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I could hate my sister-in-law, if she wasn't my best friend. After all, she taught me how to diddle and a few other things when we were growing up. Well, okay. She taught me how to masturbate, and how to appreciate another woman's body. Hey, don't you go thinking there was anything wrong in that! Like I said, we're best friends. Bff's, if you pardon the cliché. If best friends decide to do a little mutual experimentation, where's the harm? Besides, it helped keep our minds off of boys while we went through high school and college together.

The reason I could hate her is very simple. She married my big brother! The little bitch knows I love him dearly. Just because she and I played with each other all through school didn't mean I wasn't interested in guys too! It's just the guy I'm interested in is my big brother Michael! I knew I loved him ever since mom and dad passed away in that mountain climbing expedition. He had just turned eighteen the week before and while putting himself through school, kept a roof over my head, and made sure I was safe and loved.

I long to repay that love in the best way I know how! Colleen knows that, and she let him pop her cherry on her eighteenth birthday. What the hell could I do about it? I couldn't just blurt out "No Mike, you're supposed to get MY cherry!" At least I was Maid of Honor when they finally got hitched three years later. I just can't get one tiny little detail out of my mind. Now that they're married, she gets to fuck him any time she pleases! My best friend in the whole world is riding my brother's cock instead of me! It's just not fair! It's gotten much worse over the last few months. You should see the dreamy look of contentment on her face every time she rubs her big round baby belly! That should be MY belly! I should be sporting my brother's baby bump!

Alright already, you mythical readers! I know full well society frowns upon brothers and sisters having THOSE types of relationships. Well, society can go pound sand! I'm not stupid! After graduation, I managed to land a very good job with a forensics laboratory. If I say so myself, my scientific knowledge and abilities hastened my rise to the top. I have my own laboratory, and have helped close many cases that baffled the local law enforcement agencies.

Running my own forensics lab gave me the means to make certain about a key aspect of my lifelong dream. I managed to get a nice hair sample from Mike, with tag intact. I ran that against a cheek swab I took of myself. Fudging the paperwork, I ran a comparison of the two samples. I was extremely excited to learn that although we share a very close familial DNA pattern, we have no annoying recessives that would reinforce each other. Why, I suspect our children will have even less chance of a genetic problem then if two total strangers came together and brought a baby into this world! As embarrassing as it sounds, I meant it when I said I was extremely excited. I took the DNA results into the ladies room and fingered myself like mad while staring at them!

Like I said, I would hate Colleen, if I didn't love her! Once she became pregnant, I decided regretfully to give up on my childhood fantasy. I've dated a few guys now, as well as some very nice women, but at the ripe old age of twenty-two, I'm still virgin. While I've become quite skillful at playing the ol' skin-flute, even to the point of swallowing, I have yet to find a man worthy of giving me that first penetration! My lady friends all understand. I've strapped on a few dildos, but have never been at the reviving end. I kept on trying though. Someday maybe I'd find a man worthy enough to claim me, and give me a baby too. If not, maybe I'd just stick with women, and go to a sperm bank and fertilize myself!

Things changed last week, in a most unusual way. Several weeks ago, there had been a hit and run accident. A vehicle had hopped the curb and collided with a pedestrian on the sidewalk. Thankfully nobody was killed. As it was, a young collage boy on the run to make a lecture had suffered a fractured hip and femur on his right side. He was going to be just fine, but it was my job to bring the hammer of the law down on the driver, if only I could. I didn't have much to work on. The first responders found no witnesses, and as fate would have it, the victim's glasses had flown clean off of his head. All we knew was the car was "really big and black." That was the some total of his recall.

The vehicle had backed off and returned to the street, paused a moment, and then forged onward and away. I lucked out in that the field agents got me some good tire impressions to work with from it's passage over the grassy strip between sidewalk and street. The wheel base and tire tread pattern let me narrow it down to one make and model. The hit and run had been committed with a 2006 Hummer H1 Alpha. I mentally noted that the color and model year was a match to Colleen's big ol' fuel guzzler. That showed just how difficult my problem was. There were hundreds of cars in this region that fit my rather shaky profile!

I had to dig deeper. The case was growing colder by the day. I had all the unfortunate pedestrian's belongings in my lab. The answer had to be there somewhere! The car had been going rather slowly when it hit, thank goodness. That made all the difference. The victim fell, and the car's excessively high clearance did the rest. He wasn't mangled by the vehicle's undercarriage. It simply passed right over his trim athletic body. I think it was also his messenger bag that saved him from even more injuries. Perhaps it had even saved his life, who knows? The car had in fact never actually touched him. It had simply propelled the bag against him, knocking him down.

I stared at the contents of the torn and tattered bag. They consisted of rumpled smelly sweat clothes, a severely damaged laptop, and several text books. The clothes and the smashing of the laptop had been sufficient to help reduce the energy of the impact, limiting injury to his right hip and leg. The books were also pretty beat up. They had obviously been facing the oncoming vehicle. One text in particular, the American History book, seemed to have taken the brunt of the force. I picked up the book and ran my latex gloved fingers lightly over its damaged surface. I could feel indentations in the glossy hard cover. Could I be that lucky?

Using alternate light sources, and experimenting with various filters, I managed to make out a complete license plate number. My heart almost stopped. I looked around me and took a deep breath. I was alone. Nobody had seen what the laser light had revealed. It was a personal plate. It rather hypocritically stated "Greenpowr". It was Colleen's! She was the only person I knew who wanted to save the planet while driving such a huge automotive monstrosity!

How would I ever be able to mock another episode of CSI ever again? This was just the sort of stupid cosmic coincidence I usually condemned all three versions for! I picked up my phone and started punching in numbers to report my findings to the Powers That Be. I froze. Fate had given me a fantastic gift! I guess I wasn't the force for law and order I always thought I was. I felt my panties grow wet as wicked plans filled my fevered brain! I knew exactly what I was going to do!

On the way home that night, I had to run a few errands. First I made four selected purchases at a thrift shop I had never shopped in before. Then I stopped at a drug store and shoplifted a lipstick. I couldn't risk anyone remembering me buying it! Next, I visited at a used book store near the college campus. I said a quick prayer to all the scientists I held as heroes, and hoped against hope they had what I needed!

I made sure nobody was looking while I applied the rather Goth black coloring to my usually naked lips. I tugged on the gaudy black high heel boots that added inches to my height and put on sunglasses with hugely oversized dark lenses. Pulling my long red hair back, I wound it into a quick pencil secured bun before pulling the hood up on the cheap shiny black pleather jacket to completely hide my distinctive hair. Looking into the rear view mirror, I didn't even recognize myself! I pulled on the crappy leatherette gloves before I hopped out of my Prius and clumped my heavy footed way into the shop.

I nearly peed myself with joy when I found a beat up copy of that same text book! Without a word exchanged, I paid the bored kid behind the counter exact change in cash for the tome. I didn't even really need my disguise. She never even looked up from her iPad as she took the money and placed the book into a large plastic shopping bag before handing it back to me. Nobody would ever know I purchased a duplicate book! Now I was ready to strike my deal with Colleen! If it all worked as planned, I would slip my replacement into the evidence locker, and nobody would be the wiser! Hell, I had already decided to do it anyway, but Colleen didn't need to know that! Clutching the book tightly to my breast, I lit out of there like a bat out of hell!

If I had a big pottery kiln like in the movie "Mister Brooks", I would have incinerated my impromptu disguise. Although I think they would have melted first! I settled for re-donating the component parts in a more direct manner then a thrift store. Before I made my way to my brother's house, I cruised through what some would call the "Red Light" district. I made a couple of hookers very happy with my gift of gloves jacket and boots. A young teenage stoner appreciated the dark lenses of the sunglasses, too! The lipstick I just dropped down a sewer grate along with the handi-wipe I had cleaned my mouth off with. The Goth book buyer vanished just as quickly as she had appeared! Once I swapped out the books, there would be no way anyone could ever tie the replacement volume to me!

I couldn't help grinning as I pulled up to the house. Colleen's Hummer was in the driveway! I whipped out my ever present penlight and squatted in front of the massive diesel guzzling monster. I couldn't help laughing. There was no real damage visible to the naked eye, other then the license plate being a bit rippled and bent. I pulled out my tweezers and extracted a single fiber from one of the screws anchoring the license plate in place. I wouldn't know for sure unless I tested it, but it looked to me to be an exact color and texture match to the fabric the messenger bag was constructed of! This was going to be fun! I bagged the fiber and slipped it into the pocket of my jeans.

I knocked on the door, and it opened after a moment. Even though I was jealous as hell, I had to admit that pregnancy agreed with Colleen. She simply glowed! "Oh Hi Cindy!" she exclaimed while turning to rush off. "Don't mind me. I gotta go!" I closed the door behind me as I watched her cute waddling dash to the bathroom.

"Your bladder must have shrunk to the size of a pea!" I called after her as I made myself at home. "Where's my big brother?"

I heard a flush. "He's out to dinner with a new client. I don't expect him back until very late."

Colleen returned, and lowered herself carefully onto the sofa next to me. "I was supposed to go, but I don't have any maternity outfits that look classy enough for an exclusive restaurant."

I shook my head. "Don't sell yourself short, Col! You look adorable in anything you wear!"

She smiled happily, but complained anyway. "I do not! I'm a whale! I look like I swallowed a beach ball!"

I made a point of staring at her swollen breasts. "I'd say a beach ball, and two basket balls! Jeeze, remember when my boobs used to be bigger then yours? I'm a 44DD, what are yours now?"

Her face took on a rosy glow. "Never mind that! They'll get smaller once the baby is born!"

"I bet Michael doesn't want them to." I laughed. "I happen to know he's a big tit man!"

"There is that." She shook her head. "Do you want some dinner? I haven't eaten yet."

"You aren't making anything weird, are you? I don't want a sardine and peanut butter sandwich with marshmallow fluff!" The memory of that culinary horror made me shiver with dread.

"I never eat anything weird! I only eat wholesome foods!" she blushed deeper. "Well, maybe some things are a little strange, but who knew sardines would taste so good with peanut butter! Don't get me started on the fluff! I think that stuff is addictive!"

"Um, I'll just take your word for it." I leaned closer. "Can we talk for a few minutes, first?"

"Sure. What's on your mind, Cin?"

I loved when she called me that! I took a deep breath and pulled out my iPhone. "I have to show you something first." I called up the image corrected view of the damaged text book in my lab. It clearly showed the mirror image impression of her license plate. "I'm working on a hit and run case right now, and I just wanted to show you what I discovered."

Colleen opened her mouth to speak, but then the reality of what I was showing her sank in. She put both hands over her mouth and let out a tiny little squeal. "Cindy, I, I can explain!" I heard softly muffled by her hands.

"Please do. If you tell me the exact truth, I may be in a position to do something to keep anyone else from ever finding out. You're extremely lucky that the cameras hadn't been installed yet at that intersection. My hands would be tied if you had killed the guy, or if there had been any human or digital witnesses! Now tell me what happened!"

She took a shuddering breath. I'd be telling a lie if I said I wasn't interested in how her hugely swollen breasts rose and fell. She ran her fingers nervously through the golden ringlets of her close cropped blonde hair. "I was driving under the speed limit. I swear it! I was going very slowly! I couldn't have been going more then a couple of miles an hour!"

"I know that. If you had been speeding, the victim would be dead, not just sporting two broken bones." I looked her in the eye. "Did you return to texting while driving? Tell me the truth now!"

"No! I'd never be that stupid again! I learned my lesson when I totaled Michael's Mustang! I, um, I was..." she closed her eyes and sighed. "I was eating this big kosher dill pickle, and I dropped it just as I was about to turn the corner. It bounced off of my breast and flipped onto the floor. I, I leaned down a bit to try and pick it back up." She blushed "It, it was a really good pickle! I had been craving one for simply hours! I couldn't just let it go! Next thing I knew, I had diagonally crossed the intersection and hit that poor guy when the car accidentally ended up on the sidewalk! I stopped, honestly, I did! I backed off of him and he sat right up. He started cursing like crazy, so I knew he couldn't be TOO hurt. I saw him look my way, and then fumble around trying to find something. His glasses where on the sidewalk next to him, so I figured he couldn't see me well enough to know who I was. I took off when he pulled out a cell phone to call for help!"

"I knew you stopped, the victim told the first responders. I just needed to know if you were doing something stupid." I sighed dramatically. "Personally, I think it was mildly dumb, but you didn't do anything to be put in jail for. I think it was more a case of hormones getting the best of you. I'll help you, but promise me you'll never eat while driving again! I mean it. Not only could you have killed that guy, you could have hurt yourself and the baby!"

"I promise! I swear it! I really mean that, Cindy!" She looked hopefully at me. Who could resist those big baby blue eyes? "You'll help me now?"

I leaned over and placed my hand lightly on her breast. "Of course I'll help you, Col!"

"Cynthia, what are you doing?" she gasped. "We decided that was all in the past! We're just best friends now!"

"You decided, remember?" Once again I felt that jarring pain in my heart. Not only did I lose out in bedding my brother, but I had lost a very special part of my loving friendship with Colleen! She had cut me off after she started fucking Mike when she turned eighteen! Our friendship was still deep, but something very important was missing for four long and lonely years! "We could have kept it secret from Mike! Hell, I bet he'd love knowing his wife likes girls too!" I moved my hand and began to unbutton her pretty maternity top. "Is this too big a price to pay for my help? Remember, it would be the end of my career in forensics if anyone found out."

She sighed again, and my heart sang as her hand gently touched my chin. "Cindy, I'm a married woman! We can maybe fool around a little bit, but it'll just be this one time, alright? We can't go back to being lovers! You must promise me that! Only one time and Mike is never to know, okay?" her voice dropped to a whisper. "Please Cindy, help me, but I can't never hurt Mike by having an affair."

"I swear I won't tell him a thing about us!" I meant it, too. That was not part of my plan. I thought of this as just a delightful fringe benefit. I wouldn't spring my real plans on her until later.

"I believe you." She smiled sweetly as she helped me remove her top and the oversized nursing bra she was wearing. "I know you're curious to see them, so take a good look. Will that be enough for you to help me out?"

I couldn't help gasping. Her areola had darkened and grown quite large as her breasts expanded. Her nipples stood proudly erect, bigger then I had ever seen them before! I could hardly catch my breath when I noticed a hint of dampness. "C-Colleen, have you started to lactate already?"

"Of course, silly! The baby's official due date is in four days. My body is all ready for the blessed event!"

I felt like I was in the grip of a fever. "Could, um, can I, uh, would it be okay if?"

She looked puzzled. "Would what be okay?"

Plan temporarily forgotten, I grinned my best wicked grin. "You did offer me dinner, after all!" I leaned towards her and gently captured a nice big firm nipple between my lips. I froze for a moment, but she didn't push me away. After that moment, I let my tongue caress. Growing bolder, I mimicked the lip movements I had seen nursing babies make, while beginning to softly suck.

Colleen moaned softly. "Oh my God! Cindy, don't do that! You're going too far! This is too weird! You have to stop! I can't let you do this!" She sure was complaining, but her hand was oh so gentle on the back of my head!

As she spoke, warm liquid entered my mouth and squirted over my eager tongue. It was thinner then cow milk, but much sweeter. I could taste a kind of fruity aftertaste too. Maybe that was from Colleen's eating a banana or something today. I didn't really care! I thought it was about the yummiest thing I had ever tasted! I suckled some more, and began to actually drink. As I continued, it seemed to thicken a bit, not that I minded! I could have kept going all night, but Colleen nudged me.

"Uh, Cindy, be a dear and switch to the other one? Otherwise I'd have to express it in the shower. I'm rather full, and I don't want to be lopsided!"

"Oh, don't do that!" I gasped thickly. It would be such a waste to let her delicious dairy treat flow down a drain! I moved to her other nipple and continued my feast. I gently caressed her beautiful swollen firm breasts with both hands as I drank. It was wonderful! It was glorious! Don't think me nasty, but my panties were completely soaked! I always knew I liked both boys and girls, but I never realized it was possible for a woman to have a pregnancy fetish! How else could I explain what I was feeling? Her milk was warming my tummy as she pulled the pencil from my improvised bun and let my hair fall over my shoulders. Colleen cooed happily while running her fingers through my freed locks. Was this reenacting some long forgotten memory of my mother? Sure I was aroused, but I also felt so safe and loved while drinking of her bounty.

I grinned sheepishly when I had finally finished my repast. "Thank you, Colleen! That was so wonderful!"

Looking flushed and happy, she returned my grin. "You're more then welcome! Just remember, this is the only time you can drink that much. Once the baby's born, it all belongs to her."

"I'm going to have a niece?" I exclaimed joyfully. "That's wonderful!"

She shook her head. "Dammit! You've got me so frazzled I slipped! I wanted it to be a surprise! Michael doesn't even know for sure!"

I held up my hand as if I were being sworn in. "There's no way he'll hear it from me! That's a promise!"

"Thank you, Cindy." Colleen picked up her bra and began to struggle back into it.

I grabbed it from her. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" I asked softly.

Her eyes opened wide. "Wasn't that enough? I, I thought maybe we could just leave things like this!"

"Are you kidding? Get those stretchy pants off! I haven't seen your pretty little flower in four fuckin' years! I want to see it now!"

"Cindy, we shouldn't!" she complained as she struggled to stand up. With a little whimper, Colleen slowly pulled her maternity jeans down. "Don't you dare laugh!" she whispered, her face nearly glowing red as I stared at her undergarment.

"Why would I laugh?" I asked while struggling to keep the giggle out of my voice. "It seems very practical to me."

"It's not practical at all!" she whimpered. "I have to pee so much now! Sometimes I just don't make it to the bathroom in time!"

I gently rubbed her belly, and felt a thrill of love shoot through me when the baby kicked. "It's okay. My niece is sitting on your bladder. I know it's not your fault!"

She closed her eyes and sighed. "The doctor swears I'll go back to normal once the baby is born. Until then it's just safer if I wear an adult diaper!"

"Then don't worry about it." I pulled one of the adhesive tabs. "It's nothing to be ashamed of."

She swatted my hand away. "You said you wanted to look. We can't let this go any farther, so no touching!" She finished undoing the tabs and let the absorbent garment fall to the floor. Oh wow, she was even lovelier then I remembered! "Cindy, you'll help me now, won't you?" she asked hopefully.

"Oh course I will, silly!" Did you know it's very easy to push a pregnant girl down onto a sofa? She let out a gasp as I knelt between her legs. "I'm going to help all I can! In fact, right now I'm going to help you relax!"

Oh my! I hadn't seen Colleen's pretty blonde bush in four years! Her golden curls were still trimmed very neatly. Did my brother help with that now that her belly was so big? If so, good for him! My mouth watered as I stared at those lovely lips. Her labia were quite puffy, much more then I remembered. That was due to her pregnancy. I've read up on the subject. When a woman is expecting, the blood supply to the vaginal area greatly increases. It's one of the reasons many pregnant women are so horny all of the time. I'm glad Col seemed to be one of them!

"No Cindy, we mustn't!" she squealed as I made myself at home and pushed my face between her thighs. "We're not lovers any more! We're best friends!" I touched my tongue to her glorious flower, and my heart thumped with joy! Oh, how I missed tasting Colleen! I can tell you this right now. Pregnancy had slightly altered her always heady scent and taste! Altered, and improved! My best friend tasted even better then she ever had before! I began to lap away, loving how her moisture collected on my tongue after savoring her milk just minutes before!

Sixty-nine had always been my favorite position with Colleen. It was too bad we couldn't indulge in that now with her belly so big and firm. That was okay though! This was her time anyway. I continued to tease and torment her with my tongue, knowing full well that something very special was in store for me when Michael came home later!

"Oh Cindy!" she wailed as I captured her lovely pearl of a clit between my lips. Her pregnancy had also made it grow! It almost felt like I was sucking a thumb! "Cindy no, don't ruin our friendship!" Now she was just being silly! How on earth could expressing my love ruin our friendship? After all, it was nothing we hadn't done hundreds of times before!

Her hands told me how badly she was lying. Instead of pulling me away, she was forcing my face firmer between her outstretched legs! "Cindy, Cindy, we have to stop!" she cried as she entwined her fingers in my hair. "Oh God, we shouldn't be doing this!" Some things never change. Colleen was pulling my hair quite painfully now. It was s sure sign that she was fast approaching orgasm, so I didn't mind in the least!

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On Holiday with My Mother in Law

My wife has persuaded me to take her 73-year-old mother on holiday with us in our caravan. I had to show some opposition to the wife idea and that I was not too keen in holidaying with my mother in law, but I am looking forward to it really, as we have been lovers for sometime on the quite.I have just picked my mother in law up at her house when she tells me that I am in for a big surprise if we are lucky enough to be alone sometime. We head back home to pick the caravan up that my wife is...

1 year ago
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Losing my virginity to my brother in law

100% fiction! Hi all readers, I am Artika and I am 27 years old, slim, fair and have a nice structure of 34c-28-36. I want to share you some of the events that made me fall for my brother in law (my elder sister’s husband [jiju]) and loose my virginity to him. My sister was married when I was in my final year of my college. The next year my nephew was born and I also completed my degree. Since I took a break after college days, I went and stayed with my elder sister to help her with the baby...

First Time
3 years ago
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Annette my hot motherinlaw

Since approx. 1 year I live again in a firm relationship and since short time also with my girlfriend under a roof. We live in a very nice little village on the idyllic Lower Rhine. What meant a certain change for me as a city person for many years, this hectic city life somehow did not take place here at all, everything was quite comfortable, slow and very quiet. My girlfriend and I live in a very nice 2-family house. In the lower floor lives the grandmother of my girlfriend and the upper area...

4 years ago
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Blackmailing the mother in law

This fantasy is based on fact. Betty did get into money troubles just as described and I did bail her out. The pity is that I didn’t take advantage in the way described here!Blackmailing Betty I had been working from home when the call came. I had a mountain of paperwork to catch up on and little time to complete it so I wasn’t in the best of moods as I rang the doorbell of my mother-in-law’s small bungalow twenty minutes later. My mother-in-law, Betty, had phoned and begged me to come over and...

1 year ago
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Fucked by Father in Law

Visit here to see www.papahaxx.com fully updated savita bhahi series along with my personal sex galleryDear readers, this is shashi here again who works as a secy and have wild sex with my boss, and here is one of my personal true episodes, I have read so many episodes and yet to read anything similar to what I experienced with my 55 year old father in law.This happened 4 yrs back when I was 23 years and newly married, other than sex with my hubby I never had any sort of a experience with any...

3 years ago
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Indian wife forced by father in law

Indian wife forced by father in law with rough sex Hi friends, this is Nalini aged 28 years and got recently married to Rahul 2 years back. We both are software professional engineers. We stayed with our father in law Krishna and he reminded me of Dharmendra the Hindi film actor, who was 58 years old and looked like he was in his forties. He was a widower as his wife had passed away recently.I came home early one Saturday evening and knew that my husband will be coming late from the office as...

2 years ago
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Blackmailing my old mother in law

Blackmailing my Old Mother In Law This fantasy is based on fact. Betty did get into money troubles just as described and I did bail her out. The pity is that I didn’t take advantage in the way described here!Blackmailing Betty I had been working from home when the call came. I had a mountain of paperwork to catch up on and little time to complete it so I wasn’t in the best of moods as I rang the doorbell of my mother-in-law’s small bungalow twenty minutes later. My mother-in-law, Betty, had...

1 year ago
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Thelma and her brother

Note : This story is completely fictional!In nineteen forty six Thelma Lou Anderson was married with three kids. Linda was the oldest. She was sixteen. Guy and George was ten and Guy seven. Thelma owned a beauty shop in Kansas City. She suspected her husband Lawerance was cheating on her again. She followed him one day when he thought she was at work and saw him go into a house. A woman opened the door and he went in. That was all the proof she needed. She went home and packed her suitcase and...

4 years ago
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Blackmailing my Old Mother In Law

This fantasy is based on fact. Betty did get into money troubles just as described and I did bail her out. The pity is that I didn’t take advantage in the way described here!Blackmailing Betty I had been working from home when the call came. I had a mountain of paperwork to catch up on and little time to complete it so I wasn’t in the best of moods as I rang the doorbell of my mother-in-law’s small bungalow twenty minutes later. My mother-in-law, Betty, had phoned and begged me to come over and...

2 years ago
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Blackmailing my Old Mother In Law

This fantasy is based on fact. Betty did get into money troubles just as described and I did bail her out. The pity is that I didn’t take advantage in the way described here!Blackmailing Betty I had been working from home when the call came. I had a mountain of paperwork to catch up on and little time to complete it so I wasn’t in the best of moods as I rang the doorbell of my mother-in-law’s small bungalow twenty minutes later. My mother-in-law, Betty, had phoned and begged me to come over and...

3 years ago
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With My MotherInLaw

My name is arshu from bangaluru (mailid:).I will tell this story in kannada language.Nan mother-in-law(atte) name shantha, avala vayassu 45 yrs size 36-32-38 nan attege(mother-in-law) ge 3 jana maklu adaralli 2 hudgi(daughters),1 huduga(son) and both daughters are very sexy adaralli 2nd magalu(daughter) avala hesaru priya anta avalu andre nange tumbane ista love madta idini.. Nan atte body thumba sexy ide avalige nanu andre tumba ista mattu preethi.Chikka vayassindalu nange avalu andre tumba...

2 years ago
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My Mother InLaw

I will start out by saying this if you are thinking this is about my mother in-law and me having sex your wrong. But it is about how my mother in-law improved my sex with my wife.My wife and I have been married for almost 30 years now, not always a great marriage and some lack of sex here and there. But when we have had sex it has always been good to great sex. But for the last year and half we have been struggling in life all together. This has caused us to struggle in our sex life as well. We...

3 years ago
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Anal Mother In Law

My wife has persuaded me to take her 74-year-old mother on holiday with us in our caravan. I had to show some opposition to the wife idea and that I was not too keen in holidaying with my mother in law, but I am looking forward to it really, as we have been lovers for sometime on the quite.I have just picked my mother in law up at her house when she tells me that I am in for a big surprise if we are lucky enough to be alone sometime. We head back home to pick the caravan up that my wife is...

1 year ago
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fun with mother in law

visit on www.papahaxx.com to see top rated stories like theseMy wife has persuaded me to take her 73-year-old mother on holiday with us in our caravan. I had to show some opposition to the wife idea and that I was not too keen in holidaying with my mother in law, but I am looking forward to it really, as we have been lovers for sometime on the quite.I have just picked my mother in law up at her house when she tells me that I am in for a big surprise if we are lucky enough to be alone sometime....

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Fucking the motherinlaw

Any who have read any of my past stories know my wife and I have an open to somewhat open relationship. You also know we have slowed down a little bit on that as well. In fact though it is still an open marriage we have not had sex with others for sometime now. We have had sex with each other of course.Well for me having sex with other women has recently changed. I have recently had the awesome pleasure of fucking my 78 year old mother in law. Here is the back story leading up to it and present...

3 years ago
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My Father In Law

hi friends hope you like my story…. thanks for all your comments for all my stories …and keep mailing on (ANY GIRL OR AUNTY WANT A PRIVATE MASSAGE IN BANGALORE CAN MAIL ME WHICH WOULD BE A TOTAL SECRET) Note : This story is completely fictional! I am young, married to a guy, well, yes a guy, who was also 25 and I met him at the college. His name is Osman, the younger of the two brothers. I was taken away by his naïve nature and his seriousness for his career. His elder brother, Aslam, who was...

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The Passion of Mother Ethel

Mother Ethel always enjoyed the short walk to the train station. It was beautiful Autumnal morning and Mother Ethel took the opportunity to walk to the train station as she knew that she had a very busy day ahead. Those that saw Mother Ethel along the way bowed reverently,they knew that Mother Ethel was a Nun of the Monastery of Repentance and when a Nun or a Monk walked past it was polite to bow, for many knew what the Nun's and Monk's of the Monastery were capable of. As Mother Ethel strolled...

2 years ago
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My Sexy MotherInLaw

My name is Mahesh and I am about 25 years old. I got married with a girl who is 2 years older than me. I and my wife were working in same Call Centre. I and she started liking each other when I was working in the same shift. Her mother is a widower. Her husband died when my wife was only 2 years. She did not married again because of my wife as she was scared that if she married again, it might be possible that her new husband may not like to adopt her daughter in real sense. I and my wife both...

2 years ago
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Mother in law

Introduction: First time with my Mother in law It had been a beautiful week and the weekend was looking to be even more beautiful. My wife and myself were at my mother in laws house for dinner on a Thursday evening. My wife was talking to her sister about the annual weekend away they do with their dad. They were both not pleased that it was on one of the hottest weekends wed had for most of the summer. As my wife and her sister talked, my mother in law asked me what my plans for my weekend on...

1 year ago
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My father in law

Note : This story is completely fictional! I am young, married to a guy, well, yes a guy, who was also 25 and I met him at the college. His name is Osman, the younger of the two brothers. I was taken away by his naïve nature and his seriousness for his career. His elder brother, Aslam, who was 34, was a decent man. He was happy with his wife, the skinny bitch. Well, the one who had a constant interest in me was my father in law, who was 54 with still an athletic hairy body and two lustful...

3 years ago
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Jason Spanked and Humiliated by his FatherinLaw

I was sat in the lounge, pretending to read the newspaper, but in actual fact wondering what was going on next door. David, my father-in-law, had returned home an hour ago after dropping my wife at the railway station. He'd said a brief hello to me on his return before he'd been ushered into the kitchen by his wife, Sheila, a faint look of surprise on his face.It was now a week since “That Day” with my mother-in-law, as I liked to call it. David and my wife Emma had arrived that very same...

2 years ago
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With my father In law

Hello guys and gals, this is Naghmana, the steamy girl again with a new hot experience with my father in law. My husband was out of country and my widowed father-in-law had come to stay with me. He was 57 years old businessman, with handsome, stout and muscular body and flat tummy. A regular squash player and a swimmer, he is always found working hard to maintain his figures. On the very first evening when he was in the pool, I entered his bed room and found short cuts of hard core and incest...

3 years ago
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Disabled Mother In Law

Disabled Mother-In-Law After my mother-in-law had a stroke two years ago my father-in-law died. She had been great to me over the years. She was sort of a prude through so it really took me by surprise when my wife asked me if I would have sex with her mother. At first I was shocked. I had never looked at my mother-in-law as a sex object before. However over the years my wife had grown to resemble her mother in a lot of ways so in essence it would just be like having sex with my...

3 years ago
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Aleema 8211 My Innocent Hot Mother In Law

Hiii guys, I am going to narrate a real incident in my life. This happened one year after my marriage. My name is Salim ali, working as a lab technician in a private hospital, aged 28 and I am living in kannur, kerala. I married a beautiful girl named asna. She is fair in complexion and with average boobs and nice white pussy. She has flat tummy and her buttocks are not so big but she is in good shape. Now coming to the story, this is about my hot mother in law who is very innocent and...

2 years ago
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Surrendering myself to doctor fatherinlaw

I am Suji from Chennai. After reading ISS stories I made up my mind to write my story. I am 32 years old and mother of a 7 year old girl. My husband is working for a Kerala based company and I am also working for a small company near my house. This story happened two years back. My mother-in-law passed away and my father-in-law sold out all the properties in kerala and came along with us. He bought a plot in Chennai and built a three bedroom house and being a doctor he attached a clinic to the...

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Horny Delhi Wife Isha And Her Hunk FatherInLaw

Hi readers, my name is Isha and I am a 28-year-old mom from Delhi. I got married at the young age of 19 due to my mom’s dying wish. She was suffering from cancer and wanted to see me get married before she passed away. I got married to a guy named Ankit. He was an average looking guy and he was 24 when I got married. He worked for a software company. My husband is the youngest in the family of three. His family consisted of him, his father and a big sister. Like us, his father got married at...

1 year ago
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South Indian Mature Lady Into The Incest World With Her FatherInLaw

Hey all readers. This is Mahi again with another one of my experiences. For those who don’t know me, I am Mahi, 47 years old, a high school government teacher and mother to a son. I live in Hyderabad, india. You can check in my profile. My sizes are 36-34-38. The last experiences I published were regarding my neighbor, hubby, and my neighbor’s son. Well, this time it’s different and more personal. And one of my favorites too. So I had threesome and gangbang with my neighbor and his son’s...

2 years ago
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Armin und Lea Teil 7

Beide Familiengruppen genossen es, den anderen zuzuschauen und dabei untereinander selber Sex zuhaben.Armin fand es einfach nur supergeil, wie ihm die Mutter seiner Freundin seine Eier lutschte und an seinem Schwanz saugte, während er dabei zusah wie seine Freundin auf ihrem Opa einen wilden Ritt vollführte. Dann wurde sein Blick magisch von dem wilden Gestöhne der anderen Gruppe angezogen. Auf dem Bildschirm sah er, wie die Inge vom Bruder, der Schwägerin und dem eigenen Mann hart rangenommen...

3 years ago
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Sex with hot Father in law

HOT SEX WITH FATHER IN LAW George, 53, lost his wife a year back due to cancer and there were many offers for his remarriage which he turned down to enable him to preserve fond memories of his late wife. Paul, 22, his son having done meritoriously in his engineering degree was sected in the campus interview by a multinational company and within a short time due to recognition of his talents he was promoted as a group leader. His gruup consisted of six engineers, all younger to him, three men...

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Twins theesome and Motherinlaw

This happened during my single days many years go.I think I might well have been the luckiest guy alive. I had been seeing Evelyn for 18 months by the time of this story and Evelyn has an identical twin sister Lucy and they are identical in every way as far as I know. Evelyn and I had a great sex life and we planned to get married but we fell out of love. We had just rented a house together and we couldn't been happier. Evelyn was and still is the most gorgeous babe alive. She was 20 years old...

Group Sex
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Dot Dorothea and Dick

Dot, Dorothea, and Dick Chapter One Dear sister: I found this letter among some others, scrolled up and tied with purple ribbon, in a chest belonging to our great grandfather. The name Charles has belonged to several in our family line, but I believe I know the one who received and saved this letter, and kept it preserved for so many years. I believe the letter speaks for itself, so I will now offer it up to you. Dearest Charles: I hope this missive finds you in such good...

2 years ago
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Experienced The Real Pleasure Of Sex With Brother In Law

Hi Readers, I am Sanjana, 24 years old. I got married in Jan 2012. I was married into a well educated well to do business family settled in Mumbai. We are basically from Gujarat and my in laws settled in Mumbai about 20 yrs back. Everyone in the family are very well educated, all are much matured. We have a very good family environment and I am a very happy and satisfied girl. This is a true story of my life and would like to share my experiences with all readers. I am sure all of you will...

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I Hate My FatherInLaw

I’ve always hated my father-in-law. From the moment I met him, I knew I’d never get him to accept me as his son-in-law, nor would he ever find me worthy of his daughter’s love. It was hard, and it took a lot of convincing and arguing but four years after I started dating her, I managed to convince the bastard to allow me to marry Marilyn. However, there was one condition I had to agree too. You see, my family name goes back as far as time itself. It’s been told through the generations that...

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my wife and mother in law

My name is darrin and im 36 years old and ive been married to my wife alison who is 26 for 3 years but we have been together for 8 years. We have been swingers for most of our relationship. There's not alot of people or places i can share this story so i figured this was as good a place as any. For some time ive been wanting to fuck my mother in law. Not that she's a stunner by any means but mostly because i find it quite hot to have had both my wife and her mom. Even though my wife is into the...

3 years ago
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My name is Meredith and I have always been a self-centered woman. I am in love with myself. Well, actually I am in love with my body. How can I help it? Any mother who has a full set of DD tits and a 22 inch waist even at the age of 42 would feel the same. And yes, I am a mother. But at the end of this story anyone reading this will know that I am the furthest from that. Since my body developed in high school I have used it to get me everything and anyone I wanted. I have never even had a job....

2 years ago
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Creamfilled Motherinlaw

“Uh, that was the cream-filled you wanted, right Carole?” “Yes. Thanks, Spencer,” the attractive middle-aged woman said from the backseat. She reached forward and took the offered donut from her son-in-law. “And here’s you cruller, babe.” Spencer handed another donut to his wife as he climbed into the car, brushing the accumulation of snow off his shoulders. “Jesus, this snow is pretty bad. We better get going before it gets worse.” “Here’s your coffee, Mom.” Peri turned in the seat and...

4 years ago
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CreamFilled MotherinLaw

The soft knock on my bedroom door woke me up and started my heart pounding."Come in," I called. I sat up in my bed and turned, dropping my legs over the side, so I was facing the door.The door opened and my Mother-in-Law walked into my room, looking incredibly nervous. She was wearing a long, worn bathrobe that, before hundreds of washings, was a pink plaid belted around her waist.Her fingers clutched the neck of the robe, holding that shut, as if she wanted to be sure nothing showed. Her...

2 years ago
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Sexy MotherinLaw

Melanie was not your typical 42 year old married woman. Yes, she had a husband of over 20 years and she had three grown c***dren. But Melanie was something else that very few people realized or observed out in public -- Melanie was a very attractive and very sexy woman, and she had a very active and nearly insatiable desire for sex and sexual attenion from men. It didn't matter whether it was her husband who was attending to her needs; Melanie craved the sexual pleasures that men could give her...

3 years ago
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My Sexy MotherinLaw

As the whole family which consists of me, my wife (who happens to make me very happy in bed and in life), her mom and dad, and her baby brother whom lives in a 3 bedroom house with two bathrooms; we are a well tight knitted family who respects everybody and support each one of us. While the front bathroom is broken and is under the process of being fixed, everybody has to use the back of the house to take a shower and use the bathroom. One early morning, I decided to sleep in and get some gud...

4 years ago
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My name is Swetha. I am aged 24 As the name suggests I am white 5ft 6in height and 55 Kgs weight. I have big boos and nice tits. I am married six months ago. My husband is a software engineer. He is aged 28 years. He always at work. Even at home he works for the company. He earned good name in the company. We live in a two bed room apartment.When ever I get mood for sex either he will be working or sleeping. I get disappointed. Even when he is awake he does not respond to my request. His cock...

3 years ago
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Seduced By My Hot Motherinlaw

My wife and I started going out during her first year of physiotherapy training at the main hospital of a city in South West England, when I was a second-year student at the university. We had met just over a year earlier at a party for new students at the church where she and her parents were members. She was then still at school, and although we sort of became friends, there was no hint of a romantic relationship at the time. I had a number of girlfriends during my first year at university;...

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Ending Up With FatherInLaw

By : Anahitagarwal Ever since being a whore kicked up, I started maintaining a separate private number for business. Having screwed by my father, I felt like floating on cloud number 9. It had hardly been a week, when I received a call from daddy on my business phone. I was shocked. He must have got it through Rohan (my brother-in-law cum pimp). I picked up the call, and found that he was offering me thirty grands to spend a night with one of his friends. None of his friends had seen me since I...

2 years ago
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A travel with my mother in law

My mother in law, a lovely lady of 42 years old, came to see my wife, as she was not doing well at Madurai. After a week she was to return back to Chennai. As she had to go alone, my wife asked me to go with her to Chennai as I was having an office work at Chennai that week and after dropping her I planned to come back to Chennai. We booked our tickets by a Volvo bus of Yogalakshmi travels. When I boarded the bus, to my surprise and irritation, our seats were not together. I thought, she being...

1 year ago
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white girl rebecca with her black father inlaw

im Rebecca and this is my storyone summer night me and my husband fell on hard times and had to move it with his dad my husband works night from 10pm to 10am!!! I sleep with T-shirt on thongs and socks I woke up one morning with and socks off my shirt pulled past my tits and my thongs pulled to the side I thought it was the way I slept! so a few night went by and it happened again my socks was off my shirt was pulled past my tits and my thongs was pulled to the side!!! so I got to thinking...

3 years ago
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My great mother in law

Although shy by nature, it sure was a pleasant surprise for me to find out after marriage that she has a never-ending appetite for sex, which ensured that we end up having it at least 10 times a week; and 2 years after marriage, we’re still going great guns. But hey…. This story isn’t at all about myself and my wife, is it ? Some months after our marriage, i sold off my house in bombay and shifted to the city of pune. The only relative that we left behind in bombay was neela’s mother, i.e. my...


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