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Flatlander: Derogatory term for Connecticut or New York City people with pockets full of money who come up to Vermont.

I could hear the vehicle go by the house about eleven p.m. when I was watching the news. It was late and I knew it was going to snow before morning. What in Christ's name were they thinking of? The cabin someone was heading for wasn't insulated or winterized. Dumb-ass flatlander. Well he wouldn't stay long. I never liked the owner anyway--the rich, unsociable bastard with way too much money. Maybe it was some kids that were out four-wheeling, although the vehicle sounded like a small car. Time would tell. I forgot all about what I had heard and crawled into my lonely bed and went to sleep.

Morning found eight inches of heavy wet snow on the ground, and it was still coming down with no sign of stopping. The forecast predicted a major storm of twenty inches before it was to end later tonight. I went to work. This only meant going into my office in the back part of the house. I was a writer and I was beginning to have my efforts pay off. This was going to be my third novel. The first one I wrote was a big success--the second one not so much, just barely adequate. My publisher had come up with a decent advance and some advice when I showed him the plot outline for a new book.

I had been working on this last book under a cloud of sadness and loneliness. He advised me to take a little more time on this manuscript and add more detailed descriptions. If I did this, it would shorten the rework when he saw it for the first read of each segment. He was excited about the plot outline and said the first five chapters he had seen so far were fair, but I could do better.

I looked out at noon as I was waiting for my lunch to heat. Snow was still coming down. I snapped the radio on and the weatherman said this would be clearing out sooner than expected. There would be twenty to thirty mile an hour winds afterwards though, with the temperature dropping to near zero by tomorrow morning. No weather one wanted to be out in, that was for sure.

I finished my lunch and was heading back to my computer when I remembered the vehicle last night. Shit, it was about a mile to the camp, maybe I should go check it out. I sat down to write, but the thought wouldn't leave me. Hell, I needed some air anyway.

I put on my winter parka, strapped on snowshoes and headed up the hill. It was tough going through what I estimated to be fifteen inches of snow. When I reached the top, the wind was picking up already. I looked down into the bowl where the cabin was located, but couldn't see anything. Not surprising the way the snow was coming down and with it blowing so hard. I headed down.

I could see the outline of the building, but not before I was within a hundred yards of it. The car was just a lump of white except for one fender where the wind had blown the snow away. I stepped up on the little deck and peered through the windows. It was dark inside. I could tell that there had been no heat, for the windows weren't frosted and they would have been if there was a fire inside.

I shucked my snowshoes and tried the front door, finding it locked. I pounded on it until it finally was opened. The face of the young person standing there had a look of fright. I knew when she spoke it was a female. She stood there in winter clothes with a blanket wrapped around her.

"Where's your dad?"

"He is not here, I have never been here before so I don't even know where I am. My stepmother is the only one with me and she is terribly sick. We are so cold and there is no heat."

I stepped in and closed the door. I had never been in here before although the cabin had been built seven years earlier. I could see that a person could not survive for any length of time here in the weather we were expecting. There would be no power for the lines to the cabin had been down for a long while.

I walked over to look at the woman on the couch. I will say the girl had done the best she could to keep the person lying there warm. She was buried in blankets. I pushed my hand down through the blankets and felt a feverish face. She was very sick. "Are the keys in the car?"


I took a broom out and swept off the sides of the car. It was a small BMW and looked new. I got inside and started it. The gas gauge read empty, just coming off the peg a little. The engine might have an hour of running time left. I started it and let it run. Going back in I asked, "What is your name?"

"Ginger Hapgood. Camille is on the couch."

"Okay then Ginger. We are going to get the car warm and put Camille in it. When she gets as warm as she can, I'll have figured out how to get you two out of here and back to civilization. I may have to carry her. How big is she?"

"Not very big. She is a size five."

"Humm, well that doesn't tell me much. Okay, in about ten minutes I'll carry her out to the car and you get in and get warm too. We have a long way to go, half of it uphill as you know. I may have to carry her if I can't find something to pull her on. I don't think I'll find a sled. A toboggan would be perfect and is what I really need."

I installed the two women in the fast warming vehicle and started to look around. I passed by a kayak before I realized I might be able to use it. I studied it for a few minutes. With some help from Ginger I thought we could get Camille to safety if she wasn't too far gone already. I poked around and found a length of clothesline. Taking a hammer, I busted a hole in the front of the kayak big enough to take the line. I doubled it for strength and dragged the whole thing out to the car.

I knocked on the car window and when Ginger rolled it down I said, "If you are willing to help keep this thing upright and maybe push a little, we can get your mother to where she can be safe."

"She isn't my mother."

This pissed me off. "You know if I hadn't come along, you maybe would die too. Do you want her to die then?"

"No, I guess not. You show me what to do."

There wasn't much room in the kayak, but I wrapped as many blankets as would fit around the patient and made sure she was as nearly upright as possible. I directed Ginger to make sure the little boat didn't tip over. She had a difficult job walking behind, for she sank in even through the snowshoe tracks. She was pushing though, I could tell for when she stopped or fell, I had a tough time tugging on the rope and making forward progress.

God, what a relief when we reached the top of the hill and could start down to my house. It was quicker going downhill. It was late afternoon and was fast coming onto dark. I opened the door and transported Camille into the house which was nice and warm. Ginger was too tired to take off her coat and sat slumped in a recliner. I unwrapped Camille and found the fever had gone up a notch. Calling 911, they said they would be there within a half hour.

"What's going to happen to her?"

"Rescue will take her to the hospital and make her well I hope. You know what you did in helping get her here just might be what is going to save her life."

"Whatever. What about me? Where can I go?"

"You could stay right here."

"I don't know you."

"I don't know you either. That makes us even, doesn't it?" There was no answer from this girl with an attitude.

It was actually two hours before Rescue arrived, for the town had to send in a plow to clear the snow. The squad members determined that Camille had pneumonia. I couldn't tell them much about the lady, just her name. Ginger wasn't very forthcoming except to tell them Camille's name and to say that where I found them was their home address. She would be starting school here after the first of the year and that had been arranged the day she and Camille arrived. Lot of mystery here I thought.

I started to ask, but before I got the question out, Ginger said, "Camille was my father's second wife. My mother is dead and my father is marrying another bimbo, so I'm stuck with this one. Now she has gone and got sick. Where does that leave me?"

"I said you could stay here. Take my offer. You can sort out your personal problems later. You're warm and I'll feed you. Why don't you get out of your wet things? You must be uncomfortable. I'll show you to my daughter's room. There are clothes in the closet that should fit you." I took her upstairs, pointing out a bath down the hall. I opened the bedroom door and let Ginger pass by me.

She looked around and started taking off her sweater. Under this she had on a pair of designer jeans and a nice looking top. I would guess this girl was about fifteen. She had dirty blonde hair cut short. Her complexion was clear and what she was wearing accented her developing figure. I thought she would reach her full height soon or she would be exceptionally tall, for she stood at five-seven now.

Ginger immediately went over to the closet and peeled back the folding doors. She stood staring at the dresses and outfits hanging there. Pulling them off the rod, she held them up to her. Flicking a glance at me she asked, "Won't your daughter mind someone else wearing these?"

"No." I turned and went down the hall and down the stairs. I set about preparing supper. I usually had cold cereal for my evening meal, but I figured the girl upstairs needed more. I put a hamburger on the frying pan, doctoring it just a little to add flavor. I had chips and the remains of an apple pie to share with her for dessert. When I turned to place the food on the table, Ginger stood in the doorway watching me. I went to the refrigerator and poured a glass of milk.

"I don't know your name or what you do."

My name is Ray Riddle and I'm an author. I work in an office here at home."

"Where are your wife and daughter? I peeked in another room and saw women's clothes. It doesn't look as if she is with you."

"They aren't. Both are dead. They died in an accident when I was away a year ago. Does your burger taste okay?"

"Yes, it is delicious. Best I have ever had. Thank you."

I put the dishes in the washer and showed Ginger the controls on the TV. "I'm going to work until about eight-thirty and then I'll call and see how Camille is."

"The hospital won't tell you. They never tell anyone anything."

"We'll see." I worked the two hours and came out of my office. I glanced up the stairs and for a minute I thought the person coming down was my daughter, Mindy. The vision coming down the stairs was wearing a dress that I had picked out for a present last Christmas before I knew that Mindy would never see it. I hesitated until Ginger was down within two steps of the bottom and then I couldn't look anymore. I hurried on past her, afraid I would break up.

I went to the telephone and called the second floor nurses station at the hospital. "Hi Cindy, this is Ray Riddle. Would you tell me the condition of the new patient that arrived there this afternoon? Her name is Camille Hapgood. Her daughter is here with me and she is devastated about how sick her mother is. I know you can't tell me directly, so I'll ask a question and you can say yes or no. Is Camille resting comfortably?--Is she still feverish?--Her condition is very serious?--Critical?--Tomorrow will tell the story?--Can her daughter see her tomorrow? Thanks Cindy, you're a peach. Night."

I turned to Ginger. "Camille is very sick as you know. Her condition is serious, but not critical. I gather that she will survive and we will know how soon she will get well when you see her tomorrow."

"You told the nurse I was devastated. I'm not."

"Maybe not. I would be if I was you. The way I read your situation is this. You are up here in the wilderness because your father doesn't want you with him. He has passed you on to the only person that would look after you. Like her or not, I suspect she feels responsible. Now as far as the present is concerned, whether you realize it or not, saving a person's life carries some responsibilities. You surely helped me save Camille's life. I saved your stepmother's and I honestly feel I saved yours.

"When you see Camille tomorrow, you are going to have to look at her and say to yourself--I helped save her life. Then you will have to decide whether to go on making her life miserable as you have been or change your attitude toward her.

"Me, well I don't know either one of you. She may be the worst stepmother there ever was. I doubt it though or your father wouldn't have put her in charge of you. Personally I think Camille is trapped into a situation where her husband didn't want her anymore and panned you off onto her. Instead of hating what your father has done to you and being mad at him, you are taking it out on her. She has nearly died from trying to give you a home which could have become a deathtrap for both of you. All of this is something to think about."

"I hate you for thinking my Daddy did that to me. He loves me!"

"If I'm wrong, I'm sorry. You know him and I don't. Look we have had a bad day, let's retire for the night. I'll see you in the morning. Goodnight."

I lay awake several hours wondering what I had let myself in for. I had met Hapgood a few times. He came off as an arrogant son-of-a-bitch. If he was so bad then why did I decide to check out his cabin? I suppose I would have saved him if I found him instead of his ex-wife, but I might have hesitated a bit. My thoughts turned to Ginger. God, she would be a sweet person if she would just change her attitude. And what was I going to find when I got to know Camille? Was she the bimbo that Ginger had labeled her? Time would tell. I turned over and slept.

I must have been tired for I slept later than usual for me. It was nearly seven-thirty when I went to shower. While the coffee was perking, I heard Ginger come down the stairs. I was mixing pancakes. I turned. "Good morning Ginger, would you watch the bacon please? There are plates in the cupboard over there. The silverware is in the top drawer. Get yourself a glass and pour yourself some juice. I don't have any fruit. That little brown jug has maple syrup in it. You won't want pancakes too often for they seem to produce zits and you have such a beautiful complexion, it would be a shame to have some eruptions. Did you sleep well?"

"Very well, thank you. What should I call you? Would Ray be okay? Mr. Riddle makes you sound so old."

"Ray is fine. Now while we eat, let's discuss your situation. You can't live in the cabin, we know that. In three weeks you will be starting school. You say you are already signed up. If it doesn't bother you, I'll ask your stepmother to stay here until she is strong enough to find a more suitable place to live. My wife and daughter died shortly after Thanksgiving a year ago. Maybe you can help me get through this Christmas without as much pain as I had last year.

"I have to work this morning before I take you into town. There are books around the house and of course there is the television. Maybe you want to call your father and tell him what has transpired. He may come and get you. That's up to you and him. I suspect he won't want Camille from what you have said. I'll ask her to stay anyway. I'd very much like to have you stay too." A thought erupted out loud. "I miss my daughter so much." I had to turn away, for suddenly there were tears in my eyes.

I went into my office, worked for an hour and came out for a refill of coffee. Ginger had run the dishwasher and had wiped off the counters. She was sitting in the living room. "Do you have a vacuum cleaner? I could do that." I pulled the bag and put in a new one. I watched her use it for a minute. I don't think she had ever used one before, but she was trying. When I returned to my office, the words flowed right from brain through my fingers and onto the screen much better than they had for months.

As we were going into the hospital I said to Ginger, "I hope Camille is awake. I'm curious to find out what her first words were when she woke up. She must have been shocked to find herself in a hospital bed." Ginger didn't comment. "My wife worked as a nurse here, so there are a lot of nurses and doctors that know me."

When we stepped off the elevator I stopped at the nurses station. "Mary, who has charge of Camille Hapgood?"

"Ashley is her nurse and she is a patient of Doctor Burns."

"Good, couldn't be better. How is she?"

"Her fever is down some. She is still very sick. She is worried about her daughter. Is this Ginger?"


"All we could tell her was that she had been brought in by Rescue last night. You go right into room 211. If she is sleeping, it won't be for long as she is uneasy and is very concerned about Ginger."

We had to traverse down the hall. Just before she entered the room, Ginger looked at me. "You knew she was going to ask about me, didn't you?"

"I hoped. She has mothered you for awhile. If she felt anything for you, that would be the normal thing for her to be worried about. You go ahead in and I'll come in shortly."

I didn't hear anything for nearly five minutes and then I heard a feeble, glad cry, "Ginger, you're safe." I waited five more minutes before easing into the room.

Camille lay on the bed with her eyes shut. Ginger sat in a chair that was pulled close and held the stepmother's hand in hers. Anyone could tell this was a very sick woman. Ginger whispered that she was sleeping. Camille slowly opened her eyes and looked at me. "Ginger said you saved my life. Would you look after her until I get better?"

"Of course I will. My name is Ray Riddle." I didn't think she heard me for her eyes closed again.

Ashley came in and gave me a hug. "Good to see you again, Ray. You have been visiting long enough and will have to leave. You can come back tomorrow."

I motioned for Ginger to come with me. "Camille is so sick. She stared right at me for a long time before she recognized me. Then she smiled and said I was safe. Before this I wasn't aware she cared, but I think she does." Going down in the elevator she said, "You got a hug from the nurse. Is she a special friend?"

"Not really. She was my wife's friend more than mine. I guess she kind of feels sorry for me, that's all. Maybe we should go shopping at Walmart. Do you need anything?"

"Yes, some underwear. I'll pay you back when I get some things from the cabin."

"Good. I'm going to buy another pair of snowshoes, so we can get some of Camille's things at the same time. Just what we can easily carry."

"She didn't bring much. She was going to buy new things when we went shopping today. She said she was shedding my father and was leaving most everything behind. She didn't leave the money that was agreed to in the prenup I'll bet."

"That's something I don't need to know about. Where do you stand with your father?"

Ginger was silent until we reached the store. As we were getting out of the car she said, "That is something you don't need to know about either."

I told Ginger to get what she needed and to pick up whatever she thought Camille would need until she was able to shop for herself. I went down to the outdoor sporting section and got the snowshoes that would fit Ginger. When I returned she had a shopping cart piled high with clothes. "Ginger, you will have to put most of those back on the racks. I don't have much money and I know I won't have enough to pay for all of that."

"You mean you are poor?"

"Not poor really, I just don't have many disposable funds at the present except for the necessities. If you have money, I'll bring you here anytime."

"I have never shopped at Walmart, but I saw some interesting items and they are really cheap so I loaded the cart. I probably wouldn't wear half these things anyway." Ginger was nice about my request and complied. When it came to what Camille needed--robe, nightgown and pajamas, she held them up and I made the selections. I rounded out our purchases with a pair of slippers for her stepmom. I was sure she wouldn't need these things before tomorrow so we took everything home with us.

It was kind of nice having someone in the house with me again. My wife and daughter had been killed a year and two weeks ago. I put together a small meal and promised that I would do better after going to the grocery store. "I'm going to be working for awhile. Not too late, for I need to sleep if we are trekking up to the cabin tomorrow morning. I suggest that you do the same."

I could see that Ginger wanted to object, but when she looked at me and saw that I was serious she looked away. Then she started to giggle.

"What's funny?"

"I was just thinking that no one has told me what time to go to bed for more years than I can remember. They wouldn't dare. What is wrong with me? I know you are right and I will follow your suggestion without arguing. Don't you work too late yourself. You are doing something all the time. Writing or taking care of someone. I never knew anyone like you before." Smiling, I said my goodnight.

It was bacon and eggs in the morning. I had a backpack to wear and a cloth satchel to carry for the trip to the cabin. Most of what we would be bringing back would be a few clothes for Camille, necessary personal papers and whatever else we could carry. Ginger said she would be satisfied to wear my daughter's clothes and leave what few of her own for another time. I said that if we had a January thaw we might be able to retrieve Camille's car at that time.

The cabin was a depressing place to view. We could see the snow covered car as we topped the hill. On the way in Ginger noticed that the electric wires were just hanging from the poles. She hurried up beside me. "Did my father know the wires were down?" I debated answering. They had been down for almost two years. "You might as well tell me how long they have been out of service. I can call the company you know."

"I don't know, but the wires went down in a wind storm two years ago come March. Whether he knew or not, I couldn't say."

"His bill would reflect it wouldn't it?"

"Not if he had the service terminated. He may have done that."

"I'm pissed. He told Camille we would be comfortable and the cabin was ready to move into."

"Maybe he expected her to see about service before you moved here. You should give him the benefit of the doubt. What arrangement did she have to live here?"

"He gave her the place in return for taking care of me until I went to college."

"I'm sure he didn't think there was any danger to you." Nothing more was said on the subject, but I could see she was giving the matter a lot of thought. I directed Ginger to pick up the personal effects belonging to Camille and stow them in the back pack. She found a box of account books, check book, and a small box that held jewelry. Both had cell phones and we picked them up. "Why didn't you call someone when you saw there was no heat here?"

"Both are dead. They were useless. What should I pack for clothes?"

"Underwear, I would think. If there is a lounging set or sweatsuit, pack that. I can come back if she needs more right away after she gets home."


"Yes home. My home. You will be there until after Christmas and maybe longer. You might as well consider it your home as well until Camille is much better and can take over from me."

"I'd like that."

I was able to get two hours of writing in before lunch. At one o'clock we went to visit Camille. We were allowed to see her for five minutes. I left Ginger and talked a minute with Ashley out of her hearing. "How is your patient?"

"We don't know yet. The doctor doubled her medications this morning. Could you leave the girl here so if she rouses up she will see her in the room? She mumbles the name Ginger when she gets uneasy. If Ginger is in the room, Camille might fight just a little harder to get well."

"I'm sure she will. I'll talk to her."

Ginger came out at the end of her five minutes. "Your mother is in a real critical stage at the moment. Would you stay here in her room so she can see you if she wakes at all? It might swing the balance of her living or dying."

Tears came to Ginger's eyes. "You mean she might die?"

"It could happen, but have faith. Everyone here is doing all they can. You being here can only help that much more."

"Yes, of course I'll stay. I'm scared. Nothing like this has ever happened before. My mother took a long time to die, and I was almost glad when she did, for she was in such pain. This is so sudden, I don't think I can face it if she does die."

"We'll just pray she doesn't then."

"Ray, if something happens, will you help me with this? I don't think I can depend on my father."

"Nothing is going to happen. I'll come in this evening for a few minutes. Trust Ashley. A nurse named Cindy will be in for the evening shift. She is my friend too."

"I have to believe you about Camille. When I'm with you, I feel things are going to be fine."

I honestly hoped so. If Camille did die, Ginger would hold it against her father for the rest of her life. I left Ginger sitting in the corner watching her stepmother intently. I stopped at the grocery for some items and tried to work on my manuscript, but couldn't hold my thoughts together long enough to put them on the screen.

I wandered out into the living room. Suddenly one of the cells that was charging buzzed. I answered it. "Hello."

There was silence. Then, "Who is this?"


"What are you doing with Ginger's phone? Put her on."


"Why not?"

"She's at the hospital."

There was a long pause. "Is she sick? Is she all right? What's the matter with her?"

"Nothing now."

"Well, why the fuck is she there then? Goddamn it, give me some information."

"Who is this?"

"This is her father, Harold Hapgood. Now tell me what's going on."

"Well, Ginger's stepmother brought her to a cabin that had no heat or electricity. The night they got here there was a twenty-inch snowfall. The temperature dropped to near zero. Camille developed pneumonia and was feverish and comatose. Ginger didn't know where she was and was scared and very cold. Neither would have survived another night.

"Luckily I heard their vehicle go by and recalled it the next day. I investigated. With your daughter's help we managed to get Camille to a hospital. Ginger is with her now waiting to see if she lives or dies."

"Jesus Christ man, is it that serious?"

"Definitely. I was speaking to the nurse less than two hours ago and she said it was a toss up. Where are you?"

"Hawaii. I'm getting married next month."

"That's nice. Ginger told me you dumped one bimbo for another. I hope you are enjoying yourself. I will tell Ginger you called. I'll be speaking to her this evening." Harold was still talking when I punched end. The phone immediately buzzed again. I didn't bother answering. Let the bastard stew.

I did have an early supper and headed to the hospital sooner than I had planned. The phone had buzzed several times. Cindy was Camille's nurse on duty when I got there. I not only received a hug, but collected a kiss as well. Ginger had just stepped out of the room and observed this. Cindy and Ginger told me that Camille had opened her eyes once and recognized Ginger. They were much encouraged by this. Cindy had to leave for another patient.

"Ginger, your dad called. I have your phone and he will be calling you in a few minutes. He is not happy with me as I hung up on him and wouldn't answer the phone when he called back. He will be screaming about it."

"Good. I'll scream right back at him. My mother died a little over five years ago. Since then I'm nothing. All he knows is how to write me a check if he thinks I'm unhappy. Where is he anyway?"

"Hawaii. I gather he is on a pre-honeymoon."

"Great. I hope he stays there. You have been more of a father to me in the last two days than he has in the last year."

"He did sound concerned about you." I started to say more when the phone I was holding in my hand buzzed. I handed it over and she went across the aisle to a waiting room to talk to her father. I could see her through the doorway and Ginger and her father were having an animated conversation. When she got loud, she closed the door. I still could see her through the window. Things calmed down and then I could see Ginger nodding her head in agreement. Five minutes later she folded the phone and came out.

"I told you he would write a check. Here is the situation. He will send you fifteen hundred dollars a month if you will let me stay with you for the balance of the school year. He will give you one thousand if you will take care of Camille at the same time." Ginger started to say more, but tears came into her eyes. Finally, "He said he would pray that Camille got better. Sometimes I hate my father and then he says something like that and I just love him to pieces."

"I do think he loves you. About the money. You know I planned on you staying and not having to pay anything?"

"I suspected that, but Dad offered so take it. Camille will say the same. He has plenty. I'm going back to Camille's room. I don't think you can come in, even if all the nurses love you." A little smile appeared as she turned away. I went home and back to my manuscript. The words were flowing again.

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My wife, the kids, and I were to be away for the weekend. My wife arranged for the girl next door, who had babysat for us on occasion, to feed our dog. We were just at the train station when at the last minute my boss called with an emergency, canceling my trip. I sent wife and kids off on the train and headed home. Feeling a bit pissed off when I got home, I decided to de-stress, so I popped an XXX DVD in and settled down to watch. The movie was decent, but the best thing about it was the...

4 years ago
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Helping my sister out

So let me start with a little background. My name is Andy. I’m the youngest of 4 with 3 older sisters. You might be thinking because of the category this is about some massive ffmf with my three sisters but it’s not. Actually my two younger sisters are butt ugly and for lack of better terms, bitches. My oldest sister, Jen, on the other hand, she’s a pretty good looker. She has always taken care of herself and now even at the age of 32 has a pretty nice body. She’s about 5’4” and about 115 lbs...

5 years ago
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Paleo What

"Well, you remember that whole Paleozoic-diet from a while ago?" I asked, trying my best to stifle my rampant nerves. At the therapists nod I pressed on "do you know much about it?" "Assume I don't " she replied. "Ok, well I didn't either, not at first, wasn't even in high school yet. I saw an article online about it. They went into detail about the research behind it, the competing theories about what the data meant, the different issues with making generalities from small data...

2 years ago
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Mere Or Meri Cousin Ke Beech Hue Love And Sex Ki Haqikat

Hello friends mera naam raj hai,meri age 22 hai,main jaipur m rehta hu.Meri hight 5’6 hai.Mere lund ki size 5’2 inch hai.Dosto yeh story nhi mere or meri cousin ke beech hue love & sex ki haqikat hai.Main apko apni cousin ke baare m batata hu.Uska naam priya hai.Priya ki age 18 hai.Priya bahut smart & sexy hai.Priya ka figue 32-26-36.Priya ke boobs bahut chote hai lekin gaand bahut achhi hai.Main priya ki gaand ka bahut bada deewana hu.Priya ki gaand dekh kr budhhe ka bhi lund khada ho...

3 years ago
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Island Of Desire Ch 08

Things start to roll and I promise there is little boring story lines from here. Enjoy! Gray Greg tossed and turned all night, struggling out of bed at twenty to eight, hoping to see Christelle one last time. He pulled on the first shirt and shorts that he could find, slipped on his sandals and walked quickly to the foyer only to see her taxi pulling out from the portico. He waved frantically and she waved back, but his heart sank as he knew this was probably the last time he would see the...

5 years ago
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Morning Call

Clark rolled over in bed as the sun burst through the window and shone through his eyelids. "Ughhh" he mumbled as he voiced his frustration at being woken up prematurely. As he rolled to his left, Clark bumped gently into his long term girlfriend of two years, Cindy. A beautiful smiling breedee he met several years ago and fell in love with the minute he brushed her hair back against her face. She had been able to connect and understand him on a level like no other woman and to him, she had...

2 years ago
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On Vacation With SaraChapter 4

“What the hell is going on in here?” I turned to see two police officers standing in the door. One was a woman and the other a black male. Both the man and I tried to cover ourselves as they walked toward us. Brad stepped out of the crowd, “My girlfriend is just paying for the new bikini the nice gentleman bought her.” The black cop laughed as he looked me up and down. “Must have been a damn fine bikini,” and with that he motioned to the woman and they both left. “Officers, have a fine...

1 year ago
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Glenn Jefferies was in a funk that had lasted over two years. It had been just about that long ago that her husband of thirty five years passed away suddenly do to a massive heart attack, and wow at a still young fifty six, Glenn had lost all her zest for life, and was just going through the motions. Her sex life was nil, and since she hadn't had a date of any kind, there was little chance of any male attention. Her only sexual release was from the middle finger on her left hand, so every week...

Group Sex
3 years ago
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Teachers Summer Vacation

He was a new teacher at the high school, (he was young, hung and single) and all the girls thought he was dreamy. Because he was able to teach both chemistry and several math classes he had gotten the job of his choice. I was a very upscale suburban area and it was close to the small tract of woods he had with the cabin he was building. It was a very modest log cabin but he had some interesting additions. There was a solar outdoor shower and a wood fired sauna. Down the hill was a small...

2 years ago
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Get Intimated With My Sister Part 8211 2

So this is the Continuation of my last installment i.e “Get intimated with my sister”. You guys just rocked it by making a hit. For new readers, I am Vikram from Rajasthan and this story is about my love making with my cute little sister who is actually my bua’s younger daughter. Neha is her name and she is 7 years younger than me i.e 17 years old.   So after her first blowjob, we did not repeat it again because she was feeling weird. We just enjoyed smooching and pressing each other. One day...

2 years ago
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I Spy

Craig was bored. He sat staring at his books. His mum seemed to be constantly repeating the phrase “Your Highers are only a couple of months away. You need to get upstairs and do some studying.”He slumped back in his chair, turning his head to stare out the bedroom window. His room looked out onto the back green. His eyes swept over the black windows of the tenement flats on the other side of the grass. This part of Edinburgh was home to a mixture of students and professionals and most of the...

5 years ago
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Sandras Family

On a cold wet day, rain pouring, Sandra came running into the house. Just before entering she took down her damp umbrella. Sandra was 22 but visiting her parents for the week. She was about 5'6 and had small 32A breasts but boy did she know how to use them.It was Monday and the weekend had been wet. Sandra had just came home from the shops to see her parents sitting, watching t.v. "Hey Sandra." "Hey dad, mom." "Hi darling." said her mom. Sandra clothes were wet. She was only wearing a white top...

4 years ago
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The Backpackers 1 ndash Lessons

The author kindly advises that this story is not entirely fictitious. It contains descriptions of exhibitionist hardcore sex and is not suitable for persons under 18 years old.The Backpackers 1 – Lessons(A Thai woman teaches two Swedish teenagers the pleasures of exhibitionist sex in front of an audience.)Fjällgatan, Stigberget. Early Sunday morning. I sit on my bike in my blue Lycra, out of breath, sweaty, as I lean on the fence alongside the elevated road. I look out over the panorama in...

3 years ago
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my First Night with Sir pt 1

This only happened a month ago but it is definitely time to share. This correspondence has traveled back and forth over multiple time zones and countless miles, but it continues to grow in intensity with every chapter added. SIR:I would order you to lay out your sex toys, ball gag your mouth and put on a blindfold, tie yourself to your bed spread eagle, and leave your front door unlocked. I would make sure you had been waiting for at least 30 minutes before quietly entering your house, then...

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How Traditions Start part 15

An original story by Starrynight. A sleepy smile formed on Lisa's face as she slid between the covers of her own bed. It was an exciting week for her, checking out the college she would attend next year along with her mother, meeting up with her oldest sister, Molly, and returning home to find Presley and Jack already there. Lisa sighed, cuddling a large pillow, as she thought about her upcoming eighteenth birthday. Her entire family would be home to celebrate the occasion and Lisa...

2 years ago
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The night of the surprise Chapter 17

SOLO . . . . . (are you sure??) ‘Hi baby’, it was my two mistresses that were arriving from work. ‘Hi Ladies’ was my reply. Then I asked, ‘at what time my mistresses want dinner tonight’???   Nancy responded that they were not going to eat dinner tonight. They had a party, to which I was not going, and that they were going to change, shower and dress. ‘Sorry baby, – Gabby said, –  ‘but tonight is girls only night.   We’ll make it up to you on the week-end. Go ahead eat, pick up and clean and...

3 years ago
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Dose of Black Cock

My husband Rick had been bugging me to fuck a black man since his buddy had got a black guy from an escort service to screw his wife."No, I'm not going to let some guy I don't even know fuck me!" I insisted.In the early years of our marriage we had done some swinging with two other couples that were friends of ours. It had been fun but as we started families we gradually drifted apart.For the past several years it had just been Rick and I had been just screwing each other except for that one...

2 years ago
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RunChapter 39 Back from the Dead

“Dad!?” Holly’s voice echoed, bouncing around the tunnel as Gene’s heart raced. Just seconds earlier, Holly had been on the verge of slicing her sister’s throat. Now, for the first time since he’d met her, Holly appeared frozen and unable to process what was happening. “It’s me, Kitten.” Bridgewater closed the gap in two steps and wrapped his arms around Holly. “It’s me.” Anna slowly backed away, leaned against the wall, and slid down quickly, shaken and trembling. Bendal knelt down beside...

3 years ago
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Dead Write Ch 10

* This is a repost of an old romance story with a fresh edit. * Chapter 10 The sun beat down noonday hot as Sherry and Sam made the sweaty hike from the courthouse to the truck. A good fight had been fought with no clear victory. Fatigued by wounded hearts, neither had the strength to begin the battle debriefing. The truck interior had reached a flesh frying Fahrenheit. Sam opened the doors, rolled down the windows, and turned on the engine. ‘It feels like hell in there.’ ‘Here’s a news...

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Naked Lisas StoryChapter 10 Lisas First Flogging 2

Lisa was standing at her cell door at the time appointed. The guard took her to the communal wash-room and she had to wash, shave, use the toilet and be outside on parade in five minutes. Less than five minutes, where she usually allowed herself ten. Her hand shook as she tried to shave and it just refused to do as it was told. She felt her head and knew it would not satisfy the zealous Rosanne. Her feet had been given a good clean last night and then she noticed the dirt under a toenail and...

2 years ago
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Cam and Terra

" You awake now?" She laughed " Yes, unfortunately." I growled at her " Why didn't you come to bed when you got back?" " I didn't want to wake you. I didn't know you were waiting for me." " Where were you?" And there was the question I had hoped to avoid. To hell if I told her that I just spent the last three to five hours being shot at by some Romainian maniac. Or was he Russian? I didn't know nor care for all I knew the guy could've just been faking the accent. Either...

4 years ago
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The farmers daughter pays his debt

Within a month of loosing her mother, she was taking her place in her father's bed. Her father was a hard working man and very strict with his family. He was also a very horny man. He had fucked his wife or had her suck him off almost every night and sometimes also in the morning before she got up to make breakfast so he could go out for a hard day's work on the farm. Now it was Tabby that had to satisfy his sexual desires. Her mother had been on birth control pills so her father just...

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Sister Colleen O Donovan Part 2

For several days, the villages toiled from dawn to dusk, building something almost next to my hut. Maria was clearly excited by the development. Joe had only been gone three days, yet it seemed like ages.There was a commotion going on in the village early one morning. A huge Crocodile was on the riverbank, basking in the sun. Clearly, he was not welcome. The building work had to stop because the felled trees were brought to the village in boats down the river.After a few days, the visitor was...

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Wife goes to a motel bar to pick up guy to bring back to the room to fuck

We had planned on going out that weekend. It had been a couple of weeks and we were both hot for my wife to get a good fucking by a strange cock. We had made out like mad just thinking about how good it was going to be. As always the anticipation was just about as hot as the real fucking. Taking somewhat of a chance we decided to go to a town only about 30 miles from home. As a rule we drove further than that so as not to run into someone we knew. Still, even if we did run into someone we knew...

4 years ago
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A moment in Taos

I recall another meet I had with another dresser who happened to live in Taos NM. Again I met her on-line and after exchanging a few e-mails we planned to meet. At that point in time I was like an hour and a half away from there. She offered to meet at her place and she told me to text her when I got closer. But I had somewhat of a dilemma. Since the drive was going to take a while, I was debating whether I should dress first or find a place closer to change. I’ve only been to Taos like one...

4 years ago
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The LottoChapter 3

I had blessed solitude for the next couple days which gave my batteries time to recharge. After that, I began to wonder ... not really worry, if Patty had changed her mind. "Hi ... Jake?" "Yeah, hi Patty, how's it going?" "Oh alright ... I was wondering, can I come over?" "Sure ... but wait until seven, if you don't mind." "Okay" She arrived promptly ... as I knew she would. We chatted a little as I fixed my supper ... I had allowed a little extra for her. As I ate and she...

3 years ago
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A Threesome Turns to Cuckoldry Part 2

I lay at the foot of the bed my tiny puddle of ejaculate, having just been face full in my wife’s cum overfilled pussy. Steve, her impressive black lover had just placed his seed there and I was hungrily eating it up. Sherri was lovingly stroking, sucking him to a state of readiness. As we both watched him again harden to a steel rigid 10 inch length, It was clear that Sherri would do anything to pleasure him, and I would do anything to please her, my role as a subservient to this couple, my...

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A while back I was attending a convention in one of the best convention cities in America, San Antonio. Now, say what you want about the Alamo City, but I love good ‘ol San Antone is one of my favorite places. It’s mixture of Latino culture and military bases has made San Antonio a nice melting pot for Texas. In the past 15 years the city has ballooned and is bursting on all sides. The gay life here is hit and miss as far as I’m concerned; probably due to the born again ravings of a local...

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BenjamandaChapter 16

Ben’s turn: One thing about it – my crew’s pretty adept at boat handling, even in the confines of the marina. Ada Z.‘s no ballerina with her multiple tons and small engine, but this time it’s Bink’s turn as helmsman while I and Mandy tend the lines. The long trip to the marina from the Gulf gave us time to have everything ready that was going ashore. Bags of trash went to the marina dumpster. Our bags went to my SUV. It’s still where I left it, a little electric cord plugged into it to keep...

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SandcastlesChapter 3

I was still awake when Sally gently lifted the covers and slid her naked body underneath. It was our first 'normal' night in over a week, with both of us in bed at the same time. Janey was sleeping comfortably now, and with her maternal link, Sally would be awake at the first sign of trouble. I had observed this 'link' in action on numerous occasions and, while it seemed to be abnormally strong, I didn't think of it as odd or unusual. At first, Sally stayed completely on the far side of...

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Black PlagueChapter 11

Rayna sucked in her breath with surprise when they emerged from the forest and gazed upon the Capitol city of Reginatine, named after a famous queen. She had never seen such a large city before in her sheltered life. The ancient castle hovered on top of the large hill like a many fingered beast grasping for the clouds. From all of the towers and balustrades flew flags of the royal family, which fluttered in the cold wind. Below the stone behemoth was a great wall studded with towers, and...

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Next Time Dont Stop

I have a recurring fantasy that I hope will someday become a reality. There is only one thing that would be necessary: a cure for my husband's infertility. Every time we make love, there is that minuscule chance that I might become pregnant. However, that chance is so minuscule that, well, it just isn't going to happen. He doesn't produce enough sperm for them to even make it out of his body and into mine, let alone travel inside me in sufficient numbers to impregnate me. On the other...

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Lets Talk Multiple Orgasms and Love Cr

Okay let’s talk multiple orgasms Every guy knows and dreams about giving a woman multiple orgasms , though there are few women who can actually achieve multiple orgasms. Only a third of women experience orgasm regularly during intercourse, while another third need extra stimulation to reach orgasm with intercourse. It is normal to have orgasms by means other than intercourse, like foreplay, specifically oral sex. Multiple orgasms occur when a woman has more than one orgasm during a sexual...

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Panty thief

From probably about the age of 16/17 I started to switch my priorities in life from playing football to girls. Till then kicking a ball round around and watching my local team was all that mattered. My sister was 2 years younger than me and my mother would be in her mid 40's. Bearing in mind I'm now in my 50's they were not role models in my development sexually. I've read about how some men would try to get peeks of the female members of there housr naked or in stages of undress. Not me. I...

2 years ago
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Jason and Jennifer Naked In SchoolPart 5 Friday

I was still on cloud nine when I woke up this morning. I thought for a moment about sneaking into Jason's room. I've always had a fantasy of giving someone a wake-up blowjob, but thought there were a few things that could go wrong. The last thing we needed was for Jason to wake up screaming as I sucked on his cock. If Mom caught me in his room twice, I don't know what would happen. Actually, I was a little confused about what she was thinking. I ate breakfast like I normally did, and for...

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Reform School TutorChapter 6 In charge of gym

The 'trial', although they preferred to call it an inquiry, lasted all afternoon and well into the evening. At lunchtime June came into the dining room with a clipboard and asked those who wished to speak at the inquiry, to sign the sheet. She emphasised that Paul would not be attending when they gave their evidence and it would all be confidential between the principal and her; Paul would not know what they said and would not be able to take reprisals against them. So many signed the form,...

6 months ago
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I am a bad influence

Ok, so it has been a while since I last posted. For those of you who don’t know, in the past I have written about me real life experience in how I have gone from a normal housewife, living in Sydney Australia with a professional job in the corporate world, to meeting other couples for sex and getting paid to play. This is my little secrete and hubby does not know anything about these other activities. While to still do play on the side, this story is more about how I have corrupted my best...

Cheating Wife
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The Virgin Girl Next Door

Hello ISS readers, hope you having a good time. Reading this real story of my college life would ensure you continue to have fun. I am Vicky, 24, 5’9″ working with a MNC in NCR. The story is of the time when I was 21, 2nd yr. of my B.tech in Meerut. Recently got into an affair with a 1st year girl of my college. We used to chit chat during nights, hangout in the college during days and been out for movies n all with her a few times. She was more of a conservative type and wouldn’t allow me to...

2 years ago
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Charity Auction part 2

CHAPTER 4The king-sized bed had the covers turned down already, but Alan pulled the satin comforter completely off before he sat me down on the side of the bed. I was facing a wall of mirrors along the closet doors, which doubled the size of the big room. He leaned down and pulled off my shoes, then knelt between my legs and grasped the top of one blue stocking. He pulled it down neatly and tossed it on top of my shoes. I watched our figures in the mirror as he pulled off the other in one...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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The candidate

"........and it my opponent wants to run on a platform of higher taxes, then the voters will have will have a clear choice in who they wish to represent them in Washington, because as you all know, I am categorically opposed to increasing the tax burden on the american people, so now if you'll all excuse me, it's very late and I have an early morning flight to catch," and so with a nod of her head, U.S. senate candidate Emily Howard stepped on to the elevator with her body guard and pushed the...

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My sister and I True story0

Nickerlover; My sister and IMy younger sister and I only 13 months apart in age,I was the elder.right from a very early age we would play in those days what we called mothers and fathers and would bath together our parents didn't ever notice that we would play with each others sexy parts and at that early age we new nothing at all about sex. but as we both got a bit older in our later teens we got to play with each other and feelings were starting to become better when we were touching each...

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Love and desperation can lead to anything

Although she had been doing it for past two months, still her limbs went weak, palms got sweaty and her heart rate shot up whenever she thought about it. Sitting in the living room, intently waiting to hear the click of the door closing, she rubbed her hands against the jeans, took two or three deep breaths, and thought how lucky she has been. Kathy was well aware that if caught it would not only ruin her relationship forever, it would also put her in an extremely bad situation, but her mind...

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Video game character

Hello, I'm John and today I'm bored. I got onto my PC and looked at my video games. "God, all of these are old and boring" I sighed. Suddenly I saw something. I was on the desktop and a new icon appeared. It had the top half of a woman, toppless on it and she was blushing and covering her tits. "The hell? I didn't download any game like that!" I yelled. I clicked it, weary that it could be a virus. A loading screen popped up. It was white with a fully clothed girl on it. It said "loading...

3 years ago
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RequitalChapter 3 Last Week of June

The rest of the weekend was quiet. Steve spent Sunday refinishing the back deck and cleaning out the Jacuzzi. It kept him too busy to think and that was its own reward. Sunday evening, he took a couple loads of Barbara's things over to her parent's house. They hadn't remembered Saturday to take anything with them. No one had been home so he'd just off-loaded the boxes on the driveway right against the garage doors. Steve thought he saw Lloyd's car turning the corner down the street as...

2 years ago
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Nine Memorable DaysChapter 9 Just Another Saturday Morning Not

I walked in the back door grinning from ear to ear. I couldn't help it, finally life was looking up, and it was beginning to have some purpose at last. My parents who were sitting at the kitchen table looked slightly perplexed. Now I could understand that of course, after all happiness and a sense of satisfaction weren't usually a part of my everyday demeanour. I was about to head for the upstairs bathroom for a shower after my morning run when my father called me back with a friendly...

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Aunt Rachel

AUNT RACHEL by Selena Pride The door slammed and Jack swore. Holly had been his last resort. He had gone through his little black book from cover to cover. One by one he had put his proposal to them, and one by one they had made excuses, or promised to call back and not called, or laughed in his face. Holly was the only one who had got mad, and to be fair it might not have been the soundest of moves for him to let slip the fact that he had tried everyone else first, but it still...

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TJ MorgChapter 11

"Admiral and Mrs Higgins, it is very kind of you to come; I'll take you to your table, if you will follow me" and Julie turned into the Dining Room, signalling the waitress, and led them to a table set into an alcove, overlooking the river. The waitress held Mrs Higgins' chair for her and assisted the lady to be seated. The Admiral looked after himself. As the waitress placed the carafe of iced water and glasses on the table and produced napkins for the diners, Julie murmured to the...

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Team Photos 12 Lauren

Enjoy PART 12: LAUREN We all just lay there, slowly coming back to our senses after our first little group session. I was desperate to orgasm myself but I figured I could wait for now, I was sure it wouldn’t be long before I got some attention as well. I was so proud of Caitlyn; she seemed to finally be getting over her hang ups about boys and cocks. After a couple of minutes of silence, Caitlyn reached out and lightly touched Alex’s cock, still sticky and shiny from the blowjob...

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