Hello Goodbye
- 4 years ago
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"Hello, I'm..."
"Helen Hamilton!" I exclaimed.
When my doorbell rang, I had idly wondered who it could be. I never guessed it would be one of the few women I fantasize about on a regular basis. I was stunned to see Helen Hamilton standing on my doorstep.
"So you know who I am," she smiled. "I'm moving in next door and wanted to introduce myself."
"Really?" I asked in disbelief. "And I bet you're the new surprise anchor channel 16 has been so secretive about."
It wasn't rocket science, or brilliant detective work, to figure that one out. Our local ABC affiliate had been blitzing the airwaves with teasers about the new look for the six and eleven o'clock news. Ratings had been dropping and the station wanted to get back their share of the viewers, and the advertising revenue.
She seemed surprised that I guessed her 'secret' so quickly. It was Sunday afternoon and Monday was supposed to be the debut of the new look on 16. Then I remembered some of my manners.
"Please come in, Helen. May I call you Helen?" I quickly asked as I stepped aside to allow her access.
"I have to say that it is gratifying that you recognized me, and that you have been paying such close attention to channel 16's promos," she laughed as she strode onto our living room. "Of course you can call me Helen. We are going to be neighbors for a while."
"This is like a dream for me Helen," I gushed. "I have followed your career for years. You were very good on CNN and you did a great job covering that tsunami last year for Fox! I am having some difficulty with the fact that as great as you look on TV, you are way more beautiful in person! I never would have believed it possible."
"You are very flattering, Mr... ?"
"Stanton, Mike Stanton," I answered. "I am babbling like an idiot and never told you my name! I apologize, Helen. I'm just really; really surprised that Helen Hamilton rang my doorbell. No one will ever believe this. Heck, I hardly believe it!"
Then I remembered my digital camera, in the closet, just a few feet from where I stood. I quickly retrieved it held it up as a sheepish grin washed over my face.
"Before I wake up or you disappear in a puff of smoke or something, I'd very much appreciate you permitting me to get a picture of you, with me. Would you allow me that honor?" I pleaded.
"Wow, you must be my best fan!" laughed the woman of my dreams. "I'd be delighted to accommodate you, Mike."
I stepped close to her and held the camera at arm's length. She was only a couple inches shorter than my five foot eleven and as I leaned toward her I slid my other arm around her shoulder.
"I'm going to press the button, so smile!" I managed though my shit-eating grin.
As I pressed the shutter, she mover her cheek in against mine and smiled! I thought I was in heaven and began to thank her again.
"Mike, it's no big deal. We are going to be neighbors, so we'll see each other from time to time. You can get more pictures if you like. I only ask you never post them on the web, sell, or give any away to any media without me seeing the picture and approving it first. I always have to watch my image," she admitted.
"I know I am pushing my luck, Helen, but would you be willing to sign one of your pictures in Playboy for me? I can have it here in a minute!"
"I might have known you would have that issue, Mike! That was ten years ago and I was younger, firmer, and dumber than I am now. At least I hope I'm smarter now. I was definitely younger and firmer!" she chuckled.
"Is that an affirmative?" I cautiously asked.
"I have mixed feelings about that whole thing, Mike. I don't know if it hurt, or helped, my career. Sometimes I feel that I'm not taken seriously because I posed nude. Other times I think I would still be a weather girl in Binghamton if I hadn't," Helen revealed. "Let me think about it. You should know this. I have flatly refused anyone else that has asked me to sign those pictures for the last eight years. At least you still have a chance."
"I understand totally and hope I didn't make you uncomfortable. I really have followed your career. You are the reason I watched CNN and then switched to Fox. This is so cool having you for a neighbor!" I blurted.
"I have to go back and show the movers where to put everything, Mike, but it was really a treat meeting you. We will try to be good neighbors and respect your privacy at the same time," promised Helen.
"Don't ever worry about that!" I replied. "Invade our privacy anytime. It has been pretty boring around here lately. My wife, Sherry, will be sorry she missed meeting you. Heck, she won't even believe that I met you!"
I loaded the picture of Helen and me on my computer and printed a couple copies. Then I stuck one picture on the refrigerator, like a kid would do, and put the other one on the coffee table in the living room. Sherry, my wife of 22 years, would be home from her mother's soon and I couldn't wait to see her reaction to the picture. I could barely contain myself as I waited.
I heard her pull into the garage and pretended to be busy on my computer. I wanted her to see one of the pictures and then ask me about it. I waited about ten minutes and never heard a peep, so I went looking for her.
I found Sherry in the kitchen having a soda and reading the Sunday paper. She had to get the soda from the frig, so she must have seen the picture! I mulled that over, trying to determine the reason for her lack of interest.
"Hey, Sweetie, I was wondering where you were," stated Helen as she flipped through the ads. "How was your day?"
"Do you mean beside having Helen Hamilton stop in for a few minutes?" I asked sarcastically.
"I saw that picture, Honey," Sherry chuckled. "You are getting pretty good with PhotoShop. It looks real. I know how you have a thing for her. Remember how you'd show me her old Playboy spread the first five or six times you saw her on CNN? She's your walking wet dream."
"I didn't doctor that picture, Sherry! She stopped in today!" I replied.
"I'm sure she did," replied Sherry in a condescending voice. "Tell you what, Mike. Let's make a deal. If you ever get the chance to get into Helen Hamilton's panties, I won't complain. In fact, I will be quite proud of you. I certainly couldn't blame you. She is a beautiful woman."
""Well, gee! I really do appreciate that attitude, Sherry," I retorted. "I'll start working on that right away!"
"By the same token," continued Sherry, "I expect you to not stand in my way with her hunk of a husband, Lance Edwards, if I ever get the chance to get him into bed. He still looks as hard and hot as he did when he played for the Phillies. I know you would be proud of me if he thought I was worth his effort."
"I'm not sure about that deal, Sherry. I can see where you could get that jock to bang you a lot easier than I would be able to seduce Helen Hamilton," I worried.
"Okay, Mr. Fantasy Lover, how about we limit it to blowjobs?" laughed Sherry. "If you can get Helen Hamilton to blow you, anyplace you choose, I won't stand in your way. If I get the chance to blow Old Lance, you don't stop me and you never complain about it, or hold it over me, or try to divorce me."
"What the hell are you talking about, Sherry?" I demanded. "I've never been able get you to suck my cock. Why the fuck would I go along with you blowing that has-been?"
"You're getting awfully fired up over this fantasy, aren't you?" Sherry chuckled. "It seems like a fair deal to me. One, or possibly both of us, experience our first blowjobs with two of the most beautiful people in the world. The only difference is that I will be giving and you will be receiving, or would you like to have a crack at Lance, too?"
"You know better than that! I didn't even like him when he played for the Phillies!" I growled. "It's still a lot easier for you to get him to let you blow him than it could ever be for me to somehow get Helen to suck my cock. In 22 years I haven't been able to get my own wife to do it, for Christ's sake!"
Sherry was laughing heartily at my indignation. Tears were starting to run down her cheeks.
"That's the best offer I'm going to make, Mike," she croaked between bouts of laughter. "Take it or leave it."
"Goddamn it! I'll take it, but don't bitch when you see Helen Hamilton sucking me off! One other thing, don't suck that asshole's cock when I'm around to see it!" I snarled.
"That sounds fair enough! I guess we have a deal then," Sherry struggled to tell me as the tears of laughter ran down her face. "Now let's discuss Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie!"
"No more damn deals!" I insisted. "You'll be blowing every goddamn guy in the country before long and I'll be left with Rosie Palm. Something about this really pisses me off! It's only the thought of a blowjob from Helen Hamilton that got me to go against my better judgment and agree to this."
I turned and stalked out of the room as Sherry roared in mirth. This was a joke to her, but he who laughs last...
I never said another word about our famous neighbors. Until Sherry had mentioned it, I had forgotten that Helen had married Lance Edwards a few years back. He had been a mediocre third baseman for several years with the Philadelphia Phillies. His lifetime average was .241 and he had fewer than a hundred homers in his career. It was safe to say he would not make the Hall of Fame, nor would he cause Phillie fans forget Mike Schmitt.
Monday evening, I turned on channel 16 a few minutes before the six o'clock news. I had to see Helen's first night as the anchor, even if it was unlikely that I would ever get a blowjob from her.
Sherry came in from the kitchen and sat next to me.
"I'll finish making dinner when I see who makes up the new cast of characters on 16," she told me as she put her feet up. "I've never seen a station keep the identity of their new anchor such a secret, but it seems to have worked. Everyone at work today was saying how they were going to watch tonight, just out of curiosity."
Just then Helen appeared on the screen, and she looked great! Sherry gasped and then gave another little sound when that fucker, Lance Edwards, was introduced as the new sports director.
"Holy shit, Mike! They will have to live someplace within driving distance of the station. We could actually meet him!" grinned Sherry.
"Him?" I repeated and then said it again. "Him? As you know, they are married and we will see both of them. You'll probably have calluses on your knees within a few weeks."
"Mike, are you worried about that dumb agreement we made last night?" grinned Sherry. "Like you said yesterday, I don't suck cock, so let's just cancel it. Besides, it is a big area and it isn't very likely we'll ever meet them."
"Bullshit! We made a deal. You thought it was funny at the time, but I want that blowjob!" I replied steadfastly. "Unless of course you want to blow me. Then I'd be willing to call it even."
Sherry dropped to her knees and clasped her hands together as she begged, "Please feed me your big cock and make me the cocksucker you always wanted me to be. I'm tired of being a reasonable, normal, respectable wife and mother. Suddenly, I have the urge to be a cock-sucking slut. I can't live another minute without tasting your cum as it slides down my throat!"
Sherry was good! For a minute I thought she was serious. Then she jumped up laughing and headed for the kitchen. I was already hard from watching Helen on the screen and could have given Sherry her wish in a matter of seconds, if it had only been her real wish! I cursed under my breath and shifted all my concentration to the incredible beauty on TV. I had never seen a more desirable woman.
Because they worked evenings, it wasn't until the next weekend that Sherry discovered that Helen Hamilton and Lance Edwards lived next door to us. We had purchased our house and thirty acres 12 years ago. The only neighbor we had within half a mile was the house Helen and Lance were living in.
We had always wanted to buy that property, too. For all the property we had, the two houses were only about fifty feet apart. Our ranch house had been built by the daughter and son-in-law of the couple used to own the big farmhouse, which was now inhabited by Helen and Lance. Over the years, and after the death of the parents, the two properties had been split. Each had about thirty acres, but the two houses were close together. The last people that owned the farmhouse had restored it to the original splendor of the era. Then they added a paved driveway, and an in-ground pool.
It made our property more valuable, but priced the other home way out of our price range. We were resigned to having no control over who lived next to us. If we could have bought it, we might have rented it until one of our two grown kids showed some interest in being close to their parents. It was not to be, however. Both kids were in other states working, and neither was married. They had no interest in living back in the "boonies".
Just as I came in the door Saturday, after a trip to The Home Depot, Sherry started in on me.
"Mike! Guess who's living in the Turner house!" she asked excitedly.
"Helen Hamilton and Lanced Boil," I replied calmly.
"You already knew it, you bastard!" yelled Sherry. "Why the hell didn't you tell me?"
"Maybe I was hoping to get my blowjob before you knew what the hell was going on," I deadpanned. "Or maybe I was trying to tell you last Sunday when I showed you the picture of Helen and me. You didn't seem to believe it then, so I decided to wait and let you find out on your own."
"You can be a real asshole sometimes, Mike. How was I to know that picture was real? Shit! Was she in our house? It wasn't even clean! She must think I am the world's biggest slob!" moaned Sherry.
"Yeah, she got her knees pretty dirty when she blew me, but other than that, it wasn't too bad."
"Mike! You have to get out of your fantasy world! We have famous neighbors and you can't embarrass me by asking her for a blowjob, or even letting her know you have these weird fantasies. Promise me you will not let her know what a pervert you are, please?" begged Sherry.
"Helen would be surprised if there was a man that didn't have wet dreams thinking about her, Sherry. Every man she meets wants her. That's how it is. I will try to be suave and sophisticated while doing my best to get a little oral from her," I promised.
"I guess that's as much as I can hope for from you, Mike. You'd better be civil to Lance, too. We don't want them to think poorly of us," added Sherry.
"When that bastard looks down and sees you attached to his cock, he'll think the world of you, don't worry! I'm the one whose feelings you have to be concerned about."
Sherry shook her head as she turned toward the kitchen.
"I have never known such a one track mind in my life! It's a wonder you aren't in jail or something," she muttered.
Sunday was a beautiful warm September day. Sherry and I were discussing visiting her parents when the doorbell rang. Sherry looked surprised as she stood to answer the door. Very seldom did we get company before noon on Sunday.
"Lance Edwards!" gasped Sherry. "Helen Hamilton, too! Please come in! I'm Sherry Stanton. I guess you already met my husband, Mike?"
I had quickly stood and gone into the living room when I heard Sherry announce Lance's name. No sense making it too easy for that bastard to get Sherry on her knees!
"Hello, Sherry. I met Mike a week ago, but Lance didn't have the pleasure," replied Helen. "Mike, this is my husband, Lance."
I shook hands and smiled at the man I disliked on so many levels. If he had fielded that groundball cleanly in September of 1992 and turned a double play, the Phillies could have won the division. Then there was the fact that he was married to, and sleeping with, my fantasy woman. Finally, the fact that my sweet, innocent wife expressed the desire to make him the recipient of her first, and probably only, blowjob was enough to make me go postal! It wasn't enough he could have Helen Hamilton any time he wanted! He could have my wife, too, probably as easily as he had Helen. Man! I disliked the prick!
"How're you doing, Mike?" grinned Lance as he turned to Sherry. He hugged her and actually lifted her off her feet. By the time he put her back down, Sherry was flushed a bright red.
"We don't want to intrude," began Helen, "but it is a gorgeous day and Lance and I would be delighted if you would join us for a little barbecue this afternoon and then a swim in the pool. I'm sure you know it is heated and we would love to get to know you both better."
"Well, ah... thanks, Helen, but we..." stumbled Sherry as she tried to duck the invitation.
"Would be delighted to come over!" I finished Sherry's sentence. "We'll be there around two?"
"Excellent!" beamed Helen as she and Lance turned to leave. "We'll expect you then. You don't have to bring anything, unless of course you choose to wear swimsuits."
"We always do for the first swim with new neighbors," I laughed. "It takes us a little while to really loosen up."
After she had closed the door and made certain Helen and Lance were out of hearing, Sherry gave me both barrels.
"What the hell are you doing?" she raged. "You know I wanted to drop a little weight before I went out in a swimsuit! How am I going to get out of this, Mr. Big Mouth?"
"That was 2 years ago, Sherry. We finished the basement and have every conceivable piece of exercise equipment down there. How many times have you used any of it?" I asked.
"That isn't the point, Mike. You could see I was trying to decline that invitation and you jumped in and accepted it," fumed Sherry.
"In case you haven't thought of it, I'm going to be in a swimsuit next to that goddamn human hunk. How do you think I'll look next to him, Sweetheart?" I snapped back. "Do you think you'll be able to tell us apart?"
"Well, smart-ass, let me put it this way," Sherry suddenly grinned. "You can bet I won't be blowing you by mistake!"
I was pissed for a second. Then I noticed her smile and realized Sherry was jerking my chain. I had to laugh, too.
"You little cocksucker!" I exclaimed. "I'm going to top you off before we go visit Lance, just to cool off your over active libido."
Sherry laughed and ran for the bedroom. As she peeled off her clothes and slid under the covers, she gave me an evil grin.
"Darling, as you know, I'm not a cocksucker, so don't call me one; not yet."
Now I was really fired up! I yanked the covers off Sherry, ate her to one orgasm and then fucked her to another. Finally, we rested together, feeling very relaxed.
"Sometimes, I do like your sick, overly active imagination, Mike," smiled Sherry. "It sure makes for some great sex. You were terrific just now. Did you imagine it was Helen Hamilton you were with instead of me?"
"Not at all, Sweetheart. Those fantasies are for the times I'm alone and watching her on TV or looking at her old Playboy spread. When I am with you, I can't imagine anything better," I replied honestly.
"Wow, that was the right answer, Mike!" Sherry gushed as she kissed me hard on the lips. Then she swung away from me and got on her hands and knees.
"If you are up to it, Lover, and if you see anything you like, you are welcome to it," she whispered.
I never attended Yale Business School, but I knew a little about probabilities. The odds of getting such an offer from Sherry while sober, and before noon, were about equal to my chances of winning the Power Ball. I grabbed her hips and did my damnedest!
Sherry managed to look pretty good in a modest one-piece suit that afternoon. Over the years and after giving birth to our two kids, she had gained a few pounds, but for the most part, all in the right places. I tried to keep my stomach sucked in when ever I thought about it. Being around Lance made me think of it a lot. His abs looked liked steel ropes and he wasn't averse to showing them off. I had to admit, for a guy in his early forties, he was a remarkable physical specimen.
Helen opted for a one-piece suit as well, but it was made for her voluptuous figure. It was low in front and I had difficulty keeping my eyes off her chest. I really thought I was being quite furtive in my peeks at those wonderful mounds. At home that evening, I discovered I was mistaken.
"Could you have stared at Helen's tits any more, Mike?" demanded Sherry as soon as we got home. "I was afraid you were going to burn a hole through her suit and her nipples would pop out."
"I think they were popping out, almost as far as my eyeballs," I answered. "I guess old Lance wasn't in danger of you burning a hole through to his cock, was he?"
"Well, if looking would do it, he'd have been scorched by now," grinned Sherry. "Did you see the size of the lump in his suit? Do you think he had a few baseballs in there?"
"It looked more like a bat to me, maybe a 33 with a thick handle," I suggested. He could beat a medium size animal to death with it."
"Yeah, or choke someone to death. I wonder how Helen handles him? She isn't that big, except for her tits, of course," Sherry chuckled.
That was the beginning of our friendship with Lance and Helen. We would get together every couple weeks for an evening. Helen and Lance had weekends off, so we occasionally went out to dinner together. It became apparent to me that Lance wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed, but ladies never seemed to be interested in a debate with him. Women of all ages fawned over him. He wasn't as vain as I would have been; if I had been a pro ball player, a TV personality, and built like a Greek God.
The other thing that began the day Sherry and I were invited to the barbecue was our simultaneous decision to put our home gym to use. Sherry and I never actually discussed it, but out thoughts must have been the same. We were only a couple years older than Lance and Helen. If we were going to hang with them, we both wanted to look a lot better. Slowly, we began to slim down, as well as turn fat into muscle.
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Chapter 1 I did some dating in high school but never dated any girl very long. I don't know if it was me or them, but for whatever reason, the relationships just never went beyond casual dating. I had plenty of friends who were going steady, hooked-up tight, and just about all of them were having lots of sex but me, well, again casual dating did provide a few hand jobs now and then along with some nice boob action from several girls, even some memorable blow jobs. But, well, I wasn't a...
I looked up, we all did as my father jumped out of the car and headed to a sign to the right of the gate that said: 'PLEASE RING THE BELL AND INTRODUCE YOURSELF' A matter of twenty seconds later he was back in the car and the double-gates began to glide smoothly open, and as soon as they were sufficiently far apart dad moved through and began the drive along the circular driveway that led to the main building and its grand entrance. On the short trip we tried to get Madeleine to tell us...
Monday January 9 My phone rang while I was taking a shower after my morning run. It was my mom, so I quickly answered. “How is Dad?” I asked before she could say hello. “He had a rough night. I just came out from seeing him, and he says he’s okay.” “And?” I asked. “He looks shaken. I think he’s just putting on a brave face for everyone,” Mom said, and I could hear the tremble in her voice. “I’ll book a flight and get home.” “No!” she said emphatically. “Your dad was very clear that he...
“It wasn’t the whole sex thing, you know? It was embarrassing knowing you knew, and especially with you looking over my shoulder. Jeez. That was so weird, with you and Nick and everything.” Mel just nodded, putting out a hand across the counter to touch Tracy’s arm. It was the first time they had woken up together since that fateful day almost a month past. Tracy had gone through a lot, had experienced a lot more than just five stages of grief, and was only now coming to accept and deal...
Wednesday, June 2, 1971 Mikeya, Ileana, and I were the first ones in the Dining Hall on Wednesday morning. I don't think the girls were really ready to leave the small cabin. Check that! I don't think the girls were ready to leave the bed we had shared for the last day and a half. Nor were they ready to let me leave. But I had finally acknowledged their championship about an hour ago, when Little Mike had tossed in the towel. And when they clamored for a rematch, I regretfully pointed...
Krysta may have started the process of combining my house and her house into one big house, but all that meant was she began the paperwork. She was a police officer but had no special or superhero abilities to speed up the process. The city government would move at their typical slow pace. The next couple of months were great. I worked during the day and had sex with beautiful teenage girls during the night plus with a sexy mom. My personal dictionary definitely defined that as "great". I...
As Bjorn, Jessie, Troy, Glenda, Bryce, Barbara and Arnold prepared to leave the chapel on the second floor of the Ulm Cancer Clinic they decided to leave their clothes off and not get dressed again. They were all going down to say their last goodbyes to Carrie Pearson who had just died in the Operating Theatre from one last and very violent seizure. Jessie had already decided that she was going to go down to see Carrie just as she was ... naked ... so the others decided to honour that and do...
hello pussyby My Rubber MonkeyPart One; Girls In The Alley I promised these two young women I wouldn't use their real names in my story, so let's call them Tickyboo and Pinkles. Those are the names I used for them anyway while I was playing with them, and it's the names they'll respond to sexually from now on. Tickyboo has dark brunette hair with deep scarlet streaks, straight and long. She kinda looked like Katie Fey. Pinkles is the curly blonde. Petite with a cute little pug nose. I...
The month of July passed quickly for Dave. He went out with John a couple of times but, other than that, he did very little besides golf and go to the beach with his family or friends from the campground. The first time he went out with John, they talked about the hockey draft and John was truly excited about going to the Anaheim Mighty Ducks' rookie camp. John fully expected he would be playing with the Missiles again but he maintained a small dream of actually making the Ducks' team as an...
It is another boring party. I don’t even know why I bothered going. The usual preening prima donnas are there, the infuriating cliques with their adoring gaggle of followers and simpering hangers-on.And then I see you.You're standing leaning against the wall. My eyes travel up your petite frame. Converse boots, over the knee black socks, little black skater skirt and a white tee shirt with a pink heart on it. The collar was new but other than that you look exactly the same as last time I’d...
Quickie SexAfter many, many emails I feel compelled to repost this story with a PS. Here is 'the rest of the story', as Paul Harvey would say. Rrriiiiinnnnggg, rrriiiinnnngg, "Hello?" "Hi Honey. This is Daddy. Is Mommy near the phone?" "No, Daddy. She's upstairs in the bedroom with Uncle Paul." After a brief pause, Daddy says, "But, Honey, you haven't got an Uncle Paul." "Oh yes I do and he's upstairs in the room with Mommy, right now." Brief pause. "Uh, okay then, this is what I...
By: DamonX ([email protected]) I strained my eyes to peer through the windshield of my car as I made my way slowly along the treacherously slippery road. Every few moments I could feel the car slide from side to side and my heart would jump before regaining control once again. My field of view extended only a few yards beyond the hood of my car and my visibility was severely hampered by the endless stream of snow blasting against my windshield. My body was tensed and my hands...
October 2, 1987, Chicago, Illinois “Steve?” I heard Elyse call out, just as I finished reading the prayer. “‘Indian’ room,” I answered with a hitch in my voice. “Stephie?” she asked as soon as she saw me. “Yeah,” I nodded, sagging and collapsing into one of the basket chairs. She carefully sat in my lap, putting her arms around my neck. “Are you OK?” “At the moment, yes.” “When?” “Around 1:15pm our time, I guess.” “And the funeral?” “Wednesday. I don’t have a plan yet, but I think...
Sunday, November 4 to Sunday, November 11, 2007 Everyone in my families dropped out of everything: Carol and Donna stopped attending school, Julia, Ava and I stopped attending OSU, and the parents stopped going to their workplaces. For the parents, that statement was true only most of the time because if I was spending the day with Mom and Dad primarily, then Prof and Vanessa could do some urgent work that day, but it had to be VERY urgent. The girls were out of the education process totally...
Hello, My Name Is... By Ozzy Nelson Jason Waters and Kevin Tatum climbed the stairs of the old house up to the attic. It had been a week since Jason's Uncle Larry had died and now Jason's mom was forcing them to help in cleaning up before the house was put on the market. Jason angrily wondered why they couldn't just hire somebody to do this for them. After all, with all the money they'd inherited from good old rich Uncle Larry it wasn't like they were hurting for cash. His...
Hello Sweetie (3) by Sallyjo "Hello Sweetie",glad you have come to join us,have you finished feeling sorry for yourself yet,well have you .YYYES . Okay lets start,refer to me as Ma,am, So why did you decide to put on that sloppy one piece dress-answer Because I can,t fit into my old clothes,as you fucking well know,why me who will accept me this way. Tell me why they will not fit Sweetie You know why Tell me-now Because my tits and arse are too big Correction,your...
Hello Sweetie (4) by Sallyjo My dreams were full of horror and desire for what had happened,but I knew full well that if I did not find a way to get out of here quickly I never would,and then realisation hit me,that apart from the fact that there was something more to all this but more importantly I could never be a man again,I was becoming all that I had hated and at the moment I could not do a thing about it. Suddenly I was awakened,by Diana.Get awake dozy things to do and...
Hello it's me again! By Princess Pantyboy Kelly me teenage boy 14 years' old Tina my big sister 16 years' old Miley my little sister 11 years-old Beth our next-door neighbor/cheerleader All, I was transferring files from my old laptop to my knew laptop and found some stories I wrote back in 2011 and never put on line. Here is another one of them. I hope you enjoy it, like always please forgive any of the spelling or grammar mistakes I didn't catch I hope there...
"Hello?" "Hello, Mom? This is Danny." "Good morning, Danny. How are you?" "I'm fine, Mom. I have some news." "What's the news?" "I was picked up by the Confederacy! I'm in space right now, orbiting Earth," I knew she would be pleased and happy for me. "Danny, are you drunk? Have you been doing drugs?" If Mom believed me I knew she would be pleased and happy for me. I noted the concern in her voice. "No, I'm sober and I did get picked up. I'm not joking. Honest." I...
You invited me over for dinner and drinks with you and your wife. I still had fond memories of the last time we spent together, and I was looking forward to another nice time. This time, you had a particular scene in mind. You wanted to direct the activity between us. I thought that was a hot idea... we would follow your lead and do the things that you wanted to see.After dinner, we got comfortable and sat down. You whispered something in her ear and then she moved close to me and began to...
"I'm just being stupid aren't I, Ol'Jack? Lot lizards come and go and I'm too old to think a young woman like her would have feelings for an old goat like me. It's just you and I again. I'm sure you were ready to have all of your space back in the truck. Hell that sleeper is barely big enough for one man, let alone an old trucker, a hitchhiker and a dog, don't ya think" he said to his long time best friend. Ol'Jack let out a whine and rest his head on the passenger seat where...
Prologue Serena sat quietly, her hand on the book she had just finished. ‘He doesn’t love me anymore, I guess. He wants to be with A-ko, his goddess. Not me.’ She starts to cry in silence, her tears soaking the pages of his journal, the last one he’d left her before he’d flown off to be with A-ko, his ex- and future wife. She laughed at herself softly through her tears, remembering how young she was and how long she’d been by herself. ‘I guess….they were meant to be together. He wasn’t...
It was Monday, September 20th, and as usual, it was a school day. Rebecca and I walked to school together, with Kenny trailing behind us. The Twins had remained behind to smoke a cigarette and God only knew where Nicole was. By eight o’clock, nearly all students had arrived at school. The guys were fooling around and someone bumped Kenny into me, knocking us both into a big mud puddle! I screamed when the water hit me. Laughter roared around us. Kenny lifted himself up on his hands and looked...
Enrico, being married, could only see me on the sly, which suited me.Enrico worked all over Silicon Valley, fixing equipment. He told me who was hiring and paying more. I left Nortec and flipped companies with a raise.Before cell phones, we tried CB radio communication. My handle was Cobra and his Supini. The problem with CB was it broadcast to the crowd. We set up a meeting at a coffee shop by CB and a few more males than Enrico showed up. If we’d had CB broadcast a meeting at a motel, it...
CheatingTuesday and Thursday noon times at Edward’s were rushed. Past the apartment door, he displayed his latest branding item, attire or jewelry. After putting it on, he undressed me but retained on me the newest acquisition, then took me in a fury. Finished, we snacked, I redressed, then rushed home to greet the kids as they returned from school. It was short-time branding, a quickie and return to mom and wife. Usually, the new acquisition stayed behind in his apartment closet or dresser, parts of...
CheatingIt was her Scots accent, always the accent, that brought his heart out of its pits of sorrow. That and the passionate way Elspeth gently corrected him when he called it a Scottish accent. "I'd prefer Scots if you don't mind, Pops. I'll grant you that Scottish is proper enough, I suppose. Still...," and then she paused and smiled. That always lasting smile from the love of his life. The true, unquenchable, without price, love that met him as he was walking his lonely path.It started as a...
Love StoriesIn the dead of the night, I come to you. No words are spoken between us but I can read your body language. The look in your eyes is saying that you want to make love to me. Our lips meet when we embrace. Your hands caressing my face and neck. Your tongue tasting my lips. Your hands softly gliding down my arms to interlock your fingers with mine. You gaze deeply in to my eyes. Still no words are spoken. As we embrace once more, I hear your breath in my ear. I feel your soft passionate lips on my...
This is a repost and rewrite of a story that I pulled a year ago for publication. Though the story itself is fiction, the two girls are very real from my past… Kirk We choose it, win or lose it, Love is never quite the same… It was mid December 1973 and Lisa was just finishing her chorus class. She transferred into Washington High around Thanksgiving holiday after she and her Mother moved from Ohio. She and her new friend Denise were hurrying back to their lockers as chorus was the last...
Liz was perfect of mind and body. She stood a beautiful five and a half feet tall with brown eyes and hair and a dark complexion. She appeared to be tanned all of the time. She had perfectly flat stomach and a pair of monster boobs, as well as, an equally massive ass which led into womanly legs. You know, legs with substance, not fat but not toothpicks either. And smart, oh my yes, she was a straight A student. If Liz had a flaw it was, believe it or not, lack of self confidence. Which may...
(Author’s note: This story is an official entry into the 2013 Literotica Summer Lovin’ contest. If you enjoy this little romantic tale, please make sure to vote and leave a comment if you wish. I also urge you to read all the other contest submissions, there is a lot of great talent on this site.) * * * * Heartbreak had faded, pain had ebbed. What had been the worst tragedy anyone could be asked to endure was behind me now, after more than two years. What lingered was the loneliness. And that...
I wake with a start, did I feel someone touch me, and is someone in my room? Is someone watching me as I sleep? I lay still breathing softly, waiting to see if there is movement or if I can hear a sound. I see in the shadows, is that movement? I catch my breath, listening, waiting and watching. I call out, ‘Who’s there. ‘ I wait for a response… nothing. No one is there, but the wind blowing, blowing against the house, blowing against the window, causing a stir in the curtains. In slow motion...
I was in the bedroom, packing up my late wife’s clothing, when I heard a loud *BANG* from the front driveway. I hurried down the stairs, and as I opened the front door, I was nearly struck by a small delicate fist poised to knock. The fist was attached to a lovely young woman. She stood about 5’4′ tall with shoulder length brown hair, brown eyes, a small nose, and pink lips forming an O of surprise. She was slightly built, thin, but strong. I guessed her size to be about 34-30-35. Her breasts...
A full moon glistens over the snow covered ground as it lights our way. Returning from a long crisp walk, the only sounds we hear are out hearts beating as the snow falls down around us. Seeing the muted lights of our house in the distance, my mind begins to wander. Wondering what the rest of the night has in store for us, knowing that this is the last night we will be together for a very long and lonely week. Lost in my thoughts, your touch startles me as you slip your arm around my waist...
I strained my eyes to peer through the windshield of my car as I made my way slowly along the treacherously slippery road. Every few moments I could feel the car slide from side to side and my heart would jump before regaining control once again. My field of view extended only a few yards beyond the hood of my car and my visibility was severely hampered by the endless stream of snow blasting against my windshield. My body was tensed and my hands gripped the steering wheel tightly enough to...
I’ve long fancied Erica, ever since I saw her dropping off her children at school a few years ago. She’s in her 40’s and we’ve often met since and socialised occasionally, politely kissing on the cheeks. I saw her on Thursday at the Rugby Club. She was wearing a white sweat shirt and skin tight leggings! We meet at the Rugby Club by chance in the middle of the training pitch. I slip my arm around her slim waist and we kiss politely on the cheeks as usual. We talk briefly – she’s moving to NZ...
It was about midday when Jason pulled up in his car in a car park just outside of town. He and Amy had agreed to meet up and trade back items that were left at each others houses after the break up. He took his phone out of his pocket and began to text to tell her he had arrived. Half way through the text there was a tap at the window, Jason turned to see Amy, her beautiful fair skin (which she wasn’t keen on but was in fact one of his favourite things about her) and her green eyes looking at...
‘It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas’ Bing Crosby crooned over the airwaves. The volume was low, but still audible, as Reagan pulled her moms lumbering SUV out of the mall parking lot and into the chaotic flow of traffic. She would have much rather been in her VW convertible but with Lilly and Cora in tow, along with all the gift shopping they had to do, it just wasn’t roomy enough. ‘Where are we headed now?’ Lilly asked from the backseat. ‘I’m hungry.’ ‘You’re always hungry.’ Cora...