Fixed Wright Up free porn video

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Tasha opened the door of her camper trailer and took a deep breath of the morning air. Dappled sunlight filtered through the trees to fall on her nude body, and she shivered from a still-crisp breeze. She covered her stiffening nipples for a moment, pushed her long dark locks off her shoulders, and then made her way down the steps to the screen tent. It wouldn’t be long before the mosquitos took note of her presence, and she wanted to be safely inside before that happened.

The magnets on the tent flap snapped together behind her, and she headed straight for the plastic tub below the picnic table. It took only a couple of minutes to retrieve the coffee maker from the tub, plug it into an extension cord running from the trailer, and get the coffee brewing.

The pot was only half full when the door of the larger camper next to her opened and her friend Cynthia stepped out. The blonde had been the one to suggest the nudist camp a couple of years earlier. She’d been pursuing a man, of course. Though that didn’t work out, after a couple of nervous days, both women had discovered that the lifestyle agreed with them - to some extent.

The regulars were largely purists who refused to acknowledge any connection between nudity and sexuality. Tasha and Cynthia both thought that was ridiculous, and thus they didn’t have many friends in the camp. The few friends they had and the freedom to cast away their clothing kept them coming back for more.

Cynthia yawned, stretched, and then came to join Tasha in the tent before the local bloodsuckers could reach her. “Morning,” she said with a glance at the coffee pot.

“Morning. Almost done,” Tasha responded.

Cynthia clapped her hands together and rubbed them in a gesture of eagerness. “Need to make sure we’re good and awake. They should start showing up any time now.”

Tasha smiled and nodded. Today was Nude Day, and it had become one of the pair’s favorite days of the year. A decade earlier, a tradition of coming to the camp on Nude Day had started at the local college. The regulars hated it, but had to tolerate the intrusion of all the young, tight bodies because the one-day entrance fee they paid and the money they spent at the vendors was what put the camp in the black every year. It kept the annual fees everyone else paid low, so they endured the frolicking college students.

Tasha and Cynthia were looking forward to the parade of young naked studs. They’d both made sure to put brand new batteries in their vibrators in anticipation. In their early forties and divorced, it was a rare chance for the two friends to see such fine specimens up close and personal. Neither harbored any illusions about doing more than looking, as just as many tight young coeds showed up as men. But look they would, with great enthusiasm.

“I wonder if he’ll show up this year,” Cynthia mused while picking up her coffee cup, having seen the coffee maker finish.

Tasha didn’t need any more clarification than that. There was only one person she could possibly be talking about. They hadn’t even managed to overhear his name, and he’d been kicked out after only a couple of hours for lewd displays, but he had made a lasting impression on them both. A handsome face with a square jaw, the muscular body of a football player, and one of the biggest cocks either of them had ever seen, made him quite memorable indeed.

The mental image of him had given Tasha’s vibrator a workout for a couple of weeks after his brief visit to the camp.

“We can hope,” Tasha said while she went to fill her own cup.

The blonde added, “And hope he doesn’t get kicked out so soon this year.”

The two friends shared a laugh and then chatted while the sun climbed and the camp awakened. They had finished breakfast and the pot of coffee when the sound of silvery laughter heralded the beginning of the festivities. Shortly thereafter, a group of five young girls strutted down the road in front of the campers. The women were tossing glances behind them and giggling as they walked. Sure enough, a group of naked men walking at a brisk pace appeared shortly after the coeds had vanished.

None were remarkable, but they were young, reasonably fit, naked, and sporting erections that bounced as they walked. The two friends both let out quiet, simultaneous moans.

“I think it’s that time,” Cynthia said while rising from her chair.

Tasha nodded and said, “Uh huh.”

The pair slathered on insect-repelling sunscreen, and made their way down to the beach by the lake.

Tasha and Cynthia chuckled under their breath as they watched the dripping couple be escorted out of the camp. They weren’t the first, and likely wouldn’t be the last, but they were certainly the most blatant. Tasha could barely believe her eyes when she saw the young woman riding the man’s cock with only the barest attempt at subterfuge as she clung to him out in the lake.

“Do you think they’ll make it out of the parking lot before they go back at it?” Cynthia asked as she turned toward their campers.

“I don’t think Hank is going to take his eyes off them until they’re out the gate.”

“Probably not. Can’t say as I blame her. He’s yummy.”

Tasha moaned, “Mmm hmm,” in agreement. The young man was certainly a candidate to fill her fantasies when she pulled out her vibrator that evening. Her nipples were still stiff and she knew she was soaking wet from ogling all the young male skin on the beach for the last few hours.

She was hungry for far more than the sandwiches they’d come back to make.

“Let’s hurry up and eat,” Cynthia suggested. “The eye-candy is already thinning out.”

Tasha looked up between the boughs at the sky. There was darkness on the horizon, and already a few gray clouds drifting overhead. “Not sure how long the weather is going to hold out, either.”

“Well, it’s not supposed to rain. If it just clouds up, it will cool things off, and maybe they’ll hang around longer.”

“Ever the optimist,” Tasha said.

The blonde twitched her eyebrows as she split off to go to her camper. “If I was being optimistic, I’d be talking about which one I was taking to bed with me tonight.”

Tasha shook her head and chuckled as she continued to her camper. She retrieved the French bread and tomato that would be her contribution to lunch, and brought them out to the tent. The two ate and watched a regular parade of college students - most now coupled rather than in groups - walking past on their way to the parking lot.

They were on the verge of returning to the beach when Cynthia’s phone went off. She retrieved it from the bag she had slung over her shoulder, checked the display, and answered it.

Tasha knew it wasn’t good when she saw the blonde’s brow furrow shortly after she started talking to her daughter. Cynthia ended the call with, “Sit tight. I’ll be there in a half hour or so. Bye.”

“Is Annie okay?” Tasha asked once her friend put down the phone.

“Sort of. She got in a fight with her boyfriend and stormed out without her key to the house. She sounds more mad than hurt, but I won’t know for sure until I get there to let her in. I guess I’ll go grab some clothes. I’ll leave you the key to the camper so you can take a shower later - in case I don’t make it back tonight.”

“Okay. Good luck.”

Cynthia sighed. “I’m probably going to need it.”

Tasha saw her friend off, and briefly flirted with the idea of returning to the beach. The truth was that without Cynthia there to whisper to, the idea was far less appealing. She also didn’t trust the darkening sky. In the end, she decided to relax with a book and a glass of wine.

The clouds rolled in, but they didn’t open up. The mesh of the tent did a good job of blunting the stiff - but not too chilly - wind that came with the clouds. Above, in the canopy, the wind seemed to be much stronger. The leaves and limbs were bending and whipping.

Despite the lack of rain, the ominous looking clouds had proved enough to discourage the visitors. The previous trickle of couples became an exodus of naked college students hurrying toward the parking lot. Tasha was glad she hadn’t wasted a trip down to the beach. She was wondering whether she should start taking things into the campers when a cracking sound caught her attention. She looked up, though there was nothing to see through the solid roof above, and heard a much louder crack. It was immediately followed by the sound of something crashing through the trees.

Tasha screamed when the limb landed on the ground next to the tent, on top of one of the ropes, and jerked the entire structure toward it.

It took her a minute to calm her racing heart and catch her breath. The tent was leaning dramatically toward the downed limb, threatening to pull up the stakes on the other side and collapse atop her head. Tasha exited the tent and walked over to the branch. It wasn’t huge, but she knew it was going to prove a challenge to move it by herself.

After a couple of experiments trying to lift the limb, she settled on tugging on the tips of the larger branches to rotate the whole thing on its broken end. It was hardly a perfect solution, but it was enough to free up the rope, allowing the tent to partially straighten.

Tasha walked around the tent, securing the stakes, and then frowned when she saw that the roof was still sagging and crooked. A quick look inside revealed why. One of the aluminum poles supporting the roof was severely bent.

That’s just great, she thought as a breeze caused the tent to shudder alarmingly. She shook her head and bent over to pick up the book she’d dropped when the falling limb scared her.

“Need some help?” a voice asked as she stood up straight.

Tasha turned around and her eyes went wide when she recognized a young man who had once been her paperboy.

Boy was the last word she would use to describe the man standing in front of her. His face was the one she recognized, but everything else had changed dramatically. Lean muscle adorned every inch of his nude body. What was dangling between his legs most certainly screamed man. It was every bit as impressive as the one from the previous year that had so inspired her arousal.

While she was still trying to process the changes in him, recognition dawned in his eyes. “Oh, hey Mrs. Wright. So, you’re a nudist?”

Tasha summoned up every ounce of self-control she had and the experience she’d gained in a couple of years of coming to the camp to appear nonchalant. “Oh, hello, Tommy. I’ve been coming here for a couple of years now. It’s Miss, though. I’m divorced. You can call me Tasha, though.”

“Yeah, I’m going by Tom now,” he said as he approached. “Tasha it is. Looks like you could use a hand.”

Your hand isn’t exactly the appendage I need.

Tasha ignored the naughty thought that had sprung up in her head, forced herself to maintain eye contact, and said, “I do. I’m at a loss. That limb is too heavy for me to move, and one of the tent poles is bent.”

“Let me get that limb out of the way, and then I’ll see what I can do about the tent.”

“Thank you.”

He waved his hand in a dismissive gesture and said, “No problem.”

Tasha couldn’t keep her eyes from dropping to his tight butt as he walked over to the limb. She nearly wasn’t able to suppress the moan trying to rumble in her throat when he bent over and picked it up by the heavy end in a bunching of muscles. He easily carried the branch a good distance beyond the camper, toward the thicker woods, and then heaved it into the undergrowth.

He dusted off his hands as he returned with his cock swinging. “Let me have a look at that pole.”

Tasha’s cheeks warmed because she’d been checking out his pole, and the words hit rather close to home.

She managed to keep it together and opened the flap of the tent to invite him in. He nodded as he walked past her, and she couldn’t help but notice that his eyes seemed to linger on her breasts for a fraction of a second.

I’m naked. Of course he’s going to look, she rationalized. It doesn’t mean anything.

He looked up and didn’t need any guidance to see the problem. “Yeah, that’s pretty bad. It’s bent bad enough that if it wobbles around, it might break. The way the poles go together, the whole thing might collapse.”

“Do you think you can fix it?” she asked.

“I might have an idea that will work until you can replace the pole. Think I have the stuff in the car.” He looked around, spotted the cooler, and said, “Perfect. We’ll both need something to stand on. I’ve got a cooler in the trunk too, but I think I’ll need you to hold things steady while I work on it.”

Tasha nodded and gave a little shrug. “If you can fix it, I’ll be glad to help.”

He pointed a thumb over his shoulder and said, “I’ll go get the stuff from my car. I’ll be back in a couple of minutes.”

“Okay. Thanks.”

He smiled and said, “No worries. Glad to help.” With that, he exited the tent and headed back toward the road.

As soon as he passed out of sight, Tasha blew out a long breath, shivered, and clenched her intimate muscles to calm the tingling between her legs. Without a doubt, Tommy had just beaten out all contenders for the lead in her fantasies. She knew Cynthia was going to eat this story up when she returned.

Three-quarters of her second glass of wine remained, so she took advantage of it. It was hard to get the image of his young, naked body out of her head. She knew she was going to have to stay in control when he returned, and she hoped a little liquid courage would help with that. After finishing the glass, she considered pouring another, but decided that might push over the line from courage to impulsiveness, which was the exact opposite of what she was going for. Drinking wine when he returned would also send the wrong message.

Or rather, would send a message she doubted he would be receptive to.

That decided, she peeked at her phone and saw that fifteen minutes had passed while she drank and mused. Unless he was really dallying, it didn’t take anywhere near that long to walk to the parking lot and back. She was beginning to wonder if he was going to return when he appeared on the road carrying a cooler.

“Sorry that took so long,” he said as he approached, “But it was worth it. There was an old antenna out by the office, so I asked if I could use a few of the tines. Aluminum will work a lot better than wood, which is what I was planning on.”

“No need to apologize. You’re helping me out, after all.”

He shrugged. “Hoping to, anyway. This should work, but I won’t know until I try it.”

“Just let me know what you need me to do,” she said as she opened the tent flap for him.

Tom sat the cooler down on the ground and removed a fistful of zip ties from it. The tines broken off the antenna followed. He then looked up and positioned his cooler under the spot beneath the nearly broken tent pole.

“Just need to get your cooler in place, and we can get started,” he said as he walked over to grab it.

The second cooler found a home only a foot or so away from his.

“Okay,” he said, and then pointed at where all the poles met. “What I need you to do is hold those up straight for me. Your cooler is full, so it should be pretty stable as long as you’re careful. I think you can reach it, but give it a try.”

Tasha put a foot on the cooler, and then accepted the steadying hand he offered before stepping atop it with the other foot. An electric tingle ran all through her from his touch. As soon as she was atop the cooler, it dawned on her that her sex was at a level just below his chest with him standing on the ground. She tried not to think about it and pushed up on the tent poles where he’d indicated. That served to lift her breasts, putting her in a pose that brought color to her cheeks.

“Push up just a bit more,” he said as he climbed onto his cooler. When she followed that instruction, he said, “Perfect,” put the zip ties in his mouth, and reached toward the bend with the aluminum tines in hand.

Tasha was keenly aware of how close she was to him as she stood in the provocative pose. When she glanced his way, the sight of his muscles working set off a natural - and powerful - reaction. Somehow, she managed not to shiver, and directed her gaze straight up at their hands.

Tom straightened the bent pole, and then arranged the four pieces of aluminum around it. He held them in place with one hand, and then dexterously fed one of the zip ties around the whole thing. After pulling it tight, he repeated the process with a second on the opposite side of the bend. With that secured, he quickly added a half dozen more.

“Okay, now let go,” he said.

Tasha let out a sigh of relief when she dropped her arms, which were beginning to ache. Nothing budged when she let go. Tom gave the tent a shake, and then a stronger one. The result was the same. The fix was holding.

“That should get you by for a while,” he said. “You can climb down.”

Tasha stepped off the cooler, and the temptation was too great to resist. She had to take a peek while his cock was just below eye level. When she glanced at his manhood, that plan went straight out the window. He was rock hard and even bigger erect than she’d assumed he would be. A gasp escaped her before she could even think about holding it back.

“Sorry about that,” he said as he stepped off his cooler.

She couldn’t think of a single thing to say. If he hadn’t stepped down from his perch so quickly, she wasn’t sure she could have even torn her eyes away from the sight of his erect organ.

He said, “I know it’s rude to get hard. They told us that when we came in, but couldn’t help it.”

Tasha looked him in the eyes, still searching for something to say to cover her reaction to his hardness, and what she saw within his eyes further tied her tongue. There was an unmistakable hunger there. He maintained eye contact for a moment, and then blatantly looked her up and down before returning his gaze to hers.

A crooked smile tugged at the corners of his mouth. What she was thinking was just as obvious in her eyes.

Tom reached out and ran his fingertips from her shoulder down to her elbow. Tasha drew in a shuddering breath from his touch.

“Do you want to... ?” He trailed off and nodded toward her camper.

Every tiny bit of inhibition drained out of her with those words. She let her own raging hunger flow into her eyes and said, “God, yes.”

His smile widened, and he quickly bent down to flip open the lid of his cooler. Out came a string of condoms.

“So, this was what you were after all along?” she said with mock seriousness that her coquettish grin completely belied.

“From the moment I saw you bent over from the road.”

Tasha shuddered and growled. She then said, “Hurry,” and headed out of the tent.

He was right behind her and grabbed her butt as they proceeded toward the trailer. “Damn, that ass,” he said, and then echoed her earlier growl. “Always wanted to see you naked.”

“Worth the wait?”

“Oh yeah.”

Tasha opened the door and climbed the steps. He was barely inside when he pulled it closed behind him, and it took him no longer to pull her into a kiss. Their lips met with desperate intensity and not even the slightest hint of affection. Pure lust was driving them both, and they had surrendered to it.

One of his hands gripped her butt, holding her tight against him. She could feel the condoms dangling from his fingers, and his cock throbbing against her. The other had slipped behind her head and into her hair. Her hands raked along his back, reveling in the feeling of his muscles.

When they finally broke from the kiss, Tom tossed the condoms onto the bed, which nearly filled the small camper. Tasha gasped in surprise when he once again gripped her ass in his now unencumbered hand and quickly turned her with her back facing the door. He leaned forward, pushing her against it, and then the fingers of his other hand raked through the trimmed curls around her sex.

“Love that you don’t shave,” he said in a husky voice.

“Then show me,” she answered right back.

A shuddering breath filled her lungs when he plunged two fingers into her saturated pussy. The digits curled inside her, and the heel of his hand pressed against her clit. At the same time, he leaned his head down, turned it sideways, and latched onto her nipple.

Sharp whimpers exploded from Tasha’s lips as he pumped his fingers, rolled her clit, and sucked her nipple hard. One of her hands snapped to the back of his head, holding him to her breast. The nails of the other raked his back when her fingers curled into claws from the pleasure he was giving her.

Her whimpers turned into groans and gasps when he picked up the pace of his fingers. Her back arched away from the door, though she was still firmly pinned by his muscular body. The powerful - almost frantic - way he was taking her only added to her pleasure.

As the first tickles of an approaching orgasm arose within her, he suddenly let her nipple go and jerked his fingers out of her needy canal. A sound that was half a growl and half a whimper escaped her when he left her hanging. He straightened, and then lifted his slick fingers to her lips. Without a moment’s thought, she parted her lips and sucked them in.

“Do you taste good?” he asked.

“Mmm hmm,” she moaned around his fingers as she sucked them clean.

“Then I’ll have to see for myself.”

“Oh god yes,” she exclaimed when he pulled his fingers out of her mouth and dropped to his knees.

Tom grabbed her left leg and lifted it, bending it at the knee. Then he draped it over his shoulder and dived in. Tasha’s hands settled on the back of his head, twining into his hair when his tongue went to work.

A steady stream of inarticulate sounds tumbled from her lips, arising unbidden and uncontrolled as his tongue danced over her. It had been forever since anyone had licked her with such fervor and skill - and never standing up. That was a first that was turning her on even more. Despite his submissive position, he was still firmly in control, holding her against the door.

At first, the pleasure was too sharp - too overwhelming. All she could do was hold onto his head and be devoured. Slowly but surely, the tickle behind her mound that he’d already started with his fingers reasserted itself. After that, it swelled quickly.

Her pleasure mounting, Tasha cried out, “Oh god!” A moment later, he pulled away for a fraction of a second to catch a breath and swallow. She pulled him back into the V of her legs, demanding, “Don’t stop.”

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Chance is the first one up and the first place he heads is the kitchen. It was his stomach growling that woke him in the first place. He debated making some kind of breakfast and serving that breakfast in bed to his sister. Rory did after all put on one hell of a show for him. But then he thought about how weird that might be. She did run off after that strange experience. He doesn’t know what the hell it was or what it meant, but from Rory’s reaction she didn’t like it. So in the end he...

1 year ago
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Fixed IdeaChapter 7

They never talk about what happened in the bathroom. In fact, Rory vehemently denies it ever happening. After having that strange dream the night before, Chance isn’t all too sure it did happen either. It certainly felt real, but so had the dream. At this point, he isn’t even sure the incident with the bowl of oatmeal even happened. So for the rest of the day he decides to give his sister a bit of a break. This is the first weekend that he is here and the first of a long summer. He doesn’t...

4 years ago
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Fixed IdeaChapter 8

When night finally falls, Chance and Rory have dinner. Rory cooks her famous tacos and nothing is brought up about the day’s events as they sit and enjoy the meal. Normally Chance would bring to his sister’s attention something like what happened in the back yard, but after what did or didn’t take place in the bathroom this morning, he isn’t going to risk it. Besides, for him to announce what had happened while remarking how similar she and Jill look would only add fuel to that...

4 years ago
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Fixed IdeaChapter 9

Rory works out a couple days a week. She explains to Chance that it is usually midweek and weekend, and it begins with the home gym and ends with yoga in the living room. She offered for him to use the gym and he took her up on it, working out a little over the past few days. It has helped with his frustrations with not getting anywhere special with Rory and not seeing any more of Jill from next door. Rory has just moved into the living room wearing her tight yoga pants and an equally tight...

1 year ago
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Fixed IdeaChapter 10

They step through the door to Rory’s bedroom. Chance looks at his sister and smiles nervously. He cannot believe what they have just done in the living room. That definitely wasn’t a daydream, a part of his imagination. It was real and it is still happening. Rory takes his hand and pulls her brother toward her. Chance feels her hands slide around his waist, pressing him against the wall. Her lips touch his neck softly, teasing him and the boy begins to feel weak. This is a dream come true....

4 years ago
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Fixed IdeaChapter 11

Rory’s eyes shoot open. Something feels wrong. Very wrong. She doesn’t move, feeling that if she does, something bad will happen. The room is fairly dark, barely any light coming in through the windows. Without moving her head, she gazes at the clock on her nightstand. She is awake before her alarm has gone off, which explains the near total darkness. She feels a shift and the sound of breathing. It isn’t hers. She doesn’t remember picking up a guy and bringing him home. She only does that on...

2 years ago
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Fixed IdeaChapter 12

When Rory steps out of the bathroom, ready to confront her brother, she finds him already gone. For a moment she believes that maybe it all was just a dream, that it was all just in her head. But when she notices the side of the bed has been slept in, she knows that’s not the case. With a shameful shake of her head, she gets dressed and then heads down stairs. From the kitchen, Chance hears her footsteps. He quickly tucks his cock back into his shorts and picks up the spoon to stir the...

2 years ago
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Fixed IdeaChapter 13

Chance has spent the next day thinking about what his sister said about marriage, or rather what it is she didn’t say. He knows that she is under some kind of strange influence and that means she doesn’t really know what she is saying. For all he knows, it is something he wants deep down and she is just saying what he feels. This entire situation is just crazy and he has no way of really knowing how or why it is even happening. So he is left with the dilemma of where to go from here. Chance...

3 years ago
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Fixed IdeaChapter 14

After a month of Chance moving in, their relationship has greatly improved. While they are siblings, neither really acknowledges that fact much. They have become more like a couple and both realize that Chance is technically Rory’s longest lasting boyfriend. Any that she has had before have never lasted more than a week. Now to celebrate such a fact, they went out to one of the fanciest restaurants in town. Chance was concerned about the cost of such a fancy affair, but Rory assured him that...

3 years ago
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Fixed IdeaChapter 15

After they get home, Chance pulls his sister into the living room and sits her down onto the couch. Rory strips out of the dress and they are not even home for five minutes before there is a knock at the door. Excitement runs through Rory when her brother gets up with a smile to answer it. After the surprise in the park, she has no idea what he can possibly have in mind for them. Opening the door, Felix steps inside. Chance waves a hand toward the living room. “She’s all ready and waiting...

3 years ago
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Fixed IdeaChapter 16

Since Chance was so giving and surprising, Rory decided to reciprocate that kindness and invited Jill over without his knowledge. She gave the neighbor specific instructions and took the day off a couple days later. Rory is eager to get into her brother shorts and take back that control she lost a few nights ago. So she gets up before Chance and leaves a trail of clothes from the bedroom door, down the hall and stairs, leading right into the living room. She waits, naked on the sofa until he...

1 year ago
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Fixed IdeaChapter 17

Jill lies next to Chance, her breathing coming back under her control. On his other side is his sister, still coming down from her high. Rory shifts, looking at her brother with loving eyes. She shifts, crawling over his chest and leans down to press her lips against Jill’s immobilized face, kissing her with passionate fervor. Jill gasps, her mouth opens enough for Rory’s tongue to sweep inside. Then it opens further, allowing more as she responds back. Maintaining and deepening the kiss,...

3 years ago
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Fixed IdeaChapter 18

Summer has been progressing better than Chance imagined it would when he first arrived at his sister’s house. It has been filled with so much fun that he would hate for it to ever stop. School is looming just a couple weeks away, which shouldn’t change anything. And since school is going to be starting soon, he has to get ready for the football season, and that means running. He even manages to get Rory to run with him, telling her it will complete her fitness training that she already...

4 years ago
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Fixed IdeaChapter 19

Rory sits on the bed, naked and freshly toweled off. Their shower was long with neither speaking nor touching. Both had their minds full of questions and answers, problems and solutions. She grabs Chance’s hardened member, pushing it past her lips and into her mouth. He said he wanted to talk, but she said she wanted to fuck. He throws his head back and moans while his sister’s head bobs back and forth, coating him with saliva. As soon as he is good and wet, she turns over onto her hands and...

2 years ago
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Fixing the Shower

I am a healthy and happily divorced twenty-eight year old woman. I never intended to be divorced at 28, but it happened. I am self-sustaining,except when it comes to fixing things around my house. I cannot fix a garage door or a broken garbage disposal or a leaking shower head. I can do a lot of things, but those items I cannot do. Fortunately for me, I have a rather robust, fairly good looking and very muscular next door neighbor, named Alex, who can do all these things and so much more. Yes,...

1 year ago
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Fixing My Car

Introduction: My wife attacks me while Im under the car fixing it. Fbailey story number 196 Fixing My Car Recently I had developed a noise in the exhaust system of my car and after checking it out I had gone to the auto parts store to get some stuff to fix it with. As I usually do I went overboard and bought a whole lot more stuff than I actually needed. However the first thing on my wifes list was for me to mow the lawn. We live out it the country a ways and we bought the place because of...

3 years ago
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Fixing the Garbage Disposal

I had a short love affair with Jack, my favorite self-pleasuring tool. But Jack is limited, being a tool, and so this woman is desperately in need of a real man. I pride myself in being a self-sustaining woman, since my divorce. I didn’t need a man, I had Jack. But Jack couldn’t fix a garage door and he certainly couldn’t fix a broken garbage disposal. I thought about my next door neighbor, Alex, who had recently come to my rescue and fixed my damaged garage door after I accidentally backed...

1 year ago
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Fixing My Car

Fixing My Car Recently I had developed a noise in the exhaust system of my car and after checking it out I had gone to the auto parts store to get some stuff to fix it with. As I usually do I went overboard and bought a whole lot more stuff than I actually needed. However the first thing on my wife’s list was for me to mow the lawn. We live out it the country a ways and we bought the place because of the huge front lawn. At first I enjoyed mowing the lawn and taking pride in it. I...

2 years ago
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Fixing the Electrical Short

I am a happy-go lucky divorced gal and I love the new neighborhood where I have moved. I needed a new start after being married ten years. While I love being single, I miss having a man around the house to fix things. Lucky for me, my next door neighbor seems to be quite the handy man and whenever I need something fixed, all I have to do is walk next door. I do my best on my own, but lucky for me, my neighbor is the type of guy who is more than willing to step next door and help me. One evening...

3 years ago
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Fixing Her Pipe

As an insurance adjuster I get called to all sort of different situations. Most are storm related, but some are your freak accidents like toilet run over or a pipe burst. This was one of those times. I had gotten a call to go to the home of a couple who had a pipe burst behind their water heater. It had been a particularly cold winter and as we were in late January there was still at least a month to go. I arrived as the husband was leaving. He said a few curt words to his wife about her friend...

Oral Sex
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I will keep the descriptions short here as no one is really that interested.I am in my mid 40's, medium, build, decent looks, average size cock. I lost my wife a few years ago and have done some dating, but nothing real serious.I own a small IT business that sells hardware, software, fix computers, and also does IT support for smaller businesses.The other day I had a young, heavy set woman - in her early 20's come in with a laptop that was full of viruses. She was in somewhat of a panic as the...

2 years ago
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Fixing Glorias plumbing problem

I was in the plumbing section at Home Depot looking at some faucets for my kitchen. There was a couple there also looking at faucets. The man was trying to fit some plumbing parts together. He looked confused so I asked him what he wanted to do. They explained their situation and I chose what supplies they needed. They thanked me and headed for the cash registers. I picked up what I needed and headed there too. Standing in the check-out line, the woman asked me if I did house repairs. I told...

3 years ago
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Fix My Bed

We became friends, but no more. A few times I took her to see some of the guys that responded to her ad. I’d drop her off, short skirt, thin top, no bra, long curly dirty blond hair. She would hop out of the car and it was obvious she was either wearing a thong or no panties. Thirty minutes later I’d be back to pick her up; usually her hair and makeup was a mess and she would run out of the place and hop back in my car. I’d ask how it was and she’d usually say it was ok. One guy she said...

3 years ago
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Fix You

Jane’s hand paused less than an inch away from the door to Doctor Bishop’s office. She didn’t know why. She didn’t feel ashamed about seeing a therapist, mental health was just like physical health, something to be maintained and treated. When something wasn’t feeling right, the first thing you did was see a professional. It all made perfect sense, but something was keeping her from knocking. Maybe they could discuss that as part of the session, she decided, overruling her body’s temporary...

3 years ago
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Fixing the Sink

***** "Ok class that's a wrap. I'll see you all next week when we begin a new chapter." Said Mr. Holland, my statistics teacher, as the announcements finished and we all got up from our chairs. "And just because you all are graduating in a few weeks, that doesn't mean you guys can just check out and allow your grades to plummet. Senioritis is a terrible disease and if you let it take hold of you, I promise you will be feeling the symptoms of it when you begin college next year....

3 years ago
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Fixing my wife

Introduction: Molesting her son I woke up the next morning and was lying in bed thinking of last nights events. Tina had stop listening to me some time during her time with mark and just started fucking him on her own. Then when she got back to our room she lied about what she had been doing. Tina was already up this morning probably fixing breakfast as usual. Just then I heard her come down the hall from marks room and go to the bathroom. I heard her get into the shower. I get up and go to the...

2 years ago
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Fixing It

SluttyBi: I need a ride. MissyJ: *devilish grin* I just gave u the ride of a lifetime last nite, babe. SluttyBi: *lol* not that ride, silly. I meant I’m picking up my car from the mechanic today. I got a message last night saying everything’s fixed and ready for me to take it home today. MissyJ: OK, where is this place? SluttyBi: do u remember Kev? MissyJ: Kev who? SluttyBi: Geeky Kev from back in high school. He was in the same year as my brother’s and often hung out with him. ...

3 years ago
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Fix my car please

I'm driving down the highway the other night, and my car began to act up. Sput, sput, sput. I see a roadside motel and pull into the gravel driveway. At the time as I was pulling in, my car then becomes a steam pot. Steam pouring out from under the hood.A man(you) comes out of the office to see if I need any assistance. He's see that I have popped the hood and I'm bent over the edge with my skirt just barely covering my ass cheeks. You then come up next to me checking out what could be...

1 year ago
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Fixing It

SluttyBi: I need a ride. MissyJ: devilish grin I just gave u the ride of a lifetime last nite, babe. SluttyBi: lol not that ride, silly. I meant I’m picking up my car from the mechanic today. I got a message last night saying everything’s fixed and ready for me to take it home today. MissyJ: OK, where is this place? SluttyBi: do u remember Kev? MissyJ: Kev who? SluttyBi: Geeky Kev from back in high school. He was in the same year as my brother’s and often hung out with...

Group Sex
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Fix Me

Starting to wonder what was left to do, Mimi continued to look around the room. She had tried to tidy up as best she could in the short time she had knowing that he would be here soon. Now he, of course referred to the cable repairman she had called. It was the only way she could get her work done from home and her new novel had to be finished that week. Figures that the internet would go out right before she needed to meet a deadline. The phone rings and Mimi runs to answer it. A strong male...

Quickie Sex
4 years ago
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Fixing the Neighbors Plumbing

Early one morning last summer on my day off I had gone out in the morning to water the plants before the blazing sun had started to cook them. While in the front yard my neighbor Barbra was also out doing the same thing, she said hello and asked if I had time to come over and take a look at her garbage grinder, she said it would not turn. Now Barbra is a mature bbw widow, she is always so nice and plesant to talk with. She is also a sun lover and lays out nude in her back yard as much as...

2 years ago
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Fixing the Leak

“Brett, this is Belle.” I heard the soft voice answer. “Hey, Belle. What can I do for you?” I ask, thinking about the caller. She was my buddy Dave’s fiancée, and an incredible looking woman. “Well, I need some help. Dave’s gone with his brothers hunting, and I’ve got a sink leaking like a sieve. I’ve got the water shut off, but being the weekend, I can’t get a hold of a plumber. I wouldn’t bother you, but I’ve got my mother and sisters coming over tomorrow, and I have...

3 years ago
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Fixing a mechanical trouble

I was sent to Kansas City that week end, to perform some training with the new employees there. My Boss apologized; but he could not get me a plane ticket; so I offered him to go there by my own car. But my car was in the mechanic workshop; so I borrowed my hubby’s one.Victor offered to go with me, since his car was having some mechanical troubles; but I told him to stay at home and get a good relax, since he had been very much stressed during the last weeks.I drove to Kansas City and I had a...

1 year ago
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Fixing the Sink Ch 2

***** Audrey lay there on me for a few seconds, regaining her strength before grabbing her clothes off the floor and heading out of the kitchen and to her room. "You mind giving me a hand?" I asked, still trapped beneath the enormous stone sink. Simon stood there awkwardly for a few seconds before dropping his lacrosse gear and moving to help me. With me using my free left hand to push and Simon pushing as well, we managed to slide the massive object off of my chest and far enough...

3 years ago
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fixing my wife

Introduction: how i changed my wife into liking sex Hi my name is Mike I got married 20 years ago to my wife Tina .Tina is a very pretty women she is 5 foot tall sandy blonde hair. Her body is perfect tight round butt and 34 b cup tits.Shortly after we were married she got religion and changed into a perfect little catholic lady wearing only long dresses and they button all the way up the front to the neck. She became very conservative never wanting to have sex if I was lucky once a month. ...

2 years ago
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Fix a flat

Oscar had a plan. Trapped inside his house due to the coronavirus-19, Oscar had kept a weather-eye upon the traffic on his street as women of all shapes and sizes ran and bicycled past his abode.A hermit by nature, Oscar didn’t realize the busy metroplex had been locked down until a week into the pandemic. But the spring sun had worked its magic on that ancient reproductive part of his brain and the natural grace of the women as they exercised mesmerized him. He needed to get laid. Even if he...

2 years ago
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Fixing The Garage Door

I was late for work. The garage door didn’t open fast enough and I had hit the stupid door with the car. Crap! I pulled back into the garage and hit the “Down” button. The garage door creaked and then it stopped half closed. I got out and surveyed the damage. The door hung off the roller on one side. I didn’t know what to do. I was pissed. I had been divorced about six months and had just managed to get relocated into a rental house in a nice suburban upscale community north of Dallas. I...

2 years ago
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Fixing my sisterinlaws computer

My wife, Ashley, came to me and told me her sister, Chloe's computer had gotten a virus and she wanted me to fix it, as I am handy with that type of thing. I told her I would, just get the computer and the login password. Chloe still lived with her mother, my wife's mother, as she was still in high school. She was born about ten years after my wife. Her parents split not much long after, and her mom didn't have much luck with the dating scene.A few days later, she brought it to me. I turned it...

1 year ago
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Fixing the computer

For some time the PC I had been using had been in need ofan upgrade. Surfing the net was always rather slow, notreal good when you are trying to look at gay porn whileyour wife is not looking! I have been happily married forquite a few years to a wonderful woman who knowsabsolutely nothing about my gay side. I told myself toforget that side of me when we met but lately it has gothold of me again and I just can't help myself.A friend of mine sells and fixes pc's as a businessworking from a shop...

4 years ago
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Fixing More Than Just Her Car

Nina Dobrev got into her car around noon on a typical Wednesday afternoon. She wanted to stop by the supermarket to get her shopping done before heading to an interview for ‘The Tonight Show’. She had about three hours before she had to be in Burbank, CA for the appearance. Nothing had led her to believe that she couldn’t get her shopping done in time. She climbed into her Mercedes and headed to store, which was about six miles from her Hollywood home.As she was about half way to the store, the...

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