My Cousins, Jayne And Sally, Part 2 free porn video

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By now you most likely have read how My Cousins Jayne and Sally, through the misfortune of my Uncle Ralph, wound up living with my family. If you haven't read it, that's Ok. I'll sketch out the details for you. If you have read it, then this is still a good read as I've added some details I hope you will find entertaining.

Living close to my Uncle Ralph, Aunt Rose and Cousins Jayne and Sally, my family and their family were close. I had known them all my life and we saw each other regularly; once or twice a month and always on holidays.

Uncle Ralph was my Father's younger brother so that made the family connection. Aunt Rose was uncle Ralph's high school sweetheart and they married right after he flunked out of college at the end of his sophomore year. I'm pretty sure that he had a big dose of the younger sibling syndrome because he never did as well as my Father, even though they had identical genetics.

My Uncle's family got an earlier start and my cousin Jayne was born about 3 years before I came along. My Dad married his college sweetheart, Kate. Yeah, my mom's name is Katherine. She likes to be called 'Kate' so we do. Yeah that's a little redundant, but hey, 'Sue Me!' Just kidding, Just kidding.

My name is "Georgie," by the way.

Georgie Junior, to be exact. Well, that's the way most people think it is spelled. To be exact, my middle name is Jorge, but it sounds the same. Even though my first name is Alexander, somehow my middle name got latched onto and I've always been known as "Georgie."

Now, readers of my first story, don't get your balls in an uproar thinking that in that epistle, said my dad's name was Steve. There is a funny story behind that. I don't like being called "Alexander" any more than I would like being called "Allie" followed by being tormented by being called, "Alley Cat."

My father felt the same way and up until middle school, liked to be called "AJ." It felt good to him and when he signed his papers and tests, with that, teachers would ask who was "AJ."

Well, teachers being who they are and liked everyone in a tight little box, kept asking, "Why don't you put 'Alex' there?" My dad's smart assed retort was always the same. "I don't like it. Why don't you just call me Steve."

Soon the joke caught on and that's what everyone called him. "Steve!" In high school and college he did the same thing and that's how, when and why my mom got to know him as Steve.

When he started in banking as a financial advisor, wanting to sound as professional as possible, so he had the name plate on his desk and business cards emboldened with, "AJ (Steve) Martin" and he had the best of both worlds.

Well, enough about that. Where was I. let's see. Oh yeah, it was less than a year after college my parents were married, my mom was soon pregnant with me. My Aunt Rose was pregnant too.

I've always wondered what it would have been like to have a male cousin and that almost happened. Someone my own age to play with at family gatherings rather than being beaten up by my older cousin Jayne, a girl whom little boys detest or worse, constant tea parties with my younger cousin Sally. Another of those "Yucky" girls. Little did I know, but let's not digress here.

Unfortunately, "Ralph Junior" was stillborn. He never had a chance at life. I heard my parents talking about it one time.

My Aunt Rose was about to deliver a very healthy baby into the world and just before delivery, the umbilical cord got tightly wrapped around his throat, strangling him. Two minutes meant the difference between life and death. So sad.

For some reason, I've always missed him, even though I never met him. I've visited his grave a few times when the family visited my grandparents graves. I'd get a little teary eyed looking at his grave next to theirs, yearning for someone I never got to play with.

No one ever guessed why my eyes got moist. I never met my grandparents either because they were killed just before I was born.

They had gone into the city to see a play and made the mistake of wanting to take in the nice summer's walk and veered into a seedy part of town.

My grandparents weren't wealthy and never carried anything valuable because they had so little. Sending two kids to college can really strangle the pocketbook.

But that didn't stop the muggers. All they got was their two gold wedding rings and a cheap watch my grandfather was wearing. His wallet only had a couple of dollars in it. The "Haul" could not have netted them more than twenty-five dollars.

I guess the muggers didn't like it and payed them both off by making them kneel facing the wall of the alley they had been forced down and shot them both, execution style, in the back of the head. They were never caught.

Anyway, Ralph Junior's plot is right next to theirs next to theirs as I said. Strange how other people's events get tangled up in your life.

Like I said, having a male cousin would have made things much better. Jayne and I always were tussling together and Sally was most often just a stinky little kid to me. But that all changed just before school let out at the end my junior year in high school.

My Uncle Ralph had never been the same after they lost Ralph Junior. Even though time healed things a little and they tried again producing Sally, Uncle Ralph was never the same. I guess he wanted that son. He must have I mourned his "Son" the same way I mourned for not having a male cousin to play with. I know that is different, but mourning is morning, so in my mind it is still the same.

The beginning of that fateful summer the entire country was in a turmoil. First a recession started, the oil embargo didn't help. Lines queued up at the gas pumps. Odd and even days to get gas and all that crap.

Well, as the recession heated up, people started losing jobs and unemployment lines got longer than the gas lines. My Uncle wound up on them when his company fell from the pressure.

My Uncle, who always got tipsy, drinking too much beer at family gatherings, changed to hard liquor. He became a bar fly and driving home drunk after stopping for a couple of shots one evening, ran a red light, totaling his car by crashing his car into an unfortunate station wagon, just there at the wrong time.

The station wagon was carrying a young mother and her infant son.

His conviction on two counts of Vehicular Manslaughter because of a .18 blood alcohol and a sentence of 25 years in prison, with hard labor tacked on and without a chance of parole, left my Aunt Rose in a terrible situation. Lawyer's fees took the family's meager savings and having nothing but a waitress job at the local Ground Round, she just couldn't keep it together.

She lost their house and most of their possessions when the bank foreclosed and also seized her car to pay off the mortgage and foreclosure costs. The bank was ruthless, giving my Aunt only 24 hours notice before they came to lock up her house.

My aunt Rose called my dad hysterical when she found out what the bank was doing and my father calmed her down and invited Aunt Rose, Jayne and Sally to live with us until they got on their feet.

I admit I was a little sullen when they arrived in a friend of Aunt Rose's pickup truck, not even half full, with some boxes and about a half dozen ragged suitcases. That was all they could salvage from the bank's vultures.

I wound up with my most very unfavorite Cousin Jayne as a roommate because our vacant "Guest Room" wasn't large enough for three. There goes the neighborhood.

I loved having my own room and just about private, bathroom. I remember sulking that I would have to share it all with two GIRLS! Even though they were family, I hated the idea.

Sulking after our first dinner together that fateful Friday, I announced I was going to swim some laps in our pool, put on my swim suit and went out for a swim.

Mad as I was with the interlopers into my life, those two cousins changed it much for the better. Actually the swim turned into a petting orgy as "Oscar," that's what I called my "Dick," and his two friends got plenty of attention from my cousins.

Waking up the next morning, as per usual, with "Oscar" at attention, sporting my morning woody, I needed to pee. I crawled out from between my two cousins, staggered into the bathroom. Trying to pee, with a raging piece of wood between your legs is next to impossible for a guy.

Yeah, thats a guy thing. Add an extra hand and the water works just will shut down. Hence, I stood in front of the wide open mouth of the porcelain throne Oscar in hand, waiting for him to relax a little. Before I could pee, Sally grabbed Oscar and told me she wanted to steer.

Not that I didn't like the attention. The activities of the previous night had reshaped my opinion of both Jayne and Sally. They were not 'Icky" anymore. We three had gotten to 'know' each other, and I do mean in the Biblical Sense, real well. Yeah, we had been all over, under, around and through each other, so Oscar was no stranger to their hands and two of the nicest holes in their bodies.

But, that extra hand stopped the business at hand ... or rather ... because of Sally's hand. Jayne, who came in behind her, told Sally that it was hard for a guy to pee with an extra hand there. She let Oscar do his business while two pair of female eyes watched on.

Wistfully, both girls sighed that it would be great to be able to pee standing up. I had actually read a little about it and said that I would teach them how to do it. Much to the girls delight, I told them that I'd teach them how to do it in a couple of days, saying I had more reading to do!

Now you can "Google" it but back then you got all of your information in the library. So I told them they had to wait until Tuesday morning so I could get it right.

Tuesday morning arrived. By then we all knew each other real well. Sally sneaked into the bathroom behind me and wanted to steer again. I swatted her hand away and she giggled. Showing not a bit of hesitation, after I finished peeing, Sally who was starting to do the desperate "I Have To Pee Waltz," had started to dance around.

She was desperately grabbing her crotch with her fingers. Eyes open wide pleading with mine to "Hurry UP!" I could almost hear the urine inside of her yelling "Let Me Out!" She hopped on the throne as soon as I lowered the seat.

Before she could do anything, I knelt down by her right side.

When she turned her head to me I started French kissing her.

Quickly I slid my hand down to her crotch, heeled her by pressing the rear part of my palm against the top of her slit and popped my middle finger into her, wiggling it around. In the shock of the assault and my finger's intrusion she almost jumped right off the toilet.

Sally gasped into my mouth and her body tensed. I kept up fingering her and pressing the heel of my hand over her clit-hood

until she drew her lips off of mine. Then she clamped her knees together, hard, and pleaded with me, "I can't pee with you doing that to me. I have to pee so hard it hurts. Please let me pee."

Jayne, who by then was kneeling in front of Sally, pushed her knees apart and I pulled my finger out and took my hand off her vulva. Pee just gushed out of her. Relief, spread over her face and Sally relaxed.

As Sally's gush ended with a few dribbles, Jayne told her, "I think Georgie was trying to tell you it's difficult to pee with an extra hand on Oscar and perhaps that you need to ask permission first.

"I'm sorry Georgie," Sally said and gave me a quick conciliatory and warm peck on my lips.

As Sally reached for the "T.P." to wipe herself off, I beat her to the music roll and tore off a handful and did the honor for her.

"Oh that tickles," she laughed. Then as I let the moist handful of paper drop into the toilet water below her, I brought my hand back up to her crotch and replaced my middle finger in her and returned the heel of my hand back on top of her.

I knew I had the right spots because Sally let out a soft mewing sound and with eyes closed, leaned her head back in the pleasure. I wiggled my finger inside of her tight vagina and rubbed the heel of my hand back in forth across of her vulva.

Just about the time both Sally and I were really getting into it I got a real hard slap to my right shoulder from Jayne. It definitely surprised me and sternly looking over at Jayne because of the intrusion saw her with just as an intense expression on her face.

It was then I noticed she was kneeling there with her hands tight on her crotch. "Damn you two," Jayne said. "I need to pee too! Sally get the hell off of the toilet and let me sit down. And Georgie if you try to pull that stunt on me like what you just pulled on Sally, I'll kill you right on the spot!"

Well, that started all three of us laughing and that didn't help Jayne's situation at all. Even though Sally almost vaulted off the throne and I got out of the way, the laughing had done its deed. Jayne left a puddle on the floor and a trail up to and over the seat.

Embarrassed that she had leaked all over the floor she turned red and we all laughed over that as she gushed what seemed to be a gallon of urine into the toilet bowl.

Not to leave it alone I chided her with, "Sally, where did we leave the diapers. Your sister doesn't seem to be potty trained yet!"

Jayne shook an accusing finger at both of us claiming, "I'll get even with you two. I'll get even with you two and you will never forget it either."

Then we all laughed and laughed until Jayne's stream tapered off into dribbles and finally a few drops. She didn't do anything then. She just sat there with her knees open and a hand on each one.

Sally had been kneeling in front of her as she peed and I had taken a similar spot next to her as I had while Sally was on the throne. But, Jayne just sat there, looking at me, sideways, waiting.

I looked at Sally and then back to Jayne. Then not being able to figure out what was going on, shrugging my shoulders, I said to Jayne, "What?"

She replied by looking down at her crotch and looked back at me.

Still not getting it, I looked at Sally and she just started laughing uncontrollably and grabbing her arms around her belly, literally doubled over, rolling on the floor.

Jayne was smiling at me and finally when she gave her head a twist and a nod signaling me to to look "Down There!" I figured it all out.

There she was, legs spread apart and there were sparkling beads of water on her vulva. As I caught on, I reached across her and grabbed a wad of T.P. And gave her the attention I had given Sally. Repeating what Sally had said, uttered, "That tickles."

As I dried her and dropped the similarly moist packet into the John, I retracted my hand. Whereupon she grabbed my wrist, quite snugly telling me, "You're not done yet. Not by a landslide. And if you don't make me orgasm, right now, you will pay for it later. You will pay!"

She rested my palm on her stomach and leaned back, pushing her hips forward so the rear of her butt was on the leading edge of the toilet seat. Her right breast was inches from my mouth and I took advantage of that in a swift motion. I know I surprised her as my lips clamped down on her nipple and sucked.

By the time she was able to say, "Oh!" my hand was on her snatch and two of my fingers were buried deep within her. Boy she was moist and not from peeing either.

Jayne spread her legs wide as I shoved my two middle fingers deep into her vagina, I did the same to her I had done with Sally. I rubbed the heel of my hand, back and forth over the top of her vulva.

She tensed and slid forward a little more as she arched her back, forcing her breast more tightly into my face. I gave the nipple extending into my mouth a little flip with the tip of my tongue and got the usual response when Jayne's body jerked from my playing.

I knew she was getting close and I wanted to send her high as a kite. So, I let go of her beast and keeping the heel of my hand pressing against her and wildly diddling my fingers, I quickly knee crawled over to between her splayed legs.

It's lucky that Sally had backed herself against the wall opposite the toilet because in my haste I would have kicked her real hard if she had been close by.

Jayne was really pretty much a goner and I'm sure she didn't know I had moved. I removed my fingers from her vagina and moved my mouth in for the kill.

I went right to the top of her vulva and sucked her engorged clit right between my lips and pulled that sucker into my mouth. I'd guess with an erection Jayne's clitoris extended to about an inch and a half poking out beyond her clitoral hood.

Then a bunch of things happened seemingly at once.

I heard a couple of knocks on my bedroom door and a little screech from the hinge as it opened. Aunt Rose must have poked her head in the bedroom doorway because I heard her quizzically ask, "Where are you guys?"

Well, just as she started to ask the question, what I was doing to Jayne took hold of her and she let out a scream, "Ayeee!"

Of course that was also the same instant I had forced my right thumb deep into her and rotated it as deeply into her as her clenching vagina allowed.

"Ooooommmmmpppppffff!" quickly followed and grasping her stomach with her arms, doubled forward and shuddered, as a nice strong orgasm hit her. I guessed I had redeemed myself and she would not need to kill me after all!

Then as I released her from my mouth, but letting my right thumb stay inside, I felt her vagina continue rippling over it.

Jayne recovered enough to say, "Wow!" at the same time I heard Aunt Rose exclaim from my bedroom, "Oh my! ... Oh my!"

Sally called out, "We're in here mom."

Aunt Rose answered back a third, "Oh MY!" and added, "When you guys are finished, breakfast, 'waffles, ' is/are ready."

"Ok, mom," Sally called back to her mother. "We'll be down shortly."

I heard my bedroom door shut and as she went down the stairs to the first floor we could hear her saying a series of "Oh, my. Oh my." travel with her.

"Ooopppsss!" I said, mostly to myself, but it was loud enough to start my cousins off on another giggle fit.

Well, as I wound up kneeling in Jayne's puddle, I grabbed a handful of T.P. and proceeded to glean it up. Jayne stepped off the side of the toilet bowl and retrieved the roll of paper towels from the cabinet under the sink and tore off a chunk.

She dabbled it under the faucet getting it a little wet and shoved me out of the way and wiped the floor saying, "I don't want to leave the floor sticky."

"I would have done that," I told her but from her retort I didn't have her convinced as the countered, "Yeah, right!"

I just laid on the cold time floor and watched as she first wet the floor the the damp paper towel and then taking another clump of towel, dried the floor.

Looking over at me sulking, she said, "What's the matter. I still love you even if you are a guy and don't know how to clean!"

I said back at her, "Yeah, but you hurt my feelings."

"You are a sensitive little bastard aren't you!" was her reply. Then straddling me and pushing me from the fetal position I was in to flat backing me, her body descended upon me and with a forward tilt caught her pubis under my balls and continued upward scrunching my balls tightly.

She had pinned my arms on my sides so I could not retaliate. Jayne smiled into my contorted face as she humped my balls.

"Do you love me?" she asked. "Do you still love me?"

I just responded with an "Oh, yeah." and then added, "Please don't stop."

Oscar was getting real hard again and we hadn't played since waking up and he needed to be played with.

Jayne stopped humping my balls and slid up over then and spread her sex over my woody and rubbed up and down over me. The feeling was sensational. I wanted her to speed up and get me off or lift up and shove me inside of her.

But, no dice. She just kept teasing me. Keeping up that satin pressure from her sex spread over me making Oscar beg for more. Then before he did, she stopped cold ... well she stopped, still caressing me with her satin labia.

The warmth from her was nice, but I wanted, "More!" telling her so.

When I opened my eyes, there she was peering back at me with a big smile on her face and said, "That's All Folks."

I heard Sally laugh and then Jayne joined in as I was told that even though I'd sent her to the moon and back, she still owed me one.

Then she added, "First breakfast. Then a romp in the pool and then back here. By then I should have enough pee in me, and Sally too for that matter, for you to teach us to pee standing up."

"When that is done, Oscar can park himself in my garage and I'll make him come again." Jayne had a way with words, didn't she.

So there I was, being helped up with the epithet from Jayne, "Time for breakfast."

She grabbed Sally's hand and Oscar and we all went downstairs, all naked like the J-Birds we were. Walking into the kitchen that way startled the rest of the family sitting around the kitchen table.

As Aunt Rose looked up first and uttered another, "Oh, MY!" causing my father to look up, mid sip from his coffee cup, choked and coffee dribbled out of his nose.

My mother laughed and said to Jayne. "I see you have found out to make Georgie tow the line and behave.

Still coughing, my father added, "Just like you keep me in tow, too!"

My mother swatted him on the shoulder and at the sound of the crack of her hand on him, Aunt Rose sighed another "Oh My." Then she confessed, "I don't know how I'm going to get used to all this. I just don't know."

With that, the Squirt piped in with, "It's easy mom. Just go with the flow!"

By now you most likely have read how My Cousins Jayne and Sally, through the misfortune of my Uncle Ralph, wound up living with my family. If you haven't read it, that's Ok. I'll sketch out the details for you. If you have read it, then this is still a good read as I've added some details I hope you will find entertaining.

Living close to my Uncle Ralph, Aunt Rose and Cousins Jayne and Sally, my family and their family were close. I had known them all my life and we saw each other regularly; once or twice a month and always on holidays.

Uncle Ralph was my Father's younger brother so that made the family connection. Aunt Rose was uncle Ralph's high school sweetheart and they married right after he flunked out of college at the end of his sophomore year. I'm pretty sure that he had a big dose of the younger sibling syndrome because he never did as well as my Father, even though they had identical genetics.

My Uncle's family got an earlier start and my cousin Jayne was born about 3 years before I came along. My Dad married his college sweetheart, Kate. Yeah, my mom's name is Katherine. She likes to be called 'Kate' so we do. Yeah that's a little redundant, but hey, 'Sue Me!' Just kidding, Just kidding.

My name is "Georgie," by the way.

Georgie Junior, to be exact. Well, that's the way most people think it is spelled. To be exact, my middle name is Jorge, but it sounds the same. Even though my first name is Alexander, somehow my middle name got latched onto and I've always been known as "Georgie."

Now, readers of my first story, don't get your balls in an uproar thinking that in that epistle, said my dad's name was Steve. There is a funny story behind that. I don't like being called "Alexander" any more than I would like being called "Allie" followed by being tormented by being called, "Alley Cat."

My father felt the same way and up until middle school, liked to be called "AJ." It felt good to him and when he signed his papers and tests, with that, teachers would ask who was "AJ."

Well, teachers being who they are and liked everyone in a tight little box, kept asking, "Why don't you put 'Alex' there?" My dad's smart assed retort was always the same. "I don't like it. Why don't you just call me Steve."

Soon the joke caught on and that's what everyone called him. "Steve!" In high school and college he did the same thing and that's how, when and why my mom got to know him as Steve.

When he started in banking as a financial advisor, wanting to sound as professional as possible, so he had the name plate on his desk and business cards emboldened with, "AJ (Steve) Martin" and he had the best of both worlds.

Well, enough about that. Where was I. let's see. Oh yeah, it was less than a year after college my parents were married, my mom was soon pregnant with me. My Aunt Rose was pregnant too.

I've always wondered what it would have been like to have a male cousin and that almost happened. Someone my own age to play with at family gatherings rather than being beaten up by my older cousin Jayne, a girl whom little boys detest or worse, constant tea parties with my younger cousin Sally. Another of those "Yucky" girls. Little did I know, but let's not digress here.

Unfortunately, "Ralph Junior" was stillborn. He never had a chance at life. I heard my parents talking about it one time.

My Aunt Rose was about to deliver a very healthy baby into the world and just before delivery, the umbilical cord got tightly wrapped around his throat, strangling him. Two minutes meant the difference between life and death. So sad.

For some reason, I've always missed him, even though I never met him. I've visited his grave a few times when the family visited my grandparents graves. I'd get a little teary eyed looking at his grave next to theirs, yearning for someone I never got to play with.

No one ever guessed why my eyes got moist. I never met my grandparents either because they were killed just before I was born.

They had gone into the city to see a play and made the mistake of wanting to take in the nice summer's walk and veered into a seedy part of town.

My grandparents weren't wealthy and never carried anything valuable because they had so little. Sending two kids to college can really strangle the pocketbook.

But that didn't stop the muggers. All they got was their two gold wedding rings and a cheap watch my grandfather was wearing. His wallet only had a couple of dollars in it. The "Haul" could not have netted them more than twenty-five dollars.

I guess the muggers didn't like it and payed them both off by making them kneel facing the wall of the alley they had been forced down and shot them both, execution style, in the back of the head. They were never caught.

Anyway, Ralph Junior's plot is right next to theirs next to theirs as I said. Strange how other people's events get tangled up in your life.

Like I said, having a male cousin would have made things much better. Jayne and I always were tussling together and Sally was most often just a stinky little kid to me. But that all changed just before school let out at the end my junior year in high school.

My Uncle Ralph had never been the same after they lost Ralph Junior. Even though time healed things a little and they tried again producing Sally, Uncle Ralph was never the same. I guess he wanted that son. He must have I mourned his "Son" the same way I mourned for not having a male cousin to play with. I know that is different, but mourning is morning, so in my mind it is still the same.

The beginning of that fateful summer the entire country was in a turmoil. First a recession started, the oil embargo didn't help. Lines queued up at the gas pumps. Odd and even days to get gas and all that crap.

Well, as the recession heated up, people started losing jobs and unemployment lines got longer than the gas lines. My Uncle wound up on them when his company fell from the pressure.

My Uncle, who always got tipsy, drinking too much beer at family gatherings, changed to hard liquor. He became a bar fly and driving home drunk after stopping for a couple of shots one evening, ran a red light, totaling his car by crashing his car into an unfortunate station wagon, just there at the wrong time.

The station wagon was carrying a young mother and her infant son.

His conviction on two counts of Vehicular Manslaughter because of a .18 blood alcohol and a sentence of 25 years in prison, with hard labor tacked on and without a chance of parole, left my Aunt Rose in a terrible situation. Lawyer's fees took the family's meager savings and having nothing but a waitress job at the local Ground Round, she just couldn't keep it together.

She lost their house and most of their possessions when the bank foreclosed and also seized her car to pay off the mortgage and foreclosure costs. The bank was ruthless, giving my Aunt only 24 hours notice before they came to lock up her house.

My aunt Rose called my dad hysterical when she found out what the bank was doing and my father calmed her down and invited Aunt Rose, Jayne and Sally to live with us until they got on their feet.

I admit I was a little sullen when they arrived in a friend of Aunt Rose's pickup truck, not even half full, with some boxes and about a half dozen ragged suitcases. That was all they could salvage from the bank's vultures.

I wound up with my most very unfavorite Cousin Jayne as a roommate because our vacant "Guest Room" wasn't large enough for three. There goes the neighborhood.

I loved having my own room and just about private, bathroom. I remember sulking that I would have to share it all with two GIRLS! Even though they were family, I hated the idea.

Sulking after our first dinner together that fateful Friday, I announced I was going to swim some laps in our pool, put on my swim suit and went out for a swim.

Mad as I was with the interlopers into my life, those two cousins changed it much for the better. Actually the swim turned into a petting orgy as "Oscar," that's what I called my "Dick," and his two friends got plenty of attention from my cousins.

Waking up the next morning, as per usual, with "Oscar" at attention, sporting my morning woody, I needed to pee. I crawled out from between my two cousins, staggered into the bathroom. Trying to pee, with a raging piece of wood between your legs is next to impossible for a guy.

Yeah, thats a guy thing. Add an extra hand and the water works just will shut down. Hence, I stood in front of the wide open mouth of the porcelain throne Oscar in hand, waiting for him to relax a little. Before I could pee, Sally grabbed Oscar and told me she wanted to steer.

Not that I didn't like the attention. The activities of the previous night had reshaped my opinion of both Jayne and Sally. They were not 'Icky" anymore. We three had gotten to 'know' each other, and I do mean in the Biblical Sense, real well. Yeah, we had been all over, under, around and through each other, so Oscar was no stranger to their hands and two of the nicest holes in their bodies.

But, that extra hand stopped the business at hand ... or rather ... because of Sally's hand. Jayne, who came in behind her, told Sally that it was hard for a guy to pee with an extra hand there. She let Oscar do his business while two pair of female eyes watched on.

Wistfully, both girls sighed that it would be great to be able to pee standing up. I had actually read a little about it and said that I would teach them how to do it. Much to the girls delight, I told them that I'd teach them how to do it in a couple of days, saying I had more reading to do!

Now you can "Google" it but back then you got all of your information in the library. So I told them they had to wait until Tuesday morning so I could get it right.

Tuesday morning arrived. By then we all knew each other real well. Sally sneaked into the bathroom behind me and wanted to steer again. I swatted her hand away and she giggled. Showing not a bit of hesitation, after I finished peeing, Sally who was starting to do the desperate "I Have To Pee Waltz," had started to dance around.

She was desperately grabbing her crotch with her fingers. Eyes open wide pleading with mine to "Hurry UP!" I could almost hear the urine inside of her yelling "Let Me Out!" She hopped on the throne as soon as I lowered the seat.

Before she could do anything, I knelt down by her right side.

When she turned her head to me I started French kissing her.

Quickly I slid my hand down to her crotch, heeled her by pressing the rear part of my palm against the top of her slit and popped my middle finger into her, wiggling it around. In the shock of the assault and my finger's intrusion she almost jumped right off the toilet.

Sally gasped into my mouth and her body tensed. I kept up fingering her and pressing the heel of my hand over her clit-hood

until she drew her lips off of mine. Then she clamped her knees together, hard, and pleaded with me, "I can't pee with you doing that to me. I have to pee so hard it hurts. Please let me pee."

Jayne, who by then was kneeling in front of Sally, pushed her knees apart and I pulled my finger out and took my hand off her vulva. Pee just gushed out of her. Relief, spread over her face and Sally relaxed.

As Sally's gush ended with a few dribbles, Jayne told her, "I think Georgie was trying to tell you it's difficult to pee with an extra hand on Oscar and perhaps that you need to ask permission first.

"I'm sorry Georgie," Sally said and gave me a quick conciliatory and warm peck on my lips.

As Sally reached for the "T.P." to wipe herself off, I beat her to the music roll and tore off a handful and did the honor for her.

"Oh that tickles," she laughed. Then as I let the moist handful of paper drop into the toilet water below her, I brought my hand back up to her crotch and replaced my middle finger in her and returned the heel of my hand back on top of her.

I knew I had the right spots because Sally let out a soft mewing sound and with eyes closed, leaned her head back in the pleasure. I wiggled my finger inside of her tight vagina and rubbed the heel of my hand back in forth across of her vulva.

Just about the time both Sally and I were really getting into it I got a real hard slap to my right shoulder from Jayne. It definitely surprised me and sternly looking over at Jayne because of the intrusion saw her with just as an intense expression on her face.

It was then I noticed she was kneeling there with her hands tight on her crotch. "Damn you two," Jayne said. "I need to pee too! Sally get the hell off of the toilet and let me sit down. And Georgie if you try to pull that stunt on me like what you just pulled on Sally, I'll kill you right on the spot!"

Well, that started all three of us laughing and that didn't help Jayne's situation at all. Even though Sally almost vaulted off the throne and I got out of the way, the laughing had done its deed. Jayne left a puddle on the floor and a trail up to and over the seat.

Embarrassed that she had leaked all over the floor she turned red and we all laughed over that as she gushed what seemed to be a gallon of urine into the toilet bowl.

Not to leave it alone I chided her with, "Sally, where did we leave the diapers. Your sister doesn't seem to be potty trained yet!"

Jayne shook an accusing finger at both of us claiming, "I'll get even with you two. I'll get even with you two and you will never forget it either."

Then we all laughed and laughed until Jayne's stream tapered off into dribbles and finally a few drops. She didn't do anything then. She just sat there with her knees open and a hand on each one.

Sally had been kneeling in front of her as she peed and I had taken a similar spot next to her as I had while Sally was on the throne. But, Jayne just sat there, looking at me, sideways, waiting.

I looked at Sally and then back to Jayne. Then not being able to figure out what was going on, shrugging my shoulders, I said to Jayne, "What?"

She replied by looking down at her crotch and looked back at me.

Still not getting it, I looked at Sally and she just started laughing uncontrollably and grabbing her arms around her belly, literally doubled over, rolling on the floor.

Jayne was smiling at me and finally when she gave her head a twist and a nod signaling me to to look "Down There!" I figured it all out.

There she was, legs spread apart and there were sparkling beads of water on her vulva. As I caught on, I reached across her and grabbed a wad of T.P. And gave her the attention I had given Sally. Repeating what Sally had said, uttered, "That tickles."

As I dried her and dropped the similarly moist packet into the John, I retracted my hand. Whereupon she grabbed my wrist, quite snugly telling me, "You're not done yet. Not by a landslide. And if you don't make me orgasm, right now, you will pay for it later. You will pay!"

She rested my palm on her stomach and leaned back, pushing her hips forward so the rear of her butt was on the leading edge of the toilet seat. Her right breast was inches from my mouth and I took advantage of that in a swift motion. I know I surprised her as my lips clamped down on her nipple and sucked.

By the time she was able to say, "Oh!" my hand was on her snatch and two of my fingers were buried deep within her. Boy she was moist and not from peeing either.

Jayne spread her legs wide as I shoved my two middle fingers deep into her vagina, I did the same to her I had done with Sally. I rubbed the heel of my hand, back and forth over the top of her vulva.

She tensed and slid forward a little more as she arched her back, forcing her breast more tightly into my face. I gave the nipple extending into my mouth a little flip with the tip of my tongue and got the usual response when Jayne's body jerked from my playing.

I knew she was getting close and I wanted to send her high as a kite. So, I let go of her beast and keeping the heel of my hand pressing against her and wildly diddling my fingers, I quickly knee crawled over to between her splayed legs.

It's lucky that Sally had backed herself against the wall opposite the toilet because in my haste I would have kicked her real hard if she had been close by.

Jayne was really pretty much a goner and I'm sure she didn't know I had moved. I removed my fingers from her vagina and moved my mouth in for the kill.

I went right to the top of her vulva and sucked her engorged clit right between my lips and pulled that sucker into my mouth. I'd guess with an erection Jayne's clitoris extended to about an inch and a half poking out beyond her clitoral hood.

Then a bunch of things happened seemingly at once.

I heard a couple of knocks on my bedroom door and a little screech from the hinge as it opened. Aunt Rose must have poked her head in the bedroom doorway because I heard her quizzically ask, "Where are you guys?"

Well, just as she started to ask the question, what I was doing to Jayne took hold of her and she let out a scream, "Ayeee!"

Of course that was also the same instant I had forced my right thumb deep into her and rotated it as deeply into her as her clenching vagina allowed.

"Ooooommmmmpppppffff!" quickly followed and grasping her stomach with her arms, doubled forward and shuddered, as a nice strong orgasm hit her. I guessed I had redeemed myself and she would not need to kill me after all!

Then as I released her from my mouth, but letting my right thumb stay inside, I felt her vagina continue rippling over it.

Jayne recovered enough to say, "Wow!" at the same time I heard Aunt Rose exclaim from my bedroom, "Oh my! ... Oh my!"

Sally called out, "We're in here mom."

Aunt Rose answered back a third, "Oh MY!" and added, "When you guys are finished, breakfast, 'waffles, ' is/are ready."

"Ok, mom," Sally called back to her mother. "We'll be down shortly."

I heard my bedroom door shut and as she went down the stairs to the first floor we could hear her saying a series of "Oh, my. Oh my." travel with her.

"Ooopppsss!" I said, mostly to myself, but it was loud enough to start my cousins off on another giggle fit.

Well, as I wound up kneeling in Jayne's puddle, I grabbed a handful of T.P. and proceeded to glean it up. Jayne stepped off the side of the toilet bowl and retrieved the roll of paper towels from the cabinet under the sink and tore off a chunk.

She dabbled it under the faucet getting it a little wet and shoved me out of the way and wiped the floor saying, "I don't want to leave the floor sticky."

"I would have done that," I told her but from her retort I didn't have her convinced as the countered, "Yeah, right!"

I just laid on the cold time floor and watched as she first wet the floor the the damp paper towel and then taking another clump of towel, dried the floor.

Looking over at me sulking, she said, "What's the matter. I still love you even if you are a guy and don't know how to clean!"

I said back at her, "Yeah, but you hurt my feelings."

"You are a sensitive little bastard aren't you!" was her reply. Then straddling me and pushing me from the fetal position I was in to flat backing me, her body descended upon me and with a forward tilt caught her pubis under my balls and continued upward scrunching my balls tightly.

She had pinned my arms on my sides so I could not retaliate. Jayne smiled into my contorted face as she humped my balls.

"Do you love me?" she asked. "Do you still love me?"

I just responded with an "Oh, yeah." and then added, "Please don't stop."

Oscar was getting real hard again and we hadn't played since waking up and he needed to be played with.

Jayne stopped humping my balls and slid up over then and spread her sex over my woody and rubbed up and down over me. The feeling was sensational. I wanted her to speed up and get me off or lift up and shove me inside of her.

But, no dice. She just kept teasing me. Keeping up that satin pressure from her sex spread over me making Oscar beg for more. Then before he did, she stopped cold ... well she stopped, still caressing me with her satin labia.

The warmth from her was nice, but I wanted, "More!" telling her so.

When I opened my eyes, there she was peering back at me with a big smile on her face and said, "That's All Folks."

I heard Sally laugh and then Jayne joined in as I was told that even though I'd sent her to the moon and back, she still owed me one.

Then she added, "First breakfast. Then a romp in the pool and then back here. By then I should have enough pee in me, and Sally too for that matter, for you to teach us to pee standing up."

"When that is done, Oscar can park himself in my garage and I'll make him come again." Jayne had a way with words, didn't she.

So there I was, being helped up with the epithet from Jayne, "Time for breakfast."

She grabbed Sally's hand and Oscar and we all went downstairs, all naked like the J-Birds we were. Walking into the kitchen that way startled the rest of the family sitting around the kitchen table.

As Aunt Rose looked up first and uttered another, "Oh, MY!" causing my father to look up, mid sip from his coffee cup, choked and coffee dribbled out of his nose.

My mother laughed and said to Jayne. "I see you have found out to make Georgie tow the line and behave.

Still coughing, my father added, "Just like you keep me in tow, too!"

My mother swatted him on the shoulder and at the sound of the crack of her hand on him, Aunt Rose sighed another "Oh My." Then she confessed, "I don't know how I'm going to get used to all this. I just don't know."

With that, the Squirt piped in with, "It's easy mom. Just go with the flow!"


Same as My Cousins, Jayne and Sally, Part 2 Videos

5 years ago
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Jayne Part2

Jayne arrived at the cafe which was just across the road from the park gates. She felt hungry so ordered a buttered muffin with four slices of crispy bacon and a fried egg, a large tea and feeling naughty a large cherry Bakewell.She paid and stood near the window watching people hurry to work on such a sunny day. Jayne took her compact from her bag and looked in the mirror. She licked her lips and could still taste the guys stuff on them. She reapplied some red lip gloss and as she reached to...

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My Cousins Jayne and Sally Part 1Chapter 1 The Arrival

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My Cousins Jayne and Sally Part 1Chapter 4 Which Bed To Sleep In

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Jayne part 3

Jayne opened her eyes; she had not had a great sleep. Her mind kept wandering to the sight of her parents and what they were doing.Her pillows were damp with sweat and there was a large damp patch on the sheets under her pussy. She touched her pussy, it was sticky. She lifted her finger to her nose and sniffed, it definitely wasn't pee.She knelt up and then lowered her nose to the damp patch on the bed, that wasn't pee either. God, it's my pussy juices, I must have done it while dreaming...

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Jayne Part 1

Jayne was an eighteen-year-old young woman. She had finished school the year before and now had a job. She worked in an office typing pool. The job was boring, but the money she earned gave her some independence. Her taste in fashion, to put it mildly, did not exist. There was nothing distinctive about her clothes, she had little fashion sense, and really never cared that much for shopping or what she was wearing. If it covered her body and was comfortable, that was all that matter. Hence...

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Jayne gone wild in Africa 2009

Wild Africa. A story I wrote for my wife based on true events but heavily heightened with my fantasies for her.. EnjoyWILD AFRICAIt had been over a year since our last indulgence in the forbidden delights.The suggestion of revisiting the Gambia and rekindling the relationships there had been well discussed and was, or I had thought, the most probable route to finding Jayne a well hung black man other than finding something nearer home in the UK.In 2011-12 some issues prevented us from enjoying...

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Jayne Jayne Felicity Spencer I looked at the clock. It was ten past six. "She won't be here for at least another four hours. I'll just give it another few minutes," I said to no one in particular. Picking up the evening newspaper, I carried on reading the article that I had started. I glanced at the clock after I had finished the report. "Well, John, time to start." I have this habit of talking to myself! I got up and walked into the bedroom and removed my clothes. I stared...

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The First time Jayne and I met

I first met Jayne when she was the then girlfriend of one of my rugby mates. Dave was 21 had his own flat, was stunningly good looking, good at rugby, had a great body and abs, did I mention he also got all the girls as well!Were we jealous? Of course we were, but he still put the guys first, and we did have the use of his flat if we needed to if you get my drift…!Jayne was then 17, going on 25 and frankly put up with a load of cr*p from 3 rugby guys.They had been going out for some time, and...

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Plain Jayne

Carl Joliet had been an avid film buff. It might have been one of the reasons he’d courted and married Jenny James: though she was a simple girl from a simple family she’d reminded him of Jayne Mansfield, and that, some people thought, was reason enough for him. They had been quite happy together, and in the fifth year of their marriage Jenny had given birth to a daughter. Carl had insisted she be called Jayne. Jenny never knew why, but she thought it sounded nice, so Jayne it was. When she...

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Jayne the Virgin Chapter 9

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Jayne Sarah and Me

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Jayne the Virgin Chapter 10

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Jake and Jayne Pt 2

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Jaynes bar bull

My wife Jayne and I have been together for over 30 years and I still think she’s the sexiest woman I’ve ever met. For years, one of my favourite fantasies was to see her with another man and to have her experience having sex with me and another man at the same time. It took me awhile to share my fantasy with her because I wasn’t sure how she’d react. When I did finally tell her, she had a lot of questions as to why I’d want that. But over time, she started warming up to the idea and eventually...

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Jayne and Laurent The Red Dragon Social Club Cha

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Jayne and Laurent The Red Dragon Social Club Cha

It was a balmy early summer evening when Laurent’s convertible drew up the long drive leading to the Lomas’ home. The gravel crunched under the tyres as it rolled to a stop by the front door, and Laurent saw the curtains twitch. Seconds later Jayne was at the door, waving to him with a flirtatious smile. Awkwardly, he waved back, uncomfortable with the level of intimacy displayed in her smile. As she walked towards the car he looked her up and down. She was wearing a tailored white blouse,...

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Jayne the Virgin Ch 1

This a true story of how I deflowered Jayne the 85 year old virgin. This really long story will be broken up into shorter chapters. This is chapter 1.When I deflowered Jayne she was the oldest virgin I have ever fucked. When I took her virginity she was 85 years old.As mentioned in the previous story about Emily and I, Jayne is an 85 year old virgin with a slim build, good size tits, and wears mumu dresses all the time with nothing under them. She was sheltered and repressed from having sex...

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Jayne The Hot Office Assistant

It’s not easy being beautiful.  Jayne King often wondered what it was like to be an average person.  Jayne was always hassled or whistled at.  She was used to getting attention from men and women.You see, Jayne had an abnormally large chest.  Oddly enough, she didn’t have implants.  If she was walking down the street, people would cat call out to her.  She would get very embarrassed by the sexual comments towards her.She was constantly hit on at bars and clubs.  Not only did Jayne have a...

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Jayne the Virgin Ch 4

This a true story of how I deflowered Jayne the 85 year old virgin. This really long story will be broken up into shorter chapters.Link to Ch 3: is chapter 4:In chapter 3 this story left of with me asking my wife for more details on how deflowering Jayne the Virgin was going to happen. She told me they are still planning it and are getting closer to how Jayne would like it to happen but more discussion is going to happen as these...

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Jayne part II

After two weeks Jayne, my wife’s sister, finally left. It seems her husband, Richard. Had seen the error of his ways. The fact that Jayne controlled all the money in that relationship had nothing to do with it. The guy was a waster. He would try some hair-brained every so often, and the outcome would be the same, down the toilet went more money.Life was back to normal in our household. My wife was as busy as ever with work, flying all over the country on one deal or another. In fact, I was...

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Caning SuzyJayne Part 2

It was a Thursday evening and almost a week since I’d met Suzy-Jayne at Blake’s party, the one to one session I’d done with her had never been far from my mind. I’d copied her phone number into my diary using my unique, personal coding system which I guess was hardly necessary now that I was once more living on my own, but old habits die hard as they say. Rosalind, my nymphomaniac, but sadly, very vanilla girlfriend of two years, had moved out of my flat four weeks earlier. It was an amicable...

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Jayne V

Jayne V The morning after fucking Jayne on the deck, I awoke to the sound of furniture being moved around downstairs. I threw on shorts and a t-shirt and headed downstairs. ‘No, don’t just put it anywhere, I want that sofa over here, then I want you to move the coffee table over here.’ Jayne was in full flow; the poor removal guys were dancing to her tune. I turned away from the scene and decided to make some coffee. After searching through the cupboards, I found the coffee, filled the machine...

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Three o'clock in the morning with just a deck chair a three quarter bottle of whisky and a full glass which I knew if I started to drink I won’t stop. Battered bruised and feeling sorry for myself following a very painful divorce. The only true statement my wife made during the divorce was I thought more of my Mother than her, yes it’s true.I found my wife now my ex wife naked riding my bosses penis whilst slapping her thighs with a riding crop I instantly resigned by the only way I knew...

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Paul and Jayne part 2

“This looks wonderful, Paul,” she said. “Aren’t you having anything?” “No, Jayne, I’m not hungry,” Paul replied. As she tucked into her breakfast, a thought occurred to her. “I can’t keep calling you Paul while you’re dressed like that, can I? What can I call you? Paula? No, too similar to your real name. Angela? Hmmmm, maybe.” She paused while she ate another mouthful of breakfast. “ Yes, I’m going to name you Angela.” When Jayne had finished her breakfast, she handed the plate to Paul and...

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Charles and Jayne

The Honourable Charles Crighton, eldest son of the Jacob, Baron Easterleigh was feeling very proud of himself. He had for the past hour conversed politely and pleasantly with Miss Jayne Fanshawe - Smythe whilst walking around the gardens of the ancestral home and had on no occasion so much as touched any part of her, except when he dutifully kissed her hand on meeting. It was another of Mother’s ruses to get him wed. It had become her obsession to have him tied down in the tedium of holy...

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Jayne IV

Jayne IV It's been two months since my wife walked in on me fucking her sister Jayne, and to my relief, joined in. The next couple of days had been amazing, sleeping with them in the same bed, to be honest, it was a blur most of the time. At one point, Jayne was kneeling above her sister’s pussy with her own just touching. I was sliding out of one and then into the other, and then back again... I was in heaven. But now we had reverted to some sense of normality. My wife Louise was as busy as...

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Jayne III

My wife was due to return home in two days. In the meantime, I'm staying at my sister-in-laws.Making sure her prick of a husband doesn't return, and cause any more problems for her. My wife had insisted that I stay there with her sister. This was fine with me because I was keeping her sister occupied in various ways.With two days to go before my wife returned, I thought it best to begin to ease off with her sister.As much as I enjoyed the sex with her, it was time to cool it.I decided to get up...

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Paul and Jayne Part 1

One morning, acting on an impulse, he stopped at the bus stop where she was waiting, wound down the passenger window, and asked if he could give her a lift to wherever she was going. She told him that she wouldn’t want him to go out of his way, but he assured her that it would be his pleasure. She accordingly got into the car, and as she did so, her skirt slid up her thighs to give Paul a glimpse of her white panties. Paul immediately got hard, and Jayne could clearly see the bulge in his...

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How I became Jayne The Crossdresser

It started in 1976,around August,I had just met John a guy my around my age,who lived alone near me. He wasn't shy to admit he was gay,and I was curious,and I told him one Friday after we got back from the pub about my interest. Before I knew it John & I had undressed & I had Johns cock in my mouth,sucking him off,& he soon quaked into an orgasm,cumming in my mouth so fast I gagged slightly before I managed to swallow most of it.John was keen to make it a pleasure for me &...

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I was stood at my living room window, 9:30 on a beautiful sunny day. I watched as my neighbours either went off to work, I was on vacation for a couple of weeks, or they were returning from dropping their respective c***dren off at school. Mrs Odslow, who lived opposite our house, waved as she worked in her garden.It had all the makings of being a perfect day. I finished my coffee and was just turning to take the cup into the kitchen when I saw her car coming along the street.A white BMW, top...

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Jeffrey and Jayne

Jeffrey and JayneJayne lay there awake again. She had Just looked at the clock and it was 2am, she had to be up for work in 4 hours! However much she tried to nod off she just couldn’t, she was far too frustrated.It started when Jeffrey got home from work, as it always did.She called “Hello sexy, I’ve run you a bath!” As he walked through the door, then “Tea will be 20 Minutes!” All she got in reply was “I’m hungry and tired!” He had a bath and then ate his tea in silence. After he had eaten...

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Jayne Part 1

She walked into the restaurant, almost floating, full of self-confidence and with an ease that only added to her stunning appearance. Dressed down in tight fitting jeans and a white T-shirt, with slashes across the shoulders and across the chest – that just gently hinted at her amazing cleavage – she smiled and flashed her eyes as people looked up at her as she crossed the room. I’d known Jayne since she was sixteen. Even back then she had had a natural ability to attract attention, at least -...

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My Bike ride with Jayne

It looked like it was going to be another boring Sunday afternoon . My sister had gone off with some of her pals to some girl guide event , mum was busy in the kitchen and dad was was lying snoring on the sofa , None of my pals fancied doing anything , so I was lying in front of the television trying to find something to watch that would hold my interest , no wall to wall sport back then , just old movies like The Dambusters , The Great Escape or Sink The Bismark . Suddenly I heard the door...

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Miss Jayne and Mistress Elaine High priestesses o

“Oh, God, I’m late!”I almost tripped over my high heels as I ran towards my cherry red Lamborghini, my hobble skirt hitched over my thighs, blonde wig askew. I fumbled in my Dior purse for my car keys.“Phew!” I was so relieved; I couldn’t imagine how much trouble I’d be in if I got to work too late. Thankfully, the Lambo responded instantly to my high heel on the gas and I roared out into the morning traffic. There was only one set of traffic lights at which I was able to tidy up my makeup.Soon...

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The Punishment of Jayne

It was a very memorable day when Jayne walked into my life. I was a supervisor and she was part of a group of new assitants. When she walked in with the others she stood out like a swan amongst the pigeons. Soft creamy skin, long strawberry blonde hair, slim waist, yet with a lovely full ass, and lovely rounded thighs. She had a smile that lit up the room. She was much younger than me, not even 20 years old, and I was in my late twenties and accelerating, yet she stole my breath away. I still...

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Caning SuzyJayne Part 3

Following my visit to Suzy-Jayne’s house, the thought of the two hours I’d spent in her company were never far from my mind. Despite having led an active sex-life since my teens, I had always enjoyed, perhaps even preferred, the unrestrained pleasure afforded by masturbation. Even, during the two years I’d lived with Rosalind and where we shared intimacy at least once on most days, I had still relished the opportunity of being alone in the flat to pleasure myself to the thoughts of the things...

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Jayne the Virgin Ch 5

This a true story of how I deflowered Jayne the 85 year old virgin. This really long story will be broken up into shorter chapters.Link to Ch 4: is chapter 5:We left for the restaurant. Naomi took Suzy in her car rather than ride with me. This was in case we had to leave the hotel at different times. When we arrived there was about a 25 min wait. I texted my wife letting her know what was going on. She said to have fun with Brent....

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Jaynes May Day Meet

Jayne's May Day MeetWe had booked a room for the weekend at the 'Dukes Folly' hotel , in Southport, enticed by the promising weather forecast after our miserable first few months of the year.After checking in just after lunchtime on Saturday my husband and I decided to go and have something to eat. For convenience we headed to the local Wetherspoons, The Willow Grove.Upon entering we noticed a gang of 12-14 young men, aged in their 20's to late thirties. They were very loud and quite boisterous...

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Jayne and Jeffrey 2

IIIt took Jayne a few weeks to get used to the idea that Jeffrey had been watching porn with images of transvestites being dominated by pretty, strong women. She found that the more she got used to the idea the more it turned her on.When Jeffrey was out, and she was in on her own, she frequently hacked his account on the porn site and watched all of his favourites over and over again. Being particularly interested in any new favourites he added. Afterwards she would masturbate with her...

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A New Slave for Mistress Jayne

A new slave for Mistress Jayne Chapter 1 In time all things can be explored. Sexuality is as much a journey as life itself and can take many routes through the forest of human imagination and desires. With a wry smile on her faceMistress Jayne pondered this philosophy as she turned from the bound slave who was lying face up on her black leather torture table and picked up her shockwave remote controller.She had spent the last ten minutes in the dark candle lit dungeon ensuring that her...

4 years ago
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Nandita To Nandini

Hi, To all Iss reader this is my first story hope U all would like it a complete self raj i live in Mumbai this story is about my aunty nandita,let me describe her she is in her 30s,lives with her husband and daughter.She is born beauty with an awesome fig of 36.28.40 ..her assets are her huge melons of 36 d and her ass that will give a hard on to any guy who looks at it So now my story starts this was like 5 years ago when I was appearing for my 12 th HSC examination at that time my...

3 years ago
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Jayne the Virgin Ch 3

This a true story of how I deflowered Jayne the 85 year old virgin. This really long story will be broken up into shorter chapters.Link to Ch 2: is chapter 3.:Along with Ginger's red hair on both her head and pussy, the carpet matches the d****s, Ginger's pussy has dark pink, very large, meaty lips that hang down past her pussy hair and a very large clit that gets much bigger and engorged when she is sexually aroused and turned on....

4 years ago
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Jayne Turns Fifty

So after 36 years of fucking guys and girls, I was nearing a landmark Birthday, one I was wary of reaching, the big 5-0!My husband told me every day just how beautiful I was, my new fans, clammering for my newest photo sets and videos, I had a backlog of 15 guys wanting my used knickers, yet I was still about to hit my big old half century! On the morning of my birthday hubby surprised me having a taxi pick us up and take us to a favourite, cosy little hotel in Cheshire. We often went there for...

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Sandy and Sam and Sally and Max

Chapter 1: So Like A Woman Sandy had led a sheltered life. Just 24 years old, she had had no other lover than her husband of two years, Sam. Sex was still a bit of a mystery to Sandy, though she was excited by it when it happened and often found her mind turning to it when she was doing some chore around the house. Her neighbour and best friend Sally once gave her a vibrator as a joke present but though she had unwrapped it and even held it a few times she hadn’t dared to use it and kept it...

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Jayne the Virgin Chapter 6

This is chapter 6 of the Jayne the Virgin series. I apologize for the long delay and gap between chapters 5 and six. Here is the link to chapter 5: Barb and I got to the room Big John and Suzy were already on the bed and starting to have sex. Barb immediately sat on the edge of the bed we used and took my whole cock down her throat. I looked over at John who gave me an approving nod. Barb and I had never had sex in front of him...

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Jayne the Virgin Ch 2

This a true story of how I deflowered Jayne the 85 year old virgin. This really long story will be broken up into shorter chapters.Link to Ch 1: is chapter 2.Barb and I left and I asked what she wanted for dinner. She told me and we went to her favorite local short order burger joint. We went through drive through got the food and then she wanted to go to an overlook to eat. We drive and ate on the way. By the time we got there she...

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And so I was born – under the harvest moon: July fourth, 1958. I cried but apparently mum had a big smile on her face!When I was three, my sisters started crossdressing me – every day! And, oh my, they put me into the most gorgeous, frilliest, gurliest little outfits they could find. Mum didn’t even seem to mind. “Just don’t get your clothes dirty!”I stayed as Little Jayne until I was 10. My sisters lost interest while mum told me to stop putting on dresses – it was time to become a boy again....

1 year ago
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My fantasy for Jayne

I plan out an evening for both of us to spend some time alone. I would have the appt. to myself because all the roomies would be somewhere else and have agreed to not come back here for the night. I start out by arranging something that I think you would really like. I decided to treat you to a professional underwear. The gown is long, red, and has a zipper in the back which would extend to the bottom of your back. The note says, “I love you Jayne. The limo is going to drop you off at my house....

4 years ago
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Jake and Jayne Pt 1

Hi, I’m Jake, I was born in South Africa and immigrated to Australia in 2005. I’m 22 and roughly 178cm tall. I love sport especially Rugby and use to play it quite often in my High School years. But recently due to University, I became lazy and never really participated in any sports. I’m not an overly healthy person and therefore sported a bit of a belly, but nothing major, like a beer gut or anything, but in high school I had awesome rugby body. I’m reasonably endowed, having a 19...

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Jayne Meets Boyfriend

I am a bi-sexual transvestite,having at least panties & bra under my day clothing,then at home I love dressing fully en-femme, from lingerie to a wig. Usually I'm wearing my black-36A padded bra,with matching panties,stockings,black hi-heels,a black midi-dress or skirt& a white c-thru blouse,long curly auburn wig & make-up.I never told anyone about my dressing up at the start,even keeping it secret from my girl-friend, Lynda, for a long time. But one day in the summer Lynda & I...

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The Slutting of Sally James Chpt 3 Sally gets Mandingoed

Over the next few weeks Jeffery and Max often drove down to the Gold Coast to visit Sally. Sometimes they came together and I would find Sally exhausted and completely fucked out on our big bed. She was just waiting for me to come home and say, “Rick come and feel how wet and open I am, Darling!” She knew how hard that always made me. She was such a hot little prick-teaser.Max would sometimes come alone and give Sally a S&M lesson on how to be his personal little super slut. He gave it to her...

2 years ago
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Return from Sally IslandChapter 14

At Sally's suggestion, we met for an early dinner at a popular restaurant just off the Stanford campus. We'd beaten the Saturday-night date crowd. It was too early for me to be very hungry, but dinner wasn't as important as talking to Sally –- alone and at length. "Baby, I don't want to share you with anybody!" I told her. "What? What happened to 'meeting other people?'" "Sally, I can't stand this! I'm in love with you! I'm crazy in love with you, and when you started dating...

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Return from Sally IslandChapter 2

The flight to Honolulu was uneventful and I found myself thanking Providence that Sally's message had been received in early summer, at the most opportune time for me to respond to it personally. In the fall, I would be commencing my third and final year of law school at Stanford. But at this moment, I had at least nine weeks of freedom, during which I could pursue this quest. I can't deny that I was excited at the prospect. No navigator, I had nonetheless equipped myself with the finest...

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Bob Comes for a Stay at Jack and Sallys Part

As he drove south on Interstate 24, Bob was whistling a happy tune. He could not help but be excited. And hard. He was on the outskirts of the city, and another 30 minutes he would be pulling into Sally and Jack’s drive. Tonight, he would be sleeping with Jack’s wife.It was only 30 minutes flying time, but adding in the hour or so for check-in at the airport, and the time it took to get from the airport to Sally and Jack’s, well, he did not mind the not quite four hour drive from his house to...

4 years ago
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Return from Sally IslandChapter 4

Checking into the hotel, I noticed that Sally Gervais seemed apprehensive and more than a little cowed by the activity all around her. I had anticipated some of this. I guided her through the formalities at the desk and we followed a bellhop up to our eighth floor oceanfront rooms. The young man opened the double doors between the two rooms, handed each of us separate computerized "keys," thanked me for his handsome tip and departed. "This is your room," I explained to Sally. I hung up...

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Return from Sally IslandChapter 9

When I got back with an extremely optimistic supply of condoms, I was pleased and gratified to see that Sally had gotten up, re-made her bed, and freshened her body with still-another shower. She had then arranged herself attractively in the center of the bed to wait for me, wearing only a smile. It was to be her first experience with condoms. Evidently, her bunny-like parents hadn't felt the need for birth control while on their private world in the South Pacific. But Sally knew the basics...

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Return from Sally IslandChapter 8

"You're going to do it, then?" she said. "Oh, yeah! I've tried my best to talk you out of it, but I failed. We can apologize to each other later." "You won't have to apologize!" she said, positioning herself smack in the middle of the big bed. "You won't be sorry!" "No, I won't," I agreed, stripping off my shirt and my shorts and my overstretched Jockeys. "Fuck me!" she cried. Had she read that in one of her mother's romantic novels? "I will!" I said, but first, I...

4 years ago
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Return from Sally IslandChapter 7

So, OK, I had a strong sense of ethics and knew what was right and what was wrong, and unlike Sally Gervais, it hadn't been Forever since I'd gotten laid. Also unlike Sally Gervais, I hadn't watched my horny parents copulating repeatedly on a desert island in the middle of the Pacific. My parents had told me about the birds and the bees but my mother had never promised that, if I would be a good boy, she would someday take me to Hawaii or California and get me laid. I knew all about...

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