"Ohhh...mommy," I Groaned free porn video

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"Do you think they've been doing it?"

"Doing what?" her mother asked.

"Cathy and Bobby. Do you think they're... well, you know... having sex?" she asked blushing.


"What? Look at them mom... she's all over him."

"They're far too young."

"Gina thinks they're doing it. Her sister was in their class this year."

"He's still a virgin," the mother insisted as she watched her son Bobby and his girlfriend Cathy kissing through the kitchen window. "When did you see Gina anyway?"

"She got home from school on Sunday. She says her sister told her that Bobby's the hottest guy in her class. All the girls like him."

"That doesn't mean he's sleeping with anyone. Cathy's a nice young girl."

"She's a cheerleader, a blond."

"So that's why you're mad," Patty's mom said laughing. "Gosh, you're the prettiest girl in town and you're jealous of your little brother's girlfriend," she teased her daughter.

"I'm not... it's just he's having sex and I'm still..."

"There's no hurry sweetie," her mom said as she put her arm around her shoulders, "you'll find Prince Charming one of these days."

"Yeah right, like when I'm a thirty year old 'old maid'."

"Stop complaining, you've got more boys chasing after you than any of your friends."

"I know ma," she sighed. "But I still think those two are screwing."

"They're not! And your vocabulary certainly hasn't improved since you went off to University."

"I'm going to ask Bobby."

"Don't you dare."

"And I don't think Bobby's that little... I mean it was just something Gina said," Patty replied, blushing again.

"What'd she say now?" her mom interrupted.

"Do you think Bobby's big? You know... his penis."

"That's disgusting! Talking about your little brothers penis."

"I know... its gross," she said with a grimace. "Still, Gina's sister told her that Bobby's got a reputation. A beeeeg reputation," Patty added grinning as she held her hands a foot apart.

"In my day girls didn't talk about boys penises."

"Hah! You had me when you were seventeen. You must have known something about them back in the old days," Patty answered with a big grin.

Blushing back, the tall, dark haired thirty-six year old mother answered, "Not enough. I was pregnant before I knew what was happening."

"Yeah, but look, you had me," her daughter smiled in response.

"Luckiest day in my life," her mom laughed, hugging her daughter tighter.

"I love you ma. Gosh, I really don't want to go back to school next fall... I missed you so much this year."

"I missed you too Patty... at least we'll have the summer together. Now come on, let's have lunch; it's time to leave the lovers alone."

"So you don't know if he's big," Patty persisted as they turned away from the window.

"I haven't seen your brother naked since he was about eight," her mother lied. "And it was teensy then," she laughed as she wiggled her little finger. But she knew she'd never forget the image that was burned into her brain. Her son, asleep, naked on top of his sheets, his blood filled cock thrusting angrily upwards.

"I don't think it's that size now," Patty answered laughing.

"His dad... your dad... was big," her mom finally admitted, still thinking of the recent morning when she'd found her son's door open when she went to wake him. His huge erection had mesmerized her for minutes before she'd finally slipped away.

"What? He was? How big? Mum."

"Hi Mrs. Coursey, hi Patty," Bobby's girlfriend said with a big smile when she and Bobby came into the kitchen fifteen minutes later.

"Hi honey," "Hi Cathy," the two women answered.

The three women talked for minutes as Bobby hovered in the background. And he couldn't stop the thought that came to him as he watched his blond girlfriend standing between his mom and sister. It was an idea that had insidiously invaded his conscious mind when he'd first become aware of females as sexual creatures years ago. It was a thought that had never left him completely since. Simply stated it was an acknowledgement that he found both his sister and mother more exciting than any other woman he'd ever seen.

He'd hoped that maybe with Patty away at school, and that with his recent sexual explorations, that his sexual desires, shit, his lust, for his mom and sis would fade. But just watching Cathy next to them, even as he remembered the ecstasy he always felt when buried deep inside of his girlfriend, he knew she simply couldn't compare.

"No date tonight?" Bobby asked his sister when he entered the den and found her curled up under a blanket on the sofa later that night.

"No... I'm just going to watch a movie. You see Cathy off?"

"Yeah... they're gone. Where's mom?"

"She went over to see Millie, said she'd be back by midnight. Are you all packed?"

"Yup. Watcha watching anyway? You mind me joining you?" he asked as flopped down on the sofa next to her.

"Sure, c'mon on," she offered as she lifted the blanket that was covering her.

"Sexy... very sexy!" Bobby said with a whistle when he saw his sister was just wearing a low cut tank top that reached down to just cover her waist.

"Yeah right. Miss Sexy with no boyfriend," she groused as she nestled comfortably against her brother, her full breasts leaking from their thin cover.

"Poor girl," he answered as he tousled her hair, his eyes watching the movement under her shirt.

"You'll miss Cathy a lot, won't you?" Patty asked her brother wistfully. The Coursey's were leaving the next day for their annual four week vacation at the family cottage on the ocean.

"Not so much," he finally answered softly. "Besides, I'll have you and mom all to myself for a month. What man could ask for more," he teased.

"Yeah sure... Bobby, do you two do it?" she asked timidly.


"You know."

God, had his older sister had just asked him if he was having sex. He could feel the blood rushing to his cock, could feel Patty's breast against his arm, could feel her leg curled against his... "Yes," he finally answered, whispering in her ear.

"I knew it," she mumbled almost inaudibly. "God, you're so young."

"I'm eighteen. I'm a man," he insisted as he put his arm around her and hugged her.

"Yeah right. How long have you been..."

"Doing it?" he interrupted. "A while."

"Do you like it?"

"You must know," he answered as he caressed her arm, his eyes furtively sneaking more looks down her top. His cock was rock hard as he caught a glimpse of her nipples, thick, hard, dark stubs so unlike his girlfriends. "So?" he asked when she didn't respond.

"I'm a virgin," she whispered.

"Liar," her stunned brother spat out.

"I am," she insisted.

"But what about all your boyfriends... Johnny, Ricky... Sid? Christ you two went out for months. You're almost twenty."

Seeing her slowly shake her head he added, "We all thought you were the hottest girl in school... everyone..." he sputtered.

"Who did?"

"All my buddies. When we were sophomores and you were a senior... they were always asking about you... who you were sleeping with... what you looked like nude... had I ever..."

"Those perverts! What'd you tell them?"

"Bobby!" she insisted when he started grinning.

"I may have exaggerated, made up a bit," her brother finally said chuckling.

"What'd you say?"

"Oh... that you walked around the house in your bra and panties... that I'd seen you in a little skimpy yellow lace bra... that I saw you making out with your boyfriend... that I'd seen your breasts, your nipples... that I saw you naked after a shower... your hair, down below," Bobby answered grinning, ticking off each of his points on his fingers.

"You pig!"

"They loved it. You were the most popular girl in the whole school for my friends. They always wanted to hear my latest story. They were always staring at you in the cafeteria or when they saw you in the hall... wondering."

"How'd you know what my underwear was like?" she demanded.

"I checked... from time to time," he admitted blushing, but with a cocky grin.

"You went in my drawer? You touched my underwear?"

"I didn't say that," he answered but she knew he had.

"You didn't show anyone... do anything with them, did you?" And then, after not getting any answer from her brother, added, "You're horrible." But even as she said the words she wondered if he'd ever put a pair of her panties on his penis, rubbed it, put his cum on them. Felt a little shudder between her legs.

"Was it Cathy's first time too? When you did it for the first time?" she finally asked. What?" she added when he didn't answer.

"Cathy wasn't my first," he answered hesitantly.

"WHAT!" Who was?"

"Just someone. You probably don't know her," he said, not wanting his sister to know his first had been one of Patty's best friends.

"So you've slept with two girls?" Seeing his blush deepen, she demanded, "More?"

"Three," he finally admitted.


"I can't say... it's a secret... I promised."

She could see his cock straining against the front of his shorts as he talked. Yearned suddenly to put her hand on it, grab it, milk it, suck it... Jesus... he's my brother, she thought, then begged, "C'mon Bobby, tell me... please."

For seconds he hesitated, then finally admitted, "Cathy's mom... it's why I'm glad we're getting away from them for the summer."

"CATHY'S MOM? Mrs. Brown?... oh my gawd... that's disgusting!" And yet as she said the words she felt a jealousy for this woman who'd seduced her brother. "She's like forty."

"Thirty-eight, she's just a little older than mom."

"And you seduced your girlfriend's mother? What about poor Cathy?"

"It was sorta the other way around," Bobby said blushing.

"That's revolting. Sleeping with her daughter's boyfriend. Does Cathy know?"

Shaking his head he said, "It's been driving me crazy. I'm tired of both of them. I'm afraid Mrs. B's going to tell Cathy. Christ, I got so I was scared to even go over to their house. You won't tell mom will you Patty?"

"No. I should though. You've become a pervert."

"They're not even that good looking."

"Cathy's nice, cute... but yuck, not her mother."

"You're much better looking than Cathy. Whenever I see her with you, like today in the kitchen, I wonder what I'm doing with her."

"I'm not. Besides I'm your sister."

"You and mom. You're so beautiful. Your hair. Your legs. Your smiles. Your breasts," Bobby said admiringly.

"What about my breasts?" she asked. "You've never seen my breasts... Bobby!" she screeched as her brother put his hand on her top and pulled it away from her body.

"Your nipples are much nicer than Cathy's... or her mother's," Bobby said grinning as he let her top snap back. "Your breasts too."

"You're sick," she accused as she shuffled back from her brother on the couch. "Why are they nicer anyway?"

"They just are," her brother answered, his eyes intently watching the thin, white panties now exposed to his eyes as her tank top rose up her thighs. "You're beautiful."

"I'm not," she protested, then saw where he was staring. Blushing, she stammered, "I'm going to bed... goodnight."

"Night sis... do I get a kiss goodnight?" he asked as she started to stand.

When she bent to kiss her brothers cheek she saw his eyes drift to her now fully exposed breasts, then realized she didn't care, in fact she wanted him to look... wanted him to desire her. She quickly kissed his lips instead of his cheek, then looked down and saw his shaft clearly outlined.

"I'm glad you're home Patty," her brother said to her back as she hurried confused from the room.

She dreamt of her little brother's prick all night. His big prick, and she was now sure it was big, penetrating her. Tossed and turned as images of her deflowerment raced through her mind. What does it look like she wondered? What would Bobby's cock feel like when it was inside her?

Bobby stayed in the den after his sister had fled, simply sat and fondled his thick cock as he thought of what had just happened. "God, I saw her tits," he mumbled out loud as he moved his hand up and down his shaft. Could Patty really be a virgin? She must have seen his penis tenting his shorts... she really didn't seem that angry when he looked down her top.

I'll be her first, he finally realized just as he felt the first tightening in his balls. I'll have all summer to seduce her, seduce mom too he suddenly thought as the fist string of sticky cum blasted outward from his bucking cock.

It was a two hundred mile drive to get to the five acres of land that sat isolated on a remote barrier island and faced the Atlantic Ocean. It was a drive the three of them had made together for the last eighteen years.

It was ten miles from the nearest town and only accessible by an old wood bridge that spanned a wide creek that separated their spit of land from the rest of the sandy island. It had been in the mothers family for two hundred years but the only building still standing, after a fire had destroyed the main house twenty-five years earlier, was a small sleeping cabin that had escaped the conflagration.

They spent every summer there. The mother of course had spent her childhood summers there with her parents. With cousins and aunts and uncles all crowded into the big house. Now the land was hers, and since the fire she had returned each summer with her children. Just the three of them.

They had electricity on the island and after the fire she had converted the three hundred square foot sleeping cabin into a small cottage, one with a small washroom, an open, tiny kitchen, a small sitting area and a bed the women now shared.

Bobby had finally been exiled to a tent he had set up thirty feet from the cabin when he as fourteen, giving the two women their privacy and he his freedom.

The front of the cabin faced the breaking waves of the ocean across a swath of white sand. A small covered porch ran around the front and south side of the cabin, a place the three often congregated in the early evening as they b-b-q-ed their dinner.

They'd always been happy there. It was their true home. They swam and fished, read side by side, played board games and cards at night, sang old songs and even danced, talked easily. The three had formed a bond in their summer isolation that was perhaps the essence of their lives. They'd always been comfortable together and, though popular and with many friends when at home in the city, the quiet comfort they found in each others company reflected their true nature.

There had always been a physical casualness between them. And although they wore bathing suits during the day, shorts and summer tops at night, there had never been any embarrassment about their bodies. When young the children had often swum and played naked on the warm sand, and all three had seen each other naked under the outdoor shower that sat attached to the north east corner of the building.

It had only been in the last few years, as the children had matured sexually, that the easy near nudity and casual physical contact they'd always shared, had been slowly lost.

They arrived late on that Saturday afternoon but within minutes were comfortably ensconced, their lifetime familiarity with the place making the transition from city person to seaside resident easy. And they all felt the happiness that seemed to envelope them the second they got out of the car and smelled the ocean all around them.

"Will you spot me?" her brother asked her after breakfast their first morning at the beach.

"I want to swim... then Mom and I are going to town to shop," Patty answered impatiently, her body, clad in just a skimpy yellow bikini, almost irresistable to her horny brother.

"We're not going for a couple of hours honey," mom interjected. "Help your brother."

"I'm in my bathing suit."

"Pleeeease Patty," her brother mock begged, sinking to his knees in front of her.

"Oh, all right."

He led her over to where he had set up his bench and weights on the north side of the sleeping cabin, a site protected from the hot summer sun by the shade provided by the large banyan tree his grandfather had planted fifty years earlier.

"You've got bigger," Patty couldn't help saying admiringly when Bobby had peeled the sweatshirt over his head and stood standing next to her in just a pair of shorts.

"I lifted all winter. I want to get stronger for football season."

"Your chest, your biceps... they're nice... so big," she said as her fingers lightly traced his pecs and then ran over his nipples.

"I'm a man," he boasted, then flexed his arms and chest in the classic weightlifters pose. "Feel my biceps," he ordered.

"It's not fair. I used to be much bigger than you. You were just a shrimp," she said as her fingers tried to circle his bulging muscle.

"Hah! Anyway, you're pretty tall... for a girl... much taller than Cathy," he said as he put a hand on top of her head. "She's only, like five-two, a midget, I prefer someone taller, like you. You're what... five-nine?"

"Yes," she said proudly, her sparkling, dark eyes staring into his.

"And you're pretty big yourself," he laughed as he cupped her breasts, squeezed once and then jumped back.


"Well, you touched my chest," he said, a broad grin on his handsome face.

"Pig," his excited sister replied.

"They're much nicer than Cathy's," he said as he lay back on the bench and looked up at his sister hovering above him.

He was wearing a pair of those thin, school grey, cotton gym shorts that come with an inner mesh that keeps a man's cock and balls from spilling out and down his leg. But as he lay on his back, repeatedly lifting the heavily loaded bar up and down above his chest, her eyes continually strayed to his groin, to his thick penis that was clearly outlined each time he arched his body off the bench to lift the weight.

He touched my breasts! My little brother touched, gosh, squeezed my breasts, she thought as she watched him. Her skin was still burning where his fingers had been, she could feel her nipples straining against the thin cloth. Don't look at it, you're becoming a slut, she continually admonished herself as she imagined putting her hand into his shorts and seizing his manhood.

As he pressed the heavily laden bar up from his chest he looked up at his sister standing above him, her hands ready to catch the bar if he needed any help. Her legs were spread and as he strained to lift the bar his eyes were continually drawn to the small patch of yellow cloth that sat at the juncture of her legs just inches from his eyes.

He could see her little slit outlined under he thin cloth, felt himself getting harder and harder as he watched the three or four rogue, curly, dark black pubic hairs that peeked from under the cloth.

After twenty-five minutes of heavy lifting he finally stopped. "You're sweaty," Patty grimaced even as her finger traced Bobby's six pack stomach.

"C'mon... lets go swimming... I'll carry you," he announced, then lifted her effortlessly in his arms and started running towards the breaking waves.

"Bobbbbby!" she squealed in protest even as she put an arm around her brother's neck and leaned her cheek against his muscular chest.

He threw her out into the surf and then as she surfaced coughing felt him pull her against him. Felt his cock hard against her mound. "Don't!" she ordered as he lifted her and again tossed her into the swirling sea.

She surfaced six feet away from him, laughing now, knowing a breast had slipped from its cover, then watched as her brother's eyes latched on to her dark, hard nipple. She took her time covering her jiggling orb, even stretched her nipple before slipping it under the yellow cloth.

"Much nicer than Cathy's," he finally said.

A powerful thunderstorm blew in off the ocean late their second night at the cottage, one of those summer storms that can deliver a deluge of water in just minutes.

"Poor Bobby," Patty said to her mother as they lay side by side in the one bed in the cabin, a queen size brass bed that dominated the small space. They'd both woken when the thunder had started to roar.

"I'm going to check on him, he may be drowning out there," her mom answered, hopping out of bed just as another peal of thunder crashed overhead.

Her daughter, clad in just a thin t-shirt that barely reached mid thigh, quickly followed her mom out the screen door and joined her on the covered porch. They both peered through the darkness and the pounding rain towards the little clearing where Bobby had set up his tent.

"Oh my god! He'll drown," Patty shrieked when a bolt of lightning lit up the area and the two women saw the pond of water that was forming around the tent.

"BOBBY... BOBBY!" his mother yelled, her breasts moving under the thin cloth of the short nightgown she wore.

"Ma?" they finally heard and when the next flare of lightning hit they saw his head peering through the flap of his tent.

"Come up to the house. You can't stay out there," his mom ordered. Five seconds later they saw him again, momentarily lit up by another flash from the sky, moving towards them, naked, water dripping from his muscular young body.

"Patty, go get Bobby a towel, he's naked," her mom directed, but for seconds her daughter waited, waiting for the next illuminating flare.

"You're soaking," mom almost scolded when Bobby finally reached the haven of the porch's overhang. "You should have come in earlier."

"I thought it was okay... just raining... I was asleep... then I woke up... there was water everywhere... my sleeping bag... my clothes were all soaked," Bobby gasped as he stood dripping in front of the two women.

"Towel Patty," mom ordered as she ran her hand through her son's soaking hair.

"Yes ma," Patty answered as she rushed inside, then was back seconds later with a small bath towel.

"Patty, he needs a beach towel... something to cover himself," her mother complained, but the eyes of both were hungrily locked on the shaft swinging freely between his legs as he dried his hair with the small towel.

Eventually another couple of towels were found and Bobby was escorted into the small cabin, and ended up sitting on the couch, surrounded by the two fussing women.

"I'm okay. I'll just sleep on the couch... you guys can go back to bed," he finally told them.

"No, you'll sleep on the bed... with us. There's lots of room, isn't there Patty?"

"Yes ma," he daughter agreed, her whole body tingling in excitement from what she'd seen.

"Put on some shorts, then come to bed."

"Yes ma. I gotta go pee first though." God, they were both staring at my cock, he thought to himself as he held his streaming hose over the toilet. Felt himself hardening as he thought of their thinly clad bodies that would be lying next to his. They'll have to feel it tonight, he thought.

The two women were lying in bed when Bobby returned from the washroom, and they silently watched when he let the towel fall from his waist and then moved to the clothes closet where he finally located a pair of boxers. They couldn't help but notice how his penis had hardened, and then, as he pulled the shorts up his legs, saw it momentarily caught before Bobby shoved its straining length under the cloth.

"Here, sleep between us," mom directed as she patted the bed between she and her daughter.

"You don't have enough room ma," Bobby said as he snuggled between the two. "I can take the couch."

"Don't be ridiculous. It's three in the morning. Let's just get some sleep," his mom answered even while feeling her son's hardness touch her thighs.

"Do you snore?" Patty asked as she snuggled her breasts against her brother's back.

"Ohhhh, I'm tired," Patty muttered when she finally woke the next morning.

"You're finally awake," mom sang out from across the room.

"What time is it? Who... ," she started to say as felt the body against her. "Bobby?" Then remembered the night before.

Lifting her head so she could see over the muscular chest just inches from her mouth, she saw her mom across the room standing at the stove. "He hogged most of the bed," she complained, but even as she spoke she was aware of something poking against her stomach.

Jesus, she thought, as she looked down between their bodies and saw the long pole sticking out from the fly of Bobby's shorts.

"He takes a lot of space doesn't he? When I woke up I was almost on the floor," her mom answered in a clearly happy tone of voice.

"Well, I guess it wasn't too bad for one night," Patty answered as she watched her hand move of its own will towards the waiting shaft. Don't, she mumbled to herself, then felt the smooth hardness of a man for the first time.

"What honey?" her mom asked.

"Nothing ma," she answered, lost in the feelings coursing through her. She slowly ran her hand up his cock as her insides opened, lightly fondled his balls as her nipples tightened in desire.

She felt him stir but still held him lightly in her palm, then saw his eyes pop open but still was reluctant to release him. Slowly she finally let her fingers open and pulled her hand back, and then in a complaining tone said, "You're finally awake. Now at least I can escape."

"Are you awake Bobby?" his mom shouted across the room. "C'mon you two, get up, breakfast is almost ready."

"I'm trapped," Patty protested, then started to climb over Bobby's body. Half way over him she suddenly felt his hand between her thighs, momentarily cupping her mound through her damp panties.

"What're you cooking ma?" Bobby asked as she hovered for second after second on his hand, then he lifted his head and gave her a quick kiss on her lips. "Morning Patty," he cooed in her ear.

"Let me out," she ordered, then slid her body slowly over his. "Do I have time for a swim mom?" she asked as she headed to the washroom.

"No. And you get going Mr. Lazybones," she directed at her son. "You've got to hang up the tent and organize all your wet stuff once you've eaten."

"Yes mommy," he laughed as he jumped out of bed and hugged his mother.

"Get on with you," she smiled. "And put some pants on... you're not very modest like that," she said as her eyes dipped downward.

"Whoops," he laughed when he looked down and saw his semi-stiff prick sticking out of the fly.

Christ, he mumbled to himself later as he hung the soaked nylon tent on the clothesline, I showed mom my cock. And Patty touched it! How long had she been holding it he wondered as he hung up his wet clothes? She let me touch her mound, feel her slit.

It was a beautiful day, and after their late breakfast and after finishing their chores the two women prepared for a day tanning and reading on the beach.

"Are you going to be late?" Bobby's mom asked him as he grabbed the car keys.

"The game's at one... I probably won't get back til six or so," he answered, eager to go.

"Drive slowly honey," her mom ordered as she gave him a kiss before he fled out the door.

Patty was surprised when her mom unsnapped her bikini top and let it fall to the sand.

"What?" her mom asked when she saw the surprised look.

"Nothing... I forgot, we used to swim topless all the time."

"With Bobby growing up the last few years I thought I better not," she said laughing.

"They're so beautiful mom," Patty said as she undid her top. "Big and round, soft..."

"They're starting to sag," her mom complained as she put her hands under her full breasts and lifted.

"Yeah right mom. I wish mine were like yours," she said in admiration.

"Mine used to be like yours... firm and high... proud..." she said remembering.

"Yours are bigger."

"Just a bit... they got bigger when I had you two," she said as she moved so that the two women's breasts were just touching. "See, your nipples are above mine, your breasts stand up more."

"Yeah, like a quarter of an inch," Patty laughed. "Our nipples look exactly alike though."

"We both have long, fat ones don't we?" her mom asked laughing as she moved her breasts so their nipples touched. "I used to get so embarrassed when I was young and they'd pop out like this."

"Me too," her daughter answered. "Everyone knows when I'm cold... or... ," she laughed.

"Here, put some sunscreen on my back honey," her mom asked as she handed Patty the tube and turned.

Patty slowly oiled her mom's back, then moved around and started on her front. "What's it like mommy, when you're full of milk, when a baby sucks on your teat," she asked as her hand caressingly applied sunscreen to her mother's full breasts.

"It's nice, you'll like it honey," her mom promised as she took the tube from her daughter and squeezed a big drop into her palm.

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Wolf in sheeps clothing

Wolf in sheep's clothing CBA Kyle loved his life. He was rich. He had cars, and houses. And he had plenty of beautiful women in his life. He was a horrible person though. In fact he was a predator. Kyle got off on finding innocent young women, he would get them to fall in love with him, and then he would purposely get them hooked on drugs before putting them out as high class hookers and escorts. That is how he made his money, by destroying the lives of scores of...

3 years ago
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Not a Pretty Girl

I stared back at the reflection in the bathroom mirror, I don't think I'm a pretty girl, my eyes too wide apart, my nose too small and my mouth too big. My hair is unfashionably short, making my ears look like they're sticking out; I had cut my hair short because I was fed up with it, it didn't hang right or shine or anything. Next I looked at my body, I removed my P.J.s and stared at my reflection. My boobs encased in my bra looked squashed and that made them look smaller than they are. I...

4 years ago
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Office Slave Chapter 3 The Most Enjoyable Car Journey

"Cheers Vin. See you soon mate" "Any time brother" Vinnie replied, and Toby knew how much he meant it. He was sure he'd be able to find uses for his thick black cock in his plans. He held the door for Rachel and then took hold of her small soft hand and led her through the lobby. The large, glass sliding doors parted to allow them outside. Rachel gasped as they stepped into the car park and the cold night air rushed over her bare legs and up under her coat; blowing through her pubes...

1 year ago
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Patricias Daring Anniversary Experiment Part 6 REPOST

Lori smiled and eagerly pranced over to Jill, her naked breasts bouncing. “Here you go, my goddess! Fresh warm milk! I hope you like it. I’ve admired your gorgeous body since you arrived! Now I get to be close to your sexy womanhood!” Lori knelt on the side of the bed, gave Jill a kiss on the cheek, and snuggled close, her beautifully engorged and fair-skinned tits on Jill’s ebony cheeks. Jill cupped her hands beneath Lori’s right breast and teased the erect nipple. As she kissed it, drops...

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On The Houseboat

Every July for as far back as I could remember my parents and a group of their friends had set aside an extended weekend to drive to a huge man-made lake down at the other side of the state, where they had the long-standing reservations of a large cottage and a houseboat. I'd been included once when I was seven and had had a blast even though there hadn't been any other kids to play with. These vacations, I came to understand, weren't meant to include the children. Mrs. Milner came highly...

1 year ago
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BangBros18 Kira Perez Specialty Fuck Workout

Kira Perez was not having it today. During her workout, she was too lazy to do anything. No matter how much her trainer tried she wouldn’t budge. So he had to resort to extreme measures. Since Kira wasn’t doing her squats properly, he came up with a great idea that might encourage her a little. He brought over a bench with a dildo attached at the end of it. Her eyes lit up right away and she began to squat enthusiastically. Stretching her pussy on the dildo with every squat. This made her...

4 years ago
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Introduceing the Spartan Spitter

Story: #25 Copyright ©2005 Written: February 06 2005 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed by: Piasa_Troll Please send any comments about this story to ([email protected]) ********************************************************************** Imagine yourself sitting in your favorite easy chair, nagging wife finally went to bed, or those unruly daughter's disregarded your rules and ran out again, you wish there was some way to spit and process them without spending a fortune, flipping...

3 years ago
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My Student Ch 8

Bobby had a surprised grin as I stood at the door, naked. My purse in hand as I twisted the knob. My nerves were buzzing, my nipples completely erect. Still daylight outside, there were several houses in the area that my front door was visible from. I was feeling daring since flashing the delivery guy. ”Are you coming?” I asked as I pushed the door open.A jolt of fear ran through my body as I heard a lawnmower and a weed eater growling across the street. It would be the yard service that Mr....

1 year ago
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Swing Time

Bruce and Hannah had been married for fifteen years. They were wonderful happy years and they had a beautiful family with two kids, pets and everything a family should have. Unfortunately the flames of passion that burned so hot when they were dating and first married had smoldered and were threatening to go out altogether. The solution to their intimacy problems came quite unexpectedly one week during the summer. Hannah called her friend Mary to change their plans for the weekend. "I am so...

Group Sex
3 years ago
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Inviting the new neighbors to a BBQ 5 Repost

Morning finally came around and after making myself some coffee, I heard Dave’s car backing out of his driveway and heading off. About 15 minutes later the doorbell rang. I opened the door and Deni stepped in, throwing her arms around me and kissing me deeply. She was wearing a slightly longer skirt than normal that went to mid-calf, and she stood there with her legs pressed together. “I missed you so much” she said “I missed you too, honey… did everything work out?” “Yes” she said, her...

3 years ago
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Coke WhoreChapter 5

Dave felt rather shitty about what he was doing, but Nancy had left him little alternative. He had been asking her where she worked and she simply refused to tell him, saying only that she was a cocktail waitress, and that he couldn’t see her at work. Mystified, he decided to tail her to work one night and find out. Now he was sitting in his car a half block away from her apartment, facing the driveway to her apartment. She had told him she had to leave to go to work at about seven, and sure...

2 years ago
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The love of being a ldquoSissyrdquo The final step

Saturday morning arrived and I was at my school’s parking lot, waiting for Coach, like we had talked about. When he pulled up, I couldn’t help but be nervous, but also excited. Not only was this going to be our first time together away from school, not only our first time together that we would not be rushed, but also perhaps the first time I would have him inside me. The first time I ever had someone inside me. The nights before, dreaming of this moment, I had put my fingers inside myself. My...

3 years ago
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Black White Taboos

This story takes place in the 1960s when times were different but it was probably more thrilling to break society's taboos. This story uses stereo types from the Jim Crow South and if that bothers you do not read it. If on the other hand you wonder what interracial sex was like read on….Steve Wilson kissed his pretty young blonde wife goodbye as he picked up the last of his camping gear. Her mouth opened and he slipped his tongue deep between her red lips. His hands ran up and down her sweet...

3 years ago
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Low in the ColdChapter 2

He hastily closes the door as if the rest of the building is colder than their own apartment. Well, it isn't. "I'll warm up a pizza, sounds good?" Philip asks, lighting up the place as he goes straight to the kitchen. "Yeah, sure," Ilene replies, reaching for her smokes. Some 20 minutes later, Philip enters the living room, and the table is already set. Ilene is in the couch, smoking and staring at some vapid TV soap opera that he has never seen in his life. The dinner goes by...

1 year ago
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I Need You Now

We are barely through the door and suddenly your body is pinning me to the wall, your mouth hungrily kissing mine as your hands explore my curves. I grab your hips and pull you closer against me, feeling your cock beginning to harden at my touch. I turn around so that your back is against the wall now, unbuttoning your jeans at the same time. You pull your top quickly over your head and throw it to one side. I slowly kneel down in front of you, taking your jeans with me. I stroke my fingers...

1 year ago
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My Wifes Sweet Body

I suppose I'm a complicated and contradictory sort of person, most people are to some extent or the psychiatrist couches would be empty. I love my wife to bits and I'm very jealous about her, yet I allow myself the bitter sweet pain of exposing her to other men's eyes and even going as far as letting them use her sweet body. How did this all start, well on our honeymoon really, we spent our two weeks in a nice beach resort where I could expose her trim figure for the first time. Looking...

2 years ago
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Mr Rogers ResearchChapter 13

Time passed as it has a way of doing. Not always for the best, but life keeps on going regardless. I’m not sure how much we can change the course of the river we call time. For instance, how much did my outing Ray, my asshole son in law, change history? The answer was not a lot. It did cause them to get a divorce. That was inevitable though. It would have happened no matter what I did. It took just over a year before they settled it. Thia decided during that year that the Lawyer Chic was...

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Degrading A Young Lady

Rebecca was 22, tall and blonde, but was a virgin and had never been kissed because guys didn’t like her arrogant attitude. Whilst being very insecure on the inside, she portrayed a snobby personality and ‘looked down’ on others. Her parents noticed this behavior and were concerned that it would affect her finding a husband. The family was very wealthy, and prided themselves on being the most perfect, rich family within their upper-class community. Rebecca, however, was spoiling...

3 years ago
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Jack and Katie

A movie night to remember. NOTE: this is my first story so please be nice (: also it’s slow at the start so if you wanna get off right away, it’s not the story for you! “Jack! Stop it!” Katie giggled. “Oh my god! You’re gonna make me pee myself!” She pushed him off of her and sat up, trying to catch her breath. “Jesus Katie, I was tickling you. No need to freak out.” He stood up and looked down at his best fried. Her black curls were cropped short, close around her round face. Jack supposed...

First Time
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Maa Bani Ek Housewife Ek Pornstar

Hi frnds i’m Jugal age 19 meri mom ki age hain 40 woh ek bht hi achi lady hain uski figr hain 36-30-38 bht gori aur kale lambe baal hain jo ki mom ki gand tak ati hain. Ab main apko batene ja rahu hu ki keise meri khubsurat decent mom ek randi bani. Humre ghar main hum do log rehte hain mom and me aur dad ek alag town main govt. Job karte hain. Humra paiso ka bht problem hain ghar salana bht muskil hain mom keliye. Humre ghar ke pass hi ek uncle rahta hain joh mere dad ki frnd hain aur unski...

4 years ago
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fucking other men for hubby

I have been fucking other men now for a few months at hubby's request. First I fucked Dave, and older gentleman, he was my first when this all started. Then i fucked a much older man at his house a couple of times and so lets just say im starting to like it more now. I am in my early 40's, hispanic and mother of three. I am 5'0 and i am a 34DD. My hubby and i have always had a great sex life i so i cannot complain about that at all. It was his idea for me to start having sex with other men and...

1 year ago
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Boots on the GroundChapter 2

Diane’s fears about being captured by the enemy were realized despite her efforts to avoid this sort of scenario above all else. She knew she was on the floor of dirty truck with a hood over her head and her wrists and ankles bound tightly by what she suspected were the same plastic ties that we used to bind our prisoners. All she could think was the irony of the enemy using our own supplies to fuck us up on the battlefield. Her mind was occupied with the realization that the very troops she...

3 years ago
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Sam vs Tabby Part 1

Dawn, an artwork of beauty, passed by the table, flicking her long dark brown hair over her shoulder. All four sitting at a round table nearby forward tilted their heads to get a glance of her tight curvy ass cheeks snuggling inside her full length denim jeans. Bob's eyes fixating on her long legs right down to her gold sequin shoes. Steve panting and thinking of what she's wearing underneath, if anything. Dawn turned quickly back at the table her hair gracefully flowing over her left...

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A Sex Lesson For Jessica Part 3

A Sex Lesson For Jessica Part 3Jessica straddled me and reached down for my cock. Not completely hard but well on the way, it responded quickly as she stroke it. The combined cum from myself, Stacey and Jessica as a wonderful lubricant and it took no time to reach full erection. Jessica guided it in to her hot wet slit. With a moan of pleasure she pushed down on to me and received the full length. Flicking her long hair away from her face she leaned back and smiled down at me. Her nipples stood...

1 year ago
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Darr Aur Maja Ek Sath

Hello Friends, sexy kudis,aunties, bhabi sab ko sex bhara pranam.this is Robin from noida, this my first time to share my 1st sex encounter on ISS, ISS is my fav website, aur sab se pehle main ISS ko thanks karna cahonga ki unhone aap se milne kaa mooka diya…. hope you will enjoy and please reply me to encourage for further sharing, first of all main aapko apne baare me bata du,, i am robin 23 yr old guy living at noida, basically i am from haryana. i love to do sex very much specially with...

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Falling in love with a complicated woman Shruti

Falling in love with a complicated woman - Shruti (Involves cuckold, voyeurism, humiliation, rough sex and gangbangs)This story involves multiple themes like Cuckold, slavery, bdsm, rough sex and so on. If any of these offend you, please stop reading. It is going to be a very long story. So you will need patience. As with most of my stories, there will be lots and lots of sex involved. I am from India and my English writing skills are not as good as my foreign counterparts. If you are a grammar...

1 year ago
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Daughter and Friend

A nice weekend on the couch enjoying my coffee and thinking of the days to do list. Clean house and what to make for dinner? The usuall stuff. As I sit on the couch watching my western, my 18 year old daughter is getting ready for work. I hear her fumbling around in the bathroom getting herself ready. She comes out in her tigth skin hugging black pants that show off her nice round beautiful ass, gauranteed to get big tips. Also an all black curve hugging shirt that shows off her pert B cup...

2 years ago
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Exhibitionist in me

My hi my name is Sara. Iam 19 years old and IAM an exhibitionist, i like it when people see me, and when they see me, it gives me an unexplainable feeling, i have two younger brothers and one elder sister, mom and dad works very late in office, and my sister take it as a chance and stay out late with her boyfriend James. My two brothers, either play their video games, or go to their after school baseball practice. My sister room is down stairs and my room is opposite to my brothers room on...

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Check You Out

This was not what I had planned for my day off, I can’t stand supermarkets and do my utmost to avoid them. My girlfriend, Lucy, normally takes care of the grocery list, but had been called into work as they had some urgent order to complete, so the shopping list was left in my less than capable hands. I wandered up and down the aisles, trying to find the items from the list and to be perfectly honest, making an absolute hash of it. I tried to concentrate, but there were far too many sexy women...

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Apocalypse BluesChapter 12

“So, what’s with the nudity?” Mayor Eileen Connally asked me as I pumped in and out of her in front of an assembly of all townsfolk fourteen years of age and up. “It was my idea,” Ariel announced his return, with Lavelle accompanying him. “You ... you’re ... you’re ... an angel! You’re both angels!” Eileen crossed herself, having been a good Catholic prior to Fireball Day. “Yes, we are. Angels, that is. Do not leave with this party. Do not attempt to leave with them. Except for any women...

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Robert The Randy Married Bobby Part Twelve

The feeling was so intense and, when Martin asked if I liked his cock in me, all I could manage was a whimper of pure pleasure. It sure felt good. Images of his giant cock pumping deep in a real pussy surfaced out of the blue, making me squirm at the fantasy.''Push it deeper,'' I ordered and his strong hips surged forward, impaling his shaft to the hilt.A tinge of pain made me tense, expecting him to pull back and thrust again, but he never did. My ass muscles massaged the invading manhood...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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Tracey and the BBC

This was not how Bill had envisioned his weekend. As he approached the house, he thought of how he had just recently blacked out Ashley and had been looking forward to a weekend full of fucking her in his currently empty house. Ashley has developed the biggest tits in school over the last few months, and it has taken Bill just an afternoon to seduce her once he set his mind on it. Bill had to stop thinking of the titty fucking he had enjoyed that afternoon so that he did not have a hard on when...

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Tea and Empathy

Closing the apartment door with his foot, he sloughed off the tuxedo jacket and snatched the bow tie from around his neck. Another evening wasted listening to VIPs bitch and moan about how they can’t afford yacht marina fees, how expensive it is to buy their kids through ivy league prep schools, how slutty their mistresses are dressing. Blah blah blah. He leaned casually against the wall and slipped off his patent leather dress shoes, then fell heavily into the black leather chair with a deep...

1 year ago
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His and Hers Tits Temptation and Proposition

Canada is a progressive and liberal country. Toronto is its largest city and an incredible place to find state-of-the-art hybrid sexual beauty. Let's talk tits, for example. Young girls with cunts get new and enhanced tits every day. Now it's wonderful to see young girls with cocks get the same high-tech sensual vision. First let me tell you that the old phrase, "the best of both worlds," is much too trite to describe the modern TS from TO. These women ARE women. That they have pretty cocks...

She Males
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My perfect boyfriend

I am just able to sneak in my room and throw myself on the bed, sobbing and wet my pillow with my stupid tears. Why I am not a whore like others and I can't just open my legs and let boys fuck me while I take care of my nails? I return on reality hearing a knock at the bathroom's door and my brother's voice asking, whispering, if I am OK and if I am in need.. “Fuck you and leave me alone.. I Hate you!! I reply instinctively “Open this door or I'll wake up dad and we will see who...

4 years ago
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Ghosts and ShadowsChapter 4 Moving on

At 8 p.m. I stepped into Pelicans, a downtown bar that I'd been in a couple of times, squiring around business clients of the bank who wanted to check out Jacksonville's nightlife, such as it was. I tended to like the Beaches bars or a down home place called O'Brien's on Jacksonville's Westside, but Pelicans had a cachet and had been featured in national and regional publications as the 'in place' for the young and hip, or hep, or whatever the hell they were called nowadays. Coffee...

4 years ago
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My First Time With Another Girl Was At A Club

The girl with the hypnotic eyes bobbed against my leg as we danced under the strobes at Fuego del Sábado. It had been an hour since I dropped the E I found in my roommate's drawer. Now all I felt was the music in my bones and the hot body of this girl against my skin. I'd felt attracted to girls before, and kissed a few at parties. But, I'd never wanted one like I did her. She pushed in against me, her hands caressing my butt as I reached around her hips. She felt so sexy as she moved with me,...

1 year ago
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AssMasterpiece Kagney Linn Karter 23729

Massive ass attack, Kagney Linn Karter style! Enter the kitchen and you’ll find a delectable dessert awaiting you – curvy Kagney in the stringiest of string bikinis. Enjoy as does a little cushion pushin’ in your face, with a spin or two to squeeze and shove her big fat tits right under your nose. Then she’ll work that ass of art right up onto a stool, arch her back and watch your cock grow in seconds. On the stool that butt will jiggle and twerk, teasing and pleasing you until you want to...

3 years ago
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a Lucky Day

A few years ago just after I retired I met this guy who was a manager at at restaurant and started to pay for all my meals and in exchange I worked on his cars,WIN WIN for the both of us.I started to go at lunch and would come home to look at porn as I would always catch a buzz,When I came home this one summer day I was feeling horny so I put on some Vintage porn movies,after a while I stripped Nude and thought I should go outside wearing only my panty. I would always go out on a work day so I...

1 year ago
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Depth of FieldChapter 25 Classic Girl

My unexpected grumpiness from the morning mostly dissipated after Heather pulled into the driveway. Julie and I were to meet at the coffee shop in town after lunch. Heather was very glad to be able to spend some time with Lara. Almost too glad, I thought. Despite some lingering apprehension about what they might discuss, I decided to let things happen as they might. The morning was low key, but satisfying. Lara, Heather and I played some board games and listened to music, before the girls...

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Biggest Cock Wins

My wife and I have been married two years; we are both 24 years old. My wife Shannon is a beautiful brunette woman with brown eyes. She is 5'4" and weights 125 lbs. with the perfect legs and butt. We have a pretty decent sex life, and weren't looking to change it until we met Kevin and Stacy.Kevin was in his early 40's, and was not really what most would call an attractive man. He was about 6'00" with a gut. Stacy was absolutely gorgeous though and only 27. She was about 5'6" 130 lbs, blonde...

1 year ago
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Destination AzaharChapter 27 Exploring a Hot New World

With her experience as a multi-engine pilot on Earth, it didn't take Misty long to master the shuttle's controls. Once she began flying it more like a helicopter than an airplane it didn't take her much time to perform a few standard maneuvers to her own satisfaction. Like Nancy, Misty had an aversion to flying into a hangar, but even that hurdle didn't take more than a dozen approaches for her to overcome her instinctive reluctance. Misty was impressed by the skill and confidence of her...

2 years ago
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Workout 05

I was torn, on one hand, I thoroughly enjoyed sex with Jim, but I knew I was getting out of control, thinking about his thick black tube of flesh in my mouth, spewing its salty load down my throat, pounding my now forever wrecked asshole, now pussy, and secondly, concerned about my family, my wife, even my job. I was constantly thinking about sex with Jim. It was at the point where I thought it might be effecting my job performance. It took great strength on my part, but I managed to avoid...

3 years ago
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Mommy and Brian Chapter 6 Brians Story

Introduction: A mother agrees to let a man use her daughter This is a fictional story for adults only and describes sexual activities between an adult male and an underage female. Please do not continue reading if this offends you. This story was written for entertainment only and the author does not condone any illegal activities or abuse of any kind. This is a 3rd attempt at story writing and feedback is welcome. CHAPTER 6 – Brians Story Continued Brian had fallen asleep on the couch,...

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Cuckolded by Blue Collar Cocks

My name is Ed, and in my story ‘Sucking Blue Collar Cock in a Storm’, I described how my wife Sue and I were in our 50s and had just moved from Minnesota to Knoxville. We previously lived in a very tight knit community with lots of close friends and family so the move was rough for us. I started jogging on some very nice trails near our home, one of which passed by an electrical substation where I often saw workers near the trail. One day I took refuge in a workman’s truck when a dangerous...

3 years ago
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The Monster in My Dreams

“I was sixteen and had run away from home...”Delete “I had married young after getting pregnant…”Delete“Ernie found me cold and hungry wandering the streets…”Delete“Grrr… I hate writers block!”Even though I was sitting alone in my office, I was talking out loud. I was trying to write a story in a genre I had never tried before and was having a hard time getting started. I decided it was time to try one of the other new categories the site had recently introduced. I read one of the category...

Monster Sex
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Brother and Sister have too much fun together

After what seems like hours but I'm unsure cause all I can focus on is the feeling of my plump pussy lips stretching and forming little rolls on each side as I'm spread apart and repeatedly plunged into. Far deeper than my pussy has experienced before. Looking down as he pulls his hips back and my cunt gushes onto the bed, my vision blurs and my pussy, hungry for more fills my body with pleasure and forces my inner slut tendencies to come out. And just remember his text "I'm 10 inches,...

2 years ago
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How It All Began Ch 02

Jack drank in the sight of Fay’s scarlet-flushed cunt being lowered towards him as he raised his face to meet it. It glistened with wetness as Fay’s legs straddled his torso and he released a short gasp as he felt Fay’s fingers stroking his rigid cock. Pulling her hips to the right position, he pushed his tongue deep into her wet folds, tasting their congress inside her as his fingers pushed on the gold coloured thin dildo penetrating her arse. Fay moaned, buzzing his cock with her approval as...

2 years ago
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Telephonic Sex

Hi friends..There is another one for you.. This is really amazing. I am working in call center of Indian telecom operator from last 3 years..It’s an inbound process… customer care executive… who doesn’t know I would like to tell you that when you call on customer care we are the person who takes your call. And provide the info you want. Daily so may type of customers come and some time there would be girls also. Some guys love to flirt them, I don’t want to do the same due to sake of job. But I...

1 year ago
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Little Black Dress Part 1

There might have been a more delicious way to wake up, but to that Aaron Debeney had yet to be introduced. The sucking started in his dreams, slow, wet and rhythmic. Gradually his mind unwrapped itself from swathes of sleep. Fully conscious he found himself bone-hard and the sensation ongoing. Apparently the weekend had arrived.Peering under the duvet he saw a familiar platinum-blonde head bobbing industriously. He could not help but admire the architecture of his own manhood, as those pink...

3 years ago
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The Protector The Next Generation

The Protector: The Next Generation By Julie O Edited By Robert Arnold Features Characters from The Julieverse, Twisted Values, Evil Woman, and Delayed Justice A list of major characters is located at the end of the story along with selected references Chapter 1 It was early...

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Graces Public Fingering

I'm 18, and my name is Grace. Before this, I'd never done anything sexual. My cousin and one of my closest friends, Ali, had always told about the things she'd done with her boyfriends, stepbrother, and her other boy toys. Ever since elementary school, I've always had big boobs. I developed young! I have long, wavy, dark brown hair that goes down to my belly button, which I have pierced with a little diamond stud my dad bought for me in Africa. I have big, light blue eyes and straight white...


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