My Lola
- 3 years ago
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Be Careful What You Wish For
Have you ever wished that you were irresistible to women?
Be careful what you wish for. I am living proof of that.
I am a research biologist.
Or should I say, I was a research biologist. Now I am a hermit, living alone in this isolated cabin. Every week an airplane flies over and drops my supplies off. I have luxuries that no other hermits have had, for my company does all it can to make sure my existence is as pleasant as possible. After all, I do own a major position in the company and its phenomenal successes are built on the patents I developed.
Molecular biology is a field that a few dozen years ago was not very popular, but I was always interested in growing things. Not growing things, as a gardener or a farmer is, but rather in the methods that nature uses to make new plants and animals. After Watson and Crick, biology had the tools to find out answers to these questions. We biologists developed ways to pry into the secrets of life itself. And we do.
I made a name for myself while still in grad school, developing a process so esoteric that it would take me several papers to describe it to someone who knows bio science. My thesis advisor told me that I should patent it, which I did. He also suggested that we start up a company to develop applications of this new technique.
Well, I never finished my dissertation, but that is not important. I became wealthy before my thirtieth birthday. Today the company sponsor PBS specials, endows chairs at major universities, sponsors promising students in their studies. Last year we gave away more money than the university I attended had put into their entire life sciences department the year I dropped out.
You might imagine that new wealth had made a major difference in my life. It did, but only in that it allowed me to do things that interested me. I have always thought that what was going on in my mind was more important than what was surrounding my body. The trappings of wealth have no lures for me. Indeed, if it hadn't been for my friend Barry, who had been my faculty advisor, I would have still been living in the back of the drafty old converted house I'd lived in through college.
I had gotten a cold, one of those stay in bed for days, flat on your back kinds of colds, that allows you to do nothing but sneeze, sniffle and suffer. I had called Barry to make sure that someone would take care of the experiments that I had in progress. Barry brought me the results and been appalled at the way I was living. He had also called an ambulance and had me admitted to the hospital. The cold was really pneumonia.
While I was recovering, he visited me. He scolded me, telling me that I needed someone to take care of me. The squalor of my apartment had deeply offended him. Well, after seven years, during which I had never washed a wall or a window, I could see his point. Of course, I had never really noticed it while I was living there.
He bought me a three-bedroom condominium in a nice building, not too far from our companies new laboratories. He hired a live in cook/house keeper named Maria to take care of me. She made sure that I ate, had clean clothes, fresh linen and an immaculate environment to come home to. At first it took a little getting used to. In my old apartment, I could leave things wherever they were. I had some rather slovenly habits that were the exact opposite of my laboratory habits. Of course, I had to share labs through school and knew that if things weren't put away, the next person couldn't find them. After all, I was someone elses next person. I had lab tidiness, but it didn't carry over to my apartment.
The solution to being able to find something inside the apartment was my assistant, who would come in three times a week and shelve books, file reports, do data entry and keep the home environment functioning. Maria couldn't do it, because while she was a whiz with taking care of my bodily needs, she couldn't have figured out where a report on peptide molecular properties went into the files. That was Shelli's job.
Shelli would file the reports, bookmark and reshelve the books according to a plan that we had worked out. If it wasn't where I thought I had left it, then it had been three weeks since I had used the book and I knew that it had been put back in its place on the big book cases that occupied most of the wall space in the condo. Every six months or so, another wall would be covered with new bookshelves. Shelli took care of that too.
My life was defined by my work and the home that these two women made for me. I was the typical absent minded professor, although still a young man. Maria would check me on my way out the door every morning. Mismatched socks were okay. It just meant that I had put on one dirty one and one clean one. I was doing work in those days that occupied my mind so completely that I was only vaguely aware of the world. She would poke her head into my study, call my name, and when I finally looked up, she would tell me that dinner was ready. I would say that I would be right there, as soon as I finished this, thank her and go back to my work. I noticed that meals were cold more often than not.
What did they look like, these women who took care of me? Maria was about my eye level and had dark hair and beautiful skin tones. She was nicely rounded, in a motherly way. Even if I didn't eat her cooking while it was hot, it was still good. I noticed that my clothes were tighter around the waist. Then she started to buy me bigger pants.
Shelli was long and angular, a gawky giraffe. She was a brilliant young grad student that had taken a sabbatical from her PHD program to make enough money to continue her education. Barry had hired her and she never went back to school. Working for me, she had shared in my work and her name had appeared as co author on several papers. She was much more than just my personal assistant, she was a valued colleague. She wore gold rimmed eye glasses, round circles that stood out from her dark face. She would light up with the most wonderful smile when she was happy, purse her lips in an unconscious pout when she was concentrating. I think that our conversations would be gibberish to anyone else, even someone in our field. We had developed shorthand that was our own special vocabulary.
Whenever there was a conference, the three of us would be driven out to the airport, get on the company jet and it would take us wherever we were going. Sometimes when the research was going well, I would almost have to be dragged aboard the aircraft. More than once, I had to ask where we were. Sometimes the first clue I would have would be that all of the people were talking in a foreign language. After a particular humiliating experience, Marie would always put the address of the hotel in my coat pocket, along with enough local money to get me back to it. I was hopeless at dealing with the real world.
The only reason that I attended these conferences was to talk to other biologists in the field. That is where the real sparks would be struck. Ideas bouncing off other people would ignite ideas of mine. Barry was furious once when I described (in detail) a procedure that we were patenting. It was in answer to a 'yeah, and how in the hell would I purify it?' question in the hotel bar. I didn't care, but Barry scolded me about proprietary information and stock holders and I promised never to do it again. It led directly to a Nobel Prize, though for the woman in the bar.
A bird in a gilded cage, I was the goose that laid the golden eggs. It was a very strange existence, but it satisfied me. I know now what a stunted human being I was, but I do not regret the life that I lived. After all, it is beings such as I was that make humans progress.
Oh? I can prove that. Only people who are obsessed with things to the exclusion of all others make progress happen. Political people are obsessed with power, inventors are obsessed with their fields of interest. Christ had his obsessions.
QED The thing speaks for itself.
Well. That was my life. I was only vaguely aware of my outside world. Maria's mother died and she was away for a few days. Shelli's brother got married. I can't even tell you what year those events took place. My own family had died while I was still in prep school and my uncle, who had taken over my upbringing, died when I was in college. I was very cut off from the normal human ties of the world.
To give you an example, I had never been on a date, never had a sexual relationship with anyone other than myself. A few quick tugs, a few vague dreams. I was very asexual.
During the last part of that life, I began to do research in phonemes. Smells, for those of you that don't recognize the word. I was curious about how ants made their trails to their food supplies. It was pure research, but I had always done 'pure research.' Barry had been the one to spot the enormous commercial potential in my work when I was working on my dissertation. That lead to a process that every biological lab in the world uses extensively. I won't tell you what it was, because you could just look up the patent and find out who I am. I do not want that.
Phonemes are the way that animals and insects attract each other. I keep up with my reading in a dilettantish sort of way and I see that there are companies that are trying to perfect what I was doing six years ago. I hope that they don't make the mistake that I made. There are people who have followed up on things that I had spotted back then, but they all seem to be safely branched off from the trail that I took in my research.
Sexual attractants seems a strange field for me to have stumbled into. I can't (won't) tell you how I, a virgin, wound up doing all of this research and development. I will give you a broad over view of where I went wrong and let it go at that.
When an animal is in heat, they produce phonemes that attract mates. Humans are the only animals that are in rut throughout the year. It is an odd fact of nature, one that has many curious implications. Perhaps it is one of the major reasons that we became intelligent in the first place. I will leave that train of thought for someone else to follow up.
While a female animal is aroused and producing these sexual attractants, males of the same species will come flocking around. A curious side development to this is that it increases the production of testosterone in the male. Along with the testosterone comes aggressive behavior patterns. There are a lot of socio-biological ramifications of this. Male animals fighting over who gets to mate with the females, butting heads and locking horns for dominance. The word 'horny' comes from these testosterone driven male competition displays. I'm becoming pedagogic again, aren't I?
Well, the pheromones that are produced by the females are short lived. After all, they are complex, long chain molecules that disintegrate in air. Once the fluids that protect them dry, they deactivate. People in hot, humid climates are more sexually active than people who live in desert climates. The molecules are not destroyed as quickly in a tropical forest as in a desert. Cultural patterns reflect this. Curious as to how shaped by smells our societies are. It isn't our brains that are running our lives, it is our noses.
If you don't think that this is so, I will give you one example that will prove my point. Men that have had their sense of smell damaged (mostly through exposure to caustic chemicals in industrial accidents) are impotent. Everything may work fine physically, but they do not produce erections spontaneously.
Now that you have the background, I will tell you the story of why I am a hermit.
It was a dark and cold December day when I had my lab accident. I had been working on my latest batch of samples and had left the little plastic tray on the bench while I was writing up my rough notes. I had reached for a test tube to get the number written on its side, my sleeve caught on the tray, and pulled it onto my lap and upset the whole batch onto me. I sprang up, cursing and brushing the goop off my pants. I think that that was where I was infected. Through my hands.
Well, it was a only a few steps to the shower. I pulled the chain and the water came on. I rinsed the stuff off, stripped off my clothes and threw them into the contaminated bin that is next to the emergency shower. Then I scrubbed myself down very thoroughly with neutralizers. It was a stupid accident and I was more concerned with having to repeat the work that I had been doing than with any harm I might have caused myself.
I was using the brush to clean my nails when Shelli came into the lab. She stopped inside the door and I glanced up at her. Being naked in front of her wasn't embarrassing me as much as the fact that I had ruined the results of all of our work for the last month. I asked her to dump neutralizer on the floor where the tubes were and she sprang into action while I continued my scrub down. Modesty is a low priority when a lab is being contaminated.
She sprinkled and swept the spilled tubes into a pile, covering it. Then she put away the other trays that were still out on the bench. She brought a clean lab coat off the rack for me to wear and a pair of shower shoes. She put them near the shower and went out the door, leaving me to finish my shower.
By the time that I was done and dressed, the biological decontamination team was in the corridor. Having them there is part and parcel of working with biologically active agents. The potential of a catastrophic release means that we have to be prepared for many things. It is a federal law and the sight of the contamination suit clad squad furthered my embarrassment.
I was lead down a hall and into the major decontamination area. Shelli was already there, being scrubbed down and subjected to the sprays and bristle brushes. I told her that I was sorry, just before getting my own dose of treatment.
A very long forty minutes latter, we were passed through into the isolation rooms where we would spend a mandatory seventy two hours. The isolation rooms are set up for fifteen people to live in, everyone having their own room. Each room can be sealed off from the others and have pass throughs for food. There are thick blue isolation gloves hanging from the walls for drawing samples. One set where you can walk up to them, another set over the bed in case you can't walk.
We got dressed in the surgical scrub suits that are kept there for those unfortunate ones that have been exposed. I finished dressing and went out to the lounge. There are phones and terminals in each room and I was busy for a while making out reports on the incident as the protocols demand. Shelli came out of her room and ordered lunch for us both while I was busy making the reports.
I apologized to her again for the mishap. She brushed off my apologies, recognizing the incident for what (we thought) it was. An unfortunate occurrence that we would have to put up with for a while.
We spent the next five days as lab rats. Drawing each others blood, taking throat swabs and passing them through the airlocks to others who would perform tests on them. Shelli came down with a cold while we were in there and I brought her soup and fluids, kept track of when she should take her meds. I read until my eyes were bleary from looking at the screens. It was very boring.
For a while, we thought that we might be stuck in there for a lot longer. The concern was that Shelli's cold symptoms could be something else. Instead of seventy two hours, we were extended until everyone knew for sure what she had. The medical people finally diagnosed it as Hong Kong G flu and we relaxed. I was sorry that she was feeling so rotten and wound up spending time talking to her to help cheer her up. During this time, I found out more about her private life than I had known during the years we had spent together.
She'd grown up in Detroit, an inner city child whose teachers had recognized her intelligence and encouraged her. She was allowed to skip several grades and was sent to the best public high school in the city. She'd graduated close enough to the top of her class to be given a scholarship to the University of Michigan, had excelled there and been granted another scholarship to MIT. She had had a problem with her dissertation, giving up her first project and then taking on another. She'd taken a job with the company to allow her to go back and finish her Ph.D. We talked about our different life experiences and I came to realize that she had had a very difficult path to follow.
My parents had been, comparatively speaking, very well off. My family's estate had paid my way through the best schools that money could buy. Privilege and position had never interested me, though another branch of my family (who were really wealthy) had their names on several buildings at some very prominent universities. (And no, they weren't all the same names. Several were under maiden names of women in the family.) I was appalled at the way life had treated Shelli. Because of those conversations, there are a dozen small foundations that disperse funds for inner city scholarships and we have made some major donations to improving schools, especially in the sciences. It's funny how life works. What use is money to me here?
I heard stories about her family, her cousins and aunts, her brothers and her mother. When I asked about her father, I learned that he had gotten into trouble and left them to fend for themselves. Shelli now supported her mother. She felt it was deserved, as her mother had been a maid who had made sure that they had all graduated from high school. One brother had qualified to Annapolis and become a naval officer. The other was a CPA. Her mother was a remarkable woman. I wish that I could have meet her and thanked her for raising such a wonderful daughter.
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Hello everyone I am Suraj again from Manipur after writing Fucking my beautiful cousin sister. I thought of penning this real encounter again because I received enormous responses liking my story. So I’m going to narrate this real story again and hope you all like it. The story goes like this after I completed my study in Delhi and I was coming home. It has been years since I did not come home and when I knocked at the gate one beautiful lady opened me the gate and I was surprised who she must...
Written By MusclecockI'm Samantha, an ordinary 20-year-old brunette, with an ordinary job at the reception desk in an ordinary office building downtown L.A. You might have seen me shopping at the mall or dancing at the local night club. You might have found me attractive, too. Some men can't keep their eyes off me.Did I say ordinary? Well, not quite. I'm an nymphomaniac. I just love men. I just love making myself look sexy, and make men staring at me. It makes me so hot.Anyway, I didn't mention...
“I swear if you don’t fuck me tonight, I’m going to go and have filthy, hot sex with that young guy in the next shack!”The woman’s voice drifted in with the wind through my open window. To my knowledge, this was the first time she had acknowledged my existence.I had been living on this cheap, rented beachside wooden cottage that was more like a shack, for the past four days now. Upon arrival, I had been a lone guest in the only kind of hotel service that was open here this time of the year....
Straight SexMy wife and I made plans to go to Atlantic City this past summer for a much needed getaway. She made reservations for us stay at one of the hotel casinos for the weekend. We arrived just before noon on Friday settling in our room after the long drive to freshen up and grab a bite to eat. She mentioned to me she had purchased a very sexy new one piece swimsuit the day before we left. She could not wait for me to see her wearing it. Knowing my wife her new swimsuit had to be the kind that shows...
Scott and Carlton had discussed the role of the Gnat and decided that the raw specifications were not enough. To gain a better insight, a duel between a later model HAC in the anti missile role and the Gnat would probably give a baseline. Having more time in HAC command, Scott would take the HAC and representing the newbies, Carlton, the Gnat. This command structure would best represent the actual initial condition at the introduction of the Gnat. They quickly set up two simulators and...
Introduction: A blackmailed clerk helps her master in a business venture. Synopsis: A blackmailed clerk helps her master in a business venture. Prequel to Owning a Dominant BitchChapter 1Darrel James had waited patiently for this day. He had confronted Peggy almost two months earlier with the info he collected on her forgery scheme and, when he revealed the evidence to her, she crumbled quickly. Little by little he had taken more and more control.His job at the bank gave him more than enough to...
My sweet wife and her sexy office’s mate Paula had gone out for some drinks after work. Ana warned me they would come back home very late and Paula for sure would spend the night with us.The nice girl was younger than my wife; she had been divorced recently and Anita had told me she was very horny, been alone.I was watching some porn, when I heard a taxi pulling at our driveway. Both girls stumbled into the living room and I noticed they had enjoyed too many margaritas.Ana kissed me and she...
You and never are walking in the wild, nature. It starts to rain and we have no shelter but just ahead is a lagoon a beautiful little water spot with a waterfall so we sit n watch it... I can see u getting wet but it's nice rain warm rain .. I can start to make out ur breasts n nipples so I sit behind you n start to kiss ur neck . We are soaked from top to toe . While I kiss ur neck and the top of ur back I start squeezing your breasts , pinching the nipples. I then use one hand and slide them...
Mark Jones didn’t believe in vampires. He also didn’t believe in leprechauns, ghosts, werewolves, aliens, Santa Claus, or anything of the supernatural. So he certainly didn’t believe in genies or djinns popping out of bottles like you saw on reruns of old TV shows. When he found the old lamp buried in the sand of the local beach one morning as he was working it with his metal detector, he put it in his backpack without giving it a second thought. Later that afternoon he dumped his backpack out...
SupernaturalThe steam bath looked to be empty. It's just about dinner time, so most of the hotel guests should be off making arrangements for supper. My husband and sons are on a snorkeling trip, and won't be back until later in the evening, so I have all the time in the world to relax. Wrapped in my towel supplied by the resort, I walk past the spa and towards the steam bath. I've just come up from the beach, and I'm looking forward to some "me" time in the steam bath. It's wonderful! The steam is so...
LesbianShanice had butterflies dancing in the pit of her stomach right as she got up the stairs of her apartment building and even after entering her apartment as she undressed herself and then went into the bathroom to wash the remains of the evening from her skin. She rested her head on the shower stall, feeling her hand over her erect nipples and wishing Eric was here to make her feel good. Her thumb and forefinger played with her tits while one hand went between her legs to massage her pussy and...
Merritt Island, Florida 2025 - 2026 "This is it, huh?" Josh frowned. "Our last night." "No," I shook my head and we were sitting on the beach, on the sand feeling the warm Gulf wind on our faces. "I'll be back." "I saw a guy on the television a couple months ago," Josh cleared his throat. "Trying to explain how it's gonna work." "What? The spaceship, you mean?" I leaned into him, letting him hold me as the sun settled into the water. We'd driven all the way across...
My life as a dog slave My life as a dog slave Part 1 Isabelle I am 30 years now. Since 4 years I live my new life now. My name is Anja. I grew up quite normal in a small town. I have long brown hair and brown eyes. In my hometown I could not find a job. So I decided to move to the big city.I started working as a office girl. I was happy at this time ? I get my own flat ? my own money ? I was free ? and lonely. In the evening I lost myself in strange new fantasy. I dreamed about use...
my sister and I have been sexually active together for more than 35 years now. we started when we were about 13 or 14, I am a little over a year older than her. we seemed to have at least 4 hours a night,every night alone together because our parents always went out to the local bar every night.we would play house acting as if we were husband and wife, we would undress each other and we touched each other all over as my sisters touch made me hard, she would stroke my cock fast till I spilled my...
He had broken the locked doors of time all suspended He had smashed through all barriers of hard disbelief He stood, cap in hand, before the Fairy Queen, pleading And she laughed, took wing, flew away Dancing with the Fairy Queen! (B. Lake) 2019 ZERO HOUR +10156 Boots started yapping at the door, announcing the arrival of the postman for their daily tussle over bills, flyers and the occasional letter. I shook my head, smiling. Boots was one year old – a present from my sister as an...
I really was not doing much. Being unemployed I had way to much time on my hands. Sure, I used some of that time to get dressed up and walk around the area. But there was something missing.Looking in the mirror as I was putting on the finishing touches to tonight’s outfit, I admired my long thin legs encased in the black stockings. Zipping up my knee high black leather boots, I stood up, smiled and headed out the door.I have been cross-dressing for at least 15 years, of which 10 where with my...
LesbianAnd now we all know: compliments of lennutz: Shortage of toilet paper explained: 1 person sneezes and 50 shit their pants ✧ ✧ ✧ A short on from Soronel: Q: What do you call a homicidal pixie? A: A very scary fairy. ✧ ✧ ✧ And now two from NipSC4328: My wife and I went to the auction mart at Tralee the other week and one of the first exhibits we stopped at was the breeding bulls. We went up to the first pen and there was a sign attached that said, ‘THIS BULL MATED 50 TIMES LAST YEAR’...
Once everyone was up and ready to go they all piled into the SUV and drove to the lakeside village just south of the cabin. John and Chris got dropped off at the marina to get the boat and do some fishing. The girls were going to do some shopping in town and grab lunch at the coffee shop. They would meet up again around three at the marina.“What time is it,” Nicole asked Tracy.Tracy was staring at her phone and didn’t look up as she replied, “Five after three.”They were sitting in the marina...
The next morning Tim watched me getting dressed for work. I stepped into my sexiest lace thong panties, then selected a pair of black lace stockings with elastic at the top, a knee length red skirt with a slit up the middle so deep it ran all the way up to the middle of my panties. My thin black sleeveless sweater was cut low in front, exposing plenty of bare flesh down almost to my nipples. I also wore no bra, knowing if I bent over one or perhaps both of my tits might fall out. “You look...
It is now over three years since she moved in in the neighbor house together with her 20 years old daughter Cindy. Rita was an attractive woman with c-cup breasts and a sexy ass. Cindy had big tits too and she and her mom did not mind when seen naked or dresses in just their undies. Well, there was much lovely to see and ever since I confessed Rita my sexual love for panties, bras and pads she was quite open to me about those things and even told me when she or Cindy had their days and using...
I just felt like wanting to tell that story which is absolutely true and mine. Please don’t laugh or make fun, in way, this is the story of how I learnt to love sex as much as I do and how I began to lose fear… I would never be as hot if it hadn’t been for those two guys who had made this first time an amazing, wonderful experience… Please leave a comment!I was just 14, and in the middle of my Flower-Power hippie period. You could find me walking around barefoot and with very colourful clothes...
Chapter 1 I called Kerry and told her that 2 unmarked parcels had arrived at my place and she said she'd meet me straight after work and not to open them until she was there. I was very excited and got instantly hard as soon as I thought about the contents of those unremarkable packages. “Where are they?” Kerry asked, as soon as she arrived, clearly as excited as I was. I’d put them on the dining room table and we sat opposite each other and looked at them. “You open one first" she...
I came home one day and found the house completely empty; no kids or their boyfriends and no hubby. So I decided to take a nice relaxing bath and rub one out. I had lathered my big boobs with soapy bubbles and was in the middle of masturbating when I heard a phone ring from somewhere in the bathroom! I was shocked to see my daughter’s boyfriend filming me with his phone in the corner! I couldn’t believe it! He was going to bail, but I ordered him to come right back so I can make sure he...
xmoviesforyouIntroduction: Baroda – Abad with Sandip As told earlier..that inspite of having very bold and clear cut relationship with my hubby…somehow i couldnt tell him that I already had physical relation with Sandip. During next 4-5 months my hubby so many time, encourage to have develop good frndship with Sandip..but i never dare to tell him that we already cross all the limit one time. After that full encounter…Sandip and i hardly find place and time meet alone for more than 10-15 min…..and in that...
(Mf, Ped, Mast, Oral, Int) It was a Friday at the end of a hard week at my job, so I was taking it easy on the couch, watching, but not paying much attention to some day time soap operas, dozing off every few minutes. I would wake up halfway now and then to discover a new program was playing on the television set. Lizzie arrived from school with a crash and a rumpus as she shoved open the door and strode into the living room, dragging her book bag on the floor. She glanced...
August – Year 1 And so began the path towards daddydom, again. My daughter was 26, married and had two little girls. My son was 24 and not married. I had no relations with them at all for the first few years after my first wife divorced me. It was nothing she did or I did, it was just that every time I saw the kids, I realized what I had lost by being a workaholic. Seeing them broke my heart and sent me into such a depression that sometimes I could not function for days. Now our...