Hitchhiker free porn video

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Franc saw her standing on the paved shoulder, right after he made a turn into William Flynn highway.

"Good luck," Franc muttered to himself, "hitchhike isn't a feasible thing nowadays; it's the eighties, not the sixties anymore." He took a look at the dashboard clock, it was close to four-thirty in the afternoon.

Franc was driving from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, back to New York City where he worked and lived. Despite his purpose of going to Pittsburgh was to attend one of his uncle's funeral, he didn't feel sad, not at all. Franc had seven uncles, fifteen if half-uncles were included. Franc had never been close to them, except Uncle Luigi, whom Franc had inherited his wealth.

Franc got out a cigarette, and habitually reached for his lighter from his pocket, although the lighter in his car was equally within reach. His lighter wasn't in his watch pocket. Franc searched all his pockets, he glanced through his car, no sign of his lighter.

"Fuck! Must had been left in that coffee shop I ate the meal," he muttered. It was a Dupont lighter he bought a couple months ago, not very expensive, cost him less than $600, but still upset him for losing another lighter. "May be I'm lucky, may be they didn't know it's a Dupont." Franc told himself.

Franc took the next exit and went back. It was indeed his lucky day. The waitress smiled at him the moment she saw him, and gave him back his lighter. Franc tipped her with a twenty dollar bill and thanked her again.

Franc saw the hitchhiker again when he came back to William Flynn highway. She was still there, same pose with her thumb pointing behind herself. "Since it's my lucky day, I'll make it your lucky day," Franc told himself. He pulled over and stopped his car on the paved shoulder. He saw from the mirror she was joking from behind, carrying a big bag.

"Where're you going?" Franc asked, after the glass on the passenger side window was wound down.

"New York City," she said, "Where're you going?" A pretty face came into his view. She was a typical blonde, long straight hair flowing down beside her face, brown eyebrows, blue eyes, and thin lips.

"May be I'll get even more luckier," Franc told himself. "It's your lucky day, come on in," Franc said, as he pressed the button to release the central lock.

"Seems so, thanks," the blonde opened the door and came in. She buckled up with the bag on her lap.

"You can drop the bag at the backseat," Franc said.

"Thanks," She said, and carefully raised her bag between them and tossed it on the floor behind the front seat.

"How long have you been here?" Franc asked as he merged into the traffic.

"Quite a while," the blonde said.

"It's a Sunday, less trucks, right?"


"I haven't seen any hitchhiker for ages, it's equally dangerous for the hitchhikers and the drivers."

"I hope I don't look dangerous," she said with a smile.

"No, you don't," Franc said, as he took a look at her. She was wearing a loose tee-shirt and jeans, which couldn't hide her nice figure. She looked like she was in her twenties. "I hope I'm not as well," he added.

"Well, you're driving a Mercedes S-class, you don't need to be dangerous to me," she said, and smiled at him again.

Franc turned around and gave her a complimentary look. "You know car pretty well, huh?" he said.

"Not at all," she said, "Everyone can tell this is a Mercedes."

"But not the model," he said.

"They look a little different," she said, "By the way, I'm Debbie."

"I'm Francesco, but call me Franc," he said. He pulled out a cigarette, "Do you mind if I smoke?"

"No, not at all," Debbie said, "Italian?"

"Yeah, you?" He said as he wounded down the glass and reached for his lighter.

"Well, I have all kinds of Caucasian gene in my blood," Debbie said smilingly. "Do you mind if I have one... from you?" She asked.

"No, of course no," Franc said, and passed her the pack.

"I can light up yours for you," Debbie offered, as she leaned forward to press on the lighter in the console.

"Okay, thanks," Franc passed her his cigarette and his lighter.

"S.T. Dupont Ligne series. You live a dainty life," She said, grinning at him. With a melodious "Cling" sound, she flipped the cover open and lighted up a cigarette, passed it to him, another one for herself, and gave him back his lighter. She wound the window down on her side.

"I'm impressed, Debbie," Franc said as he put back his lighter, "What do you do for a living?"

"Singer at a club," Debbie said slowly, "You?"

"Real estate," Franc said. Her profession made him pondered a bit. Why would a singer need to travel with hitchhiking. "Visiting friends?" He asked.

Debbie thought for a moment. "Looking for a job," she said slowly.

"You're moving there?" Franc asked, while trying his best to hide his disbelief.

"Yes," Debbie said, looking out the window. She continued after a while, "and yes, this is all I have. I'm broke."

Franc sensed that it wasn't a smart idea to continue talking about herself. "So you have friends or relatives in New York?" He asked.

"No," Debbie said, after a while.

Franc didn't know how to carry on with the talk. He drove on without saying anything. Franc knew he had probably came along a situations he didn't want to hear.

"Where there's a will, there's a way," Debbie said.

"Very true," Franc said. He believed he had underestimated this woman. "How old are you?"

"Twenty-six, you?"



"No," Franc said.

"Girl friend?"


"I can't believe it."


"You lead a nice life, you have a nice job, and you look... nice."

"I look nice?"

"Well, you're not handsome, you're not muscular, you have a tummy, but you still look nice," She said with a smile.

He laughed. "Actually I had been dating two sisters separately at the same time. They found out, and I ended up with nothing," he said, "That was around a year ago."

She laughed. "Next time go for cousins," she said.

He laughed. "Sure," He said.

Franc kept on driving until he saw a service area along I-78E. "I need to refill the gas and use the restroom." He said, and then pulled the car into the ramp, found the parking lot, and parked the car. They went for the restrooms.

"Want a coffee?" He asked her when her reappeared from the restroom.

"Thanks," Debbie said with a smile. She switched to look at the menu above the food counter.

"Want something to eat?" Franc asked.

Debbie hesitated for a bit, "No," she said.

Franc started walking towards the counter, but stopped on a flash in his mind. He turned around. "Debbie, I hope you don't mind, do you have your meal yet?" He asked.

She slowly shook her head.

"I'll buy you something, what do you want?"

"Anything is fine," she said, and began chewing her lip.

Franc could tell, from the way she ate, that she didn't have food for, well hopefully, just that day. She ate in silence, and he watched in silence, in the dinning area. He started to feel sorry, or worried, or both, about her. He couldn't imagine how she could survive her stay in New York without friends and relatives, if spending for a meal in a service area meant so much for her.

"Thanks," Debbie said, after she finished her meal. Her eyes were a little wet.

Franc patted her on the shoulder. They continued their trip after refilling gas at the service station.

"I don't mean to be nosy," Franc said after a while, "but where are you staying tonight?"

Debbie inhaled the cigarette that he gave her deeply, and said, "I'll figure out."

"How much money do you have?" He asked. He knew he should not have asked, but he couldn't help.

Debbie finished her cigarette slowly before she replied. "Thirty-seven fifty-five," she said, "and, please don't worry, like I said, where there's a will, there's a way."

Franc had a lot in mind which he had wanted to say, or to ask, but he drove the rest of the trip in silence, except the occasionally offers of cigarettes and her thank-you responses.

It was close to ten o'clock when they saw city lights rising from the horizon. Franc was close to home again.

"Debbie, I live by himself, in an apartment. I have a spare room which you can stay for tonight, if you trust me," Franc offered. He had run this idea in his mind several times during the silence trip, and he knew it wasn't a bright idea, but he couldn't scrap the idea; he didn't know why.

Debbie hesitated for a while. "I trust you. You're the nicest guy I've seen in ages," she said in a low voice, "As a matter of fact, I can pay you if you want."

Franc turned over to look at her. She was looking at him. "No," he said. He knew what she meant. In fact, at the time Franc picked her up, that was his wish; he wasn't a virtuous man. However, offering a room for a night in return for sex wasn't the way he would expect or wanted.

"I'm sorry," Debbie dropped her head.

"No," Franc said, as he patted her hand, "to tell the truth, that was my wish when I first saw you through the window. But it's... it's too sullied to do it to you this way."

Debbie had a tiny smile on the corner of her lips, but said, "I'm cheap, I know."

"No, you're not," Franc said, "You're only as cheap as you want, or think of yourself, to be."

"Thanks," Debbie said, "You're sweet." She gave him a sweet smile.

"Will I be too noisy if I ask you about your singing job back in Pittsburgh?" Franc asked, "You don't have to tell me if it's inappropriate."

"I knew you would ask," Debbie said.

"Well," he said with a smirk, "May be we can talk about... Who's your favorite pop singer?"

Debbie didn't responded right away. She looked at the traffic ahead for a while, then said, "I sang in a private club. It was my dream since childhood to become a singer. It wasn't an easy way to get to there, it was a even tougher job to stay there."

She looked at Franc for a while, then returned to look outside the windshield and continued, "Yes, I slept with my boss, that's probably how I got to stay there. In fact I had to sleep with some of his friends and business partners as well. I got tired of it. I wasn't going any where with it. I told him I wanted to quit. I got beaten badly. A week in hospital. The night I got out of the hospital I had to entertain one of his friends in bed. Eventually, I sneaked out. I have to leave Pittsburgh. I don't care how. I don't care how to survive, as long as I'm not in Pittsburgh anymore. After all, I may have a chance to accomplish my dream, once again. I've heard that New York is a place with a lot of opportunities."

Franc listened quietly, he felt sorry for her. He couldn't come up with any words to console her. He also knew her future in New York wasn't going to be a cheering one. He turned around to look at her. Tears were flowing down her cheek. He pulled the handkerchief out from his pocket and passed to her.

"Where are you originally from?" Frank asked after a while.

"A small town in Ohio, about thirty minutes from Pittsburgh."

"Have you ever thought about going back there?"

"No, I'm a disgrace to everyone in that town."

Franc didn't know what to say.

Franc showed Debbie into his three-bedroom apartment in Upper East Side of Manhattan.

"Very nice place, rented or owned?" She asked.

"Owned, in fact I inherited it from Uncle Luigi who passed away about eight years ago."

"I wish I had an uncle like yours," Debbie said, "silly, huh?"

Franc laughed. "Let me show you the room," he said, and led her into the guest room. He showed her the bathroom and told her to take a shower. He went to the bar and poured himself a martini. He went to the sitting room and turned on the TV. His mind was thinking about the miserable future of Debbie. He sighed, finished his martini, went into the bathroom in his master bedroom and took a shower himself.

He returned to the sitting room and found her sitting in the couch. She was wearing a big shirt.

She smiled at him. "I didn't take any of the nice looking garments he bought me," she said.

"It looks very nice on you," he said, "Do you want a drink?"

"A room is already a lot," she said.

"This is not a hotel, you're my guest here. Do you want a drink?"

Debbie gave him another smile. "Whatever you're going to get for yourself," she said.

He poured two glasses of martini. He gave her a glass and sat in the couch. When she raised her hand to get the glass from him, he could see her breast swayed a bit underneath her shirt. He knew she was topless underneath, could be bottomless as well. He started feeling uneasy in his shorts.

Debbie had a sip of the liquor, turned the glass in her hand, watching the fluid swirling in it, and said, "You said you had some wishes when you first saw me, right?"

Franc knew his throat was dry.

"Do you still have that wish?" Debbie asked, and turned to look at him. Her face was a bit pink. He didn't know if that was the alcohol or otherwise.

Franc managed to gulp, and managed to say, "Yes, but... we've agreed that you'd stay here tonight without any obligation."

"I know that. I'm not talking about payment either," she said softly, and looked back at her glass, "I kind of like you."

He put his glass on the tea table, took her glass and put it down as well. He leaned over to kiss her. She wrapped around his neck and returned the kiss with passion. They fondled each other eagerly.

He took her into his room. He undressed her and then himself. He kissed her fervently while running his hand all over her body. She took him in her hand and spread herself, indicating him to get on her. He didn't, he kept on playing with her body; he kissed her all over; he forced his face in between her thighs. He felt she resisted, but he persisted, until she gave up resisting and enjoyed the pleasure he gave her. Eventually she blasted in ecstasy and fell flat on the bed, panting heavily.

"Why did you do that?" She asked weakly, she was laying feebly and wild stretched.

"Did you like it?" He asked, stroking her heaving breast.

"It's been centuries since I last felt like this, but why did you do it?" She asked, stroking his hairy chest.

"To please you," he said, licking sweat off her face.

"Why please me? It's supposed to be the other way round," She asked, caressing his thighs.

"I suppose you'll please me better if you're pleased first," he said, and kissed her.

She smiled, and got on top of him. She kissed him all over, and teased him with intolerable tenderly strokes. She gave him the hottest, most ardent, most intense, and most passionate pleasure he could sustain. Franc could hardly breathe when his climax was over. She collapsed on him. They fell asleep pretty quickly.

When Franc woke up in the morning, Debbie wasn't in the bed, but he smelled coffee and sausages. He got out of the bed, and went to the kitchen. She was there, back in her tee-shirt and jeans, making breakfast.

"Good morning, I hope you don't mind me trespassing your kitchen," she said with a smile.

"Good morning, no, not at all, thanks for doing it," Franc said.

He went to the bathroom, and then went back to the kitchen to share breakfast with Debbie. He noticed her bag was at the entrance door.

"I didn't take anything from your apartment, you can take a look," Debbie said.

"Don't worry," Franc told her. Despite Debbie had just reminded her of some possible loss of properties he might see by inviting a stranger woman to his place for the night, he wasn't worried at all. He didn't know why, but he felt he could trust her.

"So, do you manage your own properties?" She asked.

"Yeah, my dad and Uncle Luigi left behind some properties to me. Nothing like the Rockerfeller Center, just some apartment buildings and a few buildings in Little Italy. I manage them with my own company. I'm also working on a downtown project," he said.

"Well, that's a very nice job," she said with a light smile, "and very nice dad as well as uncle."

He laughed. "What's your plan today?" he asked.

"I'll figure it out."

They finished the meal in silence. Franc was still thinking over something while Debbie was doing the dishes.

"I think I should go," Debbie said, from beside him, taking him back from his thoughts to reality. She leaned to kiss him on his lips. "It's a very sweet and memorable experience to have met you. Thanks again, Franc," she said after the kiss.

"Can you stay for a little while?" Franc asked, as she was walking towards her bag.

She turned around, with an enquiring look on her face.

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Alex Ch 01

Part I Author’s disclaimer, if you are unfamiliar with the world of Dressage, this story may loose you at times. For those of you that understand any form of riding even roughly, you may find this funny and even erotic. Here is a background on Dressage, it is a French term that means ‘training of the horse’. Piaffe and Passage are movements that require a high degree of skill and talent on both the part of the horse and rider. Dressage is really ice skating or ballet on horseback. Scores above...

4 years ago
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Drunken Driver

Drunken Driver Drunken DriverSynopsis"She was drunk and smashed up my car and then hadn't any insurance and is up to her eyeballs in debt so there's no chance of any payment for the time being. I kinda bought her." Geoff explainedDrunken Driverby obohoboWarningPlease take note!The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly written for adults only. MF FF NC If you are underage or offended by such material -or- if viewing this file is illegal in your locality, then leave,...

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Helping Moms Friend

I couldn’t believe that my mother had “volunteered” me to help one of her church friends. I didn’t know the woman well and was just back from a long road trip to a rock concert two states away. I was tired and only wanted to sleep but my mother figured it would be good for me to help her friend move into her new apartment. She had even made travel arrangements that I knew nothing about until she shook me awake that morning. She drove me the four miles to her friend’s house, introduced me to...

4 years ago
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My First Everything

Dreams do come true I was a freshman in college, and I had the opportunity to do an internship that would change my life. Not only did I have the time of my life, but I also had my first sexual/gay experience. I shared the apartment with seven other guys. Everything in this story is 100% true. The names have been changed for obvious reasons, and all the boys mentioned have girlfriends.. I’ll give you an idea of what I’m like, 5’11, in okay shape, not too skinny or too fat. I have brown hair...

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Birthday Suprise

It was Monday April 8th a very nice day outside just after a few storms that had blown through over the weekend. I was in my office when I got a text message from my wife. "Hey you will need to feed yourself I am going out with a friend for her birthday" I replied back "ok" after a few hours in my office I thought I get out and go visit some customers near by. I was out at one customer and just as I was leaving my wife texted me "Hey if we get drunk will you come and get us tonight" I was like...

2 years ago
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Winter At Beech Mountain 8

Introduction: Be careful what you wish for Having settled in my place here at the gym , I wandered downstairs to see if I could help out with Donna or Sandra. There were shipments of energy drinks, protein drinks, cases and cases of various juices to stock as the guy with hand trucks kept stacking them behind the juice bar. As he finished, I watched Sandra pay him in cash, over a grand from what I could see. You ladies need some help with that? I asked. No thanks Dano, just mingle with the...

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The Casimir Effect Resolution

It was a leaden, black ache from his head that stirred him. Opening his eyes, he blurrily took in his surroundings. Recognising the juxtaposition of the soothing ivory-white walls with the gun metal grey door, he remembered where he was. Looking across from his bunk, there was something new. A set of consoles were arranged across the far wall. There was Astrid pouring over the data on the screen, his vision was still a little blurred. Pulling the cover off his bed, the bittersweet recognition...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Tonya Harding SlaveGirlChapter 32

Tonya stood still as the Doctor and Nancy removed her skates; a pair of slippers replaced them, and it felt good to get her feet back on the ground. The Doctor and Nancy walked on either side of her still-nude body, and they went back to the elevator. "I think I'm going to kind of... miss this..." Tonya said, not really sure why she was saying it. "You're going to MISS it?" Nancy asked, shocked! "Yeah... kind of..." Tonya replied, turning her head toward her ex-rival, "it...

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HandsOnHardcore Jessica Moy Romantic Hardcore Fuck Busty Slim Latinas Pussy Banged

Steve Q and Jessica Moy are having a romantic hardcore fuck in today’s Hands on Hardcore premium porn scene by DDF Network. That busty slim Latina’s pussy gets banged by that Czech stud in the kitchen, on the dinner table, and on the couch. Tune in, sit back and enjoy a Full HD firework of shaved pussy fingering, intense ball licking, and some deep ass fingering before Steve Q inserts his enormous cock all the way into her tight vag! The brunette bombshell with brown eyes and an irresistible...

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SheWillCheat Jasmine Jae Big tit British milf Jasmine Jae takes dick in front of her cuck husband

Big tit British milf Jasmine Jae is so sick of her husband, all he ever does is jerk off to internet porn. She catches him AGAIN, but this time afterward the internet provider shows up to connect the new high speed service, so she decides she’s going to get a little extra service from him. She starts to touch him and he can’t resist and next thing you know his cock is in her mouth, but her husband comes back in the room and sees everything! Does that stop her? No! Her worthless cuckold husband...

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The Boy Next Door Part 1

The Boy Next Door By Lesley Renee Charles Part 1. Lesley was sitting on his front porch when he noticed that a new family was moving in next door. He observed there was a handsome young man moving in with his parents. He was attracted to the muscular young man. He was fascinated with the way the sun gleamed on his platinum hair. He kept sitting on his porch, wondering if when the new family was finished unloading the truck if he should go over to introduce himself when he...

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RWBY auction

Headmaster Ozpin was in a bit of a difficult situation. Thanks to the after effects of the breach the city of vale had to spend large amounts of Lien to repair for the damages. Because of the amount of money spent it would be quite difficult to properly prepare for the Vytal festival. If he could not find a new source of money he may have to cancel the festival all together. Letting out a sigh of frustration Ozpin took a sip of his coffee before he turned to his computer and decided to see if...

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I Hate It When That HappensChapter 29

Supper was still half an hour or so away when we reached camp. I decided to look around on the travois just to make sure my director's chair type campstool hadn't come along for the ride somehow. Damn my lazy ass for not doing it sooner. There the orange thing was. Obviously no one had a clue what it was since it had been set aside by others who'd been looking for something else. I grabbed it and went to my rock's location, unfolding the stool when I got there and parking my big...

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Cocksucker To Do List

Cocksucker’s “To Do” ListI regularly chat and cam with other men who wear women’s clothing, men who love to perform for each other in sexually explicit ways. We enjoy each other and our small group has become a sort of club since we are geographically and sexually close. A leading member of our “club” organized a challenge and selected a number of us to attend a special “real” event. Three of us accepted the invitation. We would be meeting for an “opportunity” to perform the sexual goals...

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Just A Walk In The Park

It was a stupid argument, and Jenna had stormed out, just wanting some fresh air and a clear head. Her anger was still with her as she walked into Soapstone Park, she walked down the trail as the sun began to set, oblivious to her surroundings. The small lights beside the trail came on as she ventured further into the park; her anger starting to subside and she wondered why she even put up with his shit at all. She was attractive, had a good career and didn't need him, nor any man for that...

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BIKER TRAINing...My wife and I are members of a motorcycle club in Jackson.   As members of Apple City we enjoy the occasional charity activities, and social aspects of the club.  We have a trike, and some of the clubs frown on them, viewing them as not really motorcycles.  However, everyone at our local club is laid back and for the most part non-judgmental.  Our club is mostly made up of members from Jackson, Charleston, and a few from Columbus.Our club owns a pre-engineered building that we...

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My female boss

“Mrs. Taylor, can I talk to you?” I asked. “Sure, take a seat Gina. And after office hours you can call me Erica,” Erica replied. I sat down and took a deep breath, I had been living with this for years,so I was nervous. “So what's on your mind Gina?” Erica asked. “Well Erica, I've been talking to my girlfriend and she has a problem,” I replied. “And what problem is that?” Erica asked. I took in another deep breath and she could tell I was nervous. “Well over the past...

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Room for Rent Part 11 of 14

"Sit down," Kris commanded with a light shove. The alcohol had thrown my balance off, and I collapsed easily onto the sofa, my erection pointing to the bright chandeliers hanging from the vaulted ceiling of her parents' cottage. The other two naked girls sat to either side of me, their hands gently caressed my bare chest, thighs, arms, and cock. These teasing touches were so delicious they were almost unbearable. "Stay there," Kris ordered. She went to the kitchen and came back with her...

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A Lonely Transmission

: : : : : Emergency broadcast detected. : : : : : : : : : : Boosting signal. : : : : : : : : : : Recording. : : : : : And another thing had tumbled into my body. Freakin' debris. It gets everywhere. Can't a corpse get some peace? It already looks so beaten up. Strange. The face still looks like it is just taking a nap. In the freezer that is. Oh. Wait. The transmission. It started. Hi! To everyone out there that might pick up this broadcast. I need help. And please ignore my...

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It was my Mother's birthday and the day was winding down to a close. Almost everyone left or at least it seemed. In actuality some people left but the rest went around back and quietly made their way into the back room and got ready. We had a quite a few people over and after the last one left I just collapsed on the couch. "Thanks for helping me with everything today John," my Mom said as she sat down next to me. "Oh no problem Mom," I started to get back up," there's one more thing I have...

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Jilnar Jardaly XRated Interview

"Today we're talking to one of the world's favorite, beautiful, talented and, dare I say, sexually open newsreaders in the world, the one and only Jilnar Jardaly. Welcome! [Interviewer]"Thanks, sweetie.""Let's start by asking if you weren't a famous television personality and much-loved evening news anchor, what do you think you would be doing?" [Interviewer]"Oh, that's an easy one! Definitely either a hooker or porn star or both! I can't think of any other occupation that would give me the...

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Locked Out

Locked Out By Brenda Stone Ooh, what a sight I was. I stood in front of the mirror of mistress Ulla after she dressed me up as a slutty girl. My legs were encased in red plateau thigh-highs, with a six inch heel. Under the thigh-highs I wore black fishnet panties leaving my crotch free. To cover my penis and crotch I wore mini latex shorts, which in no way could ever hide my bulging penis. My stomach was crushed by a leather black corset, which was locked on with three...

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Beauty and The Plug

As always I need to thank my editor, BeachBaby179 for her many contributions to this story. She always cleans up my stories, fixing my errors and inconsistencies and making the story much better than it would otherwise have been. Thank you, BeachBaby179. * ‘Now, I can’t wait to take a shower,’ I thought to myself. I had just finished mowing my yard, and the hot Georgia sun was blazing down. I had started about 9 am on this Saturday morning, and had just completed the front and back yard...

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Protect and Defend Pt 00 Prologue

Prologue Kabul, Afghanistan Leo Yamasato came through the door and looked into the eyes of the enemy with a calm he did not expect he possessed. He took several steps forward slowly and come to stop in the middle of the room. The door closed behind him, its light wood frame made almost no sound except the latch catching. Leo stood with feet just shoulder-width apart, as his glance captured every relevant detail of the 3 guards in the room all pointing an AK-47 at him… and the merc holding a...

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My Life as a Gay High School Doggy FuckBitch Pt 3

I could feel the warm dog slobber running down all over my shoulders and neck as King held me tightly against his hips. He had stopped humping me but he kept on panting, snorting and snuffling loudly while licking his slimy chops, dripping wet gobs of foamy saliva all over me from behind as his nut juice was pumping hot into me, huge squirts jetting into me hard and fast. I could barely breathe, drowning in my own slobber and snot and tears that mixed with Genes copious pre-cum that...

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All Tied Up

She had always been like that, always wanting to be tied up, volunteering to be the prisoner in any of our childhood games. Now she was on the very verge of womanhood, her brain still yearned for the days when she felt vulnerable, captive, powerless even. I didn't know any of this of course, I was just sixteen, on the verge of manhood myself. My sister Jenny was two years younger, although her body was developing fast. Already her figure was filling out and her legs were getting longer by the...

2 years ago
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Always on GuardChapter 32

As the months passed, Jorgarn took Torbert's advice to heart. He began to casually find ways to watch Denae from a distance. At first, he didn't notice anything amiss. Then he realized that she had an attendant who would nudge her occasionally if she wasn't paying attention. If a decision of any sort had to be made, she would always leave the room with the attendant before making it. During those times, Jorgarn tried his hardest to find a way into her thoughts but he never could. Denae...

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Caught by Our Son

A few years ago our oldest had gone off to college. While cleaning his room my wife stumbled across his porn stash. He had some magazines and a couple of DVDs and he had some pictures I had taken of my wife. I went to my stash and my copies were still there. He must have scanned them. She was stunned. That night when we went to bed I was horny from the discovery. We started having sex and soon I brought up the pictures and what he was doing with them. My wife's pussy was getting wetter...

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Virgins PetChapter 4

Now everything that was taking place became highly erotic. She could feel the dog's teeth like before but instead of only pain, she felt the hurt as his domination over her. She trembled, surrendering to him as he growled and licked the nape of her neck and fucked her with a quick, short jab. His balls bounced against her mound as he sank deeper in her cunt. Gayle knew it must be lovely for the animal to enjoy it like that. And she'd imagined how that must feel to a human male! All that...

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Idylls of the Lady Ch 8

One week after the incident with the servants, and no fucking in the meantime, Heather was wondering what it would take to get William interested again, when James announced a visitor from the parlor doorway. ‘Miss Heather, you have a visitor. A Lord Cameron Northleigh.’ Heather rose, smoothing the skirt of her yellow silk gown. ‘Show him in.’ Cameron entered the parlor after James, and then James left, pulling the doors shut. ‘Good morning, Heather,’ Cameron said, as he sat down. ‘Good...

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