Betsy free porn video

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Betsy and I had been married for a little over twelve years. We were living the American Middle Class Dream. Three great kids, our own home, two cars in the garage — the whole bit. I had always thought that ours was the perfect marriage. I loved her and I'd always thought that she loved me, but I recently found out that my loving wife had a secret life — a life that cast doubt on whether she had any feelings for me at all.

I'd be insulting Betsy if I said she was a stay at home mom who didn't work. Taking care of a house, three kids and a husband isn't a walk in the park, but Betsy did it and she did it well. She also managed to take great care of herself. She exercised religiously and kept herself in great shape. She was five foot seven, her 130 pounds were spread out on a 35x22x34 body and her long blond hair hung down to the middle of her back. At thirty-four she looked like a twenty-five year old. She attracts the eyes of men just as a magnet attracts steel.

Betsy knows the effect that she has on men and she dresses to flaunt what she has and she gets a charge out of flirting with other men. She has always been that way. Even in high school she was a flirt, but she did some times carry it to extremes. She was very popular and she dated and flirted with a lot of guys although they didn't call it flirting. To most of them it was considered "cockteasing." Even after we started going steady she still flirted. I didn't mind. It made her happy, she was mine and she loved me right?

If Betsy lacked anything it was that she was very straight laced when it came to sex. She would make love in various positions — she absolutely loved doggie — but there were things she drew the line at. She would suck my cock, but I was not allowed to cum in her mouth. She would suck me until she considered me hard enough and then she would pull away and wait for me to enter her. Anal sex was a big no-no and if I even let a finger get near her butt she would come unglued on me. She loved for me to eat her pussy and she got off on me sucking her hot juices out of her. I once asked her why my swallowing her juices was okay, but her swallowing mine wasn't. She simply said:

"It isn't something that I want to do."


"Don't push it Rob. We have a pretty good sex life so be happy with it."

She was right. We did have a pretty good sex life so I dropped the subject.

I don't remember the exact date when it happened for the first time primarily because at the time I didn't think anything of it. I remember that we were at a dance and Betsy had gone to the ladies room and maybe a couple of minutes later I felt the need to take a whiz so I headed for the men's room. As I entered the hall leading to the bathrooms I saw Betsy and a guy I didn't know. He had his arms around her and she was smiling. He pulled her closer and bent his head to kiss her and she pushed him away and turned and went into the ladies room and the guy went into the men's.

I was pretty sure that neither one of them had seen me and the way that Betsy had pushed him away led me to believe that it was just some flirting and the guy had thought that it was something else until Betsy set him straight. I went on into the bathroom and was standing at the urinal next to the guy and for a second I thought of asking him why he'd had his arms around my wife. Then thought I'd best leave it alone and not do anything that might ruin the night for Betsy which is what would have happened if the talk with the guy went bad and we ended up duking it out.

When I got back to the table I wondered if Betsy would say anything, but she didn't and I eventually forgot about it.

But it came back to me about four months later. My boss held a pool party and barbecue at his home on the anniversary of the founding of the company and Betsy just naturally had to wear her sexiest bikini. Betsy knew most of the people there from previous pool parties, company picnics and Christmas parties so there was no awkwardness as she moved around the pool generating hard ons.

Betsy was not the only 'hottie' there and that was because of Betsy. Howard Sample, one of the guys I work with, told me he had Betsy to thank for his wife Irma loosening up. She had seen how the guys had reacted to Betsy at a pool party and decided that she wanted guys to look at her like that also so she had gone out and bought sexy clothes and skimpy bathing suits. Howard said that the "new" Irma had him acting like a teenager. He said he was now getting more loving than he had gotten on his honeymoon.

After Howard told me that I started checking out the other women at the party and comparing they way they were then against the way they were at previous pool parties. A good half dozen had gone from one piece suits and old fashioned large two piece suits to skimpy bikinis. My wife a trend setter! Imagine that!

As was our habit at social gatherings Betsy gravitated toward the women where I guess they talked about raising kids, swapped recipes and such. I ended up with the guys talking baseball and NASCAR racing. About two hours into the party Sam (my boss) came up to me and asked me to do him a favor. He had guessed wrong and didn't get enough hamburger and hot dog buns and he asked me if I would mind running to Safeway and get some more. I said that I would and then I went and found Betsy and told her what was going on.

I went to the store, got the buns and came back. I was in the kitchen putting the buns down on the counter and looking out the window. I had a good view of the pool from where I was and I saw Betsy in the pool. She had her back against the side and her arms up on the edge and her legs were floating out in front of her. Standing next to her in the water was Barry Winslow and the two were talking. I didn't like Barry. Never had, never would. He was the office back stabber — the guy who always tried to take credit for other peoples work and the guy who would never pass up a chance to shoot you through the grease by bad mouthing you to a superior if he thought it would get him ahead — and I did not like seeing him with Betsy!

At the last company Christmas party he had Betsy under the mistletoe and I didn't care for the kiss he gave her. It went on much too long as far as I was concerned. I mentioned it to Betsy on the way home and got:

"For Christ's sake Rob, it was only a Christmas kiss. The way you are carrying on some one would think I went to my knees and gave him a blow job."

No sir! I did not like Barry at all and there he was with my wife again. She was smiling at him and he said something and she laughed and then she opened her legs and Barry waded forward between them. He said something and then Betsy laughed again. Barry took a quick look around to see if any one was watching and satisfied that no one was he reached out and put his hand on Betsy's right breast. I waited for her to become enraged and slap Barry, but she just smiled at him. He said something and she laughed and he pushed his hand up under her bikini top. Her smile disappeared and she smacked his arm hard and he quickly pulled his hand away from Betsy and stepped back.

I walked out of the house and onto the patio/pool deck and Betsy saw me and waved and Barry moved away from her. I decided to keep my mouth shut about what I'd seen, especially in light of the way Betsy reacted when I brought up the kiss at Christmas. I wouldn't say anything yet, but I was getting concerned over the way Betsy's flirting was going.

About an hour later I was on my way to the bathroom and just as I walked up to the door it opened and Barry started out. I put my hand in the middle of his chest and pushed him back into the room and closed the door behind me. I intended to have a talk with him about his behavior when he was around my wife, but when he regained his balance he came at me swinging. I almost smiled at his mistake. I blocked the left that he threw and then snapped my own left into his mouth and hit him hard enough to loosen some teeth and then I proceeded to beat the snot out of the asshole. Other than that first punch he never got another one off, but he got at least a dozen of mine.

He was lying on the bathroom floor when I grabbed a handful of his hair and jerked his head up. I looked him in the eye and said:

"If I ever catch you within five feet of my wife ever again I'll cut your cock off and feed it to you. You got that?"

He didn't say anything so I got down until my mouth was six inches from his face and said:

"I asked you if you understood me asshole."

He nodded weakly and mumbled that he understood and I let go of his hair and went over to the toilet, took my whiz and left the room. I made sure that Barry didn't see that I was hurting as I walked out. You don't hit a man in the mouth with your bare hand and not have his teeth break your skin and you don't fight bare handed without hurting your knuckles and fingers. I stopped at the kitchen sink and washed the blood off my hands. I would have to wait until I got home to use peroxide to clean the breaks and put on a bandage.

Betsy noticed my hand when I went back outside and I gave her a story about how I had tripped and had scraped my hand on the brick wall of Sam's garage. When we went home Betsy helped me doctor my hand. Barry called in sick on Monday and Tuesday and he stayed well away from me when he did come back to work.

I kept a close eye on Betsy at the next couple of parties we went to and I didn't see anything really outrageous, but I did notice that Betsy seemed to be keeping a much closer eye on me. Did she think I was up to something or was she keeping track of me so she would know where I was in case she wanted to do something? Had she talked with Barry after I'd had my session in the bathroom with him?

My life went to shit on August 12th at 12:47 at a Safeway super market.

Sam called me into his office at 11:35 and asked me if I was going out to lunch or staying in. I told him that I had intended to catch the luncheon special at Dave's Diner and he said:

"Do me a favor and lunch will be on me."

"What do you need?"

"I need to have some papers over to John Cabot at XYZ by 1:30 so he can sign them. I've got a ton going on here and I don't want to break loose unless I really have to. If you run them over for me and get them signed you can expense your lunch."

"No problem, can do."

He handed me an envelope with the papers and I took off. As far as lunch was concerned it wasn't going to cost Sam a dime since the route to XYZ took me a mile from home. I'd take care of the papers and then stop by the house and have lunch with Betsy.

I got to XYZ at 12:20, had the papers signed and was on my way back by 12:30. I was passing the Safeway on 17th Street when I saw Betsy pull into the parking lot. By the time I made a (strictly illegal) u-turn and got back to the lot Betsy had already gone into the store. I parked and went looking for her and as I was leaving the produce section I saw her down at the end of the meat counter. There was maybe seventy feet between us and just as I turned the corner and headed for Betsy some guy I had never seen before walked up to her and ran his hand over her ass. She turned and looked at him, smiled and then ran her hand across the front of his pants in the area where his cock would be.

I ducked into aisle 16 and peeked around the corner and watched as he took her in his arms and kissed her. She put her arms around his neck and kissed him back. He had both hands on her tits and she kept on kissing him. They broke apart and he said something and she nodded a yes. As I stood there I remembered the guy who had his arms around her in the hallway to the restrooms. I remembered Barry's Christmas kiss and I remembered her actions with Barry in Sam's swimming pool. I turned and left the store.

I moved my car to the other side of the lot where I could see Betsy's car and where I hoped she wouldn't notice me. Ten minutes later the man came out, got in a late model Ford F-250 and drove off the lot. Five minutes later Betsy came out with a couple of bags of groceries, got in her car and drove off. I pulled out and followed. She drove straight home and — surprise, surprise — there was a Ford F-250 parked at the curb in front of the house. Betsy pulled her car into the garage and the man got out of his truck and walked up to the front door which opened and let him in the house.

I was in a "no win" situation. If I went into the house and the two of them were just sitting at the kitchen table sipping coffee and talking over "old times" I would gain nothing. If I brought up what I saw at Safeway Betsy would no doubt blow it off much as she had Barry's Christmas kiss. If I found them fucking I would beat the guy bad enough that he would end up in the hospital and I could likely end up in jail. The divorce that followed would not go well for me. I'd seen how it went with friends. I would be looking at alimony, child support and since Betsy would get the kids I'd end up having to let her keep the house while I paid for it. Why? Because it would be my word against hers.

One of the guys I worked with had gone home early and had caught his wife in bed with a neighbor. He beat the shit out of the guy, tossed his wife out of the house and three hours later he was in jail. His wife said he had come home drunk and found her having coffee with the neighbor and went nuts. The neighbor said, "Yeah, that's just how it happened." Ralph got sixty days for assault and battery, had to perform 250 hours of community service and had to enter a court ordered anger management program. The neighbor sued for medical bills and "emotional damage — and won when the wife testified for the neighbor — and then the wife cleaned him out in the divorce. And then to add insult to injury she married the neighbor and sent him an invitation to the wedding.

If Betsy was doing what I was beginning to think she was doing I was going to need rock solid proof for the courts. I had to know for sure what was going on. I thought about it on the way back to work. A couple of phone calls were all it took to find out that private detectives were not the way to go. Not that they couldn't do the job. It was just that they were way out of my price range. Paying some guy by the hour to sit down the street from my house from the time I left until I got home, especially since he might have to sit there for days or even a week, would bankrupt me.

I got out the Yellow Pages and went searching. I couldn't find what I wanted there so I got on the Internet and looked for surveillance and nanny cams and found a ton of stuff. I found a company about forty miles away and I called them. I took the next day off from work and paid them a visit. I explained to him what I was interested in doing and he pretty much showed me the store inventory. They had some great stuff. Smoke detectors with built in cameras. Clock radios, hard backed books, wall clocks and plant holders all with built in cameras and operating with wireless technology. And, they were not all that expensive.

A DVR for wireless cameras was only $219 and the camera was only $47.99. The DVD set up with two cameras was $468 and the RCA VCR wireless set up came with four cameras for only $497.00.

He made some suggestions and I determined that I could afford it, but I told him that I didn't have the slightest idea of how to install and set up any of that stuff.

"I have a guy who can install it and teach you how to use it. He gets fifty and hour and from what you say you want I'm guessing it would take him about three hours."

"Set it up." Next came the problem of getting Betsy out of the house long enough for me to get Stan in to install things and teach me how to use the system. I was trying to think of a way to get Betsy out of the house for four hours when the planets aligned themselves in my favor. Betsy's sister Joan called and asked Betsy if she could babysit Joan's two pre-schoolers from five until nine-thirty on Wednesday and Betsy said she would do it.

Betsy left the house at four-thirty and at four forty-five Stan got there and I took him through the house. I showed him where I wanted the receivers and the 19 inch monitor. He told me he could do it in three hours and then he left the house and parked down the block and waited for me to take the kids and go to Chucky Cheeses for dinner. As soon as we were gone Stan went in the house and got to work. When we got home at 9:20 Stan was gone.

While we were gone Stan set things up so that the living room, family room, master bedroom, patio and kitchen were covered by cameras that sent a wireless signal to the two DVRs that I had him put in the basement. One DVR recorded what happened in living room and the master bedroom and the other recorder covered the family room, the kitchen and the outside patio. The cameras automatically shut off after five minutes of no motion.

There was a 'synchronizer attached to the DVRs and what it did was take the most recent signal and use it to override the previous signal. For instance; say the camera was filming what was going on in the living room and whoever was being taped got up and went into the master bedroom. The master bedroom camera would sense the motion and come on and the 'sync' would shut off the living room camera. The system had one drawback. It was visual only — there was no sound. To offset that defect we put a voice activated tape recorder in all the rooms with a camera.

He had a recorder tapped into the phone line and even though I doubted that Betsy would do anything in the kid's rooms we decided better safe than sorry we had voice activated tape recorders in each of the three bedrooms. All I had to do was remember to turn on the system just before I left the house and remember to shut it off when I got home otherwise I would have lots of video of the kids to wade through.

I got the kids to start getting ready for bed and then went downstairs to my workshop in the basement. I opened up the cabinet next to the radial arm saw and saw the recorders and the monitor set up and ready. Stan had explained the system to me at the store so all I had to do was hit the "power" button on both of the DVRs and I was in business. The entire system cost me just under eleven hundred dollars. Seems like a lot but three days of a PI at 400 a day plus expenses was at least a hundred bucks more than I paid for my system and my system was good for as long as I had power to the house.

The next morning I switched on the system just before I left the house to go to work. I was home at five forty-five and I went down to my basement work shop to (as I told Betsy) putter around until dinner was ready. By six-ten I knew what Betsy had been up to. The system hadn't even been I place a full twenty-four hours and I had the answers to most of my questions — not all, but most.

I didn't get to see much before Betsy called me and the kids to dinner, but I saw enough to tell me what Betsy was doing. I saw Betsy go to the front door and open it. She had a few words with the man standing there and then she let him in and they walked into the living room and sat down on the couch. They talked for a bit and then the man stood up, took out his wallet and took money out of it. He said something to Betsy and she said something and the man handed her the money. She counted it, said something and then she left the room. She was back in a couple of minutes and the two of them headed for the stairs that led to the upstairs bedrooms. The camera in the bedroom picked them up as they walked into the bedroom and that is when Betsy called us to dinner.

As I ate I wondered why Betsy was selling sex. I made good money and we were not in any financial trouble. We had money in savings and certificates of deposit. Both cars were paid for and I gave her whatever she asked for. I would just have to wait and see if the VORs would tell me or at least point me in the right direction.

After dinner and while Betsy was occupied doing the dinner dishes I gathered all the VOR tapes and headed back down to my workshop. I started with the tape from the phone tap. A call from Betsy's mom, one from her sister and a call from someone working for the local Democratic Party. Then a call that explained a lot, but gave me even more questions.


"Hi sweets. Can you talk?"

"Sure. I'm alone."

"I just had a call from the guy I sent over yesterday. He said that you weren't home."

"I was here."

"What happened?"

"I checked him out through the peephole and saw he was black."

"So what?"

"I don't do blacks and you know it."

"No I don't. You never mentioned it to me."

"Well I don't do blacks and now you know."

"You going to be home this afternoon?"

"I could be. Why?"

"I got a guy who is interested."

"Jesus Christ Scott; have you told the whole world that you are fucking me?"

"No sweets; just guys I know and trust."

"What is it? They think you are my pimp or something?"

"No sweets, they just know that I know a hot sexy broad who fucks for money and they ask me why I'm paying for it when there is so much free stuff around. After I describe why I think you are worth the money they want to try you on."

"I can give him from whenever he gets here until three-thirty. You know the rule. He has to be gone before my kids start coming home from school around four."

"He knows the rules. Keep Friday open for me, okay?"

"You got it."

The next tape was from the living room VOR. It picked Betsy and the man up as they were walking into the room.

" ... tell you the rules?"

"He just said that I had to be gone before your kids got home from school and that what you say goes."

"Did he tell you what happens if what I say is ignored?"

"He did."

"Okay, the deal is from now until three-thirty will cost you $300. Anal is extra and so is a blow job if you want me to suck you to completion. Just sucking you hard is part of the $300."

"How much for anal and swallowing?"

"$100 each."

There was the sound of him standing up and a short bit of silence and then Betsy said:

"Anal and swallowing both?"

"That's the main reason why I'm here. Scott said that you did both. Unfortunately they are both something my wife refuses to do."

I snorted at that. My loving wife wouldn't do either one either, but it seemed that my whore wife would. Betsy said, "Wait here" and I remembered from what I'd seen on the tape that he had stayed in the living room and she had gotten up and gone into the kitchen. Then she had come back and the two of them had gone to the bedroom.

The next tape was from the bedroom VOR and it was better than the sound track from a porn movie in that you could tell that it wasn't phony. There were a lot of "Fuck me, fuck me harders" and couple of "Oh God that's good" and one or two "Deeper baby, deeper" all stuff that I'd heard myself a time or two, but I'd never heard:

"Go easy honey, go slow and easy. My butt hole is so small and your cock is so big."

I'd also never heard. "Fuck my ass, fuck my ass' or "Your cock feels so good in my ass."

I was fuming and it was all that I could do to keep myself under control when I heard him say:

"Oh God yes, swallow it, swallow it all."

I knew from what I'd heard on the VOR tape what I was going to see when I got back to watching the DVR recording. Betsy had started by sucking the man hard and then she had fucked him. Next she had sucked him hard and then had continued to suck him until he came and she swallowed his come after which she had kept on munching his dick until he was hard to fuck her in her ass. She had gotten up and gone to her lingerie drawer and gotten a tube of KY Jelly (which I never knew she had) and I watched while the guy lubed her ass good and then fucked it. Then they showered together which was another thing she had never done with me - she claimed the shower was too small for the two of us — and while in the shower he had apparently gotten up again because they fucked again.

Then Betsy said, "Sorry lover, but time is up. You need to get out of here."

"Do I call Scott when I want to see you again?"

"No lover, I'll give you my private cell phone number and you call me."

Private cell phone number? I didn't even know she had a cell phone, but I guess that was sort of trivial when you compared it to the rest of what I didn't know about my "loving wife." I have to admit it — I got a hard on watching Betsy take a cock in her ass, but it wilted when I realized that in an hour or so I was going to be in the same bed with her.

The same scene that had given me the hard on also had me grinding my teeth in anger and watching cum leaking out of her mouth made my blood boil.

What I saw on the second DVR was very interesting. The second DVR recorded what went on in the kitchen. It showed Betsy coming into the room with money in her hand. Pulling a chair away from the kitchen table she stood on it and dropped the money into one of the decorative vases that lined the top of the kitchen cupboards. She got down, put the chair back and then walked out of the kitchen.

I have a small 3 cubic foot refrigerator in the workshop and I went over to it and got me a beer. I sat at my work bench, sipped my beer while I stared at the wall and my mind went crazy. One part of me wanted to run upstairs, grab Betsy by the hair and drag her out of the house and throw her in the street. Another part of me wanted to just flat out kill her and bury her in the back yard. A third part wanted to know why and for how long. But I also thought of the kids and what would happen to them if I did any of the things that I really wanted to do. No, I finally reasoned, I would have to find out as much as I could about Betsy and her 'part time job' and I would need to find out what my options were.

By the time I went to bed I had cooled down enough to make some decisions. I would have to have sex with Betsy. Not to would be unnatural and would possibly raise a warning flag which is something I wanted to avoid for the time being. I didn't want Betsy to even think twice about her dumb-ass, clueless husband. When we had sex (notice that I'm avoiding the words "make love") half the time I would initiate it and the other half Betsy would. I decided that I would never again be the one to try and get something started, but if Betsy did I would go along with it.

Fortunately Betsy didn't try to start something that night. Probably too tired from her busy afternoon. If she would have wanted sex I couldn't have been sure that I wouldn't have wrapped my hands around her neck and tried that asphyxiation thing I'd heard about. Problem there is I might not have slacked off the pressure at the end.

Thursday all I found of interest on the tapes was a call from the Scott guy.

"Fred was very happy when I talked to him at work this morning. I think he is in love and that you will probably hear from him again sometime soon."

"He was nice."

"You holding tomorrow open for me?"

"Of course."

"The soonest I can be there is 11:30."

"I'll be ready."

"See you then."

That night Betsy reached for my cock and I didn't push her hand away. She slid down and took me in her mouth and as soon as I was hard enough she mounted me and rode me cowgirl style. Betsy likes cowgirl, but I have never been able to get my nut while in that position so after letting her have her fun for a while I usually rolled her over onto her back and finished up in the missionary. That night I didn't. I just let her bounce up and down on me. I know she was waiting for me to roll her, but I didn't.

It was silly of me, but I didn't want to cum in Betsy. I was thinking of my seed as a gift and I was I no mood to give Betsy any gifts. Dumb maybe, but all kinds of weird thoughts go through your mind when you find out that the person you thought was a loving wife was in fact a back-stabbing, cheating whore.

Betsy managed to get herself off, but she knew that I hadn't cum so she kept riding me. I could tell she was getting frustrated. She'd had her orgasm and wanted to stop, but felt that she couldn't until she got me off. She was moaning, "Cum for me baby, cum for me" but I just laid there and looked up at her. Occasionally I would push my hips up at her, but for the most part I just lay there and let her work.

I finally decided to put an end to it and I called up the image of Betsy with Fred's cum leaking out of her mouth and my cock wilted. I told Betsy that I was sorry, but that I was under a lot of stress at work just then and it was probably affecting my performance.

"Maybe I can get you off by hand" she said and even as I was thinking "You could suck me off like you do your customers" I was saying, "No, it isn't any big thing. I'll be better once we get the project we are working on out of the way."

She snuggled up to me and I did my best not to cringe and pull away. Once she was asleep I got out of bed and finished myself off in the bathroom.

Friday's take was quick and to the point. Betsy was in nylons, garter belt and heels when the Scott guy got there. No money changed hands and they went straight from the front door to the bedroom. He was already hard, but Betsy spent a couple of minutes sucking his dick anyway and then he fucked her. She sucked his cock, still wet from their juices (she would suck me to get me hard again, but only after cleaning my cock with a wash rag) and then he fucked her ass.

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My New Neighbours Part 6

Laura was sound asleep and I told Lucy that she didn’t miss anything, ok it was a white lie but she didn’t need to know especially as she was still groggy.“Can I have some more juice please sir?” she asked finishing off her glass so I stood up and took her glass fully aware that from the angle Lucy sat she could see up the leg of my shirts, she didn’t comment but did smile.I returned with more drinks and another smoke, Lucy smiled and sat up while I sat opposite, we fired up and talked quietly...

2 years ago
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Educating MomAndys StoryChapter 2

I jerked off three more times last night to those pictures I'd taken of my mother. As soon as I got home, I uploaded them from my phone to my computer, stripped down and grabbed some lube. Fuck, I'd always known my 42 year-old mother had a terrific body, but I never knew she could look that fucking hot! That tight sweater and slim-fitting skirt showed off every scintillating curve of her voluptuous body. And the high heels and sheer black stockings enhanced the toned lines of her shapely...

3 years ago
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An incest birthday chapter 15

Randy and I had come downstairs to see Aunt Lisa sulking at the table with mom. Her house was damaged in the storm and now she needed a place to stay until it could get repaired. Being the loving family we are (no pun intended), it was quickly decided that she would be staying here, but where at we had no clue. We had debated it for a while until we finally came up with a conclusion we were all happy with, Randy and I especially, she would take my room and I would share Randy's...

2 years ago
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Natalies Family AdventureChapter 4

The speaker crackles to life at the same time the lights come on. Natalie gets of bed rubbing her eyes and goes to pee while listening to the broadcast. “Good morning. It is an overcast day outside with rain expected in late afternoon. Not that you will get to see it. Just for your information, the authorities have switched their search for you from rescue to recovery. Normally that takes a while but, as I told you when I woke each of you up, I kept you sedated for week before hand. They,...

1 year ago
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MyPervyFamily Abby Somers Good Grades Panty Sniffing

My new stepmom Abby Somers is such a babe. What I (Danny Cash) like most about her is the way her panties smell. When she catches me rifling through her panty drawer, she wants to have a dreaded talk. I thought for sure I was screwed – but she told me she went to the gym today and her panties were all sweaty!?!? She took off her leggings and started rubbing her underwear and teasing me. Naturally, I moved in for a whiff but she pushed me back with her feet. If I want to smell...

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The Stalking Horse

I looked at Barry lying there next to me on the bed and wished I could go to bed with him every night and wake up with him every morning instead of just once in a while. What was hardest on me was knowing that Barry wanted it to, but I just could not do it. I knew what would happen if I did and I just could not do that to him. I met Bobby in junior high and I was his from the first time he said hi and introduced himself to me. He asked me to go to the movies with him and I said yes and from...

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The Submissive CoWorker Gets a Party

Sarah’s cheeks were still sore from yesterday’s spanking. She had a hard time sitting down and her ass still felt like it had a butt plug inside it. She felt so worn out from the stress and if she was honest with herself, the excitement of being Yvonne’s slave for a week. The week was now coming to a close, she just needed to make it to Monday morning and she would be released from her predicament. Sarah walked into the office expecting the worse from her mistress. What humiliation and pleasure...

Group Sex
2 years ago
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Suraj and Sheena

Meanwhile the touch of her soft hands made my cock go erect with no undie inside. She noticed and used to laugh and say "control karo- hath lagte hi arouse ho jate ho." finally she said that the cloth has to be cut. She brought a blade from my razor box and cut it slowly. My erect cock started peeping out. She used to look at me and laugh and occassionally joking "agar ye kat gaya to kya hoga." after i came out of the toilet i decided to change my pant. I asked her to go out so that i could...

1 year ago
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Blindfolded encounter

I really had that fantasy and have gone thru with it. It still turns me on to think about that encounter and sometimes feel like doing it again. Just a bit nervous about risking it again!*******************************************************************I have been having this craving for a BBC and a special fantasy for a while! Well.. I always crave BBC so that’s not new and I often get little fantasies I like to play with but sometimes some are more intense than others and you just have to...

3 years ago
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Second Thoughts and Last ChancesChapter 28

All four of the children began thrashing, trying to push the masks off their faces. I got to my feet, hurried over and, one by one, lifted the masks off and disconnected the hoses that plugged into the wall outlets. I picked up a fresh cloth and began mopping the sweat from their brows and cheeks. First from AJ, then Tink, then I moved across to Rose and finally Belle. The instant the cloth touched her forehead, her eyelids opened half way and she looked up. She felt stronger. They all did,...

3 years ago
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Pussy Licking For The Whole Day With A Married Babe

Hi here I am with my another session with the readers. I am sameer, a part time massuer and call boy in delhi ncr. As I keep posting my ad on various forums and website because I am very good at therapeutic and erotic massage along with equally good sex skills. Well, to cut it short a married female contacted me, she was in her 30’s, working husband with no time for her and she was starved. After a formal introduction over emails she agreed to exchange numbers and after that she wanted a casual...

3 years ago
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Learning CurvesChapter 31

The three women emerged from the bedroom looking stunning. Katelyn were a short, off-white cocktail dress that accentuated her height and her poise. Tiffany’s V-neck gown was gray and it produced far more cleavage than Phil thought she possessed. Hailey came out last, wearing a blue off-the-shoulder dress that hugged her curves and stopped at mid-thigh. Beth wore a green dress that was slightly more conservative than Hailey’s but not much. Phil and David wore tuxedos – and neither looked...

4 years ago
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My Cousins Birthday Party

Jason!" shouted his mother from the foot of the stairs. "What?" he shouted from his bedroom. "I need to go into town to get some things for Cindy's Birthday party on Saturday." "OK, see you later," he shouted back. A moment later his mum shouted, "Come on, I haven't got all day." "Why can't I stay here?" he asked. "No, you have to help me choose a nice birthday present for her." "Mom," he moaned, "I'm busy!" "Busy playing that play station thing," his mum retorted, "now...

1 year ago
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InterracialBlowbang Aliya Brynn 08152022

When Aliya goes to visit her rich aunt in Napa she had no idea she would come across a barn full of black men. How enchanting. Like any millennial white girl in this situation she would not judge and quickly invite them up to go swimming in her aunt’s lavish lagoon style pool. But they have no bathing suits. No problem let’s go skinny dipping. So right then and there that’s when it started popping. Naked little white girl with all these black men around is of course going to...

3 years ago
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08 TogetherChapter 102

Flashback – Masha – The evening Louise described me as a chiropractor. I was not familiar with the word so I asked, “What is a chiropractor?” Gwen replied, “They are sort of like doctors who adjust your back, like you did to ours.” Louise added, “However, I’ve never known any of them to do a foot massage.” Gwen reached around, touched her back and remarked, “Yes, that was almost better than getting my back cracked. Where did you learn to do foot massages?” I smiled at them and said, “I...

2 years ago
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How My Wife Was Turned Into a Sex Crazed Milf

It had been two years ago when my wife began to go through that ultimate change that most men hate. She had hit that dreaded fifty and the changes of menopause had become quite apparent. I certainly wasn’t prepared for what was about to happen as I watched our sex life dwindle down to almost nothing. It started off slowly as I began to notice small subtle changes in the bedroom, but as time went on it began to get worse and before I knew it we were lucky to be doing it once a month. We talked...

1 year ago
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A Weekend to remember Part 2

Rusty woke up to the sound of the shower. The rest Jenny suggested the night before turned out to be an eight-hour sleep. Two times he woke up and felt her warm soft body lying next to him bringing thoughts of the night before. ‘It’s about time you woke up, sleepy head,’ Jenny said. She was standing in the door of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around her head but naked other wise. ‘Sleepy Head? During the week I get up at 1 AM when I’m on the flight roster,’ Rusty said as he looked at...

1 year ago
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FirstClassPOV Anna Claire Clouds Takes On A Mouthful Of Cum

Stunning tattooed blonde, Anna Claire, Clouds, shows off her irresistible charm and enticing charisma in black lingerie and stockings. The slender lass can’t help herself from feeling horny as she gradually takes off her lingerie, revealing her perky tits and pink pussy. Anna lies on the bed with her legs spread apart, ready to take in a big cock any time. Moans of pleasure fill the room as Anna gets fucked missionary style. Anna gives the cock a sloppy blowjob before riding it in cowgirl...

2 years ago
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Girls Gym Gyno 3 Alessandra 3 pix

Alessandra opens up bits by bits, physically during daily visits after school at her elderly fresh friend.Alessandra is autistic in talks under four eyes. In internet, during chats for hours, she tells him more.Alessandra slowly turns her great gyno into her private psychologist for erotic education she seeks.Alessandra searches the net to find a female friend, fond of fondling as herself, but bigger breasted. Alessandra finally finds her joy, called Joyce. Even her name was a well kept secret...

2 years ago
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RocknRoll LifestyleChapter 12

"Hold it. Just hold it a second." he said, and sat up while the girls glanced at each other nervously. He put an elbow on his knee and leaned his forehead into that hand, thinking intensely with his eyes closed. Finally he looked up, his eyes locking with Cindy's. "You never for a second really believed that we'd be able to 'love Amanda back to health', to get her to stop being masochistic." he stated. She held his gaze for a moment. "No." she agreed. "Emotionally, I really...

2 years ago
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Lusts What The Doctor Ordered 7

Chapter 8 Friday afternoon, Prinz left his office earlier than usual and drove with apprehension to his beach house. He had consented, finally, to the suggested ‘party,’ and though he was looking forward to observing the i****tuous couplings, he still had some reservations. He had called Mark the day before, and the young medical student had agreed to come, and Coco had agreed to play the part of hostess for the weekend orgy. As he pulled into his drive, Prinz was relieved to find Mark and...

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Nude Beach Voyeur Jerk Off Cums In Front My Wife

Heather had the weekend off and I did not. She was going to the beach after getting her feet worshiped by a voyeur that contacted her in the last video. This time she was making me of her teasing strangers but it started to get cloudy and rain and she was the only woman on the beach filled with random men who did notice that she was alone. Once it started to rain she decided not to leave the beach but instead seek shelter under the life guard booth. As big as the beach is it seemed like every...

3 years ago
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My wonderful neighbor SHIKHA

It was summer vacation. I was alone at home since everyone from my family had gone to pune. My mom requested our neighbor Shikha to give me food for those 15 days. Shikha was a very good lady; by nature as well as by looks. She came to live in the flat next to ours couple of months ago. She was divorced. Her husband went to USA seven years back and got married to another lady there and gave divorce to Shikha. She had a son who was in 3rd standard. Her husband had given her enough...

4 years ago
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Sharing Claire The Agony The Ecstasy Part 8

An eventful Christmas with agreed plans being tested by Jason’s familyHi, this is Neil, picking up the story from where Claire left off.It was the middle of December 2016, and Claire’s relationship with Jason had now been going strong for around five or six weeks. In many ways, Jason and I were chalk and cheese, with very different lives and upbringings. But having bonded over our mutual dedication to the Brooklyn Nets, we had become good friends, hanging out to watch most of the games...

Wife Lovers
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A Daughters Weekend Getaway Pt 1

I was trying to focus on getting some last minute work done, but the heat was too intense. I decided to walk around for a few minutes and try to cool off. As I walked out of my office and down the hall towards my bedroom, I caught a glimpse of something bright out of the corner of my eye. I stopped and turned to face the window across from me. I stepped closer and peered out the window. Below me, I could see Savannah, and her friend, Mandy. Savannah was wearing a bright yellow sundress and...

2 years ago
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Persona control

[Capítulo de contexto, no hay ningún contenido +18 en este capítulo, todos los personajes son versiones mayores de edad(+18)] Primer día en la academia Shujin. Un castillo, estaba delante de un maldito castillo junto a un chico que acababa de conocer hace apenas unos minutos, y aún con lo extraño de la situación, estaba tranquilo, como si hubiera vivido aquello cientos de veces, no había emoción, los guardias no me daban miedo, y ver al profesor de gimnasia únicamente con una capa real y un...

Mind Control
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JulesJordan Noemi Bilas Can Barely Fit Manauel8217s Cock In Her Tight Pussy

Ebony beauty Noemie Bilas is a piece of dark chocolate ass that’ll leave you wanting more. This hot slut makes her JJV debut with veteran cocksman Manuel Ferrara. Noemie’s got a tight/ toned body with nice supple tits, a bangin’ booty, and eyes that beg you to fuck her. She’s out on the putting green practicing her strokes in a hot pair of stockings, a tiny mini skirt, and a shirt that barely covers anything. After some nice putts she goes to pick up her ball and exposes...

2 years ago
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Headmistress Canes Head Girl Sixth Form Boy

I’m Angie, just started my A Levels in the lower sixth and I’m head girl at my Co-ed Grammar School in the North West. I play hockey in the first team so I’m pretty fit. Being a co-ed school it’s not always easy to concentrate as the boys get very competitive and are always joking around. However, our newly arrived headmistress told the school that she determined to root out any acts of sexism. Two weeks ago I was invited by the headmistress to watch Mike get the strap and the cane. Because I...

3 years ago
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Good Girl Bad Girl and a Black Man

I was doing some brick work in the basement of a church. It was quiet and cool down there. A girl came down with some food, a cold drink, and a refreshing smile. She was hot. She was a good Christian white girl, tall slim and well dressed, with demure short hair, very short, like a boy. She had a silver cross around her long elegant neck, a tight knit blouse stretched over her small tits, and thin trousers that showed off her tight round ass. It was her smile that made her so attractive...

4 years ago
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Sexy Married Lady

Hi friends this is James again. First of all thanks to all the readers for appreciating my previous story now I am going to narrate a story which happened around 1months a go. It’s my real experience. I am staying in an apartment Mumbai and I use to go walking every day early in the morning ..there is a beautiful aunty Haritha age of 35 and she is good looking perfect Height and weight sooo sexy and she has 2 school going children she is sending her children’s to school I saw and I dint know...

2 years ago
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Company of Men

"COMPANY OF MEN” written by Janet Diane a former prostitute want to escape away from her abusingpimps, and other men. She wants to change her life around just to become anormal person, she want to go back to school, get a good job. But, it'sseem whatever she do, she always fail. Diane loves to dress sexy, sheis 45 year old, and has an athlete shape with a size 48 D cup breast. Herhips is very wide and her ass shake very heavy when she walk. Guyscan't resist stopping and staring at her....

3 years ago
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The Neighbors1

It was a hot summer July afternoon. We were returning from the beach in the van. We had the kids with us and one of them asked if they could have a sleep over. Kim looked at me with excitement; it was something we had been looking forward to since we started sleeping together for a while. The opportunity to pleasure each other without being rushed. We immediately said yes. When we returned home we had dinner and let the kids watch a movie. When the night was over and the kids went to bed Kim...

4 years ago
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The Mind Control DeviceChapter 4 Wifersquos Incestuous Game

Dean Michaels I pulled my SUV into the garage a changed man. It worked! My mind-control device worked. I had used it at the park, controlling hundreds of people. Most I just made disinterested. They didn’t care what was going on while I had my perverted fun. Receiving a blowjob from a beautiful woman while watching a pair of twins stripping, then fucking said twins and taking both their cherries, before ending up with a threesome with the blowjob woman and her teenage daughter. It was...

1 year ago
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Bareback in a cornfield

This story dates back to the summer of 68/69. We were teens then.Me, my friends Frank, Leon and Bert. Bert was a bit older, about 2 years.We always played outside, no TV or video or smartphones.In that summer the cornfields were very good places to play and hide.One of the guy's had found a sex magazine and we decided to go into that cornfield were there was an open space in the middle. There we would look at the naked girls in the magazine.It was the first time that we saw pictures of naked...

2 years ago
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First HotWife Experience with a BBC

I'll tell you all a bit about me. I'm a 24 year old girl and in a long term relationship with a great guy. We got engaged recently and plan on getting married next September. We've been into 'swinging' for about 3 years now. In that time we've met couples, and single guys for mfm threesomes. Last year we discussed the possibility of me meeting guys by myself, and after a few near misses, I finally got the chance.My first experience as a Hotwife occurred during a work night out- this is all...

2 years ago
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He Brought It

If you read my previous story, then you know my situation. I recently moved into my own apartment and I love it here. The girl who lives in the apartment next door is a girl named Robyn, and we've become good friends. Robyn is a former stripper who now has a day job in a warehouse, but at night and on weekends, she moon lights as an escort. I am a voyeur, and hearing people have sex arouses me. Most of the time, when she has a date, I don't hear much unless I put my ear to the wall. She does a...

3 years ago
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Sex ke maje loote

Hi ISS readers aap sabhi ko mera sex bhara namaste. Main Sejal Jain jodhpur ki housewife hoon aur main apne pati (jiska penis chhota aur patla sa hai) se santust nahin thi, wo kabhi bhi mujhe sex ka such nahin de paya, sadi ke char sal bad tak bhi bacha nahi hua tha. Aaj main aapko aapni ek real story batane ja rahi hun jo last week mere sath hui meri hobbies chat kerne ki hai main roj chat kerti hun. Per ek din meri mulakat se hui jo ki Jodhpur ka hi rehnewala hai. Baato baato main na jane...

1 year ago
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Roberts Teacher

“Welcome everyone!” she announced. “This class is Sex 101”. The kids in the classroom giggled a little bit. “There are 3 things you must know in this class: #1) No condoms allowed. #2) You must follow the rules. #3) You do not want to break the rules. If you do you will be punished. Robert flinched. What kind of rules are those? You must follow the rules and you do not want to break the rules? What are the rules you do not want to break? His thoughts were interrupted by the...

3 years ago
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Hitting The Showers

Hitting The Shower- MM,Bi, oral, exhibitionMy wife sends me off on my own for a daring adventure in a public place. I finally meet The Stud, and am required to service him in the locker room shower of the local university. (MM, bi, exh, oral) ***Her instructions were straightforward, and I walked into the dressing room from the outside entrance as directed. The room was empty, but the sounds of people in the adjoining gymnasium echoed off the walls. I stared at the neat rows of benches and...

2 years ago
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Broken Echo

BROKEN ECHO by Jenny North Antanaclasis /ant-an-uh-KLAS-is/ n. From the Greek, antanaklasis ("echo" or "reflection") from anti- ("against") + ana- + klasis ("breaking or bending") 1. A play on words in which a key word or phrase is repeated in a different, often contrary, sense. **************************************************************** STORY ONE: The Ballad of the Broken Blade (Act I) **************************************************************** It was the...

3 years ago
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Open Day at the Academy Part 2

Please read Part 1 first .... Mrs. Denver held the cane and turned to Hayley and Charlotte and said, “Move the second chair over, Charlotte, and then you can bend over and grab a chair each.” A few moments later and both girls were bent over with their reddened bottoms pointed towards the group of mum’s and 16 year olds. The mum’s still watched approvingly whilst the 16 year olds looked on eagerly, never having seen anyone caned before. They were agog. Mrs. Denver positioned herself and tapped...

1 year ago
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GirlsWay Charlotte Stokely Angela White Lily Rader Fashion Model 3 What Have You Done For Me Lately

After the fresh faced model Lily Rader steals the show at her first photo shoot, the boss of Eternity Cosmetics Charlotte Stokely delivers good news to her agent Angela White. She wants to offer Lily an exclusive contract for the Ambition line. They tell Lily her dream is coming true. Charlotte’s only concern is Lily’s ambition. Will it dwindle once her contract is signed? Lily strips naked, not missing a beat. She swears she will always do what it takes. Angela beams proudly at her...

3 years ago
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City Girl Fucked In Village

Hi this is ISHIKA again. I hope you have read my earlier story my sex adventure with hari kaka. I am thankful to those who have contacted me and appreciated my story and all those compliments regarding the story and me. I forgot to tell you about my age, I am 26 years old. Today the story I am going to tell you is not about me but one of my friend who hails from northeast India. If u want to know anything about her you can mail me here Let me tell you about her before we get to the story. Her...

2 years ago
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The Interview Part 5

Tiffany lowered the table far enough so that she could stand over Gregory's head. She rammed her cock into his mouth so violently that he began to cough up blood. This only made her more excited and she fucked his mouth even harder. "Take it all you fucking slut! Suck my fucking cock! Suck it harder you fucking ashtray!" He was having trouble breathing but he could still coherent enough to see what else was happening in the room. His wife had made her way to the leather chair behind the desk,...

1 year ago
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Two Steps Into LoveChapter 1

John: I guess this story starts almost five years ago on the very unpleasant afternoon that my father came home early and caught our mother in bed with another man. It really did split our family and the ensuing divorce was bitter. I have two brothers, each older, and, at the time, Russell was fourteen, Dale, twelve and I, John, was just ten. It was so clear which parent was at fault that it took no effort for any of us to decide who we wanted to live with; it was our dad. Mom got visiting...

3 years ago
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B is for Bae

Bae grew up in a rural village. She was just 18 when an American missionary came through and said he loved her. He converted her and they went back to the States and got married, and now at age 28 her life was fully involved with the church and nothing else. Not much had changed except she lived in rural America, which was a pretty good improvement. After 10 years she had very little sex -- three c***dren, but very little sex, all only, appropriately, missionary position, and her husband always...

2 years ago
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Shania Twain the Making of a Video

Shania his twisting her way around the diner, rubbing her hot body against different studs acting as patrons as she sings her song; Whose bed have your boots been under? And Whose heart did you steal I wonder? This time did it feel like thunder, baby? And who did you run to? And whose lips... She rubs her taught tits against the back on one of the younger cowpokes, who snickers at feeling her nipples brushing his back. "Cut!" Yells the videos director. "C'mon you guys. How many takes...

2 years ago
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A Time To Touch

Copyright © 2002 This is an original work and as such is protected under the copyright laws of the United States. Please do not duplicate, copy, print, distribute or exchange this piece without the expressed written permission of the author I could feel you wanting it. I wanted you to want it. We had wanted, this for a long time. Work schedules and commitments stopped us. Are need are want are desire was strong. You would think this was are first time together. It had felt so long since...

3 years ago
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The Doctor The ExCon

I posted this story on another site some time ago, but never on Lit. I have been physically unable to do any writing for some time so this is all I can do right now. It’s a long story but I’d rather give it to you all at once. Personally, I hate multi-part stories. I hope you enjoy it. * * * * * Chapter 1- Carmine The whistle blew as I stood up from my resting place next to the chain link fence that enclosed the area where I, along with twenty other men, was getting my daily ration of fresh...

1 year ago
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Getting Head With Pam

Pam will vividly remember this experience if she ever happens upon this erotic writing website. I don't expect that to happen but then Pam always did surprise me from the earliest days that I knew her. It was when both of us reached puberty that Pam really caught my attention. She'd been a young schoolmate since second grade and I'd found Pam to be a very nice girl and a good friend. But when she started experiencing the bodily changes that went along with a young teenage girl entering...

2 years ago
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First Experience With Meera

This is my first story I hope you all Enjoy. I am working in an MNC in Bangalore and this Incident started when I was returning from office in BMTC Volvo one month before. It was a heavy crowded bus, lucky I got a seat after crossing Marathalli Bridge (a place in Bangalore). After few stops a girl (Meera, name changed around 25 age, very hot , Short hair and whitish, Perfect figure little short in height) came and sat beside me (window Side). She was little wet due to rain and she was wearing...


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