Frontage Road Hot Loads
- 4 years ago
- 41
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It was one of those mornings where you wake up with the decision in hand to change your life. You wake up, and there it is, as tangible and real as the bits of crust in the corners of your eyes. There was the usual great battle with all the bedding, but I managed to fight my way free, fleeing the quicksand oblong of the mattress to stumble into the kitchen to get the coffee going. Then I went into the bathroom, and for the time it took my bladder to empty I was transformed into a horse. By some miracle I didn't overflow the bowl. From there I went to my favorite window and opened it before sitting down in the chair. I lit a cigarette and became a machine. I sucked in smoke, the blew it out through the screen, over and over, until the cigarette was finished. This was my clock. By the time I stumbled back into the kitchen, the coffee would be done brewing. I sat down at the table and drank several cups of my wake-up medicine. Then I fully contemplated changing my life.
Changing my life was of course beyond my capabilities. So I focused on my surroundings. With the headiness born of a Saturday morning, I decided to rearrange all the furniture in my apartment. I was tired of it being so cramped and dark and gloomy in here. I'd considered a major shift many times before but I was always thwarted before I began by one obstacle. Not that I was too lazy to undertake such a chore--I could overcome that inclination just thinking about the rewards. Not that it'd be such an arduous process--it would be a complicated procedure, moving just the one right piece at a time to avoid a gigantic logjam. The problem was that no matter how I considered the space, it always looked to be a game of musical chairs--when the music ended there would be one piece of furniture with nowhere to sit down. The trouble was that I wanted to uncover the front windows, which were blocked by a huge oak secretary. I could see no way to find it wall space without, say, exiling the couch to the middle of the room. Or rendering a closet useless. Or losing a heat vent.
The secretary was a gift from a great-aunt when she'd traded a big family house in the cold north for a small senior's condo in the sunny south. It was a beautiful monstrosity. The very thing only an old maiden great-aunt would wind up having, which wasn't a very reassuring thought now that it sat in my apartment. The story was that the family had brought it over on the boat when they'd first come to this country a million years ago. My story was that it in fact was the fucking boat.
It had a drop-leaf desk, and a rolltop desk. A million little cubbyholes. Sliding doors. The multiple desk section rested on a base containing four columns of four drawers each. Above, glass-doored mirror-backed shelving rose nearly to the ceiling. The wood was carved to incredible detail. Pilasters and flutings all over the place. Corinthian columns for god's sake! Flying buttresses! As if it didn't look enough like a cathedral, perched all around the top were little gargoyles pushing out of the very wood. They weren't separately affixed decorations. Luckily the whole thing rested on ceramic casters. Luckier still, despite the cracks of age, the four wheels were not only whole but still functioning.
At the heart of the whole problem was that I had my bed in the livingroom. The bedroom down the hall past the bathroom I used as a study. Aside from the occasional hoopla of someone getting lucky, bedrooms tended to be the quietest corner of any apartment. I needed no noise to concentrate when I was working. But I could go to sleep, or stay asleep, through all but the greatest din. Such were the necessities of my life.
I gave grave consideration to my latest vision, then set to work. The bed was just a Hollywood frame. I leaned the mattress and boxsprings against the wall in the hall. The couch went where the bed had been, which left enough room on the adjoining wall for the bookcases from the dining nook. The secretary creaked over to the couch's former position. The table and set of four chairs from the dining room I grouped in front of the front windows. Man, that was going to be my new favorite window, I could just tell. The dresser and a couple of chairs and two minor endtables got shuffled around, winding up in better positions than before. Miraculously the bed fit snugly in the dining nook, with the critical room to spare for the crucial bedside table.
The view through the front windows would travel through the livingroom landing directly on my bed, but that didn't bother me. That's what the blinds were for if I chose to care. It was a little unnerving at first--the secretary had provided an excellent privacy barrier. But I well knew from my tenure that almost everyone kept their blinds closed all the time anyway. Those of us dwelling on the second story were safe from the scrutiny of anyone in the courtyard. Factor in screens and exterior glass that'd been washed by nothing but rain in dozens of years and what did it matter if I happened to walk into my livingroom in my underwear? What harm was there if someone across the way chanced to see my naked butt climbing into bed moments before lights out? I decided I'd continue leaving my blinds up, even in the lamplight of night. Otherwise I felt too claustrophobic.
The only hitch in my plans was that a few weeks before a new couple had moved in directly across the way. The previous tenants had never raised their blinds or even opened them, not even during the dull light of day. The schedules of the new neighbors seemed to be such that she was the first to stir in the morning, when all the blinds in their livingroom would go up, and the first home from work, when the blinds wouldn't shift even though all the lights were on. The blinds would drop mid-evening, at the instigation of the guy it appeared.
In my apartment's new configuration, I'd wind up loitering over dinner, gazing absently out the window, and there she would be, sitting watching t.v. It was a little unnerving. I immediately thought of Hitchcock's Rear Window. I thought a time or two about fetching my toy binoculars, but stopped myself shouting to what effect? So I could watch her watching t.v. at x10? So that she could wind up noticing me spying on her in a stupid toy way?
The thing was, they were the nicest couple in the world. Friendly folk. We'd been waving and exchanging greetings since the first day they started moving in. The real thing was that I found her immensely attractive. She wasn't torn from the pages of Glamour, but neither was I stepping out of GQ. She was on the short side, with a cutely distinctive face, always ready with a winning smile. Her eyes were like those of a doe's. Breasts that were, well, breasts. Breasts that were nicely apparent but wouldn't necessarily need a brassiere to defy gravity. Mostly what I found alluring was how her waist flared into hips, a womanly ass. And unlike a great many women, she seemed to realize that her ass was just right exactly as it was, that were it any smaller the pleasure of it would be diminished, from an observer's point of view.
Observe it I did. Very very discreetly. So often swaying in a pair of tight white pants. I would look at the back of his head as they walked away and think lucky, lucky guy. I didn't have to wonder if he appreciated it or deserved it. He obviously did on both counts, to judge by her small attentions. Lucky, lucky guy, I thought with total altruism. It really did make me happy to see two people so happy.
One Sunday I was sitting out on the front stoop with a cup of coffee enjoying the gorgeous day. The courtyard was a microcosm of paradise. The leaves on the three big trees twinkled in the sunshine and the light breeze, seeming to provide the support for the big canopy of luscious blue way overhead. The birds flitting around were singing songs that sang Be Happy, Be Happy. It took no effort for me to take their advice to heart. Their lyrics were already radiating from within me, not as a command but as an accomplished fact. It was a damn good day.
I saw their car pull up, and then the new couple were coming up the walk. As they approached the turn off to their door we called out our congenial if generic greetings. They are so great, I thought. I was surprised, and delighted, when they turned the wrong way and came up the walk towards me. We spouted pleasantries and introductions. They were Jake and Ellen, and I was Edwin. We were standing, or sitting, out in as perfect a day as there is, residents of a lovely apartment complex full of friendly folk. We joked about a cadre of nosy but nice old men we called the resident grannies. Ellen commented indirectly on my redecorating efforts, noting, "Your puss-puss certainly seems to be greatly enjoying her new view."
This was quite true. "Yea, tell me about it. She hangs out there all the time. And if she hears me down here, she does just this." My cat was doing her usual trick of yelling down at me.
"Sounds like your pussy wants some attention," Ellen grinned. "I know the feeling. Well I guess we'll leave you to it." Just as they were turning, she asked, "Have you ever seen my sweet little pussy in our window?" I almost blushed, but quickly recovered.
"No, can't say as I have."
She smiled and tossed her hair and turned.
The thing was--cats and windows--I should have known that they had one. "I didn't know you guys had a cat."
Jake gave me a goofy look before he turned away, "Oh, that's because we don't."
The implications were such that a blood vessel in my brain should have burst, causing me to keel over dead right there on the stoop, but I was too busy watching Ellen's wonderful ass swaying away. I was wondering as always about a certain incongruity--if panties were such sheer little things, how come you could always see them so clearly defined through a pair of pants? And in instances such as this, to judge by the lines I could see, why would one bother wearing any at all? Strictly for the benefit of a lucky someone who might help take them off? That was my only guess. Lucky someone!
I went back upstairs and started puttering around the apartment. Fed the cat, thought about lunch, decided to put off eating for a couple hours. Gathered up the previous day's newspaper, thought of going out for today's, decided I'd put that off until I was really desperate for some fun. A notion of brilliance was knocking at my back door, so I let it in. Aha! Move that tiny table from that end of the couch to this end! So many weeks after the initial efforts, and at last the transformation of my apartment was complete in total perfection.
I sat down on the sofa supremely satisfied with myself, and the cat hopped up supremely satisfied with my lap. We sat there communing in the silence. When the buzzer rang, we had a race to see who would be first to bump their head on the ceiling. I bounced back on the sofa, but the cat landed in the middle of the room, looking at me wildly. "It's not my fault!" I exclaimed. She tore off to the kitchen with her tail as wide as her head.
The apartment complex was immediately postwar, and the buzzers seemed to be navy surplus from decommissioned submarines. Dive! dive! I didn't understand their necessity. The buttons were located below the mailboxes directly downstairs inside the nonlocking front door. A few steps up the stairs would bring a gentle rap to my door. Then there was one. I got up and looked through the peephole, which of course would distort my own mother into the image of the scariest monster murderer.
I opened the door and there to my great surprise stood Jake.
"Well, hello Jake. What a surprise." I regained my composure, opening the door wide, "Come in, come in."
"Nice layout," he commented, "but wow, déjà vu."
We stood there and exchanged goofy guy grins.
Next he noticed the secretary. "My god, that is incredible. How gorgeous. Is that what was blocking your windows when we first moved in?"
"You got it!"
"Man, how did it get in here? They construct the building around it?"
"Industrial strength helicopter. The landlord doesn't like to advertise it, but the roofs here are hung on hinges. You have to see them to believe them. Up in the attic. Ten feet long, mounted with thigh-wide screws."
He chuckled. "Excellent Edwin. A shitter always appreciates a good shitting. Up the stairs, hmmm, glad it wasn't me."
"Hey, glad it wasn't me. I hired professionals, self-insured ones. Presented the owner with several notarized appraisals so he'd understand that if they broke it I'd break him."
"I can't even begin to guess. Thirty thousand?"
"When my great-aunt gave it to me she included an appraisal for about that, but it was dated twenty years ago and signed by the hick dealer in her small town. Who's to say? My understanding is there's not another one like it on the continent. I've been tracked down by strangers. I have several standing offers in the six-figures, updated each year. I call it my retirement fund."
"No doubt. God what happens in case of fire?"
"Well. My great-aunt has the wherewithal to maintain a policy in my name. And I reckon I'd sit down and have a long hard cry."
We stayed there standing around until finally I shook my head. "Oh, hey, get you something to drink? Something I can do for you?"
Jake looked at me, blinking then remembering. "Oh yes, as a matter of fact. I came over to see if you could perhaps do me a small favor. No pressure. I don't want to create an imposition or anything."
"Well, I've got to run out for a few hours and do some errands, and I was wondering if you could go over to our place and keep Ellen company. It's kind of irrational and all, but what can I say? We've had some mystery calls lately that have gotten her sort of rattled. She won't come with me and she won't unplug the phone because her mom usually calls around this time for a long chat. It's too last minute for any of her friends to come over. So, I'd greatly appreciate it if you'd go over and hold the fort, screen the calls. So I can go out and do what I need to get done. I mean, don't put yourself out or anything."
"Sure," I shrugged.
"Really?" he brightened. "You don't mind?"
"No problem. You're staring at the same walls that were on my agenda for the day."
"Great! It may seem like little to you, but it means a lot to me. I owe you big time."
"Oh god no," I waved him off. "You can feed my cat and water the plants when I'm on vacation or something."
We walked out together. "I'll probably gone three hours tops," he winced, "two hours minimum."
"That's fine. Whatever."
"But it might just be like ten minutes for you. Her mom calls, then Ellen can unplug the phone. After that feel free to do as you please. Really!"
I gave him a playful push, "Go, Jake, go!"
He clapped me on the shoulder, "Thanks," then went off down the walk. "Oh, by the way, I should warn you. Her mom's kind of deaf, and she had some nodules removed from her vocal cords a few years back, so, you know, she can sound like a whacked-out crazy herself."
"Good warning," I laughed, waving him away.
I went in their building and straight up the stairs, bypassing the buzzer. A tense mood would send you through the roof. I knocked lightly on their door. I didn't wait for her to have to use the peephole. "Hey Ellen, it's me, Edwin."
The door flew open. Ellen's eyes were still those of a doe, but now the eyes of a doe about to be pulled down by a pack of wolves. She flung her herself into my arms, nearly in tears, "Oh thank god! Oh thank you, thank you, thank you!"
While I was certainly enjoying the show of appreciation I brought it gently to an end as quickly as possible. I was on a mission of mercy, not a mercenary mission. It felt great having her pressed so tightly up against me, and I would have let it linger, never being one to be above enjoying the odd vicarious thrill, but it felt so great that it wouldn't have been much longer before she started feeling exactly how great it was making me feel. I was instantly alert to the dangers of an erection. The hitch of my cock. The scenario wouldn't unfold into the erotic interlude of my fantasies. It would be straight out of Hitchcock. The shock of realization on her face. Alone in her apartment with the kind genial neighbor from across the way, who was in fact the phone-calling maniac! I mean, I wasn't, but there'd be the big butcher knife in my gut to prevent me from dispelling the mistake. The phone would ring. And it wouldn't be mom!
"Hey, nice layout!" I stole Jake's joke, "but wow, déjà vu."
She smiled very weakly. "Jake's a fairly shy guy. I gave him that to break the ice."
"Nice line," I nodded, feeling like a total dork.
I steered Ellen over to the couch and sat her down. "Okay, you can relax now, okay?" She pulled me down beside her. She insisted on keeping my hands in hers on top of her thigh.
"I'm sorry, I feel so stupid," her voice quavered.
"No no no," I consoled her, "I'm sorry this creep keeps calling."
"I shouldn't, you know, get so upset, but god, he's making a wreck out of me."
I nodded, "New number, unlisted, first thing in the morning?"
"Oh, exactly. But what really has me shaken is I think this is someone who knows me somehow. He knows my name, and it's not included in the listing. Well, among his many errands, Jake promised to pick up an answering machine, and one of those things that logs the numbers of incoming calls."
"Wise idea," I answered.
The phone rang. We both startled. Ellen shot it a look of pure terror, then jerked away, her eyes on me big pleading pools. I took my hands out of hers and stood up, "Hey, it's probably for me."
"Hello?" Big bunch of heavy breathing. I waited long enough to make sure it wasn't her mom, then continued calmly, "Go take your asthma medicine, asshole!" I hung up the receiver and shrugged.
Ellen was melting with relief. She stood up wringing her hands. "Can I, I mean, should I, that is, are you hungry? How about, I could you know, maybe, make us a little lunch? Soup, sandwiches, chips, anything you want?"
"Sure, that'd be great," I replied. I wasn't particularly hungry, but she definitely needed something to do with her hands. I followed her into the kitchen. I agreed with everything she showed me, figuring the more she had to make, the longer she'd stay occupied. I made the offer of assisting, but she would have none of it. I thought about returning to the livingroom, but that seemed a little rude. Not to mention dull. I could sit in there and stare at the walls. Or I could sit down at the little table, chatting and watching Ellen at work. The innocent little pleasures of watching her bending and stretching and reaching. That was reward enough for my troubles. I wasn't at all obvious in my attentions, though I'd see a half-smile on her face when she would do a sudden half-turn.
My reverie was interrupted by the phone ringing again. I stood up with an exaggerated sigh. It was the same panting shit. I slightly muffled the mouthpiece with my hand, then whispered loud enough for all three of us to hear, "Officer, have you got the trace going?" I hung up last.
I received a standing ovation, even if it was the applause of one. I returned to find the table laden with my victory feast. There was enough food for a small party. Quickly the truth shone through that neither of us had much of an appetite. I picked up my spoon and ate most of my bowl of soup because it tasted as good as it had smelled. Ellen used her spoon as a prop, stirring her soup until it had gone cold. She nibbled about half her sandwich, while I consumed less of mine. The meal was thoroughly awkward. We were mostly silent. The few attempts at conversation fizzled. It was like being on a first date, only far worse. It was like being on your very first first date. Every now and again Ellen would look up from her lap and toss me a brilliant smile.
I was so relieved, I caught the phone on the second ring. It was the jerk again, in a little more talkative mood. I listened more intently, then remembered Jake's caution, and sure enough. Striding back into the kitchen I announced, "Hey, it's your mom!"
Their phone had an ultra long cord. After gabbing a minute, Ellen took the phone back in the bedroom and closed the door. I sat at the table for about five minutes. I'd moved to the sofa by the time she came back out, but in the interim I'd wrapped up all the food and put it away in the fridge or appropriate cabinets, washed the dishes, and stopped myself just shy of getting out the mop. I heard the small plastic sound of the cord being unplugged from the jack. She looked for me first in the kitchen, then found me where I was. "My goodness, you are an all-round miracle."
"Well," I shrugged, "pig at home, prince in the world. It was really my mess anyway. I had you make it to keep you busy."
"How can I ever repay you?" Ellen had a whole repertoire of brilliant smiles.
"You already did. I can go home now and not have to make a lunch mess of my own." I stood up to go.
"No no no no no," she strode over quickly, put her palm on my chest and pushed me back down to the sofa. "No, no, no... hmmm, I know!" she brightened. "Wait right here."
She disappeared down the hall into the bedroom again. She was gone long enough I thought I should either sneak out or go find the vacuum cleaner. She returned empty handed, but I noticed immediately she'd changed her pants. The baggy blue jeans were gone, replaced by a tight pair of thin white cotton pants that I'd come to regard nearly as a best friend.
Ellen did a few slow turns, stopping with her back to me. "How's that?" she turned to ask over her shoulder.
That was excellent. I could see quite clearly that not only were her panties high cut bikinis, but they were pink, banded in red, and patterned with little roses. "I've noticed that you enjoy these pants a great deal." I gasped and she giggled. "You think a woman doesn't notice when a man stares at her ass everytime she walks by?" She started backing up towards me. "Why do you think I seem to be wearing these pants all the time? Ever occur to you that I went out and bought three pairs just like them? It's okay, Edwin, we're not out in the courtyard. You can touch me with more than your eyes if you like."
I was a moth, my hands fluttering to the bright light. I'd barely touched her when the pants slipped down off her hips. I hadn't even noticed her hands, busy undoing the front. Ellen shook her ass a few times and they slid down to her ankles. She stepped out of them, let me savor the view, then turned around. "I'm done talking to my mom, Edwin. The phone's unplugged." She lowered her voice to an unnatural level, "Feel free to do as you please. Really!"
Things were turning really weird really fast. But that didn't stop my hands from flying directly back to her flame, alighting on her hips. "Do you like my pretty flowers? I figured you might." She removed one of my hands and placed it between her legs, cupping me cupping her, rubbing my fingers against her fabric covered mons. "If you make me come in my panties, they're yours."
She was already quite damp. With very little pressure the thin strip of cloth slid up between the slipperiness of her swollen labia. She pressed my hand harder against her while thrusting her pelvis downward to increase the pressure even more. I elevated my middle finger a little from the rest of the pack, letting it slide right into the groove.
"That's it, baby, she cried with a wild expression, "use that fuck finger, uh huh, a little higher and you're going to win that prize!" The crotch of her panties were quickly nearly dripping so I shifted the action slightly, found her little button, and started rubbing it furiously. Her mouth opened slowly, wordlessly, all the way wide while her eyelids lowered at the same pace. Ellen drew in a long loud breath, then grew rigid for a second, all the air in her lungs escaping in an endless groan as her limbs buckled. She crumpled to her knees, between my knees, her arms catching on my legs all that kept her completely from the floor.
When Ellen recovered from her fall she gave me a sleepy, tousled, nearly drunken look. She slid her arms off my thighs and then down between them, forcing my legs further apart. Then she brought her hands back up, holding the hem of her shirt, which she lifted up over her head, leaving it to flutter to the floor. My guess that she wasn't wearing a brassiere was confirmed, but she left me little time to admire the full sway of her breasts, crawling up in my lap to plant wild kisses all over my face.
But then she scooted forward some more, pointedly offering her breasts to my mouth. "I've noticed you seem to like the looks of these as well. The famine of fantasy is over; now it's time for you to feast." And feast I did, nudging and nuzzling, kissing and licking, sucking and suckling first one breast, then the other, then the first, then the other. It was a back and forth motion I could have enjoyed for hours. The feel of them in my hands was wonderful as well, but my hands felt an urgency to slide around to her back, slipping slowly down to squeeze the widened posture of her ass, through the fabric then ducking under the elastic to grip the full glory of her flesh, grinding her down against me.
"Careful you don't get a big wet spot on the front of your pants," she giggled in my ear. Soon Ellen straightened up and leaned back, leering down at me, moving her hands to rub against mine through the thin skin of fabric. "Why don't you take these off, Edwin? You earned your prize. And who knows, you might find a prize inside the prize."
Ellen stood up before me. I leaned over from my sitting position and pulled the panties down until gravity sent them to her ankles. She stepped out of them daintily. The full waft of her arousal hit me like a narcotic. All I could do was sit there staring at her pubic area, the hedge of curly hair and the pinkish hints of her delights below.
She snapped me out of my daze by mentioning my name. "Edwin? You probably can't see your next prize very well from this angle. Let me improve on it." Ellen took the two steps to the end of the sofa, then climbed on, crouching on her knees, her forearms resting on the arm of sofa. The view was indeed much more graphic in its presentation. "Earth to Edwin," she again interrupted my trance, "I believe it's time for you to take off your pants."
As though under hypnosis I stood up and did just that, losing the shoes and socks along the way. "Shirt too," she smiled. With every stitch out of the way I stood there with my cock jutting out in all its glory. Watching me over her shoulder she gave a low whistle, "Oh... my... goodness! Why don't you just plant that right here," reaching a hand underneath her to point out the very spot. I glanced over at the naked glass of the windows. "Don't worry," she whispered, "yours is the only apartment that could see me at this angle. And you're already here to see me at this angle."
The sight of her was so mesmerizing, the full round globes of her ass, her cunt wet and split like a ripe fruit. I crawled up on the sofa behind her, holding myself to make the plunge. As I moved into position her hand reached back to grab me. "Here," she intoned, "let me give you the guided tour." She slid me inside her past the head of my cock, then her hand returned to her other gripping the armrest. "Edwin, we don't have too much time, but let's take it slow. I want you to go home convinced of one thing: that this afternoon you had absolutely the best fuck of your life."
I took her words to heart, taking almost a minute to fully bury myself in her sheath. With the third repetition I felt her stiffen, then let go with a throaty moan. I had to stop completely, biting my lip to blood. Ellen had the most amazing vaginal muscles I'd ever endured. Her pussy was doing its best to ensure that I flood it right then and there. When her orgasm subsided and she felt me still stiff inside her, she blessed me, "Good boy, Edwin, very good boy!" She pushed back against me. "My cunt has been so ready for this from the first day I laid eyes on you. You and your eyes, you bastard! Your eyes on my ass like fingers slipping down to rub my pussy. Your eyes on my tits making my nipples feel tweaked. Your eyes on my face exactly like the taste of your luscious lips."
I hardly had to do anything! Ellen kept coming like a woman possessed. And she was possessing me. I could barely move for fear of bringing on the crash of my own ending. She swiveled her ass like no woman I'd ever known, until I had to grab her hips to hold her steady. She gave a little laugh, then changed directions, bucking back and forth. I slammed into her hard and fast just to drive her to distraction for a few seconds. I'd never encountered sex so excruciating and agonizing, weird and wild in such inaction. I dove forward, nipping all over her shoulders. "God Ellen," I gasped, "you are fucking amazing!"
"The pot and the kettle," she hissed, "calling each other black, you amazing fuck you." She was ascending again into serious orbit, slamming her ass backwards, her pussy positively milking me. When she reached back and gave my balls a quick little squeeze I didn't even try to resist. I was grateful to being going along with her on the big trip.
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LesbianIntroduction: A sweet little story about how a girl lost her virginity and became very popular when she learned to enjoy taking dick after dick in her hot little cunt. OPEN WINDOW When Erin turned sixteen, she was still a virgin. That didnt last long though because her boyfriend, Sam, finally convinced her to go all the way one hot summer night a few months after her sixteenth birthday. They had been out on a date, going to a party, dancing for a while and drinking several strong drinks,...
I staggered through the streets as I tried to keep an even pace. Another early evening run that was no easier than the first ten. No one paid attention to me, just another man trying to hold back the ravages of time with some exercise.I had pretty much decided that the effort was not worth the trouble until that fateful day I saw her at the window. A woman talking on the phone brought my already slow pace to standstill. I stared at her like a puppy in kennel looks at a boy.She turned and saw...
MasturbationJennifer Delgado was glad to be done with work. It had been a hard day. She worked for a local real estate office and two of the other girls in the office had called in sick. There were four properties to be shown and Jennifer had to pinch hit and show three of them. The last prospective buyer had shown a lot of interest in the home, which was good, but spent two hours inspecting the home, which was bad. It meant that she didn't get back to the office till almost 7:30. Her boss Ms Robertson,...
VoyeurThe two story house across the street was bought by Hank and Lucinda Carter. Shortly after they had settled in, I went over to introduce myself and welcome them to the neighborhood with a house-warming gift. The three of us hit it off right from the start and I found out Hank was the new chief surgeon at the hospital. Lucy (as she liked to be called) was going to be teaching girls’ physical education at the high school.While we were talking, their daughter walked in. “This is Brook, she will be...
ExhibitionismHow many times had the lad stood up there before Rod happened to catch sight of him? More importantly, how was it possible that she hadn’t noticed him there herself? He seemed so conspicuous at the upstairs window. But then she’d had no reason to look up, had she?Knowing made all the difference, and this was the third time she’d seen him. Angling her head to make it look as if she wasn’t staring from behind her dark sunglasses, Belinda kept her eyes on Johnny, watching him watching her. She’d...
MasturbationThere she was. Just like always. Standing in front of her bedroom window. I wondered if she even knew that she was standing where I could see her. Hell, did she even know what she was doing to me? I would sit in front of my window for hours just waiting to catch a glimpse of her through hers. Nine times out of ten, I was able to see her. Today was no different. I came home from work, took a shower, and went to my room. I sat in front of my window and waited. I did not have to wait...
VoyeurThe Window By Arecee My wife says I'm a miserable son of a bitch and maybe she's right. She kicked me out last week, and now I have to live in this piece of shit hotel in the Tenderloin area of San Francisco. She was whining because I seemed short with her, what the fuck does she expect from me? I have MS for God sake. I had a thriving contracting business but after "it" fucked me up, I had nothing. The bitch said...
She got up early like she does most every day to get the k**s ready for school, she would drive them to school in the same outfit she slept in, a pair of sweats and a baggy t-shirt. By the time she got home her husband was gone off to work. She enjoyed the time she had alone to get work done around the house, read emails. This was also the time she enjoyed taking off her clothes and being able to walk around the house nude, it felt very freeing to her. On this day she was doing laundry, already...
I had the whole story written up and wanted to post it all at once, but unfortunately, people do not like long stories, as I have found out with previous stories. So I am posting this story in separate parts, sorry about that. This is the first in the series. *** Desma gave me a sly grin as we walked around the corner up to her house, "parents are gone." It took me a moment to figure out how she knew that. A quick look and I figured it out. The two-story home looked more inviting every...
Rear Window Draft I live for feedback [email protected] Rear Window is a 1954 film directed by Alfred Hitchcock and starring James Stewart and Grace Kelly. This fictional story is inspired by some of the characters and events of the film. It is in no way connected to the film and any resemblance is purely coincidental. For a while I wished I could go back and start that day again. It had all begun so well. The forecast was for a beautiful summer's day; clear blue skies and...
I slump down in my chair, relieved that my board meeting is over. It’s been such a stressful day; breaking down that morning and waiting on the hard shoulder for the AA for nearly two hours; breaking my heel on the way into work, and being shown up by Mr Masterson in my meeting. Bastard. I look at the time- 4:30pm. Hmm, what to do for half an hour? I walk over to the door and turn the key, hoping the tell tale sound of the lock won’t draw the attention of too many people. The vertical blinds...
ExhibitionismHotel chains work very hard to build brand loyalty with their customers. After reading about my hotel adventure you will understand why I am a very loyal and devoted customer for one particular hotel brand. I seek them out whenever I travel. This experience happened about two years ago. I was traveling alone and I was staying at a large suburban hotel. Most of these hotels are multi story with all of the rooms surrounding an enclosed central atrium area. Most rooms have large picture windows...
Voyeur“Wake up, little girl.” I stretch my arms over my head and then snuggle deeper into the blankets, turning my face into the pillow. So warm and comfy. The blankets are ripped away, crashing sunlight into my sleepy eyes. I whine and turn over, bottom up, face buried in the pillow, my arms hugging the pillow against me. I feel a tug on the pillow. Then a harder one. “Daddy, no!” Then my pillow is gone, and I’m naked, cold, and uncomfortable on the bed. I flop my limbs out to my sides, flat...
The windows in my office at work in NYC face a modern-looking apartment building, where each room has a block of four large, rectangular windows in a row. The apartment directly opposite my office is a small studio. Around 6 months ago, a young blonde girl in her 20’s moved in. From my observations of her schedule and the Columbia University shirts I’ve seen her wear, I think she’s a grad student. She’s maybe 5’8”, pale, and has an athletic body with broad shoulders and long dirty blonde...
As she made her way from her bathroom into her bedroom she looked out at the view she had, mostly of various empty balconies. But there also was Guesseppe, the retired electrician across the street who was ending his day the same way he always did: a beer and a cigar. Guesseppe sheepishly averted his gaze when their eyes locked. Gabby bushed a little, but her eyes lingered. It was only expected that such a man would look away when caught ogling at the young broad in nothing but a towel. This...
Introduction: Rachelle has a secret lust for her neighbor Krysta. Rachelle woke up in the middle of a loud thunderstorm. Glancing at the clock, she saw that it was 4am. There was only one thing on her mind, and that was the port-hole window of her neighbors bathroom. Both of them were high school students, neighbors, and classmates. However, Krysta was the popular type and refused to have anything to do with Rachelle. The two of them had never even talked. Rachelle had a secret though, and it...
There's a house near me. Great big georgian thing, three floors. Always been a house that people look at, and tell themselves that one day they'll have one just like it.I used to know the girl who lived there, Catherine. After we left school, we lost touch, she moved away.I used to pass the house on my way to work, usually at around four in the morning. It was always dark, and spooky, but I would always think of my friend as I passed.I like music, and listen to my ipod as often as I can. One...
Friday April 8th 7:15pm I sat on the semi-comfortable padded bench typical of Tucson International Airport as I watched the sunset out of gate A9's massive window. I was trying to pass the time before my flight with any distraction my bored brain could create. I fumbled with the wires protruding from my walkman, I tried to make sense out of the annoyingly unsymmetrical southwest style pattern on the rug, but mostly I tried to people watch without being too overt about it. For some reason...
Creeping down the stairs, Rachelle counted her steps. The third stair from the bottom she knew to creak, and her parents door was open. Carefully stepping over the bad stair, Rachelle made her way to the window of the living room, slid it open, and climbed through. The torrential rain stung her face, but her mind was set. She made her way across the wet, dark neighborhood in just her nightgown with no shoes on to reach her goal: Krysta's house. That popular bitch had been ignoring...
This is a true story........I had to meet clients downtown for an evening event and for meetings the next day. I brought my girlfriend with me for the evening dinner. Because of the meetings the next day, I booked a hotel room to stay down in the city overnight. She decided to stay with me since it would be a late night and we would be drinking, then she would go to work in the morning from the city hotel.The evening was enjoyable. Dinner was fun and we had a good time with my clients. On...
A true story (written in third person)Kate was luck enough to have a dressing room. This is located upstairs and the small room overlooks the path that's passes to the front of their house. It is a well used room and this morning was a normal weekend morning, with Kate to be found showered and prancing around slowly getting herself ready. This is often done with only a towel around her waist....she likes the freedom and it always gives Kyle a sexy view.Kate was just finishing straightening her...
Looking through the windowVictor and I had taken one week on vacation for spring break. We had shared a wonderful time with our eternal company, Cecilia and Peter and now during the last day we were getting ready for a back home trip.After lunch our friends decided to go downstairs to the pool. Victor joined them, but I had a light headache and told them I would stay at our room, would have a shower and a relaxing quiet siesta.Back in our room I took a quick shower. I toweled myself dry while...
Copyright© 2001-2003 A sweetheart named Teresa Arden Went down on her beau in the garden. He said, "Good lord, Tess, Don't swallow that mess!" And she replied, "Ulp, beg your pardon?" "Turn your light off and get some sleep young man!" Gregory's mother had her head stuck in her son's bedroom doorway, and though she spoke harshly, she had a familiar gentle smile on her lips. It was the warm familiar 'game' she played as a 'mom'. "OK mom." Gregory put down his book and...
The Ostfront (eastern front, WW2) is the most shocking example of the human survival instinct, with tremendous death tolls on both sides, and countless civillians thown into the cold, and crossfire. A quaint German fisherman, Hans Gotler, is conscripted to fight in this hell on earth. Hans awoke, as usual to the 'WHUMP' of mortars hitting the around the column of trucks and armour that was the sixth army. "just another day on the job eh Gotler?", said Heydrich, still hiding from beneath his...
We had been enjoying our uninhibited lifestyle for several years. My girlfriend and I would get away on our days off work whenever we could to someplace where we could be naked and where we might be able to watch others and where we might be watched too. It was something that we both looked forward to and planned for during the week. If we couldn't get away for camping in the Florida Keys our closest alternative was Bayfront Park. Our days off were usually during the week so when we would go to...
ExhibitionismI’d learned from Ying Lee that being the purchasing agent for Camp Métis was a pretty lucrative post. The fort was on the Missouri River, not that far from the mouth of the Judith. Near where Camp Cooke had been before they abandoned it to the rats back in 1870. The Army needed beef and the purchasing agent supplied it. And, he determined the price he would pay the ranchers. Another whore, my pal Masie, told me, “They got over 400 soldiers stationed there. To protect the steamboat traffic,...
The first time I borrowed the hotel’s one-horse buckboard from the Bighorn so Rebecca could ride down to see her family, I followed her on Scarface. Stayed just out of sight, but she wasn’t checking her flank. I got my spyglass out and could see Chet and Rosie standing in front of the house. If he tried anything, I’d fire both barrels of my scattergun up into the air. The sound would carry easy, even this far away. But he just stood off to the side as she hugged her daughter, held her as...
What Rebecca had spotted in that magazine from back East was an illustrated article about quilting. She and her mother and sisters had done some before she ran off with Chet. And now she was determined to get back into it in a serious way. These days Rebecca was working in the Bighorn Restaurant, waitressing for both lunch and dinner. Dinner was the big draw. She was a volunteer, wouldn’t take a dime from Mrs. Chambers. Would the money have helped her husband with his debts to Ollie...
I didn’t wait to see if Marshal Autry would wire me back. I found myself missing Rebecca. And I had my whorehouse duties. I stopped at the Robinson homestead. Yeah, Cayuse Valdez had told them what we found. Yeah, the ranchers would keep watch, keep their guns handy. But they had to work, always more to do. Rosie nodded at me as I mounted Scarface. A first. I gave her a little salute and wheeled Scarface around. A week since I’d ridden south with Cayuse. The three Chippewas were in the...
The Bighorn sporting ladies turned into mother hens, flocking around Rosie. She was surrounded by gentle attention, by affection. Which, I figured, was mostly to the good side of the ledger. Rosie was clingy with her mother. Rebecca had been overwhelmed with emotion. Joy, relief, guilt ... mostly joy, I think. The two of them, mother and daughter, were inseparable. But Rosie still hadn’t said a word. Of course no one asked her about what she’d been through. Not with the Chippewas, not with...
My room on the third floor — our room, I guess — had a rocking chair, a handsome walnut job that Rebecca had comforted up with a thick pillow filled with goose down and a red cover she stitched together herself. I liked to sit on it of an evening and sip a sip or two of Jameson. Rebecca had taken to undressing and then straddling me when she was in a certain mood. We put that chair through some pretty fast paces. Sometimes, when we’d finished, she’d squeeze me, keeping me corralled until all...
The Territory came through with the prison construction money — $85. It wouldn’t be much of a town jail, two cells big enough to hold four or five miscreants each if Little River had a sudden crime wave. But it made the growing town proud, our new jail. The builder had to knock out part of the back wall of our office and build a 10 by 15 addition. I ended up sort of job foreman and passed on Hank Mosby’s ‘sale’ lumber. It wasn’t part of the Territory contract, but Cayuse and I ended up...
Cayuse and I, feet up on opposite sides of the sheriff’s desk, were sipping after-breakfast coffee that Rosie had brought us from the Bighorn. He said, “Take a ride, jefe?” Talkative this morning. “Sure. Where?” “Sodbusters.” It was outside our jurisdiction, some miles south of town. But things from the outside often slopped over city boundaries. And if Cayuse suggested it... We got our mounts from Livery Lou and wheeled them left, past the Holy Redemption, past Matty’s Bar, past the...
We decided to picnic down by that little creek. Rebecca spread out a blanket and Rosie unpacked our lunch. Simple, just ham and biscuits and some corn whiskey to sip on. No need for a cooking fire. Rosie looked at her mother and Rebecca laughed out loud. Rosie grinned. Rebecca jumped up, “Mr. Murdock, that creek water looks mighty inviting. Care to join us?” Rosie stood too and, bold as brass, the two of them started unbuttoning their dresses. Not a care in the world. I stood up, looked...
I would never win any speed contests sending telegrams. My fingers are big and they felt clumsy tapping on the key. But I’d had enough experience to send a message on my own. And to decode incoming ones. It was a small talent, but learning how to do something new never had hurt me. Hunting and fishing were new once. Skinning. Roping. Shooting. Of course everything at Mrs. Adler’s had been new at one point. Credit due, Ollie Chambers may be portly and soft and over-careful around his...
Cayuse carried a Smith & Wesson Model 3 revolver, .44 caliber. When he made his rounds in Little River, he usually left his Winchester rifle locked in the office. But he always carried that wicked-looking Bowie in his belt scabbard. Always. Just like I took my eight-gauge with me when I walked the town. More habit than necessity. The first time the Bighorn bartender, Cheney, saw it, he asked if I hunted locomotives. My first day in town. Well, we didn’t have any locomotives here, but my...
Rebecca and I waited to order breakfast until Rosie and Cayuse came down to join us. Rosie was a little flushed, Cayuse looked the same. The Bighorn had eggs that morning, went good with salt pork and biscuits and honey. Rosie and Cayuse didn’t mention the previous night so neither did Rebecca and me. I figured Rosie and her mother would talk things over when they were alone. Although, thinking on it, Rosie was just as likely to talk with me. She’d gotten in the confiding habit back when...
Evening didn’t take long to reach Little River, but the town never got all that quiet. Saloon laughter and arguments, a lone coyote off howling about something important to him, the wind whipping through. Sometimes I felt the night was talking to me, trying to tell me something. Word had come from Cleveland, via Kansas City, to pull in their murder suspect. Hold Venerable until further instructions arrived. It was a law enforcement request, not an order, but I was more than ready to...
The three of us were in our usual position in bed — Rosie on my left, Rebecca on my right. Our body heat under the comforter felt good. Both of them had a hand under the sheet, gripping me. Rebecca had a smile in her voice, “Mr. Murdock?” “Mrs. Robinson.” “That is some show that Penny and Miss Melanie put on.” Rosie whispered, “Mrs. Chambers let us watch.” Rebecca, “Encouraged us to watch.” Rosie, “Some show.” “Oh?” Rebecca, “I was thinking, we were thinking...” “Yeah?” Not hard to...
The Cravens checked into the Bighorn Hotel on Monday afternoon. The next morning they confronted me — Marina, Mercury, Marco. I was making my first rounds of the day when the three of them, dressed in black, burst out of Clare’s Cafe. They’d been waiting for me. Clare and her colored man, Hubert Greene, peeked out at us from the front window. Cayuse was back at the jail. One of the twins, Marco or Mercury, fast-stepped out into Market Street, about twenty feet to my left as I faced north....
I live in a rented house in Manly an oceanfront suburb of Sydney; I share the house with two of my friends Gail & Roxanne (Roxy). My name is Erica. I love living here because we have an absolute waterfront view, the sea breezes keep the temperatures down to a pleasant level. There is a verandah leading off the two upstairs bedrooms to the front. Each morning as the sun rises it streams into my bedroom so I am awake before dawn most mornings, there are curtains but I prefer to be woken that way....
LesbianI used to live in a first floor apartment that bordered on the parking lot of a small Mexican restaurant. A lot of people used it as a party area, as it was fairly well shielded from the road and not very brightly lit. One August night I woke to the sound of Dave Mathiews, playing at near concert-volume outside my window. I like the music, but at four AM on a work night all it did was piss me off. I peeled the bedsheet off of my body and, without my glasses, made my way to the kitchen window to...
My name is Rick and I'm nineteen. I'm in college, but it's not all it's cracked up to be. It's not like Animal House or Old School. There's no real partying or anything even remotely like that. Anyway, I couldn't justify trying to pay for a place of my own at a boring place like that. So, I still live with my parents, and there is one other nice thing about living at my parents' house. Next door there's a beautiful woman that looked to be in her mid twenties. Her name was Gloria. A redhead. She...
NovelsNote: This is just a simple little tale of first time experience... it is somewhat an autobiographical tale... enjoy! -one- "Jeez, Andrew, that's my teacher's window!" One of the players howled. When the long fly ball went through the neighbor lady's kitchen window, two entire baseball teams full of Andrew Wilson's friends and peers disappeared. Now certain that the world as he knew it would end in a manner of moments, Andrew was stuck with the ball bat and the consequences of his own actions....
As a frequent business traveler and nudist, I commonly disrobe as soon as the hotel door closes behind me and only get dressed again when it is time to leave. After a typically long day of presentations, training, and meetings I can't wait to lose the coat, tie, and everything else that goes with it to experience that wonderful feeling of freedom.I normally pour myself a glass of bourbon (neat) and take a shower before laying a towel onto a chair and relaxing for the evening. Lush Stories...
ExhibitionismLaying in my bed, with my air conditioner turned down to a rate that would have my husband bitching a storm when he got the next bill, I snuggled under my covers. The sky outside was dark even though it was close to eleven am. What was I doing in bed still at that time? Well, being a writer, I write when inspiration hits. Which means if I dream something up at one am, I'm up until it's out of me. But last night had not been about inspiration. No, it was frustration that had me up to all...
It was a beautiful spring morning. I had just woken up and taken a shower before making myself a pot of coffee. I was wearing my most comfortable light blue exercise pants with the white stripes down each side, and a white camisole. I had just settled down with my coffee and the morning paper when I heard a knock at the door. On my way to answer it, I was trying to think of who could be coming to see me at 10:00 in the morning. I opened the door, and there he stood; a blond haired, brown eyed...
EroticGeorge Whitman was grateful for the window in his bedroom that looked out into a small green space between the rows of buildings. If he looked upwards, over the buildings on the other side, he could see in the distance the very top of the British Museum. Down below there was a small patch of mossy grass fringed with ferns, then tall shrubs and an old, blackened brick wall. It wasn’t clear to which building the little plot belonged, but someone must cut the grass from time to time. Most of all...
Nick sat admiring the early morning sunshine slanting across the meadows behind his thatched cottage. He had moved to rural Shropshire the year before, shaking off the dust and grime of London after the break-up of a long-term relationship. Financially, he was now just holding his head above water as a computer consultant and part-time lecturer. When bemused friends queried his strange retreat from urban civilisation he'd reply: "It's just like living in 1987!".As he sipped the last dregs of...
BisexualThe rain was coming down hard that morning. I lay listening to the music of the violent pelting against the bedroom window. I allowed that feeling to creep over me, that strange, beautiful sadness that always comes with a storm. Eventually, I sat up and pulled opened the blinds to attempt to greet the gloomy day. As if on cue, there he was. The guy on the top floor of the Spanish style apartment building, three houses down, just at the bottom of the steep hill. I could see him through the rain,...
TabooGeorge Whitman was grateful for the window in his bedroom that looked out into a small green space between the rows of buildings. If he looked upwards, over the buildings on the other side, he could see in the distance the very top of the British Museum. Down below there was a small patch of mossy grass fringed with ferns, then tall shrubs and an old, blackened brick wall. It wasn't clear to which building the little plot belonged, but someone must cut the grass from time to time. Most of all...