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Long before she let herself through the front door it was obvious to Tabitha that Sunbeam was home. From several doors down the suburban street she could hear the sound of seventies heavy metal and, accompanying the record, Sunbeam's own guitar playing that was roughly, but not exactly, in tune. It was a wonder the neighbours didn't complain more than they did.

As always, Tabitha couldn't help noticing the remarkable similarity between Sunbeam's own song compositions and those on the rock music records she accompanied. Sunbeam's father had given his daughter a comprehensive collection of vinyl records that represented his musical tastes before they shifted toward the anodyne whine of AOR away from the squawking cat-shriek and doomy chords of the records he'd enjoyed in his adolescence. At least in Sunbeam's hands, the records hadn't gone to waste.

Tabitha was the manager of Excess Baggage, the all-girl rock group for which Sunbeam was principal composer, singer and lead guitarist. However, she still had difficulty in relating her best friend from school, her first lover and the girl who used to deal pills in the school playground as Sunbeam, rock star. She still hadn't become accustomed to how much the stage name had superseded her real name. In fact, Tabitha even sometimes forgot what it was.

But, as Tabitha reflected, pushing aside the bicycle propped against the hallway radiator and easing off her Dr Martin's airwear boots, the fortunes of Excess Baggage had a long way to go yet until Tabitha could afford to drop her gig as a Hard House DJ at the Marsh Club. Or until Sunbeam, for that matter, could close shop on her small-scale dealing. And if Sunbeam's brother wasn't so generous in allowing his sister and her sister's best friend to share his suburban semi, would they ever have found somewhere else they could afford to live?

"Hiya, sweetheart!" Tabitha announced, pushing open the living room door, knowing exactly what sight would greet her.

And, indeed, no surprise at all. There was Sunbeam, cross-legged in the middle of the room, wearing only the baggy pair of thin cotton shorts they had brought back from their holiday in Morocco last year. Her rather large breasts overshadowed the guitar resting on her lap and strapped around her shoulder, and all around her, and spread in all directions were album sleeves, black twelve-inch vinyl records gathering dust, a coffee mug, ashtrays, cigarette packets and a small plastic bag where Sunbeam stored her stash. A soggy roach languished in the ashtray amongst the cigarette butts. Sunbeam raised her head toward Tabitha, a slightly stoned smile across her face, while she pushed a curtain of mousy-brown hair off her eyes.

"Hiya, cherry bomb!" Sunbeam replied, pulling a cigarette out of a packet and lighting it up.

"Hey! What's the tune? It's a lot like your Pussy Power, only the lyrics aren't quite the same."

"It's by Atomic Rooster," replied Sunbeam. "And fuck, Tabby, if I hadn't changed the lyrics people would twig where I get my inspiration from."

Tabitha nodded. She had guessed long ago that just as a techno or house DJ might build up a composition by sampling vinyl records, Sunbeam did much the same with her own song writing. And the more obscure the record, the less likely that anyone would figure out where it came from. So, Sunbeam's father's old records, by the likes of Bad Company, Led Zeppelin, Deep Purple, Pink Fairies, Budgie and Vanilla Fudge were taking on a new life in the copyrighted songbook of Excess Baggage. Although Sunbeam joked about her systematic theft of the heavy metal legacy to deflect the criticism she so wholly deserved, Tabitha wasn't even so sure that her friend drew the line at just lifting the guitar chords. Her song lyrics on demons, fast cars, hobbits, guns and sex bore ever such a similarity to those of the selfsame rock groups. Although the sex of which she sang did not generally involve the participation of men.

"And Tabby, sweetest, I've had a thought..." remarked Sunbeam, blowing smoke out through her nostrils.

"Yeah?" wondered Tabitha, sitting down on the sofa and crossing her long black legs. She twiddled a plaited hair extension in her ring-festooned fingers.

"Excess Baggage is just too long a name. We ought to drop the 'Baggage' bit. Just call the band 'Excess'."

"'Excess'? Wasn't there a group in the eighties or nineties called that?"

"It was called 'InXS'. Bunch of ozzies. Anyway, they only ever did one decent song. I think 'Excess' would be a much better name than 'Excess Baggage'."

"But everything we've done or promoted has been as 'Excess Baggage', sweetheart. We can't just change it."

"Course we fucking can! Massive Attack changed their name to Massive. Tyrannosaurus Rex changed theirs to T. Rex. Electric Light Orchestra became just fucking ELO. Loads of groups have changed their names. And anyway, a name like 'Excess' would be more appropriate for the group's image than 'Excess Baggage'. It makes us sound like some kind of fucking modern jazz group or garage house crew. We're a fucking rock group. Rock music's always been about excess. And it's about time we had the right kind of fucking name!"

Although Tabitha was reluctant to admit it, even to herself, the name was especially appropriate given Sunbeam's more recent tendencies. She was certain that Sunbeam was consuming at least as many drugs as she sold, and although she only dabbled in heroin, Tabitha wasn't sure she would never become addicted. And the sex! As her drug consumption increased, Sunbeam seemed to have lost her ability to discriminate. She called herself 'polyamorous', which Tabitha first misheard as 'polyandrous', which was nonsense given her stated sexual preference. But although Tabitha confined her interest to women, and still had frequent sex with Sunbeam, despite them no longer being an item, her friend had now developed an enthusiastic taste for sex with men as well.

This shocked Tabitha at first. But she and Sunbeam had already chosen to sleep in separate rooms, and that wasn't only because of Sunbeam's frequent and open infidelity. Tabitha had sensed, sometimes too acutely, that she had become Sunbeam's token black woman lover and that the emotional content of their love, so intense in their early teens, had become subsumed by considerations of outward appearance. It had been difficult for Tabitha to reconcile her sexuality and her love for her parents, who were traditional black Baptists and so thoroughly appalled by Tabitha's unholy sexual preference that only the genuineness of their Christian love kept them from disowning their daughter.

Sunbeam never experienced a predicament like that. Her parents had never hidden from her either their indulgence in soft drugs or their participation in swinging sex parties. And, as Tabitha only gradually came to appreciate, their daughter was intent on attaining a degree of libertarianism that even her parents had never entertained. So, Sunbeam not only distracted herself with hard drugs and sex with men, but also (and this disturbed Tabitha rather more than she imagined possible) sex with her own brother. But what upset Tabitha the most wasn't so much the fact of incest (a word that seemed to lose some of its meaning when applied to a real life situation), but that Sunbeam considered it as some kind of a token achievement, to tick off as something she'd done, like having a black lesbian lover, like having sex with two or three men at the same time, like drinking her lover's urine, like dropping GHB, like fucking that boy they'd met in that Moroccan hotel, and, like, as Tabitha had to admit, having sex on stage during a gig.

"Well, after that time at the Willow, I guess Excess isn't a bad name at all!" exclaimed Tabitha before leaning over to help herself to a plastic bag of grass lying on the ground.

"Oh fuck, Tabby! You don't fucking forget, do you!"

Tabitha shook free some papers from her packet of Rizlas, and licked the edge of them before piecing together the two-and-a-half skinner she was so adept at constructing.

"I didn't agree to be your manager as well as do my own gigs just to run some kind of fucking sex show, Sunbeam."

"It was only the once. It's like the music got to me..."

"Or the coke. Or the E. Or some other stuff. And did Joanne really want you to stick that dildo right up her twat like that?"

"When Joanne's on stage and she's 'Marsh Mallow', she's like real uninhibited."

"It can't be easy to play bass and have someone pull down her jeans, lick her clit and shove a dildo up her front. But Joanne's performing as Marsh Mallow, bassist, not Marsh Mallow, porn star. And since when have you gone from just partial nudity, which we always agreed was OK, to full on stark naked? No wonder we're getting more men in the audience and fewer of the old lesbian crowd."

"You're just being fucking preachy. Just like your dad. But what about it, Tabby? Shall we change the name to 'Excess'?"

"It's a lot of hard work you know. There's a lot of promo stuff I've got to change. And I've got that gig in Stockport on Friday."

"When d'you think we could get it done? I told the other girls: Joanne, Prissy, Anita and Carla. They think it's gonna be for the gig on Saturday."

"I guess I'll be able to do that," Tabitha sighed, knowing that she wouldn't have much time to buy new discs for her big session at the Tick Tack. She'd just have to hope the record shops in Manchester had some decent tunes she could feature.

Tabitha was exhausted when she got back from Stockport, having snatched only a few hours doze in the back of her battered Astra at a service station. She didn't have much time to do more than unload her record boxes in the hallway, with the assistance of Sunbeam's brother, Tom, who as always was trying to persuade her to have sex with him.

"Sorry, Tom. I'm what it says on the label," Tabitha said with a grim smile after Tom had made his latest overture. "Where's Sunbeam?"

"She's at Anita's. Or Sticky Goo as she calls herself now."

"I guess I'll just have to hope she makes it to the Fig and Firkin for tonight," Tabitha sighed, knowing that when Anita and Sunbeam started making love it was often quite a huge effort to separate them. And if Carla got involved, well, they'd either be late or thoroughly wasted. Or more likely, both.

The landlord at the Fig and Firkin watched Tabitha as she set up the stage equipment with the help of Prissy and Joanne. As always, Sunbeam was not one of the first to arrive, and the fact that Anita and Carla were also not there made Tabitha fear the worst.

"So it's gonna just be a dyke crowd, is it?" remarked the landlord from the bar stool where he sat. "A load of grrrls with short hair and jumble sale chic. But what's this I hear about your group attracting the boys now?"

Tabitha knew exactly what the landlord was hinting at. "The group's emerging from the dyke ghetto. That's all."

"I heard that your singer's been having sex on stage. Not just taking her clothes off, which I don't mind. I quite like a flash of tit, me. But actually like fucking doing it on stage. I've got a license to worry about, you know. This isn't fucking Soho."

"That's just crap, Phil. And you know it. It's just queer consciousness. Getting away from denying our sexuality. That kind of thing. There's not gonna be any sex on stage."

"I dunno. You've changed the name. What kind of 'excess' are you intending to represent?"

"An excess of political correctness, Phil. What d'you think? Now, if you don't mind, I've got to test the sound system."

Tabitha's assurances were rather wasted. When Sunbeam arrived, she, Carla and Anita were quite obviously still high, not helped by a pint of beer drunk at the bar while Tabitha did a DJ set, mixing some of Sunbeam's rather dull heavy metal records with the hard house she much preferred. And then, finally, the group ascended the stage for the first time ever in their current incarnation.

"So give it up for Excess!" announced the landlord. "That's Sunbeam, Sticky Goo, Marsh Mallow, Krakatoa and Daffodil!"

The five girls strode onto the small stage, Sunbeam and Sticky Goo carrying their guitars and Marsh Mallow her bass guitar. Krakatoa, or Prissy, seated herself behind the drum kit. And Daffodil, or Carla, behind the synths. As they appeared, the crowd, many of whom were the same ones who'd been following the group for over a year now, erupted into a huge applause.

Tabitha noticed with alarm that Sunbeam had already taken off all her clothes and was standing on stage with her guitar slung around her, just beneath her heavy breasts, and a pair of fourteen-hole Dr Martin's on her feet. She strode up to the microphone, took it in one hand, but didn't lift it off the stand, pushed her hair off her face and for a moment looked quite bewildered. Only the applause and cheers from the audience filled the space. And then she slurred into the microphone.

"Hello, Fig and Fucking Firkin! We're gonna fucking rock you!"

And with that, Daffodil, Marsh Mallow and Krakatoa launched into 'Hot Dyke Dreaming', always a good starter, with its swirling Deep Purple organ chords, its Guns & Roses guitar sound and that thumping beat that sounded ever so much like 'Purple Haze'. Tabitha noticed with relief that the coke and beer hadn't too aversely affected Sunbeam's singing voice. Nor her guitar-playing. Not that anyone would really have noticed with the poor pub acoustics. In fact, the most wasted was probably Carla who, at one stage, actually used the wrong programming sample, of which she only became aware after Marsh Mallow strode across the stage, wearing what most people might consider to be her underwear, and pointed it out to her.

Tabitha settled down on a stool at the back of the stage, a pint of real ale in one hand, the least strong available, and a cigarette in the other. She didn't actually much enjoy the music Sunbeam's group played. Rock music sounded rather predictable and dull to her ears, and even when the lyrics were filtered through a lesbian consciousness they really didn't have the depth she associated with the soul or hip hop she preferred. And even though she got quite a high from caning hard house, it was generally a tape by someone like Macy Gray or Miss Dynamite that she put on when she drove back home after a gig.

However, it was evident that Excess was doing something right. The number of people who turned up at an Excess gig was steadily rising. In the early days of Excess Baggage, when the name was meant as an ironic statement of there being two sexes, rather than just the one, there would have been only a couple of dozen people in the audience, all women, and almost all just friends or ex-lovers of the group members. Now the place was full to capacity, and the crowd was quite a mix. In fact, a very heterogeneous mix with almost as many men as women. And these weren't all the kind of men who used to come to an Excess Baggage gig. Rather fewer of the gauche intellectuals, politically correct squatters and gay men. Indeed, many of the men were sporting tee-shirts by distinctly uncool rock groups like Iron Maiden, AC/DC, Metallica and the Scorpions. Many had the stereotypical long hair and denim of the heavy metal crowd, but even those without the standard dress looked rather less like men who appreciated the subtlety of confrontational gender politics, and rather more like men who practised air guitar in front of their mirrors.

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Beech Mountain 678 Connie

NegotiatingI travel light,and packing was done in minutes. I left by the rear exit, to avoid Stanley. I wasn't afraid of him. I just didn't want the hassle of arguing or causing a scene.I was down the mountain and at Sandra's in less than an hour. I made my way inside, and at that hour- 10:45am , the place was pretty full. Donna waved from the juice bar as I carried my things to my new home. I just threw everything on the bed and went back down to the bar.“ Well Dano, I didn't count on seeing...

1 year ago
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The Many Faces of AndieChapter 4 A new set of eyes

"It's slow, Teri ... I'm going to leave early. You and Beth should be able to hand it now." "Sure, Andie. Was that your new boyfriend with the cute little girl?" "She's a doll, isn't she?" Andie took her apron off and put it in with the laundry. "Bet she has Daddy wrapped around her finger. Bet her Daddy is going to be in trouble with two cuties chasing after him." Andie got her things and waved goodbye as she headed out the door of the little shop. She made a stop at Macy's...

3 years ago
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A Royal Pain Chapter 1

It wasn't usual for my mom to invite me over to dinner, But I could tell right away when she called that something was weird. It was her voice, like she was happy and excited to call me, but also wasn't sure she should be calling me at all. We usually talked a couple times a week since Dad passed, so hearing her like that, it was just ... weird! "Hey, Mom, is everything alright? You sound a bit different than normal," I enquired. "Oh, no Paul, I'm fine! Better than fine truth be told....

4 years ago
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Glassrose the sadist

"Who is this naked wench?"My morning whipping is just over. Bluebird performed it with her spiked whip. Noenoe, the mistress of the house, permitted only five strokes on my bare back, and the little miss administered the punishment among happy snickers. When i say "little", i don't mean her age but her stature. Bluebird is a sweet little thing who rubbed salt in my wounds with mocking laughter. She loves torturing me. Also Miss Noenoe and the beautiful Miss Tigresspalm laughed at my moans....

3 years ago
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Me tits big

xHamster – Free Porn Videos Search in 179,993 stories... mrslideitinVideosLive SexPornstarsChannelsPhotosDatingPremiumAll storiesThe best season :-PIt's during the best season that you peek always with a little more attention, especially if you have the sis very good, like in my case :-P. It was a nice day of summer, august end august i remember, when i and my sis were at home with an our cousin (young like us :-P), my sis and our cousin are sitting on the bed and started to joking with the...

1 year ago
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Afternoon Study

Why is it that all my friends can relax on a Friday while I’m stuck inside my tutor’s house studying? I know that I didn’t get a good grade for a few of my classes. So now I’m paying the price of my precious time with this forty-nine year old guy. Mitchell had just moved into our street, from the city he moved to our small community looking for accounting work. After leaving his job as a university lecturer, he was looking for a change in his career. As he introduced himself to my family, I...

First Time
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Gen One

An unexpected event is about to collapse right into the Earth. According to the experts, this meteor shower won't do anything bad to us; just think about it like shooting stars. They couldn't be more wrong. The day come and the meteor shower happened. As they predicted, nothing wrong happened to humans; at least to some of them. Four remains of the meteors ended up in four strange places, at least strange for a meteor to land. But what can be the consequences of the meteors crashing in those...

3 years ago
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Learning to Tease part three

I rolled over in bed, for about the tenth time. I was tired but I just couldn’t sleep, and I knew why. He was in my house. Him! The guy who had spun my life out of control. His name was Nick, he was a friend of my brothers. He’d done very little for me to be so angry with him, almost nothing really. But whenever I thought of him I got angry. Or horny. It could go either way.The event happened a few weeks ago. I was swimming in my parent’s pool. I got out, and without wrapping a towel around me...

2 years ago
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cuckold lifestyle 61

Thanksgiving isn't a real good time for wife to cuckold me, we are around family and they are very straight laced. I don't know what would happen if our family was to ever find out that my wife ( their darling daughter) lets her body be used like she does. Both sides of our family are filled with christian hard working folks. Her parents love me and tell me how lucky their daughter is to have a husband like me. Every time I hear this I can't help but think you aint k**ding, how many men out...

1 year ago
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Introduced To The Delightful Lesbo World

Hi readers and friends this is Meera from Pakistan/UK back. I’m of 40 years, married, the rest you know of my previous stories and before proceeding further I would like to clarify few truths regarding my postings. My previous story titled “An Erotic Massage I’ll Never Forget” is true incident and actually the Third Episodec of my Lesbian Saga in short these are my story sequels I’m going to post in this site: 1. Introduced To The Delightful Lesbo World (current one) 2. Using Innocent Sister To...

2 years ago
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Life on Bedlow StreetChapter 11

Stevie was surprised when Kelly arrived for the next photo shoot escorted by Bud. Kelly went to work immediately on Stevie, alternately pleading and threatening him to let Bud pose with her. When Goldie arrived, she leered at Bud and agreed with Kelly. Or so it seemed. Goldie smugly sat in a chair, crossed her legs and lit a cigarette. "Before we get started," Goldie said, "let's just make sure that everyone," she arched her painted eyebrow at Kelly, "agrees that we are going to share...

4 years ago
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Demon Whorehouse Transformation

The following tale of sexual depravity contains adult material. If you are under the legal age for your area (generally 18 or 21), or object to explicit sex, stop reading NOW. Otherwise, if erotic situations and taboo acts turn you on, then please enjoy yourself. The characters and situations are, of course, completely fictitious. Feel free to post or archive, as long as the story remains intact and unmodified, and my contact information remains attached. Otherwise, this work should...

4 years ago
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Summer Lovin

I awoke to the sounds of birds chirping and fluttering in their nests. I sat up weary from my deep sleep and stretched my arms bumping the wooden ceiling above. Week 3 at summer camp has passed so far, and its not that bad actually. Being as agile as possible, I slinked down the ladder of the red bunk-bed and felt my feet rest against the hardwood flooring. All the other girls were asleep still, and I needed to be first in the shower before all the steaming water ran out. I grabbed my towel and...

First Time
2 years ago
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The business trip

What a relief, the journey from hell has finally come to an end and you will finally be able to relax in a few minutes when you have checked in to your room. You look at your watch with a mixture of amazement and dismay – 24 hours to get from Aberdeen to Cairo – bloody French Air Traffic Controllers, and British Rail, or whatever they are called these days, and Egyptian immigration! Still here now – the door is opened for you, suitcases disappear with the bell boy and your check-in details are...

3 years ago
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My First Anal Experience

My name is Larry. I am happily married to Mindy. She and her friend Laurie are very good friends. They both have long black hair, which they are wearing up today. Their bodies are toned and tanned, with 34C cup breasts. Laurie surprised me in the shower yesterday. Mindy was happy to see that we were getting acquainted. This morning, the girls hatched their plan to give me my ‘First Shave.’ After they were finished, Mindy took my hand, ‘It’s time to clean you up, Larry.’ The three of us headed...

2 years ago
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Leaving Party part 2

Part two...Leading the guys to my office I quickly dropped the blinds, it was the best place to play as in the unlikely event anyone walked past they would think I was still working.The atmosphere was electric.They stood looking me over, clearly aroused and waiting to see what I would do next.Stepping between them I kicked off my shoes and simply said, 'Take off my clothes'Their smiles let me know how special tonight was for them as my lovely guys gently stripped me.First, my blouse was...

1 year ago
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The Rogues Harem Book 2 Rogues Wicked HaremChapter 44 Bloodlines

Note: Thanks to WRC 264 for beta reading this! Aingeal My wings fluttered fast as I hovered at the brothel window, a big grin on my lips. While my family searched through the library, which was utterly booooring, I had to find my own ways to amuse myself. Lucky for me, we were in the City of Az, the largest city in the world. Or, at least, the largest city in Zeutch. It was full of mortals to play pranks on. I was having so much fun. I made frogs rain on frolicking maidens during a...

3 years ago
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Have Faith

“I can’t believe you’re gonna do this,” my friend Mike said. “Well I can’t believe things actually came to this,” I replied. I was standing in his room, watching him pack up all his belongings into suitcases. As for me, I had all the belongings I could take slung in a bag over my shoulder. “You really are serious aren’t you?” Mike asked, stopping his packing to look up at me. “About this whole going out to die for Big Brother thing.” “You know I don’t believe in ‘Big Brother’,” I told him. ...

2 years ago
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Handjob rewards Part 3

I was running a little late at work so I text Jamie to tell him I was able to pick him up from school. It couldn't have worked out better because I had dressed very sexy for the office and had wanted to give him one of his rewards today. My nude, patent leather heels applied the brake on the car as I pulled into a parking space facing the front of the school. I turned off the car and waited for Jamie to appear. I was wearing a short, plaid tan skirt that had rode up my slender thighs to...

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I Seduced My Friend

100% fiction! Hi ISS Readers, hope you all are enjoying this site...Reading plenty of stories in this site really made me to make an attempt ....to try someone.... to seduce them and bring them to bed. I read a story from this site and wanted to try the same seducing attempt. I was totally confused with whom should I try with, whether my aunt or the girl next door or my any of my close friend. This seducing attempt can be tried by both guys/gals by changing the character. Let me tell about...

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Selena Gomez Backstage of the Teen Choice Awards

Miley thanked everybody for coming and waved goodbye as she made her way backstage as the Teen Choice Awards were ending. She headed to her dressing room and flopped down on the couch, thankful the show was over. A knock on the door a couple of minutes later startled her as her publicist popped her head in “Hey Miley, great show tonight” she said as Miley stood up. “Yea, it was pretty awesome” Miley said as she grabbed a bottle of water and took a drink, walking over to the door. “Somebody...

4 years ago
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The Day I Went to Heaven

I am not one who goes out a lot, so for me to meet people is rather hard much less get very close to them in a more personal way. But I have had a chance to get to to know a particular man through my job in a much more personal way than most co-workers. I am going to call this man Travis because I find this to be a very sexy man’s name. Travis and I have experienced many work related challenges together. We have spent hours talking, texting, and visiting. Some of which have not been very work...

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Sara cuckolds me

It all started on xHamster. Sara and I would watch interracial cuckold video together as I fucked her with her large black dildo. I would whisper how beautiful she was and how hot it would be to see her being fucked by a big black cock. "So you like big black cocks now? Tell me Sara, do they fuck you better than my little white dick? Are you going to make me watch as they fuck you?" Sara always loved the feel of her black dildo and she would thrust her pelvis upward trying to receive more of...

4 years ago
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Saturday night session with mum

It was a Saturday evening and I was planning on going out for a few drinks to see some old friends. Being cold and frosty outside I couldn’t actually be bothered to bring myself to get ready and go out in the cold. Id not long had my shower and was lying in my towel when mum came past my door. ‘What are you doing hunny, are you out tonight?’ she said asked. I told her that I didn’t really fancy it and that I was staying in. ‘that’s great you can keep me company, your fathers working late’ she...

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Eating Of My Pussy

You have me lying down flat on my back, my legs open for you, and I’m unable to hide anything at this point. I can feel my heart pounding hard, I want to beg you to touch me. I’m told not to move a muscle, and I want to obey. My body screams to squirm towards you, almost offering myself to you, but you know this already. I can feel your fingers brush along my inner thigh, running from my sex towards my knee. Your eyes locked on mine, and mine on yours. A cheeky grin set upon your perfect...

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Imagine this, There are s*******n vacancies at the school and eighty applications for places, the schools reputation is so admired, almost everyone wants a placement. Interviews from the short list are being conducted in my office with the girl and her parents present.I want pretty pleasant and intelligent girls so many are rejected without getting this far. Daddy can recognise the type of student he wants, submissive and obedient , nice firm tits and above all a pretty pert bottom.The parents...

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Wanting What I Cant Have Chapter 3

“Anna, breakfast is ready!” I woke up from hearing Lisa’s annoying voice. “Yeah, coming,” I said while stretching. I didn’t think she heard me, but I didn’t care. I got out of bed and went in the bathroom. I took off my bra and panties and got in the shower. I turned the taps on and the cold water started running on my whole body, making me feel relaxed. oOo Nick oOo    “Why don’t you go and wake her up, babe?” Lisa asked. “Yeah, sure,” I said as I stood up from the couch. I walked up the...

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