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Chapter 1

My name is John and I have worked in my fathers brick yard ever since I was old enough to lift a brick. Our brick yard is in a county where about half the population is Amish, Mennonite, or an offspring of such lifestyles. I've lived here my whole live. I'm now twenty-four and a foreman in our yard.

I played sports in high school and later went to a technical school to get an Associate Degree in business. My Dad said it would help me in the brick business. I learned a lot including how to deal with the lifestyles and attitudes of those who worked for me.

It also taught me the common sense aspect of what it takes to run a business. After college I worked full time at the brick yard. My Dad made me a foreman but I still did a lot of lifting; you know, the grunt part of the job. I loved it! It kept me in shape and those that worked for me knew I wouldn't ask them to do anything that I wouldn't do myself.

Since I worked with my shirt off on very hot days I developed a great tan which showed off my abs. I have to say through the years it helped me with my dating. I was popular in both high school and college. There weren't very many weekends that I wasn't having sex with someone. My motto was work hard all week and enjoy the weekends.

I have been with a number of Amish women throughout the years. I usually went with them during Rumspringa. I'll try and explain it to you.

In many communities, Rumspringa is a period when some Amish youth experience greater freedom. They are no longer under the control of their parents on weekends and, because they are not baptized, they are not yet under the authority of the church. During this time, many Amish youth adhere to traditional Amish behavior. Others, however, experiment with "worldly" activities—buying a car, going to movies, wearing non-Amish clothes and/or buying a television or a DVD player.

In the larger Amish settlements, their behavior often depends on the peer group they choose to join. Amish parents worry about which group their son or daughter will join because the choice will influence the teen's behavior.

Some activities may include volleyball, swimming, ice skating, picnics, hiking, and large outdoor "supper" parties. The most typical gatherings are "singings." Groups meet in a home and sing German hymns and English gospel songs for several hours and then enjoy a time of conversation and food.

The "faster," more rebellious groups sometimes drive cars, rent a building for parties, or go to bars and nightclubs in nearby towns. A fling with worldliness reminds Amish youth that they have a choice regarding church membership. Knowing they have a choice likely strengthens their willingness to obey church standards and, in the long run, the authority of the church itself.

I would meet a number of these girls when they were going through Rumspringa. Groups of Amish would meet in town and change into "English" clothing and share tobacco, alcohol and marijuana. Girls may put on jewelry and cosmetics. They would often mingle with non-Amish in these excursions. I often met them in bars and they liked to dance and flirt which would often lead to sex and I was always there for them.

One day one of the men who worked for me asked me if I wanted to go to the beach that weekend. He said many of the people he knew were on Rumspringa and were going to make their decision whether to leave or to go back to their family groups. He mentioned his girlfriend Anna was one of them.

Eli was nineteen and so was Anna. He had a drivers license but rarely drove any vehicles outside of the brickyard. He came straight out and said he needed a driver to take him to the beach. He could drive but didn't have a vehicle and didn't want to go in a buggy. He and his buddy, Hugo, were going to spend the night at the beach. They were going to pitch a tent and hoped to get lucky.

I explained to him that I was twenty-four and had already sown my wild oats. I wasn't very interested in picking up women that were only eighteen or nineteen. Eli was a good worker and I felt a bit sorry for him. I think he was afraid his girlfriend might sow her oats with someone else while at the beach.

I finally agreed to take Eli and Hugo to the beach. I did like relaxing by the water and because of my tan and build, I did draw some attention from the opposite sex.

I have to admit the young women looked pretty good. Anna was surprised to see Eli but seemed very happy about it. Hugo met up with one of his old girlfriends also. Both guys were surprised to see their girlfriends in tight two piece bathing suits.

I tried to keep a little distance between my friends and me. I didn't want to interrupt them from doing their thing. Besides, there were a lot of women to look at and talk to.

I was surprised to see a good looking women walk up to Eli and Anna. She was a brunette, had on a one piece bathing suit but looked beautiful. She looked a few years older than the rest of the girls and I had to wonder who she was. She hugged Eli and he introduced her to Anna and they hugged. They talked for a few minutes and then she walked down the beach and joined some other people.

I wanted to know who this women was. She didn't seem Amish so I walked over to Eli. He introduced me to Anna and I got a big smile from her and kind of a look from Eli. I laughed and told Anna it was nice meeting her. I then asked Eli about the good looking older woman.

He told me it was his older sister, Mary. She went to high school and then to college to become a veterinarian. She recently moved back to the area to do an internship at one of the local clinics. He looked at me and said, "Forget it John, she doesn't date much. She spends most of her time finishing her degree and doing her internship."

I might mention here that Eli and Anna were Mennonites. The main distinguishing feature of Amish from the Mennonites is the Amish resistance to embracing modern technology. Amish make very little use of technology and generally maintain very little contact with the outside world, no more than necessary. They dress up in very traditional outfits and live in very small tight knit communities.

The Mennonites on the other hand dress up in plain clothes but generally would not be distinguishable from anyone else just by their clothing. They don't have any problems using technology nor do they maintain a separation from the outside world. Although practicing a plain and simple lifestyle they are much more moderate towards the use of modern technology and do not abstain from it.

A couple of Eli and Anna's friends (female) came up to me and said it looked like I needed suntan lotion put on me and I laughed as they started rubbing my back and chest putting on the lotion. I have to admit it felt good. Too bad they were younger since I wasn't interested in just having a fling anymore.

Some Amish guys the girls knew came walking by and asked if they would put some lotion on them also. They laughed and started rubbing the guys' chests. I think they knew that I was a bit old for them and just wanted to party with their friends.

I saw Mary walk up to the pavilion so I walked up to talk with her. When I said hi to her, she turned around and was even more beautiful close up.

"Hi," she said. "I need to tell you that I'm just here with friends. I see you were with some playmates yourself." She said it in a sarcastic way.

"Mary, I'm John. Your brother Eli works with me. I brought him and his friend Hugo to the beach to meet their girlfriends."

"So you're John, my brother really likes you. He says you're his boss. It's nice to meet you."

I looked down at her hand and didn't see a ring. "Since you're here with friends is it alright if I join you? Eli's friends are a bit young for me."

"Are you saying I'm old?" she laughed.

"God NO! I'm sorry if I said that wrong. It's just that I'm twenty-four and Eli and his friends are all around nineteen."

"I'm twenty-five," replied Mary. "My friends are all in their early twenties. You're welcome to join us if you like." I smiled at her and picked up the drinks she had ordered and walked to meet her friends.

"Damn! Mary, where did you find him?" asked one of her girlfriends. There were two women and two guys. The women had on skimpy two piece bikinis.

"Put your tongue back in your mouth Sheila. This is John, he's my brother Eli's boss. John, this is Sheila, Rachel, Tom and Edward." They all said hi but I wasn't sure if the guys cared for me. They had decent builds but not like my six-pack abs.

"So John, what brings you to the beach today?" asked Tom.

"I just brought Eli and his friend Hugo to meet their friends. I didn't have any plans this weekend and Eli is a good friend as well as an employee."

We all talked and went into the water. It was really fun being with people more my age. They wanted to do water fights and Sheila got on Tom's shoulders and Rachel got on Ed's. Mary wasn't quite sure if she wanted to do this but I went underwater and came up with her on my shoulders. She screamed out and her friends laughed.

The battle began and Mary knocked her friends off their partners shoulders at least twice each. The girls went under water and both pulled at my legs trying to upset us. One of them grabbed my cock underwater and it surprised me making me move so that Mary fell off of my shoulders. I didn't say anything but had to wonder which one of the them did it.

It was getting late when Eli and Hugo came up to me and said they had a problem. They had talked their girlfriends into staying in the tent with them that night. They figured I'd feel like a fifth wheel and asked me if there was somewhere else I could spend the night.

I could have gotten mad but I knew what it was like to be young and have to pass up a piece of ass. I told them I would get a room at the lodge for the night. I found out earlier that Mary and her friends had two rooms for the night. One for the girls and one for the guys.

We were sitting in the lounge having a drink when I excused myself to go to the counter to get a room. "I'm sorry sir but we are booked up for tonight," said the desk clerk." Now I wasn't sure what to do.

I guess when I got back to the table it showed. "What's the matter?" asked Rachel.

"They're out of rooms. If I can get a blanket I can sleep in the car or on the beach," I replied.

"Why don't you stay with the guys? I'm sure they won't mind," stated Mary. I looked over at the guys and I think they were thinking the same thing that I was. Most guys don't like sharing a bed with another guy unless you were drunk and just wanted to sleep it off.

Sheila spoke next. "Mary, I was going to stay with Tom tonight and Rachel was going to be with Ed. We were going to tell you later. You will have two beds and a room to yourself. Maybe John can stay with you?"

"What! I'm not sleeping with John. I'm sorry John but I don't sleep around." said Mary.

"You don't have to sleep with him. There are two beds in the room. Since you come from such a large family I'm sure you slept in the same room with other males." Rachel replied. "Besides, you're both adults.

Mary looked at me. I hadn't said a word. "Ok, but John, I'm not sleeping with you. You must understand that. You have a bed and I have one." It was hard holding back a smile.

Tom changed the subject. "John, as you know we're going to the Cedar Point Amusement park tomorrow. Would you like to come with us? It would be easier going on rides if we paired off." I looked over at Mary and she looked away from me and up in the air.

"I have to take Eli and Hugo home tomorrow, otherwise I would love to go. I think it would be fun. It's been a long time since I've been there." Mary looked a bit disappointed but didn't say anything.

She asked to be excused saying she was going out to say goodnight to her brother since she wouldn't see him in the morning. When she came back she had a smile on her face.

"John, Eli said if you didn't mind he would drive your car home and leave it at your house. I think he wanted to impress Anna." I wondered why Mary went out of her way to make sure I could go to the park with her and her friends.

I agreed and we all headed for our rooms saying we would meet up for breakfast before leaving for the park the next morning. When Mary and I arrived at our room she said she wanted to take a shower and get ready for bed. When she came out she had on a summer nightgown and sat on the side of the bed.

I took a shower and I came out in my jockey shorts but wore the complementary robe which was quite small. I explained to her that it was all I had with me to sleep in. My robe opened and she laugh but quickly glanced away. I sat on the opposite bed and we talked.

I asked her about being Amish or Mennonite. She told me she had been Mennonite as was the rest of her family but she never joined the group. She went on to finish high school and chose to go to college to be a veterinarian.

She did say that the Amish do not usually educate their children past the eighth grade, believing that the basic knowledge offered up to that point is sufficient to prepare one for the Amish lifestyle. She said that she wasn't going to let a group of old men decide what she should do with her future.

Her parents were sad that she chose college over the Mennonite life style but at the same time they were very proud of her. She was the oldest of their seven kids. Eli was the fourth oldest. She explained to me that Amish and Mennonite church membership begins with baptism, usually between the ages of 16 and 25. It is a requirement for marriage, and once a person has affiliated with the church, he or she may marry only within the faith.

She said she never joined the membership because she wanted to do her own thing. She was still in contact with her parents and other family members. She wasn't shunned because she never joined the membership.

The rules of the church had to be observed by every member of the church and covered most aspects of day-to-day living, including prohibitions or limitations on the use of power-line electricity, telephones, and automobiles, as well as regulations on clothing. She said she couldn't follow these strict rules.

I asked her about her life and she told me she was happy. At times she missed her family and wondered if she made the right decision but when she helped save the lives of animals, she knew she did the right thing.

I was surprised that she was bearing her heart with me. I knew I wanted to make love to her but wasn't sure how to go about it. I didn't want to push her or scare her in any way. She was strong on the outside but seemed very vulnerable on the inside.

When I asked her about her love life she just laughed. "What love life?" she asked.

"You aren't still a virgin are you?" I asked.

She looked right at me and said, "It's really none of your business but I have had sex a few times. It wasn't anything to write home about. I guess I was waiting for the right man and time has kind of passed me by. Most women get married by the time they turn nineteen where I come from.

"I chose to have a future and make my own decisions. I didn't want to wind up like my mother and have seven kids and spend my life cleaning up after everyone else. Don't misunderstand me, that was my mother's choice, but not what I wanted." She was having a moment of sadness.

"Mary, you're young and beautiful with a full life ahead of you. You're educated and forgive me for saying it, you are quite sexy."

She laughed as she looked down at her old nightgown. She wondered how any man could find her sexy. I moved over to her bed and slowly moved my lips toward hers. She was hesitant but I moved closer till our lips touched.

"John, we shouldn't do this."

I kissed her again only a little harder. Her willpower started to fade as she pressed her lips against mine. We kissed a half dozen times, pressing a little harder each time.

"Mary, I want to make love to you."

"I don't know John. We just met and I really do like you but I don't normally do this sort of thing."

I kissed her harder. I stood up and gently pulled her to her feet. Staring in her eyes I slowly began to lift her nightgown. I could see her breathing harder. I removed her nightgown and she was naked beneath it. I dropped my robe to the floor and pulled Mary into me.

We kissed as my hands moved all over her back and then down to her perfect ass. I pulled her tight against me, feeling her breasts against my chest. She got on her bed and lay on her back. I began to kiss her again and started working my way down her neck and to her breasts.

She lay with her eyes closed and moaned as I sucked on her breasts. She smelled and tasted so good. Later she told me she used a coconut oil after she showered.

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Dannys Mom Part 3 of 6

Danny's Mom - Part 3 of 6 In which the changes to Danny's chest continue, he notices that his voice has shifted higher, he has an embarrassing moment when playing basketball with his buddies, becomes close friends with Emma and Eric, is ogled by a waiter at a restaurant, begins wearing makeup, wears pantyhose for the first time, and learns that Eric has a 'crush' on him. July My cooking ability was like zero. I could pour milk on cereal, or make a cold cut or PB&J sandwich,...

4 years ago
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I was damn wrong!   I was progressing into Elvira’s asshole, attempting to prod my dick well within her while she shook her hips to ease for a good penetration. No question I was working at a cunt which  squeezed your shaft as if it crushed  an orange,  making you feel like   in heaven. This lady turned out to be a pro  at sex.    This story began on one ocassion  I  visited and old buddy, I say old because he was  already  80yo. His name was Francisco, Spanish, and we had met for the first...

2 years ago
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My innocent wife8217s pussy destroyed

My name is Abhi, and I’m 27 years old. Recently I got married to a beautiful girl named Rajshree. She has the most amazing body. Men would kill to see her naked body. I feel very lucky that she chose to marry me. She was very shy and barely spoke to me. Even after two weeks of our marriage, I couldn’t manage to fuck her because I didn’t want to force myself on her. Every night was a challenge to sleep beside her and not be able to fuck her. After she fell asleep, I used to spend hours staring...

3 years ago
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I'm not sure what the typical age is for a boy to enter puberty, but I think I was well ahead of most of the guys I knew. By the age of 12 I had quite a bit of pubic hair already, my cock had grown to nearly 5 inches limp and my balls were getting bigger. Along with all the physical changes came strange emotional ones as well, experiencing morning boners and not sure what to do about them. I talked with my buddies to find out if they were also have similar changes. One friend in particular...

1 year ago
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The Dressing RoomChapter 3

He looked up, smiled, then raised up, reached into the drawer next to the bed, took out a condom and put it on, then held his cock steady and pushed right up into me, penetrating me completely to where our bodies pressed tightly together and he just held himself tight, deep inside me while his strong hands massaged my breasts. I began to make small movements along with flexing my pelvic muscles while he kept pushing into me. I'd never had sex quite this way and it felt really good, a calm,...

1 year ago
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fuckin Randy

One or two days after I got placed there, I was on the computer watching gay porn. Randy had gone on a play date with one of is friends. I had turned on son gay porn, and was jacking off. I was full dressed, with my cock sticking out of my sweat pants. Randy had came in all cool. When I saw the door, Open I exited out of the video and hid my cock. I looked and saw Randy. ‘Hay Randy back so soon.” I said calmly “Yea, my friend John bit his sister, so he couldn’t play today.” He said as he...

4 years ago
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Cryin in the Rain Conclusion

Hey Folks, what a week! The first and most important thing I have to do is to thank everyone who read the story. I have to thank those of you who wrote to me afterwards even more. The number of e-mails I had gotten before lunchtime last Thursday was staggering. I continued getting them until ... Crap I got another one this morning just before I posted the ending. Every one of you who told me what they thought should happen had great ideas. I wish I could have written five different endings to...

3 years ago
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Construction SeductionChapter 3

Skip was the last to leave the bar. As he finished the last few swigs of his beer he reached into the fob of his Levi’s and pulled out the folded slip of paper that Ashley McClain had slipped into it earlier. It read, “My parents will be leaving for Palm Springs after work. They’ll be gone for two days. 949-277-3261, my cell. Call me if you’re interested.” The note triggered the image of Ashley in the truck which put his cock on the rise. Reaching into his back pocket he pulled out his cell...

1 year ago
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Pickup Number EighteenChapter 3

"What's up?" Tom asked. "I don't want you to get sold a pig in a poke. Vickie is nobody's fool, but she's also a mother -- and as callous as she sounds about this..." "Yeah." Tom grunted. "Still, it takes a lot of moxie to say, 'will you get kids on my teenage daughter?' She's gutsy -- and you have a good eye." "She knew we were here several minutes before everyone else did -- and she was stopping women at the register -- without causing a fuss -- so they would have a...

4 years ago
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I just want to be naked

I've always known I've always known.. ?My first experience of showing my body in public happened when I was 14. I was on a family camping holiday, right by the beach and it was an opportunity to explore the deep powerful feelings within me for the first time. I had been fantasising about possible scenarios for weeks before the trip, about how I'd slip away from my family at some point under some excuse, find another section of beach, and then roll down my swimming costume as far as I...

1 year ago
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My wife and the dog

My wife does anything I ask, so that basically leaves the door wide open for me to do as I please. In the past I have brought home many of my friends for her to service. I really enjoy watching her sucking or fucking other men off. I usually have a blindfold on her so she doesn’t know who’s doing what to her. This way when we go to parties she never knows whose cock she might have sucked or fucked. About a month ago I told her she was going to have a new experience that...

1 year ago
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My Mother the Porn Star

Introduction:Sit down Roger, it's time you knew your mother better.“Dude! I'm telling ya, that's your mother! Look at her face not her tits, that's her!” My friend and I were watching porn on my laptop, killing time and getting horny. We had watched dozens of teen girls giving blow jobs and getting long fat dicks stuffed into their tight hairless pussies. I had a seriously big erection jammed in my pants but like addicts we couldn’t get enough so I suggested we watch something different. My...

4 years ago
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The Ferry Crossing

It was a beautiful summer day. I was out driving with no real destination in mind, taking the scenic route. This included a ferry that I usually avoided due to the delays involved.When my turn in line came, I drove my pickup down the loading ramp and was directed to the right side of the ferry.This was a small boat with a short crossing. There were signs posted stating that motorists were encouraged to remain in their vehicles, parking break set and motor off for safety. I turned off my motor...

3 years ago
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tits got banng bang

I was on my way home from club-hopping (my hubby was away for the week - training). About ¼ of the way home, my car started acting up and finally gave out on me. Using my cellphone and a phonebook from a near-by gas station, I called around to see if any repair shops were open…but at 1am I was out of luck. I then called around and found a 24-hour towing service. A very deep, gruff sounding voice said that he would be around in about 30 minutes to get me. All I could do now was wait. Just...

3 years ago
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Karen Black Ch 01

(This story is in two parts, I’ve often wondered if something is too good to be true, is it always the case. Human nature makes us wonder but sometimes when it stares you in the face, you do have to ask yourself, maybe… Just maybe.) My very special thanks go to LSEiland, for her editing of both these chapters. ***** Being asked to step into my boss’ office one sunny Monday morning and fed enough bull to make me want to throw up about how this company couldn’t do without my talents… blah,...

3 years ago
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My Favourite memorypt 4

I know, I know...I keep meaning to get to the actual memory that always gives me the best wank and is guarenteed to get me off but I've been way-laid. First with the time when me and Dave had our first sex, then with the time that we had had our first group fuck together and lastly with the time I'd had group sex with people other than Dave. Well there are a couple more of them as well so I might as well spill my beans over those too! We'll get to the main story at some point, honestly.There...

4 years ago
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Beach Time

obably our favorite place to be is the beach. We both get great solace in the ocean and it’s mesmerizing sounds. So, we decided to head to a beach on the Florida west coast which has a clothing optional area. We arrived on a Friday night and after checking into our beach front hotel, we set out to enjoy the fresh ocean air and sand. It was late, so we didn’t stay long, but enjoyed the salt air. We retired early and looked forward to spending the next day at the “other” beach, with of course J...

1 year ago
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Distant Outpost

I know next to nothing about the army, it was only intended as the background of an erotic story, so please do not bash me too hard about that part. :-) But I would still be happy to get any other feedback from you, constructive criticism is most welcome. The outpost was known as Fort Holidays among the soldiers, but the officers mostly considered it a place of detention. Your superiors would send you there to get rid of you and help you “reconsider your inappropriate actions”. That last...

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Jasons Secrets Exposed Part 1

I should not have been surprised that my husband had been keeping secrets from me. After all, we all have our secrets. What angered and amazed me was that he had a secret fantasy life about which I knew nothing. Not a clue! As a lady who has always been open and honest, the thought that Jason could keep such a thing from his very own wife shook my world. But the changes in our lives since I found out have been nothing but positive, and I have found something in me that I never suspected was...

2 years ago
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Spread Wide SecretaryChapter 2

Veronica didn't know if she should do this or not. Yet she felt so rotten all the time she knew she had to do something to change her life drastically. Last night with Stan should have been the best fucking ever. It should have been. He was turned on in a big way and the memories from her own wedding night had come back strongly enough to allow her to get off once - just once. The word rattled inside her head. Once. Only after they'd been married had she been able to get off a dozen times...

1 year ago
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Ladies Day at the races

The stables are owned by two brothers, Jack and Max, who are multi millionaires. They are both bachelors and are invited to attend the Ladies Day at the races, which is the most prestigious event of the season. However, they have a problem. They are recently divorced and don't have any female companions to accompany them to the event. So, they come up with an idea. They approach two of their apprentice jockeys, Tom and Alex, who like all jockeys are both very small and slim, but these...

4 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 71

A few blocks from the hospital, two Denver patrol cars screamed past them to block a busy intersection ahead. The officers quickly got out of their cars to direct the Matthews on through the red light, while holding traffic back from the other directions. "But how do they know?" Diana asked as she waved a thank you at the cop on her side. "Probably the same reason that trooper that was sitting on the side of the interstate didn't come after us. I suspect that Goodman or the sheriff told...

3 years ago
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Current situation

It had been years since my Aunt had used me for her sexual favors. I must admit I was into it as much as she was but hell she was the adult. She never let me fuck her and only played with my cock to see me cum afterwards I would have to clean it up myself with my mouth.She eventually moved away from my home and married a few times how many I don't remember. She was good to her word though and never told my Parents what had happened between us that summer. She would have gotten into a lot of...

2 years ago
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Aunty Ki Dard Bhari Chudai

Hi friends my name is Vijay from patiala Punjab my age is 22 year old aaj mai aap ko apni life ki ek true story batane ja raha hu jo ki bs ek sal pehle ki hai 2015. Meri hight 5 fite 6 inch hai and body bhi athletic hai aur mere cock ka size 7 inch ling and 3 inch mota hai to ab mai story per aata hu baat ek sal pehle ki hai mere padose me ek family rahti hi jis me uncle aunty un ka ek beta 15 sal ka and ek beti 25 year ki thi aunty ki age 47 year thi un ka nam suman hai uncel ki age55 hogi...

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My First Submissive Girlfriend Chap 5

The next day, I woke to a bright sunshiny day. Sorry, I know that it sounds like a line in a rock song, but it just seemed to fit here. I got up, showered, and got ready to make sure all of the arrangements were handled for the collaring ceremony.I went to the kitchen in my new apartment and started the coffee pot. After I got a cup, I started to make a list of everything I wanted to double-check on. The collaring ceremony was set for four pm and I wanted everything to be perfect.I called...

1 year ago
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MomDrips Kit Mercer Highly Potent MILF Pounding

Beautiful blonde MILF Kit Mercer has always dreamed of having children. So, when her stepson reveals that his dad shoots blanks, she is totally distraught. Since the old man will not let her go to the sperm bank, she asks her lucky stepson to do the honors. The horny guy obliges, dipping his dick into Kits hungry pussy and jackhammering her into submission. The MILF hops on top and goes for an intense cock ride, rotating her hips on his hard on. Then, he spurts a potent load in her pussy. Looks...

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Addison said what are you two doing? It is my turn now, and since one of you just blew your load, I guess you know who's turn it is to get me off. I was completely aroused and unexpected at her comment. Steven looked over at me with the questionable eyes, then turned to her and Addison's smirk to Steven and wink to me was all that needed to be said without any words spoken at all.Addison kissed me on the cheek and moved away from me. She slowly stood up out of the water, to show her firm...

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Emma Ch 50

L Dalitha and Salim were wrapped together in Salim’s bed: Dalitha’s dark, small body entangled in Salim’s chocolate, long lithe frame, legs intertwined, breast on breast, sweat dripping onto sweat. Dalitha was again exhausted but still insatiable, a young appetite for sex that Salim found very difficult to keep up with. She could still taste the slightly sour juice of her niece’s vaginal juices on her tongue, and enjoyed Dalitha’s fingers probing around her still sore crotch, still moist but...

2 years ago
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Trophy Girlfriend Part 1

by Vanessa Evans Part 1 Cora is gorgeous, everyone but her says so. Twenty one years old, slim, 154cm tall, 34A 24 33 figure, cute little bubble butt, shoulder length blonde hair and an angelic face that is so beautiful that she has had a few offers of modelling jobs for cosmetics companies. But Cora has never been interested modelling, all that she has ever wanted was a cute guy for a boyfriend who she could love, worship and one day have a baby with. Cora met Caleb one night at a party...

3 years ago
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My Son brings me another Part 6

We found another family.This time my heart didn't miss a beat as the bus pulled into it's space in the school ground, right next to the pickup. I didn't have a problem seeing the Sergeant standing with the principle. And as I walked over I realized I had assumed something. When he had said 'one of my girls went and got pregnant' I had assumed she was Army. The girl standing so proud beside him was obviously his daughter and if she was a day over eighteen I was an old maid. So, what was the...

2 years ago
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My double dick wife

Got married 2 years ago to tall well built good looking sexy Goan girl Virginia. She was working in my office as a receptionist. She trapped me or I fell in love with her I can’t say. She is kind of woman any man would like to have. She is 5′ 6″ tall. Dark brown hair, always inviting brown eyes, sexy full lips that you will love to suck hard or shove your hard cock between them, she has real solid hard big boobs with medium size brown nipples always erect and inviting you to play with them. She...

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