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Clara abrió la puerta del camarote y entró, era algo así como un lugar prohibido: el camarote de sus padres. Había conseguido la llave en recepción cuando sus padres bajaron a tierra para tomar un tur. Ella y su hermano se habían quedado a bordo, ella porque no le interesaba visitar viejas ruinas, y su hermano porque había conocido a una española con quien coquetear.

Sus padres habían tomado el crucero como festejo de aniversario, y Clara sabía lo que debían hacer en su camarote por las noches, sólo quería alguna evidencia. Cerró la puerta tras sí y comenzó a abrir cajones, tratando de no desacomodar nada.

Finalmente encontró lo que buscaba en una de las maletas bajo la cama. Había varios paquetes de condones, algunos juguetes eróticos y unas cuantas prendas íntimas. Clara tomó un juego de ropa íntima satinado y un escalofrío la recorrió. Vio el reloj, sus padres no regresarían antes de cuatro horas, sonrió.

Se quitó rápidamente la falda que usaba y el traje de baño, y procedió a probarse la prenda. Le quedaba un poco grande, pero era excitante usarla. Caminó al baño del camarote y se miró en el espejo, hubo de aceptar que le quedaba bien, pensó lo que diría cualquier muchacho de verla así, tal vez usara algo por el estilo cuando decidiera acostarse con un chico, se sentía verdaderamente sexy.

Y sin embargo no le gustaba del todo. Salió del baño y se quitó las prendas, las guardó de vuelta en la maleta, y entonces notó algo que no había visto: un par de esposas. «¿Qué clase de cosas harán con éstas?» se preguntó. Se las llevó a la muñeca y las cerró, no eran esposas de utilería, como al principio pensó, sino verdaderas esposas de policía. «¿Dónde tendrán la llave?».

Caminó de vuelta al baño, pensando que ahí había visto una llave pequeña, se tropezó con el borde de la entrada, y al agarrarse escuchó el sonido de las esposas al cerrarse. Estaba atrapada, las esposas se habían cerrado sobre el toallero. Entró al baño y buscó las llaves por todos lados y en todos los cajones, no estaban ahí.

Se estiró todo lo que pudo hacia la maleta, abierta en la cama junto con sus ropas, pero le era imposible alcanzarlas. Entonces se dio cuenta que estaba completamente desnuda, miró dentro del baño y todo lo que encontró fue una pequeña toalla para cara, la tomó y usó para cubrir su entrepierna. Tendría mucho que explicar cuando sus papás llegaran.

Sin embargo la puerta del camarote se abrió mucho antes de lo que Clara había planeado, y como el baño quedaba justo tras la puerta, cerró la puerta del baño. Clara estaba a punto de informar de su presencia y asumir las consecuencias cuando escuchó la voz de su hermano: -Es el camarote de mis padres, no regresarán hasta la cena, yo tengo que compartir el mío con mi hermana.-

Clara escuchó entonces una risa. -¿Y para qué me trajiste aquí?- dijo una chica con acento español.

-Fue el único lugar donde pensé estaríamos solos.- contestó Roberto. Clara recordó entonces que sobre la cama estaba su traje de baño así como los juguetes de sus papás, y decidió arriesgarse.

-¡Roberto!- Lo llamó desde el baño.

Se hizo el silencio en el camarote. Luego su hermano habló. -¿Clara?-

-Creo que mejor me voy.- dijo entonces la chica española.

-No, pero... - comenzó a decir Roberto, más ya la puerta del camarote se abría y cerraba. -¿Qué estás haciendo aquí... ?- Preguntó Roberto, enojado, abriendo la puerta del baño, y frenándose en seco al ver a su hermana, desnuda, con una toalla cubriendo su entrepierna y esposada al toallero. -¿Qué pasó?-

Clara se cubrió los pechos con la mano libre. -Busca la llave de estas cosas, debe estar en la maleta sobre la cama, y pásame mi ropa, quieres.- Roberto no apartaba la vista de su hermana. -¡Apúrate, quieres!-

Roberto fue a la cama. -¿Quién te hizo esto?- Preguntó y comenzó a revolver la maleta. -¿o acaso estabas esculcando las cosas de los viejos?-

Clara no contestó. -Apúrate por favor.-

De pronto Roberto apareció de vuelta en el baño, ya no se veía preocupado, sino más bien molesto. -¡Estabas esculcando las cosas de mamá y papá! ¿Sabes lo que me hiciste?- Clara volvió a cubrirse, pero no contestó. -Iba a tirarme a esa españolita, y por tu culpa no me volverá a hablar.- Roberto tomó aire. -Debería dejarte así para que mamá y papá te encuentren.-

-¡No! Por favor.- Le rogó Clara, sintiéndose cada vez más desnuda.

-¿No? ¿Por qué no? ¿Para que no te metas en líos? ¿Y qué hay de mí?- Roberto cayó un momento, su rostro cambió, y sus ojos pasaron a examinar el cuerpo de su hermana. -Te ayudaré si tú me ayudas.- dijo al fin.

Clara se sonrojó, sabía lo que su hermano proponía, pero no podía creerlo. -¿Cómo?-

-Comienza por dejarme ver tus pechos, hermanita, - le ordenó Roberto.

-Pero soy tu hermana.- se quejó Clara, apretando aún más la mano para cubrirse.

-Y la culpable de que yo siga siendo virgen.- Reclamó Roberto. -Has eso o te dejo para que mamá y papá te encuentren.-

Clara tragó saliva, miró el rostro de su hermano y vio ahí la determinación, entonces lentamente retiró su mano.

-Tienes hermosos senos, hermanita.- sonrió Roberto.

-Bien, ahora busca la llave.- exigió Clara.

-No, hasta que haya visto todo. ¿por qué no te quitas esa toalla de encima?-

Clara lo miró, pero no reclamó. Cerró las piernas con fuerza y retiró la toalla, aún así se podía ver la pelusa púbica sobre su vagina, escondida entre sus piernas. Por más que pensaba que todo eso estaba mal, la excitaba que su hermano la observara.

-Eres hermosa, hermanita.- comentó Roberto, quien ya respiraba agitadamente. Extendió una mano y acarició la mejilla de Clara. Ésta se sorprendió, pero el toque era tan agradable que cerró los ojos y lo dejó continuar. Pronto la mano de Roberto bajó por su cuello y comenzó a tocar la parte superior de sus pechos. Clara sabía que debía negarse, pero era tan excitante. -Déjame verte, hermanita.- Le pidió Roberto, y ésta vez era casi una súplica, no una orden. -Nunca he visto una mujer antes.-

Clara abrió los ojos, y casi inconscientemente relajó levemente los músculos de las piernas. Sentía que iba a hiperventilar de seguir tan excitada. La mano de Roberto pasó sobre su pezón, y Clara hizo un esfuerzo por no soltar un gemido. Luego Roberto siguió sobre su estómago, su ombligo, hasta llegar a sus piernas. Ahí comenzó a aplicar fuerza para abrírselas. Clara reaccionó. -¡No! ¡Roberto, soy tu hermana!-

Roberto apartó su mano de golpe. La dureza regresó a su rostro. -Si tú me dejas así, - dijo, señalando el bulto en su pantalón. -entonces yo te dejo así.- dijo, señalando la muñeca esposada de Clara.

Clara bajó la cabeza y comenzó a abrir las piernas. Escuchó entonces un cierre, y al abrir los ojos vio que su hermano se había quitado el traje de baño. Aquella era la primera verga que veía en persona, y le dio al mismo tiempo miedo y curiosidad.

Las manos de Roberto fueron a sus piernas y la ayudó a abrirlas, viendo de frente la vagina de su hermana. Clara se sonrojó, pero no cerró las piernas, aquello era excitante y la humedad en los labios de su vagina lo demostraba.

-Es increíble.- comentó Roberto. -Eres mucho más bonita que cualquier actriz.- Clara sabía que se refería a actrices eróticas, pero aún así sonrió ante el cumplido.

Entonces Roberto extendió un dedo y tocó con este el centro de la vagina de Clara. Clara saltó ante el contacto, había sido electrizante.

-Muéstrame como debo tocarte, hermanita.- dijo Roberto mientras con su dedo recorría su vagina de arriba abajo. Clara vio que la otra mano de Roberto estaba ocupada frotando su propia verga.

-No, Roberto, somos hermanos.- insistió Clara una vez más, se llevó la mano a la entrepierna para retirar la de Roberto, pero éste se la atrapó y comenzó a masturbarla con su propia mano. Clara no pudo evitar un gemido, y cuando Roberto la soltó, siguió masturbándose.

Clara podía sentir que un orgasmo estaba cerca y concentró sus dedos en su clítoris, pero entonces Roberto intervino. Retiró la mano de su hermana y la condujo a su verga. Clara estaba muy cerca, y aquello sólo añadió a su excitación, comenzó a acariciar la polla como había visto que su hermano lo hiciera. Roberto por su parte volvió a prestar atención al coño de Clara, la tocó imitándola, aunque algo más rudo.

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The Demons Sons clubhouse sat somewhat obscure, but ominously at the dead end of the road she had grown up on.  She couldn't remember a time in her life when there wasn’t loud bikes or hot rods going by her house.  It was natural to her by this day in time, her eighteenth birthday.  In fact, she had even become quite curious about what was inside.  Her dad had always told her that they weren’t just a motorcycle club like they always purported.  But he also said hundreds of times, “Like most...

Group Sex
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Little SisterChapter 13 Storming Hanover

After the meeting with the local powers of Siemens, Lars walked me to the car. I had the Mercedes, with Russell driving. Loaning me Russell was the sort of generous gesture I learned to expect from Sheila. I was also glad she sent Christine, who makes a great human comforter. It was good that I did not yet know about Lars' transfer. I would have worried all the way to the garage in Manchester. God must have been paying attention, because the clerk at the garage was the same clerk that would...

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Avatar Establishment Book 2Chapter 16

Eric lay in bed, feeling the two women on either side of him against his skin. As big as he was, they made him sleep in the middle; that way, they ended up leaning against him rather than everyone piling toward one side of the bed and almost falling off. He suspected that wasn't the only reason, as neither Joan nor Sally were shy about playing with his cock when the mood struck them. Didn't matter to him -- there were far worse things than having to sleep between the two beauties. He...

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Bonded to My NeighborChapter 10

The big butt plug had loosened just like the previous, smaller ones. It hadn't loosened as much probably because my butthole was probably near the limit to how much it could stretch. It might open just a little wider but not much. Of course, my mind was on Master's words when I left yesterday. "I'm going to fuck you." That was all I wanted. I wanted his cock in me making me cum. That's what I loved most being over at his place. I arrived right at 10. I was eager to be...

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Two Naked Hot MomsChapter 9

Vivian sat on the living room couch, ignoring a dull soap opera on television. It was a hot afternoon, and she wore only a pair of skimpy cut-offs and a T-shirt that clung to her big, braless tits. She wiggled her ass on the couch and spread her thighs, unable to resist rubbing her hairy pussy through her denim shorts. God, even the stupid Soap operas made her horny. Vivian had never dreamed that she could become so obsessed with sex, so entranced with the mere thought of a stiff, throbbing...

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Lodger Becomes Her Lover

Bazza had been kicked out of his girlfriends home after shagging another woman in her bed and she found out about it, He was now homeless and had no were to go until he bumped into a friend down the town, her name was Helen, a sexy hot wife well in her 40's but still a cougar. He told Helen about him becoming homeless and Helen was shocked and didn’t want this to happen so she suggested Bazza come to her home for a while and she would speak to her husband about Bazza staying, he was over the...

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Second ChanceChapter 28

The immediate rush of joy after hearing Rebecca tell me she was pregnant was quickly doused by her admission that the child may belong to someone else. I fought the urge to turn around and walk away, giving Rebecca time to explain, even though it took all my intestinal fortitude. She searched my eyes, expecting me to explode, scream, rant, rave, throw things, or at least do something. I gave her patience, kindness, and time to compose herself before plunging ahead. When she knew I was...

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Animal UrgeChapter 4

Diane lay unmoving beneath him, her fear-clouded eyes fixed on the workings of his mouth as he blurted out the obscene filth to her, its lewdness penetrating and echoing throughout her dazed brain. "Now take it in your hand, honey and guide it into that hot little pussy of yours," he ordered, his sex-glazed eyes gleaming sadistically down at her. "No... no... I can't." "Put it in, you stuck-up little cunt," he snarled in furious impatience at her hesitation. "Do it now or I'll...

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Stupid Boy Sophomore YearChapter 8 Halloween Dance

I got up to run and was stretching in the drive when Peggy came out our back door. She had a big meet on Wednesday for Districts. If she did well, there, she was going to State. She came up to me and gave me a kiss. "I want to say thank you, again," she said. "You need to thank Mom. She's the one that did it," I said. Peggy had slept nearly fifteen hours Saturday night and Sunday. Mom finally woke her up so they could go to lunch, after Mom returned from church. After lunch, Mom sat...

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Bananas Changed My Stepsister

After the episode with the bananas, my step-sister began to change right in front of my eyes. I had created a sex-crazed monster with my urges of lust and there was no turning back the clock. At first, I was a bit disturbed at the inappropriateness of diddling my sister but the fact she was a virtual stranger and the daughter of my mom's new husband mollified me into taking the spoils of her pretty and definitely joyful pussy whenever possible. We were in her bedroom which was a bit more...

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Family LettersChapter 68

Dear Marissa, Will and company, Wow, I put it like that and you sound like some stuffy old corporation. Although in some ways that fits the letters you send me. "I'm Will Murphy, I build the tools to fight the Sa'arm." Of course, if they filmed you surrounded by your babies and ladies, it might inspire a few young boys to take school just a bit more seriously. You could do more good there probably. Sorry to be my usual irreverent self, but I need to relax a bit after the last week....

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Frigate CoveChapter 13 The Deed is Done

"Ladies and Gentlemen, may I present to you, Mr. and Mrs. Cameron and Glynnis Stuart," the minister said with a broad smile. The service was short and happily without incident, either before or during. Cam and Glynnis's smiles mirrored the happiness of their parents and families. The gathering almost filled the little church on a glorious, sunny day in Frigate Cove. The morning fog had burned off by noon and while still cool, the day spoke of the perfect setting for the wedding. The...

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Surviving the Boring Meeting

She is in a beautiful tropical paradise yet stuck inside a frigid, dark hotel meeting room. What a waste of good warm sunshine. Her body craves warmth and she longs to lounge by the pool with a tall, refreshing drink and a good mystery. She pulls her sweater tighter around her shoulders to block the chill from the air conditioning and tries to concentrate on the speaker's droning voice. It's no use, her mind drifts off again, as her eyes roam around the room - scoping out the variety of men....

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Danas Awakening

Dana lay back on the bed, eyes closed heart pounding and dreaming of what was about to happen. Her legs were open, her hands were on his hips ready to guide him in, and she was…READY.She remembered the way their eyes had met across the room at the party. They circled and mingled for a while but kept stealing glances at each other. Often they caught the other looking back. At first, they quickly averted their eyes, but slowly let each other see. Eventually, they shared a smile. Not a happy nice...

Straight Sex
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The Sexual Education BluesChapter 10 Woody and Crystal

Oddly, it was Woody who took charge now. He was thinking about dancing, which was his strong suit. And, now that she was willing to talk, he felt better about being more aggressive. He took her to the sweeping driveway, where two cabs were parked under the awning at the front entrance of the conference center. Both drivers were napping, their windows down in the evening heat. Woody woke the younger one up. "Any place in town that has more than one dancing style?" he asked. "Yeah," said...

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Tamarillas Choices the Pg13 VersionChapter 9 Yo Ho Ho

Lindi set an unrelenting pace through the passage under the mountain, even Lori who knew first-hand what would happen if the Elves caught them, desired some time to rest. Finally Tamarilla gave an exasperated sigh and sat down. "I refuse to go any farther until I rest! My legs are very tired, I'm not used to the frantic pace you set Lindi. I'm thirsty too." The look on Tammi's face was stern and Belinda knew that stopping for a short time would be alright if it kept the group happy. I...

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Just the other night

Thought I would add to my stories today. This happened just the other night.When we went to bed I was pretty tired and I wasn't in the mood. It doesn't happen often but some times it just can't be helped. Anyway she just knows how to get me going. First she snuggled up close. She always sleeps naked and I could feel her huge tits against me. She lay on my shoulder as she usually does and began lightly playing with my cock. Shortly there was a bit of stirring and she took this as her cue to...

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Threesome With Graceful Gracy And With My Girl Shilpa

Hello sexy people. hand shake to guys, boobs shake to girls. Your comments on my previous stories are really inspiring. I’m going to narrate a new story and I hope you people enjoy it. Sit back and keep your hands on your crotch. Let’s begin. I was committed to a girl called Shilpa during my college days. We were committed for long time and were enjoying wonderful bachelor days and also our sex life was peaking just then. Shilpa was not so hot, she was just a normal girl. Now before we get...

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My First Experience With A Girl

Hi this is ram I am sharing my first experience with you guys. Na life lo first time jargina incident idi. Life dry ga una time lo oka amayi parichayam ayindi chatting lo. Tanatho chat chestunapdu tana pic pampindi baga white ga sexy eyes cherry lips koncham boddhuga sexy ga undi. Tanu chennai lo work chestundi so akadey oka flat teskoni untundi. Weekends tanaki bore ga undadam tho nannu rammindi bt modatlo nenu no chepanu stay cheyadam ela ani tanu na flat undiga no prob come ani chepindi. One...

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What do frustrated mature women do

As a student, being a naughty girl was second nature and once you got your teeth into the game, it was a colourful, exciting and fullfilling experience. Fast forward 23 years and you hit that awful number 40, then you realise another year has gone, but amazingly, a whole year where you have never felt a cock. 22 years of tugging, pulling, biting, streching, squeezing, sliding, kneading and applying vaccum sucks, with love and saliva, have come to an end, that Christmas. When I say I am dry I...

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Lady in Red Pt 02 Ch 14

Gwen watched Steve dive into the icy waters without any apparent hesitation. Then, as her dress pooled at her feet, she kicked off her heels and headed for the river. Ashley was calling to her, but Gwen’s attention was on the scene in the river. A man in a suit had climbed out of the helicopter and was trying to swim to shore. Although it was only about a hundred yards, Gwen could tell the man would never make it. He was using only his left arm, and quite awkwardly. Gwen was surprised when she...

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