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“In from the woolly wilds,” Dad laughed as we all slid into the seats and waited for the waitress to come around and take our order. We all smiled but said little as it was his standard ‘joke’ each time we came into town. Living in the middle of the Black Mountains, the small mountain range that runs along the southern edge of Wales, part of which is famous as the Brecon Beacons, did occasionally feel like being out in the middle of nowhere. Even though it was only three miles away, we couldn’t see our nearest neighbour, nor indeed any other signs of human habitation. The nearest village was only eight miles away, we rarely went there more than once or twice in a month, and then only for fleeting visits when absolutely necessary.

The last time we’d been down from the hills we’d been in Cardiff, eleven miles away, and had walked past a Confederacy CAP testing centre that had been opened in an empty shop on St.Mary’s street. Standing outside was the hugest woman we’d ever seen. Easily taller than Dad or me, and we were both tall at six foot one. She was also possibly the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen. And when I say that I have to be careful as both my sisters are very pretty.

“Do you have CAP cards?” she asked us politely, but with an accent that none of us recognised.

“CAP card?” asked Dad pausing. “What’s one of them?”

“You don’t know?” the woman asked, obviously very surprised.

“No. Should I?”

“There’s been CAP testing for well over a year now. Mostly in Western and Central Europe and North America, couple of places in South America, but also in Australia and New Zealand and a few other places like Japan and South Africa. Generally the more stable parts of the world.” She gave a slight smile and I saw Huw’s mouth drop open as he stared at her. She really was that beautiful.

Ignoring Huw’s look of hero worship, she continued. “It’s been strongly recommended, and in some places actually mandatory, for everybody to get tested on or soon after their fourteenth birthday for almost as long.”

“Siân turned fourteen over a year, er, over eighteen months ago.” Dad explained. “She’s the youngest.”

“Six months ago, Daddy,” Siân said caustically. “I’m still only fourteen.”

“How come you’ve not heard of it?” asked the woman puzzled. “It’s been all over the TV, the internet, newspapers. The kids should have heard about it at school.”

“We were all home schooled once we turned eleven,” I said, only marginally less affected than Huw, and wanting to get her to look at me. “And we don’t have a telly, and we’re too busy to use the internet for much.”

Now she stared at me. “You don’t have a telly.”

“There’s never anything on worth watching,” Mum said.

There was a minor pause and then all six of us parrotted, “Only the usual crap, soap operas and adverts.” Mum looked at us in surprise as we all repeated her frequent words back at her. She burst into laughter and we all joined her.

“So what do you do with your free time?”

“What free time! We farm five hundred head of sheep. We have no farm hands so we do everything ourselves Not much time for anything else. We literally live in the middle of nowhere,” Dad responded in surprise.

“The Woolly Wilds of Wales,” Huw and I said together.

“Llewelyn, Huw, behave,” Mum hissed sharply.

“Don’t call me Llewelyn, call me Lew,” I hissed back equally sharply. It was odd, sometimes I was proud of my Welsh name, at other times I hated it. All of us kids had traditional Welsh names, but Mum and Dad, both born in Cornwall, and therefore born in England, didn’t. They’d moved to Wales to buy the farm in the mid ‘naughtys’ very shortly after they married, and with Mum already three months pregnant. And when we were born they decided to give us all good traditional Welsh names. We had fun as none of our cousins could properly pronounce my name, and for some reason they all tried to pronounce Siân’s name as ‘cyan’ instead of ‘sharn’. Huw and Branwyn usually had their names pronounced correctly, though we were told that Branwyn had been pronounced as Branwine a couple of times early on. At the time we’d been too young to know, so it had never been a problem.

Siân was the baby of the family, even though she was still only fourteen. Huw was a year and a bit older, a couple of months short of sixteen, then me at nearly twenty months older again, and the eldest was Branwyn, just seven minutes older than me. We were both seventeen.

The woman gave herself a little shake. “I’m Corporal Susan Van Der Meer of the Confederacy Marines.”

“Dutch?” Dad interrupted.

She shook her head slightly. “South African. By blood I’d be an Afrikaner or Boer, but by political inclination and upbringing I was a liberal, at least for an Afrikaner, and was more than happy for the end of Apartheid.”

“But that was thirty five years ago.” Dad exclaimed. “More. How can you remember that?”

“I’m fifty one.” She grinned at our shocked looks. “The Confederacy did this for me. The only bit externally that is still the original me is the colour of my eyes. I was five foot four, with mousy brown hair, and a good fifty pounds overweight after having two children, both of whom are now in their twenties, and now I’m younger than they are. I look younger, anyway. What’s even better,” she continued with a grin, “is that because I was picked up before my menopause kicked in, that part of me’s been rejuvenated as well, and I can have kids for many more years yet.”

“But,” started Mum.

“The Confederacy took me, and changed me. You cannot be taken if you don’t have a CAP card.”

“Who are The Confederacy and why did they take you?” asked Mum.

“You’ve heard of the Sa’arm?”

I’ve never seen anybody goggle before, even though I’d often read the phrase in books and novels. I now knew what it meant. Susan goggled at us, as all six of us shook our heads.

“Holy fuck,” she whispered. She looked up for a few moments, then seemed to nod slightly and looked back at us. “Okay. Come on. Let’s get you all tested and I’ll explain.”

“How long does it take?” Siân asked. “We’re going to the theatre. The show starts in about an hour and a quarter.”

“We’ve got four testing pods here, and individually it takes about half to three quarters of an hour. We should get you all in and out in good time.”

Three of the pods, looking a lot like over size telephone boxes, were free, the fourth in use. Dad suggested the three men went first, but Susan suggested the three eldest. Mum, Dad and Branwyn went into the pods, a technician going in with each of them for a few seconds, then coming out and closing the doors.

I looked at Susan. “What’s the Swarm?” I asked her.

“The Sa’arm? Imagine them as the little green aliens coming to eat the planet from all that sci-fi on TV and film. Except that they’re not small, and they’re not green. They are, however, very dangerous.”

“And they’re coming here?” asked Huw.

She nodded. “The Confederacy is a, well, a group, a large group, of alien races. And they need our help to protect them from the Sa’arm.”

“And presumably help ourselves at the same time?” I asked.

Susan managed to look embarrassed. “It’s not quite that straightforwards,” she broke off and looked relieved as there was a loud ding from the fourth pod. “Ah. That one’s finished. Come on,” she indicated me.

A moment later a young woman came out of the pod looking a bit disoriented. Another man, equally as tall as Susan, gently led her away and sat her down. Susan led me into the pod just as I heard the girl burst into tears. I started to look around, but Susan ushered me firmly forwards.

There was a comfortable chair, and what appeared to be a computer screen of some sort in front of me. There was no keyboard, however Susan lifted a helmet off the floor and gently fitted it over my head.

“Comfortable?” she asked.

“Yeah,” I nodded, then wished I hadn’t as the weight of the helmet was uncomfortable when I moved my head.

“Good. Lie back and relax, and just be yourself.”

I wasn’t quite sure what she meant by ‘be yourself’, and it worried me a little. She closed the door and a few moments later I heard a voice saying “Welcome to the Confederacy CAP testing process. The first few questions are just to identify yourself and to get a level of brain activity.”

“What?” I asked almost automatically, then silently chided myself. This was a machine I was talking to. It wouldn’t understand me.

The reply had an amused timbre. “Brains are all unique. No two people will have exactly the same brain wave patterns for the same question and answer. By asking some standard questions, we can get a standardised reading of your brainwave patterns,” the voice replied in an accent that I now recognised had faint American overtones. “Does that answer your question?”

“Uh. Yes. Uh. Are you a person?”

There was a fractional pause before the voice came back. “No. I am the Artificial Intelligence, the AI, that controls this test. Do not worry. Please relax and just answer all the questions as simply and as best you can.”

It started off by asking what day today was, what the date was, and even what colour the sky was. It asked me a little bit about myself and my family, and then asked me three simple questions, telling me that I had to lie on one of them and tell the truth on the other two, but not say which was which. After those three it paused, and then told me that I was lying when I’d told it I’d not seen my twin sister naked in the last year. Blushing, I had to agree. Then it went on to my name, age, date of birth, national insurance number, where I lived what I did for a living, for hobbies etc. It asked about my education. What I’d liked. What I’d hated. What I’d had difficulties with, and what I’d found easy. This seemed to go on for quite a long time, and some of the questions seemed really weird. It even asked me whether I was still a virgin. I wasn’t, but no one else in the family knew that. I don’t think.

I think I was hypnotised next, because I seemed to be in some very odd situations. Looking back I can vaguely remember a burning building, an old lady, a baby and a dog. Or was that two dogs? Then I seemed to be playing three dimensional chess. Except that somehow I knew there was no such thing. Then I seemed to be having a chat with someone who might have been King William. Except that didn’t make sense either; Prince Charles had been taken Ill recently, but neither he nor the old Queen Elizabeth the Second, now almost a hundred, had died. Suddenly it was all over.

“Thank you Mister Carter. You may now take off the helmet. I have finished your test. Please wait while I calculate your final score.” I reached up to remove it, and found I was remarkably stiff. Probably less than a minute later, though it was hard to tell, there was a ding and the door popped open a few inches.

“Congratulations,” said Susan handing me a card that looked exactly the same size as a credit card, but seemed a bit thinner. I looked at it. My name, my photo, something that looked a bit like an embedded chip of some sort, but much smaller than usual, and a large 8·9 were all that were on the card.

“Is that good?” I asked, bemused.

“Very. The average is five. Maximum ten, though to the best of my knowledge no one has ever got that, and you have to have six point five or better to be selected by the Confederacy.”

I staggered a little in exhaustion. I suddenly felt like I’d run a hill marathon, and I’d thought I was very fit. “Here,” she handed me a cup of warm chocolate.” You’ve been in there nearly two hours, your body needs the energy.”

“Two hours?” I exclaimed. “What happened.”

“The CAP tester wanted to make very sure. When he thinks you are going to have a high score like that, and especially when it’s right on the border as yours is, it takes longer as he has to ensure there is no error.”

“Oh. Yeah. I guess. Why do you say ‘he’? Are AI’s always referred to as ‘he’ rather than ‘it’?

Susan looked at me oddly. “You worked out you were talking to an AI?”

“I asked it.”

“Riiiiight.” She said slowly. “Not many people realise. Most assume they’re talking to a human. It’s designed that way.” I nodded. Looking around I saw that none of the rest of the family were there. “Where’s everybody else?”

“Your youngest sister, Siân?” I nodded, “finished her test twenty minutes ago, and they decided to go the the coffee shop next door to wait for you.” She shook my hand. “Congratulations on your score.”

I nodded, still slightly bemused, and left the shop, looking left then right to spot the coffee shop. The rest of the family saw me almost as soon as I saw them, and came boiling out to meet me.

“Everything okay?” asked Dad. I nodded dumbly. “Good.” He looked at Siân. “I’m sorry poppet. We’ve missed the theatre. We’ll come again next month when it’s in Newport. Okay?”

My sister nodded, disappointment writ large on her face. I hugged her, and she looked up at me a resigned smile on her face.

“Does anybody know what’s supposed to happen next?” I asked, my mind still full of the testing.

Dad obviously assumed I was talking about just todays plan, because for a moment his answer made no logical sense. “Cash and carry then home.”

“What? Oh. No. I meant with these.” I waved my card, still in my hand.

Both Mum and Dad shook their heads. “Dunno,” answered Dad, his mind obviously elsewhere. “Come on, back to the car.”

In my mind I tagged the “don’t care,” onto the end of the first part of Dad’s answer. Dad really did have a one track mind. Sheep, and sheep farming.

“Oh. That woman, Susan, gave us a data chip to plug into a pad...”

“PDA,” interrupted Huw.

Mum just waved her hand dismissively, “to read about the swarm and the Confederation.”

Since we didn’t have any PDA’s apart from the one that Dad used to register and log all newborn lambs, and to then follow their health and breeding, shearing and eventual disposal, and Dad only ever let us use it for work purposes, the chip got put into one of the kitchen drawers and forgotten about.

Since it didn’t seem important at the time, not only did I not follow it up, it never even occurred to me to ask what anybody else’s CAP scores were.

Now, five weeks later, we were in Newport, about eleven miles east of Cardiff, for the show Siân had wanted to see, and which was now showing here. We’d come down a bit earlier than the previous month, and had decided to have a good fish and chip lunch before going to the theatre.

We’d just started to eat when the light outside went a flat grey. There were a few screams, and then a loud voice spoke up.

“Ladies and Gentlemen. I am Sergeant Paul Morris of the Confederacy Marines. You should all know what’s happening by now, so please all be calm. We are here to pick up seven volunteers. You all know who you are, so please make your way down here to the front. Everybody else please just stay where you are for the moment.”

The six of us just looked at each other in bemusement and shrugged. We watched what was happening with interest, but continued to eat.

A few moments later, the loud voice spoke up. “According to our scans there are seven volunteers in here. Only six have identified themselves, where’s the seventh?”

Everybody looked around in bemusement, even the four or five huge marines that were now obvious due to their size. This was obviously something new, to them as well.

I watched him move along the row of six people, asking them their names, and checking them off on some device in his hands. He pointed at a name and then turned to face the rest of the room again.

“Will,” the loud voice started, and then got quieter, but we could still hear him as he said, “oh fuck, how do you pronounce that?” He shoved something in front of one of the six volunteers and said again, “how do you pronounce that?”

We didn’t hear what she said, but heard him again as he stuffed something else in front of her face and told her to say it loud and clear.

“Llewelyn Carter.”

I blinked in surprise and all the rest of the family looked at me.

“When did you volunteer, and what did you volunteer for?” asked Mum startled.

“And why?” asked Dad.

“I haven’t volunteered for anything,” I told them. “God’s honest truth.” Dad frowned but I knew he believed me.

“Will. This. Person. Please. Get. Forwards.” Yelled the marine, obviously quite angry now. “I know he’s in here, our AI is telling us that. Will you get your fucking sorry ass down here or you will be arrested and charged with desertion.”

I hesitantly raised my hand, and all eyes turned to me. “I think that’s me, but I haven’t volunteered for anything.”

He came over to us, a look of barely suppressed fury on his face. “What the fuck did you think you were doing? Why didn’t you get down the front with the others?”

I shook my head. “I didn’t know you were talking about me. I haven’t volunteered for anything.”

“Are you, or are you not Lewelyn Carter?” I ignored the fact that he’d mispronounced my name. In Welsh you don’t pronounce a double ‘L’ the same way you’d pronounce a single ‘L’.

“I am Llewelyn Carter.”

“Then according to this you have volunteered for the Confederacy marines.”

“It’s lying to you,” I said calmly. “I haven’t volunteered for anything.”

He raised his eyes for a moment, and then lowered them again. “Yes you did. Five weeks ago when you got CAP tested.”

“No Sergeant, I didn’t.” I said calmly.

“Give me your CAP card.”

I fished it out and handed it over. He slipped it into a reader of some sort. “Yes. You are the one I want.” He grabbed my hand and put the reader into my palm, holding it there tightly. “According to this you volunteered.”

“Well it’s wrong.”

He snatched the reader away and looked at it, his eyebrows crawling up his face as he registered both surprise and confusion. “What the fuck.” He looked up. “AI, what the fuck’s going on here?”

“He volunteered five weeks ago. He is telling the truth when he says he did not,” came a disembodied voice. “This does not make sense. I will have to investigate.”

“Maybe he volunteered without realising he was volunteering,” offered Siân slowly.

The marine looked at her, then raised his eyes again. “AI?”

“That is very possible. Please place the PDA into lieutenant Carters hand again.” It of course pronounced it lootenant. Dad, who had been, briefly, a lieutenant in the Royal Artillery, until he’d lost most of his left leg below the knee, snapped.

“Lef-tenant. Not Loo-tenant. If you can’t pronounce it properly, fuck off and let us eat in peace.”

“Dad,” I said calmly, placing my free hand on his shoulder. “Let it be. The sergeant is American, to him it’s correct.”

“Actually Canadian,” said the sergeant distractedly.

I shrugged and took the reader from his outstretched hand.

“Please state your name,” came the soft disembodied voice.

I spoke my name.

“Jackson,” yelled the sergeant, ignoring us for the moment. “Get this cluster fuck sorted over there while I deal with this...” he broke off and glared at me.

I slowly, calmly, raised a single eyebrow, but otherwise my expression remained completely neutral. I knew from personal experience that this could seriously disconcert many people. After a few moments he turned from me and looked out over the rest of the room. The rest of us just looked at the PDA on my hand.

After a few more moments it asked, “did you go for CAP testing five weeks ago?”


There was another brief silence. “Did you knowingly volunteer for the Confederacy Marines?”


Another brief silence. “Accepted. Do you wish to volunteer?”

It was my turn to pause. “What does that involve?”

“Are you not aware?”

I shook my head, then guessing that the PDA or the AI, or whatever, wouldn’t be able to see me, “No.”

“Of the Sa’arm?”


There was yet another silence “Please give the PDA back to the sergeant, and take your card back.”

Morris obviously heard as he turned to take the PDA out of my hands. “There’s someone coming to talk to you. Please sit here for a moment.”

“Holy hell fire,” gasped Huw suddenly. We all looked at him and saw that he was looking out into the rest of the room.

“What the fuck?” said Dad.

They were my sentiments exactly, but I couldn’t voice them, I was too astonished at what I was seeing. Almost everyone in the room, was naked, or partly naked. And many of them were participating in various sex acts.

I watched in some amazement as a woman in her mid to late thirties tried to force an older man, probably in his mid forties, to have sex with an apparent teenage girl, both of them looked very unhappy, but appeared to accept the situation. Next to them a thin redheaded youth was standing behind, and obviously shafting, a slightly overweight forty something woman. Both appeared to be thoroughly enjoying themselves. There were a couple of girls rolling around on one of the benches in a sixty nine, and as I watched, one of them screeched in orgasm. There were two girls kneeling in front of another guy, and though I couldn’t see, knew they were giving him a blow job.

Turning back to the first pair I’d seen, the woman standing over them had her hand up her skirt and appeared to be stroking her crotch as she watched the couple in front of her slowly fucking. I saw him say something, and squinted my eyes to concentrate on his lips. I had partial deafness in my left ear and often resorted to lip reading.

“I’m sorry, baby,” he was saying. “I’m so sorry.” He said something else which took me a while longer to translate. “I just want you safe,” I think he was saying. Just then a voice interrupted our viewing.

“Hello again.”

We all turned to see the woman who had steered us through the CAP testing five weeks earlier. “Shwmae,” I answered automatically, then turned to look at her.

She had a puzzled look on her face. “Sh my what?”

“Oh, my apologies. It’s Welsh for hello, well, close enough. It was just automatic.”

She nodded. “Okay. Sit down. You might as well finish your meal while we talk.” We all looked down at our plates. None of us had eaten more than half of our meal, and it was slowly going cold. Fortunately while fish and chips is best piping hot, it is a meal that doesn’t spoil by being slightly cool.

We sat, and slowly tucked in. Susan sat down next to Huw, and then reached out and stole a chip off his plate. He blushed slightly and moved his plate towards her, subtly telling her to tuck in as well.

“Did you read that chip I gave you?”

“Chip?” We all looked blank, until Mum suddenly remembered.

“Oh god, that computer chip you gave us?”

Susan just nodded.

“No. We’ve no way of reading it.”

“You are joking,” exclaimed Susan in voice that mixed desperation and surprise. “How...” she waved off what she’d been about to say. “Never mind. Quick precis. In about seven to eight years an alien race known as the Sa’arm are expected to reach Earth. Think of them a bit like locusts when they swarm in Africa. The locusts eat every bit of plant life in their path. The Sa’arm are sort of similar, except they eat everything, animal and vegetable, and strip the planet of all its resources, leaving it a barren rock much like the moon. We haven’t worked out how to talk to them, and we haven’t found a way to stop them. We can kill millions of them, have killed millions, but they just keep coming and once they get onto a planet there doesn’t seem to be a way to stop them. Not without destroying the planet.”

“So if I volunteered I’d be going to fight them?” I asked hesitantly.

“Yes. Maybe. Possibly. I don’t know what the AI has in mind for you, but put that to one side for a moment. The Confederacy is an ancient alliance of many species out in the galaxy. They are pathologically peaceful. Even to the extent that they would rather die than try to defend themselves by fighting. At least four species within the Confederacy have been totally destroyed, and probably more for all I know. One however, the Darjee, who I believe are an avian species, bird like,” she added as both Huw and Branwyn looked puzzled at the word avian.

They nodded and she continued. “The Darjee are sort of helping as many as possible to get off planet, to try and save the human race. They said that we would be able to get thirty percent of Earths population off, but after two years, nearly, we still haven’t moved even one percent. Only certain people can go. Sponsors have to be fertile and have a CAP score of over 6·4. Concubines are those with a CAP score lower than 6·5 but most importantly are still fertile. Once a woman is more than about six months past her menopause, she becomes ineligible as by then her reproductive system has shut down irrevocably. Most illnesses, injuries and medical problems can be fixed easily, so that’s usually not a bar.” That made me think of the artificial limb that went from the middle of Dad’s calf. “Children under fourteen are automatically taken if a parent is taken and the sponsor accepts them, anyone with a CAP score less than two is generally considered ineligible, unless that is down to problems that can be fixed medically.

“The way it works, is that during a collection like this, each sponsor gets to pick a number of consorts or concubines, to go with them, that number being determined by his or her CAP score. Anybody else, who doesn’t get picked, or doesn’t want to go, gets left behind.” She looked at me. “Your CAP score was quite high wasn’t it?”


She nodded. “You get to take six people to safety,” she looked up suddenly. “Oh fuck. Something’s happening. We’re going to have to bug out.” She stood to leave and then turned and looked down at me. “If you’re still here when the Sa’arm arrive, you will be eaten. Almost guaranteed. Get out. Go.” She dashed off, pulling something out of her pocket.

“Wait,” I called after her.

She turned her head slightly, but didn’t stop. “Six people,” she called back. “Go. Now.”

“Where?” I called, but she didn’t hear me.

When I turned back to the table, everybody was looking at each other in shock, and not a little fear as well. “Well,” said Dad slowly. “So that’s what the cards are for.”

“Everybody here got 6·5 or better didn’t they?” I asked. I was shocked to see all of them shaking their heads.

“5·2,” said Mum.

One by one they all announced their CAP scores. Dad had 5·9, Huw 5·5 Branwyn had the lowest at 4·8 and Siân the highest at 6·4. Given what I’d been told when I took my test, I now guessed why Siân’s test had taken as long as it had.

There was a brief scream from off behind the counter somewhere, followed by some sizzling noises, a bit like bacon being fried on a griddle, and some shouting. I couldn’t make out what was being said, but then we heard a very distinct shotgun blast. Being farmers we all knew a shotgun when we heard one: we’d all shot at foxes enough times during lambing season. We ducked, then since there were no more, quickly headed towards where the marines were clustering.

I don’t think Susan even recognised us. She just threw us all at this funny glowing green pad on the floor. There was a moment of extreme disorientation, followed by a bit of mild nausea, but then I realised I was somewhere else. I didn’t get chance to gawp, as someone grabbed my arm to pull me out of the way just as Branwyn appeared behind me, almost landing on top of me.

The next twenty minutes or so was quite hectic, but then the last of the marines, Susan, appeared, and the red pad on floor went dark. A moment later it went green again, she stepped onto it and vanished before it went dark again.

“It’s a transporter, like in Star-Trek,” breathed Dad in awe.

“Right,” yelled an artificially amplified voice, “settle down and shut up. Everybody. Sit.” He paused for a moment to make sure that everybody obeyed him.

“Good. My name’s Lieutenant Chuck Reilly. I was a Texas Ranger, now, for my sins, I’m in charge of this cluster fuck. Those who have just come from the debacle in Newport in South Wales, move towards the red wall on my left. The rest, stay put.” About fifty people moved over, and I was surprised to find that I recognised a number of them from the restaurant. I saw Sergeant Morris standing by the wall.

“Right, follow me,” ordered the sergeant. He walked off and the rest of us followed, along a short corridor and into what turned out to be a canteen of some sort. It seemed to be closed for service as no one else was there.

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Woolly Wilds 2Chapter 10

The following day we began to hear rumours. They were odd at first, not making a lot of sense. It soon became apparent that many people on board were blaming Islamist terrorists and fundamentalists for the attack at Balmoral and the murder of the Royal Family. This, so the rumours suggested, was in revenge for either the Israeli attack on Mecca, or the fact that the Middle East was barred from being collected. Some were blaming the Jews as well, and a few times when we were in the refectory...

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Woolly Wilds 2Chapter 11

By the end of the journey, after nearly two months on board the Isaac Newton, everybody was starting to get excited; we were finally approaching our destination. Another few days and we'd be in-system - within the heliopause of the Soloat system: a few more days at slow sublight speeds to get into orbit, and then ten days or so in orbit. It had never occurred to me to ask why the system was called Solo, but a few days before we arrived, Siân told us, just in conversation, as we were at our...

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Woolly Wilds 2Chapter 12

By the time we reached Earth space, Danny still hadn't got back to me, to Branny's intense disappointment. Then came an even bigger disappointment: Earth could not be seen from Lipskiy base. As soon as the Isaac Newton was in orbit around Luna, I got a call ordering me to report to Lipskiy base immediately. The tone of the order did not sound pleasant. "AI, how do I get to Lipskiy base?" "Report to the main hangar deck. The main transporters are situated there." "Thanks....

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Woolly Wilds 2Chapter 13

It was nine months before I saw another office, and by then only Siân was still pregnant. However during those nine months I had been by turns bored and fascinated, sick to my heart, and even angry. I very quickly found out that Melissa was not on the moon, but I couldn't find out where she had gone. It didn't bother me that much as we hadn't got on all that well, but I would have still liked to have known. The anger came quite early on when I realised that I hadn't been told something I...

2 years ago
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Woolly Wilds 2Chapter 14

"Please report to room A2W," the AI informed me the following morning. I blanched but did as I was told. Remembering what Percy had told me reassured me slightly, but I was still nervous. "Lootenant Carter. To what do I owe this displeasure?" the major asked, when I arrived. He held up a piece of paper, gingerly, between his thumb and forefinger, a completely blank, expressionless, look on his face. "Sir?" As I stood to attention, my eyes were drawn to a photograph on the wall behind...

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Woolly Wilds 2Chapter 15

"Llew, it's my birthday in a few weeks, and by law, as a concubine I can retake my CAP test on my birthday. I wasn't allowed to last year, because you have to have held a CAP for a least a year before you can retake. Please will you allow me to retake it this time?" It was a week after I had got Imogen pregnant, I'd just got in from work and Huw had collared me in my office. I looked at him. "Just out of curiosity, if you do pass, what do you intend to do?" "I want to join the...

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Woolly Wilds 2Chapter 16

"Oh hell," gasped Meers finally. "What?" asked Randy, looking around in puzzlement. Zucher ignored him. "Right, well we need to stop Cassell from going, and if he insists on going, he needs to take a bodyguard." "Percy!" I said, suddenly. Percy Meers looked at me in surprise. "What?" "Sorry, no, not you. I meant Lieutenant Percy. She reports direct to Sir Cassell, she's head of security for something, can't remember what now. Also team leader of his rapid response team, but...

2 years ago
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Woolly Wilds 2Chapter 17

To our delight, this time our accommodation was on level D. We had three adjacent apartments, one of which, we were delighted to discover, was one of only three on that level that had an external window looking out onto the surface. Everyone crowded around it, looking out, the airless lunar surface just feet away from us. To protect our eyes, the window was permanently shaded from the sun's rays, but the upside of that was that we would always be able to see the stars. They were brighter and...

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Adventures in The Wilds

Lynneth trudged along the dirt road. Her legs were tired and sore, her skin filthy, and her clothing smelled of the three weeks' travel she'd spent. Her home was forbidden to her now; she could not return until she had found the subject of the dream. That damn dream.... she silently cursed. The dream had been littered with omens her grandmother had deciphered for her. Few were good. And because of them, the elders had sent her away, fearing the darkest times possible to come from them if she...

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Biggy x The Beagle Wilds

Ziggy blinked an eye. His head was giving him that sign again, like when his dad talked with him thru telepathy. It was faint at first but then it came thru clearer, more audible. It said: “Look son, you three must get out of there as fast as possible. The boss is sending Montana over in an hour to bring you boys to him. Montana is a mean big bulldog who likes to beat up young k**s. There’s no telling what he will do if the boss asks him to knock some information out of you guys. Now listen...

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Waking Wilds

In the land of Eddonia the various tribes all worship the mother Jiah, goddess of the land. They pray to her and her children, sacred guardians who watch over the forests, rivers, and such and see to the health and prosperity of nature and the people. In order to appease these guardians, an offering is made of a member of the tribe to serve as a caretaker of sorts to the guardian. He/she (mostly she) is bound by magic in a ritual to the guardian to serve his/her life out to ensure the...

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2 Tag Bonewell The Murder of Wendy Wilde

ALMOST NO ONE has ever heard of Ms. Jennifer Penelope Deaux-Fontaine, but plenty of folks know her alter ego, her nom de plume, her pseudonym, her pen name, Wendy Wilde, the wicked writer of sexually explicit novels and articles. Yeah, that Wendy Wilde. The same offbeat writer who had more people hating her than even Adolf Hitler could ever have imagined. But, as of today, everyone's heard of the woman behind the Wilde mask. Anyone, that is, who bothered to read last night's evening paper....

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50yo Girls Gone Wild

50yo Girls Gone Wild Just about everyone has heard of “Girls Gone Wild” where young attractive girls willing show the camera their boobs, butts, or pussies and sometimes all three. They are usually drunk, drinking, or just get caught up in the moment by their friends. No matter what…they are very sexy DVDs to watch. My favorite is “Girls Gone Wild - On Campus.” It is an old DVD and apparently its out of print (I checked their web site). Anyway there are hundreds of girls flashing. A...

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Pretty Wild

 Flowers in Her HairThe flowers were waiting for Julie when she pulled up to her apartment.  A bouquet of daisies resting upon the welcome mat putting a smile on her face.  Even after all these years, she mused as she unlocked the door, then closed it behind her before searching for an unused vase to set them on, settling on a glazed pink cylinder, which was placed on near the kitchen window.  She’d always loved flowers.  The backyard was small, but there was enough room to keep a carefully...

Group Sex
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14yo Girls Gone Wild

14yo Girls Gone Wild I was suckered into chaperoning a field trip with Miss Amore. She was the Earth Science teacher and it was her idea to take just the girls off into the woods for a full day of exploration. I was the teacher adviser of the Photography Club and Miss Amore told me to come prepared to take some nature pictures. Miss Amore had requisitioned a small bus for the trip that would hold the nineteen girls and her along with the driver, I was to be the bus driver too. She...

1 year ago
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Is She Innocent Or Wild

Hello everyone! I am the 21-year-old guy from Hyderabad my name is Charan. This sex story happened almost a year ago and I want to share with you all. Please give feedback at This is a real incident that happened in my life.Read along to know. The lady of the sex story is Keerthana (name changed). She is a friend of mine who stays near my house. Her age is 19, she is 5’2 stats are 32b, 28, 36 not very big but can make men very horny. We are just casual friends, we barely text. One day, she...

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've been a single dad for quite a few years now, my daughter's mother simply wanted a divorce and didn't want anything else to do with me or Jenn. You can ask me why but I really have no clear explanation, that's just the way she wanted it.So, I became Mister Mom when she was five and, while it's been a strenuous job being a single parent, there have always been abundant rewards that have made it far more than worthwhile.Jennifer has always been both pretty and bright, I've never had to push...

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Who Is Mercy Wild

This chapter contains mature subject matter. It should not be read at a distance nearer than 1.352 astronomical units. The characters and plot are probably shamelessly stolen from other sources. If you find themes of transformation to be repulsive, you will be repelled. If you like French toast, does that mean you are a Gallophile? Who Is Mercy Wild? Chapter 1 by Jacquie Windsor [email protected] "Boadie's late again," sighed Terry, the lead singer and guitarist of...

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Wild Teacher Fucked Wildly

By : Abhishek Malhotra Hello friends, I am Abhishek Malhotra “” from Nagpur I have been reading stories on this website which excited me to write my own experience. I am 21 years old and this experience happened when I was in school in 12th standard. There was this one teacher named Shital ma’am she was very strict and used to scold everyone very badly but she looked gorgeous and had milky white skin and red lips I can’t say that she had a very awesome figure but she had amazing boobs and was...

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Pop Idol Fuck Slut Chapter 1 Getting Wild

Miranda Wilde. Lance could stare at her for hours. Getting wank material was as easy as opening up an image search and typing her name. She was one of those women who looked amazing no matter what hair style or outfit she was rocking. Whether it was long, jet black locks, playful, pink, shoulder length hair or her short, well cropped, blonde pixie cut, she was gorgeous. Those deep, piercing, grayish-blue eyes were always staring back at you saying, "I'm hot. I'm fun. I'm more than you...

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Earths CoreChapter 1 Into The Wild

On the way back from home to cave zero eight, Zax was torn with his decision to leave his family and friends, even though he stopped talking to them, for three years. When he saw his parents' eyes, Zax traced regret in them. It made him ask himself all the more what his big sister told them to make them agree to let him go. Ultimately Zax kept his questions buried in his wondering mind. 'Maybe', he came up with one possible solution. 'They chose to benefit of the doubt in their decision,...

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Pop Idol Fuck Slut Chapter 1 Getting Wild

Her big break arrived on one of those talent shows that are popular on prime time television. Miranda didn't win the seasonal contest, but it didn't matter. Once the world got a taste of her, she began a rapid rise to stardom. Lance was replying to a tweet thread about her latest concert one fateful afternoon when something astonishing happened. Some of his old college buds and random Miranda fans were going back and forth in a conversation that would ultimately change the course of his...

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A car drive turns wild

This may sound passé, but it is true that this incident did occur. This incident occurred in May 2006. I’m Shaunak, a 28 year old male from Bangalore. I’m an athletically built man, 5’11 in height. In April 2006, a friend of mine got married, and at his wedding reception, I met a group of his friends from another circle…his social circle, whereas we were friends right from college time. That’s when he introduced me to Sonia. She was a taut, 5’6” tall, fair skinned 27 year old woman. I would not...

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Slutmommy Goes Wild

Carla Carrington sighed, took a sip of her vodka collins, and pulled the strap of her bikini away from her back. She was restless. No, she was just totally fucking horny, craving sex in the worst way. As she lay in the early Saturday afternoon sun, she reminisced about her college days when she had been a real party girl. When Carla first experienced sex at the age of 18, she couldn't hold back. Carla had fucked at least half of the Deke house at Ole Miss, lots of Kappa Sigs and even a few...

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Influencers Gone Wild

InfluencersGoneWild is exactly the way I like to see my favorite internet celebrities. I’m a fan of Twitch gamer sluts, Instathots, Snapchat whores and even the lovely babes of YouTube. I’ll have to admit, though, I’m a bit of a pervert. They don’t call me ThePornDude for nothing! That’s why I’d much rather see those girls in social media porn like nip slips, nude galleries and OnlyFans vids than in SFW viral videos.InfluencersGoneWild.com scored a good name and a killer domain, if you want my...

Free OnlyFans Leak Sites
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Caught my daughter at Girls Gone Wild

Note : This story is completely fictional! I heard that girls gone wild was coming to my town and I knew I would be there. Sure I’m married with a eighteen year old but those commercials are the closest thing to porn my wife allows. At any rate I told my wife that my buddies and I were going to a card game and I would be home late..very very late. I met two of my buddies from work and as we walked into the club my dick was already hard. A hot little teen wearing a white tshirt that was soaking...

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Housesitting Day 10 Ch 3 Summer School Slut II Wet Wild

HOUSESITTING Day 10: Squeezing into Tight Places Chapter 3: Summer School Slut II: Wet & Wild I arrived to pick up Madison from school forty minutes early hoping to run into that summer school slut again. She had given me such a good blowjob the last time. My hopes sank when I suddenly remembered that this wasn't the usual day for summer school. Due to an all night fuck session with Madison a few days ago, she had missed the usual class day. Luckily, she had e-mailed her teacher and...

2 years ago
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In the Wild

Fiction – well the masturbation part is, the rest is memories of real experiences. In the Wild My daydream today seems to be counter to the weather. It’s raining. But if I close my eyes I can feel the sun on my face as I stand at the crest of a mountain. Looking around I see mountains and valleys, the forest and of course the road I drove in on. I didn’t pass a single car once I took the logging road off the highway, he and I found this spot once when we were just out driving. I think that...

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Fucking My Elder Brother8217s Female Friends Hard And Wild

Hi friends. I’m Arun and I’m 23 years old. I’m here to share with you my real life sex experience with my elder brother’s 2 female friends. They are Kavita and Aparna. Kavita is my brother’s college mate and Aparna is his school mate. They both know each other through my brother. They are 5-6 years elder than me and are married. Both of them used to make fun of me a lot and we enjoy countering the fun made of one by the other. Kavita is very slim and looks quiet beautiful. Aparna is a bit more...

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The Call Of The Wild

I arrived at a large bay of a glacial fed lake. I followed the shoreline for about seven miles then hiked up a steep bank to a small clearing. I was looking forward to a hot meal. The evening sun sprayed everything in a red and deep yellow. A small river flowed near the edge of the clearing. The clear fast water fell into a narrow chasm nearly two hundred feet down. The sound of the water crashing below and the remote location was what made this my favorite getaway location. With plenty of...

First Time
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Futas Naughty Scented Candles 1 Slumber Party Gets Wild

Chapter One: Slumber Party Gets Wild By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to my wonderful beta readers! Autumn Holt put the first of the newly reformulated Lavender Relax candles into the box. Their first order. A shiver ran through the motherly futa. She wanted to share this amazing product with other women. This pheromone that led women to desire other ladies. It was all the work of Dr. Kayleen Harland, the woman who had moved in down the street from Autumn and had accidentally...

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Jessica Goes Wild

I am Jessica's husband Tony. We have been married for just over ten years. I work as an engineer in aerospace. No I am not a rocket scientist. I design airframe components for fighter jets. My job requires me to go out on site at times to test gear installed on jets that are still secret-classified. Jessica is a research specialist for a stock brokerage company. She sometimes has to travel in order to investigate company's books and operations. She has been on trips for up to one week doing...

1 year ago
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YouTubers Gone Wild

Reddit YouTubers Gone Wild, aka r/YouTubersGoneWild! Everyone knows that Reddit NSFW communities are some of the best places to find the most obscure niches that nobody would ever think of when creating a regular porn site. Today we’re looking at one such community which goes by the name of /r/YouTubersGoneWild. As you can tell from the title, this place has to do with some really hot YouTube celebrities going wild. Of course, seeing as how YouTubers have a reputation to keep up, it’s not so...

Reddit NSFW List
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Twitch Gone Wild

Twitch Gone Wild Reddit, aka r/ TwitchGoneWild! Any time a new smut site comes out, you know I’ll be on it like cum stains on a shower curtain. Reddit’s been my go-to when it comes to smut for a very long time, in between all the tons of live-action porn from porn tubes that I drown in on a daily basis. Now I’m a top-notch quality porn kind of guy, so some subreddits are a bit dry for me, but I’ll be damned if the most popular ones don’t make porn tubes look bad.No shade – I’m just really...

Reddit NSFW List
4 years ago
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Driven Wild

Draft version 1.0 This has not been proof-read and may contain errors. !!!STOP!!! Read the series Driven Lust I II III & IV first as this is a continuation of that series. WARNING! The reader should be aware that there is BDSM in this story and the first chapter is a mere sample. The scenes dipicted in this storyline will become extremely graphic in nature as it progresses. Also, other characters introduced may offend some readers in their creation. Taboo subjects will also be...

2 years ago
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Hot N Wild

Hot N Wild I had been to a few Water Parks in the past and they were a lot of fun for the younger crowd. The water was usually too cold for me though. However I did certainly enjoy it whenever a young lady lost her bikini top at the bottom of one of those tall slides. It was worth the wait but it obviously didn’t happen nearly enough to please me though. So anyway that gave me an idea. What if I built an indoor water park based on a nice hot Jacuzzi at a nudist camp. Now if...

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From the Wild

The party was in full swing and was likely to go on till the early hours. Christmas on the plantation was a holiday for the slaves and a chance to catch up with members of their family who were working on neighbouring cane fields.It was a rare day, one of only a few when the slaves did not labour in the fields for their Dutch masters. These special days all coincided with holy days like Christmas and Easter. Each had a veritable feast, plenty of the local hooch, distilled from the cane sugar...

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Rumble Roses Gone Wild

"Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the Rumble Roses Competition! Tonight you will watch ten beautiful young ladies fight it out with each other for the chance to become Rumble Rose Champion. Here's how it's going to work. Each of the girls will fight each other once and then, the two with the lowest Win record will be disqualified. Then remaining eight will then proceed to a 3 Round Elimination-Style Tournament. The Winner will then go on to face our Rumble Rose Champion, Lady X." This promises...

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The Legend of Zelda Breasts of the Wild

Long ago, the Kimgdom of Hyrule was at peace and it's people knew true harmony. Then, as the legends foretold, the Calamity Ganon returned to the land and ravaged the land and took control of Hyrule Castle. The primcess Zelda and her chosen knight fled and prepared for the coming fight along with the four champions. But, the champions were locked within the Devine Beasts, the army of guardians were corrupted by the Calamity, and the chosen knight was defeated in battle with Ganon. The princess,...

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Jock Tales---Youth Gone WildSummer had finally arrived. Not a moment too soon—I was going nuts. I finished up my Sophomore year, mostly uneventful. Although we did win the state championship, mostly cause of me, it went unrecognized, like someone else had done it. Senior—seniors-seniors. Like the rest of the team wasn't even there. It was fucking with my head, and began more and more diving into the world of male prostitution and d**gs, and less mowing yards, and football. I still worked out a...

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Girl night out goes wild

Girl night out goes wild.My husband Victor and I started dating during our last year in high school.He was my first boyfriend and the first man I ever kissed. Until the night before our wedding, he had been my only lover, and I haven’t been with another one since my marriage to Victor. First time we made love was when both were eighteen. It was really wonderful because we loved each other so much. But, physically, it was very painful. Victor’s dick was the first thing ever inserted into my...

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Multiple cock fantasy turns wife wild

My wife Jackie and I have been married over 20 years and our sex life hasn't changed much over those years. Like most men I have viewed porn since I was a teenager and have a filthy mind, but Jackie has always been very conservative when it comes to sex. It took a few years to get her to suck my cock and even now it is a rare occurence although she has always loved me giving her oral and more recently, the last couple of years, she has let me lick her arsehole, when she is at her most horniest....

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Wife gets wild

This is one of my favourite stories, I found it on a website years ago and had been looking for it again ever since. I recently found a copy of it on the hard drive of an old computer so I thought I would share it with everyone.I did not write this story and have no idea who did. If the authour would like to claim credit please do!WIFE GETS WILDWe went to my company party a few nights back. Lisa, my wife was by far the hottest babe there. She works out and has always had a hot body. She is...

4 years ago
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The New Neighbor Uncle Drilled Me Wild

I was living on the 10th floor with my parents in a well built society and was in 12th. The flat in front of ours was also ours and dad rented it out one of his office colleague’s relative. He told us about him that he is a maths professor in the college and will be living alone as his wife died 2yrs back and his kids were studying in the UK. His previous house was big and he couldn’t afford the rent so he is here now. Days passed by and we became good friends with the uncle. I used to ask him...

Gay Male
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Enjoying My Teacher Wildly

Hi and hello to one and all, this is Ricky and am coming up with a real story that happen with in recent past. I was doing my bachelor’s degree in a well reputed college in south as my college was at hill station it always remained cold and made us search for warmth in form of liquor or girls. Now coming straight to what I am really up to. I had sex encounter with my class in charge Renuka. She wasn’t beautiful at all but should compliment her structure she had 36-30-32 she had a very curvy...

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In the Wild

Fiction - well the masturbation part is, the rest is memories of real experiences.My daydream today seems to be counter to the weather. It’s raining.But if I close my eyes I can feel the sun on my face as I stand at the crest of a mountain.Looking around I see mountains and valleys, the forest and of course the road I drove in on. I didn’t pass a single car once I took the logging road off the highway; he and I found this spot once when we were just out driving. I think that day my jeans...

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My BF Drives Ne Wild

Hey people..hi…I am Tammana. I am 18 and I stay in Bangalore. I have a boyfriend. His name is Armaan. He is 23 and we have been in a relationship for a few months now. Well to tell u people more about us I look cute, well that’s what all tell me so I like to believe that. But frankly speaking from what I hear from a lot of people I am what every guy likes in a girl. Big boobs, big round nice ass and you know what. And my boyfriend is also very good looking, smart and handsome and very...

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Bad Girls Gone Wild

“Sonya, we need your help,” Oskar made puppy eyes.“Help us seduce our mom,” Ben was desperate. “We wanna drag her to bed and fuck the brains out of her. We think about it every day and night.”“Please help us.”“Well...” Sonya was barely surprised hearing this.All three of them looked at Rose who was like a half-naked petite goddess wearing only a yellow bikini and mirror-shades. Ocean waves gently caressed the elegant curves of her figure, her long irresistible legs, and her perfectly shaped...

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Dads MindControlled Daughters Chapter 7 Daughters Exam Turns Wild

Chapter Seven: Daughter's Exam Turns Wild A Belt Buckle Mind-Control Story By mypenname3000 Copyright 2021 Notes: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! “Okay, Janelle, hop up into the stirrups,” said Nurse Alexis, her bob of black hair swaying about her youthful face. “I'll go let Dr. Sharma know that you're here.” “Sure,” Janelle said. She rose from the chair she was sitting by me with a groan. My eldest daughter, twenty-one and very pregnant, waddled to the chair, leaning back to...

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Lupe The Colombian Guesthouse MILF Goes Wild

I continue the tale of how I got involved in the amazing sexual exploits of Lupe, my uncle’s second wife, when I stayed at their guesthouse.I had travelled to the Pacific Coast of Colombia, on my first paid photography assignment after graduating from university. I was staying in a fairly remote small town, as my uncle had moved from the UK many years ago, and bought a guesthouse there.My Uncle Gerry was almost sixty, and I was stunned on arrival at the guesthouse to meet his wife Lupe, who was...

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Daughter Gone Wild

Chapter 1 I've been a single dad for quite a few years now, my daughter's mother simply wanted a divorce and didn't want anything else to do with me or Jenn. You can ask me why but I really have no clear explanation, that's just the way she wanted it. So, I became Mister Mom when she was five and, while it's been a strenuous job being a single parent, there have always been abundant rewards that have made it far more than worthwhile. Jennifer has always been both pretty and bright,...

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Trees Gone Wild

Reddit Trees Gone Wild, aka r/TreesGoneWild! Everyone is aware of the whole, 'it's just an herb, man™" Reddit circlejerk, but I figured it wouldn't be fair for me to cover this site without mentioning /r/TreesGoneWild. Yes, you heard it first here, all of the sexy stoner chicks on Reddit are posting their 420 pictures where they openly flaunt their 'waking and baking' in an erotic fashion. I mean what could be sexier than a beautiful college cutie with a whole bunch of smoke wafting out of her...

Reddit NSFW List

Porn Trends