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She had been summoned to her father's throne room, where she had just celebrated her 14th Birthday. In the realm she was now considered an adult, and was looking forward to her Ball - where she would find a suitor and possibly a husband.

Her father, the King, was waiting for her, with him was a cleric - the Gods of The Realm had control of all aspects spiritual leaving the mundane running of the lands to the King.

"Ah daughter there you are, and how lovely you look." Her father greeted her. It was true she was a beautiful young lady, a perfect bloom of womanhood.

"You command Sire, I obey." The words were formal, but had to be said even by the family members of the King.

"Your prompt acceptance of my word is welcome." Again ritual, "Daughter you may approach Me." - Custom dictated that no person should be closer than 8 feet away from the king. Princess Adeline walked upto the throne, there was a small seat, and her father motioned for her to sit.

"Daughter, your birthday went well?" Adeline smiled,

"Yes Sire. It was fun; everybody was happy and enjoyed themselves." - Well they had to, she was the Kings daughter, and they had to be happy, by order! If they weren't - she remembered one girl, she was about 12 started to frown when singing happy birthday, the guards had noticed and she was taken away by three of them. When she came back there were tears on her face, but she was smiling, at least with her mouth, the eyes said something else.

"Daughter, it is time for you to train for the life that is ahead of you, Brother Wilfred here, will instruct you in the ways of the Gods and the Land, if you study hard you will be one of the greatest Queens this land has ever had, do not fail, for if you do you will no longer be a princess of the land." Brother Wilfred bowed to the Princess.

"Father, why do I have to do this, isn't this what Katrina..." Her words were cut off by her father,

"Katrina no longer exists, her name is never to be spoken of again, she disgraced our Royal family, and was rejected by the Gods make sure you do not do the same. Once you have started your studies Brother Wilfred will be able to touch you, you will no longer have the royal state of untouchable, and do you understand this?"

"But father, if he touches me, does that not disqualify my body?" - A princess touched by a man is no longer considered a virgin, and is unable to find a suitor, soiled goods.

"The clerics are not classed as people, my daughter, you will still be suitable, and in fact with the blessings of the Clerics, your worth will be increased. Now do not disturb me with your foolish words, you will go with Brother Wilfred, and good learning." With the dismissal she had to leave her fathers side.

Brother Wilfred led his charge from the palace to the church, Clerics had a reputation, people kept out of his way, to stop a cleric meant inquisition, for to hinder a cleric was to hinder God's work and no man was above the Gods.

He took the princess to a small cell, inside was a simple white gown, he pointed to it.

"You will put on this gown now, you will not question me, or stop any lessons that I am giving you, this is part of your schooling." She opened her mouth; he stopped her, "Are you about to question my word, so ready to fail at such an early time?" She shook her head, "Good, because after you dress, I have some things to show you."

She dropped her eyes, and reached round for the buttons holding her dress on, Brother Wilfred approached her and started to undo the lower buttons, she gasped as he touched her dress.

"Remember your fathers words - I and any cleric are allowed to touch you. You will have to get used to this." and he removed the dress from her body, she felt mortified as her clothing was removed by the cleric. He circled her naked form, as if appraising it.

"The Gods were right, you are beautiful," his hand reached out to her, cupping her breasts, "Your body will be the temple at which the Gods will take their pleasures, you have a lot to learn, but first you should know what awaits you should you displease the Gods." He picked up the white gown and placed it over her head, it settled down on her body.

He took her down into the first catacombs, she looked at the people chained to the walls, and Brother Wilfred gestured to them,

"This is where those who speak against the Gods are kept, until they recant. These are only mildly convinced by the inquisitors, they are the easiest one, just a broken hand, arm they soon see the errors of their ways. However some demand further treatment, come with me."

They went through a door, down some stairs to a lower level. Here there was screams. The princess moved her hands to cover her ears. Brother Wilfred stopped her.

"The screams you hear are the lost souls calling out to their false gods, when they stop screaming then our Gods are able to hear them, their screams are music, listen to the music and see our Gods hands moulding the souls.

He dragged her through the catacombs, the pieces of bodies lying on the floor, the pieces that used to be men, she looked again, there were only men on this level, well... some could no longer be called men anymore.

Brother Wilfred saw her looking,

"These poor ones have no use to the Church, their torments are quick, and their confessions serve to deter others who would think about speaking out against the Church. - But there are those who would be more productive to the Church. follow me!"

Again through another door, down more steps - 'how much deeper does this go?' The princess thought. They entered a well-lit area, Clerics were seated reading missive, as Brother Wilfred passed them they nodded, and looked at the Princess in her white gown.

"You do not need to worry, all the time you are wearing the gown of purity none will treat you as these here are treated. All the women here, are helping the Church, ensuring that the number of Clerics do not fall, and that otherwise unproductive females become productive."

He led her into a room, it was more of a dormitory, each bed held a naked woman, there were twenty beds, all the women were highly pregnant, their ages ranged from thirteen to twenty, they were all pretty, the Princess looked closely - they were all tied to the beds. Brother Wilfred noticed her shocked look.

"Some of these mothers do not feel the attractions of the church, in some cases several have been known to kill the potential clerics inside them, we have to protect them from themselves." he beckoned her into another room.

"This is where those who accept their service to the Gods reside", the room was a duplicate of the first, but this time the women were untied, relaxed, but still very pregnant. Brother Wilfred walked through the room with the Princess following; they left through another door — so many doors, but how?

"This is where we decide which, will need to be tied, and which will accept the gifts of the Gods willingly, on a line of benches sat women and girls, some as young as thirteen, sat, a cleric was seated at a plinth, with a scroll and ink, behind him was a frame, straps were placed at four points with a bar and a yoke arrangement bisecting the frame, on the nape of the yoke was another set of straps. The Princess touched Brother Wilfred,

"Ah. Yes. The frame of acceptance, those persons who are deemed to reject the Gods will find themselves position into the frame, the straps you see will hold their wrists and ankles, the bar will restrain their heads, you will notice that the head will be held in a particular position, this allows us to feed the poor misguided ones for the first few weeks"

The Princess was astonished 'few weeks' how long were the women kept in that thing? Brother Wilfred noticed her look and said,

"Until we find that the Gods have decreed the supplicant to be pregnant, then she is transferred to the first room" He shook his head, "we are not barbarians my dear, they do not suffer, in fact they soon enjoy themselves, one way or another." He gestured to the princess, "Now hurry along, we are approaching the next stage."

They entered through a double set of doors, into a scene from 'the inferno'; cubicles were lined along the wall. The Princess looked inside one.

A fourteen year old girl was lying on her back, two clerics were in the cubical with her, both their manhood's were visible, the girl was sucking on one and the other was between her legs, which were raised up to his shoulders and his manhood was being pushed inside the slit of the girl...

"Now this should amuse you." Said Brother Wilfred pointing ahead of them, a young girl was standing between four clerics, there were tears on her face,

"Please, don't hurt me, I didn't mean to show disrespect to the princess, it was just that my mother had died and I wasn't feeling happy!" Now the Princess recognised the girl, it was the same 12 year-old at the birthday party.

"What are they going to do to her?" The Princess asked, Brother Wilfred smiled,

"Well she has to learn to take what the Gods do with a smile, both the good and the bad, eventually she will be shown the good, but for now, I'm afraid things look bad for her. Now watch, and remember never displease the Gods, whatever the Gods decree we will bear with a happy attitude!" This was the scripture repeated everyday at the prayers.

The young girl was pushed by the 4 clerics, at each push their hand would grasp and tear a piece of clothing, and this was repeated until the girl was naked.

"You have shown disrespect to the Gods, it is the peasants' lot to take all the Gods send, and to be happy. You should always be happy." Now the girl was slapped on the face at each push. Then her forming breasts were the target — the mantra "You must be happy, you will be happy" was being said with each hit.

The girl tried to smile. When the four had stopped one intoned,

"Are you happy with you lot peasant?" She nodded, "You should reply 'The Gods are merciful to me and I am happy' now repeat it". The girl started to speak the words but failed, she was slapped again and the pushing started again, twice on her face by each person, then twice on her forming breasts, she tried to smile, when the clerics stopped again, she was word perfect.

She was made to repeat it twice more before the clerics were satisfied.

"Good now you know the words, you must now know you penitence." Two of the men held her tight and she was led away, Brother Wilfred beckoned to the Princess and she reluctantly followed.

"This is the Mistress of Fulfilment, you will remain in this for 4 weeks, when it is not in use you will remember and say the creed. A lay-brother will remain with you so that he can hear you".

The Mistress of Fulfilment was an iron maiden, without the nails inside, but it was different. The main frame was in three parts with legs and there were handles on both the front and back pieces. It was obviously made to accept a frame of acceptance but this time the 12 year old was placed directly into the front part, her developing breasts were showing through two holes designed for women much larger, as she was strapped in to the front her slit was visible through a gap where the legs joined.

The girl screamed as the metal of the frame parted her labia lips, the clerics — well versed in female anatomy — ensured that her clitoris was fully visible. Then she looked at the back part of the frame, she saw the hole, it was lined up with the girl's ass, what she couldn't see were the rods, of varying sizes, designed to enter that hole, and increase the size of the victim's sphincter.

The two parts were clamped together holding the child immobile but with her head still free, but not for long as the head frame was position. A neck brace held the head steady, but tilted back, her lower jaw was held open as the head was tilted. The frame was then locked into position. Brother Wilfred spoke,

"As you can see, she is now ready to learn about her life in the order, and will be part of the Gods productive scheme of thing, now for her first lesson."

Brother Wilfred walked upto the frame, then behind it. The princess heard a scream from the open mouth of the girl. The princess walked to the back of the frame - jammed in the girls' ass was a small plug, the Princess went back to the front of the frame, in time to see Brother Wilfred open his robe, remove his cock, and plunge it into the young girls slit. The screams of the violated girl was deafening as she felt the intrusion of the Cleric's cock inside her, forcing itself past her hymen, and working it way up into her uterus.

As the Cleric moved on the frame, his hands grasped hold of the handle to allow him to enter her roughly. He pounded into her for nearly 4 minutes before he announced that was cumming. When he finished he turned to a scribe.

"She is tight, which is to be expected in a penitent so young, but she will learn, the ass should be taken by a small acolyte, then progress her onto the large ones, the mouth should be taken out of restraint every hour for 5 minutes, we don't want her to suffer untold agonies yet, do we?" They all laughed at that, except for the Princess. "Rotate the frame." Intoned Brother Wilfred, the Mistress was moved so that the mouth was visible, Brother Wilfred moved towards it.

"Now Child, open wide" He smiled at his joke, with her mouth strapped as it was, there was nothing she could do, with a thrust Brother Wilfred cock entered her mouth, "Now remember to use your tongue to clean the member placed into you mouth, 'The Gods have Decreed and the Priests obey, This is done in honour of the Gods'" the clerics around the frame responded with.

"In honour of the Gods." Brother Wilfred removed his cleaned cock from the mouth, and said.

"Not the best of jobs my dear child, but you will learn, many men here will teach you." Tears started to flow down the young girls face, as the frame was raised to it upright position and another cleric took his place, grasping hold of the handles as he entered the slit before him.

Brother Wilfred gazed on the Princess

"What have you learnt here?"

She looked at him then at the child encased in the frame.

"The Gods are all powerful, they control our destiny, they are our fates, anything they do is by their will, we are their toys, and we accept their orders with glee" Brother Wilfred smiled. Yes the Gods did decree and the peasants obeyed.

"You have learnt much my child, now come with me. The Gods await!" He walked away from the frame and thankfully the Princess followed as they left the room the command 'Rotate the frame' could be heard.

They went through another two doors and entered a white room, there was such a glare that the corners of the room could not be made out, the footprints they made as they entered the room was the only things marring the perfection.

"This is the room of the Gods, Here starts your education, what you know, you will forget — what you will know? Is in the hands of the Gods, I leave you with the Gods." And with that Brother Wilfred bowed and left, his footprints following him, then after a few minutes these started to fade, even her own footprints could not be seen. She peered around the room.

There was a sound, to her left was a frame, but this was like glass, clear it could be seen through. The frame was now with her, but there was no body pushing it, there was a chime in the air.

"Welcome penitent, you will now disrobe and stand in the space prepared." At the voice the frame opened. With no option the Princess took off her gown, and naked entered the frame.

"Thank you penitent, do not be fretful, the Gods welcome you, the mould will close, do not worry, you will not be harmed, The Gods await you, remember the Gods command"

The Princess responded, "The faithful obey." She felt the frame close behind her again the voice could be heard.

"Very good penitent, now if you will tilt your head back." The princess did so and opened her mouth, tears started to fall from her eyes, "You do not have to open your mouth, not yet." Gratefully she closed her mouth, the frame closed around her head, her nose and mouth was free.

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Where Darkness Ends 04

Where Darkness Ends Delana Soulstar [email protected] Chapter 4 The bus stopped and Tanya, Sharon and Ms. Myers stepped in. There were not that many people waiting for the bus this afternoon, so it wasn't a problem to find some spare seats. While the two girlfriends sat down next to each other, Ms. Myers took a seat directly in front of them and turned around so she could better talk to them. She smoothed her skirt a bit and made sure her legs remained closed. "You can...

4 years ago
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Revenge of the Nerd Ch 11

I had always looked forward to my parents’ parties in the past. I would be provided with additional opportunities, like a salesman getting live leads. This year it didn’t satisfy. I was starting to look at the guys as people, rather than opportunities, and I didn’t much care for them as people. Was I becoming enlightened? If so, life was much easier when I was ignorant. I felt exhausted when it was over. It had been an effort and I hadn’t enjoyed it. Well, tonight I would get to see my...

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Left Overs

Introduction: Jessica and her family run away from the Meat Agency of Dolcett upon reciveing her conversion notice, will she keep her appointment with the spit anyway?, or survive?. Left Overs Story: #39 Copyright 2008 Written: January 30 2008 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed by: KaosAngel Please send any comments about this story to ([email protected]) ************************************ Dad I dont want to be roasted on a spit like mom was Jessica said at the kitchen table sitting across from...

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The Welcome Interloper Chapter 5 A Deja Vu

This is Chapter 5 of this story. If you have not read Chapter 1, “The Blitz & Fond Recollections”, Chapter 2, “The Arrival”, Chapter 3, Coveting Karl and Chapter 4, Consummation, it is recommended you do so. Set in rural England during WWII, this story traces several years in the life of Ellie, 43, a highly-sexed, retired, army nurse. Ellie is living alone while her husband, Phillip, 43, an army infantry officer, is fighting in South Africa. She dearly loves Phillip and misses him terribly....

1 year ago
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SweetheartVideo Charlotte Stokely Kayla Kayden Test Massage

Kayla runs the massage department of a luxury spa. She is interviewing Charlotte, who has recently been certified in massage. Everything is going well in the interview, until Kayla tells Charlotte that the final requirement is a ‘test massage’ on Kayla herself. Charlotte’s nervous, the beautiful manager intimidates her and it shows during her massage. Kayla stops her, telling Charlotte to have more confidence and not worry so much, and to try again. This time Charlotte really...

4 years ago
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Living a CAP Based PresentChapter 52 One Night on Crucible

Constance eventually left my arms. Miki was next to hold onto me. My little Japanese beauty had been the quietest over the past few hours. This did not change once I was holding her as she just clung to me and shivered. I just stroked her back and looked at the others as the pod continued to fall through the atmosphere. No one seemed interested in talking so we listened to a faint howl as we waited. Finally the motion stopped. It happened so suddenly that the silence accompanying it shocked...

3 years ago
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Bimbo Tech how it all started

SHIELD ACADEMY While Fitz and Simmons were eager to and fro in their new lab, Coulson watched curiously as dozens of boxes were brought to the lab. It had long been clear to him that the two would one day be one of SHIELD's leading scientists. He had actively promoted the career of the two since they had come to the Academy a few years ago. Maybe one day they would have developed enough to get on an away team, but they weren't fit enough for that. They were only 19 years old and both were still...

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My Best Friends Cock

“Do you want to touch it?” My best friend stands in front of me, his hard cock arc-ing above the waistband of his boxers. He takes a step towards me, and it bobs up and down. I suppose this should feel weird. We know each other so well that we’re practically brother and sister. And although I had always hoped that my first time would be with someone I loved and trusted, I never thought it would be with him. But here he is, with his dick standing up hard for me, and I want him too. I’ve only...

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Emmas Birthday

Hannah wanted to do something special for Emma’s birthday. It wasn’t every day her best friend turned twenty-one. Emma had just broken off a toxic relationship, so Hannah planned a ‘girls only’ surprise party. Hannah had already booked a home sex toy party. Emma’s invitation to that event would get her to the surprise party at the correct date and time.The sex toy party would also put all the girls in the horny, and no guys needed frame of mind to help Emma recover from her breakup.Hannah had...

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The Pass

Getting Ready Hair Removal I stood in the kitchen mixing the sugar, lemon juice, and water in a sauce pan. The cotton strips and the wooden craft stick which I would use to apply the concoction were sitting beside the stove. After looking at and trying many recipes over the past few years, I finally found one that seemed to work well for me. I turned the heat on low and put the candy thermometer into the mixture. I continued to stir gently until the temperature was 250 degrees Fahrenheit....

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“Make it exciting for me while you tell me. The more exciting for me the better the blow job,” I tell him as I take half his erection between my lips and tease his balls with my nails. “Does that look good in the mirrors? Does my ass look good?” I am Sarah, of French descent, in my mid-forties, bilingual, fluent in both French and English and as I recently discovered with a little prompting from my man Roger, bi-sexual, though I didn’t need a great deal of prompting. My body is still good,...

2 years ago
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We Need To Talk

Romantic (I hope), but no sex until after conclusion The story I ended up with is not the story I set out to write. Almost feel like I channeled this. I hope you enjoy. Jb7. WE HAVE TO TALK Chris Davis had just finished his two-mile run and was letting himself into his three bedroom ranch house when he heard the phone start to ring. He pulled the towel from around his neck and used it to wipe his face as he looked at the caller ID. He recognized the San Francisco area code, but was puzzled...

4 years ago
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Inside Job

Inside Job By Kelly Hunter "Mr. Johnson? My name is Rachel, please, follow me." The young woman led the gentleman past the front counter, past the tellers that handled the basic bank functions, and into the elevator. His eyes followed the swaying hips of her tight tan wool skirt, her long legs gracefully leading the way. Her delicate high heels of her matching tan pumps began to softly click as they left the carpet of the lift and onto the cold, marble floor of the lower level...

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You wake up. You can help but feel like something about you has changed. It's weird but you can figure out what the change is. You get up and walk into the hallway. You notice your sister is gone and your stepmother is sleeping on the couch. You wish she would make some breakfast for once. She wakes up and enters the kitchen. She sees you. " hi Adele" that's her name. "Hello master" you question her choice of words she has never been one to joke around with you much so you really wonder why she...

Mind Control
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Sex With Bride8217s Friend

Hello all of ISS readers, I am Rahul(name changed). I am 24 years old. Presently lives in Punjab. This story is about how I got brides friend in a marriage. To say about myself I am 5’9 and have a 6 inches’ dick to satisfy any lady with a muscular body. Let me describe the angel of the story, she is 34-26-36 sizes I guess so where all her curves are quite visible in any dress she wears and is very fair, with a dimple on her cheeks. Let’s call her Dimple. she can satisfy any guy with her...

1 year ago
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GirlsWay Bunny Colby Alex Coal Are UFO Real

Bunny Colby and her wife, Jezabel Vessir, are busy tidying up in the kitchen. When Jezabel looks out their window, she’s shocked as she claims that there’s a U.F.O. in their neighbor’s yard! But Bunny doesn’t believe her at first until she comes to the window and sees it for their own eyes. Oh no, they HAVE to warn their eccentric but lovable neighbor, Alex Coal! They rush to their front door to head out but when they open the door, Alex is already standing there. She is...

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Old Man from the Video Store

Back when I was finishing grade 13 in high school, I had just reached the age when I could finally vote (among other things) and had access to one of the household cars. My folks had started a Friday night routine where they would go out for dinner and then catch a movie afterwards. They were always out of the house from 6pm until 11pm at the earliest. When I could rely on their being gone for that long every Friday night and having the house to myself for the evening, I would make up some...

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Hot Lonely Wife Banged At Her Home At Night

Hi friends this is my first story on ISS. My name is Hritvik and I am from Delhi . I have a FFF attitude friendly , flirting and fucking Any lady between age 26-38 can contact me at for a very hard fuck. Right now I am in final year and can provide service in Delhi and Haryana. So all the horny ladies contact me at my email id mentioned above. The story starts when I was doing in 3rd year. And I came to Delhi for my summer internship. As with this I joined my favorite hobby that...

2 years ago
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I met Vicki at a hook up site,she had an ad that caught my attention it went something like this "hispanic transexual looking for a serious relationship with an honest man",i read her ad and liked the fact that she was looking for a relationship and not just a one night stand,I`m very much into transexuals and been wanting to get into a serious relationship with one,so i responded to Vicki`s ad and gave her my phone number.To my surprise it took her a whiles to call me but when she finally...

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Humiliation begins

"It looks unusually small tonight darling – did you have a sneaky wank when you were in the shower?" I asked my husband, as I climbed into bed, fresh from my own shower, and nuzzled up to him, putting my head on his chest and reaching down to gently feel his turtled manhood between my thumb and forefinger."No!" he replied indignantly. "It's cold in here and I've been waiting for you for ages. What were you doing in there for so long?!""Just shaving my pussy darling – it takes a while to do it...

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... After yesterdays debacle I wasn’t looking forward to meeting a Congressman’s wife, Dania I think her name is. After calling J & J‘s security to get ‘Jackie’ a 24 hour security detail I received a couple of phone calls. Willie called to find out what the score was; and, to my surprise, Gino called to check up on me. The call from Gino has me meeting this woman tonight. I guess I will have to pay for Jackie’s security personally. There is a rally tonight at Janet’s Hotel. I’m to meet this...

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Two Girls and a Hot Guy

I was 18 and I went down to the corner to meet my GF one Friday night.She was already there and smiling from ear to ear.That meant she was up to something,usually something bad. She said"who is the hottest guy in the neighborhood with the coolest car?.I said "Rick "( is what I will call him)."Well" she said "guess who we have a date with tonight?"."What do you mean we?I said."I mean you,me and Rick".Rick was 19 by the way.She told me he invited the two of us to his house and he has a bag of...

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River RatChapter 12

As always, they were late getting unloaded and getting gear maintenance done in Flagstaff, but this time everyone went over to the air-conditioned Burro, even Glenn, the teetotaler Mormon, who drank fruit juice while the rest of the crew had a few beers and Burroburgers, food they didn't have to cook for themselves. "We didn't get much of a day off last time," Crystal told everybody. "Get what quality down time you can. I doubt like hell it's going to be much cooler next trip. It might...

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Cheating sister in law and me

This was sortaa thing that just happend but just shocking because i didnt think she felt the same and was the kinda person to actually go through with it. I knew my sister in law for many years since i was a k**. She has been with my older brother for years. I always thought she was sexy as hell. When she stayed over night at my parents house she would always tell me im very cute and when i grow up im gonna be trouble to a lot of girls. Sometimes my brother would go out and she would be over...

3 years ago
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Body SwapChapter 29

Alice looked at me expectantly waiting to hear me tell her why I was letting her know about my income and the extent of my wealth. "Katy and I have been discussing your situation, Alice. It seems to us that you are going to be part of our family for the foreseeable future. We are glad that this is the case, since we are both very fond of you. Isn't that so?" I said turning to Katy. "Yes it is," Katy replied. "Since you broke up with John both Ellie and I have drawn very close to you....

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Jen MChapter 4 Fiancee

“Jennifer Saunders, will you marry me?” The question was easy when he wasn’t panicked over the answer. “David Blake, I will.” He put the ring on her finger, and they were officially engaged. They each took a box with the other’s wedding ring in it. Back in the car, the engaged couple had no appointments. “What do you want to do with the rest of the evening?” he asked her. “I’ll admit that this was my priority. I’ll drive you back, if you want. Still, I’d rather have a date with you. I...

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Swing Set

It all started one Saturday evening when my husband, Jason, and I were taking a short vacation with our best friends, Charles and Caty Grey. We had met Charles and Caty two years previous at a small business owners’ convention and had immediately hit it off. It didn’t hurt that both sets of couples were the only small business owners at the convention who ran comic book shops. They didn’t live real close to us, but they didn’t live ridiculously far away either so we were able to meet up with...

Group Sex
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My first time dressing with someone

I was 14 at the time, I had a girlfriend at school. Parents agreed to let me stay over as long as we didn't stay in the same room. She had a sister a couple of years older, I stayed in her room and she stayed with my gf. I'd already been interested in dressing, so when I was left alone for the night I went through her clothes. She was messy so there was used knickers on the floor and stuff. I put together an outfit, wearing a bra, skirt, tight tshirt, black tights, and a thong.When I was...

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