you t-touch the lips of the Lord's cup!"

"To offer them warmth, Sister," the boy whispered, his voice growing husky. "Does it not warm you?"

"It-- it enflames me," the novice moaned, "I-- I--" The boy hunched his hips slightly, grinding his pelvic bone into hers. The base of his penis rubbed hard against her clitoris and her hips involuntarily pushed up to increase the pressure. He returned the pressure and she began to rut into his groin.

Her breathing grew short and soon she was grunting with each thrust of her hips. The boy raised himself up and massaged her thick nipples, making her movements more insistent. Suddenly she screamed and her body shuddered under him as the flames of orgasm crested and consumed her.

The novice's body convulsed again and again as she was seized by the orgasmic spasms. Her hips hammered over and over at the boy and her labial lips quivered and nipped at the length of the rigidity pressed between them. Her rutting caused the boy's firm mass to slice up and down along the tender, sucking folds.

The boy's breathing quickened, then, suddenly, he groaned loudly. Through the waves of ecstasy, the novice felt the shaft pressed against her grow thicker, then suddenly throb and jerk as her bottom was thickly coated with the hot syrup of his discharge.

Her eyes flew wide in wonder at the force of his release as she felt the rod wrench tightly against her as it pumped each thick jet of his seed pounding onto the tender flesh between her buttocks to stream down along the cleft and pool on the mattress underneath her. The intense throbbing of the burning mass between her legs rekindled the sparks of orgasm within her and again she was engulfed in waves of spasmic pleasure.

As the boy's movements ebbed and the flood of orgasmic passion waned, the import of what had occurred overcame her. She tried to speak while gulping for air. "You-- your-- seed-- you spilled your-- seed-- upon me-- you--"

The boy grunted, "I-- offered my warmth, Sister, nothing more. Only my warmth."

The novice cried, "Your warmth? More than your warmth, Boy, much more! You've given the heat of your passion, Boy, and the substance of your offering clings to my skin and saturates my bed!"

"But, Sister, I've done you no harm. My offering flowed harmlessly onto the bed."

"Yes, but--"

"And, Sister, in truth, don't you find my favors pleasing?"

The novice couldn't deny it. She did find the boy's service pleasing. It was, indeed, the most pleasurable experience she'd ever felt.

"Yes, but--"

"Then, Sister, wouldn't it displease the Lord if we decry such a gift from Him?" The boy's hands idly massaged the novice's breasts. She shivered in delight.

"I suppose you are right," she breathed. The boy's hands became more active at her bosom. She reached up and gripped his wrists. "But let us still our movements for tonight and take our rest so we may better serve the Lord in the morning."

"Yes, Sister," the boy replied and rested his head upon her breast. Shortly, fatigued by the struggles of their passions, they were both sound asleep with him still atop her. The head of his softening penis pulled up to nestle snugly between the folds of her still liquid labia, where it oozed the remains of his passion into her virginal vaginal channel.

Again came the gray of morn, again the boy took his leave and again the boy returned with the night. This time, he let himself in.

She was waiting in the bed, her gown undone and her breasts exposed to the cool night air. As she watched him quickly undressed, her nipples grew tighter and the full globes rocked up and down in time with her quickening breathing. When he was naked, he came to her, sliding her back onto the bed and crushing her into the thin mattress. He moved rapidly between her thighs, pressing his hard penis tight against her parting labia.

She laid a hand on his chest. "Remember," she whispered, "I am the Lord's. I am not yours to take." She took his hand and placed it upon her breast. "Now, give me your warmth."

As the night before, they both began their rutting motions and together they cried out as the flames of passion overwhelmed them. Her flesh quaked under him as again and again the fires of orgasm licked at her insides and, inspired by her perpetually spasming hips, he again copiously anointed her buttocks with his essence.

Before very long they both collapsed into an exhausted stupor. As it did the night before, the tip of the boy's softening shaft again found purchase within the folds of the novice's moist labia. In his sleep, the boy's passions stirred and his flesh grew firm within her. As the fullness inside her increased, she awoke to find her vaginal lips enveloping the head of his rapidly hardening penis.

Alarmed at the invading presence lodging tightly within the entrance of her vagina, she cried out, "Boy! Your shaft delves where it must not go! Awake, Boy! You press between the lips of the Lord's cup! Stop!" The novice pushed against the boy's hips, but he would not budge. The bulbous flesh slowly sank deeper into her and she cried out as the velvet tip pried apart her tender lips and stretched open her quivering virgin flesh.

"No," she screamed. She shook his shoulders, but the boy would not awaken and the head chiseled further into her. "No! Please!" She wanted to shriek, but feared it would awaken the other sisters. Still the expanding flesh burrowed between her legs, piercing into her, forcing itself deeper, filling her virgin passage. She was astounded to realize that as her panic increased, so did her passion. She grew enflamed with desire. Even as her mind filled with dread, her body grew tight with a carnal hunger and her vagina flooded with the liquid declaration of her lust. Like a flower, her vagina opened to him, aiding his descent into her very center. The speed of his penetration increased, pushing her over the edge. She exploded in orgasmic rapture as the thick penis continued its slide downward into her. Her enflamed passage rippled and licked at the fullness forcing itself tightly in. Her flesh sucked at it, pulling it in even more deeply.

In response to her spasming vagina clutching his manhood, the boy's breathing became short and sharp. The novice recognized it as a sign that he was about to ejaculate. "No!" she screamed in horror as she realized that he was about to inundate her with his seed. "No!" she screamed again as she recalled the half-forgotten teachings that told her when she was at her most fertile.

She'd thought she'd never have to concern herself with that, but now the knowledge that she was at that moment, indeed, ripe for fertilization filled her mind with a freezing terror. "Oh, God, please, no, please," she cried as she felt the boy's body tensing in preparation even as his thick penis plunged into her even more deeply.

The novice's breath caught in her throat as she felt the massive presence jammed tightly within her suddenly inflate even larger. Then she felt it throb fiercely inside her spasming vagina and a single "Oh!" passed her lips as she felt the dull pressure as his surging sperm struck her maidenhead and realized that his seed was now in her.

A strangled gasp stuck within her chest as she felt the head of the immense shaft sliding in yet deeper to settle tightly against the tender membrane. The shaft bloated again and the tip throbbed hard against the delicate tissue. "Oh!" she cried again as she again felt the blunt force of his spurting semen battering upon the fragile shield, flooding her vagina with the impregnating fluid.

As the shaft constricted, the tip pressed even more firmly upon the barrier of her maidenhead. Her muscles tensed as she waited for the next brutal throb, knowing it would rupture the obstruction along with her virtue, making her defilement complete. The shaft expanded and jerked, pumping another thick rush of his virile sperm into her vagina. "Oh!" she cried as she felt the intense pressure as her maidenhead stretched and strained in a vain effort to keep the fecund syrup from inundating her fertile womb.

The darkness that clutched her soul lightened as she realized that the sentry of her chastity had held through the onslaught. The attack was far from over, though, and she moaned as again the shaft ballooned and then shuddered forcefully within her as the tip spat yet another gush of sperm inside her, trying to drive it flowing up into her womb. This time the vicious pressure upon the tender membrane rekindled the fires of passion within her and suddenly she found herself again awash in orgasmic waves.

The shaft swelled and throbbed again as it once more pumped out the boy's rich seed. The novice shook with rapture at the feeling, now firm in the belief that her maidenhead was shielding her womb from the boy's prolific sperm. In fact, the porous tissue was only a small protection; even now his spawning fluid was racing to the mouth of her womb. The novice's only saving grace was that the barrier did slow the progress of the inseminate and much of it would die and grow cold before it reached its goal: the fertile egg that even now lay waiting deep within her.

Over and over the boy poured his sperm into the novice. Over and over, her spasming orgasms crested and ebbed. The meager cavity between her vaginal lips and her maidenhead filled to overflowing and her thighs were coated as the creamy syrup was forced out through the tight seal of his penis in her vagina. Much more of his potent sperm flooded through the ineffective shield that she thought protected her from fertilization.

After an eternity, the shaft, finally drained of its potent discharge, began to soften and deflate. Her shuddering body began to settle and her breathing slowed. She was enraptured by the warm afterglow of her orgasmic ecstasy and she tried to hold the receding head within her still-aroused chamber, but the clutching undulations of her labia only succeeded in pushing the pliant flesh out. As it escaped her grasp, she was first overwhelmed by the void suddenly within her. Then she gasped at the volume of fluid that drained out of her vagina to flow along the crevice between her buttocks and pool underneath her.

She reached up to stroke the head of the boy, who still sleep soundly atop her. Her mind was a jumble of confused emotions. There was no doubt that the gift of the boy's seed was good, she told herself. How could it not be? Why should she feel such loss when he withdrew?

And yet, the gift could so easily and drastically change the plans she'd made. She recalled her conversation with Mother Superior when she first came to the convent. The nun had pointed to her wide hips and full breasts and noted how perfect she would have been for childbearing. That she'd conceive quickly and carry a child and give birth with relative discomfort if that was God's will. Mother Superior seemed disappointed that motherhood was not to be her path. Just over a week ago, during her menstrual flow, Mother had mentioned again that God had given her the gift of youthful fertility and it seemed a shame she wasn't to use that gift.

She remembered Mother Superior's words. "Youthful fertility," she had said. "Conceive quickly." The words rang in her head even after the morning came and the boy took his leave. They echoed through her being as her eyes followed his form crossing the meadow and her thighs shivered as his seed welled out from her vagina and down her legs. Already the feeling of emptiness within her, a void she never even knew existed, threatened to overwhelm her.

By the night, when the boy came to her cell, the novice was burning with a hunger that frightened her. She ached as she impatiently waited while the boy removed his garments, her breath short and ragged, her thighs already moist from her carnal need.

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The Strip Club

Sara had studied hard in High School and got good grades. She wanted to go to college and be a lawyer. It was a costly career move. She had very little money and so did her family. She went to a councilor to talk about funding. The young man there wanted to help her and he told her "Stand up and let me see your figure." Sara was surprised but she stood and let him look her over. He then asked if she was shy about nudity. She looked strange and he said "I have a club that you can work at but you...

4 years ago
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Selena and JoeChapter 16

Their beach was not crowed that Wednesday, a day the Concierge had said would be a big day for tours and sightseeing. Joe and Selena had yet to go beyond Negril but had planned a couple open bus tours of the island for Thursday morning and an all day trip that included dinner in Little Bay on Friday. After the mornings open heart talk they both felt a burden lifted from their minds. Not that they doubted each other's love, but both were afraid to express their commitment fully. Now, there...

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Dominant or Subordinate

Dominant or subordinate.What a very important starting point to a relationship. I know people have differing views and tend to categorise themselves as one or the other, usually because the expectation is you are one or the other. I take the view that I am both, dependant on the situation.Let me explain. There are clearly sexual preferences to be taken account of. My view is fairly simplistic. Like everybody on this planet, I love sexual excitement. The best way to get sexual thrills, is...

3 years ago
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Pados Ki Bhabhi Ko Apne Ghar Me Choda

Hello friends. I am new here. Ye meri pehli sex storie hai to agar galati ho to maaf krna. So mai pehle apna introduction de du. Mai gandhinagar gujarat me hu abhi. Computer programming seekh raha hu. To mai aap sab ko bata du. Waise to hamare pados me bohot saare ghar hai par ek ghr hamare theek saamne hi hai. Jisme sirf 3 member hai. Bhaiya, bhabhi aur unki mataji. Bhaiya job karte hai aur bhabhi ghar samhaalti hai. Aap sab ko bata du bhabhi ki age 27 years hai Wo bohot sexy aur thodi saavli...

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Equal Shares Ch 24

On Monday morning, Stan saw Denise walk into the office. He sat back in his chair and watched as the young redhead walked up to him. Denise was wearing some tight tan-coloured trousers, a navy blue cashmere sweater with a white button-down blouse layered underneath it, traditional enough but the top two buttons of the blouse were open, and the trousers were just tight enough to enhance her figure rather than just display any bulges there were. ‘I won’t be needing a lift, I’ll drive myself to...

4 years ago
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Wet and Wild Ride

Gina's Accident "Fuck!" I said, stomping on the brakes and bringing us down from 80 mph to 15 real quick. "Of course, why wouldn't there be a fucking traffic jam on a Sunday night?" Neither Cassie nor Gina replied as I slammed my fist on the steering wheel and brought us to a complete stop. All four lanes were backed up for as far as the eye could see, and I knew that we weren't going to be moving anytime soon. Resigning myself to the fact that it would probably take us an hour to move...

3 years ago
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Love and Superstition 3

I sometimes find it difficult to understand my country and its people. Everyone more than 30-years-old seems to tell you NOT to have sex. The priest at church tells you it is a sin, and that you will suffer purgatory if you give into your desire. Your Nanay and Tatay tell you that no-one will want to marry you once your virginity is gone. And to make sure a girl doesn't lose that most precious thing, our parents are supposed to arrange a chaperone if she goes out with a boy. Yet, despite...

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Messed it up with mates girlfriend

So, for the last two years I've been seeing my mates girlfriend, on and off, purely for sex. The truth of the matter is that I'm in love with her and have been for a long time. I have expressed this but she just can't see past my mate and never will.I've been mates with Jason for most of my life. He's always been a bit of a lad, a good looking guy, very popular with the ladies and unable to keep it in his pants. For the most part I've been Jason's wing man and I've spent a lot of my time...

2 years ago
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Beauty fucks the Beast Chapter 1

‘We’re over!’ Bianca yelled, as she stormed out of the boy’s locker room. Tears streaming down her face, Bianca Brogan threw her biology text book into her locker, slammed the thin metal door shut, and grabbed the keys to her brand-new Jupiter Red Mercedes. Her head was swimming–how could this possibly be happening? How could he have cheated on her!? Barely five minutes ago, Bianca surreptitiously snuck into the boys locker room to wish her boyfriend, Adam Masterson, good luck for the big...

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Jack In The Box Ch 5

After the track meet ended, all the school athletes returned to the hotel. Everyone gathered at the pool, except for the teens from the closer schools who had departed already.The pool deck wasn't as crowded as last night, and the mood was jubilant. Jack was the hero of the night, and more than one girl came onto him, offering an opportunity to fuck them; Jack never said no, but he never said yes.Coach Buchanan and Coach Moore sat at a table enjoying the success of the track meet and were...

1 year ago
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A Wifes torrid love affair

Amanda was your typical mom of two young boys, who at the age of 38 had begun to look at herself more closely than ever before. Her husband Steven was a few years older than her and held a job that had him traveling around the country. Even though they had been married happily for the last twelve years there were times Amanda had felt isolated from him. To keep herself busy Amanda would volunteer for a number of things at church. She also helped out at the preschool where her two boys had...

4 years ago
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StopwatchChapter 14 College Is a Bad Joke

Our professors had zero grasp of the real world. Absolutely none. Plan a construction project and don't save funding for the Union bosses, the building inspectors, even the cop on the beat? Everyone wants their vigorish. Nothing will pass if there's even anything left to work with when the cop looks the other way. No bribes for the Union ... your plumbing pipe goes missing, even the carpenters NAILS are gone. Or someone "accidentally" sprays water on them and they rust ... since you...

3 years ago
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Blackfeather32 That Which God Hath Joined

“ ... IN SICKNESS and in health, to love and to cherish; until death do you part?” “I do,” I said. I turned to my right and looked at Jason Wardlaw. I could see my brother looking out of his eyes. “Do you, Jason Wardlaw, take Miranda Lewis to be your lawfully wedded wife; to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; until death do you part?” “I do.” It was Jason’s voice but all I could still...

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Love Lust Crime Thriller Pt 3 Threesome Sex In Prison

Smitha was lying on the table and Professor was busy eating her pussy. First a slow lick on her outer lips and then suddenly, he would spread them and insert his tongue deep. She moaned like a whore when his tongue started its snake-like motion. Then he put a finger in her asshole. “Ahh.. umm..” It was getting too much for her. And so now she caught his dick and asked him to fuck her hard. He lifted her and pushed her to the wall. He raised her one leg in the air to reveal her horny dripping...

1 year ago
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Morning Surprise

I see you log in about 7am! hum...So there you are just logged on... as you are reading my last msg (about an hr earlier), you feel a light breeze inside your legs that are open because you're cock is getting excited. You look down and see my hand right in front of your panties hovering above your swelling cock! What a surprise! You can see up my skirt that my panties are wet with excitement. I'm wearing my new blue silky m&s panties and they feel so silky on my stiff cock that i'm leaking...

4 years ago
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Red Part V Grace takes the Wheel

“Yaawwwnnnnn, good morning. You didn’t have to pull off the covers! Did you say we? You’re driving me back?” “Yes hon. I talked with your dad and since you’re still on Percocet, we think it would be better if I drove you,“ Grace stated. Lauren had her wisdom teeth removed Friday morning, but was still hurting Sunday morning. “That’s probably a good idea. My mouth is killing me,” mumbled Lauren. Lauren crawled naked out of bed and headed to the shower. Her mind wandered as she soaped up her...

2 years ago
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A Love For Life

We were the last to leave the party. The band had already announced the last waltz, but we clung together for the final time. We were about to spend the rest of the night together in a hotel bedroom and we wanted to remember it as special.I'd just finished a run as the star of a West End musical show and I was sky high. I had a month off now and was looking forward to spending it with my lovely son who also acted as my manager.We were having the one night in this hotel and then we were jetting...

2 years ago
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Doing My Husband

The real fun started last weekend, but the first link in the chain was several months ago. My husband Andy woke up on his thirty-fifth birthday and decided he was getting pudgy. Not fat, just a little thick around the middle and flabby in the chest. He normally would do a fast paced jog three nights a week, covering about two miles and on the nights when he didn't, we would take a shorter and slower stroll together. While this is great exercise for the heart and legs, it did...

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The Guitarist ndash The Dancer

The Guitarist – The Dancer.I’ve been with this rock group for just over a month and the music is great. I’m happy playing rhythm. Not being lead is easy for me which allows plenty of time to watch the great looking, scantily dressed girls. They are all colours – hair and skin- , tall short, skinny plump, big tits to flat chested; they’re just enjoying themselves. One girl with outrageously large boobs is dancing with her boyfriend just below my position. When her hands are raised high only her...

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my sister in law

ive allway had this great comunication with my sister in law im always doing her favrs and i won lie its because i like her she has this amazing body. she has a tone up ass and this perfectly round tits just big enough to make me almost drool last year it was my birthday and my girl invinted her to a pool party we did in a friends house. when she arrived we started drinking and playing around. we all wen upstairs to the apartment and we put the music on and strated drinking and dancing. she...

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One Took Over The Cuckolds Bed Part VI

We left soon after. Sue and Paulo showered and in between dressing finished off their champagne. It was strange watching her dry herself and dress alongside Paulo. It was almost as if it was a natural occurrence. What was more arousing however was watching Paulo helping her put her panties on. Sue had asked me for them back. “I don’t want to start leaking in the back of the taxi,” she said with a smile.Paulo took them from me as soon as I pulled them from my jacket pocket and knelt down at her...

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Pleasure Through Cuckolding 8211 Part 5 My Wife Meets The Bull

Dear guys and ladies, first of all, I would like to thank you all for the overwhelming response you have given via your appreciation emails. Secondly, I would like to apologize to you all for the delay. Life keeps us very busy sometimes, and I am no exception. Anyway, the 5th part of the story is here, and more parts will follow soon, hopefully without any delay. Those who haven’t read the earlier parts yet, please do read those before reading this one. With that being said, let’s begin this...

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The Amulets of Power II the Kennedy WarsChapter 5

Characters introduced in Chapter 5 “The A Team”: SFC Meadows -Senior radio man SFC Morris and SSG Hadley - Heavy and light weapons SSG Tweed -Engineer and demolitions SFC Walls and SSG Johnson - Medics SFC Barlow and SSG Engles - Intelligence Captain Warren and 1st Lieutenant Sykes - Commander and XO MSG Sawyer - Operations and Team Sergeant The Thai Special Forces (TSF) Team: 1st Lieutenant Tamusarit - Commander Sergeants Mon and Thu - TSF NCOs The airfield was still on a...

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Patching Things Up

Heather Masters has been a success for her entire life. Starting in grade school, she got the highest grades and got the best parts in all the school plays. When girls her age started to date, Ms. Masters got the guys that the girls were all after. Everything was just rosy then. Meanwhile, her friend Jennifer Lee wasn't the greatest. She did well on her own merits, mind you, but not as well as Heather. When she got the role of Juliet in "Romeo and Juliet," Jenni got the second best part. While...

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Airgasms Before Orgasms

"Hey, Sis. How's your love life?" Toni plunks her coffee down on the table and moves my jacket from the other chair before sitting down. I close my book and take the jacket and hang it on the chair back behind me, catching sight of the back of a guy with sun bleached brown hair, a little shaggy, but not overly long. He's wearing a nice dress shirt. He's got a nice back, with broad shoulders narrowing toward a waist that's blocked by the back of the cafe chair. "It still sucks. You know I can't...

Love Stories
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Fat and Ugly but Wicked Smart

Kathy and I were always friends. We grew up together. She lived next door. She was the first girl that I had a crush on when I was in kindergarten. Back then before I allowed mass marketing, advertising, commercials, Playboy Magazine, and Miss America Contests to alter my definition of beauty, I saw her for the person she was kind, personable, and smart. If a boy could have a girl as a best friend, then she was mine. Through the years we stayed close, walking to school together and coming home...

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The Succubae Seduction 2 The Twins Chapter 22

Chapter 22 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Universal Creation Lyden collapsed back onto the plush bed, feeling more alive than he had in years. Thanks to Angela’s magic turning back his internal clock and making him younger, he wasn’t even out of breath after… “Your abilities as a generator seemed to have gained some strength as well as your libido,” Gaia sighed next to him. “I’ll have to make sure and thank the Pillar of Fire for that.” “My libido, or your magic forcing me?”...

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Nandu And Girija Aunty

Hi everyone. Kind request to all to keep your cocks erect and pussies wet before reading this story. I am Nandu. Simple haan? I don’t like giving elaborate description. I am fond of aunties and like to fuck their holes all the time. It is easy to fuck them as most of them are sex starved and will give in when an opportunity arise. There was one woman who proved my concepts wrong and she was my mother’s elder sister. Her name is Girija aunty. She looked hot and she was the woman I always...

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Fuck with my granma

100% fiction! My name is clinton, I am 19 years of age. Your may have read my first story on how I fucked my principle so read my second too. IT was Christmas so my father took us to our home town because it has being long since I visited my home town so when my dad took us there to visit our grandma so when we have all being welcome by our grandma and relatives. So in the afternoon there was no one in the house except me and grandma. So grandma decided that I have to teach her the way's of the...

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The Nudist and the Virgin

It was still early and the sun was shinning. I was on my way to San Gregorio, looking forward to spending the day naked and relaxing at my favorite nude beach. Maybe meet someone to talk to, but mostly just relax and enjoy myself. My plan was to stop in Half Moon Bay, buy sodas and snacks to eat, and head to the beach. As I left Half Moon Bay, I spotted a young girl hitch hiking. I pulled over just beyond where she was standing and watched as she ran up to the car. "Can you give me a ride"...

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Charity At Work 3 Retail Therapy

When this humble narrator last left you I had just been fired from the rock and roll lifestyle know as flipping burgers for fucking the donkey dicked half wit night manager. It was merely the second in a series of three jobs I would lose over the summer before I moved into the two that would end up defining the next several years of my life. But that’s getting ahead of myself, you want to hear all about how my big titted self got canned from the next job. Here’s a hint, it’s a...

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First Time

Definitely not a virgin or anything along the lines as being ignorant about the intricacies of sexual intimacy, Bryon Clayton was about to embark the “First Time” weekend fantasy getaway. Before he engaged his two day sexual escape, he attended to his duties in court. This room reeked of mildew, humidity and anticipation from the onlookers as the thirty-five year old attorney sat at the table beside a man in an orange jumpsuit. This person, a man in his early twenties, appeared to be younger...

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Professor Puppetmaster

You walk into the auditorium and step up to the podium. 300 Freshman stare back at you. “Hello everyone,” you begin, “I'm Porfessor Smith and this is a class about the law. No, the university doesn’t require you to take it because they expect everyone to become lawyers. They just want you to obtain some simple facts about how to live within the law. “You see, it all boils down to what you can afford to get away with. I’m not here to teach you how to be perfect. I’m just going to teach you how...

Mind Control
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Brat PackChapter 2

I didn't sleep well that Friday night. After an initial few hours, during which I slept deeply, probably because of my sexual exertions with Jane and Anne, I woke while it was still dark and began to recall them and to anticipate what the day held in terms of the promised "walk around the lake". The inevitable result was that I needed to beat off again before breakfast. I was hard again by the time I met Holly. Unsurprisingly, she was with Jane and Anne. There was apparently some...

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At home after a wedding party

That evening, while we were enjoying a delicious dinner, Anita informed me that we were invited to a wedding.I asked who would be the mad one trying to cross the line and Ana laughed, saying the lucky lady was Juliana, one of her old mates from her office.When getting ready for the event, I took a warm shower and shaved my face. While I was standing in front the mirror, Ana approached me from behind and she rubbed my buttocks very softly with her delicate hands…I smiled, thinking she wanted a...

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As I was preparing to go take care of the cheque, I told Deb she could use the washroom to put her panties back on & dry her dress if need be. "But", I instructed, "I will be sitting at the bar when you return, and I want you sit back down at the table & give the gentleman behind me now, and so across from you, an opportunity to see up your dress; be discreet and act as unaware as you can; I will then return to walk you out.""Oh gee", I don't know...." she challenged."You know you want...

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The Neighborhood MILF Abby

There are beautiful women all over the world that like to fool around, not just in our neighborhood here in Dubuque. I met a woman online from Germany that, like me, has had a sexual awakening lately. Abby is a lovely red-haired woman, just a few years younger than myself. Her husband passed away two years ago, and she's been turning to younger men for comfort. I can see where she would be attractive to men or women of any age. She has a killer tight body with small pert breasts that look...

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Three Square MealsChapter 111 Healing broken souls and shattering dreams

John gave Irillith a moment alone with her sister, watching as she hugged her twin and whispered earnestly in her pointed ear. Tashana was unable to return the tender display of affection, still restrained as she was in the set of grav-cuffs, her legs parted and arms held aloft. Instead she simply leaned into her sister, eyes closed as she savoured the loving embrace. He walked over to the twins and stroked the back of Tashana’s head, brushing his fingers through her snowy-white mane. “I’m...

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