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Copyright © 1998 by sandman

I was born in 1935 in Lyons, France. It was a very bad time to be a Frenchman, it was a very bad time to be a child. All around me the great post-war depression raged and people whispered in hushed tones that the winds of war were echoing through the hills again. And at the age of four, war did indeed arrive sweeping away the last remnants of my childhood innocence for war cares nothing of such things.

My Papa, a great and noble man, spoke soothing words to the German occupiers by day and worked for the French resistance by night. Often we would shelter Allied soldiers on their way back to friendly territory. It was a dangerous thing what we did, for the Germans wished to make many examples, that people would not do what my family did.

As the youngest brother of three older sisters, I had a very pronounced education in the differences between boys and girls, all the more so since our parents kept us separated from our neighbors.

Children know nothing of responsibility or danger. If I were allowed to play with the other children my age, I might say something and my friend might say something to his parents, and not all Frenchmen could be trusted. My father was certainly not going to leave that trust up to the idle chatter of young boys.

So, as war raged around us, I played house and sipped tea with my sisters in our tiny dwelling. I saw them nude countless times, and they I, for it was a small house and nudity to the French simply was not the shameful thing you Americans like to think. And so, at a very early age I knew the difference between boys and girls. Thanks to the war, I learned at a very early age what that difference was for. I also learned at the same time many things which to this day are burned into my very soul.

It was 1943, and the war was going very badly for the Germans. Allied bombers were wreaking havoc with their war effort, and they were powerless to do anything about it. Like the bullies they were, they took it out on those who were powerless against them, and ground the people of France under their boots.

Occasionally the German forces would manage to shoot down a bomber and just as occasionally a survivor would manage to make it to the underground. That particular night we were housing a young American soldier in the secret room our Father had built in the basement. My sister, Jeannette, and I were keeping the young man company, and he was telling us of the war and how well it was going.

His name was Bill Gere, and he was only sixteen, and barely that. He went into great detail about how he had fooled the recruiting officer into believing he was eighteen. He was only three years older than Jeannette, who sat beside him, listening politely. It was nothing we had not done hundreds of times before. But today would be different.

Today the war, which was always a thing raging around outside our front door, came inside.

We fell quiet when we heard a pounding on the ceiling, a signal that someone was at the door and to remain quiet. It was probably Mademoiselle Vinchie coming to borrow a cup of milk, but even a false alarm could set our nerves on edge. Though I was only seven, I knew enough to feel fear and the frustration at being unable to do anything about it.

How long we sat there listening quietly to the muffled voices and thuds of people moving about I can not say. Time ceased to exist after that first warning. Bill had put his arm around Jeannette, trying to calm her, though there was sweat on his brow and he glanced nervously at the ceiling.

When the door opened, we all gave a start, and Bill was on his feet fumbling for his side arm.

My father's face was a mixture of fear and authority. "For the next several days some German soldiers will be quartered in our house."

His voice was hushed, a whisper so low we had to strain to hear it though its tone brokered no argument.

He stared at Jeannette a moment. It was a thoughtful stare, a considerate stare. I did not understand it at the time, but I do now.

Papa was thinking that Jeannette was no longer a little girl, and that maybe it would be best if the Germans would not see her. Then he glanced over at Bill, and I know now that he worried about Bill as well.

"You two stay with the American." He told us. "Stay quiet. This will pass if you keep your heads." And then he closed the door, leaving us alone.

I can not begin to tell you how terrible that first night was. Even today, I wish that we had had at least a clock in that room. The tick-tocking away of the seconds would have at least marked the passage of time, giving us something else to think about instead of the danger we were in from men with guns walking above us. Boredom and terror merged into an endless litany of torment.

The second day was just as bad, though by now we had at least gotten used to our situation. Bill had taken on the role of Jeannette's protector, his arm constantly around her. With nothing else to occupy my attention, I noticed how they touched each other; how Bill's fingers idly felt Jeannette's arm; how her fingers weaved into his; how they would nuzzle their heads into each other. We could not talk, nor could we move lest we give ourselves away, but between my sister and this American crewman much was being said.

That night something happened upstairs. I later learned that one of the solders had touched my eleven year old sister in a way he should not have, and my Father took issue with it. There was a lot of scuffling and shouting and the sounds of things breaking, and then a gunshot. My father was not hurt, another soldier had grabbed the man's arm and changed the aim. The soldier was moved to another house and things got quiet again.

But we did not know what was happening. My sister and I were sure the Nazis were murdering our family. We knew they would do it just for the sport of it. I know that sounds horrible, but it was almost true.

In war, men do terrible things, things they would never do in peacetime.

When the scuffling started, my sister rose to her feet, staring at the ceiling as if somehow she could see through it and know everything would be all right. When the gunshot went off she squealed. Loudly.

Too loudly. Bill, who was standing beside her, hugged her tight as she trembled in his arms. We were sure we had been heard.

It was too much for Jeannette, and she began sobbing. The sobs were small whimpers at first, but as the unknown and our danger gave birth to her fears the whimpers became louder, just when it was beginning to get quiet upstairs. Left alone, my sister would have doomed us all, but Bill kissed her. It was not a friendly, reassuring kiss on the cheek. It was a forceful, demanding kiss, on her lips, with all the confidence born from their many hours of touching.

I know he did it to quiet her. Knowing what I know now of men and women, Bill did not set out seduce my sister. The touching was a comfort; nothing more, nothing less. The kiss was to quiet her -- the only way he could do it without scaring her more. But the kiss, surrounded on all sides by fear and terror, perched over the abyss of life and death, took on a life of its own.

Everything became quiet as they looked into each other's eyes. To them it must have seemed as if the world had stopped and maybe it had.

I sat in the corner watching them watch each other -- a seven year old boy trying to understand things much larger than himself.

They kissed again, and it was not a slow, tender thing, but a thing born of need. Not the need of lust, but the need to feel safe and wanted. This too, I did not understand at the time, but do now. From within this kiss they removed each other's clothing, in a strange, silent ballet.

I knew the difference between boys and girls, but as Bill's engorged penis came into view the second part of my education began, as I learned the difference between women and men.

In the tiny room, Bill and Jeannette moved to the bed and she spread her legs for him, an invitation he accepted readily as he slid into her. In the dim light, I saw them move together in silence. There was a muffled gasp as Bill stiffened in Jeannette's arms, and then he rolled off beside her and they fell asleep in each other's arms.

The next day the German soldiers moved on, and life returned to normal when Bill moved on to his next stop. A week later, I held Jeannette in my arms as she grieved for Bill. He had been shot by a German patrol. As I held her quivering body in my small arms, I began to understand the intimacy of touch Jeannette and Bill had shared during those terrifying days.

I grieved for Bill as well. He was a nice boy who deserved more than a cold, unmarked grave. Many had passed through our doors to die shortly thereafter, and I grieved for them as well. But not like Jeannette grieved for Bill. Bill had become a part of my sister's heart, and she never forgot him.

I love my sisters, one and all, but our shared terror in the basement brought me closest to Jeannette. Naturally, I asked her about what happened in the basement, and she surprised me by being honest and forthright. Years later, she had confided that since I had watched her with Bill, she felt there was nothing to hide. She was a little afraid that if she displeased me, I would go to our Father. I had seen sex, but Jeannette explained it to me, giving concept to action.

As time went on, the initial explanation led to still more questions about touch, love, lust, sex, and eventually masturbation, all of which Jeannette answered to the best of her ability. Though Bill had been her first, and had not brought her to climax, she was still a voice of profound wisdom to an inquisitive boy.

We grew closer still when I asked her how girls masturbated. When I wondered at her answer, she took me again to the basement and showed me. From there, she taught me how a woman really liked to be kissed.

It was all a great game to me. I was too young to experience anything but mild pleasure as she would finger my penis, or on occasion suck on it. But I enjoyed knowing how much my kisses pleased her. I enjoyed her soft, warm fingers around my penis as I sucked her clitoris between my lips. It was far more fun than playing house or tea party, and for a young, isolated boy in the midst of a war, I guess it was as good a way as any to pass the time.

Eventually the war ended, and I was suddenly free to be a young boy again. My time with Jeannette became less frequent, as we both cultivated other friends and experiences.

Though Jeannette was a most wonderful teacher, I was still very much a virgin. Thanks to Bill and my sister I had a very good idea of how things were done between a man and a woman, and thanks to my sister I was far beyond my years in the art of pleasing a woman. But it would be many years later before the last of my education was completed.

In the years following the war, it was a great time to be a Frenchman.

Though the war had ravaged our country and scarred our lives horribly, thanks to Allied assistance and our own determination we were rebuilding our shattered country. For the first time in memory, French people looked to the future with anticipation instead of dread.

The war had taken a generation of men, leaving only the very old, the very young, or the very lucky. Millions of widows had sacrificed their husbands for our freedom, and they all looked with envious eyes at the women whose men still remained. In the years after the war, a man in France did not have to look for a woman; in France, a woman would find him.

In 1950, at the age of fifteen, my Father took me into his business and I helped him wherever I could, learning the trade our family had been in for generations. I suppose I knew what my father was doing when he and his secretary would sneak away in the afternoons. Their flushed skin and dishelved appearances on their return were more than enough clues for a boy with my background.

It was a surprise at first, for if a child knows anything at all, it is that he will live forever, and that his parents would always be together. When I first realized what they were doing I was worried, but I realized that my Father still loved my Mother, and so after a while I accepted this as something grownups did.

It helped that I rather liked Celeste. She was a very beautiful woman who had lost her husband in the war. In the office we would often chat while we worked, sharing many likes and dislikes.

My father got a tip that a large American newspaper needed a reliable source of paper, and so would be gone for a month while he followed that lead. At first, nothing seemed any different, other than the fact that the office seemed more peaceful and work seemed to flow more smoothly. But when I looked up from my desk, it was often I would find Celeste looking at me as if she were lost in thought.

A week had passed before Celeste asked me, "Your Father and I usually go out for a glass of wine at this time. Would you like to join me?"

It seemed harmless enough, and I agreed readily as it was a warm spring day and the office seemed so gloomy and oppressive. We walked a few blocks to a sidewalk bistro and sipped wine while we chatted and watched the people bustling along.

"So many women." Celeste said pointedly, noting that at least twenty women passed by for every man. "With things as they are in France these days you must have many beautiful girlfriends, no?"

I blushed for the answer truly was no. At fifteen, I thought of such things, of course, but Jeannette was long married, and I was so busy between school and helping my Father at business that I had no time for such things. I told her the latter.

She tisk-tisked me. "You remind me very much of your papa. So big, so strong, so handsome. It is hard for me sometimes to think of you as a boy. It is a shame you do not have a girlfriend to share these qualities with."

My blush grew deeper, from her flattery. I did not know how to reply to her. And so an awkward silence fell over what had been a light and cheery afternoon in the sun.

"Did I offend you?" Celeste asked with an almost amused expression on her face.

"No. Not at all!" I answered hastily. "I - I - No one has ever told me I was big and handsome before. I do not know how to respond!"

And there my friends, you have my secret to charming the ladies. If my sisters taught me anything at all, they taught me that there is nothing a woman hates more than a lie, and an avoidance of the truth or a lie of omission is just as bad. To admit ignorance or weakness is no great thing to them, and they will not think less of you should you do this, but to speak a lie will build a wall between you that is very hard to tear down.

Celeste laughed lightly at my confession and took my hand in hers, patting it soothingly, "Why Jean-Claude, when a woman tells you how big and handsome you are, you tell her how pretty she is! And if she is not pretty, tell her how nice her dress is or how nice her hair is!

If you do this small thing very wonderful things will happen, you will see!"

"You are very pretty." I said, following her instructions, but I meant it too and was glad for the excuse to say it.

Celeste laughed lightly again. "Oh, that is very good! Next time, say it with more conviction. Then tell her why she is pretty. A woman will never believe she is beautiful until a man tells her why.

But be careful, Jean-Claude, because if you do this small thing, the woman shall give you her heart, and that is a very delicate thing indeed!"

"I love the way the sun highlights your hair." I said, my voice becoming wistful. "I love the color in your cheeks and the way your eyes sparkle. I love the way you look at me in the office when you think I'm not looking."

Celeste's smile faded at that, softening into an expression that seemed to me that I had said it right. She leaned over and kissed me on one cheek with her full, moist lips, then on my other cheek, but it was a stretch for her and the corner of her lips pressed against mine.

She paused briefly, and drew back until her lips were pressed to mine.

Her lips parted slightly in invitation, but I did not know enough to reply, and the moment passed.

She was blushing furiously when she pulled away; the blush of a woman who has done something which perhaps she should not, but something which she has enjoyed anyway.

"You see? Very wonderful things!"

For the second time that day I was speechless.

We finished our drinks and returned to the office.

That night I lay in bed thinking of Celeste, and the feel of her lips pressed to mine. I dreamed of kissing her between her legs as I used to kiss Jeannette, and wondered if Celeste would enjoy it as much. I wondered if Celeste would do other things with me as well. Things I had been too young to enjoy with Jeannette, but things I now was more than ready for.

From the room next door I heard the muffled moans and shuffles of my sister Annette as she pleasured herself; something she did far more frequently now that my other two sisters had married, leaving Annette with her very own room. Sometimes I would lie awake wondering what would happen if I went to her at such a time and offered myself to her. I wondered if maybe she would let me play with her as I had played with Jeannette.

But what had happened between Jeannette and I had simply happened.

Annette and I were not so close and I feared that if I did something so foolish it would estrange me from my sister. And so, through the thin walls, I contented myself with listening. Maybe she listened to me too. Maybe she thought of offering herself to me at such moments.

Life is strange is it not?

I removed my penis and began the soft, rhythmic strokes that had always brought me such pleasure. Annette's muffled moans filled my ears and the memory of Celeste's kiss filled my thoughts, as my hand danced in the darkness.

Jeannette's instructions had left me with very vivid memories. About now, Annette's finger would be pressing in fast circles around her clitoris, her hips rising to meet her imaginary lover. Another hand would be stroking her breasts, tracing the areola around an erect nipple, or maybe she was thrusting her fingers inside herself. My head arched as I followed the vivid imagery. I cupped a hand around my balls to heighten the pleasure, then I let my thoughts drift to Celeste, and I took her as Bill had taken Jeannette. I was young; it did not take long. I was alone; it did not need to.

The next day, Celeste arrived late to work, but she took my breath away when she did. It was a new dress she wore that day, but even without what had passed between us the day before, this thing would have planted the seed of lust in my heart. Today, she wore a blouse with a plunging neckline that gave tantalizing glimpses of her breasts. Celeste did not have huge breasts as some women do, but what she did have were perfectly shaped breasts. They were just the right size to hold in one's hands, with two very, very prominent nipples, which were, at the moment, creating two very prominent bumps in her blouse.

Her skirt was very short. It was not a miniskirt, for it would be years before that boon-to-mankind would be adopted. But it did end just below her knees, which at the time was considered a very racy thing for a woman to do -- even in France. And to highlight the legs she had placed on display, she wore high-heeled shoes. To a man, wise in the ways of the world, the dress would have made her seem an object of desire. To a boy, the dress was devastating. My penis was saluting her from the moment she walked into the office.

She greeted me as if nothing of note had passed between us the day before, and as if she were not wearing a dress designed to instill lust in any man who saw her. Then she began to chat about trivial things, things I paid scant attention to, as my eyes stayed glued to the vision of loveliness before me.

She would have been blind not to have seen the effect she was having on me, but she did not acknowledge it. As the day wore on, I was treated to tantalizing glimpses of her as she played with me. When she bent over to look at some papers on my desk, the plunging neckline suddenly revealed even more of her tantalizing breasts. When she moved the chair over to start filing some papers, she was positioned so I could ALMOST see up her skirt. When she bent over to pick up some dropped item, obscene thoughts immediately sprang to my mind.

I say these things and know they sound cheap, like she was throwing herself at me, hoping to drive me so wild with lust that I would take her right there on her desk. But that is not the way it was at all.

She toyed with me like an elegant stripper toys with her audience. It was as a game to her to tease me. If she had planned to go no further, it would have been a very cruel tease. But Celeste was not cruel.

Again that afternoon we went to the bistro to share some wine and enjoy the fine spring day. When I stood up from my desk for the first time that day, Celeste's eyes drifted down to the bulge in my pants, and her self-satisfied smirk was the only acknowledgement she gave to her effect on me.

Over wine, she asked me to help her rearrange some furniture at her apartment after work, and I readily agreed. I did not know what to expect, but the merest hint of a possibility of a chance was enough to make me her willing slave. The rest of the afternoon could not pass quickly enough.

The job consisted of pushing a few chairs and a sofa around -- nothing too strenuous. When I was done, Celeste was very pleased with the results, and she offered me some wine as I rested on the sofa.

She sat next to me and took a small sip of wine before saying, "I have been wanting to rearrange my apartment for the longest time. It is so nice to have a strong man around to do these things."

"It is nice to do these things for a pretty woman." I replied, remembering her instructions. But though the words were coached, the meaning was not -- I meant every word.

She smiled then leaned over and kissed me. Again, on the cheek.

Again, a friendly kiss.

"You remembered," she said, smiling as she ran her finger around the rim of her glass.

"It is easy when it is also the truth," I replied. "You are a very pretty woman."

"Why?" she asked, reminding me of the most important part.

A million reasons sprang instantly to mind and I struggled to give them form. "Your skin is like the softest silk, and your lips are sweeter than wine. The way you smile, the way you brush your hair from your eyes, the way it falls across your shoulders, and your dress, your dress," I stumbled, unable to find the words.

"You like maybe the way my breasts fill out my dress?"

Oh yes! I could only nod.

"And my skirt? Do you like the way they show off my legs?"

With each word that fell from her lips, I died a slow lingering death, but what a way to die. The world had stopped, and this time there were not even soldiers around.

She reached over and took my hand in hers, then ran my hand along her arm.

"Soft like silk? That's very nice. You'll have to remember that for the other girls you will charm." She ran my hand down to her skirt, running it under the fabric so that it rested on her knee. "But perhaps I am softer here?" she asked, her voice falling, becoming ripe with anticipation. She pulled my hand up farther along her leg, guiding it along the inside of her thigh. "I think that now maybe you would like to taste my lips again." And as she guided my hand ever upward, she leaned into my arms and kissed me.

As she parted my lips with her tongue, Celeste expanded my knowledge of intimacy. A French kiss had never been a part of my education.

The feel of her tongue rubbing against mine, and then my tongue exploring her mouth was almost as earth-shattering as the discovery that Celeste was not wearing panties and that she was slick with desire.

The kiss was new to me, how to pleasure a woman was not. It had been years, but my fingers had not forgotten how to part a woman, and how to seek out that special spot that gave her so much pleasure. Celeste gasped in pleasure and surprise as I touched her.

She pulled back and looked at me with surprise and maybe a little fear. "You've done this before?"

"This, yes." I answered, pausing in my ministrations. "Am I doing it wrong?"

She softened, and put her hands on mine, moving my hand in slow circles, as she answered, "No." And then she kissed me again.

As her breathing became heavy, her hands drifted down to my pants and began tearing at them to free what lay inside. Then she leaned back, pulling me on top of her, and guided me inside her.

It was not what I expected.

It was better.

For a day, my penis had protested at the confines of my clothing as Celeste had teased me. For an afternoon, I was ready to explode from the feel of Celeste's womanhood against my fingers. Suddenly I was free, and wrapped around me was a warm, moist vagina that was pulsing from the attentions I had had given it. And below me was Celeste, my beautiful Celeste.

I moved as I remembered Bill moving, then I moved as I needed to move.

I did not need to move for long. It had barely begun, and it was over; the feel of Celeste around me, providing more stimulation than I had ever experienced before, after so much anticipation, was too much.

But when my pleasure came, it was no weak, timid thing.

Celeste looked disappointed, as my eyes focused.

"Are you always so quick with your girls?" she asked.

"You are my first," I answered.

"Surely not!" she protested.

Then I told her of basements and sisters, while I rested in her arms.

"Then the next time shall be better." she said firmly. "Next time, you must not be so quick. It is not the ending, for that is always the same, it is how you get there."

I was very young; and if youth is quickly spent, it is quickly replenished. The second time was better -- for both of us.

Celeste was my second teacher, but my first true passion. When my father returned from his trip, it seemed so strange to have to share her with him, and I even felt jealous of him when he and Celeste would leave the office in the afternoons for their rendezvous. But this too I eventually accepted. Celeste still made time for me, and that was enough.

My time with Celeste ended when I joined the army, as all young Frenchmen of age must do. It was 1953, and the war was now well behind us, but never again would we allow our beloved France to be soiled by the boots of foreign tyrants. And if any man left in the world fit that mold, it was Joseph Stalin. And so I got my training, and I got my gun, and was stationed in Innsbruck, Austria to protect the French zone from the red menace.

Mostly this consisted of drilling night and day, and living the life of a bored, chaste, private. I had friends, of course. In the army, you depend on your friends not only to save your life, but to make the boredom bearable. As 1953 turned into 1954, one by one my friends found local girls to keep them occupied, and I discovered I had a problem.

I had never had to seduce a woman. I did not know how. Up to now, I didn't have to. But Innsbruck had a large military base, with plenty of men to keep the women occupied, those who weren't otherwise occupied that is, and sometimes even them. In short, there were more than enough men to go around. I had never felt so lonely in my life.

In my explorations of the city, I discovered a group of Americans staying at the Kreid, a local hotel. From my experiences with the war, I had a fascination with Americans, and I would visit the hotel often to speak with them and learn more about them and their country.

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FRENCH BOY WITH IRANIAN BOY Hello every one….I am going to tell my real story…my name is Enzo from Nice-France…my family newly converted to Islam…and we now migrated to Montreal-Canada…I am 16 years old…quite slim and well looking….5’8″ tall…white in complextion and my Cock size is not that great…its about 5″ long… There I was…. sitting in one of my classes…. I was scanning the faces of the Boys in my class and in my school….when my eyes fell upon one Indian boy….he looks few years older then...

Gay Male
4 years ago
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French Lessons

It was during my first summer holiday since I'd gone to university when it happened. I had gone into town one Saturday afternoon to get some CDs, when I saw walking down the street towards me my French teacher from school. Generally I didn't really like meeting my old teachers, it was always a bit odd being treated normally by people who had been authority figures for me only a short time ago, and even if Mrs. Woodcock (she was French, but had married an English guy) was far more attractive...

3 years ago
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French Connection

If you have checked my profile you know I am a well endowed black 27y.o. trucker. Recently I was driving through a pretty rural part of Quebec east of Quebec City, definitely not many , if any black folks.A car was passing me and I looked down into the car, as I often due and it was a middle aged couple. She was an average build for her age, a little heavy but pretty woman and she was looking up at me and gave me a big smile and then turned to her husband and said something. He slowed and they...

3 years ago
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French Dressing 2

FRENCH DRESSING 2 CHAPTER 1 The new girl Sami was waiting for me in the arrivals area. We rushed to one another and embraced, exchanging kisses on the cheeks. "Come on Babette, let's get you home." Eventually we got off the Metro and walked a few hundred metres along the Boulevard St Germain. I inhaled the sights and smells of the city, I longed to admire every shop, I gazed into every cafe. But Sami dragged me along and up a small side-street to a little courtyard. "Here...

2 years ago
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French Maid Part 2

French Maid Part 2: I looked at the girl my mother had just created in the mirror struggling to connect with the fact that the girl I was looking at was in fact me, a boy, a lost boy, a completely lost boy... I looked at the girl in the mirror, her fishnet encased legs, her half slips and her bra. I looked up at her perfectly made up face, her lipstick painted lips, her long blonde hair in a ponytail. Boys just didn't look like this. I looked at the girl in the mirror and concluded...

4 years ago
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French film audition

James had short dark hair, an athletic body from sports he played in high school. He had a faint set of abs. He was six foot one in height and was very handsome. He had girlfriends in the past but was single. He had always been the sporty type in high school but he had recently wanted to change that. He had a desire to start acting classes. He wanted to be a big actor like you see in the movies. He had an audition booked for tomorrow at 2pm. The movie was a French film. He did not really...

4 years ago
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French Lesson Ch 04

Anyway, it’s late in the day and they are by the lilly encrusted lake on a blanket. The scent of the raspberry ripple roses heady and heavy, compounded by the full bloom that he is using to lazily caress her body. Brushing her nipples, thighs, neck, everywhere. His hand is moving the stem almost reflexively. She is on her back, hands behind her hair, one leg raised, open to him. Her only garment, again his shirt, undone. He lies beside her, head propped up on his hand, admiring the view....

2 years ago
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French Lessons

It was during my first summer holiday since I’d gone to university when it happened. I had gone into town one Saturday afternoon to get some CDs, when I saw walking down the street towards me my French teacher from school. Generally I didn’t really like meeting my old teachers, it was always a bit odd being treated normally by people who had been authority figures for me only a short time ago, and even if Mrs. Woodcock (she was French, but had married an English guy) was far more attractive...

2 years ago
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French Class

It was just another day, besides one fact. You had a D- in French, and your mom was pissed. She had said "If you EVER want to see anything but the WALLS of your ROOM you will go and get some EXTRA CREDIT!" So here it was, after school, and you were seeking some extra credit. Sadly, your French teacher wasnt the steriotypical hot, erotic kind. Mind you, she didnt look horrible, but she wasnt the hottest of the hot. She had about C-cup tits, and a rather large ass, a bit out of your...

4 years ago
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French Poodle Sissy 1

My name is Clinton Crayle, and I'm a very different kind of Private Eye. My fee is a Thousand Dollars a day, and I'm seldom out of work. My specialty is untangling the kinky sex lives of the very rich. My clients know my discretion is absolute and I guarantee my results. So if you're rich and in a jam, come to see me. Elise Bentley did.... "I've lost my husband and wonder if you might be able to find him for me?" Elise Bentley, in an expensive dress accentuated by even more...

2 years ago
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French Womans Ordeal

French Woman?s Ordeal Part 1By Sonya Esperanto [email protected]:It was a hot day in Pattaya, Thailand. It was summer time. The locals were running around, with hats on their heads, and here they watch the Western tourists, walking around. Foreigners from Scandinavia love Thailand?s heat.Claire was walking around. Claire was an attractive woman, originally from Bretagne, somewhere in the West Coast of the France, that faced the Atlantic Ocean. She stood at 6 feet tall, with...

2 years ago
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French Lessons

© 2002 Couture After I'd finished my morning laps in the pool, I dried off, walked inside, tossed my towel on the arm of the sofa and proceeded to make myself a healthy shake. Sophie, the maid, walked in tisking to herself and eyeing me dubiously, as she picked up my towel, "Ça alors, il ne ramasse jamais, celui-la," she muttered in her heavily accented voice. I used to wonder what she was saying. Then one day I looked up some of the words in an English to French...

4 years ago
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French Lessons1

"Hi Jack," she said, her soft continental purr already sending shivers down my spine, "How are you?" "I'm fine thanks Mrs. Woodcock," I replied, trying to think of a way to get away as fast as possible without being impolite. "You can call me Chantelle now, Jack," she smiled. She began asking me how uni was, and I found her surprisingly easy to talk to, until we must have been chatting for about ten minutes. "Oh merde! Sorry, I just remembered my parking ticket's going to run...

2 years ago
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French Doors

She stepped out onto the balcony and the warm southern air fought with the unseasonably cool breeze against her bare shoulders. She hugged herself and looked over the yard. Down below on the first floor there were several party goers enjoying the music and each other. She wasn’t sure if she should really be waiting for him here. When he’d said ‘Meet me up there. I’ll be right behind you.’ he’d pointed at this small balcony and it hadn’t seemed as high or as dark or as removed as she felt...

1 year ago
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French Lesson Ch 01

The sun wakes him, there are windows on three sides of the room and no curtains. The shutters open and the breeze is grazing his body, keeping the heat at bay. He reaches over to take his glass and drink some water. As he does, he finds himself grinning as he surveys the scene of devastation around the bedroom. Clothes, underwear, stockings discarded, a lamp knocked over, most of the bedding on the floor and pillows spread around the room as he’d used them, imaginatively, to lift her hips...

2 years ago
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French Service Station Fuck

I will be adding some stories and memories based on real events. Some of my painting and art are inspired by these events.So there I was driving down through France on my way to the Alps for the winter season, I was wearing a nice little blue strappy top, a black short skirt as I generally prefer and no panties or bra. It was warm enough in the car but when I got out for a little break at the next service station I grabbed my hoody to put on, even so, my nipples went hard as nails! I ran across...

3 years ago
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French LessonsbyEmmyLou93©Lucy lived a quiet life, simple and typical of a young girl in the French countryside during 1860. Sighing, Lucy set down her needlework and went outside her father's tiny cottage, looking at the flowers. How beautiful they were as they reached toward the sun on this early spring day! She would have to pick some of the budding blooms for Papa later.She smiled, leaning down and smelling some of the daffodils. Her Papa was her dearest friend. Indeed, her only friend....

1 year ago
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French and wet

Introduction: A French houswife gives it nasty to her teenage neighbor. The Perfect HandTim Jenkins seemed like just your average 11th grader. His grades were mediocre, he played basketball and baseball for his high school, and he was noticed by girls. His problem was that he’d never had a girlfriend before and was too nervous to ask a girl out. As we all know, this may cause some problems when you are 17. His lack of girls led him to become a porn addict. This is where the story starts.It was...

1 year ago
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French Study Partner

When I was in high school I had a huge crush on this girl. She was a friend of a friend, and we didn't really hang out with the same people or have any classes together. We were each in relationships with other people , but always seemed to catch reach others eye on the periphery... She was kind of short, brown hair, and freckles. She had huge tits, probably the biggest of any girl I have ever fucked or fondle since. Freakishly huge, actually, for her small frame. She was a big time...

4 years ago
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French fuck Part 1

All right, I guess it was my fault, as it was my idea that got us into the situation that ended with me getting fucked by a complete stranger and both of us experiencing sex that we had never had before.No longer in our youth we prefer restful holidays in the warm. This time we were in the south of France as Billy was going to retire before long and we were considering buying a holiday home in the area. We were staying in a very nice hotel out of town and while it had its own pool it was only a...

2 years ago
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French fuck Part 2 OMG

Day 3. Sunday.After the exertions of the previous evening we slept well and woke late. We had missed breakfast at the hotel so we rang room service and they sent over a tray of continental breakfast - croissants and rolls with a pot of tea (for me) and coffee (for him) which we devoured.The day was another lovely one and it was still very warm. Being a Sunday there was very little to do as everything was closed so we went back to the beach, not really expecting a repeat of the previous day but...

4 years ago
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French Maid Forever

French Maid Forever Debra Phil didn't think it was such a big deal. Not really. OK, he probably should not have cheated on his wife, Cindy. Again. With his personal assistant. But he had. And Cindy had caught him. Now she was livid. She was waiving the separate property agreement he had signed the last time this had happened. If she demanded a divorce, and with the pictures she had she would get one. She would own the house, the company and all of the investments. He...

2 years ago
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French film audition part 2

James felt awkward after what had happened at the audition. His Mom had seen his dick and touched it. She hadn't seen it since he had been much younger. After a few more days he received a call from the film director telling him he had been successful. James was actually disappointed. He was nervous as to what would happen next. He didn't tell his Mom and just wanted to pretend it had never happened. The next stage was to start filming. James thought it was just one day of filming so told...

2 years ago
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French adventures

My friend Lizzie and I went to brittany in the north of France for a weekend in June when we were 15 years old. As soon as we got there at 10.30 at night we threw our bags into our room, and quickly changed into short skirts and more revealing tops. I had a boyfriend back home, but I thought this would be a nice drunken girly weekend with my best friend and so I wore my tightest denim mini, with my long light brown legs on show, and a baby pink polo shirt, with my 32D cleavage almost bursting...

3 years ago
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French Lessons

The term ‘reserved occupation’ was used by many European countries in WWII to categorise certain trades and skills which exempted people from being conscripted for military service. In Britain, farming was one such skill; and as a farmer, my Uncle Ned (not a real uncle) was able to continue with his arable farming. He had recently taken a new bride: half his age and strikingly beautiful.Colette was a French refugee and the talk of the village. Some said Ned was a lucky man to share his bed with...

3 years ago
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French Lessons sur La Toilette

I was only 24 when I was sent to Jersey for three months to learn all about Stock Broking. I had left school at 17 and had joined a Shipping Agent company but the shipping business had collapsed with the use of the containers, and the company had to concentrate on its Investment Trust work. I was met at airport by the Managing Director who took me directly to the person who had agreed to put me up for three months. She was the widow of a director who had died some four months previously, from...

2 years ago
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French NieceChapter 3 New York Aug 28 2004

You couldn't mistake them for anything but what they were, rich French women deigning to allow the United States the pleasure of their company for a short while. And as they slowly walked towards me, every molecule in my body screamed 'danger', a warning I knew I couldn't heed. "Ah, Amelie, le voila," my sister intoned to her daughter, pointing at me. "Marie, Cat, what a pleasure," I said, rushing to meet them. There were no family hugs from these two, just a cheerless waving at my...

4 years ago
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French and wet

Tim Jenkins seemed like just your average 11th grader. His grades were mediocre, he played basketball and baseball for his high school, and he was noticed by girls. His problem was that he’d never had a girlfriend before and was too nervous to ask a girl out. As we all know, this may cause some problems when you are 17. His lack of girls led him to become a porn addict. This is where the story starts. It was mid-October, and Tim had the day off from school because of a teacher work...

2 years ago
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French Lesson Ch 02

They are sharing breakfast at the long dining table. Dwarfed by its length, it could seat around 20, the manoir must have been built around it. She’d woken before him this morning, coaxed from sleep by the sun and the obstreperous birds. He was still sleeping, the ghost of a snore. Looking hard at the firm, handsome enough face, gentled by sleep, she had weighed up the opportunities and reluctantly decided to let him rest. She had bathed and dressed quickly, hopped on to the clanking old...

2 years ago
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French Lesson Ch 03

They lay together, squashed in a hammock. She’d found it hidden in the hayloft and secured it, hopefully, between an apple with fruitlets and a recently cropped cherry. Getting in had been a challenge as a lot of tipping and rocking seemed to occur. Lucky it was close to the ground. They’d laughed so much that her eyes watered and they were still chuckling as they lay there. Eventually, by sitting on it together and opposite, then swinging legs over, they managed it and were now lying facing...

2 years ago
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French Throat

She crawled over to him on all fours while he laid back on the plump, cushy couch with his legs up in the air and his asshole winking at her. He rubbed his cock to attention and said ‘crawl over her you little bitch and eat my asshole.’ She crawled over, her 4-inch high heels clacking on the wood floor beneath her as she crawled. She couldn’t take her eyes of his delicious-looking, puckered asshole. She put her hands on both of his legs and pressed them even further towards the man’s head so...

3 years ago
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French nature Public Sex 3rd Part

After first exciting day in Paris and hot sex in ambulance my French lover took me for sightseeing of Paris. Whole morning we were visiting famous places in Paris and he was really trying to make me feeling nice and important.I was enjoying it, but also I could not stop thinking on hot sex on parking lot from yesterday. I saw he is a little bit shy in taking action, so I suggested him to show me nature around Paris. We were already near to high way when I said to him “I think you would like to...

3 years ago
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French coast fun

I was travelling alone across Western Europe a few years ago. Amsterdam, Prague, Paris, etc. Eventually London and Dublin. But first, a late-night train to Calais on the coast of the channel. As usual, when I'm travelling, I read a lot. On this one night a young English guy sitting across from me noticed the title of my book and we struck up a conversation. He was on his way home from Aix, France, where he had been picking g****s. Just an adventurer trying something new. Nice-looking guy named...

2 years ago
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Lucy lived a quiet life, simple and typical of a young girl in the French countryside during 1860. Sighing, Lucy set down her needlework and went outside her father's tiny cottage, looking at the flowers. How beautiful they were as they reached toward the sun on this early spring day! She would have to pick some of the budding blooms for Papa later.She smiled, leaning down and smelling some of the daffodils. Her Papa was her dearest friend. Indeed, her only friend. They lived miles away from...

2 years ago
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French Maid

He paid no attention to her as she entered the room. He was used to the help being around him while he worked. He paid all of them well enough to do their work without bothering him. The maid would simply clean the room and then leave. Her perfume smelled different today, more like that of a young woman then someone who was fifty years old. This caused him to look up. In front of him was a very good looking woman, about 30 years old with a great body. She was wearing a maids outfit with a hem...

3 years ago
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French Maid

He paid no attention to her as she entered the room. He was used to the help being around him while he worked. He paid all of them well enough to do their work without bothering him. The maid would simply clean the room and then leave. Her perfume smelled different today, more like that of a young woman then someone who was fifty years old. This caused him to look up. In front of him was a very good looking woman, about 30 years old with a great body. She was wearing a maids outfit with a hem...

4 years ago
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French Quarter Vampirette

I woke up in a cold sweat from another nightmare.  It was always dark and foggy in them.  For the past few weeks, I'd had a continuing nightmare of a mysterious woman lurking around me. I don’t know why I was worried. The woman was hot as hell and numerous times I had awoken with a hard cock.  I figured I was dreaming of fucking her, but I could never remember that part with her.  It made me nervous because I felt she looked familiar but in the same sense I’ve never seen her before.  That’s why...

2 years ago
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French couple with a Indian Pakistani colleague

We are a French couple and lived in the UK for about 2 years. We moved to Manchester as I work there. My wife is a teacher and teaches languages. We have been married for 3 years. At work I made a lot of friends, and went to a number of weddings and nights out with them. One guy in particular I got quite close with as he was a part time car dealer. This was last year before covid. He was of Indian/Pakistani origin and was in Manchester for work only, and is originally from Huddersfield. He is...

2 years ago
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French MaidChapter 3

The following day I didn't need to start work until the evening. So for most of the day I spent with one of my close friends, not actually letting on what was happening at the hotel, but hinting to her. She seemed shocked. I didn't let on that I had taken an active role in any of the goings-on. When I arrived I was waiting at the dinner tables for the first couple of hours. Apart from one of the guests, who put his hand up the back of my short dress everytime I served him, the dinner was...

4 years ago
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French MaidChapter 7

One morning at about 10 am I was sent up to a room with a feather duster of all things. I had the standard outfit on, black stockings, suspender belt, skimpy panties and bra, plus a French Maid's outfit. I knocked on the door and was told to enter. The man sitting there was dark haired and about 50 years old. He was slim and not so bad looking. He had a nice smile and was holding a newspaper in his hands. "I want you to do the dusting please," he told me, "But only in your...

2 years ago
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French MaidChapter 9

It was about 9:30 one Monday morning when I was asked to go to a room on the top floor. I was told it was for some dictation, and I was to take a notepad and pencil. I found one in the office and headed upstairs. Entering the room I found a man in his early forties wearing a three-piece suit with shirt and tie. He had brown hair, fairly short and a pleasant face. He was medium weight and in the suit looked really good. "I need you to take some letters for me." He said ushering me into the...

4 years ago
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French MaidChapter 10

Another day at the hotel, a Thursday in fact. The first three hours of my shift had been boring, just general maid duties, changing beds etc. But at eleven o'clock I was told that I had been requested to a room on the second floor. I knocked and a well-spoken voice belonging to a lady told me to come in. Opening the door I found a woman in her mid-forties, very well dressed and very elegant looking together with an older man. I guessed he was about sixty. He was white haired, fairly thin,...

2 years ago
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French MaidChapter 11

One day, I'd had been on duty for several hours, just normal chamber maid work when I was told I had been requested by the Colonel on the top floor. I had previously seen the Colonel twice now. He was a dear old man, quite soft hearted, and I had found our two meetings a lot of fun. So I changed into a fresh uniform, the usual, French Maid dress, white stockings, suspender belt, bra and panties, and went up to his room. I was told to come in when I knocked and there he was sitting there....

2 years ago
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French MaidChapter 15

I got to work at 8am one Thursday morning. We did the breakfast shift and sorted out all the washing. At 10 o'clock I was told I was wanted upstairs in my French Maid's outfit. I asked which room and was told the third floor linen cupboard! I asked Anna about this and she just said, "That'll be Freddie, he likes confined spaces." She smiled. "Don't worry, it's very quick usually." The actual room was only big enough for two people to stand in. It consisted mainly of shelves full of...

3 years ago
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Frenched By Milf French Tuition Teacher

I was a nineteen-year-old student in junior college, in Hyderabad and I had a French language teacher Ms. Nancy, an attractive woman around 42 years, whose house I used to go for tuitions, one day after teaching me for an hour, we finished. We were sitting at a table in talking about my performance when, surprisingly, she brought the conversation around to the subject of masturbation. When she started talking about it I was quite embarrassed and found myself sweating. I had always thought of...

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MM Kisses

======================== Sweets revenge exposes a weakness and opportunity This is an entry in the 2012 Halloween contest. ======================== In case you didn’t know… M&M is a registered trademark of the Mars company. Hershey’s KISSES Brand Chocolates is a registered trademark of the Hershey Company ======================== I love Halloween. The unapologetic, over-the-top nature of the whole holiday. An excess of candy, a shortage of material in costume making, a handy excuse for...

4 years ago
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Three kisses

A wee dram is poured, tablet is shared and the fire crackles like percussion to the lilt of my voice against the deep tones of the guitar being picked and strummed by your careful fingers. The song fades into the quiet that we both know is filled by the sounds of our heartbeats filling our ears as our eyes meet. I manage to hold your gaze for a moment before concentrating on the fire. I hear you place the guitar at your side but daren’t turn to face you again. I can barely control my breathing...

Straight Sex

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