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Dawn stood at the door, her hand raised in the air to knock. Was this really a good idea? She almost chickened out, but her thoughts flashed back to the last two weeks and, almost without thinking about it, she knocked.

She held her breath as she heard a shuffling noise from the other side, then the door popped open.

"Bit? What are you doin' here?"

"Ummm, Spike!," said the girl, jumping. "Hi! I just thought I'd drop by..." she trailed off uncertainly and looked at the ground. He stared at her a moment, a slight frown on his face, then backed away and waived her in. The girl entered with a false bounce in her step. She was nervous about something.

"Aren't you supposed to be at school?"

"Yea, well, ummm, Buffy's away until Sunday, and Willow's been acting kinda strange, ya know?"

They moved into the tomb and Spike sat down on the decrepit lounge chair. This early in the morning he didn't like visitors, especially the Slayer's sister. He'd gotten, for the first time since he and Dru split, a taste of great sex, and it had fired his blood. Spike liked his play rough, and the slayer had the body to take it. He was getting hard just recalling their encounter, the feel of her body, such a contrast between soft and hard, how she felt as he pounded into her, the rich smell of her sex ... wait a minute. He looked over at Dawn, now sitting at the edge of the sarcaughagus, and his eyes narrowed.

"So, lil' bit, what brings you here today? Thought maybe you could hide out here and skip school, eh?".

"Um ... yea. Just wanted to hang out for awhile," she said in an uncertain voice.

People tended to forget several things about Spike. While they never forgot that he was a vampire, they often forgot just what that meant. He was strong, had better vision, hearing and sense of smell then a human. And of late, they were forgetting that he was, above all, evil. That was thanks to his relationship with the slayer. Just as good people could be corrupted by evil, evil could be 'corrupted' by good. Spike knew that when Buffy died again, (she was, after all a mortal in a dangerous line of work) he would eventually revert to evil. It was only because of a promise to Buffy, that when she died the last time, he had continued to help protect Dawn and the rest of them.

He looked at the girl again. He could smell her, the life that ran through her body, the combination of fear and excitement, and finally, her intense sexual arousal. It was getting to Spike in a big way. He had a quick flashback of one of the last girls that he and Dru had shared. They had both enjoyed torturing girls, and ones that were Dawn's age, around 14 or 15, were usually their prime targets. They had been very skilled at forcing their victims to orgasm using pain and very small amounts of pleasure, keeping them for days to enjoy their suffering. The ones that they hadn't killed at the end had been unsuited for normal sex for the rest of their lives. Dawn would have been a prime target. He allowed himself a quick fantasy, imagining Dawn in his 'care'. No one but he knew that he could do what ever he wanted to Dawn and the chip in his head wouldn't stop him. She wasn't human. No matter that she looked and acted just like a human, she was really a construct. He could have fed on her at any time, but because of the slayer, he had chosen not to. Considering how she smelled, perhaps there were other games that she was interested in ... Naa, he thought. Buffy'd kill him for sure, although he wasn't as helpless against her as he'd been before her death.

Dawn was really nervous now. She didn't know what to do, she had no plan or ideas. She just knew that if she couldn't satisfy the cravings shooting through her body she'd go crazy. Dawn closed her eyes and wondered what to say. She didn't understand why she was feeling like this or what to do about it.

Two weeks ago, Dawn had been walking up the stairs in the house. Tara and Willow had still been together, although things were getting increasingly strained between them. Even Dawn could tell that something was happening with Willow. It was sort of late, and Buffy was out on patrol and Dawn had thought that Willow and Tara were also out. Dawn was a normal fifteen year old, but she had a very high sex drive. She masturbated almost every night before sleep, but her fantasies were pretty normal. She didn't penetrate herself because she really wanted a boyfriend, if Buffy ever let her date, to take her virginity. She just knew that the right one would come along eventually, and she satisfied her cravings by rubbing and caressing her prominent clit. Tonight she looked forward to a more extended session since she was alone in the house.

However, as she passed by the bedroom Willow and Tara were in, she noticed that the door was open a crack and there was a dim light coming from the room. Quietly, she crept up to the opening and looked through. What she saw made her freeze in her tracks. Tara and Willow were making love in the bed. At least she thought they were making love.

Willow's back was to the door and she was running her hands over Tara. They were both nude, but Tara seemed to be tied to the bed, a black cloth over her eyes, arms and legs attached at the corners with scarves. From where she was standing, Dawn had a perfect view of what was happening. Willow was whispering something that Dawn couldn't hear, and Tara was moaning and panting, her body slick with sweat. Dawn looked at Willow and admired the body of the slim witch, surprised by a sudden desire to run her hands over her smooth skin.

Dawn had never been attracted to a woman. She knew, in theory, that Tara and Willow made love but seeing it live and in person made it very real. She felt her own body respond, not that it would take much, considering the mood she was in. She watched as Willow moved to climb on the bed over her bound lover. Dawn winced as she saw that Willow had a strong grip on one of Tara's breasts, her nails digging into the soft flesh. Tara's nipple was hard.

Willow knelt with her sex over Tara's mouth. Dawn could see Tara struggling to reach it with her tongue, but Willow kept out of her reach. Dawn could feel her own nipples start to ache as her arousal grew. She caught her breath when she saw that Willow had shaved her hair. Not just a bikini shave, all of it was gone.

"Ask for it lover," came Willow's voice.

"Oh please, please Willow, I need you. Please, I want to taste you, please!" Tara's voice sounded very different from what Dawn was used to hearing. It was soft, as always, but there was a hunger, a need in it that caused Dawn's body to tighten in ways she just wasn't used to feeling.

"Oh, my love, you know that I want it. But I need more. Beg for it..." replied Willow, twisting Tara's nipple hard enough to make her groan. " ... tell me that you want it."

Tara panted, then whined as Willow cruelly pulled her nipple. Her hips were grinding on empty air and Dawn could see the wetness gleaming between her legs. Tara still had hair on her mons, but the lips had been shaved.

"Please, Willow please, do it. Use the belt. I need it, I need you. Gods, please I need to cum." Dawn was now very aroused watching and feeling the raw, sexual energy that the women were creating. She could feel the energy being created by the witches on her skin. Dawn watched as Willow reached out of her view with one hand and retrieved a belt. She sucked in a breath - what was Willow doing with a belt?

Seconds later, she had her answer. Willow brought the belt down between her lover's legs with a loud spat. Tara and Dawn both jerked, and Tara let out a loud groan. Dawn was mesmerized, both fascinated and repelled. It was obvious that Tara liked what Willow was doing to her, her hips were jerking up to meet the belt. But it was scary. She watched as Willow slowly lowered her sex onto Tara's mouth. Tara groaned loudly and pushed her face into the slick flesh as soon as she could. Shortly, Willow was all but smothering her lover, grinding her hips and pushing hard onto Tara's sucking mouth. When she lifted to let Tara breath, Dawn could see her face was very wet, strands of thick slime stretched between Willow's sex and Tara's mouth. Dawn was also very wet, and found herself wishing that someone would lick her there. She squeezed her thighs together thinking about it.

The whole time, Willow kept swinging the belt, striking her lover again and again. Each time she was hit, Tara's hips jerked and rotated. Then the energy Dawn was feeling began to change, becoming heavier somehow, more primal and raw. The belt was coming down faster, and Tara was struggling to open her legs wider to accomodate it. Willow was panting and letting out little moans as she was licked. Dawn could tell that they were nearing a climax, she was so horny herself that she thought she might orgasm with them. It wasn't long before the women were starting to cum, Dawn was almost there herself just from the energy bleeding over her, when lovers came. The orgasm between Tara and Willow was simultaneous, something that, had Dawn been more experienced with sex, she would have known was difficult to pull off. They writhed together, the belt blurring down to smack Tara's vulnerable lips, as they came. Just seconds and Dawn would join them. Then she looked up at Willow.

Willow was staring right at her and her eyes were a deep black, something that only happened when she was doing major magic. Dawn's orgasm fled before the power in Willow's eyes, almost as if it was sucked away, and she stood frozen. There was a roaring in her ears and she thought that she saw Willow smile. Not a normal Willow smile, but something lust inspired, predatory. Dawn fled, all thought gone. When she came to herself, she was in her bedroom. She looked at the clock and blinked - surely it hadn't been a half an hour that she'd stood there!

She waited, huddled on the other side of her bed, hoping that she had just imagined Willow looking at her. Another half hour passed before she dared to move. She was cramped and uncomfortable, but she knew that she had to get up and go to bed. As she stood, she realized that sexual energy was still running through her body, no doubt due to the fact that she had been denied her orgasm when it had been so close. The girl opened her own door and peeked down the hallway, but the door to Tara and Willow's room was closed and no light came from under the it. Dawn sighed in relief and began to strip.

She looked at herself in the mirror as she did. Watching Tara and Willow have sex had somehow changed how she looked at her own body. Would a woman find her attractive? She removed her bra and stood looking at her lean form in the mirror. She was only wearing her panties, but the powder blue cloth was soaked to a dark blue where her thighs met. She could smell her arousal which was now flaring like fire in her belly. Her hands caressed her stomach, then her breasts as she gently squeezed her thick, swollen nipples. Usually, she enjoyed gentle pressure and light touches to her breasts and nipples while she masturbated. Not tonight. Something had been awakened in her, or so it seemed, and she needed more. She closed her hands firmly on her breasts, then squeezed her nipples. That felt good so she squeezed harder, and that felt even better.

She pulled on the sensitive nubs and shivered at the sensation. Her knees started to get weak, so she knelt in front of the mirror and spread her legs. She had a new admiration for how sexy she looked and no longer wondered if a woman would find her attractive. One hand stopped mauling her breast and she scratched her skin in a line down her belly. The normal feather touches she enjoyed employing now gave way to the fire that her nails caused as they dragged down her body. Her eyes were dilated and her breath hissed through her teeth as she roughly slid her hand over her soaked panties. She was aware of her body and her scent as she never had been before. She wanted, needed, something. Her hips jerked as she road her hand and soon it wasn't enough, she needed to touch herself without the panties in the way. She used both hands and quickly, almost savagely, pulled the soaked blue cloth off her body.

Her scent was thick in the air, and it was turning her on. Her mind flashed back to the memory of Tara sliding her tongue along Willows opened sex. She wondered what that tasted like. Dawn was familiar with her own scent, but had never felt the desire to taste herself. She felt it now, and raised one hand to her lips. The scent was even stronger and she licked her finger. Dawn almost growled as her arousal intensified. She tasted slightly salty and a little sweet. Her hand dove between her legs and she started to roughly pull and pinch at her erect clit. It was sticking way out of it's hood and her hips jumped as she pinched it hard. She was almost there ... almost. Dawn looked down and saw her panties. Hardly thinking, she stuffed the wet crotch into her mouth and sucked, exploding into orgasm. Her cries were loud, even muffled by the panties, but she was too gone to care, her orgasm the only thing in existence.

She calmed down, panting, sweat running down her body. Somewhat sheepishly, she spit the panties out of her mouth while one hand idly slid through her soaked sex. She was tired, but still horny. She got up and pulled back her covers. As she did, she thought that she saw a shadow of something moving under the door, but her hand distracted her and she forgot about it almost instantly. She lay back and spread her legs, her hand running through the sparse hair on her mons. Fingers resumed twisting her sore nipple and her hand once again started rubbing her clit. As her arousal grew, she recalled more scenes of Tara and Willow. She remembered Willow's small breasts, the nipples a deep coral and tight with arousal. She remembered the scent that drifted to her nose from the women, and it wasn't long before she was on her way to another orgasm, this time slapping rather then rubbing her clit. She came again after that, then managed to stop herself and slide off into sleep.

Dawn awoke the next morning, and the first thing she noticed was the smell of sex. She was still horny and had to masturbate again before showering for school. Over the next week, things only got worse for the girl. She didn't see Tara and Willow in bed again, and in fact they split up. Willow never said anything about Dawn watching them either. Dawn figured that she was too distracted. She now masturbated twice a day. She found that it was really exciting to do it just after she put on her panties in the morning. She seemed to be horny all the time, and couldn't wait until she got to go to bed at night so that she could masturbate while sucking on her panties. She got rougher with herself, often slapping her sensitive breasts and sex and leaving marks on her skin with her nails.

Things continued to get worse and by the beginning of the next week, she couldn't walk down a hallway at school with out fantasizing about some cute boy throwing her down and raping her. By that Wednesday, she was looking at the girls the same way and Thursday, she had to hide in the girl's bathroom, pulling hard on her labia and scratching her clit with her nail until she came and regained some semblance of control. She was going crazy, loosing control of herself and every one she knew seemed to be in the middle of a crises, so there was no one to talk to. This morning, she realized that if she went to school, she'd do something that she'd regret. So she went to the only person who she thought that she'd be safe with. Someone who had protected her and who she hoped could help her figure out what was going on. Spike.

Dawn realized that she'd been silent for too long. While she'd been thinking about Tara and Willow her nipples had gotten very hard and could easily be seen by Spike. It was obvious that he was looking, too. Dawn had come to Spike for help. But she didn't really know what kind of help she wanted. Thoughts of him taking her, using her right then and there suddenly dominated her mind. She shook them off with difficulty and looked at him. It's not like he wasn't hot, but she knew he was safe. After all, that was why she was here. Spike would never hurt her or take advantage of her. At least, that was why she thought she was here.

"Hey, Bit, are you sure you're OK?"

Dawn couldn't answer. She realized that she couldn't control herself and that she should leave so that she could be alone. If she didn't, she knew that she would try and make the fantasies running through her brain a reality. She didn't know if it would be more humiliating to be turned down by Spike or to have sex with him. She felt the moisture increase between her legs and knew that it didn't matter - either outcome would increase her arousal. She couldn't deal with this! She bent her head and looked down, tears of frustration pooling in her eyes. Dawn was at the end of her rope, dealing with feelings and thoughts that she couldn't fight. She wasn't even sure she wanted to fight them. She started as she looked up and saw Spike right next to her.

He put his hands on her shoulders and said, "Dawn, what's wrong? Tell me..."

She opened her mouth to say something, but having him this close was completely clouding her mind. All she could picture was her kneeling at his feet, doing what ever he wanted her to do. Maybe he would tie her like Tara had been tied and whip her...


Startled, the girl looked up at him. She was on her knees and he was bent over her. Dawn looked into his eyes and just stared, trembling, burning up with sexual energy. You didn't need to be a Vampire to see the sexual flush to her skin. Spike could feel the heat coming off her body and it was impossible to miss the thick points of her nipples poking through her t-shirt, nor the strong smell of her arousal.

"What is going on with you?"

"Spike," came the girl's shaking voice, "I don't know. I DON'T! Please, you've got to help me."

"I can't help you if I don't know what's wrong." Originally, Spike thought that the girl was just being a tease. But now, he wasn't so sure. She was so aroused, so ready so ... He wrenched his mind off that track. Bugger if he was going to play with Slayer's little sister. He pulled her to her feet and tried to ignore his own arousal. She continued to look in his eyes. Suddenly, she grabbed him and pulled toward him trying to kiss him. Dawn was no longer in control, there was only her hunger, her need.

Spike was startled, but the teen was hardly faster then him. He stopped her, now aroused and angry, back to thinking the girl was teasing him.

"Stop that! Damn girl, what are you playing at? Go find a boy your own age to play kissy kissy with, and leave me alone. What would your sister think?"

Dawn sank to her knees again and looked up at him. She was trembling so badly that she could hardly speak. "Please, please, Spike, I ... I won't tell anyone. Honest!"

"What? What the bloody hell are you talkin' about? Tell them what? There's nothing TO tell!"

"I ... I'll do anything you want. Whatever you want me to do, I'll do it." Dawn didn't care now, either Spike took her or the first person she met on the street would.

Spike was angry. Faster then her eyes could follow, he reached down and pulled her to her feet. "Listen girly, you don't know what you're messing with. Feeling a little frisky are you? Thinkin' maybe you could tease old Spike because he's been defanged by a chip? This isn't funny, and just because I can't bite you doesn't mean that there aren't a lot of other things I could do. Now you get your little ass out of here and go find a boy your own age to tease."

"I ... I'm not teasing. Really, I, don't know what's wrong, but I know if I go out there, who ever finds me first, I ... I'll do whatever they want. ANYthing they want Spike. I came here because if I went to school, I'd do the same thing there!"

"Oh, sure. Look, Bit, you've got a bad case of hormones. Go peddle it to someone else. Your sister would kill me if she even had a hint I'd laid a hand on you." He pulled her to her feet with one hand and pushed his face close to her's, "Now hit the road before you get us both in trouble."

Dawn melted from the firm, painful grip he had on her arm. She imagined that same grip on other parts of her body and softly moaned. Spike was startled. He heard the moan, and no stranger to aroused women, knew that it was from both pain and pleasure.

The girl looked at him and whispered, "Please, you can do whatever you want to me. I won't tell anyone - Buffy'd kill us both! Don't make my first time be with a stranger."

She was serious. Spike believed that now, but immediately started to wonder what had happened to her. His own arousal was very high, like blood lust from the hunt, something he'd been denied too long. Unlike the inexperienced teen, he had plenty of experience controlling himself. Fine, he decided, let's see just how serious she was.

"OK," he said, letting her go, "prove it. Strip." Countless women over the years had heard that command spoken in that soft, menacing voice. They knew what it meant, but Dawn was too inexperienced to understand. Even if she had, in her current state she wouldn't have been afraid, just happy. The hunger would be fed.

The girl stepped back and pulled off her shirt. She kicked off her shoes and stripped so fast that Spike was taken aback. His demon nature surged and he knew that she really would do whatever he wanted. Demons liked lust - it was used so often to corrupt that it was second nature to them. Spike was certainly no exception. He admired her slim body, breasts that were not too large, but swollen with lust. He noticed that her white panties were soaked as she slipped them down her coltish legs. No way was he going to let this pass. As she removed her last piece of clothing he was on her in a second. One hand grasped her long dark hair and pulled her head painfully back, the other had somehow captured both of her hands and held them in a bruising grip. She yelped, startled by the suddenness of his movement.

"Now your in it." He hissed. "So, little girl wants to play adult games." He bent her head further back causing Dawn to wince. He might be hurting her, but she obviously didn't care. "You should have chosen some boy from your class. I don't like to play nice, not at all."

"I ... I'm a virgin."

Spike wasn't too surprised at that statement. At this point it didn't matter what she was, he was going to fuck her but good. "Right, so you want me to go easy on you, little girl?"

She looked away from his eyes and whispered, "No. Not at all."

Spike was startled by this answer. He let go of her and looked at her. He couldn't remember the last time he'd seen a female so aroused. Well, actually, he could. But the slayer had nothing on her little sister. The Summers women were going to be the death of him, that was for sure.

"So, Little Bit likes it rough, eh? If you're a virgin, how could you know?" He grabbed her thick, rock hard nipples and squeezed, testing the girl. She just moaned, softly. He added more pressure, then more, pulling on her nipples until the girl stood on her tiptoes, panting and whining. But she didn't ask him to stop, and one of her hands went to the sparse, dark pubic hair matted between her legs.

"None of that," Spike said slapping her hand away. "I'll decide what you play with and what you don't. And we're not doing anything more here. Get your clothes and follow me."

He turned and went down the ladder in the sarcaughagus. Seconds later, Dawn followed him. She sank to her knees, her hand sliding between her legs again while the vampire rummaged through a chest. He turned to find the fifteen year old masturbating herself on her knees in the dirt. Spike turned to her and in a flash had grabbed her by her hair and pulled her to her feet.

"If you can't follow the rules, you'll have to be punished."

"Y ... yes. Punish me..." Dawn whispered, her eyes looking glazed. By this time, Spike was happy to oblige. All thoughts of how wrong this was had left his brain. He wanted her, he wanted to use her, to whip her and do all those things he'd been denied for so long. Oddly, the thought of actually feeding on her never crossed his mind. He might have wondered about that, had his attention wandered from Dawn at all. It wasn't long before she found herself manacled in the same chains Spike had used on her sister some time ago. Back when he and Dru had planned to kill the slayer. At that time, Buffy had declared that she'd never have sex with Spike. She'd been wrong. Now, it appeared, it was her sister's turn.

The girl stood there, her hips moving back and forth, panting and waiting to see what Spike would do. Spike surveyed the now helpless girl. It'd been too many years since he'd been able to indulge in this. He planned to put his more then 100 years of experience to use tonight. Little Dawnie wouldn't forget she'd tangled with Spike.

Walking back to the table he removed his shirt and picked up a whip. He'd start with this one, a simple flogger. It didn't make marks, well, not bad marks, and he knew how to use it and make it really hurt. Maybe the teen would fold right off the bat. She wasn't going to get out of being fucked, but if she didn't take to this, then he'd fuck her and let her go.

He stepped in front of the girl who looked at the whip with wide eyes. She was squirming and could feel the frustration of not being able to touch herself. She could feel that her thighs were wet and her nipples were aching. She wanted, needed to feel that whip. Dawn had been using a belt to masturbate with for days, smacking the end of the leather on her clit. Those had been the best orgasms she'd had yet, lying in bed, feeling the sharp sting...


"Ahh," came the girl's startled voice as she felt a light sting on her ass. Her back was several feet from the cave wall, but he'd hit her ass from the side while still standing in front of her. She drank in the sight of Spike's shirtless chest.

"Too much for you? I haven't even started yet," said Spike with a snarl.

Dawn just looked at him, panting, waiting for the next strike. He hit her again, just a warm up to get her used to the feeling. Dawn's hips rocked a bit, but other then that she made no move.


Dawn was frustrated. She'd hit herself harder then that on her opened sex! If this was as bad as things got, she'd rather masturbate ... almost. After all, from the bulge in his pants he looked big. Her frustration made her sarcastic.

"Oooo ... the big, bad Spikey. I thought you were going to punish me, not tap my fanny!" Her voice, while still shaky was defiant. He could hear the frustration in it.

"Oh, lil' Bit does like it rough. Well, I'll be happy to oblige."

Spike put down the whip and went back to the chest to remove more toys. When he was finished with her, the teen's legs were spread wide by a bar fastened to her ankles. Her wrists had soft leather cuffs around them and attached to another bar, which had been raised so high she was on her tip toes. Now, he had easy access to any part of her body. Spike grew very hard, admiring the beautiful body in front of him. Dawn's breasts were almost flat now, but her nipples were still hard and standing out. Her pubic mound was prominent and pushed out - a perfect target for his attentions.

The next time Spike hit her with the whip, it was much harder. Breath hissed out of her, but that was it. Again, harder, and this time he was rewarded with a red streak and a moan. Spike continued to whip her back and ass, the measured strokes falling quite hard. She only moaned and ground her hips against empty air. Her sex was swollen and lubricant was oozing freely. Soon, Spike moved his attentions to her front. This caused her to moan very loudly, but she gave no sign of being in real pain. He decreased the tempo but increased the strength of the blows. Dawn responded favorably, surprising Spike again. He continued to work her front until it became obvious that she was close to orgasm. Then, he started to strike upwards into her opened sex. Dawn gave a guttural moan and began to shake as blow after blow landed between her legs. Finally, she gave a loud shriek and her legs gave out, and she hung there twitching from the after effects of her orgasm. She'd never had one so intense.

Spike was beside himself. His cock was like steel. Dawn made an incredible sight, hanging from her wrists now that her legs wouldn't support her, her body slick with sweat and her skin red from the beating. Her sex was swollen and red, the inner lips protruding from their cover, as was her clit, which was more swollen then ever. He dropped the whip and loosened her hands. She slumped against him and immediately tried to hump his leg. Spike was astonished that she was still aroused.

He held the girl away from his body. She looked up at him, literally drunk on lust. Spike had never seen anything like it. Well, not unless he'd had them for several days. Picking up the girl, he set her on the table and fished some rope from the chest. Next he began tying the girl and when he was finished her arms were bound behind her, wrists crossed between her shoulder blades, with loops above and below her breasts. Her breasts had been compressed between coils of rope until they were quite hard.

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Hello, all who go thru a real experience of mine. Let me Introduce myself first. I am Anjana Menon from Kochi, Kerala. Now 23 yrs old and doing fashion modelling. I am 5′ 7″ tall with full breasts and sexy figure. When I was 16 yrs itself, I was the girl who was having the fullest breasts in my school. Boys and Men used to look at my globs and I really enjoyed it too. I am telling my first sexual experience in my life here to share. It happened when I was 18yrs old. I was studying in a college...

1 year ago
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Busted by the Law

I've not read a story like this before. It may exist but I'm not sure. I think I've seen a captioned image for something like it. But here's my short story about... Busted By The Law "Damn! Late for work again. I cursed as I flew down the road 20 miles over the speed limit. Sure my job was back breaking and it sucked. Not to mention the boat load of village idiots I had to work with. But it kept me clothed and under a roof. That's a cop isn't it.... "Shit!" The lights and the...

1 year ago
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PetiteBallerinasFucked Arian Ballerina Girlfriend

Arian is a small and sexy ballerina who practices her routines every chance she gets. She’s in the middle of working the barre when her coach Lutro appears. That silver fox is the only thing that can distract Arian from her passion for dance. He begins by helping her with his big hands wrapped around her body, but soon his touches wander towards sexual territory. It’s not long before he has his hands all over Arian’s boobs and then sliding down to feel her heat beneath her...

1 year ago
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Hi, I am Akhil from Hyderabad. Now I will submit my recent good fucking I had with my neighbor lady Padma. She is 25 years with a female baby of 5 months. She is of 32-28-34 size but medium complexion and lean. But her sizes are very good. Her husband is working in a software company and busy with his duty. They are tenants of my opposite flat. At the beginning, I have no intention of fucking this young lady but when she talked to me while moving from my flat to going down, I found some...

4 years ago
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Chronos ChroniclesChapter 12

The rest of the walk is just as boring as the first part, but I am grateful to know that Annie escaped at some point during my outburst the day earlier ... If we were as close to the Brute's home base as I thought, she could lead her friends back and follow the trail of debris that the ladies had left. It is night fall when we come to walls. It looks like a prison. All high walls and barbed wire. And very ugly. No wonder these guys are brutes. We are hustled into a badly built building of...

2 years ago
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PromiseChapter 12 Tennis Gone Wrong

I HEARD ABOUT IT a couple of weeks after it happened from Bill Fernandez, one of the political officers. His wife, a gifted amateur tennis player in her other life, worked part-time for the cultural attaché. Two or three times a week she played tennis before work with the ambassador on his courts. “Pissed off” would be a very mild way of describing Rachel, his wife, to hear Bill tell it. She’d walked through their front door that morning with steam coming out of her ears. “That fucking...

3 years ago
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Two Beats a Cheat Part Three

"You sure can sweety, but you're not gonna last through all three." "How do you know?" He felt the blindfold being removed then his eyes adjusted to see a stunningly gorgeous dark woman on top of him. She had waist length, shiny, black hair, beautiful large, firm tits with dark brown nipples, slender waist and as he looked down a soaking wet hairless pussy. Jackie was gently cupping and massaging her tits. "Say hello to Maria, Andrew." Jackie licked Maria's nipple. "Hello there Maria. I didn't...

Group Sex
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East Or West Neighbor Sex Is The Best

Hi friends this is Jay from Mumbai. I am very big fan of ISS. I m although married but still I enjoy reading stories from ISS. Here I m going to tell u the story which happened with my neighbor few years back when I was not married. Its an fiction story… I will tell this story in hindi and gujarati. Us waqt hamare flat ke samne wale flat mein ek family rehta tha. They were also gujju. Hamara kafi acha relation tha. Ek dusro ke ghar ana jaana laga rehta tha. Unki ek beti thi Jo same meri age ki...

2 years ago
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help brother 5

“What if you are pregnant?” Nicole asked.“Do you really think I could be pregnant?” Jesse asked.“I don't know. JJ, you might be a dad, you never know,” Nicole replied.Then Nicole got out a pregnancy test out and handed it to Jesse.“OK take it and we'll see what happens I guess. If you are pregnant, then we are really a family all together with a kid. So maybe this wouldn't be the worst thing in the world. You would be knocked up and then we would all be together and take care of the babies,”...

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Sex on the beach

This started 5 years ago, when I met Leanne.Leanne was the same age as me, 21. We met in a club in Newquay. Our first experience was in the middle of the night, on newquay beach. We walked along the beach, and lay down to look at the stars. She crawled onto me, her breathing heavy. Her soft lips touched mine, and our tongues began to dance, I could smell the irresistible scent of your cum and sweat. I removed your top to reveal your large, natural breasts in a beautiful lace bra. You were...

4 years ago
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A T M A Adventure a Rupture in Time

Introduction In the early years of the 21st Century the first successful time travel device was designed and constructed by Professor Andrej Turgenyev and Dr. Phineas Jasper in coordination with technicians from the USDOD and NSA. The TPRFG (Temporal Probability/Redundancy Field Generator) commonly referred to as TAP, was tested first with A/V recording equipment, then with intrepid volunteers and found to be a viable means of transport into the past. Initial explorations along the time lines...

2 years ago
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Making Music

I was late again, I couldn’t fucking believe it. Today of all days, Principal Bitch had to come into my office making a nuisance of herself for fifteen minutes. Anyone would think she knew I was rushing and what was waiting for me. Once she left I could hardly wait to jump up from my desk and dash out of the door behind her. I didn’t even bother locking it, I just took off down the corridor as fast as possible without actually running. I didn’t want that cow berating me again right now. My...

3 years ago
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Stemom adventures 8211 Chris story

Chris was growing quickly for his age. His life was full of the typical teenage adventures and problems, a body that was flooded with hormones causing most of them. The alarm had rung some time ago and his stepmom had yelled for him to get moving twice. He stretched and rolled out of bed, the virtually permanent erection of a teenager bouncing and leading the way as he headed for the bathroom to take his shower. He threw his clothes on for school still half-asleep. It had been a long week last...

2 years ago
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Phone Sex With Mrs Evans

For the fourth time in as many days, my cock erupted into the pair of red satin panties wrapped around it. In my mind, it wasn't the panties I was shooting my load into, but what they normally covered. At sixteen years old, I was technically still a virgin. I'd had the odd grope of my girlfriend's tits and once, even got to feel her cunt through her panties but as far full sex was concerned I was a virgin and relied on my fist for my satisfaction. Of course I knew what to do, I had a good...

3 years ago
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The Wall and GoatChapter 16

It had been exactly fifteen days since I had last seen Jesse. He had got up, and walked away. I had let my phone go dead that day, hadn't been bothered to charge it, or log on and check my email. I hadn't read, hadn't done homework, or for the most part attend school. I seemed to live in a world bound between the distance between home and Paul and Guy's house. I ate when I had to, when Paul force fed me baked goods from the oven or when Babaanne near-spoon fed me stew when I was home. I...

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it came to fruition

for a while now i have been asking my wife to go black and she keeps stalling on it, when she has a tipple she says yes but the next day its no i'm to shy. as the weeks and months went by i kept bringing it up whilst making love to her and she likes the thought of it but its the reality she's scared of. i always come on Xhamster and look at the videos so one day i came clean and told her that i watched interracial porn on here, so she said show me some of the videos, i clicked on my favorites...

3 years ago
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My Spanish teacher

It all began two years ago as I was 18yo. while attending high school.  Not too many people went to this private school in this town, so you would think it was not so much of high-quality,  but to tell you  the truth, it wasn’t to much popular,  not a well known school. The motive I had to attend to this school or institute was simple: I wasn’t a good apprentice at all, and needed some support, so I was forced to register at “Studying and Understanding Techniques,” a subject intended to back up...

Love Stories
4 years ago
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Mom Ko Uske Boss Ne Choda

Hi… Friends I am submitting my first story on this site. I am regular reader of Indian sex stories so I thought I should share some experience with you this story is some real some fantasy.. So let’s come on the story Ye story jab ki hai jab me 12 th ki class me tha aur meri mom seema bahut hot aur sexy aurat he bhaut mordern rehti he uska figure dek ker sabke lund khade ho jate he tha mom ek company me kam karti thi aur ekdam sexy bhi thi sakbi nazar uski boobs aur gand per rahti thi… Hamari...

2 years ago
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GF Fuck my Black Roommate Blacken

Lightning flashed across the dark sky as Steve lifted his travel bag from the open trunk of Crystal's Taurus. He opened the door for her and said, "I see my new roomie is home. It will be raining cats and dogs by the time you get back to the Campus. You might as well come in for a drink or two, meet Jack, and we can watch TV or whatever until the storm passes. Thunder rolled ominously. Steve took Crystal's hand and led her to up to the door of his apartment. He set the bag down and began...

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Girl RefurbishedChapter 5 The Fat Lady Sings

Joe The announcement came during one of our lunches and it hit me like a ton of bricks. We had made provisional plans for a family Christmas, being together, heal some, and enjoy the holiday spirit. Judy was nervous I could tell, all through the lunch. After we finished, she asked me to walk with her for a few minutes. "Joe, I know we made plans for the holidays, but I don't want to go through with it. Let's face it, our summer vacation did not bring us any closer. The way you pushed me...

1 year ago
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The Village Whore

100% fiction! Harold lived in an english, pagan village approximately two millennia ago. Today was his town's Fertility Ritual, where one woman is impregnated by the entire town. Every man in the village is called upon to cum in her pussy. It was his duty to do the same, no matter who it was. Dionysus demanded it. He went into the ritual hut nervously, and there she was. She had a tiny waste and thick hips and a round ass and glowing skin and a beautiful ritual mask to hide her identity. The...

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Fucking My Reportee 8211 Part III

Part I – In continuation to Part II – Huma and me had just woken up. I wasn’t wearing any underwear and roamed around the room completely naked. The very thought of Huma being there with me, kept my cock parallel to the floor. Huma was staring at me and fondling here breast. When i looked at her, she winked and bit her lower lip. Me: “So you want...

3 years ago
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Helpless Mother Part 1

I never thought I will jump up with joy when my uncle called me from India and said my dad had passed away!I almost said "Yes" on phone but controlled myself and continued being sorrow! It was not because my dad was abusive or something! He was the best dad I could have! For that I was greatful to him! The main reason I was happy on his death was my mom! Yes my mom!I had my eyes on mom eversince I hit puberty! My feelings triggered when I saw two dogs fucking outside my house. Me and my friends...

3 years ago
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Old Photograph

Old Photograph Frank woke up with the worst headache of his life. The nurse noticed his eyes opening and went to get Frank's wife, Rebecca. She came in shortly thereafter and smiled happily. "I'm so glad you finally woke up," she gushed. "What happened?" Frank asked groggily. "You were in a car accident, Frank, but the doctor says you're going to be okay," Rebecca said. The doctor came in and gave Frank a look. "You suffered a traumatic brain injury. What is the last thing you...

2 years ago
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Elevatror adventures

I sat at the bar drinking my Crown and Coke. It was a pretty cool club, reminded me of a place back home, dark, smaller, long rather than wide. I could have done without the occasional queen that came in trying to pick up a straight guy and then making a scene when he was rejected, but nevertheless, it was small enough that the bodies had to press closer in order to fit, which of course made everyone hotter, sweatier, looking for something to drink from the bar. I waited at the bar, sitting on...

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Amys Indecent Proposal Part II

John retrieved Amy's coat from the coat check and wrapped it around her shoulders as they exited the club and waited curbside for John's driver to pull up.  No more than thirty seconds later, a black Escalade arrived and the driver quickly jumped out to open the door for Amy to slide in. John closed her door and then strolled around to the driver's side before getting in next to her. Where to?" Amy asked. "The Bellagio," John replied "I think we've had enough public entertainment for...

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Fuko PChan is impregnated by a white surfer

Story by ChenFuko is a Busty JAV idol who is known for her enormous beautiful breasts that could bring even the strongest of men to their knees. Like most Japanese women, she was tired of Japanese men and had a desire to go see the world and see other men. Specifically white men. After a successful career of modeling in Japan, Fuko had decided to pursue her career interests in the United States where she really wanted to be. After about a week of searching, she was brought on to be a part of an...

2 years ago
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OMG 11 The Party Bus

Dwain was surprised that a smallish, windowless bus stopped in front of his house, given that he had ordered a car. Stepping out, the driver walked around and opened the back door for him. It took him a moment to clear his head enough to ask her the question that was on his mind. She was stunning in a way that he couldn't describe. He could feel himself involuntarily getting erect. She was the most beautiful creature he had ever seen. Shaking his head, he asked her, "Are you the car I...

3 years ago
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Humiliated in Haiti

Jenny Marie Stevens was apprehensive as their boat skidded to shore. They had ridden in a small boat from Cordillera Central in the Dominican Republic down the Aribonite River through the Artibonite Valley to Gonaives, on the coast of Haiti. They had taken the longer less conspicuous route rather than just fly in and attract suspicions of why they were there. Joe, Jenny's husband, did not want to have to answer any more questions than needed. His wife, Jenny had been active for many years in...

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The Lay Over

I had just dropped my girlfriend off at the airport for a trip to see her folks and was feeling a bit peckish. I happened to see a casual restaurant in the terminal and thought I'd get myself a bite to eat. Little did I know that that decision would turn into an event I would fantasize about for days to come. I was taking a bite of my burger when I saw her... Raven haired, dark eyes, curves in the right places, in a short sun dress looking lost. She caught me staring at her and as I began to...

1 year ago
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A Thousand Words Part One

The Rake: "It's fascinating how the perception of people towards an activity, thought and sometimes even a person changes with a change in environment." At least, that is what Rhea contemplated as she walked the length of the art gallery, admiring and sometimes abhorring the paintings and photographs on display. The exhibits were based on the theme of the Seven Deadly Sins, and naturally, the section which saw the most foot traffic was 'Lust.' A topic which has been heavily frowned upon in...

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Sandy Revisited

Sandy. Just that name alone brings back some of the fondest and hottest sexual memories in my early adult life. If you haven't read about Sandy and my relationship with her, I invite you to go back and read those. Sandy was a wonderful woman, and I found her to be very sexy. But, when I'd first met her, Sandy was emotionally and mentally in bad shape because of the mental neglect and lack of attention that she'd been getting from her husband. I came into her life, or should I say she came...

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Dont Sleep on the Subway Book ThreeChapter 17

AUG 1940 BRITAIN BLOCKADED AND LONDON BOMBED “Even though large tracts of Europe and many old and famous States have fallen or may fall into the grip of the Gestapo and all the odious apparatus of Nazi rule, we shall not flag or fail. We shall go on to the end, we shall fight in France, we shall fight on the seas and oceans, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall defend our Island, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall...

1 year ago
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My Maria Scene 5

It was Thursday, Maria and I had a date to go to Berkeley looking in some art galleries. Maria called and was running late, but said the door was open and I should come over. I drove to her house, parked in the driveway and entered. She was not downstairs, so I walked up to the second floor. I heard the shower running in the master bedroom. I had never been in her bedroom and walked in silently. The door to the master bath was open and the lights were on. I peeked in and there was Maria in...

4 years ago
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Steven George the DragonThe Twilight Drummers

LEANING AGAINST A TREE at the top of a rise, Steven surveyed the land before him looking for a suitable place to camp. The knights had stopped to rest the horses in the middle of the afternoon, but Steven kept running ahead to prepare their evening camp. Below him a small river crossed the road and it appeared to be a frequent campsite for travelers along this way. It would certainly be appropriate for the knights. Steven looked back the way he had come and saw the knights in the distance...

3 years ago
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My Daughters Dating Problem

She invited Derrick over to the house for an early afternoon talk before the kids got home from school on Friday afternoon. Wanting to see how things went I left work early. Our house has a long driveway making it possible to drive up without being noticed. Seeing Derrick's truck in the drive, I quietly entered through the basement door. Through the ventilation duct that runs from the basement to the first floor, I could hear them talking in the living room. Beth was telling Derrick that it...

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The Adventures of ArchieChapter 2 Archie Joins the Girl Scouts

The summer was uneventful for the fabulous foursome of Archie, Bettina, Jerry, and Veronica. At least, until Archie and Jerry decided to join the Girl Scouts in order to go on a camping trip with Bettina and Veronica. The two girls expended a lot of time and effort to make the boys look presentable as normal teenaged girls. The clothes were not a problem at all. In fact, Archie fit well into Bettina's duds and Jerry looked quite fetching in Veronica's body hugging black dress....

2 years ago
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I am in the tastefully lit bathroom of a downtown nightclub, taking a picture of myself reflected in the wall of mirror in front of me. The sweater I am wearing is suggestively low-cut, but I center on my face. My sea blue eyes sparkle in the unnatural light. I had stepped out into the alley with some random guy to smoke a joint about an hour ago, so I am a little light-headed. I made out with the guy for a minute or two, in payment for the joint, I guess. Guys always want something, and making...

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Fucking My neighbour Widow Horny Aunt

Hi friends, My name is Travis (name changed). I am regular reader of ISS stories and enjoy very much reading those experiences. Well i would also like to share one of the sex experiences i had in the recent past with my neighbor aunt who is a widow. And please excuse me if there are any spelling mistakes. Well let me tell me something about myself (nature). I am guy who likes to live the life his own way. I had loads of GF’s in my past and had a sexual relation with them as well. However I...

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Jacob His Jinniyah

Jacob Schwartz, college sophmore, was taking a walk. It had taken him a few weeks, but he'd finally found a time and place where he could walk in perfect solitude. As he walked, he daydreamed. Or more precisely, he fantasized. This particular fantasy was one he kept returning too, combining all his favorite fetishes. He fantasized about dozens of beautiful women, of every age, race, and body-type. All were clad in either harem outfits or Nazi uniforms (his most secret fetish, given his Jewish...

4 years ago
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Alternate Discipline Plan in EuropeChapter 90

Sandra opened the gate and just walked out with Timmy walking in front of her. As usual, she hadn't attached his leash but just carried it in her hand. Timmy was well behaved enough to stay close to her and not just run off into the streets. She only took the leash with her in case a cop or someone else would come along and object about it. When Sandra was already halfway down the drive towards the sidewalk, she noticed that something was missing, she turned around and saw how Veronique and...

1 year ago
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Show me your cock

There I was standing in his doorway just staring at him in the buff. He was tan all over, in good shape for someone in their late 40's. His cock was swinging between his legs as he shifted around. I was in a daze just looking at the amount of hair that crowned his meat stick. I couldn't believe that I was there and what I was going to happen next.Just a few hours earlier, I was delivering pizzas on a Friday night. I wasn't initially scheduled but was called in. I needed the money. I was finding...

2 years ago
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Bitch in the Bar 2

My blog is at ----------------------- That little cunt. My rage finally hit. My temper finally caught up with my humiliation. She was just another whore. Just another bitch whore. Quick as lightening I grabbed her wrist, she went to jerk my head, but I was too strong, I squeezed her hand, forcing her vice grip to drop. I felt her hand spasm, she didn’t squeak in pain, but that look of ice in her eyes was lifting. She had only played...

3 years ago
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The Eighth Warden Book 1Chapter 4

Present day... Five days after speaking to the tavern keeper about the bards, Corec was doing the same thing again at an inn in another small village farther west. “They was just here last night,” the fellow said, with a trace of a hillfolk accent. “Put on a right good show, they did.” “Did they follow the road west when they left?” Corec asked. “I suppose they must have. Someone from the city really sent you this far out just to track down two singers?” Corec laughed, trying to portray...

2 years ago
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slaver or collecter the branding

Hanna goes to talk to Sasha. Sasha tells her that she was working on somethings for her, part of it was the burkas, when I was making the design for the burka I thought about the mark. It is on your burka and here it is on this branding iron. You are married to him you should have his mark on you like I have for Omar’s. Hanna say that she wanted his mark on her but without him having one she was not going to ask. Sasha then says “ you were married on the computer so why don't we have the...

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My Wife And Tailor 8211 Part 4 8211 Orgy At Home

So far you read that Kamal’s wife Aashu had repeated sex with tailor having a cock of just 4” and became mad for him. Kamal fucked maid which wife watched. Maid felt bad that she will not work here anymore. But Aashu had good fun with Bhuvan, husband of Paro. Kamal watched servant fondling her and wife fisting cock of servant. Seeing Bhuvan’s muscular body and nice cock he felt inferior. He knew that it being festival day she has not fucked with servant but he knew that next day his wife will...

3 years ago
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Dogging in the car park

“Are you sure, you’re certain to be the only woman there… It could get ‘interesting’ fast.” She looked at me in the dim light, the low light of the dash silhouetting her, but her eyes seemed to shine out, like coals smouldering in the heart of the fire, sending heat to my lions. She silently took my hand, locking her eyes to mine, her intensity mesmerising me. Slowly she drew my hand to her bare thigh, and guided me up and under her loose skirt. I felt her...

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A WellLived Life Book 8 StephieChapter 8 The Think Tank

January, 1983, Chicago, Illinois The Windy City was certainly living up to its moniker the last full week in January. The newspapers, radio, and TV were full of news and advertising for the mayoral primary that pitted Mayor Jane Byrne against State’s Attorney Richard Daley, son of the former mayor, and US Congressman Harold Washington. Every city bus had some kind of political advertising on the side, and billboards had seemingly sprung up from nowhere. From everything I read, it appeared...

2 years ago
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Gabby cheery and honey

Hi friends . Here gabby again . I hv told u in my previous story that hw i fucked by my love honey than i call him at my to have sex again . Here whan we taking the shower we cought by my cousion cherry. And she in return want to have sex with my love honey. I have no other option left so i agreed to share my love with cheery Cherry is a beutiful sexy girl with height 5.4 feet, slim with figure 34-26-36 nd nice curves.. Fair colour, beep eyes long neck and hairs up to ass. With round ass....

4 years ago
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My WayChapter 10

They pulled in the drive just as the sky turned orange. They were dirty, sore and tired but glad to be home. Victoria was cleaning up in the kitchen when Jamie walked in and Hank right behind him. She almost bounced over to him. She was so glad he was back. Giving Jamie a little kiss and flashing Hank a big smile, she asked. “Are you two ready for dinner?” “Are we ever.” Hank said. “Just let me wash up.” She was pulling two giant plates of food from the oven when she asked if they would...

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