Gates of hell at work true story
- 3 years ago
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The last five minutes before I can punch my time card seems endless. Each second seems like and hour and each minutes feels like a day. It was Friday and I just got paid and I had one thing on my mind. Once A month I go to my favorite Strip Joint. It's not a glamorous strip joint by any means. But it's ours. When I say that, I mean that this strip joint was strictly for the brothers (Owned by black and run by blacks). No white boys and no white bitches. This spot was what I called Black Man Heaven.
The place was dark and it was hot. It was in a neighborhood in Brooklyn where white people didn't dare step into. That's what I loved about this place. Mr. G's was a place where a black man could get away from the white world for a while. I work all day long around a bunch a white people that I can't stand. I know they couldn't stand my black ass especially since I'm a manager and have to tell them what to do. They smile and say nice things to my face. But I know I soon as I turn around they call me the " N- word" You know what I mean. I don't actually give a fuck. That shit just comes with the territory, especially when you are an educated black man with some skills.
I think I was in my car by 5:02. I hit the gas and I was gone. I worked in New Jersey and I lived In Westchester. My plan was go home shower, chill for a while, change and then get something to eat. Then I was going jump back in my ride and head off to Brooklyn. No offense white people, but sometimes A brotha' needs a break. Just like you get tired of us, we get tired of you. Weather you believe it or not, we enjoy the comfort of being around our own kind just like you do.
Traffic was insane that Friday night I didn't get home until 6:30. After I check my email and relaxed for a few minutes I jumped in the shower. When I got out of the shower my phone rang. It was this girl Kiesha, which I had been seeing for a few weeks. She was Okay and all that shit, but the bitch was a pain in the ass. I fucked her a few times and the pussy was good and shit, But the Bitch was boring as hell. She had no conversation for a brotha'. And the bitch wouldn't suck my dick. I guess that's why fucking her was so fucking boring. I love pussy and all that shit but I also love getting my cocked sucked. I mean what did she expect. If she thought sticking my cock in her in her cunt would satisfy me completely she was crazy. I got spoiled in college. When I went to college I found out that white bitches sucked dick and swallowed cum like vacuums, I nearly lost my mind. I had a different white bitch suck my cock every month. What fascinated me about white girls was that white bitches may not give you the pussy right away. But they will suck you off in a minute if they liked you.
I told Kiesha that I was going out with my boyz. Then she asked me what I was doing the next day and I made another excuse. The bottom line was I didn't want to be bothered with her bullshit. Let her go bore some other mothe-fucka to death. All I wanted to do was have a few drinks and watch some fine black bitches get bucked naked and shake their ass around. It was just that simple. I wanted to be entertained and with a pocket full of money anything is possible.
Around 9:00 I got dressed. I was ready to bounce when my phone rang again. My first thought was to let it ring and let the answering machine pick it up. I walk over to the phone and looked at the caller ID. It was my sister cell phone number. At first I wasn't gonna answer it. You see my sister is a sweet girl. But she can be a royal pain in the ass sometimes. She's 24 years old (two years younger then me) and is always caught up in some bullshit especially with men. When it comes to men she makes bad decisions. She choices the types of guyz that I can't stand. Now she was living with this fool who was a total asshole. I met that fool once and told my sister that she was playing herself by mess'in with this joker. She didn't like what I had to say about him. So, I didn't hear from her for like a few weeks. I guess I hurt her feelings
I answered the phone and right away regretted it. I wished I had let the machine pick it up.
"Hey bro... What's up... "
We chit chatted for a few minutes. But I could tell that something was up with her. Then she said,
"Dee... I need a favor" My name is Dwayne and When she calls me Dee... I knew what ever it was she was going to ask me, was gonna cost me money. I told myself that I wasn't gonna give her any dough. But deep down I knew if she asked me for some money that I would most likely give it to her.
"What up Staci... What do you need girl?"
"Dee... Umm... Do you think Umm... I could stay at your place tonight... Mike and I got into a big fight and I just don't want to stay here tonight."
I was shocked; this was the first time that my sister asked me for something that wouldn't cost me anything. I asked her what happened. It took her a while to finally tell me that she came home early from work and saw some bitch walking out of their place. She knew the girl was one of his Ex-girlfriends. By the time she parked her car and rushed into the house the girl was gone. When she went into the house she found her boyfriend in the bedroom in his boxers. He told her that nothing went on but she could smell it. I know the smell she was talking about. It's that fucking smell. It lingers in a room for a while after sex. She told me that he denied everything. She stormed out of the house and has been driving around for the past three hours.
I felt for her but what could I do. I knew that mother-fucka was no good. But sometimes when it comes to family members its best to stay out of their bussines. I love my sister and there's nothing I wouldn't do for her. But when it comes to her relationships she must learn for herself. I'll only give her my opinion if she asks me and that's that. My sister needed a place to stay; I couldn't deny such a small request. I told her that I was going out. I told her I'd leave key to the door under the mat. She asked me where I was going and I started laughing. I told her I was going to a gentleman's club In Brooklyn. She started laughing cause she knew where I was going there were no gentlemen. I had told her about G's a long time ago. Then She started giggling and said,
"Can I come with you?"
"Ha... ha... Are you crazy girl... Hell No." I quickly replied.
I thought she was only teasing but I'm not going to deny it. The thought was sexy. It's rare but once in awhile a brotha brings a girl with them into the club. I've always thought that shit was kind of kool. I always find myself staring at the female spectators in a strip joint wondering what's going on in their heads. I wonder if she's there just for her man. Or is she actually enjoying scene. Most of them seem to be comfortable and relaxed. The really kool ones are not threatened by the bitches on stage. And what I really find sexy is when I see them handing the girls on stage dollar bills just like the fella's. Women are not allowed in the club unless a man escorts them. Which means all female spectators belong to someone.
"Have you ever been to a strip joint girl?" I asked.
"No... Come on now Dee... you know I've never been to one of those places... But I've always wanted to... Come on Dee... Take me with you... I promise I'll behave... I just want to go somewhere... anywhere... its doesn't matter... I haven't been out in a long time... Please... Please can I go with you.?"
I could here the excitement in her voice. I don't know what possessed me but I said,
"Okay... you can come with me, but I want you on your best behavior... This my night and my spot... If you don't like it to bad... I don't want to hear, I want to go home crap or take me home shit... Okay."
She agreed and started thanking me. I told her that I was ready to go. She laughed and told me that she's been sitting in her car outside my apartment the whole time. I told her to come upstairs and hurry up. Two minutes later she was ringing the bell. When she came to the door she had a huge smile on her face. My sister a beautiful girl. She's about 5'7 and she is stacked. She's about 140 pounds. And all of her weight rests in her plump tits and her thick ass. Many times I've had to look away. Even though she was my sister I must admit that I've checked her out a few times when she wasn't looking. She had on a low-cut blouse that revealed plenty of cleavage. But what really caught my eyes was her skirt and that fat ass that seemed to be trapped inside it.
"Am I dresses Okay... Can I go like this?" she said excitedly.
"Yeah... Yeah... yeah... you look fine lets go." I said quickly trying my best not to stare at her."
We jumped in the car headed south towards the BQE (Brooklyn Queens Expressway).On the way down we talked about all kinds of shit. I haven't talked to her in a while so we kind of caught up with all the usually crap. We talked about everything except her current boyfriend. She even brought up her friend Denise who I fuck once way back in the days. Her friend Denise was fine too. But she was another bitch that didn't want to suck my cock.
"You must have put something on that girl, To this day she still asks me about you." She said laughingly.
I did put something on Denise. I tore that pussy up. I fucked her twice that night and eat her pussy. When I ask the bitch for a little head she made a face and said,
"That's Nasty... I don't do that."
It wasn't so nasty when I had my face buried between her thighs sucking on her pussy. I remember that night. Because After she said that shit I got up got dressed and walked out. I didn't even say good-bye. I played it off like I was going to the bathroom and went home. I know she told my sister about that shit but I'm sure she didn't give my sister all the details. Bitches usually forget what they did to fuck up a good night. I'm sure she told my sister that I fucked her and left without saying anything. I'll bet money she didn't mention the dick-sucking thang. I'm sure she told the story and me out to be the villain. I just laughed it off and changed the subject.
A few more twist and turns and we were there. When we got there my sister was shocked.
"Damn this is where the place is... This is a fucked up neighborhood..."
I started laughing at her comment. " What's the Matter... you scared?"
She tried to deny it but I could tell she was uneasy. I told her, that's what I liked about this place. I told her not to worry. I pointed out the two guys that were standing on the corners and at the beginning and end of the street. The worked f or the strip joint. They watched the cars. This spot was for High Rollers, Ballah's, Pimps and straight up Thugz with loot. There were no Honda's, Buicks, or bullshit family vehicles on this block. Chrome ruled the night. Benz's, BMW's, Jaguar's, and Lexus's and trumped up Cadillac's owned these streets. I parked on the corner. Before I got out of my car I gave my sister a little pep talk.
"Look Staci... I know a lot of people in this spot... If anyone asks... you are my date Okay... I've never heard of a guy bringing his sister to a stop like this... So tonight you are not my sister... You are my sexy little date."
"You think I'm sexy Dee?" She asked with a smile on her face.
I thought I said it in a very brotherly way or did I? I mean she did look great and any man would love to have her on her arm.
"You're Okay girl... Come on lets go... I've been waiting all night."
For some reason I was little embarrassed and I think my sister sensed it. But I tried to pay it no mind. We got out of the car and I said what's up to the brotha's on the corner. My sisters got out and meet me on the other side of the car. As we started walking arcos the street she wrapped her arm around my right arm and held on to me. I started laughing at her.
"What's the matter girl... you scared... don't worry... I got your back... relax."
"No... I'm not scared silly... I'm your Date, Remember."
It felt weird at first. We walked across the street like a couple. I don't ever remember walking like that with my sister. Right then and there I knew tonight was going to be a night full of weird and uncomfortable experiences. After I paid the guy at the front door we went in inside. But before we entered the bar. We hand to go thru the Metal detectors and a physical pat down. I went thru first. I turned around and watched the bouncer frisk my sister. It was funny at first. The guy at the door whom I knew, had a big smile on his face. He gave me a wink and I winked back at him. He gave my sister a thorough search. He knew she didn't have any weapons. So basically he was feeling her up. My sister didn't expect this. And the look on her face was priceless when the bounces started patting her down. I tried to hold back my laughter but I couldn't help it. When my sister saw me laughing she seemed to relax and let the guy do his job. After he was done he said.
"Welcome To Mr. G's... all females are required to stay with there escorts... enjoy yourself."
A soon as my sister came up to me she smacked me on the arm.
"Did you see that... he wasn't searching me for weapons, that guy was feeling up."
"I know he was... Ronnie loves doing that shit... he's a funny mother-fucka" I quickly replied.
We got there just in time before the placed started getting packed. The music was pumping and the center stage had three delicious looking black girls shaking their assets. I took a long deep breath... a sigh of relief. Luckily there were two seats left at the bar. I grabbed my sister's hand and headed for the two remaining stools. I turned and looked at my sister and saw the funniest shit I've ever scene. Actually she had that overwhelmed look on her face. She was smiling from ear to ear as she drank in the environment. That last time I saw that look on her face was when our parents took us to Disney Land when we were kids. Mr. G's was an amusement park all right. Inside this park they had two rides. They were nature's rides... Tits and Asses all controlled by your fantasies.
We sat down at the bar and I ordered us some drinks and got 80 dollars in single. I placed the stack of cash in front of me. My sister seemed to be a little confused as to what to do. I leaned over and told her to relax and enjoy the show. Then I placed half of the cash in front of her. Weather she knew it or not she was going to handing out dollar bills to these bitches.
Everything was going real smooth. I could see the other Playa's at the bar staring at my sister just like I have done when other Fella's brought a girl in. I knew what they were thinking because I have been there. The girls in the club were extra fine with a capital fucking F. I forgot about my sister for a moment and focused on the big booty bitch that was twisting her ass around in front of me. I folded up five singles and reached out my hand. She got off the stage came to me. I told her that she was beautiful and handed her the money. She thanked me then turned around bent over and started gyrating her ass in front of me.
I could feel my sister's eyes on me, watching me as I was easily and momentarily hypnotized by this little shorty in front of me. After she got on stage I looked at my sister and she was smiling. She seemed like she was trying to hold back from laughing.
I took a sip of my drink and asked my sister if she was all right. She told me that she was kool and then she stared smiling. She was looking everywhere checking out the girl, they guys in the bar. She was all over the place. I was having a good time. Every once in a while I would turn my attention away from the stage and look at me sister. As time passed on she seemed to get more and more comfortable.
The main dance stage had three bitches on it at all time. After two songs the DJ would announce a new girl. One girls would move down, one would exit and another one would enter the set. All of a sudden I felt my sister tap me on my leg. And to my amazement she rolled her eyes toward the girl who was about to get on stage. I leaned into her and she whispered in my ear.
"That girl over... She's real pretty."
Which was the understatement of the year. The bitch was super fine. She was a light skinned honey with a big fat juicy succulent booty. I was like, " DAMN!!"
"Yeah... She is fine as hell... I can't wait til she swing down this way...
Its very rare you here another woman compliment another woman. Just hearing that from my sister gave me strange thoughts, which I quickly exited from my mind. We both watched the young lady dance. When I looked at my sister again I found out that I wasn't the only one the was hypnotized by this girl. My sister was staring at this young girl just like me. The girl was graceful; her movements were soft and delicate but yet very arousing. I couldn't see that my sister was getting into the whole scene. I told her to give the girl some money. She looked at me as though I was crazy.
"Don't be scared girl... you said she was pretty... show her some love... That's why I put that money in front of you girl... Get five single fold it in half the long way like I did and stick your hand out... she'll come get the money"
My sister did as I told her. I don't know what was more exciting watching the girl dance or watching my sister fold up the money and stick her hand out. Usually I can contain my self but at that moment I could feel my cock swelling in my pants. They girl got off the stage and walked past two other guys holding out money stepped up right in front of my sister. My sister was blushing big times as she stuck her handout and gave the girl the loot. The girl didn't just take the money from sister hand. She reached out with both hands and wrapped then around my sisters hands almost to her wrist. It was the sexiest thing I have ever witnessed. She held my sister hands and the money and in a soft southern voice she thanked my sister. Her smile was precious and so alluring that I thought I going to explode.
Inside I wanted to explode but I had to keep my composure. I knew all eyes where upon my sister. As the girl turned and walked away she winked at me. I looked at my sister and she was smiling. I just nodded my head and tried to play it off as though it wasn't a big deal. But that shit was huge. It was so fucking erotic. It wasn't gay nor did it have anything to do with lesbianism. It was one pretty girl acknowledging another pretty girl with out any jealousy or drama. The shit was simply fly as hell.
As the night went on and the liquor flowed my sister got really relaxed. We talked about the females on the stage. We talked about their Asses and tits and shit. It was weird taking to my sister like that. I held nothing back. I talked to her as if I was taking to one of my boyz. I'm not a big drinker and I'm not down with driving drunk. So I usually cut my self off after three drinks. My sister on they other hand was gunning them down. I didn't see any harm in letter drink what she wanted. She was with me and I was going to take her home with me. So she was in good hands so I didn't stop her. I just let her enjoy herself. After a while she was swaying to the sound of the load music and handed out dollar bills to all the girls. I really did expect this from her. She was really having a good time.
She asked me which one I liked the best. I told her that I liked the first girl that she handed money to. We both agreed that she was the finest. We both noticed the southern accent and then we started having a debate about where she was from. I said Georgia, and she said North Carolina. They girls walk around after they get off stage and approach the costumers for lap dances and stuff like that. I made a bet with my sister.
"I'll bet you a lap dance I'm right."
"What's a lap dance?" She asked.
A part of me found it amusing that she didn't know. I told her not to worry about it. I told her that its fun and if she looses the bet it will only cost her twenty dollars. She agreed to the blind bet just in a nick of time as the girl walked past us smiling with new outfit on. She had on a itty-bitty bikini. It was more like Three patches of material connected by string no thicker then my shoe laces.
"Excuse Me... My lady and I have a bet... we were both wondering what part of the south you are from."
"Well... what are you guys betting?"
"Well Um... the loser pays for a lap dance."
The whole time she was staring at my sister. It was like she was giving my sister a once over. I told her that I said that she was probably from Georgia... and then I told her that my sister thinks she's from the Carolinas. Then with her polite southern accent she said,
"Well I guess I'm not going to make any money with you guys... the both of you are wrong... I'm from Alabama."
She smiled and started to walk away. Before she took a step my sister said, " Don't Go."
I was like " Oh shit."
My sister asked her name, and she said her name was Trina. I reached out my hand and told her how nice it was to meet her. My sister shocked me again.
"I know we both lost the bet... but that doesn't mean you should lose to. I know he wants a lap dance with you."
Then she reached in her purse pulled out a twenty and looked at me.
"Go ahead Dee... have fun?"
No one has ever bought me a lap dance... Not even my boyz... now here was my sister buying me a lap dance with the finest bitch in the building. My sister had a wicked little smile on her face. She bought me something she had no idea of. Lap dances are done in private booths in the back of the club. From the bar you can't see any of that shit. Trina reached and grabbed my hand.
"Looks like you won Playa... come on Dawg lets have some Fun." Then she leaned over to me and whispered in my ear.
"Bring your lady to."
When I got up I told the bartender to save my spot. I took one step towards the back and reached out and grabbed my sister's hand. She looked confused and tried to pull her hand back. I gave her an look and said,
"Come On."
She got up and we all walked towards the lap-dancing booth. I've been to the lap-dancing booth plenty of times but never like this. Never with two females and never with one of them being my sister. My heart was pounding as walked toward the back. I could feel the temperature rising as we enter the booth. My sister was nervously squeezing my hand. I know she was nervous but she kept her game face. When we sat down in the booth Trina pulled the black drape behind her. My sister and I booth sat down numb... I was afraid to look at her and she was afraid to look at me. But we both stayed focused on Trina. The club was dark but inside the booth was just a little darker.
Trina smiled at my sister then she smiled at me.
"Sit back playa.," she instructed.
I did as I was told with my sister just a few inches to my left. Trina turned around with her back to me and started dancing real slow between my legs. It was amazing. I could see every inch of her perfect body. Her back was toned and her flesh looked soft and tender. Her hips were glorious and her ass was magnificent. Every curve on her body screamed, "Fuck me, Take me." I was intoxicated by her perfume. Then she placed her hands on my kneecaps and bent forward giving me a picture perfect view of her thick ass. And again I wasn't the only one mesmerized by this girl. I felt my sister lean towards me trying to get a better look at this girl ass. I was going hot and my cock grew by the second.
Trina was in complete control of this situation. She would slowly act like she was going to sit back on my cock and then she would jump up turn around and smile. She was a delicious tease. And she knew what she was doing. The one thing she didn't know was the woman next to me was my younger sister and to me that shit was equally exciting.
Then next song the DJ played was a slow song. Trina didn't miss a beat, as her body seemed too able to flow to any melody. I took a quick peek at my sister. And she was still smiling. She smiled as she moved closer to me. Then Trina perched her ass up in the air and as the beat dropped so did she. My sister and I watched together. We watched that thick ass slowly descend into my lap.
"Mmmmm... Shit." I moaned slowly almost desperately as Trina planted that thick luscious honey brown ass on my lap.
My cock was rock hard and I knew Trina could feel that mother-fucka. She held her ass there for a few seconds and adjusted herself. She started rocking back and forth on my cock, which was painfully pleasurable. She pressed against my body grinding that ass on my lap. Everything was flowing just right. The mood was perfect. I raised my hands and gently placed them on Trina's waist. Her waist was so tiny that I think if I pressed my hands together I could touch my own fingertips. Her skin was smooth like silk. I closed my eyes while I fantasized about fucking this fine ass woman. I had this fine as woman on my lap but I wasnt sure was more exciting. The thoughts of Trina on my lap or the fact that my own sister was curled up next to me. When I opened my eyes my sister had this strange look on her face. When I looked down to my left I saw that Trina had placed her hand on my sister's thigh just above her knee and slightly below the hem of her skirt.
Trina looked back at the both of us and again she smiled. Then she leaned toward my sister and told her to pull the sting on her back. My sister was also under her spell weather it was the alcohol or just the environment or the situation, she looked like she was in some kind of daze. She raised her hand and pulled the string. Trina politely thanked her with her sweet southern voice. Then she pulled her top off and flung it to the floor. The way she did it was incredibly sexy.
Trina then placed her hand on my right hand that was on her waist and slowly guided it towards her right breast. As my hand traveled up her body my mind started to melt. She held my hand an inch away from her breast as she began to tease me once again by grazing my palm over her nipple.
I couldn't do anything lust and desire had weakened me. I was consumed with fantasies of fucking this pretty young seductive girl. I closed my eyes as I felt Trina press my hand into her full and heavy breast. I wanted more, I was thirsty and Trina was my giant glass of water. With my eyes closed I stared gliding my left hand up her waist to tackle the other breast. Slowly I worked my hand up her body, just like she had guided my right hand. When I got close to her left breast I felt something strange and something blocking my access. When I opened my eyes and looked to my left my jaw hit the ground. My sisters left hand was just like my right hand. It was firmly planted on Trina's breast.
The scene was intense. My sister and I looked at such other with blank faces. Trina leaned back rested her entire back against me chest then resting the back of her head on to my right shoulder. The view was spectacular. My sister eyes went back and forth. She would look at me and then she would look a Trina's breast. Trina let go of both of our hands; She brought her hands up and wrapped them around the back of my head. I couldn't get my sister out of my head nor did I want to. She held Trina's breast in her hand as though she had done this a thousand times. She mimicked my moves. If I placed a fingertip on her nipple my sister did the same. If I cupped and rubbed Trina's plump tit, my sister did the same.
The third song came and my heart sank. When you get a lap dance you basically get three songs for your twenty dollars. I tried to burn this entire episode into my memory banks. Trina was a pro and she was definitely worth every penny. When the song ended Trina sat up and looked at the both of us. I knew the party was over but my sister didn't. I quickly reached in my pocket and grabbed a fistful of money. I gave Trina another Twenty and she smiled but before she sat back down on my cock I looked at my sister and said,
"Its her turn baby."
Before my sister could say a word Trina sat down on my sisters lap and leaned back into her chest. Trina was a little smaller and a lot shorter then my sister. I smiled wickedly back at my sister like she had done to me earlier. Now she was the one leaning back getting a lap dance. I'm like all other men on this planet. We all have lesbian fantasies. And we all have that desire to see two women together. I've run that scenario in my head a thousand times. But never has my own sister come in that fantasy. Never until this point. Trina like I said was a pro. She could sense things and she could sense that my sister wouldn't do anything unless she made her do it.
I looked down and I could see that my sister's dress had ridden way up. And each Trina twisted her ass into my sister's lap her skirt moved up revealing her thick thighs. The contrast of the different shades of black skin on top of each other was amazing. Trina's light honey color against my sister's darker brown color was beautiful. I did like my sister had done earlier. I moved in closer. Trina reached for my hand; I was expecting her to place it on her breast. But this time she placed my hand on the top of her thigh close to her hip next to the string on her bikini bottom. She let go of my hand and grabbed both of my sister's hands and placed them on firmly on her breast. Like a hawk I gazed into my sisters eyes while her hands trembled up Trina's body and engulfed her breast. My sister looked like she had gone off into another place.
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IncestHi friends my name is Umar and now-a-days I am in USA it’s been 1 year that I am living in us basically I belong to Pakistan(Islamabad).some days ago i just visited this site while searching some hot stuff on via internet. here i found a lot of pages containing incest stories, well I haven’t read out all the stories yet->in fact just due to lack of time. But i will keep on reading these stories as it feels great to read some mom-son stories. I am of 21 by now and doing study of ACCA in...
IncestChapter Seventeen: Futa Studies Incest By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to FallenAngelX00 for beta reading this! We arrived at Pita's house. College classes was out for the day and Pita, my little sister, and I had rushed here, all eager for our kinky foursome with Pita's mother. We were “studying.” It would be an incestuous-fueled afternoon. I'd been having an incestuous-fueled day. Today, I had sex with the last two members of my family: my older sisters. Tara and Sara,...
(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Four: Naughty Mommy Incest By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! April 23rd, 2019 – Clinton “Clint” Elliston II The backyard party at the Reenburgs' home was well underway. Their large house, verging on a mansion, had an impressive yard. Lights were strung across the bushes, lighting it up as twilight fell upon the world. It was a warm, April evening, the sky clear. Like when I'd done at the Reenburgs' party...
(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Twenty-Two: Questioning Incest By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! July 22nd, 2027 – Jaiden Walsh I lounged on the couch in the small living room of the apartment I rented with my sister. Our neighbors thought she was my wife. None of them knew our background, where we came from, or that our mother had freaked out when she'd caught Alysha and me together in bed over a year ago. The AC kept everything cool,...
Hunter Rush woke up one morning in his bedroom to the sound of his mother yelling at him from downstairs to come down and eat breakfast. Hunter yawned, and then got out of bed to put his clothes on. As he was doing so, he admired himself in the mirror for a moment. He was the perfect stud, with muscles all over his body and the most handsome face imaginable. People always told him that he was like Brad Pitt if Brad Pitt was ten times more attractive and awesome. Today was Hunter’s 18th...
IncestHello, Indian Sex Stories readers. I am Rahul, 29 from Hyderabad from a lower-middle-class family. After reading a lot of incest sex stories and chat with incest lovers from a few years, here I am going to write my real experience and fantasy of my mom and sister. My mom’s name is Swapna, 56. (Now she is a widow) She is a fair chubby Milf mom with 34dd boobs with a sexy tummy like south Indian mom. The sexy part of her body is her ass. Whenever she walks her sexy ass moves up and down. Believe...
IncestChapter 1 "I, Howard Constantine Mathis, do solemnly swear, that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will, to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States." With those words, Howard C. Mathis, a former accountant, went from being a recently divorced Vice President to assuming the highest office in the land. Just ten years before, he had run for Governor of New Jersey, and was considered an underdog in...
We arrived at Pita’s house. School was out for the day and Pita, my little sister, and I had rushed here, all eager for our kinky foursome with Pita’s mother. We were “studying.” It would be an incestuous-fueled afternoon. I’d been having an incestuous-fueled day. Today, I had sex with the last two members of my family: my older sisters. Tara and Sara, the twins, had thought to surprise me with their incestuous revelation that they were lovers. I mean, it was shocking, but not the incest...
A Mother’s Moans, A Son’s Sighs by Oediplex 8==3~ (By the way, since some folks asked, 8==3~ is my own emoticon invention entitled the ‘cumming cock’; balls 8 shaft == head 3 cum ~ It authenticates emails sent by me in response to inquiries about further resources on the topic of Mother/son incest, including information about Pandora’s Box the world’s finest artist of M/s incest and who’s ‘il-lust-rations’ are the inspiration for many of my stories. Our collaboration on the graphic...
Hello girls and guys. I am shivang back here with another story for my readers to jerk off. A few readers mailed me to write incest stories so here I am with one such story. Thank you all for your suggestions and feedbacks so far. I am shivang(pen-name), from Mumbai. I am 24, 6’2 in height with just a few extra kilos around and a well-endowed tool. This story here is about a mother and son living in a tier-I city of India. The son, Vishal is 21. 6ft long. Perfectly athletic. A bit tanned with a...
IncestHi everyone, my name is Rahul and this is my first attempt to pen down the sexual adventures of my life. I was very curious about sex and female and male body parts since my childhood and this story is about my first incest encounter. So without any further delay I will now get you to the story. When I was 3 years old my maternal grandfather brought me to the city with him for my better education. My grandfather’s family consists 3 daughters apart from my mother, 2 sons and my grandmother. I...
IncestHi every one…I am glad to introduce myself to you all…I am swaroop, 19 years old from the southern part of india…here I am going to post a story revolving around me, yeah , the story involving the members of my family…It is always said that INCEST is sin. In India it is uncommon to hear a word like Incest. especially in southern part of India you will not be able to understand the real meaning of it. Intimacy in the family is very low and you couldn’t touch the opposite gender in blood...
IncestIn the previous chapter, we saw how Chetan and I enjoyed a porn video of a very sexy girl. Then I gave him my treasure of porn video collection. But he still didn’t know what is incest. Two weeks had passed since I caught my brother masturbating. In these two weeks, we bonded while watching porn a few times. I was watching TV when Chetan came and sat next to me. He told me he had finished watching all the videos in the ‘myfav’ folder, which kind of shocked me. I asked him doubtfully that if he...
IncestThis is a fictional story about cousin incest in my friend’s family. All the characters are fictional and strictly above 19. I prefer stories with a plot that gets us involved in the story, leading to sex, rather than stories with just wild sex. are a bit lengthy and usually have everything like gay sex, lesbianism, threesomes, group sex, and mainly incest. Enjoy the story. You can give me feedback at Jai was invited by his friend Raju to visit his hometown. When they reached Raju’s place,...
IncestHave you ever wondered how many more degenerates there are out there? Have you ever felt like you’re the world’s only twisted freak? Well, you shouldn’t! You’re reading from the number 1 porn consumer in the fucking world! You must be pretty full of yourself to think that you’re more depraved than I am! How dare you! Still, it wouldn’t matter if I wasn’t here to put your cum count to shame. There are millions of other people out there just as fucked up as we are, and you’re about to find a...
Incest Porn SitesWhat’s up, motherfuckers? Did you finally stop stealing those panties from your sister’s drawers? You know, one day, she’s going to catch you, and it probably won’t make her want to fuck you. Are you hoping that she’s just as fucked up as you are? Maybe she’ll start stealing your undies? Haha! Get fucking real! If there are any men’s underwear in her room, they are from her boyfriend because she’s actually getting laid, unlike her pervy brother!But don’t be so hard on yourself! You’re not the...
Incest Porn Sites(Real) Author’s Note: This is not a parody of incest stories in general or the concept in general, and there are several incest stories that are quite good. It is only a parody of poorly written incest stories, of which there are quite a few. -------------------------------------- Johnny N. Cestorama woke up one morning in his bedroom to the sound of his mother yelling at him from downstairs to come down and eat breakfast. Johnny yawned, and then got out of bed to put his clothes on. As he was...
IncestHai All incest lovers. This is David from Hyderabad. My age is 24 and my height is normal I.e., 5’5″ . I had a normal size of dick I.e., 6″. But I can satisfy any women with that because it will be fat as like african ones. I am a big fan of ISS from my BBA 1st that is around 6 years. Now I will go into my real life incident. During my schooling and my PUC or Intermediate, I used to go college from my Home. I forgot to mention my family. In my home my dad, mom, elder sister Preethi(main...
IncestHello ISS readers. I’m Guru from Chennai. I’m 25 years old working in a BPO. I’m a smart guy with gym body and six packs. I’m an athlete and started building my body from 12 years of age. I had kissed many girls from college but did not involve in any relationship due to body building. Then after joining work i didn’t find any love or sex. I use to masturbate a lot. I used to exercise a lot and then masturbate before sleep daily. I masturbate seeing random porn movies. My younger sister’s name...
IncestI have posted sum stories, sum have appeared, sum r yet to, i hope webmaster wul. My stories r not made up, i am sharing sum special ones. My sex life is so active, i even dont recall all incidences.If u r reading me, u know i am addicted to anal, both male and female, i luv pussy too, i heard i m the best on gving oral, i m top and i hate incest. Truly i hate mother fkr, sistr fkr, daughter fkr, the rest r okay, like bhabi, aunty, cousin etc.When my sex life started i cant recall, when i was a...
IncestHi all I’m Roja. My husband is Ravi and my younger bro is Raja. this is a story about how I trained my children in incest hope u like it. After wedding we shifted to Canada. it was a good advanced and open society. Before wedding I used to fuck with my bro so I knew how fun incest is I told about my fucking with my bro to my husband and he got very angry with me he stopped fucking me at all it took me three months to make him agree that its a normal thing. later I introduced him to the group...
IncestMarsha Brown was looking in the website history file to locate an important site for her online degree course that she had forgotten to bookmark. She almost wished she hadn't. There they were again; she didn't even have to click on them, she knew they were mother-son incest sites. She kept hoping Ron would just outgrow this unhealthy fixation on her; but it didn't seem to be happening. Why her very handsome and popular athlete son would be sexually attracted to her was hard for her to...
Human sex had a special fascination for them, the BEMs. By Oediplex 8==3~ This is a true story. I don't expect you to believe it, however. My mother and I were abducted by aliens from outer space. They were not little green men. They were BEMs, Bug Eyed Monsters, though actually they treated us quite humanely. My mom is letting me write this story, since in this genre and on this site, anyone who reads it will naturally think it's fiction. But I wanted to tell the real story. ...
"Ronnie, r u ready ur breakfast is being served. come on " " Ya mom coming ". Ronnie replied frm his room. he was Monica's son and quite frankly her everything. She took all his responsibility alone right frm his birth . She used 2 be with him all the day taking care of his studies. In the night, when Ronnie used 2 be sleeping she studied 4r her medical exams. In bringing up Ronnie , She only received her parents support being the only child of her parents while Ronnie's Dad did not...
I am Peter and have been a widower for three years. My sister, Audrey, has been widowed for two years. She lives in a bungalow about 100 yards from mine. Her next- door neighbours are a married couple, Frank and Mabel. My sister and I are friendly with them. I had recently returned from a holiday in the south of France where I frequentlywent to a nearby naturist beach. On the telephone from France to Audrey I told her that I was getting a good over-all sun tan and told her where I was obtaining...
Incest0The plane had just landed. Palm trees and sand was everywhere. THe captain announced the arrival at the island and it was official. They were on vacationSarah and justin had been anticipating this forever. As mother and son they went on vacation often together as Sarah was never married. The plane began taxing on the runway towards the drop off point , while Sarah and Justin just smiled at each other in happinessAs they stepped off the plane and went to luggage check, Justin couldn't help but...
IncestHi, this is creativeboy. I am a long time reader of ISS stories and was determined to write only true events. So this is the truth that happened a couple of weeks ago. I am bringing it to your plates for relishing it with warmth. I am just a normal guy working in Chennai age 28. I am 5’10 in height, lean body and dick size is decent of 5’5. Every year my grandparents along with their siblings plan to take a trip to some temple and shrines. Most of the time myself and my stepbrother would...
IncestFriends I am writing my experiences for the first time. I will share all my experiences one by one. You can give me your feedback at my email All my stories will be based on true life experiences. Happy reading. Diggu mama entered the room with my Bindu Mausi (mom’s sister), bolted the door without realizing I was inside. He began kissing her furiously, sucked her tits and took out his massive cock and gave in her mouth right at the door. She too was sucking his cock like she was hungry for...
IncestHi guy’s Farhan is again here for all guys, my sexy girls and aunties. I wanna told you that I love 35 plus women than girls. I’m 21 year old and engineer in Gaziyabad. My mail address is after writing my 3 real experiences I am writing this imagination. So please enjoy and don’t forget comments. My name is farhan and I live with my family in the Kanpur. My parents only had two kids, me 20 and my sister, Noori 21. She goes to school in the city but is staying at home for college to save...
IncestBy: Mr.Playboy9393 Hey Friends I believe you enjoyed my earlier stories i.e. Fucking Hot Rashmi, Fucked Rich Unsatisfied Lady and Gorgeous Unsatisfied Lady. Here I come up with another story which I never thought would happened with me as I always thought that story listed in incest are generally fake stories but my apologies to all those writers who shared their experiences but I considered them fake. Let me begin how it all started, as I am sex lover and love fucking girls and aunties I...
IncestI am very happy for being made a ISS family member & thank you for that. I am a very regular reader of ISS stories especially Incest stories and have realized that most are fantasies inspired. I am residing in the Silicon city of India from a very long time. However, the serial of stories i am going to narrate is 110 % real and promise that no fantasy inputs are put in. It will just unwind my real experience , so my fellow readers can relate and enjoy. Well the story begins: In my child phase,...
IncestAllie had her laptop out and booted up on my bed. She was wearing a skirt, but I knew she didn’t have panties on underneath. Her naked twat had flashed at me when she’d raced before me up the stairs to reach my bedroom. I reached beneath my skirt and shimmied out my panties. My futa-cock groaned in relief. Even these roomier panties, designed for transwomen who hadn’t had their sex change operation to remove their penis, didn’t quite have enough for a futanari. We were just hung. All fifteen...
100% fiction! Edited and rewritten by Sirdar Note: I am not the author of this story, but I found it on an Indian site and re-wrote it to make it more readable. But I rather liked the plot The story is essentially the same “Darling Molly, what we did was wrong. I was drunk and so were you, and I am afraid that our feelings for one another just got out of control.“. Sorry, darling but we must not allow this to ever happen again.. A father cannot make love to his daughter, even one so lovely as...
IncestAs I have told you in the earlier part, mom was a high society escort till sometime back and had laid her hands on many a dick. Later after we got financially secured mom left the job but only started entertaining some VIP customers of hers during the old period. I soon got a good job in an MNC and due to this we had to shift our base to a new part of the city where most of the people didn’t know us and which was good news for us. Good news that was filtered to me by my boss was that I was...
IncestThe whole way I was thinking about the book and was excited to explore the book after reaching home. I forgot about the breakfast and ridded the bike as fast as I could. After reaching home I quietly parked my bike in garage and tried to open the door as if I was a thief entering a house. I was thinking about my 12 year old sister Jade. When I left the house she was sleeping but now she must have been up from the bed and watching her morning TV shows. I sneaked in and saw her sitting in the...
This story uses both CHYOA Conditional Variables and Immersion Variables and is meant to be experienced with Game Mode ON. {if Game Mode = true}Game Mode is currently activated. Please, enjoy the story! {else}Please activate game mode by opening up the side menu on the right-hand side right below the notifications tab, selecting the score table button, and pressing Start Game! Certain pages, events, and customization options WILL NOT WORK OTHERWISE!{endif} Subscribe Star:...
IncestThis i about families who in some way are forced in to situations that lead to incest. Not all have to be physically forced. It could be through blackmail, mind control or just having a situation come up.
IncestDonna and her best friend, Susan, were both barely seventeen when they became lovers. They had grown up together, almost like sisters, and had only gradually become aware of their budding sexuality, without ever really talking about it. Neither could put a label on her feelings for the other. They were close friends and it felt good - that was all that mattered. Donna's parents had gone away for the weekend and she was sent to stay at Susan's house. There was a spare bedroom available, but the...
IncestI was seventeen when I first met my brother. We were twins, separated at birth. I don’t know why our mother gave me up, why she chose him over me, but I’m sure she had her reasons. The family that adopted me cared for me above and beyond anything I could have hoped for, and were completely honest with me about everything. Still, I have always felt something was missing, and wondering what my brother was like. When I was in my second last year of high school, I transferred to a new school, a...
IncestHi, my name is Alex. The story I am going to narrate is fully fictional. None of the characters are real. I am doing my bachelor’s degree in Aditya college. I am 21 years old with a muscular body having 7″ dick which is always poking out when hot girls are nearby. Coming to the story. My family consists of 4 members my father Ashish (51 years), mother Navya (41)and my hot sister Reshma (19). My mother is a housewife and my sister is studying. I am very much close to my sister and used to share...
Incest“Come on Kartik, hurry up! It’s getting late” my mom said as I was surfing through the Men’s section of the supermarket for shaving blades. Mom sounded exhausted and in some kind of pain. I looked over at her. Mom’s face was red and she was sweating. I panicked and quickly went up to her and enquired as to what was wrong. “Nothing it’s just some uneasiness I feel that’s all. You take these bags and pay the bill. I’ll be waiting for you in the car.” Mom left for the parking space with the car...
IncestHi friends this is Amrutha. I am a big fan of ISS. I have been reading this ISS from 2 years. I want to share my experience with you. This is a true incident that happened in my life and my first story on ISS, so please comment on it and give feedback and mail me your experiences. Let me introduce myself. I’m 23 years old, 5’5 height. My states are 34 30 38. I’m working in an MNC. I started chatting from the age of 18. I use to chat on rediffbol messenger. I use to enter into the regional rooms...
IncestManya was standing near the mirror. From there, it looked quite young-looking, 30ish, although in real life she had lived for 38 years, is quite an attractive woman with a mane of jet-black hair, a little below the shoulders. At such a seductive body was wearing a semi-transparent nightgown, which is more emphasized than concealed charms figure. Heavy, 3 gauge chest so nice bit of cleavage bursting peignoir, and through the transparent fabric shone invitingly triangle black, curly hairs. Were...
IncestDonna and her best friend, Susan, were both barely sixteen when they became lovers. They had grown up together, almost like sisters, and had only gradually become aware of their budding sexuality, without ever really talking about it. Neither could put a label on her feelings for the other. They were close friends and it felt good - that was all that mattered. Donna's parents had gone away for the weekend and she was sent to stay at Susan's house. There was a spare bedroom available, but the...
IncestThis story is fiction but based on a real life event. First for the real life event. You don't have to believe me but there is no weird i****t stuff or anything, well not quite... My husband and I like porn. As such we take a lot of personal pictures and we keep them on our laptop. Nothing too unusual about that. I also have family come to stay a few time a year and during one visit by my younger sister my husband noticed the 'recent documents' was full of some sexually explicit pictures of...
IncestHello, I am Shreeshant from Hubli Karnataka I am writing my own experiences, which started last year. It is mixture of incest and gay. But it is true. I am 20 years old with 6.0 in height now I am doing BBA good looking whitish in color, humorous and I was not keen in sex. I was more concerned about my career. My English is poor as my education until matriculation was in Kannada medium so kindly bear with me. It starts from marriage of my elder sister Preethi. My sister got married to Prashant...
IncestDonna and her best friend, Susan, were both barely seventeen when they became lovers. They had grown up together, almost like sisters, and had only gradually become aware of their budding sexuality, without ever really talking about it. Neither could put a label on her feelings for the other. They were close friends and it felt good - that was all that mattered. Donna's parents had gone away for the weekend and she was sent to stay at Susan's house. There was a spare bedroom available, but the...
IncestIncest Bloom in an Indian Family Vickram Dutt, or Vick for short, was born in Vancouver, Canada, but his background was Indian. In terms of physique he was tall and muscular, a build he had acquired from all his time spent working out at the gym or at home. With fair brown skin and short black hair, Vick had a handsome face and figure; his dark brown eyes and strong jaw completed the striking portrait. Just last month he had celebrated his nineteenth birthday, and he was currently on his summer...
IncestHi iss readers i am Krathi from andhra pradesh now let me tell about your family in my family we are 4 . My mom jyothi , my father kantha rao , my sister roja pavithra and my self now let me tell about my mom . She is 42 years of age she figure is 354244 and looks so sexy . My sister roja pavithra is is 20 years of age her figure 303539 and she is also sexy . My father is postman this all started 2 months ago when i was in the holidays at my momther’s brothers house my uncle is muscelourly...
IncestHi friends I am Mr.x from deep down in south Tamilnadu….I am back with another new story…Enjoyit was on my 19th birthday I first saw Mrs. Hazina. She came to me to party in a red sari and handed over a small present to me and said “You are a big boy now.” I just felt something strange in her eyes – an attraction. If though it took a month for our next meeting, her picture was clear and bright in my mind. Here starts a new chapter; and it starts from Hazina.My name is Rishi living in the...
IncestLogan woke up one Sunday morning with the sudden urge to fuck his family. He had no idea where the urge came from. Of course, he'd had some incest fantasies before, but he usually quickly shut those fantasies down before they got out of hand. Today was different. Something in the back of his mind was telling him he needed to fuck his three sisters and his mom. How he was going to do it, he hadn't figured out yet. But he knew he was going to do it. Logan was 23 working as a construction worker....
Incest"Darling Molly, what we did was wrong. I was drunk and so were you, and I am afraid that our feelings for one another just got out of control.". Sorry, darling but we must not allow this to ever happen again ... A father cannot make love to his daughter, even one so lovely as you no matter how much he loves her." "Tony Brain valiantly tried to reason with his lovely daughter Molly, a widow now 27 years old. But deep down in his heart, he did not really want it to stop. He knew it was...